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Present Tense Sentences

· Simple
· Continuous
· Perfect
· Perfect Continuous

1. Simple Present 2. Present 3. Present 4. Present

Tense Sentences Continuous Tense Perfect Tense Perfect
[3rd Person + Present Sentences Sentences. continuous
tense + Singular → is → singular Tense
Verb + s] am → I Sentences.
are → plural

1. I go to college. 1. I am speaking. 1. I have cut my nose. 1. I have been

2. I read a lesson. 2. Raju is eating. 2. I have given money. listening
3. I eat an apple. 3. You are sleeping. 3. I have a house music.
4. Raja sings a song. 4. They are watching T.V. 4. We have brought. 2. She has
5. Sun rises in the east.
5. We are playing 5. He has sent it. been reading.
6. Sun sets in the west.
7. They jump. football. 6. She has sunk. 3. He has
8. He opens the door. 7. It has broken. been running.
9. You run away. 8. They have taken. 4. They have
10. He runs away. been watching
11. He walks to the movie.

Past Tense Sentences

· Simple
· Continuous
· Perfect
· Perfect Continuous

Future Tense Sentences

· Simple
· Continuous
· Perfect
· Perfect Continuous

1. Simple Past 2. Past 3. Past Perfect 4. Past Perfect

Tense Continuous Tense Continuous
Sentences Tense Sentences. Tense
Sentences. sentences.
1 I read a lesson. 1. I was speaking 1. The sun had 1. I had been
2. I ate an apple.
2. Raju was set. eating.
3. Raja sang a song.
4. I studied the lesson. sending. 2. The show had 2. I had been
5. You run away. 3. You were listening.
6. I saw a book. teaching.
3. She had been
7. He came from 4. They were 3. I had cut my
school. running.
coming. hair.
8. I received a message. 4. They had been
9. Raja danced 5. We were dancing. reading.
beautifully. 6. He was thinking. 5. You had been
10. They worked hard.
11. You caught. jumping.

2. Future 4. Future
1. Simple Continuous 3. Future Perfect
Future Tense Tense Perfect Tense Continuous
Sentences. Sentences. Sentences. Tense
1. I shall go to 1. He will be 1. I shall have
college. eating. eaten tomorrow.
2. I shall study 2. I shall be 2. I shall have 1. I shall have
tomorrow. going. written my been eating.
3. We shall come. 3. They will be exercise. 2. Raju will have
4. You will run. dancing. 3. They will have been reading.
5. He will open. 4. They will be broken the car. 3. Raja will have
6. She will sing. going. 4. We will have been studying.
7. We shall eat. 5. Raja will be known. 4. They will have
8. It will come. acting. 5. We shall have been writing.
9. Raju will sing. 6. We shall be gone tomorrow. 5. Raja will have
10. Raja sill singing. been doing.
come. 7. Rose will be
winning the race.

II. Use able to / unable to 7. She could eat a mango.

1. I can play. (Use able to) Ans. She was able to eat a mango.
Ans. I am able to play. 8. She could not eat sandwich.
2. I could play (Use able to) Ans. She was unable to eat
Ans. I was able to play. sandwich.
3. He could tell me. (Use able to) 9. I cannot dance.
Ans. He was able to tell me. Ans. I am unable to dance.
4. They could tell me. (Use able to) 10. I cannot write an essay.
Ans. They were able to tell me. Ans. I am unable to write an essay.
5. She can work. (Use able to) Remember
Ans. She is able to work. can = Present Tense
6. I can write a letter. Could = Past Tense
Ans. I am able to write a letter.
III. Remove too Ans. He is so proud that he cannot
too → very, excessively, extremely beg.
too ……to…… → so …… that 9. Hitler was too cruel to spare the
……cannot/ could not Jews.
Present tense, is, am, are → Ans. Hitler was so cruel that he
cannot. could not spare the Jews.
Past tense, was, were → could not. 10. The Chief Minister Mr. Raja
1. It is too hot outside. was too busy to give us an
Ans. It is very hot outside. appointment.
2. These books are too expensive. Ans. The Chief Minister Mr. Raja
Ans. These books are very was so busy that he could not give
expensive. us an appointment.
3. Raja is too fond of sweets. 11. Parents nowadays are too busy
Ans. Raja is extremely fond of to pay attention to their children
sweets. education.
4. It is too sour. Ans. Parents nowadays are so busy
Ans. IT is very sour. that they cannot pay attention to
5. The king was too infallible their children
(perfect) to make a mistake. education.
Ans. The king was so infallible that 12. It became too dark to read
he could not make a mistake. easily.
6. I am too tired to think of Ans. It became so dark that one
anything. could not read easily.
Ans. I am so tired that I cannot 13. I too won a ticket to go to
think of anything. cinema.
7. He spoke too fast to be Ans. I also won a ticket to go to
understood. cinema.
Ans. He spoke so fast that one 14. He too got it right.
could not understand. Ans. He also got it right.
8. He is too proud to beg.

IV. Make sentences using the given words as noun as well

Noun = Name of place, animal, things.
Verbs = Action.
1. Hand 10. Return
2. Can 11. Offer
3. Lock 12. Look
4. Cook 13. Shop
5. Work 14. Produce
6. Visit 15. Form
7. Name 16. Try
8. Right 17. Lead
9. Hold

 Hand me the towel. (verb) I have no return. (noun)
Aishwarya‟s hand is beautiful. The companies offer discount.
(noun) (verb)
You can do this. (verb) It is a good offer. (noun)
The can is full of water. (Noun) I am looking you. (verb)
Lock the door, before you leave. Your look is beautiful. (noun)
(verb) Raja shops vegetables. (verb)
Key is with the lock. (noun) He opened the shop. (noun)
My mother cooks food. (verb) Raghavan produced a film.
He is a popular cook. (noun) (verb)
He works in call centre. (verb) The farmers store their
I have lot of work to do. (noun) produce. (noun)
He visits to the zoo. (verb) Ambani formed a company.
He earned good name. (Noun) (verb)
I name this cat. (verb) I am unable to fill the form.
Right the correct one. (verb) (noun)
Take right. (noun) I tried a lot. (verb)
Hold the pen. (verb) He gave it a last try. (noun)
I didn‟t have any hold. (noun) He leads me in the race. (verb)
I return the book. (verb) 
Lead is a metal. (noun)

V. Opposites with Prefixes and suffixes.

1. able x unable (prefix) 26. understand x misunderstand
2. complete x incomplete 27. literate x illiterate
3. proper x improper 28. war x antiwar
4. guide x misguide 29. clear x unclear
5. regular x irregular 30. willing x unwilling
6. ordinary x extraordinary 31. pleasant x unpleasant
7. social x anti – social 32. romantic x unromantic
8. legal x illegal 33. developed x undeveloped
9. encourage x discourage 34. equal x unequal
10. interior x exterior 35. definite x indefinite
11. agree x disagree 36. aware x unaware
12. careful x careless (suffix) 37. respect x disrespect
13. fearful x fearless 38. patient x impatient
14. appear x disappear 39. responsible x irresponsible
15. direct x indirect 40. lock x unlock
16. perfect x imperfect 41. cyclone x anti – cyclone
17. septic x antiseptic 42. like x dislike
18. ability x inability 43. continue x discontinue
19. useful x useless 44. restless x restful
20. important x unimportant 45. justice x injustice
21. call x miscall 46. experienced x inexperienced
22. national x international 47. valuable x valueless
23. correct x incorrect 48. successful x unsuccessful
24. pure x impure 49. necessary x unnecessary
25. obey x disobey 50. maximum x minimum
51. powerful x powerless 56. friendly x unfriendly
52. sensitive x insensitive 57. advantage x disadvantage
53. vegetarian x non vegetarian 58. connect x disconnect
54. reserved x unreserved 59. give x receive
55. kind x unkind 60. normal x abnormal

VI. Affirmative and negative sentences

1. I like to go to the seashore. (Make it negative.)
Ans. I don‟t dislike going to the seashore.
2. He likes to go to the seashore.
Ans. He don‟t dislike going to the seashore.
3. They like to go to the seashore.
Ans. They don‟t dislike going to the seashore.
4. It is useless.
Ans. It is not useful.
5. There is little hurry.
Ans. There is no hurry.
6. He had only his daughter with him.
Ans. He had no one except his daughter with him.
7. I do not remember. (Make it affirmative)
Ans. I fail to remember.
8. I did not remember.
Ans. I failed to remember.
9. She does not remember.
Ans. She fails to remember.
10. It was never heard of in the history of Mumbai.
Ans. This was the first time in the history of Mumbai that it had been heard
11. David grew up considering blindness no tragedy.
Ans. David grew up without ever considering blindness a tragedy.
12. They had always fallen into the realm of possibility.
Ans. They had never fallen into the realm of impossibility.
13. David‟s ambition to become a doctor was not in that realm.
Ans. David‟s ambition to become a doctor was beyond that realm.
14. He was no different from anyone else.
Ans. He was like everyone else
15. You‟ll never know unless you try.”
Ans. You‟ll only know if you try.
16. It‟s likely no personal computer would have them.
Ans. It‟s likely all personal computer would be without them.
17. You are fortunate and yet you cannot understand your fortune. (remove
Ans. You are fortunate and yet you are unable to understand your fortune.
18. Abyss cannot hear the song of the stars. (Remove negative and rewrite)
Ans. Abyss is unable to hear the song of the stars.
19. His replies did not gladden our heart at the time.
Ans. His replies failed to gladden our hearts at the time.
20. It didn‟t halve our time exactly.
Ans. It failed to halve our time.
VII. Question Tag.
1. I am in mood.
Ans. I am in mood, aren‟t I?
2. Let‟s go for picnic.
Ans. Let‟s go for picnic, shall we?
3. Let us go for cinema.
Ans. Let us go for cinema, shall we?
4. They always come in time.
Ans. They always come in time, don‟t they?
5. We sit here every day.
Ans. We sit here every day, don‟t we?
6. Vijay comes here right at 5.
Ans. Vijay comes here right at 5, doesn‟t he?
7. They reached here yesterday.
Ans. They reached here yesterday, didn‟t they?
8. That girl got the prize.
Ans. That girl got the prize, didn‟t she?
9. I am not tired.
Ans. I am not tired, am I?
10. He does not attend the school.
Ans. He does not attend the school, does he?
11. Ranji never mixes with her classmates.
Ans. Ranji never mixes with her classmates, does she?
12. You should not blame him.
Ans. You should not blame him, should you?
13. I shall go to school.
Ans. I shall go to school, shan‟t I?
14. We are not telling the truth.
Ans. We are not telling the truth, are we?
15. He will go to school.
Ans. He will go to school, won‟t he?
16. Bring me food.
Ans. Bring me food, will you?
17. Show me your pen.
Ans. Show me your pen, will you?
18. Stay there.
Ans. Stay there, will you?
19. Open the door.
Ans. Open the door, will you?
20. Both he and David grinned.
Ans. Both he and David grinned, didn‟t they?
21. You‟ll never know unless your try.
Ans. You‟ll never know unless you try, will you?
22. Allow me to be a rose for one day.
Ans. Allow me to be a rose for one day, won‟t you?
23. At that moment my spirit revolted.
Ans. At that moment my spirit revolted, didn‟t it?
24. There has been no sign of improvement in the patient.
Ans. There has been no sign of improvement in the patient, has there?
VIII. Exclamatory and Assertive Sentences.
1. What a wonderful story it was! Ans. It was indeed a great lesson to
(make it assertive) be learned from Wilma.
Ans. It was a wonderful story. 8. He was an extraordinary human
2. How naughty you are! being.
Ans. You are very naughty. Ans. What an extraordinary
3. How sweet! human being he was!
Ans. It is really very sweet. 9. I am quite tired.
4. He was very slow. (Make it Ans. How tired I am!
exclamatory) 10. I am very proud of my nice
Ans. How slow he was! mother.
5. It was a very lovely painting. Ans. How proud I am of my nice
Ans. What a lovely painting it was! mother!
6. How lucky I was! 11. You are absolutely right.
Ans. I was very lucky. Ans. How right you are!
7. What a lesson to be learned 12. How painful it is.
from Wilma! Ans. It is very painful.

Homophones are those words which sounds similar buy have meaning and
1. bare , bear 20. wait, weight
2. compliment, complement 21. week weak
3. dye, die 22. There , their
4. flower, flour 23. Fair, fare
5. lesson, lessen 24. Knew, new
6. pain , pane 25. Wright, right
7. peek, peak 26. Sum, some
8. loan, lone 27. Whether, weather
9. main, mane 28. Principle, principal
10. meet, meat 29. Piece, peace
11. rein, rain, reign 30. Birth, berth
12. role, roll 31. Hole, whole
13. root, route 32. Pray, prey
14. sail, sale 33. Sea, see
15. sight, cite, site 34. Be, bee
16. soar, sore 35. Where, were
17. sole, soul 36. Hear, ear
18. tyre, tire 37. Our, hour
19. waist, waste 38. Are, or
X. Degree of comparison.
Positive Comparative Superlative
Small Smaller Smallest
Tall Taller Tallest
Bold Bolder Boldest
Clever Cleverer Cleverest
Kind Kinder Kindest
Young Younger Youngest
Brave Braver Bravest
Fine Finer Finest
Happy Happier Happiest
Great Greater Greatest
Easy Easier Easiest
Wealthy Wealthier Wealthiest
Hot Hotter Hottest
Thin Thinner Thinnest
Sad Sadder Saddest
Fat Fatter Fattest
Beautiful More beautiful Most beautiful
Eminent More eminent Most eminent
Industrious More industrious Most industrious
Ferocious More ferocious Most ferocious
Difficult More difficult Most difficult
Good Better Best
Well Better Best
Bad Worse Worst
Little Lesser Least
Much More Most
Many More Most
In Inner Innermost
Up Upper Uppermost
Old Elder Eldest
Old Older oldest
No other than any other the happiest
Few other/ very
few than many / most other one of the tallest
1. Raji is the richest woman in Mumbai.
Ans. Raji is richer than any other woman in Mumbai.
No other woman in Mumbai is as rich as Raji.
2. Reading is the best form of recreation.
Ans. Reading is better than any other form of recreation.
No other form of recreation is as good as reading.
3. Australia is the largest Island.
Ans. Australia is larger than many other Islands.
No other Island is as large as Australia.
4. Australia is one of the largest Islands.
Ans. Australia is larger than many other Islands.
Very few Islands are as large as Australia.
5. Books are the best source of knowledge.
Ans. Books are better than any other source of knowledge.
No other source of knowledge is as good as books.
6. Iron is stronger than many other metals.
Ans. Iron is one of the strongest metals.
Very few metals are as strong as Iron.
7. No one is as lazy as Raja.
Ans. Raja is lazier than any other.
Raja is the laziest of all.
8. The greatest lessons in life are learnt from children.
Ans. No other lessons in life is as great as the ones that are learnt from
9. I have never seen such a ferocious animal as this.
Ans. I have never seen an animal more ferocious than this one.
Note: - Whenever the comparison is made between two
or things there does not exist with superlative degree.
1. Mango is sweeter than Apple.
Ans. Apple is not as sweet as Mango.
2. Mumbai is not leaner than Chennai.
Ans. Chennai is as clean as Mumbai.
3. March is not as hot as June.
Ans. June is hotter than March.
4. The rose smells as sweet as the lily.
Ans. The lily does not smell sweeter than the rose.
5. The rose smelled as sweet as the lily.
Ans. The lily did not smell sweeter than the rose.
6. The roses smell as sweet as the lilies.
The lilies do not smell sweeter than the rose.
7. I feel as scared as you do.
Ans. I don‟t feel less scared than you.

XI. Change the voice.

1. I love my studies. Ans. The rats are killed by the cat.
Ans. My studies are loved by me. 6. The cats kill the rat.
2. Earth loves us. Ans. The rat is killed by the cats.
Ans. We are loved by Earth. 7. I write a letter.
3. Mom loves me. Ans. A letter is written by me.
Ans. I am loved by Mom. 8. I write those letters.
4. The cat kills the rat. Ans. Those letters are written by
Ans. The rat is killed by the cat. me.
5. The cat kill the rats. 9. He broke the glass.
Ans. The glass was broken by him. Ans. The lesson had been taught
10. He breaks the glass. by the teacher.
Ans. The glass is broken by him. 28. The teacher had taught the
11. The C.M. received the P.M. lessons.
Ans. The P.M. was received by the Ans. The lessons had been taught
C.M. by the teacher.
12. The peon delivered the letters. 29. The teacher will have taught
Ans. The letters were delivered by the lesson.
the peon. Ans. The lesson will have been
13. I closed the door. taught by the teacher.
Ans. The door was closed by me. 30. Vijay will have finished the
14. Raji wrote a letter. task.
Ans. A letter was written by Raji. Ans. The task will have been
15. He will finish the work. finished by Vijay.
Ans. The work will be finished by 31. My friend will have bought a
him. gift.
16. He will finish the work. Ans. A gift will have been bought a
Ans. The work will be finished by gift.
him. 32. I shall have written a letter.
17. People will forget it. Ans. A letter will have been written
Ans. It will be forgotten by people. by me.
18. I shall invite you. 33. I am watching you.
Ans. You will be invited by me. Ans. You are being watched by me.
19. The police will catch me. 34. The Raman is building the
Ans. I shall be caught by the wall.
police. Ans. The wall is being built by the
20. They will send me. Raman.
Ans. I shall be sent by them. 35. The teacher is teaching a new
21. They have eaten the fruits. lesson.
Ans. The fruits have been eaten by Ans. A new lesson is being taught
them. by the teacher.
22. They have opened the window. 36. My mother is cutting an apple.
Ans. The window has been opened Ans. Apples are being cut by my
by me. mother.
23. He has driven those cars. 37. My mother is cutting apples.
Ans. Those cars have been driven Ans. Apples are being cut by my
by him. mother.
24. I had written a letter. 38. The gardener was cutting
Ans. A letter had been written by grass.
me. Ans. Grass was being cut by the
25. She had painted a picture. gardener.
Ans. A picture had been painted by 39. The rain had divided Mumbai
her. into two.
26. He had cut those trees. Ans. Mumbai had been divided
Ans. Those trees had been cut by into two by the rain.
him. 40. He was elected vice – president
27. The teacher had taught the of the student council.
lesson. Ans. They elected him the vice –
president of the student council.
41. He was seized with feeling of Ans. The firs Macintosh computer
inadequacy. was being designed by us.
Ans. Feeling of inadequacy seized 44. Cast aside your thoughts.
him. (Change the voice)
42. We feel renewed faith in the Ans. Let your thoughts be cast
infinite possibilities of all people. aside.
(Begin the sentence with 45. You are consoling me.
“Renewed faith………”). Ans. I am being consoled by you.
Ans. Renewed faith in the infinite 46. We were told to fold it neatly.
possibilities of all people is felt by Ans. He told us to fold it neatly.
us. 47. Father taught us a simple
43. We were designing the first lesson
Macintosh computer. (Rewrite the Ans. A simple lesson was taught to
sentence beginning with us by father.
“The first ……”)

XII. Figure of Speech

1. Personification – human quality
The Moon is laughing.
Personification: The Moon is given the human quality of Laughing.
The river is running.
Personification: The river is given the human quality of running.
The waves are dancing
Personification: The waves are given human quality of dancing.
Wind made the trees to dance.
Personification: The trees are given the human quality of dancing.
2. Alliteration – repetition of same alphabet
It clogs and clutters up the mind.
Alliteration: The sound of the letter „c‟ is repeated for poetic effect.
Such wondrous fine fantastic tales.
Alliteration: The sound of the letter „f‟ is repeated for poetic effect.
3. Repetition – repetition of same word
They sit and stare and stare and sit.
Repetition: The words „sit‟ and „stare‟ are repeated pleasantly for poetic
They ...used...to...read! They read and read, and read and read, and then
(Try yourself)
So, please, oh please, we beg, we pray. (Try yourself)
4. Tautology – same meaning
Pure unadulterated butter available here.
Tautology: The meaning of the word „unadulterated‟ is already contained in
the word „pure‟.
5. Antithesis – opposite words or ideas
Speech is silvern, but silence is golden.
Antithesis: Two opposite ideas of speech and silence are placed together for
poetic effect.
6. Hyperbole – over statement
And stare until their eyes pop out.
Hyperbole: The idea expressed is highly exaggerated.
It makes a child so dull and blind.
Hyperbole: The idea expressed is highly exaggerated.
His powers of thinking rust and freeze.
Hyperbole: The idea expressed is highly exaggerated.
7. Interrogation – questions
How could anyone not know?
Interrogation: Idea is expressed in the form of a question.
8. Exclamation – expression
Oh! how wonderful is the rain.
Exclamation: The idea is conveyed explicitly.
Oh the value of the elderly!
Exclamation: The idea is conveyed explicitly.
9. Onomatopoeia – sound
The clock is running tik - tik - tik.
Onomatopoeia: Sense of sound is conveyed through the word „tik - tik - tik‟
There was a roaring in the wind all night.
Onomatopoeia: Sense of sound is conveyed through the word „roaring‟.
The Jay makes answer as the Magpie chatters.
Onomatopoeia: Sense of sound is conveyed through the word „chatters‟
For something in it crunches.
Onomatopoeia: Sense of sound is conveyed through the word „crunches‟.
Echoing and re - echoing a new hope and a new desire.
Onomatopoeia: Sense of sound is conveyed through the words „echoing‟ and
10. Climax - Ideas are arranged in the order of increasing importance.
The spectators smiled, giggled and finally burst into laughter.
Climax: Ideas are arranged in the order of increasing importance.
11. Metaphor- An implicit (indirect) comparison is made without using
words such as
„like‟, „as‟ and „so‟.
Our world is an institution.
Metaphor: The world is indirectly compared to an institution.
They hold so many keys.
Metaphor: The experience of the elderly is indirectly compared to keys.
12. Simile - An explicit comparison is made between two things by using
words such as
„like‟, „as‟ and „so‟
I wandered lonely as a cloud.
Simile: The loneliness of the poet is compared to that of the cloud using the
word „as‟.
His brain becomes as soft as cheese.
Smile: The softness of the brain is directly compared to that of cheese.
That attracts the industries to produce like maggots.
Simile: The industries are directly compared to maggots. (insects)
12. Apostrophe: Inanimate things are directly addressed.
O Mother! teach our hands to bear.
Apostrophe: The earth is directly addressed as if it were a living being.
O River! why are you running?
Apostrophe: The river is directly addressed as if it were a living being.
13. Synecdoche - Here one idea is understood by means of another.
My hands were busy through the day.
Synecdoche: Part (hands) for the whole (the person).
My hands once busy now are still.
Synecdoche: Part (hands) for the whole (the person).

The sentences usually used in english conversation makes easier

In fluent speking
How many? Kitne arrange a meeting milne ki tayyyari
What time? Kitne baje? Buy something useful upyogiya saaman
How long? Kitna der? Buy some vegetables kuch tarkariya
What purpose? Kya jaroorat? Clap your hands taaliya bajao
How far? Kitna door? Clean your house apna ghar saaf karo
Which? Kaunsa? Close your eyes apni aankhe band karo
How often? Kab kab? Do your work apna kaam karo
In which? Kisme? Eat well, study well ache se khao, ache
se padho
God is great bhagwaan mahan hai not yet abhi tak nahi
Be thankful to god bhagwaan ka shukar karo not at all bilkul nahi
Help the poor garibo ko madat karo I know mujhe maalum hai
What ? kya? I dont know mujhe maalum
To whom? Kis se? I think mujhe lagata hai/
mai sochti hu
What for ? kis liye? I think so mujhe aisa lagta
For whom? Kiske liye? I don't think so mujhe aisa nahi
lagta /mai aisa
nahi sochti
As what? Kis tarah? It seems so aisa lagta hai
From where? Kaha se? It doesn't seem so wo aisa nahi lagta
So what? Toh kya? It appears so wo aisa dikhta hai
How? Kaise? It doesn't appear so wo aisa nahi
About what? Kis baare/visay me? I remember mujhe yaad hai
How much? Kitna? No I don't remember mujhe yaad nahi
Regarding what? Ke baare me? Allow us to speak hume bolne ki
anumathi dijiyye
Whose? Kiska? Fill in the application application bharo
From which? Kisme se? Go ahead aage badho
Why? Kyu? Stop worrying chinta karna band
Whom? Kise? No I don't understand mujhe nahi samjh
Why so? Aisa kyu? I never understand mujhe kabhi nahi
samajh aaya
With whom? Kiske saath? My home town is up
Why not? Kyu nahi? My father is a manager mere papa
manager hai
When? Kab? There is nothing to fear darne layak aisa
kuch bhi nahi hai
Who? Kaun? Don't worry about me mere baare me fikar
mat karo
Dont feel nervous gabharao mat it is a pity bade afshos ki baat
console him usse saantvana do it is god's will ye bhagwaan ki icha
We are deeply grieved hum gahrayi se dukhhi- who is to blame kise dosh de
-kar rahe hai
Don't be angry gussa mat karo what a shame sharam ki baat hai
ongoing zari hai/ chal rahi hai usually aamataur par

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