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DLL Mapeh 6 Whole Year

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GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: JEANETH N. CASIMERO Learning Area: MAPEH

DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and June 10-14, 2019 (WEEK 2)
Time: Matulungin 11:20-12:00 Quarter: 1ST QUARTER


A. Content Standard demonstrates understanding Demonstrates demonstrates understanding of Demonstrates understanding of
of the concept of rhythm by understanding of the participation and assessment of personal health issues and
applying notes and rests, use of lines, shapes, physical activity and physical concerns and the importance of
rhythmic patterns, and time colors, texture, and the fitness health appraisal procedures
signatures principles of emphasis and community resources in
and contrast in drawing preventing or managing them
a logo and own cartoon
character using new
technologies in drawing.
B. Performance Standard responds to beats in Creates concepts through art participates and practices selfmanagement
music heard with processes, elements, and assesses performance skills to prevent and control
appropriate principles using new in physical activities. personal health issues and
conducting patterns of technologies (hardware and assesses physical concerns
2 3 4 and 6 software) to create personal fitness
4 4 4 8 or class logo.
designs cartoon character onthe
spot using new
C. Learning Competencies Realizes that art processes, 1. describes the Philippines describes personal
(write the LC Code) identifies the notes / rests elements and principles still physical activity pyramid health issues and
used in a particular song apply even with the use of PE6PF-Ia-16 concerns
2 3 4 new technologies. 2. explains the indicators H6PHIab-18
4 4 4 time signatures A6EL-Ia for fitness demonstrates selfmanagement
MU6RH-Ia-1 2. Appreciates the elements PE6PF-Ia-17 skills
and principles applied in 3. explains health and skill H6PHIab-19
commercial art. related fitness components
A6PL-Ia PE6PF-Ia-21
Elements: Assessment of physical Personal Health -Issues and
RHYTHM 1. LINE activities and physical fitness Concerns
Musical Symbols and 2. SHAPE 1. height and weight(stunted
II. CONTENT Concepts: 3. COLOR growth, underweight,
1. Notes and Rests 4. TEXTURE overweight, obesity)
5. producing these using 2. hearing (impacted cerumen,
technology swimmer’s ear, otitis media)
3. vision
4. (astigmatism, myopia,
5. skin, hair andand nail
6. (sunburn, dandruff ,corns,
blisters and calluses, ingrown
7. posture and spine disorders
(scoliosis, lordosis, kyphosis)
8. oral/dental problems
(cavities, gingivitis,
periodontitis, malocclusion,
A. References
1. TG/CG pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages MISOSA4-Module6 21st Century MAPEH in ACTION OHSP Health 1 Q1 Module 1,
MISOSA5-module1 By Gerardo C. Lacia et.al Reading 2
*Musika at Sining Copyright ,2016 pp.118-125 2. OHSP Health 1 Q2 Module 1
6. Sunico, Raul pp.10-13
M. et al, 2000. 3. EdukasyongPangkatawan,
pp.8-10 kalusugan, at
*Umawit at Musika I. DepED. Abejo, Mary
Gumuhit 6. Placid Sr.
Valdecantos, et.al. 1991.pp.46-52, 69-76
Emelita C. 1999. Science and Health for the
pp.5-16, pp.25-26 Better Life 5.
Norma,et.al.1995. pp.49
Musika I. DepED. Abejo, Mary
Placid Sr. et.
al. 1991. pp.62-64;72-80
4. Materials downloaded
from LRMDS
B. Other Learning Materials Laptop, digital art works, Laptop, projector
sample of commercial arts
downloaded from the net
A. Reviewing previous Let the pupils sing the Review the basic terminologies Can you still recall your lesson What lessons in Health 5 that
lesson and presenting Welcome Song in arts about the Physical activity you can still remember ?
new lesson Sing the song Tao, taopo What are the elements of arts? pyramid ?
Clap the beat of the song Principles ?processes ?
B. Establishing a purpose After the session,you are going Today, you are going to describe In our lesson you will describe
for the lesson Today, we are going to to realize that art processes, the Philippine physical activity personal health issues and
identify the notes and rest in elements and principles still pyramid Concerns and
a song that we’re going to apply even with the use of Demonstrate self management
learn new technologies. skills

C. Presenting Present sample of commercial How would you describe the What are the common health
examples/instances of arts Philippine physical activity issues that you have or you
the lesson Play the music chicken dance. Help/ Guide the students pyramid ? have observe ?
Let the pupils dance with the describe, interpret, evaluate, Show the illustration of the Phil Assign these topics to small
music theorize and judge the Physical activity pyramid groups for them to discuss and
Present the song properties and qualities of the What activities are found in STEP the report to the class
Haranasabukid. Teach the visual form, for the purpose of 1 ? STEP 2? STEP 3 ?STEP 4 ? 1. height and weight(stunted
song understanding and appreciating What are the aims of the physical growth, underweight,
works of art and understanding activity pyramid? overweight, obesity)
the roles of art in society. 2. hearing (impacted cerumen,
ART HISTORY Why are physical activities swimmer’s ear, otitis media)
Attribution important ? 3. vision
Where, when, why, and by 4. (astigmatism, myopia,
whom was an artwork made? hyperopia,xerophthalmia,
Style refers to the distinguishing
characteristics of a work of art
that identify it as typical of an
individual artist, culture, school,
movement, or time period.
Artworks may exhibit personal,
national, and/or period styles.
D. Discussing new concepts Group Discussion on theff: What are the indicators or signs of Big group sharing
and practicing new skills Analyze the song. ART CRITICISM physical fitness ? What are these? How do you
#1 What is the time signature of Guide Questions for art criticism Do you like doing physical handle these
the song ? What does the Description: What do I see? activities ?
upper number in the time (feel, hear, smell, taste)? Can you stretch your muscles w/o
signature mean? How about •Subject Matter: Does the feeling discomfort or pain?
the lower number ? What are artwork depict anything? If so, Can you move your body with a
the notes and rests you find in what? little or no difficulty?
the song ? ( quarter note) •Medium: What tools, Can you run 1.6 km in eight
materials, or processes did the minutes with ease ?
(eight note) (quarter
art make use? Is the amount of your fat less than
note ) ( half note ) . •Form: What elements did the your weight of lean muscles bones
(dotted quarter note ) maker choose and how did the and body organs ?
What does it mean by the maker organize the elements? If yes, you are physically fit. If your
song ? Discuss the value of *Interpretation: What is the answers are no, you have to work
the song in relation to the artwork about? out for your physical fitness
culture of Filipinos •Interpretive Statement: Can I
express what I think the artwork
is about in one sentence?


E. Discussing new concepts Help the students analyze the Evidence: What evidence inside Group the class in three.
and practicing new skills song or outside the artwork supports Group 1 -Ask them to work on the
#2 my interpretation? following topics
Judgment: Is it a good artwork? What are the four signs of fitness
Criteria: What criteria do I think ?(
are most appropriate for judging endurance,flexibility,strength,bod
the artwork? y composition )
Evidence: What evidence inside Group 2- What are the health-
What is the time signature of
or outside the artwork relates to related fitness components
the song ?What does the
each criterion? Group 3- What are the skill-
numbers in the time signature
Judgment: Based on the criteria related fitness components. (
mean ? What are the notes
and evidence, what is my cardio-vascular fitness, healthful
and rests in the song?
judgment about the quality of composition, flexibility, muscular
the artwork? strength, muscular endurance )
( The pupils will recall their lessons
in Grade 4 or they will research.
They can use the Grade 4 LM for
this activity (
reaction time,speed, power )

F. Developing mastery (lead Let the pupils draw and Group reporting/ presentation
to formative assessment identify the notes in the song
G. Finding practical Present another song with 2 Are the elements and principles Practice selfmanagement
application of concepts 4 of arts present in the art work ? skills to prevent and control
and skills in daily living time signature and ask the personal health issues and
pupils to identify the different concerns
notes and rest found in the
song. This activity may be
done by group
H. Making generalization What is the art processes in this
and abstractions about art work? What elements of art
the lesson are present ?principles ?

I. Evaluating learning Self assessment Ask the following questions. Pupils Do you practice personal
1.Whatdid I do in my art class may answer these either by hygiene to prevent and control
today ? writing drawing or personal health concerns.?
2.What did I learn ? performing/role play What are these ?
3.What did I find interesting 1. Describe the Philippine
about the art? activity pyramid
Identify the notes and rests
4.What questions do I have 2. What are the indicators
found in the song
about what I learned for fitness ?
5.What was the point of today’s 3. What do you mean by
lesson ? cardio-vascular fitness ?
4. What do you mean by
5. What is meant by speed ?
J. Additional activities for
application or

VI. REFLECTION Assessing yourself as a teacher and analyzing the students’ progress this week.

A. No. of learners who

earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
acquired additional
activities for remediation
who scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners
who have caught up with
the lesson.
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encountered which my
principal can help me
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
used/discover which I
wish to share with other
DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and June 17-21, 2019 (WEEK 3)
Time: Matulungin 11:20-12:00 Quarter: 1st Quarter


D. Content Standard demonstrates understanding Demonstrates demonstrates understanding demonstrates demonstrates understanding
of understanding of personal health of the concept of rhythm by understanding of the of
participation and assessment issues and concerns and the applying notes and rests, use of lines, shapes, participation and assessment
of physical activity and importance of health appraisal rhythmic patterns, and time colors, texture, and the of physical activity and
physical procedures and signatures principles of emphasis physical
fitness community resources in and contrast in drawing fitness
preventing or managing them a logo and own cartoon
character using new
technologies in drawing
E. Performance Standard participates and assesses practices selfmanagement responds to beats in creates concepts through art participates and assesses
performance in physical skills to prevent and control music heard with processes, elements, and performance in physical
activities.assesses physical personal health issues and appropriate principles using new activities.assesses physical
fitness concerns conducting patterns of technologies (hardware and fitness
2 3 4 and 6 software) to create personal
4 4 4 8 or class logo.
designs cartoon character onthe
spot using new
F. Learning Competencies describes personal Differentiates among 2 3 4 applies concepts on the use Explains the
(write the LC Code) . explains health issues and concerns 4 4 4 of the software (commands, nature/background of the
thenature/background of the H6PHIab-18 And 6 time signatures menu, etc.) games
games demonstrates self management 8 A6PR-Ib PE6GS-Ib-1
PE6GS-Ib-1 skills MU6RH-Ib-e-2 describes the skills involved in
describes the skills involved in H6PHIab-19 • Describes the 2 the games
the games 4 time signature PE6GS-Ib-2
PE6GS-Ib-2 observes safety precautions
observes safety precautions PE6GS-Ib-h-
PE6GS-Ib-h- recognizes the value of
recognizes the value of participation in physical
participation in physical activities
activities PE6PF-Ib-h-19
PE6PF-Ib-h-19 assesses regularly
participation in physical
assesses regularly activities based on the
participation in physical Philippines physical activity
activities based on the pyramid
Philippines physical activity PE6PF-Ib-h-18
pyramid displays joy of effort, respect
PE6PF-Ib-h-18 for others and fair play during
displays joy of effort, respect participation in physical
for others and fair play during activities
participation in physical PE6PF-Ib-h-20
activities identifies areas for
PE6PF-Ib-h-20 improvement
identifies areas for PE6PF-Ib-h-22

II. CONTENT Personal Health -Issues and RHYTHM Principles: Assessment of physical
Concerns Musical Symbols and 6. CONTRAST activities and physical fitness
Assessment of physical 1. height and weight(stunted Concepts: 7. EMPHASIS Target games ( batuhang
activities and physical fitness growth, underweight, 1. Notes and Rests Bola/ Tamaangtao
Target games (Tumbangpreso) overweight, obesity) 2. Meters Original File Submitted and
2. hearing (impacted cerumen, 3. Rhythmic Patterns Formatted by DepEd Club
swimmer’s ear, otitis media) Member - visit depedclub.com
3. vision for more
4. (astigmatism, myopia,
5. skin, hair and and nail
6. (sunburn, dandruff ,corns,
blisters and calluses, ingrown
7. posture and spine disorders
(scoliosis, lordosis, kyphosis)
8. oral/dental problems
(cavities, gingivitis,
periodontitis, malocclusion,
C. References
5. TG/CG pages
6. Learner’s Materials
7. Textbook pages ASE P.E Module 2 pp.6-7,12- 1. OHSP Health 1 Q1 Module 1, MISOSA5-module6 Musika at ASE P.E Module 2 pp.6-7,12-13
13 Reading 2 Sining 6. Sunico, Raul
2. OHSP Health 1 Q2 Module 1 M. et al, 2000. Projector, 21st Century MAPEH in Action
21st Century MAPEH in Action pp.10-13 laptop, musical scale of the Gerardo C. Lacia pp.
Gerardo C. Lacia pp. 3. EdukasyongPangkatawan, songs HaranasaBukid, Copyright 2016,pp126
Copyright 2016,pp126 kalusugan, at HimigPasko and other folk
Musika I. DepED. Abejo, Mary songs
Placid Sr. pp.8-10
et.al. 1991.pp.46-52, 69-7 *Umawit at Gumuhit
Emelita C. 1999. pp.5-20
8. Materials downloaded
from LRMDS
D. Other Learning Materials Lata ng gatas/evap , tsinelas Laptop, PC desktop Palayok,

K. Reviewing previous Review the previous lesson Let the pupils sing the song “ Review the previous lesson How is Tumbangpresoplayed ?
lesson and presenting Describe the Philippine Tao, taopo “. Let the pupils What skills are develop by
new lesson Physical activity pyramid clap/ tap the rhythm of the playing the game ?
song .
L. Establishing a purpose Establish the purpose for the Today, we are going to Today, we are going to apply Would you like to play a game
for the lesson Would you like to play a game lesson describe the 2 concepts on the use of again ?
? 4 time software.
M. Presenting Group the class in four Present again the song “ Tao, ( This lesson should be done in Fill the pride of being a Filipino
examples/instances of Give them topics to research and taopo “. the E-classroom. In the absence with Tumbangpreso. This game
the lesson Fill the pride of being a Filipino to talk /share with the group and Analyze the song. Give the of technology, the teacher may promote healthful lifestyle.
with Tumbangpreso. This share to the whole class. Provide value of each note find in the prepare visuals that would help Furthermore,they promote:
game promote healthful them with readings downloaded song and relate the value of the pupils visualize and patriotism( to feel the pride of
lifestyle. Furthermore,they from LRMDS the notes to the time conceptualize the concepts on being Filipino) Bonding( to build
promote: patriotism( to feel Group 1. skin, hair and and nail signature of the song. Review the use of software ) bridge of fun and closeness
the pride of being Filipino) Group 2. (sunburn, dandruff the meaning of the numbers among neighborhood to develop
Bonding( to build bridge of fun ,corns, in the time signature. camaraderie with peers) and
and closeness among blisters and calluses, ingrown Discuss the value of the song sportsmanship ( to build a
neighborhood to develop toenails) in the life of Filipino. positive outlook on acceptance
camaraderie with peers) and Group 3. posture and spine of winning and being defeated
sportsmanship ( to build a disorders
positive outlook on (scoliosis, lordosis, kyphosis)
acceptance of winning and Group 4. oral/dental problems
being defeated (cavities, gingivitis,
periodontitis, malocclusion,
*Include personal hygiene to be
observe to prevent or control
personal health issues
N. Discussing new concepts Big group sharing Play the song and then the Each pupil should hands on/ or Remind the pupils on the
and practicing new skills pupils will do the following: manipulate the computer while precautionary measures that
#1 Remind the pupils on the 1.Tap the rhythm of the song the teacher showing the they should do to avoid being
precautionary measures that 2.Clap the rhythmic pattern of commands and menu hurt while playing
they should do to avoid being the song Those pupils who are already Bring them to the playground
hurt while playing 3.Create an action of the song literate in the use of computer and let them play
Bring them to the playground The pupils will sing the song may serve as tutors to their BasagangPalayok
and let them play ,too. peers. Any applications in the
TumbangPreso computer may be use. Would it
be photoshop, publisher, my
drawing desk etc..
O. Discussing new concepts After the play, ask them Play the song and then the Basagangpalayok is a Filipino
and practicing new skills How is Tumbangpreso played pupils will do the following: game played by children during
#2 1. Tap the rhythm of birthday parties and town
the song fiestas.
2. Clap the rhythmic The goal of the game is for a
pattern of the song blind-folded player to hit and
3. Create an action of break the clay pot into pieces.
the song Discuss with the pupils the rules
The pupils will sing the song of the game.
P. Developing mastery
(lead to formative
assessment 3)
Q. Finding practical Provide the pupil activity to Have a classroom setting
application of concepts apply the concept portraying fiesta or birthday
and skills in daily living party. Provide each pupil with a
party hat to wear during the
game to create a birthday party
atmosphere in the classroom.
Assign one of the pupil to play/
be blind-folded
R. Making generalization What are personal health issues? How would you describe
and abstractions about How to handle it the 2 What are the commands and
the lesson 4 time signature ? menu in the use of software

S. Evaluating learning Self-assessment . Use rubrics Do you practice personal hygiene Sample questions for Use rubrics to assess
to prevent and control personal assessment: pupils performance
1.Did you enjoy the game ? health concerns.? What are these 1.What is the value of quarter Self-assessment . Use rubrics
2. Describe the skills involved ? note in the 2/4 time signature
Theory 50%
in the game ? ? 1.Did you enjoy the game ?
3.Did you observe safety 2.How many beats are there Application 5% 2. Describe the skills involved in
precautions ? in every measure in 2/4 time the game ?
4. Did you display joy of signature? 3.Did you observe safety
effort, respect for others and 3.What is the value of eight precautions ?
fair play during your note in 2/4 time signature ? 4. Did you display joy of effort,
participation to the game ? 4.Can we use the whole note respect for others and
5.Do you feel proud being in 2/4 time signature? Why? fair play during your
Filipino while playing the participation to the game ?
game ? 5.Do you feel proud being
Filipino while playing the game?
T. Additional activities for Share your inputs to your family
application or and friends

VI. REFLECTION Assessing yourself as a teacher and analyzing the students’ progress this week.

H. No. of learners who earned

80% in the evaluation
I. No. of learners who
acquired additional activities
for remediation who scored
below 80%
J. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
K. No. of learners who
continue to require
L. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
M. What difficulties did I
encountered which my
principal can help me solve?
N. What innovation or localized
materials did I
used/discover which I wish
to share with other
School: Grade Level: VI
GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: Learning Area: MAPEH
DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and
Time: (WEEK 3) Quarter: 1ST QUARTER


G. Content Standard Demonstrates demonstrates understanding Demonstrates demonstrates understanding of
understanding of personal health of the concept of rhythm by understanding of the participation and assessment of
issues and concerns and the applying notes and rests, use of lines, shapes, physical activity and physical
importance of health appraisal rhythmic patterns, and time colors, texture, and the fitness
procedures and signatures principles of emphasis
community resources in preventing or and contrast in drawing
managing them a logo and own cartoon
character using new
technologies in drawing
H. Performance Standard practices self management responds to beats in Creates concepts through art participates and assesses
skills to prevent and control personal music heard with processes, elements, and performance in physical activities
health issues and appropriate principles using new assesses physical
concerns conducting patterns of technologies (hardware and fitness
2 3 4 and 6 software) to create personal
4 4 4 8 or class logo.
designs cartoon character
onthe spot using new
I. Learning Differentiates among 2 3 4 utilizes art skills in using 1.explains thenature/background
Competencies discusses health 4 4 4 new technologies of the games
(write the LC Code) appraisal procedures And 6 time signatures (hardware and software) PE6GS-Ib-1
during puberty 8 A6PR-Ic describes the skills involved in the
H6PH-Ic-20 •Describes the3 games
4 time signature PE6GS-Ib-2
MU6RH-Ic-e-2 observes safety precautions
recognizes the value of
participation in physical

assesses regularly
participation in physical activities
based on the
Philippines physical activity
displays joy of effort, respect for
others and fair play during
participation in physical
identifies areas for improvement
RHYTHM . Process: Assessment of
Musical Symbols and DRAWING – NEW physical
Undergoing Health Appraisal Concepts: TECHNOLOGIES activities and
Procedures (height and weight 1. Notes and Rests .1 logo physical fitness
measurement, breast selfexamination 2. Meters .2 cartoon character Target games
II. CONTENT for girls, hearing 3. Rhythmic Patterns Batuhang
test, vision screening, scoliosis Bola,
test and health and dental Original File Submitted and
examinations Formatted by DepEd Club
Member - visit depedclub.com for


E. References
9. TG/CG pages
10. Learner’s Materials
11. Textbook pages OHSP Health 1Q1 Module 1 Reading 2 ASE P.E Module 2 pp.6-7,12-13
12-13 21st Century MAPEH in Action
2. Gerardo C. Lacia pp.
EdukasyongPangkatawan,Kalusugan,at Copyright 2016,pp126
Musika I. DepED. Abejo, Mary Placid
Sr. et.
al. 1991. pp.49-50;54-59;69-71.
12. Materials downloaded
from LRMDS
F. Other Learning MISOSA5-module6 Musika at Laptop, computer, tablet, or
Materials Sining 6. Sunico, Raul cellphone
M. et al, 2000. Projector,
laptop, musical scale of the
songs HaranasaBukid, or any
folk songs in three-four time
*Umawit at Gumuhit
Emelita C. 1999. pp.5-20
U. Reviewing previous Let the pupils sing the song Review the concepts on the Review the previous lesson
lesson and presenting Review previous lesson “HARANA SA bUKID“. Let the use of software menus,
new lesson pupils clap/ tap the rhythmic commands
pattern of the song .
V. Establishing a purpose Today, we are going to describe Today we are going to draw Would you like to play another
for the lesson What do you expect to learn in our the 3 using the technology game ? We’re going to play a
lesson ? 4 time game. Do you know how to play
signature batuhangbola ?
W. Presenting . What is the time signature of ( This lesson will be done in E- Fill the pride of being a Filipino
examples/instances of Divide the class into four the song ?WHAT is meant by 3 classroom. Pixel art will be used with Batuhang Bola. This game
the lesson ? 4 ?What are the notes and as alternative to this art activity promote healthful lifestyle.
Each member of the group will rests used in the song? What is ) Furthermore,they promote:
perform Health Appraisal the value of the quarter Before the art activity Remind patriotism( to feel the pride of
Procedures: note/rest, eight note/rest , half the pupils of the Dos and being Filipino) Bonding( to build
 height and weight note/rest ? How many beats DONTs while doing the artwork bridge of fun and closeness
measurement are there in each measure of among neighborhood to develop
 breast self examination for the song ? camaraderie with peers) and
girls sportsmanship ( to build a
 hearing test positive outlook on acceptance of
 vision screening winning and being defeated
 scoliosis test and
 health and dental
X. Discussing new Help the students clap/ tap the Allow the students to explore Remind the pupils of the
concepts and rhythmic pattern of the song and tell them to create their precautionary measures they
practicing new skills #1 “HaranasaBukid “ artwork using new tehnology ( should do to avoid accident/
laptop, computer, tablet or being hurt when playing.
cellphones Let the pupils choose their team
Y. Discussing new ( May use the rhythmic Bring them to the playground and
concepts and syllables to represent each note let them play Batuhang Bola
practicing new skills #2 in the rhythmic pattern )
Z. Developing mastery After the game, ask the following
(lead to formative questions:
assessment 3) What are the skills used in playing
the game ? ( Catching, throwing
the ball, escaping )
Will this game help you develop
AA. Finding practical Sing “Bahay Kubo” ART Appreciation
application of Clap the rhythmic pattern Teach the pupils to appreciate
concepts and skills in Tap the beat of the song his artwork or the work of
daily living Sing and dance the song others
BB. Making generalization What did you do ? How would you describe the 3 What skills are develop in the
and abstractions about 4 game ?How would you assess
the lesson Time signature your physical fitness after playing
the game ?
CC. Evaluating learning Use rubrics to assess the 1.Did you enjoy the game ?
performance of the pupils 2. Describe the skills involved in
the game ?
3.Did you observe safety
precautions ?
4. Did you display joy of effort,
respect for others and
fair play during your participation
to the game ?
5.Do you feel proud being Filipino
while playing the game?
DD. Additional activities
for application or

VI. REFLECTION Assessing yourself as a teacher and analyzing the students’ progress this week.

O. No. of learners who

earned 80% in the
P. No. of learners who
acquired additional
activities for
remediation who
scored below 80%
Q. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
R. No. of learners who
continue to require
S. Which of my teaching
strategies worked
well? Why did these
T. What difficulties did I
encountered which my
principal can help me
U. What innovation or
localized materials did
I used/discover which I
wish to share with
other teachers?
School: Grade Level: VI
GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: Learning Area: MAPEH
DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and
Time: (WEEK 4) Quarter: 1ST QUARTER


J. Content Standard demonstrates understanding demonstrates demonstrates understanding of The learner…Demonstrates
of the concept of rhythm by understanding of the participation and assessment of understanding of personal health
applying notes and rests, use of lines, shapes, physical activity and physical issues and
rhythmic patterns, and time colors, texture, and the fitness concerns and the importance of
signatures principles of emphasis health appraisal procedures and
and contrast in drawing community resources in
a logo and own cartoon preventing or managing them
character using new
technologies in drawing
K. Performance responds to beats in creates concepts through art participates and assesses practices self management
Standard music heard with processes, elements, and performance in physical activities skills to prevent and control
appropriate principles using new assesses physical personal health issues and
conducting patterns of technologies (hardware and fitness concern
2 3 4 and 6 software) to create personal
4 4 4 8 or class logo.
designs cartoon character onthe
spot using new
L. Learning Differentiates among 2 3 4 creates personal or class 1`explains thenature/background explains the importance of
Competencies 4 4 4 logo as visual of the games undergoing health appraisal
(write the LC Code) And 6 time signatures representation that can be PE6GS-Ib-1 procedure
8 used as a product, brand, 2.describes the skills involved in H6PH-Idf-21
•Describes the4 ortrademark the games
4 time signature A6PR-Id PE6GS-Ib-2 regularly undergoes
MU6RH-Id-e-2 3.observes safety precautions health appraisal
PE6GS-Ib-h- procedures
4.recognizes the value of H6PH-Idf-22
participation in physical

assesses regularly
participation in physical activities
based on the
Philippines physical activity
5.displays joy of effort, respect for
others and fair play during
participation in physical
6.identifies areas for improvement
RHYTHM Process: Assessment of Undergoing Health Appraisal
Musical Symbols and 8. DRAWING – NEW physical Procedures (height and weight
Concepts: TECHNOLOGIES activities and measurement, breast
II. CONTENT 1. Notes and Rests 8.1 logo physical fitness selfexamination for girls, hearing
2. Meters 8.2 cartoon characters Target games test, vision screening, scoliosis
3. Rhythmic Patterns LOGO DESIGN (Tatsing) test and health and dental
Software: Inkscape (Open examinations)
Source) for Laptop/Desktop PC
G. References
13. TG/CG pages
14. Learner’s Materials
15. Textbook pages MISOSA5-module6 Musika at ASE P.E Module 2 pp.6-7,12-13 OHSP Health 1Q1 Module 1
Sining 6. Sunico, Raul Reading 2 pp.
M. et al, 2000 21st Century MAPEH in Action 8-9 Screening test
Gerardo C. Lacia pp. 2.
Copyright 2016,pp126 EdukasyongPangkatawan,Kalusug
Original File Submitted and an,at
Formatted by DepEd Club Member Musika I. DepED. Abejo, Mary
- visit depedclub.com for more Placid Sr. et.
al. 1991. pp.49-50;54-59;69-71.
16. Materials
downloaded from
H. Other Learning Projector, laptop, musical scale of Desk top, laptop , graphing paper
Materials the songs HaranasaBukid, or any (alternative )
folk songs in three-four time
*Umawit at Gumuhit
Emelita C. 1999. pp.5-20
EE. Reviewing previous Review the concepts on the use of Review the previous lesson
lesson and presenting Let the pupils sing the song software
new lesson “HARANA SA bUKID“. Ask the Commands, menu etc..
pupils to pass the ball following
the rhythm of the song
FF. Establishing a Today, we are going to describe Are you familiar with this art? Today you are going to play
purpose for the the 4 tatsing. Why Tatsing ?
lesson 4 time

Today, we are going to create your

own logo, using pixel art
GG. Presenting Present the song Bumalaka ay Have a short discussion on the Feel the pride of being a Filipino
examples/instances Buwan history and processes of pixel art with Tatsing. This game promote
of the lesson healthful lifestyle.
Furthermore,they promote:
patriotism( to feel the pride of
being Filipino) Bonding( to build
bridge of fun and closeness among
neighborhood to develop
camaraderie with peers) and
What is the time signature of the sportsmanship ( to build a positive
song ?WHAT is meant by the outlook on acceptance of winning
upper 4 ?, the lower 4 ?What are and being defeated
the notes and rests used in the
song? What is the value of the
quarter note/rest, eight note/rest
, half note/rest ? How many beats
are there in each measure of the
song ?
HH. Discussing new Help the students clap/ tap the Remind the pupils of thw Dos and Make sure to remind the class of
concepts and rhythmic pattern of the song DONTs while making an art work. the precautionary measures while
practicing new skills “Bumalaka ay Buwan “ Provide the class with graphing playing before you let them play
#1 paper, in the absence of laptop or the game. ( Those who cannot
computer. Demonstrate to the perform the game may serve as
pupils how to use the graphing scorer or can play as sport
paper in creating a logo journalist who will cover the game
II. Discussing new ( May use the rhythmic syllables Group activity Call a pupil to discuss the
concepts and to represent each note in the Help the pupils to do the art Mechanics of the game
practicing new skills rhythmic pattern ) process. Students who are good in
#2 pixel art may assist their peers
JJ. Developing mastery Present the song ART PRODUCTION Give emphasis on the value of the
(lead to formative game. Make sure that the pupils
assessment 3) will bear in mind that the game is
never a way of teaching them to
gamble but for them to be able to
take pride of their culture while
enjoying the game
KK. Finding practical Group activity ?
application of 1. What is the time
concepts and skills in signature of the song?
daily living 2. What are notes and rests
used in the song?
3. What is the value of
notes/rests in the song?
4. How many beats are
there in each measure
Clap the rhythmic pattern of the

LL. Making generalization How would you describe the 4 What should we remember in
and abstractions 4 making a logo using pixel art ? What skills are develop in the
about the lesson Time signature game ?How would you assess your
physical fitness after playing the
game ?
MM. Evaluating learning Use rubrics to assess the Rubrics 1.Did you enjoy the game ?
performance of the pupils Process 50% 2. Describe the skills involved in
Product 50% the game ?
3.Did you observe safety
precautions ?
4. Did you display joy of effort,
respect for others and
fair play during your participation
to the game ?
5.Do you feel proud being Filipino
while playing the game?
NN. Additional activities
for application or

VI. REFLECTION Assessing yourself as a teacher and analyzing the students’ progress this week.

V. No. of learners who

earned 80% in the
W. No. of learners who
acquired additional
activities for
remediation who scored
below 80%
X. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners
who have caught up
with the lesson.
Y. No. of learners who
continue to require
Z. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
AA. What difficulties did I
encountered which my
principal can help me
BB. What innovation or
localized materials did I
used/discover which I
wish to share with other
School: Grade Level: VI
GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: Learning Area: MAPEH
DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and
Time: (WEEK 1) Quarter: 2ND QUARTER


M. Content Standard demonstrates the concept of demonstrates the concept demonstrates the concept of demonstrates the concept of Weekly Test
melody by using intervals in the of melody by using intervals melody by using intervals in the melody by using intervals in the
major scales and in the minor scales in the major scales and in major scales and in the minor major scales and in the minor
the minor scales scales scales

N. Performance applies learned concepts of melody applies learned concepts of applies learned concepts of applies learned concepts of Be able to answer questions given
Standard and other elements to composition melody and other elements melody and other elements to melody and other elements to
and performance to composition and composition and performance composition and performance

O. Learning demonstrates the ability to sing, demonstrates the ability to analyzes the melodic patterns of creates simple melodies in: applies learned concepts of
Competencies read, and write simple musical sing, read, and write simple songs in C Major, G major, and F 4.1 C Major, melody and other elements to
(write the LC Code) notations in the: musical notations in the Major keys 4.2 G Major, and composition and performance
Key of C Major Key of F Major 4.3 and F Major scales
sings and plays solo or with
group, melodies/songs in C sings self-composed melodies in C
Major, G Major, and F Major Major, G major, and F Major key

MU6ME-IIa-2-3 MU6ME-IIa-3-4


An Enhanced Understanding of An Enhanced Understanding An Enhanced Understanding of An Enhanced Understanding of

Melody of Melody Melody Melody


I. References
17. TG/CG pages CG pp. 34-35 CG pp. 34-35 CG pp. 34-35 CG pp. 34-35
18. Learner’s Materials MISOSA4-modules13,14 MISOSA4-modules13,14 MISOSA4-modules13,14 MISOSA4-modules13,14
pages MISOSA6-module5,6 MISOSA6-module5,6 MISOSA6-module5,6 MISOSA6-module5,6

19. Textbook pages The 21st Century MAPEH in The 21st Century MAPEH in The 21st Century MAPEH in The 21st Century MAPEH in Action .
Action Action Action
20. Materials
downloaded from
J. Other Learning Musical score, Illustration chart Musical score, Illustration chart Musical score, Illustration chart Musical score, Illustration chart of
Materials of C Major Scale of F Major Scale of F Major Scale F Major Scale

OO. Reviewing previous Reviewing previous lesson: Reviewing previous lesson Reviewing the past lesson Reviewing the past lesson
lesson and The C Major Scale Of the F Major scale A song in the C Major scale,
presenting new Do you still remember when F Major scale, and G Major Scale
lesson you were a baby, your mother
used to sing a lullaby in order
for you to sleep?
PP. Establishing a The reason why you have a Today we are going to learn Today, we are going to sing a Today, we will be having a group
purpose for the favorite song is not just the another song with the F Major new song in a G major Scale activities.
lesson lyrics/words of a song but you scale Find your group, and follow
like the tune. directions.
QQ. Presenting Listen to the song “With a Little Ask the pupils: Teach the song. With your group, written test
examples/instances Help from My Friend” Do you know or hear the song “Leron Leron Sinta in a G major You are going to create a simple
of the lesson With your classmates, sing the “May Pulis sa Ilalim ng Tulay”? Scale”” melody of the different Major
famous song entitled “With a scale:
Little Help from my Friend” Teach the song.
Find out what is in the melody Original File Submitted and  C Major Scale
of this song that makes this Formatted by DepEd Club  F major Scale and
popular tune. Member - visit depedclub.com  G major scale song.
Ask: for more
 What is Melody?
 Why are melodies
 What is interval?
 What are tonal

RR. Discussing new Tell: There are two kinds of The F Major scale utilizes one flat Discussion: Discuss on what to do:
concepts and diatonic scales (b) in order to maintain the sonic Major scale that utilizes sharp sings self-composed melodies in C
practicing new skills  The major scale and the interval pattern of a major scale (#) is the key of G Major Major, G major, and F Major key
#1 minor scale F(WS) G(WS) A(HS) B(WS) C(WS) G (WS) A (WS) B (HS) C(WS)
 The major scale uses WS- D(WS) E(HS) F D(WS)
 Key of C – does not have
any sharp or flat signature
 WS-Whole step
 HS-Half step


SS. Discussing new An example of folk song in the Present the musical score of the Present the musical score of the Let the pupils have time to
concepts and scale of C Major song “May Pulis sa Ilalim ng Tulay song “Leron Leron Sinta“ practice their song selected
practicing new skills “
#2 “ Kung Dai Si Abanico” in the Help the pupils identify the Help the pupils identify the
tune of “Lubi Lubi” F Major Scale tune. G Major Scale tune.
See p. 29-the 21st Century
TT. Developing mastery Present this musical score Present this musical score Present this musical score Group Presentation/
(lead to formative Performance by group
assessment 3)

UU. Finding practical Teach The song to the pupils Teach the song to the pupils in Teach the song to the pupils in Sing again the different songs in
application of and let them sing with you. the the the different Major scale.
concepts and skills This song is about the F Major scale. G Major scale.
in daily living importance of a fan to
Bicolanos throughout the year

VV. Making Tell the pupils: Tell: Discussion:

generalization and Some major scales have notes F Major scale that utilizes flat (b) Major scale that utilizes sharps
abstractions about with sharp (#) and flat (b) in order to maintain the sonic (#) is the key of
the lesson markings. interval pattern of a major scale G Major – it utilizes one sharp
WW. Evaluating learning LET US Sing again the song Identify the flat (b) in the major F Identify the flat (b) in the major Identify the scales and the
“Kung Dai Si Abanico” scale of the song “May Pulis sa F scale of the song “Leron Leron different signs that is used in the
Ilalim ng Tulay” Sinta” different songs. found in the song

XX. Additional activities Memorize the song Memorize the song Memorize the song Memorize the song
for application or

VI. REFLECTION Assessing yourself as a teacher and analyzing the students’ progress this week.

CC. No. of learners who

earned 80% in the
DD. No. of learners who
acquired additional
activities for
remediation who
scored below 80%
EE. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
FF. No. of learners who
continue to require
GG. Which of my teaching
strategies worked
well? Why did these
HH. What difficulties did I
encountered which my
principal can help me
II. What innovation or
localized materials did
I used/discover which
I wish to share with
other teachers?
School: Grade Level: VI
GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: Learning Area: MAPEH
DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and
Time: (WEEK 2) Quarter: 2ND QUARTER


P. Content Standard demonstrates the concept of Demonstrates understanding of demonstrates understanding of
melody by using intervals in the shapes, space, colors, and the participation in and assessment of
major scales and in the minor scales principles of emphasis, harmony physical activities and physical
HOLIDAY and contrast in digital painting and fitness
poster design using new

Q. Performance applies learned concepts of melody Applies concepts on the use of Participates and assesses
Standard and other elements to composition software in creating digital performance in physical activities.
and performance paintings and graphic designs.
assesses physical fitness

R. Learning demonstrates the ability to sing, Realizes that art processes, describes the Philippines physical
Competencies read, and write simple musical elements and principles still apply activity pyramid
(write the LC Code) notations in the: even with the use of technologies. PE6PF-IIa-16
1.1 Key of C Major A6EL-IIa
1.2 Key of G Major Appreciates the elements and explains the indicators for fitness
1.3 Key of F Major principles applied in digital art. PE6PF-IIa-17


Digital Painting An Enhanced Understanding of

Melody Melody


K. References
21. TG/CG pages CG pp. 34-35
22. Learner’s Materials
23. Textbook pages The 21st Century MAPEH in Action The 21st Century MAPEH in Action The 21st Century MAPEH in Action .
24. Materials
downloaded from
L. Other Learning Musical score, Illustration chart of Musical score, Illustration chart of F
Materials C, G and F Major Scale Major Scale

YY. Reviewing previous Reviewing the past lesson What games have you played with
lesson and A song in the C Major scale, your friends and classmates?
presenting new F Major scale, and G Major Scale

Have you wondered just what

digital paintings are?

ZZ. Establishing a Today, we will be having group Showing the art work of Vincent Today, we will be having a group
purpose for the activities. Van Gogh and Tadao Cern. activities.
lesson Find your group, and follow Vincent Willem van Gogh was a Find your group, and follow
directions. Dutch Post-Impressionist painter directions.
who is among the most famous and Original File Submitted and
influential figures in the history of Formatted by DepEd Club Member -
Western art. visit depedclub.com for more

The Starry Night is an oil on canvas

by the Dutch post-
impressionist painter Vincent van
Gogh. Painted in June 1889, it
depicts the view from the east-
facing window of his asylum room
at Saint-Rémy-de-Provence, just
before sunrise, with the addition of
an idealized village.

Almond Blossoms is from a group of

several paintings made in 1888 and
1890 by Vincent van
Gogh in Arles and Saint-
Rémy, southern France of
blossoming almond trees.
Flowering trees were special to van
Gogh. They represented awakening
and hope. He enjoyed them
aesthetically and found joy in
painting flowering trees.

AAA. Presenting With your group, Showing pictures of tumbang-preso,

examples/instances You are going to create a simple piko, luksong-baka, luksong-tinik,
of the lesson melody of the different Major scale: and patentero.

 C Major Scale
 F major Scale and
 G major scale song.

BBB. Discussing new Discuss on what to do: Van Gogh is a great impressionist.
concepts and sings self-composed melodies in C
practicing new skills Major, G major, and F Major key
CCC. Discussing new Let the pupils have time to practice Tadao is a digital painter. How do they play the games?
concepts and their song selected
practicing new skills
A decision to change from a career
in architecture to photography in
2011 paved the way for my path as
an artist. I've decided to move to a
more conceptual form of artistic
expression with my newly created
projects 'Black Balloons', 'Chromatic
Aberrations', 'Adobe Acrobat'.
Solo exhibition featuring the artist
from Vilnius, Lithuania. In 24 large-
format photographs, Tadao Cern
explores the beach as a social loca-
tion where the uninhibited and
individual lifestyle transforms into
an arranged portrait full of the

DDD. Developing mastery Group Presentation/ How were you able to tell the Group Presentation/
(lead to formative Performance by group difference? Performance by group
assessment 3)

EEE. Finding practical Sing again the different songs in the What are the rules of the games?
application of different Major scale.
concepts and skills
in daily living
FFF. Making Which one do you like better? What are the Filipino games?
generalization and
abstractions about
the lesson
GGG. Evaluating learning Identify the scales and the different Choose a game and list the rules of
signs that are used in the different it.
songs found in the song
HHH. Additional activities Memorize the song Define Digital Painting. A picture of a healthy community.
for application or


JJ. No. of learners who

earned 80% in the
KK. No. of learners who
acquired additional
activities for
remediation who
scored below 80%
LL. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
MM. No. of
learners who continue
to require
NN. Which of my teaching
strategies worked
well? Why did these
OO. What difficulties did I
encountered which my
principal can help me
PP. What innovation or
localized materials did
I used/discover which
I wish to share with
other teachers?
School: Grade Level: VI
GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: Learning Area: MAPEH
DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and
Time: (WEEK 3) Quarter: 2ND QUARTER



S. Content Standard HOLIDAY Demonstrates understanding of understands the importance of Demonstrates understanding of HOLIDAY
shapes, space, colors, and the keeping the school and participation and assessment of
principles of emphasis, harmony community environments healthy. physical activity and physical
and contrast in digital painting and fitness
poster design using new
T. Performance Standard Applies concepts on the use of The learner… Participates and assesses
software in creating digital demonstrates practices for performance in physical activities.
paintings and graphic design. building and maintaining healthy assesses physical
school and community fitness
U. Learning Competencies Creates a digital painting similar Demonstrates ways to build and Assesses regularly
(write the LC Code) with the Masters’ (e.g., Van Gogh, keep school and community participation in physical activities
Amorsolo, etc.) in terms of style, environments healthy based on the Philippine physical
theme, etc. H6CMH-IIc-d-3 activity pyramid PE6PFII-b-h-18
A6PR-IIc Explains the nature/background of
the games PE6GS-IIb-1
Describes the skills involved in the
game PE6GS-IIb-2
Observes safety precautions
Executed the different skills involved
in the game PE6GS-IIc-h-4
Recognizes the value of participation
in physical activities PE6IIb-h-19
Displays joy of effort, respect for
others and fair play during
participation in physical
Explains health and skill related
fitness components PE6PF-IIa-21
Identifies areas for
improvement PE6PF-II-b-h-22
II. CONTENT Digital Painting Community Health
Invasion game:Agawan Base
M. References
25. TG/CG pages p.49 p.53 CG page 35
26. Learner’s Materials
27. Textbook pages MAPEH in Action pp.112-133 MAPEH in Action pp.270-277 MAPEH IN ACTION pp.202-216
28. Materials downloaded
from LRMDS
N. Other Learning Pictures,Laptop,any personal/ Internet-Ibat ibang Larong Lahi sa
Materials school computers Pilipinas-google
search:https:/www.google.com.ph. 2
pcs. Of bamboo sticks about an inch
in diameter: 1 long abt. a foot and ½
III. Reviewing previous What is digital painting? What are the characteristics of a What games have you played with
lesson and presenting (Painting with the power and healthy school and community your friends and classmates?
new lesson creative ability of computers) environments?
JJJ. Establishing a purpose How do you prepare and go digital How can school and community Have you tried the game shown in
for the lesson painting? maintain a healthful physical the picture?
(see pp.114-) environment?
KKK. Presenting Preparing for digital painting Present pictures of proper waste Show video of the invasion game:
examples/instances of Of what use is a computer software disposal Agawan base
the lesson in making paintings today? Original File Submitted and
(see pp.115-126) Formatted by DepEd Club Member -
How do you assemble everything to visit depedclub.com for more
create a finished digital painting?
LLL. Discussing new MAKE YOUR DIGITAL PAINTING 1.Group them into 2. Form two groups to
concepts and practicing 1Open Gimp(Open Source) for 2.Explain the topic in the Activity report/demonstrate the
new skills #1 tablet PC. Sheet on Proper Waste disposal background/ correct play of
2.Using your digital pen, draw out using graphic organizers AGAWAN BASE based on the given
your outlines. ACTIVITY SHEET 1 (GROUP 1) activity sheets.
3.Then, use the paint bucket tool to 1.Identify and separate wastes
dump color into large areas. Note:Explanation:(Wastes could Activity sheet 1(Group 1)
4.Create virtual brushstrokes. be classified as 1.Read the background of the
5.Work in layers. biodegradable,non-biodegradable invasion game: agawan base
6.Usethe Artists’Brushes. and hazardous wastes) 2.Explain the text.
7.Print the completed painting. ACTIVITY SHEET 2 (GROUP 2) Agawan base(Stealing Base)
2.Proper waste management Equipment: markers to be used as
Note: Explanation:(Reduce waste the base, 2 ocs.(you can use 2
by recycling or reusing them.When slippers or 2 chairs as your bases
you recycle,you break down waste No.of players:minimum of 4, 2 in ech
products back to their basic team(more players for more fun
material for reuse for the same recommended)
purpose or for other purpose.) Mechanics 1:
There are 2 bases ,each base has
equal number of members.There will
be 1 person assigned to guard the
base.The other may leave the base
to run and tryto catch another
members of other team or to try to
steal the opponent’s base.If you
touch the base of your opponent
first before members of that team
tag you, you steal their base and
your team wins.

Activity sheet 2(Group 2)

1.Read the instructions and explain
the text for mechanics 2.
Another main goal is to catch as
many of the opponents as your team
can. A captive opponent becomes a
prisoner and stands on the captor’s
base until a member of his own
team saves him by touching/tagging
him.Once he is tagged and saved the
prisoner is freed and goes back to his
base.If all opponents have been
captured;all members at large; all
members of the stronger team will
have to try and act the base from the
guard by tagging it. The one left
Must not leave the base and not be
overtaken by the opponents.In this
case,the stronger team wins.

MMM. Discussing (THEY DO ) Apply game discussion

new concepts and
practicing new skills #2
NNN. Developing mastery ( WE DO ) What is the proper disposal of Execution of the invasion game in
(lead to formative different kinds of outdoor.
assessment 3) waste?(garbage,rubbish,ashes,stre 1.Instruct the learners to perform
et refuse,dead animals,abandoned warm-up exercises to prevent injury
vehicles,industrial and muscle pain.
wastes,demolition a.head bending g. jumping jack
wastes,construction b.neck twisting h. march in place
wastes,hazardous wastes like c.arms stretch i. jog in place
explosivesbatteries,radioactive d.hands shake j. inhale, exhale
materials) e.knee rotation
f.feet shake
OOO. Finding practical Put a check (/)for your Completing the Graphic Fill in the template “Game
application of concepts understanding in Digital Painting. Organizers Participation Survey” or “My Physical
and skills in daily living Topi I I still Idon Fill in the diagrams to show how Activity and Fitness Contract”
cs have have t get you dispose biodegradable and Check the space provided that best
a som it non-biodegradable Wastes at describes your answer.
good e home and school Learning Excelle Go Po
unde ques GROUP 1 nt od. or
rstan tions Biodegradable Wastes 1.I
ding home participat
Brus 1._______________________ ed in the
h school game
tools 2.______________________ actively
Digit 2.I
al understo
Brus od the
hes backgrou
Soft GROUP 2 nd of the
ware Non-Biodegradable Wastes game
Tool home 3.I
s 1.________________________ observed
Laye school safety
rs 2.________________________ precautio
ns in
in the
ed joy of
pect for
and fair
on in

the areas
of my

PPP. Making generalization How do you create digital painting? How do you dipose garbages at Ask the learners to either fill in the
and abstractions about home, school and community? Physical Activity Log or ask them to
the lesson Things I learned today about write a Journal entry in their journal
community health on proper notebook/P.E. notebook of what
waste disposal… they have learned.
QQQ. Evaluating learning Put a check (/) before each Put a check ( / ) before each Self-assessment . Use rubrics
statement that describes your statement that describes your 1.Did you enjoy the game ?
attitudes and feelings during and attitudes and feelings during and 2.Did you participate actively?
after doing the artwork. after doing the activities. 3,Did you understand the
___I can apply concepts on the use ___1.I can describe proper waste mechanics of the game?
of the ways disposal 4. Describe the skills involved in the
software.(commands,menu,etc.) ___2.I can classify different types game ?
___2. I can utilize art skills using of wastes 5.Did you observe safety
new technologies(hardware and ___3.I can identify things that can precautions ?
software) be recycled in school and in the 4. Did you display joy of effort,
___3.I can can create a digital community. respect for others and
painting similar WITH THE ___4.I can practice proper waste fair play during your participation
Masters’(e.g., Van Gogh,Amorsolo, managementat home, in to the game ?
etc.) school,and in the community. 5.What areas do you must improve
___4.I can accept the remarks and ___5.I can demonstrate ways to
suggestions of others build and keep school and
___5.I can see myself improving in community environments
how I think and work in this healthful.
RRR. Additional activities for Master at home/school on vacant Make a slogan on proper waste Play other related games.
application or time. disposal

VI. REFLECTION Assessing yourself as a teacher and analyzing the students’ progress this week.

QQ. No. of learners who

earned 80% in the
RR. No. of learners who
acquired additional
activities for
remediation who
scored below 80%
SS. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
TT. No. of learners who
continue to require
UU. Which of my teaching
strategies worked
well? Why did these
VV. What difficulties did I
encountered which my
principal can help me
WW. What
innovation or localized
materials did I
used/discover which I
wish to share with
other teachers?
School: Grade Level: VI
GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: Learning Area: MAPEH
DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and
Time: (WEEK 4) Quarter: 2ND QUARTER)



A.(Content Standards) Demonstrates the concept of Demonstrates understanding of Demonstrates understanding of Understands the importance Weekly test
melody by using intervals in shapes, space, colors, and the participation in and assessment of keeping the school and
the major scale and in the principles of emphasis, harmony of physical activities and physical community environments
minor scale. and contrast in digital painting and fitness healthy
poster design using new
B. (Performance Standards) Applies learned concepts of Applies concepts on the use of 1. participates and Demonstrates practices for
melody and other elements to software in creating digital assesses performance in building and maintaining
composition and paintings and graphic design. physical activities. healthy school and
performance. 2. assesses physical fitness community environments
C. ( Learning Competencies) Demonstrates the ability to Creates a digital painting similar describes the Philippines physical Identifies different wastes Be able to answer the given
sing, read, and write simple with the Masters’ (e.g., Van Gogh, activity pyramid H6CMH-Iie-4 questions with accuracy.
musical notations in the: Amorsolo, etc.) in terms of style, PE6PF-Iia-16
1.1 Key of C Major theme, etc.
1.2 Key of G Major A6PR-IIc explains the indicators for fitness
1.3 Key of F Major PE6PF-Iia-17

II. ( Content) Melody Digital Painting Invasion Games for Physical Healthy School and
Fitness: Community Environments
An Enhanced Understanding
III. ( Learning Resources)
A. (References) The 21st Century MAPEH in
1. (Teacher’s Guide Pages) p.49
2. (Learner’s Materials pages)
3. (Textbook Pages) MAPEH in Action pp.112-133 The 21st Century MAPEH in
pp. 202-216
4. ( Additional Materials from LR
B. (Other Learning Resources) Pictures,Laptop,any personal/ Powerpoint , Lcd projector, Powerpoint, pictures, activity Test Questionnaires, test
school computers, powerpoint, Sungka, pebbles or small shells. cards, notebooks, e-class record,
LCD Projector, pens.
For the school/pupils without
gadgets. Paint, paint brush, oslo
paper,coupon bond and water
IV. (Procedures)
A. ( Review previous Lesson) Do you still remember when What is digital painting? What games have you played 1. What can you do to make Recall their past lessons.
you were a baby, your mother ( is a type of digital art but it is not with your friends and and keep the school and Preparation of test materials
used to sing a lullaby in order “computer-generated” art, in that classmates? environment healthy?
for you to sleep? it does not involve the computer What are again the rules in 2. Identify and discuss the
automatically generating an image playing Agawang Base Stealing wastes that affect the family,
from mathematical models Base? school, and community.
created by the artist. In digital
painting, the artist uses painting
techniques to create the image
directly on the computer)
B. (Establishing purpose for the What is the reason why you How do you prepare and go digital Picture analysis: Why should you get a high
lesson/ Motivation) have a favorite song? painting? Teacher presents a picture and score in any given test?
(see pp.114-) allows the pupils to describe it.

Today, we will be having group

Teacher divides the group, and
pupils follow directions.
C. ( Presenting examples or Present the copy of the song. Preparing for digital painting Of Video presentation: Word Hunt Setting of standards in taking
presentation/ instances of the new “With a Little help from my what use is a computer software How to play Sungka Directions: Identify and the test
lesson) friends” in making paintings today? https://www.youtube.com/watc encircle 10 words in the box
https://www.youtube.com/w (see pp.115-126) h?v=V_AaVnx-StQ that are related to wastes.
atch?v=krZlsZ9I2o4 How do you assemble everything (arranged vertically and
to create a finished digital horizontally)
painting? Write your answer on a
Original File Submitted and cartolina/manila
Formatted by DepEd Club Member paper.
- visit depedclub.com for more One minute is provided for
the activity.
Present the group’s answer
when the time is up.

Words to find:
wood, cartons, needles,
battery, sewage, metals, CD,
plastic, rubber and bottles
D. ( Discussing new concepts and Ask different questions about Do It Yourself (DIY) Discussion on how to play Sungka Word Configuration Distributes test materials to
practicing new skills) the song My Paint •The skills developed in playing 1. Divide the class into 4 the pupils.
1. Open Gimp(Open Source) for Sungka groups.
tablet PC. •The Rules In playing Sungka 2. Each group will be given
2 .Using your digital pen, draw out work sheets (Annex 2)
your outlines. 3. The task of the group is to
3. Then, use the paint bucket tool identify the words being
to dump color into large areas. described in the following
4. Create virtual brushstrokes. numbers (1-5). Word
5. Work in layers. configuration with quiz bee
6. Use the Artists ’Brushes. approach will be applied to
7. Print the completed painting. this activity.
Note: 4. Each group will use a Show
For those who do not have any Me Board in presenting their
computers/gadgets. answers.
You make use of paint/watercolor Questions
and paint brush to draw your 1. Waste that can
digital art painting. easily be broken
down into smaller
parts by natural
2. Waste products
with poisonous
chemicals that were
flushed out by
factories and
industrial plants
3. Also known as
4. One of the most
common radioactive
E. ( Discussing new concepts & Listen to the song. Activity Proper: Activity Proper; The teacher will identify and Answering of test items
practicing new skills #2) “With a little help from my Pupils play the Sungka while the discuss the wastes that affect
friends” Pupils perform the given activity teacher observes and manage the family, school, and
with the guidance of the teacher the class community
F. Developing Mastery (Hands On)
(Leads to Formative Assessment 3)
G. ( Finding to Practical Application of Sing with the Music. Is digital art painting more Why should we preserve our 1. What are the waste
concepts and skills in daily living/ convenient for you? Why? traditional games like Sungka? products that can be found
Valuing) at home and in the
2. How will you dispose
these wastes properly
H. ( Making Generalization & What is the message of the What are the steps in making Sungka is a game played by two
Abstraction about the lessons) music? digital art painting? player by using a solid carved
wood with two rows of seven
circular hole and two large holes
at both ends called house (bahay)
Forty-nine small stones, marbles,
pebbles, seeds, or even shells can
be used in holes that are
alternately put except in the
house. The two players hold each
side of rows as their territory.
I. ( Evaluating Learning) Reflection of the music. Direction: List down the rules in playing Game: Pinoy Henyo Checking and recording of test
Put a check (/) before each Sungka. 1. Divide the class into four results
statement that describes your (4) teams.
attitudes and feelings during and 2. Each team will choose 2
after doing the artwork. representatives, one will be
___I can apply concepts on the use the “tagahula”, while the
of the other one will serve as the
software.(commands,menu,etc.) guide. He/she is only allowed
___2. I can utilize art skills using to say “oo, hindi, pwede”.
new technologies(hardware and 3. Each team will be given a
software) minute to guess the word
___3.I can create a digital painting assigned to them.
similar with the Masters’(e.g., Van 4. The teacher will record the
Gogh, Amorsolo, Tadao, etc.) time of each team.
___4.I can accept the remarks and 5. The team with the
suggestions of others shortest time in guessing the
___5.I can see me improving in word wins the game.
how I think and work in this Answers: (paper, bone,
activity. urine, cotton, glass)
J. ( Additional activities for application Finalize your work at home. Read List down the different kinds of
or remediation) more about digital art painting and wastes that affect our health and
memorize the commands, etc the community.
V. ( Remarks)

VI. ( Reflection)

A.( No. of learners who earned 80% in

the evaluation)
B.( No. of learners who requires
additional acts for remediation who
scored below 80%)
C.( Did the remedial instruction really
work? No of learners who caught up
with the lesson)
D.( No. of learners who continue to
require remediation)
E. (Which of the strategies work well?
Why did this work?
F. (What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal/ supervisor can
help me solve?)
G. ( What innovations or localized
materials did I used/ discover which I
wish to share with other teacher?)
GRADES 1 to 12 School Grade Level SIX
Teaching Date Quarter SECOND WEEK 5

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

(Health) (Physical Education) (Music) (Arts) (Arts)
A.Content Standards Understands the Demonstrates Demonstrates the Demonstrates understanding of shapes, space,
importance of understanding of concept of melody by colors, and the principles of emphasis, harmony
keeping the school participation in and using intervals in the and contrast in digital painting and poster design
and community assessment of physical major scale and in the using new technologies.
environments healthy activities and physical minor scale.
B.Performance Standards Demonstrates Participates and Applies learned Applies concepts on the use of software in
practices for building assesses performance concepts of melody creating digital paintings and graphics
and maintaining in physical activities. and other elements to design.
healthy school and Assesses physical fitness composition and
community performance
C.Learning Classifies different Observes safety Demonstrates the Realizes that art processes, elements and
Competencies/ types of wastes precautions ability to sing, read, principles still apply even with the use of
Objectives H6CMH-IIe-5 PE6GS-IIb-h-3 and write simple technologies
Executes the different musical notations in AGEL-IIe
skills involved in the the key of G Major
game and its relative minor
PE6GS-IIc-h4 MU6ME-IIa-1
Explains the nature Analyze the
background of the melodicpatterns of
game songs in G major and
PE6GS-IIb-1 its relative minor
II.CONTENT Healthy School and Assessment of Physical Melody Digital painting graphic Design
Community Activities and Physical
Environment Fitness
Invasion Game:”Lawin
at sisiw”/
1.Teacher’s Guide pages TG. p9 PE6 Curriculum Guide,
2.Learners’s Materials
3.Textbook pages Enjoying life Through The 21st Century Enjoying life Through Enjoying life Through Music, Arts, Physical
Music, Arts, Physical MAPEH in Action Music, Arts, Physical Education and Health 6 by Marissa C.
Education and Health Education and Health Pascual, Irene Feliz S. Reyes, Ma. Elvira M.
6 by Marissa C. 6 by Marissa C. Garcia. Mignon C. Artuz pp.44-53
Pascual, Irene Feliz S. Pascual, Irene Feliz S.
Reyes, Ma. Elvira M. Reyes, Ma. Elvira M.
Garcia. Mignon C. Garcia. Mignon C.
Artuz pp.40-43 Artuz pp.47-53

The 21st Century

MAPEH in Action
4.Additional materials K to 12 Curriculum Guide 6
from learning resource
(LR) portal
B.Other Learning Powerpoint, Activity Laptop, Ppt Powerpoint, cellphones, computers, netbook
Resource card. Presentation

A.Reviewing previous Ask the pupils to What game did you What key signatures Have you wondered Checking of pupils’
lesson or presenting the identify wastes that play last week? have we discussed last just what digital homework.
new lesson can be found at What are the rules to week? What musical paintings are? What are the
home, in school and in follow in playing symbols do you see in different elements
the community Sungka? How many it? and principles of art?
shells are needed in
all? Who will win in the
game sungka?

B.Establishing a purpose Present some examples Present the song” O Showing the art work Did you bring your
for the lesson of invasion games and Come, All ye of Vincent Van Gogh, gadgets children?
let them identify it. faithful”key of G major Amorsolo and Who are your
TadaoCern. favourite artists? Why
did you like them?

What do you notice at

the fifth line of the
staff? What do we call
that symbol? What
does it mean? Where
can you find the Do?
Look at the second
staff what do you
observed?What does
the sharp mean
except from telling its
key signatures?
Today,We are going to
assess our
participation in
physical activities
based on the
Philippines physical
activity pyramid
through an invasion
C.Presenting Examples/ Activity1: What games have you Present the song” O Allow the Teacher discuss the
instances of the new Biodegradable and played with your Come, Emmanuel”Let puplistoobserve and activities to de done
lesson Non-Biodegradable friends and them analyze the key describe the works of by the pupils using
(Annex 1) classmates? of the song Vincent Van Gogh, their gadgets.
Direction: Classify the Have you tried the Amorsolo and Direction:
words below under games shown on the What is the home tone Tadaocern Create your own
the proper heading. pictures? of the song? digital painting
food waste rubber tires similar with the
DVD animal Is the song in major or masters
metals radioactiv
minor mode? ( Van Gogh,
e materials On what line or space Amorsolo,
paper magazine is the home tone TadaoCern,
dead vegetables located? Etc)using GIMP
What is the name of
BIODEGRADABLE the key of the song?

D.Discussing new Discuss and What are some reasons Allow the pupils What art processes Hands On activity of
concepts and practicing differentiate why most children tostudy the song are used by these the pupils.
new skills #1 biodegradable and don’t play traditional “Away in a manger” artists in painting their
non-biodegradable games anymore? -clap the rhythmic artworks?
materials pattern whiule reciting Are these processes
the syllables be use /apply even
1.How will you know -recite the words of with the use of
that waste is the song in rhytmn technologies? Why?
biodegradable? -Sing the pitches of Allow the pupils to
non-biodegradable? the song view a video tutorial
-Sing the words of the of GIMP’s Paint tools.
2. How can you lessen song in accurate pitch
the amount of and rhytmn
biodegradable and
waste at home? In
school? In the
E.Discussing new Activity2: Do you know the game Write out the melodies Give some Call on a pupil to say
concepts and practicing Classify other waste “Lawin at Sisiw”? How on the staff in the key instructions to the something about
new skills #2 materials as: solid about the of GMajor and eminor pupils in creating a his/her output.
waste, water waste, agawangpanyo?How digital painting that What motivates you
hazardous waste, bio to play the game? shows to create your
medical/health care The teacher let the a. Geometric output?
waste, and reusable pupils to view the short shape
and recyclable video about b. Constrasting Is using technology in
materials. (Annex 2) “Agawangpanyo and so fa mi re lines your art work
Lawin at Sisiw” c. Two colors essential? Why?
Direction: Classify the https://www.youtube.com/
words below by watch?v=piDObmOoDAY
matching Column A https://www.youtube.com/
with that of Column B. watch?v=ZjBq-IF7KZk
Column A Column B mi re do ti
Wood, Solid Wastes
boards, pet
Spoiled Hazardous
foods, scrap Wastes
parts of fruits
F.Developing Mastery The teacher will What should we Analyze the melodic Study and discuss the Contimuation of
discuss other waste remember before we patterns of song in g outputs of the puplis hands On Activity.
materials (solid waste, play? major in e minor
water waste, Play the game “Lawin “Away in a Manger”
hazardous waste, bio at Sisiw”/ Fiil the data being
medical/health care AgawangPanyo” asked for in the table
waste, and reusable below
or recyclable Away in O
the Come,
materials) manger All ye
1. Why is it important faithful
to know the types of
wastes? Letter
2. How can this help name
you in maintaining a where
healthy school and the
tone is
environment? Mode
of the
G.Finding Practical How does Why should we not
application of concepts classification and forget our Traditional
and skills in daily living segregation of wastes Filipino games?
help you at home?
In school?
In the community
H.Making generalization What are the different What are the skills  The sharp sign at GIMP is a powerful
and abstraction about classifications of develop in the game? the beginning of and versatile siftware
the lesson wastes? Can you assess your the staff serves that can be used to
physical fitness through as the key to be create a beautiful
this game? able to read the digital painting its
pitches on the various features can
staff create lines, shapes
 The sharp sign and colors that when
raises the pitch these elements are
by a half step blended in a pleasing
 The key of one way, it shows
sharp gives the harmony.
key of G major Arts elements and
and E minor principles still apply
 G mnajor and E with the use of
minor are technologies.
relative keys
because both
of them use the
same key
signatures which
is one sharp

I.Evaluating learning Classify the different 1. Did you enjoy the True or false Using Rubrics to
type of wastes game? 1.The home tone or evaluate the outputs
Direction: 2. Describe the skills tonal center of songs of the pupils.
Write B if the example involved in the game? in majoy keys is DO cri Adva Profici Devel
te nced ent oping
is biodegradable,NB if 3. Did you observe 2. The key of a piece is ria 5 3 1
non biodegradable or safety precautions? named after the letter De
H if it is haradous 4. What are the rules in name where the n desig design, design
n eleme eleme
Fruit Seeds playing home tone is. elem nts with nts with
peelings ents great fair skill
Cans Used AgawangPanyo? G major and D Minor with skills
batterie Lawin at Sisiwi? are relative keys excell
s ent
Pesticid Left 5. Do you feel proud because they use the skills
Cr Can Can Can
es over being Filipino while same key signatures. ea show show show
bottles Expired playing the game? tivi
medicin attent on to on to
es ion to details, detail.
detail ideas Imagin
the materi ative
ideas/ als, touche
mater metho s are
ial ds are scatter
/meth effecti ed
ods ve throug
are htout
highly the
effect digital
ive paintin
J.additional activities for Make a slogan about List down other invasion Bring your gadgets What is a poster?
application or the importants of games with pictures tomorrow
remediation classifying wastes. then paste it in your How can you create
portfolio relevant posters?
A.Bilangng mag-
aaralnanakauhang 80%
B.Bilangng mag-
nngiba pang Gawain
parasa remediation
remedial? Bilangng mag-
D.Bilangng mag-
ngguro at superbisor?
School: Grade Level: VI
GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: Learning Area: MAPEH
DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and
Time: (WEEK 6) Quarter: 2ND QUARTER



A.Content Standards The learner understands the Demonstrates understanding of participation in and assessment of Demonstrates understanding of Demonstrates the concept
importance of keeping the school physical activities and physical fitness. shapes, space, colors, and the of melody by using intervals
and community environments principles of emphasis, harmony in the major scale and in
healthy. and contrast in digital painting the minor scale.
and poster design using new
B.Performance Standards The learner demonstrates Participates and assess performance in physical activities. Applies concepts on the use of Applies learned concepts of
practices for building and Assesses physical fitness software in creating digital melody and other elements
maintaining healthy school and paintings and graphic design. to composition and
community environments. performance.
C.Learning Competencies/Objectives Describes Proper Ways of Waste Assesses regularly participation in physical activities based on the Appreciates the elements and Sing and plays solo or with
Disposal Philippines physical Activity Pyramid principles applied in lay outing group, melodies/ songs in c
H6CMH-IIf-6 PE6PF-IIb-h-18 A6PR-IIf major, G. major, and f
Observes safety precautions major
PE6GS-IIb0-h-3 MU6ME-IIa-3
Explains the nature background of the games
Describes the skills involved in the games
II.CONTENT Proper Waste Management Assessment of Physical Activities and Physical Fitness Digital Painting Graphic Melody
Invasion Game: Hopscotch (Piko)Chinese garter Design(Poster)
1.Teacher’s Guide pages
2.Learners’s Materials pages Misosa module 14
Module 3,4 and 6
3.Textbook pages Enjoying Life trhough Music, Arts, The 21st Century MAPEH in Action, p.206-207 Enjoying Life trhough Music, Arts,
Physical education and Health 6 Physical education and Health 6
pp.46-53 pp. 54-58
4.Additional materials from learning K to 12 basic education
resource (LR) portal curriculum Guide 6
B.Other Learning Resource LCD Projector, Netbook, LCD Projector, lapel, Netbook, Powerpoint, lapel, Chalk, pamato Projector, Powerpoint
Powerpoint, cut-outs, lapel presentation, netbook, gadgets
A.Reviewing previous lesson or Recall the different types of What games have you played with What game have we played What was the most attractive
presenting the new lesson wastes. (Teacher should prepare your friends and classmates? yesterday? poster you have ever
cut-out letters for this activity.) What local materials did we seen?Explain what it looks like
Each group has jumbled words use? and why you like it?
that they should arrange as fast How to play piko? What key is shown in the
as they could. The first group staff?
who will do it correctly wins.
Ask: 1. How can we lessen the
wastes or garbage in our home?
In our school? In our community? What key if it has one
2. What are the practices that sharp? Where is do
you do? (Process all the answers) located?

What is the key signature if

there is one flat ? Where in
the staff is flat located?

B.Establishing a purpose for the Show a picture of children playing Would you like to play another Show a sample of poster
lesson “Piko traditional game? What is the key signatures
Can you guess this game?

What do we call it? What

elements do you see in this
Original File Submitted and
Formatted by DepEd Club
Member - visit depedclub.com What is the key signature of
for more the song Roses? Where is
do located? What musical
What do you call this game?
symbol can you see in the
How to play this game?
Do you know how to play this
C.Presenting Examples/ instances of Let the pupils view a video on how Video watching: Show another sample of a poster, Let the pupils listen to the
the new lesson to play piko. “Chinese garter” let them study the elements and song as the teache3r plays
https://www.youtube.com/watch https://www.youtube.com/wat principles used the recorder or lapel.
?v=6Od2e1I7Nzc ch?v=XCwVP8exQ-c Pupils try to learn the song.

D.Discussing new concepts and Show them pictures: What is Piko? How to play chinese garter? What is a poster?
practicing new skills #1 A How do we play piko? What do What localize material can we
we need in order to play Piko? use to play chinese garter? What elements and principles
What are the different rules to are used in lay outing this poster?
foloow in pkaying Piko? .
Why are posters
What is the tilte of the
song? What key signature?

Let the pupils describe each

E.Discussing new concepts and container in the picture A and B. Rules to follow: Teacher prepares the playing Let the pupils design and create Listen as I play the song,
practicing new skills #2 (Annex 1) Objective: To hop and jump on area and show actual a poster by using the MS then try to sing it by
Ask. Why do we need to put our each square using one or both feet demonstration of playing Publisher following the tune of the
waste in the right container? without stepping on the lines chinese garter. song.
What can you say about the
phrase “May Pera sa Basura”? Group the pupils into 4 then
allow them to choose which
Teacher will post on the board song they are going to sing.
the terms:
 Biodegradable, Non- Give them ample time to
biodegradable, Reuse, practice.
Reduce and Recycle.
Describe the difference of each
terms briefly.
Reduce- to make (something)
smaller or lesser in amount.
Examples: purchasing items with
less packaging, minimizing food
waste by planning every meal,
buying things that you only need.
Reuse – to use (something) again.
Examples: carrying eco-freindly Warm up exercises
bags when buying product, using Execution of the invasion game in
reusable tumblers and food outdoor.
Instruct the learners to perform
containers. warm-up exercises to prevent
Recycle- to make (something) injury and muscle pain.
from things that have been used a.head bending
before. b.neck twisting march in place
Examples: using food waste as c.arms stretch d.hands
plant fertilizer (composting), shake
recycling high grade paper into e.knee rotation
low-grade paper (news-print), f.feet shake
using tires/PET bottles as plant
Biodegradable- capable of being
decomposed by bacteria or living
Examples: animal and human
wastes (manure), dry
leaves/twigs, spoiled food, dead
animals etc.
Non-biodegradable – type of
waste that can’t be broken down
into its base compounds.
Examples: radioactive material,
metal, rubber, needles, electronic
parts etc.
F.Developing Mastery Activity: “SINGING” Pupils execute the game while the Pupils perform the chinese Hands on! Group presentation
Song: Waste Disposal Method teacher supervises. garter as the teacher Teacher supervises
Tune: “Are you sleeping, brother supervises
Waste disposal, waste disposal
Proper waste disposal
Reduce, reuse, recycle
Landfill and composting
Separation and combustion
G.Finding Practical application of What do you do to make your What instances can we relate in What skills did you develop Why do we need to sing
concepts and skills in daily living home, school, and community our daily life the game Piko? while playing the chinese listen to a song intently?
clean? Why should we not forget our laro garter? Why are songs important to
ng Lahi games? In what activity at home can us?
Why do we need to implement you apply these skills?
proper wastes disposal?
H.Making generalization and Describe the proper ways of Piko is a game where players play How is chinese garter being Purpose of a poster
abstraction about the lesson disposal? in a drawn rectangular-shaped box played? Is to communicate a message.
What are the benefits of with usually 10 sections. It can be
practicing proper waste disposal? played individually or by teams. Posters should be engaging
They need a stone (pamato) and enough to capture their attention
the enjoyment begins. because it is a powerful tool to
inform, persuade or promote.

Elements and principles used are

color, shape, form, texture, line,
emphasis, harmony and contrast

I.Evaluating learning Write T if the statement is true List down five(5) skills that you Did you enjoy the game? Use the rubrics in grading the Giving grade using rubrics
and F if the statement is false. developed in the game” Piko” What skills did you learn ? output of each pupil to the group presentation
__ 1. We can recycle the glass When you lose the game, what CRITER 5 3 1
bottles and jars. value did you show? IA
__ 2. Plastics can be reduced if Releva Very Rele Irrel
we use it properly. nce to relev vant evan
__ 3. Spoiled foods can be used the ant to t to
as fertilizer. theme to the the
__ 4. Junked papers like news the the the
papers are not recyclable. them me me
__ 5. Old clothes can be used as a e or or or
new one. topic topic topic
Creati Dem Dem Dem
vity onstr onst onst
ate rate rate
origin 3 0f 1
ality, 5 com
fluen com pone
cy, pone nts
flexib nts of
ility of creat
and creat ivity
elabo ivity
Visual Illustr Illust Illust
Impact ation ratio ratio
is n is n is
very clear uncl
clear and ean
and quit and
very e unre
realis reali alisti
tic stic c
J.additional activities for application Draw/ cut a picture of game Piko or Chinese garter then write a Continue the unfinished work Copy a song in C Major,G
or remediation simple explanation on how to play the game paste it in your portfolio Major and F major place it
in your portfolio

A.Bilang ng mag-aaral na nakauha ng
80% sa pagtatayao.
B.Bilang ng mag-aaralna
nangangailangan ng iba pang Gawain
para sa remediation
C.Nakatulong ba ang remedial? Bilang
ng mag-aaral na nakaunawa sa aralin.
D.Bilang ng mag-aaral na
magpapatuloy sa remediation
E.Alin sa mga estratehiyang pagtuturo
ang nakatulong ng lubos?Paano ito
F.Anong sulioranin ang aking
naranasan na solusyunansa tulong ng
aking punungguro at superbisor?
G.Anong kagamitang panturo ang
aking nadibuho nanais kong ibahagi
sa kapwa ko guro?
GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: MISS CHERRY S. ACERO Learning Area: MAPEH
DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and
Time: (WEEK 7) Quarter: 2ND QUARTER


A.Content Standards The learner understands the Demonstrates understanding of Demonstrates understanding of Demonstrates understanding of Demonstrates the concept of
importance of keeping the school shapes, space, colors, and the shapes, space, colors, and the participation in and assessment melody by using intervals in the
and community environments principles of emphasis, harmony principles of emphasis, harmony of physical activities and physical major scale and in the minor
healthy. and contrast in digital painting and contrast in digital painting fitness. scale.
and poster design using new and poster design using new
technologies. technologies.
B.Performance Standards The learner demonstrates Applies concepts on the use of Applies concepts on the use of Participates and assess Applies learned concepts of
practices for building and software in creating digital software in creating digital performance in physical melody and other elements to
maintaining healthy school and paintings and graphic design. paintings and graphic design. activities. composition and performance.
community environments. Assesses physical fitness
C. Learning Competencies Identifies things that can be Applies skills in layouting and Applies skills in layouting and Assesses regularly in physical Creates simple melodies in
recycled in school and in the photo editing using new photo editing using new activites based on the Philippines 4.1 Key of C Major
community technologies(Hardware and technologies(Hardware and Physical activity pyramid MU6ME-IIa-4
H6CMH-IIg-7 Software) in making a poster Software) in making a poster PE6-11b-h-1 -
A6PL-IIg A6PL-IIg Describe the skills involved in the
Executes the different skills
involved in the games
Recognizes the value of
participation in physical activities
II.CONTENT Proper Waste Management Digital Painting Graphic Digital Painting Graphic Assessment of Physical Activities Melody
Design(Poster) Design(Poster) and Physical Fitness
1.Teacher’s Guide pages
2.Learners’s Materials pages
3.Textbook pages Enjoying Life trhough Music, Arts, Enjoying Life trhough Music, Enjoying Life trhough Music, Enjoying Life trhough Music, Arts, Enjoying Life trhough Music,
Physical education and Health 6 Arts, Physical education and Arts, Physical education and Physical education and Health6 Arts, Physical education and
pp.50-53 Health 6 pp. 55-61 Health 6 pp. 55-61 pp.40-45 Health 6 pp.34-37
4.Additional materials from K to 12 basic education curriculum Guide 6, p57 for Health, p. 50 for Arts p.
learning resource (LR) portal

B.Other Learning Resource LCD Projector, Netbook, Projector, Powerpoint Projector, Powerpoint LCD Projector, lapel, Netbook, Powerpoint presentation, LCD
Powerpoint, cut-outs, lapel presentation, netbook, gadgets, presentation, netbook, gadgets, Powerpoint projector, speaker
coupon bond, ruler, paint, paint coupon bond, paint, brushes
A.Reviewing previous lesson or Let the pupils sing the song What are posters? What is MS Publisher? Present the picture What key signature if there is
presenting the new lesson “Waste Disposal Method” with Why are posters created? What are the uses of MS one sharp? I flat?
the tune of Are You Sleeping Do you like to create your own Publisher learned yesterday?
Ask the students: poster and be publish? Did you brimng the materials I
1. What is the waste disposal ask you?
methods mentioned in the song?
2. Which of these methods is
applicable in your place? Why?
What game is being played by the
Let them study the staff then
ask them to tell the key by
Are you familiar with this game?
naming the letter names where
the pitches are written on the
B.Establishing a purpose for the 1. Lead the class in searching for What is MS Publisher? Call on a learner to open the List down atleast five skills
lesson garbage/trash/waste that can be Have you encountered it? laptop and proceed to MS involved in the game.
found inside the school. Would you like to know about Publisher. Original File Submitted and
2. Tell the students to list these MS Publisher? Allow also other learners to Formatted by DepEd Club
What key is shown in the staff?
(garbage/trash/waste) down. open their gadgets. Member - visit depedclub.com
for more

C.Presenting Examples/ Activity: Present samples of a poster. Present to them a product you Let the pupils read some Present the song “Ang
instances of the new lesson Guessing Games wanted to sell. Let them create information about the game Alibangbang”
The teacher will give clues that its advertisement poster. volleyball.
the pupils will answer. Title, save, display their poster Volleyball is one of the most
Directions: Guess the and say something about it. popular game in our country. It
items/wastes using the given helps improve muscular strength,
clues. hand and eye coordination,
1. Clue: containers of reflexes and helps burn body fat
soft drinks, milk and it also help an individual to be
fruit cocktails Answer: engaged in a physical activity that
is fun and interesting as it
Tin cans/ Cans
provides opportunity to connect What is the key signature of the
2. Clue: newspapers and with other people. It was song?
magazines are made of originally called “Mintonette” What is the time signature?
it. Answer: Paper and was invented in 1895 by How many clap are there in one
William G. Morgan and designed measure? Why?
the game to be a combination of
basketball, baseball, tennis and
What is the poster no 1 alll
about/ how about poster no 2
and 3?
D.Discussing new concepts and Group Activity Let the pupils open MS How did you come up with your Inform the learners that Allow trhe pupils to clap the
practicing new skills #1 Group the pupils into 4. Publisher and discuss to them output? volleyball is an example of a net rhythmic pattern while reciting
Each group must have a leader how to open and operate, click What skills did you applied? and Wall games wherein the the syllables
and a reporter the following team players score by hitting or
The reporter will explain to the 1. Start button striking a ball into a court space Recite the words of the song in
class the output of the group 2. All programs with enough accuracy and power rhythm
Role card may be used if 3. Microsoft office that the opponent cannot hit it Sing the words of the song in
appropriate 4. MS Publisher back and make a return. accurate pitch and rhytm
Role Cards 2010 versuion of MS Let them identify different skills
Leader Encourager Publisherlooks like this. To involved in the game
Leads the Ensure create a poster: -Forearm pass
group in the everyone is 1. Click more blanks pages -Overhead passing
given tasks participating 2. Scroll down until you -Overarm serve
Invites see publication Types, -Underarm serve
everyone to click on the posters -Spiking
join in folder
Time Keeper Reporter 3. Choose the size of the
Keeps an eye Shares the poster
to the allotted consolidated 4. Click create
time si that ideas
the assigned generated Discuss further how to edit
tasks wii be during the photos in MS Publisher.
finished on or discussion/
before time brainstorming

a. The teacher will provide

a box with diffferent
recyclable materials
b. Each group will get 2
materials in the box.
c. The group will be given
time to explain how
these things can be
useful again.

E.Discussing new concepts and Ask the pupils: How is MS Publisher open? Allow the pupils to create a Little Teacher strategy: Write out the melodies on the
practicing new skills #2 Is recycling important? Why? How can you edit photos in MS poster informing their ( fast learner teaches the slow staff in the key of C the first few
How can we benefit from Publisher? schoolmates that there will be learner) notes are done for you.
recycling wastes? What other Why should you use it when you an upcoming school activity Executing the different skills
ways can we do to lessen our need to layout a poster? regarding waste management involved in the game
wastes? What skills did you developed and not everybody is informed -pass and throw
using the new technologies? about the important details. As -alphabetical pass
a graphic artist you will make a -keep it high
poster series for this event. You -Spike and hit
will apply emphasis and create
multiple copies of it then

F.Developing Mastery Directions: List the recyclable Let the pupils master symbols Hands on activity of the Individual performance of the Let the learners create their
items that can be found in the on how to operate the MS learners. learners in the different skills in own simple melodies in Key of C
picture. publisher Teacher supervises volleyball Major.
Why do you need to participate Let them perform their outputs.
in a physical activitiy?
G.Finding Practical application Your mother asks you to throw Why do you need to learner You are expert in using MS What instances at home can you
of concepts and skills in daily your wastes on the trash bin, but how to make a poster? Can you Publisher especially in layouting apply the skills in volleyball?
living you notice that there are objects help your parents to advertise and photo editing. Your
that can be used again, what will their product using what you mother’s friend is looking for
you do? learned in making a poster using someone to make the Birthday
the MS Publisher? Tarp of his son, What can you do
to help her?
H.Making generalization and How do you define recycle? Poster is to communicate a How can you create relevant Net Wall games are games The key of the song is named
abstraction about the lesson message It is powerful tool to posters? wherein the team players score after the letter name where the
How can you help in diminishing inform, persuade or promote. by hitting or striking ball into a home tone is
waste products in your school MS Publisher helps use crearte court space with enough The key tells us the place of the
and community? professional-looking accuracy and power that the home tone on the staff and
publications easily and quickly. opponent cannot hit it back and opens up the places of the rest
make a return. of the other pitches on the staff
Example; volleyball, tennis and
Skills in layouting and photo badminton
editing are learned through new
I.Evaluating learning Identify the wastes that can be Let the learners create a simple Check(/ 1. What are the different Create your own simple
recycled by putting a check (/) on design of a poster using the MS ) the skills involved in melodies
the blank and mark X if not. Publisher box of volleyball? Describe
___1. Tin cans your each.
___2. Boxes answer
___3. Plastic bottles I can
___4. Paper create
___5. Harmful chemicals poster
I can
I can
isi on
I can
tion or
I can
pass my
on time
J.additional activities for Think of your design for Practice the skills learned in
application or remediation tommorow’s layouting and playing volleyball with your
photo editing for poster making. friends, brother, sisters and
Bring your gadgets. relatives.


A.Bilang ng mag-aaral na
nakauha ng 80% sa pagtatayao.
B.Bilang ng mag-aaralna
nangangailangan ng iba pang
Gawain para sa remediation
C.Nakatulong ba ang remedial?
Bilang ng mag-aaral na
nakaunawa sa aralin.
D.Bilang ng mag-aaral na
magpapatuloy sa remediation
E.Alin sa mga estratehiyang Cooperative grouping, think pair share
pagtuturo ang nakatulong ng
lubos?Paano ito nakatulong?
F.Anong suliranin ang aking
naranasan na solusyunansa
tulong ng aking punungguro at
G.Anong kagamitang panturo Powerpoint making
ang aking nadibuho nanais kong
ibahagi sa kapwa ko guro?
School: Grade Level: VI
GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: Learning Area: MAPEH
DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and
Time: (WEEK 8) Quarter: 2ND QUARTER



A.Content Standards Demonstrates the concept of Demonstrates understanding of The learner understands the Demonstrates understanding of participation in and
melody by using intervals in the shapes, space, colors, and the importance of keeping the school assessment of physical activities and physical fitness.
major scale and in the minor scale. principles of emphasis, harmony and community environments
and contrast in digital painting healthy
and poster design using new
B.Performance Standards Applies learned concepts of Applies concepts on the use of The learner demonstrates Participates and assess performance in physical activities.
melody and other elements to software in creating digital practices for building and Assesses physical fitness
composition and performance. paintings and graphic design. maintaining healthy school and
community environments
C.Learning Competencies/Objectives Creates simple melodies in Creates an Practices proper waste Assesses regularly in physical activites based on the
4.2 Key of G Major advertisement/commercial or management at home, in school, Philippines Physical activity pyramid
MU6ME-IIa-4 announcement poster and in the community. PE6-11b-h-1
- A6PL-IIh H6CMH-IIh-8 Observes safety precautions
Executes the different skills involved in the games
II.CONTENT Melody Digital Painting Graphic Proper Waste Management Assessment of Physical Activities and Physical Fitness
1.Teacher’s Guide pages
2.Learners’s Materials pages
3.Textbook pages Enjoying Life trhough Music, Arts, Enjoying Life Through Music, Arts Enjoying Life Through Music, Arts Enjoying Life Through Music, Arts ,Physical Education and
Physical education and Health 6 ,Physical Education and Health 6 ,Physical Education and Health 6 Health 6 pp. 40-45
pp. 46-53 pp.55-61 pp. 47-53
4.Additional materials from learning k To 12 Curriculum Guide 6 p. 54 k To 12 Curriculum Guide 6 p. 50 k To 12 Curriculum Guide 6 p. 57 k To 12 Curriculum Guide 6 p. 35
resource (LR) portal
B.Other Learning Resource Powerpoint presentation, LCD Powerpoint presentation, LCD Powerpoint presentation activity Powerpoint presentation, LCD projector, speaker
projector, speaker projector Laptop/netbook,PC cards LCD Projector
A.Reviewing previous lesson or What key signature have you What is MS Publisher? Activity: What is Net and Wall What skills have you
presenting the new lesson learned last week? Are you What features are used in MS Charades games? What game belongs performed yesterday?
familiar already on how to create Publisher? The teacher will choose 3 pupils to net and Wall have you
simple melodies in key of C? What are the uses of MS who will act the given situations. learned?
Publisher? Situations: What are the skills involved
1. Recycle/recycling, in the game?
2. Composting,
3. Segregation/Sorting Are you
practicing this proper waste
management at home? In school?
In the community?
B.Establishing a purpose for the Present the song “O Come All Ye Have you seen flyers or What other methods can you do Let the learners view a video Have the learners
lesson Faithful” advertisement posted in any wall to apply proper waste disposal at about how to play volleyball. performed warm up
Let them recite the rhythmic or open area in your locality? home? In school? In the exercises
syllables What do you usually read or see community?
Words of the song then listen to in it?
the tune

is the song major or minor mode?

What do you call the musical
symbol found after the clef?
C.Presenting Examples/ instances of Present them varied pictures of Activity: Collaborative Game Present varied pictures of
the new lesson sample Picture Analysis Group the class nto 5 then skills to be develop n
advertisement/commercial or Ask the pupils to tell something choose 5 learners to play the playing volleyball
announcement poster. about the pictures game give them a marking Ask varied questions about
Let them study and describe it pen eraser and a show me it.
board. Original File Submitted and
Allow the 5 learner to line at Formatted by DepEd Club
the back. As a question then Member - visit
let them answer using the depedclub.com for more
materials given to them and
What do you notice at the staff? if they get the correct
What do we call this symbol? answer they move forward
What is the function of the sharp then change again the
symbol? players and so on until they
reach infront. Whoever will
Show another song, let them study Hazardous chemical containers be the first to reach infront
and analyze it. will be declared the
winner.(questions ask should
be based from the video
about volleyball)

Eco-friendly bag

What is the key signature of the

song Away in a Manger? What was
its home tone? On what line or
space is the home tone located?

biodegradable wastes

D.Discussing new concepts and Allow the learners to observe the The teacher will discuss the Further discuss the different Call on a learner to execute
practicing new skills #1 poster sample shown to them. practices on proper waste skills involve in volleyball the said skills
Why do advertisers create an management in school and in the a. Spiking
attractive poster? community b. Forearm pass
What do they apply the art Information Index- c. Overhead passing
principles of emphasis? “All About The Waste “

Let the pupils study the given

melodies on the staff in the key of
G major. Allow them to write it in
the staff.
How do you create simple
melodies in Key of G?
Let the learners practice writing
simple melodies in the key of G.
Call on a learner to present his/her
E.Discussing new concepts and Group the learners into 4, let each Give some instructions or How do you manage your waste Teacher shows the proper way of executing the different
practicing new skills #2 group create their own simple standards to follow when making at home? skills involve in volleyball
melodies in Key of G. their advertisement/ commercial What are the waste
and announcement poster using management methods being Allow the learners to pratice with the help of the teacher
Presentation of outputs by group. software. practiced in the school? In the and some learners who are good in playing volleyball
Have you tried joining a clean- What should we observe while playing net and wall games?
up campaign in your school and in Why?
your community?
Pupils are encouraged to share
their experiences about waste
F.Developing Mastery Make/compose their own group Hands on activity. Peer teaching Peer teaching
jingle about waste segregation in Teacher supervises Executing the proper way of Executing the proper way
the key of G a. Underarm serve of
b. Overarm serve a. Spiking
b. Forearm pass
c. Overhead
G.Finding Practical application of You know how to create simple How can you help your mother How can you encourage your What particular work at home can you apply the skills
concepts and skills in daily living melodies, your younger sister who have an online business but family members to practice involved in volleyball?
needs to make a jingle about eggs, doesn’t know how to use proper waste management?
how will you be of help to her? computer? How do you convince your
classmates and friends to practice
proper waste management?
H.Making generalization and The sharp sign at the beginning of In creating your What are the best practices of In Playing net and wall game such as volleyball we must
abstraction about the lesson the staff serves as the key to be advertisement/commercial and waste management you do at master first the skills involved and always observe
able to read the pitches on the announcement you should home, in school, and in your precautionary measures while playing.
staff always apply the art principle of community?
The sharp sign raises the pitch by a emphasis to stress some element
half step over others by showing what you
The key of one sharp gives the key should look at first, second, third
of g major and E minor. and so on….think of the size,
shape and color of your texts and
images and the way you arrange
them on your poster illustrates
visual weight.
I.Evaluating learning Group presentation of jingle. Evaluating/Grading the outputs YES OR NO individual performance of individual performance of
Using the rubrics for grading the of the pupils using rubrics. Directions: Check the column that the learners in executing the learners in executing
output. shows the proper waste a. Spiking
a. Underarm serve
management you do at home, in b.Forearm pass
school, and in community. b. Overhead serve c.Overhead
Practices Yes No passing
Disposing garbage
in a proper trash
Using eco-friendly
bag when buying in
the mall or
g waste according
to its kind.
Using tumblers and
food containers
instead of
Getting just enough
food that I can only
J.additional activities for application To those who are not yet Enrichment: Practice at home the proper Practice at home the
or remediation finishcontinue at home and Ask your parents about their way of serving underarm and proper way of Spiking
submit tomorrow. practices in proper waste overhead Forearm pass and
management. Share it to the class .Overhead passing
next meeting.


A.Bilang ng mag-aaral na nakauha ng

80% sa pagtatayao.
B.Bilang ng mag-aaralna
nangangailangan ng iba pang Gawain
para sa remediation
C.Nakatulong ba ang remedial? Bilang
ng mag-aaral na nakaunawa sa aralin.
D.Bilang ng mag-aaral na
magpapatuloy sa remediation
E.Alin sa mga estratehiyang pagtuturo
ang nakatulong ng lubos? Paano ito
F.Anong suliranin ang aking naranasan
na solusyunansa tulong ng aking
punungguro at superbisor?
G.Anong kagamitang panturo ang
aking nadibuho nanais kong ibahagi sa
kapwa ko guro?
School: Grade Level: VI
GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: Learning Area: MAPEH
DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and
Time: (WEEK 9) Quarter: 2ND QUARTER



V. Content Standard Demonstrates the concept of Demonstrates understanding of The learner understands the Demonstrates understanding Demonstrates understanding
melody by using intervals in shapes, space, colors, and the importance of keeping the of participation and of participation and assessment
major scales and in the minor principles of emphasis, harmony school and community assessment of physical activity of physical activity and physical
scales and contrast in digital painting environments healthy and physical fitness
and poster design using new fitness
W. Performance Standard Applies learned concepts of Applies concepts on the use of The learner demonstrates Participates and assesses Participates and assesses
melody and other elements to software in creating digital practices for building and performance in physical performance in physical
composition and performance paintings and graphic design. maintaining healthy school activities. assesses physical activities. assesses physical
and community environments fitness fitness

X. Learning Competencies Sing self-composed melodies Creates an advertisement Practices proper waste Assesses regularly Assesses regularly
(write the LC Code) in C Major,G Major,F Major /commercial or announcement management at home, in participation in physical participation in physical
keys poster school, and in the community. activities based on the activities based on the Philippine
MU6ME-IIa-5 A6PR-IIh H6CMH-IIh-8 Philippine physical activity physical activity pyramid
pyramid PE6PFII-b-h-18 PE6PFII-b-h-18
Observes safety precautions Observes safety precautions
PE6GSII-b-h-3 PE6GSII-b-h-3
Executed the different skills Executed the different skills
involved in the game PE6GS- involved in the game PE6GS-IIc-
IIc-h-4 h-4
Recognizes the value of Recognizes the value of
participation in physical participation in physical
activities PE6IIb-h-19 activities PE6IIb-h-19
Displays joy of effort, respect Displays joy of effort, respect for
for others and fair play during others and fair play during
participation in physical participation in physical
activities activities
PE6PF-Ib-h-20 PE6PF-Ib-h-20
Identifies areas for Identifies areas for
improvement PE6PF-II-b-h-22 improvement PE6PF-II-b-h-22
II. CONTENT MELODY DIGITAL PAINTING –GRAPHIC Proper Waste Management Invasion game:Basketball Invasion game:CHESS
DESIGN(Digital Poster)
O. References
29. TG/CG pages CG-P.54 CG-P50 TG. p9 CG page 35 CG page 35
30. Learner’s Materials pages
31. Textbook pages The 21st Century MAPEH IN The 21st Century MAPEH IN The 21st Century MAPEH IN The 21st Century MAPEH IN The 21st Century MAPEH IN
ACTION pp.40-41 ACTION pp.140-146 ACTION pp.202-216pp.273- ACTION pp.202-216 ACTION pp.202-216
32. Materials downloaded from
P. Other Learning Materials Internet--google Internet--google Internet--google Internet-Ibat ibang Larong Lahi Internet-Ibat ibang Larong Lahi
search:https:/www.google.co search:https:/www.google.com.p search:https:/www.google.co sa Pilipinas-google sa Pilipinas-google
m.ph. h. m.ph. search:https:/www.google.com search:https:/www.google.com.
Laptop,tv monitor Laptop,tv monitor Laptop,tv monitor .ph. ph.
Laptop,tv monitor,basketball Laptop,tv monitor,CHESS BOARD
SSS. Reviewing previous lesson What songs are in the major What is computer graphic Activity: 1.Did you enjoy playing 1.Did you enjoy playing invasion
and presenting new lesson C,F,and G?Why? design? Charades invasion game like LAWIN AT game like LAWIN AT
pupils who will act the given BASE? 2.Did you participate actively?
situations. Situations: 2.Did you participate actively? 3,Did you understand the
1. Recycle/recycling, 3,Did you understand the mechanics of the game?
2. Composting, mechanics of the game? 4. Describe the skills involved in
3. Segregation/Sorting Are 4. Describe the skills involved the game.
you practicing this proper in the game. 5.Did you observe safety
waste management at home? 5.Did you observe safety precautions ?
In school? In the community? precautions ? 4. Did you display joy of effort,
Original File Submitted and 4. Did you display joy of effort, respect for others and
Formatted by DepEd Club respect for others and fair play during your
Member - visit depedclub.com fair play during your participation to the game ?Why?
for more participation to the game 5.What areas do you need to
?Why? improve?
5.What areas do you need to
TTT. Establishing a purpose for the Do you like to be a composer What is photo-editing? How are What other methods can you Today, we will be have A VIDEO Today, we will be have A VIDEO
lesson ? photos combined in poster do to apply proper waste WATCHING on how to play WATCHING on how to play
design? disposal at home? In school? basketball. chess.
In the community?

UUU. Presenting Show pictures of some Say: A photograph can be used as Activity: Video watching Video watching
examples/instances of the composers doing their job. a starting element to make Picture Analysis
lesson posters on the computer.It is Ask the pupils to tell
possible to put a hard copy of the something about the pictures.
image and paint from that with a
pen tool using whatever brushes
you choose.Usually,photo is
combined in making a poster
design. Hazardous chemical

Eco-friendly bag

biodegradable wastes

VVV. Discussing new concepts and Do activity 10 on p. 40 Discuss Digital Poster –HANDS The teacher will discuss the Report/demonstrate the Report/demonstrate the
practicing new skills #1 Do any of these activities: ON ( I DO ) practices on proper waste background/ correct play of background/ correct play of
1.You are a composer. management in school and in basketball based on the video chess based on the video
Make your own song.Create MAKE YOUR OWN DIGITAL the watched. watched.
simple phrases and compose POSTER
simple melodies for the community
phrases you made. 1.Open Gimp,create a new Information Index-
2.You are an instrumentalist. Layer,and insert the background “All About The Waste“
Play any musical you want to use.A textured
instruments that you know in image of flat background will do.
different scales of G and F 2.Create a new Layer for each of
major as accompaniment the objects or elements you will
“You Are My Sunshine” include in your poster.Import or
3.You are a chorale member. scan your image and/or
Hum the melody of the photograph on the
song in every title of songs computer.Save the image as file.
that the teacher will give you. 3.Retrieve the image and/or
photograph.Insert on the layer
that you want to use.Color the
image according to the layout or
concept that you have in mind.
4Insert your texts.Use the Text
and Type tools from your toolbar
to create and place texts in the
picture and form fonts that you
think are appropriate for your
theme and main idea.Click on the
picture with the Type tool and
select a box the size of the area
you want to add text.Type in the
box,then adjust t5he size of the
text box.
5.Print your finished poster.

WWW. Discussing new HANDS ON ( We do) How do you manage your

concepts and practicing new waste at home?
skills #2 What are the waste
management methods being
practiced in the school? In the
Have you tried joining a clean-
up campaign in your school
and in your community?
Pupils are encouraged to
share their experiences about
waste management.

XXX. Developing mastery (lead to Group practice Asking some questions not Draw an ideal trash cans for Apply game discussion for Apply game discussion for
formative assessment 3) cleared in making digital poster proper waste disposal clarification clarification
YYY. Finding practical application Demonstration Do you have a good How can you encourage your Group game Group game
of concepts and skills in daily understanding,have some family members to practice
living questions or don’t get it in proper waste management?
making digital poster? How do you convince your
classmates and friends to
practice proper waste

ZZZ. Making generalization and How do you sing self- How do make a digital poster What are the best practices of Ask the learners to either fill in Ask the learners to either fill in
abstractions about the lesson composed melodies? well? waste management you do at the Physical Activity Log or ask the Physical Activity Log or ask
home, in school, and in your them to write a Journal entry in them to write a Journal entry in
community? their journal notebook/P.E. their journal notebook/P.E.
notebook of what they have notebook of what they have
learned. learned.
AAAA. Evaluating learning Put a check before each Put a check before each YES OR NO Fill in the template “Game Fill in the template “Game
statement that describes your statement that describes your Directions: Check the column Participation Survey” or “My Participation Survey” or “My
attitudes and feelings during attitudes and feelings during and that shows the proper waste Physical Activity and Fitness Physical Activity and Fitness
and after doing the activities. management you do at home, Contract” Contract”
after doing the artwork.
__1.Ican demonstrate the in school, and in community. Check the space provided that Check the space provided that
ability to sing,read,and write __1.I realized that art best describes your answer. best describes your answer.
simple musical notations in processes,elements and Practices Yes N Learning Excelle Goo Poo Learning Excelle Goo Poo
the Key of C,G,F majors. principles still apply even with o nt d r nt d r
__2.I can analyze the melodic Disposing 1.I 1.I
the use of technologies.
patterns of songs in C.F.G garbage in a participat participat
major keys. proper trash ed in the ed in the
__2.Ican appreciate the elements
__3.I can sing and play solo or bin game game
and principles applied in
with group,melodies/songs in Using eco- actively actively
C,G,F majors layouting. friendly bag 2.I 2.I
__4.I cancreate simple when buying understoo understoo
melodies in C,G,F, Majors. __3.I can apply skills in layouting d the d the
in the mall or
__5. I can sing self-composed and photo-editing using new supermarket. backgrou backgrou
melodies in C,F,G major keys. technologies (hardware and Segregating/S nd of the nd of the
software ) in making a poster. orting waste game game
according to 3.I 3.I
__4.Ican create an its kind. observed observed
advertisement/commercial or Using safety safety
announcement poster tumblers and precautio precautio
food ns in ns in
__5.Ican expand my imagination containers playing playing
instead of syato syato
while making a poster.
disposable game game
containers 4.I 4.I
__6.Ican understand my
Getting just executed executed
classmates better through their
enough food the the
participation in class. different different
that I can
only skills skills
__7.I can accept the remarks and involved involved
suggestions of others. in the in the
game game
__8.I can see myself improving 5.Idisplay 5.Idisplayed
inhow I think and work in this ed joy of joy of
activity. effort,res effort,respec
pect for t for others
__9.I am happy with,and proud others and fair play
of my work. and fair during
play participation
__10.I can clean and take good during in physical
care of the things inmy classroom participati activities
on in
after using them.
physical 6.I identified
activities the areas of
6.I improvemen
identified t
the areas
of my

BBBB. Additional activities Master at vacant periods. Master at vacant period/at home Make an E-can made of plastic Play it on vacant time for Play it on vacant time for
for application or bottles,plastic mastery. mastery.
remediation wrappers,straws and

VI. REFLECTION Assessing yourself as a teacher and analyzing the students’ progress this week.

XX. No. of learners who earned

80% in the evaluation
YY. No. of learners who acquired
additional activities for
remediation who scored
below 80%
ZZ. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
AAA. No. of learners who
continue to require
BBB. Which of my
teaching strategies worked
well? Why did these work?
CCC. What difficulties did I
encountered which my
principal can help me solve?
DDD. What innovation or
localized materials did I
used/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?
School: Grade Level: VI
GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: Learning Area: MAPEH
DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and
Time: (WEEK 10) Quarter: 2ND QUARTER



Y. Content Standard Demonstrates the concept of Demonstrates understanding of The learner understands the Demonstrates understanding Demonstrates understanding
melody by using intervals in shapes, space, colors, and the importance of keeping the of participation and of participation and assessment
major scales and in the minor principles of emphasis, harmony school and community assessment of physical activity of physical activity and physical
scales and contrast in digital painting environments healthy and physical fitness
and poster design using new fitness
Z. Performance Standard Applies learned concepts of Applies concepts on the use of The learner demonstrates Participates and assesses Participates and assesses
melody and other elements to software in creating digital practices for building and performance in physical performance in physical
composition and performance paintings and graphic design. maintaining healthy school activities. assesses physical activities. assesses physical
and community environments fitness fitness

AA. Learning Competencies Sing self-composed melodies Creates an advertisement Practices proper waste Assesses regularly Assesses regularly
(write the LC Code) in C Major,G Major,F Major /commercial or announcement management at home, in participation in physical participation in physical
keys poster school, and in the community. activities based on the activities based on the Philippine
MU6ME-IIa-5 A6PR-IIh H6CMH-IIh-8 Philippine physical activity physical activity pyramid
pyramid PE6PFII-b-h-18 PE6PFII-b-h-18
Observes safety precautions Observes safety precautions
PE6GSII-b-h-3 PE6GSII-b-h-3
Executed the different skills Executed the different skills
involved in the game PE6GS- involved in the game PE6GS-IIc-
IIc-h-4 h-4
Recognizes the value of Recognizes the value of
participation in physical participation in physical
activities PE6IIb-h-19 activities PE6IIb-h-19
Displays joy of effort, respect Displays joy of effort, respect for
for others and fair play during others and fair play during
participation in physical participation in physical
activities activities
PE6PF-Ib-h-20 PE6PF-Ib-h-20
Identifies areas for Identifies areas for
improvement PE6PF-II-b-h-22 improvement PE6PF-II-b-h-22
II. CONTENT MELODY DIGITAL PAINTING –GRAPHIC Proper Waste Management Invasion game:Basketball Invasion game:CHESS
DESIGN(Digital Poster)
Q. References
33. TG/CG pages CG-P.54 CG-P50 TG. p9 CG page 35 CG page 35
34. Learner’s Materials pages
35. Textbook pages The 21st Century MAPEH IN The 21st Century MAPEH IN The 21st Century MAPEH IN The 21st Century MAPEH IN The 21st Century MAPEH IN
ACTION pp.40-41 ACTION pp.140-146 ACTION pp.202-216pp.273- ACTION pp.202-216 ACTION pp.202-216
36. Materials downloaded from
R. Other Learning Materials Internet--google Internet--google Internet--google Internet-Ibat ibang Larong Lahi Internet-Ibat ibang Larong Lahi
search:https:/www.google.co search:https:/www.google.com.p search:https:/www.google.co sa Pilipinas-google sa Pilipinas-google
m.ph. h. m.ph. search:https:/www.google.com search:https:/www.google.com.
Laptop,tv monitor Laptop,tv monitor Laptop,tv monitor .ph. ph.
Laptop,tv monitor,basketball Laptop,tv monitor,CHESS BOARD
CCCC. Reviewing previous What songs are in the major What is computer graphic Activity: 1.Did you enjoy playing 1.Did you enjoy playing invasion
lesson and presenting new C,F,and G?Why? design? Charades invasion game like LAWIN AT game like LAWIN AT
lesson The teacher will choose 3 SISIW,SUNGKA,AGAWAN SISIW,SUNGKA,AGAWAN BASE?
pupils who will act the given BASE? 2.Did you participate actively?
situations. Situations: 2.Did you participate actively? 3,Did you understand the
1. Recycle/recycling, 3,Did you understand the mechanics of the game?
2. Composting, mechanics of the game? 4. Describe the skills involved in
3. Segregation/Sorting Are 4. Describe the skills involved the game.
you practicing this proper in the game. 5.Did you observe safety
waste management at home? 5.Did you observe safety precautions ?
In school? In the community? precautions ? 4. Did you display joy of effort,
Original File Submitted and 4. Did you display joy of effort, respect for others and
Formatted by DepEd Club respect for others and fair play during your
Member - visit depedclub.com fair play during your participation to the game ?Why?
for more participation to the game 5.What areas do you need to
?Why? improve?
5.What areas do you need to
DDDD. Establishing a Do you like to be a composer What is photo-editing? How are What other methods can you Today, we will be have A VIDEO Today, we will be have A VIDEO
purpose for the lesson ? photos combined in poster do to apply proper waste WATCHING on how to play WATCHING on how to play
design? disposal at home? In school? basketball. chess.
In the community?

EEEE. Presenting Show pictures of some Say: A photograph can be used as Activity: Video watching Video watching
examples/instances of the composers doing their job. a starting element to make Picture Analysis
lesson posters on the computer.It is Ask the pupils to tell
possible to put a hard copy of the something about the pictures.
image and paint from that with a
pen tool using whatever brushes
you choose.Usually,photo is
combined in making a poster
design. Hazardous chemical

Eco-friendly bag

biodegradable wastes

FFFF. Discussing new concepts and Do activity 10 on p. 40 Discuss Digital Poster –HANDS The teacher will discuss the Report/demonstrate the Report/demonstrate the
practicing new skills #1 Do any of these activities: ON ( I DO ) practices on proper waste background/ correct play of background/ correct play of
1.You are a composer. management in school and in basketball based on the video chess based on the video
Make your own song.Create MAKE YOUR OWN DIGITAL the watched. watched.
simple phrases and compose POSTER
simple melodies for the community
phrases you made. 1.Open Gimp,create a new Information Index-
2.You are an instrumentalist. Layer,and insert the background “All About The Waste“
Play any musical you want to use.A textured
instruments that you know in image of flat background will do.
different scales of G and F 2.Create a new Layer for each of
major as accompaniment the objects or elements you will
“You Are My Sunshine” include in your poster.Import or
3.You are a chorale member. scan your image and/or
Hum the melody of the photograph on the
song in every title of songs computer.Save the image as file.
that the teacher will give you. 3.Retrieve the image and/or
photograph.Insert on the layer
that you want to use.Color the
image according to the layout or
concept that you have in mind.
4Insert your texts.Use the Text
and Type tools from your toolbar
to create and place texts in the
picture and form fonts that you
think are appropriate for your
theme and main idea.Click on the
picture with the Type tool and
select a box the size of the area
you want to add text.Type in the
box,then adjust t5he size of the
text box.
5.Print your finished poster.

GGGG. Discussing new HANDS ON ( We do) How do you manage your

concepts and practicing new waste at home?
skills #2 What are the waste
management methods being
practiced in the school? In the
Have you tried joining a clean-
up campaign in your school
and in your community?
Pupils are encouraged to
share their experiences about
waste management.

HHHH. Developing mastery Group practice Asking some questions not Draw an ideal trash cans for Apply game discussion for Apply game discussion for
(lead to formative cleared in making digital poster proper waste disposal clarification clarification
assessment 3)
IIII. Finding practical application Demonstration Do you have a good How can you encourage your Group game Group game
of concepts and skills in daily understanding,have some family members to practice
living questions or don’t get it in proper waste management?
making digital poster? How do you convince your
classmates and friends to
practice proper waste

JJJJ. Making generalization and How do you sing self- How do make a digital poster What are the best practices of Ask the learners to either fill in Ask the learners to either fill in
abstractions about the lesson composed melodies? well? waste management you do at the Physical Activity Log or ask the Physical Activity Log or ask
home, in school, and in your them to write a Journal entry in them to write a Journal entry in
community? their journal notebook/P.E. their journal notebook/P.E.
notebook of what they have notebook of what they have
learned. learned.
KKKK. Evaluating learning Put a check before each Put a check before each YES OR NO Fill in the template “Game Fill in the template “Game
statement that describes your statement that describes your Directions: Check the column Participation Survey” or “My Participation Survey” or “My
attitudes and feelings during attitudes and feelings during and that shows the proper waste Physical Activity and Fitness Physical Activity and Fitness
and after doing the activities. management you do at home, Contract” Contract”
__1.Ican demonstrate the after doing the artwork. in school, and in community. Check the space provided that Check the space provided that
ability to sing,read,and write best describes your answer. best describes your answer.
simple musical notations in __1.I realized that art Practices Yes N Learning Excelle Goo Poo Learning Excelle Goo Poo
the Key of C,G,F majors. processes,elements and o nt d r nt d r
__2.I can analyze the melodic principles still apply even with Disposing 1.I 1.I
patterns of songs in C.F.G garbage in a participat participat
the use of technologies.
major keys. proper trash ed in the ed in the
__3.I can sing and play solo or __2.Ican appreciate the elements bin game game
with group,melodies/songs in Using eco- actively actively
and principles applied in
C,G,F majors friendly bag 2.I 2.I
__4.I cancreate simple layouting. understoo understoo
when buying
melodies in C,G,F, Majors. in the mall or d the d the
__5. I can sing self-composed __3.I can apply skills in layouting
supermarket. backgrou backgrou
melodies in C,F,G major keys. and photo-editing using new Segregating/S nd of the nd of the
technologies (hardware and orting waste game game
software ) in making a poster. according to 3.I 3.I
its kind. observed observed
__4.Ican create an Using safety safety
advertisement/commercial or tumblers and precautio precautio
announcement poster food ns in ns in
containers playing playing
__5.Ican expand my imagination instead of syato syato
disposable game game
while making a poster.
containers 4.I 4.I
__6.Ican understand my Getting just executed executed
enough food the the
classmates better through their
that I can different different
participation in class. skills skills
consume. involved involved
__7.I can accept the remarks and in the in the
suggestions of others. game game
__8.I can see myself improving joy of
inhow I think and work in this effort,respec
activity. t for others
and fair play
__9.I am happy with,and proud during
of my work. participation
in physical
__10.I can clean and take good activities
care of the things inmy classroom
after using them. 6.I identified
the areas of
5.Idisplay my
ed joy of improvemen
effort,res t
pect for
and fair
on in

the areas
of my

LLLL. Additional activities for Master at vacant periods. Master at vacant period/at home Make an E-can made of plastic Play it on vacant time for Play it on vacant time for
application or remediation bottles,plastic mastery. mastery.
wrappers,straws and

VI. REFLECTION Assessing yourself as a teacher and analyzing the students’ progress this week.

EEE. No. of learners who earned

80% in the evaluation
FFF. No. of learners who acquired
additional activities for
remediation who scored
below 80%
GGG. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of learners
who have caught up with the
HHH. No. of learners who
continue to require
III. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
JJJ. What difficulties did I
encountered which my
principal can help me solve?
KKK. What innovation or
localized materials did I
used/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?
School: Grade Level: VI
GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: Learning Area: MAPEH-HEALTH
DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and
Time: (WEEK 1) Quarter: 3RD QUARTER


A.Content Standards Demonstrates understanding of Demonstrates understanding of Demonstrates understanding of the Demonstrates understanding of the health implications of
the health implications of poor the health implications of poor health implications of poor poor environment sanitation
environment sanitation environment sanitation environment sanitation
B.Performance Standards Consistently practices ways to Consistently practices ways to Consistently practices ways to Consistently practices ways to maintain a health environment
maintain a health environment maintain a health environment maintain a health environment
C.Learning Competencies/Objectives Describes diseases and disorders Explains how poor environmental Discusses ways to keep water and Discusses ways to keep water and air clean and safe.
caused by poor environmental sanitation can negatively impact air clean and safe. H6EH-IIIc-3
sanitation the health of an individual H6EH-IIIc-3
1.Teacher’s Guide pages
2.Learners’s Materials pages
3.Textbook pages 21st century Mapeh in Action 6 21st century Mapeh in Action 6 21st century Mapeh in Action 6 21st century Mapeh in Action 6 pages 2
pages 280-282 pages 2 pages 2
4.Additional materials from learning
resource (LR) portal
B.Other Learning Resource
A.Reviewing previous lesson or Let the student analyse the song Play the song “Colors of the What is environmental sanitation? Why some groceries Weekly test
presenting the new lesson Masdan mo ang Kapaligiran by Wind”. are insitingon the use 1. administering
Asin.. What is the message of the song? of paper bags instead questions
What is the message of the song? of plastic bags? correctly
What did you learn from this 2. administering
song? weekly test in
health 6
3. setting og
4. test proper
5. checking of
B.Establishing a purpose for the Give examples of environmental What are common health Show the two bottled water. What is the biggest contributor
lesson problems that we are experiencing problems can we acquire from Bottle A- Clear water of pollution?
now a day. poor environmental sanitation? Bottle B- Dirty water
Why do we experience it? Let the students give their own
opinion about the water A and B.
What is safe to drink?
Why is it unsafe to drink?
C.Presenting Examples/ instances of Group pupils into 4. Give the negative effect of the Group the students into 3. Group them in 2 groups. Explain
the new lesson They will identify the different following: Explain the following each
diseases caused by poor 1. Dump waste in lakes and 1. Clean Water A. Air Pollution
environmental sanitation. rivers 2. Clean Air B. Water Pollution
1. Respiratory Diseases 2. Throw your waste 3. Control of Noise/Pest
2. Gastrointestinal Diseases anywhere you want. Rodents
3. Skin Diseases 3. Drink water from any
4. Neurological Impairment source.
D.Discussing new concepts and What are respiratory diseases? What is the effect of poor Write some ways to keep the What is the effect of poor air in
practicing new skills #1 Gastrointestinal? Skin Diseases? environmental sanitation to our environment clean. our health?
Give some examples. health?

E.Discussing new concepts and Identify the following diseases; Form 3 groups. Give places which the river is What is the effect of tobacco smoke?
practicing new skills #2 1. Diarrhea Let them explain the following polluted. Smoke Belching Vehicles?
2. Cholera skin diseases: Where can we find a place with Dumping garbage in our water systems.
3. Dysentery 1. Eczema clean air?
2. Scabies Do you want to live in these areas?
3. Ringworms Why?

F.Developing Mastery What are the three diseases Who are responsible in polluting What contributes in water and air How can we keep air
brought by poor environmental our environment? Why do say pollution? and water clean?
sanitation? so?
G.Finding Practical application of As a student how would you Why is it unsafe to drink water What ordinance that does not allow
concepts and skills in daily living contribute in helping minimize the from street vendors? burning of garbages especially
poor environmental sanitation plastics?
diseases? What is its negative effect?
H.Making generalization and What are some diseases and Explain why does poor What contributes in water and air Give ways on how to keep water and air clean?
abstraction about the lesson disorders caused by poor environmental sanitation has a pollution?
environmental sanitation? negative impact to our health?
I.Evaluating learning True or False Give some practices that we can How can we have a clean True or False
1. (T)Diarrhea is the do in order to improve environment?
1. (T) Clean and potable water
opposite of constipation environmental sanitation Original File Submitted and
is a result if the
and sometimes called problems? Formatted by DepEd Club Member
environment is clean.
“intestinal flu” - visit depedclub.com for more
2. (T)Cold is the most 2. ( F) Flies, mosquitoes,
common respiratory cockroachesa and mice are
disease due to poor
environmental sanitation. pets that we can take care.
3. (F)Cholera is a disease
3. (F) Clean air came from
involving gastrointestinal
factories, cars, trucks, jeeps,
tract, namely the
and tricycles.
esophagus, stomach,
small intestine, large 4. (T) Noise pollution is caused
intestine and rectum. by many vehicles on the
4. (F) Dysentery is not an road and the noises coming
infectious disease which from factories.
is passed through the
ingestion of food and
water that has beeb
5. (T) Overpopulation,
excessive urbanization,
environmental health
J.additional activities for application Assignment: Assignment: Assignment: Assignment:
or remediation Write a slogan for environmental Explain: Explain: What can you share in helping
sanitation. Health is wealth Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle the problems in keeping water
and air clean?
A.Bilang ng mag-aaral na nakauha ng
80% sa pagtatayao.
B.Bilang ng mag-aaralna
nangangailangan ng iba pang Gawain
para sa remediation
C.Nakatulong ba ang remedial? Bilang
ng mag-aaral na nakaunawa sa aralin.
D.Bilang ng mag-aaral na
magpapatuloy sa remediation
E.Alin sa mga estratehiyang pagtuturo
ang nakatulong ng lubos? Paano ito
F.Anong suliranin ang aking naranasan
na solusyunansa tulong ng aking
punungguro at superbisor?
G.Anong kagamitang panturo ang
aking nadibuho nanais kong ibahagi sa
kapwa ko guro?
School: Grade Level: VI
GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: Learning Area: MAPEH-HEALTH
DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and
Time: (WEEK 2) Quarter: 3RD QUARTER


A.Content Standards Demonstrates understanding of Demonstrates understanding of Demonstrates understanding of the Demonstrates understanding of the health implications of
the health implications of poor the health implications of poor health implications of poor poor environment sanitation
environment sanitation environment sanitation environment sanitation
B.Performance Standards Consistently practices ways to Consistently practices ways to Consistently practices ways to Consistently practices ways to maintain a health environment
maintain a health environment maintain a health environment maintain a health environment
C.Learning Competencies/Objectives Describes diseases and disorders Explains how poor environmental Discusses ways to keep water and Discusses ways to keep water and air clean and safe.
caused by poor environmental sanitation can negatively impact air clean and safe. H6EH-IIIc-3
sanitation the health of an individual H6EH-IIIc-3
1.Teacher’s Guide pages
2.Learners’s Materials pages
3.Textbook pages 21st century Mapeh in Action 6 21st century Mapeh in Action 6 21st century Mapeh in Action 6 21st century Mapeh in Action 6 pages 2
pages 280-282 pages 2 pages 2
4.Additional materials from learning
resource (LR) portal
B.Other Learning Resource
A.Reviewing previous lesson or Let the student analyse the song Play the song “Colors of the What is environmental sanitation? Why some groceries Weekly test
presenting the new lesson Masdan mo ang Kapaligiran by Wind”. are insitingon the use 6. administering
Asin.. What is the message of the song? of paper bags instead questions
What is the message of the song? of plastic bags? correctly
What did you learn from this 7. administering
song? weekly test in
health 6
8. setting og
9. test proper
10. checking of
B.Establishing a purpose for the Give examples of environmental What are common health Show the two bottled water. What is the biggest contributor
lesson problems that we are experiencing problems can we acquire from Bottle A- Clear water of pollution?
now a day. poor environmental sanitation? Bottle B- Dirty water
Why do we experience it? Let the students give their own
opinion about the water A and B.
What is safe to drink?
Why is it unsafe to drink?
C.Presenting Examples/ instances of Group pupils into 4. Give the negative effect of the Group the students into 3. Group them in 2 groups. Explain
the new lesson They will identify the different following: Explain the following each
diseases caused by poor 4. Dump waste in lakes and 4. Clean Water C. Air Pollution
environmental sanitation. rivers 5. Clean Air D. Water Pollution
5. Respiratory Diseases 5. Throw your waste 6. Control of Noise/Pest
6. Gastrointestinal Diseases anywhere you want. Rodents
7. Skin Diseases 6. Drink water from any
8. Neurological Impairment source.
D.Discussing new concepts and What are respiratory diseases? What is the effect of poor Write some ways to keep the What is the effect of poor air in
practicing new skills #1 Gastrointestinal? Skin Diseases? environmental sanitation to our environment clean. our health?
Give some examples. health?

E.Discussing new concepts and Identify the following diseases; Form 3 groups. Give places which the river is What is the effect of tobacco smoke?
practicing new skills #2 4. Diarrhea Let them explain the following polluted. Smoke Belching Vehicles?
5. Cholera skin diseases: Where can we find a place with Dumping garbage in our water systems.
6. Dysentery 4. Eczema clean air?
5. Scabies Do you want to live in these areas?
6. Ringworms Why?

F.Developing Mastery What are the three diseases Who are responsible in polluting What contributes in water and air How can we keep air
brought by poor environmental our environment? Why do say pollution? and water clean?
sanitation? so?
G.Finding Practical application of As a student how would you Why is it unsafe to drink water What ordinance that does not allow
concepts and skills in daily living contribute in helping minimize the from street vendors? burning of garbages especially
poor environmental sanitation plastics?
diseases? What is its negative effect?
H.Making generalization and What are some diseases and Explain why does poor What contributes in water and air Give ways on how to keep water and air clean?
abstraction about the lesson disorders caused by poor environmental sanitation has a pollution?
environmental sanitation? negative impact to our health?
I.Evaluating learning True or False Give some practices that we can How can we have a clean True or False
6. (T)Diarrhea is the do in order to improve environment?
5. (T) Clean and potable water
opposite of constipation environmental sanitation Original File Submitted and
is a result if the
and sometimes called problems? Formatted by DepEd Club Member
environment is clean.
“intestinal flu” - visit depedclub.com for more
7. (T)Cold is the most 6. ( F) Flies, mosquitoes,
common respiratory cockroachesa and mice are
disease due to poor
environmental sanitation. pets that we can take care.
8. (F)Cholera is a disease
7. (F) Clean air came from
involving gastrointestinal
factories, cars, trucks, jeeps,
tract, namely the
and tricycles.
esophagus, stomach,
small intestine, large 8. (T) Noise pollution is caused
intestine and rectum. by many vehicles on the
9. (F) Dysentery is not an road and the noises coming
infectious disease which from factories.
is passed through the
ingestion of food and
water that has beeb
10. (T) Overpopulation,
excessive urbanization,
environmental health
J.additional activities for application Assignment: Assignment: Assignment: Assignment:
or remediation Write a slogan for environmental Explain: Explain: What can you share in helping
sanitation. Health is wealth Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle the problems in keeping water
and air clean?
A.Bilang ng mag-aaral na nakauha ng
80% sa pagtatayao.
B.Bilang ng mag-aaralna
nangangailangan ng iba pang Gawain
para sa remediation
C.Nakatulong ba ang remedial? Bilang
ng mag-aaral na nakaunawa sa aralin.
D.Bilang ng mag-aaral na
magpapatuloy sa remediation
E.Alin sa mga estratehiyang pagtuturo
ang nakatulong ng lubos? Paano ito
F.Anong suliranin ang aking naranasan
na solusyunansa tulong ng aking
punungguro at superbisor?
G.Anong kagamitang panturo ang
aking nadibuho nanais kong ibahagi sa
kapwa ko guro?
School: Grade Level: VI
GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: Learning Area: MAPEH-ARTS
DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and
Time: (WEEK 3) Quarter: 3RD QUARTER



BB. Content Standard HOLIDAY HOLIDAY HOLIDAY The learner demonstrates The learner demonstrates
understanding of shapes, colors, values, understanding of shapes, colors,
and the principles of emphasis, values, and the principles of
contrast, and harmony in printmaking emphasis, contrast, and
and photography using new harmony in printmaking and
technologies. photography using new

CC. Performance Standard "The learner creates simple printmaking "The learner creates simple
(silkscreen) designs on t-shirts and printmaking (silkscreen) designs
posters. on t-shirts and posters.
The learner describes the basic The learner describes the basic
concepts and principles of basic concepts and principles of basic
photography." photography."

DD. Learning Competencies The learner knows that design The learner understands that
(write the LC Code) principles still apply for any digital technology has speeded
new design (contrast of colors, up the printing of original
designs and made it accessible
shapes, and lines produces
to many, as emphasized in t-
harmony) whether done by shirts and poster design
hand or machine (computer). A6PR-IIIC




S. References
37. TG/CG pages
38. Learner’s Materials 21st Century Mapeh in Action 6 pp. 21st Century Mapeh in Action 6 150-
pages 150-152 152
39. Textbook pages
40. Materials downloaded
from LRMDS
T. Other Learning
MMMM. Reviewing What are the different kinds of What is printmaking?
previous lesson and forms?
presenting new lesson
NNNN. Establishing a What is the print making? Give its 4 processes.
purpose for the lesson Printmaking is the process of
creating art by transferring an
image or design from a source
onto another material.
OOOO. Presenting What are the 4 processes in What do we need in silkscreen
examples/instances of printmaking? printing?
the lesson 1. Relief Printing-the raised 1. Design printed on
areas hold ink. transparency
2. Intaglio Printing- the 2. Mesh screen
incised areas hold ink 3. Liquid emulsifier
3. Lithography- the image 4. Squeegee
areas holds ink. 5. Fabric Paint
4. Screen printing- ink
passes through areas of
screen that are not
Paper with screened

PPPP. Discussing What is silkscreen printing? The creation of the design, using
new concepts and Silkscreen printing is one of the computer program is easier. The
practicing new skills #1 methods in printmaking. It uses production is even made faster with
stencil to apply ink onto another the silkscreen printing machine. This
material. It can be on fabric or t- machine allows printing of several
shirts. It can be on paper, wood, colors on a t-shirt.
vinyl, or any other material that Original File Submitted and
absorbs ink. Formatted by DepEd Club Member -
visit depedclub.com for more
QQQQ. Discussing How is silkscreen printing done?
new concepts and 1. Prepare a design and print
practicing new skills #2 on transparency.
2. Prepare the mesh screen.
Coat it with light sensitive.
3. Position the printed film
over the screen and expose
it to a very bright light
4. Rinse off excess emulsion.
Once you have all the
screens exposed and
cleaned, you are ready to
5. Place screen over t-shirt.
Apply ink, any color of your
choice, using a squeegee.
6. Using a blow dyer, dry ink on
t-shirt. You now have a
finished product.
RRRR. Developing
mastery (lead to
formative assessment
SSSS. Finding practical Using of technology, printing of
application of concepts original designs has been easier
and skills in daily living and faster.
TTTT. Making generalization What is Enumerate the materials needed in
and abstractions about printmaking/screenprinting? silkscreen printing.
the lesson
UUUU. Evaluating Put a check if it is a Give the process on how to make a
learning process of printmaking. silkscreen.
1. Lithography
2. Photography
3. Intaglio Printing
4. Computer Printing
5. Relief Printing

VVVV. Additional Bring your own printed shirt What is silkscreen printing?
activities for tomorrow.
application or

VI. REFLECTION Assessing yourself as a teacher and analyzing the students’ progress this week.

LLL. No. of learners who ___ A. Alcaraz

earned 80% in the ___P. Escuro
evaluation ___G. Zara
___P. Campos
___Fe del Mundo
___Benjamin Almeda
MMM. No. of
learners who acquired
additional activities for
remediation who
scored below 80%
NNN. Did the
remedial lessons
work? No. of learners
who have caught up
with the lesson.
OOO. No. of
learners who continue
to require
PPP. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well? Why did
these work?
QQQ. What
difficulties did I
encountered which my
principal can help me
RRR. What
innovation or localized
materials did I
used/discover which I
wish to share with
other teachers?
School: Grade Level: VI
GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: Learning Area: MAPEH
DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and
Time: NOVEMBER 20 – 24, 2017 (WEEK 4) Quarter: 3RD QUARTER


A.(Content Standards) Demonstrates understanding Demonstrates understanding of Demonstrates understanding of Demonstrates understanding of Weekly test
of participation and participation and assessment of participation and assessment of participation and assessment of
assessment of physical activity physical activity and physical physical activity and physical fitness physical activity and physical
and physical fitness fitness fitness
B. (Performance Standards) Participates and assess Participates and assess Participates and assess Participates and assess
performance in physical performance in physical activities performance in physical performance in physical activities
activities activities
C. ( Learning Competencies) Describes the physical activity Explains the indicators for fitness Assesses regularly participation in Explains the nature of dance Be able to answer the given
pyramid PE6PF-IIIA-17 physical activities based on the PE6RD-IVB-1 questions with accuracy.
PW6PF-IIIAQ-16 Philippine Physical activity pyramid.

II. ( Content) Physical Activity Pyramid Fitness Indicators Physical Activity Pyramid Dance

C. (References)
1. (Teacher’s Guide Pages)
2. (Learner’s Materials pages)
3. (Textbook Pages) 21st Century Mapeh in Action 21st Century Mapeh in Action 6 21st Century Mapeh in Action 6 21st Century Mapeh in Action 6
6 pp.184-185 pp.180-181 pp.184-185 pp.218-220
4. ( Additional Materials from LR
D. (Other Learning Resources) Laptop, speaker Test Questionnaires, test
notebooks, e-class record,

B. ( Review previous Lesson) What is the physical activity What is the different health related Recall their past lessons.
pyramid? fitness? Preparation of test materials
B. (Establishing purpose for the Give examples of unhealthy Identify the following Do you remember our lesson about Why should you get a high
lesson/ Motivation) living among children now a activities in the picture. the Philippine Physical Activity score in any given test?
day? Why do we need to be Pyramid? What is our national dance?
1. Eating junk foods What are the activities it
2. Drinking soft drinks recommends?
3. Not exercising How can we classify them?
What are the ways
that we can stop
these unhealthy
practices that we do

C. ( Presenting examples or Identify the following dances. Setting of standards in taking

presentation/ instances of the new the test
lesson) Original File Submitted and
Formatted by DepEd Club
Member - visit depedclub.com
for more

D. ( Discussing new concepts and What are the activities that What are the health related What are the activities in the Name some Philippine Distributes test materials to
practicing new skills) we should do regularly? components? pyramid you do in your daily life as folkdance that you are the pupils.
What are the activities that Give its importance. recommended by the chart? familiar with.
we should do minimally?
E. ( Discussing new concepts & What are the things that we do Why do we need to do as what the How do you describe Maglalatik Answering of test items
practicing new skills #2) Why do you think these that prevents these health related chart recommends us? folk dance? Itik-Itik?
pyramid do recommend skills? Can you perform those activities?
activities that requires a lot of
body movement?
F. Developing Mastery Identify the following What is the different health Is it difficult to dance Maglalatik?
(Leads to Formative Assessment 3) activities that we should do related fitness? Who among you knows the
Minimally, Often, Regularly, Enumerate them. Group activity. steps?
Habitually. Divide the group into 4. Assign each (Watching of the video of
1. Watching television group with different classification of maglalatik and Itik-Itik.)
(M) activities in the Philippine Physical
2. Swimming (O) Activity Pyramid.
Ask them to act out all activities that
3. Doing house chores
are included in their respective
(R) name of groups.
4. Running errands( R ) Give them time to plan for their
5. Playing computer presentation
games (M)
G. ( Finding to Practical Application of What activities that we should If you are asked to buy something Why do we need to keep our body
concepts and skills in daily living/ change or minimize in the at the nearby store would you ride active during the day? What
Valuing) physical activity pyramid? a jeepney or just walk? Why? activities should be avoided based
Why? What are the benefits of walking? on the pyramid?
H. ( Making Generalization & What are activities that we What health related skills do you What is the importance of the What are the Philippine
Abstraction about the lessons) should do minimally? possess as of now? Philippine Physical Activity pyramid folkdances?
Regularly? Often? Habitually? What should you do to acquire the in our day to day living?
What is the Physical Activity skills you can’t do?
I. ( Evaluating Learning) Enumerate the activities that What are the health related Let each group present their planned Dancing of Maglalatik for the Checking and recording of test
you should do (5 activities fitness? activity Boys and Itik-Itik for the Girls. results
a. Minimally Rubrics:
b. Often 5-4 each member of the group
c. Regularly participated actively. They clearly act
out the activities to be guessed by
d. Habitually
the other group.
2-3 one or two of members of the
group did not fully participate in the
activity, some acts were not clearly
0-1 only one member present the
activity/the group did not participate
at all
J. ( Additional activities for application List down your daily activities Identify the health related fitness
or remediation) in your notebook and identify performed in the following
them according to the exercise.
Philippine physical activity 1. 1-minute step test(
pyramid. Cardio)
2. Curl-ups(abdominal)
3. Sit and Reach (flexibility)
4. 50-meter sprint (Speed)
5. Paper

V. ( Remarks)

VI. ( Reflection)

A.( No. of learners who earned 80% in

the evaluation)
B.( No. of learners who requires
additional acts for remediation who
scored below 80%)
C.( Did the remedial instruction really
work? No of learners who caught up
with the lesson)
D.( No. of learners who continue to
require remediation)
E. (Which of the strategies work well?
Why did this work?
F. (What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal/ supervisor can
help me solve?)
G. ( What innovations or localized
materials did I used/ discover which I
wish to share with other teacher?)
School: Grade Level: VI
GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: Learning Area: MAPEH
DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and
Time: (WEEK 5) Quarter: 3RD QUARTER


EE. Content Standard Demonstrates understanding of Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates understanding of Demonstrates understanding of
the concept of timbre through understanding of understanding participation and assessment of participation and assessment of
recognizing musical instruments shapes, colors, values, of the health physical activity and physical fitness physical activity and physical fitness
aurally and visually and the principles of implications of
emphasis, contrast, poor
and harmony in environmental
printmaking and sanitation
photography using
new technologies.
FF. Performance Aurally determines thesound of Describes the basic Consistently Demonstrates understanding of Demonstrates understanding of
Standard a single instrument in any concepts and principles of practices participation and assessment of participation and assessment of
section of the orchestra basic photography ways to physical activity and physical fitness physical activity and physical fitness
maintain a
GG. Learning Describes the distinct sound Realizes that art Suggests ways Explains basic dance steps Explains the fundamental dance
Competencies quality of the different processes, elements, and to -Describes the skills positions
(write the LC Code) instruments of the orchestra principles still apply even control/manag involved in the basic -Describes the skills
MU6TB-IIId-e-4 with the use of e noise dance steps involved in the basic
technologies. pollution -Observes dance steps
A6EL-III-e H6E safety -Observes
H- precautions safety
IIIe-5 precautions

Timbre BASIC PHOTOGRAPHY Control of noise Basic Dance Steps Fundamental Dance Positions
A. Phone Camera pollution
II. CONTENT B. Point and Shoot Digital


U. References
41. TG/CG pages CG p.56 CG p.51 CG p.56 CG p. 36 Cg p.36
42. Learner’s Materials pages
43. Textbook pages The 21st Century MAPEH in The 21st Century MAPEH in 21st century Mapeh in Action 6 21st century Mapeh in Action 6 21st century Mapeh in Action 6
Action p.50-59 Action p.153-160 pages 150-152 pages 220-224 pages 221-224
44. Materials downloaded
from LRMDS
WWWW. Reviewing Identify the characteristics of What is printmaking?Give its 4 What are the effects of a noisy `What is dance? What are the basic dance steps?
previous lesson and the orchestra instruments like processes. environment?
presenting new lesson string,woodwind,brass,and
percussion instruments.
XXXX. Establishing a Let the pupils show and play How about photography? How Do you want to have a Warm-up exercises: Warm-up exercises:
purpose for the lesson their brought instruments. can you define it? peacefulenvironment? How? 1.head bending 1.head bending
Let them identify the sound of 2.neck twisting 2.neck twisting
each. 3.arm stretching 3.arm stretching
4.arm circling 4.arm circling
5.trunk bending 5.trunk bending
6.hip rotating 6.hip rotating
7.half-knee bending 7.half-knee bending
8.jumping 8.jumping
9.jogging in place 9.jogging in place
10.inhaling-exhaling 10.inhaling-exhaling

YYYY. Presenting Video watching about the sound Video watching about principles Show pictures of a peaceful Present the table /video of basic Present the table /video of basic
examples/instances of the quality of the different orchestra of photography and a noisy environment. dance steps (see p.220-221) dance steps (see p.221-222 )
lesson instruments.( Assign each group Original File Submitted and
to jot down important Formatted by DepEd Club Member
details/topic assigned for their - visit depedclub.com for more

ZZZZ. Discussing new concepts Group discussion Group discussion Discuss the bad effects of noisy I DO I DO
and practicing new skills #1 environment. Demonstration of each basic dance Demonstration of each
steps of the teacher fundamental dance positions of
the teacher
AAAAA. Discussing new Group reporting Group reporting Suggest ways on how to YOU DO YOU DO
concepts and practicing Group 1 - Characteristics of the control noise pollution Demonstration of each pupils Demonstration of each pupils
new skills #2 sound of string instruments
Group 2 - Characteristics of the
sound of woodwinds
Group 3 - Characteristics of the
sound of brass instruments
Group 4 - Characteristics of the
sound of percussion
BBBBB. Developing Orally identifying of the other Sharing experiences about Identify all the good THEY DO THEY DO
mastery (lead to formative group of the characteristics of photography suggestions on how to control Demonstration by group Demonstration by group
assessment 3) the sound of the orchestra noise pollution.
insruments reported by the
group for further clarification
CCCCC. Finding practical Game- sing a song while passing Why is photography important? Role playing Group presentation Group presentation
application of concepts and the ball with questions to be
skills in daily living answered about the lesson
DDDDD. Making Describe the distinct sound What can you say about How do you control noise 1.What are the basic dance steps? 1.What are the fundamental dance
generalization and quality of the different photography? pollution? 2.Describes the skills involved in the positions?
abstractions about the instruments of the orchestra: basic dance steps( 2.Describes the skills involved in the
lesson coordination,flexibility,bvalance,en fundamental dance positions?(
durance,muscular strength) coordination,flexibility,bvalance,en
3..What could be the safety durance,muscular strength)
precautions in dancing?(do not 3..What could be the safety
have medical problem,wearing t5he precautions in dancing?(do not
proper dance attire,in a spacious have medical problem,wearing t5he
area without barriers,not carrying proper dance attire,in a spacious
sharp objects,must warm-up before area without barriers,not carrying
the session) sharp objects,must warm-up before
the session)
EEEEE. Evaluating Draw a line to match the Write YES on the blank if the Write an essay on Check your understanding in Check your understanding in
learning descriptions in column A with statement about photography is how to control noise Fitness Enhancement through Basic Fitness Enhancement through Basic
the terms in column B..Write true and NO if it is not. pollution Dance Steps Dance Steps
the letter only on the blank. ___1.In photography, the TOPICS TOPICS
A elements and principles of arts Topic Ihave I still I Topic Ihave I still I
__1.It is tuned a fifth lower than are also applied. s a have don’t s a have don’t
violin __2.The output will depend on good some get it good some get it
__2.It has the lowest pitch the type of camera you used. under questi under questi
among the stringed instruments __3.It needs a skilled standi ons standi ons
__3.It has a brilliant and brassy photographer to capture a good ng ng
sound. photo. Basic Funda
__4.It sounds more mellow than __4. A good camera will always dance ment
the trumpet produce pictures. steps al
__5.It produces fast series of __5.Contrast and harmony are Skills dance
tones also applied in photography. invov positi
B ed ons
a. Flute Safety Skills
b. Viola preca invov
c. Double bass utions ed
d. Trumpet in Safety
e. French Horn danci preca
f. flute ng utions
V. REMARKS Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
A. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?

F. What difficulties did I

encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?
School: Grade Level: VI
GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: Learning Area: MAPEH
DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and
Time: (WEEK 6) Quarter: 3RD QUARTER


HH. Content Standard Demonstrates understanding Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates understanding of Demonstrates understanding of
of the concept of timbre understanding of understanding participation and assessment of participation and assessment of
through recognizing musical shapes, colors, values, of the health physical activity and physical fitness physical activity and physical fitness
instruments aurally and and the principles of implications of
visually emphasis, contrast, poor
and harmony in environmental
printmaking and sanitation
photography using
new technologies.
II. Performance Aurally determines thesound Describes the basic Consistently Demonstrates understanding of Demonstrates understanding of
Standard of a single instrument in any concepts and principles of practices participation and assessment of participation and assessment of
section of the orchestra basic photography ways to physical activity and physical fitness physical activity and physical fitness
maintain a
JJ. Learning Understands concepts Practices ways Explains the Explains the fundamental dance
Competencies Distinguishes varied dynamic and principles of to nature/steps of the positions
(write the LC Code) levels in a music heard photography control/manag indigenous dances -Describes the skills
e noise “Maglalatik “ at Itik- involved in the basic
8.1 piano (p) pollution itik dance steps
8.2 mezzo piano (mp) A6PL-III-f -Observes
8.3 pianissimo (pp) -Describes the skills safety
8.4 forte (f) involved in the basic precautions
8.5 mezzo forte (mf) H6EH dance steps
8.6 fortissimo -IIIfg- -Observes PE6RD-IIIb-h-3
(ff) 6 safety
8.7 crescendo precautions
8.8 decrescendo

BASIC PHOTOGRAPHY Practice Ways to “Maglalatik” for Boys at Itik-Itik for “Maglalatik” for Boys at Itik-Itik for
DYNAMICS A. Phone Camera Control of Noise Girls folk dances Girls folk dances
II. CONTENT B. Point and Shoot Digital Pollution
V. References
45. TG/CG pages CG p.57 CG p.51 CG p.56 CG p. 36 Cg p.36

46. Learner’s Materials pages

47. Textbook pages The 21st Century MAPEH in The 21st Century MAPEH in 21st century Mapeh in Action 6 21st century Mapeh in Action 6 21st century Mapeh in Action 6
Action p.53-59 Action p.153-160 pages 150-152 pages 226-230 pages 226-230
48. Materials downloaded from
FFFFF. Reviewing previous Let the pupils show and play What is photography? What are the effects of a noisy `What are the fundamental dance `What are the fundamental dance
lesson and presenting new their brought instruments. environment? positions? positions?
lesson Let them identify the sound of

GGGGG. Establishing a Have you experienced Show a camera o cp camera. Do you want to have a peaceful Warm-up exercises: Warm-up exercises:
purpose for the lesson listening to a loud Sharing experiences on how to environment? How? 1.head bending 1.head bending
music/sound? use photogrphy of those assigned 2.neck twisting 2.neck twisting
What can you say to the in photojourn 3.arm stretching 3.arm stretching
sound when you are in the 4.arm circling 4.arm circling
public market? 5.trunk bending 5.trunk bending
How about the sound inside 6.hip rotating 6.hip rotating
the church? 7.half-knee bending 7.half-knee bending
Original File Submitted and 8.jumping 8.jumping
Formatted by DepEd Club 9.jogging in place 9.jogging in place
Member - visit depedclub.com 10.inhaling-exhaling 10.inhaling-exhaling
for more
HHHHH. Presenting Presenting the table of “ Showing different pictures Show pictures of practicing Present the video dance of Present the video dance of
examples/instances of the Dynamic Signs with their ways to control/manage noise Maglalatik for Boys /Itik- Itik for Maglalatik for Boys / Itik-Itik for
lesson Meanings” (p.53) pollution Girls Girls

IIIII. Discussing new concepts and Giving activity sheets to be Discuss the principles applied in Discuss the pictures by group. I DO I DO
practicing new skills #1 reported to the class by each photography. Demonstration of each dance steps Demonstration of dance steps of
group after discussion 1.Contrast of the teacher the teacher
JJJJJ. Discussing new concepts and Group reporting showing Group reporting Suggest other ways on how to YOU DO YOU DO
practicing new skills #2 how to apply the dynamics in practice ways to control noise Demonstration of the pupils Demonstration of the pupils
using instruments pollution
KKKKK. Developing mastery Group practice on how to Group working on making THEY DO THEY DO
(lead to formative show the dynamic signs better activity on practicing ways on Demonstration by group Demonstration by group
assessment 3) using musical instruments how to control noise pollution(
role playing,making
steamers,placards,a short
LLLLL. Finding practical Choose any Christmas song Take pictures outside using Performing the activity made Group presentation Group presentation
application of concepts and applying the dynamics using cellphones applying the
skills in daily living musical instruments principles
MMMMM. Making What is dynamics? Are principles of photography How do you practice ways on 1.What are the dance steps in 1.What are the dance steps in
generalization and How do you distinguishes important?Why? how to control noise pollution? Maglalatik/Itik-itik? Maglalatik/Itik-Itik?
abstractions about the lesson varied dynamic levels in a 2.Describes the skills involved in the 2.Describes the skills involved in the
music ? basic dance steps( fundamental dance positions?(
coordination,flexibility,bvalance,en coordination,flexibility,bvalance,en
durance,muscular strength) durance,muscular strength)
3..What could be the safety 3..What could be the safety
precautions in dancing?(do not precautions in dancing?(do not
have medical problem,wearing t5he have medical problem,wearing t5he
proper dance attire,in a spacious proper dance attire,in a spacious
area without barriers,not carrying area without barriers,not carrying
sharp objects,must warm-up before sharp objects,must warm-up before
the session) the session)
NNNNN. Evaluating learning Match the descriptions in Write YES on the blank if the Make a survey to Check your understanding in Check your understanding in
column A with the terms in statement about photography is neighborhood on how Fitness Enhancement through Basic Fitness Enhancement through Basic
column B.Write the letter only true and NO if it is not. they practice ways on Dance Steps Dance Steps
on the blank. __1.In photography, the how to control noise TOPICS TOPICS
Column A elements and principles of arts pollution. Topic Ihave I still I Topic Ihave I still I
_1.It is the loud sound are also applied. s a have don’t s a have don’t
_2.A very loud sound __2.The output will depend on Suggests the right way good some get it good some get it
_3.A very very loud sound the type of camera you used. on how they are going under questi under questi
_4.It is moderately loud __3.It needs skilled photographer to practice ways to standi ons standi ons
_5.A moderately soft to capture a good photo. control noise ng ng
_6.A soft sound __4.A good camera will always pollution. Dance Dance
_7.A very soft sound produce good pictures. steps Steps
_8.A very very soft soft sound __5.Contrast and harmony are Skills Skills
_9.Decreasing in loudness also applied in photography. invov invov
_10.Increasing in loudness ed ed
Column B Safety Safety
a.crescendo preca preca
b.decrescendo utions utions
c.pianisssissimo in in
d.pianissimo danci danci
e.piano ng ng
f.mezzo piano
g.mezzo forte
H. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
I. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
J. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
K. No. of learners who continue
to require remediation
L. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
M. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me
N. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with
other teachers?
School: Grade Level: VI
GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: Learning Area: MAPEH
DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and
Time: (WEEK 7) Quarter: 3RD QUARTER


KK. Content Standard Demonstrates understanding Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates understanding of Demonstrates understanding of
of the concept of timbre understanding of understanding participation and assessment of participation and assessment of
through recognizing musical shapes, colors, values, of the health physical activity and physical fitness physical activity and physical fitness
instruments aurally and and the principles of implications of
visually emphasis, contrast, poor
and harmony in environmental
printmaking and sanitation
photography using
new technologies.
LL. Performance Aurally determines thesound Describes the basic Consistently Demonstrates understanding of Demonstrates understanding of
Standard of a single instrument in any concepts and principles of practices participation and assessment of participation and assessment of
section of the orchestra basic photography ways to physical activity and physical fitness physical activity and physical fitness
maintain a
MM. Learning Identifies the parts and Practices ways Explains the Explains the fundamental dance
Competencies Distinguishes varied dynamic functions of the camera to nature/steps of the positions
(write the LC Code) levels in a music heard control/manag indigenous dances -Describes the skills
e noise “Maglalatik “ at Itik- involved in the basic
8.1 piano (p) A6PR-III-g pollution itik dance steps
8.2 mezzo piano (mp) -Observes
8.3 pianissimo (pp) -Describes the skills safety
8.4 forte (f) involved in the basic precautions
8.5 mezzo forte (mf) H6EH dance steps
8.6 fortissimo -IIIfg- -Observes PE6RD-IIIb-h-3
(ff) 6 safety
8.7 crescendo precautions
8.8 decrescendo

PARTS OF THE CAMERA Practice Ways to “Maglalatik” for Boys at Itik-Itik for “Maglalatik” for Boys at Itik-Itik for
DYNAMICS A. Phone Camera Control of Noise Girls folk dances Girls folk dances
B. Point and Shoot Digital Pollution
W. References
49. TG/CG pages CG p.57 CG p.51 CG p.56 CG p. 36 Cg p.36

50. Learner’s Materials pages

51. Textbook pages The 21st Century MAPEH in The 21st Century MAPEH in 21st century Mapeh in Action 6 21st century Mapeh in Action 6 21st century Mapeh in Action 6
Action p.53-59 Action p.155-160 pages 150-152 pages 226-230 pages 226-230
52. Materials downloaded from
OOOOO. Reviewing previous Let the pupils show and play What are the principles applied in What are the effects of a noisy `What are the fundamental dance `What are the fundamental dance
lesson and presenting new their brought instruments. photography?( environment? positions? positions?
lesson Let them identify the sound of contrast5,emphasis,harmony,unit
each. y,balance,pattern)

PPPPP. Establishing a Have you experienced In photography what is themost Do you want to have a peaceful Warm-up exercises: Warm-up exercises:
purpose for the lesson listening to a loud important tool?camera) environment? How? 1.head bending 1.head bending
music/sound? Do you know the parts and 2.neck twisting 2.neck twisting
What can you say to the function of it? 3.arm stretching 3.arm stretching
sound when you are in the 4.arm circling 4.arm circling
public market? 5.trunk bending 5.trunk bending
How about the sound inside 6.hip rotating 6.hip rotating
the church? 7.half-knee bending 7.half-knee bending
Original File Submitted and 8.jumping 8.jumping
Formatted by DepEd Club 9.jogging in place 9.jogging in place
Member - visit depedclub.com 10.inhaling-exhaling 10.inhaling-exhaling
for more
QQQQQ. Presenting Presenting the table of “ Showing pictures / video of Show pictures of practicing Present the video dance of Present the video dance of
examples/instances of the Dynamic Signs with their different parts of a camera ways to control/manage noise Maglalatik for Boys /Itik- Itik for Maglalatik for Boys / Itik-Itik for
lesson Meanings” (p.53) pollution Girls Girls

RRRRR. Discussing new Giving activity sheets to be Discuss different parts and Discuss the pictures by group. I DO I DO
concepts and practicing new reported to the class by each function of a camera Original File Submitted and Demonstration of each dance steps Demonstration of dance steps of
skills #1 group after discussion Formatted by DepEd Club of the teacher the teacher
Member - visit depedclub.com
for more

SSSSS. Discussing new Group reporting showing Group reporting Suggest other ways on how to YOU DO YOU DO
concepts and practicing new how to apply the dynamics in practice ways to control noise Demonstration of the pupils Demonstration of the pupils
skills #2 using instruments pollution

TTTTT. Developing mastery Group practice on how to Group working on making THEY DO THEY DO
(lead to formative show the dynamic signs better activity on practicing ways on Demonstration by group Demonstration by group
assessment 3) using musical instruments how to control noise pollution(
role playing,making
steamers,placards,a short
UUUUU. Finding practical Choose any Christmas song Draw the parts of a camera by Performing the activity made Group presentation Group presentation
application of concepts and applying the dynamics using group and label it.
skills in daily living musical instruments
VVVVV. Making What is dynamics? What are the parts of a camera? How do you practice ways on 1.What are the dance steps in 1.What are the dance steps in
generalization and How do you distinguishes how to control noise pollution? Maglalatik/Itik-itik? Maglalatik/Itik-Itik?
abstractions about the lesson varied dynamic levels in a 2.Describes the skills involved in the 2.Describes the skills involved in the
music ? basic dance steps( fundamental dance positions?(
coordination,flexibility,bvalance,en coordination,flexibility,bvalance,en
durance,muscular strength) durance,muscular strength)
3..What could be the safety 3..What could be the safety
precautions in dancing?(do not precautions in dancing?(do not
have medical problem,wearing t5he have medical problem,wearing t5he
proper dance attire,in a spacious proper dance attire,in a spacious
area without barriers,not carrying area without barriers,not carrying
sharp objects,must warm-up before sharp objects,must warm-up before
the session) the session)
WWWWW. Evaluating learning Match the descriptions in Match the description in column Make a survey to Check your understanding in Check your understanding in
column A with the terms in A with the part of a camera in neighborhood on how Fitness Enhancement through Basic Fitness Enhancement through Basic
column B.Write the letter only column B.Write the letter only on they practice ways on Dance Steps Dance Steps
on the blank. the blank provided. how to control noise TOPICS TOPICS
Column A A pollution. Topic Ihave I still I Topic Ihave I still I
_1.It is the loud sound __1.This button is pressed to take s a have don’t s a have don’t
_2.A very loud sound picture Suggests the right way good some get it good some get it
_3.A very very loud sound __2.This is where you frame the on how they are going under questi under questi
_4.It is moderately loud image you want to capture to practice ways to standi ons standi ons
_5.A moderately soft __3.This focuses the image seen control noise ng ng
_6.A soft sound at close or far ranges pollution. Dance Dance
_7.A very soft sound __4.This allows photography in steps Steps
_8.A very very soft soft sound low light condition Skills Skills
_9.Decreasing in loudness __5.This slot houses the invov invov
_10.Increasing in loudness removable storage card. ed ed
Column B B Safety Safety
a.crescendo A.battery chamber preca preca
b.decrescendo B.flash utions utions
c.pianisssissimo C.lens in in
d.pianissimo D.memory card slot danci danci
e.piano E.monitor screen ng ng
f.mezzo piano F.shutter button
g.mezzo forte
O. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
P. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
Q. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
R. No. of learners who continue
to require remediation
S. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
T. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me
U. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with
other teachers?
School: Grade Level: VI
GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: Learning Area: MAPEH
DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and
Time: (WEEK 8) Quarter: 3RD QUARTER


NN. Content Standard Demonstrates understanding Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates understanding of Demonstrates understanding of
of the concept of timbre understanding of understanding participation and assessment of participation and assessment of
through recognizing musical shapes, colors, values, of the health physical activity and physical fitness physical activity and physical fitness
instruments aurally and and the principles of implications of
visually emphasis, contrast, poor
and harmony in environmental
printmaking and sanitation
photography using
new technologies.
OO. Performance Aurally determines thesound Describes the basic Consistently Demonstrates understanding of Demonstrates understanding of
Standard of a single instrument in any concepts and principles of practices participation and assessment of participation and assessment of
section of the orchestra basic photography ways to physical activity and physical fitness physical activity and physical fitness
maintain a
PP. Learning Identifies the parts and Practices ways Explains the Explains the fundamental dance
Competencies Distinguishes varied dynamic functions of the camera to nature/steps of the positions
(write the LC Code) levels in a music heard control/manag indigenous dances -Describes the skills
e noise “Maglalatik “ at Itik- involved in the basic
8.1 piano (p) A6PR-III-g pollution itik dance steps
8.2 mezzo piano (mp) -Observes
8.3 pianissimo (pp) -Describes the skills safety
8.4 forte (f) involved in the basic precautions
8.5 mezzo forte (mf) H6EH dance steps
8.6 fortissimo -IIIfg- -Observes PE6RD-IIIb-h-3
(ff) 6 safety
8.7 crescendo precautions
8.8 decrescendo

PARTS OF THE CAMERA Practice Ways to “Maglalatik” for Boys at Itik-Itik for “Maglalatik” for Boys at Itik-Itik for
DYNAMICS A. Phone Camera Control of Noise Girls folk dances Girls folk dances
B. Point and Shoot Digital Pollution
X. References
53. TG/CG pages CG p.57 CG p.51 CG p.56 CG p. 36 Cg p.36

54. Learner’s Materials pages

55. Textbook pages The 21st Century MAPEH in The 21st Century MAPEH in 21st century Mapeh in Action 6 21st century Mapeh in Action 6 21st century Mapeh in Action 6
Action p.53-59 Action p.155-160 pages 150-152 pages 226-230 pages 226-230
56. Materials downloaded from
XXXXX. Reviewing previous Let the pupils show and play What are the principles applied in What are the effects of a noisy `What are the fundamental dance `What are the fundamental dance
lesson and presenting new their brought instruments. photography?( environment? positions? positions?
lesson Let them identify the sound of contrast5,emphasis,harmony,unit
each. y,balance,pattern)

YYYYY. Establishing a Have you experienced In photography what is themost Do you want to have a peaceful Warm-up exercises: Warm-up exercises:
purpose for the lesson listening to a loud important tool?camera) environment? How? 1.head bending 1.head bending
music/sound? Do you know the parts and 2.neck twisting 2.neck twisting
What can you say to the function of it? 3.arm stretching 3.arm stretching
sound when you are in the 4.arm circling 4.arm circling
public market? 5.trunk bending 5.trunk bending
How about the sound inside 6.hip rotating 6.hip rotating
the church? 7.half-knee bending 7.half-knee bending
Original File Submitted and 8.jumping 8.jumping
Formatted by DepEd Club 9.jogging in place 9.jogging in place
Member - visit depedclub.com 10.inhaling-exhaling 10.inhaling-exhaling
for more
ZZZZZ. Presenting Presenting the table of “ Showing pictures / video of Show pictures of practicing Present the video dance of Present the video dance of
examples/instances of the Dynamic Signs with their different parts of a camera ways to control/manage noise Maglalatik for Boys /Itik- Itik for Maglalatik for Boys / Itik-Itik for
lesson Meanings” (p.53) pollution Girls Girls

AAAAAA. Discussing new Giving activity sheets to be Discuss different parts and Discuss the pictures by group. I DO I DO
concepts and practicing new reported to the class by each function of a camera Original File Submitted and Demonstration of each dance steps Demonstration of dance steps of
skills #1 group after discussion Formatted by DepEd Club of the teacher the teacher
Member - visit depedclub.com
for more

BBBBBB. Discussing new Group reporting showing Group reporting Suggest other ways on how to YOU DO YOU DO
concepts and practicing new how to apply the dynamics in practice ways to control noise Demonstration of the pupils Demonstration of the pupils
skills #2 using instruments pollution

CCCCCC. Developing mastery Group practice on how to Group working on making THEY DO THEY DO
(lead to formative show the dynamic signs better activity on practicing ways on Demonstration by group Demonstration by group
assessment 3) using musical instruments how to control noise pollution(
role playing,making
steamers,placards,a short
DDDDDD. Finding practical Choose any Christmas song Draw the parts of a camera by Performing the activity made Group presentation Group presentation
application of concepts and applying the dynamics using group and label it.
skills in daily living musical instruments
EEEEEE. Making What is dynamics? What are the parts of a camera? How do you practice ways on 1.What are the dance steps in 1.What are the dance steps in
generalization and How do you distinguishes how to control noise pollution? Maglalatik/Itik-itik? Maglalatik/Itik-Itik?
abstractions about the lesson varied dynamic levels in a 2.Describes the skills involved in the 2.Describes the skills involved in the
music ? basic dance steps( fundamental dance positions?(
coordination,flexibility,bvalance,en coordination,flexibility,bvalance,en
durance,muscular strength) durance,muscular strength)
3..What could be the safety 3..What could be the safety
precautions in dancing?(do not precautions in dancing?(do not
have medical problem,wearing t5he have medical problem,wearing t5he
proper dance attire,in a spacious proper dance attire,in a spacious
area without barriers,not carrying area without barriers,not carrying
sharp objects,must warm-up before sharp objects,must warm-up before
the session) the session)
FFFFFF. Evaluating learning Match the descriptions in Match the description in column Make a survey to Check your understanding in Check your understanding in
column A with the terms in A with the part of a camera in neighborhood on how Fitness Enhancement through Basic Fitness Enhancement through Basic
column B.Write the letter only column B.Write the letter only on they practice ways on Dance Steps Dance Steps
on the blank. the blank provided. how to control noise TOPICS TOPICS
Column A A pollution. Topic Ihave I still I Topic Ihave I still I
_1.It is the loud sound __1.This button is pressed to take s a have don’t s a have don’t
_2.A very loud sound picture Suggests the right way good some get it good some get it
_3.A very very loud sound __2.This is where you frame the on how they are going under questi under questi
_4.It is moderately loud image you want to capture to practice ways to standi ons standi ons
_5.A moderately soft __3.This focuses the image seen control noise ng ng
_6.A soft sound at close or far ranges pollution. Dance Dance
_7.A very soft sound __4.This allows photography in steps Steps
_8.A very very soft soft sound low light condition Skills Skills
_9.Decreasing in loudness __5.This slot houses the invov invov
_10.Increasing in loudness removable storage card. ed ed
Column B B Safety Safety
a.crescendo A.battery chamber preca preca
b.decrescendo B.flash utions utions
c.pianisssissimo C.lens in in
d.pianissimo D.memory card slot danci danci
e.piano E.monitor screen ng ng
f.mezzo piano F.shutter button
g.mezzo forte
V. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
W. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
X. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
Y. No. of learners who continue
to require remediation
Z. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
AA. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me
BB. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with
other teachers?
School: Grade Level: VI
GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: Learning Area: MAPEH (MUSIC)
DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and
Time: (WEEK 9) Quarter: 3RD QUARTER


QQ. Content Standard NEW YEAR HOLIDAY Demonstrates understanding of Demonstrates understanding of Demonstrates understanding of the
the concept of timbre through the concept of timbre through concept of timbre through recognizing
recognizing musical instruments recognizing musical instruments musical instruments aurally and
aurally and visually. aurally and visually. visually.
RR. Performance Aurally determines the sound of Aurally determines the sound of a Aurally determines the sound of a
Standard a single instrument in any single instrument in any section of single instrument in any section of the
section of the orchestra. the orchestra. orchestra.

SS. Learning Identifies visually and aurally the Distinguishing aurally the sound of Identifies the characteristics of each
Competencies instrument sections of the each section of the Western instrument in each section of the
(write the LC Code) Western orchestra Orchestra instrument.

II. CONTENT Introduction of Musical Introduction of Musical Introduction of Musical Instruments

Instruments Instruments
Y. References
57. TG/CG pages 21st Century Mapeh in Action 6 21st Century Mapeh in Action 6 21st Century Mapeh in Action 6
58. Learner’s Materials pages
59. Textbook pages pp.51-53 pp.51-53 . pp.51-53

60. Materials downloaded from

Z. Other Learning Materials Manwal ng Guro Manwal ng Guro Manwal ng Guro
Umawit at Gumuhit 6 Umawit at Gumuhit 6 Umawit at Gumuhit 6
Valdecantos.Emelita C. 1999 pp. Valdecantos.Emelita C. 1999 pp. Valdecantos.Emelita C. 1999 pp. 47-48
47-48 47-48
GGGGGG. Reviewing previous What is the classification of
lesson and presenting new musical instruments?
Give the characteristics of the ff

HHHHHH. Establishing a Do you like playing musical Groupings. How do we play instruments in the
purpose for the lesson instruments? What instruments Form 4 groups. Each group will be percussion family? String? Brass?
do you want to play? assigned to a musical Woodwind?
classification. They will write as
many musical instruments that
they know.
IIIIII. Presenting Let the students write as many Discuss the different classifications Groupings. Form 2 groups. Each will
examples/instances of the musical instruments that they of musical instruments according imitate how to play the said
lesson know. to each picture. instrument while the other group will
Original File Submitted and identify the instrument and its kind.
Formatted by DepEd Club 1. Snare Drum
Member - visit depedclub.com 2. Triangle
for more 3. Flute
4. Harp
5. Maracas
JJJJJJ. Discussing new concepts and Identify the instruments The teacher will enumerate Classification of Instruments
practicing new skills #1 according to their classification. instruments and the pupils will 1. String-are instruments that
Write whether string, give the sound of each instrument. are plucked or bowed and
woodwind, brass or percussion. 1. Flute often referred to as the
2. Drums backbone of the orchestra. Ex.
3. Triangle Violin cello double bass and
4. Maracas harp.
1. 5. Violin 2. Woodwind-produce music
when musicians blow the
mouthpiece. Ex. Piccolo flute
oboe clarinet bassoon
2. 3. Brass-are used to produce
sound by means of blowing.
They are made of brass metal.
Ex. Trumpet, trombone,
French horn, Tuba.
4. Percussion- are played by
3. striking the instrument with
sticks or hammers while
others through shaking or
rubbing like maracas. Ex.
Timpani, snare drum, bass



KKKKKK. Discussing new What are the classifications of Let the students give the different Identify how the following instruments
concepts and practicing new musical instruments? sound produce by instruments are played.
skills #2 1. String through Hula BIra game. 1. Bass drum
2. Woodwind 1. Trumpet 2. Tuba
3. Percussion 2. Harp 3. Oboe
3. Timpani
4. Brass 4. Harp
4. Cymbals
5. Tuba 5. Violin
6. Bass drum 6. Timpani
7. French horn 7. Clarinet
8. Clarinet 8. Trumpet
9. Piccolo 9. Maracas
10. cello 10. Bassoon

LLLLLL. Developing mastery Give the sounds of the following

(lead to formative musical instruments. Name the The teacher will discuss the
assessment 3) following instruments. different sounds of the
1. instruments.




MMMMMM. Finding practical

application of concepts and
skills in daily living
NNNNNN. Making What is the classification of How can we distinguish the Give the characteristics of the different
generalization and musical instruments? different instruments according to instruments.
abstractions about the lesson its sounds?
OOOOOO. Evaluating learning Identify the following according Match the sound corresponding to True or False
to their classification. the instrument. 1. Percussion instruments can be
Write W-woodwind, P- A. played by rubbing, striking.(T)
percussion, B-brass and S- for 1. trumpet 2. String instruments used to
string. 2. drum
produce sound by blowing.(F)
1. Trumpet 3. flute
4. harp 3. Brass instruments can be
2. Harp
5. tuba played by plucked or
3. Timpani
B. bowed.(F)
4. Cymbals
a. pluck the strings like 4. Woodwind instruments can
5. Tuba guitar(harp) be played by blowing the
6. Bass drum b. buzzing (trumpet) mouthpiece.(T)
7. French horn c. pop (drum)
5. There are four classifications
8. Clarinet d. buzz(tuba)
e. tootle-too(flute) of instruments. (T)
9. Piccolo
10. cello

PPPPPP. Additional activities Research on the different kinds Have a copy of the list of Study more about the different kinds
for application or of instruments. instruments according to its of instruments.
remediation characteristics.

VI. REFLECTION Assessing you as a teacher and analyzing the students’ progress this week.

SSS. No. of learners who earned 80%

in the evaluation
TTT. No. of learners who acquired
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
UUU. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of learners
who have caught up with the
VVV. No. of learners who
continue to require remediation.
WWW. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why did
these work?
XXX. What difficulties did I
encountered which my principal
can help me solve?
YYY. What innovation or localized
materials did I used/discover
which I wish to share with other
School: Grade Level: VI
GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: Learning Area: MAPEH (MUSIC)
DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and
Time: (WEEK 10) Quarter: 3RD QUARTER


TT. Content Standard NEW YEAR HOLIDAY Demonstrates understanding of Demonstrates understanding of Demonstrates understanding of the
the concept of timbre through the concept of timbre through concept of timbre through recognizing
recognizing musical instruments recognizing musical instruments musical instruments aurally and
aurally and visually. aurally and visually. visually.
UU. Performance Aurally determines the sound of Aurally determines the sound of a Aurally determines the sound of a
Standard a single instrument in any single instrument in any section of single instrument in any section of the
section of the orchestra. the orchestra. orchestra.

VV. Learning Identifies visually and aurally the Distinguishing aurally the sound of Identifies the characteristics of each
Competencies instrument sections of the each section of the Western instrument in each section of the
(write the LC Code) Western orchestra Orchestra instrument.

II. CONTENT Introduction of Musical Introduction of Musical Introduction of Musical Instruments

Instruments Instruments
AA. References
61. TG/CG pages 21st Century Mapeh in Action 6 21st Century Mapeh in Action 6 21st Century Mapeh in Action 6
62. Learner’s Materials pages
63. Textbook pages pp.51-53 pp.51-53 . pp.51-53

64. Materials downloaded from

BB. Other Learning Materials Manwal ng Guro Manwal ng Guro Manwal ng Guro
Umawit at Gumuhit 6 Umawit at Gumuhit 6 Umawit at Gumuhit 6
Valdecantos.Emelita C. 1999 pp. Valdecantos.Emelita C. 1999 pp. Valdecantos.Emelita C. 1999 pp. 47-48
47-48 47-48
QQQQQQ. Reviewing previous What is the classification of
lesson and presenting new musical instruments?
Give the characteristics of the ff

RRRRRR. Establishing a Do you like playing musical Groupings. How do we play instruments in the
purpose for the lesson instruments? What instruments Form 4 groups. Each group will be percussion family? String? Brass?
do you want to play? assigned to a musical Woodwind?
classification. They will write as
many musical instruments that
they know.
SSSSSS. Presenting Let the students write as many Discuss the different classifications Groupings. Form 2 groups. Each will
examples/instances of the musical instruments that they of musical instruments according imitate how to play the said
lesson know. to each picture. instrument while the other group will
Original File Submitted and identify the instrument and its kind.
Formatted by DepEd Club 6. Snare Drum
Member - visit depedclub.com 7. Triangle
for more 8. Flute
9. Harp
10. Maracas
TTTTTT. Discussing new Identify the instruments The teacher will enumerate Classification of Instruments
concepts and practicing new according to their classification. instruments and the pupils will 5. String-are instruments that
skills #1 Write whether string, give the sound of each instrument. are plucked or bowed and
woodwind, brass or percussion. 6. Flute often referred to as the
7. Drums backbone of the orchestra. Ex.
8. Triangle Violin cello double bass and
9. Maracas harp.
6. 10. Violin 6. Woodwind-produce music
when musicians blow the
mouthpiece. Ex. Piccolo flute
oboe clarinet bassoon
7. 7. Brass-are used to produce
sound by means of blowing.
They are made of brass metal.
Ex. Trumpet, trombone,
French horn, Tuba.
8. Percussion- are played by
8. striking the instrument with
sticks or hammers while
others through shaking or
rubbing like maracas. Ex.
Timpani, snare drum, bass



UUUUUU. Discussing new What are the classifications of Let the students give the different Identify how the following instruments
concepts and practicing new musical instruments? sound produce by instruments are played.
skills #2 5. String through Hula BIra game. 11. Bass drum
6. Woodwind 1. Trumpet 12. Tuba
7. Percussion 2. Harp 13. Oboe
3. Timpani
8. Brass 14. Harp
4. Cymbals
5. Tuba 15. Violin
6. Bass drum 16. Timpani
7. French horn 17. Clarinet
8. Clarinet 18. Trumpet
9. Piccolo 19. Maracas
10. cello 20. Bassoon

VVVVVV. Developing mastery Give the sounds of the following

(lead to formative musical instruments. Name the The teacher will discuss the
assessment 3) following instruments. different sounds of the
6. instruments.




WWWWWW. Finding practical

application of concepts and
skills in daily living
XXXXXX. Making What is the classification of How can we distinguish the Give the characteristics of the different
generalization and musical instruments? different instruments according to instruments.
abstractions about the lesson its sounds?
YYYYYY. Evaluating learning Identify the following according Match the sound corresponding to True or False
to their classification. the instrument. 6. Percussion instruments can be
Write W-woodwind, P- A. played by rubbing, striking.(T)
percussion, B-brass and S- for 1. trumpet 7. String instruments used to
string. 2. drum
produce sound by blowing.(F)
11. Trumpet 3. flute
4. harp 8. Brass instruments can be
12. Harp
5. tuba played by plucked or
13. Timpani
B. bowed.(F)
14. Cymbals
a. pluck the strings like 9. Woodwind instruments can
15. Tuba guitar(harp) be played by blowing the
16. Bass drum b. buzzing (trumpet) mouthpiece.(T)
17. French horn c. pop (drum)
10. There are four classifications
18. Clarinet d. buzz(tuba)
e. tootle-too(flute) of instruments. (T)
19. Piccolo
20. cello

ZZZZZZ. Additional activities Research on the different kinds Have a copy of the list of Study more about the different kinds
for application or of instruments. instruments according to its of instruments.
remediation characteristics.

VI. REFLECTION Assessing you as a teacher and analyzing the students’ progress this week.

ZZZ. No. of learners who earned 80%

in the evaluation
AAAA. No. of learners who
acquired additional activities for
remediation who scored below
BBBB. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of learners
who have caught up with the
CCCC. No. of learners who
continue to require remediation.
DDDD. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why did
these work?
EEEE. What difficulties did I
encountered which my principal
can help me solve?
FFFF. What innovation or
localized materials did I
used/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?
School: Grade Level: VI
GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: Learning Area: MAPEH
DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and
Time: (WEEK 1) Quarter: 4TH QUARTER


WW. Content Standard Demonstrates understanding of Demonstrates understanding Demonstrates understanding of the Demonstrates the concept of texture
the various tempo of the various tempo various tempo as:
1. Monophonic(one voice)
2. Homophonic (Voice and
3. Polyphonic ( Many voices)

XX. Performance Performs a given song, using Performs a given song, using Performs a given song, using tempo Performs a given song, using tempo WEEKLY TEST
Standard tempo marks appropriately tempo marks appropriately marks appropriately marks appropriately

YY. Learning Identifies the different tempo in a Distinguish between ritardando Demonstrates the different kinds of Identifies aurally the texture of 1. Administering test
Competencies given song or music: and accelerando as used in a tempo by following tempo marks in musical pieces questions correctly
(write the LC Code) -allegro song a familiar song 4.1 monophonic 2. Administering of
-andante MU6TX-Iva-b-2 “Pandangguhan” 4.2 homophonic
Weekly test
-ritardando MU6TX-Iva-b-3 4.3 polyphonic
-accelerando MU6TX-IVC-D-1 3. Setting of Standards
-largo 4. Test proper
-presto 5. Checking of test
-vivace results
II. CONTENT tempo tempo tempo texture


CC. References 21st century Mapeh in action 6 21st century Mapeh in action 6 21st century Mapeh in action 6 21st century Mapeh in action 6
65. TG/CG pages
66. Learner’s Materials
67. Textbook pages 63-65 63-65 63-65 67-68 .

68. Materials downloaded

from LRMDS
DD. Other Learning
AAAAAAA. Reviewing What is tempo? Review about the previous lesson. Review about the previous lesson.
previous lesson and Give the different symbols used.
presenting new lesson
BBBBBBB. Establishing a Which moves faster a horse or a Let the children to sing the song Today we are going to sing a song Today we are going to analyze the
purpose for the lesson turtle? Sitsiritsit. with different tempo marks. three different kinds of texture.
Compare the movement of the
two animals. Which runs fast?
CCCCCCC. Presenting Imagine yourself riding in an Today we are going to distinguish Original File Submitted and Sing the song.
examples/instances of airplane going to Davao, or in a between ritardando and Formatted by DepEd Club Member Are You Sleeping
the lesson “Ro-Ro Ship” going to the same accelerando. - visit depedclub.com for more
destination. Will you arrive first
riding in an airplane or in a “Ro-
Ro Ship”? Why?

DDDDDDD. Discussing new Singing of the Song from the Ask the pupils if they know the Study Pandangguhan (note Discuss the three types of tempo.
concepts and practicing Beatles “Ob-La-Di-Ob-La-Da” song Ob-La-Di-Ob-La-Da by the mahaba di kasya song) a. Monophonic or
new skills #1 then describes the flow of the Beatles? monophony- as the prefix
music? How do you feel when Teach the song. “mono” means one sound.
singing it? Identify the flow of the song.
Ex. Are you sleeping,
Describes its flow.
brother John?
b. Homophonic texture- is a
single melodic sound with
accompaniment. It gives
focus on the melody as its
main feature and is
supported and colored by
another instrument like the
guitar or the piano. Example
Are You sleeping, brother
c. Polyphonic texture-means
“having many sounds”. It
contains two or more
independent musical lines.
It is a musical composition,
which makes use of two or
more melodies. Example
Choral music and orchestral


EEEEEEE. Discussing new What is tempo? Ritardando (rit.) a gradual change Identify the different tempo marks What is texture?
concepts and practicing Give the most commonly used to a slower tempo. used in the song. Texture in music refers to the
new skills #2 tempo markings or symbols. Accelerando (accel.)a slow structure of a musical composition
gradual change to a faster tempo. showing how many sounds, various
layers, or voices are heard at the
same time.
FFFFFFF. Developing What are the most common Present the song Sitsiritsit. Give the meaning of all the tempo Discuss about the different types of
mastery (lead to used tempo markings or Study the song. marks in the song Pandangguhan. texture.
formative assessment 3) symbols? What are the tempo markings
used in the song?
GGGGGGG. Finding Groupings Have you watched a concert or a
practical application of Singing of the song Sitsiritsit choral singing in your school? How
concepts and skills in (two groups) many voices did you hear?
daily living

HHHHHHH. Making What is tempo? Tell that Ritardando (rit.) a What are the three kinds of texture?
generalization and Give the different symbols of gradual change to a slower
abstractions about the tempo. tempo.
lesson Accelerando (accel.)a slow
gradual change to a faster tempo.
IIIIIII. Evaluating learning Give the meaning of the Give the song piece Sitsiritsit and Singing Pandangguhan Singing of the song. Follow the
following. be able to identify the tempo in 1.Vivace (lively) voices like the choral groups.
1. Andante (moderately each part of the song. Manunugtug ay
slow) nangagpasimula
2. Andantino (moderately At nangagsayawan ang
slow but flowing mga mutya
tempo) Sa mga padyak parang
3. Adagio (slow, or in an magigiba
easy graceful manner) Ang bawat tapakan ng mga
4. Lento (Slow) bakya
5. Largo (very slow,
broad) II
6. Allergo (fast, lively, Kung pagmamasdan ay
brisk, and faster nakatutuwa
tempo) Ang hinhin nila'y hindi
7. Allegretto (quicker than nawawala
andantino) Tunay na hinahangaan ng
8. Moderato (moderate) madla
9. Vivace- (quickly, lively) Ang sayaw nitong ating
10. Presto (a very fast munting bansa
tempo) 2.Andante(moderate)
Dahil sa ikaw mutyang
Walang singganda sa dagat
Mahal na hiyas ang puso
mo hirang
Accel(gradually becoming
Ang pag-ibig mo'y hirap
Kung hindi taos ay
Mga pagsuyong iniaalay
Kung hindi taos ay
Mga pagsuyong iniaalay
3 Largo (very very slow)
Halina aking mahal, ligaya
ko ay ikaw
Kapag 'di ka natatanaw,
Ang buhay ko ay anong
Halina aking mahal, ligaya
ko ay ikaw
Kapag 'di ka natatanaw,
Ang buhay ko ay anong
4 Allegro(brsik,lively, live)
Kung may pista sa aming
Ang lahat ay nagdiriwang
May letchon bawat
May gayak pati simbahan
Paglabas ni Santa Mariang
Kami ay taos na nagdarasal
Prusisyon dito ay
Kung kaya't ang iba'y nag-
5 Presto (very fast)
May tumutugtog at may
Mayrong sa galak ay
Ang pista sa bayan namin
ay ganyan,
Ang saya'y tila walang
6 Vivace (fast, lively)

Manunugtug ay
At nangagsayawan ang
mga mutya
Sa mga padyak parang
Ang bawat tapakan ng mga
Kung pagmamasdan ay
Ang hinhin nila'y hindi
Tunay na hinahangaan ng
Ritardando (gradually
Ang sayaw nitong ating
munting bansa

JJJJJJJ. Additional
activities for application
or remediation

VI. REFLECTION Assessing you as a teacher and analyzing the students’ progress this week.

GGGG. No. of learners

who earned 80% in the
HHHH. No. of learners
who acquired additional
activities for remediation
who scored below 80%
IIII. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
JJJJ. No. of learners who
continue to require
KKKK. Which of my
teaching strategies worked
well? Why did these work?
LLLL.What difficulties did I
encountered which my
principal can help me
MMMM. What innovation
or localized materials did I
used/discover which I wish
to share with other
School: Grade Level: VI
GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: Learning Area: MAPEH
DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and
Time: (WEEK 2) Quarter: 4TH QUARTER


A. Content Standard Demonstrates understanding of demonstrates understanding of demonstrates understanding of understands the concepts and Demonstrates understanding of the
the various tempo shapes, colors, and the participation and assessment of principles of selecting and using various tempo
principles of contrast and physical activity and physical consumer health products.
harmony through the use of fitness
new media in creating audio-
video art and product or
package design.

B. Performance Performs a given song, using creates an actual 3-D participates and assesses consistently demonstrates critical Performs a given song, using tempo
Standard tempo marks appropriately digitallyenhanced paper bag for performance in physical activities. thinking skills in the selection of marks appropriately
a product or brand. Assesses physical fitness health products.
applies concepts on the use of
new technologies (hardware
and software) in creating an
audio-video art/animation.
C. Learning Identifies the different tempo in a knows that design principles and describes the Philippines physical explains the importance of Identifies the different tempo in a
Competencies given song or music: elements relates to everyday activity pyramid consumer health given song or music:
(write the LC Code) -allegro objects -allegro
-andante -andante

MU6TX-Iva-b-1 A6EL-IVa PE6PF-IVa- H6CHIVa-13 MU6TX-Iva-b-1

TEMPO Elements: 1. SHAPES 1.1 letters Assessment of physical activities Importance of Consumer Health 1. TEMPO
and geometric shapes and physical fitness Wise and informed decision in
purchasing products or availing
Variations of Tempo services Variations of Tempo


A. References
1. TG/CG pages p.57 p.52 p.37 p.60 p.57
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook pages
4. Materials downloaded
from LRMDS
B. Other Learning Materials LED TV, Laptop, powerpoint LED TV, Laptop, powerpoint LED TV, Laptop, powerpoint LED TV, Laptop, powerpoint LED TV, Laptop, powerpoint
presentation presentation presentation, video presentation. presentation, video presentation presentation
A. Reviewing previous What is dynamics? What are the parts of camera? What is Itik- Itik dance? What are the ways to prevent and What is dynamics?
lesson and presenting What do u mean forte? What is Maglalatik dance? control pests and rodents ? What do u mean forte?
new lesson

B. Establishing a purpose Which moves faster a horse or a Which moves faster a horse or a
for the lesson turtle? turtle?
Compare the movement of the Compare the movement of the two
two animals. Which runs fast? What do you see on these What can you say about these animals. Which runs fast?
pictures? What do you see in this pyramid? pictures

C. Presenting Imagine yourself riding in an Discuss and describe the Study and analyze the given Imagine yourself riding in an
examples/instances of airplane going to Davao, or in a Philippine physical activity statement about consumer’s airplane going to Davao, or in a
the lesson “Ro-Ro Ship” going to the same pyramid. health and its importance. “Ro-Ro Ship” going to the same
destination. Will you arrive first https://www.google.com.ph/searc Original File Submitted and destination. Will you arrive first
riding in an airplane or in a “Ro-Ro Discuss the elements and h?dcr=0&tbm=isch&sa=1&eiphilip Formatted by DepEd Club Member riding in an airplane or in a “Ro-Ro
Ship”? Why? principle of objects. pine+activity+pyramid&oq=philipp - visit depedclub.com for more Ship”? Why?
D. Discussing new concepts Singing of the Song from the Group Activity What are the components of What are the examples of Singing of the Song from the
and practicing new skills Beatles “Ob-La-Di-Ob-La-Da” then physical activity? consumer’s health Beatles “Ob-La-Di-Ob-La-Da” then
#1 describes the flow of the music? Element’s Group describes the flow of the music?
How do you feel when singing it? How do you feel when singing it?
Draw human figure in a Manila
paper that show elements of

E. Discussing new concepts What is tempo? The teacher will show pictures The teachers will show examples What is tempo?
and practicing new skills Give the most commonly used that represent each elements of physical fitness? Give the most commonly used
#2 tempo markings or symbols. and principle. tempo markings or symbols.

F. Developing mastery What are the most common used What are the most common It helps to make the consumer What are the most common used
(lead to formative tempo markings or symbols? used elements/principles of aware about the ir rights and tempo markings or symbols?
assessment 3) arts? responsibilities such as :
-The right to basic needs;
G. Finding practical Groupings How can we relate the principles What do you mean by ‘Keep Why is the consumer voice Groupings
application of concepts Singing of the song Sitsiritsit and elements relate to everyday healthy by keeping active” important when we are buying in Singing of the song Sitsiritsit
and skills in daily living (two groups) objects? a market or mall (two groups)

H. Making generalization What is tempo? What are the principles and What is physical pyramid activity? What is consumer health? What is tempo?
and abstractions about Give the different symbols of elements of objects? Give the different symbols of
the lesson tempo. tempo.
I. Evaluating learning Identify the different tempo by Read and analyze the sentences Read and analyze the sentences Read and analyze the sentences Identify the different tempo by
choose the letter of the answer. carefully. Choose the letter of carefully. Choose the letter of the carefully. Write T if the statement choose the letter of the answer.
____1.In tempo, Andante means the correct answer correct answer. is TRUE and F if it is FALSE. ____1.In tempo, Andante means
___1.Physical Activity Pyramid ____1. Consumers
___? ___?
______1. It is the lightness and decribes as ___? health education helps us to
a. Moderately slow darkness of an object? a.“state of healthy living achieved choose consumers' goods and e. Moderately slow
b. Moderately fast a. Value by practicing of a healthy lifestyle services inb the proper way f. Moderately fast
c. Slow b. Emphasis b. state of being stressful g. Slow
d. Fast c. Unity c. state of being unhealthy h. Fast
d.state of being often in doing
d. Pattern
healthy liftestyle and exercise.
J. Additional activities for Give another examples of different Give another examples of Draw pictures of activities which Cut pictures that show the Give another examples of different
application or tempo in music. principles and elements of an are included in Physical activity importance of health consumer. tempo in music.
remediation art. pyramid.


A. No. of learners who

earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
acquired additional
activities for
remediation who scored
below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners
who have caught up
with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encountered which my
principal can help me
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
used/discover which I
wish to share with other
School: Grade Level: VI
GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: Learning Area: MAPEH
DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and
Time: (WEEK 3) Quarter: 4TH QUARTER


A.Content Standards Demonstrates understanding of the Demonstrates understanding of shapes, demonstrates understanding of participation and assessment of physical
various tempo colors, and the principles of contrasts activity and physical fitness
and harmony through the use of new
media in creating audio video art and
product or package design
B.Performance Objective Performs a given song, using tempo  Creates and actual 3D digitally- participates and assesses performance in physical activities.
marks appropriately enhanced paper bag for a product Assesses physical fitness
or brand
 Applies concepts on the use of new
technologies (hardware and
software) in creating an audio

Describes the basic concepts and

principles of basic photography
C.Learning Competencies/ Identifies the different tempo in a 1. appreciates the elements and describes the Philippines physical activity pyramid
Objectives given song or music: principles applied in product
( Write the LC code for -allegro design PE6PF-IVa- WEEKLY TEST
-andante 2. manifests understanding of
-ritardando concepts on the use of
-accelerando software (commands, menu,
-largo etc.)
-vivace A6PL-IVa
I. Principles Fitness enhancement through creative dances
( Subject Matter) 3.1 of shapes and colors
4.1. of letters, shapes, colors

II.LEARNINGRESOURCES Curriculum Guide for Music6


1.Teachers Guide pages

2.Learners Material Pages The 21st Century MAPEH in Action MAPEH in Action pp.161-175
B. Other Learning Resources Manwal ng Guro Pictures, Laptop, any personal/ school LED TV, Laptop, powerpoint presentation, video presentation.
Umawit at Gumuhit 6 computers https://www.google.com.ph/search?dcr=0&tbm=isch&sa=1&eiphilippin


A.Reviewing past lesson or What is dynamics? What are the Review on product package design What is Itik- Itik dance? Review on past lesson on
Presenting the new lesson dynamics signs used in the song? What is Maglalatik dance? Physical pyramid activity
(Drill/Review/Unlocking of

B.Establishing a purpose of the Which moves faster a horse or a Show pictures of collage design What do you see in this pyramid? Show some pictures of the
new lesson (Motivation) turtle? Ask” what is a collage? different movements that shown
Compare the movement of the two Collage is an art production in which by the children
animals. Which runs fast? several materials are put together, to Ask: how did they move?
form a new work of art. Collage
originated from the French word
“coller” which means “to glue”
C.Presenting Examples/ Imagine yourself riding in an airplane Discuss, explain: Discuss and describe the Discussion:
instances of the new lesson going to Davao, or in a “Ro-Ro Ship” Collage can be made of physical Philippine physical activity Look at the dancers’ movements?
(Presentation) going to the same destination. Will materials, such as paper and printed pyramid. How do they achieve fitness in
you arrive first riding in an airplane photographs, or electronic images. https://www.google.com.ph/searc dancing?
or in a “Ro-Ro Ship”? Why? Original File Submitted and Formatted h?dcr=0&tbm=isch&sa=1&eiphilip  Strength
by DepEd Club Member - visit pine+activity+pyramid&oq=philipp  Endurance
depedclub.com for more ine+activity
 Flexibility
 Coordination
 Balance

Discuss about what related

fitness components are
improved in dancing?
 Coordination
 Flexibility
 Balance
 Endurance
Muscular strength

D.Discussing new concepts and Singing of the Song from the Beatles Discuss” What are the components of Ask: how can dancing makes you
practicing new skills no.1. “Ob-La-Di-Ob-La-Da” then describes Electronic collage is made or composed physical activity? fit?
(Modeling) the flow of the music? How do you of electronic images or photographs and
feel when singing it? is prepared digitally. Software is used to
create the collage.

E. Discussing new concepts and What is tempo? Discussion on Paper collage and The teachers will show examples Discuss on Facts about dancing
practicing new skills no.2 Give the most commonly used electronic collage making of physical fitness?
(Guided Practice) tempo markings or symbols.  What is electronic Collage?
 Picture collage maker

Electronic collage is made or composed

of electronic images or photographs and
is prepared digitally. A software is used
to create the collage.

Picture Collage Maker is an example of

software that can be used to create
electronic collage. This is a simple-to-
use Windows freeware that allows you
to arrange pictures and create digital
collages. This software can also be used
to make scrapbooks, posters,
invitations, calendars, and greeting
F.Developing Mastery What are the most common used Activity 3 Ask: what is dance?
(Leads to Formative Assessment tempo markings or symbols? Collage
3.) What to do:
(Independent Practice) Draw an outline of your collage
Using the different tactile materials that
you have, cover your drawing outline.
Be creative in using the materials. Use
the appropriate materials for the
Glue the materials to the drawing

G. Finding practical application of Groupings Presentation of the output What do you mean by ‘Keep Dancing is a physical activity
concepts and skills in daily living Singing of the song Sitsiritsit healthy by keeping active” where you move your body in
(Application/Valuing) (two groups) time with the music, that is :
 It makes your brain work
 Burn unwanted calories
 Developes your bones
 Makes you health
 Gives you flexibility

And tones your muscles

H. Making Generalization and What is tempo? You can create a collage using physical What is physical pyramid activity? Dance is an activity where you
abstraction about the lesson Give the different symbols of tempo. materials. You can produce almost the move your body in time with the
(Generalization) same output using computer program. music
But there are things that you can do
with your electronic collage that cannot
be done with physical collage.
I. Evaluating learning Give the meaning of the following. Questions: Read and analyze the sentences Read carefully and answer
11. Andante (moderately slow) 1. What is a collage? carefully. Choose the letter of the questions correctly.
12. Andantino (moderately 2. What is paper collage? correct answer. 1. What related
slow but flowing tempo) 3. What is electronic collage? ___1.Physical Activity Pyramid components are
decribes as ___? improved in dancing?
13. Adagio (slow, or in an easy
a.“state of healthy living achieved
graceful manner) 2. What can dancing make
by practicing of a healthy lifestyle
14. Lento (Slow) b. state of being stressful you fit?
15. Largo (very slow, broad) c. state of being unhealthy
16. Allergo (fast, lively, brisk, d.state of being often in doing
and faster tempo) healthy liftestyle and exercise.
17. Allegretto (quicker than
18. Moderato (moderate)
19. Vivace- (quickly, lively)
20. Presto (a very fast tempo)

J. Additional activities for Draw pictures of activities which

application and remediation are included in Physical activity
(Assignment) pyramid.



A. No. of learner who earned


B .No. of learner who scored

below 80% ( needs

C. No. of learners who have

caught up with the lesson

D. No of learner who continue

to require remediation

E. Which of my teaching
strategies work well? Why?

F. What difficulties did I

encounter which my principal
/supervisor can help me solve?

G. What innovation or localized

materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share w/other
School: Grade Level: VI
GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: Learning Area: MAPEH-ARTS
DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and
Time: (WEEK 4) Quarter: 4TH QUARTER


ZZ. Content Standard The learner demonstrates The learner demonstrates The learner demonstrates The learner demonstrates WEEKLY TEST
understanding of shapes, colors, understanding of shapes, colors, understanding of shapes, colors, understanding of shapes, colors,
and the principles of contrast and and the principles of contrast and and the principles of contrast and and the principles of contrast and
harmony through the use of new harmony through the use of new harmony through the use of new harmony through the use of new
media in creating audio-video art media in creating audio-video art media in creating audio-video art media in creating audio-video art
and product or package design. and product or package design. and product or package design. and product or package design.

AAA. Performance "The learner creates an actual 3-D "The learner creates an actual 3-D "The learner creates an actual 3-D "The learner creates an actual 3-D 1. ADMINISTERING TEST
Standard digitally-enhanced paper bag for a digitally-enhanced paper bag for a digitally-enhanced paper bag for digitally-enhanced paper bag for a QUESTIONS CORRECTLY.
product or brand. product or brand. a product or brand. product or brand. 2. ADMINISTERING OF
The leaner applies concepts on the The learner applies concepts on the The leaner applies concepts on The learner applies concepts on the WEEKLY TEST
use of new technologies (hardware use of new technologies (hardware the use of new technologies use of new technologies (hardware 3. SETTING OF STANDARDS
and software) in creating an audio- and software) in creating an audio- (hardware and software) in and software) in creating an audio- 4. TEST PROPER
video art/animation." video art/animation." creating an audio-video video art/animation." 5. CHECKING OF TEST
art/animation." RESULTS

BBB. Learning The learner knows that design The learner appreciates the The learner manifests The learner utilizes art skills in
Competencies principles and elements relates to elements and principles applied in understanding of the concepts using new technologies (hardware
(write the LC Code) everyday objects. product design. applied in product design. and software) in package design.

or ANIMATION (Electronic Collage) ANIMATION (Electronic Collage) or ANIMATION (Electronic ANIMATION (Electronic Collage)
EE. References
69. TG/CG pages 21st Century Mapeh in Action 6 21st Century Mapeh in Action 6 21st Century Mapeh in Action 6 21st Century Mapeh in Action 6
70. Learner’s Materials
71. Textbook pages pp.167-170 pp.167-170 pp.169-170 pp.170-171
72. Materials
downloaded from
FF. Other Learning
KKKKKKK. Reviewing Have a review on product design. What is product/package design? What is a 3D art?
previous lesson and
presenting new
LLLLLLL. Establishing Today we are going to study about What is product design? Why do some groceries used What is a collage?
a purpose for the products. paper bags instead of plastic
lesson bags?
MMMMMMM. Pres What is a product? What is package design? What is software design? Collage is an art production in
enting How do you choose a product which several materials are put
examples/instances according to its packaging? together, to form a new work of
of the lesson art.
NNNNNNN. Discussing What are the product design Ask the students to bring out their What is a studio? Where can we
new concepts and processes? materials and make their own create a 3D design?
practicing new skills product design using the paper.

OOOOOOO. Discussing Discuss the product design How to make a paper bag What can we create inside a What is procuct/package design?
new concepts and processes manually? studio? What software can we
practicing new skills Original File Submitted and used to design a product
#2 Formatted by DepEd Club Member package?
- visit depedclub.com for more
PPPPPPP. Developing Groupings. Form 3 groups that will Give the instructions on how to Hands on.
mastery (lead to arrange the following into order. make a paper bag manually. Create their own product design
formative Production-planning-drawing- using a computer.
assessment 3) selection-implementation- Follow the steps below:
Answer: Planning-drawing-

QQQQQQQ. Finding If the packaging of an item is eye- Why is it important to use paper Where can we use 3D product
practical application catching than the other one what bag instead of plastic bags? design?
of concepts and skills will you buy and why? In Animation can we use it?
in daily living Give names of cartoon characters
used in animation.
RRRRRRR. Making What is a product? What is package? product design? What is the software that we What is the importance of a studio
generalization and could use in making a 3D product in creating a 3D product design?
abstractions about package design?
the lesson
SSSSSSS. Evaluating True or False True or False Create their own 3D design using What is a studio?
learning 1. Drawing stage when their own downloaded files. What is 3D packaging?
artist are met by the Write true if it is a part of making a
planning team to discuss paper bag manually.
the package design.(T)
2. The planning stage is If not write false.
tested and checked for its
weaknesses and strengths 1. Connect the two edges of
before being passed for the paper. (T)
production.(F) 2. Glue the edges then
3. Selection team reviews all
flatten the paper.
drawings made and makes
a careful study of which 3. Fold the paper on one of
best suits the objectives the shorter edge about 1/5
made in the planning of the length. Open the
stage. (T) folded part, and flatten so
4. A product can be in that the flaps are on each
physical, nonphysical, and
side. (T)
virtual forms. (T)
4. Fold each flap inward
5. A product package design
involves certain stages to toward the center. (T)
produce the approved 5. Fold the longer side to
creative design. (T) make a crease on both
side. Open the bag.(T)

TTTTTTT. Additional Bring the following tomorrow: Download pictures of birthdays, Bring pictures of flowers. 10 Study more on 3d design.
activities for Glue, colored paper, scissors, yarn valentine’s day or any celebration. pictures per student.
application or for handle. Save it in your usb.

VI. REFLECTION Assessing yourself as a teacher and analyzing the students’ progress this week.

NNNN. No. of
learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
OOOO. No. of
learners who
acquired additional
activities for
remediation who
scored below 80%
PPPP. Did the
remedial lessons
work? No. of learners
who have caught up
with the lesson.
QQQQ. No. of
learners who
continue to require
RRRR. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well? Why
did these work?
SSSS. What
difficulties did I
encountered which
my principal can help
me solve?
TTTT. What
innovation or
localized materials
did I used/discover
which I wish to share
with other teachers?
School: Grade Level: VI
GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: Learning Area: MAPEH-P.E.
DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and
Time: (WEEK 5) Quarter: 4TH QUARTER


D. Content Standard demonstrates understanding of demonstrates understanding of demonstrates understanding of demonstrates understanding of
participation and assessment of participation and assessment of participation and assessment of participation and assessment of
physical activity and physical physical activity and physical physical activity and physical physical activity and physical fitness
fitness fitness fitness

E. Performance Participates and assesses Participates and assesses Participates and assesses Participates and assesses
Standard performance in physical activities. performance in physical performance in physical activities. performance in physical activities.
Assesses physical fitness activities. Assesses physical fitness Assesses physical fitness
Assesses physical fitness

F. Learning describes the Philippines physical describes the Philippines describes the Philippines physical describes the Philippines physical
Competencies activity pyramid physical activity pyramid activity pyramid activity pyramid
(write the LC Code)

II. CONTENT Fitness enhancement through Fitness enhancement through Fitness enhancement through Fitness enhancement through
creative dances creative dances creative dances creative dances
C. References
5. TG/CG pages
6. Learner’s Materials
7. Textbook pages P. 236-248 P. 236-248 P. 236-248 P. 236-248
8. Materials downloaded
from LRMDS
D. Other Learning Materials
K. Reviewing previous What is Itik- Itik dance? Maglalatik Review on Review on past lesson on dancing Review on past lesson creative
lesson and presenting dance? Filipino Physical pyramid activity dancing
new lesson
L. Establishing a purpose Explain the pyramid? Give the different dance What is creative dance? Present another kind of a dance- the
for the lesson movements and let the students Featured Dance which is the hip hop
analyze them. and interpretative dance.

M. Presenting Discuss and describe the Discuss the benefits of Have you danced a creative dance What is hip hop dancing?
examples/instances of Philippine physical activity dancing to fitness. or watch some of it? Describe
the lesson pyramid. Give the fitness what you have seen.
components that are
improved in dancing.

N. Discussing new concepts What are the components of How can dance make you fit? Discuss: What are the basic movements in
and practicing new skills physical activity? What are benefits that you can get Hip hop?
#1 from creative dancing?
O. Discussing new concepts . The teachers will show examples Discuss on Facts about dancing What type of dances are shown in What fitness will be developed in
and practicing new skills of physical fitness? the following pictures” write the dancing hip hop?
#2 names of the dances below each  Cardio vascular endurance
picture?  Legs muscles
p.239- the 21st Century MAPEH IN
 Thights
 Hamstrings
 Calf muscles
 Lower legs

P. Developing mastery Ask: what is dance? 1. What should we do first

(lead to formative Group Activty before dancing hip hop?
assessment 3) 3 groups will create
dance steps of their own
and should give a name
for that dance step.

Q. Finding practical What do you mean by ‘Keep

application of concepts healthy by keeping active”
and skills in daily living

R. Making generalization What is physical pyramid activity? Dance is an activity where you Creative dances are an instinct Dancing hip hop can also be a good
and abstractions about move your body in time with the that human beings worship Gods. for of exercise.
the lesson music
S. Evaluating learning True or False True or False about dancing. 1. Give the benefits we can Put a check i8f it is a step in hiphop
1. The Filipino Pyramid 1. It makes you weak. get from creative dancing.
Activity guide is a plan 2. It makes develop your dancing. 1. Breaking
that is prepared for muscles. 2. Krumpimg
someone to be guided in 3. It makes you 3. Swaying
having an active lifestyle. unimaginative and 4. Stumping
2. It is composed of 4 parts uncreative. 5. Swagging
namely minimal, often, 4. It helps your self- 6. Turning
regularly and habitually. expression. 7. Locking
3. Habitual activities must 5. It boost your self- 8. Popping
be done once a week. esteem. 9. Tumbling
4. Minimal activities include 10. Hopping
sleeping. Answers all check except 9
5. Regular activities
includes recreational
Answer T T F T F

T. Additional activities for

application or


H. No. of learners who

earned 80% in the
I. No. of learners who
acquired additional
activities for
remediation who scored
below 80%
J. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners
who have caught up
with the lesson.
K. No. of learners who
continue to require
L. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
M. What difficulties did I
encountered which my
principal can help me
N. What innovation or
localized materials did I
used/discover which I
wish to share with other
School: Grade Level: VI
GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: Learning Area: MAPEH-P.E.
DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and
Time: (WEEK 6) Quarter: 4TH QUARTER


G. Content Standard demonstrates understanding of demonstrates understanding of demonstrates understanding of demonstrates understanding of
participation and assessment of participation and assessment of participation and assessment of participation and assessment of
physical activity and physical physical activity and physical physical activity and physical physical activity and physical fitness
fitness fitness fitness

H. Performance Participates and assesses Participates and assesses Participates and assesses Participates and assesses
Standard performance in physical activities. performance in physical performance in physical activities. performance in physical activities.
Assesses physical fitness activities. Assesses physical fitness Assesses physical fitness
Assesses physical fitness

I. Learning describes the Philippines physical describes the Philippines describes the Philippines physical describes the Philippines physical
Competencies activity pyramid physical activity pyramid activity pyramid activity pyramid
(write the LC Code)

II. CONTENT Fitness enhancement through Fitness enhancement through Fitness enhancement through Fitness enhancement through
creative dances creative dances creative dances creative dances
E. References
9. TG/CG pages
10. Learner’s Materials
11. Textbook pages P. 236-248 P. 236-248 P. 236-248 P. 236-248
12. Materials downloaded
from LRMDS
F. Other Learning Materials
U. Reviewing previous What is Itik- Itik dance? Maglalatik Review on Review on past lesson on dancing Review on past lesson creative
lesson and presenting dance? Filipino Physical pyramid activity dancing
new lesson
V. Establishing a purpose Explain the pyramid? Give the different dance What is creative dance? Present another kind of a dance- the
for the lesson movements and let the students Featured Dance which is the hip hop
analyze them. and interpretative dance.

W. Presenting Discuss and describe the Discuss the benefits of Have you danced a creative dance What is hip hop dancing?
examples/instances of Philippine physical activity dancing to fitness. or watch some of it? Describe
the lesson pyramid. Give the fitness what you have seen.
components that are
improved in dancing.

X. Discussing new concepts What are the components of How can dance make you fit? Discuss: What are the basic movements in
and practicing new skills physical activity? What are benefits that you can get Hip hop?
#1 from creative dancing?
Y. Discussing new concepts . The teachers will show examples Discuss on Facts about dancing What type of dances are shown in What fitness will be developed in
and practicing new skills of physical fitness? the following pictures” write the dancing hip hop?
#2 names of the dances below each  Cardio vascular endurance
picture?  Legs muscles
p.239- the 21st Century MAPEH IN
 Thights
 Hamstrings
 Calf muscles
 Lower legs

Z. Developing mastery Ask: what is dance? 2. What should we do first

(lead to formative Group Activty before dancing hip hop?
assessment 3) 3 groups will create
dance steps of their own
and should give a name
for that dance step.

AA. Finding practical What do you mean by ‘Keep

application of concepts healthy by keeping active”
and skills in daily living

BB. Making generalization What is physical pyramid activity? Dance is an activity where you Creative dances are an instinct Dancing hip hop can also be a good
and abstractions about move your body in time with the that human beings worship Gods. for of exercise.
the lesson music
CC. Evaluating learning True or False True or False about dancing. 2. Give the benefits we can Put a check i8f it is a step in hiphop
6. The Filipino Pyramid 6. It makes you weak. get from creative dancing.
Activity guide is a plan 7. It makes develop your dancing. 11. Breaking
that is prepared for muscles. 12. Krumpimg
someone to be guided in 8. It makes you 13. Swaying
having an active lifestyle. unimaginative and 14. Stumping
7. It is composed of 4 parts uncreative. 15. Swagging
namely minimal, often, 9. It helps your self- 16. Turning
regularly and habitually. expression. 17. Locking
8. Habitual activities must 10. It boost your self- 18. Popping
be done once a week. esteem. 19. Tumbling
9. Minimal activities include 20. Hopping
sleeping. Answers all check except 9
10. Regular activities
includes recreational
Answer T T F T F

DD. Additional activities for

application or


O. No. of learners who

earned 80% in the
P. No. of learners who
acquired additional
activities for
remediation who scored
below 80%
Q. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners
who have caught up
with the lesson.
R. No. of learners who
continue to require
S. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
T. What difficulties did I
encountered which my
principal can help me
U. What innovation or
localized materials did I
used/discover which I
wish to share with other

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