101EnglishIdioms PDF
101EnglishIdioms PDF
101EnglishIdioms PDF
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Hello and welcome! Thanks for downloading this report. I am glad you are serious about
improving your English.
In my five years’ experience of teaching English, I’ve noticed that there are many
phrases that we commonly use in business (and in everyday life) that are not taught in
English textbooks. This book will help you speak English confidently.
Ryan (www.englishformydream.com)
Burn the candle at To work so hard that you are She has been burning
both ends exhausted, usually going to the candle at both ends
bed very late and getting up by working and going to
very early school.
Burn the midnight oil To stay awake at night to John has been burning
work or study the midnight oil
preparing for his exam.
Buy time To waste time or delay for Our project is not
something; to stall finished yet. We need to
buy some time to finish
and make the client
Call it a day To finish something, end the We did a lot of work
business day, or go home today. Let’s call it a day.
Grab a bite to eat To eat food, usually with Let’s go grab a bite to
another person eat, I’m starving.
Gray/Grey area Something that is not easily Our lawyers are not
defined or categorized sure if this strategy is
legal or not. They said
it’s a gray area.
Happy hour A period of the day at a bar or “Care to join me for
restaurant when drinks and happy hour after work
food are discounted. Happy today?”
hours usually occur in the
afternoon or evening.
Have a ball To have fun, to enjoy yourself I have a ball every time
we do a product launch.
Lose (one’s) shirt To lose lots of money, usually He lost his shirt in the
in the stock market 1987 stock market
Make a killing To make a lot of money Apple seems to always
make a killing on their
new iPhone launches.
Meet-and-greet An event (usually with food I am going to the meet-
and drinks) where people and-greet tomorrow at
meet each other the Hilton Hotel.
Morning person Someone who loves to get up I am not a morning
early person; I love sleeping
[usually NOT a night owl] as much as I can.
Night owl Someone who stays up late My neighbor is a night
[usually NOT a morning owl; it seems like he
person] never sleeps!
No brainer An easy decision; so easy, it’s Going with a lower-cost
like you don’t even have to firm who does better
think about it work is a no brainer.
On par with Equal to or comparable with The service at this small
(something) something else hotel is on par with the
service at a five-star
On point Slang meaning perfect, The burgers at this
delicious, well-done restaurant are on point.
Pay dividends To get a reward in the long Doing the hard work
term now will pay dividends
in the future.
Pie chart A graph in the shape of a The pie chart shows
circle (like a pie) that shows that we spend 20% of
percentages our budget on research
and development.
Slow and steady wins This saying means that Our competitor is ahead
the race consistent effort over time is of us now, but they will
better than a lot of effort in lose focus. Slow and
the beginning and small or no steady wins the race.
effort later
Small talk Polite talk, about trivial things The owner of the shop
like the weather, in social always makes small talk
occasions with her customers.
Snake oil salesman Someone who sells fraudulent I think that person is lying
(fake/bad) goods or about how his new health
information product can cure my
disease. He sounds like a
snake oil salesman.
Sold out When all units available for The tickets for the event
sale have been sold sold out in less than one
Stone cold Completely I was stone cold serious
about the business idea,
but all my friends
thought I was joking.
Stretch (one’s) budget To make your budget last “How can our company
longer than expected; to save stretch its advertising
money by cutting costs budget? Our costs are
really high right now.”
Suck up To treat your superiors in a Sucking up is not a good
good way, solely for your own way to get a promotion;
advantage or gain hard work is.
Swamped Extremely busy I apologize for the
delay; I’ve been
swamped with work.
Sweep (something) To hide something embarrassing that The president is trying
you don’t want others to know about;
under the rug to try to delay or hide from to sweep this scandal
issues/problems under the rug.
Take a bath Slang term meaning “to lose I took a $100,000 bath
money” on that stock when it
Take a chill pill A saying we use when we Why are you so angry?
want someone to calm down Take a chill pill.
or relax
Take a turn for the When things are just okay, or The economy just took
worse bad, and suddenly get worse; a turn for the worse.
to go from bad to worse
Take off Slang term meaning to go fast The great idea took off
or to grow quickly and saved our company
from bankruptcy.
The long and short of In summary “The long and short of
it it is that we lost our
best customer.”
Tie up loose ends To tidy up or finish something Before resigning from
completely, even the minor the company, he tied up
details loose ends by
apologizing to everyone.
To die for Excellent, extremely good The food here is to die
Now you know 101 new English phrases that you did not know before.
And when native speakers say them, you can now understand what they mean. You can
also say them yourself and impress native speakers.
This is powerful! Can you feel the confidence you’ve just gained?
You can refer to this guide often and study whenever you need to, almost like a
dictionary or reference book.
Don’t forget, you can improve your listening and upgrade to the audiobook version of
this book for $1. Click here to upgrade and improve your listening.
If you want to master even more phrases, specifically phrasal verbs, then check out my
ebook, 200 Powerful Phrasal Verbs and Slang Phrases Not Found in your Textbook. Click
here to check it out.
Congratulations again for taking the time to study your English with me. I really
appreciate it and it is my mission to make you a more fluent, confident, English speaker.