Forestry Forest Management
Forestry Forest Management
Forestry Forest Management
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In developed countries, the environment has increased public awareness of natural resource
policy, including forest management. As a direct result, primary concerns regarding forest
management have shifted from the extraction of timber to other forest resources including
wildlife, watershed management, and recreation. This shift in public values has also caused
many in the public to mistrust resource management professionals.
Community Forestry
Community Forestry has been considered one of the most promising options of combining
forest conservation with rural development and poverty reduction objectives. Community
Forestry is implemented firstly through the establishment of a legal and institutional framework
including the revision of legal norms and regulations for forest management, the development
of National Forest Plans and the strengthening of decentralization processes to sub-national
levels of government. The second principle line of action is the implementation of pilot projects
to demonstrate the feasibility of the Community Forestry Framework.
However, a study by the Overseas Development Institute shows that the technical, managerial
and financial requirements stipulated by the framework are often incompatible with local
realities and interests. A successful legal and institutional framework will incorporate the
strengthening of existing institutions and enable the dissemination of locally appropriate
practices as well as the local capacity for regulation and control
Forest Farming
Forest farming is an agroforestry practice characterized by the four “I's” -Intentional,
Integrated, Intensive and Interactive management of an existing forested ecosystem wherein
forest health is of paramount concern. It is neither forestry nor farming in the traditional sense.
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fragmented that their natural processes are out of equilibrium, back into ecological balance
through careful, intentional manipulation over time, emulating natural processes to restore
original, natural diversity of species and ecosystem stability.
In some instances, the intentional introduction of native or native-related species for use as
botanicals, medicinals or food products is accomplished, utilizing the existing forest ecosystem
to aid in support of their growth. The tree cover, soil type, water supply, landform and other site
characteristics determine what species will thrive, as opposed to field-grown crop plantings.
Developing an understanding of species/site relationships as well as understanding the site
limitations is necessary in order to utilize these resources for current needs, while conserving
adequate resources for the health of the forest today and for the future.
Forest farm management methods may include: Intensive, yet cautious thinning of overstocked,
suppressed tree stands such that no individual species is decimated and such that the crown
cover is never depleted leaving the forest floor exposed to excessive sun, rain and erosion;
multiple Integrated entries to accomplish thinnings so that the systemic shock is not so great;
and Interactive management to maintain a cross-section of healthy trees and shrubs of all ages
and species, rather than a monoculture of timber species. Caution is used to ensure that physical
disturbance to the surrounding area is minimized in order for the forest ecosystem to recover
more quickly.
Forest farm management is a type of forest stewardship ethic whose philosophy is that the term
“sustainable” means what is sustainable for the earth, not what is sustainable for man's demand,
and its objective is to restore and maintain the health of the forest land's many and varied
In recent years, the concept of ecosystem serviceshas been developed to satisfy the human
demand for a means of participating actively in support of ecosystem health and appreciation of
the earth's natural assets. This movement is taking many physical forms-the planting of trees;
the leaving of timber to grow older; the protection of forest habitat for animal species; creek
riparian enhancement. Forest health is already a priority and is currently undertaken on forest
farms as part of the management program. This positions them well to respond to this societal
need, of conservation-minded individuals who are willing to provide monetary support for the
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