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Aasr Con1917

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United Supreme Council, 33o



Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Fre~masonry

for the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States
of America, as Adopted in January, 1887


Amendments Thereto.



The United Supreme, Council of Sovereign Grand Inspectors

General of the thirty-third and last degree of the Ancient and
Accepted Scottish Rite, for the Southern Jurisdiction of the
United States of America, convened in its Senatorial Chamber
at the Grand Orient of Washington, in the District of Colum-
bia, on the 2nd day of th~ Hebrew month Shebat, A. :.M.:.
5647, corresponding to the 27th day of January, A. D. 1887,
ordains and establishes the foil owing Constitutions.
JITICLE 1.—The Suprem~e Counoil—ite Name
Section 1. The name of this Supreme Council is “The
United Supreme, Council of Sovereign Grand Inspectors Gen-
eral of the thirty-third and last degree of the Ancient and Ac-
cepted Scottish Rite, of Freemasonry for the Southern Juris-
diction of the United States of America, whose See is at the
Grand Orient of Washington, in th~ District of Columbia.”
ARTIcUi 11.—Declaration
These Constitutions, with the Regulations of 1762, and the
Grand Constitutions of 1786, as herein modified, witAi the un-
written principles and landmarks of Freemasonry, are the
laws governing the Freemasonry of the Ancient and Accepted
Scottish Rite in this Jurisdiction.

AnTH~r.u 111.—The Grand Orient. Sec. 4. The Most Puissant Sovereign Grand Commander, or
the Puissant Lieutenant Commander, and seven (7) Sove,reign
The Grand Orient of this Jurisdiction is at th~ vertical point Grand Inspectors General, active members of the Supreme
under the zenith 380 53’ 38.17” North Latitude, at Washing- Council, shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of busi-
ton, in the District of Columbia, from which place all decrees, ness. In the absence of the, Most Puissant Sovereign Grand
balustres, patents, diplomas, and all other official documents Commander, and the Puissant Grand Lieutena.nt Commander,
shall bear date. nine (9) Sovereign Inspectors Gene,ral Active Members of the
Supreme Council shall constitute a quorum for business.
ARTICLE IV.—TAe Territorial Jurisdiction.
ARTICLE VI.—Members.
The Territorial Jurisdiction of this United Supreme Coun-
cil includes the foLlowing States and Territories: Alabama, Section 1. This Supreme Council shall consist of not exceed-
Arizona, Arkansas, California, District of Columbia, Florida, ing thirty-three Active Members; also of Emeritus, Past Ac-
Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, Mis- tive and Honorary Members.
souri, New Me,xico, North Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Vir-
ginia, West Virginia, Hawaiian Islands and the Philippine Sec. 2. Sovereign Grand Inspectors General of the Thirty-
Islands. third and last Degree may be elected Active Members of the
Supreme Council at the annual meetings thereof, by vivo voce
ARrICLE V.—Meetings. vote; three negative, votes will reject a nominee.

Section 1. The United Supreme Council shall meet annually Sec. 3. Any Past Active member may be elected an Emeritus
on the third Monday in October, at such place as it shall deter- member in the same manner in which Active, members are
mine; but t4he annual meeting shall be held at the Grand elected. Emeritus members may be heard in debate and serve
Orient at least once in every three, years. Special meetings may on committee~; sits in Supreme Council at all times and may
be called by the Most Puissant Soverign Grand Commander at propose measures, but cannot vote.
any time, to be held at such place as he, shall designate in the
notice of such special meetings. Sec. 4. Any Active member ‘wfho shall vacate hi~ Active mem-
In case of special meetings the business there,of must be stat- bership by resignation or by removal into a State or Terri-
ed in the notice to members, which shall be issued at least thir- tory other than the one for which he was elected and to which
ty days prior to the, time of si~ich meeting, and served either he was accredited~ or otherwise, shall become a Past Active
~1ea~y or by mail, addressed to each Active an Emeritus member. Past Active members have the right to be present at
his last known place of residence. aLl sessions of the Supreme Council, and to voice therein, but
no vote.
Sec. 2. The annual meetings shall be opened in full and Sec. 5. The Supre~ne Council reserves to itself the right to
ample form, the officers and members being decorated with create Honorary members when, in its judgment, the interests
the insignia of the degree.. of t~he Rite require ~t.
Sec. 3. All business of the Supreme Council shall be trans- Sec. 6. Sublime Princes of the Royal Se,cret of the Thirty-
acted in open session, except nomination and election of mem- second Degree, not less than thirty-five years of age, at an an-
bers and officers, and the trial of members, which shall be done nual session of the Supreme Council, may be elected Sovereign
in executive session. Grand Inspectors-General of the Thirty-third and last Degree

4 5

Honorary members of the Supreme Council by unanimous ‘Sec. 2. A Sovereign Grand Inspector General, Active or
vote,, by secret ballot, in ex6cutive session. Emeritus members of the Supreme, Council, may exercise the
right of entering and being covered in all bodies opened in any
ofthe degrees of t~he Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, and
Sec. 7. Every nomination for t~he Degree of Sovereign Grand also of addressing the chair without first asking permission.
Inspector General shall be in writing, signed by one or more
Active members of this Supreme, Council, giving the name of
the candidate in full; the date and place of nativity; his occu- Sec. 3. When a Sovereign Grand Inspector General, Active
pation, religion,, rank in the bodies of this Rite and in the York or Emeritus membe,r of the Supreme Council, is announced at
‘Rite. The nomination shall be made at an Executive, Session the door of the Bodies in any ‘of the degrees of the Ancient and
of an annual meeting of the Supreme CounciL, and only be Accepted Scotti~h Rite, he shall be received unde,r the Arch of
balloted upon at a subsequent Executive Session, except by Steel, with the high honors of his degrees, and conducted to the
unanimous vote. Honorary members have the right to be~ East. The presiding officer of the, body, if not an Inspector
present at all sessions of the Supreme Council, except Execu- General, and of equal rank, shall resign his station to the Visit-’
tive Sessions, and to a voice therein, but no vote. ing Inspector— with whom it shall be optional to accept it or
not. If he ,does not accept however he shall be seate,d on the
right of t~he presiding officer.
Sec. 8. This Supreme Council may, by a unanimous vote at
an Annual Se,ssion, elect as an Honorary mem’ber any member
of a Supreme Council in fraternal correspondence with it. Sec. 4. A. Sovereign Grand Ins~ctor General, Active .or
Such election being a tribute to t~he Masonic services and dis- Emeritus me~nber of the Supreme Council, may enter and re-
tinguished position of a member, it does not entitle him to any tire from any of the bodies of the Ancient and Accepted
rights or privileges other than that of a seat in the Supreme Scottish Rite at pleasure, and it shall be the duty of Inspectors,
Council as an honored visitor. Active or Emeritus, when exercising the, rights of visitation,
to wear ~iisofficial jewel.
Sec. 9. Any member who ‘shall change his residence from
this jurisdiction, thereby surrenders all his rights, powers and Airrici~x VIII.—Officers of the Supreme Couowil
privileges as such member.
Section 1. The Dignitaries and officers of the Supreme
Sec. 10. Any membe,r absenting himself from meetings of Council shall be as follows:
the Supreme Council for two successive years, without giving
a satisfactory reason therefor, may at l~he next Annual Meeting Elective.
‘thereafter, be de,clared bya vote of two-thirds of the Members 1. The Most Puissant Sovereign Grand Commander.
present, to have vacated his seat.
2. The Puissant Grand Lieutenant Commander.
ARTICLE V 11.—Official Rights and Prerogatives. 3. The Illustrious Grand Chancellor.
4. The Illustrious Grand Minister of State.
Section 1. A Sovereign Grand Inspector General of the 5. The Illustrious Grand Prior and Historian.
‘Thirty-third and last Degre,e, Active member of t~he ~upreme
Council’, has the right and power to visit all the Bodies of the 6. The Illustrious Grand Secretary General H. E.
Rite in this jurisdiction; inspect their work, correct irregular- 7. The, Illustrious Grand Treasurer General H. E.
ities, and do such otiher constitutional ac.ts as he may deem best 8. The Illustrious Grand Auditor.
for the interests of the Rite. For all such acts and doings he
is amenable to the Supreme Council. 9. The Assistant Grand Auditor.

‘ 6 7


Appointed. ARTI~Iii~ X.—Ranks of Officers and Members.

10. The Illustrious Grand Almone,r. On all occasions of ceremony the Officers and Members of
11. The Illustrious Grand Master of Ceremonies.
12. The Illustrious Grand Chamberlain. the Supreme Council shall rank as follows:
13. The Illustrious First Grand Equerry. 1. The Most Puissant Sovereign Grand Commander.
14. The Illustrious Second Grand Equerry. 2. Past Most Puissant Sovereign Grand Commanders.
15. The Illustrious Grand Standard Bearer. 3. Puissant Grand Lieutenant Commander.
16. The Illustrious Grand Sword Bearer.
4. Illustrious Grand Prior.
17. The, Illustrious Grand Herald.
18. The Illustrious Grand Organist. 5. Illustrious Grand Chance,llor.
19. The Illustrious Grand Tiler. 6. Illustrious Grand Minister of State.
20. The Illustrious Deputies of the Supreme Council. 7. ‘Illustrious, Grand Secretary General H. K.
8. Illustrious Grand Treasurer General H. K.
‘Sec. 2. The first nine shall be e,lected from among the Active 9., Illustrious Grand Auditor.
members triennially, at an Annual Meeting, by ballot. They
shall be installed as soon after ~‘heirelection as practicable; if 10. Illustrious Grand Assistant Auditor.
any officer-elect is not present, he, shall be installed as the Most 11. Illustrious Representatives of other Supreme Councils.
Puissant Sovereign Grand Commander may direct. They shall 12. Illustrious Grand Almoner.
hold their offices until their successors are elected and install- r

ed. In all elections a majority shall be necessary for a choice. 13. Illustrious Grand Master of Ceremonies.
14. Illustrious Grand Chamberlain.
ARTLCLE IX.—Vacancies in Office, How Filled. Illustrious First Grand Equerry.
In cti.se the most Puissant Sovereign Grand Commander be- 16. Illustrious Second Grand Equerry.
comes disabled from performing the duties of his office, or on
account of abse,nce from the Jurisdiction, or from any other 17. Illustrious Grand S word-Bearer.
cause, they shall he performed b~y the Puissant Grand Lieuten- 18. Illustrious Grand Herald.
ant Command~rs at Deputy, until the disability shall cease, or
~heternr of said office shall expire. The fact of such disability
shall be, verified by the Supreme Council and spread upon the
records, and the Rite notified throughout the jurisdiction. In
~1 19.
Illustrious Grand Organist.
Illustrious Grand Tiler.
Active Members according to the date of their Patents.
case of death or resignation of the Most Puissant Sovereign
Grand Commander, the Puissant Grand Lieutenant Command- 22. Illustrious Deputies, of the Supre,me Council.
er shall succeed to all the rights, title~, prerogatives of the 23. Emeritus Members according to the date of their Pat-
Most P~i~sant Sovereign Grand Commander for the time ents.
being, and exercise t~he same until the triennial election.
When any other elective office becomes vacant, it shall be 24. Past Active Members according to the date of t~heir
filled by appointment by the Most Puissant Sovereign Grand Patents.
Commander until next Annual Session, when the vacancy shall 4
25. Honorary Members according to the, date of their
be filled by an election for the remainder of the term. Patents.
8 9

ARTICLE XII.—The Pwiagant Grand Lieutenant Commander.

ARTICLE XI.—Most Puissant Soiereign Grand (7om’mander.
The Puissant Grand Lieutenant Commander shall perform
Section 1. The Most Puissant Sovereign Grand Commander the duties of the Most Puissant Sovereign Grand Commander,
is the Supreme Executive of the ‘Rite within the jurisdiction of or succeed to his office in the cases hereinbefore provided.
this Supre,me Council, he shall preside over all sessions of the
Supreme Council, and at his pleasure over all Masonic assem- ARTICLE XIII.—Illustrious Grand Prior.
blies of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite which he shall
favor with his presence. ~It shall be the duty of the Illustrious Grand Prior to offi-
ciate at the sacred altar, during the sessions of t~he Supreme
Council and to perform such other duties pertaining to his
Sec. 2. When, in his judgment, the good of the Rite requires office as may be required. He shall also conduct Memorial
it, he shall have power to call spe~ial meetings of the Supreme Services assjsted by local Consistories.
Council, specifying the business to be laid before it. Daring
the re,cess of the Supreme Council, he is invested as its IRepre-
sentative. with a general supervision of the Rite throughout ARTIcLE. XIV.—Illustrio’us Grand Chancellor.
its jurisdiction.
It shall be the duty of the Illustrious Grand Chancellor to
Sec. 3. He shall have power to remove any Deputy of the attend to the correspondence with all the, Supreme Councils of
Supreme Council~ when he shall decm such removal necessary;, the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, whenever exercising
reporting his action to the next annual session of the Supreme jurisdiction. He is authorized in his discretion to have copies
made of all original documents received by him from other Ju-
Council. He may confirm or reverse the action of a Deputy risdictions., where the originals are in English, and transla-
in suspending an officer of a subordinate body of the, Rite. tions where the origij~als are in ot~her languages; to the end’
that all such originals’ may be kept in the Archives of this
Supreme Council.
Sec. 4. He may issue dispensations for the organization~of He shall annually submit to the Most Puissant Sovereign
Subordinate Bodies of the Rite, during the recess of the Su-
preme Council, to be returned at the succeeding Annual Ses- Grand Commander, a report of all such correspondence, and
sion. such information as to foreign affairs as ma~ be of value and
interest to the Sovereign Grand Inspectors eneral, the same
to be laid before, the Supreme Council by the Most Puissant
Sovereign Grand Commander. In the absence of the Most
Sec. 5Y In case of contagion, pestilence, or other controlling Puissant Sovereign Grand Commander, the Puissant Lieut-
cause, affectings the place designated for the Annual Meeting. enant Grand Commande,r and the Illustrious Grand Prior, the
he shall have authority to summon the Supreme Council to, Illustrious Grand chancellor shall preside over the meeting of
meet at suc~h other place in the Jurisdiction as he may desig- the Supreme Council.
nate and direct.

Sec. 6. He may do all such other acts and perform all such A~ncLE XV.—Illw9triou~s Gra’nd Mini.ster of State.
other duties, not inconsistent with the Constitution and Gener
ral Regulations, as in his judgment the interests of the Rite It shall be the duty of the Illustrious Grand Minister of
may require. State to see, that the General Rules and Regulations of the Su-
preme Council are faithfully observed and obeyed by the Sub-

10 11
F F-

ordinate Bodies, and he shall give his opinions on all questions Sec. 3. The Book of Records will constitute the official rec-
I’ when required by the Most Puissant Sove,reign Grand Com- ord made up from the Rough-Minute ~ook, and contain a
mander, or the Supreme Council. clear and concise statement of alL transactions, except such as
are proper to be e;ntered in the Book of Gold.
ARTICLE XVI.—Illustriou.s Grand Secretary General. Sec. 4. The Confidential Record will contain those trans-
actions not intended for publication, and such other matters
and data as may be ordered by the Supreme Council, all of
Section 1. The Illustrious Grand Secretary-General shall which must be e;ntered as soon as practicable after the close
keep a register of all the work, deliberations and transactions of the Session; and those previously ordered but not entered
of the Supreme Council, and transcribe the, same in books kept must be completed at once, and the book brought up to date.
for that purpose. He ~hall keep a faithful copy of all the im-
portant letters and communications emanating from the Su- Sec. 5. The Register of Inspectors-General shall contain a
prerne Council, and atte,st and seal, as the case may be, every compl~te list of all that may be created by the Supreme Coun-
order, mandate or act of the body. Every diploma, brief or cil, and also of the Deputies. It must be alphabetically ar-
letters patent, issued by the Supreme Council, shall be attest- ranged, showing the full name, place, of birth, residence, age,
ed by his signature and the se,al of the Supreme Council. He date of crowning death, e,tc.
shall furni~h all the Subordinate bodies of the Rite in this
Jurisdiction with blank returns, on or before the first day of Sec. 6. Register of Membership s~hall contain a full list of
June in each year. He shall receive all money due the Su- all members returned to the Supreme Council, from 140 to 320,
preme Council, and pay it over to the Illustrious Grand Treas- and be arrange,d in a similar manner, from data, as that above
urer-General, taking his receipt for the same. He is the custo- mentioned, or vowel-indexed. rJlhe Register of 320 Patents is-
dian of t~he books printed by the Supreme Council, and at the sued will show the date of each and to whom issued and Body
Annual Session he shall report all thebooks, papers and prop- to which jhe belonged; being consecutively numbered as issued.
erty in his posse,ssion belonging to the Supreme Council. He
shall be allowed to expend lifty cents each for filling Diplo- Sec. 7. The Cash-Book, Blotter, Journal, Ledger, Receipt-
mas of the Thirty-third Degrees, and twenty-five cents for Book, &c., must be kept according to the ordinary rules of
filling Diplomas for the Thirty-second Degree. 11e, shall bookkeeping; the posting must be done monthly, and balances
receive such compensation for his services as the Supreme be made at least semi-annually.
Council shall from time to time designate; and shall kee,p his Sec. 8. The Warrant or Order-Book must exhibit all moneys
office at its Grand East. paid on account of the Supreme Council.

Sec. 9. In t4he Property or Stock-Book must be entered,

Sec. 2. The following books shall be used in the office of the properly arranged, all property purchased or acquired and in
Secretary. General, viz: A Rough Minute Book, a Book of Re- charge of Secretary-General, and the same must be balanced or
cords, the Book of Qold, a Register of Inspectors- General a~id verified at le,ast semi-annually.
Deputies, a Register of Membership of the Rite,, a Register of
82d Patents, a Cash-Book, Blotter or Day-Book, Journal Led- Sec. 10. The Letter-Book must contain copies of all official
ger Receipt-Book, Warrant or Order-Book, Property-Book lettersof the Secretary-General and Grand Auditor.
and Letter-Books. The Rough Minute,-Book shall be exclus-
ively used for the immediate entry of the transactions of the Sec. 11. All original papers designed for publication shall
~SupremeCouncil’during session. No loose paper shall be used be copie,d for the printer, and the originals be an filed
for this purpose,. in the office; andthose of a confidential character, not intend-

12 13

ed for publication, must be immediately entered in the Confi- Sec. 2. The Grand Treasnrer-Ge,neral and the Grand Sec-
dential Record, and also briefed and file,d. retary-General may each be required to give bonds to the M7ost
Puissant Sovereign Grand Commander, with sureties to be ap-
Sec. 12. All transactions connected with the office of the prove,d by him,, in such penalty as the Supreme Council may
Secretary-General, whether during a Session or in the daily prescribe, conditioned for the faithful discharge of the duties

current busine~s thereof, tihe entries must be immediately made
and carried forward to the appropriate books.

Sec. 13. The account-books must be posted regularly at the

end of each month and balanced semi-annually.
V of their respective offices, and for accounting for, an4 paying
over all moneys and delivering all property that shall come in-
to their poss~sion in accordance with the Constitutions, Re-
gulations and Orders of the Supreme Council.

ARTICLE XVIII.—Grand Auditor.

Sec. 14. No moneys received by the, Secretary-General shall
be used or expended to ev~en the smallest amount; but shall be The Illustrious Grand Auditor shall be ex-officio Chairman
deposited immediately into Treasurer-General, and moneys of the Committee on Finance, and before the sitting of each
necessary for expenses or outlay ~hall be estimated for and Annual Session, he, togethe,r with his committee, shall audit
drawn upon warrant. the hooks, vouchers and accounts of the Grand Secretary Gen-
eral and the Grand Treasurer General, and he shall report to
Sec. 15. No Inspector-General, Officer or Deputy shall re- each Annual Session of the, Supreme Council the condition in
tain in his hands any money received for a longer time than which the said books and accounts are found from time to time.
thirty days before remitting the same to the Secretary-General.
ARTICLE XIX.— Grand Agsistant Auditor.
Sec. 16. It is the duty of the Grand Secretary-General,
within ninety days after the, close of the Annual meetings, to It shall be the duty of the Illustrious Grand Assistant Audi-
notify and transmit to the Chairman of each Standing Com- tor to assist the Grand Auditor in auditing the accounts of the
mittee any and all papers, etc., or copies thereof which may Grand Secretary General and Grand Treasurer Gene,ral’s of-
have been referred to such committee. fice. And in the absence of the Illustrious Grand Auditor,
to perform all the duties required of his office.
ARTICLE XVII.—Illustrious Grand Treasurer General
ARTIcLE XX.—Deputies of the Sup~re~me Council.
Section 1. The Illustrious Grand Treasurer General shall
keep a faithful account of all moneys received by him, and Section 1. There shall be a Deputy of this Supreme Council,
bank the~same within t’wenty-four hours after its receipt in the for each State and Territory in the Southern Jurisdiction, who
name, and to the credit of the United Supreme Council, A. A. shall represent the Supreme Council inhis District, with powe~r
S. Rite, Southern Jurisdiction; and shall pay the same out only to visit and preside over any Body of the Rite therein, and to
by check, drawn by the Secretary General, signed by the Treas- do any act he may deem necessary in order fully to represent
- urer General and countersigned by the Sove,rei~ Grand Coin - the Supreme Council. He shall perform any duty specially as-
mander. The bank book shall remain in the hands of the Treas- signed to him by the Supreme Council, or the Most Puissant
urer General, but the check book shall be in the custody of the, Sovereign Grand Commande,r.
Secretary General. It shall be the further duty of the Treas-
urer General to transmit to the, Secretary General a duplicate Sec. 2. He shall inspect all works of the Rite therein, correct
deposit slip immediately after he shall have deposited the irregularities, see that the Constitution and Regulations of t4he
funds of the Supreme Council. Supreme Council and the, General Laws of the Rite are re-

14 15

spected and obeyed; and he may stspend the charter or the

functions of any officer of any Subordinate Body until the
next Annual Session of the Supreme Council, ‘w’he1n he shall
present the matter to it for such action as it may deem neces-
sary; provided, however, that such officer, or any member, or

Sec. 5. Any Brothen or Body aggrieved by an act or decision

of an Illustrious Deputy, may appeal therefrom to the Su-
preme Council, at its next Annual Session; but such appeal
shall not operate to suspend the said decision. In such cases
is shall be the duty of the Illustrious Deputy to forward such
appeal, and copy of all papers relating thereto to the Supreme
Council, as soon as practicable, for consideration at its next
mambers of such Body, may appeal from his order to the Most Annual Session. On or before the third Monday in August of
Puissant Sovereign Grand Commander for his decision; but each year, he shall make to the Most Puissant Sovereign Grand
t,he pendency of such appeal shall not vacate such order. If in Commander a report of the condition of the Rite in his State,
consequence of the suspension of any officer or officers there and of such other matters as he may deem desirable to be pre-
s no one remaining who succeeds to the chair under the Con- seAted to the Supreme Council.
stitutions and Ritual, the Illustrious Deputy may appoint an
officer with full powers to preside during such suspension, or
until the vacancy is regularly filled. Sudh suspension of itself ARTICLE XXJ.—Appointed Officer8.
shall not affect the Masonic standing of the members of the
Body. The Most Puissant Sovereign Grand Commander shall have
power to appoint all of the Officers not elected under ARTICLE
VIII, of this Constitution.
Sec. 3. 1I~ shall transmit and present directly to the Su-
preme Council, or the Most Puissant Sovereign Grand Com- Airrxcii~ XXII.—Grand Almoner.
mander, the petitions for dispensations, charters and letters
patent referred to him by the Consistories, Councils, Chapt~rs,- It shall be the duty of the Illustrious Grand Almoner to re-
Lodges or individuals under his jurisdiction, having first ob- ceive and distribute according to the usages of the Rite all
tained the recommendation of the Council of Deliberation. funds contributed for the fraternal assistance of worthy and
when such recommendation is required. distressed members of the Order.

ARTICLE XX111.—Council Admini8tration.

Sec. 4. He shall lay before his Council of Deliberation
5, calling attention toa
full report
such thingsofasthe work in
demand itshis Jurisdicti
special attention. Section 1. The Most Puissant Sovereign Grand Commander,
He may, when unavoidably nece~sary, especially deputize in the Puissant Grand Lieutenant Commander, the Illustrious
Grahd Prior, the Illustrious Grand ChaAcellor, the Illustrious
writing~another member of the Thirty-three Degree, resident Grahd Minister of State, the Illustrious Grand Secretary-Gen-
of his State or Territory, to perform for him, in his name, any eral, the Illustrious Grand Treasurer General, the Illustrious
specially designated official act, and he shall ba responsible Grand Auditor, and Assistant Grand Auditor-General shall
for l~he acts of such substitute. In all such cases he shall send constitute a CounciL of Administration to be at any time con-
a copy of such de~utization to the Most Puissant Sovereign vened by the Most Puissant Sovereign (~-ran&Commander; and
he and four (4) of the said Dignitaries shall constitute a
Grand Commander. Should he be obligated to leave his State quorum.
or Territory on temporary businass for an uncertain period of
time, he may with the consent of the Most Puissant Sovereign Sec. 2. The Council of kd,ninistration, or a quorum of its
Grand Commander, appoint an Inspector General as Deputy members assembled, on n,otice to all, will possess and exercise
to act for him in his absence. in the vacation of the Supreme Council all the powers and au-
thority of the Supreme Council, using its name and affiring
16 1’?

the Great Seal to ifs edicts and determinations, except matters These fees ~shallbe paid to t~he Supreme Council in full be-
fore warrants are issued, and no deduction therefrom shall be
pertaining to the el~tion of Active or honorary members.
Provi.ded, That the Council of Administration can ~&t only made from expenses or otherwise.
when the Most Puissant Sovereign Grand Commander is pre- The fee for cbnferring the Thirty-Third Degre~ in this
sent, unless he be dead, or has delegated his powers for the Supreme Council ~hall be fifty ($50.00) dollars, including
time, being to the Puissant Lieutenant Commander. paCent.
Sec. 2. The various Bodies of the Ancient and Accepted
ARTIcI~ XXIV.—Chctrters, Dispensations, Rituals, etc. Scottish Rite, Subordinate to the Supreme Council, shall pay
Section 1. All charters or dispensations for Subordinate into the treasury for every initiate the following fees:
Bodies of the Ancient sud Accepted Scottish Rite in this Ju-
risdiction, and all blank diplomas, and all letters-patent, or Consistories $3.00
of credence shall emanate from the Supreme Council, with the Councils of Kadosh 1.00
seal affixed. Chapters of Rose Croix 1.00
Lodges of Perfection 2.50
Sec. 2. All Rituals of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish
iRite from the Fourth to the Thirty-second Degree, both inclu- Total $750’
sive, used in this jurisdiction, shall emanate from the Supreme
Council. Each subordinate Body s~hall pay into the treasury of the
No member of this Rite, under the jurisdiction of this Su- Supre~ne Council annual dues as follows
preme Council, shall be permitted to print, issue or dispose of For Consistory, per capita 20e
either directly or indirectly any work purporting to be the For Council of Kadosh, per capita 7~c
Ritual or any portion of the Ritual of the Ancient and Accept- For Chapter of Rose Croix, per capita 7~c
ed Scottisjh Rite, without an order from this Supreme Coun- For Lodge of Perfection, per capita 15c
cil, under pain of expulsion. Nor shall any Monitor~ Manual,
or Guide be prinfed or disposed of other than those which have Total 50~
been or may be hereafter sanctioned or approved by this Su-
preme Council, under the same penalty. Sec. 3. The charge for letters patent of credence of the
Thirty-third Degree shall be one dollar and fifty cents. The
ARTICLE XXV.—Revenues and Funds. priceof diplomas for members of the Consistory shalL be one
dollar each.
Section 1. The revenues of the Supreme Council shah be
derived from the charges for charters, for letters-patent of the Sec. 4. No contracts to bind the Supreme Council, for the
Thirty-]~egree Third, for diplomas, from a tax on all B~dies payment of moneys shall be entered into by any member of the
under its jurisdiction, and from all degrees conferred, as Supreme Council except in pursuance of an order previously
follows:. made by the Supreme Council. And no money shall be drawn
FEES FOR WARRANTS fro mthe Treasury except upon a warrant signed by the Secre-
tary General. H. E. countersigned by the Most Puissant Soy-
ereigil Grand Commander, and issued in payment of an appro-
For a Consistory $15.00 priation, or in accordance with an order previously made by
For a Council of Kadosh 10.00 the Supreme Council.
For a Chapter of Rose Croix 10.00
For a Lodge of Perfection 10.00 ARTICLE XXVI.—Degree.~.
Total $45.00 Section 1. This Supreme Council recognizes the exclusive

18 19
jurisdiction of the Symbolic Grand Lodges of the States ‘and

J’erritories within this jurisdiction over the three symbolic de- to be exercised in foreign countries where no Supreme Council
grees of Freemasonry, and exercises jurisdiction over the exists, and in States or Territories of this jurisdiction for the
following degrees only, viz: purpose of establishing Bodies of the Rite. But such Inspec-
4. Secret Master. tors General cannot confer the 33d Degree in this jurisdiction.
5.’ Perfect Master. Aiimaai XXV11.—Committees.
~. Intimate Secretary. ‘Section 1. The Standing Committees of this Supreme Coun-
7. Provost and Judge. cil shall be as follows:
8. Intendant of t~he Building. 1. On the general State of the Rite., to consist of three.
9. Elect of Nine. 2. Rituals and Ritualistic matter, to consist of five.
10. El~ct of Fifteen. 3. On Constitutional and Laws, to consist of five.
11. Sublime Knight Elect. 4. On Finance, to consist of Auditor General and the As-
12. Grand Master Architect. sisting Auditor General.
5. On Jurisdiction of the Rite, to consist of five.
13. Knights of the Ninth Arch. (~. On Foreign Relations and Correspondence, to consist of
-14. Grand Elect, Perfect and Sublime Mason. five, of which t~e Grand Chancellor shall be chairman.
15. Knight of the East Sword. 7. On Decease of Members Rite, to consist of three.
16. Knight of the East and West. 8. On Dispensations and Charters, to consist of three.
17. Prince of Jerusalem. 9. On Returns, to consist of three.
18. Knight of Rose Croix. Said Conimittees shall be appointed by the Most Puissant
19. Grand Pontiff. Sovereign Grand Commander, before the close of each annual
20. Master of Symbolic Lodge. session; and each committee ,(except the chairman herein spec-
ified), shall continue in office so long as its members shall be
21. Noachite or Prussian Knight. Active, or Emeritus Members of the Supreme Council, or until
22. Prince of Libanus. a new committe,e be appointed, in the discretion of the Most
23. Chief of the Tiibernacle. Puissant Sovereign Grand Commander.
24. Prince of the Tabernacle.
25. Knight of the Brazen Serpent. ARTICLE XXVIIA.—Rates for Conferning Degrees.
2~. Prince of Mercy. Section 1. The minimum fees for conferring the degrees of
27. J~night’Commander of the Temple. the Ancient and Accepted Scotti~h Rite, by all Bodies under
28. Knight of the Sun. this Jurisdiction, shall be as follows, viz:
29. Knight of St. Andrew. In a Consistory $ 7.50
30. Knight Kadosh, or Knight of the White and Black In a Council of Kadosh - 3.00
Eagle. In a Chapter of Rose Croix 5.00
31. Grand Inspector Inquisitor Commander. In a Lodge of Perfection 7.50
32. Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret.
33. Sovereign Grand Inspector General. Total, including patent $25.00
Sec. 2. The Supreme Council reserves to itself the right of No Consistory Council of Kadosh, Chapter of Rose Croix,
conferring any of the degrees of the Ancient and Accepted or Lodge of Periection
shall confer any of the degrees for any
Scottish Rite. It may delegate that right to Inspector General less sum than is herein
20 21

Sec. 2. All’ fees received by Inspector-General acting as In cases of vacancy in office, or failure to elect officers, the
‘. Deputies, for’ Degrees conferred by them, shall be accounted Illustrious Deputy may make appointments’ to be in force until
for by them, and paid over to the Supreme ouncil, immediate- the next elgetion. If the Deputy of the Supreme Council should
ly, under the head of Revenues, (the accounts whereof shall be fail to be present at any meeting of a Council of Deliberation,
audited by t~he Illustrious Grand Aulitor), and twenty per the Illustrious First Lieutenant Commander, or in his absence,
centum of the fees received by them for the Degrees conferred the Illustrious Second Lieutenant Commander shall preside.
be allowed said Inspector or Deputy for his services.
ARTICLE XXVII.—Co?tncils of Deliberation. How Composedx.

Sec. 5. The Council of Deliberation has, in’ its District, leg-

Section 1. The Active, Emeritus, Past Active, and the Hon- islative and judicial power in all matters not herein reserved
orary members of the Supreme Council in each State; the Past- to the Supreme Council, and not inconsistent with these Con-
Commander-in-Chief of Consistories, tkie first three officers in I’ stitutions and Regulations) and subject to the rights of appeal
the Consistories, Councils of Kadosh, Chapters of Rose Croix, herein provided. The Council of Deliberation may open on the
and Lodges of Perfection in each State or Territory, shall con- 14th, l’Sth, 30th, or 32d Degree for tlae, transaction of business
stitute a ouncil of Deliberation for tlaat State or Territory of relating to the bodies or brethren of those deo~rees respectively;
which the Illustrious Deputy for t4iat State or Territory is e~o bust business not relating specifically to tTie higheg degrees
officio Most Illustrious Commander- in-Chief. shall be transacted by the Council while open on the 14th De-
MEETINGS. gree, when all the members may be present.
~Sec. 2. Such Council shall meet annually during the month Sec.~. It shall have power to levy such taKes upon bodies
of June; and special meetings may be called by the Illustrious within its districts as it may deem necessary for its proper sup-”
Deputy. It may fix the placeof all meetings e;xcept suoli as may port, but not to include expenses of, no compensation to, any
be specially called by the Illustrious Deputy. officer or member of the Council, for attendance thereupon.

Sec. 3. Nine members shall constitute a quorum for the trans- Sec. 7. Any person aggrieved by the action of the Council of
action of business. Deliberation may appeal therefrom to the Supreme Council at
its next annual session, provided any provision of the Consti-
OFFIcERs tutions or Regulations of the Supreme Council is involved.
The appeal shall be filed with t4ie Illustrious Deputy, and shall
Sec. 4. The Council of Dejiberation shall elect the following specify wherein any provision of the Constitution or Regula-
officers to hold office until their succors shall be ohosen and tions has been violated by the action of the Council of Delib-
“~1 eration. The Illustrious Deputy shall cause a duly certified
1. The Illustrious First Lieutenant Commander. copy to be made of so much of the record as shows the action
2. The Illustrious Serond Lieutenant Commander. appealed from, said copy to accompany the appeal;’ and he shall
3. The Illustrious Minister of State and Grand Orator. forward the appeal and copy of the record to the Supreme
4. The Illustrious Grand Prior. Council for consideration at its next Annual Session.
5. The Illustrious Grand Chancellor.
7. The Illustrious Grand Secretary. ARTICLE XXIX.—Consistories of Sublime Pri~wes of the
8. ‘lIhe Illustrious Grand Hospitaler. Roy~d Secret.
9. The Illustrious Grand Master of Ceremonies. ORGANIZATION
10. The Illustrious Grand Standard Bearer.
11. The Illustrious Grand Captain of thg Guard. Section1. A dispensation or a charter for a Consistory of
12. The Illustrious Grand Sentinel. Sublime Princes of the Royal Secret may be granted upon the

22 23


petition of not lessthan twelve Sublime Prince~ of the Royal OFFICERS.

Secret in good standing.
Sec. 2. The officers sball be styled and take rank as follows: Sec. 2. The officers shall be styled and take rai~k as follows:
1. The Illustrious Commander-in-Chief. 1. Very Emminent Commander.
2. The Illustrious First Lieutenant-Commander. 2. Em.:. First Lieutenant Commander.
3. The Illustrious Second Lieutenant-Commander. 3 Em.:. Second Lieutenant Commander.
4. The Illustrious Minister of State and Grand Orator.
5. The Illustrious Grand Chancejlor.
8. The Illustrious Grand Secretary, and Keeper of the
I 4. Excellent Chancelor.
5. Excellent Orator.
6. Excellent Almoner.
Seals and Archives. 7. Excellent Recorder.
7. The Illustrious Grand Treasurer. 8. Excellent Treasurer.
8. The Illustrious Grand Hospitaler. 9. Venerable Master of Ceremonies.
9. ‘~h~ Illustrious Grand Master of Ceremonies. 10. Valient Turcopilier.
10. The Illustrious Grand Standard-Bearer. 11. Worthy Draper.
11. The Illustrious Grand Captain of the Guard. 12. Worthy First Deacon.
12. The Illustrious Grand Sentinel. 13. Worthy Second Deacon.
14. Bearer of the Beauseant.
AUTHORITY OVER DEGREEs. 15. Bearer of the First Standard.
Consistories have full rig~ht and~authority over the following 16. Bearer of the Second Standard.
degrees of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, viz: 17. Lieutenant of the Guard.
— 31. Grand Inspector Inquisitor Commander. 18. Sentinel.
32. Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret.
Every Consistory shall confer upon each and every appli- AUTHORITY OvER Dmms
cant, favorably received, the Thirty-second degree in full core- Sec. 3. Councils of Kadosh have full right and authority
monial form with due instruction, but may communicate the over the following Degrees of the Ancient and Accepted Scot-
Thirtyfirst degree. tish Rite, viz:
MEErINGS AND ELECTIONS. 19. Grand Pontiff.
Sec. 4. Every Consistory shall meet at least four times in 20. Master of Symbolic Lodges.
each year. Its elections shall take place annually at a stated 21. Noachite or Prussian Knight.
meeting on or next before the twenty-seventh of December. 22. Prince of Libanus.
Besides 4these four communications, it may be convoked once 23. Chief of the Tabernacle.
in every month by its regulations. 24. Prince of the Tabernacle.
25. Knights of the Brazen Serpent.
QUORUM FOR Busr&i~ss. 26. Prince of Mercy.
Sec. 5. Six members shall constitute a quorum for the trans- 27. Knight Commander of the Temple.
action of business, provided the Commander-in-Ohief or one of 28. Knight of tjhe Sun.
the Lieutenant Commanders be present. 29. Knight of St. Andres.
30. Grand Elect Knight Kadosh, or Knight of the White
ARTIOLE XXX—Councits of Kadosh.
Section 1. A dispensation or charter for a Council of Kadosh,
4 and Black Eagle.
Knights of the White and Black Eagle, may be granted on the See. 4. Every Council of the Kadosh shall meet at least four
application of not less than ten Grand Elect Knights Kadosh, times eaeh year. Its election shall take place annually on or
in good standing. before December 27th.
24 25

QUORUM FOR BtrsIi~ss ARTICLE XXXII.—Lodge8 of Perfection.

- - Sec. 5. Five membe;rs shall constitute a quorum for the ORGANIZATION
transaction of business, provided the Very Eminent Command-
er, or one of the Lieutenant Commanders, be present. Section 1. A dispensation or a charter may be granted for
a lodge of Perfection on the application of not less than twelve
ARTICLE XXXI.—(Jhapters of Ro8e Croia~ Grand, Elect, Per fect and Sublime Masons in good standing.
Section 1. A dispensation or charter for a Chapter of Rose
-Croix, Knight of the Eagle and Pelican, may be granted on the Sec. 2. The officers shall be styled and take rank as follows:
application of not less than nine Perfect Knights of the Rose 1. Thrice Puissant Grand Master.
Croix. 2. Venerable Senior Grand Warden.
SEC. 2—OFFICERS 3. Venerable Junior Grand Warden.
4. Grand Orator.
1. Most Wise and Perfect Master. 5. Grand Secretary Keeper of the Seals and Archives.
2. Most Excellent and Perfect Knight Senior Warden. 6. Grand Treasurer.
3. Most Excellent and Perfect Knight Junior Warden. 7. Grand Master of Ceremonies.
4. Most Excellent and Perfect Knight Grand Orator. 8. Grand Captain of the Guard.
5. Respectable and Perfect Knight Secretary. 9. Grand Ilospitaler.
6. Respectable and Perfect Knight Treasurer. 10. Grand Expert.
7. Respectable and Perfect Knight iHospitaler. 11. Grand Assistant Expert.
8. Respectable and Perfect Knight Master of Ceremonies: 12. Grand Tiler.
9. Respectable and Perfect Knight Captain of the Guard.
Sec. 3. Lodges of Perfection have control over and power
Sec. 3. Chapters have control over and power to confer the to confer the following degrees of the Ancient and Accepted
following degrees of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, Scottish Rite, viz:
viz: 4. Secret Master.
15. Knight of t;he East or Sword. 5. Perfect Master.
16. Prince of Jerusalem. 6. Intimate Secretary.
17. Knight of the East and West.
18. Knight of the Rose Croix. 7. Provost and Jud~.
>1 8. lotendent of the uilding.
MENI’INGS AND ELECTIONS. 9. Elect of the Nine.
Sec. 4. The regular meeting shall be as prescribed by the 10. Elect of the Fifteen.
11. Sublime Knight Elect.
By-Laws. Every Chapter should meet at least six times in the 12. Grand Master Architect.
year, viz: on Maundy Thursday, on Easter day, on the first
- Thursday after Easter, on Ascension day, on the day of Pente- 13. Knights of the Ninth Arch.
cost, and on All Saints’ day. The election of officers shall 14. Grand Elect, Perfect and Sublime Mason.
take place, annually, on or before December 27th. The foregoing degrees shall not be conferred upon any per-
son unless he is a Master Mason in good standing in the State
QUORUM FOR BUSI~SS or Territory of his residence.
Sec. 5. Five members of a Chapter constitute a quorum for MEETINGS AND ELEOIYIONS
the transaction of business,pro’vided, the Most Wise Perfect
Master, or the Most Excellent Senior or Junior Warden be Sec. 4. Lodges of Perfection shall meet at least six times
pre~ent. each year, and may adopt a regulation to me~t monthly. The
26 27

officers shall be elected annually. The election shall take place election, an election to fill the same shall take place at a stated
at a stated meeting on or next preceding the 27th day of meeting upon the Secretary giving the members due notice;
December. e~ocept whe,a there is a vacancy in the first or presiding office,
QUORUM FOR BUsINESs. in which case the officer next in rank shall succeed to and be
Sec. a~. Five members shall constitute a quorum for the trans- invested with the title and be possessed of all the powers and
action of business, provided the Thrice Puissant Grand Master, prerogatives of such presiding officer until the next regular
or either of the Wardens be present. election.
Sec. 6. Lodges of Perfection shall every year celebrate the BEING MEMBERS THEREOF.
anniversary of the building of the first em e, and observe Sec. 4. It shall be the duty of the first three officers of
the month in memory of its destruction. Lodges of Perfection, Chapters of Rose Croix, Councils of
Kadosh 6eliberation
and Consistories, to District,
for their attend theand
meetings of promoting
assist in the Coun -
ARTICLE XXXJJJ.—Gene’ral Provisions Relating to all Sul~-
oils welfare
of 1 of the Rite. If the term of office in a Subordinate
ordinate Bodies of the Rite Working Under the Supreme Body of any Officer of a Council of Deliberation shall cease
Council in the Southem~, J’iw&edictwn. during the vacation of said Council, this shall not operate ‘to
PRESIDING OFFIcERs. remove the person from office in the Council; said person shall
retain the same, with full powers, until his successor shall be
Sec. 1. It shall be the duty of the first officer of any Sub- elected and installed at the neg Annual Session of the Council
ordinate body to preside at all meetings thereof; appoint all of Deliberation; provided that the Council cannot re-elect suid
committees, and be e~o-.officio chairman of the same, lie shall person.
diseharge all the duties prescribed for him by the Constitution
Laws, Regulations and Rituals of the Supreme Council and DUTIES OF SECRETARIES.
the usages and customs of the Rite. Sec. ~. The Secretary of each Subordinate Body, shall, with-
in ten days after each election of officers (whether regu-
lar or special), transmit a certificate thereof to the Illustrious
Sec. 2. All the officers of the Subordinate Bodies shall be Deputy of the State, and one to the Grand Secretary-General,
elected, provided that the officers below the rank of Treasurer and with the posto ffice address of the presiding officer
may be appointed by the presiding officer when authorized to Secretary-elect, lie shall forthwith report all rejections
do so by the Rules and Regulatione adopted by said body, or of applications for degrees ifi his Body to all other bodies of
‘by a vote of the body. the same degree in the State.
If from any cause the election of officer~ in any of the Sub- He shall keep a book or Roster which shall contain the Oath
ordinate Bodies shall not be ~heJd at the time pr’escribed by of Fealty and Allegiance to the Supreme Council, which shall
these Constitutions, the officers of the past term may hold be signed by each Brother as hereinafter provided.
over, or an election may be held under the authority of the dis- He shall keep a correct register of all initiations, specifying
pensation of the fllustrious Deputy for ~he State wherein such the time of admission, the age of the candidate, place of birth,
body is located, and if there be no Deputy for said State, then residence, occupation and date of hi~ Oath of Fealty—and re.
application for dispensation may be made to the Most Puissant port so much thereof as may be required by the Supreme Coun-
Sovereign Grand Commander. The officers, when duly ejected cil, annually to the Illustrious Deputy of State, and the
and, installed, shall continue in office until the election an in- Grand SeCretary~Gen~ral, together with a report of all affilia-
stallation of their successors. tions, restorations, deaths, suspensions, expulsions and ‘with-
VACANCIES IN OFFICE, How Fmum drawals for the year past, and in his report for tile triennial
Sec. 3. If a vacancy in any 9f the elective office~ shall oc- ear of the Supreme Council, he shall include a list of mem-
bers in good standing.
cur by death or otherwise, at any time previous to the regular
28 29

I r~r -- -~




RETURNS. Provided, that bodies of the same degree, located and meeting
in the same town or city, shall have concurrent jurisdiction.
Sec. 6. Annual returns to the Supreme Council shall be made A rejected candidate shall not be received in any other Body
in triplicate and embrace the transactions for tihe fiscal year without the con sent of a majority of the members of the one by
ending the thirtieth day of August. which lie ‘was rejected.
One copy, together with the annual dues, shall be forwarded
- No subordinate Body or member of such Body shall recog-
to the Secretary-General and one copy shall be forwarded to nize as a member of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite,
the Illustrious Deputy of the State. Returns to the Deputy and any person whose residence is within the jurisdiction~ of this
Secretary-General shall be made on or before the fifteenth day Supreme Council, who shall while so residing receive the de~
of September. grees in some other jurisdiction, without having first obtained
the consent ,of the Bodies of this Rite having juris~iliction over
FAILURE TO MAKE RETURNS—PENALTY THEREFOR him, or the Most Puissant Sovereign Grand Commander of this
Sec. 7. All Subordinate Bodies failing to make returns and Supreme Council, or of the Illustrious Deputy of the State, in
pay dues to the Suprenie Council within the time specified by which he resides.
these Constitutions, for-two consecutive years, without reasons Whenever applications shall be made for the degrees to any
satisfactory to the Supreme Council, shall forfeit their war- Subordinate Body, other than the one having jnrisdiction of
rants, and it shall be the duty of the Illustrious Deputy of the the applicant, no action shall be taken thereon until the Body
State and the Grand Secretary-General to report such delin- of the same degree having jurisdiction shall have been noti-
quent to the Supreme Council, and in the event of a failure to fied and its consent obtained; but this shall not apply in, any
make reasonable excuse, the Supreme Council may proceed at city in which there is more than one Body of the same degree.
once to demand the warrants and property of such body or CANDIDATES.
• ‘The Most Puissant Sovereign Grand Commander shall, with- Sec. 9. All applications for the degrees in any of th~ Subor-
in ninety days after the close of each Annual session of the Su- dinate Bodies must be made in form and signed by the appli-
pren~e Council, suspend every Subordinate l3ody ‘which shall cant’~s own hand, and accompanied by a~certificate of the Secre-
- have failed to make returns, or shall be in arrears for any dues tary of the Body nest preceding the one to which he applies,
at that date until such returns are made and its dues are fully or other satisfactory evidence, showing such applicant to be a
• paid; and the Grand Secretary-General shall, at the close of member in good standing of such Body.
each session, for’ward a copy of this section,to all delinquent No person, ‘who, by reason of physical mayhem, i~ unable to
bodies: Provided, however, That if any such delinquency shall, give the signs and manua Is
in the opinion of the Most Puissant Sovereign Commander, admitted thereto.
- of the degrees of this Rite, shall be
arise ~om any cause beyond the control of such body, he may A single ballot shall be had for all the- degrees in each sep-
postpone the payment of its dues until such date as he may arate Body; but a ballot may be had for each degree if demand-
think proper, but not beyond the next Annual Session of the ed, which demand may be made in open meeting- by any nietn-
Supreme Council. her, or privately through the presiding officer of the Body;
and in case of a negative vote upon such de~nand made, the
TERRITORIAL JURISDICTION. candidate shall not apply for advancement within one month
Sec. 8. The jurisdiction of every Subordinate Body extends thereafter, and then such application shall lie over till the next
half way in every direction from the to~yn or city where lo- stated meeting.
cated, to the nearest place of location of another body or bodies An application for the degrees having been rejected shall not
of the same degree in the State, unless the Council of Delibera- again be received within three months from the date of re-
tion for any State shall modify this rule, the question of dis- jection.
tance to be determined in each case with reference to facilities Every candidate for degrees in any of the Bodies under the
of travel and time necessarily required in going and returning. jurisdiction of the Supreme Council, shall be proposed and
30 31


elected at the stated meetings of such Bodies, except in case of DISSOLtmoN OF BODIES.
- emergency, when a dispensation may be granted by the Illus- Sec. 13. If any Subordinate Body under this jurisdiction be
trious Deputy having jurisdiction over the District or the most temporarily or permanently dissolved, the officers thereof
• Puissant Sovereign Grand Commander. shall deposit their dispensation, or charter, manuscripts, stat-
utes, rules and regulations and all papers, moneys, and prop-
erties appertainin to the Body, with the Illustrious Deputy o £
Sec. 10. Every candidate who he;reafter receives the highest the District, or forwarded to the Grand Secretary-General,
• degree conferred by any Subordinat~ Body, becomes thereby a that the same may be deposited in the’ archives of the Su-
• member of such Body, and his name shall be inscribed by the preme Council.
• Secretary upon the roll oF members. DECLARATION FOR OPENING AND CLOSING.
When any member of a superior Body loses his membership
in an inferiorBody his membership in the superior Body shall • Sec. 14. Every Subordinate Body under this jurisdiction
be suspended until he acquires membership in the inferior shall open and close its work according to the following for-
Bodies; and when such menibership has been suspended in this mula: “To the glory of the Grand Architect of the Universe,
mannerfor two years it may be terminated by vote of the Body in the name and under the auspices of the United Supreme
- after due notice to the suspended member to show cause why Council of Sovereign Grand Inspectors General of the Thirty-
his name should not be stricken from the roll of membership. third and last Degree o F the Ancient and Accepted Scottish
Rite of Freemasonry For the Southern Jurisdiction of the Uni-
BY-LAWS, Rur~s AND REGULATIONS ted States of America, and by virtue of the authority upon me
conferred, I declare the works of (here mention the name of
Sec. 11. Subordinate bodies may form and adopt Rules and the Body) opened.” (or closed as the case may be).
Regulations for their government not inconsistent with. the
Constitutions, Ordinances, Rules, Laws and Usages of the Rite, DISCIPUNE.
and the Regulations herejn adopted for their govetninent by
the Supreme Council; but all such Rules and Regulations must Sec. 15 (a) The several Bodies of the Rite have jurisdiction
be submitted to the Illustrious Deputy for the State, and be in cases of discipline over their own members, over unaffiliated
approved by him before taking effect, and a copy sent to the Masons of the Rit,e within their territorial jurisdiction, and
• Grand Secretary-General of the Supreme Council to be placed over sojourners for offenses committed within the territorial
on file. jurisdiction of such Bodies.
(b) The trial shall be conducted according to the usual
SPECIAL MEETINGS. rules of Masonic trials; but the Council of Deliberation may
Sec.~12. Special meetings may be called by the presiding adopt a Code of Procedure, except so far as one may be pre-
officer of any Subordinate Body at any time he may deem cribed by the Supreme Council.
necessary; and in his absence or disability, such meetings may (c) Charges and specificatioxis may be amended at any stage
• be called by the officer entitled to preside in such absence. of the proceedings.
Unless otherwise provided by Councils of Deliberation, no- (d) If the sentence be suspension or expulsion from all
-tices of all constitutional, stated and special meetings shall b~ Masonic rights, it shall not take full effect until confirmed by
the Council of Deliberation, or the Supreme Council, but shall
sent to members at least three days prior thereto. Such notices
- shall be written or printed and personally served upon, left at operate as a temporary suspension until this is confirmed or
the residence or place of business, or ~forwarded through the reversed.
mail to the, party to whom they are addressed; but this rule •(e) In all such cases when there is no appeal, a full trans-
shall not be obligatory in cases of meetings called for confer- cript of the record and the evidence shall be laid before the
Council of Deliberation at its next stated Session.
• (f) In all cases an appeal lies, by any Mason of the Rite
in thisnotice will not
connection be sufficient,
is prohibited. aggrieved, to the stated session of the Council of Deliberation

- - to be hejd next after thirty from the close of the trial; during (i) This section shall not apply to Sovereign Grand In-
the pendency of the appeal a judgment of suspension or expul- spectors General, who are amenable to the Supreme Council
sion is not vacated, but operates as a temporary suspension. A only.
full transcript of the record and evidence shall accompany the The Supreme Council may, from time to time, make further
appeal, and the case shall be determined upon such transcript;
but the Council of Deliberation may grant a new trial, ~or regulations upon this subject of discipline.
reasons not appearing in the transcript, if, in its judgment, CORRESPONDENCE BETWEEN BODIES
justice required it. The Council of Deliberation shall consider
the matter while open on the highest degree to which th~ Sec. 1~. All official correspondence between the Bodies of
ace used has attained, when only members of the Council of the the Rite in different States or districts relating to jurisdic-
• same degree, can be present. The Council may modify, sustain tion of members, shall b~e through the Deputies of the States.
or reverse the judgment of the Subordinate Body, and send
the case back for new trial, or enter such judgment as it deems OATH OF
that justice and the good of the Rite may require.
Sec. 17. The Oath of Fealty shall be taken and signed by
- The judgment of the Council of Deliberation shall take ef- every brother admitted from another jurisdiction, and by
fect without reference to which of the Subordinate Bodies every candidate receiving the Fourteenth Degree, and by every
rendered the original judgment. officer of every Body of the Rite before he shall be installed,
I • —
(g) In case the construction of an~ provision of the Con- and may also be required by the presiding officer or by the
stitutions or Regulations of the Supreme Council is involved, Body, of every candidate receiving the Eighteenth, Thirtieth
an appeal lies from th~ judgment of the council of Delibe.ra- and Thirty-second Degree.
tion to the Supreme Council; the cases of appeal shall be spec- When deemed necessary said Oath may be required of any
ified, and no other causes than those specified shall be con- visitor, by the presiding officer of the Body.
sidered by the Supreme Council, which may render such judg- Such oath, in form, shail be as follows:
ment or give such direction as it deenis just.
• (4) When complaint is made or information given to an -

Illustrious Deputy of the commission of an offense of a grave I, , do hereby promise on my word of honor, and
• character by any membei of the Rite in his jurisdiction, he swear true Faith, Allegiance and Fealty to the United Su-
may cause charges to be filed with him to be tried by the Coun- preme Council of Sovereign Grand Inspectors-General of the
• cii of Deliberation at its next ~ession, or at a session to be Thi~y-third and last Degree of the A.:. States
and A.:.
- specially called by him for the purpose, with original jurisdic- the S6uthern Jurisdiction of the United of Rite,. fQr
tion. T~ae Deputy shall cause all necessary notices to be given, sitting at its Grand East in the City of Waslaington, District
and may appoint a commission to take testimony for either of Columbia, of which the Illustrious is the Most
• • party in the nature of deposition, or, after notice to the ac- Puissant Sovereign Grand Commander, and will support and
• cused and an opportunity to be heard thereon, he may appoint abide by its Constitutions, Statutes, Orders and Degrees.
commissioners, who must be members of the Council of Deli- That I will hold allegiance to the said Supreme Council and
beration, to take all the testimony, and report the same and be loyal thereto, as the Supreme Authority of the Rite, so long
their conclusion thereon to the Council of Deliberation; the as I may continue to reside within its jurisdiction; will hold as
ILLEGAL and spuriou8 every other Body that may be estab~
• Council shall hear th~ case and render its judgment, which lished within its jurisdiction, claiming to be a Supreme Coun-
• • shall be final, subject only to the appeal herein provided for.
The Illustrious Minister of State shall act as prosecutor in such cil; and every other Body of said Rite within the same juris-
cases, and may have the assistance of any Brother of the Rite. diction that does not hold its powers mediately or immediately
If the accused is an officer, the Illustrious Da.puty may sus- from said United Supreme Council, and will hold no com-
pend his official functions pending the trial. munication whatever in Scottish Rite Masonry with any mem-
‘34’ - 35



the neck, sleeves plain, with three buttons at cuff, four buttons
ber of the same, nor allow them to visit any Body of the Rite behind. Buttons for coat, black.
of which I may be a member; and I will dispense justice to The coat for all Masons of the 14th, 18th and 32nd Degree—
my brethren, according to the laws of equity and honor. And Double-breasted, two rows of buttons set on in groups of twos
should I violate this, my solemn Vow and Pledge, I consent to on each side, eight in’ a row; for the 33rd Degree, same as
be expelled from Masonry, and all rights therein and in any above, except nine buttons are set on in groups of three, and
Body of the Rite, and to be denounced to every ~Bodyof the a small cross of the Degree on each side of the coat collar in
Ancient and Ac~epted Scottish Rite in the world as a traitor front.
and foresworn. PANTS.
CLOTHING, ARMS, JEWELS, AND RINGS. Pants black and cut military style.
Section 1. No brother shall be permitted to sit in a Body of I—;
Swoim. -

this Rite unless properly clothed with the sash, apron, and Sec. 7. The sword to be worn by all members of the Rite shall
jewel of the Degree m which the Body is opened, or of a high- be a gold etched diamond blade, straight and double-edged.
er Degree. The scabbard shall be of yellow metal, ornamented with
Sec. 2. At the death of a Knight of Rose Croix, the Most emblems. Near the hilt shall be engraved the name of the
Wise and Perfect Master will hold a midnight service at the owner and the figures of his degree.
residence (or some church or convenient hall), at 12 o’clock The belt for members of the Fourteenth Degree shall be of
- midnight sharp, the night preceding the burial of the Sir maroon colored leather.
Knight. All members ofthe Rite are expected to attend, Buckle-plate gold-plated, enanieled on it a red passion cross.
wearing their insignia openly. FOURTEENTH DEGREE.
Sec. 3. Each Active and Honorary Inspector-General shall
furnish himself with the jewel of the Order, a sash and a SASH: The sash shall be of crimson velvet, three inches wide;
sword, and wear them at each session of the Supreme Council. on the middle of it, and where it crosses the breast, is em-
See-. 4. All the brethren must, in open Lodge, wear th~ proper broidered a five-pointed star, and the Enochian or Solomoniai~i
decoration. A brother who enters a Lodge without his orna- characters.
ment or insignia of some higher Degree shall lose his right to APRON: The apron shall be of white velvet, or lamb skin,
vote at that meeting, and pay into the treasury such fine as triangular shaped, lined with crimson, edged with two strips of
the. Lodge shall impose. gold lace one-quarter of an mcli wide,; between there is a strip
Frn.i DRESS of blue velvet one~quarter of an inch. On the inside of the inner
Sec.~. 5. The Full Dress—Black double-breasted swallow- strip of gold lace is a delicate embroidery of crimson, repre-
tail coat, black pantaloons, sash, sword, belt, epaulettes, white senting a wreath of flowers. In the middle of the apron is em-
kid gloves, black velvet cu Ffs, with appropiate crosses, and broidered the jewel, and on the flap is a representation of a
cap without vizor. flat square stone, to which is attached a ring, with gold fringe,
2 inches wide, all around the apron.
JEWEL: Crowned Quadrant, havin a golden sun with nine
The Fatigue Dress—Same as full dress, white gloves with- points in the center; on the reverse si e is a blazing star, in the
out cuffs. center of the star the Enochian or Solomonian characters;
upon the segment of the circle are engraved, 3, 5, 7, 9. -

Sec. ~. The Uniform Coat to be worn by all Scottish Rite HAT: Black cap without visor.
Masons of this jurisdiction shall be a black double-breasted

swallow-tail coat, cut military style (of light-weight beaver), Dirnnxi~.

tall reaching about three-fourths of the distance to the bend SASH: The sash shall be of black velvet, three inches wide;
of the knee, standing collar, fastened with hook and eye at
36 37


- A Knight’s collarette, with points of linen cambric, with or

on the outer edge all around a crimson border half inch wide, without lace. A black belt of leather with a true Teutonic
and on the middle of the crimson a narrow strip of gold lace; 1J
cross in front, as a clasp, of jet and gold, on which ~are the
a small red enameled passion cross in the middle of the sash, letters: J. B. M. Closely fitting pantaloons of white cashmere,
and where it cross the breast; length of shaft, three inches; and worn over them yellow morrocco boots, coming half way
tran~verse bar, two inches; at the intersection of the two up to the knee, bound around the top with narrow gold lace,
points of the sash where’they cross on the hip, a small red and having tassels of white silk in front.
rosette with black center.
APRON: White ‘velvet or lamb skin, triangular shape, with a ‘Gold spurs, a sword with straight silver guard, in a black
crimson border a quarter of an inch wide, gold fringe two
scabbard, hangs from the belt; on the scabbard and hilt are the
inches wide; on the area of the apron is the obverse side of the
figures: 300.
jewel of a Ros~ Croix Knight; on the flap, the death head and A collar of black watered silk ribbon, four inches wide, edg-
crossbones in gold. The apron shall be lined with black, bor- ed with narrow silver lace, and worn over the tunic and under
dered with crimson, with a small red ribbon cross in the center. the mantle. On the front part of the collars are embroidered in
scarlet silk, the letters K. IL, two Teutonic crosses’, a double-
JEWEL: Is an open compasses, its points resting on a qumiAfer
circle. Between the legs of the dompasses is a cross reaching
headed eagle, with wings extended, a crown resting on the two
from the head of the compasses down to the, or
quarter circle;
heads, holding a poniard in his claws. The crown, both heads,
the cross is an opened rose at the foot of the cross. and the poniard are of hold; the handle of the poniard is oval,
one-half black and the other white. At the end of the cordon,
SWORD: 18 gold plate, embossed &cabbard, two rings, red or where a coliar is worn, then under the sash, is a poniard, its
twisted grip, gold-etched~ diamond blade, name on blade.. blade of steel, its handle oval, and one-half of it ivory, the
BELT: Fine red enameled leather, interlined with canvas, other half ebony. Round the body is a black sash, edged with
stitched in fancy scroll work with silk, 3 gold-plated Knight silver. Gloves are of white kid.
slides, with cap snap, 2 fine chains; also, metal return-slide,
buckle-plate, gold-plated, red enameled Passion Gross in FOR CoNsIsToRY—Tiinrrr-sEcOND DEGREE
HAT: 18~ cap without visor. Swoim: Gold-plated, embossed scabbard, two rings, black
- grip, gold-etched diamond blade, name on blade.
GLOVES: White kid. BELT: White enamelled leather, interlined with canvas,
ClIFFS: Black velvet, trimmed with gilt wire lace and gold stitched in fancy scroll work with silk, thre~ gold-plated
bouillon, with a red eaameled Passion Cross. Knight slides, cap snap, two fine gilt chains, return slide,
The dress of a Knight Kadosh shall be the same as pres- buckle plate gold-plated, with double-headed eagle, 320 in
cribed 4y the ‘Ancient Rituals, as follows: center.
A white tunic of fine woolen stuff, ih the shape of a Dal- HAT: Cap without vizor.
matica, with large sleeves, reaching to the knees, bordered with GLOv~s: White Kid.
black, and having on the left breast, a red Latin cross. Cm”F: Black velvet, rimmed with gilt wire lace and gold
A mantle oi black velvet, very full and reaching midway bouillon, with Teutonic Cross embroidered on cuPs.
between the knee and ankle, edged with red velvet, and having SAsH: The sash is black velvet 334 inches wide. Embroidered
on the left breast a red Latin cross. It is clasped in front of with gold and silver bouillon; with the emblems of the Degree
the throat with a plain Teutonic cross of old. A wide-brim- in the center, and where it crosses the breast is a delta with the
med hat of black felt, with a plume of re~ ostrich feathers on number 32 in red, surrounded with rays; worn from left
left side; and covering the lower end of the plume, a Teutonic shoulder to right hip.
cross of gold; on the front is a sun of gold, its rays extending JEWEL: The Jewel is a double-headed white and black eagle,
the whole width of the front. resting on a Teutonic Cross.
38 39
— U,,


FuisT-CIASS: The jewel of this class is the ~sameas that of
the third, but imposed ‘upon a rayed sun of silver, two and a
half inches in diameter, covered with diamonds, and worn
SASH: The sash is of 3~/4 inches, white watered silk, edged clasped on the left breast.
with gold, embroidered with the emblem of the degree, viz: Worn by the Grand Commander, and Lieutenant Command-
A delta surrounded by rays, in the center is the number 33 in er, by th o~e who have held eithe~r of said offices, and by emi-
violet. To be worn from the left shoulder to the right hip. nent persons abroad, to whom the honor may be specially de-
Swoiw: Gold-plated, scabbard covered with violet colored creed by the Supreme Council.’
velvet, gold-plated mountings, two rings, white grip, gold-
etched diamond blade, name on blade. RINGS
BELT: Leather, covered with violet; velvet; two rows of gold
figuring, three gold-plated Knight slides, cap snap, two gilt
Section 1. Grand Elect Perfect and Sublime Masons in this
jurisdiction must wear the ring of that Degree on the third
chains, return slide, gold buckle plate, double-headed eagle finger of the right hand, not counting the thumb. The ring
with 33d in center.
HAT: Same as for 32d, but with double-headed eagle, crown- shall be a plain flat band of gold, having on the inside the
ed. The Sovereign Grand Commander, and all Past Sovereign following inscription in Latin: Virtui~ Juoia~it, more non sepa-
rabit. Also the name of the owner, and the date of receiving
Grand Commanders wear a triple cross, and all other inspec- his degree.
tors-General, a double cross, embroidered on the left side.
Gi~ovxs: White kid; cuffs, black velvet, trimmed with gold Sec. 2. Sovereign Grand Inspectors-General wear the ring
wire and proper emblems for 33d. of the Degree on the little finger of the left hand.
JEWEL: Those entitled to wear the grand decorations (Na- The ring of the 33d Degree, for all Inspectors-General, Ac-
jora I~ignia Ordinds) of the 33d Degree will be divided into tive, Emeriti and Honorary, is a triple one of gold, like three
four classes, and will wear the same as following: small round rings side by side. Within shall be engraved the
Li’OURTH~CLASS: The jewel is as described in the Appendix motto: “Due~s oneum~ue Ju8.” Also the name of the Inspect;or,
- to the Grand-Constitutions of 1786, being,of gold and enam- and the date on which he received his 33d Degree.
• eled, one inch and a half in diameter, worn suspended at a
button-hole, on the left side; by a white watered ribbon one ARTICLE XXXY.—Con8titutio~l Amendments.
inch and a quarter wide. Worn by all IHonorary Inspectors-
General of the 38d Degree. These Constitutions may be amended at an Annual Meeting
THIRD-CLASS: The jewel of this class is enamelled gold, one of the Supreme Council, and only in the following manner:
inch and a half in diameter, suspended from the button-hole Any proposed amendment, modification or repeal of the
on the, left side by a white watered ribbon with violet edge one Constitutions or any part or provision thereof, shall be pro-
inch and a half wide. Worn by all active members of the Su- posed, in writing, at an Annual Meeting, and shall be entered
preme Council who are not of the second-class, and all emeri- upon the minutes of the meeting, referred to an appropriate
tus members not of the same. standing committee, and shall be printed with the proceedings
SECOND-CLASS: Jewel as of the third-class to be suspended of the session under the bead of “Proposed Amendments to the
on the bosom, just below the neck, by a violet ribbon, two Constitutions,” but shall not be considered or acted upon until
• inches and a half wide, edged with white ribbon one-eighth of the next succeeding Annual Meeting, when it may be adopted
an inch wide. by the affirmative vote of three-fourths of all the members
Worn by all elective and past elective of ficers of the Su- of the Supreme Council present: Provided, that nun~iber shill
preme Council; and by all emerti members, and may be granted be a majority of all the members entitled to a vote thereon. It

4 by the Supreme Council to active members, who have been in

possession of the 33d Degree for twenty years, and special re-
is further provided that any amendment may be considered
and adopted at the Annual Session at which it is presented by

1’-.” presentatives of the Supreme Council in Foregin Countries. the unanimous consent of all the members of the Supreme
Council present.


A Master Mason desiring to receive the Ineffable Degrees,

shall present a petition and recommendation in the following
Your petitioners, being members of the Ancient Accepted form:
Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, now or lately members of To the Thrice Puissant Grand Master, the Wardens and -.
,in the, State and Valley of , and being Brethren of LODGE OF PERFEOTION’ No , of
anxious to increase the knowledge and the true intent of the the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Preernasonr’y,
Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite, by the cultivation of the Greeting:
sublime and superior degrees, would respectfully solicit your
Supreme Body to grant them a dispensation to open a Your petitioner, a Master Mason’ in good standing, of
to be located and named, ,in the of , being anxious for further

of which to be the first , (here name the light in Free-Masonry, respectfully asks to be permitted to re-
first fowr officers in case of Lodge of Perfection, first three ceive the, Degrees of Secret Master, Perfect Master, Intimate
in case of Chapter, Council, or Consistory), and confer the de- Secretary, Provost and Judge, Intendant of the Building,
gree thereunto belonging, and transact such other business as Elected Kn~hts of the Nine, Sublime Elu of the Twelve, Ill.:.
may appertain to this particular Body; and if the prayer of EIu of the ifteen, G.:. M.:. Architect, Knight Ecossais or of

F’’ your petit~Ioners be granted, they pledge themselves to conform

in all things to the rules and regulations and general laws
made for the government of
conform to the Constitution of the Rite.
and to abide by and
the Royal Arch, and Grand Elect, Perfect, and Sublime Ma-
son, as conferred in your Lodge, promising to conform himself
strictly to all Constitutions, Institutes, Statutes, and ~egula.
tions of the Rite and of the Supreme Council, if elected.
Signature. (Highest degree attached.) Members of

(Give nanw in full.)

O~cupation ~
(Whether Christian, Isra6lite, or Mahometan, &c.)
Fees enclosed, $
Recommended by

Dated , 195....

42 43

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