Planning Models and Techniques: Unit 5
Planning Models and Techniques: Unit 5
Planning Models and Techniques: Unit 5
The present unit contains major planning models concerning the use of
investment criterion. The unit contains input-output analysis in lesson-1,
linear programming in lesson-2, social accounting matrix in lesson-3,
computable general equilibrium model in lesson-4, cost-benefit analysis in
lesson-5 and logical framework approach in lesson-6. The linkages or
inter-relationships between different production sectors and industries
are extremely important for formulating a consistent plan. Input-Output
analysis can capture such linkages. Social accounting matrix (SAM)
which includes institutions that make up the economy (e.g. firms,
households, government) in the output model table and hence gives a more
comprehensive account of the economy. The linear programming which
uses similar information as the two previous models in order to arrive at
the optimal allocation of resources for the economy for a given objective
function. Project appraisal is the most microeconomic and most commonly
employed tool of planning. Project appraisal is based on the theory of
social cost-benefit analysis. The purpose of logical framework (or
logframe) approach is to undertake participatory, objectives-oriented
planning that spans the life of project or policy work to build stakeholder
team commitment and capacity with a series of workshops.
School of Business
Blank Page
In free market economy, according to theory, resources are allocated by
the ‘invisible hand’ of the market in accordance with consumed demand.
The theory says that market prices act as signals to producers, consumers
consume till marginal utility equals price and producers produce to the
point where marginal cost is equal to the price. Thus, theory postulates
that resources will be optimally allocated since the marginal utility of
production will just equal the marginal cost. There are many problems of
the postulation in real life.
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Despite such arguments for and against economic models are frequently
used to construct economic planning with a view to:
achieve consistency between demand and supply in different sectors;
comprehend whether investment demand is enough to produce a
target output;
determine intermediate demands for inputs including capital and
enable the planner to test the feasibility and optimality of different
projects with a plan.
Input-Output Analysis
Input-Output (I-O) analysis is frequently used as an aid to development
planning. The I-O analysis records or measures the transactions in respect
of inputs needed for the output. Wassily Leontief 1used the first input-
output tables for United States for the year 1919 to 1929 which earned
him Nobel prize in 1973.
The fundamental idea of the I-O analysis may be illustrated with the
example of computer. For the simplicity, it is assumed that production of
computer requires hardware and software. Now assume an increase in the
demand for computer. This will require an increase in output of the related
industry – hardware and software and in other industries too. For
example, an increase in the demand for hardware means changes in the
production of motherboard, processor, cables, cases, electric ware, etc.
And so and so forth. In the I-O analysis, all changes – direct, indirect or
induced – are accounted to predict the total output of various inter-linked
activities to meet a given changes in the demand for a product.
Leontief W. W. (1951), The Structure of the American Economy, New York:
Input-Output framework
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In the above table, for example, one unit of output of industry B requires
0.10 unit of output of industry A, 0.40 unit of output of industry C, and
generates 0.50 unit of value added. Thus in order to produce output XA,
XB and XC, the amount of product A (out of industry A) required as
intermediate input is equal to
The relationship in equations 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 using general terms of table 1.4
can be shown as follows:
a11X1 + a12X2 + a13X3 + Y1 = X1
a21X1 + a22X2 + a23X3 + Y2 = X2 (1.4)
a31X1 + a32X2 + a33X3 + Y3 = X3
In matrix form, equation 1.4 can me written as follows:
a11 a12 a13 X1 Y1 X1
a21 a22 a23 X X2 + Y2 = X2 (1.5)
a31 a32 a33 X3 Y3 X3
In a more general form with n industry and n product, where a11 stands for
input i (products of industry i) used in the production of one unit of output
on industry j, systems of equations 1.4 and 1.5 can be written as follows:
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aij =
where Fij stands for an element of the flow table as described in a square
box of table 1.1 equation 1.7 is usually written from, as
(1.8) AX + Y = Y
There is no doubt about the usefulness of the I-O tool for development
planing, but it also suffers from some limitations. This is particularly so in
the less-developed countries.
First, the IO analysis assumes that the input coefficients would remain
unchanged. However, these coefficients may not remain constant when
growth is taking place. In the long run the validity of the assumption of a
constant coefficient is all the more questionable as technical progress
gains momentum, substitution possibilities and returns to scale might be
rising instead of being constant. Marginal input coefficients might no
longer be equal to the average.
Second, if the linkages among the different sectors are rather weak or non-
existent, then the IO table will provides only very limited information.
Finally, the IO analysis further assumes that each industry has only one,
way of producing; a given product. But it is conceivable that there could
be more than one process or activity to produce a commodity. IO analysis
cannot help to find out which process among two or more activities would
use the minimum amount of resources. In short, IO analysis cannot help to
solve the choice of optimal technique of production.
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Short Questions
1. What does input-output table show?
2. What are the major purposes of the input-output analysis?
3. What are the limitations of input-output analysis?
Further Readings:
1. Dervis, K., Melo, J. and Robinson, S., General Equilibrium Model
for Development Policy, The World Bank, Washington D.C., 1982.
2. Arrow,K., S. Karlin, and P. Suppes,eds., Mathematical Methods
in Social Sciences, Standford, Califf., Standford University Press,
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Joint products are ruled out, i.e. each industry produces only one
commodity and each commodity is produced by only one industry.
The above assumptions require that to produce one unit of the jth good, the
required ith input would be constant and let us call it aij. Thus the
production of each unit of the ith good would need, say a1j of the first
commodity, a2j of the second , and a nj for the nth input. Here note that the
first subscript refers to the input and the second one refers to the output.
Hence if aij = 0.20 paisa , it means that 20 paisa worth of the ith
commodity is necessary as an input to produce a 1 taka worth of the jth
good. The symbol aij is regarded as the input coefficient.
Let there be n number of industries in the economy. The input output table
in the form of a matrix A=[aij] would state the input coefficients. So the
availability of the input-output table is thus an important condition for any
calculation. Actually the table shows the inter industry flows where each
column shows the necessary input for producing one unit of output of a
certain industry. If any element in the matrix is zero, it shows that the
input demand is zero. The input coefficient can be written as:
aij = i= 1,2,……..,n
j = 1,2,……..,n
Input I II III N
an1 ann
If the household sectors final demand for output is now included it is also
necessary to include the labour supplied by the households as inputs. It is now
obvious that because of the supply of the labour inputs, the sum of elements in
each column of the matrix A would be less than one because in the absence of
primary input costs (labour supply) the sum of each element in any column
would be exactly equal to one. Thus,
a i 1
ij 1 (j= 1,2 ,………….,n)
It follows that the value of primary input required to produce one unit of
the jth good is given by:
1- a
i 1
Now for the industry 1 to produce enough output to cater for the final
demand plus the input demand of n industries, the equation below must
x1 a 11 x1 a 12 x 2 ..... a 1n xn D 1
(1 a 11 ) x 1 a 12 x 2 ......... a 1 n x n D 1
where D1= final demand for the output of the second industry 1,similarly
for the second industry, the equation can be set out as below:
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a 21 x 1 (1 a 22 ) x 2 ......... a 2 n x n D 2
1 0 0 0
0 1 0 0
0 0 0 1
that is, all the elements in the principal diagonal are 1and elsewhere zero.
Now solving for x, we have:
x 1 A D
Then A a 11 a 22 a 12 a 21
Agriculture Textiles
= 0.4 -0.2
-0.4 0.7
= 3.5 1
2 2
We know x = [I-A]-1D
Thus x= 3.5 1 10
2 2 5
= 40
Thus the agricultural sector (X1) would produce 40 units and the textile
sector (X2)would produce 30 units. Note that the effect of change in the
final demand on the production of X1 and X2 can easily be found. Further,
given the employment coefficient, the effect on employment can be traced
out. The IO analysis can be extended to include many other sectors like
foreign trade and the balance of payments.
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The assumptions set out at the outset of the discussion of the IO analysis
help us to understand the major limitations of this analysis.
First, the IO analysis assumes that the input coefficients would remain
unchanged. However, these coefficients may not remain constant when
growth is taking place. In the long run the validity of the assumption of a
constant coefficient is all the more questionable as technical progress
gains momentum, substitution possibilities and returns to scale might be
rising instead of being constant. Marginal input coefficients might no
longer be equal to the average.
Second, if the linkages among the different sectors are rather weak or non-
existent, then the IO table will provides only very limited information.
Finally, the IO analysis further assumes that each industry has only one,
way of producing; a given product. But it is conceivable that there could
be more than one process or activity to produce a commodity. IO analysis
cannot help to find out which process among two or more activities would
use the minimum amount of resources. In short, IO analysis cannot help to
solve the choice of optimal technique of production.
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General Formulation
Max V=C1X1+....................+Cr Xr
and xj = O, j= l,...r
and xj = 0, (j = 1, 2, n)
where cj and aij are the given coefficients and ri symbols show the
constraints. In a matrix form, aij helps us to find out the exact location of
each coefficient.
Max. V = 5 X1 + 3X2
5X1 + 2X2 10
X1, X2 = 0
Graphical Interpretation
3X1+5X2 = 15 --------------------------------------------(1)
5X1 + 2X2 = 10
K V2
O M D B X1
We get lines AB for equation (1) and CD for (2) in the figure. Here note
that any point on or below the line AB satisfies the inequality 3X1 + 5X2 =
15; similarly any point on or below CD satisfies the inequality, 5 XI +
2X2 = 10. No point above AB (or CD) which satisfies the above
inequalities. The points which will satisfy both the non-negativity
constraints are given by the area OAKD. This area is then regarded as a
feasible region. Any point such as P is regarded as feasible because of
X1 and X2 at point P does not violate the constraints. Note that a feasible
solution could lie at a point like O (at the origin). But such a feasible
solution should imply that no production of (XI and X2 would take place.
In order to obtain the optimum feasible solution it is necessary to find out
the point at which the iso-profit curve is tangent to any point lying on
AKD. Any iso-profit line such as V1 which lies inside the area OAKD
does not yield the optimum profit because profit could always be
increased by moving further away to a higher iso-profit line like V2 which
just touches the area AKD at K. Similarly, the iso-profit line V1, although
indicating higher profit, is not attainable. Thus, the optimum profit is
given at the point K where OM of X 1 and ON of X2 will be produced.
Thus at K the objective function V = 5X1 + 3X2 is at a maximum. It is
necessary to point out here that given the above profit equations, iso-profit
lines are straight lines. Since constant returns to scale operate, the further
we move away from the origin along the iso-profit line, the greater is the
level of profit. The iso-profit lines, i.e, V1, V2 etc. are parallel to one
To obtain the optimal values of XI and X2, it is necessary to solve the two
equations for lines AB and CD at K.
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So we have:
3X1 + 5X2 = 15
5X1 + 2X2 = 10
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1 2 3 4 5 6
The structure of this economy is set out in the table, in which two columns
and rows have been left, blank because they are not being used for the
time being. The final column and row around the border show the total of
each row or column. Within the border there are three entries, each of
them equal to 1,000. These constitute the SAM for Robinson Crusoe. In a
SAM the rows represent incomings and the columns outgoings. For
example, row 1,which is labeled "income," receives 1,000 from column 4,
labeled "production." In other words, Robinson Crusoe's income derives
from production and equals 1,000. Now, turning to column 1, we see the
corresponding entry 1,000, which represents the outgoings of income in
row 2, which is labeled "demand." Column/row 1, in effect, describes
Robinson Crusoe's role as an income earner.
It will be noted that there is a circular process. If one put the three entries
in the table in co-ordinate form with the row first and column second, they
would appear like this: (1, 4); ( 4, 2 ); and ( 2, 1 ). Thus, the matrix
illustrates the circular process of demand leading to production leading to
income, which in turn leads back to demand. Of course, this rather
complicated way of setting out the trivial structure of the Robinson
Crusoe economy might well be considered much ado about nothing. We
present it this way, however, because it is so self-evident and can serve as
an introduction to the more complex relationships in an actual economy.
In real life, Robinson Crusoe as a member of a society may, indeed, fill all
three roles-as income earner, consumer, and producer-but he would do so
as a member of different sorts of units or subdivisions, according to his
function. In the accounts for a whole society, income may be subdivided
into many different categories, among which income to labour and income
to capital are only the first tier. That income accrues to a variety of
domestic institutions, which are the source of demand: households with
different characteristics, firms, and government (central or local). The
outgoings or expenditures of these institutions are spread over a variety of
products, as indeed Robinson Crusoe's must have been; production thus
can be divided into as many sectors or subsectors as is desirable or
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The uses of SAM fall into two categories: those in which the whole corpus
of information in the SAM is used and those in which only a part is used.
Of course, in the latter case, it is not necessary to have the complete
SAM. But the construction of the complete articulated SAM means that
one has at one's disposal a multipurpose tool and does not have to
construct separate subsets of accounts for each purpose.
The first part of the answer to this question is that whatever the processes
of consequential changes might be, the end result will be a new SAM for
our simple economy. Moreover, those elements of the initial SAM that are
zero by definition will remain zero. Because our model assumes that only
the private sector buys goods from abroad, the purchases of such goods
by the government, for example, will remain zero.
Given the accounting rules and model assumptions, the difference between
the new SAM and the original one will imply an incremental SAM in
which many cells have zero entries. This incremental SAM is shown in
table. At this stage we know the items i2, i3, and is, because these are the
changes that we have exogenously postulated. We also know that the
blank entries in the table are zeros, because these follow from our model
and accounting conventions. The question then is, "What can be said
about the nonzero entries apart from i2, i3, and i5?”
Not much can be said about these nonzero entries without making further
assumptions about what will happen, for example, to prices, monetary
policy, and how people choose to spend any extra income. We will
assume, for simplicity, that private sector income goes up by an amount
M, and then explore what the incremental SAM in table can say about the
relationships between M and the i's.
Expenditure Total
Receipts 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 Private Sector M M
Note:M(1-p4) = Σ p = Σi
p2 = marginal propensity to tax
p3 = marginal propensity to save
p4 = marginal propensity to consume (domestic)
p5 = marginal propensity to import
M = Multiplier
i2 = Impulse from increased government expenditure
i3 = Impulse from increased investment
i5 = Impulse from increased exports
Because in this simple model the private sector gets all its income from
production activities and because these activities pay all value added to
the private sector, row 1 and column 4 of the incremental SAM are very
simple and contain zeros apart from the entry in row 1, column 4, which is
The increase in private income (row 1) must match the increase in private
expenditures in
column 1. The latter must now be spread over the different components of
private expenditures. This spread is assumed to take place in the
proportions P2, P3, P4, and P5, which can be referred to as the marginal
expenditure propensities of the private sector. Because all the extra
income M must be spent or saved, the accounting balance for row/column
1 implies that
p2 + p3 + p4 + p5 = 1.
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Returning now to account 4, the fact that row and column sums must be
equal implies that
M = Mp4 + i2 + i3 + i5 = Mp4 + 1,
M = l/(l -p4).
At this stage we have discussed the balancing of four of the five accounts
of the incremental SAM. That is all that is necessary, because it is always
true that within a SAM the last account will balance if all the others
balance. To illustrate this point, the rule requires that, for our account 3,
i2 + i3 + i5 = (p2 + p3 + p5) M.
Since the sum of the i's and the sum of the p's are each equal to one, this
can be written as:
1 = ( 1 -p4) M.
Hence the condition for account 3 to balance is the same as that for
account 4, that is to say:
M = 1/(1 -p4).
This result simply repeats that obtained previously. If all but one account
are balanced, then all accounts are balanced, and the story of the
incremental SAM shown as table is thus completed.
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Review Questions
1. What is SAM?
2. Construct SAM of Robinson Crusoe economy?
3. Analyse multiplier effect in the form of SAM?
Further Readings:
A CGE can be described by specifying the agents and their behaviour, the
rules that bring the different markets in equilibrium and the
macroeconomic characteristics.
Based on Dervis K., De Melo J., Robinson S. General Equilibrium Model for
Development Policy. World Bank. Washington, D.C. 1982.
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Xi = fi(At/, Kt/,Lia,Via)--------------------------------------------(1)
Given both the shares among different intermediate inputs in a sector and
the ratios of intermediate inputs are fixed, the demands for intermediate
inputs will be
where aij are the input-output coefficients. Now for getting total
intermediate demand by sector of origin it can be written
Lia = Lia(Li1……………….Lim)-----------------(4)
K. J. Arrow, H. B. Chenery, B. S. Minhas, and R. M. Solow, ‘Capital-Labour
Substitution and Economic Efficiency,’ Review of Economic and Statistics,
August 1961,pp- 225-250.
where Ls/ denotes the fixed supplies of the various categories of labour.
Where Ws is the wage of labour of type s and tdi is the indirect tax rate. 4
i = PNiX - Ws Lis
where n
PNi = Pi(1-tdi) - Pjaij-------------------------(7)
This equations give the demand functions by sectors for labour and may
be written as
Lis = Fis (W1…………….Wm,,PN1, Kt/)-------------------------(9)
The equations for the factor markets which essentially underlie the
aggregate supply or production transformation set considered is collected
together in the following table.
The primary concern in this simple model is not with policy formulation, the
inclusion of a government sector leads to naturally to the inclusion of indirect
tax and direct tax in the system.
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No of
Production function: 1
Xis = f(k/1, Li a,V1,……..,Vm) n
Intermediate goods demand
Vij = aij Xj n.n 2
Vi = Vij j
Labour aggregation
Lia = Lia(Li1, Li2 ……. Lim) n 3
Net prices
PNi = Pi - Pjaji -tdi Pi n 4
Xi s Sectoral Production n
Vij Intermediate goods demand n.n
Vi Aggregate intermediate goods demand n
Li a Aggregate labour by sector n
PNi Net prices n
Lis Labour demand by sector and prices n.m
Lsd Aggregate labour demand by type m
Lss Aggregate labour supply by type m
Ws Wage of labour by type m
Total:4n + 3m+n.m+n.n
No of equations
Household capitalist and government income:
Yi = Wi ,Lis(1-ti ) m 10
Yi = [PMi Xi - Lis](1-ti ) one 11
Yi = {ti /(1-ti )}Ys + {ti /(1-ti )}Ys +tdi Pi Xi one 12
Total Savings
TS = SsYs +SkYk +Sg Yg one 13
Consumer Demand
Investment Demand
Ui =sij Pj n 15
Ki =Hi / [TS/Ui ] n 16
Zi =sijKi n 17
Total:4n + 3m+n.m+n.n
The endogenous variables in these equations describe all the flows in the
first column of the social accounting matrix. In real life employment,
intermediate demand, and product supply are covered here and in terms of
monetary flows, they give payments for intermediate goods, labour,
capital, and indirect taxes. Table 2 shows the equations for the product
markets in the model economy. The endogenous variables describe the
flows in the last four columns of the social accounting matrix. They give
the distribution of factor income to "institutions" {households and
government); its allocation among taxes, consumption and saving; and
finally the resulting demand for products.
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the labour demands from Eq. (6), there is zero excess demand in the
markets for labour of different categories. The solution of the excess
demand equations for labour for different sets of product prices defines
the summary numerical supply function given in Eq. (11).
The product market equations include the flow of funds among the various
institutions in the economy. They thus include the flows that are the focus
of demand-driven macro models. We are focusing on issues of sectoral
structure, resource allocation, and trade, and so are not attempting to
determine endogenously variables such as the price level. However in any
CGE model, the flow of funds accounts must specify the entire circular
flow in the system - There are no leakages.
Solution strategies
There are several ways to solve CGE models but it is useful to distinguish
between a solution strategy and a solution algorithm. A solution strategy
refers to the way in which the equations of the model are substituted and
rearranged so as to reduce the solution problem. A solution algorithm
refers to the actual numerical algorithm used to solve the reduced set of
equations. In devising a solution strategy for CGE models, it is important
to take advantage of our knowledge of the economic properties of the
system of equations.
In choosing a solution strategy, two criteria are most important. First, how
hard is it to solve the reduced equations numerically? Second, how hard is
it to reduce the model equations to the chosen set, especially when, as is
often the case, one wants to be able to experiment with a variety of
analytic formulations ?Reducing a CG E model to sets of market excess
demand equations is usually a straightforward procedure requiring, with
one exception, simply the evaluation of the equations of the model in
order. The only place where numerical techniques may have to be used is
in the derivation of labour demands by firms given wages -the marginal
revenue product equations.
All solution algorithms will follow the same general procedure. They will
all start with some initial set of wages and prices (which .satisfy the
normalisation rule), calculate the excess demands in both factor and
product markets, and then revise wages and prices iteratively based on
calculated excess demands. The iterations stop when equilibrium is
reached; that is, a set of wages and prices is found such that all excess
demands are sufficiently close to zero. Different algorithms use quite
different techniques for revising wages and prices given the excess
demands from the last iteration, and there are a variety of such algorithms
from which to choose.
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Review Questions
1. Describe structure of a CGE Model.
2. How is the investment treated in CGE model?
3. Discuss solution strategies of a CGE model.
Further Readings
1. Arrow, K. and F. Hahn(1971), General Competitive Analysis, San
Fransisco Holden-Day.
2. Arrow, K.J., L. Hurwicz, and H. Uzawa, eds., Studies in Linear and
non Linear Programming, Standford, Calli: Standford University
Press, 1958.
3. Dervis, K., Melo, J. and Robinson, S., General Equilibrium Model
for Development Policy, The World Bank, Washington D.C., 1982.
4. Arrow,K., S. Karlin, and P. Suppes,eds., Mathematical Methods in
Social Sciences, Standford, Califf., Standford University Press, 1960.
Benefits and costs may measured at world prices to reflect the true
opportunity costs of outputs and inputs using public saving measured in
foreign exchange as numerair.(i.e. Converting everything into its foreign
exchange equivalent). This referred to as the Little-Mirrlees approach
[Little and Mirrlees (1969) and (1974)]
Here the objective is to choose the project that high yields high positive
Net Social Benefit (NSB) where the NSB is defined as
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P S1
O Rate of Discount
M M1
All benefits and costs are expressed in monetary units. The willingness to
pay is given by the area under the demand curve, but the actual total price
paid is given by the price times the quantity .In other words, the amount of
consumer surplus reflects the size of gains.
So in the figure though the consumers are willing to pay ODSM for OM
quantity, they actually pay OPSM and hence the area DPS measures
consumers’ surplus.
Now lets suppose that a cost saving device is used in project, prices fall to
OP1 from OP, and an increase in the goods provided is shown by MM1.
Here the total willingness to pay is given by ODS1M1 which is greater
than ODSM by MSS1M1 out of which MM1S1E accounts for actua1
payments and as such, the change in consumer surplus is given by the
shaded area ESS1. This is equivalent to the NSB for the society.
Many problems lie with the estimation of this social benefit. For example,
the demand curve is assumed to be linear, marginal utility of income is
supposed to remain fixed; utility is supposed to be measurable cardinally,
prices of all other goods are expected to remain unchanged; there are some
intangibles which cannot be measured. Hicks tried to tack1e some of these
problems by allowing changes in the marginal utility of income and by
using the indifference curve analysis. Also, Kaldor and Hicks pointed out
that to increase social welfare, it is only necessary to show that the gainers
should be able to compensate the losers and still remain gainers.
Moreover, as Scitovsky points out, if the gainers can compensate the
losers in accepting a change and the losers can bribe the gainers back to
the ‘status quo’ then a clear contradiction emerges as there is no way to
tell whether social welfare has increased or discreased.
At this point the planner tries to find out the Net Present Value (NPV)
discounted by a certain rate of discount and if the NPV > 0, then the
project should be accepted. If the projects are mutually exclusive, then the
one which yields the highest NPV should be accepted. Note that NPV
means prescient discounted value of benefits less present discounted value
of costs. More formally, if the net benefits arc given by P1, P2,
NPV = Pt/ (1 + i t)
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prices of goods exceed their world price and such market prices tend to
overestimate the NSB within the country.
4.Given the imperfections of the capital market in most, the interest rate is
kept artificially low, particularly when capital is very scarce in supply.
Here again, a shadow rate of interest should be calculated to remove the
underestimation of the cost of capital to sociery.
Assuming that the propensity to save of capitalists is unity (s*= 1) and all
wages are consumed, equation (1) may be written as
Now for the two approaches to give the equivalent cash flows, which ever
numeraire is taken, PINV must equal So, so that equation (2) may be
written as:
W* = PA + (1 -1/S0)(C-m) ------------------------------------(4)
Little-Mirrless UNIDO
Y0 Y1 Y0 Y1 Y2
Cost of
investment(k) 1.Foreign cost Tk.1250
1.Foreign $1000 converted into taka
component at shadow exchange
rate of 1.25
Component= 2.Local component
factor of 0.8 $800 Tk.1000
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Input Cost(C)
1.traded 1.Traded inputs
inputs $1000 $1000 converted into taka Tk.1250
at shadow exchange Tk.1250
2.Non-trade rate of 1.25
1000 $800 $800 2.Non-traded inputs Tk.1000
convesion Tk.1000
factor of 0.8
A Numerical Example:
Assume that the world price are measured in dollars and domestic price
are measured in taka(Tk.); that the shadow exchange rate is 1.25 taka per
dollar; that the shadow price of foreign exchange (PF)=1.25 and the
standard factor for converting non-traded goods prices into world prices
is0.8 . Assume further that :
1. All output is exported with an annual value of $3000
2. The cost of investment has a foreign component of $1000 and a local
component of Tk. 10000.
3. There are traded inputs of $1000 and nontraded inputs of Tk.1000.
4. The accounting rate of interest is equal to the consumption rate of
We can apply our net present value formula using two approaches.
Remember that using Little-Mirrlees approach we must convert all the
prices of nontraded goods into world prices using the standard
conversation factor of 0.8, and using UNIDO approach we must convert
all the values at world prices($) into domestic prices using the shadow
exchange rate of 1.25
We will do the analysis for three periods only (see table). We see that the
results of using the Little-Mirrlees approach and the UNIDO approach
will differ only to the extent that the shadow exchange rate is different
from the actual exchange rate. To obtain the net present value, the net
benefit stream in years 1 and 2 must be discounted by the appropriate
discount factors which we assume here to be the same using both
approaches. Assuming the discount rate of 10 percent we have:
Little Mirrlees result will yield the same Tk. value if the actual exchange
rate of dollars into taka is equal to the shadow exchange rate of 1.25.
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Review Question
1. What is the meaning of social cosy-benefit analysis?
2. Explain hoe the cost benefit analysis of a project to society may differ
from the cost-benefits to the private entrepreneur?
3. What are the decision rules in CBA?
4. Why should CBA be used in LDCs?
Further Readings
1. Janos Kornai, ‘Appraisal of Project Appraisal’, in Micheal J.
Boskin (ed.), economics and Human Welfare: Essays in Honor
of Tobor Scitovsky (New York, Academy press, 1979), pp. 91-
2. P. Thirlwall (1970) ‘The Shadow Wage when Consumption is
Productive’, Bangladesh Development Studies, Oct-Dec.
3. M. Scott, J. Macarthur and D. Newbery (1976) Project
Appraisal in Practice. (London: Heinemann)
4. G. B. Baldwin (1972) ‘A Layman’s Guide to Liltte-Mirrlees’,
Finance and Development, vol. 9, no.1.
5. M. D. Little and J. Mirrlees (1974) Project Appraisal and
Planning for Developing Countries, (London: Heinemann)
6. M. D. Little and J. Mirrlees (1969) Manual of Industrial Project
Analysis in Developing Countries, vol.II Social Cost-Benefit
Analysis (Paris: OECD)
Lesson 6: Logical Framework Approach (LFA)
The first "Logical Framework" was developed for U.S.AID at the end of
the 1960's, and has since been utilized by many of the larger donor
organizations, both multilateral and bilateral. OECD's Development
Assistance Committee is promoting use of the method among the member
countries. The Nordic countries have also shown interest in the use of the
"Logical Framework", and in Canada the approach is used not only in
development aid but also in domestic public investment in general.
Institutions in partner countries also use the LFA in their management of
projects and programmes.
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Steps in an LFA
Situation Analysis
A situation analysis has as its core task to find out the actual state of
affairs with respect to an issue to be analysed; it is focussed by problems
and an attempt to understand the system which determines the existence of
The analysis phase is the most critical, yet most difficult, phase of the
logframe approach. The analysis phase consists of three stages,
Analysis of stakeholders
Analysis of problems
Analysis of objectives.
What are the general areas of concern, or themes, that the project
will focus on?
What is the project aiming to achieve?
At what spatial levels will the project focus, in terms of subject
(broad/macro to specific/micro) and or geography (local to
What political, socio-economic, technological and biophysical
environment will the project operate within?
Who are the major stakeholders?
How will stakeholders be involved in the process of design,
implementation, monitoring, evaluation and reporting?
Who is working on the issues already? What are they doing?
What is the niche of the project?
Who will implement the project?
What is the intended duration of the project?
What is the anticipated level of funding?
Who will fund the project?
Stakeholder Analysis
Projects are influenced by many actors. Their different interests,
potentials, deficiencies and other characteristics play a role in the process
of designing and implementing a project. It has been a frequent experience
in development that marginal groups were not sufficiently considered in
the planning, and hence caused poor implementation. Thus it is usually
necessary and expedient to analyse stakeholders in a project as part of the
planning process.
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Analysis of Problems
The analysis phase usually begins with an analysis of problems. The
problem analysis is undertaken by identifying the main problems and
developing a 'problem tree' through an analysis of cause and effects.
The substantial and direct causes of the focal problem are placed parallel
underneath it. The substantial and direct effects of the focal problem are
placed parallel on the line above it. Causes and effects are further
developed along the same principle to form the problem tree. If a
workshop decides that the high number of accidents should be considered
the focal problem. The following problem tree of substantive and direct
causes and effects can be established
Objectives Analysis
The objectives-analysis and the
An objectives’-analysis in a wide problems-analysis influence each
sense is a procedure for other: the more information one
systematically identifying, has about the problem situation,
the more specifically one can
formulate objectives; the kind
and outline of the objectives
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analysed influence the perception
of problems.
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plans, objectives
people, target groups, organisations, agencies
methods, procedures, processes
technologies, services, products, outputs
measures, actions, materials, inputs
Based on the situation analysis and the ordering sequence of the problem
and objective trees, the strategy analysis involves clustering objectives and
examines the feasibility of different interventions. The main objective
becomes the project purpose and the lower order objectives become the
outputs or results and activities.
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Vertical: The vertical logic can proceed from very specific inputs moving
up to a general goal. It can also be considered in reverse from a general
goal to the necessary specific inputs.
If the project or programme has good causality, then the vertical logic
should be correct and demonstrable. Testing the vertical logic is important
becomes it makes explicit the relationship between the particular inputs
and outcomes. LFA also causes project participants to examine not only
the causality of their project but also the resource requirements.
Implementation should have a plan of operations i.e. the detailed plan for
the implementation of project. It is established by the project team and
will be documented as:
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personnel plans
The work plan and the project budget constitute the core of the Plan of
LFA provide a valuable set of tools for project designing, but they also
have a number of weaknesses. Such weaknesses include, but are not
limited to the following:
1. One of the main criticisms that project designers have of the LFA
approach is that it begins by identifying problems. There are three
problems that emerge from beginning with problems:
2. The LFA is often developed and used rigidly. This can stifle innovative
thinking and adaptive management.
3. LFAs are often developed after the project has been designed rather
than used as the basis for design. The use of the LFA late in the design
process can often be attributed to:
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