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Field Partial Discharge Measurements On Extruded Dielectric Transmission Cable Systems - State of The Art

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Field Partial Discharge Measurements

on Extruded Dielectric Transmission

Cable Systems – State of the Art


Field Partial Discharge Measurements on Extruded
Dielectric Transmission Cable Systems – State of the Art


Technical Update, March 2008

EPRI Project Managers

S. Eckroad
T. Zhao


3420 Hillview Avenue, Palo Alto, California 94304-1338 ▪ PO Box 10412, Palo Alto, California 94303-0813 ▪ USA
10410113800.313.3774 ▪ 650.855.2121 ▪ askepri@epri.com ▪ www.epri.com




Power Delivery Consultants, Inc.

This is an EPRI Technical Update report. A Technical Update report is intended as an informal report of
continuing research, a meeting, or a topical study. It is not a final EPRI technical report.

For further information about EPRI, call the EPRI Customer Assistance Center at 800.313.3774 or
e-mail askepri@epri.com.

are registered service marks of the Electric Power Research Institute, Inc.

Copyright © 2008 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved.

This document was prepared by
Power Delivery Consultants, Inc.
23 Rancho Verde Road
Tijeras, New Mexico 87059
Principal Investigator
J. Cooper
This document describes research sponsored by the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI).
This publication is a corporate document that should be cited in the literature in the following
Field Partial Discharge Measurements on Extruded Dielectric Transmission Cable Systems –
State of the Art. EPRI, Palo Alto, CA: 2008. 1013791.

10410113 iii
This report describes a review of technical literature, Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
technical reports, and industry guides to determine the current state of the art for field partial
discharge (PD) measurements on extruded dielectric transmission cable systems. Emphasis is
placed on the interpretation of field PD measurement test results.

Results and Findings

There are numerous recent publications on the topic of field PD measurements on extruded
dielectric transmission cable systems. Seventeen presentations at the 2007 JICABLE conference
in Versailles, France, pertained to field PD measurements. However, only two recent
publications were located that pertained to field PD measurements on laminar dielectric
transmission cables.
The technical literature review indicates that considerable improvements in field PD
measurement instrumentation and methods have been made during the past decade. However,
there are still several different methods for measurement and for analysis of test results. The
variety of methods makes test reports difficult to understand. A review of field test reports
indicates that few, if any, of the commercial PD testing services comply with the
recommendations of IEEE Standard 400.3, Guide for Partial Discharge Testing of Shielded
Power Cable Systems in a Field Environment, regarding the information that should be covered
in test reports. Recommendations for future work to improve the quality and understanding of
field PD measurement test reports include the following:
• Develop a guide for preparing technical specifications for field PD measurements on
extruded dielectric transmission cable systems.
• Prepare a consumer report for commercial field PD testing services based on round-robin
tests similar to those conducted in an EPRI project that was performed almost 10 years ago
and documented in the EPRI report Evaluation of Field Diagnostic Techniques for
Transmission Cable Accessories (TR-112676).
• Develop and conduct a hands-on field PD measurement training seminar by unbiased experts
for EPRI member companies.

Challenges and Objectives

The challenges and objectives of this project are the following:
• To review technical publications, industry guides, and transmission cable commissioning test
reports in order to determine the state of the art for field PD measurements on extruded
dielectric transmission cable systems
• To recommend future research work to develop a detailed outline of a guide to improve the
quality and understanding of field PD measurement test results

10410113 v
Application, Value, and Use
Considerable advances have been made during the last decade for field PD measurements on
extruded dielectric transmission cable systems. Several techniques have been developed and
offered to utilities as a commercial service. However, interpreting the field PD measurement
results is often difficult and sometimes confusing. This report provides a review of technical
publications, EPRI research reports, and industry guides that cover field PD measurement
methods, and it presents a concise description of the existing issues. EPRI members can use the
results and determine an approach for future research projects in this field.

EPRI Perspective
Power utility engineers must understand PD measurement methods and test results on extruded
dielectric transmission cable systems. This report describes the state of the art and provides
recommendations for future research. Continuing EPRI research in this area will be guided by
the recommendations developed in this project.

The team used the following approach to determine the current state of the art for field PD
measurements on transmission cable systems:
1. Reviewed EPRI technical reports pertaining to field PD measurements, which were
developed from 1999 through 2006.
2. Reviewed IEEE and Conference Internationale des Grandes Reseaux Electriques (CIGRE)
guides on field PD measurements. CIGRE Technical Brochure No. 182, Partial Discharge
Detection in Installed HV Extruded Cable Systems, and IEEE Standard 400.3, Guide for
Partial Discharge Testing of Shielded Power Cable Systems in a Field Environment, are
especially relevant to the objectives of this project.
3. Reviewed field PD measurement test reports prepared by seven commercial PD testing
4. Interviewed cable engineers who had reviewed PD test reports in order to obtain their
opinions on methods to improve the test report information that describes the analysis of test
5. Prepared recommendations for future work to improve the understanding of field PD
measurement test results.

Extruded dielectric
Partial discharge
Transmission cable
Underground transmission

10410113 vi
1 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................1-1


2.1 Review and Cataloging of Technical Publications .........................................................2-1
2.2 Summary of Technical Publications ...............................................................................2-2
2.3 EPRI Technical Reports.................................................................................................2-3
2.3.1 Evaluation of Field Diagnostic Techniques for Transmission Cable Accessories
2.3.2 Evaluation of Partial Discharge (PD) Testing Technology for Transmission Class
Cables (TR-1012338).....................................................................................................2-4
2.3.3 Demonstration of Commissioning Tests for Extra-High Voltage Cross-Linked
Polyethylene Cable Systems at Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (TR-
1001856) ........................................................................................................................2-5
2.3.4 Testing of XLPE Transmission Cable Terminations at Three Utilities(TR-108073)2-6
2.3.5 Best Practices for HPFF Pipe-Type Cable Assessment, Maintenance, and Testing
2.3.6 Assessment of Extruded 345-kV Cable Technology (TR-110906)........................2-7
2.4 Industry Guides ..............................................................................................................2-7
2.4.1 IEEE Standard 400.3 Guide for Partial Discharge Testing of Shielded Power Cable
Systems in a Field Environment.....................................................................................2-7
2.4.2 CIGRE Technical Brochure 182, Partial Discharge Detection in Installed HV
Extruded Cable Systems................................................................................................2-8
2.4.3 CIGRE Technical Brochure 226, Knowledge Rules for Partial Discharge Diagnosis
in Service .......................................................................................................................2-9
2.4.4 CIGRE Technical Brochure 297, Practical Aspects of the Detection and Location of
Partial Discharges in Power Cables ...............................................................................2-9
2.5 Summary........................................................................................................................2-9

3 FIELD PD MEASUREMENT BASICS ....................................................................................3-1

3.1 Differences between Laboratory and Field PD Measurements......................................3-1
3.1.1 Length of Cable or Cable System .........................................................................3-1
3.1.2 Electromagnetic Shielding of Test Object .............................................................3-2
3.1.3 Measurement Objective ........................................................................................3-2
3.1.4 PD Test Equipment ...............................................................................................3-3
3.1.5 PD Measurement Calibration Methods .................................................................3-3
3.2 Sensors for Field PD Measurements .............................................................................3-4
3.2.1 Coupling Capacitor and Blocking Impedance .......................................................3-4
3.2.2 External Inductive Sensors ...................................................................................3-7
3.2.3 Integral Capacitive Sensors ..................................................................................3-8
3.2.4 External Capacitive Sensor ...................................................................................3-9
3.2.5 Directional Couplers ............................................................................................3-10

10410113 vii
4 COMMERCIAL PD MEASUREMENT TECHNOLOGIES ......................................................4-1
4.1 Differences in Commercial Field PD Measurement Methods .......................................4-1
4.1.1 Purpose of PD Measurements ..............................................................................4-2
4.1.2 PD Detection Sensors...........................................................................................4-2
4.1.3 On-Line versus Off-Line PD Measurements .........................................................4-2
4.1.4 Interpretation of Test Results ................................................................................4-2
4.1.5 Calibration and Units of PD Measurement Results ...............................................4-2
4.1.6 Time Domain versus Frequency Domain Detection..............................................4-3
4.2 Summary of Commercial Field PD Measurement Services in North America ...............4-3
4.2.1 AZZ CGIT (Westboro, MA)....................................................................................4-4
4.2.2 DTE Energy/UTILX (Kent, WA).............................................................................4-4
4.2.3 KEMA (Arnhem, Netherlands)...............................................................................4-4
4.2.4 Kinectrics (Toronto, Canada) ................................................................................4-4
4.2.5 HV Technologies/LDIC (Manassas, VA) ...............................................................4-5
4.2.6 IPH Berlin (Berlin, Germany).................................................................................4-5
4.2.7 IMCORP (Storrs, CT) ............................................................................................4-5
4.2.8 TechImp (Bologna, Italy) .......................................................................................4-5
4.2.9 J-Power/SE Technologies (Osaka/Hong Kong) ....................................................4-6
4.3 Effectiveness of Field PD Measurements ......................................................................4-6
4.4 Trends in Commercial Field PD Measurements ............................................................4-7

5 INTERPRETATION OF FIELD PD MEASUREMENT RESULTS ..........................................5-1

5.1 Review of Field Test Reports .........................................................................................5-1
5.2 Information Gaps in Interpretation of Test Results.........................................................5-3

6 RESEARCH RECOMMENDATIONS .....................................................................................6-1

A LIST OF TECHNICAL REFERENCES ................................................................................. A-1

B STATEMENT OF WORK FOR RESEARCH RECOMMENDATIONS.................................. B-1

B.1 Scope of Work for Guide on Preparation of Specifications for Field PD MeasurementsB-2
B.2 Scope of Work for Seminar on Field PD Measurements .............................................. B-4

10410113 viii
There have been significant advances in the procedures and equipment for performing field
partial discharge (PD) measurement on extruded dielectric transmission cables during the past
decade. A number of different techniques and equipment for field PD measurements have been
developed and are now offered to utilities as a commercial service. However, interpretation of
field PD measurement results is a complex task and sometimes confusing to utility engineers.
Confusion about the interpretation of field PD measurement results is frequently due to one or
more of the following reasons.
• The interpretation of “real world” PD measurement results has always been difficult, mainly
because it is often difficult to distinguish between electrical noise and electrical signals
created by PD defects. There are many instances in field, factory, and laboratory PD
measurements where engineering judgment must be applied to the results displayed or
recorded by PD detection equipment. In some of these cases it may not be possible to
determine with certainty that the measured signals are, or are not the result of PD defects in
the cable system.
• Many different methods are used to perform commercial field PD measurements. Most of
these commercial measurement methods have certain advantages and disadvantages, but
there is no single method that is considered best for all applications. Therefore, utility cable
engineers must invest time to understand the complex technical issues that differentiate the
commercial PD testing methods. This task is complicated by the fact that most commercial
PD testing services are reluctant to disclose the details of their measurement methods.
• Commercial PD testing services have produced many technical publications and made
numerous presentations at technical conferences touting the advantages of their
instrumentation and measurement methods. Since these publications and presentations rarely
cover the disadvantages of their measurement methods, a comparison between the
capabilities of competing vendors is confusing and often results in contradictions.
• The PD measurement test reports provided by commercial field PD testing services
sometimes lack the information and clarity that are necessary to understand the test results.
• Field PD measurement on transmission cable systems is still a relatively new and evolving
technology. Most experts in this area agree that the accuracy of the measurement results will
improve as experience with the technology increases.
Several industry guides that cover field PD measurement methods have been published during
the past several years. These guides provide impartial information on the different methods for
performing field PD measurements. One of these guides includes recommendations on
information that should be included in test reports.

IEEE Standard 400.3 Guide for Partial Discharge Testing of Shielded Power Cable Systems in a Field
Environment, The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, 2006.

10410113 1-1
Five EPRI research projects 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 that were included in the literature review for this project also
provide useful information and comparisons of commercial field PD testing methods.
The primary objectives of this report are to:
• Summarize results of a technical literature review on field PD measurements, industry
guides, and transmission cable commissioning test reports
• Identify issues that lead to confusion concerning interpretation of field PD measurement
• Make recommendations for future work to alleviate some of the confusion in interpreting the
results of field PD measurements on transmission cable systems.

Chapter 2 of this report contains a summary of the EPRI reports and other technical publications
that were reviewed for this project. Observations about recent technical publications pertaining
to field PD measurements are included in this chapter.
Chapter 3 contains a summary of the field PD measurement methods as well as a comparison
with laboratory PD measurements.
Chapter 4 includes a summary of commercial field PD measurement technologies. It discusses
differences in commercial measurement methods as well as a list of commercial PD
measurement services that are available in North America.
Chapter 5 is a summary of the transmission cable field PD measurement reports that were
reviewed and information gaps that were identified in the interpretation of these reports.
Chapter 6 contains a list of recommended research projects that were identified to assist utility
engineers in planning and understanding field PD measurements using commercial services.
Appendix A contains a tabular listing of the EPRI technical reports and technical publications.
This tabular listing includes abstracts and summaries of the publications with a ranking of their
applicability to the objectives of this project.
Appendix B contains scopes of work for the recommended follow-up projects on the
interpretation of field PD measurement results.

Evaluation of Field Diagnostic Techniques for Transmission Cable Accessories, EPRI, Palo Alto, CA,
and NEETRAC – A Center of Georgia Institute of Technology, Forest Park, GA: 1999. TR-112676.
Testing of XLPE Transmission Cable Terminations at Three Utilities, EPRI, Palo Alto, CA: 1997. TR-
Evaluation of Partial Discharge (PD) Testing Technology for Transmission Class Cables, EPRI, Palo
Alto, CA: 2006. 1012338.
Demonstration of Commissioning Tests for Extra-High Voltage Cross-Linked Polyethylene Cable
Systems at Los Angeles Department of Water and Power, EPRI, Palo Alto, CA and Los Angeles
Department of Water and Power, Los Angeles, CA: 2002. 1001856.
Assessment of Extruded 345-kV Cable Technology, EPRI, Palo Alto, CA: 1998. TR-110906.

10410113 1-2
The technical literature review for this project included the following.
• EPRI research projects related to transmission cable field PD measurements
• Industry guides on field PD measurements
• Technical publications related to field PD measurements and measurement results
There are many technical papers that have been published concerning cable partial discharge
measurements; however, the majority of them focus on PD measurements in testing laboratories.
The literature search screened the large collection of publications on cable PD measurements to
focus on transmission cable field PD measurements and interpretation of the measurement
results. The literature search and review also focused on technical documents that were
published after 1998 because a previous EPRI report, Evaluation of Field Diagnostic Techniques
for Transmission Cable Accessories (TR-112676), contains the results of a comprehensive
literature search on the subject up to and including 1998.

The literature review task also included a review of field PD measurement test reports for several
major EHV XLPE transmission cable projects that were completed in 2006 and 2007.

The major focus of the literature review was on extruded dielectric transmission cables because
the majority of the work on field PD measurements has been for this type of cable system. As a
result, most of the published literature on field PD measurements addresses XLPE transmission
cable systems. The limited number of technical publications that did address field PD
measurements on laminar dielectric transmission cables was, however, included in Appendix A.

2.1 Review and Cataloging of Technical Publications

The applicable technical publications that were located were entered into a spreadsheet database
for record keeping purposes and to assist in efficiently retrieving relevant information in
subsequent phases of the project. The spreadsheet summary, which is contained in Appendix A
of this report, contains fields with the following information.
• Reference Number – Sequential reference numbers were assigned to the papers as they were
added to the spreadsheet database. Subsequent sections of this report refer to the reference
numbers in square brackets, e.g. [xx].
• Title – The complete title of the publication
• Authors – The authors of the publications
• Publication Date, Source, and Identification – The publication date, source, and retrieval
information was listed to facilitate retrieval of the papers by others.

10410113 2-1
• Author’s Abstract or Summary – The author’s abstract or summary was copied into the
spreadsheet when they appeared in the publication.
• Review Summary – A summary of each of the papers related to the objectives of this project
was prepared and included in the database.
• Applicability to EPRI Project – A number from 1 to 10 was assigned to each paper to rank
the usefulness of the reference to the project objectives.
• Laboratory of Field PD Measurement Results – This field of the spreadsheet indicates
(yes or no) whether or not the paper contains laboratory or field PD measurement results.
This field was included in the database to distinguish technical papers that are practical in
nature versus general or theoretical discussions of measurement methods.
• Details of Test Reports Provided – This field indicates whether or not the paper or EPRI
technical report includes interpretations of field PD measurements. This field was included
to distinguish papers that include field measurement test reports versus papers that focus on
other aspects of field PD measurements.
• Addresses Interpretation of Test Results – This field indicates whether the paper describes
methods for interpretation of the results of transmission cable field PD measurements.

2.2 Summary of Technical Publications

The technical publications that were identified as being relevant to the project objectives
generally fell into one, or more of the following categories.
• Measurement Methods – These papers described methods that have been developed
specifically for field PD measurements on transmission cables. The majority of these
papers focus on increasing the sensitivity of the field PD measurements, methods of
eliminating ambient electrical noise, and finding the location of PD sources that have
been detected. Examples of these references are [8, 9, 10, 11, 16, 17, 18, 20, 30, etc.]
• Commissioning Test Results – A number of the documents describe the commissioning
test procedures that were performed prior to placing new transmission cable circuits in
service and results of the tests. These publications generally included PD measurements
as well as other tests such as AC high-voltage withstand tests. Many of these papers
were written by the organizations that provided field PD measurement services. Some of
them repeat the same information presented at different technical conferences. [4, 13, 15,
• Industry Guides – CIGRE and the Insulated Conductors Committee (ICC) of the
Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) have recently published guides for
performing field PD measurements. [6, 7, 9]

10410113 2-2
• Comparison of Field PD Measurement Services – Several of the EPRI technical
reports describe round robin PD tests performed on the transmission cable systems. [1, 4,
5, 9]
• Transmission Cable Condition Assessment – A number of the publications describe
tests that were performed to evaluate the condition of in-service transmission cable
circuits. [5, 10, 19, 30]
• Basic Research – This category of publications focuses on the theoretical aspects of field
PD measurements such as attenuation of PD signals in transmission cable systems and
the size of defects that create partial discharges.[3, 20, 27, 29]

2.3 EPRI Technical reports

The following EPRI technical reports were specifically identified by EPRI for inclusion in the
literature review.

2.3.1 Evaluation of Field Diagnostic Techniques for Transmission Cable

Accessories (TR-112676)
This technical report (TR-112676) describes extensive round robin testing of XLPE transmission
cable systems with intentional defects. The testing was performed at the National Electric Energy
Testing, Research and Applications Center (NEETRAC) which is a center of Georgia Institute of
Technology. The tests were conducted in 1998.
Three 91 m (300 ft ) long, 115 kV XLPE test circuits with two terminations and two joints were
constructed containing known defects capable of producing partial discharge signals of various
magnitudes, durations, and repetition rates. The defects were intended to be representative of
installation or manufacturing problems encountered in actual commercial installations. A
significant amount of time and effort was required to develop the intentional defects that
consistently produced partial discharges with a relatively constant PD magnitude at rated
Ten vendors of diagnostic services or equipment that was commercially available or nearing
commercial availability were asked to evaluate the condition of the installed test circuits. Eight
of the vendors participated in the round robin tests. These included both acoustic and electrical
PD detection methods. Table 2-1 contains a summary of the commercial testing services and
their PD detection methods.
None of the eight commercial PD measurement services correctly distinguished the cable and
accessories with defects from those without defects. Significant differences in PD severity were
reported by the measurement services for the same defects.
In summary, the comparison of PD test methods indicated that there were significant differences
in the measurement methods and effectiveness of commercially available field PD measurement
methods at the time that the comparative testing was performed. It demonstrated that some of
the field PD measurement methods were more effective than others. However, none of the field
PD measurement methods was completely effective in identifying PD defects in transmission
cable accessories while correctly identifying those accessories without defects.

10410113 2-3
It should be noted that this research project was performed during relatively early stages of
commercial field PD measurements and that significant advances have been made in this
technology since that time. Some of the commercial testing services covered by TR-112676 are
no longer in existence or no longer offer commercial PD testing services.

Table 2-1
Commercial PD Measurement Services and PD Measurement Methods [1]

Diagnostic Excitation PD Detection
Technique Maximum Test Coupling Sensor
Provider Frequency Bandwidth
Time Domain
Reflectometer CT on neutral,
(TDR) location, 100 kHz to 50-
Cutler Hammer 60 Hz 1 Vo 1-20 MHz
signal ID by 80 MHz
oscilloscope, phase response band
resolved PD
HF attenuation
location/signal ID Current
Detroit Edison by spectrum 60 Hz 1 Vo transformer Not Reported
analysis and around cable
Cable current
KEMA TDR/spectrum 60 Hz 1 Vo Not Reported
Cable current
TDR/phase 30 MHz to
Lemke 60 Hz 1 Vo transformer with
resolved PD 300 MHz
differential amp
Power TDR/phase 0.1 Hz and Cable current
1 Vo Not Reported
Diagnostix resolved PD 60 Hz transformer
Acoustic/phase microphone 10k – 100kHz or
SINTEF 60 Hz 1 Vo
resolved PD coupled to 10k – 50 kHz
fiberglass rod
Direct contact
UE Systems Acoustic and RF 60 Hz 1 Vo 7 MHz
microphone &
loop antenna
Ultra Power Coupling
TDR/filters 60 Hz 3 Vo Not Reported
Technologies capacitor

2.3.2 Evaluation of Partial Discharge (PD) Testing Technology for Transmission

Class Cables (1012338)
This evaluation of PD testing technology for transmission cables was completed by the
University of Connecticut in 2006. It addresses PD measurements for both extruded dielectric
and laminar dielectric (HPFF) transmission cables. Its primary focus was on the attenuation of
the electromagnetic pulses produced by PD as it travels along extruded dielectric and laminar
dielectric transmission cables.

10410113 2-4
The primary conclusions by the principal investigators were:
• PD pulse attenuation in HPFF cables in air (i.e. without the steel pipe) is much greater than
other transmission cable types because of the cable metallic shield construction. This
conclusion is based on analytical calculations as well as testing performed on reels of HPFF
cable in a cable factory. Prior to this technical report, it was generally assumed that the high
amount of high frequency pulse attenuation in HPFF cable is due to the eddy current losses
that occur in the ferromagnetic steel pipe that surrounds the cables. The authors conclude
that based on the measured properties of HPFF and transmission class solid dielectric cable,
PD monitoring appears to be more realistic for the latter than for the former.
• It is possible to perform PD measurements on XLPE transmission cables using capacitive
sensors with better sensitivity compared to measurements performed using inductive RF
• Off-line PD measurements may require a minimum of five minutes with the test voltage
applied or the use of an ionizing source to perform effective PD measurements.
2.3.3 Demonstration of Commissioning Tests for Extra-High Voltage Cross-Linked
Polyethylene Cable Systems at Los Angeles Department of Water and Power
The objective of this project, which was completed in 2002, was to investigate the practical
aspects of performing variable frequency, series resonant (VFSR) AC withstand testing and PD
commissioning tests on the first major 230 kV XLPE transmission cable project in the US. This
cable system is 4.3 miles in length and contains 60 pre-fabricated cable joints. This was the first
time that VFSR testing had been performed on installed transmission cables in North America.
The commissioning tests included round robin PD testing performed by five commercial testing
companies on terminations at one end of the circuits and at two splice vaults. The commercial
testing services that participated in the round robin PD tests were:
• DTE Energy Technologies using a combination of commercial test instruments and
proprietary external inductive sensors.
• HV Technologies using LDIC commercial PD test equipment with inductive sensors in splice
vaults and a capacitive coupling device at the cable terminations.
• IMCORP using proprietary test equipment located at one substation and at a splice vault
• KEMA using a combination of commercial test instruments and external inductive sensors
• Sumitomo (now J-Power) using external capacitive sensors and proprietary test equipment.
Sumitomo also supplied the transmission cable system and was responsible for performing
PD measurements on all joints and terminations prior to placing the circuit in service.
A secondary objective of the round robin PD tests was to compare the practical considerations
for the various testing services such as setup time, measurement time, and any special
requirements for performing the PD measurements.

Four of the five testing services detected no PD in the transmission cable and accessories. The
fifth testing service detected PD in one splice vault and recommended follow up testing.

10410113 2-5
This project demonstrated that field PD measurements with sensitivities ranging from 2 to 50 pC
are possible in field conditions. There was better agreement among the five commercial testing
services concerning the test results compared to the earlier NEETRAC round robin tests.
However, there still was a lack of agreement by all testing services and there were no known PD
defects in the cable system.

2.3.4 Testing of XLPE Transmission Cable Terminations at Three Utilities

This project describes field PD measurements that were performed by one contractor (KEMA)
on 69 kV and 115 kV XLPE cable terminations in 1997. The PD measurements were performed
at Southern California Edison, Public Service of Colorado, and Philadelphia Electric Company.
Significant partial discharge levels were detected on three of the 14 cable terminations where
measurements were made.

2.3.5 Best Practices for HPFF Pipe-Type Cable Assessment, Maintenance, and
Testing (1011489)
This project, which was funded by the New York Power Authority (NYPA) and EPRI, was the
only EPRI technical report that included field PD measurements on pipe-type cable systems.
The objective of this project was to perform a condition assessment of relatively short (< 365 m)
345 kV HPFF cable systems at the NYPA Blenheim – Gilboa pumped hydro generation facility.
The diagnostic tests performed were:
• Off-line electrical PD measurements performed by three different commercial PD
measurement services using VFR series resonant test equipment.
• Acoustic PD measurements performed at the same time as the electrical PD measurements.
• Rated voltage insulation dissipation factor (DF) measurements.
• Pipe fluid sampling and dissolved gas analysis (DGA)
• X-ray inspection of the joints and riser pipes
One of the two electrical PD testing services detected no PD signals. The other electrical PD
measurement service and the acoustic PD measurements detected significant PD activity but at
different locations.

One conclusion from the electrical PD measurements was that the attenuation of high frequency
PD pulses is very high in pipe-type cable and that it would be difficult to achieve effective PD
measurements on pipe-type cables with circuit lengths significantly longer than 365 m (1200 ft).
This is because of high attenuation of PD pulses that occur at distances of greater than
approximately 365 m (1200 ft) from the ends of the cable circuit. Conversely, present field PD
measurements are capable of detecting PD pulses for relatively short distances from the ends of
the circuit.

10410113 2-6
2.3.6 Assessment of Extruded 345-kV Cable Technology (TR-110906)

The primary subject of this EPRI report is a description of prequalification tests that were
performed in 1995 at Hydro-Quebec’s Research Institute on XLPE cable systems in partnership
with three international cable manufacturers, Pirelli (now Prysmian), Fujikura (now VISCAS),
and Alcatel (now Nexans). This report also contains an in-depth description of VHF field PD
measurements that were made on two of the three 345 kV transmission cable systems. The PD
measurements, performed intermittently over a period of several years, were made using
equipment developed by Hydro-Quebec. This VHF PD detection equipment is similar to
equipment that is currently being used by many commercial field PD measurement services.

This report is relevant to the objectives of this project because it describes the reasons for
performing distributed PD measurements, the attenuation of the high frequency components of
PD pulses, technical reasons for performing VHF PD measurements rather than conventional HF
PD measurements covered by industry standards, and methods of calibrating VHF PD
measurements in terms of apparent charge (pC). It is very useful in understanding many of the
key issues in field PD measurements on XLPE transmission cable systems.

2.4 Industry Guides

The literature review included the following guides that have been published by IEEE and
CIGRE during the past seven years.

2.4.1 IEEE Standard 400.3 Guide for Partial Discharge Testing of Shielded Power
Cable Systems in a Field Environment
This relatively new IEEE guide, which was issued in early 2007, is a good introduction into field
PD measurements for distribution and transmission cable systems. It covers both extruded
dielectric as well as laminar dielectric power cables. It is useful in understanding the key issues
in field PD measurements. As is the case with all other IEEE standards and guides, Std. 400.3 is
a consensus document prepared by engineers with a wide range of backgrounds and interests. In
this case, the guide was prepared by engineers that were employed by commercial PD service
providers, university representatives, utility engineers, and consultants. It took seven years to
complete the document partially because of significant differences in opinions about the most
effective methods for detecting PD in high voltage cables with field measurements, interpretation
of the test results, and other aspects of field PD measurements. The user has to keep in mind that
this guide is a consensus document and, therefore, contains numerous compromises between the
engineers and scientists that participated in its preparation.
Of particular importance to this project are Section 9.1 (Interpretation of Measurement Results)
and Section 9.2 (Test Documentation).

10410113 2-7
Section 9.1 contains a general summary of methods to interpret the PD measurement results. It
acknowledges that interpretation of test results is still developing and knowledge is continuing to
be accumulated. It also states that the accuracy in condition assessment may improve as:
• More data are collected and are compared with actual cable system performance
• Data are compared with information from the results of dissections of cable parts or
accessories which were recommended to be replaced
• Additional testing is carried out on cables and their accessories that were recommended to be
• Periodic measurements are made on the same circuits, i.e., trending. When available, data
from previous PD tests on the same circuit will be very helpful in diagnosing the implications
of detected PD sources.
• All relevant information about the cable system is known, such as the age type and design of
cables and accessories, operating conditions, etc.
• Standardized test and analysis procedures are developed. This will aid the comparison of
databases of different PD service providers and also from different utilities.
Section 9.2 of the guide provides recommendations and a list of items that should be included in
field PD measurement test reports. It should be noted, however, that these recommendations are
general in nature and do not differentiate between field PD measurements performed on
distribution and transmission cable systems.

2.4.2 CIGRE Technical Brochure 182, Partial Discharge Detection in Installed HV

Extruded Cable Systems

This CIGRE technical brochure, which was completed in 2001, is an excellent user’s guide to
partial discharge detection (PDD) in extruded dielectric power cables. It was developed by world
experts in field PD measurement technology specifically for users rather than other PD
measurement experts. The document does, however, state in the introduction that it is not
intended to be a consumer guide saying which method is better than another. It does provide the
user support in understanding the complicated field of on-site PDD and ultimately making
decisions about PD testing.

This guide is unique in that it describes eight practical PD measurement methods including a
survey of actual test results to give the user a representative impression about the present options
for field PD testing. This information covers PD sensors, the detection frequency of PD
measurements, analysis of test data, typical measurement sensitivity (pC) for field
measurements, and results from actual transmission cable field PD measurements.

Finally, it covers trends and possible future developments in the technology for field PD

In summary, this guide is mandatory reading for the end user. A thorough understanding of the
material covered by the guide will provide the user with fundamental information to make
informed decisions about field PD measurement alternatives and to understand the topics that
should be covered in field PD measurement test reports.

10410113 2-8
2.4.3 CIGRE Technical Brochure 226, Knowledge Rules for Partial Discharge
Diagnosis in Service

This CIGRE document, which was completed in 2003, provides detailed information on PD
measurements for all types of power system equipment. More specifically, it includes
information on PD measurements for transformers, generators, distribution cables, transmission
cables, and GIS insulated substation equipment. It also provides guidelines or knowledge rules
for insulation condition assessment based on dissipation factor, AC electric strength, and
dissolved gas analysis for impregnated laminar dielectrics.

The document is not intended to be a user’s guide but covers PD phenomenon, detection
methods, typical PD defects, interpretation of test results, and decision making based on
measurement results.

The section (Part III) on power cables primarily discusses distribution cable PD measurements,
but Sections 3.5 (Relevant PD Quantities), 3.6 (Interpretation of Criteria), and 3.8 (Practical
Experiences for Transmission Cables) are of particular relevance to this project.

2.4.4 CIGRE Technical Brochure 297, Practical Aspects of the Detection and
Location of Partial Discharges in Power Cables
This CIGRE document, which was completed in 2006, focuses on the location of PD sources
based on the time domain reflectometry (also known as time-of-flight) method. It describes
methods to predict the velocity of propagation for XLPE power cables as well as the attenuation
of PD pulses as a function of distance from the source. It describes practical problems
encountered in PD source location.

2.5 Summary
Many technical publications pertaining to field PD measurements on transmission cables have
been published since the NEETRAC literature search (EPRI TR-112676) was completed in
The number of technical publications in the area of field PD measurements on power cables has
increased significantly in the past several years. For example, there were 17 papers on various
aspects of cable PD measurements that were presented at the Jicable 2007 conference.
Most of the technical papers on transmission cable PD measurements are intended for extruded
dielectric cables. Two publications ([28] and [29]) and an EPRI report [5] cover field PD
measurements for laminar dielectric transmission cables.
Several industry guides ([6], [7], [8], [9]) on field PD measurements have been published in
recent years that provide a good summary of the procedures for field PD measurements, the
methods used to detect PD signals, calibration methods, test reports, and safety considerations.
Reference [6] is a general guide on field PD measurements for all types of shielded power cables
and reference [9] is an excellent reference on field PD measurements for extruded dielectric
transmission cable systems.

10410113 2-9
Two EPRI technical reports ([1] and [4]) present the results of round robin testing performed by
commercial field PD measurement services. Reference [1] describes test results for extruded
dielectric cable systems performed in a controlled laboratory environment and reference [4]
contains a summary of field PD measurements performed during commissioning of a 230 kV
XLPE transmission cable system. These EPRI reports, in general, indicate that there have been
improvements in the test equipment and test procedures during the past decade; however, there
are still inconsistent PD test results between the different measurement methods and commercial
test services.

10410113 2-10
Partial discharge measurements have been performed on high voltage cables and other power
system equipment for over forty years 7 . However, PD measurements on high voltage equipment
were generally limited to high voltage testing laboratories and manufacturing plants until
relatively recently because of difficulties in performing effective PD measurements in the field.
The primary limitation in performing field PD measurements has been electrical interference
from a number of sources (i.e. radio stations, communications equipment, corona from high
voltage lines and substations, electrical manufacturing equipment, etc.). It has only been during
the past ten to fifteen years that equipment and testing procedures have been developed that
permit field PD measurements to be performed successfully. The first IEEE Guide 8 for field PD
measurements on high voltage cable systems was completed in 2006. Currently, there are
several industry standards that specify how PD measurements are to be performed on
transmission cables and accessories in laboratories and production tests in cable factories. These
industry standards also include maximum allowable PD limits. Such standards do not exist for
performing field PD measurements.

3.1 Differences between Laboratory and Field PD Measurements

Some of the primary differences between field PD measurements and PD measurements
performed at cable factories and laboratories are described in the following sections.

3.1.1 Length of Cable or Cable System

The length of the cable or cable systems (i.e. includes splices and commercial terminations) that
are tested in cable factories and laboratories are in most cases much less than in-service cable
systems. The magnitudes of the electrical signals that are created by defects in the cable system
for laboratory measurements are practically the same at all locations. In other words, the PD
created signals in laboratory measurements are not significantly attenuated or dispersed from the
location of the defect to the locations where the measurement equipment is attached.
Conversely, the length of completed commercial transmission cable systems may be up to tens of
km (miles) long and there is significant attenuation of PD signals and PD calibration signals
when they travel for distances that are greater than several km (or miles). When PD signals must
travel multiple km (or miles) before they reach a measurement point, they are attenuated so much
that it is difficult or impossible to detect them even using the latest technology. The CIGRE
guide 9 for factory testing of long XLPE submarine cables does not require PD measurements on
shipping lengths of long XLPE submarine cables because of this technical limitation.

Kreuger, F. H., “Discharge Detection in High-Voltage Equipment”, Heywood, London 1964.
IEEE Standard 400.3
CIGRE WG 21.02, “Recommendations for Testing of Long AC Submarine Cables with Extruded
Insulation for System Voltage Above 30 (36) to 150 (170) kV, Electra No. 189, April 2000

10410113 3-1
3.1.2 Electromagnetic Shielding of Test Object
It is possible to perform PD testing at factories and testing laboratories in electromagnetically
shielded testing enclosures (i.e. Faraday cage) as shown in Figure 3-1. This permits external
electrical noise sources to be excluded from the area where the measurements are being

Figure 3-1 Typical shielded room for performing transmission cable PD measurement (courtesy of

3.1.3 Measurement Objective

In general, there are different objectives when performing laboratory or factory PD
measurements compared to field PD measurements. The logic for selecting the objective of
transmission cable field PD measurements is:
• Each shipping length (reel) of transmission cable is thoroughly tested at the factory before it
is shipped, which gives a reasonable level of assurance that there are no significant defects in
the cables when they leave the factory.
• The same is true for the major insulating components of premolded and pre-fabricated
• Jacket integrity tests are performed on the cables after they are installed to detect any
mechanical damage during shipment or installation.
• Operating experience has shown that the most likely cause of in-service failures for new
extruded dielectric transmission cable systems are joints and terminations.

10410113 3-2
Consequently, the primary objective for performing field PD measurements is to detect
workmanship problems that may occur during installation of the joints and terminations. The
detection of PD in new XLPE transmission cables is not the primary objective of most field
commissioning tests.
3.1.4 PD Test Equipment
There are significant differences in PD detection equipment for laboratory and field
measurements. The PD test equipment that is used in cable factories and electrical testing
laboratories typically detects the lower frequency (< 1 MHz) components of the electrical signals
created by partial discharges.
Most field PD measurement equipment is designed to detect the high frequency (> 1 MHz)
components of the electrical signals that are caused by partial discharges. This is because field
PD measurements are usually made close to splices and terminations and external high frequency
noise is significantly attenuated before it reaches the measurement location.
3.1.5 PD Measurement Calibration Methods
The calibration procedures for field PD measurements and laboratory or factory PD
measurements are significantly different. As stated in the previous item (PD Test Equipment)
laboratory or factory PD detection equipment is designed to detect PD signals in the 100 kHz to
500 kHz range. In this case the laboratory or factory PD measurements are calibrated by
injecting short duration current pulses into the cable system [36] with a known charge (pC) in
each of the pulses (e.g. 5 to 10 pC calibration pulses are commonly used to calibrate PD
measurements which require a measurement sensitivity of 5 pC). The gain of an amplifier in the
PD detector is then adjusted until the indication (readout) on the PD detector is equal to the
magnitude of the calibration pulse. This is a relatively simple and repeatable process because the
attenuation of the PD calibration pulse is relatively small for the length of cable being tested and
PD detection instruments respond to the charge in the calibration pulses. This calibration
10, 11
process is well defined in industry standards .
The calibration procedure for VHF/UHF frequency PD measurement equipment used in the field
is much more difficult [32, 37] and the calibration of VHF/UHF PD detection instruments is not
covered by industry standards. In many cases a calibration signal cannot be injected close to the
location where the PD measurement equipment is located (typically in a splice vault that is
several km from the cable terminations). If a calibration pulse is injected at the remote cable
termination, there is significant magnitude attenuation and pulse dispersion by the time it reaches
the location where the PD detector is located [8, 37]. So, the attenuated and distorted calibration
pulse at the measurement location cannot be related to PD produced pulses that may occur in the
joint when PD measurements are performed. Another difficulty is that at VHF/UHF frequencies
most instruments respond to the magnitude of PD signals in mV rather than the apparent charge
(pC). Consequently, some field PD measurement services report the results in mV rather than in
pC for VHF/UHF PD test equipment. It is then difficult, if not impossible, to relate the mV
measurement results to apparent charge (pC). References [37] and [38] contain in-depth
descriptions of the problems associated with the calibration of VHV/UHF PD measurement in
terms of apparent charge (pC). Since most of the PD measurement test experience (factory tests,

IEC 60270, "High voltage test techniques - Partial discharge measurement".
ICEA T-24-380, “Guide for Partial-Discharge Test Procedure”.

10410113 3-3
type tests, and in-service measurements) is for PD quantified in apparent charge (pC), it is
difficult to perform a comparative assessment of field PD measurements that are reported in mV.

3.2 Sensors for Field PD Measurements

A number of different types of sensors or transducers are used to couple the PD produced
electrical signals from the cable system to the PD detection instrument.

3.2.1 Coupling Capacitor and Blocking Impedance

The classical method for coupling PD produced signals from the cable system to the PD
detection equipment is a high voltage coupling capacitor that is connected between the cable
termination and system ground as shown in the electrical schematic in Figure 3-2. A high
frequency blocking impedance (typically an inductor that is designed to have a low series
capacitance) is normally placed between the coupling capacitor and the high voltage source to
block electrical interference, such as corona, from entering the coupling capacitor and PD

Blocking High Voltage
Impedance Coupling
High Voltage Capacitor

PD High Pass
Instrument Filter

Figure 3-2
Schematic diagram of equipment to couple PD signals from high voltage cable (test object) to PD
detection equipment.

If partial discharges are present in the transmission cable system, then short duration traveling
wave current pulses travel from the site of the partial discharges to the ends of the cable circuit
and then flow into the coupling capacitor which has low impedance to the high frequency
components of the PD pulses. The high pass filter or detection impedance at the low potential
side of the coupling capacitor separates the power frequency component of the test voltage (50 or
60 Hz) from the high frequency PD current pulses. The PD instrument amplifies the high
frequency signals from the high pass filter and displays them on a video display as shown in
Figure 3-3 (a) or 3-3 (b). Both of these displays make it possible to visually determine if there is
a correlation between the time that the high frequency pulses (vertical lines in 3-3 (a) or 3-3 (b))
occur and the phase of the AC voltage that is applied to the cable system. The ellipse shown in
Figure 3-3 (a) corresponds to one complete cycle of the AC test voltage. The transition of the
AC test voltage through one cycle occurs by progressing around the ellipse in a clockwise
direction (as indicated by the arrow on the top right side of the ellipse). The “+” and “-” markers
in the elliptical display correspond to the positive and negative peaks of the AC test voltage. The
“0” markers with arrows at the left and right ends of the ellipse correspond to the points in time
when the sinusoidal test voltage is passing through zero potential. Figure 3-3 (b) shows the same
information except it is a simple x, y plot of time versus test voltage. If the partial discharges

10410113 3-4
occur at imperfections within the high voltage insulation, then the pulses occur ahead of the
positive and negative peaks of the AC test voltage as illustrated in Figures 3-3 (a) and (b). High
frequency interference may also appear as pulses on the video display of the PD test instrument,
but typical electrical interference will not be synchronous with the AC test voltage. So, if the
pulses on the display are not repetitive and do not precede the positive and negative peaks of the
test voltage, they probably are not caused by partial discharges in the high voltage insulation.
References [23] and [25] describe numerous different PD display patterns and are excellent
references for the interpretation of test results from laboratory PD measurements.
Peak (90 °)
Increasing 90 °

0° 180°
0° 180°

270 °
Peak (270 °)

Figure 3-3 Display of typical PD detection instrument

Figure 3-4 shows a PD instrument display that is similar to the display in Figure 3-3 (b). In this
case the first half cycle of the test voltage (0 to 180 ˚) is shown in the upper part of the display
and the second (negative) half of the cycle is displayed in the lower right side of the picture.
Only the positive parts of the pulses are displayed by this PD instrument. In this case,
intermittent pulses appear on the display, but they are not symmetrical before the positive and
negative voltage peaks as described above.

Figure 3-4
PD instrument display with noise pulses

10410113 3-5
Figure 3-5 shows the coupling capacitor and high frequency blocking impedance used for PD
measurements performed in a testing laboratory or for production tests at a cable manufacturing
plant. Figure 3-6 shows similar equipment for field PD measurements.

Figure 3-5
Typical PD Test Equipment in Cable Factory (courtesy of Southwire)

Figure 3-6
Coupling capacitor and series blocking impedance for field PD measurements [4]

10410113 3-6
3.2.2 External Inductive Sensors
Radio frequency current transformers or Rogowski coils are frequently used to inductively
couple the PD pulses from the cable system to the PD detection equipment. Inductive PD
sensors are typically placed around the sheath bonding leads (Figure 3-7), or around the links in
link boxes as shown in Figure 3-8 (b). Some commercial PD measurement services use a fork
shaped inductive sensors that are placed around the cable as shown in Figure 3-8 (a).

Figure 3-7
Radio frequency current transformer (RFCT) placed around cable bonding lead [4]

Figure 3-8. Inductive sensors placed around cable and sheath bonding link [4]

The external inductive sensors are commonly used because it is relatively easy to temporarily
apply this type of sensor after the cable system installation has been completed. Several of the
technical publications [9] and an EPRI technical report [3] conclude that the external inductive
sensors do not produce sensitive PD measurements compared to those performed with integral
capacitive sensors that are described in the following section.

10410113 3-7
3.2.3 Integral Capacitive Sensors
Integral capacitive sensors couple electrical signals produced by partial discharges to the PD
instrument by means of the high frequency variations in electric field outside of the high voltage
insulation. Integral capacitive sensors are formed by placing a conductive layer on the outside of
the high voltage insulation or on the outside of the insulation semi-conductive screen. Figure 3-9
shows a cross section of a premolded transmission cable joint with an integral capacitive PD

Molded Insulation
Molded Semicon
Metal Casing
Tinned Copper Braid (Sensor)
Coaxial Cable

Cable Insulation Shield

Cable Metallic Shield

Cable Insulation

Figure 3-9.
Cross section of premolded cable joint with integral capacitive sensor

Figure 3-10 shows the connector to an integral capacitive PD sensor on a pre-fabricated 345 kV
XLPE cable splice

Figure 3-10
345 kV Pre-fabricated cable joint with integral capacitive PD sensor

10410113 3-8
3.2.4 External Capacitive Sensor
Temporary external PD capacitive sensors are also implemented by attaching metal foil
electrodes to the outside of metal joint casings (Figures 3-11 and 3-12) or on the outside of the
cable jacket (Figure 3-13).
Insulating Flange
Aluminum Foil Aluminum Foil
Electrode PD Calibration Electrode
Cable Jacket Signal

PD Instrumentation Optical Isolation Unit

Figure 3-11
Schematic of external capacitive sensors attached to outside of joint casing [4]

Figure 3-12
External aluminum foil electrodes used for capacitive PD sensor on 230 kV XLPE cable joint [4]

10410113 3-9
Figure 3-13
Temporary aluminum foil electrode used for temporary capacitive PD sensor [4].

3.2.5 Directional Couplers

Directional couplers combine the characteristics of capacitive and inductive sensors because they
respond to both the electric and magnetic fields produced by partial discharges. This type of PD
sensor has the advantage of being able to determine the direction that the PD pulse is traveling.
When two directional couplers are placed on the opposite sides of a joint their signals may be
used to determine if PD pulses are being produced inside of the joint or by defects external to the
cable joints. Directional coupler PD sensors typically have a large bandwidth which makes it
possible to determine the location of the PD source based on the difference travel times to two of
these sensors.

10410113 3-10
A variety of sources of field PD measurement equipment and commercial field PD measurement
services are currently available to electric utilities in North America. The following is a list of
services and PD measurement equipment that are currently available.
• Field PD measurement services using proprietary PD measurement equipment – There
are companies that have developed their own PD measurement equipment and their normal
mode of business is to provide field PD measurement services. The PD measurement
equipment, technology for performing the measurements, and analysis of the measurement
results are proprietary to the service provider. The equipment and technology generally are
not available for sale (with the possible exception of custom designed long-term PD
monitoring equipment). Examples of these service providers are IMCORP (Storrs
Connecticut), UTILX/CableWise (Kent Washington), IPH GmbH (Berlin Germany) and
KEMA (Arnhem Netherlands).
• Field PD measurement services that use commercially available PD measurement
equipment – These service providers typically have developed proprietary methods for
performing the measurements and for analysis of the measurement results. An example of
this type of service provider is Kinectrics (Toronto Canada). Kinectrics uses commercially
available PD measurement equipment that is manufactured by TechImp and IPEC HV.
• Manufacturers of commercially available PD measurement equipment - IPEC High
Voltage Ltd. (Manchester, UK), LDIC (Kesselsdorf Germany and Rheinfelden Switzerland),
TechImp (Bologna Italy), Omicron GmbH (Klaus Austria), PowerDiagnostix GmbH
(Aachen Germany), and SE Technology Limited (Hong Kong) provide most or all of the
equipment necessary to perform field PD measurement services.
• PD Equipment Manufacturers Using Their Commercial Instruments – Most of the
major suppliers of PD measurement equipment also provide field PD measurement services.
IPEC HV, LDIC’s US subsidiary HV Technologies (Manassas, Virginia), Omicron,
TechImp, and PowerDiagnostix provide field measurement services using commercial
equipment manufactured by their respective companies.

4.1 Differences in Commercial Field PD Measurement Methods

CIGRE TB 182, Partial Discharge Detection in Installed HV Extruded Cable Systems [9],
describes eight practical field PD measurement methods that were known to the members of
CIGRE working group 21.16 in 2001. The members of the CIGRE working group represented
nine different countries. The names of the organizations that use the eight different PD
measurement methods (identified as methods A through H) were not identified in TB 182.
All eight of the PD measurement methods are electrical detection methods (i.e. none were
acoustic measurements). Another common factor among the eight field PD detection methods is
that they are all based on detecting PD signals above 1 MHz. The majority of them are designed
to detect signals in the 1 MHz to 40 or 50 MHz range. Three of the eight are designed to detect
PD signals up to 500 MHz. Typical PD detection sensitivity levels are in the 1 pC to 20 pC range

10410113 4-1
depending on ambient electrical noise. Most of the eight PD measurement methods claim to
have field PD measurement experience starting from 1989 to 1998. The eight commercial field
PD measurement methods differ in the following ways.

4.1.1 Purpose of PD Measurements

Seven of the eight PD measurement organizations that were covered by CIGRE TB 182 stated
that their measurements were intended to detect PD in cable accessories (terminations and
joints). One of the organizations claimed that their measurement method covered both cable and
accessories. Since the purpose of most of the PD measurements is to detect PD in cable
accessories, most of the eight methods rely on measurements made at multiple locations of the
underground transmission system, typically at each joint and termination location.

4.1.2 PD Detection Sensors

Three of the practical PD measurement methods use capacitive sensors, three use inductive
sensors, one uses directional couplers, and one method uses both capacitive and inductive PD

4.1.3 On-Line Versus Off-Line PD Measurements

Seven of the PD measurement methods are suited for both on-line and off-line PD
measurements. One of the methods is intended only for on-line PD measurements.

4.1.4 Interpretation of Test Results

Three of the eight measurement methods/organizations use automated interpretation of the
measurement results. Analysis of measurement results by the remaining five methods (service
providers) are manually performed by a PD measurement expert.

4.1.5 Calibration and Units of PD Measurement Results

Measurement sensitivity and typical measurement results were reported in apparent charge (pC)
for all eight of the measurement methods. The calibration method reported for the eight
measurement methods vary significantly. The following calibration methods were reported.
• Calibration by construction – The output of the capacitive sensor is based on the physical
geometry of the PD sensor.
• Special injection coupler – No further details were provided
• Injection of calibrated charge pulses – It was acknowledged that the validity of this
method is limited
• Use of two sensors – One sensor is used to inject a calibration signal and the other to
measure the calibration signal
• Laboratory measurement performed on integral sensors – Laboratory measurements
were performed on integral PD sensors to determine their output as a function of calibration
signals. Quasi-Integration of the sensor output signal was also used to correlate the
measurement results to pC.

10410113 4-2
4.1.6 Time Domain versus Frequency Domain Detection
All of the PD measurement methods that are considered in CIGRE TB 182 are time domain PD
measurement methods (i.e. the PD electrical signals are recorded and analysis of the signals is
performed in the time domain). IEEE Standard 400.3 also describes a field PD measurement
method (used by at least one commercial field PD testing service) that is based on acquisition
and analysis of the PD signals in the frequency domain.
Frequency domain PD testing is based on measuring the frequency components of the PD pulses.
The frequency spectrum of the time varying PD pulses are obtained by means of a conventional
spectrum analyzer. The frequency components can also be calculated from the digitized time
domain signal using fast Fourier transform (FFT) calculation methods. In general, the frequency
components of PD signals are in the range of a few hundred kHz to up to 1 GHz depending on
the distance between the PD source and the point where the measurements are performed. A
frequency range of a few hundred kilohertz to 300 MHz is common due to limitations imposed
by the frequency bandwidth of the PD detection sensors.
Frequency domain testing normally is conducted using two modes of a spectrum analyzer.
Theses are called the full and zero-span modes. In the full span mode, the frequency range
scanned can be adjusted to examine signals in narrow-frequency bands as well as wide-
frequency bands. Location of PD sources is determined from measurements using narrow-
frequency bands and knowledge about attenuation of frequency components as function of
distance from the PD source. The signal from the spectrum analyzer zero-span mode is often
coupled to a pulse phase analyzer. The pulse phase analyzer is capable of recording PD pulses
sorted by their phase angle and magnitude relative to the power frequency voltage.
The frequency domain measurement technique does not provide a direct basis for calibration of
the resulting data in terms of apparent charge (pC). PD sources are recognized on the basis of
their spectral characteristics and through the use of the zero-span mode of the spectrum analyzer
to provide a correlation between the signal in the selected spectral region and power frequency.
The relationship between the measured signal and the “severity” of the partial discharges is
based on testing experience and laboratory test results.
The frequency domain method is generally more immune to interference from external noise,
provided means are used to prevent stray signals from being coupled into the cable tested, when
testing is performed on-line. A skilled operator is needed to collect and analyze the data. PD
location is often judged from the frequency content of the PD-induced signal in combination
with knowledge of the cable type (e.g., the high frequency attenuation characteristics of the

4.2 Summary of Commercial Field PD Measurement Services in North America

It is sometimes difficult to determine the details of the measurement methods and capabilities of
the commercial field PD testing services because many of the companies consider this
information to be proprietary. However, an attempt was made to summarize the PD
measurement methods used by the commercial field PD measurement services that have
performed transmission cable PD measurements in North America. The information in this
summary was based on the following.

10410113 4-3
• Test reports provided by the testing services for the EPRI round robin tests described in
references [1], [4], and [5].
• Information in the technical specifications for commercial test equipment used by some of
the PD measurement services.
• Technical publications written by the commercial testing services
• Field test reports provided to utilities by the commercial testing services

4.2.1 AZZ CGIT (Westboro, MA)

• Method: Acoustic PD measurements using commercially available equipment
• PD Detection Instrumentation: Transinor Acoustic Analyzer (This acoustic PD detection
equipment is primarily used for GIS equipment).
• PD Sensors: Ultrasonic pickup
• Measurement Units: mV
• Calibration Method: Comparison of de-energized and energized acoustic signals
4.2.2 DTE Energy/UTILX (Kent, WA)
• Method: Electrical frequency domain measurement of PD signals
• Measurement Frequency: 20 to 100 MHz
• PD Detection Instrumentation: Spectrum analyzer
• PD Sensors: Proprietary external inductive pickup
• Measurement Units: mV and pulses per second
• Calibration Method: Laboratory test experience
• Test Results: Condition assessment (scale of 1 to 5) based on test experience
4.2.3 KEMA (Arnhem, Netherlands)
• Method: Electrical time domain PD detection
• Measurement Frequency: 25 to 50 MHz
• PD Detection Instrumentation: Digital storage oscilloscope and spectrum analyzer
• PD Sensors: Proprietary external inductive pickup
• Measurement Units: apparent discharge (pC)
• Calibration: Field calibration and calculations
• Test Results: Color plot showing intensity of pulses and phase correlation with test voltage

4.2.4 Kinectrics (Toronto, Canada)

• Method: Electrical time domain PD detection
• Measurement Frequency: 0.5 to 200 MHz (depending on sensor used)
• PD Detection Instrumentation: TechImp and IPEC HV commercial equipment
• PD Sensors: External inductive and internal capacitive

10410113 4-4
• Measurement Units: mV
• Calibration: Perform sensitivity assessment [31], prior to measurements
• Test Results: Phase correlation of PD pulses with test voltage, TechImp proprietary “pulse
cluster plots”
4.2.5 HV Technologies/LDIC (Manassas, VA)
• Method: Electrical time domain
• Measurement Frequency: 100 kHz to 400 MHz and 1 to 50 MHz, and 300+ MHz depending
on application and sensor used
• PD Detection Instrumentation: LDIC commercial PD test equipment
• PD Sensors: External inductive, internal capacitive, and external capacitive
• Measurement Units: Apparent charge (pC) and mV depending on detection frequency
• Calibration: “Equivalent apparent charge” calibration method
• Test Results: Phase correlation of PD pulses with test voltage
4.2.6 IPH Berlin (Berlin, Germany)
• Method: Electrical time domain
• Measurement Frequency: Up to 500 MHz, depending on PD sensors
• PD Detection Instrumentation: Omicron commercial equipment and IPH proprietary
• PD Sensors: Internal capacitive, inductive directional coupler (recommended), and external
inductive (RF CT)
• Measurement Units: Apparent charge (pC)
• Calibration: Off-line calibration of built in sensors, or externally applied calibration pulse
• Test Results: Phase correlated PD pulses, 3-Phase amplitude relation diagram (3PARD)
4.2.7 IMCORP (Storrs, CT)
• Method: Electrical time domain
• Measurement Frequency: 0.5 to 20 MHz (programmable)
• PD Detection Instrumentation: IMCORP proprietary
• PD Sensors: Coupling capacitor/blocking impedance, external inductive, internal capacitive
depending on application
• Measurement Units: Apparent charge (pC)
• Calibration: Off-line calibration with calibration pulses
• Test Results: Phase correlated PD pulses with test voltage
4.2.8 TechImp (Bologna, Italy)
• Method: Electrical time domain detection and digital acquisition
• Measurement Frequency: 0.5 to 200 MHz (depending on sensor used)

10410113 4-5
• PD Detection Instrumentation: TechImp commercial PD test equipment for both manual
operation at multiple locations or units designed for remote control and monitoring from a
single location.
• PD Sensors: External and Internal inductive and capacitive sensors
• Calibration: Perform sensitivity assessment prior to measurements, “Equivalent apparent
• Test Results: Phase correlation of PD pulses with test voltage, TechImp proprietary “pulse
cluster plots” and amplitude-frequency (AF) [39] analysis
4.2.9 J-Power/SE Technologies (Osaka/Hong Kong)
• Method: Electrical time domain
• Measurement Frequencies: 5, 12, 16, 23 MHz, selectable narrow bandwidth
• PD Detection Instrumentation: J-Power/SE Technologies proprietary equipment with remote
monitoring via fiber optic cables.
• PD Sensors: Temporary externally applied capacitive and inductive sensors
• Calibration: Calibration at each measurement location with pulse calibrator
• Test Results: Phase, apparent charge, and time 3-D plots

4.3 Effectiveness of Field PD Measurements

It is difficult to obtain accurate information about the effectiveness of field PD measurements for
detecting PD defects in transmission cables. Most of the commercial field PD measurement
services have made presentations that tout the effectiveness of their PD measurement services.
However, information concerning cases where subsequent in-service failures occurred (and
where good PD measurement results were reported) is rarely discussed.
The EPRI project [1] in 1998 is the only source of information on testing of the effectiveness of
commercial field PD measurements in a controlled laboratory environment and known cable or
accessory defects. As noted in Section 2 (Field PD Measurement Literature) none of the
commercial PD measurement services was 100% effective in distinguishing the 115 kV XLPE
cable and accessories with defects from those without defects. However, advances have been
made in both PD measurement equipment and expertise during the past ten years.

10410113 4-6
Commissioning tests [2], [15], [25] performed on XLPE cable systems demonstrate that field PD
measurements are successful in detecting PD defects. The authors of reference [15] report that
they have detected PD with magnitudes ranging from 15 pC to 250 pC in 3 out of 80 PD
measurements during commissioning tests. There are, however, several notable incidents where
in-service failures occurred on XLPE transmission cable systems after field PD measurements
reported no PD signals during commissioning tests. Three examples of this apparent failure of
the field PD measurements were:
1. 230 kV XLPE Transmission Cable System – A joint failure occurred approximately
three months after successfully passing a one-hour, 1.25 Uo AC withstand test and PD
measurements at rated voltage. It appeared that the joint failure was caused by
misalignment of the premolded splice body.
2. 345 kV XLPE Transmission Cable System – Two in-service joint failures occurred
within two and a half years after successful completion of a one-hour, 1.25 Uo AC
withstand test and PD tests. The sensitivity of the joint PD measurements during
commissioning was reported to be 1 pC to 2 pC. The cause of the joint failures has not
been determined.
3. 138 kV XLPE Transmission Cable System – An in-service joint failure occurred
approximately one year after commissioning PD tests were performed. No PD signals
were detected during the rated-voltage commissioning test. Laboratory analysis of the
joint failure was inconclusive.
PD measurements for the above cable systems were performed by three different commercial
field PD measuring services.
The above experience from field PD measurements on XLPE transmission cable systems
indicates that they are capable in many cases of detecting defects that produce partial discharges.
However, it appears that there are some instances where the field PD measurements are not
successful in detecting installation defects. There is also the possibility that some defects take a
period of time after commissioning to develop.

4.4 Trends in Commercial Field PD Measurements

There have been significant improvements in field PD measurement equipment and methods
during the past decade. Some of the trends in commercial field PD measurement services are:
1. VHF/UHF PD Measurements – Most electrical PD measurements are being made at
frequencies of several MHz to several hundred MHz to improve PD signal to noise ratio.
2. Distributed Measurements – The majority of field PD measurements are being performed
at each joint and termination locations as compared to one or two measurements made at the
ends of the cable circuit.
3. Use of Commercially Available PD Detection Equipment – Commercial field PD
measurement equipment is available from at least four different manufacturers and PD
measurement services are using commercial equipment rather than proprietary equipment.
This trend is beneficial because the technical specifications and capabilities of the equipment
are available to the end user of the field PD measurement services.

10410113 4-7
4. Use of External PD Sensors - There appears to be agreement in the technical literature that
more sensitive PD measurements can be achieved using integral PD sensors in splices and
terminations. The integral PD sensors can also be pre-calibrated in some cases for
VHF/UHF PD detection to relate the sensor output to apparent charge (pC). However, the
current trend in North America is to use temporary external PD sensors that are applied to the
splice and termination bonding leads by the PD measurement service. A concern about the
use of integral PD sensors in duct bank cable systems is that moisture may eventually
penetrate splices in the vicinity of the PD sensor electrical connectors in vaults that are often
filled with water.
5. Simultaneous PD Measurements at Multiple Locations – Equipment has been developed
[13, 18, 21, 39] that makes it possible to simultaneously perform PD measurements at
multiple locations. Control and data acquisition are performed at a central location using
wireless communication equipment or fiber optic cables. Performing PD measurements at
multiple locations makes it easier to complete the measurements within the one-hour AC
commissioning test time period recommended by IEC 62067. This technology improvement
also facilitates real-time PD measurements.
6. Real-time Monitoring – Several of the field PD measurement equipment manufacturers (i.e.
TechImp, Omicron, and SE Technologies) have extended the development of equipment for
simultaneous measurement locations to remote, real-time monitoring. The effectiveness of
this equipment has not been documented in the technical literature. However, it potentially
has the advantage of detecting PD defects that take some weeks or months to develop.

10410113 4-8
One of the objectives of this project is to prepare recommendations for future work to assist
EPRI member companies in the interpretation of field PD measurement results. Consequently, a
number of test reports prepared by commercial field PD measurement services from previous
EPRI field PD test projects as well as test reports from commission PD measurements were
A number of different methods are used to interpret the results of field PD measurements
depending on the PD detection equipment that is used, test experience, length of test circuit, and
several other factors which may be proprietary to the measurement service.

5.1 Review of Field Test Reports

A total of fourteen field PD test reports submitted by commercial field PD measurement services
for XLPE and HPFF transmission cable system were reviewed. These test reports were prepared
by the following PD measurement services.
• DTE Energy Technologies
• IPH Berlin
• Kinectrics
• HV Technologies
• J-Power
All of the test reports that were reviewed were prepared between June 2002 and January 2007.
The test reports included field PD measurement results for 230 kV and 345 kV XLPE
transmission cable systems and 115 kV, 230 kV, and 345 kV HPFF cable systems. Observations
from this review of field PD test reports were:
1. Technical Details – The amount of technical detail in the test reports varied significantly.
For example, some test reports contained detailed information about the equipment and
characteristics of the equipment that was used to perform the PD measurements. Other
reports had very little description of the equipment that was used, the limitations of the
test equipment, calibration method, and explanation of the methods to analyze the
measurement results.
2. PD Measurement Units – Many different units were used to report the results of the PD
measurements. These included apparent charge (pC), PD sensor output voltage (mV),
and PD provider defined relative degree of severity.

10410113 5-1
3. Interpretation of Test Results – Interpretation of the test results varied significantly.
Some test reports described the methods and significance of the data plots included in the
reports. Other reports included a very general summary (e.g. partial discharges were or
were not observed and where they were measured), but there was little or no description
of the many data plots that were attached in an appendix to the report.
4. Quality Control – Several of the reports contained computer generated summaries for
each PD measurement location and some of these automated test printouts had significant
errors (e.g. incorrect scale values for plots, incorrect test voltage that was used, etc.). It
was obvious from these errors that there was little or no quality control of the test report.
5. Generic Test Reports and Irrelevant Information – Where possible, a comparison was
made of multiple test reports prepared by the same field testing service. The major part
of the test reports from one of the testing services was obviously copied from other test
reports. The project specific, unique information (other than data plots in appendices)
consisted of less than five pages. In one case, the author of the report admitted that some
of the computer prepared plots were not really applicable to interpretation of the test
results. These plots were included in the test report because they were automatically
included by the software provided by the manufacturer of the equipment.
6. Recommendations – The majority of the test reports were limited to discussion and
interpretation of the measurement results. The reports from one service provider
frequently included a recommendation to repeat the PD measurements in the future.
In summary, the quality and clarity of the test reports varied significantly between the service
providers. Some of the reports were comprehensive and contained no significant errors. Other
reports contained generic information and significant errors. None of the test reports were in
total compliance with the recommendations of Section 9 (Test Results and Recommendations) of
IEEE Standard 400.3.

10410113 5-2
5.2 Information Gaps in Interpretation of Test Results
Considering all of the technical publications that are available on field PD measurements and the
number of presentations that are made by service providers at industry meetings and conferences,
it appears that one of the major obstacles in understanding field PD test reports is due to too
much and conflicting information concerning the advantages and disadvantages of PD testing
methods and services.
Several cable engineers were interviewed to obtain their perceptions concerning field PD testing
and measurement reports. The following is a summary of their comments.
1. There are so many different PD measurement methods and contradictory claims about
their advantages that it is difficult to separate fact from exaggerations.
2. Test reports are difficult to understand either because they go into too much technical
detail, or there is too little information about the measurements that were performed.
3. IEEE Standard 400.3 helps to understand the fundamentals, but it is too general to
provide specific guidance on the different commercially available PD testing services for
transmission cables. However, this guide does contain recommendations for general
reporting that should be covered or addressed in test reports.
4. There are a limited number of major transmission cable projects and it is difficult to
remain current with state of the art PD measurement alternatives.

10410113 5-3
The review of technical literature and EPRI technical reports indicates that there has been a
significant amount of work and progress in performing effective field PD measurement services.
However, many utility engineers find that it is difficult to interpret test reports prepared by the
commercial PD testing services or that there is insufficient information in the reports.
Research recommendations are based on the technical literature review, review of field test
reports, and discussions with cable engineers. The following factors were given consideration in
preparing research recommendations.
• There are many different methods that are being used for field PD measurements. CIGRE TB
182 identified 8 different field PD measurement methods.
• The commercial implementation of PD measurement methods are in most cases proprietary.
Developers are secretive about many details of their equipment, measurement procedures,
and measurement results.
• There are different measurement results (mV versus pC versus subjective terms such as
serious, critical, etc.) that are not consistent.
• It is difficult to relate field PD measurement results to PD measurements performed in cable
• PD pulse magnitude in cable and accessories may change with time and may even extinguish
• The majority of the field PD test experience is based on distribution (medium voltage)
cables. This knowledge base from MV cable measurements is not applicable for HV and
EHV cables in some cases.
• Many of the technical presentations at professional society meetings and elsewhere present
an overly optimistic picture of the PD measurement service’s methods.

The following projects are recommended to reduce difficulties experienced by utility engineers
in understanding and making effective use of field PD measurement results. Additional details
and cost estimates are contained in Appendix B.
1. Develop a guide for preparing specifications for transmission cable field PD
measurements including what information is required in the test reports.
It is a challenge to write specifications for field PD measurements that apply to most
commercial PD measurement services. It appears that technical specifications for field
PD measurements have to be based on performance (i.e. measurement sensitivity levels,
calibration requirements, minimum acceptable reporting requirements, etc.) rather than
requiring specific detection methods or equipment.
2. Prepare a consumer report for field PD testing services based on round robin tests similar
to the previous EPRI project [1]. There are numerous challenges for this type of research
project. One of the difficulties is how to provide a meaningful comparison of

10410113 6-1
commercial testing services while avoiding challenges by commercial service providers
that may not demonstrate good performance.
3. Develop and conduct a hands-on field PD measurement training seminar by unbiased
experts for EPRI member companies. The seminar would include field PD service
providers to describe actual examples of their test reports and interpretation of test

10410113 6-2
This appendix contains a list of technical references that were identified as being relevant to the
objectives of this project. The list of references also includes a summary of the references
prepared by the project principal investigator as well as the author’s abstract for the publication.

10410113 A-1
To Project (1 to 10)

Interpretation of
Information On


Test Reports

Test Results
Field PD Measurements

No Title Author(s) Publication Abstract (or Author’s Summary) State-Of-The-Art
Project Summary

A number of techniques for evaluating the

This report describes the results of a
condition of field installed cable systems and
major project to determine the
cable accessories have recently become
accuracy of commercial PD
available. The enabling technology for these
diagnostic systems and their ability to
systems has been advances in methods for
locate defects in XLPE transmission
low level signal measurements in an
environment filled with high levels of
Eight commercial service providers
ambient noise. Three test circuits were
performed electrical PD
constructed containing known defects capable
measurements on three laboratory
of producing partial discharge signals of
prepared 115 kV XLPE cable
Evaluation of Field various magnitudes, durations, and repetition
EPRI systems with intentional defects.
Diagnostic Techniques NEETRAC TR- rates. The defects were intended to be 7 Yes Yes Yes
1 Report Oct- None of the PD testing services
for Transmission Cable T. Champion 112676 representative of installation or
99 correctly distinguished all of the
Accessories manufacturing problems encountered in
intentional PD defects from those
actual field installations. Ten vendors of
without PD defects. There were
diagnostic services or equipment that was
major differences between the results
commercially available or nearing
of the PD measurements between the
commercial availability were identified. Each
different PD measurement service
of these providers was asked to evaluate the
condition of the installed test circuits. Results
The report also includes a technical
of their measurements were compared with
literature search with 137 references.
the list of known cable or accessory defects to
Most of these were published prior to
determine the accuracy of the diagnostic
systems and their ability to locate defects.
Very high frequency partial discharge (VHF
PD) testing was performed on 14 cross-linked
polyethylene (XLPE) cable terminations at
Southern California Edison, Public Service PD testing was performed on 14
Company of Colorado, and PECO Energy extruded dielectric cable terminations
Company on June 5, 10, and 19, 1996, with rated voltages of 69 kV and 115
Testing of XLPE
KEMA EPRI respectively. Three terminations out of 14 kV. The equipment used to make the
Transmission Cable TR- 5 Yes No No
2 E. Pultrum Report showed evidence of partial discharge activity. VHF PD measurements was a
Terminations at Three 108073
T. Aabo May-97 combination of commercial and
This report describes the principles of VHF KEMA developed equipment. The
PD testing, test procedures, and results of the report does not indentify what is
project. Figures and graphs help illustrate the meant by VHF.
concept behind the innovative VHFPD

10410113 A-3
To Project (1 to 10)

Interpretation of
Information On


Test Reports

Test Results
Field PD Measurements

No Title Author(s) Publication Abstract (or Author’s Summary) State-Of-The-Art
Project Summary

The objective of this project is to evaluate

This report presents analytical and
options for field partial discharge (PD) testing
measurement results of the
of transmission class solid dielectric cable,
attenuation of PD pulses in XLPE
both laminar and solid dielectric. This report
and pipe-type (HPFF) transmission
presents an introduction into partial discharge
testing followed by a mathematical
It concludes that PD measurements
development of partial discharge pulse
on extruded dielectric cables are
propagation in shielded power cable which
more “realistic” than for HPFF cables
Evaluation of Partial can be used as a basis for predicting PD
UCONN because of high attenuation by the
Discharge (PD) EPRI detection sensitivity. The theory covers both
S. Boggs cable. 6 No No No
3 Testing Technology Report 1012338 narrow Gaussian PD pulses and broader,
C. Xu It concludes that much better PD
for Transmission Class Dec-06 asymmetric pulses. A critical literature review
L. Zhang measurement sensitivity can be
Cables summarizes the approaches which have been
achieved with capacitive PD couplers
published for PD detection in transmission
compared to RF current transformers.
class solid dielectric cable. Several
It concludes that 1 to 10 pC
approaches have achieved a PD detection
measurement sensitivity is achievable
sensitivity of better than 10 pC over an entire
for splices and cables up to 1 km.
cable installation and a sensitivity of about 1
On-line PD measurements may need
pC near the PD couplers, which are usually
up to 5 minutes or ionizing radiation
located at splices although not necessarily at
source for PD to occur
every splice.

Commissioning tests were performed on a This report describes the results of

Los Angeles Department of Water and round robin off-line PD
Power230 kV XLPE underground measurements performed by five
Demonstration of transmission line using field transportable, companies that provide field PD
Commissioning Tests variable frequency, series resonant test measurement services. Special
for Extra-High Voltage equipment and PD measurements were emphasis was given to practical
Cross-Linked PDC performed by five different companies. aspects of the different PD 7 Yes Yes Yes
4 Report 1011489
Polyethylene Cable J. Cooper These commissioning tests on a large, measurement services such as time to
Systems at Los commercial EHV XLPE transmission cable set up for measurements,
Angeles Department of system demonstrated that there is a practical measurement times, etc.
Water and Power and possibly more effective commissioning Off-line PD testing was limited to
tests alternative other than the 24-hour rated- splices in two of twenty splice vaults
voltage soak test currently used by most because of test time limitations of the
utilities. AC withstand test.

10410113 A-4
To Project (1 to 10)

Interpretation of
Information On


Test Reports

Test Results
Field PD Measurements

No Title Author(s) Publication Abstract (or Author’s Summary) State-Of-The-Art
Project Summary

Rated voltage, off-line PD

An extensive series of test were performed on
measurements using a variable
the New York Power Authority (NYPA)
frequency resonant test set, on-line
Blenheim-Gilboa 345-kV high-pressure fluid-
PD measurements, and on-line
filled (HPFF) transmission cable systems to
acoustic PD measurements were
determine the condition of the cable systems
performed on several 345 kV HPFF
and determine their power transfer capability
cable systems.
based on distributed temperature
The off-line PD measurements,
performed on cable systems #2 and
Acoustic and electrical PD measurements
Best Practices for #3, resulted in a sensitivity of 10 to
indicated that there are discharges in the
HPFF Pipe Type Cable EPRI 20 pC. No PD activity was detected.
PDC Cable #3, power house end, riser pipe area. 7 Yes Yes Yes
5 Assessment, Report 1011489 The off-line electrical PD
J. Cooper The acoustic PD measurement further
Maintenance and Mar-05 measurement method did not quantify
identified the Phase B riser pipe as the source
Testing the results in pC but the test report
of the PD. However, digital radiographic
concluded that there was
inspection of this area did not show any
“concerning” levels of PD at one
location in cable system #3.
Radiographic inspection of selected areas of
The on-line acoustic PD
the trifurcator casings indicated that there is
measurements concluded that there
bending of the cable in the casings and there
was no PD in cable systems #1, #2,
appears to be some buckling of the shield
and #3. It was also concluded severe
tapes in Cable #2 and #4 at the power house
PD activity was present on phase B
end trifurcators.
of cable system #3.
This guide covers all aspects of field
PD measurements on a level that is
understandable by most utility
This guide covers the diagnostic testing of engineer. It was prepared by experts
new or service-aged installed shielded power but not intended for use by experts.
cable systems, which include cable, joints, Section 9.1 (Interpretation of Test
and terminations, using partial discharge (PD) Results) provides guidance on the
IEEE 400.3 Guide for
detection, measurement, and location. Partial most important issues in
Partial Discharge Std.
IEEE discharge testing, which is a useful indicator interpretation of PD test results. It 8 No No Yes
6 Testing of Shielded ICC WG C-19 400.3
Feb-07 of insulation degradation, may be carried out does not go into the in-depth details
Power Cable Systems 2006
on-line or off-line by means of an external of measurement results as is the case
in a Field Environment
voltage source. This guide does not include in references 7 and 8.
the testing of compressed gas insulated Section 9.2 (PD Test Documentation)
systems or continuous on-line monitoring at does provide practical guidance on
normal service voltage. what should be included in PD test
reports for the two major categories
of PD detection approaches (time and
frequency domain).

10410113 A-5
To Project (1 to 10)

Interpretation of
Information On


Test Reports

Test Results
Field PD Measurements

No Title Author(s) Publication Abstract (or Author’s Summary) State-Of-The-Art
Project Summary

This brochure discusses the possibility of

interpretation (knowledge) rules to support
PD diagnostic of service aged HV This document is a very
components. Based on systematic experience comprehensive description of the PD
from the field this brochure evaluates and phenomenon, PD detection methods,
classifies PD quantities, which are found typical PD defects, interpretation
useful for diagnosis monitoring of different results, and decision making based on
HV components. In particular, for different measurement results. It covers PD
insulation systems of HV components like measurements on most types of
instrument and power transformers, commercial electric power equipment
CIGRE TB 226 distribution and transmission power cables, (i.e. distribution cables, transformers,
Knowledge Rules For CIGRE TF CIGRE GIS, generator stator insulation general transmission cables, power
8 Yes No Yes
7 TB 226 capacitors, etc.). The most pertinent
Partial Discharge 15.11/33.03.02 Apr-03 characteristics of typical PD quantities are
Diagnosis in Service evaluated under the following restrictions: a) part of the document to this EPRI
Only by insulation defects induced project is the section on interpretation
degradation effects are taken into of on-line measurement results.
consideration. b) No acceptance levels for Section 3.8 (Transmission Cables –
go/no go decisions are discussed. c) No Practical Experiences) is also very
special attention is paid to describe in detail useful.
particular detection and measuring
This and reference 9 are must reading
techniques. d) No application of post-
for PD measurement users
processing technique e.g. neural networks,
advanced statistics, wavelets, digital filtering,
etc is discussed.

For enhancement of the reliable operation of

power cables network preventive PD
diagnosis tests are increasingly performed. In This report focuses on the location of
CIGRE TB 297 order to assess the insulation condition on the PD sources based on the well known
Practical Aspects of basis of the obtained data, fundamental time domain reflectometry method.
the Detection and CIGRE TF CIGRE knowledge on the PD occurrence is required. The task force describes methods to 6 Yes No No
8 TB 297
Location of Partial D1.02.05 Jun-06 The presented brochure deals with both, predict the velocity of propagation
Discharges in Power theoretical analysis and experimental studies for XLPE power cables as well as the
Cables on the wave propagation of PD pulses in attenuation with distance.
power cables. Furthermore, practical aspects
of the detection and location of PD faults are

10410113 A-6
To Project (1 to 10)

Interpretation of
Information On


Test Reports

Test Results
Field PD Measurements

No Title Author(s) Publication Abstract (or Author’s Summary) State-Of-The-Art
Project Summary

The objective of the report is to provide the The single best, unbiased coverage of
user both fundamental and practical on-site (field) PD detections methods
information on on-site partial discharge and procedures for transmission cable
detection (PDD). It is not intended to be a systems. Section 2 (Users Guide) is
CIGRE TB 182 Partial
consumer guide, saying which method is particularly useful in explaining the
Discharge Detection in CIGRE WG CIGRE 9 Yes No Yes
9 TB 182 better than another. Such a serious key issues involved in field PD
Installed HV Extruded 21.16 Apr-01
comparative study was not within the scope measurements. Eight different PD
Cable Systems
of the WG. This report offers the user measurement methods are identified
support in understanding the complicated and described in a reasonable amount
field of on-site PDD and ultimately in making of detail.
decisions about PD testing.

The paper presents a general

This paper provides an insight into 9 years of discussion of a testing service
After-Installation IPH experience in after-installation tests of company’s experiences with
Testing of HV/EHV U. Herrmann HV/EHV extruded cable systems. From the commissioning tests for HV and
Jicable 4 Yes No No
10 Extruded Cable A. Kluge Paper 71 start, AC tests of very long length of EHV EHV transmission cable systems.
Systems – Procedures R. Plath cable systems were performed in combination More emphasis is given to the
and Experiences with sensitive PD measurements to achieve variable frequency test method than
best possible test efficiency. PD measurement results

Power cables behave as transmission lines as

regards partial discharge (PD) pulse
propagation. Attenuation and dispersion
phenomena have, therefore, great influence
on the delectability of PD pulses, particularly
Focuses on the attenuation and
when long cable routes and detection from
Partial Discharge velocity of propagation of PD pulses
A. Cavallini terminals are considered. This paper presents
Detection in Power in distribution and transmission
C. Jicable an approximate model to infer PD pulse 5 No No No
11 Cables: Practical Paper 80 XLPE cables as well as the sensitivity
Subramaniam Jun-07 waveform as a function of the distance
Limits as a Function of of PD measurements that can be
G. Montanari travelled along the cable and shows results
Cable Length achieved.
that can provide practical limits for PD
detection in cable routes when using IEC
60270-compliant and/or ultra wideband
detectors. Considerations on the effect of
calibrator characteristics on sensitivity check
procedures are, eventually, reported.

10410113 A-7
To Project (1 to 10)

Interpretation of
Information On


Test Reports

Test Results
Field PD Measurements

No Title Author(s) Publication Abstract (or Author’s Summary) State-Of-The-Art
Project Summary

The authors describe the use of ultra

The presented paper deals with preventive on-
wide bandwidth PD measurements
site PD diagnostics of HV cable terminations
with external sensors. It contains an
IEEE under operation voltage using an ultra-wide-
extensive discussion of the
Practical Experiences International band (UWB) PD probing. In order to assess
E. Lemke comparison of PD measurement
in on-site PD Symposium ISSN: the detected PD level quantitatively as
T. Strehl results for UBW vs. the IEC 60270 6 Yes No Yes
12 Diagnosis Tests of HV on 1089- “equivalent apparent charge” a sensitivity
W. Weissenberg method (apparent charge). Describes
Power Cable Electrical 084X check has been performed. The results reveal
J. Herron a method to determine the
Accessories in Service Insulation that by means of the applied method potential
Jun-06 “equivalent apparent charge” or
PD defects in GIS-cable terminations could
sensitivity of the UBW PD
well be recognized where a PD detection
sensitivity as low as few pC was achieved.
Describes synchronization fo PD
measurements performed in the 5 to
10 MHz range via fiber optic cable
The St. Johns Wood –
This paper deals with the 400 kV cable communication. PD measurements
Elstree Experience –
connector between St. Johns Wood and were performed at 20 joint locations
Testing a 20 km Long S. Sutton
Jicable Elstree, one of the largest XLPE cable simultaneously. Authors claim that 7 Yes No Yes
13 400 kV XLPE- R. Plath Paper 84
Jun-07 projects in the world. This cable route is a the PD measurement sensitivity was
Insulated Cable G. Schröder
connecting link to the city of London and was “equivalent to laboratory conditions”
System after
commissioned in 2005 Part of the calibration was a open air
wire at both ends of the cable system
and a 500 pC calibrator connected to
a test bushing
During the on-site installation of power
cables, mistakes in installing cable
accessories can occur. If this results in
insulation defects, partial discharges (PD) can This paper reports on 380 kV XLPE
occur. These PD will erode the insulation, can cable and 110 kV Oil/XLPE cable
bridge the distance between both conductors field test and laboratory test with
S. Meijer
which will result in a complete breakdown artificial PD defects. PD detection
On-site VHF Partial R. Jongen
and failure of the cable system. It is known was from 5 MHz to several hundred
Discharge Detectin on J. Smit Jicable Paper 7 Yes No Yes
14 that PD pulses consist of energy frequencies MHz. Wireless communications was
Power Cable P. Seitz Jun-07 100
up to hundreds of MHz. Therefore a used between the PD sensors at the
Accessories T. Hermans
VHF/UHF PD detection system is applied to accessories and the instrumentation at
L. Lamballais
detect partial discharges in a non- the test voltage source. The PD
conventional way. Aspects that need to be measurement sensitivity in pC was
considered during the development of such a estimated.
system such as detection method, sensor type
and location, calibration etc. are presented
and discussed in this contribution

10410113 A-8
To Project (1 to 10)

Interpretation of
Information On


Test Reports

Test Results
Field PD Measurements

No Title Author(s) Publication Abstract (or Author’s Summary) State-Of-The-Art
Project Summary

The commissioning of new HV cable systems

is commonly performed by means of an AC
voltage test. The experience has shown that a Reports on PD measurements using
proper combination of test voltage and RF current transformers for about 80
duration can indeed detect incipient failures. PD measurements. PD was detected
Experience with PD
E. Pultrum Jicable The combination of such an on-site test with in 3 of the 80 cable systems. A 7 Yes No No
15 Measurements and Paper 24
H.-E. Keizer Jun-07 partial discharge measurements is relatively sensitivity of 20 to 25 pC. Discussed
Commissioning Tests
new. This partial discharge measurement may disadvantages of and reasons for
give additional information about accessories abandoning a high voltage coupling
installed in the circuit. This paper describes capacitor to pick up PD pulses.
the development, advantages and limitations
of on-site PD measurements.
The authors describe the different
types of PD sensors (couplers) that
are used for field PD measurements.
Based on experiences of laboratory and on- Capacitive, directional coupler and
site after laying tests the advantages and inductive directional coupler sensors
Sensitive PD Detection
R. Plath limits of different sensors for PD detection at are covered. The advantages and
on High Voltage
R. Heinrich Jicable high voltage and extremely high voltage disadvantages of each type of PD 7 Yes No No
16 XLPE Cable Lines
K. Reithmeier Jun-03 XLPE cable accessories as well as suitable sensors are described. The
Using Field Coupling
W. Weißenberg methods and measurement devices for comparison indicates that the
evaluation of the measured signals are directional coupler sensor has several
discussed and compared. advantages compared to the
capacitive sensors. The authors
report that a sensitivity of a “few” pC
for joint measurements is possible.
The authors state that integral PD
sensors are primarily used for EHV
cable systems. The recommend PD
In practice, sensitive PD measurements on sensors installed inside of joints and
long HV cable lengths can only be realized if terminations to achieve maximum PD
either PD sensors have been installed inside sensitivity. The major focus of the
W. Weißenberg
On-Site PD Detection the accessories or sensitive PD decoupling is paper is applying add-on inductive
F. Farid CIGRE 7 Yes No No
17 at Cross-Bonding B1-106 possible at joints or in cross-bonded links, if PD sensors at the cross bonding link
R. Plath Sept-04
Links of EHV Cables existing. The latter possibility would be of boxes. Test results for field
K. Rethmeier
advantage for technical an economical reason measurements on a 400 kV and a 220
for both new installed cable systems and kV XLPE cable system are presented.
especially cable systems already in service. A measurement sensitivity of a few
pC is possible with HF transformers
placed around the cross-bonding

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On-site PD measurements performed

according to IEC 60270 at the ends of HV
cable systems do often not achieve the
demanded sensitivity of a few pC and are not
suitable for online PD monitoring. However,
the main reason for defects in HV cable
systems is the condition of the joints due to Similar to reference 17; however,
improper on-site assembly. Therefore, PD more details about the PD detection
measurement has to concentrate on the cable equipment (Mtronix MPD 540) are
accessories. Integrated field sensors, as given. The center frequency can be
capacitive sensors or directional coupling adjusted from DC to 20 MHz and the
sensors for instance, are operating in the bandwidth is between 9 kHz and 3
VHF/UHF range and lead to very good results MHz The PD measurements system,
concerning sensitivity. But retrofitting of which uses HF current transformers,
direct buried HV cable systems with field simultaneously detects PD pulses on
sensors is often very expensive or even the three joint cross-bonding leads. A
impossible. A new approach of PD method to visualize the results of 3-
On-Site PD International decoupling is the use of cross bonding links Phased PD measurements (called
Decoupling and W. Kalkner Symposium of long HV cable systems. Inductive sensors “3PARD”) is described. Fiber optics
on HV 7 Yes No No
18 Localization at Cross R. Plath G-104 can easily be mounted inside of the cross isolation is used for safety purposes.
Bonded HV Cable K. Rethmeier Engineering bonding box or around the feeding cable
Systems Aug-05 coming directly from the joints. With a It is reported that a measurement
synchronous PD acquisition of all three cross sensitivity of 2 pC can be achieved if
bonding links of a joint group a 3PARD HF CT’s can be applied around the
visualization can be generated to localize the cross-bonding links inside of the link
PD source in phase and joint. This method of boxes. PD measurements can be
PD decoupling is also suitable for performed by placing CT’s around
measurements on insulating joints or the bonding leads outside of the link
transition joints with external screen boxes but the sensitivity of the
connection. The PD sensors can easily be measurements decreases. Test results
mounted and dismounted without interrupting for a 150 kV XLPE cable system are
service of the HV cable system. Additionally described.
a permanent PD monitoring is possible by
placing the inductive sensors inside the cross
bonding boxes. On-site PD measurements on
cross bonding joints and insulating joints
were successfully done during AC resonance
testing and achieved sensitivities of about 2

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The detection, location and evaluation of

partial discharges (PD) inside the insulation
and the accessories of XLPE and PILC cables
offer the possibility of an early diagnosis of
cable network failures, however, with the
need of a clear differentiation between the
insulation systems and the accessories. In
order to be able to carry out an evaluation of
the risk factor of PD defects as exactly as
possible, the applied voltage for a PD This paper is primarily about off-line
diagnosis should be within the range of the PD testing with the oscillating wave
operating frequency, because the typical PD test (OWT) voltage and PD
Experience with
parameters, such as inception and extinction measurements on distribution cables.
Offline PD-Diagnosis F. Petzold
Jicable voltage, PD level and PD pattern then The authors present test results and 4 Yes No Yes
19 on MV Cables – M. Beigert Jun-07
Paper 46
correspond to the relevant values under discuss interpretation of PD
Knowledge Rules for E. Gulski
operating conditions. On the other hand, the measurements for paper-insulated
Asset Decisions
electrical stress during the diagnosis lead-covered (PILC) distribution
measurement should be limited to the extent cables.
that no irreversible damage and hence
deterioration of the condition of the test
objects takes place. The main difficulty is to
evaluate the risk of PD occurrences on the
reliability of the cable system. If an sufficient
amount of PD diagnostic data for the cable
components is available statistical methods
can be used for determining threshold levels
and relevant condition indexes for the asset
A methodology was developed to calculate
the partial discharge inception voltage in MV,
HV and EHV cable systems for different The authors quantify the maximum
electrical designs. By doing so, the sensitivity sizes of discharge free defects (voids
Sensitivity of PD of the PD inception voltage to change in and fissure type defects) in extruded
P. Van Der
Inception to Change of design of the insulation system can be defined dielectric cable systems. They also
Wielen Jicable 4 No No No
20 Electrical Design in Paper 60 and quantified. As the result, the effect on the address the risks from cable design
N. Van Schaik Jun-07
Polymeric Insulated change of the acceptable maximum size on modifications and range of type test
T. Czaszejko
Power Cable Systems potential defects may be estimated, indicating approval for variations in cable
the increase of risk on PD inception when designs.
changing the design. The methodology and
calculations presented quantified the extend
to which the quality of the extrusion process

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as well as the precision of accessories

assembly must be maintained or improved to
assure discharge free operation of cable
systems after design modifications. They also
show that margins specified in the range of
type approval in the current IEC standards are
sufficient and that they should not be

Maintenance of underline cable systems

requires periodic measurement of many
physical variables at numerous locations. This
The authors describe the development
task can potentially be accomplished with
of wireless sensor networks (WSN)
wireless sensor networks. This paper
for PD, and temperature
describes the PD-sensing algorithms (Discrete
measurements of transmission cable
Wavelet Transform) for the inspection of
Wireless Sensor H.-W. Choi joints and terminations. The WSN
electrical power cables. The diagnostic sensor
Network Based PD B.-W. Min transmits the output from four types
Jicable array includes thermal, visual, dielectric, and 5 No No No
21 Monitoring of H.-C. Myoung Jun-07
Paper 81 of sensors for measurement of
acoustic sensors for the measurement of cable
Underground Cable B.-H. Lee physical properties of the cable
status. Laboratory tests demonstrate the
Systems S.-M. Cho accessories to a central data
ability of integrated sensors to measure
acquisition computer. Acoustic PD
parameters of interest with the resolution
measurements and wavelet based
required by the application. Field tests in the
analysis of PD signals are described.
underground cable system demonstrate the
ability of the designed platform to sense along
the cable, and communicate with the host
The focus of this contribution is the The authors describe the development
application of sinusoidal VLF test-voltage as of very low frequency (VLF, 0.1 Hz)
it is established for medium voltage cable test equipment for performing AC
systems, also on high voltage cable systems. withstand and PD testing of a 110 kV
Therefore a HV-test-voltage source and a XLPE cable system. Results of
110-kV test cable system were realized at the laboratory measurements on a 110
New Approach for V. Bergmann
Jicable TU Berlin. Typical high voltage components kV cable system with joints and 7 Yes No Yes
22 High Voltage Cable P. Mohaupt Paper 99
Jun-07 were applied for comparing the results of PD terminations are presented.
On-Site Testing W. Kalkner
measurements gained at 50 Hz and 0.1 Hz
respectively. It could be found out that Intentional PD defects were
typical PD characteristics as PD inception introduced into the cable termination
voltage, maximum PD levels, average PD and joint and the phase resolved PD
levels and even visual diagrams as PRPD (PRPD) plots are presented. Tests
pattern are very similar at VLF compared to were performed at 50 Hz as well as

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50 Hz measurements. A diagnostic 0.1 Hz and the results compared. The

assessment of high voltage cable systems can authors conclude that the 0.1 Hz and
be successfully performed by PD the 50 Hz PD measurements are
measurements with applied sinusoidal VLF similar.
test voltage.
This overview, which was prepared
The overview of partial discharge patterns, before the advent of field PD
their evaluation and determination of origin, measurements, is very useful in
should help today’s practitioners in the recognizing the results of PD
Partial Discharge measurements displayed as a rotating
IEEE Vol 4 interpretation of results, as well as the 6 Yes No No
23 Measurement and D. Nattrass Jun-88 ellipse on PD detection instruments.
No 3 accurate discrimination between true partial
Interpretation The overview applies to PD
discharges within an insulating structure and
other unwanted conduction or radiation- measurements performed using both
induced interference signals. narrow and wide bandwidth detectors
at frequencies from 40 to 400 kHz

The common way to measure PD is to use

one coupling capacitor and one PD
instrument. This works reasonably well in
suitable HV laboratories that are screened and
have filters to avoid any external interference.
But even under such ideal conditions
additional expenses are required, if, for
example, HV power transformers are tested
for PD. In this case, the measurement tap of The author describes synchronous
each terminal is usually connected to a multi-channel, three-phase partial
International multiplexer, allowing three-phase PD discharge measurements and the
Symposium measurements to compare PD signals from interpretation o f the test results. The
Multi-channel PD 6 No No Yes
24 R. Plath on HV J-04 each phase. If, however, more than one PD analysis of the three-phase PD
Measurements Engineering source is active simultaneously, distinct PD measurements focuses on a method
Aug-05 allocation becomes usually impossible. On- called 3-phase amplitude relation
site PD measurements interfered by external diagram (3PARD).
noise strongly intensifies this problem.
Substantial progress has been achieved by
avoiding any multiplexing and in stead using
simultaneous multi-terminal PD detection on
e.g. three channels. Each PD event inside a
three-phase machine (e.g. transformer,
generator, motor) – occurring on one phase–
spreads by different coupling mechanisms
into all three phases and causes different PD
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pulse amplitudes at the terminals. This leads

to a generalized approach to distinguishing
between different PD sources and pulse-type
interference by the multi-channel signatures.
This approach works with virtually any multi-
channel PD detection including different
signal bands and types (e.g. HF, VHF, UHF
and acoustic).

Describes the development,

installation, and commissioning tests
Taiwan’s first EHV underground cables on a large 345 kV XLPE cable
turnkey project consists of eight 345 kV system that was installed in Taiwan
XLPE cable systems which show pre- in 2003. PD testing of the 122 pre-
fabricated joints leading to a very short fabricated joints was performed using
installation period. The total scope describes integral capacitive sensors.
62 km of 345 kV/2500 mm2 XLPE cables, Calibration of the PD sensors was
On-Site AC Testing 122 pieces pre-fabricated joints and 48 pieces carried out by the manufacturer at the
and PD Measurements of in- and outdoor terminations and includes factory. The optimal frequency for
J. Kaumanns
of 345 kV/2500 mm2 Jicable both, cable laying and assembly of the PD measurements was 6 – 7 8 Yes No Yes
25 E. Plieth Aug-03
XLPE Cable Systems accessories. MHz. An on-site check out of the PD
R. Plath
for Bulk Power To ensure the quality of the installation an on- measurement system was performed
Transmission site AC test including a partial discharge (PD) by means of a calibration signal
measurement was performed on the XLPE applied at the end of the circuit. The
cable systems. authors report a PD measurement
A new PD measuring and analyzing sensitivity of 1-2 pC for all joint
technique was able to reduce the external positions. One PD defect (a metal
noise level to 1–2 pC for the joints during PD particle) was detected at 212 kV
testing even under on-site testing conditions. during the commissioning tests. The
measured PD was 3 to 5 pC.

With an example of PD localization for EHV

C. Min cable joint on site, multiple method of PD
J. Urano The authors describe three different
International localization is studied in this paper, including
Multiple Localization A. Kato methods to locate the site of PD
Conference (1) method of using metallic foil electrode
Method of Partial Y. Sakaguchi inside of a pre-fabricated
on Electrical sensors, (2) method of excitation by X-ray 6 Yes No Yes
26 transmission cable joint. The three
Discharge Power G. Okamoto Engineering radiation and a foil electrode sensor (3)
Cable Joint H. Ueno 2001 differed in the resolution of the PD
method of applying acoustic emission sensors
K. Hirotu location, but all were effective.
and a foil electrode sensor. Compared with
A. Jinno the conventional method of PD localization
for long distance cables of more than

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hundreds of meters, it is more difficult to

localize a PD for a pre-fabricated type of joint
of only in a short length of around 2 m, due to
the problems in measurement such as the
disturbance of pulse reflection, the route of
pulse propagating and the difference of pulse
propagation velocity. The results of the
example also show that this multiple method
can give a high accuracy of PD localization.
As the high-voltage power cable insulation
material growing worse, the aged insulation
material can cause serious power supply
problems. Most of the damages can be found The authors describe an investigation
in cable splice and cable terminators. This to determine the effectiveness of
article mainly aims at developing the three different types of PD detection
inspection methods for cable joints problem. for cable systems. These were 1)
We investigate the use of acoustic emission detection of current pulses in the
(AE) sensor, capacitive coupler (CC), and sheath bonding leads, 2) Capacitive
impulse current measurement methods to couplers, 3) Acoustic Emission (AE)
J.-C. Hsieh Asia-Pacific
Evaluation and detect acoustic emission (AE) sensor, detectors.
C.-C. Tai Conf. on
Comparison of On- capacitive coupler (CC), and impulse current
C.-C Su Non- 7 Yes No Yes
27 Line PD Detection measurement methods to detect actual spot of The authors conclude that a detection
C.-Y. Chen Destructive
Methods for High- Testing the problem and to investigate and compare resistance in series with the cable
T.-C. Huang
Voltage Power Cable Jun-05 the advantages and disadvantages of different shield is effective but more
Y.-H. Lin
methods. To speak from the degree of susceptible to external noise than the
sensibility, the impulse current method has capacitive coupler. They conclude
the best sensibility, while the capacitive that the AE detection method is
coupler and AE methods are less sensible. To superior for determining the location
speak from the noise-resist ability, it is of a PD defect in a joint or
contrary to the degree of sensibility. The termination.
impulse method is prone to be interrupted by
noise. To speak from the PD signal source
location ability, the AE method is better than
the other two methods.

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In this contribution based on field application

This paper presents experience in
of advanced diagnostics a systematic
condition assessment of oil-filled
E. Gulski approach for condition assessment of high
transmission cables using PD and
J. Smit voltage (HV) power cables is discussed.
Insulation Diagnosis of dissipation factor (DF)
P. Cichecki Jicable Based on the assumption that there is not one 8 Yes No Yes
28 High Voltage Power Jun-07
Paper 53 measurements. The author proposes
F. de Vries dominant failure process in HV cable
Cables rules for the assessment of oil-filled
P. Seitz networks in addition to partial discharges also
transmission cables using PD and DF
F. Ptezold dielectric diagnosis has been included to
determine the actual condition of service aged
cable insulation systems.
Sinusoidal 0.1 Hz VLF test voltage is suitable
for cable diagnosis. The diagnostic results are
well comparable to measuring data at power
frequency. New studies performed by
Technische Universitaet Berlin and
New Studies on PD K. Rethmeier CIRED 19th Hochschule Konstanz are confirming the Similar to reference 22 except that
Measurements on MV P. Mohaupt International good comparability of diagnostic results
Paper the focus and measurement results
Conference 6 Yes No Yes
29 Cable Systems at 50 V. Bergmann on Electricity
achieved at sinusoidal 0.1 Hz VLF test are for medium (distribution) voltage
Hz and Sinusoidal 0.1 W. Kalkner Distribution voltage compared to 50 Hz and 60 Hz power cables and accessories.
Hz (VLF) Test Voltage G. Voigt May-04 frequency respectively. Specifically the PD
inception voltage (PDIV), the PD level and
the phase resolved graphical PD pattern are
very similar. This makes VLF test voltage in
combination with PD measurements a
suitable approach for on-site cable testing.
Synchronous PD measurement at both ends of The authors describe the development
a cable system can be realized by using one of of a system for synchronizing PD
the three phases of the system as a measurements performed
synchronization phase. A synchronization simultaneously at opposite ends of a
Proceedings signal travelling along this phase is measured transmission cable system.
of the XIVth at each cable end by one station of a Laboratory tests with intentional
A New Approach of
T. Kumm International synchronous multi-terminal measuring defects were followed by
Synchronous PD
K. Rethmeier Symposium system, while another station of this system is measurements on a 5.6 km long 110 8 Yes No No
30 Measurements at Both on High
W. Kalkner used for detection of PD signals from the high kV external gas pressure
Ends of a H. V. Gas Voltage
E. Zinburg voltage stressed tested phase. The equal time (impregnated paper) pipe-type cable
Pressure Cable System Engineering base of the two stations of each measuring system. The authors conclude that
system and the calculation of the travelling the only feasible possibility for PD
time of the synchronization signal are used to measurements of a pipe-type cable
generate a common time base for all system is to perform synchronous PD
measured data sets. On-site investigations measurement at both cable ends.
have been carried out on a 110 kV external

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gas pressure cable system. Investigations with Field measurements indicate a

a 0.1 Hz sinusoidal test voltage source were propagation velocity of 156
done to examine the suitability of m/microsecond. The test voltage was
synchronization method for PD testing and to 0.1 Hz VLF. Simulated PD defects
check the PD behavior of the cable system. were installed at the ends of the 5.6
The paper reports in detail about the main km cable system.
principle of the synchronization method.
Results of on-site tests are presented to show
practical suitability of the method, too.
PD testing has become the corner stone of The authors discuss the assessment of
most asset management programs. However, field PD measurement sensitivity
the results obtained from a partial discharge when using broad band VHF/UHF
test depend not only on the conditions under detection equipment. Data is
which the test was performed but also on the presented showing the response of
test equipment it self including the type of transmission cables to simulated PD
sensor used and its location. The issues pulses. The primary conclusions are
related to attenuation and dispersion of partial 1) that distributed PD measurements
discharge pulses is well known. For testing (as opposed to measurements
Sensitivity Assessment long lengths of cable, performing a terminal performed at the ends of the cable
for Partial Discharge measurement is often not possible. Still, such circuits) are necessary because of the
H. Sedding Jicable Paper 6 Yes No No
31 Measurements on tests are performed on long lengths of rapid attenuation and dispersion of
M. Fenger Jun-07 140
Solid Dielectric transmission class cable with claims that PD pulses in transmission cables and
Transmission Cables sensitivities of down to 5pC can be achieved. 2) it does not make sense to attempt
This paper provides a brief review of partial to correlate discharge pulses
discharge detection, signal propagation and measured in mV or mA to partial
discusses so called calibration procedures. As discharge currents. In other words,
well, this paper also presents a framework for the authors conclude that calibration
a model providing a meaningful sensitivity of VHF/UHF PD measurement
assessment prior to performing a partial results to pC (as reported from
discharge test. Data acquired on different factory production tests) is not
classes of transmission class circuits is possible.
Partial Discharges (PD) in a power cable The main focus of this paper is a
system can occur due to different insulation method to quantify the sensitivity of
S. Meijer
defects. If allowed to continue, PD will erode PD measurements performed with
R. Ladde
Sensitivity Verification the insulation, eventually bridge the VHF and UHF PD measurement
A. Jongen Jicable Paper 6 Yes No Yes
32 Procedure of VHF PD Jun-07
conductors resulting in a complete breakdown equipment. The factors that most
J. Smit 101
Detection Systems and failure of the cable system. It is known significantly affect the sensitivity of
J. Hermans
that PD pulses consist of energy frequencies the PD measurements are discussed
L. Lamballais
up to hundreds of MHz. Therefore using a and methods to determine the PD
VHF/UHF sensor detecting partial discharges measurement sensitivity were tried in

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is possible. However, the high-frequency laboratory tests.

behavior of the sensor, the measurement
cables, etc. has a strong influence on the The authors conclude that it is
response of VHF/UHF PD detection systems. difficult to calibrate VHF/UHF PD
Therefore, calibration is difficult and several detection equipment. However, a
related issues are presented analytically and sensitivity check can be performed to
discussed. give at least an idea of detectable PD

Cablewise technology is an excellent

predictive maintenance tool that has been
used to assess the condition of electrical
equipment in the energized state while
operating in electrical utility and industrial
plant environments. It is an on-line totally This paper primarily deals with a
passive technique which allows the proprietary field diagnostic method
measurement of signals at high frequencies for both PILC and extruded dielectric
emitted by the cable system while it is power cables. This method is based
Condition Assessment operating in service. The technique is on the detection of “pre-partial
of Power Cable N. Srinivas Jicable Paper particularly applicable for identifying the type discharge” signals. The 4 Yes No No
Systems in the B. Bernstein June-07 171 of defects that cause aging and loss of life of measurements are made on-line with
Energized State cable system components. The analyses of the the cables operating at normal
results are used to assess the severity of aging operating temperatures and voltage.
in cables, splices, terminations and the The paper primarily focuses on
electrical equipment connected to the system. experience with distribution cables.
This non-destructive, non-invasive approach
assists the user in establishing a predictive
maintenance program in a proactive manner.
This paper describes the rationale for
studying signals prior to and after partial
discharge inception.
IEC test requirements have evolved over the Annex 5.3 of this document
years from the component-based approach in (Sensitivity of Partial Discharges in
Revision of IEC 840 to the system based approach. XLPE Cable Insulation to Change of
Qualification Accessories are considered together with the Electrical Stress) contains and in-
Procedures for HV and CIGRE cable, in IEC 62067 and in the most recent depth theoretical analysis of factors 5 No No No
34 Working Group TB 303
EHV AC Extruded Aug-06 edition of IEC 60840. In its meeting in that affect the inception of PD in
Underground Cable Madrid of 2001, Study Committee B1 XLPE transmission cables. It also
Systems decided to install a Task Force to get SC B1 contains a listing of major EHV
prepared to issue future recommendations for XLPE cable projects.
evolutions of IEC 62067 taking into account

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the expected innovations in cable technology,

the need to reduce the time-to-market and the
overall cost to introduce new evolutions as
well as service experience collected by the
Cable Industry.
Various types of response that can be
observed with discharge detectors are listed.
For each type, the discharge pattern on an
oscilloscope and the relation of the maximum
This document contains a
discharge magnitude with the test voltage and
time are described. A system for diagnosing comprehensive description of
possible PD measurement for
Recognition of CIGRE WG Electra the possible origin of discharges from their 6 Yes No Yes
35 Electra laboratory or factory production test
Discharges 21.03 #11 observed characteristics is outlined. In
results using medium frequency (50 –
addition, the characteristics of unwanted
500 kHz) PD detection instruments
disturbances and some means of diagnosing
their origin are shown. The list is not
exhaustive, and variations on the basic
response of characteristics should be
The revision of IEC 270 is going to introduce
several new aspects and procedures for
qualifying partial discharge PD measuring
systems. An important point is that the This document contains an in-depth
specified partial discharge magnitude for coverage of calibration of PD
alternating voltage tests is defined as the measurements for power system
“largest repeatedly-occurring PD magnitude” equipment. It is the basis for IEC
recorded with a measuring instrument has a 60270, the international standard for
Calibration Procedures
certain specified response to pulse trains with calibration of PD measurements. The
for Analog and Digital CIGRE TF Electra Electra 6 No No No
36 different repetition rates. Moreover document covers calibration of newer
Partial Discharge 33.03.05 Oct-1998 #180
recommendations are made regarding the digital PD detection instruments as
Measuring Instruments
correct digital acquisition of the discharge well as the older analog medium
magnitude and processing of PD quantities. frequency PD instruments used in
The main objective is that PD readings laboratories and manufacturing
obtained with digital instruments shall be facilities.
compatible with those obtained with analog
instruments. In addition other potentially
interesting quantities are defined for digital

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Prequalification tests were performed in 1995

at Hydro-Québec's Research Institute on This document describes the methods
XLPE cable systems in partnership with three that were used to perform
international cable manufacturers, Pirelli, intermittent, long-term, field PD
Fujikura and Alcatel. measurements on two, 345 kV XLPE
cable system test loops.
J.L. Parpal EPRI and Hydro-Québec agreed on their end
P.E. Beaudoin to monitor the partial discharge activity Of particular relevance is the
M. Belec during the long-term test using a commercial discussion concerning the calibration
Assessment of G. Bouffard recording system. It was shown that it is of field PD measurements that are
EPRI Report TR- performed in the VHF frequency 9 Yes No Yes
37 Extruded 345-kV L. Daigneault Jun-1998
possible to retrofit couplers on the cross-
110906 range using high-frequency current
Cable Technology C. Guddemi bonding cable of already installed
C. Hudon transmission-type cables and perform PD transformers and a quadrupole device
D. Jean measurements from the cross-bonding cable inserted at the cable splice bonding
J. Nourry by eliminating undesired electromagnetic leads.
interference with a combination of frequency The single splice failure that occurred
filtering and time domain gating. The
was not detected by the PD
sensitivity of the High Frequency Current measurements due to reasons
Transformer coupler was determined to be in
discussed by the authors.
the range of 65 pC.

This paper describes modeling of PD

pulse propagation in shielded power
cables using numerical methods of
An investigation on partial discharge (PD) the EMTP program. Results are
propagation in power cables is carried out in compared with experimental test
this paper with the aim of inferring limits for results. The EMTP modeling is then
PD detection as a function of the distance used to predict the lowest magnitude
IEEE Trans. between PD source and detector. Although of PD pulses that can be detected as a
Bandwidth and on this problem has not an exact solution unless function of the distance between PD
Chandrasenkar Vol. 14
Sensitivity Issues in Dielectrics noise levels are not specified, useful detection equipment and the PD site. 8 Yes No Yes
38 A. Cavallini No. 3
PD Detection in Power and information concerning delectability and error Predictions on measurement
G. Montanari Electrical Jun-07
Cables in estimates are provided in this paper for sensitivity are made for a theoretical
F. Puletti Insulation both medium and high voltage polymeric ultra wide bandwidth (UWB) to IEC
cables. The issue of calibrator characteristics 60270 compliant PD detectors. The
with respect to sensitivity to detection is also analysis is performed for MV and HV
tackled. cables. The authors also discuss the
importance of the characteristics of
PD calibrators when making UWB
PD measurements

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A new technique for partial discharge (PD)

source location in cable systems is presented The authors describe the physics of
in this paper. Such technique, here referred to PD pulse attenuation, dispersion, and
as amplitude-frequency (AF) mapping, is reflection in extruded dielectric cable
based on the influence of attenuation and systems. Three PD site location
dispersion phenomena on PD pulse time and methods are described in detail.
frequency characteristics. A comparative These are the time-domain
A Novel Method to evaluation with other two well-known reflectometry (TDR), the arrival time
IEEE Trans. location techniques (time-domain analysis (ATA) and a third method
Locate PD in on
A. Cavallini Vol. 14 reflectometry and arrival time analysis) is proposed by the authors called
Polymeric Cable Dielectrics 9 Yes No Yes
39 G. Montanari No. 3 presented. The results indicate that while amplitude-frequency (AF) mapping.
Systems Based on and
F. Puletti Electrical Jun-07 TDR is appropriate for short cable systems, The authors conclude that the AF
(AF) Map Insulation for longer cable systems, location by AF mapping method is particularly well
mapping can be obtained directly from PD suited to location of PD defects in
testing, without additional efforts. The long cable systems that are more
location thus achieved is in most cases, common for transmission cable
accurate enough to allow maintenance systems. Application of the three
practices to be carried out effectively. In methods from actual field test results
some cases, ATA can be necessary to refine are presented.
location and resolve ambiguities.

This article summarizes the theory for PD

propagation in shielded power cable for both
The focus of this paper is the
symmetric (Gaussian) and asymmetric PD-
development of an analytical model
pulse waveforms, based on the assumption
Partial Discharge Pulse to predict the attenuation of PD
IEEE Vol. 23 that the attenuation constant (dB/m or
Propogation in N. Oussalah pulses in shielded power cables. The
Electrical No. 6 Nepers/m) of the cable is proportional to 6 Yes No No
40 Shielded Power Cable Y. Zebboudji Insulation material covered is similar to that in
Nov/Dec frequency. This appears to be the most
and Implications for S. Boggs Magazine reference 3 (Evaluation of Partial
2007 complete possible analytic exposition of PD
Detection Sensitivity Discharge Testing Technology for
attenuation in shielded-power cable, which
Transmission Class Cables)
has obvious applications to field PD
measurements of such cable.

10410113 A-21
This appendix contains scopes of work for two of the recommended follow up projects on the
interpretation of field PD measurement results. A scope of work was not prepared for a third
proposed research project which focused on round robin testing of extruded dielectric
transmission cable systems with known defects by commercial testing services.

10410113 B-1
B.1 Scope of Work for Guide on Preparation of Specifications for Field PD
The scope of work for the recommended project to develop a guide for preparation of
specifications for field PD measurements on XLPE transmission cable systems would include the
following tasks.
1. Summarize Current Field PD Measurement Technologies
Contractor will be required review industry guides that describe current field PD
measurement technology. This review shall include the following industry guides as well
as other industry publications that include an unbiased review of field PD measurement
methods and equipment.
• IEEE Standard 400.3 – Guide for Partial Discharge Testing of Shielded Power Cable
Systems in a Field Environment
• CIGRE Technical Bulletin 182 – Partial Discharge Detection In Installed HV
Extruded Cable Systems
Contractor will be required to prepare a practical summary of field PD measurement
methods for transmission cables based on information contained in the reviewed industry
guides. The summary shall include:
• Industry accepted objectives for field PD measurements on transmission cables
• Practical description of sources of PD in transmission cable systems and what is
known about the effects of PD
• Field PD measurement methods (i.e. system PD measurements versus distributed
measurements on cable system accessories, time domain versus frequency domain
• On-line versus off-line PD measurements
• Types of PD sensors and their impact on measurement results
• Calibration of field PD measurements
• Practical limitations in performing field PD measurements
• Interpretation of field PD measurement results
2. Summarize Commercially Available Field PD Measurement Services
Contractor will be required to prepare a summary of commercially available PD
measurement services including:
• Contact information for commercial PD measurement services
• Measurement methods
• Measurement equipment
• Experience in performing field PD measurements on transmission cable
• Methods for analysis of field PD measurement results (i.e. previous test experience,
automated test report programs provided by manufacturer of measurement
equipment, etc.)

10410113 B-2
3. Review Field PD Measurements Reports from Utility Commissioning Tests
Contractor will be required to contact utilities with recent transmission cable construction
projects to gather information about field PD measurement experience and to obtain
copies of field PD measurement reports when possible.
4. Prepare a Comparison of Commercially Available Field PD Measurement Technologies
Contractor will be required to prepare an interim report with a practical comparison of
commercially available measurement technologies. The Contractor will obtain review
comments on the technologies from each supplier. This report shall contain an unbiased
comparison of the advantages and disadvantages of measurement methods, equipment,
and calibration techniques, using established objective criteria.
5. Prepare a Draft Outline of Technical Specifications for Field PD Measurements
Contractor will be required prepare a draft outline of the topics that will be included in a
guide for preparation of technical specifications for field PD measurements. The outline
will summarize the information that is proposed for each section of the guide.
6. Review Draft Outline of Technical Specifications with Utility Advisors
Contractor will be required to plan for and participate in a web cast with EPRI utility
advisors, EPRI’s technical advisor, and EPRI’s project manager to discuss the proposed
draft outline.
7. Prepare A Guide for Technical Specifications for Field PD Measurements
Contractor will be required to prepare a guide for preparing technical specifications for
field PD measurements on transmission cable systems. This guide will, as a minimum,
cover the following topics.
• Objectives for field PD measurements for commissioning and condition assessment
• Type of measurements to be performed (i.e. system versus distributed accessory
• Acceptable measurement technologies for field PD measurements
• Coordination of AC high-potential tests with PD monitoring
• Coordination between cable manufacturer, cable installer, and PD measurement
• Scope of work for field PD measurements
• Calibration of field PD measurements
• Information to be included in PD test report(s)
• Required information for vendor proposals
• Comparison of vendor proposals

10410113 B-3
8. Prepare Final Report
Contractor will be required to prepare a final report that complies with EPRI’s technical
report requirements.
This task includes obtaining copyright release forms for any photos, figures, and written
information provided by parties other than EPRI for inclusion in the final report.
Contractor will be required to prepare for and present the results of the project at a future
meeting of the EPRI Underground Transmission Task Force.
9. Reporting and Administrative
Contractor will be required to comply with typical EPRI monthly reporting requirements.

B.2 Scope of Work for Seminar on Field PD Measurements

The scope of work for the recommended project to develop and conduct a three-day seminar for
field PD measurements would include the following tasks. This scope of work assumes that the
seminar would be conducted at the EPRI Lenox Test Facility and that EPRI personnel at this
facility will be responsible for scheduling meeting rooms and equipment that is normally
required for training seminars at this facility.
1. Seminar Planning
Contractor will be required to prepare a preliminary seminar outline to be reviewed by
EPRI’s project manager and EPRI’s utility advisors.
The seminar will, as a minimum, cover the following aspects of field PD measurements
on transmission cable systems.
• Objectives of transmission cable field PD measurements
• Industry guides for field PD measurements on transmission cables
• Practical field PD measurement methods
• Summary of previous EPRI projects related to field PD measurements
• Differences between field and laboratory PD measurements on transmission cables
and accessories
• Commercially available field PD measurement equipment
• Field PD measurement calibration issues and practices
• Current commercial field PD measurement services
• Preparing effective technical specifications for field PD measurements
• Interpreting field PD test results
• Planning for field PD measurements during commissioning tests
• Commercial considerations during field PD measurements (i.e. repairing defective
accessories, repeating system PD measurements if defects are identified, etc.)
• Industry experience with field PD measurements for transmission cable systems

10410113 B-4
2. Finalize Seminar Topics and Prepare Cost Estimate
Contractor will revise the preliminary seminar outline, as necessary, and prepare a cost
estimate for conducting the seminar.
Contractor will review the seminar cost estimate with EPRI’s project manager and revise
the topics to be covered, if necessary, to comply with EPRI’s budget for the seminar.
3. Prepare Seminar Presentation Material
Contractor will prepare presentation material for the course in the form of PowerPoint
presentations by the course instructors.
4. Solicit Seminar Participation by Industry Field PD Measurement Experts and Field PD
Service Providers
Contractor will be required to contact other industry recognized experts in performing
field PD measurements on transmission cables to solicit their participation in the seminar.
Contractor will select at least one other industry expert in field PD measurements as a
subcontractor to prepare and present course material. Any industry experts that are
selected should not be affiliated with commercial field PD measurement services to
insure objective input to the seminar.
Contractor will be required to contact commercial field PD measurement service
providers and solicit their participation in the seminar provided that the service provider
is willing to prepare and submit seminar material in advance of the seminar without
copyright restrictions. If possible, Contractor will make arrangements for seminar
presentations by two field PD measurement services that use different field PD
measurement technologies.
5. Seminar Coordination
Contractor will be required to prepare twelve bound, printed copies of the seminar
presentation material.
Contractor will coordinate with EPRI’s project manager and EPRI personnel at the
location where the seminar is to be presented on the details of conducting the seminar.
This task will include schedule coordination for presentations by parties other than
6. Conduct Seminar on Field PD Measurements
Contractor and subcontractors, if applicable, will provide personnel that are experienced
in field PD measurements to conduct a three-day seminar.
7. Reporting and Administrative

10410113 B-5
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