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Brown (2001) PDF
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Ronald T. Brown, PhD*; Wendy S. Freeman, PhD*; James M. Perrin, MD‡; Martin T. Stein, MD§;
Robert W. Amler, MD¶; Heidi M. Feldman, MD, PhD储; Karen Pierce, MD#; and Mark L. Wolraich, MD**
ABSTRACT. Research literature relating to the preva- nificant effects on children’s functioning across mul-
lence of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) tiple areas.2 Referrals to health care professionals for
and co-occurring conditions in children from primary children suspected of having the disorder continue at
care settings and the general population is reviewed as a high rate, and changes in the health care system in
the basis of the American Academy of Pediatrics clinical the United States have placed increasing demands on
practice guideline for the assessment and diagnosis of
ADHD. Epidemiologic studies revealed prevalence rates
primary care pediatricians to diagnose and manage
generally ranging from 4% to 12% in the general popu- the disorder. It is now recognized that ADHD is a
lation of 6 to 12 year olds. Similar or slightly lower rates chronic condition that will persist over the life span.2
of ADHD were revealed in pediatric primary care set- The American Academy of Pediatrics Committee
tings. Other behavioral, emotional, and learning prob- on Quality Improvement Subcommittee on Atten-
lems significantly co-occurred with ADHD. Also re- tion-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder synthesized a
viewed were rating scales and medical tests that could be clinical practice guideline for the diagnosis and eval-
employed in evaluating ADHD. The utility of using both uation of children with ADHD.3 This report will
parent- and teacher-completed rating scales that specifi- highlight the empirical literature review on which
cally assess symptoms of ADHD in the diagnostic pro- this practice guideline is based. The subcommittee
cess was supported. Recommendations were made re-
garding the assessment of children with suspected
worked with Technical Resources International
ADHD in the pediatric primary care setting. Pediatrics (TRI), Washington, DC, under the auspices of the
2001;107(3). URL: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, to de-
full/107/3/e43; prevalence, attention-deficit/hyperactivity velop an evidence base addressing questions regard-
disorder, primary care. ing the prevalence, co-occurring conditions, and di-
agnostic tests for ADHD. For a full account of the
literature review, see the technical review compiled
ABBREVIATIONS. ADHD, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disor-
der; TRI, Technical Resources International; DSM, Diagnostic and by Green, Wong, Atkins, Taylor, and Feinleib.4
Statistical Manual; DISC, Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Chil- Given the widespread attention ADHD has re-
dren; EEG, electroencephalogram; ERP, event-related potential. ceived, it is important to examine the epidemiology
of this disorder and methods to assess it. Because of
the paucity of data regarding preschoolers and ado-
ttention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
lescents with ADHD, the literature review focused
has defining features of inattention, overactiv-
on studies involving elementary-school-aged chil-
ity, and impulsivity.1 It is the most frequently
dren. Specifically, 4 key questions provided the
encountered childhood-onset neurodevelopmental
framework for the development of the technical re-
disorder in primary care settings. Symptoms fre-
view.4 They are as follows:
quently co-occur with other emotional, behavioral,
and learning problems, including oppositional defi- 1. What is the prevalence of ADHD and co-occur-
ant disorder, conduct disorder, depression, anxiety, ring behavioral, emotional, and learning disorders
and learning disabilities. The cause of ADHD is un- in the general population of 6 to 12 year olds in
known, and multiple pathways may lead to the phe- the United States?
notypic expression of the disorder.2 2. What is the prevalence of ADHD and co-occur-
Public awareness of ADHD has increased, and the ring conditions in 6 to 12 year olds coming to
disorder represents a public health concern with sig- primary care providers in the United States?
3. How accurate and reliable are behavior rating
From the *Department of Pediatrics, Medical University of South Carolina, instruments in screening for ADHD?
Charleston, South Carolina; ‡Massachusetts General Hospital for Children, 4. How useful are medical screening tests in diag-
Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts; §University of California nosing ADHD?
at San Diego, San Diego, California; ¶US Department of Health and Human
Services, Atlanta, Georgia; 储University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsyl- For the review, 507 articles and 10 published rating
vania; #Children’s Memorial Hospital, Chicago, Illinois; and **Vanderbilt scale manuals were compiled from empirical articles;
University, Nashville, Tennessee.
Received for publication Dec 18, 2000; accepted Dec 18, 2000.
traditional databases (Medline, PsychINFO); refer-
PEDIATRICS (ISSN 0031 4005). Copyright © 2001 by the American Acad- ence lists in review papers; references from the Prac-
emy of Pediatrics. tice Parameters for the Assessment and Treatment of 3 of 11
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TABLE 2. Diagnostic Criteria for ADHD Across Versions of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual
* American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. 3rd ed. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association, 1980
† American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. 3rd ed, rev. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association, 1987
‡ American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. 4th ed. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association, 1994 5 of 11
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TABLE 3. Broad-Band Checklists: Ability to Detect Referred Versus Nonreferred Participants*
Study Behavior Age Gender Effect
Rating Scale Size
Total Scales
Achenbach, 1991† CBCL/4-18-R 4–11 M 1.4
CBCL/4-18-R 4–11 F 1.3
Achenbach, 1991‡ CBCL/TRF-R 5–11 M 1.2
CBCL/TRF-R 5–11 F 1.1
Naglieri, LeBuffe, and Pfeiffer, 1994§ DSMD 5–12 MF 1.0
Conners, 1997 CPRS-R:L — MF 2.3
CTRS-R:L — MF 2.0
Externalizing Scales
Achenbach, 1991† CBCL/4-18-R 4–11 M 1.2
CBCL/4-18-R 4–11 F 1.0
Achenbach, 1991‡ CBCL/TRF-R 5–11 M 1.0
CBCL/TRF-R 5–11 F 0.9
Naglieri, LeBuffe, and Pfeiffer, 1994§ DSMD 5–12 MF 1.4
Conners, 1997 CPRS-R:L-DSM-IV — MF 2.9
Internalizing Scales
Achenbach, 1991† CBCL/4-18-R 4–11 M 1.1
CBCL/4-18-R 4–11 F 1.1
Achenbach, 1991‡ CBCL/TRF-R 5–11 M 0.7
CBCL/TRF-R 5–11 F 0.7
Naglieri, Lebuffe, and Pfeiffer, 1994§ DSMD 5–12 MF 1.6
Adaptive Functioning Scales
Achenbach, 1991† CBCL/4-18-R 4–11 M 1.2
CBCL/4-18-R 4–11 F 1.1
Achenbach, 1991‡ CBCL/TRF-R 5–11 M 1.2
CBCL/TRF-R 4–11 F 1.2
Adapted from Green M, Wong M, Atkins D, Taylor J, Feinleib M. Diagnosis of Attention-Deficit/
Hyperactivity Disorder (Technical Review #3). Rockville, MD: Agency for Health Care Policy and
Research; 1999.
* CBCL/4-18-R ⫽ Child Behavior Checklist for Ages 4 –18, Parent Form, Revised; TRF-R ⫽ Teacher
Report Form, Revised; DSMD ⫽ Devereaux Scales of Mental Disorders; CPRS-R:L ⫽ 1997 Revision of
the Conners Parent Rating Scale, Long Version; CTRS-R:L ⫽ 1997 Revision of the Conners Teaching
Rating Scale, Long Version.
† Achenbach TM. Manual for the Child Behavior Checklist/4-18 and 1991 Profile. Burlington, VT: Univer-
sity of Vermont Department of Psychiatry; 1991.
‡ Achenbach TM. Manual for the Teachers Report Form and 1991 Profile. Burlington, VT: University of
Vermont Department of Psychiatry; 1991.
§ Naglieri JA, Lebuffe PA, Pfeiffer SI. Devereaux Scales of Mental Disorders. San Antonio, TX: Harcourt
Brace; 1994.
disorder are normally distributed and have equal dence to support a reliance on either broad-band
variances, and considering the case whereby sensi- checklist total problem indices or scales assessing
tivity equals specificity, an effect size of 3.0 would be externalizing, internalizing, or adaptive behavior to
associated with a sensitivity and specificity of 0.94 screen for or diagnose ADHD. However, these scales
and a false-positive and false-negative rate of 6%.29 may be used for other purposes such as screening for
In contrast, an effect size of 1.0, under the same co-occurring problems in other areas (eg, anxiety,
conditions, would be associated with a sensitivity depression, conduct problems).
and specificity of 0.71, which is associated with a Also available to practitioners are several rating
false-positive and false-negative rate of 29%.29 scales that specifically assess symptoms related to
Broad-band rating scales and checklists were eval- ADHD. The studies that were reviewed used
uated for their ability to discriminate children re- ADHD-specific measures to discriminate between
ferred for ADHD from their nonreferred peers. Table children diagnosed with ADHD and typically devel-
3 presents the broad-band rating scale studies that oping children. Because few studies used control
allowed the calculation of effect sizes for total prob- groups with other psychiatric disorders (eg, learning
lem, internalizing, externalizing, and adaptive func- disabilities, conduct disorder), it is difficult to eval-
tioning indices or subscales. The average effect size uate the efficacy of these rating scales in differenti-
across broad-band measures using total global scale ating children with ADHD from those with other
scores was 1.5. Effect sizes using domain scales (ie, psychiatric diagnoses. Table 4 presents studies of
the internalizing, externalizing, and adaptive func- ADHD-specific rating scales. These studies allowed
tioning scales) generally ranged from 0.7 to 1.4, with the calculation of effect sizes for global ADHD symp-
the exception of the externalizing scales on the par- toms and subscales that assess specific types of
ent and teacher forms of the Conners’ Scales,30 which ADHD symptoms (ie, inattention, impulsivity, over-
had significantly better discriminatory power. Taken activity). The overall range of effect sizes varied
together, the findings do not provide sufficient evi- across measures. Effect sizes for global ADHD symp-
toms ranged from 1.3 to 3.7. The Conners’ scales30 means to gather data regarding the display of the
yielded the highest effect sizes, and the School Situ- core symptoms of ADHD. In addition, the collection
ations Questionnaire31 the lowest effect sizes. When of behavior ratings from teachers and caregivers will
specific symptoms were examined separately, the fulfill the DSM requirement that there be cross-situ-
effect sizes were again variable. Overall, the effect ational evidence of the disorder. Although rating
sizes were slightly greater for subscales assessing scales are convenient for use in the pediatric office
specific symptoms compared with indices of com- setting, we caution against their use in isolation.
bined ADHD symptoms. Across symptoms, effect Information collected via rating scales must be sup-
sizes ranged from 3.1 to 5.5 when considering the plemented with a clinical history, including age of
Swanson, Nolan, and Pelham (SNAP) Checklist32,33 onset and duration of symptoms, and careful inter-
and the Conners Abbreviated Teacher Questionnaire view, which includes an assessment of the functional
Hyperactivity Index,34 with significantly lower effect consequences of the behaviors.
sizes by the inattention and hyperactivity subscales
of the Attention-Deficit Disorder Comprehensive Medical and Laboratory Screening Tests
Teacher Rating Scale—Parent version.35 Several medical screening tests and laboratory
measures have been used to evaluate children with
Summary suspected ADHD. These tests include blood lead
Overall, rating scales of specific ADHD symptoms levels, thyroid function, radiographic assessment,
were more useful in diagnosis than global indices on electroencephalography, neurologic screening exam-
broad-band checklists. Among the ADHD-specific inations, and continuous performance tasks, as well
rating scales that were reviewed, the ADHD Index as other miscellaneous laboratory assessments.
and the DSM-IV Symptoms Scale of the 1997 revision The association between elevated lead levels and
of the Conners’ Rating Scale30 and the Hyperactivity delays in cognitive functioning, including attention
and Inattention Subscales of the SNAP Checklist32 problems, has been consistently reported.36 –37 This
performed well in discriminating between children begs the question regarding the utility of lead level
with ADHD and normal controls. It should be noted, measurements in the assessment of ADHD. Six stud-
however, that while parent- or teacher-completed ies were reviewed, with no statistically significant
broad-band scales are not recommended to specifi- associations in 3 of the investigations.38 – 40 One study
cally diagnose ADHD, global rating scales may be reported a positive association between lead level
useful to screen for co-occurring problems. Given the and behavior problems.15 Two studies examined
recommendations set forth in the practice guideline3 children screened for disruptive behavior problems
that the assessment of ADHD requires evidence of and found associations between elevated lead levels
symptomatology from caregivers and school person- and behavior problems.41– 42 However, because these
nel (ie, teachers), we endorse the use of behavior studies did not assess ADHD, the extent to which
rating scales as a time-efficient and cost-effective their findings may be applied to children with this 7 of 11
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disorder is unknown. These findings suggest an as- amplitude evoked-response potentials.10 These find-
sociation between elevated lead levels and a range of ings are variable and do not provide any compelling
behavior problems including inattention. However, evidence for a particular EEG pattern for patients
the routine use of lead screening as a diagnostic with ADHD.
indicator for ADHD is not supported. A key issue Over the years, various neuropsychological
here is that by elementary school age, children who screens, or soft sign assessments were believed to
have had lead effects will almost always have normal shed light on the pathogenesis of the ADHD disor-
lead levels. der. Five studies using such assessments met criteria
Abnormal thyroid function can produce a variety for inclusion in the technical review.4 Reeves and
of behavior effects in children, ranging from impair- colleagues64 found that children with ADHD evi-
ments in concentration to severe neuropsychological denced higher rates of neurodevelopment abnormal-
deficits.43 Four studies of thyroid function were re- ities than comparison control children on 9 tests of
viewed, and none of the 4 showed an association sensorimotor coordination, but no differences be-
between abnormal thyroid levels and ADHD. In 3 of tween groups were found for prenatal or perinatal
the studies, none of the children with ADHD had problems or speech problems. Trommer and col-
clinically significant thyroid dysfunction.44 – 46 In a leagues65 found that children with ADHD evidenced
study by Weiss, Stein, Trommer, and Refetoff47 2% of a greater number of errors on a psychomotor task
the ADHD cohort had abnormal thyroid levels com- designed to assess inattention. However, the ranges
pared with ⬍1% of the comparison control group. In for the number of errors exhibited by the ADHD and
total, these studies fail to support the use of thyroid control group were similar, casting doubt on the
function tests to screen for ADHD. clinical significance of this group difference. The re-
Recent attention also has been devoted to investi- maining 3 studies66 – 68 revealed no differences be-
gating whether there are morphologic differences tween ADHD and comparison control children on
between the brain structures of individuals with various neurodevelopment tasks (eg, the Revised
ADHD relative to their normally developing peers. Neurologic Examination for Subtle Signs, Mazes
The technical review4 examined 9 studies that used subtest of the Wechsler Intelligence Scales for Chil-
either computerized tomography or magnetic reso- dren). These findings do not support the use of neu-
nance imaging to compare children with ADHD with rodevelopment measures for diagnosis of ADHD.
a comparison control group.48 –56 No differences Some isolated studies measuring neurotransmit-
were found between children with ADHD and com- ters (eg, serotonin levels, dopamine receptors, epi-
parison controls in 2 of the investigations.50,56 In the nephrine), hormones (eg, growth hormone releasing
other 7 studies, asymmetries, differences in shape or factor), and proteins69 –74 were also reviewed in the
volume of the ventricles, and differences in brain size TRI report.4 Each study reported findings suggestive
occurred between ADHD and normally developing of possible biological differences between children
children. In each of these studies, structures in the with ADHD and controls, but the findings were too
children with ADHD were smaller than those of sparse and preliminary to indicate a definitive rela-
comparison controls. These studies are provocative tionship.
and will likely direct new research that has the po- Finally, studies examining computerized and pen-
tential to shed light on the pathogenesis of this dis- cil and paper tests of sustained attention and impul-
order. However, because other child psychiatric con- sivity (eg, continuous performance tests)7,33,75– 84
trol groups (eg, children with learning problems or were reviewed in the TRI report.4 These measures
other disruptive behavior disorders) have not been poorly discriminated children with ADHD from
included, the specificity of these findings to ADHD is their normally developing peers. Both indices of in-
not clear. Furthermore, although some studies have attention and indices of impulsivity provided by
revealed significant group differences, the degree of continuous performance tasks were poor predictors
within group variance and overlap between groups of ADHD, with most effect sizes lower than 1.0.4
make imaging of little use for individual diagnostic Thus, the power of discrimination of these tests is not
purposes. That is to say, the imaging findings do not sufficient to support their use in the assessment and
discriminate adequately between children with diagnosis of ADHD.
ADHD and those without. For these reasons, the use
of imaging procedures is not currently supported as Summary
a diagnostic tool for assessment of ADHD. Many medical tests and laboratory assessments
One of the most widely researched medical tests have been investigated in relation to ADHD. Across
for evaluating children with ADHD is the electroen- studies that included blood lead levels, morphologic
cephalogram (EEG) to examine event-related poten- features, and thyroid abnormalities, no compelling
tials (ERPs). Eight studies met criteria for inclusion in evidence supported an association between abnor-
Green and colleagues’4 technical review.10,57– 63 malities on these various tests and the presence of
Overall, no major EEG abnormalities (ie, evidence of ADHD. Morphologic studies offered some prelimi-
seizure activity) were found for children with nary support for brain-related differences between
ADHD. Several investigations reported minor differ- children with and without the disorder, but addi-
ences in ERPs functioning, including longer latencies tional studies with control groups of children with
at the P3 site,57 longer latencies of certain waves for other psychiatric and developmental disorders and
brainstem auditory-evoked potentials,58 more slow larger sample sizes will be necessary before brain
waves and fewer ␣-waves,59 and asymmetry in peak morphology becomes useful in diagnosing ADHD. 9 of 11
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Prevalence and Assessment of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in
Primary Care Settings
Ronald T. Brown, Wendy S. Freeman, James M. Perrin, Martin T. Stein, Robert W.
Amler, Heidi M. Feldman, Karen Pierce and Mark L. Wolraich
Pediatrics 2001;107;43-
DOI: 10.1542/peds.107.3.e43
This information is current as of May 29, 2006