more concise/clear, point costs have been adjusted (read: raised), I gave orks M4 back and changed
the basic boy to WS/BS 3 - the advance roll table has been changed just a bit to promote WS growth,
*flamesuit on*
I wrote up these rules for ork gangs in Necromunda a couple months ago, a combination of
Gorkamorka rules and my own ideas. The idea was to make a characterful, unique, yet balanced gang
without bogging down the game too much. Looking back, I think da boyz may be a bit overpowered,
and that there might be a bit too much detail for some relatively simple tasks - but I'm not sure what
should stay or what should go! This is where you guys come in. I'll be playtesting these rules in the
coming weeks also.
The Mob
Universal Special Rules
Waaagh!: Orks (with a capital O; defined as Boyz, Meks and Nobz) are able to charge 6+D6” despite
their Move stat of 4. An Ork may add 1 to his dice roll for every other Ork that is not pinned or down
within 2”.
In addition, the mob is assumed to pass all bottle checks as long as the number of Ork models (yes,
that’s capital “O” Orks – grots are expendable!) that are not down is greater than the number of
models in the opposing gang that are not down.
The Mob Rules: When testing to escape pinning, Orks gain a +1 modifier to their Initiative for every
other Ork within 2” that is not down. Even pinned Orks count for the purposes of the modifier– most
Orks would rather die than let their mates get to the enemy first!
Weapons: Nobs can be armed with any weapon from the Ork Weapons lists except for heavy
Boy – 65 Credits
A mob can include as many Boyz as can be afforded. Boyz begin with 20+D6 exp. Boyz may roll for
skills in the Ork, Ferocity, and Combat skill tables.
Weapons: Boyz can be armed with weapons and equipment from the Hand-to-Hand Weapons, Basic
Weapons, Pistols and Stikkbommzs lists.
Mek – 80 Credits
A mob can include 2 Meks. Meks start the game with 60+D6 experience. Mekz may roll for skills in
the Ferocity, Ork, Combat, and Shooting skill tables.
Weapons: Meks can be armed with any weapons and equipment that are not denoted as “Nob only”.
Yoof - 35 Credits
A mob can include a number of Yoofs equal to half the total number of Boyz in the mob; i.e. a mob
has a 2:1 Boyz:Yoofs ratio at most. Yoofs begin with no experience. Yoofs may roll for skills in the Ork
and Ferocity skill tables.
M:4/WS:2/BS:2/S:3/T 3)4/W:1/I:2/A:1/Ld:6
Weapons: Yoofs can be armed with weapons and equipment from the Hand-to-Hand Weapons, Basic
Weapons, Pistols and stikkbommz lists.
Toughness: Yoofs quickly harden up in the harsh underhive, helped along by a diet of regular fighting.
When Yoofs have gained enough experience to become fully fledged Boyz, they gain +1 to their
Toughness in addition to their normal advance.
Grot – 25 Credits
A mob can include a number of grots not greater than the number of Orks x2. Any mob that includes
grots must denote one Ork Boy as the Slaver, which confers no special effects upon the mob other
than that the Boy is obligated to buy a whip. Grots begin with 25+D6 exp. Grots may roll for skills in
the stealth skill table.
Weapons: Grots are armed with a knife and a blasta, six-shoota or blunderbuss chosen from the
Pistols and Basic Weapons lists respectively.
Runty Gitz: Grots are a small target – any model attempting to shoot at a grot takes a -1 modifier as
per the Necromunda rules for small targets.
Weedy Gitz: A grot that charges an enemy already engaged in combat with a man-sized or larger
model adds +2 to his combat score instead of 1. This represents the grot sinking a blade into the
enemy’s leg, clawing his groin, or otherwise taking advantage of his seemingly inconsequential
presence and the enemy’s preoccupation with the bigger threat. (har har har)
Hand-to-Hand Weapons
Chain/Flail/Whip - 10
Knife (first knife free) - 5
Club/Choppa – 10
Loud Choppa - 15
Slugga - 15
Blasta - 10
Six-Shoota - 10
Basic Weapons
Shoota -20
Autogun - 15
Blunderbuss - 8
Boomstikk (scatter solid shotgun) - 20
Gitfinda – 50 credits
A model with a gitfinda may measure the distance to one model in the shooting phase before
selecting a target. This ability cannot be used on Overwatch.
More Dakka – Weapon cost /2
Many ork weapons can be modified for ‘more dakka’, which increases the weapon’s rate of fire. More
dakka allows a fighter armed with a Sustained Fire weapon to reroll one or more of a weapon’s
Sustained Fire dice each shooting phase. However, the ammo roll of a weapon that takes advantage
of this re-roll will be reduced to 6+ for that shooting phase. This upgrade cannot be applied to pistols
or weapons that do not use the Sustained Fire rules.
Kombi-Skorcha – 40 credits (Nobz and Mekz only)
A kombi-skorcha upgrade is nothing more than a simple hand flamer-like device built into a weapon.
A model with the kombi-skorcha upgrade counts as being armed with a hand flamer in addition to his
other weapons, even if there would normally be no free hand to operate the hand flamer. This
upgrade cannot be applied to pistols.
Bosspole – 50 credits (Nob only)
Nobz often carry a huge banner, wear an iron jaw, or have some other symbol of leadership to remind
da ladz who’s in charge. A Nob with a bosspole is assumed to automatically pass any leadership test
he is called upon to make if he so chooses (a player is still able to voluntarily bottle, for example).
Ammo Runt – 15 credits (mekz and nobz only) An ammo runt is nothing more than a glorified
gretchin responsible for carrying the Ork’s ammo. The Ammo Runt allows the Ork to automatically
pass one ammo check per game (and automatically avoid a weapon explosion if using Blastier
rounds). Don’t worry about feeding the ammo runt in the post-battle phase; it’s assumed he’s able to
scrounge enough food to survive or that his owner will make sure he’s fed - and no, the ammo runt
cannot be eaten.
Attack squig – 40 credits (Nobz only)
Some Nobz keep squigs as pets, using them as attack dogs of sorts in battle. A Nob with an Attack
Squig automatically inflicts one strength 3 hit upon his opponent in H2H, even if he loses the combat
or is charged when he is down. The squig plays no further part in battle if the Nob is OOA.
Reload – Weapon cost /2 As per the Necromunda rulebook
Shootier – Weapon cost /2
Ork weapons come in all shapes and sizes, even amongst the most basic of mek-produced weapons
such as sluggas. An ork weapon that has been built or modified to chamber larger rounds than
normal is known as being “shootier”. A fighter firing a “shootier” weapon may reroll the To Wound
die, but a roll of 6 on the reroll will cause an ammo check exactly as if a 6 had been rolled on the To
Hit die (the wound still counts even if the ammo check is failed, however). Note that as with all ammo
types, the effects of having multiple types of ammo are not stackable – so no, you can’t have a
shootier, blastier shoota; at least not at the same time.
Blastier – Weapon cost/2
Some mekz have been known to create special rounds with greater armor-penetrating ability for their
mobs. These “blastier” rounds bestow an additional -2 save modifier upon their weapon in additional
to the weapon’s basic armor modifier – thus a Blastier Big Shoota would have a save mod of -3, for
example. Like most orky inventions, these rounds are not perfectly stable, however – a fighter with a
Blastier weapon will be forced to check for a weapon explosion every time an ammo check is required
of the weapon (even if the ammo check was passed – pretend you rolled a 1!) Note that as with all
ammo types, the effects of having multiple types of ammo are not stackable – so no, you can’t have a
shootier, blastier shoota; at least not at the same time.
Manstopper – 5 Credits
As per the Necromunda rulebook
Bolt - 15 Credits
As per the Necromunda rulebook
Hot Shot – 5 credits
As per the Necromunda rulebook
Maximum Ork stats:
Maximum Grot stats:
Make any Advance rolls that are due immediately after
the battle so that both players can witness the result.
Roll 2D6 and consult the Advance Roll table below.
2D6 Result
2 New Skill. Choose any of the Skill tables except for Agility and randomly generate a skill from it.
3-4 New Skill. Select one of the standard Skill
tables for your gang and randomly generate
a skill from it.
5 Characteristic Increase. Roll again:
1-3 = +1 Strength; 4-6 = +1 Attacks.
6 Characteristic Increase. Roll again:
1-4 = +1 WS; 5-6 = +1 BS.
7 Characteristic Increase. Roll again:
1-3 = +1 Initiative; 4-6 = +1 Leadership.
8 Characteristic Increase. Roll again:
1-4 = +1 WS; 5-6 = +1 BS.
9 Characteristic Increase. Roll again:
1-3 = +1 Wounds; 4-6 = +1 Toughness.
10-11 New Skill. Select one of the standard Skill
tables for your gang and randomly generate
a skill from it.
12 New Skill. Choose any of the Skill tables except for Agility and randomly generate a skill from it.
Income: Ork “teef” are a novelty item in the underhive, especially common amongst juves trying to
prove their toughness and win approval from gang superiors. Each Ork generates D6 income in every
post battle phase. Any Ork that suffers a serious injury also generates an additional D3 income.
Outlanders: Orks are seen as alien and unnatural to the hive (and with good reason). As such, ork
mobs may not make use of Hired Guns. Nonetheless, Orks use the Necromunda rare trade chart
when determining what rare items are for sale – they have no interest in trinkets like snake venom!
Orks always receive just D3 rare item offers, as most merchants are understandably hesitant to sell
weaponry and equipment to xenos. Orks may sacrifice one offer to buy a non-house weapon such as
a lasgun or a meltagun as normal. For such purposes, any weapon listed in this supplement is
considered a “House” weapon for the orks, while all other weapons require a rare trade offer in order
to be purchased. Note that non-orks may not buy ork weapons in this fashion; most ork weapons
only work because of the latent psychic abilities all orks posses.
So many mouths to feed: Orks must pay 3 credits per Ork and 1 credit per grot in the post-battle
phase in order to stave off starvation. Grots can also be used as a food source in desperate times.
Randomly determine which grot is eaten by the hungry mob – a grot that is consumed in this way
provides D6 credits worth of food for the mob. The eaten grot is then dead, (of course), but the ork
mob may retain his equipment.
Raiders: Orks operate on Necromunda as roaming warbands of warriors who fight, pillage, eat, and
then move on. As such, the mob will only ever have one territory. Randomly generate a territory on
the outlaw table. If forced to lose their territory, the orks will randomly generate a new territory on
the same table. Orks cannot take territories, only kill and loot enough to leave a territory empty, scare
off its denizens, or otherwise cause so much havoc that it’s no longer economical for a rival gang to
maintain the territory. If a mob defeats a rival gang so badly that the enemy would normally lose the
territory, the gang abandons the territory and the Ork mob loots double the territory’s basic value (or
double the maximum value if the territory’s income generation is randomized) instead of taking the
territory itself. If an enemy gang bottles when fighting the orks, the orks gain D6 x 2 credits as they
take the time to pillage what they can or scour the streets for loot left behind by the rival gang. The
orks gain nothing for bottling themselves – in fact, they leave behind D6 credits’ worth of teef.
Recruitment: Orks are not terribly common on Necromunda, and as such it’s fairly difficult to recruit
new members for an ork mob. A scout (boy, grot, or mek) can be sent into the wastes to search for
new members, similar to how conventional gangs receive rare trade offers. Any scout sent into the
wastes does not generate teef. Roll a D6 for every scout:
1. The scout vanishes into the wastes never to be seen again. Whether captured, killed, lost, or simply
sick of da Boss and deserted, the scout is for all intents and purposes dead.
2. One Grot found.
3. One Yoof found.
4. One Boy or Mek found.
5. One type of ork of the player’s choice found.
6. D3 orks of the player’s choice found.
Grots may only recruit other grots; if a Grot is sent into the wastes as a scout, simply replace all the
table’s references to Yoofs, Boyz, or Meks with Grots. Note that a player may always choose not to
hire the recruits the scout finds.
Captives: Any captured orks without the ‘Escape Artist’ skill are simply killed if not rescued – real Orks
would never stoop so low as to negotiate with puny ‘oomies, and as every Necromundan knows, the
only good ork is a dead ork! The capturing gang may sell the ork’s hide on the black market for D6
Similarly, no gang leader is crazy/naïve enough to attempt to negotiate for the release of a ganger
with monsters like orks! The ork mob may choose to bait D6 credits’ worth of food with the captive’s
carcass unless rescued. However, ork players with fluff in mind may also choose to release a
particularly potent ‘skumgrod’ instead; the captive is simply returned to his gang with no further
effect. The ork player is not obliged to release a captive right away, of course – a real kunnin’ boss
would let those weedy ‘oomies walk into a trap first, har har!
Leadership, or “I’s da biggest, so I’s da boss!”: In the event that the Nob dies, a new Nob is not chosen
based upon the Leadership stat of the remaining Orks, but rather the number obtained by adding
together each Ork’s Strength and Toughness stat. If there is a tie between two or more Orks, then the
Ork with the higher Leadership stat is the new Nob. If there is still a tie between two or more Orks,
then the more experienced Ork is the new leader.
Grot Mobs
If a player is completely incompetent and manages to get all his Orks killed, leaving only Grots, the
mob then becomes a Grot gang. The Grot with the highest leadership then becomes the Grot Boss
and gains access to every skill table except for muscle; this process is repeated if the Grot Boss is
killed. As per the recruitment rules, Grot gangs may only recruit more Grotz. Note that alternatively a
mob may be disbanded as per the Necromunda rules.