Second Year Syllabus (CBCS) : Faculty of Commerce, Osmania University HYDERABAD - 500 007
Second Year Syllabus (CBCS) : Faculty of Commerce, Osmania University HYDERABAD - 500 007
Second Year Syllabus (CBCS) : Faculty of Commerce, Osmania University HYDERABAD - 500 007
B.Com (Honours)
(w.e.f. 2016–2017)
B.Com (Honours) (CBCS) Faculty of Commerce, O.U
Structure of B.Com (Honours) (CBCS) for Osmania University, Hyderabad.
(w.e.f. Academic Year 2016-17)
Sl.No. Code Course Title Course Type HPW Credits
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
1. BC101 English/MIL Communication AECC-1 5 5
2. BC102 Information Technology GE-1 4T+2P 5
3. BC103 Financial Accounting – I DSC-1A 5 5
4. BC104 Business Economics DSC-2A 5 5
5. BC105 Business Organization DSC-3A 5 5
6. BCH106 Principles of Marketing DSC-4A 5 5
Total 31 30
7. BC201 English/MIL Communication AECC-2 5 5
8. BCH202 Relational Database Management GEN-2 4T+2P 5
9. BC203 Financial Accounting – II DSC-1B 5 5
10. BC204 Managerial Economics DSC-2B 5 5
11. BC205 Principles of Management DSC-3B 5 5
12. BC206 Foreign Trade DSC-4B 5 5
Total 31 30
13. BC301 Entrepreneurial Development& Business SEC-1 2 2
14. BCH302 Management Information System GEN-3 4T+2P 5
15. BC303 Advanced Accounting DSC-1C 5 5
16. BC304 Income Tax-I DSC-2C 5 5
17. BC305 Business Statistics DSC-3C 5 5
18. BCH306 Marketing Management DSC-4C 5 5
19. BCH307 Human Resources Management DSC-5C 5 5
Total 33 32
20. BCH401 Business Mathematics SEC-2 2 2
21. BCH402 E Commerce & Digital Marketing GEN-4 4T+2P 5
22. BC403 Corporate Accounting DSC-1D 5 5
23. BC404 Income Tax-II DSC-2D 5 5
24. BC405 Business Statistics-II DSC-3D 5 5
25. BC406 Auditing DSC-4D 5 5
26. BCH407 Financial Statements Analysis DSC-5D 5 5
Total 33 32
B.Com (Honours) (CBCS) Faculty of Commerce, O.U
27. BC501 Cost Accounting DSC-1E 5 5
28. BC502 Business Law DSC-2E 5 5
29. BC503 Banking Theory & Practice DSC-3E 4 4
30. BC504 Computerised Accounting DSC-4E 3T+2P 4
31. BCH505 Research Methodology DSC-5E 4 4
32. BCH506 Financial Management DSE-1 5 5
33. BCH507 Financial Services DSE-2 5 5
Total 33 32
34. BC601 Managerial Accounting DSC-1F 5 5
35. BC602 Company Law DSC-2F 5 5
36. BC603 Financial Institutions & Markets DSC-3F 4 4
37. BC604 Commerce Lab DSC-4F 2T+4P 4
38. BCH605 Project Report/IFRS DSC-5F 4 4
39. BCH606 Investment Management DSE-3 5 5
40. BCH607 International Finance DSE-4 5 5
Total 34 32
AECC:Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course; SEC:Skill EnhancementCourse;DSC:Discipline Specific Course;
DSE:Discipline Specific Elective; GE:Generic Elective; T: Theory; P: Practical; R: Report; VV:Viva-Voce
Examination; T=Theory; P=Practicals;
Sl. No. Course Category No. of Courses Credits Per Course Credits
1 AECC 2 5 10
2 SEC 2 2 4
3 DSC 22 5 110
6 4 24
4 DSE 4 5 20
5 GE 4 5 20
TOTAL 40 188
Commerce Total 32 154
B.Com (Honours) (CBCS) Faculty of Commerce, O.U
Entrepreneur: Evolution-Concept - Functions - Characteristics – Importance of Entrepreneur–
Types of Entrepreneurs - Entrepreneurship-Entrepreneurial Competencies-Women Entrepreneurs
in India – Opportunities & Challenges-Entrepreneurship today.
Concept of Business Ethics-Moral Values-Utilitarianism and Universalism -Business Standards
and Values - Concept of Corporate Social Responsibility
1. Entrepreneurship Development: A.Shankaraiah et al, KalyaniPublishers.
2. Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship: K.K. Patra, Himalaya Publishing House.
3. Entrepreneurship Development:Dr.S.S.Khanka, S.Chand.
4. Entrepreneurship Development: V.Gangadhar et al, Kalyani Publishers.
5. Entrepreneurship Development & Small Business Enterprises: PoornimaCharantimath, Pearson.
6. Entrepreneurship: Robert D. Hisrich, McGraw Hill
7. Entrepreneurship: Arya Kumar, Pearson
8. The Dynamics of Entrepreneurial Development & Management: Vasanth Desai, Himalaya
9. Business Ethics: Chandra Kumar Roy, Prabhat Kumar Roy, Vikas Publishing House Ltd.
10. Business Ethics: Sanjeev K. Bansal, Kalyani Publishers.
B.Com (Honours) (CBCS) Faculty of Commerce, O.U
1. Management Information System: O Brian, TMH.
2. Management Information System: Gordon B.Davis & Margrethe H.Olson, TMH.
3. Information System for Modern Management: Murdick, PHI.
4. Management Information System: Jawadekar, TMH.
B.Com (Honours) (CBCS) Faculty of Commerce, O.U
Objective: To acquire accounting knowledge of partnership firms and joint stock companies
1. Principles and Practice of Accounting: R.L. Gupta & V.K. Gupta,Sultan Chand & Sons.
2. Advanced Accountancy: Shukla and Grewal, S.Chand & Co.
3. Advanced Accountancy: R.L.Gupta&Radhaswamy, Sultan Chand & Sons.
4. Advanced Accountancy (Vol-II): S.N.Maheshwari&V.L.Maheswari, Vikas.
5. Accountancy–III: Tulasian, Tata McGraw Hill Co.
6. Advanced Accountancy: Arulanandam; Himalaya.
7. Accountancy–III: S.P. Jain & K.L Narang, Kalyani Publishers.
8. Guidance Note on the Revised Schedule VI to the Companies Act, 1956, The Institute of
Chartered Accounts of India.
9. Advanced Accounting (IPCC): D. G. Sharma, Tax Mann Publications.
B.Com (Honours) (CBCS) Faculty of Commerce, O.U
B.Com (Honours) (CBCS) Faculty of Commerce, O.U
Origin and Development of Statistics – Definition - Importance and Scope - Limitations of
Statistics - Distrust of Statistics. Statistical Investigation: Planning of statistical investigation -
Census and Sampling methods - Collection of primary and secondary data - Statistical errors and
approximation - classification and Tabulation of data - Frequency distribution.
Meaning -Types - Correlation and Causation – Methods: Scatter Diagram - Karl Person's
Coefficient of Correlation - Probable Error and Interpretation of Coefficient of Correlation -
Rank Correlation - Concurrent Deviation Method.
1. Statistics for Management: Levin & Rubin, Pearson
2. Fundamentals of Statistics: Gupta S.C, Himalaya
3. Statistics: E. Narayanan Nadar, PHI Learning
4. Business Statistics: Dr. J. K. Thukral, Taxmann Publications
5. Business Statistics: K. Alagar, Tata McGraw Hill
6. Fundamentals of Statistical: S. P Gupta, Sultan Chand
7. Business Statistics: J. K. Sharma, Vikas Publishers
8. Business Statistics: S. L Aggarwal, S. L. Bhardwaj, Kalyani Publications
9. Statistics-Problems and Solutions: Kapoor V.K, S. Chand
10. Statistics - Theory, Methods and Applications: Sancheti D.C. & Kapoor V.K
11. Business Statistics: S. K. Chakravarty, New Age International Publishers
12. Statistics: Andasn,Sweenly,Williams,Cingage.
B.Com (Honours) (CBCS) Faculty of Commerce, O.U
Objective: To understand the product, price, promotion and channel management, and enable
them to design marketing strategy and planning.
1. Principles of Marketing: Philip Kotler, PHI.
2. Marketing Management: Ramaswamy & Namakumari, Tata McGraw Hill
3. Marketing Planning and Strategy: Jain, Cengage learning.
4. Marketing Management: Gandhi IC, Tata McGraw Hill
5. Basic Marketing: Me Carthy EJ &. Others, Tata McGraw Hill
6. Marketing Channels: Rosenbloom, Cengage learning.
7. The Essence of Marketing: Majare, PHI
8. New Marketing Strategies: Ian Chasten, McGraw Hill
9. Marketing Management: Rajan Saxena, Tata McGraw Hill
10. Marketing: Sharma etal., Cengage Learning.
B.Com (Honours) (CBCS) Faculty of Commerce, O.U
HRM: Meaning - Importance - Objectives - Evolution - Elton Mayo’s Human Relations Theory-
HRM in India: Introduction - Human Relation Movement - Scope of HR in India – Recent trends
in HR in India.
Introduction - Need - Process - System – Responsibilities - Methods.
1. Essentials of HRM and Industrial Relations: P. Subba Rao, Himalaya.
2. Human resource Management: Text & Cases: K. Aswathappa, MC-Graw Hill Foundation
3. HRM with Case Study: Shashi K. Gupta, Rosy Joshi, Kalyani Publishers.
4. Personal Management: C. B. Mamoria, Himalaya Publishing House.
5. Human Resource Management: S. S. Khanka, S. Chand
6. Human Resource Management: Seema Sanghil, Vikas Publications
7. Fundamentals of Human Resource Management: Gary Dessler, Biju Varkkey, Pearson
8. Human Recourse Management: Robins P. Stephen, Prentice Hall of India.
9. Personal Management: F. B. Flippo, MacGraw Hill, New Delhi.
10. Human Resource Development: Bhatia & Verma, Deep & Deep Publication.
B.Com (Honours) (CBCS) Faculty of Commerce, O.U
Credits: 2
Theory of Sets: Definition of Set – Types – Venn Diagrams – Operation on Sets Algebra of Sets
– Application of Set Theory.
Quadratic Equations: Solution of a Quadratic Equation – Sum of the roots – Product of the
Roots – Formation of Quadratic Equation (Including Applications).
B.Com (Honours) (CBCS) Faculty of Commerce, O.U
E-Commerce: Introduction - Advantages & Limitations, E-Business Traditional & Contemporary
Model - Impact of E-Commerce on Business Models - Classification of E-Commerce: B2B, B2C,
C2B, C2C, B2E. Applications of E-Commerce: E-Commerce Organization Applications - E-
Marketing - E-Advertising - E-Banking - Mobile Commerce - E-Trading - E-Learning - E-Shopping
- Virtual Reality & Consumer Experience.
Lab work: Using Microsoft Front Page editor and HTML in Designing a Static Webpage/ Website.
1. Frontiers Of Electronic Commerce: Ravi Kalakota, Andrew B Whinston, Pearson
2. E-Commerce, An Indian Perspective: Joseph, PHI
3. Electronic Commerce, Framework Technologies & Applications: Bharat Bhasker: Mcgraw Hill
4. Introduction To E-Commerce: Jeffrey F Rayport, Bernard J. Jaworski: Tata Mcgraw Hill
5. Electronic Commerce: A Managers' Guide: Ravi Kalakota, Andrew B Whinston
6. E-Commerce & Computerized Accounting: Rajinder Singh, Er. Kaisar Rasheed, Kalyani
7. E-Commerce and Mobile Commerce Technologies: Pandey, Saurabh Shukla, S.Chand
8. E-Business 2.0, Roadmap For Success: Ravi Kalakota, Marcia Robinson, Pearson
9. Electronic Commerce: Pete Loshin / John Vacca, Firewall Media
10. E-Commerce, Strategy, Technologies & Applications: David Whiteley, Tata Mcgraw Hill
11. Digital Commerce & Its Applications (Student's Handbook): K Goyal,Kalyani Publication
12. Digital Marketing: Eric Greenberg & Alexander Kates, Mc Graw Hill.
B.Com (Honours) (CBCS) Faculty of Commerce, O.U
1. Advanced Accountancy (Vol-II): S.N.Maheshwari&V.L.Maheswari, Vikas.
2. Accountancy–III: Tulasian, Tata McGraw Hill Co.
3. Advanced Accountancy: Arulanandam; Himalaya
4. Accountancy–III: S.P. Jain & K.L Narang, Kalyani Publishers
5. Advanced Accounting (Vol-II): Chandra Bose, PHI
6. Advanced Accountancy: Shukla and Grewal, S.Chand& Co
7. Advanced Accountancy: R.L.Gupta&Radhaswamy, Sultan Chand & Sons
8. Corporate Accounting: Sakshi Vasudeva, Himalaya.
B.Com (Honours) (CBCS) Faculty of Commerce, O.U
Objective: To acquire conceptual and legal knowledge about Income Tax provisions relating to
computation of Income from different heads with reference to an Individual Assessee.
1. Income Tax Law and Practice:V.P. Gaur & D.B- Narang, Kalyani Publishers.
2. Direct Taxes Law & Practice: Dr. Vinod K. Singhania & Dr. Kapil Singhania, Taxmann
3. Income Tax: B. Lal, Pearson Education.
4. Income Tax: M.Jeevarathinam & C. Vijay Vishnu Kumar, SCITECH Publications.
5. Taxation: R.G. Saha, Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
6. Income Tax: Johar, McGrawHill Education.
7. Taxation Law and Practice: Balachandran & Thothadri, PHI Learning
B.Com (Honours) (CBCS) Faculty of Commerce, O.U
Introduction - Linear and Non Linear Regression – Correlation Vs. Regression - Lines of
Regression - Derivation of Line of Regression of Y on X - Line of Regression of X on Y - Using
Regression Lines for Prediction.
Probability – Meaning - Experiment – Event - Mutually Exclusive Events - Collectively
Exhaustive Events - Independent Events - Simple and Compound Events - Basics of Set Theory
– Permutation – Combination - Approaches to Probability: Classical – Empirical – Subjective -
Axiomatic - Theorems of Probability: Addition – Multiplication - Baye’s Theorem.
1. Statistics for Management: Levin & Rubin, Pearson,
2. Fundamentals of Statistics: Gupta S.C, Himalaya
3. Business Statistics: Theory & Application, P. N. Jani, PHI Learning
4. Business Statistics: Dr. J. K. Thukral, Taxmann Publications
5. Business Statistics: K. Alagar, Tata Mc Graw Hill
6. Fundamentals of Statistical: S. P Gupta , Sultan Chand
7. Business Statistics: J. K. Sharma,Vikas Publishers
8. Business Statistics: Vora, Tata Mc Graw Hill
9. Statistics-Problems and Solutions: Kapoor V.K, S. Chand
10. Statistics-Teory, Methods and Applications: SanchetiD.C. & Kapoor V.K
11. Business Statistics: S. K. Chakravarty, New Age International Publishers
12. Business Statistics-G.Laxman,Vasudeva Reddy, K.Goud, TaxmannPublications,Hyderabad.
B.Com (Honours) (CBCS) Faculty of Commerce, O.U
Objective: To understand meaning and elements of auditing and gain knowledge for execution of
Auditing: Meaning – Definition – Evolution – Objectives – Importance -Types of Audit –
Standards of Auditing – Procedure for issue of standards by AASB.
Meaning – Objectives – Types of Vouchers – Vouching of Trading Transactions – Vouching
Cash Transaction – Auditing in an EDP Environment.
1. Principles and Practice of Auditing: RG Saxena, Himalaya Publishing House.
2. Auditing and Assurance for CA Integrated Professional Competence: SK Basu, Pearson.
3. Auditing: ArunaJha, Taxmann Publications.
4. Auditing Principles, Practices & Problems: Jagdish Prakash, Kalyani Publishers.
5. Auditing and Assurance: Ainapure&Ainapure, PHI Learning.
6. Principles and Practice of Auditing: DinkarPagare, Sultan Chand & Sons.
7. Fundamentals of Auditing: Kamal Gupta andAshok Arora, Tata McGraw-Hill
8. A Hand Book of Practical Auditing: B.N. Tandonetal., S. Chand.
B.Com (Honours) (CBCS) Faculty of Commerce, O.U
Financial Statements: Meaning – Elements: Assets – Liabilities – Equity - Income and
Expenditure and their features – Constituents: Income Statement and Balance Sheet their features
- Information incorporated and their Qualitative requirements - Limitations.
1. Financial Statement Analysis: George Foster, Pearson
2. Financial Statement Analysis: K R Subramanyam, TMH
3. Financial Statement Analysis: George Foster, Pearson ----Repeated ---Pl. delete
4. Advanced Management Accounting: Ravi M Kishore, Taxmann
5. Management Accounting: S.P.Gupta
6. Accounting for Managerial Decisions: Shashi K Gupta, Kalyani Publishe