General OSH 5.6
General OSH 5.6
General OSH 5.6
Section 3
Dispensation against prohibition
1) The Governor General may grant a dispensation against the prohibition as meant in section 1,
under conditions to be prescribed by him.
2) The prohibition as meant in section 2 does not apply to dry white lead used for scientific or
medical purposes.
3) The Governor General may grant a dispensation against the prohibition as meant in section 2,
under conditions to be prescribed by him for any period of up to one year, in the interests of
undertakings and public service, which, in his opinion, justify such dispensation.
Section 4
1) Whoever contravenes the prohibitions under section 1 and 2, by processing, importing, storing
or selling dry white lead, shall be subject to imprisonment of up to three months or a fine of up
to three hundred guilders.
2) The same penalties shall apply to those, who having been granted a dispensation by the
Governor General under section 3 (1) and (3) to process, import, store or sell dry white lead,
do not comply with the conditions prescribed in such dispensation.
4) The white lead and section involved in the offence, in so far as they belong to the offender,
may be appropriated.
5) If any of offences under this section are committed by or on behalf of a legal entity, both
persecution and punishment shall be directed at the managers of such legal entity.
Section 5
Prosecuting offences
No. 5.6
Regulation No. 7 of 1973, Concerning the Control of the Sale, Storage and Use of Pesticides
That pesticides play a very important role in the effort to increase agricultural products.
That in order to protect safety of human beings, aquatic resources, natural fauna and flora, and to
avoid environmental contamination, it is deemed necessary to issue a Government Regulation on
the Control of the Sale, Storage and Use of Pesticides.
That for the implementation of Act No. 11, 1962 concerning Hygiene in Public Business, it is
deemed necessary to issue a Government Regulation on the Control of the Sale, Storage and Use
of Pesticides.
Section 1
Pesticides means all chemical and other substances, micro organisms and viruses used for:
a) killing or preventing pests and diseases which can cause damage to plants, parts of plants or
agricultural production;
b) killing weeds;
c) destroying or stimulating unwanted growth;
d) regulating and stimulating plant growth or parts of plants not including fertiliser;
e) killing or preventing actoparasits of domestic animals and livestock;.
f) kill or prevent aquatic pests;
g) kill or prevent animals and micro organism in the household buildings and in transportation
h) kill or prevent animals which can cause diseases to human beings or animals which are
necessary to be protected by treating plants, soil or water.
Sale means the action of exporting or importing, purchase and buying of pesticides in the country
including the transportation of those.
Storage means having in stock on land or in premises used by irnporters, merchants or agricultural
Use means the applying of pesticides by means of equipment or otherwise for the purposes
referred to in the definition of pesticides.
Applicant means any person or legal body applying for the registration and approval of pesticides.
Section 2
Prohibition on use of pesticides
1) Every person or legal body is prohibited to use pesticides that are not registered and not
approved by the Minister of Agriculture.
2) The procedure of application for registration and approval shall be further laid down by the
Minister of Agriculture.
3) Sale and storage of pesticides will be regulated by the Minister of Trade based on the approval
of the Minister of Agriculture.
Section 3
2) Provisional and experimental permits shall each be granted for the period of 1 (one) year.
3) Permanent permit shall be granted for the period of 5 (five) years, on condition that such
permit within the said period may be reconsidered or withdrawn if it is deemed necessary
because of undesirable side influences.
Section 4
Technical requirements and labeling
1) Permits will be granted if the pesticides are considered safe and effective and appear to
comply with the technical requirements and their use in accordance with the directions as
stated on the label.
2) Technical requirements and labelling shall be further laid down by the Minister of Agriculture.
1) For the purpose of registration and granting of permits, an applicant shall be charged with a
fee the amount of which shall be fixed by the Minister of Agriculture.
2) Any fee subject to registration and granting of permit referred to in paragraph (1) of this section
shall be remitted to the State Treasury.
Section 6
Conditions of permit
Any person or Legal Body is prohibited to sell, store and use approved pesticides contrary to the
conditions fixed at the granting of permit.
Section 7
Inspection by Ministry of Agriculture
Any person or Legal Body which sells, stores or uses pesticides is obliged to give permit to the
appointed, by the Minister of Agriculture empowered to carry out inspection to the building
construction, storage, storing system, safety and industrial hygiene, entry of outcome, cover and
Section 8
Any offender against the provisions referred to in sections 2, 6, 7 and 9 of this Government
Regulation shall be punishable in accordance with section 9 of Act No.11 of 1962.
Section 9
Conformance with provisions
Any person or legal body offering for sale and storing pesticides at the time of this Government
Regulation comes into force, shall use their best endeavours to conform with the provisions of this
Government Regulation.
Section 10
Public health and safety
On matters relating directly or indirectly to public safety and health will be regulated by the Minister
of Health and the Minister of Manpower according to their respective field and authority.
Section 11
Matters not covered
Matters not yet covered in this Government Regulation will be further regulated by the Minister of
Health, Minister of Agriculture and Minister of Trade.
Section 12
Act in force
This Government Regulation will come into force on the date of its promulgation. In order to
become publicly known, it is herewith ordered by publication in the State Gazette of the Republic
of Indonesia.
No. 5.7
Section 1
Packing requirements
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