Sectionalising Methodology For Parallel System Restoration Based On Graph Theory
Sectionalising Methodology For Parallel System Restoration Based On Graph Theory
Sectionalising Methodology For Parallel System Restoration Based On Graph Theory
Research Article
ISSN 1751-8687
Sectionalising methodology for parallel Received on 25th July 2014
Revised on 20th December 2014
system restoration based on graph theory Accepted on 14th January 2015
doi: 10.1049/iet-gtd.2014.0727
Abstract: Parallel power system restoration (PPSR) restores isolated sections (islands) of the network in parallel, thus the
overall restoration process is accelerated. These islands are defined during the preparation stage of PPSR as part of a
sectionalising strategy (SS). During this process, it is important that the operators only use updated post-blackout
system information. This study proposes a new methodology based on the ‘cut-set’ matrix defined in graph theory,
which can identify a shortlist of suitable SSs that satisfy the critical PPSR constraints in a few minutes. This short list of
SSs, not identified in previous works, can be presented to the operators to help them select a restoration plan that is
tailored to the specific changes in topology and asset availability that the blackout has caused. The methodology is
illustrated using the IEEE 9-bus system, and validated using the IEEE 118-bus and the Polish 3375-bus system to
demonstrate the efficiency of the new approach for large-scale networks. Multiple case studies are developed to
demonstrate the adaptability of the methodology to different system conditions, for example, the unavailability of
assets. In every case, the methodology quickly identified a number of SSs that create suitable islands for parallel
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Fig. 1 Three main stages of PPSR
studied in [13, 14], respectively) was recently used in [15, 16] to This paper is organised as follows. Section 2 presents the
design a suitable SS that considers the first three constraints. background of graph theory. Section 3 describes the proposed SS
Although these works are effective, the nature of their solutions methodology. Simulation results for the IEEE 9 and 118 bus test
limits them to providing only a single SS. However, any systems and the Polish 3375-bus case are presented in Section 4 to
circumstance that renders this single solution unsuitable would demonstrate the effectiveness of the methodology and its
prevent the proposed methods from supporting the operator in adaptability to different system conditions. Section 5 concludes the
defining a PPSR plan. Therefore a method that can define multiple paper.
similar SSs of comparable quality would likely be of more benefit
to system operators’ decision-making, as they will be able to select
the most suitable SS based upon their knowledge, experience and 2 Preliminaries on graph theory
the post-blackout conditions. The shortcomings of the
aforementioned practices highlight the need for more effective The basis of graph theory is creating a standardised mathematical
restoration planning techniques. representation of a complex system, for example, a power system,
This paper presents a SS methodology that uses the graph that can be viewed as a graph of nodes and edges [17]. A graph
theory-based concept of a constrained ‘cut-set’ matrix [17], also captures the topology of the network through the connectivity of
known as the ‘cut-edge’ incidence matrix [18], to create a set of the nodes, which is represented by the incidence matrix [17, 18],
suitable SSs that satisfy constraints 1–4. In this paper, these and functional information about the system (e.g. power balance)
constraints are called the critical PPSR constraints. It is assumed through weight factors, as detailed below.
that each island can be monitored by the control centre, which
satisfies constraint 5. The new methodology can determine a set of
suitable SSs within a few minutes, which is negligible when 2.1 Graph theory definitions
compared with the actual duration of restoration. These SSs are
designed using information collected after the blackout (cranking A power system affected by a complete blackout, which has n buses,
groups, the status of lines and circuit breakers and the predicted m generators, l branches and b blackstart units, can be represented as
load levels), which allows them to adapt to the changes in a connected undirected graph G = (V, E, ρ), where V = {v1, …, vn} is
topology and asset availability that a blackout will cause. the set of nodes (buses), E = {e1, …, el} is the set of edges
However, the methodology may identify several thousand suitable (branches), and ρ is a function that assigns weight factors to the
SSs for large power systems and presenting the TSO with such a nodes. An example of the graph representation of a system is
large number of SSs would not be a useful form of support. given in Fig. 2.
Therefore this set of suitable SSs is reduced to a shortlist of five For solving the SS-problem, the node subsets VGN , V and
(the selection of five SSs is arbitrary and could be any number the VB , VGN are defined to represent the m generation-buses
operator considers suitable) SSs that can be presented to the TSO (generation-nodes) and the b blackstart units of the system,
to support their restoration planning. respectively. Furthermore, the subset VLD = V\VGN (where \ denotes
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the set-theoretic difference and defines VLD as the set of nodes in V
that do not appear in VGN) is defined to represent the n − m
load-buses (load-nodes). Finally, the subset VCLD , VLD represents
the load-buses that have CLs connected to them. Any load
connected to a generation-bus is considered to be a CL as these
commonly represent local generator services [10, 11].
The number ui = ρ(vi) is the weight factor associated with the node
vi ∈ V, and is defined as follows
ui = PGN,i
max pre
− ai PLD,i , for all,,vi [ V (1)
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Each combination in (4) defines a label (1 or 2) for each node, and The ik-entry of C is non-zero if the implementation of the ith cut-set
multiple nodes are constrained to have the same label for every requires the edge ek to be removed to partition G. The sign of the
combination (e.g. the label for v1 is 1 in every combination). If a ik-entry represents the alignment of the edge with the cut-set (see
node has the same label in every combination, then this node will [17] for more details). Each cut-set included in the matrix C
definitely be part of the corresponding island. This allows the represents the edges that must be removed to separate the elements
cranking groups to be preserved in every combination. This of G that have different labels in the corresponding combination
contrasts to the behaviour of the free-node labels, which vary shown in X. It should be recognised that, while the cut-sets in C
depending on the combination, as each combination in X will ensure that no nodes are connected to a node with a different
represents a different combination with repetitions of the free-node label, these cut-sets will not guarantee that G will be separated
labels {1, 2} [22] into two graphs, see Fig. 4 for examples of this. The matrix C for
⎡ ⎤T the graph shown in Fig. 2b, considering the free-nodes v5, v6 and
v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6 v7 v8 v9 v8, is
⎢ ⎥
⎢ comb1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 ⎥ ⎡ ⎤
⎢ ⎥
⎢ comb2 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 ⎥ e1 e2 e3 e4 e5 e6 e7 e8 e9
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎢ comb3 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 ⎥ ⎢ cut-set1 0 ⎥
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 ⎥
X = ⎢ comb 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2⎥ (4) ⎢ cut-set2
⎢ 4 ⎥ ⎢ 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 ⎥⎥
⎢ comb5 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 ⎥ ⎢ cut-set3 −1 ⎥
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 ⎥
⎢ comb6 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 ⎥ C = ⎢ cut-set4 −1 ⎥ (7)
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 ⎥
⎣ comb7 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 ⎦ ⎢ cut-set5 0 −1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 ⎥
⎢ ⎥
comb8 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 ⎢ cut-set6 0 −1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 ⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎣ cut-set7 0 −1 0 0 1 1 0 0 −1 ⎦
2.6 Constrained cut-set matrix cut-set8 0 −1 0 0 0 0 0 0 −1
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equal to the difference between the number of nodes, n, and the assigning each non-blackstart unit to one of these groups of
number of connected components in the corresponding graph [17]. blackstart units. However, the definition of these cranking groups
For instance, the rank of the graph shown in Fig. 2b is eight, as is a complex process that requires detailed and comprehensive
the number of connected components is one, whereas the rank of system studies [2–4], which are beyond the scope of this paper.
each graph shown in Fig. 4 is five, as four connected components Therefore the cranking groups used in this paper are those found
exist. The rank of a graph is also equal to the rank of the using the method presented in [23], which optimally groups the
Incidence matrix M [17]. Therefore to ensure that only two islands machines in such a way as to minimise the duration of the
are created by a cut-set, the rank of the graph produced by that cranking task.
cut-set must be equal to n − 2. After determining the rank of the Note, if necessary, any reserve generator can also be constrained
graphs produced by each cut-set, the unsuitable cut-sets can be to belong to a given island. To do this, the label of the
excluded from the set of candidate solutions in C. By doing this, generation-node representing this bus must be constrained in X to
the cut-sets that produce more than two islands are excluded from belong to the specific island – as in the case of the cranking groups.
consideration as suitable SSs. The set of suitable cut-sets in (7) is
{cut-set2, cut-set4, cut-set6, cut-set8}. Step 1: Label in X the generation-nodes vi ∈ VGNr – the nodes within
the same cranking group – with the same number in every
combination to ensure that they are separated into different islands.
3 New methodology for designing suitable This ensures that there is at least one blackstart unit within each
sectionalising strategies island and that the cranking groups are preserved. For instance,
note in (4) that the label of the cranking groups VGN1 = {v1} and
This section describes the proposed methodology for determining VGN2 = {v2, v3} are the same.
several suitable SSs that satisfy the critical PPSR constraints,
based on the concept of a constrained cut-set matrix. Without loss
of generality, the step-by-step execution of the proposed 3.2 Step 2: Exclusion of lines
methodology for the case of two islands is presented below. The
new methodology can produce more islands if required, as detailed To satisfy Constraints 3 and 4, it is necessary to exclude certain
in Section 3.3. Fig. 5 shows the flowchart of the proposed branches from the solution space. As discussed in Section 1, a
methodology. As it can be observed, three main steps are needed: suitable SS cannot include lines that maintain the voltage stability
(i) Ensuring blackstart availability and preserving the cranking within the islands or lines that lack the ability to monitor
groups; (ii) Exclusion of lines; and (iii) Determination of SSs. synchronisation.
Step 2(a): To define the critical lines that maintain system voltage
3.1 Step 1: Ensuring blackstart availability and stability (Constraint 3), it is common practice in the UK to
preserving the cranking groups consider that the tie-lines between the islands are open during the
restoration process [11]. The critical lines are classed as those lines
If an island does not contain at least one blackstart unit (Constraint 1)
that are the most severe outages identified by the N − 1
it cannot be restored separately, as there will be no cranking power
contingency analysis method available in DIgSILENT Power
available to energise the non-blackstart units. Blackstart units
Factory [24]. This means that a line is critical if its disconnection
typically only supply cranking power to the non-blackstart units
produces an excessive reactive power difference (i.e. a
that are within the same cranking group [4]. The location and
significantly higher difference than that which is seen for other
availability of the blackstart units are commonly known after the
disconnections) between the pre-contingency and the
assessment of the system in blackout [1–4, 6], and this
post-contingency, as it is defined in current practices of many
information is used to define the subsets VB1 and VB2. The
TSOs, such as PJM (USA) and National Grid (UK) [10, 11].
cranking groups, denoted by VGN1 and VGN2, are then formed by
These lines are represented by the subset EVS , E.
Step 2(b): The SS defines the tie-lines that the breakers of which will
be closed to resynchronise the islands; therefore the operator must
possess the ability to monitor the phase angle across the lines that
separate the islands to facilitate a successful resynchronisation
(Constraint 4) [6]. Hence, lines without monitoring equipment are
also excluded from the solution space. As with the lines critical to
voltage stability, a subset EC , E is used to represent the branches
that cannot measure resynchronisation, for example, they are not
equipped with synchro-check relays [1].
Step 2(c): When the subset of edges for each type of branch to be
excluded is found they can be combined into a single subset of
excluded edges, that is, EEX = EVS ∪ EC. The edges ek ∈ EEX are
then excluded from the solution space by labelling the nodes vi
and vj incident to the edge ek ∈ EEX with the same number r = 1,
2. This mechanism for excluding edges from the SSs is not limited
to the branch types considered in this paper. In practice, it could
be extended to any branch, or branch type, that the TSOs deemed
unsuitable for use as a tie-line between islands. Examples of
unsuitable branches are given in [2, 3, 6–8].
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the node labels of the generators and excluded lines reduces the Table 1 Generation-load difference within the islands for the IEEE 9-bus
number of ‘free-nodes’. This also limits the size of the matrix X, test system
which reduces the number of SSs that must be considered, Sectionalising strategy Generation-load difference, MW
accelerating thus the process of identifying a shortlist of suitable SSs.
Step 3(c): Compute using (6) the constrained cut-set matrix C. Island 1 Island 2
Step 3(d): Determine the rank of the graph produced by each cut-set
included in C to evaluate the suitability of each cut-set. To define a 5–7; 6–9 62 470
cut-set as suitable, the rank of the induced graph (split into 5–7; 4–6 125 407
4–5; 6–9 187 345
subgraphs) must be equal to (n − 2). This creates a set of cut-sets 4–5; 4–6 250 282
that produce two islands that satisfy Constraints 1, 3 and 4.
Step 3(e): Create islands with sufficient generation capacity
(Constraint 2). To do so, compute the n-vector u, which is a
column vector with the ith row equal to the node weight ui given system with the branch and the system without the branch. For
by (1). For instance, the vector u for the IEEE 9-bus system is this particular system, the branches that produced excessive
created using the information shown in Fig. 2b. The vector u is reactive power difference correspond to the transformers that
then used to calculate the weight of the subgraphs c(Vr) according connect the generators with the rest of the system. Therefore the
to (3). Aforementioned, c(Vr) represents the difference between set of critical lines is EVS = {e1, e4, e7}.
the power generation capacity and the predicted load level within In Step 2(b) it is assumed that every line can measure
each island. synchronisation with adjacent islands. Thus, the set EC = Ø is
Step 3(f): Define the final set of suitable SSs, which could contain defined. Therefore in Step 2(c) the set of excluded edges is simply
multiple cut-sets, as those cut-sets that sectionalise the system into the set of critical lines found in Step 2(a), that is, EEX = EVS = {e1,
two islands with positive subgraph weight in both islands. e4, e7}. These results are used to build the indicator matrix X, as
Step 3(g): Reduce the number of cut-sets to significantly benefit the in (4).
system operators’ decision-making. This is needed because the In Step 3, the methodology creates the arbitrary incidence matrix
number of suitable cut-sets previously determined could be large. M (2) of the graph, and then computes the indicator matrix X, shown
The power imbalance within the islands and the number of in (4). It should be noted that the label of the node v1 must be ‘1’, as
tie-lines (lines to be reconnected to resynchronise the islands) for the generator at bus 1 must be in one island (cranking group VGN1),
each cut-set are used to identify a shortlist of solutions that can be and the label of the nodes v2 and v3 must be ‘2’, as the generators at
presented to the operator to effectively support their buses 2 and 3 must be in the other island (cranking group VGN2).
decision-making. The shortlist will contain the five cut-sets with Furthermore, the label of the node v4 must be ‘1’, and the label of
sufficient generation capacity and the minimum number of the nodes v7 and v9 must be ‘2’. This is because these nodes are
tie-lines, as detailed in Section 4.2. When considering the length connected to the generation-nodes by an excluded edge,
of the shortlist it is important to balance the desire to maximise specifically an edge representing a transformer. The ‘free-nodes’
the range of options offered to the operator against the danger of are v5, v6 and v8.
overwhelming them with numerous, similar solutions and thereby It is important to remember that the labels given to the free-nodes
delaying the planning process. It is important to emphasise that indicate that they can be in any island. The methodology then uses
this shortlist of solutions will all satisfy the critical PPSR the matrices X and M to compute the constrained cut-set matrix C
constraints described above. that is shown in (7). It then evaluates whether the cut-sets included
Step 3(h): When more than two islands are required, the set V1 or V2 in C are suitable or not. In this case, there are four suitable
that contains more than one blackstart unit should be selected as the cut-sets. Although the node v8 was defined as a ‘free-node’, it
node set of a new graph. The methodology should then be cannot appear in Island 1 because of the inherent topology of the
implemented again. This process should be repeated until the system. It is important to mention that the methodology is capable
required number of islands is achieved. of detecting these spurious solutions and excluding them from the
set of suitable SSs.
The methodology then computes the difference between the
4 Simulation results power generation capacity and the predicted system load within
each possible island for the four suitable cut-sets. The results are
The new methodology is now tested using the IEEE 9- and 118-bus shown in Table 1 and the third SS was arbitrarily selected to be
test systems, as well as the Polish 3375-bus case. All simulations are shown in Fig. 6.
performed in MATLAB [25], using the values of PGN,i max pre
and PLD,i In this case, the four cut-sets result in islands with positive
available in MATPOWER [26]. All times quoted are based upon generation-load difference, that is, they are all suitable. When
simulations performed on a PC with a 2.93 GHz dual core CPU moving nodes between the islands, it should be noted that an
and 4 GB RAM. action that causes an increase in the generation-load difference in
Island 1 will cause a decrease in the generation-load difference in
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Island 2. It is important to remember that the four suitable SSs satisfy Table 2 Generation-load difference within the islands in case study 1
the critical PPSR constraints. This set of SSs was computed in 10 ms, for the IEEE 118-bus test system
which is negligible when compared with the actual duration of PPSR Sectionalising strategy Number of Generation-load
[5]. tie-lines difference, MW
Island 1 Island 2
4.2 IEEE 118-bus test system
23–24;30–38;19–20;18–19;15–19; 6 804 2112
The IEEE 118-bus system shown in Fig. 7 is now used to validate the 15–33
methodology for a larger network. The assumed CLs are highlighted 13–15;14–15;15–17;15–19;23–24; 7 862 2054
in Fig. 7. It is considered that the blackstart units are located at buses 19–34;30–38
13–15;14–15;15–17;18–19;19–20; 7 894 2022
31 and 87. Two cases are examined here to show the adaptability 23–24;30–38
of the methodology to different system conditions and to study 13–15;14–15;15–17;18–19;19–20; 8 876 2040
the impact of the unavailability of system assets. Case study 1 30–38;24–70;71–72
assumes that every system element is available after the blackout 13–15;14–15;15–17;18–19;19–20; 8 884 2032
and case study 2 examines the unavailability of system assets
(a generator and a line) after the complete blackout.
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Fig. 8 Distribution of the suitable cut-sets in case study 1 for the IEEE 118-bus system
SS from the first row of Table 2. A number of lines appear in several to the loss of this unit, the second scenario (Scenario B) considers
of these cut-sets, which indicates that certain lines are more likely to that the monitoring equipment on a line (15)–(19) is unavailable,
be used as tie-lines during restoration. This information could serve which is equivalent to losing a line in this context (Constraint 4).
to guide operators towards improving the reliability of these lines or In Scenario A the cranking groups are as defined previously,
developing specific plans to try and ensure that they will be available excluding the removal of the generator at bus 10, and the
during restoration. methodology computed 294 suitable cut-sets, which satisfy the
critical PPSR constraints in <2 min.
4.2.2 Case study 2: Unavailability of system assets: The Fig. 9 shows the distribution of these 294 suitable cut-sets (upper
second case study is divided into two scenarios that aim to row of x axis labels) into five groups of 68 MW ranges. It should
demonstrate the adaptability of the new methodology to different be noted that the unavailability of the generator at bus 10 results in
system conditions. It is initially assumed that the non-blackstart unit the reduction of the minimum and maximum generation-load
at bus 10 is unavailable after the blackout (Scenario A). In addition difference within Island 1 (Island 2) to 5 MW (2021 MW) and
Fig. 9 Distribution of the suitable cut-sets in case study 2 for the IEEE 118-bus system
Upper row of x-axis labels refers to the number of cut-sets in each range for Scenario A and the lower row of labels refers to Scenario B
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345 MW (2361 MW), respectively. In practical implementations, the Table 4 Generation-load difference within the islands – Polish system
unavailability of a non-blackstart unit may require an update of the
Number of tie-lines Generation-load difference, MW
predicted load levels [3, 4].
As before, it would seem sensible to reduce the list of cut-sets to Island 1 Island 2
those that offer the largest difference for Island 1, as it has a much
smaller difference than that of Island 2 for every cut-set. Therefore 17 4600 13 710
the five cut-sets with the minimum number of tie-lines from within 19 4570 13 740
the 33 suitable cut-sets with the largest imbalance in Island 1 are 19 4560 13 750
21 4540 13 770
used to form the final shortlist. 22 4530 13 780
In Scenario B, in addition to the unavailability of the
non-blackstart unit at bus 10, it is assumed that line 15–19 loses
monitoring capacity. Hence, it must not be included in the SS
(Constraint 4). The implementation of the methodology in this Table 5 Results of implementing the method available in [16] for the
Polish system
new scenario produces 214 suitable SSs. The distribution of these
is also represented in Fig. 9 (lower row of x axis labels). Note that Number of tie-lines Generation-load difference, MW
the ranges remain the same, as the unavailability of a line would
not reduce the available generation capacity. Finally, the Island 1 Island 2
unavailability of these two system assets reduces the number of
cut-sets that are in the range with the largest generation capability 25 4515 13 795
for Island 1 to 30. These results highlight the adaptability of the
methodology to unexpected topology changes following a
complete blackout. Finally, the shortlist of suitable cut-sets that are 4.3.1 Comparison with a spectral clustering-based
presented to the operators is reduced to five (see Table 3) for the method: This section compares the results of applying the
conditions (loss of two system assets) described above. proposed methodology and a spectral clustering-based method [16]
to the Polish system when all assets are available. Table 5 shows
the results of implementing the method presented in [16]. Note
4.3 Polish system
that this solution is in the range with the largest generation
The proposed methodology is now implemented for the Polish capability for Island 1. However, the number of tie-lines obtained
system (winter 2007–2008 evening peak) available in with the method in [16] is higher than the top five previously
MATPOWER [26]. This system consists of 3375 buses, 596 presented (Table 4). The implementation of the method [16]
generators and 4161 branches. This is used to demonstrate the required about 3 min to determine this single solution (whereas the
capability of the approach to determine multiple SSs for a real methodology presented in this paper required <8 min to find the
network in a short period of time, when compared with the actual top five from the set of 5000 suitable cut-sets). This highlights that
duration of restoration. The methodology finds more than 5000 the proposed methodology is very efficient determining multiple
suitable cut-sets for the creation of two islands in <8 min when SSs that can be used by system operators.
applied to this system and the number of tie-lines required by It must also be highlighted that the method in [16] can only
these suitable cut-sets ranges from 16 to 59. This shows the determine one single SS. However, it is known that system
suitability of the approach for determining cut-sets that can operators may select the actual SS based upon their knowledge
support operators’ decision-making process in a reasonable amount and experience. Hence, it would be more beneficial to provide
of time for even a large power system. Furthermore, the large them with a short list (e.g. up to five) of suitable SSs.
number of cut-sets found demonstrates that it is a necessity to
reduce the list of suitable cut-sets to a shortlist that can be
presented to the operator. 5 Conclusions
These cut-sets are organised in 50 groups of 90 MW, following
the same approach used for the IEEE 118-bus system. The This paper proposes a methodology that uses the concept of a
number of cut-sets that are in the range with the largest constrained cut-set matrix to determine sectionalising strategies for
generation capability (Island 1: 4510–4600 MW; Island 2: 13 710– PPSR, which enables operators to accelerate restoration. In
13 800 MW) for Island 1 is 125. The five cut-sets with the fewest contrast to other approaches, the methodology can determine a
tie-lines within these 125 cut-sets produce the final shortlist of short list of suitable strategies to sectionalise the blackout area,
suitable cut-sets (see Table 4) that are ultimately presented to while satisfying the constraint of blackstart availability within each
operators for the selection of the most suitable based on their island (i.e. preserving the integrity of the defined cranking groups),
knowledge and experience. creating islands with more generation capacity than the predicted
load level and excluding from the solution critical lines that
maintain system voltage stability and those that cannot measure
Table 3 Generation-load difference within the islands in case study 2 resynchronisation with adjacent islands.
(Scenario B) – IEEE 118-bus system
Satisfying these constraints provides sufficient resources to
Sectionalising strategy Number of Generation-load maintain the steady-state stability of the islands within acceptable
tie-lines difference, MW limits during the actual restoration. The proposed methodology is
intended for use during the preparation stage of the restoration
Island 1 Island 2
process, after updated post-blackout system information is
13–15;14–15;15–17;18–19;19–20;23– 7 344 2022
provided. The proposed methodology can explore the vast
24;30–38 combinatorial space to find multiple sectionalising strategies that
13–15;14–15;15–17;18–19;19–20;30– 8 334 2032 satisfy the given critical constraints. To facilitate system operators’
38;24–70;24–72 decision-making, nonetheless, the methodology produces a
13–15;14–15;15–17;18–19;19–20;30– 8 326 2040
shortlist of suitable sectionalising strategies. This shortlist can
13–15;14–15;15–17;18–19;19–20;23– 12 285 2081 ultimately be used by the operators to select the most suitable
24;15–33; 35–36;34–37;37–40;39– strategy based upon their knowledge and experience. This will
40;38–65 enable them to simultaneously restore more system components, as
13–15;14–15;15–17;18–19;19–20;23– 12 283 2083
24;15–33; 34–36;34–37;37–39;37–
each island is restored independently.
40;38–65 The proposed methodology has been tested and validated using
the IEEE 9-bus test system, the IEEE 118-bus test system and the
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& The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2015 1225