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Operation Argus Nuclear Tests in Atmosphere 1958 - DNA 6039F - Operation ARGUS - 1958

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DNA 6039F

OPERATION ARGUS 1958 Technical Report



C. B. Jones, M. K. Doyle, L. H. Berkhouse,

F. S. Calhoun, RF Cross Associates; E. J. Martin, DNA 001-79-C-0472
Kaman Temoo
Kaman Tempo
P. 0. Drawer QQ
Subtask U99QAXMK506-09
Santa Barbara, CA 93102

Director 30 April 1982

Defense Nuclear Agency 13.NUMBER OF PAGES
Washington, DC 20305 138
MONITORING AGENCY NAME h ADORESS(If dlifetamt fr01?1 Controltinl OffIce) 15. SECURITY CLASS. (of thts report)



Approved for public release; distribution unlimited.

DlSTAl0UTlON STATEMENT (of the abatrsct enteredfn Block 20, If different from Report)


This work was sponsored by the Defense Nuclear Agency under ROT&E RMSS Code
8350079464 U99QAXMK50609 H25900.

KEY WORDS (Continue on rev#r.. #Id, If nscssauy md Idmtify by block number)

Nuclear Test Operations South Atlantic

ARGUS Christofilos Theory
JASON Van Allen Belts
Nuclear Test Personnel Review (NTPR) MIDAS

In late August and early September of 1958, U.S. Navy Task Force 88, con-
sisting of nine ships and approximately 4,500 men, secretly conducted three
high-altitude nuclear tests in the South Atlantic. The code name of the opera-
tion was ARGUS. In each of these tests, the task force launched from the
missile trials ship, USS Norton Sound (AVM-l), a specially modified X-17a 7.
three-stage ballistic missile carrying a low-yield nuclear warhead, which was
detonated high in the Earth's upper atmosphere. Upon completion of these
launchings on September 6, the task force deoarted thg ODPW arm (Con

20. ABSTRACT (Con?)

for Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and thence to home ports in the United States.
This report details Department of Defense personnel participation in these
tests, with an emphasis on radiological safety.


ARGUS was the designation given to the three high-altitude nuclear

test shots conducted by the United States in the South Atlantic Ocean in
August and September 1958. The ARGUS shots were conducted to test the
Christofilos theory, which argued that high-altitude nuclear detonations
would create a radiation belt in the upper regions of the Earth's atmo-
sphere. It was theorized that the radiation belt would have military
implications, including degradation of radio and radar transmissions,
damage or destruction of the arming and fuzing mechanisms of ICBM war-
heads, and endangering the crews of orbiting space vehicles that might
enter the belt.

The tests were conducted in complete secrecy and were not announced
until the following year. The organization conducting these tests was
Task Force 88, a naval organization consisting of nine ships and approxi-
mately 4,500 men. A few specialists from the other services and the Atomic
Energy Commission and their contractors were with the fleet. Coordinated
measurement programs using satellite, rocket, aircraft, and surface sta-
tions were carried out by the services and other government agencies and
contractors throughout the world. The ships of Task Force 88 were the
antisubmarine carrier USS Tarawa (0X4-40), the destroyers USS Bearss (DD-
654) and USS Warrington (DD-843), the destroyer escorts USS Courtney (DE-
1021) and USS Hammerberg (DE-1015), the fleet oilers USS Neosho (AO-143)
and USS Salamonie (AO-26), the missile trials ship, USS Norton Sound
(AVM-l), and the seaplane tender USS Albemarle (AV-5).

The low-yield (l- to 2-KT) devices were lifted to about a 300-mile al-
titude by rockets fired from the Norton Sound. The detonations occurred
at such distances above the Earth that there was no possibility of expo-
sure of task force personnel to ionizing radiation.

Of the 264 radiation-detection film packets distributed to the task

force, 21 had indications of radiation exposure, but the highest exposure

recorded by an individual’s packet was 0.010 roentgen (R), so low as to be

negligible. The highest exposure recorded, 0.025 R, was by a control film

packet. Control film packets were located in radiation-free areas within

the ships. Even this reading was so low that it could have been spurious

or the result of natural background radiation. In any event, both read-

ings were below the accuracy limit of the film, developing system, and
densitometers used.

The results of the ARGUS operation proved the validity of the Christo-

f ilos theory. The establishment of an electron shell derived from neutron

and beta decay of fission products and ionization of device materials in

the upper fringe of the atmosphere was demonstrated. The operation not
only provided data on military considerations but also produced a great

mass of geophysical data, pure scientific material of great value.


Between 1945 and 1962, the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (ABC) con-
ducted 235 atmospheric nuclear weapons tests at sites in the United States
and in the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. In all, about 220,000 Department
of Defense (DOD) participants, both military and civilian, were present at
the tests. Of these, approximately 142,000 participated in the Pacific
test series and approximately another 4,500 in the single Atlantic test

In 1977, 15 years after the last aboveground nuclear weapon test, the
Center for Disease Control (CDC) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human
Services noted more leukemia cases than would normally be expected among
about 3,200 soldiers who had been present at shot SMOKY, a test of the 1957
PLUMBBOB Series. Since that initial report by the CDC, the Veterans Admin-
istration (VA) has received a number of claims for medical benefits from
former military personnel who believe their health may have been affected
by their participation in the weapons testing program.

In late 1977, the DOD began a study that provided data to both the CDC
and the VA on potential exposures to ionizing radiation among the military
and civilian personnel who participated in the atmospheric testing 15 to
32 years earlier. In early 1978, the DOD also organized a Nuclear Test
Personnel Review (NTPR) to:

l Identify DOD personnel who had taken part in the atmo-

spheric nuclear weapon tests
0 Determine the extent of the participants' exposure to
ionizing radiation
l Provide public disclosure of information concerning
participation by DOD personnel in the atmospheric
nuclear weapon tests.
This report on Operation ARGUS is one of many volumes that are the
product of the NTPR. The DOD Defense Nuclear Agency (DNA), whose Director
is the executive agent of the NTPR program, prepared the reports, which
are based on military and technical documents reporting various aspects of
each of the tests. Reports of the NTPR provide a public record of the
activities and associated radiation exposures of DOD personnel for inter-
ested former participants and for use in public health research and Fed-
eral policy studies.

Information from which this report was compiled was primarily extracted
from planning and after-action reports of Task Force 88 (TF 88) and its
subordinate organizations. What was desired were documents that accurately
placed personnel at the test sites so that their degree of exposure to the
ionizing radiation resulting from the tests could be assessed. The search
for this information was undertaken in archives and libraries of the Fed-
eral Government, in special collections supported by the Federal Govern-
ment, and, where reasonable, by discussion or review with participants.

For ARGUS, the most important archival source is the Washington Na-
tional Records Center in Suitland, Maryland. The record groups searched
at the Records Center were those of DNA, Office of the Chief of Naval Op-
erations, and the Naval Operating Forces. The Naval Operational Archives
at the Washington Navy Yard also was helpful, as was the collection of
documents assembled by the Air Force Weapons Laboratory (AFWL) Historian,
the collection now being housed in the AFWL Technical Library at Kirtland
Air Force Base, Albuquerque, New Mexico. Other archives searched were the
Department of Energy archives at Germantown, Maryland, its Nevada Opera-
tions Office archives at Las Vegas, the archives of the Test Division of
the Los Alamos National Laboratory, and the Eisenhower Library at Abilene,

The major gap in the information sources for ARGUS is the documenta-
tion of the results of the exposure of the film badges that were actually
used. Because of the nature of the operation and the remoteness of the

detonations, the possibility of any exposure at all was extremely small,
and only a very few film badges were even removed from storage for use.
The various record collections consulted do not have documentation of the
readings of the processed badges. The agency that provided and processed
the badges, the U.S. Army Lexington Blue Grass Depot Activity has made
repeated searches but has not found these records.

The work was performed under RDT&E RMSS B350079464 U99 QAKMK 506-09
H2590D for the Defense Nuclear Agency primarily by personnel of R.F. Cross
Associates acting as subcontractor to Kaman Tempo (then General Electric
-- TEMPO). Guidance was provided by Mr. Kenneth W. Kaye of the Defense
Nuclear Agency, Biomedical Effects Office.








Inception of Operation ARGUS 11
Introduction 11
Planning 17
Authorization 19
Conduct of the ARGUS Series 22
Organizational Responsibilities 22
Creation of Task Fqrce 88 23
Assignments and Responsibilities 26
Execution 29
Scientific Program 37
Potential Radiation Exposures 47
Radiological Safety 48
Radsafe Planning 48
Safety Criteria 50
Pre-event Safety Measures 51
Postevent Activities 53
Personnel Exposure Records 54


Chapter Page


ARGUS 1 58
Chronology of Events 58

Scientific Objectives 59

Force Disposition 59
Radiological Considerations 60

Results 63

ARGUS 2 64

Chronology of Events 64

Scientific Objectives 64

Force Disposition 64

Radiological Considerations 65

Results 65

ARGUS 3 68

Chronology of Events 68

Scientific Objectives 69

Force Disposition 69

Radiological Considerations 69

Results 72


Task Group 88.1 -- Carrier Group 73

Task Group 88.2 -- Destroyer Group 73

Task Group 88.3 -- Mobile Logistics Group 76

Task Group 88.4 -- Missile Group 83

Task Group 88.5 -- Scientific Support Group 86







Figure Page

1 Van Allen belts. 13

2 Trapped radiation diagram. 14

3 Organization of Task Force 88, ARGUS. 29

4 Diagram of Winder missile. 31

5 Task Force 88 track chart, 1 August to 6 September 1958. 33

6 Generalized planned locations of surface and air units

at launch time, ARGUS series. 60

7 Positions of Task Force 88 units and reported burst,

ARGUS 1. 61

8 ARGUS 1, locations of ships at burst time. 62

9 Positions of Task Force 88 units and reported burst,

ARGUS 2. 66

10 ARGUS 2, locations of ships at burst time. 67

11 Positions of Task Force 88 units and reported burst,

ARGUS 3. 70

12 ARGUS 3, locations of ships at burst time. 71

13 USS Tarawa (CVS-40) flight operations, 13 August 1958. 75

14 Aerial view of the USS Norton Sound (AVM-1) after

successful Winder missile launch, 24 July 1958. 84

15 View of the launch area, USS Norton Sound (AVM-1). 85

16 USS Albemarle (AV-5) moored at Ponta Delgada. 90


Table Page

1 Operation ARGUS, functions and complements, Task Force 88. 27

2 Task Force 88 aircraft types and crew complements, ARGUS. 30

3 Non-Navy DOD and AEC personnel aboard Task Force 88 units,


Supporting organizations, Project 7.1, ARGUS. 39

Supporting organizations, Project 7.3, ARGUS. 43

Assumed film badge issue, ARGUS. 52

Shot times versus programned film-badge placement and

retrieval times, ARGUS. 56

8 USS Tarawa (CVS-40) operational activities during ARGUS

test series. 74

9 USS Bearss (DD-654) operational activities during ARGUS

test series. 77

10 USS Courtney (DE-1021) operational activities during ARGUS

test series. 78

11 USS Hamerberg (DE-1015) operational activities during

ARGUS test series. 79

12 USS Warrin ton (DD-843) operational activities during

dies. 80

13 USS Neosho (AO-143) operational activities during ARGUS

test series. 81

14 USS Salamonie (AO-26) operational activities during ARGUS

test series. 82

15 USS Norton Sound (AVM-1) operational activities during

ARGUS test series. 87

16 USS Albemarle (AV-5) operational activities during ARGUS

test series. 89



In late August and early September of 1958, Navy Task Force 88 (TF 881,
consisting of nine ships and approximately 4,500 men, secretly conducted
three high-altitude nuclear tests in the South Atlantic. The operation
was conducted under the code name ARGUS. In each of these tests, the task
force launched from the missile trials ship USS Norton Sound, a specially
modified X-17a three-stage ballistic missile carrying a low-yield nuclear
warhead, which was detonated high in the Earth's upper atmosphere. Upon
completion of these launchings on 6 September, the task force departed the
operating area for Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and then to home ports in the
United States. Not until March 1959 did the United States Government ac-
knowledge that TF 88 had been sent to sea to conduct those nuclear tests.

ARGUS was unique among U.S. atmospheric nuclear test operations in a

number of respects. It was one of the most expeditiously planned and exe-
cuted of all U.S. nuclear tests, requiring just 5 months from inception to
execution, in contrast to the normal period of one or more years. It was
the only clandestine test series conducted during the 17-year period of
atmospheric testing. It was also the first shipboard launch of a ballis-
tic missile with a nuclear warhead, and it was the only atmospheric nuclear
test operation in the Atlantic Ocean. Most significant of all, the pur-
pose of ARGUS did not fit the usual categories: the ARGUS shots, strictly
speaking, involved neither diagnostic tests of a weapon design nor effects
tests on military systems. The objective of ARGUS was to establish the
practicability of a theory postulating that a very-high-altitude nuclear
detonation of proper yield would produce phenomena of potentially signifi-
cant military importance by interfering with communications and weapon

performance. When the Eisenhower Administration officially announced the
occurrence of the tests on 19 March 1959, the New York Times headlined
ARGUS as the "Greatest Scientific Experiment Ever Conducted."

The ARGUS nuclear tests grew out of an experiment proposed by Nicholas

Christofilos, a physicist working at the University of California Radiation
Laboratory at Livermore (UCRL), California. In late 1957 and early 1958
Christofilos examined the possibility of creating an artificial radiation
belt in the upper regions of the Earth's atmosphere with a nuclear detona-
tion at an extremely high altitude. Naturally occurring belts of electri-
cally charged particles trapped above the Earth had been discovered by Ex-
plorer I, the first satellite launched by the United States in early 1958,
and had been named the Van Allen belts in honor of the man who directed the
experiment that discovered them. The charged radiation in these belts con-
sists of high-energy electrons and protons. The primary sources for these
particles are the disturbances on the sun's surface. The particles are
ejected from great flares and come toward the Earth where they are trapped
by the geomagnetic field. The magnetic field bends the flight path of
these particles because of their electric charge. Some of the particles
are forced into a corkscrew-like motion along the north-south direction of
the Earth's magnetic field.

Christofilos theorized that a nuclear detonation several hundred miles

above the Earth acting as a source of beta particles (electrons originat-
ing from an atomic nucleus) would produce a shell of high-energy electrons
(trapped radiation) in the upper atmosphere, oriented along the Earth's
magnetic field like the naturally occurring Van Allen belts (Figure 1).
The following paragraphs give a simplified description of the physical
processes involved in trapped radiation.

A portion of the energy released in splitting, or fissioning, uranium

or plutonium atoms and in the decay of the products of this splitting is
in the form of beta particles. These are not so important a consideration
in low-altitude atmospheric nuclear explosions as they cannot penetrate



Figure 1. Van Allen belts.

more than a few meters of air before they lose their energy by interacting
with air particles. Their contribution to the initial energy release in a
nuclear explosion is comparable to the other forms of emission (gamma and
neutron) in the processes of fission and fission-product decay.

The absence of many air particles surrounding a high-altitude nuclear

explosion allows the beta particles, or electrons, a great freedom of
movement without loss of energy, although their motion is guided by the
presence of the Earth's magnetic field. At their birth, the beta parti-
cles have a velocity that depends on the kind of fission fragment that is
decaying and a direction of motion that is the sum of the motion of the
decaying fragment and the random emission direction from the fragment.

A beta particle moving in an east-west direction with regard to the

north-south orientation of Earth's magnetic field will follow a circular
path whose radius will depend on the energy of the particle and strength
of the magnetic field at that point. The motion of most of the beta par-
titles formed in a nuclear explosion will, however, form some angle other

than an exact right angle with the magnetic field, and therefore the mo-
tion of the betas will be a corkscrew-like motion along the north-south
orientation of the magnetic field.

The Earth's magnetic field emanates from the magnetic north and south
poles and rises to great heights (several Earth radii) over the magnetic
equator. This field is often represented by "lines of force" that are
shown closely spaced in the polar regions and widely spaced over the mag-
netic equator (Figure 2). The closeness of these lines in these represen-
tations depicts the strength of the field, with closely packed lines at
the poles indicating high field strength and widely spaced lines over the
equator indicating lower field strength.







Figure 2. Trapped radiation diagram.

The beta particles spiral around these "lines." The size of their spi-
ral depends on the beta particle energy and on the strength of the field.
At the magnetic equator, where the field is weakest, the beta spirals are
large, but as they move toward the poles the spirals tighten as the field
strength grows. The spirals finally tighten to a point at which the par-
ticles are reflected back up the field line and spiral toward the other
pole. The place at which a particle reflects is called a mirror point,
and the mirror points at the north and south ends of the field line are
often referred to as the conjugate points.

The conjugate point varies with the energy, or velocity, of the parti-
cles and their direction of motion and position in the magnetic field at
the time of their release during the decay processes. For some betas, the
mirror, or conjugate, point is within the atmosphere, and the betas col-
lide with air particles, lose their energy, and do not spiral back up the
field lines. Some of the energy given to the air particles in these col-
lisions will cause them to give off light. These light displays are called
auroras after the natural auroras visible in the polar regions that occur
when electrically charged particles coming from the sun are trapped by the
geomagnetic field and are guided down to low mirror points. If the mirror
points are above the atmosphere the beta particles retain their energy and
spiral back and forth with great rapidity. For example, a beta of typical
fission decay energy mirroring at about 185 miles (298 km) above New York
City will reflect to its conjugate point above the Earth's southern hemi-
sphere and return about 10 times per second. It will corkscrew about the
field line about one million times per second (Figure 2).

In addition to the motion of the charged particles along the field

lines, there is a tendency for them to move across the lines wherever the
magnetic field strength is not uniform. This results in an eastward
(longitudinal)drift around the Barth superimposed on the back-and-forth
spiral motion between regions near the conjugate points. Within a few
hours after a high-altitude nuclear detonation, the beta particles form a
shell completely around the Earth (Reference 1).

Christofilos' theory was of major interest to the U.S. Government,
particularly the Department of Defense (DOD), because of the possible ef-
fects of an artificially created radiation belt on defense systems. For
example, a sufficiently powerful electron source, such as a nuclear war-
head of several megatons yield, if detonated high above the Earth might
seriously degrade radio and radar transmission and reception in the 50- to
200~MB2 band. Such a radiation belt might also damage or destroy the arm-
ing and fuzing mechanisms of an intercontinental ballistic missile passing
through it. A third possibility was that the radiation belt might endanger
crews of orbiting space vehicles that entered the belt.

To verify Christofilos' theory and the magnitude of its predicted ef-

fects required a nuclear test operation unlike any the United States had
previously conducted. Both the operation itself and the effect predicted
by Christofilos came to be known by the code name ARGUS.

The remainder of this chapter and Chapters 2 and 3 discuss Operation

ARGUS from inception through execution, with special emphasis on the plan-
ning and conduct of radiological safety (radsafe) procedures. Appendix A
sunnnarizesand graphically presents ARGUS planning and operational mile-
stones. Because of its unique characteristics, Operation ARGUS did not
produce the detailed documentary record found with other oceanic nuclear
tests. Much of the planning for the operation was done on a highly in-
formal basis to ensure secrecy and to conserve time. TF 88, which carried
out the actual tests, was organized solely to conduct this one operation.
Once it completed its mission, the task force dissolved and its records
were dispersed. Over time, some of these records have been either lost or
destroyed. Careful and extensive research among repositories, archives,
and libraries in the Washington, D.C., area and elsewhere in the United
States resulted in recovery of many of the most important documents for
understanding how Operation ARGUS was carried out. (The documentary
sources consulted are presented in Appendix B.) One notable exception was
the inability to locate ARGUS film badge records.

Soon after Christofilos published his findings, the military implica-
tions of his theory attracted the interest of the Chairman of the Presi-
dent's Science Advisory Committee (Reference 2). In February 1958, the
Chairman convened a scientific working group at UCRL to investigate the
theory and its potential military applications. The Pacific phase of Oper-
ation HARDTACK, scheduled for the summer of 1958, included a high-altitude,
high-yield detonation, shot TEAK. The working group was especially inter-
ested in whether TRAK would cause the operational impairment of radar and
radio systems effect predicted by Christofilos' theory. The working group
concluded that TEAK would be able to demonstrate only limited effects on
the systems in question.* The group also concluded, however, that severe
electromagnetic disturbances in the radio and radar frequency ranges of
concern might be produced by designing a weapon and burst height specifi-
cally to achieve these results. Thus, because of the lack of knowledge
about the effects of nuclear detonations at high altitude, some uncertain-
ties in Christofilos' predictions, and the likelihood that such detonations
could seriously degrade strategic military systems, the working group rec-
ommended that a test of the theory be conducted as soon as possible (Ref-
erences 2 and 3).

During March and April, the decison was made, and planning proceeded,
to mount a special nuclear test designed solely to determine the practica-
bility of Christofilos' theory. The planning environment for the opera-
tion was unlike that of any previous nuclear test series. Shortage of
time and tight security were the unique factors in planning for ARGUS
(References 2 and 4).

* TEAK did, in fact, cause communications impairment over a widespread

area in the Pacific basin, This was not due to the Christofilos effect,
however, but to the TEAK shot injection of a large quantity of fission
debris into the ionosphere. The fission debris prevented normal iono-
spheric reflection of high-frequency (HF) radio waves back toward the
Earth, which disrupted most long-distance HF radio communications.

One reason for speed in the planning and execution of the ARGUS opera-
tion was the possibility of an atmospheric nuclear test moratorium going
into effect in the fall of 1958. The Commander, TF 88 (CTF 88), who was
responsible for conducting the operation, described the planning environ-
ment in his final report (Reference 2), "A sense of urgency was injected
into this planning due to the political climate then prevailing, which
rendered the future of nuclear testing politically uncertain." Thus plan-
ners had to work within a very tight schedule, with a deadline of 1 Sep-
tember 1958 for completing the test. This date was selected because it
coincided with the end of the Pacific phase of Operation HARDTACK (Refer-
ence 4). A unilateral testing moratorium was actually begun by the United
States following the Nevada phase of HARDTACK on 1 November 1958.

Stringent security was required because the ARGUS effect would not re-
main localized. If an ARGUS detonation performed as predicted, it would
produce worldwide disturbances in the upper atmosphere that could be moni-
tored by any nation with properly emplaced instrumentation. Therefore,
the most obvious way to prevent other nations from acquiring experimental
data was to deny them accurate knowledge of the operation's timing and
objectives (Reference 2).

The political sensitivity of the ARGUS test, combined with security

requirements, led to a series of carefully designed cover plans. These
plans were to conceal the true intentions of all phases of the ARGUS op-
eration, not only from other nations but also from the majority of DOD
personnel participating in the tests themselves (References 4 and 5).

An additional planning consideration was the geographic location of

the operation. The high-latitude South Atlantic was chosen for several
reasons related to the nature of the experiment. The first was the alti-
tude capability of the launch vehicle. The X-17a missile was chosen be-
cause of its ready availability, but it had a limited altitude capabil-
ity. To reach the altitude necessary to trap the beta particles on the
desired magnetic field line with a launch from the Pacific Proving Ground

at equatorial latitude would require a much greater capability than that of
the X-17a. A launch with the detonation at the same altitude but nearer
the poles would place the burst geomagnetically much higher (see Figure 2).
The South Atlantic was chosen as it lay east of a dip in the magnetic field
known as the Brazilian Anomaly. At this point the field swings unusually
low, so that beta particles trapped on the lower field lines would collide
with air particles, lose their energy, and be lost to the experiment. As
the particles were expected to drift eastward from the detonation point, a
detonation to the east of this anomaly would allow measurements to be made
over most of the Earth's surface before this anomaly was encountered and
the beta particles became lost.

All the foregoing considerations influenced the decision to conduct

the ARGUS test as a sea-based operation in the South Atlantic at about 4S"
south magnetic latitude. A launch point in this vicinity placed the task
force outside normal shipping lanes, which was desirable from the stand-
point of safety and security. Furthermore, a launch in this region meant
the magnetic conjugate point would appear near the latitude of the Azores,
well within the range of U.S. military forces required for support of the
scientific projects planned for ARGUS. These forces would be able to
operate from the U.S. Air Force Base at Lajes in the Azores, as well as
from bases in the continental United States and Puerto Rico (References 2
and 6).

President Eisenhower approved testing the ARGUS concept on 6 March. As
a result of action by the Armed Forces Policy Council on 11 March, UCRL was
directed to undertake the necessary further theoretical work and to submit
recommendations as to the nature of any nuclear test to be conducted. In
order to effect close coordination between the DOD and the Atomic Energy
Commission (AEC), the Deputy Secretary of Defense on 24 March designated
the Armed Forces Special Weapons Project (AFSWP) as the responsible agency
for the DOD, in coordination with the Advanced Research Projects Agency

WW l In a memorandum of 4 April, the Deputy Secretary of Defense as-
signed the overall responsibility for the management of this research and
development program to the Director, ARPA (Reference 2).

During March and April 1958, several conferences to develop a plan for
the ARGUS experiments were conducted among representatives of ARPA, AFSWP,
the three Services, and other participating agencies. For example, in a
memorandum of 3 April, the Chief, AFSWP reported to the Assistant to Sec-
retary of Defense (Atomic Energy) on the important scientific ties between
HARDTACK and ARGUS. Citing a meeting of 2 April, he noted that the agen-
cies involved in designing the ARGUS experiment were counting on the sci-
entific data from the two HARDTACK high-altitude shots to assist their
planning (Reference 7), "They are particularly interested in using such
data as stepping stones in planning for the safety and instrumentation of
the ARGUS experiment." He also stated that while ARGUS was to be com-
pleted before the end of the Pacific phase of HARDTACK, it could not usurp
personnel and resources previously allocated for HARDTACK.

As a result of these March and April conferences, AFSWP reported to

ARPA that it would be possible to conduct a definitive test of the Chris-
tofilos hypothesis, provided that specified problems received a timely
resolution and that a shipboard launch of the warhead at about 45O geomag-
netic latitude was feasible. AFSWP recommended that funds and priorities
be established to conduct a test within 5 months (Reference 2).

The program outlined by AFSWP following the 2 April 1958 ARGUS confer-
ence consisted of the following elements (Reference 2):

1. Two missiles, with warheads of 300 to 500 pounds (136

to 227 kg), would be fired from a single location
within a period of 1 month.
2. The first priority shot would be one at 200 to 1,000
miles altitude (322 to 1,609 km) at about 45O geomag-
netic latitude. The lower priority shot would be at
2,000 to 4,000 miles (3,219 to 6,437 km) altitude near
the geomagnetic equator. Four test flights would be
required to check out the warhead-adaption kit.

3. Earth satellites carrying a payload of about 100
pounds (45.4 kg) would be placed in equatorial (up to
30°) and polar (up to too) orbits, with perigees of
about 200 miles (322 km) and apogees of 1,800 miles
(2,897 km) or greater.
4. Satellite instrumentation would measure electron den-
sity as a function of time with energy discrimination;
would include a magnetcnneter,and possibly means for
measuring radio noise; and would record background
information prior to the shots as well as the postshot
5. Sounding rockets, fired from appropriate ground loca-
tions, would carry instrumentation to make the same
measurements as the satellites, except for radio
noise. Ground stations would be used to study ef-
fects on radio astronomy and radar probing and to
make aurora1 measurements.

The concurrent UCRL theoretical study completed on 15 April summarized

the requirements for an ARGUS test shot as including a geomagnetic lati-
tude of 30° to 45O, an altitude of 500 to 800 miles (805 to 1,287 km), and
a yield of 2 to 10 KT. This study also recommended that the measurements
be limited to those essential for determining the existence of the ARGUS
effect because of the pressing time problem (Reference 2). The essential
scientific elements of the proposed operation were decided upon at a con-
ference held on 17 April. The Chief, AFSWP reported the results of this
conference to the Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) in a memorandum dated
21 April. In this memorandum, CNO was alerted to the fact that the Norton
Sound was the planned launching ship and that it should be accompanied by
an aircraft carrier, at least three destroyers, and a fleet oiler. The
memorandum requested the CNO to order a flag officer and an operational
staff to duty with the Chief, AE'SWP. As part of AFSWP, the admiral and
his staff were to coordinate the activities of the agencies contributing
to the ARGUS project. They were also to plan and conduct the tests them-
selves (Reference 7).

On the basis of the above planning, on 25 April 1958, the Deputy Sec-
retary of Defense approved a nuclear test in the exosphere prior to the
completion of Operation HARDTACK, subject to coordination with the AEC and

the State Department, and the approval of the President. Such coordina-
tion was effected, and the President approved the operation on 1 May 1958.
The Deputy Secretary of Defense specified that the test would be conducted
by AFSWP, separate from the Pacific phase of Operation HARDTACK. The test
was originally assigned the code name HARDTACK-ARGUS, and later FLORAL.
For purposes of cover and security, it was later found desirable to assign
another code name for the experiment as a whole, as well as several others
for separate parts of the operation. The Deputy Secretary of Defense also
officially directed the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) to provide the neces-
sary operational support (Reference 2). In a memorandum of 16 June 1958,
JCS requested the Service chiefs to support the operation (Reference 8).


Scientific planning for the shots was already well advanced by the
time the President approved Operation ARGUS on 1 May 1958. Indeed, the
recommendation to the President to approve ARGUS was based on a series of
scientific meetings dealing with the Christofilos theory (including the
February UCRL session and the meetings held in March and April) that in-
cluded the interested parties within the nuclear research community who
would be the logical participants in any test of the theory.

Organizational Responsibilities
The plan enclosed with the Deputy Secretary of Defense memorandum of
25 April to the JCS to conduct the ARGUS experiment listed the following
organizations and their responsibilities (Reference 2):

1. Advanced Research Overall responsibility; pro-

Projects Agency (ARPA) vide direction and funds to
agencies involved
2. Armed Forces Special Conduct the test and be the
Weapons Project central coordinating agency
(AFSWP) for all other participants
3. Army Ballistic Satellite missiles, satellite
Missile Agency instrumentation and receivers.
(ABMA) (Project 7.1)
4. Air Force Special Sounding rockets, if feasible,
Weapons Center and receivers (Project 7.2)
5. U.S. Navy Warhead missile, launching and
support ships (Project 7.4)
6. Los Alamos Scientific Warhead and firing system
Laboratory (LASL) and
Sandia Corporation
7. Air Force Cambridge Ground instrumentation
Research Center (Project 7.3)

ARPA Order 4-58, dated 28 April 1958, requested the Chief, AFSWP to
proceed at once with the ARGUS experiments and made funds available to
commence procurement of two warhead missiles, the responsibility for which
was assigned to the Office of Naval Research (ONR). Other funds were to
be made available after ARPA had approved the detailed project proposals
to be submitted through AFSWP by the participating organizations. A small
technical staff within AFSWP, augmented by a liaison officer for each
project furnished by the cognizant service, coordinated the detailed plan-
ning among the participating organizations. By later amendments to ARPA
Order 4-58, the total funds were increased to $9,023,000, and an addi-
tional project was added: the launching of small satellites into polar
orbits from naval fighter aircraft under the cognizance of the Naval Ord-
nance Test Station (NOTS), Inyokern, California (Reference 2).

The most significant change in ARGUS planning took place during June
and July 1958. In June the Chief, Special Weapons Test Project (SWTP) and
CTF 88 suggested that the number of ARGUS shots be increased from two to
three to enhance the chances of a successful experiment. Chief, AFSWP,
approved this recommendation, and passed it on to the Division of Military
Application (DMA) at the ARC. On 3 July, the DMA reported to the Chief
AFSWP that the AEX would authorize the release of the additional warhead
(References 4 and 9).

Creation of Task Force 88

The Chief, AFSWP, in letters dated 28 April requested the Army and Air
Force to provide officers for duty on the technical staff of TF 88 (Refer-
ence 6). This staff would be involved in planning and in coordinating


actions with various laboratories and contractors. Even though the staff
of TF 88 was composed of scientific and technical officers from all three
military services, most were naval officers on temporary duty from AFSWP,
where they had occupied technical positions.

At the request of the Chief, AFSWP, the Navy designated the newly
appointed Commander, Destroyer Flotilla Two, to plan and conduct the op-
erational phase of the experiment. He reported to the Chief, AFSWP on
19 May 1958 in a dual capacity as Chief, SWTP, and Commander, TF 88 (Ref-
erence 2). Later, the technical and operational staffs were combined to
form the SWTP within AFSWP. When the Commander-in-Chief, U.S. Atlantic
Fleet (CINCLANTFLT) activated TF 88 for planning purposes on 2 June 1958,
they became the !PF88 staff. On 14 July, TF 88 officially became an oper-
ational command when the naval officer chosen reported to the CNO that he
had assumed command of the task force (Reference 10).

The operational section of the staff planned the naval phase of ARGUS
and, with some augmentation from the technical section, became the staff
of CTF 88 for operations at sea. The technical section coordinated the
scientific programs and later became Task Group (TG) 88.6 (Headquarters
Group), which remained at the Pentagon during the period that CTF 88 was
at sea.

The temporary assignment of highly qualified officers from each Ser-

vice to the staff of CTF 88 was of tremendous assistance in planning and
conducting the ARGUS experiments in the short period of 3 months. Because
of their permanent assignments, these officers had knowledge of and direct
access to the responsible individuals in the participating organizations.
Personal liaison was the key to the coordination of the various scientific
programs and the expeditious solution of difficulties at all stages of the
operation (References 2 and 9).

The need for secrecy placed special demands upon preparation of TF 88

units and their assembly in the South Atlantic. The designated missile-
firing ship, the Norton Sound, was in San Francisco. All other designated

TF 88 ships had home ports on the east coast. The Norton Sound had to be
modified to handle the X-17a missile chosen as the launch vehicle. The
ship's personnel required training in assembling, maintaining, and launch-
ing the missile. AFSWP staff members made trips to California in April,
May, and June to work with personnel of the Norton Sound and Lockheed Air-
craft Corporation (the missile manufacturer), and to the San Francisco
Naval Shipyard where modifications to the ship were underway. While Lock-
heed was modifying the X-17a missile to accomplish test objectives, the
shipyard was investigating the possible need to reinforce the shipboard
launching area on the Norton Sound and was making necessary ship altera-
tions to accommodate the missile. Shipboard personnel practiced missile
assembly and handling with a dummy missile to ferret out installation
deficiencies (Reference 11).

The preparation of the Norton Sound and its preliminary operations

were completely disassociated from Atlantic Fleet units and CTF 88 in or-
der to maintain security. AFSWP liaison was maintained through CNO and
ONR. Direct conrmunicationsfrom ONR encouraged the idea that the Norton
Sound was involved in special missile operations requiring preliminary
tests on the Pacific Coast Point Mugu Missile Range before conducting a
series of firings in a remote area of the Pacific Ocean (Reference 2).

TF 88 was identified as consisting of Atlantic Fleet units. This force

ostensibly was established by CINCLANTFLT to conduct a series of tests of
new equipment being introduced into the operating forces. These tests were
to be conducted over a wide range of sea and climatic conditions, necessi-
tating a prolonged period of operations at sea (Reference 2).

The seaplane tender, USS Albemarle, which was also to participate in

ARGUS, was not named as part of the task force for security purposes. The
Albemarle had just completed a yard overhaul period. It was plausible that
the ship make a shakedown cruise in the mid-Atlantic. To round out the de-
ception, the ship was also supposed to be providing routine services to the
Air Force in connection with certain tests of long-range communications.

The Albemarle's type commander and ONR handled the necessary arrangements
through direct liaison with AFCRC (Reference 2).

To lend authenticity to these cover stories, CTF 88 prepared a confi-

dential operation order (Reference 12) that was promulgated as a Commander,
Destroyer Flotilla Two document and distributed to all the Atlantic Fleet
units assigned to the task force, except the Albemarle. This order di-
rected the conduct of a series of evaluations of new equipment required by
CINCIANTFLT and provided a rationale for meeting complex logistic, person-
nel, and equipment requirements before getting underway (Reference 2).

CTF 88 concurrently prepared a Top Secret, Restricted Data, Limited

Distribution Operation Order 7-58 that set forth the complete scope and
nature of the special test operations (Reference 13). To assure maximum
secrecy, this document was not distributed until just before the departure
of units to the test area and in some instances was delivered at sea to
units in company (Reference 2).

Although the possibility of radiological exposure of participants dur-

ing ARGUS was considered to be remote, Annex M of Operation Order 7-58 did
provide for this contingency. The radiological safety program was not re-
vealed to personnel of the task force but CTF 88, through AFSWP channels,
procured 4,000 film badges from the Army Lexington Signal Depot. A total
of only 264 of these was used during ARGUS.

The organization of the task group, as it was defined in Operation

Order 7-58 (Reference 13), appears in Table 1 and Figure 3.

Assignments and Responsibilities

TF 88 essentially consisted of sea-going units, some of which had been
specially modified to carry out the missile-launch and observation phases
of the operation. The only exception was TG 88.6, the Headquarters Group,
which remained in Headquarters, AFSWP, and participating scientific activ-
ities. In addition, a land-based scientific support operation existed
outside of the formal TF 88 organization.

Table 1. Operation ARGUS, functions and complements, Task Force 88.

Task Group Complement

Number Name Component Officer Enlisted Civilian Functions

TG 88.1 Carrier Tarawa (CVS-40) The commanding officer of the Tarawa served
Group (Support Aircraft Carrier) 103 1,482 1 as task group commander. The Tarawa carried
Air Force MSQ-1A radar and comiiiiiitions
Marine Detachment 2 44 0 vans for missile tracking and gathering sci-
entific data. VS-32 aircraft flew for search
VS-32: 19 S2F aircraft 56 268 0 and security missions as well as scientific
measurement, photographic, and observer mis-
HS-5: 8 HSS-1 helicopters 21 121 0 sions for each shot. HS-5 provided intra-
task-force transportation for personnel and
CTF 88 Staff 22 6 3 cargo. The TG 88 headquarters staff, based
on board the Tarawa, was in overall command
of Operation AKFUS:

TG 88.2 Destroyer Warrin ton (DD-843) The comnanding officer of the Warrin ton

Group lTiZF&) 15 257 1 served as task group conanander.
group maintained a weather picket 250 nmi
Bearss (DO-654) (463 km) west of the task force, provided a
(Destroyer) 13 244 0 plane guard for the Tarawa during flight
operations, and carr-t other standard
Hamnerberq (DE-1015) destroyer functions, such as escort of other
TDestroyer Escort) 11 150 0 task groups, surface security, and search
and rescue missions. The Warrington also
Courtney (DE-1021) carried equipment for launching Loki-Dart
Destroyer Escort) 10 149 0 rockets.

TG 88.3 Mobile Neosho (AO-143) (Oiler) 16 269 0 The Neosho's commanding officer served as
Logistics task group commander. The tankers refueled
Group Salamonie (AO-26) (Oiler) task force ships underway. The Salamonie
returned to the United States upon arrival
of the task force in the operating area,
and did not participate in any shots. The
Neosho assisted in tracking ARGUS shots
withir Force MSQ-1A radar vans mounted on
its helicopter platform. Two Air Force of-
ficers may have been assigned to the vans.

Table 1. Operation ARGUS, functions and complements, Task Force 88 (continued).

Task Group Complement

Number Name Component Officer Enlisted Civilian Functions

TG 88.4 Missile Norton Sound (AVM-1) 32 555 12 The Norton Sound was the launching platform
Group (Guided Missile Ship) for Pogo rockets and for the X-17a ARGUS
launch vehicle. It also carried instrumen-
tation and a 27-MHz COZI radar operated by
Air Force Cambridge Research Center to mon-
itor ARGUS effects.

TG 88.5 Scientific Albemarle (AV-5) 30 501 5 The Albemarle operated off the Azores serv-
Support (Seaplane Tender) (est.) ing as a platform for ARGUS effects measure-
Group ments at the conjugate point. It mounted a
27-MHz COZI radar and other instrumentation
to detect manmade ionization. The measure-
ments were performed by Air Force Cambridge
Research Center and Stanford Research Insti-
tute personnel.

TG 88.6 Headquarters Armed Forces Special 5 N/As N/A The headquarters group was located at the
Group Weapons Project Pentagon and consisted of technical person-
nel who provided liaison among CTF 88, the
Chief of Armed Forces Special Weapons
Project, and scientific agencies concerned
with ARGUS.


aN/A -- Not Available.

Source: Reference 13.



TASK UNIT 88.1 .l

TASK UNIT 86.3.1
i&S NEOSHO (AO-1431

TASK UNIT 88.1.2 TASK UNIT 08.3.2




Figure 3. Organization of Task Force 88, ARGUS (source: Reference 13).

The sea-going elements of TF 88 and their assigned functions and com-

plements are described in Table 1, and Table 2 lists the types and crew
complements of TF 88 aircraft. Land-based scientific support activities
are identified and their functions are described in a subsequent section
(Scientific Program) of this chapter (page 37).

Preparation for the firing of the ARGUS warhead shots took place in two
oceans. The event being planned was without precedent. It was the first
known instance of an operable nuclear weapon being launched and fired from
a vessel (Reference 6). Off the California coast, the Norton Sound, ac-
companied by the USS Floyd County (LST-762), completed four X-17a test
firings in the Naval Air Missile Test Center Sea Test Range. These X-17a
missiles were equipped with telemetry heads by the Sandia Corporation

Table 2. Task Force 88 aircraft types and crew complements, ARGUS.

Task Force 88 Crew

Aircraft Type Number Mission Size

Grumnan S2F-1 & -2 19 Area surveillance; burst 4

observation and sky-camera
Sikorsky HSS-1 8 Intra-task-force logistics 2
Boeing C-97 2 Airborne spectrophotometers NAa
and all-sky camera

a Three AFCRC personnel operated the scientific instrumentation in
these aircraft, which were deployed in the conjugate area near the
Source: References 2 and 14.

(Reference 15). (The X-17a missile with the telemetry head was termed
the Winder missile.) Figure 4 is a diagram of a Winder missile. As de-
tailed below, two of the four test launches were successful.

The objectives of the Winder missile tests were to (Reference 15):

Demonstrate the capability of the X-17a to reach the

altitudes required for obtaining the desired data and
determine the missile trajectory
Verify the design of the timing and firing mechanism
developed by the Sandia Corporation
Demonstrate satisfactory missile handling and launching
facilities and techniques on board the Norton Sound
Confirm the ability to precalculate the forces (wind,
roll, ship speed, etc.) acting upon the missile with
the precision needed to establish the missile in a near
vertical trajectory, when launched from aboard ship
Demonstrate satisfactory tracking with shipborne Air
Force MSQ-1A radar and the normal ship's radar, and
train two Air Force crews in the proper tracking



2nd TO 3rd STAGE


lrt TO 2nd STAGE


31” DIA. -

Figure 4. Diagram of Winder missile.

One objective of the tests was to demonstrate satisfactory missile track-

ing using nonstabilized radars aboard ship. It was also considered neces-
sary to develop proper techniques for use by the Air Force crews, which
were not familiar with the problems of shipboard operations. An Air Force
MSQ-1A radar, similar to those being installed on the USS Neosho and USS
Tarawa, was flown out from Orlando AFB and placed aboard the Floyd County.
The two Air Force crews that would take part in later operations were also
stationed aboard the Floyd County for training purposes (Reference 15).

The first Winder missile launch and flight were successful, with the
third stage coasting after burnout to an altitude of 302 nmi (560 km).

The second Winder missile failed after 25 seconds of flight and the
third Winder missile broke up within the first 3 seconds after launch.
After a conference on 18 July 1958 about the possible cause of missile
failures, a decision was made to remove the spin rockets and to reduce the
first-stage spin cant on each of two fins (Reference 15). On 24 July, the
fourth Winder launch was successful with a third-stage apogee of 363 nmi
(672 km).

Despite the fact that by 24 July only two out of four Winder launches
had been successful, the Norton Sound was scheduled to depart for the ARGUS
operating area on 1 August. Thus, additional proof-testing of the X-17a
was not practical. By working around the clock during the 7 days remaining
before the Norton Sound's departure, technicians from Lockheed Missiles
System Division were able to assemble the three remaining X-17a missiles
at the Naval Construction Battalion Center, Port Hueneme, California.
At 1530 on 1 August the last missile was on board, and at 1800 the Norton
Sound was underway to its secret rendezvous in the South Atlantic (Ref-
erence 15).

During the voyage to the firing area, the Norton Sound conducted re-
peated missile-handling drills in erecting the missile under day and night
conditions. Anticipating bad weather in the launch area, the ship con-
centrated on practicing during periods of bad weather en route with an
objective of determining the weather limits of a successful launch. As a
result of these experiments, it was concluded that the Norton Sound could
launch the X-17a in winds up to 40 knots (74 km/hr) and swells up to 16
feet (5 meters). After intensive practice, the crew could roll out the
missile on its trailer and rig it in its firing position in 45 minutes
(Reference 15).

CTF 88, with TG 88.1, TG 88.2 and TG 88.3, departed east coast ports
on 7 August 1958 for the test area (References 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, and

22). The USS Albemarle departed Norfolk, Virginia, on 14 August 1958 to
proceed via the Azores to its observation site (Reference 23). After fuel-
ing at Ponta Delgada in the Azores, the Albemarle made background measure-
ments en route to the observation site (Reference 2). Figure 5 shows the
routes taken by components of TF 88 to their operating areas.

(AVM-1 1








Figure 5. Task Force 88 track chart, 1 August to 6 September 1958, ARGUS

( source: Reference 2).

As east coast units of TF 88 steamed toward the South Atlantic, they
participated in countdown, launch, and missile-tracking drills using Loki/
Dart high-altitude, antiaircraft rockets fired from the USS Warrington.
The Loki rockets were modified to carry an AN/DPN-23 (XR-32) radio beacon
(Reference 24). Fourteen Loki launches were conducted from 12 to 22 Au-
gust, simulating the countdown procedures that later would be used for the
ARGUS launches. These test firings enabled the task force to test eguip-
ment and procedures, and to train personnel in specialized assignments.
These included stationing of ships, MSQ-lA radar tracking by the Neosho
and the Tarawa, communications, positioning of sky-camera S2F aircraft,
and area surveillance S2F aircraft (References 13 and 24).

When the Norton Sound joined TF 88 it was the first time the units had
ever operated together. Separately, under great pressure and severe se-
curity limitations, these Navy operating units had developed and practiced
procedures for a highly complex scientific experiment. At 1645 on 23 Au-
gust 1958, the Norton Sound lookouts reported seeing the Tarawa. A mes-
sage from the Norton Sound addressed to CTF 88 was sent (Reference 15),
"Doctor Livingstone, I presume?" Four days later the Norton Sound would
launch the first nuclear-tipped missile from a ship at sea.

The primary operational consideration in the test area was the suc-
cessful launching of the X-17a missiles. Suitable weather conditions were
sought on a day-to-day, hour-to-hour basis. The weather service unit in
the Tarawa served as the task force weather center, providing two 24-hour
forecasts daily to the task force. Besides the information available from
radio weather broadcasts and local observations from the Tarawa, informa-
tion was obtained from additional weather reporting units stationed to the
west of the force while in the operating area. A destroyer escort was
maintained on station bearing 270° true, 250 nmi (463 km) from the task
force, and aircraft flew weather patrols on bearings of 240° and 300° true
to a distance of 250 nmi (463 km) (Reference 2).

The greatest single aid in forecasting was the compilation of histori-

cal weather charts prepared by the weather bureau of the Union of South
Africa. This series of weather charts was valuable in showing various
weather patterns that might be expected. By using this information with
the limited data available from the weather broadcasts of South America
and South Africa, the weather center in the Tarawa was able "to produce a
gratifyingly accurate weather analysis” (Reference 2).

An attempt was made to 3.istento all weather broadcasts sent in inter-

national Morse code from Pretoria, Union of South Africa; Rio de Janeiro,
Brazil; Buenos Aires, Argentina; and Port Stanley, Falkland Islands.
These stations were generally low-power and atmospheric interference was
frequent. Consequently, reception of the broadcasts was poor. It usually
was not possible to understand weather broadcasts from South America and
South Africa for the same weather chart. The result was that most weather
charts prepared by the weather center contained data from few reporting
stations (Reference 2).

The most important weather considerations concerned forecasting the

days when conditions would permit firing and obtaining the surface wind
data needed to compute a near vertical trajectory for the X-17a missiles
(Reference 15). Since fallout was not a consideration for the expected
high burst altitudes, there was no plan to determine and promulgate a
radiation exclusion area based upon wind distribution of fallout.

Hourly weather reports from the weather picket ships were important in
making a short-range forecast of weather conditions at firing time. It
was determined that weather changes at the weather picket ship reached the
Norton Sound about 7 hours Later (Reference 15).

The most vital launch calculation was determining the surface wind.
The force of the wind on the rocket was important only during the initial
boost stage of the shot, and the west important wind levels were 0 to 100
feet (0 to 30 meters). The Norton Sound made course and speed corrections
until the moment of missile release to compensate for surface wind changes
(Reference 15).

As final preparation for the first ARGUS shot, the Norton Sound fired
four modified Deacon rockets, code named Pogo. Three rockets were fired
on 25 August and one on 26 August. The purpose was to simulate an ARGUS
shot, permitting all units of TF 88 to rehearse their missions. During
these rehearsals, ship and aircraft control procedures were tested and
missile-tracking and observation techniques were refined (Reference 15).

Briefly summarized, the actual ARGUS tests took 11 days from start to
finish. The Norton Sound launched the first X-17a missile on 27 August.
After a delay of 2 days, during which TG 88.6 directed TF 88 to move far-
ther south to enhance observations at the conjugate point in the Azores,
the Norton Sound launched ARGUS 2 on 30 August. A more prolonged delay,
caused by a combination of weather and mechanical problems with the third
X-17a missile, resulted in ARGUS 3 being launched on 6 September 1958.

All three ARGUS shots were detonated at high altitudes -- 125 to 300
miles (201 to 483 km) above the Earth's surface (Reference 1). Due to the
designed burst height of each of these shots, ARGUS planners were not con-
cerned that the shots would produce any radiological exposure to personnel
in the operating area. Nevertheless, the task force commander and his
staff had laid out a series of precautionary radsafe measures to be fol-
lowed in each stage of the operation (Reference 13). These radsafe mea-
sures were implemented as directed, notwithstanding the lack of any sig-
nificant radiation exposure from the three shots (Reference 2).

The four scientific projects operational during ARGUS testing were

successful. Their measurements confirmed that the detonation of a nuclear
device at a sufficiently high altitude did produce a shell of electrons
enveloping the Earth. Furthermore, this electron shell was seen to de-
grade both reception and transmission of radar signals (Reference 2).

During the missile launchings, the Albemarle operated in the vicinity of

the Azores, recording phenomena produced by the three nuclear detonations at
the conjugate point. Its station was changed during the operation, based

upon the scientific data being obtained. The Albemarle departed the obser-
vation site on 11 September and arrived at Norfolk, Virginia, on 16 Septem-
ber (Reference 2).

The USS Salamonie departed the test area on 26 August, the day before
the first ARGUS shot, and arrived at Newport, Rhode Island, on 10 Septem-
ber (Reference 20). The remainder of the force departed the area on
6 September and, after a 5-day visit to Rio de Janeiro, arrived in east
coast ports on 30 September ,snd1 October 1958. The Norton Sound passed
through the Panama Canal and arrived at Port Hueneme, California, on
11 October.

Scientific Program
Since the objectives of the ARGUS shots were to determine the existence
of the ARGUS effect and to maasure the principal characteristics of the
associated phenomena, the organization of the scientific program differed
fundamentally from other oceanic test series. For example, there was no
agency within TF 88 analogous to the scientific task group in Pacific test-
ing. Instead, the Headquarters task group (TG 88.6) provided overall liai-
son among CTF 88, AFSWP, ARPA, and the various organizations responsible
for conducting the ARGUS experimental projects.

Non-Navy DOD military personnel, DOD civilian employees and contrac-

tors, and AHC organization personnel aboard TF 88 units are enumerated in
Table 3. These men were involved in the execution of the ARGUS scientific

The discussion that follows summarizes each of these projects in terms

of the participating agencies, project objectives, operations, and poten-
tial radiological exposure cE the participants (Reference 25).

Project 7.1 -- Satellite Measurements

Agencies: Primary responsibility for conducting this project lay with

AHMA. Additional agencies and organizations operating in a support
role included those listed in Table 4.

Table 3. Non-Navy DOD and AEC personnel aboard Task Force 88 units, ARGUS.

Norton Sound Albemarle Tarawa Neosho Warrin ton C-97

(AVM-1) (AV-5) (CVS-40) (AO-Z6) *

Lookout Mtn
AF Station 1
Home Station
unknown 2

DOD civilian
Research Center 2

AEC Organizations
Sandia Corp. 3

DOD Contractors
Development 1
Lock heed 6
Institute 1 2

Table 4. Support<ng organizations, Project 7.1, ARGUS.

Agency Function

State University of Iowa Satellite instrumentation

Jet Propulsion Laboratory Satellite telemetry instrumentation

and power supply; microlock ground
stations at Cape Canaveral, Florida,
and Camp Irwin, California

Naval Research Laboratory Circuitry and transmitters; operated

Minitrack ground station network at
required times

Army Signal Research and Supplied battery pack to State Uni-

Development Laboratory versity of Iowa; operated Deal Ground
Station at Ft. Monmouth, New Jersey

Office of Chief Signal Officer, Operated ground tracking station,

U.S. Army Van Buren, Maine

Smithsonian Astrophysical Operated optical tracking stations;

Laboratory final satellite ephemerides

Army Map Service Provided tracking data from Pacific

tracking stations

Ballistic Research Laboratories Provided tracking data

Army Security Agency Provided data prior to ARGUS shots

for background calibration; teleme-
tering data for 3 days following
ARGUS shot

Objective: The principal objective of the project was to place two

instrumented Earth satellites, Explorer IV and Explorer V, in orbits
calculated to intersect the predicted artificial radiation belt cre-
ated by the ARGUS shots. The instrumentation package to be employed
contained radiation sensing and telemetry devices similar to those
used in Explorer I and Explorer II , which had only recently determined
the existence of natural radiation belts at altitudes above approx-
imately 540 nmi (1,000 km). This instrumentation was designed to

measure natural background radiation and several aspects of the ARGUS
effect, permitting assessment of Christofilos' predictions about par-
ticle density, flux, trapping lifetime, and eastward drift (References
26, 27, and 28).

Operations: The launching date of the first satellite, Explorer IV,

was established as 26 July 1958, plus or minus 2 days. The timing of
this launch was crucial, because ARGUS could not be postponed. Ex-
plorer IV was to monitor natural background radiation, after which it
would measure the effects of the two high-altitude shots in HARDTACK
-- TRAK and ORANGE -- during August and then monitor the ARGUS effects
in late August and September. The launch occurred on schedule. At
1000 EST on 26 July a Jupiter-C missile, fired at the Air Force Mis-
sile Test Center (AFMTC) at Cape Canaveral, placed Explorer IV into
the desired orbit. Five days later, on 31 July, shot TEAK took place
at Johnston Island in the North Pacific. The launch of Explorer V
followed on 10 August, but the satellite failed to go into orbit. The
next day, 11 August, shot ORANGE was detonated above Johnston Island.
The failure of Explorer V did not jeopardize the project because Ex-
plorer IV continued to function and to supply adequate data during
each phase of the operation. It recorded background radiation and
detected a weak ARGUS effect during HARDTACK, and the effect during
ARGUS. Over 40 ground stations located throughout the world tracked
Explorer IV or monitored telemetry, with the result that experimental
data confirmed the presence of the effects predicted by Christofilos
(Reference 26).

Radiation Exposure Potential: No total figure is available for par-

ticipants in this ARGUS project, nor is there an indication that any
of the participants were badged for this portion of ARGUS activities.
No precaution of this sort was necessary, since none of these partici-
pants could have been exposed to radiation from any of the ARGUS shots.

Project 7.2 -- Sounding Rocket Measurements (Project JASON)

Agencies: This project, under the code name JASON for security rea-
sons, was conducted by AFSWC, operating through the JASON Division of
the Research Directorate. Supporting organizations included (Refer-
ences 3, 29, 30, 31, and 32):

Aerolab Development Company

Lockheed Missile Systems Division
Pilotless Aircraft Research Station, Wallops Island, Virginia
Air Force Missile Te;t Center, Cape Canaveral, Florida
72nd Bomber Wing, Ramey AE'B,Puerto Rico.

Objectives: The general aim of the project was to establish the exis-
tence of the ARGUS electron shell by measuring the distribution of beta
particles emitted by an ARGUS shot that were subsequently trapped in
the geomagnetic field. The project was planned to back up and supple-
ment the data provided by the ABMA Explorer IV satellite. To achieve
the project objective, rocket instrumentation was designed to measure
high-energy electron flux as a function of five variables: magnetic
latitude, altitude above sea level, electron energy, time after deto-
nation, and angular distribution with respect to the magnetic field
(References 30 and 33).

Operations: Project JASON launched missiles from three sites, se-

lected because they bracketed the magnetic latitude of the calculated
conjugate point. The locations chosen were: the Pilotless Aircraft
Research Station, operated by the National Advisory Committee on Aero-
nautics (NACA) at Wallops Island, Virginia; Patrick AFB at Cape Canav-
eral, Florida; and Ramey AFB in Puerto Rico. These sites operated
under the code names Whiskey, Papa, and Romeo, respectively (Refer-
ences 30 and 33).
The Aerolab Development Company modified the 5-stage, solid-fueled
rockets used to carry the instrumentation package aloft. Lockheed
Missile Systems Division assembled the instrumentation packages, which
consisted of radiation-sensing systems and a data transmission link to

ground receiving stations, and installed the package on the missiles.
AFMTC at Cape Canaveral, the Pilotless Aircraft Research Station at
Wallops Island, and the 72nd Bomber Wing at Ramey APB each provided
local support for missile launchings. AF'MTCalso provided command
center facilities to Project JASON command (Reference 31).
Wallops Island personnel undertook three preliminary test launches
to determine how well the system worked. The first two rockets failed,
and the third was successful. Each site also launched a background, or
calibration, shot. The first test launch at Patrick APB on 15 August
was successful. Those from Ramey APB and Wallops Island on 20 August
and 25 August both failed (Reference 29).
The project operated during only the first two ARGUS shots. On
ARGUS 1, there were four rocket launches, two from Patrick APB and two
from Ramey APB. The firings all took place on 27 August, the same day
as the detonation. On ARGUS 2, detonated 30 August, a total of 12
launches occurred between 30 August and 2 September: 5 from Wallops,
4 from Patrick APB, and 3 from Ramey APB (Reference 34).

Radiation Exposure Potential: There is no total figure for all par-

ticipants in Project JASON. One document, listing operational control
within the project, provides 24 names, including three personnel each
from Aerolab and Lockheed, and one individual from NACA. The rest
were presumably AE'SWCemployees. There are no exposure records for
any of these people, and it is highly unlikely any of them were badged
for participation in ARGUS , since their great distance from all ARGUS
effects precluded radiological exposure.

Project 7.3 -- Surface Measurements (Project MIDAS)

Agencies: This project, code-named MIDAS for security reasons, was
conducted jointly by APCRC and Stanford Research Institute (SRI).
Supporting organizations included (Reference 14):

Lajes APB
Torrejon APB

Norton Sound

A number of other organizations, with detection equipment of various

sorts located at stations throughout the world, were placed on alert
to monitor with their equipment as a backup to AE'CRC/SRIinstrumenta-
tion at the conjugate and launch points. These agencies and the loca-
tion of their instrumentation are listed in Table 5.

Table 5. Supporting organizations, Project 7.3, ARGUS.

Agency Station Location

Stanford University, Radio

Propagation Laboratory Hawaii and Palo Alto, California

Air Force Cambridge Research Center Plum Island, Massachusetts

Raytheon South Dartmouth, Massachusetts,

and Grand Bahama Island

National Bureau of Standards Washington, D.C.

Office of Naval Research Washington, D.C.

Massachusetts Institute of Ipswich, Massachusetts, Sacra-

Technology, Lincoln Laboratory mento Peak, New Mexico, and the
Aleutian Islands

Army Signal Corps Arizona, New Jersey, and Maine

Rome Air Development Center Laredo, Texas

Source: Reference 14.

Objectives: The goal of the project was to study the effects of elec-
trons emitted by the high-altitude bursts that entered the Earth's
dense lower atmosphere rather than remaining trapped within the Earth's
magnetic field. The predicted effects to be measured were: aurora1
phenomena at the conjugate and burst points, disturbances in the geo-
magnetic field, changes in the ionospheric layers, increased absorption

of radio waves by the ionosphere, and Earth currents (References 14
and 28).

Operations: The principal site for project instrumentation was at the

conjugate point, predicted to be within the vicinity of Lajes AFB.
AFCRC personnel operated very-low-frequency (VLF) and extremely-low-
frequency (ELF) radio receivers, ionospheric instruments, and magne-
tometers at Lajes AFB. Two Air Force C-97 aircraft, Nos. 8400 and
2596, operating from Lajes AFB , were equipped with ionospheric in-
struments for airborne detection of ionospheric disturbances (Refer-
ence 35). One of the C-97s also carried an all-sky camera and a set
of spectrophotometers for optical measurements of aurora1 phenomena.
Three AFCRC personnel were on board the C-97 airborne at shot time to
run the project equipment. The Albemarle, positioned about 400 nmi
(741 km) south of the Azores, carried high-frequency (HF) communica-
tions zone indicator (COZI) radar, an all-sky camera, spectrophotom-
eters, and ionospheric instruments. Two project personnel, one from
SRI and the other from AFCRC, were responsible for this equipment. At
Torrejon, Spain, project personnel operated VLF receivers, ionospheric
instruments, and a microlock receiver to monitor transmissions from
the Explorer IV satellite. At the launch point, both the Norton Sound
and the Tarawa mounted VLF wide-band receivers. The Norton Sound also
had an HE'CO21 radar and an ionospheric instrument on board,. A spec-
trophotometer was located on the Tarawa. Three AFCRC employees were
responsible for this equipment. In addition, the S2F aircraft of Air
Antisubmarine Squadron 32 (VS-32), based on board the Tarawa, carried
magnetic airborne detectors and all-sky cameras (Reference 14).

Radiation Exposure Potential: The project operated on all three shots.

Due to the altitude of the conjugate phenomena under investigation no
personnel at the conjugate point were subject to radiological exposure
during the series. The same is true of personnel at the launch point.
It is not possible to determine from existing records whether any of
the AFCRC or SRI personnel at the launch point carried one of the 264
badges distributed during the operation.

Project 7.4 -- Nuclear Weapon Launch Support

Agencies: Office of Naval Research

Atomic Energy Commission
Sandia Corporation

Objective: The objective of the ONR project was to provide personnel,

equipment, and support to place a nuclear weapon at an exospheric alti-
tude and provide tracking information to ascertain the actual height
of burst. The vehicle chosen was the X-17a, a 3-stage, solid-fuel,
unguided missile furnished by the Lockheed Missile Systems Division.

Operations: Four missil.eswere fired as instrumented test vehicles

from the Norton Sound on the Point Mugu Test Range. Three were fired
with live warheads in the South Atlantic in the general vicinity of
48OS, SOW. Tracking was accomplished by MSA-1A radar systems, fur-
nished with crews by the Air Force and installed in the Tarawa and the
The AEC furnished four dummy warheads for the instrumented test
vehicles and three live warheads for the actual firings. The Sandia
Corporation, for the AEC, provided the arming and firing system and
supervised the assembly of the warheads into the missiles. The war-
head was selected for the ARGUS experiments because its yield was ap-
propriate, it was compatible in size and weight with the X-17a, its
safety aspects had been thoroughly explored by previous testing, and
its yield could be predicted with confidence, again based on prior
testing. The latter point was of importance since it was recognized
that there was no possibility of measuring the yield under the condi-
tions of the experiment as it was to be conducted.

Radiation Exposure Potential: No potential for exposure existed dur-

ing the vehicle testing phase. The three Sandia Corporation and the
Navy weapon-handling personnel could have been subjected to very small
amounts of radiation escaping through the ARGUS weapon casings, but
these personnel were badged and equipped with ten self-reading pocket
dosimeters as well as alpha-detection equipment provided by the Sandia

Corporation (Reference 2). The highest badge exposure recorded by any
individual in the task force was 0.010 R, low enough to have occurred
from background radiation.

Project 7.5 -- Satellite Launching from Aircraft

Agencies: The conduct of this project was the sole responsibility of

Naval Ordnance Test Station, Inyokern, California (Reference 25).

Objective: The objective of the project was to provide additional

Earth satellite instrumentation as a backup to Explorer IV for measur-
ing the ARGUS effect (Reference 25).

Operations: In pursuit of this objective, in the 5 months prior to

ARGUS, NOTS personnel designed, fabricated, tested, and attempted to
launch a new kind of satellite. The launch vehicle and satellite were
to be carried aloft by a Navy F4D-1 aircraft that would then launch
the rocket intended to place the satellite package in orbit. Each
satellite instrument package contained radiation-sensing and -counting
equipment, plus a transmitter. NOTS-designed microlock stations,
manned by NOTS personnel, were shipped to New Zealand, Alaska, Green-
land, the Azores, and Hawaii to track the satellites and to receive
telemetered data (Reference 25).
At the Pacific Missile Range in late July and early August 1958,
NOTS made three attempts to launch the satellite vehicle, containing a
diagnostic payload instead of ARGUS instrumentation. In all three of
these test launches, the first-stage ignition failed. On 25, 26, and
28 August NOTS attempted to launch the satellite with the radiation-
counting payload on board. All three of these attempts also failed.
Consequently, the NOTS project was not operational during any of the
ARGUS shots. The NOTS microlock ground receiver stations, however,
did assist in tracking Explorer IV and monitoring its telemetry sig-
nals (Reference 25).

Radiation Exposure Potential: None. Personnel participating in this

project were not badged for ARGUS; their remoteness precluded the pos-
sibility of exposure.
Potential Radiation Exposures
The placement of the burst is a primary determinant in the effects of
any nuclear detonation. Generally, burst placement is characterized as
one of five types: subsurface, underwater, surface, air, or high-altitude.
An airburst is defined as a detonation in which the fireball does not in-
tersect the surface of the Earth, while a high-altitude detonation is con-
ventionally and somewhat arbitrarily defined as a detonation occurring at
altitudes of 100,000 feet (30.5 km) or above (Reference 1). In Operation
ARGUS, all three shots were designed to take place in the Earth's exo-
sphere, that is, in the highest, least dense region of the atmosphere.
Shots at this altitude have no potential for radiological exposure of per-
sonnel either at the Earth's surface or aboard aircraft at normal operat-
ing altitudes in the Earth's lower atmosphere.

Personnel involved with nuclear testing could be exposed to ionizing

radiation produced either at the time of the burst or for about 1 minute
thereafter -- usually referred to as initial radiation -- or radiation
emitted later by the weapon debris (residual radiation).

Initial radiation from an exospheric burst is attenuated and absorbed

by the atmosphere long before it reaches the surface of the Earth. The
altitudes at which the radiations are virtually stopped for the various
classes of radiation are: X-rays, 35 to 55 miles (56 to 89 km); neutrons
and gama rays, 15 miles (24 km); and beta particles, 35 miles (56 km).

The possibility of exposure to early fallout after a high-altitude

burst is also virtually nonexistent. A high-altitude detonation injects
radioactive material into the stratosphere or above. The detonation alti-
tude is above that at which weather might act as a precipitator of weapon
debris. Consequently, there is no likelihood of the suspended radioactive
material descending quickly enough to expose personnel in the vicinity of
the burst point. In short, the major concern associated with radiation
exposure potential from a high-altitude burst is delayed fallout (Refer-
ences 1 and 36).

In fact, residual weapon debris remains in the upper atmosphere about
6 months. During this period, most of the radionuclides produced by the
detonation decay to low levels before they descend to Earth, with two nota-
ble exceptions. Isotopes of strontium ('OS,) and cesium ( Cs) have half-
lives that are longer than the time required for their deposition. The
production of these two radionuclides, which are major contributors to
world-wide fallout, is dependent on the fission yield of the detonation,
not its altitude.

The only real issues facing ARGUS radsafe planners were contingencies
that might arise if a missile launch failed to go as planned. That is,
they had to take into consideration the possibility that a missile launch
failure might spread radioactive device components about the launch area,
or that a warhead might detonate over the task force at an altitude lower
than planned (Reference 37).

Radsafe Planning
Two considerations affected ARGUS radsafe planning. The first was the
remote possibility of radiation exposure developing from a high-altitude
shot (Reference 15). The second was the need to maintain secrecy. As
CTF 88 noted in his final report of the operation (Reference 2), "Security
aspects of the ARGUS experiments precluded the operation of the type of
radiological safety program that is common to nuclear testing." The rad-
safe program plan developed by the commander and his staff was published
as Annex M of Task Force 88 ARGUS Operation Order 7-58 (Reference 131.
Chapter 8 of the commander's ARGUS final report (Reference 2) summarized
radsafe planning and execution.

No organization within the task force was specifically chartered to

implement the ARGUS radsafe program. Instead, the plan called for radsafe
activities to be conducted through "normal command channels." If "out-
siders [were] inadvertently exposed to the remote possibility of contami-
nation" then action would "be ordered by the Task Force Commander as the
situation indicates" (Reference 49).
Before the first shot, task force units were directed to develop "op-
erational skill in all phases of radiological safety through training:" to
fill their allowances of radsafe equipment; to maintain and calibrate their
radiac equipment; and to establish decontamination facilities for person-
nel. They were also to institute "air and surface surveillance of the shot
area . . . to insure against the presence of outsiders in the shot area"
(Reference 13)

For the shot phase, all ships in the test area were directed to be pre-
pared to set maximum conditions of watertight integrity, and immediately
to close all Circle William fittings (to make the ships airtight) in event
of a nuclear missile misfire. The Norton Sound was to set maximum condi-
tions of watertight integrity and to close all Circle William fittings be-
fore handling warheads and before erecting or taking down the rocket with
the warhead attached (Reference 13).

The radsafe plan required commanding officers of ships in the operat-

ing area to report to the connnanderany contamination of either personnel
or equipment "as early as practicable following the shot or the occurrence
of a nuclear incident" The report was to be by "visible message" (Refer-
ence 13). The means of communication thus could have been by flashing
light, infrared signal, flaghoist, or semaphore. The message itself was
to contain seven components fully detailing the radiological problem and
specifying the measures taken to correct it (Reference 13).

The ARGUS radsafe program also instituted a film badging program. It

specified that the corrananding
officers of all ships at the test site be
furnished ten waterproof, numbered film badges prior to each shot. Since
the Albemarle was located at the Azores conjugate point in the North At-
lantic and the Salamonie war;scheduled to depart from the operating area
prior to the first shot, these ships were not participants in the badging
program. The ten film badges were to be placed topside or on the ship's
superstructure 6 hours before the shot and recovered 6 hours after the
shot. No specific directions for film badge placements were given. An

additional "control" film badge was to "be stored in a radiation-free
area." Each ship was required to maintain records that indicated badge
number and its location on the ship. After the operation was over, each
ship's commanding officer, "upon arrival at the first port after the test,"
was to "submit all records in duplicate, film badges and 'CONTROL' packets
to CTF 88" (Reference 13). None of these individual records has been

There was also to be an individual badging program "if CTF 88 directs

film badges to be issued to individuals." These records were to be turned
over at the first port, along with the other radsafe records. Individual
radsafe records were to include the following data (Reference 13):

l Film badge number

l Full name of the individual
l Rank, rate, or title
0 Organization
l Home station or agency
0 Date of exposure and remarks.

Safety Criteria
The ARGUS Operation Plan is silent about maximum permissible levels of
radiation exposure (Reference 13). It is clear from the discussion in Op-
eration Plan 7-58 that no radiation exposure was anticipated provided that
the detonations occurred as they did , at the high altitudes programmed
(the exact burst altitudes have not been released). A concurrent nuclear
test operation in the Pacific, HARDTACK, included two high-altitude shots,
TEAK and ORANGE. For Operation HARDTACK, the maximum permissible routine
exposure was 3.75 R for a 13-week period, or 5 R for the entire operation
(Reference 38).

Safety guidelines established for TEAK and ORANGE were based on the
premise that detonations above 90,000 feet (27.43 km) in the atmosphere
posed no threat to individuals from ionizing radiation (Reference 37).
Only thermal radiation caused some concern among ARGUS planners. The

flash of the TEAK and ORANGE detonations was considered to be the major
hazard to participants. Consequently, ARGUS planners sought expert advice
in determining the likelihood of airborne observers during ARGUS shots be-
ing similarly exposed. The conclusion was that if the detonations occurred
at the designed altitudes all observers would be far too distant for any
risk of this sort (Reference 39).

The ARGUS radsafe plan did cover the contingency of a premature nuclear
detonation. All observers aboard ship assigned to watch the missile during
its early flight were to be equipped with high-density goggles. They were
instructed to leave their goggles in place until 36 seconds after launch,
when the missile was estimated to be above 100,000 feet (30.5 km). Pilots
flying aircraft were directed not to focus their vision on the missile dur-
ing flight. As a further safety precaution, one pilot in each aircraft was
to wear goggles until 60 seconds after missile launch (Reference 13).

Pre-event Safety Measures

Notwithstanding the consensus that the ARGUS shots posed no danger to
participants, badges and other monitoring devices were distributed during
the tests, as directed by the radsafe plan. CTF 88, working through AFSWP,
procured 4,000 film badges from the U.S. Army Lexington Signal Depot. This
was a sufficient number of badges to distribute to all personnel in case
the need arose (Reference 2).

Under this scheme, the seven ships in the operational area were to re-
ceive one control badge plus ten badges for each of three shots, which
would account for 217 badge:;of the 264 issued during the operation. Oper-
ation Plan 7-58 required that the two pilots be badged in each of the four
aircraft that were airborne for the three shots (Reference 13). This ac-
counts for an additional 24 badges. Conversations with participants have
revealed that a scientific observer was airborne in one of the aircraft
for each of the shots. Presumably he also was badged. It is likely that
the remaining 20 badges known to have been issued were for warhead handlers
on the Norton Sound.

Table 6 details the assumed film badge issue based upon all available
evidence. After the return of the task force to the United States, these
film packets were processed at the Army Lexington Signal Depot, which re-
ported the results to CTF 88 (Reference 2). This report has not been lo-
cated. Appendix B details the search conducted for this documentation.

Table 6. Assumed film badge issue, ARGUS.

No. of
Unit Badges

USS Tarawa (CVS-40) 31

Aircrew pilots 24
Scientific observer 3
USS Norton Sound (AVM-1) 31
Warhead handlers 20
USS Warrington (DD-843) 31
USS Bearss (DD-654) 31
USS Courtney (DE-1021) 31
USS Hammerberg (DE-1015) 31
USS Neosho (AO-26) 31

Sources: References 2 and 13.

In addition to the planned badging, other pre-event radsafe .measures

were taken. Sandia Corporation had alpha-detectors on board the missile
ship, the Norton Sound. The Navy supplied 12 self-reading pocket dosime-
ters. Ten of these dosimeters were carried by warhead handlers. The other
two were carried by the airborne observer (Reference 2).

Despite the fact that no radiation exposure was postulated for normal
test activity, consideration had to be given to possible transient ship-
ping that could be placed at risk in the event of an errant missile launch
or a detonation at an unprescribed altitude. The largest part of the solu-
tion to this potential problem was the selection of the South Atlantic as

the test site. August is midwinter and cold in the South Atlantic. No
routine activities, such as whaling, were likely to bring ships into the
area at this season (Reference 6).

For reasons of secrecy and the seclusion afforded by the test site, no
hazard zone was officially established (Reference 40). To assure that the
test site was clear of transient shipping, however, a 300-nmi (556-km) ra-
dius air search was conducted around the Norton Sound. The surveillance
aircraft were launched 14 hours before the scheduled rocket firing time
and recovered 9 hours before the firing. Only four test observation air-
craft were airborne during Khe test firings (Reference 13).

Undoubtedly the ship at greatest risk during missile firings was the
test missile firing ship, the Norton Sound. Sensitivity to this risk and
one step taken to ameliorate the consequences of an accident may be seen
in this statement from the final operational report (Reference 15) of the
Norton Sound's commanding oEficer:

It was considered highly improbable that the NORTON SOUND

would suffer from either radiation or physical damage
during the FLORAL (ARGUS) tests. However, all topside
personnel could remember vividly the failure of WINDER
missile number three and the fact that the third stage
and warhead container had landed within 300 feet from the
ship on the starboard quarter. While it was true that
the Lockheed engineers assured us that they had corrected
the trouble and that a repetition of such a failure was
not possible, only one test missile had been fired to
demonstrate this important fact.

It was decided that the ship should be made as gas

tight as possible during the firings and the same precau-
tions observed as for an atomic attack. The ship's nor-
mal water curtain was considered to be inadequate and
additional hoses and lines were run so that the forward
topside area could be subjected to a good spray if it
were needed.

Postevent Activities
Chapter 8 of the final report of Operation ARGUS (Reference 2) indi-
cates that ships' commanding officers complied with the directives of the

radsafe plan, Annex M of Operation Order 7-58 (Reference 13). No instances
of personnel or equipment contamination occurred during the operation. A
radiation reading of 0.27 R/hr at one location on the Norton Sound's deck
following snowfall about 7 hours after ARGUS 1 was deemed "spurious, or in
any event not connected with TF 88 operations." The reasons for this con-
clusion were that "the detonation occurred at an altitude far above where
weather is formed and the film packets in Norton Sound did not confirm this
dose" (Reference 2). No additional documentation on this episode has been

Personnel Exposure Records

The following excerpt from the final report of CTF 88 (Reference 2)
sumarizes the results of the ARGUS radsafe program:

Of the 264 film packets distributed, 21 contained indica-

tions of a radiation dose, according to the Lexington
Signal Depot. Of these, the highest dose recorded was
0.025 rem, and this was on one of the control film pack-
ets. Another control indicated 0.020 rem. The highest
dose recorded by an individual was 0.010 rem. The pocket
dosimeters carried aloft by the observer indicated zero
dose on all shots. It is concluded that no radiation
dose was incurred by task force personnel as a result of
the nuclear detonations.

The Lexington Signal Depot (now known as Lexington--Blue Grass Depot

Activity) record does not indicate whether the individual's badge was worn
by an aircraft crewmember or by someone aboard ship. By convention, the
function of control packets, one each of which was scheduled to be placed
in a radiation-free area of each ship, is to measure background or natural
cosmic radiation reaching the Earth's surface. If more than one control
packet is used to cover the same time period, their values are averaged
and this value subtracted from individual badge values to determine the
amount of radiation above the normal background an individual is exposed
to as the result of a test operation at a particular location. These read-
ings were below the accuracy limit of the film, developing system, and the

densitometers used. The Depot cannot now locate the badging records of
any ARGUS participant.

The shipboard film badges were to have been exposed for a total of 12
hours. Due to operational delays, this planned exposure cycle was undoubt-
edly interrupted for ARGUS 2 and ARGUS 3. Table 7 is a matrix of scheduled
and rescheduled launch times and programmed badge placement and badge re-
trieval times. No documentation has been located to indicate what action,
if any, was taken to retrieve and replace film packs when launch delays
were encountered. The issue may have possible significance because of po-
tential exposure of these badges to indigenous shipboard low-level radia-
tion sources.

Annex M to Operation Plan 7-58 provided general guidance on where on

each ship to place the ten waterproof film badges. The positions selected
were to provide adequate coverage of the various parts of the ship (Ref-
erence 13). Personnel were to place badges topside on decks and other
surfaces exposed to weather. They were also to place badges on the ship's
superstructure. No records have been located that specify precisely where
these film packs were placed. Such information is important because of
the possibility of inadvertent placement of some badges in the vicinity of
shipboard radiation sources. These may have included radioluminescent
deck markers and sound-powered phone jacks that were marked with encapsu-
lated luminescent radium (Reference 41). It is also possible that despite
the injunction that some of the control film packets were to be stored in
a radiation-free area (Reference 13) they were similarly exposed to ship-
board radiation. These theories are advanced because of the virtual cer-
tainty that the film badges were not affected by any of the three ARGUS
detonations. The exospheric detonation of all three ARGUS shots argues
for this conclusion.

The reading of 0.27 R/h]:at one place on the deck of the Norton Sound
was taken following snowfall.approximately 7 hours after ARGUS 1 (Refer-
ence 2). None of the film packets confirmed this reading, although if

Table 7. Shot times versus programmed film-badge placement and retrieval
times, ARGUS.

Scheduled Programned Programmed

Shot Time Ship Badge Ship Badge
(GMT)a Emplacement Retrieval Remarks

ARGUS 1 27 Aug 1958 26 Aug 1958 27 Aug 1958 Actual launch was at
02002 20002 08002 02202 27 Aug 1958.

ARGUS 2 29 Aug 1958 28 Aug 1958 29 Aug 1958 Missile beacon failed
01402 19402 07402 during countdown, new
launch time, 3003102

ARGUS 2 30 Aug 1958 ? 30 Aug 1958 Launch was at 3003102.

03102 091oz It is not known whether
or not the ship badges
remained in place dur-
ing this 26-hour delay.

ARGUS 3 1 Sep 1958 31 Aug 1958 1 Sep 1958 Launch cancelled at

00252 18252 06252 minus 30 minutes due to
high winds.

ARGUS 3 1 Sep 1958 2 Sep 1958 Launch cancelled at

23452 05452 minus 180 minutes due
to high winds.

ARGUS 3 2 Sep 1958 3 Sep 1958 At minus 90 minutes,

23452 05452 launch cancelled to
move to alternate
launch site.

ARGUS 3 5 Sep 1958 6 Sep 1958 At zero time the

22302 04302 launch failed due to a
defective relay.

ARGUS 3 6 Sep 1958 7 Sep 1958 Launch was at 0622052.

22052 04052 It has not been deter-
mined whether or not
ship badges remained in
place during this 6-day

aBecause of its longitude, GMT was also local time for the task force.
Source: Reference 15.

their removal had been on schedule, they would have been recovered by the
time the reading was taken. Perhaps the most important consideration is
the fact that Reference 2 cites a reading at only one location on deck. No
other readings are reported. There is no evidence to refute the conclu-
sion in Reference 2 that the indication of radiation was spurious.


Chronology of Events
Appendix I to Annex E of Reference 13 describes the TF 88 ARGUS firing
procedure. The chronology of this chapter describes details of partici-
pants and exceptions to the standard procedure.

23 August, 0619: The USS Hammerberg arrived on a weather picket station,

180 nmi (334 km) west of TF 88. The ship remained on
this assignment until relieved by the USS Courtney at
0818 on 29 August. The assignment was to make weather
reports and to control S2F aircraft airborne on weather
reconnaissance and area surveillance flights.

26 August, 0800: The USS Tarawa launched S2F aircraft 14 hours before the
scheduled missile launch time to conduct weather recon-
naissance and aerial search of a 300-nmi (556-km) radius
circular area around the USS Norton Sound.

27 August, 0103: The Tarawa launched test photographic and observation


27 August, 0220: AFGUS 1 was fired on schedule. Surface winds were 25

knots (46.3 km/hr) and the sea state was rough. The
predicted trajectory was 90°, but the actual trajectory
was less than this. It was suspected that one or more
of the following factors caused the trajectory discrep-
ancy: (1) last-minute variations in the surface wind,
(2) high wind variability produced by a mild frontal
passage, (3) the use of an improper trajectory correction

factor, or (4) excessive dispersion during first- and
second-stage burning (Reference 15).

Scientific Objectives
The principal purpose of the test was to explore the lifetime and cap-
ture efficiency of electrons placed in the exosphere by a nuclear explo-
sion. This was done in order to provide information for further studies
of the effects of these electrons on radio and radar operation, and other
more intense effects that had been postulated. These possibilities were
of major concern for both immediate and longer-term developments in mis-
sile and space warfare (Reference 13).

The four specific active scientific projects for each of the three
ARGUS events are described in Chapter 1, page 37.

Force Disposition
Generalized planned locations of surface and air units for the ARGUS
series launches are shown in Figure 6. At the launch of ARGUS 1, the
Tarawa was ll"T at 17.43 nmi (32.30 km) and the USS Neosho was 180°T at
17.13 nmi (31.75 km) from the Norton Sound. The Courtney and the USS
Bearss were in company with the Tarawa acting as plane guards. The USS
Warrington was stationed 60° on the port bow 1 nmi (1.85 km) ahead of
the Norton Sound in order to take photographs of the missile launching.
The Hammerberq was 200 nmi (371 km) west of the formation on a weather
picket station (References 13, 16, 17, 18, 22, and 42). Distances from
the burst position were calculated. These distances are given from the
point in the ocean over which ARGUS 1 detonated and are not slant ranges,
which would be significantly larger.

The estimated burst position of ARGUS 1 from the center of the task
force was 330°T at 340 nmi (630 km) (Reference 2). The Hammerberg was
approximately 300 nmi (556 km) from this burst location. The USS Sala-
monie had detached from the task force 10 hours before the ARGUS 1 event.
Its courses and speeds after detachment placed it approximately 275 nmi



1 CIRCULAR INTERVAL = 5 nmi (9.26 km) 180’

Figure 6. Generalized planned locations of surface and air units

at launch time, ARGUS series (source: Reference 13).

(510 km) from the burst location (Reference 20). Since all three ARGUS
shots were high-altitude detonations, all TF 88 units were removed from
radiological exposure by both a significant vertical and horizontal separ-
ation. Figure 7 shows positions of TF 88 launch units at burst time for
ARGUS 1. Figure 8 depicts the locations of TF 88 units in both hemi-
spheres for ARGUS 1.

Radiological Considerations
Shipboard observers saw a horizon-wide flash brighten the cloud layer
(Reference 6). The only S2F aircraft above the clouds was at 22,000 feet

10 9
3E 38




0 -o- 42

-4c g
-6C 5
-8c y


6( -111

LONGITUDE (degrees West)

Figure 7. Positions of Task Force 88 units and reported burst, ARGUS 1

( source: Reference 2).


6 00’W 3 OC‘W 00

J 3 /-

:* .
. c

30°N v 30°N





iA0. -26)
USS l-L4M10;~~ERG. n
0 1,000 2,000 3,ooo MISSILE FIRING
uss BEARSS (00654)
0 900 1,800

60’S 60’S
I ‘W 30%

Figure 8. ARGUS 1, locations of ships at burst time.

(6.7 km) when ARGUS 1 detonated; the pilot reported a great luminous ball
about 40° above the horizon. For the next 30 minutes the aircrew observed
and photographed an awesome aurora1 display as colors and shapes changed
(Reference 2). More significantly, the satellite of Project 7.1 recorded
the existence in the exosphere of increased electrons in the northern hem-
isphere that was later determined to have been the result of electron and
geomagnetic behavior theorized by Christofilos (References 2 and 6). Det-
onating in the exosphere an estimated surface range of 340 nmi (630 km)
away from most of the task force units and a surface range of 275 nmi (510
km) away from the closest unit, ARGUS 1 was too far removed to cause radio-
logical exposure (Reference 2).

The specific objective of Project 7.4 was to deliver and detonate a
nuclear payload at a predetermined height above the Earth's surface. This
objective was only partially achieved. ARGUS 1 was launched as scheduled,
but an errant trajectory resulted in a detonation at a lower altitude than
desired for experimental purposes. Nevertheless, reports from Project 7.1
(Explorer IV) indicated a band of increased particle count some 200 miles
(322 km) thick and two to five times background in areas high above Haiti,
Mexico, and Baja California (Reference 6). One of the Air Force Cambridge
Research Center (AFCRC) C-97s reported an orange glow at 140°T from Santa
Maria in the Azores approximately 22 minutes after the detonation (Refer-
ence 14). The second C-97 was grounded because of engine trouble (Refer-
ence 35). The USS Albemarle, also involved in AFCRC's Project 7.3, re-
ported receiving strong radar echoes, but did not receive any VLF radio
signals, or indications on the ricmeters or photometers aboard (Reference
43). Because of the negative results from other projects, however, TG 88.6
headquarters concluded that a second shot was required. In order to put
the conjugate point farther north so that observers would be in a more
favorable position to get better measurements, the decision was made to
move the launch point farther south (Reference 6).

Project 7.3 radars at both the launch and conjugate points received
echoes. Project 7.2 sounding rockets failed to detect any ARGUS effect
for the ARGUS 1 shot (Reference 2).

Chronology of Events
Normal aircraft support operations were conducted before the ARGUS 2

29 August, 0818: The Courtney was on a weather picket station approxi-

mately 250 nmi (463 km) west of the task force missile-
firing formation.

29 August, 2215: The firing time was readjusted to 30 August at 0310 when
the missile beacon system malfunctioned.

30 August, 0310: The missile was fired with a near-vertical trajectory.

The surface wind was 22 knots (40.8 km/hr) and the sea
state was rough.

Scientific Objectives
The scientific objectives remained the same for each of the three ARGUS
launches. See statement of objectives and identification of scientific
projects under ARGUS 1, this chapter, and Chapter 1. The launch.and deto-
nation points were shifted south for ARGUS 2 in an attempt to achieve con-
jugate point effects closer to where Project 7.3 units were arrayed.

Force Disposition
Figure 6 shows the generalized planned location of surface and air
units. At the launch of ARGUS 2, the Tarawa was 223OT at 16.4 nmi (30.4
km), and the Neosho was 42OT at 17.5 nmi (32.4 km) from the Norton Sound
(Reference 15). The Hammerberg and the Bearss were in company with the
Tarawa acting as plane guards. Four S2F aircraft were airborne. The War-
rington was stationed at 60° on the port bow of the Norton Sound at a dis-
tance of 1 nmi (1.85 km) in order to photograph the missile launch. The

Courtney was 250 nmi (463 km) west of the task force missile-firing forma-
tion (Reference 13, 16, 17, 18, 22, and 42). The Albemarle was at 30°25'N,

The estimated burst position of ARGUS 2 was 196O, 85 nmi (158 km)
from the main body of the task force (Reference 2). The Courtney, on a
weather picket station, was approximately 245 nmi (454 km) from the point
under the burst. Figure 9 shows the position of TF 88 launching units for
ARGUS 2. Figure 10 depicts the location of TF 88 units in both hemispheres
for ARGUS 2.

Radiological Considerations
As in ARGUS 1, the radiological environment of ARGUS 2 was restricted
to the exosphere. The weather at the shot site was overcast at the sur-
face. The bright initial flash was visible from the ships. However, the
tops of the low clouds were at about 3,000 feet (914 meters), so that ob-
servers in all four airborne aircraft had a clear view of the resulting
changing phenomena of color and shape (Reference 2). Heavy clouds at the
northern conjugate point prevented the Albemarle and observers at ground
stations from seeing any significant visual effects (Reference 6).

ARGUS 2 was launched with a good trajectory but, due to a possible
third-stage failure, did not achieve the optimum desired burst altitude
(Reference 2). The estimated position of the exospheric detonation was 85
nmi (158 km) from the task force launching formation (Reference 2). Fol-
lowing the detonation of ARGUS 2, Explorer IV data under Project 7.1 began
to arrive from Huntsville, Alabama, reporting that a high-energy electron
shell again had been established (Reference 6). Uncertainty about the
findings, however, resulted in the decision to once again move the task
force farther south for the launching of ARGUS 3 (Reference 6).

For the ARGUS 2 launch, the task force had been moved south of the
ARGUS 1 launch point. This move was made in an attempt to move the antic-
ipated conjugate point effects location farther north. Confusion arose



A \ !)f NO. 1 OBSERVER

(CVS-40) \ &Y&?p~\~R
0 NO.2
0 NOF;&~‘;O
o- .o 49
0 .20 ;

0 .30 <


LONGITUDE (degrees West)

Figure 9. Positions of Task Force 88 units and reported burst, ARGUS 2

( source: Reference 2).

60°W 3Pw 00



(A\l-ti) (

L‘ 30°N







Figure 10. ARGUC 2, locations of ships at burst time.

when the conjugate point effects location plotted with Project 7.1 Ex-
plorer IV satellite data unexpectedly fell along the data line noted for
ARGUS 1. This situation led to a closer scrutiny of the satellite reports.
It was finally determined that the satellite had accumulated a position
error in latitude amounting to almost 2 minutes since ARGUS 1. Correcting
for this error moved the ARGUS 2 ground intercepts northward by some 500
nmi (927 km), the region where conjugate point effects had been antici-
pated (Reference 6). The sounding rockets of Project 7.2 recorded good
results. Firings from all three rocket sites found a significant increase
in electrons (Reference 2). Project 7.3 radars at the launch point re-
ceived the anticipated echoes (Reference 2). No ARGUS 2 positive results
were received by the Project 7.3 equipment aboard the Albemarle at the
conjugate point (Reference 43). No ARGUS 2 results were detected by either
of the Project 7.3 C-97 aircraft.

Chronology of Events
Normal aircraft support operations were conducted before each ARGUS 3
launch attempt.

1 September, 1958: The first attempt to launch the third X-17a was can-
celled due to high winds. TF 88 moved south to a new
launch site.

4 September, 0656: The Hammerberq was on a weather picket station approx-

imately 250 nmi (463 km) west of the main task force.

5 September, 2230: The missile failed to ignite upon actuation of its

firing circuit.

6 September, 2205: The missile fired with a near-vertical trajectory.

The surface wind was 15 knots (27.8 km/hr); the sea
state was moderate.

Scientific Objectives
The scientific objectives remained the same for each of the three ARGUS
launches. See statement of objective and identification of scientific
projects under ARGUS 1, this chapter, and Chapter 1.

After the position error for Explorer IV had been identified and a new
launch site determined, the effects of ARGUS 3 in the northern hemisphere
occurred where they were anticipated. The satellite again found high-
energy electron zones in the exosphere. The ground intercepts defined a
geomagnetic latitude line that fell very close to the one from ARGUS 2 and
again conformed within reason to the contours originally calculated for
this area (Reference 43).

Force Disposition
Figure 6 shows the generalized planned location of surface and air
units. At the launch of ARGUS 3, the Tarawa was 291°T at 19.3 nmi (35.8
km), and the Neosho was 116OT at 18.5 nmi (34.3 km) from the Norton Sound
(Reference 2). The Courtney,and the Bearss were in company with the Tarawa
acting as plane guards. The Warrington was stationed at 60° 1 nmi (1.85
km) off the port bow of the Norton Sound in order to photograph the mis-
sile launch. The Hammerberq was 250 nmi (463 km) west of the task force
missile-firing formation on a weather picket station (References 13, 16,
17, 18, 22, and 42). Figure 11 indicates the location of TF 88 units at
the launch site for ARGUS 3. Figure 12 depicts the positions of TF 88
units in both hemispheres for ARGUS 3.

The estimated surface position of the high-altitude burst position of

ARGUS 3 was 286OT, 115 nmi (213 km) from the main body of the task force
(Reference 2). The Hammerbt9 was approximately 145 nmi (269 km) from a
point under the burst (Reference 18).

Radiological Considerations
As in ARGUS 1 and 2, the radiological environment of ARGUS 3 was re-
stricted to the exosphere. At the launch site there were no clouds, and
the flash of the detonation and resulting aurora display were visible to










-0 -
I (AVM-1) -

; 1 , .:..;: ,

12 ’ 10 9 8

LONGITUDE Idegrees West)

Figure 11. Positiohs of Task Force 88 units and reported burst,

ARGUS 3 (source: Reference 2)

60°W 3oow O0


30°N 30°N





(DE-1015) TASK FORCE 88
0 1 ,ooc 3 000 COORDINATES m

I --
0 900 1,800 uss NORTON SOUND (AVM-1)

60’S _I l---I_1 60’S

60°W 3oow O0

Figure 12. ARGUS 3, locations of ships at burst time.

observers in the task force as well as to those in the observation air-
craft (References 2 and 6). This time the sky was also clear in the north
and the Albemarle reported seeing a mild aurora1 glow (Reference 6).

ARGUS 3 was launched with a good trajectory and achieved the desired
burst altitude (Reference 2). This high-altitude detonation was approxi-
mately 115 nmi (213 km) from the main task force (Reference 2). The an-
ticipated electron phenomena were detected by the Project 7.1 Explorer IV
satellite and the radars at both the launch and conjugate points of Proj-
ect 7.3 (References 2 and 6). Visual observations of an aurora1 glow were
made from ships and aircraft at the launch site, and from the Albemarle at
the conjugate point (Reference 14). One C-97 aircraft on the ground and
an airborne C-97 noted sporadic ionospheric changes, but these were con-
sidered as only suggestive of the ARGUS 3 effect (Reference 14).



The aircraft carrier, the USS Tarawa, was the flagship of Commander,
Task Force 88 (CTF 88) and carried two air units, Air Antisubmarine Squa-
dron 32 (VS-32) and Helicopter Antisubmarine Squadron 5 (HS-5). Addition-
ally, the Tarawa supported AFCRC's Project 7.3. Air Force MSQ-1A radar
and communication vans for missile tracking and AFCRC optical and radio
equipment for scientific measurements were carried aboard the Tarawa. The
S2F aircraft of VS-32 were used in multiple support missions: weather re-
connaissance, area search, and airborne photographic and observation plat-
forms for rocket firings. The HSS-1 helicopters of HS-5 were used for
intra-task-force movement of:personnel, cargo, and mail (Reference 2).
Certain crewmembers and observers of VS-32 aircraft were badged and car-
ried self-reading pocket dosimeters on missile launch observation flights.
The pocket dosimeters carried aloft indicated zero exposure on all shots
(Reference 2).* Film packets were placed in selected topside locations of
the Tarawa before each rocket launch. Table 8 summarizes information on
the Tarawa's activity for all three ARGUS missile launches. Figure 13
shows Tarawa flight operations en route to the South Atlantic launch site.


The Destroyer Group, TG 88.2, was composed of the destroyers, USS War-
rington and USS Bearss, and the destroyer escorts, USS Courtney and USS
Hammerberg. These units were involved in routine task force screening

* Documentation has not been located that precisely identifies the recipi-
ents of the 264 film badges issued for the operation and the 21 badges
of this group that subsequently recorded a radiological exposure. See
the Radiological Safety section of Chapter 1 for a discussion of what is
known on this subject. The maximum exposure recorded by an individual
was 0.010 R (Reference 21,

Table 8. USS Tarawa (CVS-40) operational activities during ARGUS test series.

Departure from Point of Origin

On 7 August 1958 at 1406 departed Quonset Point, Rhode Island; beginning 9 August steamed in company with IJSS Hammerberg
(DE-1015), USS Warrin ton (DO-843), USS Salamonie (AO-26), USS Neosho (AO-143), USS Bearss (00-654). and USS Courtney
(DE-1021); dt 1818 rendezvoused with USS NortomVM-1)

Arrival in Operational Area

25 August

Departure from Operational Area

9 September

Arrival at Destination
15 September arrived at 'Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, for 5-day visit; arrived Quonset Point, Rhode Island, 1 October

Time Ship Location/Activities

Shot of
Shot Date Det. Preshot At Shot Time Postshot

ARGUS 1 27 Aug 0227 On 27 August steamed in company Steaming on course in the Steamed as before; at 0239 secured from
Z! with other ships of Task Force South Atlantic between the general quarters; at 1730 ceased flight
88; at 0054 launched four S2F following two points: 450 operations
airplanes; at 0130 sounded 05'S, 09O29'W on 26 August
general quarters at 2000 and 43026'5, 07O58'W
on 27 August at 0800

ARGUS 2 30 Aug 0317 On 29 August steamed in South Steamed in South Atlantic be- On 30 August at 0317 secured from general
Atlantic Ocean in company with tween the following points: quarters; at 1525 ceased flight operations;
six other ships as part of Task 48O43'5, 09O13'W on on 31 August at 2133 began flight opera-
Force 88; at 2131 began flight 29 August at 2000, and tions; on 1 September at 0110 ceased flight
operations; ended flight opera- 47O44'S, 09O33'W on operations; On 3 September at 2215 observed
tions at 0225; on 30 August at 30 August at 0800 hail and rain; on 4 September at 1755 ob-
0216 began flight operations; served snow
at 0240 sounded general quarters

ARGUS 3 6 Sept 2212 On 5 September steamed in the At 2205 observed test ECHO; On 6 September at 2224 secured from general
South Atlantic in company with ship in the South Atlantic quarters; on 7 September at 1305 secured
five ships, units of Task Force between the following loca- from flight quarters; at 0945 observed
88; on 6 September at 0834 began tions: 50016'S, 07o55'W on light snow; from 8 September until arrival
flight operations; at 1420 ob- 5 September at 2000 and at Rio de Janeiro on 15 September conducted
served moderate snow; at 2135 49O47'S, 08OO2'W on 6 Sep- flight operations daily
went to general quarters tember at 0800

Source: Reference 21.

Tables 9, 10, 11 and 12 summarize operational activities during the
ARGUS test series for Destroyer Group units.


Mobile Logistics Group 88.3 was formed by the oilers, USS Neosho and
USS Salamonie. The Salamonie replenished the Norton Sound on 24 August
1958 following that ship's voyage around South America. The aviation gas-
oline tanks of the Norton Sound had been converted to fuel oil tanks be-
fore its departure from California in order to permit it to reach the test
area without the need to refuel. On 26 August 1958, the Salamonie refueled
the Neosho. Following this transfer, the Salamonie detached from TF 88,
steaming independently en route to Newport, Rhode Island (Reference 20).
Following the Salamonie's departure, the Neosho had complete refueling re-
sponsibility for the task force.

The Neosho also participated in scientific program 7.3 with an Air

Force MSQ-1A radar van manned by an Air Force crew aboard. The Neosho
took station approximately 15 nmi (28 km) from the Norton Sound during
launch operations and attempted to track the X-17a missile and detect
burst phenomena (References 2 and 6).

The Neosho was issued film packets that were to be placed in above-
deck or superstructure locations for each of the three ARGUS launches
(References 2 and 6).*

Tables 13 and 14 summarize activities of the units of the Mobile Lo-

gistics Group during all three ARGUS launches.

* No film badges were issued to the Salamonie as this ship detached from
the task force 10 hours before the first scheduled ARGUS launch. Docu-
mentation has not been located that precisely identifies the recipients
of the 264 film badges issued for the operation and the 21 badges of
this group that subsequently recorded a radiation exposure. See the
Radiological Safety section of Chapter 1 for a discussion of what is
known on the subject. The maximum exposure recorded by an individual
was 0.010 R (Reference 2).

Table 9. USS Bearss (DD-654) operational activities during ARGUS test series.

Departure from Point of Origin

On 7 August 1958 departed from Norfolk, Virginia, in company with USS Neosho (AO-143); rendezvoused at sea on 8 August with
USS Salamonie (AO-26), USS Warrington (DD-843), USS Tarawa (CVS-40). USS Courtney (DE-1021), and USS Harmnerberg (DE-1015)

Arrival in Operational Area

25 August

Departure from Operational Area

8 September in company with other ships of Task Force 88

Arrival at Destination

Time Ship Location/Activities

Shot of
Shot Date Det. Preshot At Shot Time Postshot

ARGUS 1 27 Aug 0227 27 August in company with the Steaming as before; missile fired Continued maneuvering in formation with
Tarawa and Courtne as Task at 0220; position of ship between Tarawa and Norton Sound (AVM-1) as dis-
Group 88.1; at 00 5 took plane following two points: 44O36.9'S, position guide; conducted flight opera-
guard station 1 ll"35.3'W on 26 August at 2000 tions from 1400 to 1416
and 44O50.7'5, 09O45.5'W on
27 August at 0800

ARGUS 2 30 Aug 0317 In plane guard station 1, in Steaming as before; ship located Steaming as before, serving as Tarawa
company with Tarawa and Warrin - between following two points: screen; left screen and between=
-ton in plane guardstation.+ 48023.1'S, 10°05.8'W on 29 and 1020 took on fuel and provisions
Norton Sound formation guide August at 2000, and 48055.0'5, from Neosho; at 1030 returned to screen
bearino 047o 17 nmi (32 km) 09o44.O'W on 30 August

ARGUS 3 6 Sept 2212 At 1817 on plane guard station 1 Steaming as before; on 6 Septem- Between 2236 and 2253 flight operations
for Tarawa as Task Group 88.1 ber at 2201 missile fired; ship underway; at 2305 maneuvering to take
located between following points: position in screen on Norton Sound; at
5Oo22.7'S, 07°51.0'W on 5 Sep- at 0959 visibilitv beaan fluctuatina
tember at 2000, and 49040.0'5, between 500 and 4,000-yards (0.5 and
08O32.1'W on 6 September at 0800 and 3.7 km) due to snow

Source: Reference 16.

Table 10. USS Courtney (DE-1021) operational activities during ARGUS test series.

Departure from Point of Origin

On 7 August 1958 at 1248 underway from Newport, Rhode Island, en route to South Atlantic waters in company with IJSS Salamonie
(AO-26); on 8 August rendezvoused with Task Force 88, composed of USS Neosho (AO-143), USS Bearss (DO-654), USS Tarawa (C&40), USS
Warrington (DO-843), and USS Hamnerberq (DE-1015); on 23 August at 1230 rendezvoused with Task Group 88.4: USS Norton Sound (AVM-1)

Arrival in Operational Area

25 August

Departure from Operational Area

8 September with other ships of Task Force 88

Arrival at Destination

I5 September, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, for 5-day visit; arrived Newport, Rhode Island, 1 October

Time Ship Location/Activities

Shot of
Shot Date Det. Preshot At Shot Time Postshot

ARGUS 1 27 Aug 0227 On 27 August at 0140 went to general Steaming as before; at 0229 ob- At 0242 secured from qeneral quarters:
quarters served flash from X-17a missile; continued steaming as-before
ship located between following
positions: 43OO5'S, 09o5O'W on
on 26 August at 2000 and 45O26'S,
08O25'W on 27 August at 0800

ARGUS 2 30 Aug 0317 Continued steaming as before; on Steaming as before; at 0319 Continued steaming as before; by 4 Septem-
28 Auqust at 0940 cotmienced refuel- observed flash; ship located ber steamed independently en route to Task
ing f&i Neosho; at 1750 detached between following points: Force 88; by 5 September rejoined Task
from Task- 88.1 and assumed 47O39'5, 13O44'W on 29 August Force 88; at 0810 Task Group 88.2 con-
command of Task Group 88.2.2. pro- at 2000 and 47O58'5, 14oll'W, sisted of Warrington, Bearss and Courtney
ceeded to relieve Commander Task on 30 August at 0800 detached to observe an-photograph ice-
Group 88.2.1 on weather picket sta- berg; at 1108 rejoined Task Force 88
tion; on 30 August at midnight
steamed independently 250 nmi
(463 km) west of Task Force 88

ARGUS 3 6 Sept 2212 Steamed as before; on 6 September Steaming as before; at 2206 At 2225 secured from general quarters;
at 1550 commenced refueling and Norton Sound fired one X-17a continued steaming as before; 9 September
replenishing from Neosho; by 1607 missile; ship located between departed operating area with other ships
refueling and replenishing com- following points: 50023'5, of Task Force 88; on 15 September arrived
pleted; at 2145 went to general 07O2O'W on 5 September at at Rio de Janeiro
quarters; at 2204 set gas-tight 2000 and 49O59'5, 07o23'W
envelope on 6 September at 0800

Source: Reference 17.

Table 11. USS Hamnerberg (DE-1015) operational activities during ARGUS test series.

Departure from Point of Origin

On 7 August 1958 at 1252 departed Newport, Rhode Island, en route to operating area in company with other ships of Task
Force 88, including USS Tarawa (CVS-40), USS Warrington (DD-843), USS Salamonie (AO-26), USS Bearss (DD-654), and USS
Courtney (DE-1021)

Arrival in Operational Area

See preshot activities for Argus 1

Departure from Operational Area

8 September with other ships of Task Force 88

Arrival at Destination
15 September. Rio de Janeiro. Brazil. for 5-day visit; arrived Newport, Rhode Island, 1 October

Time Ship Location/Activities

shot Date DZt'. Preshot At Shot Time Postshot
W ARGUS 1 27 Aug 0227 On 22 August at 1247 left forma- Steaming independently on Continued steaming independently as weather
tion and proceeded independently weather picket station; loca- for Task Force 88; on 29 August changed
to weather picket station; on tion of ship between follow- course to rejoin Task Force 88; relieved
27 August steaming independently ing two points: 43O24'5, Courtney
on weather picket station, bear- 12O46'W on 26 August at 2000,
ing 270, 200 nmi (371 km) from and 43O28.3'S, 13OO4.8'W on
Task Force 88 27 August at 0800

ARGUS 2 30 Aug 0317 Steaming independently to rejoin Steaming as before; location Steaming in company with Task Force 88;
Task Force 88; on 30 August at of ship between the following on 4 September left for weather picket
0149 rejoined Task Force 88 and points: 47O56'S, 10°21'W station
proceeded to plane guard station on 29 August at 2000 and
2 for Tarawa 47O44'5, 11°28'W on 30 Aug-
ust at 0800

ARGUS 3 6 Sept 2212 On 4 September steamed indepen- Steaming independently on wea- On 6 September at 2235 departed weather
dently en route to weather picket ther picket station; location picket station en route to rejoin Task
station; by 5 September station of ship between following two Force 88; on 15 September arrived at Rio
reached. bearina 270. 250 nmi points: 50014'S. 13OO7'W de Janeiro
(463 kmj distani from Task Force on 5 September at 2000, and
88 50005'S, 14oZO'W on 6 Sep-
tember at 0800

Source: Reference 18.

Table 12. USS Warrington (DD-843) operational activities during ARGUS test series.

Departure from Point of Origin

On 7 August 1958 at 1301 departed Newport, Rhode Island; by 9 August steaming in company with USS Courtney (DE-1021), USS
(DE-1015) USS Tarawa (CVS-40), USS Salamonie (AO-26), USS Neosho (AO-143), and USS Bearss (DD-654); on 23 August
%%%%de rendezv&m Norton Soum M- 1)

Arrival in Operational Area

25 August

Departure from Operational Area

9 September

Arrival at Destination
15 September at Rio de Janeiro for 5- day visit; arrived Newport, Rhode Island, 1 October

Time Ship Location/Activities

Shot of
Shot Date Det. Preshot At Shot Time Postshot

ARGUS 1 27 Aug 0227 Steamed in company with ships of On 27 August at 0220 observed On 27 August steaming as before
Task Force 88; on 27 August served Norton Sound fire missile; ship
as lifeguard station for Norton located between following points:
Sound in company with otherships 43OO8'5, 09O55'W on 26 August at
of Task Force 88 at 2000 and 43O24'S, 08O25'W
on 27 August at 0800

ARGUS 2 30 Aug 0317 On 29 August steamed in company At 0311 observed Norton Sound Detached from station to refuel from
with Task Force 88; on 30 August fire missile; ship located Neosho between 0750 and 0855; re-
at 0145 detached from plane guard between followina locations: sumed former station; on 31 August
duty, assumed station ahead of 40037'5, 09o07'W-on 29 August between 2400-0400 observed snow and
Norton Sound at 2000, and 47O43'5, 09o3O'W choppy seas
on 30 August at 0800

ARGUS 3 6 Sept 2212 On 5 September at 2227 observed Steamed as before between Continued steaming as before with
rocket misfire on board Norton following points: 5D030'S, ships of Task Force 88
Sound, exercise cancelled; on 07o42'W on 5 September at
-September at 1643 formation pro- 2000 and 49O5O'S, 08O52'W
ceeded into missile firing forma- on 6 September at 0800
tion; at 1730 on station bearing
3400, 2000 yards (1.8 km) off bow
of Norton Sound

Source: Reference 22.

Table 13. USS Neosho (AO-143) operational activities during ARGUS test series.

Departure from Point of Origin

On 7 August 1958 at 1155 departed Norfolk, Virginia, en route to operations at sea in the South Atlantic; at 1443 rendezvoused
with the USS Bearss (DD-654); on 8 August Task Group 88.3 activated, composed of USS Salamonie (AO-26), Bearss, USS Courtney
(DE-1021), and Neosho; at 0900 joined Task Group 88.1 composed of USS Tarawa (CVS-40), USS Harrmerberg (Dm), and @
Warrington (DD-843);~during this cruise the Neosho replenished the ships of the task force as necessary

Arrival in Operational Area

25 August

Departure from Operational Area

5 Sepremoer with otner snips of Task Force OC,

Arrival at Destination

15 September at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, for &day visit; arrived Norfolk, Virginia, 30 September

Time Ship Location/Activities

Shot of
Shot Date Det. Preshot At Shot Time Postshot

ARGUS 1 27 Aug 0227 On 27 August at 0115 Steaming as before; ship located be- On 27 August at 0242 secured from general
went to general quar- tween following points: 43O11'5, quarters; at 1228 helicopter over bow to
ters steamed in com- lOo57'W on 26 August at 2000, and deliver exposure suits; through 30 August
pany with other ships 43026'5, 09o22'W on 27 August at continued steaming in company with other
of Task Force 88 0800 ships of Task Force 88

ARGUS 2 30 Aug 0317 Steamed as before; Steaming as before; ship located be- On 30 August, steaming as before; at 0320
on 30 August at 0215 tween following points: 48O2O'S. secured from general quarters; through 6 Sep-
went to general 09OO2'W on 29 August at 2000, and tember continued steaming in company with
quarters 47017'5, 09o38'W on 30 August at with ships of Task Force 88. providing re-
0800 plenishment of fuel and stores

ARGUS 3 6 Sep 2212 Steamed as before Steaming as before; ship located be- Steamed as before
tween following points: 50032'S,
05oll'W on 5 September at 2000, and
49054'5, 08°14'W on 6 September at

Source: Reference 19.

Table 14. USS Salamonie (AO-26) operational activities during ARGUS test series.

Departure from Point of Origin

On 7 August 1958 at 1333 underway from Newport, Rhode Island; at 1455 rendezvoused with USS Courtne (DE-1021); on
8 August at 0910 rendezvoused with USS Neosho (AO-143), USS Bearss (DD-654), USS Tarawa dS Warrington
(DD-843), and USS Hamnerberq (DE-1015)

Arrival in Operational Area

Detached prior to arrival

Departure from Operational Area

On 26 August at I'617detached from Task Force 88, steamed independently en route to Newport, Rhode Island

Arrival at Destination
10 September at 1205 moored at Melville, Rhode Island

Time Ship Location/Activities

Shot of
h) Shot Date Det. Preshot At Shot Time .Postshot

ARGUS 1 27 Aug 0227 Steamed independently Steaming independently to Newport, Continued steaming en route to
en route to Newport, Rhode Island; ship between follow- Newport, Rhode Island
Rhode Island ing points: 42041'S, 19o35'W on
26 August at 2000, and 39037'S,
07O25'W on 27 August at 0800

ARGUS 2 30 Aug 0317 Steamed independently Steamed as before, ship located be- Steamed en route to Newport,
to Newport, Rhode Island tween following positions: 22037'S, Rhode Island
13O35'W on 29 August at 2000, and
19O50'5, 16OO4'W on 30 August at 0800

ARGUS 3 6 Sept 2212 Steamed en route to Steamed as before; location of ship Steamed as before
Newport, Rhode Island between following points: 17056’N,
45OO9'W on 5 September at 2000, and
and 20o46'N, 47o28'W on 6 September
at 0800

Source: Reference 20.

The Norton Sound was the key participant in the ARGUS operation. Se-
lected because of its availability and capability to conduct test rocket
and missile firing exercises, the ship and personnel required special
preparation to participate in the ARGUS operation.

The ship lacked the usual fueling-at-sea installations. The necessary

equipment for this procedure was installed during the brief Naval Shipyard
availability period scheduled to modify the ship to handle and fire the
X-17a missile (Reference 2), A practice fueling at sea and high-line
transfer operations were conducted with the fleet tanker USS Tolovana
(AO-64) off Long Beach, California, on 3 July 1958. None of the crew-
members had conducted helicopter operations with the Norton Sound. Be-
cause this would be an important logistics operation, practice exercises
were arranged with the Naval Air Missile Test Center (NAMTC). These were
conducted in conjunction with the four Winder (X-17a test missile with a
telemetry payload) firings (Reference 15).

A lo-day training course on the X-17a missile was conducted by Lockheed

Missiles System Division at Van Nuys, California, for Norton Sound person-
nel. Under supervision of Lockheed technicians, Norton Sound electronics
and machinist personnel assembled the four Winder test missiles and the
three X-17a ARGUS missiles to be fired in the South Atlantic. Thirteen
enlisted personnel performed all the steps involved in the assembly and
checkout of each component of the missile (Reference 2).

In June 1958 San Francisco Naval Shipyard personnel and the ship's
company worked to convert the Norton Sound from a Terrier/Tartar missile
test capability to an X-17a high-altitude missile launch capability. An
X-5 dual-arm launcher on the port side of the launcher deck was removed
and replaced with a vertical X-17 launcher. Additional modifications of
the hangar provided storage for three X-17a missiles on their handling
trailers. A shop in the hangar area was turned over to the Sandia Cor-
poration for its use. Finally, to increase the cruising range of the

first ARGUS 3 launch attempt on 1 September was aborted due to poor wea-
ther. ARGUS 3 was delayed again on 2 September, when a new launching
point was designated and the task force moved south to it. On 5 September
a defective relay in the firing circuit aborted the launch. Finally, on
6 September, ARGUS 3 was successfully launched (Reference 15).

Table 15 suxmnarizesNorton Sound activities during the three ARGUS

missile launches.


The USS Albemarle participated in Project 7.3 to record surface mea-
surements of electramagnetic and optical effects of the ARGUS detonations
from the geomagnetic conjugate point (Reference 14).

Radiological effects of the very-high-altitude ARGUS detonations were

measured by the Explorer IV satellite. As noted in the surface measure-
ments report (Reference 14):

The satellite data shows very positive results from ARGUS

'I, II and III. The strength of the radiation is quite
impressive at such a distance, being probably in excess
of lr/hr.

The Albemarle in the North Atlantic and the remainder of the task force
units in the South Atlantic were hundreds of miles under this measured
shell of trapped electrons.

Operation Order 7-58 (Reference 13) specified that each ship in the
task force except the Albemarle and the Salamonie be furnished film badges.
The Salamonie was an exception because it was scheduled to depart the South
Atlantic operations area before the first scheduled ARGUS launch. The
Albemarle was similarly excepted because of its isolation from any poten-
tial radiological exposure associated with the ARGUS launch operation. The
position of the Albemarle for each of the three ARGUS launches was the con-
jugate point in the North Atlantic, near the Azores Islands (Reference 41).

Table 15. USS Norton Sound (AVM-1) operational activities during ARGUS test series.

Departure from Point of Origin

On 1 August 1958 at 1800 departed Port Hueneme, California, en route to special project firing area; on 23 August at . 1345 rendezvoused
. _
with USS Courtne (DE-1021), USS Warrin ton (DD-843). and USS Tarawa (CVS-40); at 1735 Tarawa alongside, received telphone lines for
+ con erence with Cormnan
he er as 88;on 24 August at 08 51 rendezvoused withmalamonie (AO-26)

Arrival in Operational Area

25 August

Departure from Operational Area

9 September

Arrival at Destination
15 September at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, for 5-day visit; arrived Port Hueneme, California, via Panama Canal on 11 October

Time Ship Location/Activities

Shot of
Shot Date Det. Preshot At Shot Time Postshot

ARGUS 1 27 Aua 0227 On 27 Auaust steamed in corn--Steamed as before; at 022D launched At 0235 secured frcwngeneral quarters, con-
pany witi other ships of X-17a missile; ship located between tinued steaming as before
Task Force 88; at 0130 following points: 43013'5, 09o44'W
5 sounded general quarters on 26 August at 2000 and 43036'5,
oaoi4'w on 27 August at 0800

ARGUS 2 30 Aug 0317 Steamed in Task Force 88; Steamed as before; at 5310 fired X-17a At 0325 secured from general quarters; con-
at 0100 sounded missile missile; ship located between following tinued steaming as before; on 31 August at 2226
quarters; at 0250 sounded positions: 48028's. 08023'won sounded missile quarters; at 2357 cancelled
general quarters 29 August at 2000, and 47O29'S, missile operations; on 2 September at 2145
on 30 August at 0800 sounded missile quarters; at 2210 secured from
missile quarters; on 5 September at 2154
sounded general quarters; at 2234 X-17a missile
misfired; at 2300 secured from general quarters

ARGUS 3 6 Sept 2212 On 6 September steamed in Steamed as before; at 2205 launched an At 2219 secured from general quarters; con-
company with ships of Task X-17a missile; ship located between tinued steaming as before
Force 88; at 2007 sounded following positions: 50030'S, 07O32'W
missile quarters; at 2010 on 5 September at 2000 and 49O59'5,
commenced maneuvering on 08o24'W on 6 September at 0800
various courses and speeds
to obtain correct winds for
missile launch; at 2135
sounded general quarters

Source: Reference 44.

The Albemarle was specially manned and outfitted for its scientific
assignment. Two civilians, one each from AFCRC and SRI, were responsible
for the operation of the following specialized equipment (Reference 14):

0 RF (27-MHz) communications zone indicator (COZI) radar

l An all-sky camera
l Spectrophotometers
l Riometers
0 VLF receivers.

The aurora1 glow of ARGUS 3 was visually sighted from the Albemarle.
Strong HF radar echoes were obtained after ARGUS 1 and ARGUS 3. Results
from the all-sky camera and the spectrophotometers aboard the Albemarle
could have been expected during ARGUS 3 except that the equipment was not
turned on. No results were obtained from the network of riometers, devices
designed to detect cosmic radio noise that the sky continuously emits. A
riometer is a VHF receiver with a pen chart recorder that measures and re-
cords differences in this noise level. The VLF receiver aboard the Albe-
marle recorded effects from ARGUS 2 (Reference 14). Table 16 summarizes
Albemarle activities for the three ARGUS missile launches. Figure 16 shows
the Albemarle moored at Azores harbor before the start of the operation.

Table 16. USS Albemarle (AV-5) operational activities during ARGUS test series.

Departure from Point of Origin

On 14 August 1958 at 0602 departed Norfolk, Virginia, steaming independently; on 21 August refueled at Ponta
Delgada, Azores; at 1628 underway for operating area

Arrival in Operational Area

On 23 August reached assigned operations area in the Azores

Departure from Operational Area

10 September

Arrival at Destination
On 16 September arrived at Norfolk, Virginia
_-~-.--- ~-
Time Ship Location/Activities
Shot of
Shot Date Det. Preshot At Shot Time Postshot

ARGUS 1 27 Aug 0227 Steamed independently Steamed as before; ship located Continued steaming as before in Azores
in assigned operating between following positions: operating area; on 29 August at 2116
area, Azores 34o07'N, 31°17'W on 26 August aerologists released radiosonde
at 2000,and 33O44'N, 30°57'W balloon
on 27 August at 0800

ARGUS 2 30 Aug 0317 Steamed in assigned Continued steaming as before; Continued steaming as before, on
operating area, Azores ship located between following 1 September at 0904 commenced simu-
positions: 39O08'N, 31°04'W lated atomic attack; at 0907 set gas-
on 29 August at 2000, and tight envelope; at 1004 secured from
33O57'N, 30°59'W on 30 August from atomic attack drill; on 2 Sep-
at 0800 tember commenced steaming en route to
new operating area; arrived at new
operating area at 0109; continued
steaming as before

ARGUS 3 6 Sept 2212 Steamed in assigned Continued steaming as before; Continued steaming as before; on
operating area, Azores ship located between following 16 September arrived at Norfolk,
positions: 34oOO'N, 30°02'W Virginia
on 5 September at 2000 and
37O06'N, 30°06'W on 6 September
at 0800

Source: Reference 23.


An availability code appears at the end of many reference citations

for those who wish to read or obtain copies. Availability status was cor-
rect at the time the reference list was prepared. Many documents indicated
as unavailable will become available during the declassification review
process. The Department of Energy Coordination and Information Center
(DOE CIC) and the National Technical Information Service (NTIS) will be
provided future DNA-NT documents bearing an "EX" after the report number.

Source documents with an availability code of DOE CIC may be reviewed

at the following address:

Department of Energy
Coordination and Information Center
(Operated by Reynolds Electrical & Engineering Co., Inc)
ATTN: Mr. Richard V. Nutley
2753 S. Highland
P.O. Box 14100
Las Vegas, Nevada 89114
Telephone: (702) 734-3194; F'TS: 598-3194.

Source documents bearing an NTIS availability code may be purchased

at the following address:

National Technical Information Service

(Sales Office)
5285 Port Royal Road
Springfield, Virginia 22161
Telephone: (703) 787-4650.

When ordering by mail or phone, please include both the price code and the
NTIS number. The price code appears in parentheses before the NTIS order
number; e.g., (A07) AD 000 000.

Additional ordering information or assistance may be obtained by

writing to the NTIS, Attention: Customer Service, or by calling (703)

Reference citations with no availability codes may be available at
the location cited or in a library.

1. Glasstone, Samuel, and Dolan, Philip J., The Effects of Nuclear Weap-
ons, third edition, DOD and DOE, 1977.

2. Mustin, Lloyd M., RADM, USN, Operation ARGUS: Report of the Commander,
Task Force 88, WT-1665 EX, Task Force 88, December 29, 1959, DNA
Tech. Lib. DTL 020,069 (AD A995 004*).

3. Proceedings of the Study Group on the Use of Relativistic Electrons

Trapped in the Earth's Magnetic Field, Conducted at UCRL, Livermore,
February 10-21, 1958, 28 Feb 1958, DNA Technical Library, DTL 80,

4. DASA File Folder 960.2 ARGUS, 1959, Record Group 374 65A3066, Box 2,
Washington National Records Center, Suitland, MD.***

5. Briefing Given to Admiral Burke and Admiral Russell: The Argus Ex-
periment 29 July 1958, Record Group 374, 65A3066, Box 2, Washington
National Records Center, Suitland, MD.***

6. The ARGUS Experiment (movie soundtrack) 1960, PAVI/F-0346, 30-95A,

SFP-1025(AF), DNA Film Library.

7. AFSWP File Folder 312.01. Semi-Official Correspondence of Chief,

Chief-of-Staff, 1958, AFSWP, 1958, Record Group 374, 63A1826, Box 1,
Washington National Records Center, Suitland, MD.***

8. Joint Chiefs of Staff, SM-417-58, subject, Special Nuclear Test, dated

16 June 1958, Office of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Washington, D.C.***

9. Mustin, Lloyd M., Admiral, USN (Ret.), Oral History, Operation ARGUS,
22 September 1980, R. F. Cross Associates.

10. Commander Task Force 88 to CNO, July 14, 1958, Serial 002, Assumption
of Command of Task Force 88, Record Group 313, CINCLANTFLT (Red) Box
995, National Archives.***

11. AFSWP File Folder 319.2. Trip Reports and Reports of Travel, AFSWP,
1958, Record Group 374, 63A1826, Box 1, Washington National Records
Center, Suitland, MD.***

*Available from NTIS; order number appears before the asterisk.

**Available at DOE CIC.
***Not available.

12. Commander Task Force 88 (Commander Destroyer Flotilla TWO) Operation
Order 6-58, Serial 087, 7 July 1958, Operational Archives, Naval His-
tory Division, Washington, D.C.***

13. Commander Task Force 88 and Destroyer Flotilla TWO, Operation Order
7-58, Serial 0003 July 25, 1958, Record Group 374, 61A1433, Box 7,
Washington National Records Center, Suitland, MD.***

14. Newman, P. et al., Operption ARGUS: Surface Measurements - Project

Midas, WI-1670, Air Force Cambridge Research Center, Stanford Re-
search Institute, May 31, 1961, DNA Tech. Lib. DTL 020,079.***

15. Commander Task Group 88.4 (USS Norton Sound, AVM-1) X-17a FLORAL Mis-
sile Firing; Report of Operations, Serial 007, 12 September 1958, File
960.2(AN), Record Group 374, 63A1826, Box 3, Washington National Rec-
ords Center, Suitland, :MD.

16. Deck Log, USS Bearss (DD-654), Record Group 24, N592362, Washington
National Records Center, Suitland, MD.

17. Deck Log, USS Courtney (DE-1021), Record Group 24, N592362, Washing-
ton National Records Center, Suitland, MD.

18. Deck Log, USS Hammerber,g(DE-1015), Record Group 24, N592362, Wash-
ington National Records Center, Suitland, MD.

19. Deck Log, USS Neosho (AO-143), Record Group 24, N592362, Washington
National Records Center, Suitland, MD.

20. Deck Log, USS Salamonie (AO-26), Record Group 24, N592362, Washington
National Records Center, Suitland, MD.

21. Deck Log, USS Tarawa (CVS-40). Record Group 24, N592362, Washington
National Records Center, Suitland, MD.

22. Deck Log, USS Warringtc,;(DD-843), Record Group 24, N592362, Washing-
ton National Records Center, Suitland, MD.

23. Deck Log, USS Albemarle.,

(AV-5), Record Group 24, N592362, Washington
National Records Center, Suitland, MD.

*Available from NTIS: order number appears before the asterisk.

**Available at DOE CIC.
***Not available.

24. Starbird, Alfred D., letter to RADM Edward N. Parker, USN, Subject,
AEC Participation in ARGUS, dated May 19, 1958, DOE file: Division
of Military Applications, United States Atomic Energy Commission;
folder, Military Research and Applications - 11 ARGUS, DDE Headquar-
ters, Germantown, MD.

25. Operation ARGUS: Satellite Launching from Aircraft, WT-1667, Weapons

Development Department, U.S. Naval Ordnance Test Station, May 25,
1960, DNA Tech. Lib. DTL 020,071.

26. Kostoff, P.C., CAPT, USA et al., Operation ARGUS: Satellite Measure-
ments, WT-1668, Army Ballistic Missile Agency, April 8, 1960, DNA
Tech. Lib. DTL 020,072 (SRD).

27. Report of Second Working Group at LRL, Livermore, February 1959,

IDA-ARPA R-59-l copy 55, Institute for Defense Analyses, Advanced
Research Projects Agency, June 1959, DASIAC.

28. Chandler, D.E., LCDR, USN and Pennington, R.H., MAJ, USA, Effects of
Weapons Detonated at Extremely High Altitudes, DNA, DNA Tech. Library
DTL 006,229.

29. Beavers, James L. II, LTCOL, USAF et al., Operation ARGUS: Soundinq
Rocket Measurements - Project Jason, WT-1669, Air Force Special Weap-
ons Center, May 31, 1961, DNA Tech. Lib. DTL 020,078.

30. Final'Report - Project JASON, January 1959, AFWL Library, Kirtland


31. Test Plan 5-58, Project JASON, July 1, 1958, AFWL Library, Kirtland

32. Aerolab Development Co., Final Report - Project JASON, January 5,

1959, AFWL Library, Kirtland AFB, NM.

33. Test Director's Report - Site ROMEO, undated notebook, AFWL Library,
Kirtland AFB, NM.

34. Project Jason: Measurement of Trapped Electrons, no date, AFWL Li-

brary, Kirtland AFB;NM.

35. ARGUS Shot Message Traffic from July 1958 to September 1958, AFSWP
File 960.2(AN) Radiation Division, Record Group 374, 63A1826, Box 3,
Washington National Records Center, Suitland, MD.***

*Available from NTIS; order number appears before the asterisk.

**Available at DOE CIC.
***Not available.

36. U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, letter to Senator Margaret Chase Smith,
subject, Project ARGUS, dated April 1, 1959, DOE file: Division of
Military Applications, United States Atomic Energy Commission, folder,
Military Research and Applications - 11 ARGUS, DOE Headquarters, Ger-
mantown, MD.

37. HQ, JTF 7, Planning Guide for Teak and Orange Events, 29 April 1958,
JTF File S-80151, Recor,dGroup 374, 61A1433, Box 6, Washington Na-
tional Records Center, Suitland, MD.

38. Obermiller, S. et. al, Atmospheric Nuclear Weapons Tests (1946-1952:)

Exposure Criteria, Film Badqe, and Decontamination Summary, 23 October
1979, JAYCOR Report 2126-4-l.

39. DASA File 960.2 ARGUS, 1958, Record Group 374 63A1826, Box 2 of 3
Washington National Records Center, Suitland, MD.***

40. Loper, Herbert B., letter to Carl T. Durham, Chairman, Joint Commit-
tee on Atomic Energy, subject, Operation ARGUS, dated July 3, 1958,
DOE file: Division of Military Applications, United States Atomic
Energy Commission; folder, Military Research and Applications - 11
ARGUS, DOE Headquarters, Germantown, MD.

41. Hendrix, Gene W., telephone conversation of 7 November 1980, Head-

quarters, Navy Facilities Engineering Command, Washington, D.C.

42. Commander Task Group 88.2 and Commanding Officer USS Warrington (DD-
843), Report of Operations, Serial 044, 15 September 1958, Record
Group 374, 63A1826, BoxT Washington National Records Center, Suit-
land, MD (C).

43. Commander Task Group 88.5 (USS Albemarle, AV-51, Operational FLORAL;
Report of, Serial 003, September 27, 1958, File 960.2(AN), Record
Group 374, 63A1826, Box 3, Washington National Records Center, Suit-
land, MD (S).

44. Deck Log, Norton Sound (AVM-l), Record Group 24, N592362, Washington
National Records Center, Suitland, MD.

*Available from NTIS; order number appears before the asterisk.

**Available at DOE CIC.
***Not available.


Fall 1957 Christofilos theory proposes use of a plasma of

electrons for military applications in space.

3 January 1958 Christofilos theory brought to attention of Presi-

dent's Science Advisory Committee (PSAC). PSAC re-
quests a group of 20 outstanding physicists to meet
at Livermore for an intensive 2-week study of the

10 January 1958 Christofilos' concept published by University of

California Radiation Laboratory, Livermore (UCRL).

lo-21 February 1958 Working committee of scientists assemble at Liver-

more to study Christofilos' concept. It recommends
a small-yield, high-altitude test shot.

6 March 1958 J. R. Killian, Jr. and Dr. Herbert York brief Presi-
dent Ezisenhoweron ARGUS concept. President approves
testing the concept and directs that arrangements be
made to orbit a satellite to measure the effects.

6 March 1958 National Security Council briefed on ARGUS by Dr.

Herbert York, PSAC.

11 March 1958 Armed Forces Policy Council directs UCRL to undertake

further theoretical work and make recommendations
concerning nature of nuclear test to be conducted.

24 March 1958 Deputy Secretary of Defense designates the Armed
Forces Special Weapons Project (AFSWP) the re-
sponsible agency in the Department of Defense, in
coordination with the Advanced Research Projects
Agency (ARPA).

March-April 1958 A number of conferences are conducted with represen-

tatives of ARPA, AFSWP, the three military services,
and other agencies to develop a plan for the ARGUS

2 April 1958 Chief, AFSWP, recommends to Director, ARPA, the

funding and priorities required to conduct a test
within 5 months.

4 April 1958 Deputy Secretary of Defense assigns overall manage-

ment of the ARGUS operation to Director, ARPA.

14 April 1958 Technical and operational ARGUS planning staffs are

combined to form the Special Weapons Test Project
(SWTP) within AFSWP.

15 April 1958 UCRL provides AFSWP the requirement for an ARGUS

test shot.

25 April 1958 Deputy Secretary of Defense approves the proposed

ARGUS test subject to coordination with the U.S.
Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) and the Department of
State, and the approval of the President.

28 April 1958 Chief, AFSWP, requests the Army and Air Force to
provide officers for duty on the technical staff of
Task Force 88 (TF 88).

28 April 1958 ARPA promulgates its Operation Order 4-58 directing

AFSWP to proceed with ARGUS.

28 April 1958 Chief, AFSWP, informs the Norton Sound that it has
been designated as the missile firing ship for ARGUS.
Suggests a 2 May conference.

1 May 1958 President Eisenhower formally approves the ARGUS


19 May 1958 Rear Admiral Lloyd M. Mustin reports to Chief, AFSNP,

to become Chief, SNIP and CTF 88.

19 May 1958 ARC seates to Chief, AFSWP, its understanding of AFC

participation in ARGUS.

20 May 1958 RADM Mustin briefs the Military Liaison Committee on

Operation ARGUS.

2 June 1958 TF 88 activated by Commander-in-Chief, U.S. Atlantic

Fleet (CINCLANTFLT), for planning purposes.

11 June 1958 The Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) promulgate SM-417-58,

which lists DOD agency responsibilities for ARGUS
and requests the chiefs of the military services to
provide the necessary operational support.

18 June 1958 CTF 8F3holds a briefing in Washington, D.C., for all

TF 88 ships' commanding officers.

3 July 1958 The Chairman, Joint Committee on Atomic Energy, U.S.

Congress, informed of ARGUS operation by the Assis-
tant to the Secretary of Defense (Atomic Energy).

14 July 1958 TF 88 activated by CINCLANTFLT for operations.

19 July 1958 President Eisenhower approves transfer of warheads

from ARC to DOD for use in Operation ARGUS.

1 August 1958 Norton Sound departs Port Hueneme, California.

7 August 1958 Neosho and Bearss depart Norfolk, Virginia.

7 August 1958 Salamonie, Warrington, Courtney, and Hammerberg de-

part Newport, Rhode Island.

7 August 1958 Tarawa departs Quonset Point, Rhode Island.

14 August 1958 Albemarle departs Norfolk, Virginia.

23 August 1958 Albemarle arrives in assigned operations area in the


25 August 1958 Neosho, Norton Sound, Tarawa, Warrington, Courtney,

and Bearss arrive in operational area.

26 August 1958 Salamonie detached from task force.

August 27, 1958 ARGUS 1 shot.

August 29, 1958 Assistant to the Secretary of Defense (Atomic Energy)

reports initial results of Operation ARGUS to the
Chairman, Joint Committee on Atomic Energy.

30 August 1958 ARGUS 2 shot.

6 September 1958 ARGUS 3 shot.

8 September 1958 Bearss, Hammerberg, Courtney depart operational area.

9 September 1958 Neosho, Norton Sound, Tarawa, and Warrington depart

operational area.

10 September 1958 Albemarle departs operational area.

September 10, 1958 Salamonie arrives Melville, Rhode Island.

16 September 1958 Albemarle arrives at Norfolk, Virginia.

30 September 1958 Neosho and Bearss arrive Norfolk, Virginia.

1 October 1958 Tarawa arrives Quonset Point, Rhode Island.


1 October 1958 Warrington, Courtney, and Hammerberq arrive Newport

Rhode Island.

11 October 1958 Norton Sound arrives Port Hueneme, California.

3 November 1958 J. R. Killian, Jr. reports preliminary results of

ARGUS to President Eisenhower.


Operation ARGUS was plarned and conducted under extreme conditions of

security and with an abbreviated planning and execution schedule unprece-
dented in United States oceanic nuclear testing. One result of the com-
pressed schedule was that a larger than normal amount of the planning and
coordination was done in pel'son, without the usual amount of formal pre-
planning, agenda preparatiori, and position papers being written.

Almost all of the written documents originally were classified Top

Secret. Research soon estat>lished that these highly classified documents
were early candidates for dfsstruction. A specific case in point concerns
the search for Commander Task Force 88 Operation Order 7-58. The avail-
able Task Force 88 ARGUS firlal report provided a full citation of this
critical document. Since tileoperation order would provide details con-
cerning radiological plannirrg along with other essential information re-
quired to document the ARGWI operation, a thorough search was made to lo-
cate it. When the document was not located in DNA ARGUS holdings at the
Washington National Records Center , a determined effort was made to locate
it in other feasible record groups.

Since ARGUS was predomirlantly a naval operation, Record Group 038,

Office of the Chief of Nava: Operations, was searched. Results were nega-
tive. Records Group 313, Nzival Operating Forces, was considered next. A
copy of a concurrent Confidential ARGUS operation order had been located
in the Admiral Lloyd M. Musi.in Papers at the Navy Operational Archives.
The distribution list of th:s operation order helped direct a search of
the Flag Files of a number of operational commands that would have had re-
sponsibilities for Operatiorl ARGUS. Top Secret and Secret files for the
Commander-in-Chief Atlantic Fleet and four other Atlantic major fleet
commands were searched for ihe years 1958 and 1959. Some ARGUS material
was discovered, but not Operation Order 7-58. A search of Department of

Energy files for the period established that the Atomic Energy Commission

had received a copy of the operation order, but it had not survived the

years of selective destruction of documents.

Searches were made in the records of the Office of the Secretary of

Defense without success. Records management personnel of the Joint Chiefs

of Staff and the Advanced Research Projects Agency responded to a retrieval

request and reported negative results. A visit to the Dwight D. Eisenhower

Library was made in the search. This turned up a number of very interest-

ing ARGUS documents, but not the operation order. The search had a suc-

cessful ending when researchers working on Operation HARDTACK discovered

the operation order and other important ARGUS material filed securely

within the HARDTACK material. Not surprisingly, when the first copy was

located, a second source for the operation order was also identified.

Failure to locate the final report of film badge readings has been

discussed previously. Medical records were searched for some of the pi-

lots who flew on ARGUS missions. None of these provided any documentary

evidence of badging or exposure readings.

With the large separations between the ARGUS burst points and the test

participants, however, and the maximum recorded personnel film packet ex-

posure of 0.010 R relative to a 0.025 R control packet exposure, there is

no question that personnel radiation exposures resulting from these deto-

nations were essentially nil.


Many of the definitions in this glossary relating to nuclear device

and radiation phenomena have been quoted or extracted from The Effects of
Nuclear Weapons (3rd edition), S. Glasstone and P.J. Dolan, 1977.

accelerometer. An instrument for det.,rmining the APG. Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland.
acceleration of the system with which it moves.
apogee. The highest point (the greatest distance
ABC. Atomic Energy Commission, Washington, D.C. In- from the Earth) in the orbit of a satellite as
-dependent agency of the Federal government with opposed to the perigee.
statutory responsibilities for atomic energy
matters. No longer exists: its fu:lctions have arminq. The changing of a nuclear device from a safe
been assumed by the Department of Energy and the condition (that is, a condition in which it can-
Nuclear Regulatory Commission. not be accidentally detonated) to a state of
readiness for detonation.
- Store ship (Navy); also Air Force.
AP.S. Salvage ship.
AFSUZ. Air Force Special Weapons Center, Kirtland
AFB, New Mexico. ARSD. Salvage lifting ship.

AFSWP. Armed Forces Special Weapons Pr,>ject. ATF

-* Fleet ocean tug.

- Amphibious force flagship; now LO'. atomic bomb (or weaponl. A term sometimes applied to
a nuclear weapon utilizing fission energy only.
airburst. The detonation of a nuclear tievice in the See also fission, nuclear device.
air at a height such that the expanding fireball
does not touch the earth's surface w:ien the lurai- atomic explosion. See nuclear explosion.
nosity (emission of light) is at a maximum.
attenuation. The process by which radiation is re-
air particle trajectory. The directirn, velocity, duced in intensity when passing through some ma-
and rate of descent of windblown radioactive terial. It is due to absorption or scattering or
particles. both, but it excludes the decrease of intensity
with distance from the source (inverse square
- Attack cargo ship; now LKA. law), which see.

allowable dose. See MPE and MPL. aurora. Display of the effects of electrically
charged particles from the sun guided by the
alpha emitter. A radionuclide that unds=rgoes trans- Earth's magnetic field as they interact with the
formation by alpha-particle emission. upper layers of the Earth's atmosphere in higher
latitude and polar regions. See also trapped
alpha particle. A charged particle em..tted aponta- radiation.
neously from the nuclei of some radioactiv@ ele-
ments. It is identical with a helium nucleus, background radiation. The radiation of man's natural
having a mass of 4 units and an eltbctric charge environment, consisting of that which comes from
of 2 positive units. See also radioa.:tivity. cosmic rays and from the naturally radioactive
elements of the Earth, including that from within
alpha rays. A stream of alpha particle:,. Loosely, a man’s body. The term may also mean radiation ex-
synonym for alpha particles. traneous to an experiment.

pN/PDR-39. An ion-chamber-type survey meter: this becquerel (Bq). See curie (Ci).
was the standard radsafe meter. O!hers in use
included the Navy version, the AN,PDR-TlB, the beta burns. Beta particles that come into contact
AN/PDF+1BA and -lSB, and lower range Geiger- with the skin and remain for an appreciable time
Mueller instruments (AN/PDR-27, Br?ckman MK-5, can cause a form of radiation injury sometimes
and Nuclear Corporation 2610). referred to as "beta burn." In an area of exten-
sive early fallout, the whole surface of the body
- Oiler (Navy). may be exposed to beta particles.

- Air Operations Control Center. beta emitter. A radionuclide that disintegrates by
beta particle emission. All beta-active elements
-AOG. Gasoline tanker. existing in nature expel negative particles,
1.e., electrons or, more exactly, negatrons.
!E* Transport ship. Beta-emitting particles are harmful if inhaled
or ingested.

beta particle (rayl. A charged particle of very CNO.
- Chief of Naval Operations.
small mass emitted spontaneously from the nuclei
of certain radioactive elements. Most (if not collimate. To align nuclear weapon radiant outputs
all) of the direct fission products emit (nega- within a" assigned solid angle through the use
tive) beta particles. Physically, the beta par- of baffles in order to enhance measurements.
ticle is identical to an electron moving at high
velocity. Condition "Purple". See Purple conditions.

blast. The detonation of a nuclear device, like the contamination. The deposit of radioactive material
detonation of a high explosive such as TNT, re- on the surfaces of structures, areas, objects,
sults in the sudden formation of a pressure or and personnel following a nuclear detonation.
shock wave, called a blast wave in the air and a This material generally consists of fallout in
shock wave when the energy is imparted to water which fission products and other device debris
or Earth. have become incorporated with particles of dust,
vaporized components of device platforms, etc.
blast wave. An air pulse in which the pressure in- Contamination can also arise from the radio-
creases sharply at the front accompanied by winds activity induced in certain substances by the
propagated fran a" explosion. action of neutrons from a nuclear explosion. See
also decontamination, fallout, weapon debris.
blast yield. That portion of the total energy of a
nuclear explosion that manifests itself as blast CPM. Counts per minute; a measure
- of radioactive
and shock waves. material disintegration.

bomb debris. See weapon debris. crater. The depression formed in the surface of the
Earth by a surface or underground explosion.
BBL. Ballistic Research Laboratories, Aberdeen Prov-
- Crater formation can occur by vaporization of
ing Ground, Maryland (Army). the surface material, by the scouring effect of
airblast, by throwout of disturbed material, or
BuMed. Bureau of Medicine and Surgery (Navy). by subsidence.

burst. Explosion; or detonation. See also airburst, C&. Chief of Staff.

high-altitude burst, surface burst.
- Commander, Task Group.
BuShips. Bureau of Ships (Navy).
curie (Ci). A unit of radioactivity; it is the ac-
cathode-ray tube. A vacuum tube in which cathode tivity of a quantit of any radioactive species
rays (electrons) are beamed upon a fluorescent in which 3.700 x 10'i0 (37 billion) nuclear dis-
scieen to produce a luminous image. The character integrations occur per second (approximately the
of this image is related to, and controlled by, radioactivity of 1 gram of radium). The gamma
one or more electrical signals applied to the curie is sometimes defined correspondingly as
cathode-ray beam as input information. The tubes the activity of material in which this number of
are used in measuring instruments such as oscil- gamma-ray photons is emitted per second. This
loscopes and in radar and television displays. unit is being replaced by the becquerel (Bq),
which is equal to one disintegration per second.
e. A heavily shielded enclosure in which radio-
active materials can be remotely manipulated to CvB.
- Escort aircraft carrier.
avoid radiation exposure of personnel.
CW net. Carrier wave network. An organization of
Ci;. Abbreviation for curie, which see. Ci is pre- stations capable of direct radio communications
ferred now but c was the abbreviation used in the on a common channel or frequency.
D-day. The term used to designate the unnamed day on
Circle William fittings. The closing of certain which a test takes place. The equivalent rule
closures, designated "Circle William" fittinqs, applies to H-hour. Time in plans is indicated by
hinders the movement of outside air into the in- a letter which shows the unit of time employed
terior spaces of naval ships. This sealed state in figures, with a minus or plus sign to indi-
is also called Circle William condition. cate the amount of time before or after the ref-
erence event, e.g., D+7 means 7 days after D-day,
closed area. The land areas of Bikini and Enewetak H+2 means 2 hours after H-hour.
and the water areas within 3 miles of them that
the United States closed to unauthorized persons. -DDE. Escort destroyer.

cloud chamber effect. See Wilson cloud. -DE. Destroyer escort.

cloud column (funnel). The visible column of weapon debris (radioactive). See weapon debris.
debris (and possibly dust or water droplets) ex-
tending upward from the point of a nuclear burst. decay (radioactive). The decrease in activity of any
radioactive material with the passage of time due
cloud phencmena. See fallout, fireball, radioactive to the spontaneous emission from the atomic "u-
cloud. clei of either alpha or beta particles, sometimes

accompanied by gamma radiation, or Ly gamma pho- minute. Difficult to directly compare with roent-
tons alone. Every decay process ha> a definite gens per hour for mixtures of radionuclides.
DTMB. David Taylor Model Basin, Carderock, Maryland
decontamination. The reduction or rem~:val of con- (Navy) .
taminating radioactive material from a strtrctuce,
area, object, or person. Decontamin rtion may be dynamic pressure. Air pressure that results from
accomplished by (1) treating the su:face to re- the mass air flow (or wind) behind the shock
move or decrease the contamination; (2) letting front of a blast wave.
the material stand so that the radioactivity is
decreased as a result of natural decay; and effects measurements or experiments. Experiments
(3) covering the contamination in order to at- whose purpose is to study what a nuclear explo-
tenuate the radiation emitted. sion does to equipment and systems. Includes also
measurement of the changes in the environment
device. NuClear fission and fusior materials, caused by the detonation such as increased air
together with their arming, fuz:ng, firing, pressures (blast), thermal and nuclear radiation,
chemical-explosive, and effects-me.lsuring ccxn- cratering, water waves, etc.
ponents, that have not reached the developPent
status of an operational weapon. EG&G. Edgerton, Germeshausen 6 Grier, Boston, Massa-
chusetts (now EG&G, Inc.). An AEC contractor.
diagnostic measurements or experiments. Experiments Provided timing and firing electronics and tech-
whose purpose is to study the exploszve disassem- nical film coverage.
bly of a nuclear device as opposei to effects
measurements (which see). electromagnetic radiation. Electromagnetic radia-
tions range from X-rays and gamma rays of short
-M. Mi nelayer destroyer. Converted destroyers wavelength [high frequency), through the ultra-
designed to conduct high-speed minelaying violet, visible, and infrared regions, to radar
operations. and radio waves of relatively long wavelength.

-DOD. Department of Defense. The Federrl executive electron. A particle of very small mass and electri-
agency responsible for the defense cf the United cally charged. As usually defined, the electron’s
states. Includes the four services and special charge is negative. The term negatron is al-o
joint defense agencies. Reports to 1he President used for the negative electron and the positively
through the Secretary of Defense. charged form is called a positron. See also beta
dose. A general term denoting the quant ty of ioniz-
ing radiation absorbed. The unit of G8bsorbed dose ETA
-* Estimated time of arrival.
is the rad (which see). In soft hod; tissue the
absorbed dose in rads is essentia ly equal to -ETD. Estimated time of departure.
the exposure in roentgens. The biciogical dose
(also called the RBE dose) in rems is a measure exosphere. The outermost region of the Earth’s at-
oE biological effectiveness of the absorbed ra- mosphere extending from about 300 statute miles
diation. Dosage is used in older 1 iterature as (480 km) altitude to outer space.
well as exposure dose and simply exposure, and
care should be exercised in their Lie. See also exposure. A measure expressed in roentgens of the
exposure. ionization produced by gamma rays (or X-rays) in
air. The exposure rate is the exposure per unit
dose rate. As a general rule, the amoun’ of ionizing time (e.g., roentgens per hour). See dose, dose
(or nuclear) radiation that an indivtdual or la- rate. roentgen.
terial would receive per unit of tire. It ts US-
ually expressed as rads (or rems) per hour or exposure rate contours. Lines joining points which
multiples or divisions of these urits such as have the same radiation intensity that define a
millirads per hour. The dose rate is commonly fallout pattern, represented in terms of roent-
used to indicate the level of radioa:tivity in a gens per hour.
contaminated area. See survey meter.
fallout. The process or phenomenon of the descent to
dosimeter. An instrument for measuring ,ind register- the Earth’s surface of particles contaminated
ing the total accumulated dose of (or exposure with radioactive material from the radioactive
to) ionizing radiation. Instrumerts w0rn or cloud. The term is also applied in a collective
carried by individuals are calls ~3 personnel sense to the contaminated particulate matter it-
dosimeters. self. The early (or local) fallout is defined,
somewhat arbitrarily, as particles reaching the
dosimetry. The measurement and recordi jg of radia- Earth within 24 hours after a nuclear explosion.
tion doses and dose rates. It is ccncerned with The delayed (or worldwide) fallout consists of
the use of various types of radiatior instruments the smaller particles, which ascend into the up-
with which measurements are made. Set also dosim- per troposphere and stratosphere and are carried
eter, survey meter. by winds to all parts of the Earth. The delayed
fallout is brought to Earth, mainly by rain and
DPM. Disintegrations per minute, a meast’re of radio- snow, over extended periods ranging from months
-activity, literally atoms disinte lrating per to years.

film badges. Used for the indirect measurement of gamma rays are identical to X-rays of high en-
ionizing radiation. Generally contain two or ergy; the only essential difference is that
three pieces of film of different radiation sen- X-rays do not originate from atomic nuclei of
sitivities. They are wrapped in paper (or other high energy. Gamma rays can travel great dis-
thin material) that blocks light but is readily tances through air and can penetrate considerable
penetrated by gawa rays. The films are devel- thickness of material, although they can neither
oped and the degree of fogging (or blackening) be seen nor felt by human beings except at very
observed is a measure of the ganma-ray exposure, high intensities, which cause an itching and
frcm which the absorbed dose is calculated. Film tingling sensation of the skin. They can produce
badges can also measure beta and neutron harmful effects even at a long distance from
radiation. their source (The Effects of Nuclear Weapons,
3rd edition).
fireball. The luminous sphere of hot gases that
forms a few millionths of a second after a nu- Geiger-Mueller counter. A gas discharge pulse coun-
clear explosion as the result of the absorption ter for ionizing radiation. See also AN/PDR-39
by the surrounding medium of the thermal X-rays and ion-chamber-type survey meter.
emitted by the extremely hot (several tens of
millions of degrees) device residues. The exte- -GMT. Greenwich Mean Time.
rior of the fireball in air is initially sharply
defined by the luminous shock front and later by gray (Gy). A recently introduced ICRP term: 1 Gy
the limits of the hot gases themselves. equals 100 cad.

fission. The Process of the nucleus of a particular H-hour

-* Time zero, or time of detonation. When used
heaw element solittino into trro nuclei of in connection with planning operations it is the
lighier elements,- with the release of substantial specific Hour at which the operation event com-
amounts of energy. The most important fissionable mences. See D-day.
materials are uranium-235 and plutonium-239;
fission is caused by the absorption of neutrons. half-life. The time required for a radioactive mate-
rial to lose half of its radioactivity due to
fission detectors. Radiation pulse detector of the decay. Each radionuclide has a unique half-life.
proportional counter type in which a foil or film
of fissionable materials is incorporated to make HASL, NYKOPO. Atomic Energy Commission’s Health and
it respond to neutrons. Safety Laboratory, New York Operations Office.

fission products. A general term for the complex high-altitude burst. Defined, somewhat arbitrarily,
mixture of substances produced as a result of as a detonation in or above the stratosphere. The
nuclear fission. A distinction should be made distribution of the energy of the explosion be-
between these and the direct fission products or tween blast and thermal radiation changes appre-
fission fragments that are formed by the actual ciably with increasing altitude.
splitting of the heavy-element nuclei into nuclei
of medium atomic weight. Approximately SO dif- hodograph. A coimnon hodograph in meteorology repre-
ferent fission fragments result from roughly 40 sents the speed and direction of winds at dif-
different modes of fission of a given nuclear ferent altitude increments.
species (e.g., uranium-235 or plutonium-239). The
fission fragments, being radioactive, immediately hot; hot spot. Commonly used colloquial term mean-
begin to decay, forming additional (daughter) ing a spot or area relatively more radioactive
products, with the result that the complex mix- than some adjacent area.
ture of fission products so formed contains over
300 different radionuclides of 36 elements. ICRP. International Commission on Radiological
fixed alpha. Alpha radioactivity that cannot be eas-
ily removed as evidenced by no measured change initial radiation. Also known as prompt radiation.
in a swipe of a lOO-cm2 area. Electromagnetic radiations of high energy emitted
from both the fireball and the radioactive cloud
fluorescence. The emission of light (electranagnetic within the first minute after a detonation. It
radiation) by a material as a result of the ab- includes neutrons and gamma rays given off almost
sorption of energy from radiation. The term may instantaneously, as well as the gamma rays emit-
refer to the radiation emitted, as well as to ted by the fission products and other radioactive
the emission process. species in the rising cloud. Initial radiations
from ground or near-ground bursts activate both
fusion. The combination of two light nuclei to form Earth materials and device debris to create
a heavier nucleus, with the release of the dif- contamination.
ference of the nuclear binding energy of the
fusion products and the sum of the binding ener- inverse square law. The decrease in radiation in-
gies of the two light nuclei. tensity with distance from a single-point source
is proportional to the square of the distance
gamma rays. Electranagnetic radiations of high pho- removed.
ton energy originating in atomic nuclei and ac-
companying many nuclear reactions (e.g., fission, ion-chamber-type survey meter. A device for measur-
radioactivity, and neutron capture). Physically, ing the amount of ionizing radiation. Consists

of a gas-filled chamber containing two electrodes micron. One-millionth of a meter [i.e., low6 meter
(one of which may be the chamber wall) between or 10-4 centimeter); it is roughly four one-
which a potential difference is mazntained. The hundred-thousandths (4 x 10e5) of an inch.
radiation ionizes gas in the chamber and an in-
strument connected to one electrode measures the milliroentgen. One-thousandth of a roentgen.
ionization current produced.
MINSY. Mare Island Naval Ship Yard, California.
ionization. The process of adding electrons to, or
knocking electrons from, atoms O!‘ molecules, MPE. Maximum Permissible Exposure (rule dose). That
thereby creating ions. High temper,ltures, elec- exposure to ionizing radiation that is estab-
trical discharges, and nuclear radiation can lished by authorities as the maximum over cer-
cause ionization. tain periods without resulting in undue risk to
human health.
ionizing radiation. Any particulate or electrmag-
netic radiation capable of producing ione, di- MPL. Maximum Permissible Limit. That amount of ra-
rectly or indirectly, in its passage through -dioactive material in air, water, foodstuffs,
matter. Alpha and beta particles produce ion etc. that is established by authorities as the
pairs directly, while gana rays and X-ray8 lib- maximum that would not create undue risk to hu-
erate electrons as they traverse matter, which man health.
in turn produce ionization in their paths.
mr. Abbreviation for milliroentgen.
ionosphere. The region of the atmosphere, extending
from roughly 40 to 250 miles (64 to 400 km) above MSTS. Military Sea Transportation Service, (Navy).
the Earth, in which there is appreciable iariza-
tion. The presence of charged part:cles in this mushroom cap. 8op of the cloud formed from the fire-
region profoundly affects the propaqation of ra- ball of a nuclear detonation.
dio and radar waves.
Mv. Motor vessel.
irradiation. Exposure of matter to radiation.
- Naval Air Station.
isodose lines. Dose or dose-rate contollrs. In fall-
out, contours plotted on a radiation field within E. National Bureau of Standards.
which the dose rate or the total acctimulated dose
is the same. NCRP. National Committee on Radiation Protection and
Measurements. Before 1956 simply the National
isotope. Atoms with the same atomic number (8ame Committee on Radiation Protection.
chemical element) but different atomic weiahtt
i.e., the nuclei have the same numb:,1 of protons neutron. A neutral elementary particle (i.e., with
but a different number of neutrons. neutral electrical charge) of approximately unit
mass (i.e., the mass of a proton) that is present
- Joint Chiefs of Staff. in all atomic nuclei, except those of ordinary
(light) hydrogen. Neutrons are required to ini-
kinetic energy. Energy associated wit3 the motion tiate the fission process, and large numbers of
of matter. neutrons are produced by both fission and fusion
reactions in nuclear explosions.
LASL. Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory. Los Alamos,
New Mexico. neutron flux. The intensity of neutron radiation.
It is expressed as the number of neutrons passing
-LCM. Landing craft, mechanized. through 1 cm2 in 1 second.

LML. Lookout Mountain Laboratory, Hollywood, Calf-

- NPG. Nevada Proving Ground, now the Nevada Test Site
fornia (Air Force). WS).

Loran. Long-range aid to navigation system. Loran NRUL. Naval Radiological Defense Laboratory.
stations were maintained by the U.S. Coast Guard
Station on Enewetak Island and Johnston Atoll. NRL.
- Naval Research Laboratory.

magnetaneter. An instrument for measuring changes in KTPR. Nuclear Test Personnel Review.
the geanagnetic field.
-. Nevada Test Site.
E. Military Air Transport Service; later, Wfli-
tary Airlift Command (joint Air Force). nuclear cloud. See radioactive cloud.

megaton (energy). Approximately the amount of energy nuclear device (or weapon or bomb). Any device in
that would be released by the explosion of one which the explosion results from the energy re-
million tons of TNT. leased by reactions involving atomic nuclei,
either fission or fusion, or both. Thus, the A-
microcuxie. One-millionth of a curie. (or atomic) bomb and the H- (or hydrogen) bomb
are both nuclear weapons. It would be equally
true to call them atomic weapons, since the

energy of atomic nuclei is involved in each case. peak overpressure. The maximum value of the over-
However, it has becane more or less custanary, pressure (which see) at a given location.
although it is not strictly accurate, to refer
to weapons in which all the energy results from per igee. The lowest point (the shortest distance
fission as A-bombs. In order to make a distinc- from the Earth) in the orbit of a satellite, as
tion, those weapons in which part of the energy opposed to the apogee.
results from thermonuclear (fusion) reactions of
the isotopes of hydrogen have been called H-bombs permissible contamination or dose. That dose of
or hydrogen bcmbs. ionizina radiation that is not expected to cause
appreciable bodily injury to a person at any time
nuclear explosion. Explosive release of energy due during his lifetime.
to the solittina. _. or ioinina._ -- of atoms. The ex-
plosion is observable by a violent emission of phantom. A volume of material closely approximating
ultraviolet, visible, and infrared (heat) radia- the density and effective atomic number of tis-
tion, gamma rays, neutrons, and other particles. sue. The phantom absorbs ionizing radiation in
This is accompanied by the formation of a fire- the same manner as tissue, thus radiation dose
ball. A large part of the energy from the explo- measurements made within the phantom provide a
sion is emitted as blast and shock waves when means of approximating the radiation dose within
detonated at the Earth’s surface or in the atmo- a human or animal body under similar exposure
sphere. The fireball produces a mushroom-shaped conditions. materials commonly used for phantoms
mass of hot gases and debris, the top of which are water, masonite, pressed wood, and beeswax.
rises rapidly. See also radiation, gamna rays,
fireball, nuclear device, fission, fusion, blast. p&. A heavily shielded container (usually lead)
used to ship or store radioactive materials.
nuclear fusion. See thermonuclear fusion.
prompt radiation. See initial radiation.
nuclear radiation. Particulate and electranagnetic
radiation emitted from atomic nuclei in various proton. A particle carrying a positive charge and
nuclear processes. The important nuclear radia- physically identical to the nucleus of the ordi-
tions, frcan the weapons standpoint, are alpha nary hydrogen atom.
and beta particles, gamma rays, and neutrons.
All nuclear radiations are ionizing radiations, Purple conditions. A shipboard warning system used
but the reverse is not true; X-rays, for exam- in radiological defense. Various numbered condi-
ple, are included among ionizing radiations, but tions were sounded when radioactive fallout was
they are not nuclear radiations since they do encountered. Responses to the sounded warnings
not originate from atomic nuclei. included closing of various hatches and fittings,
turning off parts of the ventilation system, and
nuclear tests. Tests carried out to supply informa- removing personnel from a ship’s open decks. The
tion required for the design and improvement of higher the Purple condition number, the more se-
nuclear weapons and to study the phenomena and vere the radiological situation.
effects associated with nuclear explosions.
R;. Symbol for roentgen.
nuclide. Any species of atom that exists for a mea-
surable length of time. The term nuclide is used -Ra. Chemical symbol for radium.
to describe any atomic species distinguished by
the composition of its nucleus; i.e., by the rad
_- Radiation absorbed dose. A unit of absorbed
number of protons and the number of neutrons. dose of radiation; it represents the absorption
Isotopes of a given element are nuclides having of 100 ergs of ionizing radiation per gram (or
the normal number of protons but different num- 0.01 J/kg) of absorbing material, such as body
bers of neutrons in this nuclei. A radionuclide tissue. This unit is presently being replaced in
is a radioactive nuclide. scientific literature by the Gray (Gy), numeri-
cally equal to the absorption of 1 joule of en-
off-scale. Radiation (or other physical phenomena) ergy per kilogram of matter.
greater than the capacity of a measuring device
to measure. PadDefense. Radiological defense. Defense against
the effects of radioactivity from atomic weapons.
-mm. Office of Naval Research, Washington, D.C. It includes the detection and measurement of
radioactivity, the protection of persons from
OPNAV. Office of the Chief of Naval Operations. radioactivity, and decontamination of areas,
places, and equipment. See also radsafe.
-* Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Tennessee.
radex area. Radiological exclusion area. Following
oscilloscope. The name generally applied to a each detonation there were areas of surface radi-
cathode-ray device. ological contamination and areas of air radiolog-
ical contamination. These areas were designated
overpressure. The transient pressure, usually ex- as radex areas. Radex areas were used to chart
pressed in pounds per square inch, exceeding the actual or predicted fallout and also used for
ambient pressure, manifested in the shock (or control of entry and exit.
blast) wave fran a” explosion.

radiation. The emission of any rays, electromagnetic radionuclide. A radioactive nuclide (or radioactive
waves, or particles (e.g., qamna rays, alpha par- atomic species).
ticles, beta particles, neutrons) fr0n a source.
radiosonde. A balloon-borne instrument for the si-
radiation decay. See decay (radioactive!. multaneous measurement and transmission of me-
teorological data, consisting of transducers for
radiation detectors. Any of a wide vari-ty of mate- the measurement of pressure, temperature, and
rials or instruments that provide a siqnal when humidity; a modulator for the conversion of the
stimulated by the passage of ionizini radiation; output of the transducers to a quantity that
the sensitive element in radiation de!tect_icmin- controls a property of the radiofrequency signal;
struments. The most widely used me-lia for the a selector switch, which determines the sequence
detection of ionizing radiation are photographic in which the parameters are to be transmitted;
film and ionization of gases in detectors (e.g., and a transmitter, which generates the radiofre-
Geiger counters), followed by materi.lls in which quency carrier.
radiation induces scintillation.
radiosonde balloon. A balloon used to carry a radio-
radiation exposure. Exposure to radiation may be sonde aloft. These balloons have davtime burst-
described and modified by a number 0. terms. The ing altitudes of about 80,000 feet (25 km) above
type of radiation is important: alpha and beta sea level. The balloon measures about 5 feet
particles, neutrons, qamna rays and X-rays, and (1.5 meters) in diameter when first inflated and
cosmic radiation. Radiation exposure may be Fran may expand to 20 feet (6 meters) or more before
an external radiation source, such as qanrsa c~y8, bursting at high altitude.
x-rays, or neutrons, or it may be from raddfonu-
elides retained within the body emitting alpha, radium A radioactive element with the atomic "um-
beta, or qarmna radiation. The exposure may result her 88 and a" atomic weight of 226. In nature,
from penetrating or nonpenetrating r-adiatirrrin radium is found associated with uranium, which
relation to its ability to enter and pass through decays to radium by a series of alpha and beta
matter -- alpha and beta particles being condd- emissions. Radium is used as a radiation source
ered as nonpenetrating and other types of radfa- for instrument calibration.
tion as penetrating. Exposure may be related to
a part of the body or to the whole bc~iy. See also radops. Radiological safety operations.
whole-body irradiation.
radsafe. Radiological safety. General term used to
radiation intensity. Degree of radiati,jn. Measured cover the training, operations, and equipment
and reported in roentqens (R), rads, rema, and used to protect personnel from potential over-
rep, multiples and divisions of these units, and exposures to nuclear radiation during nuclear
multiples and divisions of these unit8 a8 a tests.
function of exposure rate (per hour, day, etc.).
rainout. Removal of radioactive particles from a
radioactive (or nuclear) cloud. An all-inclusive nuclear cloud by rain.
term for the cloud of hot gases, +moke, dust,
and other particulate matter from the weapon _rawin. Radar wind sounding tests that determine the
itself and from the environment, which is carried winds aloft patterns by radar observation of a
aloft in conjunction with the ris!nq fireball balloon.
produced by the detonation of a nuclear weapon.
rawinsonde. Radar wind sounding and radiosonde
radioactive nuclide. See radionuclide. (combined).

radioactive particles. See radioactivity. RBE. Relative biological effectiveness. A factor

-used to compare the biological effectiveness of
radioactive pool. A disk-like pm1 of radioactive absorbed radiation doses (i.e., rads) due to
water near the surface formed by a rater-surface different types of ionizing radiation. For radi-
or subsurface detonation. The pool gradually ex- ation protection the term has been superseded by
pands into a" annular form, then reverts to a Quality Factor.
larger irregular disk shape at late1 times with
a corresponding attenuation of radioactivity. rem. A special unit of biological radiation dose
equivalent; the name is derived from the initial
radioactivity. The spontaneous emission of radia- letters of the term "roentqen equivalent man (or
tion, generally alpha or beta particles, often mammal)." The number of rems of radiation is
accompanied by qanma rays, from the nuclei of an equal to the number of rads absorbed multiplied
(unstable) nuclide. As a cesult of this emission by the RBE of the given radiation (for a speci-
the radioactive nuclide is converled (decays) fied effect). The rem is also the unit of dose
into the isotope of a different (daliqhter) ele- equivalent, which is equal to the product of the
ment, which may (or may not) also be radioactive. number of rads absorbed multiplied by the "qual-
Ultimately, as a result of one or rn0l.estages of ity factor" and distribution factor for the ra-
radioactive decay, a stable (nonradioactive) end diation. The unit is presently being replaced by
product is formed. the sievert (Sv).

radiological survey. The directed' effort to deter- x. An obsolete special unit of absorbed dose.
mine the distribution and dose rate g)f radiation
in a" area.

residual nuclear radiation. Nuclear radiation, “quality factor” of different sources of ioniz-
chiefly beta oarticles and carrma ravs,
_ that oer- ing radiation. One sievert equals 100 rem.
sists for a ;ime following a nuclear explosion.
The radiation is emitted mainly by the fission slant range. The straight-line distance of an air-
products and other bomb residues in the fallout, craft at any altitude from ground zero or the
and to some extent by Earth and water constitu- distance from an airburst to a location on the
ents, and other materials, in which radioactivity ground.
has been induced by the capture of neutrons.
SRI. Stanford Research Institute, Stanford,
riaaeter . Relative Ionospheric Opacity Meter; an -California.
instrument that measures the absorption of cos-
mic noise in the ionosphere. stratosphere. Upper portion of the atmosphere, ap-
proximately 7 to 40 miles (11 to 64 km) above
roentgen (R; r). A special unit of exposure to gamma the Earth’s surface, in which temperature changes
(or X-) radiation. It is defined precisely as but little with altitude and cloud formations
the quantity of gamma (or X-) rays that will are rare.
produce electrons (in ion pairs) with a total
charge of 2.58 x 10-4 coulomb in 1 kilogram of streamline. In meteorology, the direction of the
dry air under standard conditions. An exposure wind at any given time.
of 1 roentgen results in the deposition of about
94 ergs of energy in 1 gram of soft body tissue. surface burst. A nuclear explosion on the land sur-
Hence, an exposure of 1 roentgen is approximately face, an island sueface or reef, or on a barge.
equivalent to an absorbed dose of 1 rad in soft
tissue. survey meters. Portable radiation detection instru-
ments esoeciallv _ adapted - for - _ or in-
RlTY. Radio teletype. specting an area to establish the existence and
amount of radiation present, usually from the
SC. Sandia Corporation, Albuquerque, New Mexico. standpoint of radiological protection. Survey
instruments are customarily powered by self-
scattering. The diversion of radiation (thermal, contained batteries and are designed to respond
electromagnetic and nuclear) from its original quickly and to indicate directly the exposure
path as a result of interactions (or collisions) rate conditions at the point of interest. See
with atoms, molecules, or larger particles in AN/PDR-39, Geiger-Mueller counter, and ion-
the atmosphere or other media between the source chamber-type survey meter.
of the radiations (e.g., a nuclear explosion)
and a point some distance away. As a result of survey, radiation. Evaluation of the radiation haz-
scattering, radiations (especially gada rays ards associated with radioactive materials.
and neutrpns) will be received at such a point
from many directions instead of only from the -TDY. Temporary duty assignment.
direction of the source.
thermal radiation. Electromagnetic radiation emitted
scintillation. A flash of light produced by ionizing in two pulses from a surface or airburst from
radiation in a fluor or a phosphor, which may be the fireball as a consequence of its very high
crystal, plastic, gas, or iiquid. temperature; it consists essentially of ultra-
violet, visible, and infrared radiation. In the
shear (wind). Refers to differences in direction first pulse, when the temperature of the fire-
(directional shear) of wind at different ball is extremely high, ultraviolet radiation
altitudes. predominates; in the second pulse, the tempera-
tures are lower and most of the thermal radia-
shielding. Any material or obstruction that absorbs tion lies in the visible and infrared regions of
(or attenuates) radiation and thus tends to pro- the spectrum.
tect personnel or equipment from the effects of
a nuclear explosion. A moderately thick layer of thermonuclear fusion. Refers to the processes in
any opaque material will provide satisfactory which verv- hiah_ temperatures are used to brina
shielding from thermal radiation, but a consider- about the fusion of light nuclei, such as those
able thickness of material of high density may be of the hydrogen isotopes (deuterium and tritium),
needed for gamma radiation shielding. See also with the accompanying liberation of energy. The
attenuation. high temperatures required to initiate the fusion
reaction are obtained by means of a fission ex-
shock. Term used to describe a destructive force plosion. See also fusion.
moving in air, water, or Earth caused by
detonation of a nuclear detonation. TNT equivalent. A measure of the energy released as
the result of the detonation of a nuclear device
shock wave. A continuously propagated pressure pulse or weapon, expressed in terms of the mass of TNT
(or wave) in the surrounding medium, which may that would release the same amount of energy
be air, water, or Earth, initiated by the expan- when exploded. The TNT equivalent is usually
sion of the hot gases produced in an explosion. stated in kilotons (1,000 tons) or megatons
(1 million tons). The basis of the TNT equiva-
sievert (Sv). A recently introduced ICRP measure of lence is that the explosion of 1 ton of TNT is
“dose equivalent” that takes into account the assumed to release 1 billion calories of energy.
See also megaton, yield.

trapped radiation. Electrically chargt%d particles of fission products, various products of neutron
moving back and forth in spirals along the north- capture, weapon casing and other components, and
south orientation of the Earth’s magnetic field uranium or plutonium that has escaped fission.
between mirror points, called conjugate points.
Negatively charged particles drift eastward as whole-body irradiation. Exposure of the body to ion-
they bounce between northern and southern conju- izing radiation from external radiation sources.
gate points and positively charged particles Critical organs for the whole body are the lens
drift westward, thus forming shells or belts of of the eye, the gonads, and the red-blood-forming
radiation above the Earth. The sotirce of the marrow. As little as only 1 cm3 of bone marrow
charged particles may be natural, fran solar constitutes a whole-body exposure. Thus, the en-
activity (often called Van Allen belts) , or a~- tire body need not be exposed to be classed as a
tifical, resulting f ram high-altit ude nuclear whole-body exposure.
Wilson cloud. A mist or fog of minute water droplets
tropopause. The boundary dividing the stratosphere that temporarily surrounds a fireball following
f rcan the lower part of the atmosphere, the tropo- a nuclear detonation in a humid atmosphere. This
sphere. The tropopause normally oI.curs at an is caused by a sudden lowering of the pressure
altitude of about 25,000 to 45,000 feet (7.6 to (and temperature) after the passing of the shock
13.7 km) in polar and temperate zones, and at wave (cloud chamber effect) and quickly dissi-
55,000 feet (16.8 km) in the tropil-s. See also pates as temperatures and pressures return to
stratosphere, troposphere. normal.

troposphere. The region of the atmosphtre, imedia- worldwide fallout. Consists of the smaller radio-
tely above the Earth’s surface and up to the active nuclear detonation particles that ascend
tropopause, in which the temperature falls fairly into the upper troposphere and the stratosphere
regularly with increasing altitude, clouds form, and are carried by winds to all parts of the
convection is active, and mixing if: continuous Earth. The delayed (or worldwide) fallout is
and more or less complete. brought to Earth, mainly by rain and snow, over
extended periods ranging from months to years.
type commander. The officer or agency having cogni-
zance over all Navy ships of a given type. This E. Prefix of Weapon Test (WI) report identification
is in addition to the particular stip’s aasign- numbers. These reports were prepared to record
ment in a task force, fleet, or other tactical the results of scientific experiments.
yield. The total effective energy released in a nu-
UCLA. University of California, Los Anlleles. clear detonation. It is usually expressed in
terms of the equivalent tonnage of TNT required
5. University of California Radiatior.! Laboratory, to produce the same energy release in an explo-
Livermore, California. sion. The total energy yield is manifested as
nuclear radiation (including residual radiation),
-UHF. Ultra-high frequency. thermal radiation, and blast and shock energy,
the actual distribution depending upon the medium
ultraviolet. Electramagnetic radiaticn of wave- in which the explosion occurs and also upon the
lengths between the shortest vi! ible violet type of weapon. See TNT equivalent.
(about 3,850 angstroms) and soft x-rays (about
100 angstroms). yield (blast)_. That portion of the total energy of
a nuclear detonation that is identified as the
USNS. United States Navy Ship: vessels of this des- blast or shock wave.
ignation are manned by civilian crew:.
yield (fission)_. That portion of the total explosive
warhead. The portion of the missile or :)omb contain- vield attributable to nuclear fission. as oooosed
ing the nuclear device. to fusion. The interest in fission yield stems
from the interest in fission product formation
weapon debris. The radioactive residue of a nuclear and its relationship to radioactive fallout.
device after it has been detonated, consisting


ABMA. See Army Ballistic Missile Agency.

- Army Ballistic Missile Agency. 22, 37, 41.

Advanced Research Projects Agency. 19, 20, 22, Army Lexington-BluegrassDepot. 5, 26, 51, 52,
23, 37, 98, 104. 54, 55.

See Atomic Energy Commission.

AEC. - Army Map Service. 39 (Table 4).

Aerolab Development Company. 41, 42. Army Office of Chief Signal Officer. 39 (Ta-
ble 4.
See Air Force Cambridge Research Center.
Army Security Agency. 39 (Table 4).
See Air Force Missile Test Center.
AFtfrC. -
Army Signal Corps. 43.
See Air Force Special Weapons Center.
Army Signal Research and Development Labora-
AFSWP. See Armed Forces Specitrl Weapon6 tory. 39 (Table 4).
See Advanced Research Projects Agency.
See AiK Force Weapons Laboratory.
Assistant to the Secretary of Defense (Atomic
Air Antisubmarine Squadron 32. 27 (Table l), 29 Energy). 20.
(Figure 3), 44, 73.
Atomic Energy Commission. 3, 19, 21, 23, 37, 38
Air Force Cambridge Research Center. Experi- Table 3), 45, 98, 99, 104. See also Division
mental Activities: 23, 28 (Table 1), 38, of Military Applications.
42, 43 (Table 5), 44, 63, 73, 88; Personnel:
30 (Table 2). AV-5. -
See USS Albemarle.

Air Force Missile Test Center. 40, 41, 42. AVM-1. -

See USS Norton Sound.

Air Force Special Weapons Center. 72, 41, 42. Ballistic Research Laboratories. 39 (Table 4).

Air Force Weapons Laboratory. 4. USS Bearss (DD-654). Operational Activities: 1,

29 (Fiaure 3). 73, 100. 101: Radsafe Activi-
US.5Albemarle (AV-5). Experimental Activities: ties: 52 (Table 6); Pdsiticn Data: 33 (Fig-
1, 25, 26, 36, 37, 42, 44, 63, 68, 86, 88, ure S), 59, 62 (Figure E), 64, 67 (Figure
89 (Table 16), 90 (Figure 16), l@O; Position lo), 69, 71 (Figure 12), 74 (Table Ei), 77
Data: 33 (Figure 5), 62 (Figure 8), 65, 67 Table 9), 78 (Table lo), 79 (Table ll), 80
(Figure lo), 71 (Figure 12), 72; Radsafe Ac- (Table 12), 81 (Table 13), 82 (Table 14).
tivities: 49; Non-Navy Personnel Aboard: 38 Complement: 27 (Table 1).
(Table 3); Complement: 28 (Table 1).
CDC. -
See Center for Disease Control.
AO-26. -
See USS Salamonie.
Center for Disease Control (CDC). 3.
AO-64. -
See USS Tolovana.
Chief of Naval Operations. 21, 24.
AD-143. See USS Neosho.
CINCLANTFLT. See Commander-in-Chief Atlantic
Armed Forces Policy Council. 19, 97. Fleet. -

Armed Forces Special Weapons Project. Expcri- Commander-in-ChiefAtlantic Fleet. 24, 25, 26,
mental Activities: 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 99, 103.
25, 37, 98, 99; Radsafe Activities: 26, 51;
Personnel: 28 (Table 1). See Chief of Naval Operations.
CNO. -

Conrnander,Destroyer Flotilla Two. 26. Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory. 4, 23.

Cooper Development Corporation. 38 (Table 3). LST-762. -

See USS Floyd County.

US.5Courtney (DE-1021).Operational Activities: Marine Detachment. 27 (Table 1).

1, 29 (Figure 3), 73, 75, 100, 101; Radsafe
Activities: 52 (Table 6); Position Data: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Lincoln
58, 59, 62 (Figure S), 64, 65, 67 (Figure Laboratory. 43.
lO), 69, 71 (Figure 12), 74 (Table 8), 77
(Table 9), 78 (Table lo), 79 (Table ll), 80 Military Liaison Committee (AEC). 99.
(Table 12), 81 (Table 13), 82 (Table 14), 87
(Table 15); Complement: 27 (Table 1). NACA. See National Advisory Committee on Aero-
DD-843. See USS Warrington.
NAMTC. See Naval Air Missile Test Center.
DE-1015. -
See US.9Hamnerberg.
National Advisory Committee on Aeronautics. 41,
DE-1021. e USS Courtney. 42.

Defense Nuclear Agency. 4, 5, 103. National Bureau of Standards. 43 (Table 5).

Department of Energy. 4. Naval Air Missile Test Center. 29, 83.

Division of Military Applications. 23. Naval Construction Battalion Center. 32.

See Division of Military Applications.

DMA. - Naval Operating Forces. 4, 103.

DNA. -
See Defense Nuclear Agency. Naval Operational Archives. 4, 103.

Eisenhower Library, Abilene, Kansas. 4. Naval Ordnance Test Station. 23, 46.

USS Floyd County (LST-762). 29, 31. Naval Research Laboratory. 39 (Table 4).

US.9Hamnerberg (DE-1015). Operational Activi- Navy. 23. See also names of Navy units.
ties: 1, 29 (Fiqure 3). 73, 75. 100, 101:
Radsafe Activities: 52 (Table 6); Position Navy Hydrographic Office. Complement: 38 Ta-
Data: 58, 59, 62 (Figure 8), 64, 67 (Figure ble 3).
101, 68, 69, 71 (Figure 12), 74 (Table 8),
77 (Table 9), 78 (Table lo), 79 (Table ll), USS Neosho (AO-143).Operational Activities. 1,
80 (Table 12), 81 (Table 13), 82 (Table 14); 29 (Figure 3), 31, 34, 45, 76, 100, 101;
Complement: 27 (Table 1). Radsafe Activities: 52 (Table 6); Position
Data: 33 (Figure 5), 59, 60 (Figure 6), 61
Helicopter Antisubmarine Squadron 5. Comple- (Figure 7), 62 (Figure B), 64, 66 (Figure
ment: 27 (Table 1); Operational Activities: 9), 67 (Figure lo), 69, 70 (Figure ll), 71
29 (Figure 3), 73. (Figure 12), 74 (Table 8), 77 (Table 9), 78
(Table lo), 80 (Table 12), 81 (Table 13),
w-5. See Helicopter Antisubmarine Squadron 5.
- 82 (Table 14); Non-Navy Personnel Aboard:
38 (Table 3): Complement: 27 (Table 1).
JCS. See Joint Chiefs of Staff.
NOL. -
See Naval Ordnance Laboratory.
Jet Propulsion Laboratory. 39 (Table 4).
USS Norton Sound (AVM-1). Operational Activi-
Joint Chiefs of Staff. 22, 99, 104. ties: 1, 11, 21, 25, 29, 30, 35, 36, 37,
43, 44, 45, 100, 101; Radsafe Activities:
Joint Committee on Atomic Energy. 99, 100. 49, 51, 52 (Table 6), 53, 54; Personnel
Exposures: 55; Position Data: 24, 32, 33
See Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory.
LASL. - (Figure 5), 58, 59, 60 (Figure 6), 61
(Figure 7), 64, 66 (Figure 9), 67 (Figure
Lexington. -
See Army Lexington-BluegrassDepot. lO), 69, 70 (Figure ll), 71 (Figure 12), 74
(Table 8), 77 (Table 9), 78 (Table lo), 80
Lockheed Missile Systems Division. Experimental (Table 121, 87 (Table 15); Non-Navy Person-
Activities: 25, 32, 38 (Table 3), 41, 45, nel Aboard: 38 (Table 3); Complement: 28
53, 83; Personnel Exposures: 42. (Table 1).

Lookout Mountain Air Force Station. 38. NDTS. -

See Naval Ordnance Test Station.

NRL. -
See Naval Research Laboratory. SRI. -
See Stanford Research Institute.

mPR. See Nuclear Test Personnel Review.

- Stanford Research Institute. 28 (Table l), 38
(Table 3), 42, 43, 44, 88.
Nuclear Test Personnel Review. 3, 4.
Stanford University. 43 (Table 5).
Office of the Chief of Naval Operations. 4,
103. State University of Iowa. 39 (Table 4).

Office of Naval Research. 22, 23, 25, 43 (Ta- SwrP. -

See Special Weapons Test Project.
ble 5).
USS Tarawa (CVS-40).Operational Activities: 1,
ONR. See Office of Naval Research.
- 29 (Figure 3), 31, 34, 35, 43, 44, 45, 73,
75 (Figure 13), 100, 101; Position Data:
Pilotless Aircraft Research Station. 41, 42. 58, 59, 60 (Figure 6), 61 (Figure 7), 62
(Figure 8), 64, 66 (Figure 91, 67 (Figure
President's Science Advisory Committee. 19, 97. lO), 69, 70 (Figure ll), 71 (Figure 12), 74
(Table 8), 77 (Table 9), 78 (Table lo), 79
PSAC. -See President's Science Advisory Corn- (Table ll), 80 (Table 12), 81 (Table 13),
mittee. 82 (Table 14), 87 (Table 15); Non-Navy Per-
sonnel Aboard: 38 (Table 3); Complement: 27
Raytheon. 43 (Table 5). (Table 1).

Rome Air Development Center. 43. uss Tolovana (AO-64). 83.

USS Salamonie (AC-26). Operational Activities: UCPL. See University of California Radiation
1, 29 (Figure 3), 37, 76, 86, 100; Position LabGZory.
Data: 33 (Figure 51, 59, 62 (Figure 81, 67
(FiCJUKe lo), 71 (Figure 12), 74 (Table 8), University of California Radiation Laboratory.
77 (Table 9), 78 (Table lo), 79 (Table ll), 12, 17, 19, 21, 22, 97.
80 (Table 12), 81 (Table 13), 82 (Table 10,
87 (Table 15); Canplement: 27 (Table 1). See Veterans Administration.
VA. -

San Francisco Naval Shipyard. 25, 83. Veterans Administration. 3.

Sandia Corporation. Experimental Activities: VS-32. -

See Air Antisubmarine Squadron 32.
23, 29, 30, 38 (Table 3), 45, 83; Radsafe
Activities: 52; Personnel Exposures: 45. USS Warrington (DD-843). Operational Activi-
ties: 1. 29 (Figure 31. 34. 73. 75. 100.
Seventy-second (72nd) Bombardment Wing. 41, 101; Radsafe Activitiesi.52 (Table 6);.Posil
42. tion Data: 59, 62 (Figure 8), 64, 67 (Figure
lO), 69, 71 (Figure 12), 74 (Table 8), 77
Smithsonian Astrophysical Laboratory. 39 (Ta- (Table 9), 78 (Table lo), 79 (Table ll), 80
ble 4). (Table 12), 81 (Table 13), 82 (Table 14), 87
(Table 15); Non-Navy Personnel Aboard: 38
Special Weapons Test Project. 23, 24, 98, 99. (Table 3); Complement: 27 (Table 1).



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ATTN: Director ATTN: Tech Info Dept Library

Veterans Administration-R0 Los Alamos National Lab

Philadelphia, PA ATTN: Library
ATTN: Director 2 Cy ATTN: ADPA MMS 195

Veterans Administration-R0 Sandia National Lab

San Francisco, CA ATTN: W. Hereford
ATTN: Director ATTN: Central Library

Veterans Administration-R0 Reynolds Electrical & Engr Co., Ire

San Juan, Puerto Rico ATTN: CIC
ATTN: Director ATTN: W. Rrady

DTtiER !THER (Continued_l
..- .~

Adams State College Arkansas Library Comm

ATTN: Librn ATTN: Library

Akron Public Library Arkansas State University

ATTN: Librn ATTN: Library

Alabama State Dept of Archives & Hislory IJniversity of Arkansas

ATTN: Military Records Div ATTN: GOV DOCS Div

University of Alabama Austin College

ATTN: Reference Dept/Docs ATTN: Librn

University of Alaska Library at Anci~~~rdge Atlanta Public Library

ATTN: Librn ATTN: Ivan Allen Dept

University of Alaska Atlanta University

ATTN: Oir of Libraries ATTN: Librn

Albany Public Library Auburn University Library at Mongomery (Reg)

,jT:N: Librn ATTN: Librn

Alexander City State Jr College C. W. Post Ctr Long Island University

ATTN: Librn ATTN: Librn

Allegheny College Bangor Public Library

ATTN: Librn ATTN: Librn

Allen Lounty Public Library Bates College Library

ATTN: Librn ATTN: Libm

Altoona Area Public Library Baylor University Library

ATTN: Librn ATTN: Dots Dept

American Statistics Index Beloit Colleqe Libraries

Congressional lnfo Service, Inc ATTN: Serials Oocs Dept
ATTN: Cathy Jarvey
Bemidji State College
Anaheim Public Library ATTN: Library
ATTN: Librn
State University Colleqe
College of Wooster ATTN: Gov Dots
ATTN: Gov Dots
Akron University
Angelo State University Library ATTN: Gov Dots
ATTN: Librn
Boston Public Library (Reg)
Angelo Iacoboni Public Library ATTf4: Dots Dept
ATT"': Librn
Bowdoin College
Anoka County Library ATTN: Librn
ATTN: Librn
Bowling Green State University
Appalachian State University ATTN: Lib Gov Dots Services
ATTN: Library Dots
Bradley University
Arizona State University Library ATTN: Librn
ATTN: Librn
Brandeis University Library
University of Arizona ATTN: Dots Section
ATTIi: Gov Dot Dept/C. Bower
Brigham Young University
Arkansas College Library ATTN: Librn
ATTN: Library
Brigham Young University
Brooklyn College ATTN: Dots Collection
ATTN: Dot Civ
Brookhaven National Laboratory
ATTN: Tech Library

OT;HER (Continued) OTHERiContinueA

Broward County Library Sys Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh

ATTN: Librn ATTN: Librn

Brown University Carnegie Mellon University

ATTN: Librn ATTN: Dir of Libraries

Bucknell University Carson Regional Library

ATTN: Reference Dept ATTN: Gov Pubs Unit

Buffalo & Erie Co Public Library Case Western Reserve University

ATTN: Librn ATTN: Librn

State University Library of California at Fresno University of Richmond

ATTN: Library ATTN: Library

University Library of California at Los Angeles University of Central Florida

ATTN: Pub Affairs Set-v U.S. Dots ATTN: Library Dots Dept

University of California at San Diego Central Michigan University

ATTN: Dots Dept ATTN: Library Dots Set

State College Library of California at Stanislaus Central Missouri State Univ

ATTN: Library ATTN: Gov DOCS

California State Polytechnic University Library Central State University

ATTN: Librn ATTN: Lib Dots Dept

California State University at Northridge Central Washington University

ATTN: Gov Dot ATTN: Lib Dots Set

California State Library (Reg) Central Wyoming College Library

ATTN: Librn ATTN: Librn

California State University at Long Beach Library Charleston County Library

ATTN: Librn ATTN: Librn

California State University Charlotte & tlechlenburg County Public Library

ATTN: Librn ATTN: E. Correll

California State University Chattanooga Hamilton County, Bicentennial Library

ATTN: Librn ATTN: Librn

California University Library Chesapeake Public Library System

ATTN: Gov Pub Dept ATTN: Librn

California University Library Chicago Public Library

ATTN: Librn ATTN: Gov Pubs Dept

California University Library State University of Chicago

ATTN: Gov Dots Dept ATTN: Librn

California University Library Chicago University Library

ATTN: Oocs Set ATTN: Dir of Libraries
ATTN: Dots Processing
University of California
ATTN: Gov Dots Dept Cincinnati University Library
ATTN: Librn
Calvin College Library
ATTN: Librn Claremont Colleges Libraries
ATTN: Dot Collection
Kearney State College
ATTN: Gov Dots Dept Clemson University
ATTN: Dir of Libraries
Carleton College Library
ATTN: Librn

OTHER (Continued) OTHER (Continued)

Cleveland Public Library Dayton & Montgomery City Public Library

ATTN: Dots Collection ATTN: Librn

Cleveland State University Library University of Dayton

ATTN: Librn ATTN: Librn

Coe Library Decatur Public Library

ATTN: Dots Div ATTN: Librn

Colgate University Library Dekalb Community College so cpus

ATTN: Ref Lib ATTN: Librn

Colorado State University Libraries Delaware Pauw University

ATTN: Librn ATTN: Librn

University of Colorado Libraries University of Delaware

ATTN: Dir of Libraries ATTN: Librn

Columbia University Library Delta College Library

ATTN: Dots Svc Ctr ATTN: Librn

Columbus & Franklin Cty Public Library Delta State University

ATTN: Gen Ret Div ATTN: Librn

Compton Library Denison University Library

ATTN: Librn ATTN: Librn

Connecticut State Library (Rcg) Denver Public Library (Reg)

ATTN: Librn ATTN: Dots Div

University of Connecticut Dept of Library & Archives (Reg)

ATTN: Gov't of Connecticut ATTN: Librn

University of Connecticut Detroit Public Library

ATTN: Dir of Libraries ATTN: Librn

Cornell University Library Burlington Library

ATTN: Librn ATTN. Librn

Corpus Christi State University Library Dickinson State College

ATTN: Librn ATTN: Librn

Culver City Library Alabama Agricultural Mechanical University & Co11

ATTN: Librn ATTN: Librn

Curry College Library Drake University

ATTN: Librn ATTN: Cowles Library

Dallas County Public Library Drew University

ATTN: Librn ATTN: Librn

Dallas Public Library Duke University

ATTN: Librn ATTN: Pub Dots Dept

Dalton Junior College Library Duluth Public Library

ATTN: Librn ATTN: Dots Set

Dartmouth College East Carolina University

ATTN: Librn ATTN: Lib Dots Dept

Davenport Public Library East Central University

ATTN: Librn ATTN: Librn

Davidson College East Islip Public Library

ATTN: Librn ATFN: Librn

OTHER (Continued1 DTHER (Continued)

East Orange Public Library Florida Institute of Technology

ATTN: U.S. Gov't Depository ATTN: Library

East Tennessee State University Sherrod Library Florida International University Library
ATTN: Dots Dept ATTN: Dots Set

East Texas State University Florida State Library

ATTN: Library ATTN: Dots Set

Monmouth County Library Eastern Branch Florida State University

ATTN: Librn ATTN: Librn

Eastern Illinois University University of Florida

ATTN: Librn ATTN: Dots Dept

Eastern Kentucky University Fond Du Lac Public Library

ATTN: Librn ATTN: Librn

Eastern Michigan University Library Ft Hays State University

ATTN: Library Ft Hays Kansas State College
ATTN: Librn
Eastern Montana College Library
ATTN: Dots Dept Ft Worth Public Library
ATTN: Librn
Eastern New Mexico University
ATTN: Librn Free Public Library of Elizabeth
ATTN: Librn
Eastern Oregon College Library
ATTN: Librn Free Public Library
ATTN: Librn
Eastern Washington University
ATTN: Librn Freeport Public Library
ATTN: Librn
El Paso Public Library
ATTN: Dots & Genealogy DePt Fresno Cty Free Library
ATTN: Librn
Elko County Library
ATTN: Librn Gadsden Public Library
ATTN: Librn
Elmira College
ATTN: Librn Garden Public Library
ATTN: Librn
Elon College Library
ATTN: Librn Gardner Webb College
ATTN: Dots Library
Enoch Pratt Free Library
ATTN: Dots Oft Gary Public Library
ATTN: Librn
Emory University
ATT&I: Librn Georgetown University Library
ATTN: Gov Dots Room
Evansville & Vanderburgh Cty Public Library
ATTN: Librn Georgia Institute of Technology
ATTN: Librn
Everett Public Library
ATTN: Librn Georgia Southern College
ATTN: Librn
Fairleigh Dickinson University
ATTN: Depository Dept Georgia Southwestern College
ATTN: Dir of Libraries
Florida A & M University
ATTN: Librn Georgia State University Library
ATTN: Librn
Florida Atlantic University Library
ATTN: Div of Pub Dots

OTHER (Continued) OTHERContinued)

University of Georgia Herbert H. Lehman College

ATTN: Dir of Libraries (Reg) ATTN: Lib Dots Div

Glassboro State College Hofstra University Library

ATTN: Librn ATTN: Dots Oept

Gleeson Library Hollins College

ATTN: Librn ATTN: Librn

Graceland College Hopkinsville Comnun ty College

ATTN: Librn ATTN: Librn

Grand Forks Public City-County Libr,lry Wagner College

ATTN: Librn ATTN: Librn

Grand Kapids Public Library University of Houst 011 Library

ATTN: Dir of Lib ATTN: Dots Div

Greenville County Library Houston Public Library

ATTN: Librn ATTN: Librn

Guatn RFK Memorial University Librar; Tulane University

ATTN: Fed Depository Co11 ATTN: Dots Dept

University of Guam Hoyt Public Library

ATTN: Librn ATTN: Librn

Gustavus Adolphus College humboldt State College Library

ATTN: Librn ATTN: Dots Dept

South Dakota University Huntington Park Library

ATTN: Librn ATTN: Librn

Hardin-Simmons University Library Hutchinson Public Library

ATTN: Librn ATTN: Librn

Hartford Public Library Idaho Public Library & Information Center

ATTN: Librn ATTN: Librn

Harvard College Library Idaho State Library

ATTN: Dir of Lib ATTN: Librn

Harvard College Library Idaho State University Library

ATTN: Serials Ret Div ATTN: Dots Dept

University of Hawaii Library University of Idaho

ATTN: Gov Dots Co11 ATTN: Dir of Libraries (Reg)
ATTN: Dots Set
Hawaii State Library
ATTN: Fed Dots Unit University of Illinois Library
ATTN: Dots Set
University of Hawaii at Monoa
ATTN: Dir of Libraries (Reg) Illinois State Library (Reg)
ATTN: Gov Dots L3r
University of Hawaii
Hilo Campus Library Illinois University at Urbana-Champaign
ATTN: Librn ATTN: P. Watson Dots Lib

Haydon Burns Library Illinois Valley Community College

ATTN: Librn ATTN: Library

Hennepin County Library Illinois State University

ATTN: Gov Dots ATTN: Librn

Henry Ford Community College Librard Indiana State Library (Reg)

ATTN: Librn ATTN: Serial Set

Indiana State University

ATTN: Dots Library

OTHER (Contin& OTHER (Continued1

Indiana University Library Kent State University L ibrary

ATTN: Dots Dept ATTN: Dots Div

Indianapolis Marion County Public Library Kentucky Dept of Library & Archives
ATTN: Social Science Div ATTN: Dots Set

Iowa State University Library University of Kentucky

ATTN: Gov Dots Dept ATTN: Gov Pub Dept
ATTN: Dir of Lib (Reg)
Iowa University Library
ATTN: Gov Dots Dept Kenyon College Library
ATTN: Librn
Butler University
ATTN: Librn Lake Forest College
ATTN: Librn
Isaac Delchdo College
ATTN: Librn Lake Sumter Community College Library
ATTN: Librn
James Madison University
ATTN: Librn Lakeland Public Library
ATTN: Librn
Jefferson County Public Library
Lakewood Regional Library Lancaster Regional Library
ATTN: Librn ATTN: Librn

Jersey City State College Lawrence University

ATTN: F. A. Irwin Library Periodicals ATTN: Dots Dept
Dot Set
Brigham Young University
Johns Hopkins University ATTN: Dots & Map Set
ATTN: Dots Library
Library and Statutory Dist & Svc
La Roche College 2 cy ATTN: Librn
ATTN: Librn
Earlham College
Johnson Free Public Library ATTN: Librn
ATTN: Librn
Little Rock Public Library
Kalamazoo Public Library ATTN: Librn
ATTN: Librn
Long Beach Public Library
Kansas City Public Library ATTN: Librn
ATT!{: Dots Div
Los Angeles Public Library
Kansas State Library ATTN: Serials Div U.S. Dots
ATTN: Librn
Louisiana State University
Kansas State University Library ATTN: Gov Dot Dept
ATTN: Dots Dept ATTN: Dir of Libraries (Reg)

University of Kansas Louisville Free Public Library

ATTN: Dir of Library (Reg) ATTN: Librn

University of Texas Louisville University Library

ATTN: Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public ATTN: Librn
Affairs Library
Hoover Institution
Maine Maritime Academy ATTN: J. Bingham
ATTN: Librn

University of Maine
ATTN: Librn

OTHER {Continued) PTHER (Continued)

Manchester City Library Michigan Tech University

ATTN: Librn ATTN: Lib Dots Dept

Mankato State College University of Michigan

ATTN: Gov Pubs ATTN: Acq Set Dots Unit

University of Maine at Farmington Middlebury College Library

ATTN: Dir of Libraries ATTN: Librn

Marathon County Public Library Millersville State College

ATTN: Librn ATTN: Librn

Principia College State University of New York

ATTN: Librn ATTN: Dots Librn

University of Maryland Milwaukee Public Library

ATTN: McKeldin Library Dots Di\ ATTN: Librn

University of Maryland Minneapolis Public Library

ATTN: Librn ATTN: Librn

University of Massachusetts University of Minnesota

ATTN: Gov Dots Co11 ATTN: Dir of Libraries (Reg)

Maui Public Library Minot State College

Kahului Branch ATTN: Librn
ATTN: Librn
Mississippi State University
McNeese State University ATTN: Librn
ATTN: Librn
University of Mississippi
Memphis & Shelby County Public Library & ATTN: Dir of Libraries
Information Center
ATTN: Librn Missouri University at Kansas City General
ATTN: Librn
Memphis State University
ATTN: Librn University of Missouri Library
ATTN: Gov Dots
Mercer University
ATTN: Librn M.I.T. Libraries
ATTN: Librn
Mesa County Public Library
ATTN: Librn Mobile Public Library
ATTN: Gov Info Div
Miami Dade Community College
ATTN: Librn Midwestern University
ATTN: Librn
Univer;;. of Miami Library
: Gov Pubs Montana State Library
ATTN: Librn
Miami Public Library
ATTN: oocs Div Montana State University Library
ATTN: Librn
Miami University Library
ATTN: Dots Dept University of Montana
ATTN: Dir of Libraries (Reg)
University of Santa Clara
ATTN: Dots Div Montebello Library
ATTN: Librn
Michig;;T;tate Library
: Librn Moorhead State College
ATTVI: Library
Michig;yTitate University Library
: Librn Mt Prospect Public Library
ATTN: Gov't Info Ctr
Murray State University Library

OTHER LContinueg UTHER (Continued)

Nassau Library System State University of New York

ATTN: Lihrn ATTN: Librn

Natrona County Public Library New York State University

ATTN: Librn ATTN: Dots Ctr

Nebraska Library Community State University of New York

Nebraska Public Clearinghouse ATTN: Dots Dept
ATTN: Librn
13ew York University Library
University of Nebraska at Omaha ATTN: Dots Dept
ATTN: Univ Lib Dots
Newark Free Library
Nebraska Western College Library ATTN: Librn
ATTli: Lihrn
Newark Public Library
lin iversity of fiebraska ATTN: Librn
ATTN: Dir of Libraries (Reg)
Niagara Falls Public Library
University of Nebraska Library ATTN: Librn
ATTN: Acquisitions Dept
Nicholls State University Library
University of Nevada Library ATTN: Dots Div
ATTN: Gov Pubs Dept
Nieves M. Flares Memorial Library
University of Nevada at Las Vegas ATTN: Librn
ATTN: Uir of Libraries
Norfolk Public Library
New Hampshire University Library ATTN: R. Parker
ATTN: Lihrn
North Carolina Agricultural & Tech State
New Hanover County Public Library University
ATTN: Librn ATTN: Librn

New Mexico State Library University of florth Carolina at Charlotte

ATTN: Librn ATTN: Atkins (Lib Dot Dept

New Mexico State Unlverslty University Library of North Carolina at Greensboro

ATTN: Lib Dots Div ATTN: Lihrn

University of New Mexico University of North Carolina at Wilmington

ATTN: Dir of Libraries (Reg) ATTN: Librn

University of !iew Orleans Library North Carolina Central University

ATTN: tiov Dots Div ATTN: Librn

fiew Orleans Public Library North Carolina State University

ATTN: Lihrn ATTN: Librn

New York Public Library University of North Carolina

ATTN: I ibrn ATTII: BA 5s Div Dots

New York State Library North Dakota State University Library

ATTN: Dots Control Cultural Ed Ctr ATTN: Dots Librn

State University of New 'York at Stony Brook University of North Dakota

ATTN: Main Lib Dots Set ATTN: Lihrn

North Georgia College

State University of New York Co1 Memorial Lib
ATTN: Librn
at Cortland
ATTN: Lihrn
Minnesota Div cf Emergency Svcs
ATTN: Lihrn
State Unlverslty of New 'York
ATTX: Lib Dots Set

tiorth Texas State University Library

ATTN: Llbrn

OTHER (Continued) OTHER
-- (Continued).

Northeast Missouri State University Oklahoma Department of Libraries

ATTIC: Librn ATTN: U.S. Gov Dots

Northeastern Oklahoma State Univers.ty University of Oklahoma

ATTN: Librn ATTN: Dots Div

Northeastern University Old Dominion University

ATTN: Dodge Library ATTN: Dot Dept Univ Lib

Northern Arizona University Library Olivet College Library

ATTN: Gov Oocs Dept ATTN: Librn

Northern Illinois University Omaha Public Library Clark Branch

ATTN: Librn ATTN: Librn

Northern Michigan University Onondaga County Public Library

ATTN: Dots ATTN: Gov Dots Set

Northern Montana College Library Oregon State Library

ATTN: Librn ATTfl: Librn

Northwestern Michigan College University of Oregon

ATTN: Librn ATTN: Dots Set

Northwestern State University Ouachita Baptist University

ATTN: Librn ATTil: Librn

Northwestern State University Libra) y Pan American University Library

ATTN: Librn ATTN: Librn

Northwestern University Library Passaic Public Library

ATTN: Gov Pubs Dept ATTN: Librn

Norwalk Public Library Queens College

ATTN: Librn ATTN: Dots Dept

Northeastern Illinois University Pennsylvania State Library

ATTN: Library ATTN: Gov Pubs Set

University of Notre Dame Pennsylvania State University

ATTfJ: Dot Ctr ATTN: Lib Dot Set

Oakland Community College University of Pennsylvania

ATTN: Librn ATTN: Dir of Libraries

Oakland Public Library University of Denver

ATTN: Librn ATTN: Penrose Library

Oberlin College Library Peoria Public Library

ATTN: Librn ATTN: Business, Science & Tech Dept

Ocean County College Free Library of Philadelphia

ATTN: Librn ATTN: Gov Pubs Dept

Ohio State Library Philipsburg Free Public Library

ATTN: Librn ATTN: Library

Ohio State University Phoenix Public Library

ATTN: Lib Dots Div ATTN: Librn

Ohio University Library University of Pittsburgh

ATTN: Dots Dept ATTN: Dots Office, GB

Oklahoma City University Library Plainfield Public Library

ATTN: Librn ATTN: Librn

Oklahoma City University Library

ATTN: Librn

OTHER (Continued1 OTHER (Continued1

Popular Creek Public Library District Richland County Public Library

ATTN: Librn ATTN: Librn

Association of Portland Library Riverside Public Library

ATTN: Librn ATTN: Librn

Portland Public Library University of Rochester Library

ATTN: Librn ATTN: Dots Set

Portland State University Library University of Rutgers Camden Library

ATTN: Librn ATTN: Librn

Pratt Institute Library State University of Rutgers

ATTN: Librn ATTN: Librn

Louisiana Tech University Rutgers University

ATTN: Librn ATTN: Dir of Libraries (Reg)

Princeton University Library Rutgers University Law Library

ATTN: Dots Div ATTN: Fed Dots Dept

Providence College Salem College Library

ATTN: Librn ATTN: Librn

Providence Public Library Samford University

ATTN: Librn ATTN: Librn

Public Library Cincinnati & Hamilton County San Antonio Public Library
ATTN: Librn ATTN: Bus Science & Tech Dept

Public Library of Nashville and Davidson County San Diego County Library
ATTN: Librn ATTN: C. Jones, Acquisitions

University of Puerto Rico San Diego Public Library

ATTN: Dot & Maps Room ATTN: Librn

Purdue University Library San Diego State University Library

ATTN: Librn ATTN: Gov Pubs Dept

Quinebaug Valley Community College San Francisco Public Library

ATTN: Librn ATTN: Gov Dots Dept

Auburn University San Francisco State College

ATTN: Microforms & Dots Dept ATTN: Gov Pubs Co11

Rapid City Public Library San Jose State College Library

ATTN: Librn ATTN: Dots Dept

Reading Public Library San Luis Obispo City-County Library

ATTN: Librn ATTN: Librn

Reed College Library Savannah Public IIEffingham Liberty Regional

ATTN: Librn Library
ATTN: Librn
Augusta College
ATTN: Librn Scottsbluff Public Librarv
ATTN: Librn
University of Rhode Island Library
ATTN: Gov Pubs Oft Scranton Public Librarv
ATTN: Librn
University of Rhode Island
ATTN: Dir of Libraries Seattle Public Librarv
ATTN: Ref Dots Asst
Rice University
ATTN: Dir of Libraries

Louisiana College
ATTN: Librn

OTHER1Continued) OTHER [Continued)

Selby Public Library Southern Oregon College

ATTN: Librn ATTN: Library

Shawnee Library System Southern University in New Orleans Library

ATTN: Librn ATTN: Librn

Shreve Memorial Library Southern Utah State College Library

ATTN: Librn ATTN: Dots Dept

Silas Bronson Public Library Southwest Missouri State College

ATTN: Librn ATTN: Library

Sioux City Public Library University of Southwestern Louisiana Libraries

ATTN: Librn ATTN: Librn

SkidJmore College Southwestern University

ATTN: Librn ATTN: Librn

Slippery Rock State College Library Spokane Public Library

ATTN: Librn ATTN: Ref Dept

South Carolina State library Springfield City Library

ATTN: Librn ATTN: Dots Set

University of South Carolina St Bonaventure University

ATTN: Librn ATTN: Librn

University of South Carolina St Joseph Public Library

ATTN: Gov Dots ATTN: Librn

South Dakota School of Mines & Technic.11 Library St Lawrence University

ATTN: Librn ATTN: Librn

South Dakota State Library St Louis Public Library

ATTN: Fed Dots Dept ATTN: Librn

University of South Dakota St Paul Public Library

ATTN: Dots Librn ATTN: Librn

South Florida University Library Stanford University Library

ATTN: Librn ATTN. Gov Dots Dept

Southeast Missouri State University State Historical Sot Library

ATTN: Librn ATTN: Dots Serials Set

Southeastern Massachusetts University Library State Library of Massachusetts

ATTN: Dots Set ATTN. Librn

University of Southern Alabama State llniversity of New York

ATTN: Librn ATTN: Librn

Southern California University Library Stetson University

ATTN: Dots Dept ATTN: Librn

Southern Connecticut State College University of Steubenville

ATTN: Library ATTN: Librn

Southern Illinois University Stockton & San Joaquin Public Library

ATTN: Librn ATTN: Librn

Southern Illinois University Stockton State College Library

ATTN: Dots Ctr ATTN: Librn

Southern Methodist University

ATTN: Librn

University of Southern Mississippi

ATTN: Library

OTHER (Continued)

Superior Public Library Tufts University Library

ATTN: Librn ATTN: Dots Dept

Swarthmore College Library University of Tulsa

ATTN: Ref Dept ATTN: Librn

Syracuse University Library UCLA Research Library

ATTN: Dots Div ATTN: Pub Affairs Svc/U.S. Dots

Tacoma Public Library Uniformed Services University of the Health

ATTN: Librn Sciences
ATTN: LRC Library
Hillsborough County Public Library at Tampa
ATTN': I.ibrn University Libraries
ATTN: Dir of Lib
Temple University
ATTN: Librn University of Maine at Oreno
ATTN: Librn
Tennessee Technological University
ATTN: Librn University of Northern Iowa
ATTN: Library
University of Tennessee
ATTN: Dir of Libraries Upper Iowa College
ATTN: Dots Co11
College of Idaho
ATT'1 : L Ibr-n Utah State Unlverslty
ATTN: Librn
Texas A & %1 University Library
ATTN: Librn University cf Utah
ATTN: Special Collections
University of Texas at Arlinqton
ATTN: Library DOGS University of Utah
ATTN: Dir of Libraries
University of Texas at San Antonio ATTN: Dept of Pharmacology
ATTN: Library
Valencia Library
Texas Christian University ATTN: Librn
ATTN: Llbrn
Vanderbilt University Library
Texas State Library ATTN: Gov Doci iec
ATTN: U.S. Dots Set
University of Vermont
Texas Tech University Library ATTN: Dir of Libraries
ATTli: Gov Dots Dept
Virginia Commonwealth University
Texas Unlverslty at Austin ATTN: Librn
ATT:]: Dots Call
Virginia Military Institute
University of Toledo Library ATTN: Librn
ATTN: Librn
Virginia Polytechnic Institute Library
Toledo Public Library ATTN: Oocs Dept
ATTII: Social Science Dept
Virginia State Library
Torrance Civic Center Library ATTN: Serials Set
ATTN: Librn
University of Virginia
Traverse City Public Library ATTN: Pub Dots
ATTN: Librn
Volusia County Public Library
Trenton Free Public Library ATTN. Librn
ATTN. Llbrn

Trinity College Library

ATTN: Librn

Trinity University Library

ATTIU: Dots Coil

OTHER (Continued1 PTHER (ConJ_jnuedj

Washington State Library Whitman College


Washington State University Wichita State University Library

ATTN: Lib Dots Set ATTN: Librn

Washington University Libraries William & Mary College

ATTN: Dir of Lib ATTN: Dots Dept

University of Washington Emporia Kansas State College

ATTN: Dots Div ATTN: Gov Dots Div

Wayne State University Library William College Library

ATTN: Cihrn ATTN: Librn

Wayne State University Law Library Willimantic Public Library

ATTN: Dots Dept ATTN: Librn

Weber State College Library Winthrop College

ATTN: Librn ATTN: Dots Dept

Wesleyan University University of Wisconsin at Whitewater

ATTN: Dots Librn ATTN: Gov Dots Lib

West Chester State College University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee

ATTN: Dots Dept ATTN: Lib Dots

West Covina Library University of Wisconsin at Oshkosh

ATTN: Librn ATTN: Librn

University of West Florida University of Wisconsin at Platteville

ATTll: Librn ATTN: Dot Unit Lib

West Hills Community College University of Wisconsin at Stevens Point

ATTN: Library ATTN: Dots Set

West Texas State University University of Wisconsin

ATTN: Library ATTN: Gov Pubs Dept

West Virginia College of Grad Stud-es Library University of Wisconsin

ATTN: Librn ATTN: Acquisitions Dept

University of West Virginia Worcester Public Library

ATTN: Dir of Libraries (Reg) ATTN: Librn

Westerly Public Library Wright State University Library

ATTN: Librn ATTN: Gov Dots Librn

Western Carolina University Wyoming State Library

ATTN: Librn ATTN: Librn

Western Illinois University Library University of Wyoming

ATTN: Librn ATTN: Dots Div

Western Washington University Yale University

ATTN: Librn ATTN: Dir of Libraries

Western Wyoming Corrmunity College Library Yeshiva University

ATTN: Librn ATTN: Librn

Westmoreland City Community College Yuma City County Library

ATTN: Learning Resource Ctr ATTN: Librn

Simon Schwab Mem Lib, Columbus Co1

ATTN: Librn


Advanced Research & Applications Corp Kaman Tempo

ATTN: H. Lee ATTN: C. Jones

JAYCOR National Academy of Sciences

ATTN: A. Nelson ATTN: C. Robinette
10 CY ATTN: Health & Environment Div ATTN: Med Follow-up Agency
ATTN: Nat Mat Advisory Ed
r,wan Tempo
ATW: DASIAC Pacific-Sierra Research Corp
ATIN: E. Martin ATTN: H. Erode, Chairman SAGE

Science Applications, Inc

ATTN: Tech Lib

SLience Applications, Inc R & D Associates

2KB Associates Div ATTN: P. llaas
10 cy ATTN: L. Navotney


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