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The Members of NEOM: Advisory Board Are

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The members of NEOM

Advisory Board are

Tim Brown Timothy Alexandra

Collins Cousteau
CEO and President of Founder and CEO of Senior Advisor to
IDEO. Ripplewood Advisors, Oceana.

IDEO focuses on the value of design thinking Collins founded investment firm Ripplewood Cousteau is an expert in environmental
to business people and designers. Brown in 1995, with previous experience at Onex issues and is currently a National Geographic
discusses this around the world, including Corporation, Lazard Freres & Company, Emerging Explorer, filmmaker and global
at the World Economic Forum in Davos and Booz Allen Hamilton and Cummins Engine oceans expert.
through TED Talks. He is an industrial designer Company. He has served on a number of
by training and has earned numerous design corporate boards and is currently Chairman
awards, as well as advising senior business of the Yale SOM Advisory Board.

Dan Lord Norman Travis

Doctoroff Foster Kalanick
Founder and CEO of Founder and Executive CEO of City Storage
Sidewalk Labs. Chairman of Foster + Systems,

Before taking over Sidewalk Labs, Doctoroff Foster + Partners is a global studio for a holding company focused on redeveloping
was President and CEO of Bloomberg L.P., architecture, urbanism and design. Notable real estate assets to fuel urban job creation
with previous roles including Deputy Mayor projects include Reichstag in Berlin, the and neighborhood rejuvenation. Kalanick is
for Economic Development and Rebuilding in Great Court of British Museum, Boston also Co-Founder and former CEO of Uber.
New York and Managing Partner of Oak Hill Museum of Fine Arts, Headquarters of During his seven years leading Uber, the
Capital Partners. He serves on the boards of Apple, Bloomberg and Comcast and airports company grew to operate in more than 70
the University of Chicago, World Resources in Hong Kong and Beijing. He is also the countries, employed over 15,000 people and
Institute, the U.S. Olympic Committee, President of the Norman Foster Foundation. provided 3 million drivers with flexible work
Bloomberg Philanthropies and Human Rights opportunities to complete over 5 billion rider
First. He also helped found several charitable trips. Prior to Uber, he founded Red Swoosh, a
organizations. networking software company.

Andrew Ernest J.
Liveris Moniz Carlo Ratti
Former Chairman and President and CEO of Professor of Urban
CEO of Dow Chemical the Energy Futures Technologies and
and Executive Chairman Initiative. Planning Director at
of DowDuPont. MIT’s Senseable City

Liveris ran Dow, a producer and marketer of Moniz served as the 13th United States Ratti is an architect and engineer by training
chemical, materials, plastics and speciality Secretary of Energy from 2013 to January and currently teaches at MIT. He has co-
chemicals for over 14 years and was responsible 2017. He is the Cecil and Ida Green Professor authored over 500 publications and patents.
for transforming Dow and DuPont into the largest of Physics and Engineering Systems emeritus
chemical company in the world. He has advised and Special Advisor to the MIT President. Dr.
two U.S. presidents, written a seminal book on Moniz is CEO of the Nuclear Threat Initiative
the criticality of manufacturing to economic and of the Energy Futures Initiative and the
development and is on the boards of Saudi Aramco, inaugural Distinguished Fellow of the Emerson
WorleyParsons and IBM, and an advisor to the Public Collective.
Investment Fund of Saudi Arabia.

Rob Peter R.
Founder and Chairman Speyer Voser
at the NewCities President and CEO of Chairman of ABB
Foundation. Tishman Speyer. Group.

Rossant founded the NewCities Foundation in 2010 Speyer has grown Tishman Speyer into a leading Before taking up his position as Chairman
with an aim to shape the future of urban projects. global real estate company with $50 billion of the Board of technology giant ABB,
He was previously responsible for the production in assets. He is the Chairman of the Advisory Voser served as CEO at Shell, amongst other
of global forums, such as the e-G8 in Paris and the Board of the Mayor’s Fund to Advance New York positions with the company. He currently
World Economic Forum in Davos and is also the City, and in 2013 became the youngest-ever serves as a board member at Roche, IBM
CEO and Chief Curator of LA CoMotion, the annual Chairman of the Real Estate Board of New York. and Temasek, as well as several non-profit
conference and event on future mobility. He is a He currently serves on the advisory council of organizations.
board member of the Fondation Tocqueville in Paris EXOR as well as several charitable ventures.
and Humanity in Action in New York.

Masayoshi Jean
Son Former Vice President Fréchet
Chairman and CEO of of the European Distinguished Professor
SoftBank Group Corp. Commission. of Chemistry.

Son founded SoftBank, a global technology Neelie is a former EU Commissioner, the first Fréchet is a Professor emeritus at the University
company that aspires to drive the Information term as EU Commissioner for Competition of California, Berkeley and Vice President for
Revolution in 1981 and has expanded its Policy and the second term as Commissioner Research at the King Abdullah University of
business to cover a range of technologies, in charge of the Digital Agenda for Europe. In Science and Technology (KAUST), Saudi Arabia.
including telecommunications, AI, smart the last term, she was also Vice President of He is a leader in developing strategies and
robotics, IoT and clean energy. In 2017, the European Commission. Before that, Neelie managing resources to support interdisciplinary,
SoftBank announced the first major close Kroes was Minister for Transport, Public Works collaborative research bridging science and
of the SoftBank Vision Fund to support the and Telecommunication in the Netherlands. engineering. Professor Fréchet is the author of
transformational companies at the forefront Currently, she serves on various international over 800 publications with more than 106,000
of the Information Revolution. company boards. citations and 200 patents.

Marc Sam Marc

Raibert Altman Andreessen
Founder and CEO of President of YC Group Co-Founder and General
Boston Dynamics. and Co-Chairman of Partner of Andreessen
Open AI. Horowitz.

Raibert leads the development of some of the Altman is an American entrepreneur, investor, Andreessen is a pioneer in the tech world. He
world’s most advanced robots. Before founding programmer and blogger. He was named founded software companies like Opsware,
Boston Dynamics in 1992, he was a professor at MIT the top investor under 30 by Forbes in 2015 Mosaic, Netscape and Ning. Andreessen sits on
and Carnegie Mellon University, and is a member of and one of the “Best Young Entrepreneurs the board of directors of Facebook, eBay and
the U.S. National Academy of Engineering. in Technology” by Businessweek in 2008. Hewlett Packard Enterprise among others.
Altman is also the Chairman of two energy Andreessen was one of six inductees in the
companies, Helion and Oklo. World Wide Web Hall of Fame announced at
the First International Conference on the
World-Wide Web in 1994.

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