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Financial Statements: Analysis of Attock Refinery Limited

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Analysis of

Financial Statements
Attock Refinery Limited


Share capital and Reserve:

Equity grew by 22% from Rs 22,378 million to Rs 27,328
million as a result of current year’s profitability.

Surplus on revaluation of freehold land:

Revaluation of Company’s freehold land to current
market value has resulted in a surplus in revaluation
Administration and distribution cost:
Long term financing: Administration and distribution cost increased by 13%
During the year long term financing has increased from from Rs 571 million in 2016 to Rs 644 million in 2017.
Rs 14,614 million to Rs 17,672 million to finance the
ARL Up-gradation Project. After completion of Up- Finance cost:
gradation Project there was a prepayment against said During the year finance cost has increased as a result
facility of Rs 1 billion and payment of first installment of of cessation in capitalization of the Finance cost upon
Rs 550 million. completion of ARL Up-gradation Project and charging
it to Profit & Loss.
Current liabilities:
Trade and other payables have increased during the Other Income:
year due to increase in prices of crude oil. Further an Other income increased by 55% from Rs 927 million
amount of Rs 2.20 billion, being the current portion of to Rs 1,434 million mainly on account of increase in
long term finance, is due in next twelve months. income from bank deposits.

Property, plant and equipment: Provision for taxation:

Property, plant and equipment have witnessed an Provision for taxation has decreased due to utilization
increase, due to further investment in Up-gradation of tax credit for Balancing Modernization and
Project. Property, plant and equipment represent Replacement (BMR).
around 39% of Company’s balance sheet.
Non-refinery income:
Current assets: Non-refinery income increased from Rs 1,520 million
Current assets have increased by 57% from Rs 26,714 to Rs 1,715 million due to increase in dividend income
million to Rs 42,057 million during the current financial during the year as compared to the last year.
year, denominated mainly by increased cash and bank

Operating activities:
There was a net cash inflow of Rs 7,157 million during
Revenue: the year. The main reason was favorable fluctuation in
During the current year, sales revenue has increase by prices of crude oil and petroleum products, along with
52% from Rs 66,565 million to Rs 101,412 million. This increase in throughput.
increase reflects upward trend in international prices Investing activities:
of Petroleum Products which prevailed during the year Cash flow from Investing activities has improved
as well as increase in Refinery’s production after the as cash outflow from investing activities decreased
successful completion of Up-gradation Projects. significantly during the current Financial Year
Cost of Sales: denominating reduced payments on account of Up-
During the period under review, cost of sales increased gradation Projects.
by 44% from Rs 67,467 million to Rs 97,079 million Financing activities:
due to upward trend in prices of crude oil as well as Cash inflow from Long term financing has increased
increase in Refinery’s capacity after Up-gradation during the current Financial Year as a result of influx
Projects. of funds from Loan facility.

Annual Report • 2017 69

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