1Y2 S4HANA1809 BPD en US Demand-Driven Buffer Level Management
1Y2 S4HANA1809 BPD en US Demand-Driven Buffer Level Management
1Y2 S4HANA1809 BPD en US Demand-Driven Buffer Level Management
Table of Contents
1 Purpose 3
2 Prerequisites 4
2.1 System Access 4
2.2 Roles 4
2.3 Master Data, Organizational Data, and Other Data 4
2.4 Business Conditions 7
2.5 Preliminary Steps 8
2.5.1 Check Buffer Level Status 8
2.5.2 Create Transaction Data (Optional) 9 Create Initial Stock for Buffered Products 9 Post Goods Issue for Buffered Products 11
3 Overview Table 13
4 Test Procedures 14
4.1 Buffer Positioning 14
4.1.1 Schedule Product Classification 14
4.1.2 Mass Maintenance of Products 17
4.1.3 Buffer Positioning 20 Check Buffer Positioning 20 Buffer Positioning – Inbound Protection 22
4.2 Buffer Sizing 25
4.2.1 Schedule Lead Time Classification of Products 25
4.2.2 Buffer Profile Maintenance(Optional) 27
4.2.3 Schedule Buffer Proposal Calculation 30
4.2.4 Manage Buffer Levels 32
5 Appendix 37
5.1 Succeeding Processes 37
Demand-driven replenishment (DD) helps you plan and manage supply chains efficiently based on customer demand, rather than through traditional MRP procedures. It forms the basis for a
reliable material flow by defining buffers at strategically important points and adjusting these buffers regularly.
Products along all BOM levels are classified based on average demand, lead time, BOM usage, and variability to identify whether they are relevant for demand-driven replenishment. A well-
balanced buffer level is proposed for DD-relevant products to ensure that they are sufficiently stocked to meet average demand, but in low enough quantities to prevent excessive storage costs
or losses due to expiry. A dedicated app helps planners manage safety stock, reorder point, and maximum stock through the buffer level proposals. On an operational base, the replenishment of
DD-relevant products is ensured by using a new, demand-driven MRP procedure based on buffer levels resulting in optimal replenishment order.
This document provides a detailed procedure for testing this scope item after solution activation, reflecting the predefined scope of the solution. Each process step, report, or item is covered in
its own section, providing the system interactions (test steps) in a table view. Steps that are not in scope of the process but are needed for testing are marked accordingly. Project-specific steps
must be added.
This section summarizes all the prerequisites for conducting the test in terms of systems, users, master data, organizational data, other test data and business conditions.
System Details
System Accessible via SAP Fiori launchpad. Your system administrator provides you with the URL to access the various apps assigned to your role.
2.2 Roles
Assign the following business roles to your individual test users.
Note The following roles are provided as example roles from SAP. You can use these as templates for your own roles.
For more information about business roles, refer to Assigning business roles to a user in the Administration Guide to Implementation of SAP S/4HANA with SAP Best Practices .
S- 1 SEMI PC Stock transfer material for ma- You can use predictive model to train historical data and get lead time for stock transfer material by machine
203 chine learning learning.
Please first refer scope item 20N with the predictive scenario INDIV_LEADTIME_STO2 to train data model.
Please ensure to set the stock transfer material with calculation method as PCRE in mass maintenance app.
Follow all other steps in this test script for stock transfer material as well and you can see predictive results in
Manage Buffer Levels app, Decoupled Lead Time tab.
For more information on creating master data objects, see the following Master Data Scripts (MDS) (MDS):
Table 3: Master Data Script Reference
Master Data ID Description
BNZ - Create New Open MM Posting Period You have completed the step described in the Create New Open MM Posting Period (BNZ) master data script. Posting Period is up to date.
This activity is used to identify whether it is the first time to run such DDMRP scenario.
If yes, then proceed preliminary step Create Transaction Data (Optional) [page ] 9 to create transaction data for buffered products.
If no, then skip preliminary step Create Transaction Data (Optional) [page ] 9.
Buffered product is a product or component for which the stock is dynamically managed using buffer levels based on green, yellow and red buffer zones.
Buffer level is a properly managed buffer ensures that a product or component is sufficiently stocked to meet average demand, but in low enough quantities to prevent excessive storage costs or
losses due to expiry.
2 Access the Open Manage Buffer Levels. The Manage Buffer Levels screen displays.
3 Filter Prod- In the Manage Buffer Levels screen, filter by product and choose Go.
uct ● Editing Status: All
Demand-Driven Buffer Level Management (1Y2_US) PUBLIC
Prerequisites © 2018 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 8
Test Test Step Instruction Expected Result Pass / Fail
Step # Name / Com-
● Product: S-201; S-202; R-401
● Product: S-201; S-202; R-401
● Plant: 1710
● Max Stock Deviation: Blank
4 Check In the Buffers list, check whether buffer level results of 3 DD-relevant products display. If there is no results displayed in the system, please
Buffer Level ● A. If the product is missing, this is the first time to test the senario for such product, so there first confirm whether the Area of Responsibility is
Status correctly maintained as plant 1710.
is no transaction data in system now, proceed to preliminary step Create Transaction Data
(Optional) [page ] 9 to create transaction data for DD-relevant products (buffered prod- Click User > App Settings , then Area of Responsi-
ucts). bility Screen displays.
● B. If all products display, then it is not the first time to test scenario, skip preliminary step
Create Transaction Data (Optional) [page ] 9.
In this activity, transaction data (Goods receipt and goods issue) is created for 3 Demand-Driven Replenishment products, also called DD-relevant products, buffered products, which indicates
products for which the stock is dynamically managed using buffer levels based on green, yellow and red buffer zones.
Test Administration
Business Role(s)
Responsibility <State the Service Provider, Customer or Joint Service Provider and Customer> Duration Enter a duration.
In this activity, good issue will be posted for 4 buffered products for average daily usage calculation.
Average daily usage (ADU) is defined as average usage of a product or component on a daily basis, calculated based on the demand over a selected averaging interval, it is the average quantity
for goods issue of a specific product in the horizon days.
If there is no goods issue posted during the horizon days, then ADU equals to zero, and it could impact the results of buffer level calculation.
2 Access the App Open Manage Stock. The Manage Stock screen displays.
3 Specify Material Make the following entries and choose The Stock overview for the product displays.
● Material: S-201
● Plant: 1710
4 Select Stock In the screen, you can check Storage Location, Unrestricted- If current quantity for S-201 in storage location 171B is enough,
Use Stock, Blocked Stock, Stock in Quality Inspection. then skip step 5.
Choose the Unrestricted - Use Stock icon for relevant storage The storage location is 171B for SXX and 171C for RXX products.
● Storage Location : 171B for S-XX and 171C for RXX
● Posting Date: <Today’s date – 1 Day> Please adjusted the Quantity value to ensure the updated Unre-
stricted-Use Stock quantity for buffered products S-201 is 200.
● Stock Change: Initial Entry
● Quantity: <Quantity>, for example, 200
6 Create Initial Stock for Repeat steps 3-7 for following 3 materials.
S-202 & R-401 ● Material: S-202
● Material: R-401
You can either post initial stock directly to the storage location or refer to the Procurement of Direct Materials (J45) or SScheduling Agreements in Procurement (BMR) test scripts.
Test Administration
Test Case ID <X.XX> Tester Name Testing Date Enter a test date.
Business Role(s)
Responsibility <State the Service Provider, Customer or Joint Service Provider and Customer> Duration Enter a duration.
In this activity, good issue will be posted for 3 buffered products for average daily usage calculation.
Average daily usage (ADU) is defined as average usage of a product or component on a daily basis, calculated based on the demand over a selected averaging interval, it is the average quantity
for goods issue of a specific product in the horizon days.
Demand-Driven Buffer Level Management (1Y2_US) PUBLIC
Prerequisites © 2018 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 11
If there is no goods issue posted during the horizon days, then ADU equals to zero, and it could impact the results of buffer level calculation.
2 Access the App Open Post Goods Movement. The Post Goods Movement screen displays.
4 Specify Material Make the following entries and choose Enter: Please make sure that the quantity shall never be
● Document Date : <Today’s date – 1 Day> larger than the on hand stock level.
8 Post Goods Issue for S- Repeat steps 3-7 for following 3 materials.
202 & R-401S ● Material: S-202
● Material: R-401
The scope item Demand-Driven Buffer Level Management consists of several process steps, reports, items provided in the table below.
Schedule Product Classification [page ] 14 Production Schedule Product Classi-fication(DD) Execute classification calculation for value,BOM usage and variability.
Mass Maintenance of Products [page ] 17 Production Mass Maintainance of Products(DD) Check classification results for Demand-Driven replenish-ment prod-
Planner ucts.
Check Buffer Positioning [page ] 20 Production Buffer Positioning Monitor and decide which products to buffer and un-buffer by checking
Planner buffer analysis.
Buffer Positioning – Inbound Protection [page ] Production Buffer Positioning Monitor and decide which products to buffer and un-buffer by checking
22 Planner buffer analysis.
Buffer Sizing
Schedule Lead Time Classification of Products Production Schedule Lead Time Classification of Prod- Execute classification calculation for lead tme.
[page ] 25 Planner ucts(DD)
Buffer Profile Maintenance(Optional) [page ] 27 Production Buffer Profile Maintenance Execute buffer proposal calculation.
Schedule Buffer Proposal Calculation [page ] 30 Production Schedule Buffer Proposal Calculation Execute buffer proposal calculation.
Manage Buffer Levels [page ] 32 Production Manage Buffer Levels Check buffer levels with current& proposed results for buffered product
Planner .
This section describes test procedures for each process step that belongs to this scope item.
Test Administration
Test Case ID <X.XX> Tester Name Testing Date Enter a test date.
Business Role(s)
Responsibility <State the Service Provider, Customer or Joint Service Provider and Customer> Duration Enter a duration.
In this activity, you can classify your products by systematically evaluating them based on their goods issue value (ABC classification), usage across BOMs (PQR classification) and variation in
actual demand (XYZ classification) across a specified evaluation interval. Classifying your products will help identify whether they are relevant for Demand-Driven Replenishment, and will help
Demand-Driven Buffer Level Management (1Y2_US) PUBLIC
Test Procedures © 2018 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 14
define inputs for their buffer settings. Additionally, you can schedule runs to re-classify your products periodically to keep their classifications up-to-date, so that you get accurate results as you
proceed with Demand-Driven Replenishment.
● Classification type 1: Value (ABC, A for high, B for medium, C for low)
Value is the percentage radio of absolute value for the specific material to whole absolute value in the plant. (Absolute value is relevant with price and consumption in past several days)
● Classification type 2: Variability (XYZ, X for low, Y for medium, Z for high)
XYZ Classification: Classifying a product or component into type X, Y or Z based on the variation in its goods issue value, with products classified as type X having the lowest variation and
products classified as type Z having the highest variation
Variability is the coefficient of variation for consumption, which is the percentage radio of sample standard deviation to sample mean of daily consumption in past several days.
● Classification type 3: BOM Usage (PQR, P for high, Q for medium, R for low)
PQR Classification: Classifying a product or component into type P, Q or R based on its usage in BOMs, with products classified as type P being used in the highest number of BOMs and
products classified as type R being used in the lowest number of BOMs
BOM usage is the number that the material works as the BOM component
2 Access the Fi- Open Schedule Product Classifica- The Application Jobs screen displays.
ori App tion(DD).
3 Create New Choose + to create a new application job. The New Job screen displays.
7 Enter Parame- In the Parameters area, make the follow- You could adjust the classifica-tion parameters with the real business requirement.
ters ing entries. The parameter value you enter here are all thresholds for classification calculation.
I. Thresholds for Value (ABC) Classifica-
A (High): for example, 70
B (Medium): for example, 20
C (Low): for example, 10
II. Thresholds for BOM Usage (PQR) Clas-
BOM Usage: X (if unmarked,then PQR pa-
rameter can’t be main-tained)
P (High): for example, 3
Q (Medium): for example, 2
R (Low): maintained by default and un-
III. Thresholds for Variability (XYZ) Classi-
8 Schedule New In the New Job screen , choose, Schedule. If there is any error like 'No per day consumption data found for material XXX', please ensure you have
Job A new job is created and will be displayed transaction data in past period (as you entered, for example 10 days). If no transaction data in the spe-
in the Appliction Jobs table. cific period, please refer to preliminary step Create Transaction Data (Optional) [page ] 9 to execute.
9 Repeat for ad- Repeat steps 3-7 for following nine prod- These products are only used for you to adopt buffer/unbuffer change.
ditional mate- ucts. Make classification calculation for these additional products to make them visible to check the MRP
Product: F-20A, screen , choose S-210, type status in Mass Maintenance of Product(DD) app.
S-310, R-410, R-412, S-208, S-315, If there is any alarm like missing consumption data, ignore it.
R-411, R-311
Test Administration
Test Case ID <X.XX> Tester Name Testing Date Enter a test date.
Responsibility <State the Service Provider, Customer or Joint Service Provider and Customer> Duration Enter a duration.
In this activity, you can display and change product details (master data records) relevant to Demand-Driven Replenishment. After you have classified or re-classified your products, you can view
the results of the classifications in this app, and based on the results, select products that are relevant to Demand-Driven Replenishment. You can use the mass change feature to change the
master data records for several products simultaneously.
ABC Classification: Classifying a product or component into type A, B or C based on its goods issue value, with products classified as type A having the largest goods issue value and products
classified as type C having the smallest goods issue value.
XYZ Classification: Classifying a product or component into type X, Y or Z based on the variation in its goods issue value, with products classified as type X having the lowest variation and prod-
ucts classified as type Z having the highest variation.
PQR Classification: Classifying a product or component into type P, Q or R based on its usage in BOMs, with products classified as type P being used in the highest number of BOMs and products
classified as type R being used in the lowest number of BOMs.
1 Log On Log on to the SAP Fiori launchpad as a Production Planner. The SAP Fiori Launchpad displays.
2 Access the Fiori Open Mass Maintenance of Products (DD). The Mass Maintenance: Products (DD) screen displays.
3 Filter Product In the Mass Maintenance: Products (DD) screen, filter by In real business scenario, customer could adapt the filter conditions, for example fil-
product and choose Go. ter by classification results or filter by candidates of buffered products, then you
● Product: S-201; S-202; R-401 could decide whether the material is relevant for strategic stock positioning.
● Plant: 1710 If yes, then change the MRP type into D1 for such material and proceed the Buffer
Sizing chapter.
4 Check Classifica- In the Products area, please kindly check the classification You could choose Settings icon to adjust the displayed columns.
tion Results results.
The Value Indicator, Variability Indicator, Lead time Indica-
tor, BOM Usage Indicator, MRP Type for the products dis-
5 Mass Change After review the classification results for 3 buffered prod- The Mass Edit screen displays.
Classification ucts. Please ensure there is transaction data for 3 buffered products in the horizon for
You could select the indicator for the products you would past period, here in past 10 days. If not, please return back to preliminary step Cre-
like to change classification results, and choose Change, ate Transaction Data.
the Change screen displays. Horizon for past is used to calculate ADU - average daily usage, defined as average
You can change the Value Indicator, Variability Indicator, usage of a product or component on a daily basis, calculated based on the demand
Lead time Indicator, BOM Usage Indicator, Horizon for over a selected averaging interval.
past as your requirement for the selected products.
Please mandatory execute Change to change Horizon for
Past (in Days) into 10 days.
Please mandatory execute Change to mantain Lead Time
Calc. Meth as HCRE by default.
6 Apply Changes Choose Apply Changes. The Apply Changes screen displays.
In the Apply Changes screen, choose Apply.
Confirm the changes are applied for your selected products
in the Mass Maintenance: Products (DD) screen.
7 Initialize setting Repeat steps 3-6 for following products. Initialize all specific products as unbuffered products.
for specific prod- Product: F-20A, S-210, S-310, R-410, R-412, S-
208, S-315, R-411, R-311
Plant: 1710
Maintain MRP Type of all product as PD to initialize them
as unbuffered products.
Test Administration
Test Case ID <X.XX> Tester Name Testing Date Enter a test date.
Business Role(s)
Responsibility <State the Service Provider, Customer or Joint Service Provider and Customer> Duration Enter a duration.
In this activity, you can monitor and decide which products to buffer and un-buffer by checking buffer analysis.
In our test script, we keep pre-delivered buffer positioning for S-201, S-202 & R-401 to make scenario stable for testing.
2 Access the App Open Buffer Positioning. The Buffer Positioning screen displays.
3 Filter Product In the Buffer Positioning screen, filter by product and choose In real business scenario, production planner could adapt the filter conditions, for
Go. example filter by classification results or filter by candidates of buffered products,
Product: S-201; S-202; R-401 then you could decide buffer or unbuffer the product.
4 Check Buffer In the Products area, you can see MRP Type, Product Type, If you are the first tester, the Decoupled Lead Time and Average Daily Usage
Analysis Re- Classifications, Buffered, Lead Time, Decoupled Lead Time could remain blank.
sults for the filtered products. You could choose Settings icon to adjust the displayed columns.
5 Take Action Choose all the filtered products. In real business scenario, production planner could choose the filtered product
Choose Calculate DLT button, check the updated value in and choose Buffer and Unbuffer button.
column Decoupled Lead Time . Note In our pre-delivered scenario, please keep our current settings and do not
make change to avoid testing complexity.
6 Navigate to Check the buffer analysis details for filtered product. The Buffer Analysis screen displays.
Buffer Analysis Choose the row for product, for example, S-201 and R-
7 Check Buffer On the top of the screen, check the product details for the fil- Please focus on upstream analysis with S-201.
Analysis Details tered product. Please focus on downstream analysis with R-401.
Check the Longest Path in Upstream tab by default for mate- For predelivered material, S-201.
The Longest Path is S-201 and 1st lower level R-302.
Change the mode into BOM in Upstream tab to check the
whole BOM upstream structure. The BOM is S-201 ,1st lower level R-302, S-301and 2nd lower level R-401.
Check the Immediate Parent in Downstream tab. The Immediate Parent is F-10A and F-10B.
Change the mode into Next Buffers in Downstream tab to For predelivered material, R-401.
check next buffers. The Longest Path and BOM are same, R-401.
Change the mode into Finished Goods in Downstream tab to The Immediate Parent is S-301.
check finished goods.
The Next Buffers is S-201.
Click agains the product in Product column, you can navigate
In real business scenario, after check all these buffer analysis, you can make a de-
to relevant links, like Buffer Analysis, Manage Product Mas-
cision and choose button Buffer/Unbuffer for the product if necessary.
ter Data and so on.
Note In our pre-delivered scenario, please keep our current settings and do not
make change to avoid testing complexity.
8 Check Network On the screen Buffer Analysis, choose Network Graph icon to Note: In our pre-delivered scenario, please keep our current settings and do not
Graph check the graph view. make buffer/unbuffer change to avoid testing complexity.
9 Share Choose the button Share on the top of sreen, then please
choose Send E-Mail or Save as Tile.
Option 1. Choose Send E-mail, then an E-mail template dis-
plays with the current link.
Option 2. Choose Save as Tile, then fill in Tile, Subtitle, De-
scription and Group for the new tile. The new tile will displays
in the SAP Fiori launchpad accordingly.
Test Administration
Business Role(s)
Responsibility <State the Service Provider, Customer or Joint Service Provider and Customer> Duration Enter a duration.
In this activity, you can monitor and decide which products to buffer and un-buffer by checking buffer analysis.
In real business, you can adjust buffer positioning with different strategies. In our standard scenario, we introduce inbound protection, which can compress lead time.
2 Access the App Open Buffer Positioning. The Buffer Positioning screen displays.
3 Filter Product, In the Buffer Positioning screen, filter by product and choose Go.
Product: F-20A, S-210, S-310, R-410, R-412, S-208, S-315, R-411, R-311
Plant: 1710
4 Check Buffer In the Buffer Analysis area, you can see MRP Type, Product Type,Classifications, Buff- If you are the first tester, the Decoupled Lead Time
Analysis Results ered, Lead Time, Decoupled Lead Time for the filtered products. and Average Daily Usage could remain blank.
You could choose Settings icon to adjust the dis-
played columns.
5 Take Action Choose all the filtered products. In real business scenario, production planner could
Choose Calculate DLT button, check the updated value in column Decoupled Lead choose the filtered product and choose Buffer and
Time . Unbuffer button.
7 Check Buffer On the top of the screen, check the product details for the filtered product. For predelivered material, F-20A.
Analysis Details Choose Network Graph and choose Product Flow mode to check the product flow for The intial Longest Path is F-20A, 1st lower level S-
whole upstream structure. 210, 2nd lower level S-310 and 3rd lower level R-
Choose the Legend icon and you can see longest path marked yellow is consist of F- 410.
20A, S-210, S-310 and R-410.
8 Buffer Positioing In order to compress lead time, we can buffer R-410 which has a long individual lead Product R-410 is buffered.
Click against R-410, then choose Show Details icon, the product details displays and
click Buffer Analysis. Then you navigate to another Buffer Analysis screen for product
R-410, choose Buffer button.
Make the following entries in Buffer screen and choose Apply Changes.
MRP Type: D1
Maximum Stock Level: <Quantity>, for example, 500
Reorder Point: <Quantity>, for example,300
Safety Stock: <Quantity>, for example,200
Lot Sizing Procedure: H1
Minimum Lot Size: <Quantity>, for example,100
In the Apply Changes screen, choose Apply.
9 Re-check Buffer Choose back icon to navigated back to Buffer Analysis screen of product F-20A. The updated Longest Path is F-20A, 1st lower level
Analysis Details Choose Network Graph, then choose Product Flow mode. S-210, 2nd lower level S-310 and 3rd lower level R-
Choose the Legend icon and you can see longest path marked yellow is consist of F-
20A, S-210, S-310 and R-412.
10 2nd Buffer Posi- In order to compress lead time, we can buffer R-412 which has a long individual lead Product R-412 is buffered.
tioning time same as R-410. The updated Longest Path is F-20A, 1st lower level
Repeat steps 8 to buffer product R-412. S-208, 2nd lower level S-315 and 3rd lower level R-
Repeat steps 9 to recheck buffer analysis details again for product F-20A, now the 411.
longest path is changed and the decoupled lead time for F-20A is compressed. The decoupled lead time for F-20A is compressed.
Demand-Driven Buffer Level Management (1Y2_US) PUBLIC
Test Procedures © 2018 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 24
4.2 Buffer Sizing
In this part, we calculate buffer levels – maximum stock level, reorder point and safety stock for buffered products.
• Maximum stock - the cumulative sum of the quantities of the red, yellow and green zones, denoting the suggested stock buffer level above which the stored inventory quantity can be consid-
ered as excessive
• Reorder point - the cumulative sum of the quantities of the red and yellow zones, which indicates a need for replenishment of the stock buffer, that is, creation of a supply order, whenever the
available stock falls below this point
• Safety stock - the minimum recommended stock buffer level that should be maintained, denoted by the buffer value at the top of the red zone
After buffer sizing execution, you could proceed with the scenario 2QI Demand-Driven Replenishment Planning and Execution for detailed replenishment process.
Test Administration
Test Case ID <X.XX> Tester Name Testing Date Enter a test date.
Business Role(s)
Responsibility <State the Service Provider, Customer or Joint Service Provider and Customer> Duration Enter a duration.
In this activity, you can classify your Demand-Driven Replenishment-relevant products by evaluating them based on their Decoupled Lead Time (EFG classification) across a specified evaluation
interval. Classifying your products based on their Decoupled Lead Time (DLT) will help define inputs for their buffer settings. Additionally, you can schedule runs to re-classify your products
periodically to keep their classifications up-to-date, so that you get accurate results as you proceed with Demand-Driven Replenishment.
Classification type 4: Lead Time (EFG, E for short, F for medium, G for long)
Classifying a product or component into type E, F or G based on its decoupled lead time, with products classified as type E having the shortest decoupled lead time and products classified as type
G having the longest decoupled lead time. An EFG classification is typically used together with the procurement type for a product or component.
1 Log On Log on to the SAP Fiori Launchpad as a Production Planner. The SAP Fiori Launchpad displays.
2 Access the Fiori Open Schedule Lead Time Classification of Products(DD). The Application Jobs screen displays.
3 Create New Job Choose + to create a new application job. The New Job screen displays.
5 Define Recurrence Choose Define Recurrence Pattern. The Scheduling Information screen displays.
Pattern On the Scheduling Information screen, make the following entry and
choose OK.
● Start Immediately: X
● Recurrence Pattern: Single Run
6 Enter Selection Cri- In the Selection Criteria area, make the following entries.
teria ● Plant: 1710
● Product: S-201, S-202, R-401
● Number of Days (Past): for example, 10
7 Enter Parameters In the Parameters area, make the following entries: You could adjust the classification parameters with the real
● DLT Thresholds for Make (in Days) (E): 2 business requirement.
● DLT Thresholds for Make (in Days) (F): 4 3 parameters are maintained by default and keep un-
● DLT Thresholds for Buy(in Days) (E): 2
● DLT Thresholds for Make (in Days) (G):
● DLT Thresholds for Buy (in Days) (F): 4
● DLT Thresholds for Buy (in Days) (G):
● DLT Thresholds for Transfer (in Days) (E): 2
● DLT Thresholds for Transfer (in Days) (G):
● DDLT Thresholds for Transfer (in Days) (F): 4
Test Administration
Business Role(s)
Responsibility <State the Service Provider, Customer or Joint Service Provider and Customer> Duration Enter a duration.
In this activity, you can execute to maintain buffer profile, which is a set of buffer control parameters. They are assigned to DD-relevant products based on their classification with respect to lead
time, variability and procurement type.
In our pre-delivered scenario, we have created buffer profile DEFAULT, you could review or change the detailed control parameters and plant assignment of buffer profile DEFAULT.
You could also create a new buffer profile and make plant assignment (please be informed that only one buffer profile could be assigned to one plant) in this activity.
2 Access the Fi- Open Buffer Profile Maintenance. The Change View 'Set of Profiles': Overview screen displays.
ori App
3 Check Buffer Choose the checkbox for buffer profile DEFAULT in Set of Profiles area.
Profile DE-
4 Check Details Choose Buffer Profile Details in Dialog Structure area. The Change View 'Details': Overview screen displays.
On the Change View Buffer Profile Details: Overview screen. Lead time factor: A factor that is part of a buffer profile and that helps
Check the listing Leadtime Factor, Variability Factor and Buffer Profile define the buffer levels for a group of products based on their decou-
Description for different Procurement Type, Variability Indicator, Lead- pled lead time classification.
time Indicator and Minimum Order Quantity.
5 Check Plant Choose Plant Settings in Dialog Structure area. The Change View 'Plant Settings': Overview screen displays.
Setting You could check that buffer profile DEFAULT is assigned to pre-delivered Formula 1:
plant by default. Order Spike Horizon = DLT * Spike Horizon DLT Multiplier + Spike Hori-
You could check the value of Spike Horizon Constant, Spike Horizon DLT zon Constant
Multiplier, Spike Threshold and On Hand Alert Threshold. Formula 2:
The default value of Spike Horizon Constant is 0. Order Spike Threshold = safety stock * Spike Threshold
The default value of Spike Horizon DLT Multiplier is 1. The default value of Spike Threshold is 0.5
The default value of Spike Threshold is 0.5. Spike Horizon Constant: A constant, usually measured in days, which
The default value of On Hand Alert Threshold is 0.5. helps calculate the Order Spike Horizon when summed with the product
of the Spike Horizon DLT Multiplier (SHM) and the Decoupled Lead
Time (DLT)
The default value is 0.
Spike Horizon DLT Multiplier: A multiplicative factor that when multi-
plied with the Decoupled Lead Time (DLT) and summed with a Spike
Horizon Constant (SHC) helps calculate the order spike horizon, which
helps identify order spikes.
The default value is 1.
Order Spike Threshold: A selected quantity that in combination with the
Order Spike Horizon qualifies an order spike.
On Hand Alert Threshold, it is used in app Replenishment Execution By
On-Hand Status to compare the value of On-Hand Stock and the value
of safety stock multiplied with On Hand Alert Threshold.
6 Create New Choose Set of Profiles in Dialog Structure area, then choose More > Edit Please be informed that only one buffer profile could be assigned to a
Buffer Profile > New entries(F5) to create new buffer profile ID, after enter all required plant.
(optional) parameters, then choose Save. Plant 1710 is now assigned to buffer profile DEFAULT, so if you would
like to assign plant 1710 with new buffer profile, please first delete the
default assignment.
Test Administration
Test Case ID <X.XX> Tester Name Testing Date Enter a test date.
Business Role(s)
Responsibility <State the Service Provider, Customer or Joint Service Provider and Customer> Duration Enter a duration.
In this activity, you can generate buffer (stock) level proposals for your Demand-Driven Replenishment-relevant products based on their average daily usage, decoupled lead time, buffer profiles
and several other factors. Additionally, you can schedule runs to re-calculate the buffer proposals periodically to keep them up-to-date, so that you maintain appropriate levels of inventory while
using Demand-Driven Replenishment.
2 Access the Open Schedule Buffer Proposal Calculation. The Application Jobs screen displays.
3 Create New Choose + to create a new application job. The New Job screen displays.
4 Enter Job De- Enter the application job details. The buffer proposal calculation job is created and scheduled.
tails Job Template: Buffer Proposal Cal-
culation for Demand-Driven Re-
Job Name: Buffer Proposal Calcu-
lation for Demand-Driven Re-
Start Immediately: X
5 Define Recur- Choose Define Recurrence Pattern. The Scheduling Information screen displays.
rence Pattern On the Scheduling Information screen, make
the following entry and choose OK.
● Start Immediately: X
● Recurrence Pattern: Single Run
7 Select Param- In the Automated Proposal Processing Op- If you choose Adopt with Tolerance, then the proposal would be automatically adopted if the de-
eters for JOB tions area, make the following entries: crease or increase percentage of TOG (maximum stock level) is in the range. If not, then the pro-
● Adopt with Tolerance: blank posal has to be manually adopted in proceeding process.
Allow decrease up to %: If you choose Always Adopt Proposals, then the proposal would always be automatically adopted.
8 Schedule In the New Job screen , choose Schedule. Confirm the application job is finished with no error.
New Job A new job is created and will be displayed in
the Appliction Jobs table.
Test Administration
Test Case ID <X.XX> Tester Name Testing Date Enter a test date.
Business Role(s)
Responsibility <State the Service Provider, Customer or Joint Service Provider and Customer> Duration Enter a duration.
In this activity, you can ensure products are available when needed by managing the safety stock, reorder point and maximum stock through buffer proposals for optimized Demand-Driven
Replenishment. Buffer level proposals are necessary to adjust the buffer levels to the everchanging reality and thereby ensure that a product is sufficiently stocked to meet average demand, but
in low enough quantities to prevent excessive storage costs or losses due to expiry.
Buffer level is a properly managed buffer ensures that a product or component is sufficiently stocked to meet average demand, but in low enough quantities to prevent excessive storage costs or
losses due to expiry.
Buffer level proposal is a well-balanced buffer level proposed by the Manage Buffer Levels app to ensure that a product or component is sufficiently stocked to meet average demand, but in low
enough quantities to prevent excessive storage costs or losses due to expiry
2 Access the Open Manage Buffer Levels. TheManage Buffer Levels screen displays.
Fiori App
3 Filter Prod- In the Manage Buffer Levels screen, filter by product and choose Go. In the Buffers list, the buffer levels of 3 Demand-Driven Replenishment(DDR)
uct ● Editing Status: ALL products display.
● Proposal Status: ALL If results don't display, please confirm whether you execute previous step
Schedule Buffer Proposal Calculation [page ] 30 successfully.
● Product: S-202; S-201;R-401
If there is no results displayed in the system, please also confirm whether the
● Plant: 1710
Area of Responsibility is correctly maintained for plant 1710.
● Max Stock Deviation: Blank
Click User > App Settings , then Area of Responsibility Screen displays.
4 Check In the Buffers area, the buffer levels of 3 buffered products display. The Manage Buffer Levels screen displays with detailed information.
Buffer You could click the Setting buttons to adjust the displayed columns in If current proposed buffer values of are zero, please confirm whether you have
Level Sta-
the screen. created transaction data (production order / purchase order) for such buffered
You could see Max.Stock Today, Buffer Levels (Historic and Pro- product in preliminary steps Create Transaction Data (Optional).
posed), Average Daily Usage, Change in DLT, Change in Variability Current Value is the value currently used by DDR process.
and Information columns by default.
5 Check De- In the Manage Buffer Levels screen with detailed information, You could manually adjust buffer levels for a period. Please choose Show Ad-
tailed You could see general product details on the top of screen, Max.Stock justments button in Buffer Levels area, then Zone Adjustments area displays.
Buffer Please choose Edit on the top right of the screen, and then choose Add button.
Change, Proposed (proposed Max.Stock value), Change in ADU,
Level Sta- Then you can maintain adjustment factors, Red Zone, Yellow Zone and Green
Change in DLT, Evaluation Interval for Proposal Run, Proposed Status
tus Zone for a specific period as you required.
and Buffer Profile.
You could see 4 tabs, Buffer Levels, Average Daily Usage, Decoupled For example, make following entries and choose Enter.
Lead Time and Classifications. ● Period: this month,
In the Buffer Levels area, you could see both historical and prospective ● Red Zone: 1.50
buffer levels, the buffer levels display with 3 colored zones for a special ● Yellow Zone: 1.50
day in Chart view, you could click against the colored zone to check
● Green Zone: 1.50
the exact buffer levels for date. The prospective buffer levels are same
with today’s buffer levels.
Demand-Driven Buffer Level Management (1Y2_US) PUBLIC
Test Procedures © 2018 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 34
Test Test Step Instruction Expected Result Pass /
Step Name Fail /
# Com-
You could choose the Show Adjustments button, then Zone Adjust- Choose Simulate Changes ,then you can see the buffer zones are adjusted in
ments area displays, you could change Red Zone ( red zone adjust- Buffer Levels area in Planning View.
ment factor), Yellow Zone (yellow zone adjustment factor), Green Then mark the checkbox and choose Save and Adopt in bottom right.
Zone (green zone adjustment factor) for a period to adjust the current
You could manually adjust demand for a period similarly in Average Daily Usage
buffer level.
tab as well.
You could also change the view into Performance view, then you could
Please be informed that demand change will also impact buffer level changes.
check the Actual Stock quantity if you click against the black point.
Note If you choose the button Save and Adopt, the adjusted buffer levels results
You could also change the view into Comparison View to check the
will be updated to material master if the user have the authorization to change
comparison between current buffer levels with proposed buffer levels.
material master.
You could choose Table icon for each view.
The reorder point field and maximum stock level field in MRP1 view, and safety
In the Average Daily Usage area you could see both historical and pro- stock field in MRP2 view will be consistent with the current buffer levels.
spective Goods Issue Quantity, You could click against the black point
Here is the concept for buffer levels.
to check the ADU for Proposal Run for date. The prospective goods is-
sue quantity are same with today’s quantity. You could also see the ● Top of Red Zone – Safety stock
highlighted ADU Horizon period. ● Top of Yellow Zone – Reorder point
You could choose the Show Adjustments button, then Demand Ad- ● Top of Green Zone – Maximum stock level
justments area displays, you could change Demand Adjustment for a Formula for reference:
period and see Adjusted ADU.
1. ADU: Average daily usage
You could also choose Table icon to change the view.
The average quantity for goods issue of a specific product in the horizon days
In the Decoupled Lead Time area, you can see general lead time infor-
1. Yellow Zone formula: ADU * Decoupled Lead Time
mation, BOM Explosion Date, DLT for Current Buffer, DLT for Pro-
posed Buffer, and Change in DLT. 2. Red Zone formula: (Yellow Zone * Lead Time Factor) * (1 + Variability Fac-
You could also see details in Longest Path in Stock's Replenishment
Network. The lead time details for each product will display in the 3. Green Zone formula:
node. Max of following
You can choose Product flow that navigate to Buffer Analysis screen. Yellow Zone * Lead Time Factor
In the Classifications area, you can see the Buffer Profile (Current vs. Minimum Order Quantity
Proposed) and Classification (Current vs. Proposed). Order Cycle Time * ADU
6 Adopt the Click back icon and return to the overview Manage Buffer Levels Current Value is the value currently used by DDR process.
Proposal Screen. Current safety stock = current red zone
Example Words or characters quoted from the screen. These include field names, screen titles, pushbuttons labels, menu names, menu paths, and menu options.
Textual cross-references to other documents.
EXAMPLE Technical names of system objects. These include report names, program names, transaction codes, table names, and key concepts of a programming language when
they are surrounded by body text, for example, SELECT and INCLUDE.
Example Output on the screen. This includes file and directory names and their paths, messages, names of variables and parameters, source text, and names of installation,
upgrade and database tools.
Example Exact user entry. These are words or characters that you enter in the system exactly as they appear in the documentation.
<Example> Variable user entry. Angle brackets indicate that you replace these words and characters with appropriate entries to make entries in the system.