Radiology Case Reports
Radiology Case Reports
Radiology Case Reports
A 96-year-old male presented with left lower extremity pain, swelling, and vascular
compromise. Computed tomographic angiography revealed an actively rupturing
distal superficial femoral artery aneurysm. The patient underwent prompt aneurysm
excision with graft interposition and had a successful postoperative outcome. Our
case illustrates the critical role of imaging in establishing a definitive diagnosis and
preventing mortality.
Superficial femoral artery aneurysms are rare clinical disorders with most literature
on the subject consisting of case reports and series [1]; [2]; [3]; [4] ; [5]. The largest
retrospective series of 27 cases by Perini et al. [4] recommended computed
tomography angiography (CTA) for diagnostic evaluation. The most commonly
performed procedure in this series was an aneurysmectomy with prosthetic graft
reconstruction [4]. Our case elegantly illustrates the timely use of CTA, the surgical
approach, and postoperative care of a patient with a ruptured superficial femoral
artery aneurysm.
Case report
A 96-year-old male with a past medical history of hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and
arthritis presented to the emergency room with 5 days of left lower extremity pain. He
was previously ambulatory with a walker. His pertinent medications included a daily
low-dose aspirin and atorvastatin.
On examination, his vitals were within normal limits. He had a palpable left femoral
pulse and marked left thigh fullness. The foot was cool to the level of the ankle with
no palpable or audible pedal pulses. Movements of the ankle and knee were
restricted and painful. He had a palpable right femoral and popliteal pulse with
audible right pedal pulses. Based on his physical examination and marked anemia,
there was clinical concern for a ruptured femoral artery aneurysm. He underwent a
CTA of the left lower extremity, which revealed a 15 × 10 cm mass in the
posteromedial thigh at the junction of the superficial femoral and popliteal arteries
with active contrast extravasation (Fig. 1). The distal vessels could not be evaluated
due to insufficient contrast beyond this region (Fig. 2). These findings indicated an
actively rupturing aneurysm that warranted immediate surgical intervention.
Fig. 1.
CTA showing active contrast extravasation in the left posteromedial thigh at the junction of the
superficial femoral and popliteal arteries (arrow). CTA, computed tomography angiography.
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Fig. 2.
CTA showing lack of contrast in the left calcified popliteal artery distal to the ruptured
aneurysm (arrow). CTA, computed tomography angiography.
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At the time of surgery, the superficial femoral artery was controlled proximal to the
aneurysm. The aneurysm cavity was entered, and a large amount of laminated
thrombus was removed. The distal popliteal artery beyond the ruptured aneurysm
was controlled with a balloon catheter.
At this point, a distal angiogram was shot to assess the runoff vessels. The popliteal
artery was patent down to the trifurcation, and all 3 runoff vessels were visualized in
the proximal leg (Fig. 3). However, there was significant chronic disease involving all
3 vessels in the mid to distal leg.
Fig. 3.
Intraoperative angiography showing a patent popliteal artery up to the level of the trifurcation
with chronic disease in the runoff vessels.
Figure options
A 7-mm ringed synthetic graft was used. Completion angiogram showed a widely
patent anastomosis and outflow into the popliteal artery and the 3 runoff vessels. The
foot filled via collaterals.
At the end of the procedure, the patient had audible signals in the anterior and
posterior tibial arteries.
Superficial femoral artery aneurysms comprise approximately 15% of all femoral
artery aneurysms [1]; [2]; [3] ; [4]. By definition, these aneurysms are greater than
twice the normal arterial diameter (7.2 mm in males and 6.2 mm in females) [6]. Due
to the deep anatomic location of the artery, they are apparent only when very large
(>8 cm) and symptomatic, as illustrated by the above case [1]. A review of 27
symptomatic cases over a 12-year period by Perini et al. [4] noted that the disease
predominated in males with a mean age of 78 years. Leon et al. [1] and Bonelli et al.
reported that superficial femoral artery aneurysms are most often located in the
middle third of the artery with rare extension into Hunter’s canal. Several reviewers,
including Leon et al. [1], Perini et al. [4], and Atallah et al. [7], reported rupture as the
most frequent mode of presentation with an occurrence rate of 30%–50% [6]. Other
less common presentations include thrombosis with distal ischemia (13%–19%) and
distal embolization (9%–14%) [7]. In addition, Diethrich and Papazoglou [8] noted a
strong association of superficial femoral artery aneurysms with abdominal aortic
aneurysms (30%–40%). The case above illustrates the most common presentation
of a ruptured superficial femoral artery aneurysm in a patient with a high-risk
demographic profile. However, the unusual location of the aneurysm and lack of
additional peripheral vascular disease are unique features of this case and stress the
importance of a high clinical index of suspicion.
Dighe and Thomas [3] noted that CTA is the most commonly employed diagnostic
study, which can determine the size and location of the aneurysm and aid in
operative planning. Other modalities including B mode ultrasound and magnetic
resonance imaging (MRI) have been used with varying accuracy [3]. It is often
difficult to differentiate a partially thrombosed aneurysm from soft tissue tumors with
ultrasound and MRI [3]. Current sectional properties of MRI with sensitivity to motion
have enabled differentiation of the two only when there is partial flow across a
thrombosed aneurysm [5]. Conventional angiogram is of limited utility, as it often
cannot differentiate an arterial occlusion from a thrombosed aneurysmal
dilatation [5] ; [9]. It also poses a significant contrast risk to elderly, frail patients [2].
Our case stresses the importance of appropriate imaging selection and recognition
of findings to prevent a delay in surgical treatment.
Given the rarity of this disease, there is currently no evidence-based cutoff for
surgical repair of asymptomatic superficial femoral artery aneurysms. However, the
general consensus is that an aneurysm greater than 2.5 cm in diameter should be
repaired [1]. Atallah et al. [7]reported that saccular aneurysms should be operated on
once diagnosed, in accordance with the treatment of saccular aneurysms elsewhere.
Smaller asymptomatic true aneurysms, particularly in high-risk patients, can be
serially followed with CTA, with intervention reserved for cases where symptoms
develop or the lesion enlarges by more than two times [1].
In the above case, we highlighted the stepwise approach to clinical evaluation,
diagnosis, and management of a rare but potentially fatal entity. Our case report is
unique in its lack of association with prior symptomatic peripheral vascular disease
and other peripheral aneurysms. Our report is a valuable addition to radiologic and
surgical literature in terms of guiding clinical management and improving outcomes.