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Unit-11: Various Important Central

and State Government Scheme

Central sector schemes and Centrally Sponsored Scheme

Central sector schemes are 100% funded by the Union government and implemented
by the Central Government machinery.

Central sector schemes are mainly formulated on subjects from the Union List. They
account for 11% of the Central Government's expenditure.

In Centrally Sponsored Scheme (CSS) a certain percentage of the funding is borne by

the States and the implementation is by the State Governments.

Centrally Sponsored Schemes are formulated in subjects from the State List to
encourage States to prioritise in areas that require more attention. They account for
10% of Central governments expenditure.

Usually Centrally Sponsored Schemes are revisited at the end of each five-year plan
period. However, after the discontinuation of Five-Year Plan, it has been decided that
sunset date will be coterminous with Finance Commission Cycles.
❖ PM Fasal Bhima Yojna:- (05 Marks/50 Words)/IMPORTANT

• This scheme is, to provide insurance coverage and financial support to the
farmers in the event of natural calamities, pests & diseases; To stabilize the
income of farmer to ensure their continuance in farming; To encourage farmer
to adopt innovative & modern agriculture practices.
• Beneficiary of this scheme is all the farmers including sharecroppers & tenant
farmers growing notified crops in a notified area during the season who have
insurable interest in the crop are eligible.
• A uniform premium of only 2% is to be paid by farmers for all Kharif crops &
1.5% for all Rabi crops, in case of annual commencement of Horticulture crops,
the premium to be paid by farmers will be only 5%
• There is no upper limit on government subsidy so farmers will get claim on full
sum insured. The difference between the premium paid by the farmers and
actual premium charged was paid by the centre and state government in the
ratio of 50:50
• It is compulsory for loaner farmers availing crop loans for notified crops in
notified areas and voluntary for non-loaner farmers.

❖ Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sichai Yojna (05 Marks/50 Words)

• This scheme is, to achieve convergence of investment in irrigation at the field
level; to enhance recharge of aquifers & introduce sustainable water
conservation practices; to explore the feasibility of reusing the treated
municipal waste water for peri-urban agriculture; to attract greater private
investment in irrigation; to promote extension activities relating to water
harvesting, water management & crop alignment for farmers and grass root
level field functionaries.
• In this scheme there is decentralised state level planning and project execution
structure, in order to allow states to draw up a District Irrigation Plan (DIP) and
State irrigation plan (SIP). These plans need to be prepared in order to access
PMKSY fund.
• In it water budgeting is done for all sectors namely, household, agriculture and
industries. Investments will happen at farm level so farmers know what is
happening and provide valuable feedback.
• PMKSY has been formulated amalgamating ongoing schemes viz. Accelerated
irrigation benefit programme (AIBP); Integrated watershed management
Programme (IWMP); On farm Water management (OWMP), component of
national mission on sustainable agriculture.
• Recently, long term irrigation fund has been instituted under PMKSY in
NABARD for funding and fast tracking the implementation for incomplete
major & medium irrigation Projects.

❖ National Mission on sustainable agriculture (05 Marks/50 Words)

• The objective of this scheme is, to make agriculture more sustainable,
productive, remunerative and climate resilient; Conserve natural resources
through appropriate soil and moisture conservation measures; Adopt
comprehensive soil management practices and optimize utilization of water
• It derives its mandate from Sustainable Agriculture Mission which is one of the
eight missions outlined under National Action Plan on Climate Change
• NMSA will cater to key dimensions of ‘Water use efficiency’, ‘Nutrient
Management’ and ‘Livelihood diversification’ through adoption of sustainable
development pathway.
• Main Components of NMSA are –
• Rain-fed Area Development
• On Farm Water Management
• Soil Health Management
• Climate Change and Sustainable Agriculture: Monitoring, Modelling and
• Mission Organic Value Chain Development for North Eastern Region is a sub-
mission under this. It aims at development of certified organic production in a
value chain mode to link growers with consumers and to support the
development of entire value chain starting from inputs to the creation of
facilities for collection, aggregation, processing marketing and brand building
❖ National Agriculture Market (NAM) (05 Marks/50 Words)
• The objective of scheme is, to promote genuine price discovery, increases farmers’ options for
sale and access to markets, Liberal licensing of traders / buyers and commission agents, one
license for a trader valid across all markets in the State, Single point levy of market fees, i.e.
on the first wholesale purchase from the farmer, provision of Soil Testing Laboratories in/ or
near the selected mandi to facilitate visiting farmers to access this facility in the mandi itself.
• The beneficiaries of this scheme are 585 regulated wholesale markets in states/union
territories (UTs), Farmers, Local traders, Bulk buyers, processors, Farm produce exporters,
Overall economy of the nation.
• NAM is a pan-India electronic trading portal which seeks to network the existing APMCs and
other market yards to create a unified national market for agricultural commodities.
• Small Farmers Agribusiness Consortium (SFAC) has been selected as the lead agency to
implement it.
• Central government will provide the software free of cost to the states and in addition, a grant
of up to Rs. 30 lakhs per mandi or market or private mandis will be given for related equipment
and infrastructure requirements.
• New Features added to the scheme such as E-NAM Mobile App, BHIM Payment facility, MIS
dashboard for better analysis and insights, grievance redressal mechanism for Mandi
Secretaries and integration with Farmer Database to ease the registration and identification
process will further strengthen e-NAM.
• Fund Allocation – The Scheme is being funded through Agri-Tech Infrastructure Fund (AITF).



• The objective of this scheme is, to make farming a remunerative economic activity through
strengthening the farmer’s efforts, risk mitigation and promoting agri-business
entrepreneurship; to attend national priorities through several sub-schemes; to empower
youth through skill development, innovation and agri- entrepreneurship based business
• RKVY, initiated in 2007 as an umbrella scheme for holistic development of agriculture and
allied sectors, has been recently revamped as RKVY-RAFTAAR – Remunerative Approaches for
Agriculture and Allied sector Rejuvenation for 2017-19 and 2019-20.
• It will incentivize states to increase allocations for agriculture and allied sectors and help in
creation of post-harvest infrastructure and promotion of private investment in the farm sector
across the country.
• Fund Allocation - 60:40 grants between Centre and States in states and 90:10 for North Eastern
States and Himalayan States through following streams –
• Infrastructure & Assets and Production Growth
• RKVY-RAFTAAR special sub-schemes of National Priorities
• Innovation and agri-entrepreneur development
• Sub-schemes include
• Bringing Green Revolution to Eastern India
• Crop Diversification Program – It is being implemented in the Original Green Revolution
States of Punjab, Haryana and Western Uttar Pradesh to diversify area from water
guzzling crop
• Reclamation of Problem Soil
• Foot & Mouth Disease – Control Program (FMD-CP)
• Saffron Mission
• Accelerated Fodder Development Programme (AFDP).

❖ Soil Health Card Scheme(05 Marks/50 Words) /IMPORTANT

• The objective of scheme is; to issue soil health cards every 3 years, to all farmers of the country,
so as to provide a basis to address nutrient deficiencies in fertilization practices; to strengthen
functioning of Soil Testing Laboratories (STLs) through capacity building, involvement of
agriculture students and effective linkage with Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) /
State Agricultural Universities (SAUs); to diagnose soil fertility related constraints with
standardized procedures for sampling uniformly across states, to build capacities of district
and state level staff and of progressive farmers for promotion of nutrient management
• It is a centrally sponsored scheme launched by the Government of India in 2015.
• It is being implemented through the Department of Agriculture of all the State and Union
Territory Governments.
• Soil Health Card issued to farmers carry crop-wise recommendations of nutrients and
fertilizers required for the individual farms.
• The experts will analyze the strength and weaknesses (micronutrients deficiency) of the soil
collected from farms and suggest measures to deal with it.
• It will contain the status of his soil with respect to 12 parameters, namely N,P,K (Macro-
nutrients); S (Secondary- nutrient); Zn, Fe, Cu, Mn, Bo (Micro - nutrients); and pH, EC, OC
(Physical parameters).
❖ National Food security Mission (05 Marks/50 Words) /IMPORTANT
• The objective of scheme is; increasing production of rice, wheat, pulses, coarse cereals and
commercial crops through area expansion and productivity enhancement in a sustainable
manner; Restore soil fertility and productivity at the individual farm level, enhancing farm level
• It is a Centrally Sponsored Scheme which was launched in 2007.
• The approach of the scheme is to bridge the yield gap in respect of these crops through
dissemination of improved technologies and farm management practices while focusing on
districts which have high potential but relatively low level of productivity at present.

❖ Kisan Credit Card (05 Marks/50 Words) /IMPORTANT

• Objective of this scheme is to provide adequate and timely credit support from the banking
system under single window.
• Commercial Banks, RRBs and cooperatives are implementing agencies of this scheme.
• The loan disbursed under KCC is broad based and may be used for short term credit
requirements for cultivation of crops, post-harvest expenses, produce marketing loan,
consumption requirement of farmer household etc.
• The loans disbursed under KCC Scheme for notified crops are covered under Crop Insurance
• The KCC has been extended to fisheries and animal husbandry farmers to help them meet their
working capital needs.
• Scheme covers risk of KCC holders against death or permanent disability resulting from
accidents caused by external, violent and visible means.

❖ Interest Subvention Scheme (05 Marks/50 Words)

• The objective of this scheme is to make available agricultural credit for Short term crop loans
at an affordable rate to give a boost to agricultural productivity and production in the country.
• It provides concessional of 2% per annum for crop loans to farmers, up to Rs. 3 lakh at 7% rate
of interest.
• An additional interest subvention of 3 per cent per annum is available to the “prompt payee
• Interest subvention will be available to Public Sector Bank, Private Sector Bank and to NABARD
for providing concessional refinance to RRBs and Cooperative Banks.
• The Scheme is provided for four segments namely;
• Interest subvention for short term crop loans.
• Interest subvention for post-harvest loans.
• Interest subvention under Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana - National Rural Livelihoods
Mission (DAY-NRLM).
• Interest subvention for relief to farmers affected by natural calamities.
❖ Mera Gaon- Mera Gaurav (05 Marks/50 Words) /IMPORTANT
• The objective of this scheme is to promote direct interface of scientists with the farmers and
hasten the land to lab process; to imbibe a sense of ownership among the agricultural
scientists; to provide farmers with required information, knowledge and advisories on regular
basis by adopting villages.
• The beneficiaries of this scheme are Scientists with ground level experience, Farmers.
• This scheme involves scientists of the Indian Council of Agriculture Research (ICAR) and state
agricultural universities.
• Groups of four multidisciplinary scientists each will be constituted at these institutes and
universities. Each group will “adopt” five villages within a radius of maximum 100 km.

❖ Nutrient Based subsidy scheme (05 Marks/50 Words)

• The objective of this scheme is, to ensure that adequate quantity of P&K is made available to
the farmers at statutory controlled price; to ensure balanced use of fertilizers, improve
agriculture productivity, promote growth of indigenous fertilizer industry and to reduce the
burden of subsidy.
• Under this scheme a fixed amount of subsidy decided on annual basis, is provided to fertilizer
companies (other than Urea) depending on its nutrient content to fertilizer manufacturer.
• Under this scheme Minimum Retail Price (MRP) of Phosphatic & Potassic (P&K) fertilizers has
been left open and the manufacturers/importers/ marketers are allowed to fix MRP of P&K
fertilizers at reasonable level.
• MRP will be decided taking into account the international and domestic prices of P&K
fertilizers, exchange rate, and inventory level in the country.

❖ Ude Desh Ka Aam Naagrik (UDAN) (05 Marks/50 Words)

• The objective of this scheme is, to provide connectivity to un-served and under-served airports
of the country through revival of existing air-strips and airports; to develop the
regional aviation market; to make flying affordable.
• UDAN will be applicable on flights which cover between 200 km and 800 km with no lower
limit set for hilly, remote, island and security sensitive regions.
• The selected airline operator would have to provide a minimum of 9 and a maximum of 40
UDAN Seats (subsidized rates) on the UDAN Flights for operations through fixed wing aircraft
and a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 13 Seats on the Flights for operations through
• The fare for a one hour journey of approx. 500 km on a fixed wing aircraft or for a 30 minute
journey on a helicopter would now be capped at Rs. 2,500, with proportionate pricing for
routes of different stage lengths / flight duration.
• The partner State Governments (other than North Eastern States and Union Territories where
contribution will be 10 %) would contribute a 20% share to this fund.
• State governments will have to provide free security and fire service, utilities at concessional
rates and reduce VAT on ATF to 1 percent. No landing charges, parking charges and Terminal
Navigation Landing Charges will be imposed for RCS flights
• UDAN has a unique market-based model to develop regional connectivity.
• The Airports Authority of India is the implementing authority of the scheme.
❖ Start Up India (05 Marks/50 Words) /IMPORTANT
• To build a strong eco- system for nurturing innovation and start ups in the country which will
drive economic growth and generate large scale employment opportunities.
• Simplification and Handholding:
• Simple Compliance Regime for startups based on Self-certification
• Launch of Mobile app and Portal for compliance and information exchange
• Startup India Hub to handhold startups during various phases of their development
• Legal support and fast-tracking patent examination at reduced costs
• Relaxed norms of public procurement for startups
• Faster exit for startups
• Funding support and Incentives
• Providing funding support through a Fund of Funds at Small Industries Development
Bank of India with a corpus of Rupees 10,000 crore
• Credit guarantee fund for startups through Small Industries Development Bank of India
(SIDBI) with a Corpus of Rs.500 crore per year for the next four years
• Tax exemption on capital gains invested in Fund of Funds
• Tax exemption to startups for 3 years
• Industry-Academia Partnership and Incubation
• Organizing Startup Fests to showcase innovations and providing collaboration platforms
• Launch of Atal Innovation Mission (AIM) with Self –Employment and Talent Utilization
(SETU) Program of NITI Aayog
• Harnessing private sector expertise for setting up incubators
• Setting up of 7 new research parks modelled on the Research Park at IIT Madras
• Launching of innovation focused programs for students.
• Annual Incubator Grand Challenge to promote good practices among incubators.

❖ Make in India (05 Marks/50 Words) /IMPORTANT

• The objective of this scheme is to transform India into a global design and manufacturing hub.
• An Investor Facilitation Cell (IFC) dedicated for the Make in India campaign was formed in 2014
with an objective to assist investors in seeking regulatory approvals, hand-holding services
through the pre-investment phase, execution and after-care support.
• It aims to target an increase in manufacturing sector growth to 12-14% per annum over the
medium term, increase in the share of manufacturing in the country’s Gross Domestic Product
from 16% to 25% by 2022, to create 100 million additional jobs by 2022 in manufacturing
sector, creation of appropriate skill sets among rural migrants and the urban poor for inclusive
growth, increase in domestic value addition and technological depth in manufacturing,
enhancing the global competitiveness of the Indian manufacturing sector, Ensuring
sustainability of growth, particularly with regard to environment.
• Various sectors have been opened up for investments like Defence, Railways, Space, etc. Also,
the regulatory policies have been relaxed to facilitate investments and ease of doing business.
• Six industrial corridors are being developed across various regions of the country. Industrial
Cities will also come up along these corridors.

❖ Bharat Net Project (05 Marks/50 Words) /IMPORTANT

• The objective of this scheme is to provide broadband connectivity to gram panchayats through
optical fibre network.
• It aims to provide a minimum bandwidth of 100 Mbps to each of the 2.5 lakhs GPs.
• It will facilitate delivery of e-governance, e-health, e-education, e-banking, public internet
access, G2C, B2B, P2P, B2C etc., weather, agricultural and other services to rural India.
• It is the new brand name of NOFN (National Optic Fibre Network) which is being implemented
in three phases.
• BSNL, Railtel and Power Grid are executing agencies for the project in the ratio of 70:15:15.
• It is being funded by the Universal Service Obligation Fund (USOF).

❖ Targeted Public Distribution System (05 Marks/50 Words)

• The objective of the scheme is to identifying the poor households and giving them a fixed
entitlement of food grains, rice and wheat, at specially subsidized prices.
• The National Food Security Act, 2013 (NFSA) provides for all India coverage of up to 75% of the
rural population and up to 50% of the urban population of the country for receiving highly
subsidized food grains.
• It is operated under the joint responsibility of the Central and the State/Union Territory (UT)
• Central Government is responsible for procurement, allocation and transportation of food
grains up to the designated depots of the FCI.
• State/UT Governments is responsible for the operational responsibilities for allocation and
distribution of food grains within the States/UTs, identification of eligible beneficiaries, and
issuance of ration cards to them and supervision over and monitoring of functioning of Fair
Price Shops (FPSs).
• The targeted households are entitled to 5kg food grains per person per month at rates Rs.1/
per kg coarse grains, Rs.2/ per kg for wheat and Rs. 3/ per kg for rice.

❖ Integrated Management of Public Distribution system (05 Marks/50 Words)

It is a new central sector scheme with following objective:
• To bring more transparency and efficiency in distribution of food grains.
• To integrate PDS system/portals of States/UTs with Central System/portals,
• Introduction of National Portability: provide the option to PDS beneficiaries to lift their
entitled food grains from the Fair Price Shops (FPS) of their choice at the national level.
Presently, Andhra Pradesh, Haryana, Delhi has started portability at the State level,
whereas, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Chhattisgarh and Telangana have also started
portability in the few FPS areas within the State.
• De-duplication of ration cards/beneficiary.

❖ Swachha Bharat Mission (Gramin) [SBM(G)] (05 Marks/50 Words)

Objectives of scheme are: -
• Bring about an improvement in the general quality of life in the rural areas, by
promoting cleanliness, hygiene and eliminating open defecation.
• Accelerate sanitation coverage in rural areas to achieve the vision of Swachh Bharat by
2nd October 2019.
• Develop wherever required, community managed sanitation systems focusing on
scientific Solid & Liquid Waste Management systems for overall cleanliness in the rural
• Create significant positive impact on gender and promote social inclusion by improving
sanitation especially in marginalized communities
The Strategy is to move towards a ‘Swachh Bharat’ by making it a massive mass movement.
Implementation Framework of each State be prepared with a road map of activities covering
the three important phases necessary for the Programme:
• Planning - A project proposal shall be prepared by the District, incorporating Gram
Panchayat-wise details and scrutinized, and consolidated by the State Government into
a State Plan.
• Implementation – This includes advocacy and communication, financing and toilet
construction. Setting up Rapid Action Learning Unit (RALU)
• Sustainability – This includes sustaining ODF communities and verification.
• A five-tier implementation mechanism should be set up at the National/ State/ District/ Block/
Village level. Corporate houses should be encouraged to participate as an essential part of the
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).
• IEC (Information, Education and Communication) Component: Focus of SBM-G is on Behaviour
Change Communication (BCC). It is not a 'stand- alone' separate activity, community action
and generation of peer pressure on the outliers is key to it.
• Construction of Individual Household Latrines & while selecting eligible households for
providing incentive under SBM(G), order of preference shall be – BPL followed by SC/SC APL
households. Availability of Sanitary Material through Rural Sanitary Marts (RSM), Production
Centers (PC), Self Help Groups (SHG) and Community Sanitary Complex (CSC).
• Equity and inclusion as this also includes raise awareness and skills on Menstrual Hygiene
Management (MHM), specifically amongst adolescent girls in schools.
• Solid and Liquid Resource Management.
• The monitoring also uses a robust community led system, like Social Audit. Community-based
monitoring and vigilance committees will help in creating peer pressure.
• Foot soldiers of Swachh Bharat: An army of ‘foot soldiers’ or ‘Swachhagrahis’, earlier known
as ‘Swachhata Doots’ is developed.

Some other schemes covered under SBM(G) are as follows


❖ National Rural Drinking Water Program (05 Marks/50 Words)

The objective of scheme is:-
• to ensuring sustainability (source) of water availability in terms of potability, adequacy,
convenience, affordability and equity;
• to realise 'Har Ghar Jal' by 2030-a component of SDG. Also, access to safe and adequate
drinking water within reasonable distance;
• provide drinking water facility, especially piped water supply, to Gram Panchayats that
have achieved open defecation free status on priority basis;
• ensure all government schools and anganwadis have access to safe drinking water;
• provide access to information through online reporting mechanism with information
placed in public domain to bring in transparency and informed decision making
• It has coverage of Open Defecation Free (ODF) declared villages, SAGY-GPs (Sansad Adarsh
Gram Yojana-Gram Panchayat), Ganga GPs, Integrated Action Plan (IAP) districts, Border Out
Posts (BOP) with piped water supply and Institutional set up for proper O&M of water supply
assets etc.
• This is a centrally sponsored scheme (50:50), started in 2009. The restructured scheme has
provided more flexibility to the states release of fund under various components.
• The scheme is to be continued co-terminus with the 14th Finance Commission cycle i.e. from
2017-18 to 2019-2020.
• National Water Quality Sub Mission (NWQSM) on Arsenic and Fluoride has been started to
provide safe drinking water to about 28,000 affected habitations in the country by March
• The Jalmani Programme, this programme involves installation of Stand Alone Purification
System in rural schools, since 2008. The ownership of the water purification system lies with
school authorities, while funds are provided to the village panchayats by the State
Governments for operating this program.

❖ National Monsoon Mission Phase II (2017-2020) (05 Marks/50 Words)

• The objective of the scheme is, to improve Seasonal and Intra-seasonal Monsoon Forecast; to
improve Medium Range Forecast; to develop a state of the art dynamical prediction system
for monsoon rainfall on all different time scales i.e. from short-range to seasonal.
• The Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology (IITM), Pune will coordinate and lead the effort
for improving the forecasts on seasonal and intra seasonal scale. National Centre for Medium
Range Weather Forecasting (NCMRWF), Noida will lead and coordinate the efforts for
improving the forecasts in the medium range scale up to week two forecasts. These will be
made operational by the India Meteorological Department (IMD), New Delhi.
• For Long range forecasting (up to a season), American model called Climate Forecast System
(CFS) is used, which is a coupled-Ocean forecasting system i.e. it combines data from ocean,
atmosphere and land. For short to medium range (upto20 days) Unified Model (UM)
developed by UK is used.
• In its phase I, IMD was able to develop high resolution-coupled dynamical prediction system
(seasonal and extended time scale). For the first time, IMD used the Monsoon Mission
dynamical model to prepare operational seasonal forecast of 2017 monsoon rainfall over
• The Ministry has now launched the Monsoon Mission Phase II program, for next 3 years (2017-
2020) with emphasis on predicting extremes and development of applications based on
monsoon forecasts.

❖ Digital India (05 Marks/50 Words) /IMPORTANT

• The objective is to transform India into a digitally empowered society and knowledge
• The Digital India programme is centred on three key vision areas: Digital Infrastructure as a
Utility to Every Citizen, Governance & Services on Demand, Digital Empowerment of Citizens
• It aims to provide the much needed thrust to the nine pillars of growth areas, namely:
Broadband Highways, Universal Access to Mobile Connectivity, Public Internet Access
Programme, e-Governance: Reforming Government through Technology, e-Kranti: NeGP 2.0,
Information for All, Electronics Manufacturing, IT for Jobs, Early Harvest Programmes.
• Public Private Partnerships would be preferred wherever feasible to implement e- Governance
projects. For effective management of the Digital India programme, the programme
management structure would consists of a Monitoring Committee on Digital India headed by
the Prime Minister, a Digital India Advisory Group chaired by the Minister of Communications
and IT and an Apex Committee chaired by the Cabinet Secretary.
• The positions of Chief Information Officers (CIO) would be created in at least 10 key Ministries
so that various e-Governance projects could be designed, developed and implemented faster.

❖ Cyber Swachhta Kendra (05 Marks/50 Words)

• The objective of it is to enhance the cyber security of Digital India’s IT infrastructure by
providing information on botnet/ malware threats and suggesting remedial measures.
• They are also known as Botnet Cleaning and Malware Analysis Centre.
• It is part of Digital India initiative and is being operated by Indian Computer Emergency
Response Team (CERT-In) under provisions of Section 70B of the IT Act, 2000.
• It is set up in accordance with the objectives of the ‘National Cyber Security Policy’ which
envisages creating a secure cyber ecosystem in the country.
• This centre works in coordination with the Department of Telecommunications, Internet
service providers (ISPs), Antivirus companies and Industry to notify the end users regarding
infection of their system and providing them assistance to clean their system through free e-
• Tools provided under CSK are:-
• M Kavach - It is indigenously developed comprehensive mobile device security solution
for Android devices addressing various threats related to mobile phones.
• USB Pratirodh - It is a USB protector to help clean various external storage devices like
USB(s), memory cards, external hard disks, etc.
• AppSamvid - It is a desktop solution which protects systems by allowing installation of
genuine applications through white listing. This helps in preventing threats from
malicious applications.

❖ National Supercomputing Mission (05 Marks/50 Words)

• The objective is to make India one of the world leaders in Supercomputing and to enhance
India’s capability in solving grand challenge problems of national and global relevance; To
attain global competitiveness and ensure self-reliance in the strategic area of supercomputing
• The mission would be implemented jointly by Department of Science and Technology (DST)
and Department of Electronics and Information Technology (DeitY) through two organizations
the Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC) and the Indian Institute of
Science (IISc), Bangalore.
• The Mission envisages empowering our national academic and R&D institutions spread over
the country by installing a vast supercomputing grid comprising of more than 70 high-
performance computing facilities
• These supercomputers will also be networked on the National Supercomputing grid over the
National Knowledge Network (NKN, a programme under same ministry which connects
academic institutions and R&D labs over a high-speed network.
• The Mission also includes development of highly professional High Performance Computing
(HPC) aware human resource.
❖ Bharat interface for Money (BHIM) (05 Marks/50 Words)
• The objective is to enable fast, secure, reliable cashless payments through your mobile phone.
• It is an app that makes payment transactions simple, easy and quick using Unified Payments
Interface (UPI). It enables direct bank to bank payments instantly and collects money using a
Mobile number or Payment address. It is interoperable with other Unified Payment Interface
(UPI) applications, and bank accounts.
• It is developed by the National Payment Corporation of India (NPCI), a not-for-profit company
for providing retail payment systems in India under guidance from RBI
• Any Indian citizen can pay digitally using their biometric data like their thumb imprint on a
merchants’ biometric enabled device which could be smart phone having a biometric reader.
The users need to have an Aadhaar linked bank account and mobile number / credit /debit
card. Any citizen without access to smart phones, internet, debit or credit cards will be able to
transact digitally through the BHIM Aadhaar platform.

❖ Software Technology Park scheme (05 Marks/50 Words)

• It is for the development and export of computer software, including export of professional
services using communication links or physical media.
• It is a 100% export-oriented scheme which integrates concept of 100 percent Export Oriented
Units (EOU) and Export Processing Zones (EPZ) and the concept of Science Parks / Technology
• It is unique in its nature as it focuses on one product / sector, i.e. computer software.
• There is Provisioning of single-point contact services for member units.
• A company can set up STP unit anywhere in India. In it 100 Percent Foreign Equity is permitted.
All the imports of Hardware & Software in the STP units are completely duty free, import of
second hand capital goods also permitted. Re-Export of capital goods is also permitted.
• The sales in the Domestic Tariff Area (DTA) shall be permissible up to 50 Percent of the export
in value terms.

❖ National Action Plan on Climate Change (05 Marks/50 Words)

The objectives of the plan are
• to achieve a sustainable development path that simultaneously advances economic and
environmental objectives.
• To fulfil India's Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC) to the UNFCCC
under Paris Agreement
• to protect the vulnerable and poor sections of society through inclusive and
sustainable development strategy, sensitive to climate change.
• to devise efficient and cost effective strategies.
There are 8 missions under National Action Plan on climate Change:
• National Solar Mission (under MNRE)
• National Mission for Enhanced Energy Efficiency (under Ministry of Power)
• National Mission on Sustainable Habitat (under Ministry of Urban Development)
• National Water Mission (under MoWR)
• National Mission Sustaining the Himalayan Ecosystem (under MoS&T)
• National Mission for a Green India (under MoEFCC)
• National Mission for Sustainable Agriculture (under Ministry of Agriculture)
• National Mission on Strategic Knowledge for Climate Change (under MoS&T)
The NAPCC is guided by the principles of -
• Protection of the poor and vulnerable sections of society through inclusive
development strategy
• Achieving national growth through a qualitative change and economic direction that
enhances ecological sustainability
• Demand side management
• Better technology that looks into aspects of mitigation or adaptation,
• Market mechanism that rewards sustainable development,
• Inclusivity- that invites linkups with civil society and local government institutions
• Many of the sectors most at risk from climate change - such as water and agriculture - are the
responsibility of state governments, so all states have to develop a SAPCC which implements
the national policy framework taking into account their own unique vulnerabilities.
• GoI is also implementing a dedicated National Adaptation Fund for Climate Change (NAFCC)
to implement adaptation actions in vulnerable sectors across the country.

❖ National Pension Scheme (05 Marks/50 Words)

• The scheme is to provide retirement income to all the citizens; to institute pension reforms
and to inculcate the habit of saving for retirement amongst the citizens.
• NPS is applicable to:
• All citizens of India between the age of 18 and 60 years
• All new employees of Central Government service (except Armed Forces) and
Central Autonomous Bodies joining Government service on or after 1st January 2004
• All the employees of State Governments, State Autonomous Bodies joining services
after the date of notification by the respective State Governments.
• Any other government employee who is not mandatorily covered under NPS can also
subscribe to NPS
• All citizens i.e., private employees and unorganized sector workers.
• Non Resident Indians (NRIs) with bank accounts in India
• It is administered by Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority.
• Under the NPS, the individual contributes to his retirement account and his employer can also
co-contribute. It is designed on defined contribution basis wherein the subscriber contributes
to his account, there is no defined benefit that would be available at the time of exit from the
system and the accumulated wealth depends on the contributions made and the income
generated from investment of such wealth.
• The recordkeeping, administration and customer service functions for all subscribers of the
NPS are being handled by the National Securities Depository Limited (NSDL), which is acting as
the Central Record keeper for the NPS.
• The subscriber will be allotted a unique Permanent Retirement Account Number (PRAN) which
is portable and can be used from any location in India.
• PRAN will provide access to two personal accounts:
• Tier I Account: This is a non-withdrawal account meant for savings for retirement. The
tax treatment for contribution made in Tier I account is Exempted-Exempted-Taxed
• Tier II Account: This is simply a voluntary savings facility. The subscriber is free to
withdraw savings from this account whenever subscriber wishes. No tax benefit is
available on this account.
• NPS returns are market linked. It offers 3 funds to subscribers: Equities, Corporate Bonds, and
Government Securities.
• Subscriber can exit from NPS after 10 years of account opening or attaining 60 years of age
whichever is early. Only up to 40% of Corpus withdrawn in lump sum is exempt from tax.
• PFRDA recently announced that the National Pension System (NPS) subscribers will now
have the option to partially withdraw funds from their accounts for pursuing higher education
or setting up new business. NPS withdrawal is allowed but only after 3 years of subscription.
Subscribers are permitted to withdraw not exceeding 25% of the contributions made only by

❖ Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojna (05 Marks/50 Words) /IMPORTANT

• This scheme not only Increasing the access of finance to the unbanked but also bring down the
cost of finance from the last Mile Financers to the micro/small enterprises, most of which are
in the informal sector.
• Any Indian Citizen who has a business plan for a non-farm sector income generating activity
such as manufacturing, processing, trading or service sector and whose credit need is less than
Rs 10 lakh.
• MUDRA loans are extended by banks, NBFCs, MFIs and other eligible financial intermediaries
as notified by MUDRA Ltd.
• MUDRA Bank would be responsible for refinancing all Last Mile Financiers such as Non-Banking
Finance Companies, Societies, Trusts, Section 8 Companies, Co-operative Societies, Small
Banks, Scheduled Commercial Banks and Regional Rural Banks which are in the business of
lending to micro/small business entities engaged in manufacturing, trading and services
• 3 types of loans to be allotted by micro units’ development and refinance agency bank are:
• Shishu: covering loans upto Rs. 50,000
• Kishor: covering loans above Rs. 50,000 and upto 5 lakhs
• Tarun: covering loans above Rs. 5 lakh and upto 10 lakhs
• There is no subsidy for the loan given under PMMY. However, at present, MUDRA extends a
reduction of 25bps in its interest rates to MFIs / NBFCs, who are providing loans to women

❖ Pradhan Mantri Jan-Dhan Yojna (PMJDY) (05 Marks/50 Words)

• This scheme ensure comprehensive financial inclusion of all the households in the country by
providing universal access to banking facilities with at least one basic bank account to every
household, financial literacy, access to credit, insurance, remittance and pension facility.
• Account can be opened in any bank branch or Business Correspondent (Bank Mitr) outlet.
• Special Benefits under PMJDY Scheme include:
• RuPay debit card, with inbuilt accident insurance cover of Rs. 1 lakh
• No minimum balance required.
• The scheme provides life cover of Rs. 30,000/- payable on death of the beneficiary,
subject to fulfillment of the eligibility condition.
• Beneficiaries of Government Schemes will get Direct Benefit Transfer in these accounts.
• Overdraft facility upto Rs.5000/- is available in only one account per household,
preferably lady of the household after satisfactory operation of the account for 6

❖ Stand Up India Scheme (05 Marks/50 Words) /IMPORTANT

• The Stand up India scheme aims at promoting entrepreneurship among women and scheduled
castes and tribes.
• SC/ST and/or woman entrepreneur, above 18years of age.
• It facilitates bank loans between Rs 10 lakh and Rs 1 Crore to at least one Scheduled Caste (SC)
or Scheduled Tribe (ST) borrower and at least one woman borrower per bank branch for
setting up a greenfield enterprise. This enterprise may be in manufacturing, services or the
trading sector.
• In case of non-individual enterprises at least 51% of the shareholding and controlling stake
should be held by either an SC/ST or woman entrepreneur.
• Borrower shall be required to bring in minimum of 10% of the project cost as own contribution.

❖ Pradhan Mantri Kisan Sampada Yojana (PMKSY) (05 Marks/50 Words)

• It is to supplement agriculture, modernize processing and decrease agriculture-waste.
• It would benefit 20 lakh farmers directly and generate 5,30,500 direct/ indirect employment
in the Country by the year 2019-20.
• It is an umbrella scheme incorporating ongoing schemes of the Ministry of Food Processing
which will result in creation of modern infrastructure with efficient supply chain management
from farm gate to retail outlet.
• Schemes under PMKSY -
• Mega Food Parks
• Integrated Cold Chain and Value Addition Infrastructure
• Food Safety and Quality Assurance Infrastructure
• Creation/Expansion of Food Processing & Preservation Capacities
• Infrastructure for Agro-processing Clusters
• Creation of Backward and Forward Linkages
• Human Resources and Institutions.

❖ Mega Food Park (05 Marks/50 Words)

• The objective of scheme is to provide modern infrastructure for food processing units in the
country and ensure value addition of agricultural produce including dairy, fisheries etc; to
establish sustainable raw material supply chain in a cluster; to address needs of small and
micro food processing enterprising by providing plug and play facilities.
• It is Based on ‘Cluster’ approach and envisages creation of state of art support infrastructure
in a well-defined agri/horticulture zone for setting modern food processing units along with
well- established supply chain.
• The supply chain consists of collection centres, primary centres, central processing centres,
cold chain and around 30- 35 fully developed plots for entrepreneurs to set up food processing
• Funding – Grant in aid of 50% of eligible cost in general and 75% in north-east and difficult
areas subject to a maximum of 50 crore per project.

❖ National Health Mission (05 Marks/50 Words) /IMPORTANT

The objectives of the scheme are :-
• Reduction in child and maternal mortality
• Prevention and control of communicable and non-communicable diseases, including
locally endemic diseases.
• Access to integrated comprehensive primary health care.
• Population stabilisation, gender and demographic balance.
• Revitalize local health traditions & mainstream AYUSH.
• Universal access to public services for food and nutrition, sanitation and hygiene
and universal access to public health care services with emphasis on services
addressing women’s and children’s health and universal immunization.
• Promotion of healthy life styles.
• It is a major instrument of financing and support to the States to strengthen public health
systems and healthcare delivery. This financing to the States are based on the State’s
Programme Implementation Plan (PIP).
• States that show improved progress made on key Outcomes/Outputs such as IMR, MMR,
Immunization, number and proportion of quality certified health facilities etc. will be able to
receive additional funds as incentives.
• It also focuses on Reproductive Maternal-Neonatal- Child and Adolescent Health (RMNCH+A)
and Communicable and Non-Communicable Diseases.
❖ National Rural Health Mission (05 Marks/50 Words) /IMPORTANT
• This scheme provides accessible, affordable, accountable and effective primary healthcare
facilities, especially to the poor and vulnerable sections of the population.
• Establishing a fully functional, community owned, decentralized health delivery system with
inter- sectoral convergence at all levels.
• Ensures simultaneous action on a wide range of determinants of health such as water,
sanitation, education, nutrition, social and gender equality.
• Cities and towns with population below 50,000 will continue to be covered under NRHM.

❖ National Urban Health Mission (05 Marks/50 Words) /IMPORTANT

• Objective of the scheme is to meet health care needs of the urban population with the focus
on urban poor, slum dwellers, by making available to them essential primary health care
services and Reducing their out of pocket expenses for treatment.
• Funding pattern will be 75:25 for all the states and 90:10 for Special Category s States.
• Under the Programme the support is being provided by the Asian Development Bank (ADB)
based on progress related to certain indicators.
• For Service Delivery Infrastructure it provides- Urban–Primary Health Centre, Urban-
Community Health Centre (U-CHC) and Referral Hospitals and Outreach services.
• For Community Process it includes Mahila Arogya Samiti and ASHA/Link Worker

❖ Lakshya- Labour Room quality Improvement Initiative (05 Marks/50

• This scheme is to improve quality of care in labour room & maternity Operation Theatre (OT).
• Reduce preventable maternal and newborn mortality, morbidity and stillbirths associated with
the care around delivery in Labour room and Maternity OT and ensure respectful maternity
• This initiative will be implemented in Government Medical Colleges (MCs) besides District
Hospitals (DHs), and high delivery load Sub- District Hospitals (SDHs) and Community Health
Centres (CHCs).

❖ EVN (Electronic vaccine intelligence Networks) (05 Marks/50 Words)

• Objective of scheme is to address widespread inequities in vaccine coverage by supporting
state governments in overcoming constraints of infrastructure, monitoring and human
• It aims to support the Government of India’s Universal Immunization Programme. It is an
indigenously developed technology system in India that provides real-time information on
vaccine stocks and flows, and storage temperatures across all cold chain points; right down to
vaccine storage points in state, district and health centres, using mobile and web-based
• In partnership with the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, UNDP is currently rolling out
eVIN in 12 states.

❖ Ayushman Bharat- national Health Protection Mission (AB-NHPM) (05

Marks/50 Words)
• To provide medical cover up to Rs5 lakh per year per household for secondary and tertiary
health care. National Health Agency (NHA)- It will be set up to manage NHPS.
• It is a health insurance scheme for BPL families and workers in the unorganized sector.
• Using JAM: It would be a cashless and Aadhaar enabled for better targeting of beneficiary.
• It will be portable across the country and a beneficiary covered under the scheme will be
allowed to take cashless benefits from any public/private empanelled hospitals across the
❖ IT initiatives in Health (05 Marks/50 Words)
• ANMOL- It is a tablet-based application allowing ANMs to update data on the beneficiaries
under their jurisdiction. This will be Aadhar enabled.
• Kilkari- It aims to give free, weekly, time-appropriate 72 audio messages about pregnancy,
child birth and child care directly to families’ mobile phones from the second trimester of
pregnancy until the child is one year old.

❖ Crime and Criminal Tracking Network and systems (CCTNS) (05

Marks/50 Words)
• It aims at creating a comprehensive and integrated system for enhancing the efficiency and
effectiveness of policing through adopting of principle of e-Governance and creation of a
nationwide networking infrastructure for evolution of IT-enabled-state-of-the-art tracking
system around 'Investigation of crime and detection of criminals'.
• Digital Police Portal has been launched under the CCTNS project: It will enable citizens to
register FIRs online and the portal will initially offer seven Public Delivery Services in 34 States
& UTs, like Person and Address Verification e.g. of employees, tenants, nurses etc, permission
for hosting Public Events, Lost & Found Articles and Vehicle theft etc.
• The Inter-operable Criminal Justice System (ICJS) aims to integrate the CCTNS project with the
e-courts and e-prisons databases in the first instance and with the other pillars of the criminal
justice system - Forensics, Prosecution, Juvenile homes and a nationwide Fingerprint data base
of criminals in a phased manner.

❖ Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY)-URBAN (05 Marks/50 Words)

• Construct two crore houses across the nation by 2022; Covers the entire urban area consisting
of 4041 statutory towns with initial focus on 500 Class I cities in 3 phases.
• Beneficiaries include economically weaker section (EWS), low- income groups (LIGs) and
Middle-Income Groups (MIGs). The annual income cap is up to Rs 3 lakh for EWS, Rs 3-6 lakh
for LIG and Rs 6 + -18 lakhs for MIG. The beneficiary family should not own a pucca house
either in his/her name or in the name of any member of his/her family in any part of India.
• It will provide central assistance to Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) and other implementing
agencies through States/UTs for:
• In-situ Rehabilitation of existing slum dwellers using land as a resource through
private participation
• Credit Linked Subsidy (CLSS)
• Affordable Housing in Partnership with public or private sector
• Subsidy for Beneficiary-led individual house construction/enhancement.
• Credit linked subsidy component will be implemented as a Central Sector Scheme while other
three components will be implemented as Centrally Sponsored Scheme (CSS).
• EWS category of beneficiaries is eligible for assistance in all four verticals of the Missions
whereas LIG and MIG categories are eligible under only Credit linked subsidy scheme (CLSS)
component of the Mission.
• The houses constructed/acquired with central assistance under the mission should be in the
name of the female head of the household or in the joint name of the male head of the
household and his wife, and only in cases when there is no adult female member in the family,
the house can be in the name of male member of the household.
• National Housing Bank and Housing and Urban Development Corporation (HUDCO) have been
designated as Central Nodal Agencies (CAN) for implementation of CLSS.
• Geo-tagging for monitoring the progress of construction of houses, Public Financial
Management System (PFMS) to ensure electronic fund flow and technology Sub-Mission to
implement new construction technologies, have been introduced.

❖ Deen Dayal Antyodya Yojana- Urban (National Urban Livelihood

Mission) (05 Marks/50 Words) /IMPORTANT
• This scheme is to uplift the urban poor like Street Vendors, Slum dwellers, Homeless, Rag
pickers folks and also for Unemployed & Differently able by enhancing sustainable livelihood
opportunities through skill development.
• This scheme provides Employment through Skill Training and Placement through City
Livelihood Centres; Social Mobilization and Institution Development through formation of Self-
Help Groups (SHG) for training members and hand holding, an initial support of 10, 000 is given
for each group.
• In it an interest subsidy of 5% - 7% for setting up individual micro-enterprises with a loan of up
to 2 lakhs and for group enterprises with a loan limit of up to Rs.10 lakhs.
• Cost of construction of shelters for urban homeless is fully funded under the Scheme.

❖ Smart Cities Mission (05 Marks/50 Words) /IMPORTANT

• It aims to promote cities that provide core infrastructure and give a decent quality of life to its
citizens, a clean and sustainable environment and application of 'Smart' Solutions; to focus on
sustainable and inclusive development and to set examples that can be replicated both within
and outside the Smart City, catalysing the creation of similar Smart Cities in various regions
and parts of the country; to improve the ease of living particularly for poor, women, elderly
and differently abled.
• The Mission will cover 100 cities and its duration will be five years (FY2015-16 to FY2019- 20).
• The strategic components of Area-based development in the Smart Cities Mission are city
improvement (retrofitting), city renewal (redevelopment) and city extension (greenfield
development) plus a Pan-city initiative in which Smart Solutions are applied covering larger
parts of the city.
• It will be operated as a Centrally Sponsored Scheme (CSS) and the Central Government
proposes to give financial support to the Mission to the extent of Rs. 48,000 crores over five
years i.e. on an average Rs. 100 crores per city per year. An equal amount, on a matching basis,
will have to be contributed by the State/ULB.
• States are asked to nominate names of cities for a ‘City Challenge Competition’ and the chosen
ones will get Central fund. Cities will prepare their Smart City Proposal (SCP) containing the
vision, plan for mobilisation of resources and intended outcomes in terms of infrastructure up-
gradation and smart applications.
• The implementation of the Mission at the City level will be done by a Special Purpose Vehicle
(SPV) which will be headed by a CEO and have nominees of Central Government, State
Government and ULB on its Board. State/UT and the ULB will be the promoters having 50:50
equity share holding.

❖ Swachh Bharat Mission Urban (05 Marks/50 Words) /IMPORTANT

The objectives of this mission are to:-
• Eliminate open defecation,
• Conversion of insanitary toilets to pour flush toilets,
• Eradication of manual scavenging,
• 100% collection and scientific processing/disposal reuse/recycle of Municipal Solid
• To bring about a behavioural change in people regarding healthy sanitation practices,
• Generate awareness among the citizens about sanitation and its linkages with public
• Strengthening of urban local bodies to design execute and operate systems.
• To create enabling environment for private sector participation in Capital Expenditure
and Operation & Maintenance (O&M) costs.
• The Mission will be in force till 2nd October 2019.
• The Mission has following components:
• Construction of Household Toilets,
• Community and Public Toilets,
• Municipal Solid Waste Management,
• Information, Education & Communication (IEC) and Public Awareness,
• Capacity Building and Administrative & Office Expenses (A&OE).
• The funding pattern between the Central Government and the State Government/ Urban Local
Bodies (ULBs) is 75%:25%(90%: 10% for North Eastern and special category states).
• The gap in financing of the components could be met by the beneficiary contribution, private
funding, funds with private companies under Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and the
Swachh Bharat Kosh of the Ministry of Finance.

❖ UDAAN – Giving wings to Girls (05 Marks/50 Words) /IMPORTANT
• The objectives of scheme are to address the challenge of low enrolment of girls in technical
education institutes; to minimize the gap between school education & engineering entrance
examination; to enrich and enhance teaching and learning of Science and Mathematics at
senior secondary level.
• Beneficiaries are girls studying in classes XI only from KVs/ NVs/ Government Schools of any
recognised Board/CBSE affiliated private schools in India.
• Launched by CBSE under guidance of Ministry of HRD.
• It trains girl students in entrance examinations to top institutions and provides them incentives
and support through tutorials, video classes, etc. Supports 1,000 selected disadvantaged girls
per year.


• To actively enhance interaction between people of diverse cultures lives in different States
and UTs in India to promote greater mutual understanding amongst them.
• As per the programme, each year, every State/UT would be paired with another State/UT in
India for reciprocal interaction between the people. The paired States/ UTs are to enter into
MoUs with each other to carry out common activities under Ek Bharat Shrestha Bharat.
• Rashtriya Ekta Shivir are organised under this programme by Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan.


(TEQIP) (05 Marks/50 Words) /IMPORTANT
• The objectives of Programme are to overhaul the quality of technical education in the Low-
Income States and Special Category States (SCS); to employ graduates from premier colleges
like IITs, NITs etc to teach in engineering colleges in backward districts for a period of 3 years
as a part of TEQIP Phase 3.
• The project, implemented as a Central sector Scheme, commenced with the World Bank
assistance, as a long term programme of 10-12 years. The present 3rd Phase of the schemes
has central, eastern and north-eastern region and hill states as its focus states
• Measures taken in TEQIP include accreditation of the courses through National Board of
Accreditation, governance reforms, improving the processes, digital initiatives, securing
autonomy for the colleges, improving the quality of teaching, teacher training, equipping the
class rooms, revision of syllabus, industry interaction, compulsory internships for students,
training the students in industry relevant skills, preparing them for the GATE exam etc
❖ Nyaya Mitra (05 Marks/50 Words)
• Aim of scheme is reducing pendency of cases across selected districts, with special focus on
those pending for more than 10 years.
• The scheme will benefit the Litigant with delayed justice.
• Nyaya Mitra would be a retired judicial or executive officer (with legal experience). He will
facilitate the connection of litigants to District Legal Service Authority (DLSA), CSC Tele Law,
and other government agencies & civil society organisations.

❖ Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission (JNNSM) (05 Marks/50

• This mission is to establish India as a global leader in solar energy.
• The Mission has 3 phases i.e. Phase I (2010-13), Phase II (2013-15) and Phase III (2017-22).
• The capital subsidy will be provided for Rooftop Solar projects in various cities and towns, for
Viability Gap Funding (VGF) based projects to be developed through the Solar Energy
Corporation of India (SECI) and for decentralized generation through small solar projects.
• The targets of mission are:-
• Achieve 100 GW (earlier target was 20 GW) solar power capacity by 2022 in which 40
GW through Rooftop and 60 GW through Large and Medium Scale Grid Connected Solar
Power Projects.
• Setting up of dedicated manufacturing capacities for poly silicon material to annually
make about 2 GW capacity of solar cells.
• To promote programmes for off grid applications, reaching 2000 MW by 2022 including
20 million solar lighting systems.
• To achieve 20 million sq. solar thermal collector area by 2022.


The objectives of the scheme are:-
• to provide a huge impetus to solar energy generation by acting as flagship
demonstration facility to encourage project developers and investors
• to enable states to bring in significant investment from project developers to meet its
Solar Renewable Purchase Obligation mandate and to provide employment to local
• contribute to long term energy security of the state by avoiding procurement of
expensive fossil fuels for conventional power plants
• to promote ecologically sustainable growth by reduction in carbon emissions and
carbon footprint.
• 40 GW solar power capacity will be generated under the scheme by 2019-20
• It would ensure setting up of at least 50 solar parks each with a capacity of 500 MW and above
in various parts of the country.
• Solar Energy Corporation India (SECI) will administer the scheme under the direction of MNRE.
The approved grant will be released by SECI.
• The State Governments/UTs are required to select the SPPD (solar power park developer) for
developing and maintaining the solar parks.
• Bhadla Solar Park is one of the largest solar park in India in Phalodi tehsil, Jodhpur, Rajasthan.
The park is proposed to have capacity of 2,255 MW.
❖ Atal Jyoti Yojana (Ajay) (05 Marks/50 Words)
• The objective is to provide Solar Street Lighting Systems for public use and to popularise solar
• This scheme is for 5 states - Assam, Bihar, Jharkhand, Odisha and Uttar Pradesh.
• Energy Efficiency Services limited (EESL) is its implementing agency. Under this scheme Solar
LED Lights are to be installed in rural, semi-urban and urban areas which do not enjoy adequate
coverage of power.
• The objective of scheme is to motivate the local Governments for adopting renewable energy
technologies and energy efficiency measures.
• The Solar City aims at minimum 10% reduction in projected demand of conventional energy at
the end of five years (2012-17), through enhanced supply from renewable energy sources and
energy efficiency measures.
• The program assists Urban Local Governments by providing financial assistance up to Rs. 50.00
Lakhs per city/town and technical help. A total of 60 cities/towns are proposed to be
supported for development as Solar Cities.

❖ Green Energy Corridor Project (05 Marks/50 Words)

• This project is for evacuation of renewable energy from generation points to the load centres
i.e. to enable the flow of renewable energy into the National Grid Network.
• The green energy corridor is grid connected network for the transmission of renewable energy
produced from various renewable energy projects.
• Two green corridor transmission networks are envisioned in the corridor.
i.Green Corridor I: Inter-State transmission network is constructed for connecting
renewable energy-rich states. Power Grid Corporation of India (PGCIL) is implementing
this corridor. Asian Development Bank (ADB) has provided loan assistance.
ii.Green Corridors II: This is intra-state transmission network implemented by respective
states and connects solar parks in different states.
• Intra-State Transmission System is being implemented by eight renewable energy rich States
(Tamil Nadu, Rajasthan, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh
and Madhya Pradesh)
• The first phase of the program is designed to support 33 GW of solar and wind power, while
the second phase will link 22 GW capacity. Germany is providing technical and financial


Marks/50 Words)
• The objective of scheme is to bring reforms in Allocation and Distribution of PDS, for better
subsidy management & reducing subsidy outgo by means of curbing diversion of subsidized
• Kerosene Consumers of 33 districts identified by 9 State Governments namely, Chhattisgarh,
Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Punjab, Rajasthan and
Gujarat will be benefited.
• The consumer will pay the non-subsidized price of kerosene at the time of purchase; the
amount of subsidy will be directly transferred to the bank account of the beneficiary. An initial
amount of subsidy shall be credited to all eligible beneficiaries to avoid any inconvenience
during the initial non- subsidised purchase.
• Implementing States will be given fiscal incentives equivalent to 75 % of subsidy saved in the
first two years, 50 % of subsidy saved in third year and 25 % of subsidy saved in 4th year.
• Further, States/ UTs are encouraged to become `Kerosene Free’ by brining all households
under LPG. So far 5 UTs i.e Delhi, Chandigarh, Daman & Diu, Dadar and Nagar Haveli &
Puducherry and three States i.e. Haryana, Andhra Pradesh & Punjab have become `Kerosene
❖ National LED Programme (05 Marks/50 Words) /IMPORTANT
• The programme was launched in 2005 with the aim of promoting use of the most efficient
lighting technology at affordable rates. This programme has two components: Unnat Jyoti by
Affordable LED for All (UJALA) and Street Lighting National Programme (SLNP)
• Unnat Jyoti by Affordable LED for All (UJALA) aim to promote efficient lighting & to reduce
electricity bills and help preserve environment.
• In it LED bulbs are provided to domestic consumers with a target to replace 77 crore
incandescent bulbs with LED bulbs. EESL (Energy Efficiency Services Ltd.) will enables
domestic households to procure LED lights at an affordable price of Rs. 10/- each and
the balance on easy instalment from their electricity bill.
• Bachat Lamp Yojana (offered CFL at the cost of incandescent bulb) was replaced by DELP
Scheme (Domestic Efficient Lighting Program- provided LED bulbs). DELP scheme is now
called as UJALA.
• Street Lighting National Programme (SLNP) is to replace India’s 14 million (1.34 crore)
conventional street lights with Smart LED variants by 2019.
• It is world’s Largest Street Light Replacement Programme.
• EESL enables municipalities to replace conventional lights with LEDs at no upfront cost.
The balance cost is recovered through the municipalities by monetising the energy

❖ Pradhan Mantri Sahaj Bijli Har Ghar Yojana (Saubhagya) (05

Marks/50 Words) /IMPORTANT
• The objective is to achieve universal household electrification in the country by December,
2018. Providing Solar Photovoltaic (SPV) based standalone systems for un- electrified
households in remote and inaccessible areas.
• Un-electrified households in rural areas, remote and inaccessible areas economically poor
households in urban areas (Non-poor urban households are excluded from this scheme).
• Rural Electrification Corporation Limited (REC) is the nodal agency for implementing the
• Government will provide free electricity to all households with at least one deprivation under
Socio-Economic and Caste Census (SECC) data 2011 in rural areas and economically poor
households in urban areas, while others will be charged 500 Rs per household in ten equal
instalments with the bill.
• The beneficiary household will get five LED lights, one DC fan, one DC power plug. It also
includes the Repair and Maintenance (R&M) for 5 years.
• The households located in remote and inaccessible areas would be provided with Solar
Photovoltaic (SPV) based standalone systems with LED lights, fan, power plug etc.


• It is Umbrella program for the highways sector that focuses on optimizing efficiency of freight
and passenger movement across the country by bridging critical infrastructure gaps.
• A total of around 24,800 kms are being considered in Phase I of Bharatmala which is to be
implemented over a five years period of i.e. 2017-18 to 2021-22. In addition, Bharatmala
Pariyojana phase -I also includes 10,000 kms of balance road works under NHDP, taking the
total to 34,800.
• Bharatmala Project comprises of:
• Economic Corridor
• Feeder Route or Inter Corridor
• National Corridor Efficiency Improvement
• Border Road and International Connectivity
• Port Connectivity and Coastal Road
• Green Field Expressway
• Balance NHDP Works.
• Enhanced focus on improving connectivity in North East and leveraging synergies with Inland
Waterways. Special attention to fulfil the connectivity needs of backward and tribal areas,
areas of economic activity, places of religious and tourist interest, trade routes with
neighbouring countries etc.
❖ Saansad Adarsh Gram Yojna (SAANJHI) (05 Marks/50 Words)
• The objectives of scheme are:-
• To trigger processes which lead to holistic development of the identified Gram
• To substantially improve the standard of living and quality of life of all sections of the
• To generate models of local level development and effective local governance which
can motivate and inspire neighbouring Gram Panchayats to learn and adapt.
• It aims to develop three Adarsh Grams by March 2019, of which one would be achieved by
2016. Thereafter, five such Adarsh Grams (one per year) will be selected and developed by
• Gram Panchayat would be the basic unit for development. It will have a population of 3000-
5000 in plain areas and 1000-3000 in hilly, tribal and difficult areas.
• Member of Parliament (MP) will identify one Gram Panchayat to be taken up immediately, and
two others to be taken up a little later.
• Lok Sabha MP has to choose a Gram Panchayat from within his/her constituency and Rajya
Sabha MP a Gram Panchayat from the rural area of a district of his/her choice in the State from
which he/she is elected.
• The scheme will be implemented through a village development plan that would be prepared
for every identified gram Panchayat.
• SAANJHI aims at instilling certain values, such as
• People’s participation,
• Antyodaya,
• gender equality, dignity of women,
• Social justice, spirit of community service,
• Cleanliness, eco-friendliness, maintaining ecological balance,
• Peace and harmony, mutual cooperation,
• Self-reliance, local self-government,
• Transparency and accountability in public life, etc.


• The objective of scheme is to provide Connectivity, by way of an All-weather Road to the
eligible unconnected Habitations in the rural areas with a population of 500 persons and above
in plain areas & 250 persons and above in respect of the Hill States, the Desert Areas, the Tribal
areas and selected Tribal and Backward Districts.
• A fully funded centrally sponsored scheme
• 75 paise per litre has been earmarked for this scheme out of cess levied on high speed diesel
• The unit for this program is a habitation and not a revenue village.
• It also has an upgradation component with a target to upgrade existing rural roads in order to
ensure full farm to market connectivity. PMGSY-II aims to cover upgradation of existing
selected rural roads based on a criterion to make the road network vibrant.
• PMGSY is aggressively encouraging use of “Green Technologies” and non-conventional
materials like waste plastic, cold mix, geo-textiles, fly-ash, iron and copper slag etc. in rural


(MGNREGA) (05 Marks/50 Words) /IMPORTANT
• The core objectives of the MGNREGS are:
• Providing not less than 100 days of unskilled manual work as a guaranteed employment
in a financial year to every household in rural areas as per demand, resulting in creation
of productive assets of prescribed quality and durability.
• Strengthening the livelihood resource base of the poor.
• Proactively ensuring social inclusion.
• Strengthening Panchayati Raj Institutions.
• The Gram Panchayat registers households after making enquiry and issues a job card. Social
Audits of MGNREGA works is mandatory
• At least one-third beneficiaries shall be women.
• The employment will be provided within a radius of 5 km and if it is above 5 km extra wage
will be paid.
• Wages are to be paid according to the Minimum Wages Act 1948 for agricultural labourers in
the State, unless the Centre notifies a wage rate.
• Right to get unemployment allowance in case employment is not provided within fifteen days
of submitting the application or from the date when work is sought. Unemployment allowance
is borne by the state governments.
• A 60:40 wage and material ratio has to be maintained. No contractors and machinery is
• The central government bears the 100 percent wage cost of unskilled manual labour and 75
percent of the material cost including the wages of skilled and semi-skilled workers.
• Government has also approved additional employment over and above 100 days per
household to up to 150 days in notified drought-affected districts in various states.
• GeoMGNREGA is a unique endeavour of the MoRD in association with National Remote
Sensing Centre (NRSC), ISRO and National Informatics Centre for geotagging of assets created
under MGNREGA.
• Goals of MGNREGA are:
• Social protection for the most vulnerable people living in rural India by guaranteeing
wage employment opportunities.
• Enhance livelihood security of the rural poor through generation of wage
• Employment opportunities in works leading to creation of durable assets.
• Rejuvenate natural resource base of rural areas.
• Create a durable and productive rural asset base.
• Empowerment of the socially disadvantaged, especially, women, Scheduled Castes
(SCs) and Scheduled Tribes (STs), through the processes of rights- based legislation.
• Strengthen decentralised, participatory planning through convergence of various anti-
poverty and livelihoods initiatives.
• Deepen democracy at the grassroots by strengthening Panchayati Raj Institutions.


• Objectives of the scheme are :-
• To reduce rural poverty by enabling poor households to access gainful self-employment
and skilled wage employment opportunities.
• To mobilize 10-12 crore rural households into self-help groups in a time bound manner
by 2024- 25.
• To "establish efficient and effective institutional platforms of the rural poor that enable
them to increase household incomes through livelihood enhancements and improved
access to financial and public services"
• It provides Revolving Fund (RF) and Community Investment Fund (CIF) as resources in
perpetuity to the institutions of the poor, to strengthen their institutional and financial
management capacity and build their track record to attract mainstream bank finance.
• It promotes financial literacy among the poor and provides catalytic capital to the SHGs and
their federations
• NRLM focuses on stabilizing and promoting existing livelihood portfolio of the poor in farm
and non-farm sectors; building skills for the job market outside; and nurturing self-employed
and entrepreneurs (for micro- enterprises).
• It implements Aajeevika Skill Development Programme (ASDP). 25% of NRLM Funds are
earmarked for this purpose. ASDP facilitates building the skills of the rural youth and
placement in relatively high wage employment in the growing sectors of economy.
• NRLM is encouraging public sector banks to set up Rural Self Employment Training Institutes
(RSETIs) in all districts of the country on the lines of Rural Development Self Employment
Institute (RUDSETI) model.
• NRLM, through Mahila Kisan Sashaktikaran Pariyojana (MKSP), is promoting and facilitating
scaling-up successful, small-scale projects that enhance women’s participation and
productivity in agriculture and allied activities. MKSP also aims to ensure household food and
nutrition security of the poor and the poorest of poor.

❖ INSPIRE (Innovation in science Pursuit for inspired Research) SCHEME

(05 Marks/50 Words)
• The objective of scheme is to attract young students to study science and pursue research
career; to promote creative thinking and foster a culture of innovation among children; to
attract, attach, retain and nourish talented young scientific Human Resource for strengthening
the R&D foundation and base.
• INSPIRE has three components: SEATS, SHE, AORC
• Scheme for Early Attraction of Talent (SEATS) aims at attracting talented youth to study
science by providing INSPIRE Award, to experience the joy of innovations, of Rs.5,000/-
to one million young learners in the age group 10-15 years. There shall be annual
Summer/Winter Camps for about 50,000 youth at more than 100 locations, for toppers
in Class X board examinations for exposure with global leaders in Science, through
INSPIRE Internship.
• SHE offers 10,000 Scholarship every year at Rs 0.80 lakh per year for the talented youth
in the age group 17-22 years, for undertaking Bachelor and Masters level education in
natural sciences. The main feature of the scheme is the mentorship support provided
to every scholar.
• AORC has two sub-components. In the first component i.e. INSPIRE Fellowship (age
group of 22-27 years), it offers 1000 fellowships every year, for carrying out doctoral
degree in both basic and applied sciences including engineering and medicine. In the
second component i.e. INSPIRE Faculty Scheme, it offers assured opportunity every year
for 1000 post- doctoral researchers in the age group of 27-32 years, through contractual
and tenure track positions for 5 years in both basic and applied sciences area.
• It does not believe in conducting competitive exams for identification of talent at any level. It
believes in and relies on the efficacy of the existing educational structure for identification of


• Objective is to enable a large number of Indian youth to take up industry- relevant skill training
that will help them in securing a better livelihood.
• The Short-Term Training imparted at PMKVY Training Centres (TCs) is expected to benefit
candidates who are either school/college dropouts or unemployed. Training will be imparted
according to the National Skills Qualification Framework (NSQF).
• The Special Projects component under this scheme, envisages the creation of a platform that
will facilitate trainings in special areas and/or premises of Government bodies, Corporates or
Industry bodies, and trainings in special job roles not defined under the available Qualification
Packs (QPs)/National Occupational Standards (NOSs).
• Upon successful completion of their assessment, candidates shall be provided placement
assistance by Training Partners (TPs). Training and Assessment fees are completely paid by the
• This skill certification scheme will be implemented through the National Skill Development
Corporation (NSDC).
• Under the relaunched PMKVY, which started October 2, 2016 placement tracking has been
made mandatory. An initiative has also been taken to set up Model Skill Centres called Pradhan
Mantri Kaushal Kendras (PMKKs), in districts.


SCAVENGERS (SRMS) (05 Marks/50 Words)
• This scheme is to assist the manual scavengers, identified during various surveys, for their
rehabilitation in alternative occupations.
• Manual Scavengers (as defined under the “Prohibition of Employment as Manual Scavengers
and their Rehabilitation Act, 2013” and their dependents, irrespective of their income, are
eligible for assistance under the Scheme.)
• As per the revised Scheme, identified manual scavengers, one from each family, are provided
onetime cash assistance. Following benefits to the identified manual scavengers and their
• Onetime cash assistance.
• Loans for project cost on concessional rates of interest.
• Credit linked back-end capital subsidy.
• Skill Development Training up to two years with stipend.
• Objective is to ensure integrated development of the selected 1000 villages with more than
50% SC population into “model villages” so that:
• They have all requisite physical and social infrastructure for their socioeconomic
• Disparity between SC and non-SC population in terms of common socioeconomic
indicators (e.g. literacy rate, completion rate of elementary education, IMR/MMR,
ownership of productive assets, etc.) is eliminated.
• Untouchability, discrimination, segregation, and atrocities against SCs are eliminated,
as are other social evils like discrimination against girls/women, alcoholism and
substance (drugs) abuse, etc
• Developing Adarsh Gram (Model Village): These villages should be covered with all the
facilities necessary for dignified living. Important components include- physical infrastructure,
sanitation and environment, Social Infrastructure, Human Development and Social Harmony
and livelihood.
• The integrated development of SC Majority Villages by convergent implementation of the
relevant Central and State Schemes, by providing these villages Central Assistance in form of
gap-filling funds to the extent of Rs.20.00 lakh per village, to be increased by another 5 lakh if
State make a matching contribution.


• Objectives of NAMAMI Gange Yojna
• To clean and protect the Ganga river in a comprehensive manner.
• Watershed management of Ganga river basin and reducing runoff and pollution
• To develop the villages located along the main stem of river Ganga which have historic,
cultural, and religious and/or tourist importance.
• River Front Management.
• Conservation of Aquatic life.
• Creating co-ordination between different ministries involved
• Will cover 8 states/UTs, 47 towns & 12 rivers under the project.
• Establishment of Clean Ganga Fund.
• River surface cleaning to address the floating solid wastes; rural sanitation to arrest the
pollution (solid & liquid) entering through rural sewage drains and construction of toilets.
• Expansion of coverage of sewerage infrastructure in 118 urban habitations on banks of Ganga.
Pollution will be checked through Treatment of waste water in drains by applying bio-
remediation method, in-situ treatment, municipal sewage & effluent treatment plants.
• Managing the industrial pollution, Biodiversity conservation, Afforestation, and water quality
• Determination of ecological-flow, increased water-use efficiency, and improved efficiency of
surface irrigation.

❖ JAL KRANTI ABHIYAN(05 Marks/50 Words)

• Jal Kranti Abhiyan is to strengthen grass root involvement of all stakeholders including
Panchayati Raj Institutions and local bodies in the water security; Participatory Irrigation
Management (PIM); Encouraging the adoption/utilization of traditional knowledge in water
resources conservation and its management; enhancing livelihood security through water
security in rural areas.
• The program involves use of modern technologies along with traditional wisdom for devising
area/region specific innovative measures for increasing water security
• Jal Gram Yojana: two villages, preferably facing acute water scarcity are being selected as “Jal
Grams” From each Jal Grams, one elected representative of Panchayat and one representative
of the Water Users Association are being identified as Jal Mitra/ Neer Nari and training is being
imparted to them to create mass awareness. Expenditure on various works being taken in each
Jal Gram will be met from existing schemes of Central/State Governments, such as PMKSY,
MGNREGA, RRR of water bodies, AIBP etc.
• A model command area of about 1000 hectare in a State shall be identified. It shall be selected
by the ministry, in consultation with state governments, from an existing / ongoing irrigation
project in the state where funds for development are available from various schemes.
• A card known as Sujalam Card (with the logo “Water Saved, Water Produced) is being prepared
for every Jal gram which would provide the yearly status/information on availability of water
for the village from all sources.
• Central Water Commission (CWC) and Central Ground Water Board (CGWB) are the nodal
agencies for implementation.


• Objectives of NHP are:-To set up a system for timely and reliable water resources data
acquisition, storage, collation and management; to build capacity of the State and Central
sector organisations in water resources management through the use of Information Systems
and adoption of State-of-the- art technologies like Remote Sensing; lead time in flood forecast
from 1 day to at least 3 days.
• The NHP will cover entire country, it is a Central Sector Scheme (2016) .The project is
supported by World Bank (50% loan).
• The components of the project are:
• In Situ Hydromet Monitoring System and Hydromet Data Acquisition System.
• Setting up of National Water Informatics Centre (NWIC)
• Water Resources Operation and Management System
• Water Resources Institutions and Capacity Building
• NHP will gather Hydro-meteorological data which will be stored and analysed and can be
assessed by any user.
• It will facilitate integrated water resource management by adopting river basin approach
through collation and management of hydro- meteorological data. This will also help in water
resource assessment.


Marks/50 Words) /IMPORTANT
• This project is to improve the safety and operational performance of selected existing dams
and associated appurtenances in a sustainable manner; to strengthen the dam safety
institutional setup of participating States/ Implementing Agencies (CWC).
• It is an externally-aided project as 80% of the total project is provided by the World Bank as
loan/credit and remaining 20% is borne by the States / Central Government in which repair
and Rehabilitation of dams will be done.
• The Emergency Action Plan (EAP) for the Dams has been proposed that identifies potential
emergency conditions at a dam and prescribes the procedures to be followed to minimize loss
of life and property damage.
• DHARMA (Dam Health and Rehabilitation Monitoring Application) is a web tool launched
under DRIP to digitize all Dam related data effectively.


(NGMIS) (05 Marks/50 Words)
• Scheme is for sustainable management of ground water by addressing supply as well as
demand side to reduce ground water consumption; the project also aims to create awareness
among farmers about the ill effects of rapid drying-up of groundwater in the wells
• It will be implemented across the country, special focus will be on states having ‘dark’ (over-
exploited) zones where the withdrawal of water is more than the recharge. These states
include Haryana, Gujarat, Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Uttar Pradesh (Bundelkhand
region and parts of western UP) and Madhya Pradesh (Bundelkhand region).
• It has four components: (i) decision support tools for groundwater management; (ii) state
specific institutional and legal framework for sustainable groundwater management; (iii)
enhance groundwater recharge and improve water use efficiency; (iv) strengthening
community-based institutions to foster management.

❖ Beti Bachao Beti Padhao(05 Marks/50 Words) /IMPORTANT

• Objective is to ensure survival & protection of the girl child, Prevent gender biased sex
selective elimination, Ensure education and participation of the girl child.
• It is a Joint Initiative of Ministry of Women and Child Development, Ministry of Health and
Family Welfare and Ministry of Human Resource Development.
• A sustained social mobilization and communication campaign to create equal value for the girl
child & promote her education. It’s a Pan India Scheme, with 100% assistance from Central
• Monitor able targets in BBBP include-
• Improve the Sex Ratio at Birth (SRB) in selected gender critical districts by 2 points in a
• Reduce Gender differentials in Under Five Child Mortality Rate from 7 points in
2014(latest available SRS report) to 1.5 points per year
• At least 1.5 % increase per year of Institutional Deliveries.
• Increase enrolment of girls in secondary education to 82% by 2018-19.
• Provide functional toilet for girls in every school in selected districts.
• Improve the Nutrition status of girls - by reducing number of underweight and anaemic
girls under 5 years of age.
• Promote a protective environment for Girl Children through implementation of
Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act 2012.
• Train Elected Representatives/ Grassroot functionaries as Community Champions to mobilize
communities to improve CSR and promote Girl’s education.
• Digital Guddi-Gudda Board’ is a platform for dissemination of Information, Education and
Communication (IEC) Material on BBBP and to update monthly birth statistics. It has been
adopted as a Best Practice under Beti Bachao Beti Padhao (BBBP) scheme by The Union
Ministry of Women and Child Development


• The scheme is for prevention of trafficking and rescue, rehabilitation, re- integration and
repatriation of cross-border victims to their country of origin.
• It will benefit Women and children who are vulnerable and victims to human trafficking.
• Rehabilitative centres are given financial support for providing shelter and basic amenities
such as:
• Food, clothing, medical care, legal aid;
• Education in the case the victims are children,
• Vocational training and income generation activities to provide the victims with
alternate livelihood option.


PROGRAMME (05 Marks/50 Words)

• This programme is to initiate transformation in the education and health sectors; It aims to
identify and build future ‘role model’ states.
• NITI Aayog will work in close collaboration with their state machinery to design a robust
roadmap of intervention, develop a program governance structure, set up monitoring and
tracking mechanisms, handhold state institutions through the execution stage and provide
support on a range of institutional measures to achieve the end objectives.
• For Health Sector, NITI Ayog has elected Uttar Pradesh, Assam and Karnataka while for
education sectors Madhya Pradesh, Jharkhand and Odisha.
• This programme is to quickly and effectively transform some of the most underdeveloped
districts of the country.
• It focuses on transforming 115 districts across 28 states that have witnessed the least progress
along certain development parameters.
• Broad contours of the programme include convergence (of central and state schemes),
collaboration (of central, state level ‘Prabhari’ officers & district collectors), and competition
among districts.
• In it 49 indicators across five core dimensions have been identified: health and nutrition,
education, financial inclusion, agriculture and water resources, skill development and basic
• Dashboard to monitor real-time progress in the districts. Local, state and central governments
work together to design, implement and monitor measures to drive development in the
• Aspirational Districts of Rajasthan (Total 5)- Karauli, Dholpur, Sirohi, Baran, and Jaisalmer

❖ BHUVAN-ISRO’S GEO-PORTAL (05 Marks/50 Words)

• Objective of portal is to develop a software application which allows users to explore a 2D/3D
representation of the surface of the Earth.
• It provides 1m resolution satellite data for more than 350 cities and services several users for
their remote sensing application needs.
• The portal also, provides the detailed information regarding household amenities data and
Census Population data at district and village level respectively.
• It supports disaster management and also provides active support for flagship programmes of
the government including Integrated Watershed Development Program, National Mission for
Clean Ganga, AMRUT etc.
• Various programs using its services:
• ENVIS program of Ministry of Environment, Forests & Climate Change.
• Bhuvan Panchayats Web Portal which facilitates decentralised planning at grassroot
• Bhuvan Ganga mobile app and web portal which ensures people participation in
providing vital information for Clean Ganga project

❖ SAKAAR (05 Marks/50 Words)

• Sakaar is Indian Space Research Organisation's (ISRO) Augmented Reality (AR) application
designed for Android devices.
• The application consists of 3 Dimensional (3D) models of Mars Orbiter Mission (MOM), RISAT,
indigenous rockets such as PSLV, GSLV Mk-III etc.
• In order to promote investment in the State of Rajasthan, and to generate employment
opportunities through such investment, the State Government of Rajasthan, in public interest,
issued “The Rajasthan Investment Promotion Scheme, 2014” (RIPS-2014). This scheme is valid
till 31st March 2019.
• Applicability of the Scheme
• New and existing enterprises making investment for setting up new units;
• Existing enterprise making investment for expansion; and
• Sick enterprise making investment for its revival
• Scheme Shall not be applicable to an enterprise if its commercial production or
operation has commenced before the issuance of this order or an entitlement
certificate is issued under any previous scheme.
• The main highlights of scheme are :-
• Investment subsidy of 30% on VAT and CST which are due this year but the enterprise
should have 7 years track record of paying both the taxes.
• Similarly, 20% of subsidy on VAT and CST through Employment Generation Scheme.
• Electricity duty will be exempted by 50% for 7 years.
• Exemption from paying 50% Land Tax for 7 years.
• Exemption from payment of 50% of Mandi Fee for seven years.
• Similarly, manufacturers will be exempted from payment of 50% on Stamp Duty and
conversion charges.
• Apart from above general incentives and benefits provided to all the manufacturers,
government provides a number of other financial incentives under this scheme. Prioritized
sectors include pharmaceutical, plastic or oil manufacturing, textile, Tourism, dairy, ceramic
and glass, MSME, and industrial gases.
• Micro, Small and Medium enterprises get more relaxation and discounts under this scheme.
Here is the list of extra incentives provided to MSME sector:
• The MSMEs in rural areas will get 75% of exemption from payment of electricity duty
instead of 50%.
• Reduced CST of 1% for a period of 10 Years.
• 50% exemption from payment of Entry Tax on raw and processing materials and
packaging material excluding fuel.
• Special provisions for Women, Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and persons with Disability
enterprise. Benefits for Backward and most Backward areas.
• The condition of consent to “operate” from central / state pollution control board has been
incorporated in the scheme first time, so that the benefits would only be allowed as long as
the consent to operate is with the enterprise.

❖ Rajasthan Startup Policy 2015 (05 Marks/50 Words) /IMPORTANT

• The Rajasthan Startup Policy 2015 has been built on 3 pillars “Startup Support”, “Student
Entrepreneur Support” and “Incubation Support”, which has both fiscal and non-fiscal
benefits. Period of policy is 5 yrs with effect from 9 October 2015.
• Key 5-Year Targets identified by the Rajasthan Startup Policy 2015:
• 50 Incubators / Incubator-like Organizations to be established.
• 500 innovative startups to be supported and incubated.
• 100,000 sq ft of Incubation Space to be developed / facilitated.
• Angel and Venture Capital of Rs 500 Cr to be mobilized for startups.
• Development of an Innovation and Problem Solving Culture across the State.
• Key focus areas of Rajasthan Startup policy:
• Social and Cleantech – Rural Infrastructure & Services, Crafts, Water, Sanitation,
Renewable Energy and Healthcare, including asset light models of healthcare delivery
and medical devices.
• Mobile and Information Technology, including but not limited to crowd sourcing,
crowd funding, online financial services
• Internet of Things (IoT), Electronics and Hardware.
• IT for X’ in the areas of Garment and Crafts, Mining and SME Manufacturing and
• Disruptive ideas/Technologies in any sector
• Nodal institution for startup policy 2015 implementation- RIICO, Jaipur.
• Startup council will be set up with representatives from the industry to play an advisory role
and act as a think-tank for strengthening the ecosystem for startup in the state.

❖ Rajasthan Tourism Unit Policy 2015 (05 Marks/50 Words)

• The new tourism unit policy 2015 which has recently been released will induce new
investments in hotels. The policy will focus on optimum utilization of rich tourism resources of
the state for socio-economic development of its people. This will be done by synergizing the
government and private sector resources and effort.
• The policy has defined tourism units comprehensively which now includes Hotels, Motels,
Heritage Hotel, Budget Hotels, Restaurants, Camping site, MICE/Convention Centre, Sports
Resort, Resort, Health Resort, Amusement Parks, Animal Safari Park, Ropeways, Tourist Luxury
Coach, Caravan and Cruise Tourism.
• Free of cost conversion of land in urban and rural areas for new tourism units. Similarly, no
development charges shall be levied on new tourism units in urban areas. No conversion
charges for existing heritage properties and existing heritage hotels in urban and rural areas.
• Time period for conversion of land has been fixed, and if authorities fail to take a decision
within the prescribed time limit, the land will be taken as deemed converted.
• For heritage hotels, Urban Development (UD) Tax shall be charged at residential rates on their
covered area, but no UD Tax shall be charged on their open area.
• All tourism units shall be eligible to be recognised as training institutions under the
Employment Linked Skill Training Program (ELSTP) of Rajasthan Skill and Livelihoods
Development Corporation (RSLDC) to train manpower for themselves.

❖ Rajasthan Mineral policy 2015 (05 Marks/50 Words)

• The New Mineral Policy, 2015, views that the mineral resources are finite. Therefore, the
emphasis is now on introducing cutting-edge technology in exploitation, minimize wastage,
waste recycle, and widespread job-creation especially to workers drawn from scheduled
castes and backward communities, and greater revenue to the Government. The private sector
is the fulcrum of this sector. Therefore, the Policy aims at:
• Development of economically sound and stable mining, minerals, metal and mineral
reclamation industries;
• Orderly and economic development of domestic mineral resources, reserves, and
reclamation of metals and minerals to help assure satisfaction of industrial, security
and environmental needs;
• Study and development of methods for the disposal, control, and reclamation of
mineral waste products, and the reclamation of mined land, so as to lessen any adverse
impact of mineral extraction and processing upon the physical environment that may
result from mining or mineral activities.
• A futuristic Policy endeavouring propagation of sustainable mineral extraction regime
aiming zero waste by adopting systematic and scientific mining with due safety, productivity,
conservation, cost-effectiveness and adhering to the threshold parameters of environment,
social commitments, health and welfare of people employed therein, utilizing the mineral
resources after value addition to augment the financial resources of the State.
• The Department will have joint efforts with IBM and DGMS to fulfil the objectives of scientific
and zero-waste mining, and entrepreneurs will be allowed to utilize the waste lying in several
mines on nominal charge. Significantly, the Department will invite global expertise for
meaningful new uses of the waste generated by mineral exploitation.
• Objectives of Policy are:-
• To infuse greater transparency and enhance efficiency in grant of mineral concessions
by simplifying the procedure and adopting e-governance;
• To provide conducive framework of procedural, regulatory, fiscal and legal aspects in
the investment regime;
• To enhance exploration of mineral wealth of the State with the help of in-house
facilities available and outsourcing other modern techniques through private
• To gear-up oil and gas exploration and its related production activities in the State,
step up value addition in hydrocarbon sector;
• To develop scientific mining techniques with due regard to safety, productivity,
conservation, cost-effectiveness, environmental and social sustainability;
• To encourage investors (present and potential) for establishing mineral based
industries in the State by creating a favorable and transparent environment;
• To promote research and development in association with private companies;
• To develop human resource and fulfillment of social responsibility
• To develop, enhance and maintain viable infrastructure;
• To boost employment opportunities;
• To curb illegal mining effectively;
• To enhance efficiency of the Departmental officials by conducting trainings and

❖ Rajasthan E-Governance IT & ITeS Policy 2015 (05 Marks/50 Words)

• The previous IT and ITeS Policy was released in the year 2007, which aimed at leveraging
Information Technology for implementing eGovernance initiatives benefitting the residents.
Since then, multiple highly successful eGovernance initiatives have been implemented.
• The advancements and reshaping of technological domain with changes in economic and
regulatory frameworks necessitate a revision in the prevalent IT policy. Understanding the
same, and to ensure maximum development and benefits till the last mile, new eGovernance
and IT/ITeS Policy 2015 with strong emphasis on development of public, government
departments and promotion of IT/ITeS/ESDM/Robotics sector.
• The eGovernance and IT/ITeS Policy 2015 prepared by Department of Information Technology
& Communication.
• The policy has 4 main objectives:
• Information Technology for Good Governance
• IT/ITeS/ESDM related Human Capital Development
• Promotion of Economic Development of State by enhanced investment in
IT/ITeS/ESDM/Robotics Sector
• Establishing Secure and Green IT Environment in Rajasthan
• For the first time, ESDM, Manufacturing and Robotics sector have been added to the policy. In
addition, for the first time, the state has taken a step to provide complete exemption from
Zoning Regulations and Land Conversion to the IT/ITeS Sector.
• The policy aims at promoting hassle free access of common man to the government, service
delivery till the last mile, establishing IT Infrastructure till the village level establishing access
to everyone and establishing Rajasthan as the frontrunner in promotion of the IT Sector.

❖ Rajasthan Agro-processing and Agri-marketing Promotion Policy 2015 (05

Marks/50 Words)
• Objectives of the Policy are:-
• To make Rajasthan the destination of choice for investors, processors both domestic
and global.
• To create supply chain infrastructure.
• To encourage value addition in agriculture produce and to reduce post harvest losses
there by increasing the income of farmers and delivering better quality products to
• To create rural employment
• To bring in new technologies and practices to modernize agro processing and
• To assist small scale agro based processing units to remain competitive in global
• To increase the export of value added agri-products from the State
• To accelerate a close interface among research, extension, industries and farmer in
• The Policy will be applicable to new agro-processing and agri-marketing enterprises set up in
the State and to existing agro-processing and/ or agri-marketing enterprises undergoing
expansion and/ or for revival of sick enterprise.
• The policy shall remain in force up to 31st March 2019.
• The Department of Agriculture would be the Nodal Department for the purpose of this Policy.
The Rajasthan State Agriculture Marketing Board shall be the Nodal Agency for the
implementation of this Policy.
• Agro-processing and agri-marketing has been accorded the status of a Thrust Sector under the
Rajasthan Investment Promotion Scheme, 2014 (RIPS 2014) and higher incentives and
exemptions will now be available under RIPS 2014 to the units in this sector. In addition
additional incentives provisions of subsidy for product patent/product registration/quality
certification/ sending samples abroad/ project report preparation, transport of on fruits and
vegetables and spices abroad also have been made.
❖ Rajasthan Solar Energy Policy 2014 (05 Marks/50 Words)
• Objectives of the policy are:-
• Developing a global hub of solar power of 25000 MW capacity in next 7-8 years to
meet energy requirements of Rajasthan and India.
• Contributing to long term energy security of Rajasthan as well as ecological security by
reduction in carbon emissions.
• Providing a long term sustainable solution for meeting energy needs and considerably
reducing dependence on depleting fossil fuel resources like coal, oil and gas.
• Generating direct and indirect employment opportunities in all activities related to the
generation of solar power.
• Envisage a solar centre of excellence which would work towards applied research and
commercialization of nascent technologies to accelerate the march to grid parity.
• Policy features Grid interactive solar power projects, setting up of rooftop PV connected with
grid, promotion of Decentralised and off grid solar applications.
• Its main provisions are to establish solar parks in state sector, private sector and through
Public Private Partnership.
• To establish Solar Parks in State Sector, Private Sector and through Public Private Partnership.
• Solar Park of the capacity 500 MW or more to be developed by Joint Venture Companies under
Public Private Partnership wherein state Govt will have equity upto 50% (including cost of
• Fast track process of approval of Mega Solar Power Projects (500 MW or more) by placing
them directly before State Level Empowered Committee headed by Chief Secretary.
• Establishment of Solar Parks by the Developers on private land and allotment of Govt. land
falling within such private land or in the vicinity of such land, as per rules.
• Provision of sub leasing of land by the Solar Park Developers to Solar Power Producers.
• Provision of allotment of Govt. land at DLC rate to Solar Power Producers.
• The provision of allowing farmers to set up Solar Power Plants on their holding or to sub let
the land for this purpose, will ensure regular source of income like any other agricultural
products. It will result in the improvement of the economic status of the farmers.

❖ Bhamashah Yojna (05 Marks/50 Words) /IMPORTANT

• Bhamashah scheme is a family based programme of financial inclusion where each family is
issued a Bhamashah card with biometric information. The card is linked to a bank account in
the name of a lady of the house who is the head of the family.
• Benefits of Bhamashah Scheme :-
• Financial inclusion of all category.
• women empowerment
• All cash benefits under public welfare schemes will be directly transferred to bank
• End to end service delivery platform for cash and non cash benefits with complete
transparency and Real time transaction
• Unified platform for large number of schemes
• closer to home banking services to citizens
• includes both family and individual beneficiary schemes

• Bank Accounts are being opened in the name of lady of the house and a Bhamashah Card is
being given to families across the state. All cash benefits under public welfare schemes will be
directly transferred to these bank accounts. The card will also be used to transfer non-cash
benefits of various government schemes.
• Under Bhamashah Ration Cards, Pension, NREGS, Scholarships (Higher Education, Technical
Education and for differently abled) are being brought under one platform. The card leverages
bio-metric identification and core banking under the scheme, the family is being mapped and
the single unique data set is being created
• The scheme implementation will be in a faced manner and cover beneficiaries at all levels
across Rajasthan. All democratic and social parameters have been included to work out
entitlements by various departments.
• Bhahamshah card holder will be able to obtained services at different service point which
include bank branches, ATMs, e-mitra kiosk. Additionally integrated service delivery shall be
ensured at Rajasthan Sampark IT Centres right up to Panchayat level and Municipal areas.

❖ Annapurna Bhandar Yojna (05 Marks/50 Words) /IMPORTANT

• The State Government provides food grains as well as non PDS items through public
distribution system all over the state.
• The Annapurna Bhandar Yojana is a first of its kind imitative in the country. This unique
example of public private partnership (PPP) in an attempt to modernize PDS in the state
through an innovative model having dual benefits of PDS and modern retail, thereby providing
choice of quality products for daily consumption.
• Eligibility: Persons & Families included in National Food Security Act
• This scheme is one of India’s biggest entrepreneurship drives with 5,000 fair price shop dealers
(FPS) turning into entrepreneurs with Annapurna Bhandars.
• Built into the scheme with is a discount that shall be shared between consumer and dealer at
the ratio of 60:40. This will assure reasonable profits and reasonable prices.
• On 20.8.2015 a tripartite agreement was signed between Future Consumer Enterprise Ltd.
selected FTS dealers and the Rajasthan State Food & Civil Supplies Corporation Ltd.
• The scheme shall be implemented in phases with 500 fair price shops in every division. Training
in modern retail management to the dealers shall be imparted by Future Consumer Enterprise
• The Annapurna Bhandar Yojana will strengthen the state government efforts in bringing about
a positive change and bettering the lives of people of the state. This expected that these stores
will act as rural malls in the interiors of the state.
• The Annapurna Bhandar Yojana will expand the capabilities and potential of fair price shops
by sharing modern trade practices with the FPS owners. This will start a new chapter in the
already renowned skill development initiatives of Rajasthan.
• As a private partner Future Consumer Ltd. will supply quality consumer goods and share
management practices as well as help upgrading the FPS into a new modern retail format.
These FPS shall now have additional goods such as food items – oil ghee, pulses, spices, flour,
pickles, sauces as well as personal care products, hygiene products, packaged food, stationery
and more.

❖ Annapurna Rasoi (05 Marks/50 Words) /IMPORTANT

• Rajasthan Government has launched Annapurna Rasoi Scheme to provide quality meal at
minimal and subsidized rates to poor and needy people of state.
• The food under this scheme will be provided at subsidized rates, breakfast at Rs 5 per plate
and lunch/dinner at Rs 8 per plate.
• Local Self Government department of Rajasthan is the nodal agency for the scheme. The meals
will be cooked and served by staff trained in hospitality.
• It will be distributed by 80 mobile vans at locations decided by local self-help agencies in
• The main beneficiary of the scheme will be rickshaw pullers, labourers, auto drivers, students,
working women, elders and other weaker section.
• In the first phase the scheme will be started in 12 districts. They are Jaipur, Udaipur, Jodhpur,
Ajmer, Bharatpur, Bikaner, Pratapgarh, Kota, Banswara, Dungarpur, Baran and Jhalawar. The
remaining 21 districts of state will be covered in second phase.

❖ Rajasthan Sampark Website (05 Marks/50 Words)

• To bring in excellence in citizen service delivery by ensuring transparency and minimizing
grievances, to ensure proper service to the citizen, a project named “Rajasthan Sampark” has
been implemented through Department of IT and Communications.
• The project paves the way for a common man to reach the departments of the State
Government for their queries and concerns, with the help of Information Communication and
Technology (ICT) Interventions.
• It primarily consists of a State level Call Centre with integrated web portal which will act as a
single point of contact for addressing and redressing various citizen centric queries and
grievances related to government services.
• Citizens can lodge their grievances against any government department/ office through this
portal and the grievance will further be sent to the respective office/ department for redressal .
They can further check the status of their complaint and send reminders to government about
• Through Rajasthan Sampark, Government of Rajasthan intends to achieve all important
aspects of good governance viz. Robust Delivery System, Transparency, Communication,
Grievance Redressal and Sensitivity towards citizens.

❖ Gramin Gaurav Path Yojna (05 Marks/50 Words) /IMPORTANT

• Gramin Gaurav Path programme is a major road construction project of Rajasthan
Government, under state plans to construct about 2,048 km of roads in 33 districts. The project
is being implemented by Rajasthan Public Works Department.
• The government has aim to construct roads in all villages comes under main gram panchayat
for hassle-free transport for villagers.
• The main objective of Gramin Gaurav Path Scheme is to construct cement concrete road and
proper drainage at each Gram panchayat Headquarter with purpose of creating the neat and
clean environment and also provide damage free road to commuters at each Gram Panchayat
• Rural villagers can easily travel to school, hospital, temple, farm, nearby villages and towns
because of construction of good roads.
• Under Gramin Gaurav Path, village roads would be connected to main mega highways.
• Roads would built by cement concrete material, by contractors qualifying the tenders in one
year in all.
• Besides village roads, small sewer system would also be built.
• Out of 9900 villages of 33 districts in Rajasthan, 2105 villages have been included in the

❖ Mukhya Mantri Rajshree Yojna (05 Marks/50 Words) /IMPORTANT

• In order to encourage and empower the daughters, to educate and empower them, the
government has started the Chief Minister Rajshri Yojana from June 1, 2016.
• Implemented by Department of Women and Child Affairs, Rajasthan.
• The purpose of this scheme is to encourage girl child education, health & arrest female
foeticide. It is expected to create awareness and positive thinking among masses and
eliminate gender bias.
• The economically weaker sections don’t allow their girl child to study further or some families
even not admitted their child to school due to lack of money, for this reason this scheme was
launched to provide financial support to girls at their each stage of life.
• In this scheme, government will pay 50,000 rupees in installment for education of girl child
born in government hospitals and registered hospitals
• Benefits will be given to girls born on or after 1 June 2016.
• The first two instalments of the Rajshree Yojana will be available to all the girls, who have been
born in a registered private medical institute from any government hospital and Janani
Suraksha Yojana (JSY), beneficiary's Bhamashah Card is mandatory for the benefit of the
• From the birth of a girl to class 12th, financial assistance of up to 50,000 parents is provided
to the parent for education, health and care. This amount is given in the following steps.
• 2500 rupees at birth of daughter
• 2500 rupees for one year of vaccination
• 4000 rupees for admission in first class
• 5000 rupees for admission in class 6
• 11000 rupees for admission in class 10
• 25000 on passing grade 12

❖ Ujwal DISCOM Assurance Yojana (UDAY) scheme (05 Marks/50 Words)

• Rajasthan Government along with its power distribution companies (DISCOMS) signed a MoU
to join UDAY (Ujwal Discom Assurance Yojana) Scheme. State DISCOMS part of this MoU are
Jaipur Vidyut Vitran Nigam Limited (JVNL), Jodhpur Vidyut Vitran Nigam Limited (JVVNL) and
Ajmer Vidyut Vitran Nigam Limited (AVNL). With this, Rajasthan became third state to sign the
MoU under UDAY scheme after Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh.
• The Scheme UDAY was launched by the Government of India on 20th November, 2015 to
ensure a permanent and sustainable solution to the debt-ridden Distribution utilities to
achieve financial stability and growth.
• The scheme envisages:
• Financial Turnaround
• Operational improvement
• Reduction of cost of generation of power
• Development of Renewable Energy
• Energy efficiency & conservation
• Benefits to Participating States in this scheme are through:-
• Reduction in Cost of power through Central Support as
• Increased supply of domestic coal
• Allocation of coal linkages at notified prices
• Coal price rationalization
• Coal linkage rationalization & allowing coal swaps
• Supply of washed & crushed coal
• Additional coal at notified prices
• Faster completion of Interstate Transmission lines
• Power purchase through transparent competitive bidding.
• Additional priority funding under DDUGJY, IPDS, etc.
• UDAY is an effort to make these DISCOMs financially and operationally healthy, to be able to
supply adequate power at affordable rates, and enable the Governments to make efforts
towards 100% Village electrification and 24X7 Power For All.
• UDAY Scheme notified by Ministry of Power, Government of India on 20.11.2015 with an
objective of operational and financial turnaround of the Discoms, is measured by reduction in
Aggregate Technical & Commercial (AT&C) losses & elimination of gap between Average Cost
Supply (ACS) and Average Revenue Realized (ARR).
• Demand Side interventions in UDAY such as usage of energy-efficient LED bulbs, agricultural
pumps, fans & air-conditioners and efficient industrial equipment through PAT (Perform,
Achieve and Trade) would help in reducing peak load, flatten load curve and thus help in
reducing energy consumption in the State of Rajasthan.
• Tripartite MoUs among Government of India, State Government and each Rajasthan Discoms
were signed on 27 January, 2016 with stipulating the responsibilities of all three stakeholders.

❖ Mukhya Mantri Jal Swavlambhan Yojana (05 Marks/50 Words)

• CM launched the campaign from village Gardan Kheri in Jhalawar district on 27th January
2016. Year 2016 has been earmarked as the ‘Year of JalKranti’.
• The Scheme is based on Four-waters Concept, a successful strategy of water conservation
employed in The Four Waters concept involves harvesting of available runoff (a. Rain water,
b. ground water, c. under-ground water & d. in situ soil moisture) in rural areas by treatment
of catchment, proper utilization, renovation & creation of new water harvesting structures.
• Total 21000 by 2020, villages will be benefitted with around 3000 priority villages in 2016 and
6000 villages every year in following 3 years.
• Key objectives of Scheme include:
• To create a water sustainable Rajasthan
• To increase the irrigated area
• Ensure effective water conservation through convergence of resources of different
• To create awareness about community participation in water management
• To prepare a village action plan through water budgeting via community participation
• To make the village a self sufficient unit in drinking water through sustainable
• The funding of scheme is based on novel idea of crowd-funding that is contribution from
citizens. Chief Minister herself has contributed her 6 month salary.
• Concept of water budgeting was introduced in Gram sabhas where after determination of
usage of water (for drinking, irrigation, livestock & for other commercial purposes) & a water
budget is prepared to conserve water available from various resources and accordingly, works
are identified and approved for the preparation of action plan of the mission.
• Under the campaign, in the selected villages, construction of traditional water conservation
methods such as ponds, ponds, bawns, stitches etc. have been constructed and nick, stitches,
bridle etc. have been constructed with new techniques.

❖ Bhamasha Swasthiya Bhima Yojana (05 Marks/50 Words)

• Bamashah Health Insurance Scheme has been started from December 13, 2015. Cashless
health services are provided to eligible families under the scheme. These services are being
provided in government hospitals as well as in private hospitals. The purpose of this scheme is
to reduce the expenditure on the health of the people of the state.
• It is a scheme to provide cashless facility to the IPD patients by the Government (Medical and
Health Department),through an Insurance Company “New India Assurance Company” on a
fixed premium per family per year on floater basis for the identified families covered under
National Food Security Act (NFSA) and Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana (RSBY).
• Aims of the Scheme are:-
• To Hedge Govt. moneys
• To provide quality health care that avoids large out of pocket expenditure
• To provide financial security against illness
• To improve health status of the State.
• To create a database which could be used to make policy level changes in Healthcare.
• To bring a revolution in healthcare in rural area – by providing stimulus to Private
Sector to open hospitals in rural areas and reducing the increasing burden on
Government facilities.
• Every eligible family is being provided 30,000 rupees for general ailments every year and Rs. 3
lakhs for critical illnesses. Additionally, for expenses incurred during hospitalization,
expenditure up to 7 days before and 15 days after the hospitalization has also been included.
• In this plan 1715 diseases have been included. Apart from this, new packages of more than
300 specialty treatments will also be added, including Nephrology, Gastrology, Neurology and
• Prior to Bhamashah Scheme, only medicines and checks were available in cash in the ongoing
schemes, but now in Bhamashah health insurance scheme all the checks, treatment, doctor's
fees, operations etc. have been included.

❖ Eastern Rajasthan Canal Project (ERCP) (05 Marks/50 Words)


In Rajasthan it is estimated that out of fifteen river basins surplus water is available only in Chambal and
Mahi basin. In rainy season Kunnu, Kul, Parbati, Kalisindh, Mez, Chakkan sub-basins are also having surplus
yield while Banas, Banganga, Ghambhiri and Parbati sub-basins are deficit in yield. In Rajasthan on the one
side water is surplus in Chambal basin and on other side many districts are striving for drinking water need
of habitation & live stock, but even in rainy season water flowing in Chambal River cannot be tapped. D/S
of Kota Barrage is declared as crocodile sanctuary in a width of 1.5 km both side from centre of the river,
so excess monsoon water available in Chambal river cannot be tapped directly from Chambal river.
Looking to this fact an idea of Intra Basin water transfer scheme (Conceptual idea of Parallel Canal) was
Eastern Rajasthan Canal Project is an ambitious project of Rajasthan State which
envisages transfer of water at Kunnu, Kul, Parwati, Kalisindh and Mej river sub basins to Banas, Morel,
Banganga, Kalisil, Gambhir and Parbati river sub-basin during Monsoon period. This scheme will ensure
availability of water for drinking purpose, mitigate Flood/ Drought situation in thirteen(13) districts viz.
Jhalawar, Bara, Kota, Bundi, Sawaimadhopur, Ajmer, Tonk, Jaipur, Dausa, Karauli, Alwar, Bharatpur and
Dholpur of Rajasthan for Humans and Live stock for year 2051.The scheme will augment the yield in 26
major and medium irrigation projects and will rejuvenate 0.8 Lakh Ha of CCA in addition to bringing 2.0
Lakh Ha of new area under command.
❖ Rajasthan Water Sector Livelihood Improvement Project (RWSLIP) (05
Marks/50 Words)
Rajasthan is categorized as most water deficit state in the country and more than 80 % of the water
is consumed by agriculture / irrigation sector. Due to deferred maintenance and poor water
management, water use efficiency is as low as 20% to 30%. There is dire need to rehabilitate old
tanks for better utilization of water, increase in irrigated area and agriculture production. Rajasthan
Water Sector Livelihood Improvement Project (RWSLIP) has been proposed for rehabilitation and
renovation of 137 Irrigation Project in 25 districts. The estimated cost of the project is Rs.2606.20
crore. Total CCA to be treated under RWSLIP project is 4.68 lac ha.

The development objectives of the Project are to improve livelihood of beneficiaries in the project
target area through:

• Rehabilitation and modernization of the existing major, medium and minor irrigation projects
covering an area of 4.68 lac ha.
• Establishment of sustainable operation and management system of irrigation facilities by
implementing the participatory irrigation management on WUAs
• Increase of the productivity and improvement of quality of agriculture produce
• Improvement and diversification of food value chain in agriculture produce market by
strengthening farmers’ groups and promotion of high value added produce and alleviating
• Gender mainstreaming of women in agriculture sector.
• The Project will not only rehabilitate irrigation facilities but also develop innovative challenges
and invent methodology for agriculture development and other sectors in the following
i.Micro irrigation with water saving concepts.
ii.Market linkage system with large-size consumers, and with small-size consumers through matching
iii.Brand building for high-value agro produces
iv.Nutritious vegetable cultivation through empowerment of SHG activities
v.Gender mainstreaming with PIM-act modification
vi.Establishment of WUA Women Wing

❖ Rajasthan Water Sector Restructuring Project for the Desert Area

(RWSRPD) (05 Marks/50 Words)
The Indira Gandhi Feeder (IGF) Canal and the Indira Gandhi Main Canal (IGMC) under Phase-I were
constructed during 1955-62; water is perennially flowing through these canals since then. These canals
were originally lined using double brick burnt clay tile lining; weathering effects and ageing has
damaged the brick lining and opened up mortar joints at a number of places, thereby resulting into
excessive seepage, water logging conditions in nearby.

One of the prime objectives of the RWSRPD is thus to inter-alia rehabilitate and re-line the
deteriorating system of canals under the Indira Gandhi Nahar Project (IGNP) needing urgent
attention. It is also proposed to reclaim effected waterlogged area by surface drainage network,
subsequent pumping to drain in network in effected area and create a water supply link from Indira
Gandhi feeder through Ghaggar diversion channel, extended up to rejuvenated natural depression no-
6 for storing excess available water from reservoirs and linking the depression no-6 with IGMC. Beside
that as per NDB intervention command area development activities have also been planned for
capacity building of stake holders, W.U.A. and institutional framework within purview of the project.
The project is proposed to be executed with 70% loan assistance from NDB (New Development Bank)
and rest 30% by state share.

❖ Four Water Concept (05 Marks/50 Words)

The four waters are,

a. Rainwater,
b. Soil moisture up to water table level,
c. Ground water, and
d. Surface water.

This technology emphasizes on - water spreading techniques to facilities recharge to ground water in
the upper area of watershed, through mini percolation tanks instead of the conventional check dams
in main valley – recharge through gully percolation tank & sunken pits – cover crops to prevent soil
moisture evaporation – methods for keeping open dug well full and tapping this water for irrigation
(instead of bore wells in the hard rock areas)

Advantage of four water concept is that in the same cost it increases the benefits three times more,
and increase the recharge to ground water ten times more than earlier.

Activities involved in four water concept

a. Structure
• Mini percolation tank in 1 & 2 order stream
st nd

• Check dam in the 2 & 3 order stream with earthen dam at centre and surplus weir
nd rd

on side ( no check dam on the main stream and no cement structure in the stream
• Sunken pits in gully in 1 & 2 order streams.
st nd

• MPT’s at head of gullys and upstream of sunken pits and drainage line treatment.
• CCT’s (continuous contour trenches) strictly along contour.
• Boundary bunds and Contour Ploughing.
• Diversion drain for recharging open well.
• Subsurface dam at downstream of watershed.
• Rubble stone diversion weir on the mainstream for gravity irrigation.
• Restoring & de-silting very small ponds.
b. Vegetative
• Cover crop in rain fed lands.
• Tree plantation on all boundary bunds.
• Vegetative cover (agave) for gully slopes.
• Nurseries for fodder, timber, fuel wood & horticulture.
• Agro-forestry.
• Pasture development.

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