BY: Chris Reego Pajeda Charles Christian Jamito Mikee John Angelou M. Guitones
BY: Chris Reego Pajeda Charles Christian Jamito Mikee John Angelou M. Guitones
BY: Chris Reego Pajeda Charles Christian Jamito Mikee John Angelou M. Guitones
The territorial water is defined by historic right or treaty limits while
internal water is defined by the archipelagic doctrine. Territorial
waters, as defined in the Convention on the Law of the Sea, has a
uniform breath of 12 miles measured from the lower water mark of
the coast; while the outermost points of our archipelago which are
connected with baselines and all waters comprised therein are
regarded as internal waters.
Contiguous Zone
Zone adjacent to the territorial sea, over which the coastal state may
exercise such control as is necessary to: Prevent infringement of
customs, fiscal, immigration or sanitary laws within its territory or
territorial sea;
Punish such infringement extends to a maxim of 24 nautical miles
from the baseline from which the territorial sea is measured.
Exclusive Economic Zone
A maximum zone of 200 nautical miles
from the baseline from which territorial sea
is measured, over which, the coastal State
exercises sovereign rights over all the
economic resources of the sea, seabed
and subsoil
Rights of other States in the
Freedom of navigation and overflight
Freedom to lay submarine cables and
Freedom to engage in other internationally
lawful uses of the sea related to said
Rights of Land-Locked States
Right to participate, on an equitable basis,
in the exploitation of an appropriate part of
the surplus of the living resources of the
EEZ of the coastal States of the same
Continental Shelf
Comprises the seabed and subsoil of the soil of the
submarine areas that extend beyond the territorial sea
throughout the natural prolongation of its land territory to
the outer edge of the continental margin or to a distance
beyond 200 nautical miles from the baselines form.
Rights of the Coastal State
Sovereign rights for the purpose of
exploring and exploiting its natural
Rights are exclusive- If the state does not
explore or exploit the continental shelf, no
one may do so without its express consent
Archipelagic Doctrine
2 Kinds of Archipelagos:
Coastal Archipelago=Situated close to a
mainland and may be considered part of
such mainland
Mid-Ocean= Groups of islands situated in
the ocean at such distance from the
coasts of firm land
Archipelagic State must designate sea
lands an air route for the continuous and
expeditious passage of foreign ships and
aircraft through or over its archipelagic
waters and adjacent territorial sea
Deep Sea Bed
The sea-bed beyond the continental shelf
Under the UNCLOS- resources of the
deep sea-bed are reserved as the
“common heritage of mankind”
The regime of the high seas
Belongs to everyone and to no one- both res commones and res
Everyone may enjoy the following rights over the High seas:
Navigation, Fishing, Scientific Research, Mining, Laying submarine
cables and pipelines, and other human activities in the open sea as
well the ocean floor
Freedom of Navigation:
The right to sail ships on the seas which is open to all states and
locked-locked countries
General Rule: sailing on the high seas are subject only to
international laws and the laws of the flag state
Doctrine of Hot Pursuit
The pursuit of a foreign vessel undertake
by the coastal State which has “good
reason to believe that the ship has
violated the laws and regulation of that
Aerial Domain
The airspace above the territorial and maritime
domains of the State, to the limits of the
Does not include the outerspace
The airspace above the State’s terrestrial and maritime domain
“Every State has complete and exclusive sovereignty over the airspace above its territory”
Convention on International Civil Aviation - Territory includes Terrestrial, maritime and thus air
space above territorial sea
No right of Innocent Passage
Airspace above the high Seas is open to all aircraft
- The State whose air space is violated can take measures to protect itself, but it does not mean
that States have an unlimited right to attack the intruding aircraft (intruding aircraft can be
ordered to leave the State’s airspace or to land)
The space beyond the airspace surrounding the earth or beyond the national airspace is beyond
the sovereignty of any state
The moon and the other celestial bodies form part of the outer space (Moon Treaty 1979)
Thus, it is not subject to national appropriation
Free for all exploration and use by all states and cannot be annexed by any State
Govern by a regime similar to that of the high seas
The 5 air freedoms: A) Overflight without landing B) Landing for non-traffic purposes C) Put down traffic from
state to airline D) Embark traffic destined for state of aircraft; and E) Embark traffic or put down traffic to or from a
third state
Treaty on Principle Governing the activities
in the exploration and use of Outer Space
(Outer Space Treaty)
Outer Space is free for exploration and use by states
Cannot be annexed by any state
Its use must beneficial to all countries in accordance with
international law
Celestial bodies shall be used exclusively for peaceful purposes
Nuclear weapons and weapons of mass destruction shall not be
placed in orbit around earth