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Skripsi Eka Serli Sudarni

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A Thesis

Submitted to the Adab and Humanities Faculty of Alauddin State Islamic

University of Makassar in partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree
of Sarjana Humaniora


NIM. 40300112112



Dengan penuh kesadaran, penulis yang bertanda tangan dibawah ini

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lain secara keseluruhan ataupun sebagian, maka skripsi ini dan gelar yang diperoleh

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Romangpolong,28 Februari 2017


Eka Serli Sudarni



First of all, the researcher would like to say Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alamin as

the deepest gratitude to Allah SWT, who has given mercy and blessing so the

researcher can finish this research. Shalawat and Salam addressed to the Greet

Prophet of Muhammad SAW, His family and His followers.

As a person who knows own capability, the researcher realizes that this thesis

would have never been finished without any help and suggestions from many people.

Therefore, the researcher would like to express the deepest thanks and the greatest

respect for them.

For the first, the researcher gives special gratitude to her parents, especially

for my mother Suhrani who have given their love, support, sacrifice, care, tears, and

sincere pray for her safety, success and happiness during her study. Researcher feels

nothing without them in her side. Then, the researcher gives thanks to her sisters Rini

and Lili who have motivated.

Secondly, The researcher addresses her greatest thanks to

Dr.H.Barsihannor,M.Ag., the dean of FAH UIN, H. Muh. Nur Akbar

Rasyid,M.Pd.,M.Ed.,Ph.D., the head of English and Literature Department of FAH

UIN and also Syahruni Junaid,S.S.,M.Pd. the Secretary of English and Literature


Thirdly, the researcher addresses appreciation to her first and second advisors

Dr.H.Barsihannor,M.Ag. and Faidah Yusuf.S.S,M.Pd., for their guidance, support,

advices, and precious time during writing this thesis. Furthermore, the researcher

would like to express thank to her examiners H. Muh. Nur Akbar

Rasyid,M.Pd.,M.Ed.,Ph.D and Nasrum Marjuni. for their guidance, support and

advices. Besides, the researcher does not forget to say a lot of thanks to all lecturers

of English and Literature Department for their patience in sharing knowledge to the

writer during academic years.

A lot of thanks are also addressed to the researcher’s best friends, Nurhidayati

S.Hum, Nurwahidah S.Hum, Herina, Ita sari S.Hum, pika S.Hum, Hasmati, Sri

Wahyuni Syam, S.Hum and all of AG 5&6 the researcher loves you all and thanks for

her brothers and sisters the students of English and Literature 2012 and also the

researcher’s seniors and juniors.

Finally, a lot of thanks for them who had helped the researcher that can not be

mentioned one by one. The researcher hopes the critics and suggestions from all of

the readers. Hopefully this thesis will be something useful for everyone.

Romangpolong , 28 Februari2017

The Writer


COVER ........................................................................................................... i
PERNYATAAN KEASLIAN SKRIPSI....................................................... ii
PERSETUJUAN PEMBIMBING................................................................. iii
APPROVAL SHEET ..................................................................................... iv
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ........................................................................... v
LIST OF CONTENTS ................................................................................... vi
ABSTRACT .................................................................................................... viii

A. Background .......................................................................................... 1
B. Research Questions .............................................................................. 4
C. Objective of Research .......................................................................... 4
D. Significances of Research .................................................................... 5
E. Scope of Research ................................................................................ 5


A. Previous Findings ................................................................................. 6

B. Pertinent Ideas ...................................................................................... 8
1. Feminism Theory ........................................................................... 8
2. Definition of Struggle .................................................................... 14
3. Kinds of Struggle ........................................................................... 16
4. Struggle to Get Love ..................................................................... 18
5. Definition of Novel ........................................................................ 19
6. Synopsis of the Novel ................................................................... 21
7. Autobiography of the Author ......................................................... 23


A. Method of the Research ....................................................................... 24

B. Source the Data .................................................................................... 24
C. Instrument of the Research................................................................... 24
D. Procedures of Collecting Data ............................................................. 25
E. Technique of Data Analyzing .............................................................. 25


A. Findings ................................................................................................ 26
B. Discussions ........................................................................................... 34


A. Conclusions .......................................................................................... 40
B. Suggestions .......................................................................................... 41

BIBLIOGRAPHY .......................................................................................... 42

BIOGRAPHY……………………………………………………………….. 44

APPENDIX................................................................................................. .....


Name : Eka Serli Sudarni

Reg. Number : 40300112112
Major : English and Literature Department
Faculty : Adab and Humanity
Title : Struggle of Woman in the Novel Sing Me to Sleep by Angela
Morrison (The Analysis of Feminism)
Consultant I : Dr. H. Barsihannor
Consultant II : Faidah Yusuf

This research discussed about the Struggle of woman in the novel sing me to
sleep by Angela Morrison (2013), which aimed to find out the kinds of woman’s
struggle and struggle to get her love in the novel Sing Me to Sleep. This research
used qualitative descriptive method and focused Virginia Woolf theory. The writer
used note taking as instrument of the research. The writer found that there are three
kinds struggle of women. they are, the first the struggle to accept the facts of life,
second the struggle to achieve a dream, and finally the struggle of in the form of
affection, and struggles to get her love. The implication of this research is to give
more information, description and comprehending about Struggle of woman.
Moreover, it can be a reference for the student of Adab and Humanities Faculty who
are attracted to observe the similar research. Therefore, this research can be conclude
that novel Sing Me to Sleep (2013) showed ten of kinds struggle of women, and
struggle to get her love like Beth struggle to make Derek survive and Beth tried not to
think negatively about his feelings.

Keywords: Struggle, Woman, Struggle.



This chapter dealt with background of the research, problem statement,

objectives of the research, significance of the research, and scope of the research.

A. Background of Study

Literature reflects the various experiences, ideas, passions, of human beings in

their daily life that express on several forms and styles of literary works. Since

literature directly derives from human life, it can increase our knowledge and

experiences about human problems including values, morals, cultures and human

interest. Wellek and Warren (1956:15) say Literature is a creative activity and art

without artistic values literature would be just another kind writing, along with

scientific, works, reports, etc. Millar (1970:18) says it also increases human being’s

knowledge or insight, enrich their spirits and make them more civilized. It can help

them comprehend other people’s condition and qualities. Therefore, literature helps

human being grow, both personally and intellectually. It provides an objective base

for knowledge and understanding. It links them with the broader cultural,

philosophic, and religious world of which they are a part.

Novel is one particular kind of literary works. It is mostly defined as

reflection of life or everything we find in real life. Novel expresses some aspects in


human’s love and human existence, because novel talks about human activities and

describe what happened in surrounding.

This novel tells about Beth Evans, a seventeen years old girl who was born

red and pimply with a purple blotch on her forehead. She studies in second class at

Port High School, Michigan. Her friends at school always disturb and sneer at her.

They call her The Beast. Scott is her friend since they were in kindergarten. He

always helps her. He accepts Beth just the way she was. He likes all about Beth

although her face is very ugly. He loves Beth very much but Beth does not whenever

he says. She thinks that she is not proper to him. Scott has to get a beautiful girl and

smart like him, not her. She merely would embarrass him.

Beth joins a choir group Bliss Youth Singers of Ann Arbor choir, the choir

she lives for, and the choir that makes her runs away from who she is. Beth’s voice is

alto. Moreover she can also sing soprano’s voice. She could sing with falsetto voice.

Meadow, Sarah, and Leah are her friends in Bliss. Terri the director of Bliss, decided

to follow the Choral Olympics in Lausanne, Switzerland to their choir, the Olympiad

of choirs that is followed by many countries. Meadow, the soloist in Bliss could not

sing perfectly in her part. She has problem in falsetto voice and also nervous in the

stage. Beth offers herself to be a soloist. She can do it certainly. It is true. Beth sings

wonderfully. She has a beautiful voice.


Seeing that the theory of feminism is a movement of women to reject

everything that is marginalized, demeaned both in politics and economics as well as

social life. In general, the relationship between the theory of feminism with Beth

marginalized condition that social among his friends. Beth struggle for the

recognition of equality with acknowledged. Beth has the advantage of a beautiful

voice but with imperfect face following the choir to be recognized among the social

as other friends.

Based on Kartono, (1992: 10), Women can realize her talent and potentials for

promoting the special and humane existence. Most people assume that women are

beautiful or clean white and slender. Women who are obese tend to feel a lack of

confidence in public. Therefore many ways in which the women to avoid excess

weight on him. But in a study conducted Genius American Beauty says that women

tend to be obese than men. This is due to the mind of women are effectively designed

for always-minded about appetite.

According to Linda Gordan (2002:6), feminism As an analysis of women’s

subordination for the purpose of figuring out how to change it. For Gordan feminism

also means sharing in an impulse to increase the power and autonomy of women in

their families, communities, and society. On another occasion Gordon defines

feminism as critique of male supremacy, formed and offered in the light of a to

changed it.

Based on the aspects above the writer observed and analyze Sing Me to Sleep

by Angela Morrison. Based on that, then the writer is interested in reviewing

struggles of the main character in the Novel Sing Me to Sleep because of the opinion

that women are weak, lower than men. So the writer chose this novel because refute

the suggestion that she is a weak figure in the novel Sing Me To Sleep telling women

as a powerful figure, full of struggle for his dream, despite the difficulties it faces.

The writer chosen aspects of the main character Struggle of Women based a

variety of considerations that novels Sing Me to Sleep by Angela Morrison has not

been studied previously on this aspect. The struggle that played the main character in

the fight for life, the reader is able to appreciate the meaning of the struggles in life.

Struggle for life in the novel, especially the struggle to accept the reality of life

relevant to life today because Beth who have less than perfect face and lower

marginalized by his friends that there was school. Beth always felt uncomfortable

with his friend who always mocked him as a monster. In the current era there is also

such an event in which people from birth defects feared some people who think that

the disability is contagious and they humbled and away from the person.

B. Problem Statement

Based on the description in the above research background, there are

several problem statements that can be formulated as follows.

1. What are the kinds of women’s struggle in the novel Sing Me to Sleep?

2. How does the main character struggle to get her love?


C. Objective of the Research

Relating to the problem statement, the writer decides an objective of the

research as follows:

1. To know the kinds of women’s struggle in the novel Sing Me to Sleep.

2. To know the main character struggles to get her love.

D. Significance of the research

This research has the practical significance. Practically, this research being

useful for the student and the readers. For the student, this research can help them to

have comprehension about struggle of women in the novel sing me to sleep. For the

readers, this research aims to help their communication run in harmony by applying

struggle of women in the novel sing me to sleep.

E. Scope of the Research

This research only focused on the struggle of a woman used by Beth

characters in the novel sing me to sleep. The author analyzed the kinds of women’s

struggle using Luh Ketut Suryani’s theory and how main character struggles to get

her love using Alwisol’s theory in the novel sing me to sleep.



This chapter presents the review of related literature, which deals with some

previous findings and theoretical approach.

A. Previous Finding

The writer presents some previous findings, which related to or relevant with

this research, as follow:

Firstly, Rasiah.(2005). In her thesis with title "The Existence Heroine Jane

Eyre by Charlotte Bronte “Overview of Feminist Literary Criticism". In his research,

Rasiah concluded that the women in the novel were able to free themselves from all

forms of oppression. Figures Jane Eyre was able to demonstrate its existence as an

independent human being, both economically and socially. To obtain these self-

existence Jane Eyre many face problems that threaten freedom itself. In real terms,

the existence of women in the novel Jane Eyre can be seen in the picture of the

potential of the women in the novel. Depiction of women is seen in three ways

namely, the freedom of women, the choices of women and their relationships with

men, indicating that women have been aware of its existence as a human being, trying

to reach his existence, so that he could be the subject of an independent, which is no

longer dependent on the other (male).

Secondly, Usman (2009) conducted a study with the title "On the Existence of

Women in Novel Throne Abidah El Khalieqy Work: A Study of Feminist Literary


Criticism". In his analysis, Usman argued picture of life and the image of women,

women's ability to demonstrate its existence pursued in three ways, namely through

the choices of women, the ability to take the fight against the violence that happened

to him, and awareness of the benefits of education to increasing the quality of life. A

woman's ability to make autonomous choices in life reflects that women are not just

an object, but a subject that has an awareness of itself in taking responsible decisions.

The choices are owned by female figures in the novel shows that women are

autonomous beings capable of making decisions his own life and do not depend on

men. Choices of women as the embodiment of personal identity as the appropriate

autonomous liberal feminist view that states that the form of the creature of reason is

when people have the ability to determine their own destiny as a private autonomous.

The similarity of the previous findings above with this research is a Study of

Feminist Literary Criticism and the difference between the previous findings above

with this research is the Existence of Women. While this research focused the kinds

of women’s struggle and how main character struggles to get her love in the novel

Sing Me to Sleep by Angela Morrison using feminism theory.


B. Pertinent Ideas

1. Feminism theory

Feminism was born early 20th century, were pioneered by Virginia Woolf in

her book A Room of One's Own (1929). Etymologically derived from the word

feminist femme (woman), means that women who aim to fight for the rights of

women as a social class. The purpose is to balance feminist, gender interrelations. In

a broader sense, is the feminist movement of women to reject everything that is

marginalized, subordinated and demeaned by the dominant culture, both in politics

and economics as well as social life in general.

According to Salden (1986: 130-131), there are five issues that commonly

Arise in relation to feminist theory items, namely a) biological problems, b)

experience, c) discourse, d) unconscious, and e) the Socioeconomic problems. The

most important debates in feminist theory arises as a result of a problem Because

women discourse actually be pushed through discourse dominated by men. Basically

feminist theory brought to Indonesia by A. Teeuw. This fact was Also Proves that

Western theories can be used to analyze literary Indonesia, with a note that the theory

is a tool, not a goal. The simplest meaning of feminist literary studies is the

assessment looked at the literature with special awareness, awareness that there are

many gender related to culture, literature, and our lives. Gender is what makes the

difference between all that also makes a difference in self-authors, readers,


disposition, and the external factors that influence the situation of composing

(Sugihastuti, 2005: 5).

Broadly speaking explained that Culler (Sugihastuti, 2005: 5). call this

reading as a woman, as a woman reading. By "reading as a woman" is the reader's

awareness that there are important differences in the sexes in the struggle for meaning

and significance of literary works. The reader's awareness within the framework of

feminist literary study is a study by different methods. This study lays the foundation

that there is gender in the category of literary analysis, a fundamental category.

The core purpose is to improve seat feminism and women to the same degree

or in parallel with position and the degree of men. Serta struggle feminism effort to

achieve this goal cover various ways. One way is get rights and opportunities equal to

those of men "(Djajanegara, 2000: 4). Further Djajanegara (2000: 27-39) describes

the variety of feminist literary criticism following: (a) Feminist Literary Criticism

Ideological, looked at women, particularly feminists as a reader. Which became the

center of attention is the image of women readers and stereotype women in literature.

(b) Ginokritik Feminist Literary Criticism, examines the writings of women (female

writer). Ginokritik trying to find answers to fundamental questions, such as whether

women writers are a special group, and what is the difference between the writings of

women and men. (c) Socialist (Marxist) Feminist Literary Criticism, examines the

figures of women from the standpoint of socialist i.e. classes of society. Feminist

critics tried to reveal that women were an oppressed class of society. (d)

Psychoanalytic Feminist Literary Criticism, applied to the writings of women as

feminists believe that women readers usually identifies himself or put himself on a

female character, while the female character is generally a reflection of its creator. (e)

Lesbian Feminist Literary Criticism, and the author examines female characters only.

This study is limited because of several factors. First, feminists generally do not like

groups of homosexual women and sees them as a radical feminist. Second, when

writing about women sprung up in 1979's. The journals of women no one writes

about lesbianism. Third, lesbians themselves have not been able to reach agreement

on the definition of lesbianism. Fourth, due to the antipathy feminists and

communities, forced lesbian writers in veiled language and uses symbols, in addition

to censor themselves. (f) Ethnic Feminist Literary Criticism, questioned the sexual

discrimination and racial discrimination from the whites and blacks, both men and


Sugihastuti (2005: 15-16) argues that the rationale in the research literature

feminist perspective is the effort of understanding the status and role of women as

reflected in literature.

First, the position and role of women leaders in Indonesian literature shows

still dominated by men. Thus, trying to understand the necessity to know the gender

imbalance in the literature, as seen in the daily reality of society.


Second, of the reception reader Indonesian literature, at a glance it appears

that the female characters in literature Indonesia lags behind the men, for example in

terms of social background education, his job, his role in society, and the short degree

feminist perspective that women have rights, obligations , and the same opportunities

as men. women can participate in all activities of social life along with men.

Third, the study of Indonesian literature has produced many changes in the

analysis and methodology, one of which is the research literature feminist

perspective. Looks their suitability in the reality of social research is also oriented

feminism. Given the feminist perspective of literary research has not been done, it is

proper to the researchers glanced research data that abound this.

Fourth, more than that, many readers assume that role and position of women

is lower than for men like real at reception of Indonesian literature. Therefore, the

view is worth seeing again through the research literature feminist perspective.

According to Hannam (2007: 6), Feminism is an understand as that arises

when women demanded to get equal rights as men. The term was first used in the

political debate in France in the late 19th century. The beginning of the 18th century

can be called as a starting point in the history of feminism. Although there has been

debate for women who have obtained a position recognized society, feminism has not

been too much developed at that time. The women who wrote works that demonstrate

their demand to get equal rights, particularly in the field of education. Then, women

began to be interested in new ideas that emerged after the French revolution. They

imagine that the relationship between the genders is currently in effect abolished and

appears in the form of various kinds of associations that stopping male dominance

and rejected the common perception of how to be a woman at that time.

According to Hannam (2007:22) in the Feminism book, feminism can be

defined as:

1. A recognition of an imbalance of power between the Sexes, with woman in a

subordinate role to men.

2. A belief that woman social condition is constructed and therefore can be


3. An emphasis on female autonomy.

Feminism is derived from the word famine, which means that the nature of

femaleness At the beginning of the emergence around the 14th century, has five basic

prepositions of feminism are:

1. The emergence of consciousness in opposition to the slander and any failure

in women in the form of a dialectical opposition to the practices of misogyny

(the cruelty of men to women).

2. There is a belief that gender is a cultural rather than a biological.

3. The existence of a social group belief about imperfection male specific gender

as human beings.

4. The existence of a heritage viewpoint in accepting the prevailing value system

to combat prejudice and discrimination

5. The desire to accept the concept of man and woman as humanitarian.

Thus the meaning of the ideas advent of feminism is to seek out opportunities

for women's freedom and in dependence. Arivia Gadis, (2003:6),Feminism liberal

theory more emphasis on utilization of sense or reason. How struggles of women

seated in its portion to recognize beforehand capacity as a given from God in the form

of the brain. Therefore, women must demand their 'think climate' contained in the

comprehensive education. Women are entitled to education in schools in order to gain

new knowledge to empower their thinking capacity.

Feminism derived from the word “femme” (women), it means women

(singular) who fought for the rights of women (plural) as a social class. Purpose of

feminist is the gender balance. Feminist is the movement made by women in reject

anything that is marginalized, subordinated.

Moreover, Walters (2005:2) the word “feminism” means one who champions

the rights of women since the only right the when to earn a living has been won, the

word longer has a meaning. And a word without a meaning is a dead word a corrupt


Wallek and Warren’s statement (1959:26), Structure is concept including both

content and form so far as they organized for aesthetic purpose. The work of art is the

considered as a whole system of signs or structure of signs serving a specific aesthetic


2. Definition of Struggle

According to Marsam (2000: 181) The struggle comes from the word that

means struggle a fight for survival or independence of the State. The struggle in this

research effort is mean as a woman in order to defend the rights and dignity of

women who are oppressed due to arbitrary injustice of considerable cultural

flourishing in society. Meaning struggle is hard work and efforts in achieving a good

thing as the key to success.

The following are some things that need to be fought by us as people

associated with the life we live as follows:

1) A struggle to get the joy of life.

2) Struggle in their daily lives.

3) Struggle to make ends meet after life.

Beauvoir Tong (1998: 264) says that the "figure of the other" women are

defined negatively, ie women is a person who lacks strength. The weakness was then

regarded as a destiny that must be accepted without any women could be changed.

Women then symbolized by night, chaos and immanence. Their inability to

understand the realities associated with the lack of logic and ignorance. According to

Ratna (2010: 409) feminism is a movement of women to demand equal rights with

men, in the social, political, and economic, as well as the cultural sector in general.

Nugroho (2008: 1-8) states that “gender” in the Indonesian term actually

comes from the word in English gender. In English, it is not clearly differentiated

from the meaning of 'sex' and 'gender'. Gender is often equated with sex or gender.

Sugihastuti and Saptiawan (2010: 5), sex is a biological classification based on the

nature of the reproductive potential. Gender variant with elaboration of gender is a

social and biological properties. Gender build biological properties, from which was

to be natural, then exaggerating, and finally put him in a position that is totally

irrelevant. Meanwhile, Nugroho (2008: 5) says that gender is a cultural concept that

seeks to make a distinction in terms of roles, behavior, mentality, and emotional

characteristics between men and women who thrive in the community. Gender is a

social construction or form that is not inborn so that it can be formed or altered

depending on the place, time, age, ethnicity, race nation, culture, social status,

religious understanding, the state ideology, politics, law, and economics. Nugroho,

(2008: 8), Gender is not the nature of God, but man-made interchangeable and has a

relative character, whereas sex is the nature of God that apply anywhere and all the

time and that unable be changed and exchanged between genders male and female.

Based on Fakih (2008: 12) also found gender differences in fact not be a problem as

far as not giving birth gender inequality. However, in practice the gender difference

has given rise to gender inequality, particularly for women. Various problems that

arise as a result of gender inequality for women is marginalization, subordination,

labeling, violence, and workload.


Based on the understanding according to the figures above it can be concluded

that the struggle is an effort, hard work, to get ahead, trying as best as possible to

achieve the aspired success, both materially and not material.

3. Kinds of Struggle

According to Luh Ketut Suryani (2014:195), There are three kinds of struggle as


1. The struggle to accept the facts of life

According to Frankl (1970:45) the meaning of life should be seen as a

very objective because it relates to the relationship of individuals with

experience in this world, though the meaning of life itself is an objective,

meaning that there really is and experienced in life. Frankl (1970:45)

mentions that the meaning of life as something that is personal, and can

change over time as well as the situation changes life goes on. Individuals as

if asked what the meaning of life at any time or situation and then be


According to Frankl (2004) logo therapy is derived from the word

logos derived from the Greek word meaning: Logo therapy believe that the

struggle to find meaning in life in one's life is the main motivator of the

person. Logo therapy trying to make patients aware of responsibility in him

and give him the opportunity to choose, for what, or to whom he felt

responsible. Logo therapy not patronize or preach, but the patients themselves

who must decide whether his task responsible to society, or to his own


2. The struggle to achieve a dream

According to Kaisiepo in the book Cultural Studies Association

prepared by Eddy Subandrijo (2000: 90) view of life reflects the person's self-

image as a view of life that reflects the ideals or aspirations. Every human

being has a worldview. It is the natural way of life. Therefore he determines

one's future. Similarly it is necessary to explain what is the meaning of life.

View of life means that the opinions or considerations used as a handle,

guidance, direction. Opinion or judgment was the result of human thinking is

based on the experience of history according to time and place of his life.

According to the Indonesian general dictionary, called ideals are

desires, hopes, goals always in mind. Good wishes, hopes, and goal what is

would be obtained by a person in the future. Thus ideals are those of the

future, a view generally ideals life to come. A kind of linear line is higher and

higher, in other words: ideals are desires, hopes, and human purpose

increasingly higher level.

Between the present which a reality in the future as ideas or ideals

contained within time. Someone achieve what is aspired, it relies on three

factors. First, the people are who have ideals. Second, the conditions

encountered during achieve what is aspired; and third, how high the ideals to

be achieved.

3. The struggle in the form of affection

Erich Fromm (2005:24-27) in his book Love Art mention that love is

primarily member and not accept, and the members are the highest expression

of ability. The most important members are the things that are human, not

matter. Love always includes certain basic elements, namely parenting,

responsibility, attention and recognition.

4. Struggle to get Love

According to Alwisol (2009: 101), love is faithfulness ripened as a result of

the basic differences between men and women. Love the addition of charged intimacy

is also in need of a bit of insulation for each parnert still allowed to have a separate


According to Erich Fromm (2005:55-56), there are five of the realizations of

love, namely: Feeling, Introduction, Responsible, Attention, Mutual respect. Erich

Fromm in his best-selling book the art of loving states that the four symptoms: Care,

Responsibility, Respect, Knowledge, appear equally in all lover. Crap if someone

says to love children but never care for and there is no responsibility on the child.

While parenting responsibilities and without respect for the true and no curiosity to

know more will plunge the parents, teachers, clergy, etc. on the authoritarian attitude.

love is a human necessity. In this theory of love means affection and bound to belong.

A shared affection and bonded to one another, between one individual with another

individual. Maslow said that we all need to feel wanted and accepted by others. There

are satisfy this need through friends, family, or organization. Without this bond, we

will be lonely.

The writer concluded love is a feeling of a person to the opposite sex because

of an interest in something that is owned by the opposite sex such as the nature, faces

and others. However, the necessary understanding and mutual understanding to be

able to continue the relationship should be mutually cover the shortfall and receptive

partner is, without coercion by either party. Share likes together and sharing grief


5. Definition of Novel

According to Santoso and Wahyuningtyas (2010: 46), which describe novel is

a prose essay that is longer than a short story and tells the life of someone with more

in-depth by using everyday language and discuss many aspects of human life. Purba,

(2010: 62), Says Novel interpreted as a fictional prose story with a certain length,

which depicts the character, movement and real-life scenes that representative in a

groove or a rather chaotic state or wrinkled. Based on Siswanto (2008: 141), Novel

Writing prose is long, contains a series of stories a person's life with those around him

by accentuating the character and nature of the perpetrators. The problems discussed

are not as complex as romance. Usually the novel tells the events in a certain period.

The language used is more like everyday language. Nevertheless, the cultivation of

the intrinsic elements is still incomplete, such as theme, plot, setting, style, character

and characterization value. With notes, which emphasize a certain aspect of the

intrinsic elements.

From some definition above, the writer concludes the novel is a story in prose

whose author tries to create or tell about human life which has plot, setting, character

etc. According Nurgiyantoro,(2002:13), There are two elements of Novel as follows:

1. Intrinsic elements

Intrinsic elements are the elements that build the literary work from the inside

of the literary work itself. Intrinsic elements also directly take part in the making of

the story. These elements will be seen while reading a literary work. The intrinsic

elements of fiction consist of theme, setting, plot, point, of view, and the character.

Those elements are related to each other as a whole literary work.

The first intrinsic Elements is the theme. Theme is the underlying meaning of

the story, a universal truth, a significant statement in the story is making about

society, human nature, the human condition. While setting includes the place and the

time period in which the story take place. The next is plot. According to statement as

quoted by Nurgiyantoro, plot is a story part which contain the chronological events,

but each event is connected only through the causality relationship, an event causes or

is caused by other events (Nurgiyantoro,2002:17).


Point of view is point toward how the story is told. As Abram’s explanation

which is quoted by Nurgiyantoro, point of view is a way or a view that the authors

use as a media to represent the character, action, setting, etc. build the story, through

the character point of view and through the eyes of the characters

(Nurgiyantoro,2002: 248)

The meaning of the character In English literature refers to two different

meaning. Character can be meant as the person or people that exist in the story, or can

be meant as a person that presented in the literary work. According to M.H. Abram,

character is a person or people presented in dramatic or which by the reader, are

interpreted to have moral quality and certain tendency like what is expressed in

speech and action (Nurgiyantoro,2002: 165).

2. Extrinsic elements

Extrinsic elements are the elements that build the literary work from outside

of the work, but indirectly have effects to the construction of a literary work. The

extrinsic elements consist of elements such as the author’s biography and life

(experiences), psychological aspect, social condition, culture, political, Economic,

historical aspect. (Nurgiyantoro,2002:72).

6. Synopsis of Novel

This novel tells about Beth Evans, a seventeen years old girl who was born

red and pimply with a purple blotch on her forehead. She studies in second class at

Port High School, Michigan. Her friends at school always disturb and sneer at her.

They call her The Beast. Scott is her friend since they were in kindergarten. He

always helps her. He accepts Beth just the way she was. He likes all about Beth

although her face is very ugly. He loves Beth very much but Beth does not whenever

he says. She thinks that she is not proper to him. Scott has to get a beautiful girl and

smart like him, not her. She merely would embarrass him.

Beth tells about Scott to Derek. Derek knows that Scott loves her very much.

Derek asks Beth to leave him and go to Scott. However, Beth does not do that. Then,

Derek offers a planning to Beth. He wants Beth to join Amiable Youth Singers, the

best Women choir in the world. The director of AYS wants Beth to join with them. It

makes Beth confused. It is impossible for her to leave Bliss choir. They can be

successful because of that Olympiad. Besides that she also wants to sing together

with Derek in Amabile choir. Nevertheless, she also could not join both of them. She

has to choose one of them.

Beth holds Derek’s hands while singing a song. In the morning, Beth wakes

up. Still holds Derek’s hands, but they are no longer warm. Derek is dead. Several

weeks later, Amiable is holding a memorial CF benefit for Derek. They ask Beth to

sing in the concert. Derek’s friends are singing one after another. Beth sings “Beth’s

Song.” Scott is there. He looks at her. He knows that Beth is very sad. After Beth has

finished her song, she goes to Scott. He holds her arms and accompanies her to go

home. She cries in Scott’s arms. Scott still loves her until that time. He hugs Beth and

will never leave her.


7. Biography of the Author

Angela Morrison is the author of novel who grows up in Eastern Washington.

She graduates from Brigham Young University. Her works that have been published

are amazing. They are Slipped, Taken by Storm, Unbroken Connection, Cayman

Summer, and Sing Me to Sleep. All of her works tell about love story. In addition to

writing novels, Morrison is interested in writing poetry and lyrics. She inserts some

lyrics to beautify the sequences of the story in her novel Sing Me to Sleep. She is also

a singer in the choir at church. After more than a decade abroad in Canada,

Switzerland and Singapore, she and her family returned to Arizona's Sonoran Desert

happily. In making her work, there are important aspects that have inspirited her.

They are her families and books that she read. The books are The Book 2 Thief by

Marcus Zusak, The Actor and the Housewife by Shannon Hale and all things by Jane



This chapter presents and explains methodology of research, source of data,

instrument of data collection, procedure of data collection, and technique of data

analysis that used in this research.

A. Methodology of Research

The methodology of this research used descriptive qualitative method.

According to Endraswara (2011:5) descriptive qualitative method is the method in

research that is described in words form or picture if necessary, not the numerals.

This method aims to describe the Beth’s struggle as the main characters in the novel

Sing Me to Sleep by Angela Morrison.

B. Source of Data

The main source of data in this research is Sing Me to Sleep by Angela

Morrison, a Romance Novel, published since in 2013. The novel consists of 33

chapter and 412 pages. The chapter related with the theory are chapter 1, 4, 5 7, 10,

11, 18, 31, and 33.

C. Instrument of the Research

In this research, the writer used note taking as the instrument. According to

Ray in Syarifuddin (2014:16), note taking is a method assembling data required by

using note cards to write down the data findings from source of data. In order to find

the data easily, the writer made some notes such as marks a sentence that shows of


struggle after reading the novel to classify the important units or part of script that

related to the problems and objectives of the research.

D. Procedures of Data Collection

In collecting the data, the writer has done some procedures as follows:

a. Reading the novel repeatedly.

b. Determining the characters that be analyzed

c. Classifying and determining the relevant data.

d. Collecting some supporting data from other references that are related to the


E. Technique of Data Analysis

In analyzing data, the writer focused on analysis of Struggle of Women in the

novel Sing Me to Sleep by Angela Morrison. The writer focused again on main

character as the Author of the Novel Sing Me to Sleep by Angela Morrison. The

writer used theory of feminism by Virginia Woolf



In this chapter, the writer presents the findings and the analysis of the

research. Here the writer wants to show the readers about analysis from the kinds of

women’s struggle and the main character struggle to get her love in the novel Sing Me

to Sleep by Angela Morisson.

A. Findings

In this chapter, the writer tries to answer of the research question. The writer

found the answer of the research question about the kinds of women’s struggle and

the main character struggle to get her love in the novel Sing Me to Sleep by Angela

Morisson. So as not to be mistaken researchers explained Data is D, Chapter is C and

Page is P.

1. The Kinds of Women’s Struggle in the Novel Sing Me to Sleep

a. The struggle to accept the facts of life.

The fact is the absolute thing that must be accepted by everyone, life is not as

beautiful as we imagined. A fact of life and one's limitations require a struggle to be

able to accept it with patience and a sincere heart.

”Damn, how ugly it is, Tara. What did you do? As if something
she had eaten or drunk would have made me come out red and
full of pimples with a purple spot on my forehead. Hair less. Head
for child birth. My baby faces bugging and yelling.” ( D1,C1,P5)


The quote above Beth character that was born with the face of a less than

perfect as the other children with a face full of freckles, purple blotches on his

forehead and the head of the oval as a result of childbirth. A fact of life that must be

accepted by a girl.

“Beautiful? Now she knew the truth. I was ugly Fucking ugly. No
wonder Dad left. He never looked back. Not her daughter making a
tower of fairy tales with white and yellow plastic bowls, singing the
first song she wrote, quietly to herself. Damn it ugly, damn ugly
mind.” (D2, C1,P7).

The quote above illustrates the figure of Beth who knew that she was really

ugly so that his own father was willing to leave her only because her face is ugly.

Beth grief felt so very sad abandoned by his father because her ugly face.

“I frown in response. Look at me, Scott. My hair with both hands and
pulled him away from my face enough to give a terrifying vision. How
you could ever overcome the looks of things? I am the

The above quotation shown that Beth who always felt that she was a very ugly

woman. So she wanted her friend namely scot also avoid them from getting ribbing

from her friends who was annoyed to see her ugly just because scot friends with her.

“If Mom knew about half naked guy chained in my locker, the mask,
the whole hall screaming kids when I walk by, all the creative ways
that high school kids can remind a girl is damn ugly. Less than a
human being. Negligible. Also the way the girls avoided me. Nobody

ever wants to stay ensnared me. If Mom knew, he would destroy

her.” (D4, C7, P86)

The above quotation shown that Beth did not want to tell her mother that at

school she was shunned by her friends at school that her friend away from him, if her

mother found out that she was devastated shunned by her friends because her face is


“If Derek knew the Beth unstained, no manicure, no makeup, no

laser, the Beast, would have been so happy to see me? So I was
when I recorded. It could be just as Colby, but softer. A singer star
instead of a star athlete. Colby could be nice when he wanted. He
managed to get all the cute girls school at will. If his performance at
the dance was a clue, maybe your kindness is mainly arrogance. Derek
did not seem so. How Any way, how would I know?” (D5,C11,P138)

The quote above shown that Beth worried when Derek informed of changes

ranging from messy hair, a scar until his nails neat and cleaned up before Beth knows

or likes to dress up. If Derek know the real me before my face full of scars and

wounds scarring when myself being transformed into a beautiful monster by darting

through advanced technology.

b. The struggle to achieve a dream.

In this life on earth a person must have ideals and dreams to be achieve both

material and nonmaterial. But to achieve that kind of success is not easy, it takes the

struggle and hard work in accordance with the capacity of people who want to

achieve that goal.


“Scott patting my shoulder. Just sing, Beth. That's all you need to
worry. -His words dig a tiny hole at that weight and releases the
pressure contained in my heart. I'm not flying. The sky is still
impossible, but I know he's right. That's something I can do. To
sing. Colby and their ugly masks warty witches cannot rob me of
that.” (D6,C4,P54)

The above quotation shown that Beth agree with what was said by Scot that

do not need to listen to the words of others about her dream. In particular the words

Colby who are trying to destabilize the dreams that do not want to see you succeed.

Singing is a dream Beth since the first but the monster is often referred to by his

friends and ideals will not succeed. But Beth has a friend named Scott who always


“Breathe out and filled my lungs again.

This is the same process used to remove tattoos. You may want to
close your eyes. Agree. Closed. It is peaceful. At first. But when
epidermis down to the raw, horrible itchy. Burning. My eyes cry.
Glad to have sunglasses.
Ready. It was not so bad. Let's go to the next.
Shit. It is just beginning. There is something wrong with me. I'm
getting dizzy a little.” (,D7,C5,P57)

The quote above illustrates that Beth has so big dream to become a singer and

so she was willing to turn her face to be beautiful again even though it was difficult

for she to make changes to become more beautiful face in order to reach her dream of

becoming a singer.

c. The struggle in the form of affection

Compassion is the feeling that arises within a sincere heart to love, Cherish,

and give happiness to others or anyone who loves her. Affection disclosed not only to

a lover but the love of god, parents, family, and friends.

“How you can even compare with it? It's hard to say this for a stupid
phone while you're standing outside the office. You're everything,
Mom. My voice fades and I have to whisper. Where would I be
without you?” (D8,C7,P85)

Beth quote above illustrated that puzzled how her mother could compare with

Mom Meadow. Beth was not able to say or express what is in their minds. In her

heart she says the mother is everything to me and imagines his life without a mother.

“Is not there anyone else who want to take?

You are kidding, right?
You're sweet, Scott, but maybe not a good idea. My head will not stop
slowly shake No way. Definitely I do not want to ruin our
friendship.” (D9,C7,P89)

The quote above Beth was very fond Scott as a friend of small, but on the

other hand Scott love her more than a friend. Scott invites Beth go dance go to

parties, But Beth fear with friendship during this time he spent together Scott

damaged because only go dancing go to parties.


“Thanks Mom.
I love you. I am sorry. I am very, very sorry. He's crying again.
I love you too. My voice breaks on the last word. The phone dies.
My eyes burn. I guess I have two minutes before fall apart. No way
can I go back to the pizza. And the calm, cool and beautiful Derek.”

The quote above Beth apologized to her mother, because touched by the

concern and compassion of her mother who is so sincere making spirit. The flavors

are sorry that never stops Beth spoken to the mother who loves him despite Beth

circumstances that could not have a child.

2. The Main Character Struggle to Get Her Love

Compassion is the feeling that arises within a sincere heart to love, Cherish, and

give happiness to others or anyone who loves her.

“I'm glad I have met you. He touches my arm back slightly as the
flutter of a butterfly, and walks away.
I stay there, fascinated watching her figure away, and whispered.
I also.” (D11,C10,P130)

The quote above describes the figure that was happy to finally meet with

Derek. Derek also feels that, so impressed by the kindness of lea, Sarah and Beth. The

first meeting made Beth was very happy to meet with Derek.

“Singing his song again and again, suffering for something meaningful
that harmonizes with this delicate melody so full of life and love. I'm
afraid to stop singing. Afraid to let go.” (D12,C31,P395)

The quote above Beth was afraid of losing Derek, so he was afraid to end the

song and she could not and cannot accept the fact that Derek would go on forever.

Love Beth Derek is sincere that he did not want her boyfriend quickly go away

forever just because he stopped singing.

“I curl up into a ball, looking at her pink, trying to hold on to the

intensity of the way it makes me feel. He should be angry, suspicious,
but I'm soft and dedicated. I love it completely. I do not think at all
about the house, but he told me he loves me, twice, not three times.
Even she made him say it.” (D13,C18,P231)

The quote above illustrates that Beth did not believe the reason Derek, that

will go on holiday with his family, but Derek says love up to three times that make

me say my feelings to him.

“But whispers when you're near me, and I'll be at home.

I move to the repetition of the chorus, and the public becomes clearer.
They are with me, tears on their faces, and I realize that they are also
seeking. Looking for beauty. Looking for love. Looking life. I found
all that when Derek took my hand, smiled, and said, "Sing me until I
fall asleep." Now I know what is beautiful, for him. I know what
love is for him. I know I can be strong. Please, God, help me to be
strong.” (D14,C33,P402)

The quote above shown that being someone who was abandoned by those we

love is very difficult to be accepted, as well as Beth as a deep love Derek even though

he was gone forever. Beth knows the true meaning of love when near me. She

understood what the meaning of love and beauty that comes from Derek and she will

be strong as it is now and hope to remain strong forever.

“I am a fantasy. A myth. A digital recording, deleted easily.

I am more. Another place. I do not belong here.
But I’m here. I had worried about him and would have loved for
the rest of my life. I held his hand when he went beyond. The pain I
feel is as real as that pretty little girl who inadvertently stole it. I loved
him. I still love him. I'm obstructed by the pain. I cannot bear to look
back.” (D15, C 33, P404)

The quote above illustrates that Beth remain faithful, she will continue to love

Derek during his life and remained with him until he died. Although Beth was sad to

lose her lover she remains strong to face it all for the sake of his sincere love Derek.

B. Discussions

In this part the writer discussed the data analysis that had been found in “sing

me to sleep” novel. The writer identified the kinds of women’s struggle and how does

the main character struggle to get her love in the novel sing me to sleep.

1. The Kinds of Women’s Struggle in the Novel Sing Me to Sleep

a. The struggle to accept the facts of life.

The fact is the absolute thing that must be accepted by everyone, life is not as

beautiful as we imagined. A fact of life and one's limitations require a struggle to be

able to accept it with patience and a sincere heart. In addition to the ugly face Beth

also sad because her father left only because they have a daughter who they were

ugly. Frankl (1970:45) mentions that the meaning of life as something that is

personal, and can change over time as well as the situation changes life goes on.

Individuals as if asked what the meaning of life at any time or situation and then be


In the novel sing me to sleep depicted Beth character that was born with the

face of a less than perfect as the other children with a face full of freckles, purple

blotches on her forehead and the head of the oval as a result of childbirth. A fact of

life that must be accepted by a girl.

Based on the datum 1, Beth who was born with the face of a less than perfect

as other children her face full of freckles, purple blotches on her forehead and the

head of the oval as a result of childbirth. A fact of life that must be accepted by a girl

that Beth even with less than perfect face Beth have to fight for her mockery of the

reality of life makes him uncomfortable, but he remains patient with it all though hard

he does in social life. It means that she gets biological complication.

In the same way, in datum 2 is classified to biological complication. It can be

seen when Beth misses her father because she never again played with her father to

make a tower of toys from plastic bowls are white and yellow. Her father never saw

Beth singing the first song she wrote just because she had her father's face so would

leave her daughter who has the talent to be a singer, but Beth still struggling to

remain patient even if abandoned by her father only because her face is ugly.

In the datum 3 Beth figure who was born with a face that is not as perfect as

her friends. Since birth can be seen how the limitations of a girl whose destiny is

certainly not wanted by anyone. It indicates Beth gets biological complication.

Based on the datum 4 it is described that Beth’s struggle to conceal that her

friends at school had been away from him just because her face ugly made him feel

sad about having to lie to his mother, who was so concerned him. Beth hide it

because it did not want her sad just because her friends at school are often hurt him

and mocked him shunned even by his own.

In the same way, datum 5 illustrates that the changes made by Beth upsetting

because Derek does not know how to face the truth. Beth felt that her face now is

already pretty advanced because of the technology that has made it beautiful that

Derek attracted to him. The struggle to accept the fact of life that she indeed is a

woman who has an ugly face should she hide from Derek because she was afraid that

one day Derek will know that in fact she is a woman who looked like a monster.

Actually not a problem if you have an ugly face if we do not listen to the words of

people who are jealous of the advantages we have but have the disadvantage that was

not an issue.

b. The struggle to achieve a dream.

In this life on earth a person must have ideals and dreams to be achieve, both

material and nonmaterial success. But to achieve that kind of success is not easy, it

takes the struggle and hard work in accordance with the capacity of people who want

to achieve that goal. Singing is a dream Beth since the first but the monster is often

referred to by his friends and ideals will not succeed. But Beth has a friend named

Scott who always encouraged. Eddy Subandrijo (2000: 90) say view of life reflects

the person's self-image as a view of life that reflects the ideals or aspirations. Every

human being has a worldview. It is the natural way of life. Therefore he determines

one's future. Someone achieve what is aspired, it relies on three factors. First, the

people are who have ideals. Second, the conditions encountered during achieve what

is aspired; and third, how high the ideals to be achieved.

In the datum 6 is classified to struggle achieve of dream. It can be seen when

Beth describes what its limitations are advantages to have a great desire to achieve his

dream. Being a famous singer like her friends are ideals Beth so proud parents. To

realize that all is not easy. Being a famous singer is not easy. But Beth never despair.

She tried to fight injustice in him. Her business that wants to be beautiful women to

achieve their dreams.

In the same way, the struggle to achieve of dream seems in datum 7, shown

that challenges so heavy in the main character Beth to continue striving to achieve

what it wanted since childhood, changing its face that once was covered with wounds

and scars with burning way that the scar is gone and her face became beautiful.

Business continues to grow along with her dream of becoming a famous singer. The

success was sweet but not course with the process.


c. The struggle in the form of affection.

Compassion is the feeling that arises within a sincere heart to love, Cherish,

and give happiness to others or anyone who loves her. Affection disclosed not only to

a lover but the love of god, parents, family, and friends. Erich Fromm (1983: 24) The

most important members are the things that are human, not matter. Love always

include certain basic elements, namely parenting, responsibility, attention and


The datum 8 describes the struggle in form of affection. It can be seen that

the main character is Beth strongly concerned mother who compares himself with

people who care for Beth. Here Beth tried to please her mother so as not sad because

of lack of help in his success. Mother is everything to me and always helpful in every


In datum 9 Beth has been very close to her friend that Scott of their little

friends and until they are adults still friends. Friendship existed until a few years and

the fact that together they pose a spark of affection. However, like with his own

friends did have a very complex Problem. Beth was afraid that if the courtship would

damage their friendly relations. Here Beth tried to keep her friendship still exists and

Schott can love another woman. It means that Beth gets struggle of affection.

In the same way, the struggle in form of affection seems in datum 10. Here,

Love of a mother to her child is very sincere and want their children to remain happy

despite the circumstances forced Beth positive for disease in her womb cause defects

such as himself. Beth still struggling not to get pregnant for fear of the fate that

happened to recur to his son that he bladder like him who has a face that is not

perfect. Affection and attention from her mother who makes Beth patient would

ordeal that happened to him. The struggle in the form of a mother's love that is

unmatched by the affection of others makes us realize that we do not ever make a

mother's cry for affection that she makes are genuine and natural.

2. The Main Character Struggle to Get Her Love

Compassion is the feeling that arises within a sincere heart to love, Cherish,

and give happiness to others or anyone who loves her. According to Alwisol (2009:

101), love is faithfulness ripened as a result of the basic differences between men and

women. Love the addition of charged intimacy is also in need of a bit of insulation

for each parnert still allowed to have a separate identity.

Based on the datum 11 shown struggle to get her love. Here, Beth explained

that the main character first meets with her loved ones. For the first introduction Beth

is the beginning of a struggle for affection. It means that Beth gets her love of first

meets with Derek.

In datum 12 indicates that Love Beth very big for Derek so she was forced to

meet his lover's last request to sing a song before Derek went on forever. Beth

struggle to make Derek survive all in vain after Beth stop singing, the fear that is felt

Beth happen lover who he loved so much go away forever. Struggle to get love from

Derek should end up with a miserable since Derek died so quickly and eventually

make Beth must remain patient with the trials he has faced.

This datum 13 indicates that Beth tried not to think negatively about his

feelings because he admired the handsome guy named Derek. Beth hearts melt when

Derek says I love you Beth. Even though actually she did not completely trust the

words of a crane. Supposedly she was suspicious and angry, but Beth was trying to

suspicions, feel angry, hurt not present in his thinking.

In the same way, the struggle get her love seems in datum 14. Beth imagine

Derek loved ones, if only Derek does not suffer from the deadly disease then he will

not part with their beloved ones. Fortitude to keep fighting to get the love that never

left the hearts and memories.

Based on the datum 15, Beth illustrate that so loved Derek then and now,

even though Derek was gone forever in his life Beth still love and cherish Derek until

he died. Beth struggle to get her love Derek is very sad because he loved lover was

gone forever and Beth stay patient and strong to face it all for the love of Derek.

Although Derek's gone love remains as it used to Derek. Love someone with genuine

it is very painful because if he has left us, the sense of loss that must be experienced

and accepted with patience and strong.



In this chapter, the researcher presents several conclusions and suggestions.

After analyzing novel Sing me to Sleep by Angela Morisson the researcher makes

some conclusions and suggestions as follows.

A. Conclusions

Based on the research, the researcher has answered the research questions

concerning the writer’s research problems about kinds of women’s struggle and main

character struggles to get her love in the novel Sing me to Sleep. The following are

same conclusions: (1) the struggle in accepting the realities of life (2) the struggle to

achieve a dream (3) the struggle for affection

Based on the analysis and discussion of the struggle of the main character in

the novel Beth sing me to sleep works Angela Morrison, the most prominent struggle

is the struggle to achieve a dream for so many hurdles and obstacles that continue its

path he was able to survive with the people he loves.


B. Suggestion

Based on the conclusion above, the researcher has some suggestions about

this research:

1. The researcher suggests for the ongoing researcher who wants to study

this case total that they have to learn about the struggle of women.

2. Especially to the students of English and literature department, they are

expected to find out and analyze other novel by using the other types of

struggle of women.

3. The researcher hopes that the reader could give correction to this research.


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Eka Serli Sudarni was born in Selayar, South Sulawesi,

on August 31rt, 1993. She is the first child of Suhrani and Arsel.

She has two sisters, she is Rini and Lili. Cooking and watching

movies are her hobbies. She began her study in SDN Inpres

Bugis Sape, and graduated at 2005. She continued her study to Junior high School in

SMPN 1 Sape and graduated in 2008. Then she continued her study at 2010 in Senior

High School in MAN Bontoharu Selayar and graduated in 2012 she went to Makassar

and continued her study at State Islamic University of Makassar as a student of Adab

and Humanity Faculty, English and Literature Department.



”Damn, how ugly it is, Tara. What did you do? As if something she had eaten or
drunk would have made me come out red and full of pimples with a purple spot
on my forehead. Hair less. Head for child birth. My baby faces bugging and
yelling.” ( D1,C1,P5). Dialogue Father and Beth
“Beautiful? Now she knew the truth. I was ugly Fucking ugly. No wonder Dad
left. He never looked back. Not her daughter making a tower of fairy tales with white
and yellow plastic bowls, singing the first song she wrote, quietly to herself. Damn it
ugly, damn ugly mind.” (D2, C1,P7). Dialogue Father and Beth
“I frown in response. Look at me, Scott. My hair with both hands and pulled him
away from my face enough to give a terrifying vision. How you could ever
overcome the looks of things? I am the Beast.”(D3,C1,P15) dialogue Beth and
“If Mom knew about half naked guy chained in my locker, the mask, the whole hall
screaming kids when I walk by, all the creative ways that high school kids can remind
a girl is damn ugly. Less than a human being. Negligible. Also the way the girls
avoided me. Nobody ever wants to stay ensnared me. If Mom knew, he would
destroy her.” (D4, C7, P86) dialogue Mom and Bath
“If Derek knew the Beth unstained, no manicure, no makeup, no laser, the
Beast, would have been so happy to see me? So I was when I recorded. It could
be just as Colby, but softer. A singer star instead of a star athlete. Colby could be nice
when he wanted. He managed to get all the cute girls school at will. If his
performance at the dance was a clue, maybe your kindness is mainly arrogance.
Derek did not seem so. How Any way, how would I know?” (D5,C11,P138).
Dialogue Derek and Beth
“Scott patting my shoulder. Just sing, Beth. That's all you need to worry. -His words
dig a tiny hole at that weight and releases the pressure contained in my heart. I'm not
flying. The sky is still impossible, but I know he's right. That's something I can
do. To sing. Colby and their ugly masks warty witches cannot rob me of that.”
(D6,C4,P54) dialogue Scoot and Beth
“Breathe out and filled my lungs again.
This is the same process used to remove tattoos. You may want to close your eyes.
Agree. Closed. It is peaceful. At first. But when epidermis down to the raw,
horrible itchy. Burning. My eyes cry. Glad to have sunglasses.
Ready. It was not so bad. Let's go to the next.
Shit. It is just beginning. There is something wrong with me. I'm getting dizzy a
little.” (,D7,C5,P57) dialogue dokter And Beth
“How you can even compare with it? It's hard to say this for a stupid phone while
you're standing outside the office. You're everything, Mom. My voice fades and I

have to whisper. Where would I be without you?” (D8,C7,P85) . dialogue mom

and beth
“Is not there anyone else who want to take?
You are kidding, right?
You're sweet, Scott, but maybe not a good idea. My head will not stop slowly shake
No way. Definitely I do not want to ruin our friendship.” (D9,C7,P89) .dialogue
Scoot And Beth
“Thanks Mom.
I love you. I am sorry. I am very, very sorry. He's crying again.
I love you too. My voice breaks on the last word. The phone dies.
My eyes burn. I guess I have two minutes before fall apart. No way can I go back to
the pizza. And the calm, cool and beautiful Derek.” (D10,C11,P145). Dialogue Mom
and beth
“I'm glad I have met you. He touches my arm back slightly as the flutter of a
butterfly, and walks away.
I stay there, fascinated watching her figure away, and whispered.
I also.” (D11,C10,P130). Dialogue Derek and beth
Singing his song again and again, suffering for something meaningful that
harmonizes with this delicate melody so full of life and love. I'm afraid to stop
singing. Afraid to let go.” (D12,C31,P395). Dialogue Derek and beth
“I curl up into a ball, looking at her pink, trying to hold on to the intensity of the way
it makes me feel. He should be angry, suspicious, but I'm soft and dedicated. I love it
completely. I do not think at all about the house, but he told me he loves me,
twice, not three times. Even she made him say it.” (D13,C18,P231). Dialogue
Derek and Beth
“But whispers when you're near me, and I'll be at home.
I move to the repetition of the chorus, and the public becomes clearer. They are with
me, tears on their faces, and I realize that they are also seeking. Looking for beauty.
Looking for love. Looking life. I found all that when Derek took my hand, smiled,
and said, "Sing me until I fall asleep." Now I know what is beautiful, for him. I
know what love is for him. I know I can be strong. Please, God, help me to be
strong.” (D14,C33,P402). Dialogue Derek’s friend and Beth
“I am a fantasy. A myth. A digital recording, deleted easily.
I am more. Another place. I do not belong here.
But I’m here. I had worried about him and would have loved for the rest of my
life. I held his hand when he went beyond. The pain I feel is as real as that pretty
little girl who inadvertently stole it. I loved him. I still love him. I'm obstructed by the
pain. I cannot bear to look back.” (D15, C 33, P404). Dialogue Beth and Derek

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