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Why Is Ecclesiastes So Important?

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Why is Ecclesiastes so important?

intellectual depths, we all eventually find in

each of these pursuits a dead end.
Ecclesiastes presents us a naturalistic vision of
life—one that sees life through distinctively Ecclesiastes shows us a man who lived through
human eyes—but ultimately recognizes the rule this process and came out on the other side
and reign of God in the world. This more with a wiser, more seasoned perspective. When
humanistic quality has made the book we’re surrounded by the temptation to
especially popular among younger audiences proclaim life’s ultimate emptiness, we can find
today, men and women who have seen more in Ecclesiastes a vision tempered by experience
than their fair share of pain and instability in and ultimately seen through divinely colored
life but who still cling to their hope in God. lenses. Life is destined to remain unsatisfying
apart from our recognition of God’s
What's the big idea? intervention. It only remains to be seen
whether or not we will place our trust in His
Ecclesiastes, like much of life, represents a sure and able hands.
journey from one point to another. Solomon
articulated his starting point early in the book: Have you struggled with misplaced pursuits in
“Vanity of vanities! All is vanity” (Ecclesiastes life? Does your life lack the meaning and
1:2), indicating the utter futility and purpose you desire? Hear the words of
meaninglessness of life as he saw it. Nothing Solomon that they might encourage you to
made sense to him because he had already tried place your trust solely in the Lord.
any number of remedies—pleasure, work, and
intellect—to alleviate his sense of feeling lost in Why is Isaiah so important?
the world.
The book of Isaiah provides us with the most
However, even in the writer’s desperate search comprehensive prophetic picture of Jesus
for meaning and significance in life, God Christ in the entire Old Testament. It includes
remained present. For instance, we read that the full scope of His life: the announcement of
God provides food, drink, and work (2:24); His coming (Isaiah 40:3–5), His virgin birth
both the sinner and the righteous person live in (7:14), His proclamation of the good news
God’s sight (2:26); God’s deeds are eternal (61:1), His sacrificial death (52:13–53:12), and
(3:14); and God empowers people to enjoy His His return to claim His own (60:2–3). Because
provision (5:19). Ultimately, the great truth of of these and numerous other christological
Ecclesiastes lies in the acknowledgment of texts in Isaiah, the book stands as a testament
God’s ever-present hand on our lives. Even of hope in the Lord, the One who saves His
when injustice and uncertainty threaten to people from themselves.
overwhelm us, we can trust Him and follow
after Him (12:13–14). What's the big idea?

How do I apply this? Isaiah’s overall theme receives its clearest

statement in chapter 12: “Behold, God is my
We all desire meaning in life. Often that search salvation, / I will trust and not be afraid”
takes us along winding, up-and-down paths (Isaiah 12:2). This echoes the meaning of
filled with bursts of satisfaction that shine Isaiah’s name, which means the “salvation of
bright for a time but eventually fade. In one Yahweh.”2 Having read the book, one might
sense, it’s satisfying to see that experience wonder about the strong presence of judgment
echoed throughout Ecclesiastes. An that runs through the first thirty-nine chapters
appreciation for our common humanity when the theme is salvation. How can the two
emerges from reading its pages. We relate to coexist? The presence of judgment indicates its
the journey of Solomon because, for so many of necessity for salvation to occur. Before we can
us, it is our own. When we attempt to find have salvation, we must have a need for it!
meaning in the pursuit of pleasure, the
commitment to a job, or through plumbing
So the bulk of those early chapters in Isaiah What's the big idea?
detail judgments against the people who have
turned their backs on the Lord, showing us that The fullness of the union that takes place at marriage
those who persist in their rebellion will receive is described in some of the most splendid poetic
judgment. On the other hand, we also see God’s language in the entire Bible. In a world where so many
faithfulness to His promise. He will preserve a speak of God’s special gifts with coldly clinical or
small remnant of faithful believers, those who apathetic statistical language, the passion of
will continue on into the glorious renewed Solomon’s poetry refreshes a world thirsty for the truth
about marriage. Solomon began his rendering of this
world He has prepared for His children in the
relationship with the two lovers in courtship longing for
end times (65:17–66:24). affection while expressing their love for one another
(Song of Solomon 1:1–3:5). Eventually, they come
How do I apply this? together in marriage, the groom extolling his bride’s
beauty before they consummate their relationship
Because of its scope, Isaiah contains one of the (3:6–5:1). Finally, she struggles with the fear of
separation, while he reassures his bride of his
clearest expressions of the gospel in all the Old
affections for her (5:2–8:14). All of this reinforces the
Testament. Even from the first chapter, it is theme of the goodness of marriage. Some suggest the
clear that the people have turned away from book also pictures in a more general way Christ’s love
God and failed in their responsibilities as His for His bride, the church.
children (Isaiah 1:2–17). Yet God miraculously
holds out hope to this unrepentant people, How do I apply this?
offering cleansing of sins and the blessing that
comes with faith and obedience in Him (1:18–
From courtship to marriage to the assurance of love,
20). Salvation lies only in God—the only Song of Solomon poetically presents a broad range of
question is whether or not we will accept His events and feelings in the days leading up to and
offer. during marriage, offering encouragement toward an
enduring love amid the petty jealousies and fears sure
In addition to its gospel message, the book of to threaten even the strongest of relationships. We
Isaiah clearly articulates the sins of God’s should heed the Song’s sublime words by continuing
to value marriage as one of the bedrocks of society,
people—dealing with others unjustly which
appreciating the goodness and the beauty borne out
resulted in their offering hypocritical sacrifices of the union of two people in holy matrimony.
to God. Do you see anything in your own life
that might fall under Isaiah’s critique of Would you consider your marriage a sign of God’s
injustice—treating family, colleagues, or even goodness and beauty working in your life, or has it
strangers with unkindness or even disdain? become something less than that over time? Song of
Isaiah’s message is also a call for believers to Solomon reminds us that both marriage and the
come back to purity in our love for God and for physical union that follows originate in God; we should
our neighbors (Luke 10:26–28). therefore consider each of them as evidence of His
grace working itself out in the world.

Why is Song of Solomon so

This book remains singular within the Old Testament
for at least two reasons: its character as a single poem
and its subject matter, particularly the frank discussion
of love between a married couple. The Song of
Solomon’s willingness to broach the topic of physical
love within marriage has made many of its readers
throughout history uncomfortable, so much so that
Rabbi Aqiba had to vigorously defend the book’s
place in the Jewish canon even as late as AD 90 at
the Council of Jamnia.2 But as a testament to the
beauty of the marriage relationship in its fullness,
Song of Solomon stands out with its uniquely detailed
vision of this beautiful reality.

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