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Data in Brief

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Data in Brief 20 (2018) 1676–1682

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Data in Brief

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Data Article

Data on comparative studies of lineaments

extraction from ASTER DEM, SRTM, and Cartosat
for Jilledubanderu River basin, Anantapur
district, A.P, India by using remote sensing
and GIS
M. Rajasekhar, G. Sudarsana Raju n, R. Siddi Raju,
M. Ramachandra, B. Pradeep Kumar
Department of Geology, Yogi Vemana University, Kadapa, Andhra Pradesh, India

article i nfo abstract

Article history: The data deals with the functions that automatically extracted
Received 29 March 2018 lineaments from the Cartosat, ASTER and SRTM of Digital Elevation
Received in revised form Model (DEM) of different spatial resolutions, in the software Arc-
3 September 2018
GIS 10.4. The extracted lineaments result shows the ASTER
Accepted 7 September 2018
(Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radio-
Available online 11 September 2018
meter) DEM gives the lowest number of lineaments reflects Car-
Abbreviations: tosat and SRTM (Shuttle Radar Topography Mission) DEM shows a
DEM Digital Elevation Model medium number of lineaments. Cartosat DEM is most appropriate
SRTM Shuttle Radar Topography Mission
for extraction of contours precisely rather than ASTER and SRTM.
ASTER Advanced Spaceborne Thermal
This study reveals the Cartosat DEM data is best to use extraction
Emission and Reflection Radiometer
of lineaments in the Indian provinces, offers at most comprehen-
Keywords: sive geological structural info amongst all the data sets. The
ASTER-DEM extracted lineaments lengths and densities are determined by the
SRTM statistical method. Based on the data generated lineament density
Cartosat DEM and rose diagram. Cartosat DEM data are the best suited for
studying very small areas as through geological and structural
Rose diagram
information can be mined by using this data.
& 2018 Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article
under the CC BY license

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: gsraju05@yogivemanauniversity.ac.in (G.S. Raju).

2352-3409/& 2018 Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY license
M. Rajasekhar et al. / Data in Brief 20 (2018) 1676–1682 1677

Specifications table

Subject area Lineaments structures and Remote Sensing & GIS

More specific subject area Remote Sensing and GIS and Satellite data
Type of data Table, figures
How the data were acquired Toposheets from Survey of India, ASTER and SRTM DEM data from USGS
website, Cartosat DEM data from NRSC Bhuvan and Field surveys
Data format Processed and Analyzed
Experimental factors Toposheets are georeferenced and digitized lineaments from DEM data
by using ArcGIS 10.4 & ERADAS imagine the software.
Experimental features Cartosat DEM data best for Lineaments study and SRTM data is good
compared with ASTER DEM data
Data source location 77° 480 3400 to 78° 580 1100 E and 14° 050 3500 to 14° 260 4500 N
Data accessibility The data are accessible within the article.

Value of the data

● The data can serve as baseline for the lineaments structures study of the area.
● Data presented here can be used to implement ground water recharge and management.
● Data are georeferenced and digitized it can be utilized in future studies.
● It is also useful to researchers, stakeholders and hydrogeologists for aquifer management.
●The data can be useful for the socio-economic of the study area.

1. Data

1.1. Study area

Jilledubanderu basin situated in Anantapur district has been selected for the present study. The
hierarchy of the river system related to the study area is shown below.

Jilledubanderu - A tributary of Maddileru

Maddileru - A tributary of Chitravathi River

Chitravathi - A tributary of river Pennar

Jilledubanderu rises in the southeastern part of Anantapur district, a highly drought affected
region. The basin is located between 77° 48 0 34 00 E longitude to 78° 58 0 11 00 E longitude and 14°
05 0 35 00 North latitude to 14° 26 0 45 00 North latitude. The entire geographical area of the river
basin is 487 sqkm 2 falling in the topo sheets of 57F/15, 57F/16, 57J/3, and 57J/4 of scale 1:50,000
and covers the Bukkapatnam, Chennekottapalle, Dharmavaram, Kothacheruvu, Mudigubba,
Nallamada, and Puttaparthi Mandals in Anantapur district, Andhra Pradesh, India and corre-
sponding schematic diagram is shown in Fig. 1. The watershed comprises a total geographical
area of 486.95 sqkm and covers parts of Bukkapatnam Mandal occupies more than half of the
watershed area (52%) followed by Mudigubba (27%). The study area covered Archaean Penin-
sular Gneissic Complex of hornblende biotite gneiss, granodiorite, and Lamprophyre (GSI, 2002).
These granitic rocks are traversed by means of dolerite dykes. In the northern a part of the
watershed an isolated patch of lamprophyre is a gift and corresponding geology schematic
diagram is shown in Fig. 2.
1678 M. Rajasekhar et al. / Data in Brief 20 (2018) 1676–1682

Fig. 1. Location map of the study area with reference to Jilledubanderu River basin.

Fig. 2. Geological map of the study area.

M. Rajasekhar et al. / Data in Brief 20 (2018) 1676–1682 1679

Table 1
General information of data sets used in the present study.

DEM characteristics SRTM ASTER_DEM CartoDEM

Tile size 50 ~ 50 10 ~ 10
Spatial resolution 30 0 (90 m) 10 0 (30 m) 10 0 (30 m)
DEM format Geo-Tiff WGS 84, Geo- Tiff Geo-Tiff, WGS 84/EGM 96 Geo-Tiff, WGS 84
Coverage 600N–600S 830N–830S 830N–830S
Site to download www.cgiar.csi.org https://reverb.echo.nasa. http://bhuvan.
gov/reverb/ nrsc.gov.in/

2. Experimental design, materials, and methods

2.1. Data collection

The comparative studies of lineaments are studied through various datasets are ASTAER-DEM,
SRTM, and Cartosat DEM in the present study. ASTER and SRTM DEM have a different spatial resolutions
of 100 (30 m) and 300 (90 m). The Cartosat l DEM is developed by ISRO for indian territories having a
spatial resolution of 30 m. These DEM images are geometrically ortho-corrected for higher precision of
surface elevation [1]. Table 1 represents a through information and source to download these datasets.

2.2. Processing of data

Now a days, geospatial technologies plays important role in the extraction of geological and
structural features. Here, SRTM, ASTER, and Cartosat DEM datasets are used inthe research of shaded
relief maps and geological and structural linear surface structures such as a cliff, scarp, straight val-
leys, straight river channels, dykes and lineaments etc. were digitized manually at 1:100,000 scale
after the preparation of shaded relief maps [2,3]. The scale was maintained at different scales can
provide different terrain maps which can further lead to the differences and errors while outlining the
lineaments from diverse datasets. After the removal of man-made structural features, length and
frequency of all the extracted lineaments were calculated in ArcGIS 10.4 software in order to compare
the data sets [4–7]. Lineament density maps was prepared through ArcGIS 10.4 environment using
‘‘Line density’’ tool with the formerly extracted lineament data comparisons and analysis of linea-
ments was done in Rockware software for the preparation of rose diagrams [8].

2.3. Lineaments

The lineaments maps are prepared from shaded relief maps through ArcGIS 10.4 software resulted
from different DEMS (Fig. 3) [8–10]. Basin wise assessment of all lineament variables extracted by using
SRTM, ASTER and Cartosat DEM is shown in Table 2. Observation indicates that total length of lineaments
was comparatively higher inthe study area when it is drawn out by using Cartosat DEM shown in Fig. 4.
Table 3 denotesentire length and frequency of lineaments for the entire study area [11–13]. Maximum

Fig. 3. Lineaments extracted by using SRTM, ASTER, and Cartosat DEM for the study area.
1680 M. Rajasekhar et al. / Data in Brief 20 (2018) 1676–1682

Table 2
Quantitative parameters of Lineaments extracted by using different data sets for the Jilledubanderu River basin.

Parameters Jilledubanderu River basin


Total length (km) 305.81 483.83 611.86

Maximum length (km) 14.31 15.17 15.17
Minimum Length (km) 0.18 0.18 0.18
Mean length (km) 2.71 2.66 2.32
Standard Deviation (☞ ) 2.58 2.46 2.23
Number of lineaments (n) 113 182 264

Fig. 4. Bar-graph is showing a comparison of the total length of lineaments extracted by different datasets of the study area.

Table 3
Total length and number of lineaments extracted by different data sets for entire study area.

Parameters ASTER-DEM SRTM Carto DEM

Total length (km) 305.81 483.83 611.86

Number of lineaments (n) 113 182 264

number of lineaments (n ¼ 264) are extracted from Cartosat DEM. Whereas the lowest number of
lineaments could be found by using ASTER (n ¼ 113). Therefore, it obviously appearances that more
lineaments could be extracted by means of Cartosat and the least number of lineament can be drawn by
means of ASTER DEM in spite of poor resolution of SRTM (n ¼ 182), it is capable of providing a higher
number of lineaments compared to the ASTER DEM [8]. These studies also reported that SRTM is better
than ASTER DEM concerning surface feature extraction, such as drainage and slope [14–17].

2.4. Lineament density

Lineament density can be proposed as the entire length of lineaments per unit extent.It affords a
many valued geological facts about the high strength of tectonic distortion [18], rock fracturing and
shearing [19], groundwater possibilities [20]. Thus, the control of lineament density is an significant and
useful technique to capture many applied geological aspects and suitable datasets and careful obser-
vation offer more precision in case of lineament concentration of an area. The lineament density map of
all lineaments extracted from all the data sets was related to capture the lineament concentration
pattern inside the basins (Fig. 5). It is remarkably observed that for all the basins, a higher density of
lineaments established in the case of Cartosat data while SRTM and ASTER data show lower density. Rose
diagram has been built to associate and examines lineament directions and frequency for the study
M. Rajasekhar et al. / Data in Brief 20 (2018) 1676–1682 1681

Fig. 5. The density of the lineament fabrics extracted by using SRTM, ASTER, and Cartosat DEM for the study area.

Fig. 6. Rose diagrams represent frequency and direction of lineaments extracted by all data sets for the study area.

area [21] (Fig. 6). Rose diagrams mined from different data sets for a specific basin show alike trend of
frequency and directions. It shows that altering of datasets does not have any considerable effect on the
orientation of lineaments. In study area, orientations are mainly in N–E, S–W, NNE–SSW and NNW–SSE
directions. Very limited lineaments are found to have a trend of S–E, N–W AND SSE–NNW directions.


Mr. M. Rajasekhar is thankful to the University Grants Commission (UGC), Government of India,
New Delhi, for the financial support in the form of Fellowship (Grant No. 201718-RGNF-2017-18-SC-

Transparency document. Supporting information

Transparency data associated with this article can be found in the online version at http://dx.doi.


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