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Sta. Teresa, Jordan, Guimaras
Lesson Plan in Grade 11-Disaster Risk Reduction
Competency The learners demonstrate an understanding of:
The Information and resources from the Government (Projects and Programs)

At the end of the lesson, learners will:

1. Avail of existing DRR-related services programs and projects; and
I. OBJECTIVES/S 2. Suggest ways to effectively abide by public policies on DRRM.

II. SUBJECT MATTER Information and resources from the Government

Nationwide Operational Assessment of Hazards (NOAH) Priority, Capacity, Information (A three stage approach to
implementing disaster risk reduction and management at the local level) National agencies involved with
capacity building efforts have to focus on local needs; for capacity building to be (cost) effective, first of all they
need to understand differences in risk profiles between areas. Scarce resources should be invested in those areas
most at risk and in need for assistance.
With increased capacity, local government units can find support from their community for disaster risk reduction
programs. Therefore, local officials need to be professionalized in DRRM. Capacity building can only succeed if:
Information on hazards and risks, legal implementation of the law and DRRM in general is easily accessible. All
information should be available in one place and is standardized by one department. Other departments and
stakeholders use the standardized information in their DRRM work.
a. Science There is an enforcement mechanism in place to ensure local government officials take part in DRRM capacity
Ideas/Concepts building programs and training.
Trainings are repeated regularly to respond to changes of local officials and maintain the community’s awareness.
Trainings are complemented by investments in systems and infrastructure at the local level and efforts to advance
local policies in order to ensure sustainability.

b. Materials ppt slides, activity sheets, manila paper/cartolina, marker

Teaching Guide for Senior High School.DISASTER READINESS AND RISK REDUCTION by The Commission
c. References on Higher Education.June 2016



d. Science Process Identifying,Analysis

e. Values Integration Students will be able to know the importance of abiding with the laws and policies
III. Learning Tasks
Students will share what they have remembered about the previous lesson on RA 10121
a. Elicit

" What do I do to prepare for in coming natural calamities? Which government agencies do I turn to for
information during natural calamities? " Oftentimes, these are the questions worth contemplating. With
these, we need to be knowledgeable with information and resources from the Government (Projects
b. Engage and Programs) on disaster risk reduction and management.

c. Explore Students will be familiarized more about the Government projects and programs on DRRM (see
powerpoint slides).

Given these benefits the national agencies should invest in making information for disaster risk reduction and
management better accessible and available for reuse by both the public and private sectors. The types of
information concerned are products such as hazard maps, geospatial data sets, data services and metadata. These
data can be used for example by local government units to create their own risk maps, by scientific researchers for
generating DRRM knowledge, by engineers advising on new house building sites, by government agencies to
d. Explain develop mitigation strategies, and other smart applications by small and big innovators which are now beyond
imagination but will be stimulated by the availability of free (geospatial) data.

e. Elaborate Projects and programs include theNational Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan. NDRRMP is a
road map on how DRRM shall contribute to gender-responsive and rights-based sustainable
development. Highlights include:
The need for institutionalizing DRRM policies, structures, coordination mechanisms and
programs with continuing budget appropriation on DRR from national down to local levels.
Thus, several activities will strengthen the capacity of the personnel of national government and the
local government units (LGUs) and partner stakeholders, build the disaster resilience of communities and
institutionalize arrangements and measures for reducing disaster risks, including climate risks.

Summative test on DRRM Laws and policies

f. Evaluate

What are the Local poicies in the province of Guimaras?

g. Extend

Prepared by:
DRR Teacher

s and projects; and

mation (A three stage approach to

National agencies involved with
(cost) effective, first of all they
should be invested in those areas

mmunity for disaster risk reduction

ty building can only succeed if:
general is easily accessible. All
ment. Other departments and

s take part in DRRM capacity

ntain the community’s awareness.

local level and efforts to advance

EDUCTION by The Commission




nd policies
on on RA 10121

nment agencies do I turn to for

ons worth contemplating. With
om the Government (Projects

rograms on DRRM (see

for disaster risk reduction and

ivate sectors. The types of
data services and metadata. These
maps, by scientific researchers for
, by government agencies to
ovators which are now beyond

Management Plan. NDRRMP is a

-based sustainable

echanisms and
wn to local levels.
ational government and the
er resilience of communities and
cluding climate risks.

Karen Sumadic
Science Teacher
Sta. Teresa, Jordan, Guimaras

Lesson Log in Grade 11-Science

September 19-23, 2016
Sections/S Sections/Sched
ML: ID: Remarks: ML:
chedule ule
Acad-A TVL-A

Acad-B TVL-B

Acad-C TVL-C
Sta. Teresa, Jordan, Guimaras

Lesson Log in Grade 11-Science

ID: Remarks:

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