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Signaling dynamics and peroxisomes

Fred D Mast1,2, Richard A Rachubinski3 and John D Aitchison1,2

Peroxisomes are remarkably responsive organelles. Their [1,2]. They possess a posttranslational protein transloca-
composition, abundance and even their mechanism of tion system, termed the peroxisomal importomer [3],
biogenesis are influenced strongly by cell type and the which imports exclusively fully folded, and sometimes
environment. This plasticity underlies peroxisomal functions in oligomeric, protein complexes composed of enzymes
metabolism and the detoxification of dangerous reactive destined for the peroxisomal matrix together with their
oxygen species. However, peroxisomes are integrated into the peroxisome-targeting chaperone [4–6]. Peroxisomes are
cellular system as a whole such that they communicate metabolically plastic, which is due in part to the enzyme-
intimately with other organelles, control signaling dynamics as mediated production of, and protection from, reactive
in the case of innate immune responses to infectious disease, oxygen species (ROS) and the broad specificity in sub-
and contribute to processes as fundamental as longevity. The strates these oxidative reactions confer [7]. Beyond their
increasing evidence for peroxisomes having roles in various metabolic functions, and in alignment with an increasing
cellular and organismal functions, combined with their recognition of the complexity and interconnectedness of
malleability, suggests complex mechanisms operate to control various components of the cell, peroxisomes are increas-
cellular dynamics and the specificity of cellular responses and ingly being revealed as hubs or platforms for signaling in
functions extending well beyond the peroxisome itself. A their own right, with roles critical for innate immunity,
deeper understanding of the functions of peroxisomes and the development and differentiation [8]. Therefore, the
mechanisms that control their plasticity could offer mechanisms controlling the plasticity of peroxisomes
opportunities for exploiting changes in peroxisome abundance and the formation of signaling complexes on peroxisomes
to control cellular function. offer exciting avenues for research. In this review, we
highlight recent findings from yeast and mammalian cells
Center for Infectious Disease Research, formerly Seattle Biomedical that reveal the coordinated control that gives rise to both
Research Institute, Seattle, USA the dynamic formation of peroxisomes and the signaling
Institute for Systems Biology, Seattle, USA events carried out at the organelle.
Department of Cell Biology, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada

Corresponding author: Aitchison, John D Peroxisomes — control at the level of

(John.Aitchison@CIDResearch.org) transcription
Factors involved in the biogenesis and proliferation of
peroxisomes have been well conserved during evolution
Current Opinion in Cell Biology 2015, 35:131–136 [9], and particularly since the divergence of metazoan and
This review comes from a themed issue on Cell organelles fungal lineages some 1.5–1.2 billion years ago. PEX genes
Edited by Maya Schuldiner and Wei Guo
encode proteins called peroxins that facilitate the varied
aspects of the peroxisome life cycle, including membrane
For a complete overview see the Issue and the Editorial
protein targeting, matrix protein targeting and transloca-
Available online 29th May 2015 tion, peroxisome division, peroxisome movement, and
http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ceb.2015.05.002 selected peroxisome turnover, or pexophagy. This con-
0955-0674/# 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. servation in cellular pathways regulating peroxisomal
biogenesis extends to the underlying transcriptional re-
sponse to environmental and metabolic signals that initi-
ate peroxisome proliferation. Ligand-mediated regulation
of genes coding for peroxisomal proteins in the budding
yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae starts with the fatty-acid-
Introduction mediated activation of the oleate-activated transcription
Peroxisomes are spherical compartments delimited by a factor 1 and peroxisome induction pathway 2 (Oaf1/Pip2)
single phospholipid bilayer and are found distributed heterodimer [10,11]. Upon its binding to a fatty acid, Oaf1
throughout the cytoplasm of most eukaryotic cells. In complexes with Pip2 to form a heterodimer, which binds
most cell types investigated to date, peroxisomes exhibit to DNA sequences known as oleate response elements
remarkable plasticity, responding to various environmen- located in the upstream promoter regions of many per-
tal stimuli to alter their size and number per cell and their oxisomal genes, including PIP2 itself. Similarly, transcrip-
metabolic functions [1]. Peroxisomes are formed by two tional regulation of peroxisomal genes in mammals was
separate, and possibly complementary, biogenesis path- first discovered in rodent models where peroxisome pro-
ways: de novo budding from the endoplasmic reticulum liferators such as fatty acids, but also hypolipidemic drugs,
(ER), and growth and division of existing peroxisomes activate the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor

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132 Cell organelles

(PPAR) and retinoic acid receptor (RAR) family of nucle- transcriptional responses, analysis of regulator deletion
ar receptors, leading to the upregulation of expression of data, ChIP-chip data and transcription factor binding
genes encoding peroxisomal proteins and the prolifera- motif data. This analysis revealed complex transcriptional
tion of peroxisomes [12,13]. networks that coordinate transcriptional activities across
the genome.
Closer examination of the kinetics of regulation of the
Oaf1/Pip2 and PPAR/RAR heterodimers revealed that Given the complexity of transcriptional control of per-
they function as asymmetric positive feedback loops, so oxisome proliferation in yeast, it is perhaps not surpris-
named because ligand-mediated heterodimerization ing that mechanisms to control peroxisome numbers in
upregulates the expression of only one member of the mammalian cells are not well understood. For example,
heterodimer pair [14]. Asymmetric positive feedback is a evidence for a role of the eponymously labeled PPARs
core network motif and a prominent feature of many in regulating the transcription of peroxisomal genes in
biomolecular regulatory systems, including systems in- humans is lacking [13]. The upstream promoter ele-
volved in adipocyte differentiation, cholesterol homeo- ments of human peroxisomal genes lack canonical
stasis, myogenesis and cellular antiviral response [14]. PPAR-binding elements, and the evidence for the
Mathematical and experimental tests comparing asym- transcriptional regulation of peroxisomal genes by
metric positive feedback, termed ASSURE for ASym- PPARs is indirect. For example, ChIP-chip analysis
metric Self-UpREgulation, to a symmetric positive of PPARa chromatin binding in response to treatment
feedback (SPF) system where both regulators are upre- with agonist found enrichment for the promoter region
gulated upon activation revealed the ASSURE motif to of the gene for the peroxisomal matrix enzyme acyl-
be more robust. For example, the response time of CoA oxidase but not for PEX genes [21]. In a study of
ASSURE was robust to changes in ligand Kd and provided the molecular underpinnings of scarring alopecia, it was
the cell with the ability to adapt to rapid changes in shown that loss of peroxisomes correlated with de-
environmental conditions [14]. creased expression of PPARg and that treatment with
PPARg agonists induced the expression of genes for
The Oaf1/Pip2 heterodimer does not regulate peroxisom- metabolic enzymes known to localize to peroxisomes
al genes exclusively. Instead, this core regulatory motif [22].
functions within a larger regulatory network that coordi-
nates peroxisome induction with many other activities The signaling networks controlling both biogenesis (per-
(Figure 1a). For example, the network includes alcohol haps directly) and transcription are also a means for cells
dehydrogenase regulator 1 (Adr1) [15,16], a global regu- to coordinate peroxisomes with various other cellular
lator of glucose-repressed genes [17,18], and Oaf3, a activities [23–25]. Components of these networks have
negative regulator of Oaf1/Pip2 that serves to dampen been revealed in yeast, and similarly to transcriptional
the cellular response to their autoactivation [19]. Yet, networks, they have proven highly complex, suggesting
even these four regulators are insufficient to explain all that cells invest considerable resources to control peroxi-
of the transcriptional control of peroxisome biogenesis; some number, while retaining the capacity to rapidly
whereas most of the metabolic machinery and fatty acid change peroxisome abundance. For example, a study that
transporters required for the b-oxidation of oleate re- modeled organelle biogenesis mechanisms on organelle
spond dramatically to oleate and are controlled by variance — the fluctuation in organelle number from cell
Oaf1/Pip2, of the 34 PEX genes in yeast, only PEX5, to cell — concluded that peroxisomes in yeast switch
PEX6, PEX11 and PEX18 are similarly responsive [20]. from a de novo biogenesis mechanism to one primarily
reliant on fission when yeast were transferred from a
A network model has been developed that predicts the glucose-rich to a fatty-acid-rich environment [26]. This
transcriptional response of yeast to oleate exposure on a observation raises the intriguing possibility that cells
genome-wide level [20]. This network was generated by respond appropriately to environmental signals through
integrating data from a compendium of 1516 publicly direct signaling and transcriptional mechanisms that act
available mRNA expression datasets, known network to control peroxisome production [1]. The temporal dif-
interactions, and common promoter regions for known ferences in responsiveness or molecular composition of
transcription factor binding motifs. The topology of the differently produced peroxisomes could contribute to
network was then explored with a linear regression algo- peroxisome heterogeneity and influence peroxisome con-
rithm that made predictions for the ability of any given trolled signaling dynamics.
transcription factor to control the expression of a given
bicluster, that is, a collection of genes with coherent Peroxisomes are not autonomous
expression profiles, for a given environmental condition. Mitochondria and peroxisomes share proteins, some met-
Focusing on the transcriptional control of peroxisome abolic functions, and communicate through vesicular
biogenesis, predicted regulators were validated in more transport [27,28]. Indeed, it has been known for quite
focused studies that included time course analysis of some time that cross-talk between mitochondria and

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Signaling dynamics and peroxisomes Mast, Rachubinski and Aitchison 133

Figure 1

(a) (b) growth and division

division division mature

matrix protein feedback ? mitochondrion

free preperoxisomal
polysome vesicle (PPV) vesicular and non-
vesicular transport
de novo biogenesis MAVS

endoplasmic reticulum
IFN-β viral RNA

Pip2 Oaf1 MAVS


peroxisomal genes ?
IFN-λ peroxisome


Current Opinion in Cell Biology

(a) Schematic representation of the transcriptional response of S. cerevisiae to oleic acid. The core Pip2-Oaf1 asymmetric network motif is nested
within a larger network that includes the feedforward action of Adr1 and the dampening action of Oaf3. (b) Depending on organism, cell type, or
even environmental condition, the proliferation of peroxisomes is achieved through two routes: growth and division of existing peroxisomes, and
de novo biogenesis of preperoxisomal vesicles from the ER that mature via fusion into mature organelles. In both cases, peroxisomal matrix
enzymes and membrane proteins are acquired by the peroxisome posttranslationally, either directly from the cytosol (some membrane proteins
and all matrix proteins) or from the ER (some membrane proteins). Control over either pathway can occur through signaling and transcriptional
responses to environmental stimuli or intracellular signaling and crosstalk from other organelles. In this example, an innate immune response is
initiated by the detection of viral RNA by RLR that initiates a signal cascade by activating MAVS on mitochondria and peroxisomes. Mitochondrial
MAVS activates a type I interferon response resulting in the upregulation of IFN-b expression and, via autocrine signaling, the upregulation of
interferon-stimulated genes (ISG). Peroxisomal MAVS activates a type III interferon response that directly upregulates the expression of ISG and
IFN-l. Through an as yet unidentified mechanism, peroxisomal genes including PEX11b are also upregulated, resulting in the proliferation of

peroxisomes manifests at the transcriptional level [29]. Peroxisomes and the innate immune response
However, how the regulation of peroxisomes is integrated In response to intracellular pathogens, such as viruses and
with other organelles, especially the ER, is poorly under- invading bacteria, RIG-I like receptors (RLRs) induce
stood. Further evidence of the intimate association be- the expression of interferon-stimulated genes (ISGs)
tween peroxisomes, the ER, and mitochondria comes from whose protein products carry out an innate immune
a recent systems biology screen in yeast that uncovered an response [36]. Type I interferons (IFN), such as IFNa
association between the ER and mitochondrion encounter or IFNb, are secreted by cells for paracrine and autocrine
structure (ERMES) and peroxisomes [30]. Peroxisomes signaling through the interferon a/b receptor (IFNAR),
themselves are intimately associated physically with mi- which activates the JAK/STAT pathway to amplify the
tochondria [31,32] and can be formed from the ER [33–35]. innate immune response and also regulate a humoral
Furthermore, there are implied, but also direct, observa- response to the infectious disease [37]. In contrast to
tions of cross-talk and feedback systems that function to the Toll-like receptors, which detect the presence of
coordinate peroxisome biogenesis and proliferation with pathogens extracellularly or from within endosomes, most
the responses of other organelles. Here, we highlight two RLRs are RNA helicases that detect viral or bacterial
recent examples of coordination between peroxisomes and nucleic acids in the cytosol [38]. Upon detection, these
other organelles in innate immune responses and the RLRs recruit signaling components that activate tran-
metabolic requirements of different cell types. scription factors, such as NF-kB and interferon regulatory

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134 Cell organelles

factors (IRFs). Different subsets of RLRs detect different Peroxisomes and the regulation of mTORC
types of nucleic acid, and this has been suggested to A central regulator of cellular growth is the mammalian
enable pathogen-specific immune responses. Adaptor target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1) [42]. mTORC1
proteins, such as mitochondrial antiviral signaling protein responds to diverse inputs such as the availability of amino
(MAVS, also known as IPS-1, Cardif, or VISA), recruit acids, glucose, insulin or other mitogens to regulate the
activated RLRs and, through a process of aggregation, in switch between cell growth and autophagy. In mammals,
turn activate transcription factors such as IRF3 [39]. mTORC1 activation corresponds with its translocation to
the lysosome and association with a Ras-GTPase homolog
In a pioneering study [40], Dixit and colleagues inves- termed Rheb [43]. Rheb, in turn, is active when bound to
tigated the subcellular localization of the adaptor protein GTP and farnesylated [43]. In a surprising study, compo-
MAVS upon infection of cells with reovirus or vesicular nents of the tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC), which is a
stomatitis virus (VSV). They showed that MAVS was GTPase-activating-protein (GAP) of Rheb and therefore a
found on peroxisomes in addition to being localized to negative regulator of mTORC1, were found to localize
mitochondria (Figure 1b). To dissect the organelle-spe- to peroxisomes [44]. The TSC is heterotrimer composed
cific function of MAVS, organelle-specific targeting of TSC1, TSC2 and TBC1D7. Curiously, TSC2 was
sequences were appended to MAVS, directing it exclu- recruited to peroxisomes by the peroxisomal matrix pro-
sively to mitochondria, peroxisomes, or the cytosol. tein receptor Pex5, whereas TSC1 was recruited by the
Peroxisome-targeted MAVS stimulated the expression peroxisomal membrane protein receptor Pex19. From the
of ISGs but not type I interferons. Analyzing the dy- peroxisome, TSC1 and TSC2 regulate mTORC1 in re-
namics of signaling from peroxisomes versus signaling sponse to ROS, suggesting that the peroxisome is a cellular
from mitochondria revealed that peroxisome-based sig- sensor for ROS and provides input into the switch between
naling resulted in an immediate, but transient, response cell growth and autophagy by negatively regulating the
[40]. In contrast, mitochondrial signaling led to a action of mTORC1 [44].
sustained response in line with a type I interferon
response that upregulates IFNb and results in autocrine Perspectives
and paracrine signaling. As might be expected, signaling Peroxisome plasticity, whether it be in composition,
from both organelles was shown to be necessary for a choice of proliferation mechanism, or transcriptional con-
maximum immune response, but the nature of the cross- trol, uniquely positions peroxisomes for many diverse,
talk and feedback mechanisms implied by this observa- distinct and unexpected roles. Their recently discovered
tion was not explored further. However, using mice role as a scaffold for MAVS in innate signaling is perhaps
infected with VSV, which is known to interfere with not surprising, as there are many examples where molec-
the IFN response initiated by mitochondria, the authors ular complex formation exploits cellular structures as
were able to show that peroxisome-MAVS-mediated spatial beacons. However, what is remarkable is that
upregulation of ISGs was achieved through IRF1 and the shift in distribution of MAVS between mitochondria
IRF3 [40]. and peroxisomes confers signaling dynamics and speci-
ficity to the output, including transcriptional regulation.
In a subsequent study, the role of peroxisomes in innate Similar spatiotemporal control and transcriptional regula-
responses to intracellular infection was expanded to tion may apply to mTORC signaling. If one considers the
include Sendai virus, dengue virus and the bacterial plasticity of peroxisomes, it is not difficult to imagine
pathogen, Listeria monocytogenes [41]. This study also additional control mechanisms that further impact signal-
showed that peroxisome-based RLR signaling activates ing specificities and dynamics in different cell types or in
the Jak-STAT pathway regulated by Jak2, leading to the same cell exposed to different conditions.
expression of IFN-l, further suggesting that peroxi-
some-based innate responses activate type III interfer- Despite the evident functional connections between
ons that are important for the innate immune response peroxisomes and mitochondria, it is rare for studies in-
of mucosal surfaces. Surprisingly, epithelial cells of the vestigating the functions of mitochondria or other orga-
intestine, liver and lung showed elevated numbers of nelles to explore how peroxisomes contribute to the
peroxisomes, and the abundance of peroxisomes could underlying phenotype of interest. The importance of this
be correlated with the efficiency of the innate response point was demonstrated recently in yeast where an in-
of these tissues [41]. Furthermore, Pex11b, one of crease in chronological lifespan that was initially attribut-
three Pex11 isoforms in humans that regulate the ed to an inhibition of mitochondrial division was actually
proliferation of peroxisomes, was upregulated in re- the result of an inhibition of peroxisomal division [45].
sponse to pathogen infection (Figure 1b). Finally, cell Because the role of peroxisomes, whether it is in metab-
lines from Zellweger patients with mutations in Pex19 olism, innate immunity or longevity, is intimately inter-
or Pex16 and which lack morphologically observable twined with that of other organelles, further untangling
peroxisomes, exhibited dysregulated expression of the mechanisms of its regulation will require systems
ISGs. approaches [1].

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Signaling dynamics and peroxisomes Mast, Rachubinski and Aitchison 135

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is supported by grants P50 GM076547, U54 GM103511, U01 GM098256,
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Current Opinion in Cell Biology 2015, 35:131–136 www.sciencedirect.com

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