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K Mean Clustering

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Kardi Teknomo – K Mean Clustering Tutorial 1

K-Means Clustering Tutorial

By Kardi Teknomo,PhD

Preferable reference for this tutorial is

Teknomo, Kardi. K-Means Clustering Tutorials. http:\\people.revoledu.com\kardi\ tutorial\kMean\

Last Update: December 2004

What is K-Means Clustering?

Simply speaking it is an algorithm to classify or to group your objects based on attributes/features into K
number of group. K is positive integer number. The grouping is done by minimizing the sum of squares of
distances between data and the corresponding cluster centroid. Thus, the purpose of K-mean clustering is to
classify the data.

Example: Suppose we have 4 objects and each object have 2 attributes

Object Attribute 1 (X): weight index Attribute 2 (Y): pH
Medicine A 1 1
Medicine B 2 1
Medicine C 4 3
Medicine D 5 4
We also know before hand that these objects belong to two groups of medicine (cluster 1 and cluster 2). The
problem now is to determine which medicines belong to cluster 1 and which medicines belong to the other
cluster. Each medicine represents one point with two components coordinate.

Numerical Example (manual calculation)

The basic step of k-means clustering is simple:

Iterate until stable (= no object move group):

1. Determine the centroid coordinate
2. Determine the distance of each object to the centroids
3. Group the object based on minimum distance

Kardi Teknomo – K Mean Clustering Tutorial 2

The numerical example below is given to understand this simple iteration.

Suppose we have several objects (4 types of medicines) and each object have two attributes or features as
shown in table below. Our goal is to group these objects into K=2 group of medicine based on the two
features (pH and weight index).
Object Feature 1 (X): weight index Feature 2 (Y): pH
Medicine A 1 1
Medicine B 2 1
Medicine C 4 3
Medicine D 5 4
Each medicine represents one point with two features (X, Y) that we can represent it as coordinate in a
feature space as shown in the figure below.

Kardi Teknomo – K Mean Clustering Tutorial 3

iteration 0


attribute 2 (Y): pH 3.5




0 1 2 3 4 5 6

attribute 1 (X): weight index

1. Initial value of centroids: Suppose we use medicine A and medicine B as the first centroids. Let c1
and c 2 denote the coordinate of the centroids, then c1 = (1,1) and c 2 = (2,1)
2. Objects-Centroids distance: we calculate the distance between cluster centroid to each object. Let us
use Euclidean distance, then we have distance matrix at iteration 0 is
⎡ 0 1 3.61 5 ⎤ c1 = (1,1) group − 1
D0 = ⎢ ⎥
⎣1 0 2.83 4.24 ⎦ c 2 = (2,1) group − 2
⎡1 2 4 5 ⎤ X
⎢1 1 3 ⎥
⎣ 4 ⎦ Y
Each column in the distance matrix symbolizes the object. The first row of the distance matrix
corresponds to the distance of each object to the first centroid and the second row is the distance of
each object to the second centroid. For example, distance from medicine C = (4, 3) to the first
centroid c1 = (1,1) is (4 − 1) 2 + (3 − 1) 2 = 3.61 , and its distance to the second centroid
c 2 = (2,1) is (4 − 2) 2 + (3 − 1) 2 = 2.83 , etc.
3. Objects clustering: We assign each object based on the minimum distance. Thus, medicine A is
assigned to group 1, medicine B to group 2, medicine C to group 2 and medicine D to group 2. The
element of Group matrix below is 1 if and only if the object is assigned to that group.
⎡1 0 0 0 ⎤ group − 1
G0 = ⎢ ⎥
⎣0 1 1 1 ⎦ group − 2

Kardi Teknomo – K Mean Clustering Tutorial 4

4. Iteration-1, determine centroids: Knowing the members of each group, now we compute the new
centroid of each group based on these new memberships. Group 1 only has one member thus the
centroid remains in c1 = (1,1) . Group 2 now has three members, thus the centroid is the average
2 + 4 + 5 1+ 3 + 4
coordinate among the three members: c2 = ( , ) = ( 113 , 83 ) .
3 3
iteration 1


attribute 2 (Y): pH





0 1 2 3 4 5 6

attribute 1 (X): w eight index

5. Iteration-1, Objects-Centroids distances: The next step is to compute the distance of all objects to
the new centroids. Similar to step 2, we have distance matrix at iteration 1 is
⎡ 0 1 3.61 5 ⎤ c1 = (1,1) group − 1
D1 = ⎢ ⎥
⎣3.14 2.36 0.47 1.89 ⎦ c 2 = ( 113 , 83 ) group − 2
⎡1 2 4 5 ⎤ X
⎢1 ⎥
⎣ 1 3 4 ⎦ Y
6. Iteration-1, Objects clustering: Similar to step 3, we assign each object based on the minimum
distance. Based on the new distance matrix, we move the medicine B to Group 1 while all the other
objects remain. The Group matrix is shown below
⎡1 1 0 0 ⎤ group − 1
G1 = ⎢ ⎥
⎣0 0 1 1 ⎦ group − 2
7. Iteration 2, determine centroids: Now we repeat step 4 to calculate the new centroids coordinate
based on the clustering of previous iteration. Group1 and group 2 both has two members, thus the
1+ 2 1+1 4+5 3+ 4
new centroids are c1 = ( , ) = (1 12 ,1) and c 2 = ( , ) = (4 12 ,3 12 )
2 2 2 2

Kardi Teknomo – K Mean Clustering Tutorial 5

iteration 2


attribute 2 (Y): pH





0 1 2 3 4 5 6

attribute 1 (X): w eight index

8. Iteration-2, Objects-Centroids distances: Repeat step 2 again, we have new distance matrix at
iteration 2 as
⎡ 0.5 0.5 3.20 4.61⎤ c1 = (1 12 ,1) group − 1
D2 = ⎢ ⎥
⎣ 4.30 3.54 0.71 0.71⎦ c 2 = (4 12 ,3 12 ) group − 2
⎡1 2 4 5 ⎤ X
⎢1 ⎥
⎣ 1 3 4 ⎦ Y
9. Iteration-2, Objects clustering: Again, we assign each object based on the minimum distance.
⎡1 1 0 0 ⎤ group − 1
G2 = ⎢ ⎥
⎣0 0 1 1 ⎦ group − 2
We obtain result that G = G . Comparing the grouping of last iteration and this iteration reveals
2 1

that the objects does not move group anymore. Thus, the computation of the k-mean clustering has
reached its stability and no more iteration is needed. We get the final grouping as the results
Object Feature 1 (X): weight Feature 2 (Y): pH Group (result)
Medicine A 1 1 1
Medicine B 2 1 1
Medicine C 4 3 2
Medicine D 5 4 2

Kardi Teknomo – K Mean Clustering Tutorial 6

How the K-Mean Clustering algorithm works?

If the number of data is less than the number of cluster then we assign each data as the centroid of the cluster.
Each centroid will have a cluster number. If the number of data is bigger than the number of cluster, for each
data, we calculate the distance to all centroid and get the minimum distance. This data is said belong to the
cluster that has minimum distance from this data.

Since we are not sure about the location of the centroid, we need to adjust the centroid location based on the
current updated data. Then we assign all the data to this new centroid. This process is repeated until no data is
moving to another cluster anymore. Mathematically this loop can be proved convergent.

As an example, I have made a Visual Basic and Matlab code. You may download the complete program in
http://www.planetsourcecode.com/xq/ASP/txtCodeId.26983/lngWId.1/qx/vb/scripts/ShowCode.htm. or in its
official web page in http://people.revoledu.com/kardi/tutorial/kMean/download.htm

The number of features is limited to two only but you may extent it to any number of features. The main code
is shown here.

Sub kMeanCluster (Data() As Variant, numCluster As Integer)

' main function to cluster data into k number of Clusters
' input: + Data matrix (0 to 2, 1 to TotalData); Row 0 = cluster, 1 =X, 2= Y; data in columns
' + numCluster: number of cluster user want the data to be clustered
' + private variables: Centroid, TotalData
' ouput: o) update centroid
' o) assign cluster number to the Data (= row 0 of Data)
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim X As Single
Dim Y As Single
Dim min As Single
Dim cluster As Integer
Dim d As Single
Dim sumXY()
Dim isStillMoving As Boolean

isStillMoving = True

If totalData <= numCluster Then

Data(0, totalData) = totalData ' cluster No = total data
Centroid(1, totalData) = Data(1, totalData) ' X
Centroid(2, totalData) = Data(2, totalData) ' Y
'calculate minimum distance to assign the new data
min = 10 ^ 10 'big number
X = Data(1, totalData)
Y = Data(2, totalData)
For i = 1 To numCluster
d = dist(X, Y, Centroid(1, i), Centroid(2, i))
If d < min Then
min = d
cluster = i
End If
Next i
Data(0, totalData) = cluster

Do While isStillMoving
' this loop will surely convergent

'calculate new centroids

ReDim sumXY(1 To 3, 1 To numCluster) ' 1 =X, 2=Y, 3=count number of data
For i = 1 To totalData

Kardi Teknomo – K Mean Clustering Tutorial 7

sumXY(1, Data(0, i)) = Data(1, i) + sumXY(1, Data(0, i))

sumXY(2, Data(0, i)) = Data(2, i) + sumXY(2, Data(0, i))
sumXY(3, Data(0, i)) = 1 + sumXY(3, Data(0, i))
Next i
For i = 1 To numCluster
Centroid(1, i) = sumXY(1, i) / sumXY(3, i)
Centroid(2, i) = sumXY(2, i) / sumXY(3, i)
Next i

'assign all data to the new centroids

isStillMoving = False
For i = 1 To totalData
min = 10 ^ 10 'big number
X = Data(1, i)
Y = Data(2, i)
For j = 1 To numCluster
d = dist(X, Y, Centroid(1, j), Centroid(2, j))
If d < min Then
min = d
cluster = j
End If
Next j
If Data(0, i) <> cluster Then
Data(0, i) = cluster
isStillMoving = True
End If
Next i
End If
End Sub

The screen shot of the program is shown below.

When User click picture box to input new data (X, Y), the program will make group/cluster the data by
minimizing the sum of squares of distances between data and the corresponding cluster centroid. Each dot is
representing an object and the coordinate (X, Y) represents two attributes of the object. The colors of the dot

Kardi Teknomo – K Mean Clustering Tutorial 8

and label number represent the cluster. You may try how the cluster may change when additional data is

For you who like to use Matlab, Matlab Statistical Toolbox contains a function name kmeans. If you do not
have the statistical toolbox, you may use my code below. The kMeanCluster and distMatrix can be
downloaded as text files in http://people.revoledu.com/kardi/tutorial/kMean/matlab_kMeans.htm.
Alternatively, you may simply type the code below.

function y=kMeansCluster(m,k)
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % %
% kMeansCluster - Simple k means clustering algorithm
% Author: Kardi Teknomo, Ph.D.
% Purpose: classify the objects in data matrix based on the attributes
% Criteria: minimize Euclidean distance between centroids and object points
% For more explanation of the algorithm, see http://people.revoledu.com/kardi/tutorial/kMean/index.html %
% Output: matrix data plus an additional column represent the group of each object %
% Example: m = [ 1 1; 2 1; 4 3; 5 4] or in a nice form
% m = [ 1 1;
% 2 1;
% 4 3;
% 5 4]
% k=2
% kMeansCluster(m,k) produces m = [ 1 1 1;
% 2 1 1;
% 4 3 2;
% 5 4 2]
% Input:
% m - matrix data: objects in rows and attributes in columns
% k - number of groups
% Local Variables
% c - centroid coordinate size (1:k, 1:maxCol)
% g - current iteration group matrix size (1:maxRow)
% i - scalar iterator
% maxCol - scalar number of rows in the data matrix m = number of attributes
% maxRow - scalar number of columns in the data matrix m = number of objects
% temp - previous iteration group matrix size (1:maxRow)
% z - minimum value (not needed)

[maxRow, maxCol]=size(m);
if maxRow<=k,
y=[m, 1:maxRow];

% initial value of centroid

for i=1:k

temp=zeros(maxRow,1); % initialize as zero vector

while 1,
d=DistMatrix(m,c); % calculate objcets-centroid distances
[z,g]=min(d,[],2); % find group matrix g
if g==temp,
break; % stop the iteration
temp=g; % copy group matrix to temporary variable

Kardi Teknomo – K Mean Clustering Tutorial 9

for i=1:k

The Matlab function kMeansCluster above call function DistMatrix as shown in the code below.

function d=DistMatrix(A,B)
% DISTMATRIX return distance matrix between point A=[x1 y1] and B=[x2 y2]
% Author: Kardi Teknomo, Ph.D.
% see http://people.revoledu.com/kardi/
% Number of point in A and B are not necessarily the same.
% It can be use for distance-in-a-slice (Spacing) or distance-between-slice (Headway),
% A and B must contain two column,
% first column is the X coordinates
% second column is the Y coordinates
% The distance matrix are distance between points in A as row
% and points in B as column.
% example: Spacing= dist(A,A)
% Headway = dist(A,B), with hA ~= hB or hA=hB
% A=[1 2; 3 4; 5 6]; B=[4 5; 6 2; 1 5; 5 8]
% dist(A,B)= [ 4.24 5.00 3.00 7.21;
% 1.41 3.61 2.24 4.47;
% 1.41 4.12 4.12 2.00 ]
if hA==1& hB==1

Is the algorithm always convergence?

Anderberg as quoted by [1] suggest the convergent k-mean clustering algorithm:
Step 1. Begin with any initial partition that groups the data into k clusters. One way to do this is:
a. Take the first k training examples as single-element clusters
b. Assign each of the remaining N − k examples to the cluster with the nearest centroid. After each
assignment, recomputed the centroid of the gaining cluster.
Step 2. Take each example p j in sequence and compute its distance from the centroid of each of the k
clusters. If p j is not currently in the cluster with the closest centroid, switch p j to that cluster and update the
centroid of the cluster gaining p j and the cluster losing p j .

Kardi Teknomo – K Mean Clustering Tutorial 10

Step 3. Repeat step 2 until convergence is achieved, that is until a pass through the training examples causes
no new assignments.

It is proven that the convergence will always occur if the following condition satisfied:
1. Each switch in step 2 decreases the sum of the squared distances from each training example to that
training example’s group centroid.
2. There are only finitely many partitions of the training examples into k cluster.

What are the applications of K-mean clustering?

There are a lot of applications of the K-mean clustering, range from unsupervised learning of neural network,
Pattern recognitions, Classification analysis, Artificial intelligent, image processing, machine vision, etc. In
principle, you have several objects and each object have several attributes and you want to classify the objects
based on the attributes, then you can apply this algorithm.

What are the weaknesses of K-Mean Clustering?

Similar to other algorithm, K-mean clustering has many weaknesses:
ƒ When the numbers of data are not so many, initial grouping will determine the cluster significantly.
ƒ The number of cluster, K, must be determined before hand.
ƒ We never know the real cluster, using the same data, if it is inputted in a different way may produce
different cluster if the number of data is a few.
ƒ We never know which attribute contributes more to the grouping process since we assume that each
attribute has the same weight.
One way to overcome those weaknesses is to use K-mean clustering only if there are available many data.

How if we have more than 2 attributes?

To generalize the k-mean clustering into n attributes, we define the centroid as a vector where each
component is the average value of that component. Each component represents one attribute. Thus each point
number j has n components or denoted by p j ( x j1 , x j 2 , x j 3 ,..., x jm ,..., x jn ) . If we have N training
points, then the m component of centroid can be calculated as:
xm =

The rest of the algorithm is just the same as above.

What is the minimum number of attribute?

As you may guess, the minimum number of attribute is one. If the number of attribute is one, each example
point represents a point in a distribution. The k-mean algorithm becomes the way to calculate the mean value
of k distributions. Figure below is an example of k = 2 distributions.

Kardi Teknomo – K Mean Clustering Tutorial 11

Centroid -1  Centroid -2 

Where is the learning process of k - mean clustering?

Each object represented by one attribute point is an example to the algorithm and it is assigned automatically
to one of the cluster. We call this “unsupervised learning” because the algorithm classifies the object
automatically only based on the criteria that we give (i.e. minimum distance to the centroid). We don’t need to
supervise the program by saying that the classification was correct or wrong. The learning process is
depending on the training examples that you feed to the algorithm. You have two choices in this learning
1. Infinite training. Each data that feed to the algorithm will automatically consider as the training
examples. The VB program above is on this type.
2. Finite training. After the training is considered as finished (after it gives about the correct place of
mean). We start to make the algorithm to work by classifying the cluster of new points. This is done
simply by assign the point to the nearest centroid without recalculate the new centroid. Thus after the
training finished, the centroid are fixed points.
For example using one attribute: during learning phase, we assigned each example point to the appropriate
cluster. Each cluster represents one distribution. After finishing the training phase, if we are given a point, the
algorithm can assign this point to one of the existing distribution. If we use infinite training, then any point
given by user is also classified to the appropriate distribution and it is also considered as a new training point.

Are there any other resources for K-mean Clustering?

There are many books and journals or Internet resources discuss about K-mean clustering, your search must
be depending on your application. Here are some lists: of my references: for this tutorial.
1. Gallant, Stephen I., Neural Network Learning and expert systems, the MIT press, London,1993, pp. 134-
2. Anderberg, M.R., Cluster Analysis for Applications, Academic Press, New York, 1973, pp. 162-163.
3. Costa, Luciano da Fontoura and Cesar, R.M., Shape Analysis and Classification, Theory and Practice,
CRC Press, Boca Raton, 2001, pp 577-615.

For more updated information about this tutorial, visit the official page of this tutorial:


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