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3 Hours / 100 Marks Seat No.

  Instructions – (1) All Questions are Compulsory.

(2) Illustrate your answers with neat sketches wherever
(3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
(4) Assume suitable data, if necessary.
(5) Mobile Phone, Pager and any other Electronic
Communication devices are not permissible in
Examination Hall.


1. Attempt any TEN of the following: 20

a) What do you understand by primary and secondary distribution?
b) Classify transmission system according to voltage level.
c) What do you mean by ACSR and AAAC conductors?
d) State the function of following layer in construction of
underground cable.
(i) Metallic sheathing
(ii) Armouring
e) What is meant by Ferranti effect?
f) Define:
(i) Distruptive critical voltage and
(ii) Visual critical voltage related to corona.
g) How are the transmission lines classified as per the distance?

17417 [2]
h) Draw equivalent circuit diagram of nominal ‘π’ representation
of medium transmission line.
i) State any two routes of HVDC transmission line network in
j) Distinguish between a feeder and a distributor.
k) Draw the neat diagram of radial distribution scheme.
l) Draw the symbol of
(i) Lightning Arrester
(ii) Horn gap fuse
(iii) Circuit Breaker
(iv) Current transformer
in substation.

2. Attempt any FOUR of the following: 16

a) List four advantages of using high voltage for transmission
b) Write any four desirable properties of transmission line
c) Compare overhead and underground lines on basis of flexibility,
maintenance, safety and cost.
d) State specific voltage level and material used for
(i) RCC pole
(ii) Steel tower
e) Discuss any two methods of improving string efficiency.
17417 [3]
f) A 3 - ph overhead line is being supported by three disc
insulators. The potential across line unit is 17.5 KV. Assume
that shunt capacitance between each insulator and each metal
work of tower to be 1/10th of capacitance of insulator. Calculate
(i) Line voltage
(ii) String efficiency

3. Attempt any FOUR of the following: 16

a) Study Figure No. 1 and answer following questions:
(i) Name the part shown by ‘A’.
(ii) State the type of transformer at ‘B’.
(iii) Write the specification of equipment at ‘C’.
(iv) State meaning of F1, F2, F3 at point SS.

Fig. No. 1
b) State any four desirable properties of insulating material of
transmission line insulators.
c) Suggest with reasons the type of insulators used for following
voltage levels of transmission and distribution system.
(i) 11 KV Distributors
(ii) 132 KV Feeder
(iii) 400 KV Tower
(iv) 33 KV Distributor

17417 [4]
d) Identify the effect shown in Figure No. 2. Also state factors
affecting the effect.

Fig. No. 2
e) Discuss any two methods of reducing corona.
f) State the effect of unity power factor efficiency and regulation
of transmission line.

4. Attempt any FOUR of the following: 16

a) Show the transposition of conductors of transmission line by
a sketch. Also state necessity of it.
b) Draw the equivalent circuit and phasor diagram of short
transmission line.
c) An overhead 3 - phase transmission line delivers 5 MW at 22 KV
at 0.8 lagging power factor. The resistance and reactance of
each conductor is 4 W and 6 W respectively. Determine sending
end voltage and percentage regulation.
d) State two advantages and two disadvantages of HVDC
e) Compare EHVAC and HVDC transmission line on basis of
voltage level, amount of power delivered, transmission cost
and interference effect.
f) List any four basic components present in distribution system.
Also state function each.
17417 [5]
5. Attempt any FOUR of the following: 16
a) Draw the connection diagram Grid distribution system and
write any two disadvantages of the system.
b) Draw the layout of ring distribution scheme and write any
two advantages of the same.
c) Draw a single line diagram for 11 KV / 400 V distribution
d) A single phase AC distributor of 600 m length has total
impedance of (0.02 + j 0.04) ohm and is fed from one end at
250 V. If it is loaded as in Figure No. 3. Calculate the voltage
drop and voltage at far end.

Fig. No. 3
e) List two advantages and two disadvantages of indoor substation.
f) Give classification of substation on basis of
(i) Service requirement
(ii) Construction

17417 [6]
6. Attempt any FOUR of the following: 16
a) “Power factor affects the transmission efficiency and regulation”.
b) State the factors considered for designing feeders and distributors.
c) Suggest suitable type of substation for following applications
with suitable reasons.
(i) Metropolitan city
(ii) Hill station
d) Write equations for sending end voltage and efficiency for
medium transmission line with End condenser method and also
draw the phasor diagram.
e) Draw circuit diagram and vector diagram of Nominal T
network of medium transmission line.
f) Draw diagram of underground cable showing all the parts.

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