Body Size Affects The Evolution of Hidden Colour Signals in Moths
Body Size Affects The Evolution of Hidden Colour Signals in Moths
Body Size Affects The Evolution of Hidden Colour Signals in Moths
Keywords: 1. Introduction
deimatic display, secondary defence, Adult Lepidoptera are renowned for their diversity in wing colour patterns,
anti-predator adaptation, Lepidoptera, reflecting a variety of anti-predatory strategies [1–3]. While many species have
predator– prey, startle display evolved concealing colours (crypsis [4] and disruptive patterns [5]), some species
have evolved a chemical/physical defence and associated warning colours
(aposematism [2]) and others have evolved a resemblance to these aposematic
species (mimicry [6]). This functional colour pattern classification is usually
Author for correspondence: based on the appearance of the forewings, but there also exists substantial
Changku Kang colour variation on the body parts that are normally hidden from view, generally
e-mail: in the hindwings and/or abdomen [7].
Perhaps the most notable example of interspecific variation in hindwing
colour can be found in the species with seemingly cryptic forewings. Some species
have ‘tricks up their sleeves’, evolving highly contrasting hindwings that have
rarely been explored in terms of their evolution and function. One explanation
for the adaptive significance of contrasting hindwings is that they are displayed
under an imminent predatory threat to frighten predators—a deimatic display
(also called startle display) [7,8]. Empirical evidence suggests that this visual dei-
matic display is effective in deterring attacks by avian predators [9], which begs
the question why deimatic signals have not evolved in more species. One possi-
bility is that secondary defences such as deimatic display are more readily
selected in those prey species where the primary defence (e.g. crypsis) is more
liable to fail. An alternative complementary explanation is that secondary
defences are more likely to arise in those prey species that possess attributes
Electronic supplementary material is available that make the secondary defence particularly effective. Larger bodied insects
tend to be more profitable to avian predators [10] and more likely to be discovered
online at
and attacked by them compared with smaller insects [11,12], and it is also possible
figshare.c.3844768. that deimatic display in a larger species is more effective in deterring attack
& 2017 The Author(s) Published by the Royal Society. All rights reserved.
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because they may be intrinsically more intimidating. Since and used the average contrast over the three photos as the forew- 2
previous studies have revealed that the evolution of key anti- ing–hindwing contrast value of each species. Next, we classified
predator adaptations including eyespots [12] and high fidelity each species into high-contrasting and low-contrasting groups
mimicry [13] was more likely in larger species, we have inves- using k-means clustering (k ¼ 2) [20].
tigated the role of body size in explaining the variation in We acknowledge that because we used the images from
putative deimatic signals within a phenotypically diverse the web, we had no control of the photographic conditions,
family of Lepidoptera which includes the underwing (Catocala) which could affect the RGB values of the wings. To reduce
moths, celebrated for their contrasting deimatic signals [7]. this variation, we obtained the photos principally from one
reliable source (The Barcode of Life Data Systems, boldsystem- Also, we consider that the variation in photographic
2. Phylogenetic analysis conditions should affect our results less because our contrast
We studied the family Erebidae (Lepidoptera) to examine measurements were conducted within an image rather than
(a) (b) 3
non-contrasting 0 140
contrasting wingspan (mm)
Figure 1. Examples of non-contrasting and contrasting species with their phylogenetic relationship and wingspan. (a) Colouration classification and body sizes of
moths within a molecular phylogeny for the family Erebidae. The barplot on the right side depicts the wingspan of each species. (b) The mean (+1 s.e.m.) of
the wingspan of moths in each group without controlling for phylogenetic correlation. (c) Photos of representative species that were categorized as either
non-contrasting (left; Phoberia atomaris), or contrasting (right; Eudocima phalonia). Photo credits (P. atomaris, Huemer P; E. phalonia, CK).
large size might have preceded the evolution of contrasting hindwings (electronic supplementary material and figure S1).
hindwings or vice versa. If large size evolved first, we would These two lines of evidence both indicate that there exists
expect that the transition rate from large/non-contrasting to evolutionary association between large size and contrasting
large/contrasting moths to be higher than that of small/ hidden signals on hindwings. The transition rate from large/
contrasting to large/contrasting moths. On the other hand, if non-contrasting to large/contrasting (3.1) was considerably
contrasting wing patterns evolved first, then we expect the tran- higher than the transition rate from small/contrasting to
sition rate from small/contrasting to large/contrasting moths large/contrasting (6.4 10215). This supports the hypothesis
should be higher. To estimate the transition rates between that being large was a driving force for the evolution of the
states, first, we partitioned wingspan data into two categories, hidden colours on hindwings (see electronic supplementary
small and large, by using k-means clustering (k ¼ 2) [20]. Then material, figure S3 for the full transition rates between states).
we estimated transition rates between the four states (two
sizes two colours) using the ‘fitDiscrete’ function in the
‘geiger’ package in R [27]. We fitted a custom transition
model, assuming that transitions occurred in a stepwise fashion 4. Mathematical model
in that size and colour strategy cannot evolve simultaneously Arguably the most plausible explanation for the function of
but can evolve one by one. Thus, we pre-set the transition contrasting hidden colours on hindwings is that they are
rates between small/non-contrasting and large/contrasting used for startling predators as a secondary defence [7,18].
and between large/non-contrasting and small/contrasting To help understand the phylogenetic pattern we have
to zero. detected, we developed a simple analytical model of the evol-
ution of a secondary defence, deployed only if the primary
defence fails. The mathematical model (box 1; figure 2)
suggests that if large prey are attacked more frequently
3. Phylogenetic analysis results than smaller prey on account of their higher detectability
Of the species investigated, 21% were classified as contrasting, and/or profitability [10–12], then having a costly secondary
79% as non-contrasting. Without phylogenetic control, the defence is beneficial only when prey size is beyond a certain
species with contrasting hindwings were significantly larger threshold (figure 2 dotted lines). Size dependency in the effec-
than those with non-contrasting hindwings (figure 1b, t-test: tiveness of secondary defence (with conspicuous displays in
t ¼ 23.89, N ¼ 197, p , 0.001). Similar patterns were found larger species more successful in deterring predators) reinforces
even after controlling for phylogeny. PGLS assuming the OU this relationship, pushing the size threshold for evolving
evolutionary model provided a better fit than BM models secondary defence into a larger size (figure 2, dashed lines).
(DAIC ¼ 5.3). Applying the OU model, we found a substan-
tial phylogenetic signal (estimated Pagel’s l ¼ 0.91) and an
association between contrasting hindwings and large size
(coefficient ¼ 4.53 + 2.24, t ¼ 2.03, p¼ 0.04; figure 1a). The 5. Behavioural experiments using a robotic moth
additional analysis using human colour categorization To evaluate our model assumptions, we examined whether
showed consistent patterns in that the species with contrasting survivorship advantage of having contrasting hindwings is
hindwings were larger than those without contrasting greater when prey size is large than small and tested the
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Box 1. Secondary defence evolution and body size.
Consider a palatable prey species with a single reproductive episode at the end of its life (i.e. it is semelparous). Let pp rep-
resent the probability that the primary defence of the species is successful in deterring an attack following a putative
encounter with a predator, and let ps represent the probability that the secondary defence, deployed if the primary defence
fails, allows the prey of this species to survive an attack. The probability s that an individual of this species survives a single
putative encounter with a predator is therefore:
s ¼ pp þ ð1 pp Þps : ð4:1Þ
Let predators encounter prey at random, so that putative encounters with individual prey are Poisson distributed with
mean and variance l. Under these conditions, the expected probability of an individual prey surviving a series of
where e is Euler’s number and i! is the factorial of i. The fitness of this prey in terms of their reproductive success is given by
w ¼ eflðpp 1Þðps 1Þg ðb tÞ, ð4:3Þ
where b is the mean fecundity of the prey and t is the fecundity cost of carrying the secondary defence. We assume t . 0
because the development, maintenance, and/or deployment of secondary defence is likely to be costly [28,29].
Let us now assume that the primary defence is crypsis and that the probability of avoiding detection and subsequent
attack by a predator per putative encounter is simply pp ¼ ceaz where c is the maximum crypsis, z is body size, and a
(0) governs the rate at which this crypsis decreases with increasing body size (to a lower limit of 0). Likewise, let us
assume that the secondary defence is deimatic defence and the probability of surviving an attack by a predator is
ps ¼ deb=z ,where d is the maximum effectiveness of deimatic display and b (0) governs the rate at which effectiveness
of secondary defence increases from zero as size increases. Substituting for pp and ps in (equation (4.3)) allows us to compare
the fitness of individuals with ( ps . 0, t . 0) and without ( ps ¼ 0, t ¼ 0) a secondary defence, when the effectiveness of the
primary defence and secondary defences are independent of body size (a ¼ 0 and b ¼ 0, respectively), or dependent on body
size (a . 0, b . 0).
This analysis readily shows that when the crypsis of a prey item decreases with increasing body size, then costly sec-
ondary defences will be selected for only in prey above a threshold size (a general result, because a secondary defence
never pays in prey of negligible size because when pp is high s is already near the upper threshold, yet always pays in
very large prey when pp is low). As expected, this threshold size will also depend on how the effectiveness of the deimatic
defence varies with body size. The qualitative conclusions do not change for iteroparous prey (electronic supplementary
material and figure S7).
effect of body size and hindwing colouration on the effective- motors generated a slight mechanical noise during the move-
ness of deimatic display. To manipulate size/colour of prey ment, but the sound level was low and will have affected all
and mimic the behavioural wing display of moths in a stan- treatments in a similar fashion.
dardized way, we developed a remote-controlled robotic The experiment comprised four treatments in a 2 2 ran-
moth model (Robomoth). This Robomoth opened its fore- domized block factorial design. We manipulated (1) the size
wings to reveal the hidden hindwings that were attached of both forewings/hindwings (small and large) and (2) the
underneath. The forewing colour pattern of the moths was colour of hindwings (grey and red; non-contrasting and con-
influenced by the colour pattern of Catocala species (electronic trasting colour, respectively). We tested either four (one block)
supplementary material, figure S4). The wings of the prey or eight different flocks (two blocks) in a day (see below) ensur-
were made out of printed paper. The action of wing display ing equal replication of the four treatments. Robomoth’s
was controlled from a distance of several metres away via forewings were 1 1.5 cm (width height) for the small size
Bluetooth by one experimenter (KC) in all experiments. The and 3.3 5.4 cm for the large size. The large size was within
wings were displayed for 3 s (set in the controls) and then the range of the wing size of the contrasting species in phylo-
closed. We chose 3 s because this time period largely guaran- genetic analysis (wingspan ranges from 2 to 14 cm), the small
teed one-on-one interactions between a single bird and our wing size was smaller than the minimum observed size of con-
Robomoth. The opening/closing of wing display took less trasting species, but was within the range of the size of cryptic
than 0.1 s, which is comparable to the speed of insect wing dis- species (0.75–12.5 cm). The hindwings were slightly smaller
play measured from the videos of published articles [30,31]. than forewings and attached on the wooden box just under-
Robomoth was placed on top of a wooden box, with all neath the forewings. For hindwing colour, we used red (R ¼
electrical mechanisms hidden inside. A detailed description 255, G ¼ B ¼ 0) for the contrasting colour, which is a common
of Robomoth can be found in the electronic supplementary colour in deimatic signals [7], grey (the mean RGB values of
material and figure S4. The forewings of Robomoth were forewings, R ¼ 103, G ¼ 79, B ¼ 75) for the non-contrasting
grey coloured and contrasting against the wooden box, thus colour. The spectral reflectance curve of each colour is
clearly visible to the birds. We note here that the servo provided in electronic supplementary material, figure S5.
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1.0 Table 1. The description of each startle score of birds in response to the 5
robotic moth wing display.
score description
P+S 0 stayed in the arena and took the mealworm before the
0.5 P + S(size) display was over
secondary 1 flew off to a nearby branch, but landed back on the arena
favoured and took the mealworm before the display was over
0 1 2
2 flew off from the arena and did not take the mealworm
size until the display was over
(a) (b) 6
2 2
1 1
0 0
S/N S/C L/C L/C small large
initial survivorship (d)
mean survivorship
1 1
between treatments. Because the initial startle score data did scores of birds over the initial five encounters were, however,
not satisfy the assumptions of parametric tests, we used per- significantly higher in larger moths (figure 3b; x21 ¼ 9:38, p ¼
mutation analysis of variance with startle score as a response 0.0021) and when their hindwing colour was contrasting
variable, colour, size, as well as their interaction as explanatory (x21 ¼ 3:94, p ¼ 0.04). We also found a significant interaction
variables, with block as a random factor and flock size as a cov- effect between colour and size (x21 ¼ 4:16, p ¼ 0.04), in that
ariate. Flock size was used as a covariate to control for potential the effect of contrasting signals on bird response behaviour
effects of flock size (e.g. being competitive and bold when there was overall more prominent in small moths than large
were more birds nearby, or being cautious when there were moths (figure 3b). This interaction almost certainly arose
fewer birds). because the classified responses of birds to wing display
To complement this analysis of the initial reaction of birds, was close to maximum in large moths even when their
we calculated the average startle scores of birds within flocks hindwings were non-contrasting, so there was little room
over the first five encounters with a displaying moth. To test for improvement.
whether these average scores varied among treatments, we Perhaps a more relevant metric from the perspective of
fitted a linear mixed model with size and colour as well as whether any putative anti-predator trait will be selected for,
their interaction as explanatory variables and block as a is the effect of the display on whether the mealworm was
random factor with flock size as a covariate. We present the eaten or not (survivorship). At the first encounter with a bird
results of this analysis to support our initial Robomoth–bird of a flock, the mealworm survivorship was higher when the
interaction analysis because this includes five times more prey was large compared with small (figure 3c; x21 ¼ 4:55,
moth–bird interactions. Clearly, a bird’s response after its p ¼ 0.03) and had contrasting hindwings compared with
first encounter with the robotic moth could be affected by non-contrasting (x21 ¼ 4:55, p ¼ 0.03). We also found strong
direct and indirect (watching others) learning [35]. evidence for a significant interaction, in that the effect of con-
To evaluate the implications of bird behaviour for prey trasting hindwing in enhancing survival was only apparent
survival, we translated each encounter between birds and for large prey, but not in small prey (x21 ¼ 7:13, p ¼ 0.007). Like-
Robomoth into a binary variable, based on whether the meal- wise, when we analysed the mean survivorship of the
worm adjacent to the moth survived until the end of the 3 s mealworms over the initial five encounters, we found that
display (startle score ¼ 2) or not (startle score less than 2). large prey survived better than small prey (figure 3d;
We then analysed (i) the survivorship of prey at the initial x21 ¼ 6:48, p ¼ 0.01). However, in this instance we found no
encounter of a flock and (ii) mean survivorship of the initial significant effect of hindwing colour (x21 ¼ 2:46, p ¼ 0.12), or
five encounters by fitting a generalized linear mixed model an interaction effect (x21 ¼ 3:63, p ¼ 0.06).
containing the same explanatory variables as above.
7. Discussion
6. Behavioural experiment results Our phylogenetic results demonstrate for the first time that
From the perspective of bird behaviour, we found no effect of body size has mediated the evolution of hidden colour signals
moth size (figure 3a; p ¼ 0.31), colour ( p ¼ 0.44), nor their in moths, with larger species showing a greater tendency to
interaction ( p ¼ 0.06) on the mean startle score of the first evolve hidden contrasting hindwings. Our model suggests
bird of a flock to encounter the moth. The average startle that contrasting hindwings likely evolved predominantly in
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large cryptic moths because they are more readily detected and conspicuous colours such as blue, yellow, and red (all of which 7
attacked by natural predators, generating strong selection for were categorized as conspicuous regardless of the UV colour),
back-up defences that operate when crypsis fails. However, but not on dull colours such as black and brown [39]. Therefore,
we have also found evidence that, when displayed at a close it is likely that a conspicuous colour in the visible wavelength
distance to the approaching predator, the survivorship advan- would also be categorized as conspicuous even if the UV
tage for deimatic signals is greater in large moths than small range was considered. Finally, deimatic display needs to be
moths. Both the birds’ startle scores and prey survivorship effective against multiple predators including UV-insensitive
results aligned with each other in that deimatic displays were birds, predatory invertebrates, and mammals, so having private
effective only when the prey had both large size and contrast- deimatic signals only in the UV spectrum is unlikely.
ing hindwings. Nevertheless, the analysis of the initial five To conclude, the function and evolution of animal colour-
bird–Robomoth encounters showed that small prey may also ation that is ‘hidden’ from view has been overlooked for a
gain survival benefits by having a deimatic signal. This is per- long time in the field of animal colouration research [40],
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