Alteration of Scientology Materials Report
Alteration of Scientology Materials Report
Alteration of Scientology Materials Report
Division 6 Course
Gene Zimmer
Clearwater, FL 33763
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The situation described in this report is especially significant because Scientology public
and staff in orgs and missions all across the world are using an incorrect definition of the
Second Dynamic as a basis for various Scientology methods and processes.
When a basic definition is changed, such as the “second dynamic” in this case, then what
any PC or student is “doing” with their mind changes when the process is now ”applied”
with a different understanding of basic terms. Exchange by Dynamics does not result in
the same “process” if one uses “creativity” as the definition of the Second Dynamic
instead of “sex and family”. In fact, WHAT the person will be “doing” will change as the
definition changes. The results are different. The EP cannot be the same because the
person is “doing” something different. This is true for anything done using Scientology
where a correct understanding of the “second dynamic” is required.
MAA’s have been steering public and staff to use the “new” definition of the 2D.
There is no minor thing and anyone in charge of the application of Scientology processes
in any org should be concerned about what is happening under their jurisdiction. Please
read on. This is a KSW violation of severe magnitude.
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Section One
The quote below is taken from the most recent printing of the Introduction to Scientology
Ethics book. This quote also appears in the LOC pack, and in a basic course pack (the
name of which I do not recall). Apparently it is also appearing now in other publications.
Please read the paragraph below. Ask yourself if it makes sense, and if it aligns with the
rest of extant LRH data in the related areas.
Creativity is making things for the future and the second dynamic includes
any creativity.
The second dynamic contains the family unit and the rearing of children as
well as anything that can be categorized as a family unit.
Ask how each line can be that way, and ask how each line could not be that way. Pull out
the Data Series and apply the various ideas to these statements. Compare these
statements with all other extant LRH references on the second dynamic and creativity.
If you notice or realize that the first two sentences are totally false, that the last two alter
the pure meaning of the second dynamic, and shouldn’t exist in print as legitimate LRH
materials, close this report, because there is no need to read any further. Then take
immediate actions to get the false data canceled and the books reprinted with correct LRH
If you somehow think, consider, maintain, believe or remain convinced that the above
sentences “make sense” in any way, and are consistent with all other LRH data on the
second dynamic, then please continue reading the report.
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Non-Contradictory Definitions of The Second Dynamic
The definitions given here are taken from LRH books and issues. I have recently re-read
over 15 LRH books. I also sat down with all the OEC, Management and Technical
Volumes, Tech Dictionary, Admin Dictionary, What Is Scientology, and the Volunteer
Ministers Handbook. I have searched and read every index listing for “second dynamic”,
“dynamic”, “sex”, “family”, “procreation”, “create”, “creativity”, and “creation”. A
sampling is given below of definitions from many different sources that consistently
define the second dynamic as sex, family and/or the continuance of the race.
There were NO definitions found in any reference that define it as given in the LOC pack
and new Introduction to Scientology Ethics book. In fact, there was not one reference even
remotely close.
There are a few non-definition type cases where the second dynamic is discussed in
relation to the idea of creation or creating, and these are discussed in another write-up
included in this report.
THE SECOND DYNAMIC – is the urge toward existence as a sexual or bisexual activity.
This dynamic actually has two divisions. Second Dynamic (a) is the sexual act itself and
the Second Dynamic (b) is the family unit, including the rearing of children. This can be
called the SEX DYNAMIC. (Fundamentals of Thought, Chapter Four)
2. Survival through Children (includes sexual act). (Advanced Procedures and Axioms)
The SECOND dynamic is SEX. This dynamic has two sections, 2s and 2c. The first section
is sex itself, the sexual act, anything relating to the physical action of sex. The second
section is the urge for survival through children, the product of sex. This dynamic also
includes a portion of the family since the family as a unit affects the rearing of children.
(Handbook for Preclears)
THE SECOND DYNAMIC – is the urge toward existence as a sexual or bisexual activity.
This dynamic actually has two divisions. Second Dynamic (a) is the sexual act itself and
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the Second Dynamic (b) is the family unit, including the rearing of children. (P.A.B. No.
The second dynamic is the urge toward survival through sex, both the act and the
production and raising of children. (Introduction to Scientology Ethics – Previous
The Second Dynamic is the urge toward survival through sex, or children. (Scientology 0-
Second, the urge to survive through sex in the procreation of children. (Scientology 8-
Second dynamic has two divisions – first – Sex as an act. Second – Children and the
family, the future. (Notes on the Lecture)
THE SECOND DYNAMIC is the urge towards survival through sex or children. This
dynamic actually has two divisions. Second Dynamic (a) is the sexual act itself and the
Second Dynamic (b) is the family unit, including the rearing of children. (Notes on the
DYNAMIC TWO is the urge of the individual toward ultimate survival via the sex act, the
creation of and the rearing of children. It includes their symbiotes, the extension of culture
for them, and their future provision. (Dianetics)
DYNAMIC TWO is the urge of the individual toward survival through procreation; it
includes both the sex act and the raising of progeny, the care of children and their
symbiotes. (Dianetics)
This is the column devoted to the second dynamic. This dynamic would normally be called
sex. In Dianetics, one considers sex to be divided into parts; the sexual act; and the
product of sex, children. (Science of Survival)
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Dynamic Two is the urge of the individual to survive through his progeny. The second
dynamic has two main sub-divisions, the sexual act and the creation of children and their
rearing. (Science of Survival)
The second dynamic is the urge toward existence as a future generation. It has two
compartments: sex; and the family unit, including the rearing of children. (The
Scientology Handbook, chapter The Dynamics of Existence)
THE SECOND DYNAMIC – is the urge toward existence as a sexual or bisexual activity.
This dynamic actually has two divisions. Second Dynamic (a) is the sexual act itself and
the Second Dynamic (b) is the family unit, including the rearing of children. This can be
called the SEX DYNAMIC. (The Volunteer Minister’s Handbook)
The second dynamic has two compartments: one is sex and the other is the rearing of
children. This dynamic is man’s urge toward survival as a future generation. On the first
dynamic he is an individual. But by sex – procreation – he creates other individuals and
future generations. This is an urge toward survival through children. (Personal Values &
Integrity Course pack)
THE DYNAMIC OF SEX embraces the procreation of progeny, the care of that progeny,
and the securing for that progeny of better survival conditions and abilities in the future.
(Dianetics: The Original Thesis)
On the second dynamic, family and sex, we have gotten into a winning position. We know
the answers to marriage, children, and sex. (HCOPL 23 June 1960; The Special Zone
The dynamics are: One, self; Two, sex; Three, group; Four, mankind; Five, life; Six; the
physical universe; Seven; thought; Eight, universal thought or infinity. (Dianetics: The
Original Thesis)
On the second dynamic, the individual is conquering future MEST wherein theta is
assured a line of conquest into the future. It requires for this both the sex act and children.
If one is to assure the future conquest of MEST, then it is necessary to insure that one’s
children can conquer MEST. (Notes on the Lectures, chapter Group Dianetics)
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That is a fairly extensive listing of the LRH DEFINTIONS of the Second Dynamic, but
there are plenty more if you want to take the time to look further.
It should be noticed that among all of these definitions not one of these ever comes close
to describing the Second Dynamic as "creativity”. There are no LRH comments that
suggest even slightly that the second dynamic “includes any creativity”, and every extant
definition, in fact, specifically refers only to sex, children and their care.
In quite a few of the definitions LRH calls the dynamic the “sex dynamic”. From this it is
clear that this dynamic has much (or all) to do with sex. There is no way that the
following two statements can be true at the same time:
Unless we are supposed to dispense with all logic and reason, and accept or believe that:
If A = B, and A = C;
Then, B = C
That is simple two-valued Aristotelian logic. If you are not familiar with that, then look it
up in the Tech dictionary or review any simple text on logic. The following two
statements are also mutually incompatible because they directly assert contradictory
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It (the second dynamic) also incidentally includes sex as a mechanism to compel future
survival. (bogus version in new Ethics book)
THE SECOND DYNAMIC – is the urge toward existence as a sexual or bisexual activity.
The second dynamic cannot include sex as a minor factor (“incidentally”) and at the same
time be an urge to exist as a sexual activity. The two statements cannot both be true at the
same time. Of course, thetans can conceive, imagine, assert and believe that these two
ideas are consistent, but in fact, they are not.
LRH clearly defines the second dynamic as having very much to do with the activities of
sex and family. He consistently refers to it that way, and weighs the definition heavily in
that direction time after time, yet the “new” definition relegates sex to some minor and
unimportant role. The definition of the word “incidentally” is “aside or apart from the
main subject”. LRH makes it very clear that SEX IS THE MAIN SUBJECT of the Second
Dynamic. A review of the above references makes that very clear. Sex cannot be both “the
main subject” and, at the same time, “a minor aspect” of the main subject. The two ideas
are wholly inconsistent and incompatible to any fairly observant and rational person. The
second dynamic doesn’t “also incidentally include sex”. The second dynamic IS sex. That
is, unless we ignore or cancel all of LRH’s earlier writings in the area. It sadly seems that
many Scientologists have chosen to disregard all forms of logic and somehow have made it
so that these conflicting facts no longer conflict. These data cannot agree or align yet
thetans have somehow mentally forced them to do so in their apparent goal to make sense
and ensure consistency of anything and everything.
Since the definition in the new Ethics book (and the LOC pack) is the ONLY example of
it, and since there are numerous examples along the very different lines of sex and family,
it makes complete sense to throw out the version in the new edition of the Ethics book.
They cannot both be true because they describe very different things. The words and
concepts involved refer to different things, situations and realities.
The wording of the new version in the Ethics book, even after discarding the first two
sentences about “creativity” still leaves the reader with a different understanding in sharp
contrast to the many examples given above here. Sex drives the second dynamic, and it
alone propagates the life forms of any species. Sex is NOT some overall “creativity”, the
second dynamic is NOT creativity, and saying so and putting such into print, besides
being false, can only cause a student difficulty in understanding and application.
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Please go ahead and conduct a survey if you doubt this. Most people choose to ignore the
nonsense about “creativity” and simply think with and apply the ideas of the second
dynamic as sex and family as they have for years. But it shouldn’t be necessarily for
anyone to have to selectively filter out bogus data from real LRH data when one is
reading “approved” LRH material in Scientology books or courses.
Sex applies equally to cells. Obviously, there is much less “family” and “rearing of
children” for a cell or for many types of lower life forms such as bacteria, viruses,
amoebae, paramecia, hydra and so on. While plants and trees definitely have a
reproductive function that propagates the species, they wouldn’t be said to have much of
a family life. They sure don’t have or exhibit much of anything resembling “creativity”.
The second dynamic of these life forms makes sense only when one views it primarily as
a sexual or procreative activity to put a future race there. All of the above LRH
definitions make total sense when applied to lower life forms. When one tries to apply
the new version from the Ethics book though, to such examples, one is left with a very
different set of ideas. Try to align the concept, “The second dynamic is creativity”, with
the second dynamics of cells, amoebae or plants. The idea is ludicrous. Yes, you can align
the idea of the “creation of a future race”, but that is very different than “any creativity”
or “creativity”. In fact, the “creation of a future race” is simply one example of many
possible creations along all of the dynamics. Creations and creativity are NOT limited to
the second dynamic. That is a loony idea. But trying to make sense of the words written
about the second dynamic in the new Ethics book and aligning it with all the other extant
data on the dynamics cannot help but result in loony ideas. Of course, as most people
probably do, if you simply disagree, pass by it, ignore it or fail to truly understand the
concepts involved, then the reader will have no problem at all.
This new definition is less able to clarify and explain activities of life, because it
has changed the very meaning of this category of life as previously defined by LRH.
Words and ideas mean things and are supposed to refer to real things. At least, that is
what I choose to assert. All the above definitions are consistent and refer to observable
phenomena that are real and existent. The new definition means and refers to an entirely
different set of things and events not necessarily involving sex, families or children at all
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(and sex only “incidentally” when it does).
We could talk about the way certain beavers build dams to create slow moving lake
systems, since this activity involves “creativity” and falls under “any creativity”. This,
technically speaking, would therefore qualify as a “second dynamic” activity, because it
involves and falls within the purview of “any creativity”. Of course, that is ludicrous, but
thetans can conceive of anything to make sense, whether it truly is or isn’t. That is a good
part of the real problem here. People are choosing to make sense of nonsense. Making
sense of nonsense, sadly, is a very common human “ability”.
The entire section in the LOC pack and new Ethics book on the second dynamic has been
altered and added to, distorting what LRH originally meant and referred to. There are also
additives, distortions and alterations of meaning in most of the definitions of the other
dynamics in the same books. Words and phrasings are used, and ideas implied, that LRH
would never relay or condone himself.
All cases where these “new” definitions of the Dynamics have appeared should be
canceled in due haste and replaced with already existing correct references to the
Dynamics (there are many).
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Sections Where LRH Associates the Concept of the “Second
Dynamic” with the Concept of “Creating”
Below are examples of LRH quotes where he mentions sex in some relationship with
creating, creation or creativity. He never comes even close to ever suggesting that “the
second dynamic is creativity” or “the second dynamic includes any creativity”, but this
apparently hasn’t prevented someone from coming up with their own weird ideas about it
and publishing these errant ideas in the new Introduction to Scientology Ethics book and in
other publications.
• This is the column devoted to the second dynamic. This dynamic would normally be
called sex. In Dianetics, one considers sex to be divided into parts: the sexual act; and
the product of sex, children.
At the highest MEST point of the tone scale, 4.0, one finds monogamy, constancy, a
high enjoyment level, and very moral reactions toward sex; but one also finds the
sexual urge acting to create more than children, and so comes about a sublimation of
sex into creative thought. (Science of Survival, Book One, chapter 18)
• A marriage is something you have to postulate into existence and keep created, and
when you stop working at it it will cease. (Second Dynamic book, chapter Marriage)
• You see, there is a considerable amount of attention concentrated on sex, but to say
that everything stems from sex is to invalidate the ability of people to create
themselves. Sex is simply a low-order, massive level of creation. True, it is a powerful
one, but people in the grip of the inspiration of work, group activities, religion, very
often experience far greater emotional or ecstatic impact than from sex, which, all
things said, is fun, but not entire.
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• Sex is a lock on and perversion of the ‘joy of creation’ which involves a whole being
and expands him, but by using just one wavelength, sex, this can be perverted and he
contracts. (HCO B 26 Aug 1982 Pain and Sex)
It must be recognized that simply because two words occur in close proximity within the
space of a sentence does NOT mean that the ideas represented by these words are closely
related or identical. The bank has a tendency to make everything equal due to
identification. People on Earth have a horrible tendency to confuse things together that do
not belong together conceptually or do not observably relate in actual life. Of course, a
large part of that problem is that far too many people think instead of look and thereby
never get out of their heads and instead wallow in a never-ending and complicated
interrelationship of significances (ideas, concepts, abstractions).
The useless “thought” is the thinkingness that results from enturbulated and condensed
effort (as one passes down the Know to Mystery Scale), and it is a substitution for an
ability to predict (P.A.B. 8). It is quite true that endless significances and confusions of
meaning characterize typical human thinking. The good or positive “thought” is that
related to analytical thinking, reason, logic, postulates and Theta (pure thought). These
are each a different thing by the way, and covered extensively by LRH in his materials.
Please bear with me here because it is necessary to understand how unrelated concepts
can be made to appear related, even when they are not, and how the human mind goes
about doing this.
Most people confuse Darwin’s ideas of “natural selection” with “survival of the fittest”,
simply because both ideas were part of his theory. Each involves a different concept,
referring to different functions and activities, yet people equate the two through identity
type thinking because they are related. Some people claim socialism and communism to
be equal. They have similarities and are related, but they are not the same at all. The
second dynamic is related to creativity, but it is most definitely not equal to creativity.
Interestingly, I picked up a newspaper today, and the writer, talking about the need for
increased airport security due to terrorist threats wrote:
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Darwin’s theory was put together to explain the origin of the various species. The name
of his famous book is “The Origin of Species”. The theory doesn’t explain that at all, but
most people believe that it successfully explains where the various species came from.
But, the writer in the example above isn’t talking about the evolution of anything. He is
referring to the idea of “survival of the fittest”. It means that the airlines will need to
adapt to the current demand of the environment, become more able (i.e. fit), and that
those who do so will survive and win. In this case, becoming fit means becoming more
efficient. Those who don’t will fade away and die. The idea of “survival of the fittest” is
not the theory of Darwinism, although his theory contains that concept as part of it. The
“Darwinian process”, in fact, is not “survival of the fittest”, yet some people incorrectly
use the terms to mean this. The Darwinian process is actually that process spread over a
tremendous amount of time where 1) accidental genetic mutations result in changes in life
forms, and 2) where some of these new life forms are better able to survive in their
respective environments. By the way, this is simply a theory, although many esteemed
college professors will claim it to be a fact and believe it with a near religious fervor.
This is just another example of poor thinking, and poor definition of ideas and concepts. I
can pick up any book, magazine, or watch any TV reporter, and within 30 seconds find
obvious errors in the writer’s ability to observe and connect ideas. This phenomenon is
rampant and goes on everywhere at all times. This is especially true of the “higher”
educated “professionals” in the world of liberal arts education, including the fields of
philosophy, political science, economics, journalism, psychology, sociology,
anthropology and more. The world is very idiotic and LRH concurs:
One of the things about study itself is that there are a great many things around that are
false and you could study a lot of false things and therefore become disabused of studying
because you had studied something false.
The thing here is that most people haven’t taken the time to closely examine the world
involving these fields, like I have, and therefore don’t really know what LRH is saying. In
other words, unless you actually look at, study and investigate the writings in sociology
you cannot possibly know how nutty their ideas and theories are. You can believe things
because LRH says so, BUT you will never ever know for yourself unless you observe it
for yourself.
There are a GREAT MANY false ideas, theories, assertions, and beliefs. Part of the
problem though is that most people first, are so poorly educated that they cannot
confront these subjects, much less understand them, and second, are too low toned to be
able to differentiate between the legitimate and false data even when they do become
“educated”. Please don’t take this as undue criticism. Almost every subject on Earth,
based upon the investigations of the “brightest” folks on the planet, is largely filled with
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biases, false data, poor observations and invalid theories, yet each is presented as a FACT
or TRUTH. Confusion is the norm here and not the exception.
I look around the world and see idiocy every second of every day, and correctly so.
People are people and they chronically confuse ideas with facts. They chronically
confuse different things with similar things and identical things. The reactive mind is
nothing but making unequal things equal (identification; A=A=A).
I am guessing that the same thing was done here leading to someone’s confusion of ideas
and placing the distortions of meaning in the new Ethics book. The second dynamic is
related to (or associated with) creativity. There are similarities and relationships. But, the
second dynamic is not creativity as an equality or identity statement. This is a classic
example of a violation of simple Data Series basics where things not equal are stated to be
and made to be equal, when they in fact are not. From Data Series 1R, The Anatomy of
Two or more facts or things that are totally unlike are DIFFERENT. They are not the
same fact or same object.
Two or more facts or things that have something in common with one another are
Two or more facts or things that have all of their characteristics in common with another
Of course, possibly LRH wrote the new definition in a fit of insanity. But I personally
doubt that. And if he did, well then he shouldn’t have, because it contradicts everything he
has ever said elsewhere in a tremendous number of places.
Please understand that the top level FACT about all this is that the data referred to here
are contrary and inconsistent with all extant LRH data in the same related subjects. That
is the senior datum about all this. The senior datum is not that, “LRH wrote it”, or that,
“it is in an LRH book”. Those two statements may be true, but they are not the most
senior fact about all of this. The second dynamic definition is FALSE, because any aware
and intelligent person can (or should) clearly know it to be so by honest observation and
study. Well, maybe I am being too generous, but to me anyway, any sane person should
be able to see that clearly. At least an honest person will know this to be true if they
don’t play mental games with themselves, invalidate what they know to be true or
compromise their own reality. And if LRH did write it, then the question is not, “how
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does it make sense”, but “why would he write something so weirdly at odds with
everything else he ever wrote in the area”?
How it came to be in print, who wrote it, and so forth matter little in terms of determining
the legitimacy of the data. Even if LRH did write it, well, then he should not have. But
because I consider LRH to be one of the most aware, observant and intelligent fellows to
ever walk the Earth, I personally doubt he wrote it. The other option is that someone
altered LRH material and that is how this “data” came to appear in the new Ethics book.
Whatever the reason or WHY, it should be quickly removed. It is exceedingly nonsensical.
I now go through each of the quotes given at the beginning of this section and detail how
each one is incapable of adequately explaining the new definition of the second dynamic.
• This is the column devoted to the second dynamic. This dynamic would normally be
called sex. In Dianetics, one considers sex to be divided into parts: the sexual act; and
the product of sex, children.
At the highest MEST point of the tone scale, 4.0, one finds monogamy, constancy, a
high enjoyment level, and very moral reactions toward sex; but one also finds the
sexual urge acting to create more than children, and so comes about a sublimation of
sex into creative thought. (Science of Survival, Book One, chapter 18)
Sublimate – to divert the energy of (a sexual or other biological impulse) from its
immediate goal to one of a more acceptable social, moral, or aesthetic nature or use.
The reader should realize that the concept of “sublimation” is a psych idea. It was
originated and used by psychs – specifically Freudians. Do your own research. Study the
word, it’s history and it’s derivation. See the attachment following this section. It means
what it means. “Creativity” from a Scientology viewpoint involves the very stuff
underlying all existence on every dynamic. It stems from THETA and thetans. The
concept of sublimation involves purely biological urges, and has nothing to do with theta
or “thought”. The ideas are wildly different.
In this view the energy of the second dynamic as the sexual urge is diverted. It’s not
changed or metamorphosed into another form of the same energy. Also, the definition of
“sublimate” correctly identifies the impulse or energy as biological. Sex is almost totally
biological. Take a thetan out of his body, completely, and he will yawn at the sight or
thought of sex. Put him in a body, and it becomes “gimme gimme gimme”. As LRH
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correctly observes and states, “a thetan without a bank has completely different
responses” (KSW Series Number One). True, so one does.
Sex is Sex is Sex. It is a biological urge or impulse heavily ingrained into the GE lines of all
life forms to ensure the propagation and continuance of the body form of the species.
Thetans have an abundance of charge on this area. They have an abundance of significance
attached to this dynamic. And up until the distortion of meaning in the newest version of
the Ethics book, the words of LRH correctly communicated and explained his very
accurate observations in this area of life.
When I sit down and write a song or develop a new web site, both very clear examples of
creativity, these have nothing to do with sex or biology. I am not “channeling” or
“diverting” or doing anything with or to my sexual urges.
My creative actions stem from my ability to create as an invisible, but aware Theta Being.
So do yours. Also, LRH wrote the above while researching Dianetics. The comment is
true as far as it goes, but Scientology went much further and investigated aspects of
creativity rooted in the invisible realm of Theta and not just those limited to the visible
world of MEST and biology. I do not channel my sexual energy when I write a song. He
confirms this when he says in Scientology 0-8:
None of the postulates and early discoveries in this research outlawed any concept
concerning the human soul, or divine or creative imagination. (Chapter: A Description of
The reason I take the time to destroy any idea that this quote is a suitable intellectual or
logical justification for the nonsense in the new Ethics book is because a few people have
told me that this datum helped them understand how the second dynamic could be named
“creativity”. They didn’t understand anything really, but deluded themselves. These
people tricked themselves by accepting a stream of logic that is illogical. The process of
accepting illogics is a tremendously common practice with human beings. (Data Series)
Yes, you CAN sublimate the energy of sex, the biological aspect of the 2nd dynamic to
higher forms of creativity, of thought, of the 7th dynamic, and channel this along ANY of
the other dynamics. This is as far as LRH has ever stated it (Science of Survival). This is
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the ONLY way the notion of creativity can relate at all to the 2nd dynamic and the other
dynamics and make sense. The way it is presented in the new Ethics book and LOC is
false, inaccurate, and can only cause the reader to develop false ideas and confusions.
This reference is not a suitable explanation for the newest definition of the second
dynamic, although I am quite sure many people have incorrectly accepted it to be so.
Thetans in mutual agreement created and maintain the entire physical universe as their
playing field (reference: PDC tapes, The Phoenix Lectures). They did so utilizing their
inherent creativity. So much of a thetan’s creative actions have nothing to do with sex.
Anyone trying to use the above quote to somehow support the idea that the “second
dynamic is creativity” and “includes any creativity” needs some extensive word clearing,
probably KTL and PRD, Method 1 Word Clearing, the PRD, and possibly more. Or
possibly they simply just need a good hard smack on the back of their heads.
LRH writes, “This dynamic would normally be called sex.” Is there some reason that
things are no longer “normal”, and we should abandon that usual tradition and begin
calling this dynamic “creativity”? I suspect not.
• A marriage is something you have to postulate into existence and keep created, and
when you stop working at it it will cease. (Second Dynamic book, chapter Marriage)
As with anything on any dynamic, a marriage must also be postulated into existence and
kept created or it will not be there and survive. A marriage, while related in some way
usually to sex, though not always, is actually a group. For any group to exist, its members
must actively and continuously create it. This quote says nothing about any link,
relationship or equality between sex, the second dynamic and creativity. It just says what
is true for anything to exist on any dynamic – it must be postulated and created.
I have been told by some that this quote helped them understand and make sense of how
“the second dynamic is creativity”. Again, this is more self-trickery and deluded thinking.
This quote shows simply that creativity is necessary to make anything. There is no
limitation of creativity to the second dynamic or unusual connection of importance
between a marriage and creativity.
There is no equality between the second dynamic and creativity. That is a false statement
of identification. The statement, “the second dynamic is creativity”, is not true.
The above phrase has been used by some to excuse, through some weird concatenation of
logic, the validity of this new definition of the second dynamic.
Sex is only one kind of creation. There are many types of creative impulses. The urge to
create and survive as a group is a creative impulse (third dynamic). The urge to create and
survive as one’s business is a creative impulse (third dynamic). The urge to create and
survive as a well-landscaped garden (5th dynamic) is a creative impulse. The urge to
create and survive as one’s paintings or art is a creative impulse (7th dynamic). I could
supply a near infinite number of examples, because creativity underlies all existence.
Creativity is senior to and encompasses the second dynamic. In fact, creativity includes
the second dynamic. The second dynamic does not “include any creativity”. The idea is
ass backwards. Completely so!
Sex is not even within the active control of a Thetan and is simply an automatic biological
urge. It has little to do with the active creativity of an aware thinking being. Just because
sex is one type of creation, and sex is a major part of the second dynamic, does not
somehow make it necessarily follow that “the second dynamic is creation”. That is such
an absurd connection of ideas. It is very poor thinking. It is errant logic. But besides that,
it simply is false because it does not describe the actual relationship of observable things.
The above quote does not in any way state or imply that “the second dynamic is
• You see, there is a considerable amount of attention concentrated on sex, but to say
that everything stems from sex is to invalidate the ability of people to create
themselves. Sex is simply a low-order, massive level of creation. True, it is a powerful
one, but people in the grip of the inspiration of work, group activities, religion, very
often experience far greater emotional or ecstatic impact than from sex, which, all
things said, is fun, but not entire.
LRH here contradicts the idea that sex is sublimated into creative thought, which is
inherently a false psych idea, and comes right out and says that people create themselves.
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Their ability to create does not stem from sex, and it surely does not belong in the second
dynamic. Anyone who has been around Scientology awhile knows that LRH contradicts
himself at times. I can have that, understand that and deal with it. If you want to claim
and demand that LRH doesn’t ever contradict himself, then you are choosing to place
your beliefs above simple observation of facts. He contradicts himself at times. When he
does contradict himself you need to examine all of the related data and choose that data
which align best with the rest and with what you observe yourself to be true.
Just as “it must have required a considerable mental gymnasticism to have combed
everything down to sex”, so must it have required a considerable mental gymnasticism to
have combed all creativity down to the second dynamic. What Freud did with sex, in
error, by making it all-inclusive, someone also did here with the second dynamic. The
second dynamic has been redefined as the dynamic that contains the source of all
existence - creativity. That is simply not so. That is such a false statement and idea.
Worse of all, the idea does not correctly describe what goes on in real life.
• Sex is a lock on and perversion of the ‘joy of creation’ which involves a whole being
and expands him, but by using just one wavelength, sex, this can be perverted and he
contracts. (HCO B 26 Aug 1982 Pain and Sex)
Notice that LRH doesn’t say that sex is a lock on creation or creativity, but that it is a
lock on the joy of creation. It is a lock on the emotion or feeling any person experiences
when creating anything. Most people feel exhilaration when they create. Sex is a lock and
perversion on that feeling of exhilaration. It is quite a leap of meaning to go from this to
“the second dynamic is creativity”. There is no sane way that the ideas expressed in the
above quote can lead to the idea that “the second dynamic includes any creativity”.
There is not any extant LRH reference that can suitably explain the definition of the
second dynamic in the latest version of the Introduction to Scientology Ethics book. The
only explanations are:
1. LRH wrote data directly in severe contradiction with everything else he ever wrote
about the same topic,
2. Someone else altered the definition of the second dynamic based on their own
confusions with other legitimate LRH references, or
3. It was intentionally altered to confuse and screw people and Scientology up.
There are no other explanations. I am not in a position to investigate to discover the actual
truth of the matter. You, the reader, are in a position to do so, and should. But first the
21 90
reader needs to understand that the “data” is false and not in alignment with extant valid
LRH data.
22 90
Volney P. Gay
"One of the most common criticisms of Freud is that his theory cannot satisfactorily account for religion or
artistic creativity. Gay's revision of Freud's theory using Gibson' s theory of perception al lows the
Freudian concept of sublimation to function in a positive way that squares with artistic creativity, religion,
and common experience. Gay has made a significant contribution to psychoanalytic theory and to the
understanding of human creativity. "
" I found this book very interesting to read. It synthesizes and discusses an amazing range of evidence from
the philosophy of Kant to the physiology of perception of Helmholtz, the linguistic theory of Lacan and
Ricoeur, art history, religion, etc., all applied to Freud's theory of sublimation. It is clearly the work of a
mature scholar."-- Harold Coward, University of Calgary
This book is the only full-length treatment of the relationship between aesthetic truths and psychoanalytic
discoveries-- of art, artists, and a new concept of sublimation. It provides a radical and unique study of the
concept of sublimation and proposes a modest replacement for it. In the first third of the book the author
reviews critically the psychoanalytic sources of the concept of sublimation. In the second third he shows
how the concept developed from Freud' s nineteenth-century notions of perception. In the last third he
revises a concept of sublimation using a contemporary theory of perception. In the final chapter he
examines four works of literature: short stories of John Cheever, a Japanese novel, portions of Hamlet, and
sublimation and perversion in Orson Welles' Citizen Kane.
"Dr. Gay's book brings together fruitfully several lines of argumentation: aesthetic theory, hermeneutics,
psychoanalytical practice and criticism, and good sense. It ought to fill an important gap in the relevant
literatures, but particularly in expanding our purview of Freud on sublimation and our ongoing project of
determining an adequate contemporary aesthetics. The value of Gay' s work is that it relates these two
issues in ways that are mutually illuminating. I would have expected such a contribution from the author,
whose previous books have been solid contributions. The scholarship is sound: it is in fact superlative,
with a wide range of materials cited carefully." -- William G. Doty, The University of Alabama
"This is really a very fine book. Philosophers, psychoanalysts, students of the arts, and religious studies
scholars will all find something of interest. I know of no study that re-works Freud on sublimation and art
so thoroughly and makes such a commanding use of Heinz Kohut's psychoanalytic theories of the self to
this end." -- Don Browning, University of Chicago
23 90
The TRUE Meaning of the Word “Creativity”
“Creativity” is formed from the root word “create”. Both the word “creation” and
“creating” are also formed from the root “create”. The concepts are closely related.
If anyone wants to understand what “creativity” really means and relates to, then it
would be best to read references by LRH on these related words, such as “create”,
“creating” and “creation”. Doing so will make it abundantly clear that it is a gross error to
call or define any Dynamic as “creativity”, whether it be the 2nd, or the 7th.
In very ancient books it is written that from chaos came birth, from birth there was
growth, when growth was achieved there was then a gradual decay, the decay then ended
in death. After death there was chaos.
Create-create-create = create again continuously one moment after the next = SURVIVAL.
In other words, the entire cycle of action, from the smallest to the largest, from the tiniest
atomic particle to the largest galaxy, is made up of nothing but various versions of
creating. Notice that SURVIVAL itself is a special case of continuous creation. So is
24 90
destruction. Please notice and realize that “create” underlies and is senior to survival or
surviving. Creating is what one does to survive. Read again what LRH says above.
You can go and read more of this chapter, but the obvious simplicity is that every part of
any cycle of action involves creating. Every thought, idea, condition or reality anyone
experiences anywhere first and foremost involves creating and creativity. It also involves
one’s awareness because one can either know or not know one is creating. Creativity is
very basic, and far above and underlying all life and existence, however you choose to
define and understand these things.
Survival and the concepts about the Dynamics, as parts of a single primary Dynamic (the
overall urge to Survive for anything or anyone), directly involve nothing but creativity.
Why? Because SURVIVAL is nothing but create-create-create (see above).
That’s the long and the short of it. Obviously, since the overall Dynamic of survival is
broken down into 8 sub-sections known as the Eight Dynamics, each must also possess a
similar “create-create-create” for each Dynamic to survive and exist in any form or
condition. In other words, for anything to exist on any Dynamic in any form requires
continuous creation. What do any of us use to do this? We use our inherent “creativity”.
“Creativity” is the source of all creation, and the source of survival as create-
create-create. Creativity is about as close as you get to a thetan.
(ability to create)
splits up and manifest as cycles of action in each Dynamic area
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| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
1D 2D 3D 4D 5D 6D 7D 8D
(Note: D = Dynamic)
LRH says in Chapter III of Dianetics, The Goal of Man:
The goal of Man, the lowest common denominator of all his activities, the dynamic
principle of his existence has long been sought.
TIME, SPACE, ENERGY and LIFE have a single denominator in common. As an analogy
it could be considered that TIME, SPACE, ENERGY and LIFE began at some point of
origin and were commanded to continue to some nearly infinite destination. They were told
nothing but WHAT to do. They obey a single order and that order is “SURVIVE!”
The goal of life can be considered to be infinite survival. Man, as a life form, can be
demonstrated to obey in all his actions and purposes the one command: “SURVIVE!”
The methods of survival can be summed under the headings of food, protection (defensive
and offensive) and procreation. There are no existing life forms, which lack solutions to
these problems.
From the survival dynamic, in this fashion, were evolved four dynamics. By survival
dynamic was meant the basic command, SURVIVE! which underlay all activity. By
dynamic was meant one of the four purpose divisions of the entire dynamic principle. The
four dynamics were not new forces; they were sub-divisions of the primary force.
It will be seen immediately that these four dynamics are actually a spectrum without sharp
division lines. The survival dynamic can be seen to sweep out from the individual to
embrace the entire species and its symbiotes.
Life, the atom and the universe and energy itself are included under the symbiotic
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(Note: Life became the 5th Dynamic, and the MEST universe became the 6th Dynamic in
the later writings of Scientology.)
I could not locate any definitions or even uses of the word “creativity” by LRH in
any book or issue. It is not listed in any subject or book index.
creativity n. 1. the state or quality of being creative. 2. the ability to create meaningful
new forms, interpretations, etc.; originality. 3. the process by which one utilizes creative
ability. [1870-75]
creative adj. 1) having the power or ability to create things 2) showing imagination and
originality as well as routine skill, creative work. creatively adv. creativity n.
That is, unless you choose to accept or believe the definition in the new version of the
Ethics book. Then creativity is the second dynamic. But it’s not the second dynamic!
Interestingly, and quite contradictory to the second dynamic definition in the new version
of the Introduction to Scientology Ethics book, the definition of the seventh dynamic in
the latest version of the same book is given as:
It (The Seventh Dynamic) includes one’s beingness, the ability to create, the ability to
cause survival or survive, the ability to destroy or pretend to be destroyed.
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So, we now have, in the same book and in the same section two conflicting datum. The
second dynamic is defined to be “creativity” and to “include any creativity”, and the
seventh dynamic also defined so it “includes the ability to create” (which is nothing less
than creativity). So somehow the second dynamic includes the seventh dynamic which
includes the second dynamic which includes the seventh and so on forever. Of course this
is sheer lunacy, but that’s what it says. Try to demo it. You may go insane. Trying to
make sense of nonsense is not good for thinking beings. Of course, thetans can make sense
of just abut anything and have been doing so for a near eternity.
While I didn’t spend the same amount of time checking all references for the seventh
dynamic as I did for the second dynamic, a quick check shows up the same situation for
the seventh dynamic definition in the new Ethics book. There are NO existing references
that discuss and define the seventh dynamic in this way. It is also an alteration and most
likely somebody’s own weird ideas on the subject that they are passing on to others.
The Seventh Dynamic – is the urge toward existence as or of spirits. Anything spiritual,
with or without identity, would come under the heading of the Seventh Dynamic. This can
be called the SPIRITUAL DYNAMIC. (Fundamentals of Thought, chapter The Dynamics)
VII: THE THOUGHT DYNAMIC concerns the urge of the individual to survive as
thought. (Dianetics: The Original Thesis)
The phrase “the ability to cause survive” doesn’t even make any sense and is
grammatically incorrect. This phrase is not some older archaic usage of the English
language but is simply very bad English. Where does LRH say anywhere that the seventh
dynamic includes “the ability to destroy or pretend to be destroyed”? While it does make
sense in alignment with other things LRH said or wrote, he never stated it this way. Like
the arguments I have made about the second dynamic, beingness must be assumed on any
dynamic to create and have on any dynamic. It’s not that it’s not sort of true, but LRH
never said or would say it like it is written here. IT IS NOT BY HIM – obviously and
clearly. I don’t need “evidence” or “proof” to know that or to not know that. It is
obviously not by him, and any intelligent and aware thetan should see that as so.
The author(s) write, “Thus there is an effort for the survival of life source”. I beg anyone
to please refer me to any actual pre-1985 (when he was still alive) written LRH material
where he states this or says this in a tape. Theta, thought in its “pure” form, and thetans
cannot do anything but exist. They are eternal beings. LRH would never state that the
“life source” is trying to survive, or possesses or needs any effort to survive. Yes, the life
source does exert efforts to survive along each of the dynamics, but no, the life source
does not exert an effort to exist as itself. That is ludicrous. It is so very much not
something LRH would say because it is not true. I suspect somebody has been playing in
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the cookie jar.
The source of life and the source of everything cannot do anything but exist. There are
efforts to survive on and through the various dynamics, and there are all the various
related emotions, thinkingness, counter-efforts, etc. relating to attempts to survive along
these dynamics. But there is no effort for theta itself to survive as theta or as life source.
The notion is absurd. Refer to the theta-MEST theory in basic LRH books and issues.
Life results as theta involves itself in the attempt to animate and conquer MEST. Once
theta involves itself with MEST, life results, and life manifests along each of the eight
dynamics. Life is subdivided into the eight dynamics as a convenient way to analyze and
understand “life”.
The principal of survival was never intended to embrace theta itself for this has, of course,
immortality and does not even necessarily move in MEST time.
While we are on the subject of totally nutty stuff in the Dynamics section of the new
Ethics book (it is basically all nuts), please take a look at the latest definition of the Sixth
Dynamic. It states:
The sixth dynamic is the urge to survive of the physical universe, by the physical universe
itself and with the help of the physical universe and each one of its component parts.
This is utter nonsense! Who wrote this? It was surely not LRH. The above sounds like
some weird extrapolation from the United States Declaration of Independence (i.e. “of the
people, by the people and for the people . . .”). The MEST universe has absolutely no
urge to survive as itself or for anything else. It does not and cannot exist independently of
Theta and thetans. If the reader doesn’t know that then please read all the LRH books,
especially The Phoenix Lectures, and do the PDC course.
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The 6th dynamic is an INDIVIDUAL’S urge to survive as the physical universe, by actual
LRH definition. Any single dynamic or the dynamics taken collectively belong to a
thetan. Please get the distinction. It is very severe and great. The only thing that has an
urge to survive anywhere ever at any time is a thetan or Theta. This is so obviously
simple that it is scary that such lunacy can surface in a purported LRH book as LRH
data. You might think, and it surely may appear that the MEST universe exists “out
there” all on it’s own, in a sort of modern materialistic sort of way. But, in fact, postulates
are senior to mechanics*, and per the Factors, all that is was postulated into existence by
me and thee. End of story.
* Considerations take rank over the mechanics of space, energy and time. Considerations
are senior to these things. The reason we have space, energy, time, objects is that life has
agreed upon certain things, and this agreement has resulted in a solidification. And so our
agreed-upon material is then quite observable. (The Phoenix Lectures, chapter four)
Just who do you think “life” is? Again, only thetans can agree. MEST and “stuff” do not
agree, think or anything else. The physical universe behaves in accordance with MEST
laws that you and I agreed with and still agree with. We agreed the entire MEST universe
into existence, we agree upon its continuance (survival, create-create-create), we agreed on
solar systems and planets, we agreed on life forms and how they behave, we “agree” each
of our dynamics into existence, and we CREATE the details of their survival on a day to
day basis.
From The Creation of Human Ability, section called A Summary of Scientology, LRH
Man, therefore, has an inverted view. Whereas, considerations such as those he daily
makes are the actual source of space, energy, time and forms, Man is operating so as not
to alter his basic considerations; he therefore invalidates himself by supposing another
determinism of space, energy, time, and form.
MEST comes from considerations. It derives from the considerations made and agreed
with by you and me.
Again, a full study and research into the extant material by LRH on the 6th dynamic will
show this definition to be absurd. It is FALSE DATA. It can only confuse the reader. I
will give an example, but leave it to you and whoever else is supposed to guarantee that
Church materials are legitimately by LRH to perform the full research and verification.
VI. THE PHYSICAL UNIVERSE DYNAMIC is the drive of the individual to enhance the
survival of all matter, energy, time and space. (Dianetics: The Original Thesis, chapter
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The Dynamics).
Most Scientologists conceive of the 6th dynamic as “the physical universe”. It is not the
physical universe. There is a physical universe, but the 6th dynamic is solely and only
one’s URGE TO SURVIVE AS OR THROUGH IT. If you ask most Scientologists,
“what is the fifth dynamic”, they will answer, “life forms”. It is not life forms, but the
urge to survive as or through life forms. I don’t mean to beat a dead horse, and I am not
being unfairly picky, but the definition of the sixth dynamic in the latest version of the
Ethics book exhibits the same sort of confusion and incorrect association of ideas.
Just the notion that any dynamic is the “urge of the individual to survive as” something,
alone, makes the “new” definition of the second dynamic incompatible and incorrect. Any
one dynamic is not a thing, but an “urge to survive as” something, and therefore it is
incorrect to state, “the second dynamic is creativity”.
The concept of the “dynamic” originated in early Dianetics research. It is clearly defined
over and over as an “urge to survive as” something. It is not something. By this fact
alone the second dynamic cannot be “creativity”. At best it could be called the urge to
survive as creativity, but that would also be incorrect.
Basically simple, complexity is introduced amongst the dynamics by individual and group
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Complexity has surely been introduced into the definitions of the dynamics in the new
edition of the Ethics book, by an individual or individuals and hopefully the group will
not enact further complexities or irrationalities and thereby prevent these incorrect
definitions from being summarily canceled and swiftly replaced. The types of possible
irrationalities that could allow and further the original complexity of the fact of the false
definitions are covered extensively in this write-up.
FOR EXAMPLE, a man has a job. He works at it. That is to say he creates-creates-creates
a job throughout the days, weeks and years. As long as he makes a job, the job exists.
FOR EXAMPLE, a man is sane. He gets the idea (creates the idea) that it would be better
to be insane. He starts to go insane (having created it) . . . .
CREATION IN THIS WORK may be thought to exclude God. We are here considering
only those things which man or man as a spirit can make or manufacture or think.
Any person can work, make or produce anything on any Dynamic, whether it be one’s
personal health, a relationship, a family, a job, a business, a city or a nation. He does it by
creating. Each of us does this by bringing about SURVIVAL of something by continual
creation, or in other words, by “create-create-create”. Everything you see and everything
you do is nothing other than the product of creating. It is also true that much of this
creating has crossed over into automatic functioning, and the bank is also nearly
completely automatic. But the entire MEST universe is also on “automatic”, and you put
it there for yourself every second of every day.
A person does it (creates) utilizing his or her inherent “creativity”. “Creativity” is part
and parcel of that which brings about SURVIVAL. “Creativity” manifests along each
Dynamic because one must create to bring about the survival of anything on any
Dynamic. If people did not intentional and causitively create on each Dynamic, then they
would not have anything on each of those Dynamics. One must create for anything to
exist, including the entire physical universe. If one didn’t (unconsciously and
automatically) create the MEST universe moment by moment, it wouldn’t exist for you.
In actuality, the thetan is knowingness, total in a cleared state, who yet can create space
and time and objects to locate in them. He reduces his knowingness only to have action.
It does not mean either that space, energy or time are illusions. It is as one knows it is.
For one makes, by a process of continuous automatic duplication, all that one perceives.
(Creation of Human Ability, section SOP-8C: The Rehabilitation of the Human Spirit)
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The ability “to create” existed LONG before the physical universe, before any concept of
survival, before the Dynamic principle, and before any idea of the Second Dynamic. So,
how could the Second Dynamic be “creativity”? It can’t. It isn’t.
“Creativity” cannot be limited to any single Dynamic because the act of creating is
essential to the existence of anything on any Dynamic. But, in addition to it being
logically impossible and conceptually inconsistent, it is simply NOT TRUE that the
Second Dynamic is “creativity”. It is a simply a fact of what is, that “creativity” is not
the Second Dynamic.
Making things and making things for the future occurs equally on every Dynamic. In fact,
nothing would be here at all, much less flourishing with viability, without active creating.
The creation of a future race is simply one of many types of creations necessary to keep
life going. There is nothing more significant about the creative activities on the second
dynamic that necessitates placing the concept of “creativity” within the Second Dynamic
as some type of quality belonging to that Dynamic. That is ludicrous.
Sex has been overweighted in importance in old psychotherapy, a practice more or less
disgraced at this time. Sex is only one of numerous creative impulses. An anxiety about
sex, however, occurs when an individual begins to believe that there will not be a body for
him to have during the next lifetime. The common denominator of all aberration (mental
derangement) is cessation of creation; as sex is only one kind of creation and a rather low
order of it, it will be seen that unhappiness could stem from various cessations of creation.
LRH reiterates that sex is only one type of creation. The activity on the second dynamic
is only one type of creativity. Creativity, or the making of things for the future, exists on
every dynamic equally. It seems someone confused the concept of “making bodies for the
future”, accomplished by the mechanism of sex, with making anything for the future. I
suspect this is how these differing ideas became incorrectly related and connected in this
new definition. That is a case of incorrect identification of quite unrelated concepts
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Once the basic purpose of a post or department is known, only two things should then be
Obviously to survive on a post, to bring it into a viable condition, and to make it expand,
one must continuously create. In other words, one must apply “creativity”. Continuous
creation equals survival, by definition. LRH is usually very consistent.
This is equally true for any Dynamic. If you want to have personal health on the First
Dynamic one must decide and act in a causative manner so as to control one’s physical
exercise, nutrition, and rest. You must create health. If one wants to have a clean and
upstat personal space (First Dynamic) one must continuously create it or PUT IT
THERE. This is equally true for all aspects of every Dynamic in any of its
manifestations. To have anything you must create it and thereby put it there.
In The Second Dynamic Book, LRH says in the chapter entitled Marriage and Sex:
A sound marriage, then, consists of putting together a thetan association without overts
and withholds, created into existence, continued for the mutual perpetuation and
protection of the members of the family.
A group cannot exist unless it continues to be created into existence by the members of the
There must be a continued wish to continue to postulate the group into existence. If those
factors are present, then the group can survive, whether it be a family, a company, a
government, or something larger.
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The above is about creating and postulating a marriage into existence, but as LRH clearly
and correctly states, that’s how any group is made. One creates to make a third dynamic.
But also, that is how anything is brought into existence and maintained on any Dynamic.
It’s just more of the same stuff. The activity of creation is necessary on any Dynamic,
and in any area of Life. To bring about survival in any area and along any Dynamic one
must continually create. “Creativity” is the ability used to bring about the act of creating
and therefore the survival of anything.
The Second Dynamic is what it always has been up until this weird change of meaning
defining it as “creativity” altered that. The Second Dynamic is a special case of a group, a
smaller group than any other Third Dynamic, a group nonetheless, but because it
involves so many important and unique activities, sex and family is given it’s own
Dynamic. The things and activities described, as sex, family and procreation, stay the
same no matter how anyone tries to alter definitions and significances in the area. The
problem is that changing definitions in any area changes how the thetan understands and
views these things.
Also from the chapter entitled Sex and Marriage, LRH states:
LRH writes in the Fundamentals of Thought, at the end of the chapter entitled The
Reason Why:
These four elements, freedom, barriers, purposes and power of choice, are the guiding
elements of life. There are only two factors above these, and both of them are related to
these. The first is the ability to create (creativity), with, of course, its negative, the ability to
uncreate; and the second is the ability to make a postulate (to consider, to say a thing and
have it be true).
Create-create-create = SURVIVAL
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In fact, again, LRH very clearly states that the highest ability you can conceive is
creativity, because this includes the ability to create and to postulate. The abilities to create
and postulate are pure basement level fundamentals. These abilities underlie everything
else. These things bring entire universes into existence. They are of a different quality and
magnitude of importance when compared to any single Dynamic or all of the Dynamics
taken together. It’s a matter of “apples versus oranges”, and involves very different
characteristics and qualities of thing. There is a very real difference in magnitude of
importance involved in all this. “Creativity” and the “second dynamic” are not even in the
same ballpark! To equate them is truly crazy.
Interestingly, the beginning of The Second Dynamic book states:
This quote is clearly stated as taken from the Introduction to Scientology Ethics book,
obviously before the definition was altered and degraded in the newest version. Other
references in other books mention the idea of “putting a future race on the time track” or
“creating a future line of genetically similar organisms”. The fact that sex and family is
the mechanism for “creating” a future race does not somehow magically alter the
“creativity” of the Second Dynamic, as a specific case of “creativity”, into some
generalized total “creativity” of all Life and existence.
The Second Dynamic does NOT include “any creativity”, and any such idea
should be quickly removed wherever such ideas are written and published.
(Notice: There is no mention of this having to do only with the second dynamic. Unless
we are to think that the greatest joy comes from sex and the rearing of children.)
36 90
There is absolutely no way that it makes sense to say:
The SECOND DYNAMIC is CREATIVITY. Creativity is making things for the future and
the second dynamic includes any creativity. The second dynamic contains the family unit
and the rearing of children as well as anything that can be categorized as a family activity.
It also incidentally includes sex as a mechanism to compel future survival.
The second dynamic does not “incidentally” include sex. The second dynamic is at least
one half made up of SEX. LRH actually calls the second dynamic the “SEX DYNAMIC”.
Here are two LRH quotes.
The second dynamic has two main sub-divisions, the sexual act and the creation of
children and their rearing. (SOS)
incidentally adj. 1. Apart or aside from the main subject; parenthetically. 2. By chance.
LRH makes it very clear in very many places that the second dynamic very much
involves sex and goes so far as to call it the SEX DYNAMIC. It is minimally at least half
made up of sex. It is simply incorrect to describe the second dynamic as “incidentally”
including sex. Sex cannot be “apart or aside from the main subject” and also be the main
subject at the same time. Earlier and correct LRH definitions place sex in a primary, and
not incidental, role in the second dynamic. The new definition is very much out of sync
with the rest of what LRH has said on the subject. In fact, there is not a reference in
existence anywhere that comes even close to saying that the second dynamic is creativity.
Even if the powers that be want to keep this in print, for some absurd reason, why would
anyone bother to use this one single isolated definition, when there are hundreds of other
examples that consistently define it as sex and family?
And people are using it. Staff at the FSO are directing people to this definition and
encouraging them to think with and apply this definition.
It actually scared me that this could be written and get published, distributed, and
37 90
accepted without question or concern. To me it seems that far too many people are asleep
at the wheel. I don’t mean to be overly critical, cute or snide. I think this is deadly serious
and up until now, for whatever reason, nobody has perceived this for what it is.
Hopefully someone will now.
It should concern you, the reader, also. What LRH defines himself in many references, in
basic books written by him when HE WAS STILL ALIVE, directly as the “sex dynamic”,
or as “sexual urge”, or “sexual impulse”, now has been reduced to something of
“incidental” relevance. The manner in which it is explained here alters LRH’s actual
original definitions and meanings, and shifts the importance, relative weight and
significance of the various concepts involved. I will repeat that:
It alters LRH’s actual original definitions and meanings, and shifts the
importance, relative weight and significance of the various concepts involved.
LRH states in the chapter entitled The Parts of Man, in Fundamentals of Thought:
That IS TRUE, but this doesn’t mean in any way that all creative impulses reside within
the Second Dynamic with sex being only one of them. It means that various creative
impulses flow through every Dynamic, with the impulse of sex being only one of many of
them. The fact that there is a creative impulse known as sex in the second Dynamic is
AXIOM 10: The highest purpose in the universe is the creation of an effect.
1. Before the beginning was a Cause and the entire purpose of the Cause was the creation
of effect.
I would hope that nobody interprets this to mean that the entire purpose of all existence,
the CREATION of an effect, derives from the CREATIVITY of the Second Dynamic.
But if “any creativity” is included in the Second Dynamic, then this must somehow be
true. BUT THAT IS NUTS! I guess someone could conceive that the “creativity” of the
Second Dynamic channels itself to and through the Seventh Dynamic, and then as the
“creative ability” of Theta then diverts and channels itself through each of the Eight
Dynamics so as to mock-up the various universes, planets, life forms and so on. That is
38 90
obviously nuts and almost “New Age” with the “channeling” concept, but one WILL, out
of necessity, develop weird ideas when trying to make sense of this wacky definition and
when trying to align it with extant legitimate LRH data.
This simply reaffirms the idea that creativity is far above everything else. There is no
possible way the new definition of the second dynamic makes actual sense, though it
seems that MANY people seem to have somehow applied incorrect “thinking”, and
enabled it to “make sense”. Too many imbue it with a legitimacy it simply does not
possess. This has been going on, unnoticed, quietly agreed with, and quietly disagreed
with by many since the early nineties when this definition first appeared in the LOC
Creativeness is the same thing as creativity. LRH clearly states here that it is above
existence itself, and since the Dynamics are each PART of existence, there is no way that
“creativity” could be the Second Dynamic as stated in the new definition and also be
“above existence”.
It seems somebody was applying that sentence when they wrote the new definition of
the second dynamic because it is a lie. Or, shall we believe that lying is some low form of
the second dynamic? Oh, I know! When a husband cheats on their spouse, they often lie
to cover their tracks, so since lying is a form of creativity, and since men lie to their
spouses to have sex with other women, then the second dynamic must also be creativity!
That’s an example of completely absurd logic, but it seems that similar absurd logic must
have led to so many people accepting this screwy new definition as sensible.
LRH clearly states in many places that the Second Dynamic is made up equally of SEX
39 90
Sex is not some “incidental” thing used as a mechanism to compel future survival. Future
survival of the race or GE line is the entire purpose of the 2D and the activities of SEX,
FAMILY and the REARING OF CHILDREN bring it about. The Second Dynamic is
50% sex and 50% family and the rearing of children. THAT’S IT!
The Second Dynamic does not contain “any creativity” besides that involving sex and
family. The above statement that it does is patently FALSE. And no arguing executives,
convinced Word Clearers, threatening Ethics Officers, steering Qual Cramming Officers,
senior management edicts, or HCO declarations can make it otherwise. Sure, the idea can
be forced on others, and sadly, it seems almost everyone will happily accept it, but even
so, it will not be true. It will never be true, although many people may accept it as true.
Those are two very different things.
Somebody, possibly, seems to want to take the “sex” out of the second dynamic, or at
least intends to greatly minimize its importance and relevance. But, intentions are
irrelevant and I won’t even bother to pretend to be able to guess why anyone did what
they did here. Really, it’s not important – THAT it occurred is what is vitally important.
I suggest that this get corrected quickly, because it is leaving in its wake a tremendous
amount of confusion, disagreement and entheta. Every person who has read this has either
been confused, has disagreed, or has accepted some self-created weird concatenation of
logic to have it “make sense”.
If you did a survey, and were able to actually get the majority of the staff and public to
answer honestly, you would discover something very interesting. But it would be vital to
first encourage them so they weren’t feeling obliged to answer a certain way by being
“politically correct” (saying things and acting certain ways because they’re “supposed”
to and not because it is what they see, believe and know to be true). What would such a
survey discover? Many people have had a problem with this definition of the second
dynamic, whether it is of confusions or disagreements or both. How this could occur, and
remain unnoticed for so long is a question I urge you to ask and get fully answered.
40 90
The Second Dynamic “Includes Any Creativity”?
The SECOND DYNAMIC is CREATIVTY. Creativity is making things for the future and
the second dynamic includes any creativity.
The above sentence is taken directly out of the most recent version of the Introduction to
Scientology Ethics book.
include v.t. 1. to contain or encompass as part of a whole. The meal includes dessert and
coffee. 2. to place as part of a category. 3. to enclose.
Definition 1 is correct.
any adj. 1. One, a, an, or some; one or more without specification or identification. If you
have any witnesses, produce them. Pick Out any six you like. 2. whatever or whichever it
may be: at any price. 3. In whatever quantity or number, great or small; some: Do you
have any butter? 4. every; all: Any schoolchild would know that. Read any books you find
on the subject. 5. (following a negative) at all: She can’t endure any criticism. -- pron. 6. an
unspecified person or persons; anybody; anyone: He did better than any before him. 7. a
single one or ones; an unspecified thing or things; a quantity or number: We don’t have
any left. - adv. 8. in whatever degree; to some extent; at all: Do you feel any better? -
Idiom. 9. any which way, in any manner whatever; indifferently or carelessly.
Definition 4 is correct.
creativity n. 1. the state or quality of being creative. 2. the ability to create meaningful
new forms, interpretations, etc.; originality. 3. the process by which one utilizes creative
ability. [1870-75]
41 90
Oxford American Dictionary
creative adj. 1) having the power or ability to create things 2) showing imagination and
originality as well as routine skill, creative work. creatively adv. creativity n.
Simply, “creativity” is the ability to create.
The phrase “includes any creativity,” means “encompasses any and all creativity”. The
second dynamic definitely does not encompass any and all creativity. This is true by
simple observation. Looking at the plainly visible facts of reality contradicts this
statement. It is a sorry state of affairs when purported LRH “data” contradicts directly
with simple facts that are directly available to any sane and fairly observant person.
Creativity is making things for the future. I can accept that phrase, although I will never
accept it as a legitimate part of the definition of the second dynamic. Let’s look at
examples of “making things for the future”. The reader should also do this drill, and make
out your own list to get adequate reality on this for yourself. Do the drill and please don’t
just react or argue.
Writing a song
Painting a picture
Building a house
Building a bridge
Building a electronic eavesdropping device
Coloring Easter eggs the night before Easter
Painting the walls of a room
Preparing a room for a new baby
Designing a new software program
Running for office as a county official and mounting a campaign
Planning a promotional campaign
Implementing a promotional campaign
Changing the electronics on a guitar to change the sound
Adding new hardware to a computer
Sexual intercourse (that succeeds in fertilization)
Planning a vacation for a husband and wife
Studying a course
Going to college
Doing one’s job well
Doing one’s job poorly
42 90
Writing a poem
Getting a poem published
Going on a bookstore tour to promote the book of poems
Cutting a lawn
Manicuring one’s nails
Getting one’s “hair done”
Exercising 1 hour at the gym
Designing a planet buster bomb
Using a planet buster bomb
Designing and building a time machine
Delivering a sermon at a church service
Performing a marriage
Getting married
Working out an investment plan with a financial counselor for a friend
Receiving auditing
Building a fence
Tearing down a fence
Planning and attending a picnic with one’s children
Planning and attending a company picnic
Setting up a new administrative system
Conducting a training seminar for a group of employees
Implementing a bonus program as part of a staff pay plan
Recording a song
Recording a video of a group playing a song
Buying a puppy dog for a child
Planting seeds in a burnt out forest area
Building a plant to remove heavy metals from seawater
Installing a Jacuzzi
Each example above can belong to one or more Dynamics depending on the exact
circumstances. For example, writing a song, could be solely a first dynamic activity if one
does it and never performs it to anyone. It would be also a third dynamic activity if it
were done while one was working as a staff writer at a song publishing company. It
would include a second dynamic aspect if a man was inspired by, wrote it for and sang it
to his wife. If the song is admired and appreciated by some or many people, and elicits
some emotion in them, then it also includes a seventh dynamic aspect of beauty and Art.
Is the writing of a song a second dynamic activity? Absolutely not! The same response of
“absolutely not” is equally appropriate for most of the other examples above, though
some are involved with sex, family and children, and therefore do qualify correctly as a
second dynamic action of creativity. Please realize that creativity can and does occur on
43 90
every dynamic, as a creative act on and within only that individual dynamic, and this
occurs every second of every day since this universe began 76 trillion years ago (give or
take a few months).
Since Scientology creates or makes “better people” (making things for the future), are the
activities of Scientology primarily a second dynamic activity? The “making of better
people” or “making the able more able” is surely included within the realm of “any
creativity”. Please don’t try to figure that out. I am just being a smart-ass. But hopefully
you are beginning to see the weirdness of what is going on here.
Only a few of the examples above are actually restricted to the second dynamic as sex and
family. Yet all the examples above do fall under the new expansive definition of the
second dynamic as “any creativity”.
Every action or product described above each puts something onto the future track for a
person or people to use, appreciate or have. This list could be 1000 pages long, and still it
would only begin to scratch the surface.
The above list is also the same list for “includes any creativity”. Each of the examples on
the list exhibit creativity. The new second dynamic definition claims to “include any
creativity”. So, all the examples that are actually first, third or forth or whatever dynamic,
now fall under the “new and improved version” (sarcasm) of the second dynamic.
The point is that the idea “includes any creativity”, is useless as a concept because
it INLCLUDES EVERYTHING. A concept that makes no differentiation and fails to
come down from the high clouds of abstraction can serve no purpose – except to
confuse people.
In fact, creativity exists at the very highest level of abstract concepts, including everything
else, because all else flows forth from the creative actions of Theta.
Two or more facts or things that are totally unlike are DIFFERENT. They are not the
same fact or same object.
Two or more facts or things that have something in common with one another are
Two or more facts or things that have all of their characteristics in common with another
44 90
The above LRH quote is from Data Series 1R, The Anatomy of Thought.
3) The second dynamic has two main sub-divions, the sexual act and the creation of
children and their rearing. (SOS)
4) Creativity is making things for the future and the second dynamic includes any
creativity. (latest Introduction to Scientology Ethics book)
The first three sentences are very similar, and involve the same things and ideas. LRH
says or writes pretty much along the same lines in numerous books, issues and tapes.
They involve the same basic idea. They involve the same basic realities of organisms
procreating, grouping in family units, and bringing about a future race.
The forth line is very different. It involves concepts and areas of reality very much outside
of the realm of sex, family and children. As shown above, “any creativity” can easily
involve anything on any dynamic. In fact, it doesn’t simply involve other areas, but it also
involves an entirely different magnitude of thing. “Creativity” underlies all creation, at
any time, past, present or future, on any Dynamic, in this universe, or any other
universe. The ideas in the first three lines are not even of comparable magnitude to the
idea of line four. The concept of comparable magnitude is also covered in the Data Series
and in other places by LRH. This concept is important to what I discuss here.
The problem here is that the definition makes things conceptually similar and equal that
are not similar or equal in the real world and life of thetans and universes. In other words,
the concept or idea does not relate to what is observably true to any aware being,
including LRH. This is enforced idiocy. The new definition forces concepts and ideas to
be identified that have no right to be made equal. Why? Because they are not that way in
reality, or in actuality, and any aware thetan can or should be able to easily see that. Please
don’t take that too harshly. Examples of such enforced lunacy in the wog world are nearly
infinite. Almost every subject in existence on planet Earth is loaded with concepts that
don’t refer to any actual reality that anyone can observe for himself or herself as true. The
problem here is that most people never observe anything and instead endlessly “think”.
This is true for concepts such as God, angels, Holy, Heaven, Satan, ADHD, learning
disorders, depression as an illness, mental illness, ECT as a cure for mental problems,
Darwinian evolution, the Big Bang theory, and so on. There are many more. Sure, anyone
45 90
can accept and believe any sort of nonsense, but Scientology is supposed to be taking
people in the other direction.
Realize that just because many people seem to “understand” and “like” this new
definition means absolutely nothing. Look around and you will see that people also think
they “understand” and “like” the ideas of socialism, communism, psychiatry, Keynesian
Economics, the AMA approved cause and treatments for cancer, and much more. They
understand nothing. But they think they do. Modern societies and most of modern Earth
civilizations, if nothing else, are riddled with people who “understand” total and complete
nonsense. The materialist preaching doctoral graduates of Harvard, Princeton and Yale
universities lead the herd. The uneducated and absurdly indoctrinated peasants of Middle
Eastern countries are not much far behind. As far as people “liking” the new definition of
the second dynamic, well, please recall exactly what LRH says about “popularity” being
an index of anything of value. He says in KSW #1:
The truth is that people will tend to choose absurdities over factual data. The prime case
in point is the fact that any group of beings will choose useless technology over workable
technology. Per LRH, again from KSW #1:
We are dealing only in facts and the above is a fact – the group left to its own devices
would not have evolved Scientology but with wild dramatizations of the bank called “new
ideas” would have wiped it out.
The point is that “popularity” means nothing. A more important point is that what I
describe in this report may very well be an example of what the group can do when left to
it’s “own devices”. LRH isn’t here anymore to monitor, step-in and handle everything if
it gets screwed up, and re-issue KSW every 5 or 10 years. I know this may be unjustly
harsh to say, extremely critical, and may be viewed as “rude”, “heretical” or “sacrilegious”
to utter such words, but I see no other explanation for such an absurdity to appear in
what is promoted and sold as an “LRH book”. I also know that since I am not there in the
Sea Org slugging it out 24 hours a day, that I may be viewed as “having no right to say
this”. But I will say it anyway because it is true. Also, it needs to be said for everybody’s
sake. I am writing this because somebody has to, and nobody else is doing it.
Minimally, the situation I describe here is a tremendous outpoint. The inclusion of this
nonsense in the definition of the second dynamic is a glaring example of something that is
there that shouldn’t be there.
An outpoint is something that contributes to a situation and should not be in the situation.
(Date Series 28R-1)
46 90
What you want is the outpoint and an outpoint is a departure from the ideal scene. That
tells you that there is an area to investigate . . . . (Data Series 41RA)
I suggest somebody start investigating how and why this ever got into print.
All thetans, doing what they do, at all times and places, would “include any creativity”.
Please do not jump up, start clapping and now throw this phrase into the seventh or
eighth dynamic. The phrase is worthless as a concept and inquiring minds should not have
to encounter and tolerate such rubbish. About the only phrases that would be correct and
make any sense in alignment with extant LRH data would be these two:
LRH very clearly explains that he chose to break up and dissect life into the eight
dynamics so it could be examined and understood. In the same book where the alteration
of the definition of the second dynamic can be found, Introduction to Scientology Ethics,
at the top of page 13 in the chapter, The Dynamics of Existence, we find a few paragraphs
The purpose of setting forth this division is to increase an understanding of life by placing
it in compartments. Having subdivided existence in this fashion, each compartment can be
inspected as itself and by itself in relationship to the other compartments of life.
This quote remains correct because it is verbatim from The Fundamentals of Thought.
One might wonder why someone chose to alter the definitions of the Dynamics that
followed right after this section in the original version of The Fundamentals of Thought.
But a “compartment” is useless when it includes everything. There is nothing about the
concept “includes any creativity” that separates it or differentiates it from anything else
I am not playing with words. What I describe is totally true. I beg anyone to sit down
some afternoon and Clay Demo the sentence:
47 90
Creativity is making things for the future and the second dynamic includes any creativity.
There is nothing this couldn’t include! The clay demo would include “any creativity”.
Good luck! You will need it. You will have a heck of a time with “includes any
creativity”. This phrase encompasses everything described in the Factors. It describes
any making of anything on any Dynamic. It includes the smallest electron up to and
beyond the largest galaxy. We are to believe and accept that all of that IS THE SECOND
DYNAMIC? I am sorry, but the second dynamic is not creativity. The second dynamic
does not “include any creativity”. That is utterly false and completely a lie. It is not
partially a lie. It is not a little mistake. It is a huge and gross falsehood.
Additionally, it will drive any thetan nearly mad trying to make sense of how the usual
concepts of the second dynamic, as sex and family, relate to the tremendously expansive
notion of “includes any creativity”. There is a connection between the underlying
creativity of Theta and thetans with the second dynamic, but that same type connection
exists on any dynamic. Creativity is the ability or mechanism that makes anything on any
dynamic. Since creativity exists equally, necessarily and just as well on the first, third,
forth, fifth, sixth or seventh dynamics, then we might as well call any of them, or some
group of them or all of them creativity.
LRH makes sense. This doesn’t make any sense. Therefore this is NOT legitimate
LRH data.
THAT is a fact. What that means or implies is whatever it is. How the Church handles
this fact is up to the recipients of this report. The only thing I can do is cross my fingers
and hope for the best. But the top-level fact about all this is that the data is false. THAT
is the stable datum about all this and while that fact may upset and confuse some people,
it is true and must be dealt with. Resisting, arguing and defending or attacking me as some
trouble-maker is not a correct solution, though I don’t doubt that may occur.
Please don’t ask me or require me to “work out how it can be that way”. I don’t have any
misunderstood words or fixed ideas about this, and I understand the related concepts very
well. Thetans can conceptually work out anything to be any which way they desire or
will allow themselves to be misled. The whole point of the subject of Scientology is that
it contains a body of data that is correct, and the only reason someone would need to
“work it out” is when they have misunderstood words or need to bring up their reality on
something they are reading or studying. Doing the opposite, and “working out how
something can be that way”, when the data is nuts, can only have harmful effects on the
person, the group and the entire purpose of Scientology.
48 90
“Creativity” is an ability of a thetan, which manifests on any dynamic. Creativity is not
the second dynamic, and saying so, and getting people to try to make sense of this
nonsense and figure out how this can be so (when it’s not) is destructive in many ways –
but mostly, it’s simply false data.
You, or anyone, may create the group (3rd dynamic) into the future. You create your
health (1st dynamic) into the future, and you create your garden (5th) into the future. You
create your personal MEST environment into the future (6th), etc., and you create your
sexual relationship and family into the future (2nd). But the creative urge or tendency of
thetans is not, has never been, and never will be assigned to the 2nd dynamic, and is
incorrectly defined as such. The second dynamic is not creativity.
(Note: The entire section on The Dynamics has been altered, some of the definitions
worse than others. The same errors appear in the LOC pack and a Division Six Basic
Course, the name of which I forget. They all need to be removed, with the correct
definitions from the previous editions or other books reinstated).
49 90
Expansion of the Dynamics as a Natural Transition
It is a common idea that the Dynamics involve expanding out into areas of things. In other
words the concept of the Dynamics involves the idea of “more” as one moves out through
the Dynamics. It’s not that the Dynamics themselves get larger, but that as a being
expands in power, awareness and responsibility, he or she widens the area or sphere of
their involvement. The number of units or area increases as a natural transition as one
moves up through the Dynamics. There are also the concepts of greater space, increased
responsibility and larger environment as one passes up to and through the Dynamics.
LRH says in The Creation of Human Ability, section R2-39 Conceiving Something
The spheres of interest are the eight Dynamics. A series of concentric spheres each one
larger than the last with the First Dynamic at the center and the Eighth Dynamic at the
extreme of any universe gives a spatial picture of interest.
50 90
Defining the second dynamic as “creativity” throws this simple idea entirely out of
whack. The second dynamic is now actually the largest dynamic (as it includes any
creativity). The third dynamic is now no longer larger than the last (the second). In fact,
either is the 4th, 5th or 6th! Folks, both ideas cannot be true. Please look and think for
yourself at the obvious. That is the actual true goal of Scientology training and processing
– to get you to LOOK and KNOW accurately based on your own ability.
At the First Dynamic there is just the individual viewpoint with their individual body and
concerns. It is concerned with “self”. It involves “one thing”. It is a small realm.
The Second Dynamic expands upon this somewhat and involves a special case of a group.
The family fits at the upper end of the Second Dynamic. It is the basic group of Man. It
doesn’t matter whether there are eight wives and one husband or eight husbands and one
wife or one husband and one wife, these plus the children constitute the family. Monogamy
does not mean family.
The family is simply a group for the purpose of sexual pleasure and the rearing of children
and mutual and economic advantages amongst themselves.
The smallest group includes two people involved in a relationship including sexual
relations. This can be man-woman, man-man, woman-woman, dog-dog, dog-squirrel, man-
dog, or whatever. It can be man-woman-woman-woman (as in Middle Eastern harems, or
certain Christian sects that promote polygamy). This also involves ANY act that results
in a future genetic line such as reproductive activities of cells, insects, plants and every
living thing (i.e. any specific life form of the 5th Dynamic). Obviously to reproduce and
create a future race, the sexual act would have to occur within the same species and be a
heterosexual activity. Once reproduction occurs, the special case of a group expands into
a somewhat larger group because it now involves offspring. If there were no sex, there
would be no propagation of the race along the time track and no possibility of a family.
So sex is necessary to the creation of a future race (more meat bodies down the time
track). Of course, there could be a rare example of a married couple who never had sex and
adopted a child, and there would be “family”. This couple could be male-female, male-
male or female-female. But that would not be the norm. The correct definition of the
Second Dynamic would include all of these possibilities, although some might be
considered aberrated or unethical.
51 90
The Second Dynamic, so understood, and correctly understood, places it nicely as a
unique “group” between the First and Third Dynamics (exactly where it belongs).
In other words, Sex and Family, as the true definition of the Second Dynamic, falls neatly
right where it should, because that’s the way life actually is.
At the Third Dynamic there are groups. This includes any group of any size, from two
guys playing poker up to 480,000 members of a Federal government (or more). There is
no limit to the size, purpose or activity as long there are two or more people working
together for some common purpose or united in some common agreement.
The Forth Dynamic is all Mankind considered inclusively. This is obviously the “largest”
group involving human beings. But this is not a “group” per se because there is not
necessarily any common purpose or agreement amongst all people other than the basic
biological urge to survive as the same or similar species (which all living things possess as
a prime motivation). This is the largest collection of any specific life form.
Rabbits, birds, snakes and even cells have their own first, second, third and forth
dynamics. Birds or any living animal have some sort of sex and families. This is easily
observable. Some animals form herds and congregate into groups such as buffalo, bison,
monkeys and apes. There are many examples. While they might not have any actual
conscious “agreement” amongst them, they obviously can and do exist in the form of a
group (3rd Dynamic). The entire species of any animal, plant or even cell is it’s forth
dynamic. All liver cells come together in any body as a Third Dynamic and exist actually
and functionally as a liver. The same is true for any organ in any animal.
The point is that the traditional definition of the Second Dynamic places it exactly where
it should be, as a special case of a “group”, and explains procreation and the placing onto
the future track of more genetically similar life forms.
The definition of the second dynamic as “creativity” screws up many aspects of this
natural progression. First, as anyone can easily see, as one moves from the First to the
Forth Dynamic, there is an increase in “number of members”. From one (self), to two
(sex), to three or more (family and or group) up to millions (group) and up to billions
(race, species).
52 90
Second, the concept of the second dynamic as sex and family fits in nicely with the
examination of any other life form (as it should). Try to examine a squirrel’s “creativity”,
or a deer’s utilization of it’s “creativity” to assist in the survival of the herd, or a cell’s
inherent “creativity” to forward the destruction of other cells of dissimilar races. Oh, I am
sure you could do it, but it would be nuts.
A gross error has been made by scientists in the past who sought, materialistically, to
explain life on the basis of mud, chemicals and electricity. It was the contention of these
individuals that matter, electrical energy, operating in space and time, combined in some
incredibly lucky moment to form a self-perpetuating unit and that this item fortuitously
grew and grew and one day man appeared on the scene.
The concept of “creativity” does not at all fit comfortably or correctly between the first
and third dynamics. In fact, “creativity” is a quality, function or ability of Theta, existing
even before any universe or dynamics. Attempting to place it within any single dynamic
directly contradicts with a correct observation of WHAT IS TRUE regarding Thetans and
their relationship to the physical universe.
Third, each of the dynamics mentioned above include things, relationships and activities
that can be seen. Any event on any dynamic can be observed and pointed to as something
occurring in or as part of the physical universe. While obviously the dynamics involve
and relate to ideas each Thetan can have about them, each of dynamics 1-4 (and 5 and 6)
53 90
involves things that are mundane. These things are visible and able to be viewed by
anyone. Each involves exact times, places, forms and events for any occurrence on any of
these dynamics.
“Creativity” is an invisible quality of beings. It’s not that it doesn’t exist, it does, but it
can’t be viewed as physical things like any of the events on dynamics one through six.
While you can point to manifestations of “creativity” along any dynamic, and creativity
very much manifests along every dynamic, it is not a “thing” like the objects of the first,
third, forth or correct definition of the second dynamic.
As we all know it is possible to write up O/Ws when these involve actions one has done
in the physical universe by specifying the time, place, form and event. This does not
involve thoughts, ideas or intentions. Harm is done to actual real things in the real
physical universe, and these harmful actions are the subject of overts and withholds.
Much of creativity is “mental” or occurs in one’s imagination or spiritual space. What
shall we do? Shall we begin writing up O/Ws on our postulating and thought processes
when we now sit down to consider our second dynamic out-ethics?
The purpose of the creation of the concepts of the dynamics by LRH was to
conveniently break up life so that it could be better examined and understood. Life is what
you see around you. Life is what any of us involve ourselves in. Life is visible and part of
the observable physical universe. “Creativity” is not “part” of any observable thing even
though one can deduce and infer “creativity” from observable things. As an example,
when you view a painting you can deduce that there was a painter and that he had at least
some fair degree of “creativity”. Again, “creativity” is not so much a component of any
single dynamic as it underlies and is the means by which any dynamic is brought into
existence and maintained. “Creativity” is the basic stuff of existence everywhere.
There is no “urge to exist as creativity”. That is absurd. That is like saying a thetan has an
urge to survive as a thetan. That’s nuts.
One uses their own inherent “creativity” to realize success as an individual, as a family, as
a group, as mankind, as life forms, and so on down the line. It is “pan-dynamic”, in the
54 90
sense that it truly occurs “across” the dynamics. It is not limited or defined to any one
dynamic. This idea, besides being incorrect, can only result in confusion to the person
trying to make sense of the idea and aligning it with other accurate LRH data.
The fifth dynamic involves all life forms. Any animal, plant or organism is a special case
of the fifth dynamic. This is a much larger group, with Man as a race (your 4th Dynamic),
or any race, simply a smaller subset.
The sixth dynamic involves the entire physical universe, and obviously is the largest
“group” of all. It encompasses all visible (and many invisible) things. Animals, plants and
all organisms are special cases of MEST that has been organized and animated by
Jumping to the seventh dynamic switches over into a very different quality of “thing”.
This, in its most actual and true form, involves the idea of the invisible thetan and
universe of theta. It is not part of the MEST universe, can not be viewed with MEST
universe senses or gadgets, and does not follow the laws of MEST. In fact, it is the source
of the MEST universe, and any and all other universes. In it’s myriad distorted forms, it
also involves any concept relating to beings, disembodied entities, ghosts, astral travel, life
after death, Heaven, Hell and so on ad infinitum. Thinking beings have no shortage of
nutty ideas involving religion and spirits.
In fact, as a quality of a thetan or theta, “creativity” would reside here simply as one
aspect of the seventh dynamic. “Creativity” though, does not deserve it’s own dynamic
due to the true nature of thetans and their involvement with the physical universe and
each of the areas defined by each dynamic.
Since LRH, and therefore Scientology, doesn’t much bother with the eighth dynamic, I
won’t either.
One starts with “one thing” (self) at the first dynamic. This gradually moves up in
quantity of things or members until one hits the 6th dynamic where there is the almost
unconfrontable tremendous amount of particles, things, energies, and relationships making
up the MEST universe. The “group” of things or parts the thetan is involved with gets
larger and larger as one moves up through the dynamics. That is as it should be defined,
because that’s the way it is in reality.
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Placing “creativity” between the first and third dynamics is sheer lunacy. Creativity truly
underlies and encompasses ALL things on ALL dynamics. The quantity involved is
nearly infinite. What happens to the gradual increase of group members from the 1st to
3rd dynamics when the 2nd dynamic is now defined as “creativity”? “Creativity” doesn’t
even involve any concept of “amount of things” or “members”. In fact the traditional,
usual and correct natural expansion from one to more as one moves from the first to the
second dynamic and beyond disappears with this new definition. It is unusually out of
place in the natural sequence from first to the third dynamic. It is truly non sequitur. It is
like a trying to place a square block into a round hole – it simply does not fit.
Yet, right now the round block sits comfortably in a square hole!
“Creativity” is not the second dynamic. The second dynamic is not creativity. It never
was and never will be. Just saying so and telling others so by printing such “data” in an
“LRH Book”, and even while far too many have blindly accepted this definition and
somehow made sense of it, still does not make it so. The TRUTH is the TRUTH no
matter what anyone chooses to say, promote, print or believe that is in direct
contradiction with the facts of WHAT IS OBSERVABLY TRUE AND ACCURATE
and in exact alignment with EXTANT LRH DATA.
The last point is that LRH data always aligns with the facts of what can be observed by
an uptone and aware being. This “data” does not align at all, so it is not legitimate LRH
“data”. It also does not at all align with the rest of what LRH says and has written in
many places about the subject.
I implore you not to incorrectly interpret this as an attack or an intention to harm the
Church. It is neither. I do get irritated at times with people for failing to observe things
that are simple to me, but please don’t confuse that with anything else. My purpose is to
get somebody somewhere in a position of power to duplicate what is so painfully
obvious to me so this situation can be rectified at every level. There is something wrong. I
would say there is something terribly wrong. If there was nothing wrong at all and I was
criticizing just to cause trouble or to enturbulate people, then that would be something
else. But that is not the case here. And while this may enturbulate some readers, please
realize that some facts can enturbulate people. Most people were enturbulated by the fact
of the World Trade Center plane attacks. But any person telling someone about it or
relaying the facts in writing would not be the true source of the enturbulation. The fellows
who crashed the planes into the World Trade Center were the true source of the entheta.
In this case, the false data itself and the question of how and why it came to be in print
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and widely distributed might upset some as a fact, but that situation exists regardless of
me. The fact of the situation is the problem, and the situation of me communicating about
this fact is not the problem. Of course, some may choose to try to make and present me
as the problem. As you will read later, it surely wouldn’t be the first time.
Please don’t feel or act out that you must shoot the messenger because there may be
something uncomfortable about confronting the facts of the message.
People need help on this planet. Issuing nutty data into print as Church orthodoxy surely
doesn’t help anybody.
Do NOT take that as a general attack. The situation I describe is ONE ISOLATED
example of a case where false data HAS been issued and widely disseminated to
Scientology staff and public. There is a huge overabundance of cases where what is in
print is legitimate LRH data. This case just doesn’t happen to be one of them.
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Survival and Creativity
The concept of the dynamics follows naturally from the concept of SURVIVAL. The goal
is to survive forever or infinitely “as something” or “through something”.
It will be found amongst individuals that each person stresses one of the dynamics more
than the others, or may stress a combination of dynamics as more important than other
While the dynamics are not of equal importance, one to the next, the ability of an individual
to assume beingness, doingness and havingness of each dynamic is an index of his ability
to live.
The key is how and in what way an individual thetan views and participates in any
dynamic. When he participates he must CREATE to enable survival on any dynamic. The
dynamics are discussed as if they are “things” out there, separate from each of us, but the
truth is that without you and me none of them would or could exist. This is simply a
problem with words.
The difficulty of stating the exact definitions of the dynamics is entirely verbal. Originally
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the dynamics read “the urge to survival as - ”. As the science developed it became
apparent that survival was only an apparency and only one facet of existence. Both the
cycle of action and three conditions of existence belong in each dynamic.
Generally, for something to be part of a dynamic it must be something that can be seen
(i.e. something part of the MEST universe). It is true that “ideas” (which are basically
invisible) can also exist and survive such as “Marxism” or “Darwinism”. Strangely, in
these two cases, even though both are quite incorrect theories based on nothing more than
the imagination of their creators, they still can and do “exist” through space and time as
concepts. In this sense “ideas” can and do also survive. But what actually occurs is that
thetans co-create the “ideas” by their agreement with the ideas, and the “ideas” truly have
no existence separate from the thetans that hold these “ideas” to be true or valid. “Ideas”
are examples of things of the seventh dynamic and they start, change and stop like the
“things” of any other dynamic. “Heresy” used to be a well-known “idea” back in the 14th
century, especially in Europe and areas oppressed by the Spanish Inquisition. The “idea”
survived for awhile, faded away, until today it means mostly nothing to most people.
One can actually examine the history of any “idea”, and graph it’s growth, survival, decay
and death. Doing such a thing is an interesting way to view the history of the world, a
country or group. Examining the evolution of the ideas underlying any activity is the best
way to understand anything.
First Dynamic – this involves a thetan’s involvement with a body, personal possessions,
personal hobbies, personal health, etc. To survive well as a First Dynamic, one would do
things to bring about health and longevity for the body. One could study and learn about
health, exercise, nutrition, and all sorts of things to apply so as to live better and longer as
a body. One could and would use their own personal CREATIVITY to put these things
into action and bring them about as existing conditions.
Second Dynamic – this involves existing as the family unit and sex. To survive well as a
Second Dynamic one would do things to bring about health and longevity of a family
including successfully completed sexual acts. This involves doing things together as a
family, bringing about harmony among family members, sharing mutual goals and
activities, and ensuring the optimum survival and happiness for each member. One could
and would use their own personal CREATIVITY to put these things into action and bring
them about as existing conditions. In fact, as LRH correctly states:
A marriage is something you have to postulate into existence and keep created, and when
you stop working at it it will cease. (Second Dynamic book, chapter Marriage)
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Third Dynamic – this involves surviving through groups. To survive well as a Third
Dynamic, and there can be many, one would do things to bring about the health and
longevity of the various groups one is involved with. This involves doing things to make
the group well known, well thought of, successful, expanding and continuing. One would
contribute their own ideas and actions to support the group goals and purposes. One
could and would use their own personal CREATIVITY to put these things into action
and bring them about as existing conditions. It is important to notice that what is involved
here is your experience and creation of the group from your viewpoint. What is vital is
your contribution to the survival of the group. That’s what defines your group or third
dynamic. It isn’t “the company”, it’s “your actions and life as involved with the
company”. It isn’t “the Sea Org”, it’s “your actions and life as involved with the Sea
Org”. Without all the individual group members taken as a whole, and their agreements
and mutual considerations about the group, there would not be any group. A group does
not and cannot exist separate from the participants who agree, contribute to it and put it
there. There is no third dynamic called the Sea Org. There are only individual urges to
survive as the Sea Org. If you disagree with that statement then you have confusions on
simple LRH data. Any dynamic is not the thing. A dynamic is the urge to survive or exist
as the thing.
Once the basic purpose of a post or department is known, only two things should then be
And so on through the dynamics. Nothing can exist separate from the participants who
contribute to it and put it there (including the entire MEST universe). In other words, for
anything to be there and survive, a being or group of beings must CREATE IT.
The urge to SURVIVE manifests through eight basic areas, as defined by LRH. For
anything to “survive”, it must BE THERE in some form, to be seen and viewed, or
nothing could be said to be surviving. You survive, your pet survives, your house
survives, and so also do an infinity of THINGS including cars, boats, gardens, marriages,
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relationships, companies, organizations, clubs, nations, continents, planets and so on.
These are all visible and “there”. They can either survive or not survive. Once they fail to
survive long enough they disappear and can no longer be seen – except in history books.
The point is that a person uses their intelligence and self-determinism to bring about
survival on each and all dynamics. They use their intelligence and self-determinism to
ensure and maximize survival on and through any and ALL dynamics. But equally, or in a
more fundamental manner, each thetan also uses their CREATIVITY to maximize survival
on and through any and ALL dynamics. In a very real sense intelligence and self-
determinism derive from the source of all creation – CREATIVITY.
Creativity is a basic operational ability of a thetan, a “tool” or sorts, that which underlies
one’s imagination, and the most fundamental aspect of what a being does with the
universe around him on and through any and all Dynamics.
Creativity never was, isn’t now, and never will be limited to or defined by any one
dynamic, and doing so is completely incorrect.
Anything on any dynamic, any form or event that exists as a part of any dynamic goes
through a cycle of action. This is basic Scientology data. Any “thing” anywhere starts,
changes and eventually stops, be it a tree, idea, song, marriage, business, state, planet,
solar system or universe (reference: PDC tapes, basic books).
Creations exist on each of the dynamics. We each create many things every day along the
dynamics. In fact, for any dynamic to exist well and viably, we much each actively
CREATE it and contribute to it through the intentional application of our own
All creations do not come from the second dynamic. Certain and specific types of
creations do occur on and through the second dynamic and these are related to sex, family
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and the propagation of the race. Any thetan must apply their own CREATIVITY and
thus CREATE on the second dynamic if they are to have a successful family, sex life and
future race.
But they must do the same on all other dynamics if any of these other dynamics are to exist
and be successful.
Please notice that CREATIVITY is a “tool” or basic “ability” that any thetan has or uses
to bring about anything on any Dynamic. It is similar to “imagination” in that it is an
invisible ability that a being possesses and utilizes to put things into existence along or on
any dynamic. It’s a Theta thing. It is part of what a Static is and does. It’s very similar to
and related to postulating.
CREATIVITY is not and cannot be limited to any one dynamic, and statements promoting
such an idea are absurd and wrong.
A person will eventually only become confused by having to try to make sense of such
nonsense, no matter how well they hide their confusions (and many hide it well).
From the Factors, the most basic impulse of a being is the creation of an effect. Realize
that the word “creation” has the same root as “creativity”. CREATIVITY is that native
ability or function of a thetan that is used to CREATE anything. Trying to take
something that underlies and is basic to ALL LIFE, ALL REALITY and even ALL
UNIVERSES, and consign it to a single dynamic is incorrect.
Any one dynamic is part of the overall Dynamic of Existence, which is “TO SURVIVE”.
All things anywhere, at anytime past, present or future, exist only because they were
CREATED or CO-CREATED by thetans. Thetans in mutual CREATIVITY bring about
everything you see anywhere, whether it is one’s personal health, family, club, political
party, or nation. CREATIVITY “flows through” each and every dynamic just as the
“urge to survive as” flows through each and every dynamic.
The second dynamic is not creativity. The second dynamic does not include any and all
creativity. The definitions in the latest version of the Introduction to Scientology Ethics
62 90
book are false.
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Definition of the Eight Dynamics
As one looks out across the confusion which is life or existence to most people, one can
discover eight main divisions, to each of which apply the conditions of existence. Each
division contains a cycle of action.
There could be said to be eight urges (drives, impulses) in life. These we call DYNAMICS.
These are motives or motivations. We call them THE EIGHT DYNAMICS.
There is no thought or statement here that any one of these eight dynamics is more
important than the others. While they are categories (divisions) of the broad game of life
they are not necessarily equal to each other. It will be found amongst individuals that each
person stresses one of the dynamics more than the others, or may stress a combination of
dynamics as more important than other combinations.
The purpose in setting forth this division is to increase an understanding of life by placing
it in compartments. Having subdivided existence in this fashion, each compartment can be
inspected as itself and by itself in its relationship to the other compartments of life. In
working a puzzle it is necessary to first take pieces of similar color or character and place
them in groups.
The above quote by LRH is taken verbatim from The Fundamentals of Thought, chapter
four, The Eight Dynamics.
LRH is extremely consistent and exact in what a dynamic is. Specifically, a dynamic is an
urge, drive, impulse or motivation to survive or exist as something.
The dynamic is not the area of life, but life’s urge to survive in that area of life. So, the
second dynamic is not a family, but the urge or drive or impulse or motivation for you to
survive as a family. The same is true for every other dynamic. A dynamic each has a
“subject”. The area of life is the “object”. The “subject” is life, you, theta, a thetan, or
whatever you choose to call it. LIFE possesses the urge or drive to survive as something.
YOU have the motivation toward existence as something in some area.
Bill walks to the park. Sally wrote the paper. I sang the song.
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In these three sentences, “Bill”, “Sally” and “I” are the subjects. The words “walks”,
“wrote” and “sang” are the verbs. The words “park”, “paper”, and “song” are the objects.
Life survives through or as a family. I exist as or through my bowling club. Theta survives
as a galaxy.
In these sentences, “Life”, “I” and “Theta” are the subjects. The action words are
“survives through or as”, “exist as or through”, and “survives as”. The objects or referents
are “family”, “blowing club”, and “galaxy”. Obviously, the family involves the second
dynamic, the bowling club involves a third dynamic, and the galaxy involves the sixth
As is so common, people tend to forget about the invisible agent behind it all – the thetan.
The thetan or theta is the SUBJECT, that which HAS THE URGE OR DRIVE TO
EXIST AND SURVIVE as something or in some form. The areas relating to the
dynamics, such as family, groups, species, and so forth are the OBJECTS of the drives of
life. The senior entity is THETA, then comes the URGE (dynamic thrust to exist as
something), and finally the objects or things that life relates to in some area. In fact life
CREATES these things, but that is also covered elsewhere in this report. This correlates
quite closely to BEING, DOING and HAVING.
The sentence below cannot make sense for many reasons, but one reason is that creativity
does not align with any idea of urge, drive, impulse or motivation. In fact, there is no urge
to create, except possibly as an aberration and creativity is senior to and includes any
urge, drive, impulse or motivation. This is covered extensively in other areas of this
The second dynamic is creativity. (taken from Introduction to Scientology Ethics book)
LRH also makes it very clear that a dynamic, any dynamic, is an urge to exist as
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THE SIXTH DYNAMIC – is the urge toward existence as the physical universe.
The difficulty of stating the exact definitions of the dynamics is entirely verbal. Originally
the dynamics read “the urge toward survival as –“. As the science developed it became
apparent that survival was only an apparency and only one facet of existence. Both the
cycle of action and the three conditions of existence belong in each dynamic. (The
Fundamentals of Thought, chapter four)
The urge, drive, impulse or motivation refers or relates to a certain realm of things and
relationships for any dynamic. The third refers to groups. The forth to a race. The fifth
relates to living things. A dynamic is not the thing it relates to through the urge or drive.
Every dynamic, to be a legitimate dynamic, must be able to be worded as “the urge
toward survival as - ” or “the urge toward existence as - ”. This is utterly impossible
when a dynamic is called “creativity”. It would also be incorrect to say “the urge to
existence as creativity”. That would be totally stupid. Realize that all dynamics are stated
in that form, if they are legitimate.
LRH makes it very clear above that any dynamic, any specific urge or drive to survive or
exist as something also involves 1) the cycle of action, and 2) the three conditions of
being. Please consider that any cycle of action, from the smallest atom, to the largest
galaxy, involves the steps create – survive – destroy. As covered elsewhere, survive and
destroy are really special types of creating. So, a cycle of action contains nothing but
create, creating and creativity.
So now we have creativity as a part of any cycle of action, which is a part of any dynamic,
yet the second dynamic is defined to be “creativity”. That is absurd, because that would
mean that a part of the second dynamic is also the entire second dynamic, which is also
part of every other dynamic.
Subject (theta) _ Action phrase (urge to survive as) _ Object (area of life)
“Creativity” does not delineate any area of life as do the correct definitions of the
dynamics relating to sex, family, groups, mankind, life forms and so on. If anything, the
correct sequence would be diagrammed as:
Theta _ using it’s inherent creativity CREATES _ the urge to survive _ as something
AXIOM 10: The highest purpose in the universe is the creation of an effect. (The Axioms
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of Scientology)
1. Before the beginning was a Cause and the entire purpose of the Cause was the
creation of an effect. (The Factors)
It all says the same thing in different ways. Theta, through its fundamental ability to
create (creativity) makes everything that ever was, is now or ever will be.
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Concepts and Abstractions versus Real Things
When LRH chose to break up “life” abstractly and describe conceptually the eight
dynamics he did so arbitrarily, but the things he was referring to which a thetan deals with
are real, exist and can be observed by anyone.
The purpose of setting forth this division is to increase an understanding of life by placing
it in compartments.
To promote this orderliness it is necessary to assume for our purposes these eight
arbitrary compartments of life. (Fundamentals of Thought, chapter four)
The second dynamic is a name or label for a specific category involving a thetan’s
relationship with real things and activities. You can play games with terms, definitions
and labels all you want, but the things and events LRH referred to are actual things and
events regardless of what names or labels you give them. While it is true that each person
has a different experience in relation to their own and others’ second dynamics, and while
the importance and value of the second dynamic differs for each person, the fact of what
the second dynamic refers to is the same for everyone. LRH chose the Dynamics as he
did because these were areas of common real life experience that we each share, both now,
and down along the past track for a long time. The point is that while we each experience
these areas of life differently there is no variation in the fact that each dynamic refers to a
unique, real, actual area of life each of us relates to in some way. In other words, while
there can be tremendous variety in the “form” the second dynamic can take for any
person, there is only one specific definition and category that correctly refers to the things
and situations LRH observed and attempted to communicate to the rest of us under the
heading of the “second dynamic”.
It is important to realize that the words and symbols used to name and describe things are
not the things the words or symbols name or describe. In fact, the concepts and ideas you
have in your head about things are also not the things themselves. Far too many people
confuse their own (faulty) ideas and (incomplete) concepts with the things that these
ideas and concepts are supposed to refer to. There is only one solution for faulty ideas –
to observe the truth of anything based upon your own perception. Reading, thinking with
ideas and concepts, and playing “mental games” only can go so far. If you forever fail to
correctly connect the ideas and concepts with the actual things they refer to, then you can
and will never know the truth about anything. The point is that LRH’s words and
statements refer to real things and situations.
When you read his words, the idea is to LOOK at the things he is talking about – don’t
just “think”. There is a huge difference. But when the definitions become altered, so that
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the words and ideas no longer refer to what they were originally designed to, then the
subject will have begun it’s gradual deterioration. The eventual collapse of Scientology, as
the only human subject able to raise the awareness and ability of thetans, will also be
imminent and unavoidable once the alteration of definitions and concepts is tolerated,
ignored or encouraged.
LRH was a genius primarily for two reasons. First, and this is the higher of the two
factors, he probably had the best ability to observe compared to anyone else who has
walked this planet. The views, data and things he relayed were based on actual and
accurate OBSERVATIONS. If Scientology was just another subject based on false data,
opinions, personal “ideas”, interesting “concepts”, and these were not grounded in the
validity of how things “really are”, then it would be nonsense like the majority of other
Earth subjects, religions and ideologies. Second, he had the intelligence and good grasp of
the English language that enabled him to communicate his observations clearly.
The reader need understand the above mentioned weaknesses in the observational ability
and integrity of beings to understand how the situation discussed in this report could go
undetected and unhandled for such a long period of time.
It is vital to understand that what LRH is actually trying to get any person to do is get up
to a point where they can observe for his or herself, know what they know, and be
accurate in their perceptions. Part of this is becoming stable enough in one’s viewpoint so
that one can calmly observe anything just as it is, with no dub-in, false ideas, bias, fear,
back-off, prejudice, bank factors or anything else other than simply sitting there and
observing what is. That is much easier said than done. The Obnosis Drill deals with this
idea. His intention never was for people to “blindly follow” his ideas or statements, but
instead to increase the awareness of people through auditing and training, so that each
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The point here is that the “second dynamic” refers to actual things and situations as
correctly delineated by LRH in his early writings. It refers to sex and the outcome of sex –
children, family and the future race. It’s very simple really, unless someone makes it
confusing by altering such a simple definition. Well, it used to be very simple.
But that is part of the problem – the majority of beings on this planet are far from simple
and in their extreme complexity they each in their own unique way confuse and alter
everything and anything they come into contact with. The sexual act, the genetic entity
and it’s “urges”, sexual implants, children, family structure, family activities, child
education and so on, are all REAL THINGS. When LRH asks you to consider the
“second dynamic”, do a process involving the “second dynamic”, or “handle your second
dynamic”, he refers to very exact things, situations and activities. He wants you to
consider those things, not only ideas and concepts. These things involve sex, the family
and the future of the race. That’s all it involves.
Somebody came along and re-wrote the definition of the second dynamic to refer to other
completely different things and situations. I will repeat that again, and the reader MUST
observe for himself or herself the reality this statement refers to:
Somebody came along and re-wrote the definition of the second dynamic to refer
to other completely different things and situations.
LRH processing techniques “work” because these processes get the participant to LOOK
AT and do things (mentally) with various specific areas of life. These “areas of life” are
(or were up until recently) categorized and clearly defined in the LRH data on the
“Dynamics”. When the basic terms (nomenclature) LRH used to label things becomes
changed so as to refer to and mean other things entirely, through altered definitions of
terms and concepts, we will be looking at nothing less than the beginning of the end of
Scientology. The reader needs to duplicate this in no uncertain terms. To view this any
other way would be a gross example of reasonableness.
Do not confuse concepts, PR or ideas with reality. LOOK DON’T LISTEN. Just look at
the is-ness here. Look at the facts covered in this report. The truth is what is – not what
someone tells you it is or what you may choose to believe contrary to the actual situation
based upon your own ability to observe.
It is a SCENE. It is in three dimensions. It’s composed of spaces and objects and people.
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None of these things are verbal.
To adjust a scene you have to LOOK AT IT. (HCO PL 16 March 1972, Issue I, LOOK
And further:
Reports are simply statements that something exists a certain way. They may be true or
they may not be true. Reports are assertions. Statements may be someone’s opinions or
they may be facts. Almost everything that anyone communicates to you, whether in
person, from a book, via television, or in a magazine are actually statements that are
possibly true. These can be opinions that may be true, but until you verify it yourself with
your own observation, you had best view them as reports. Realize that far too often
people say and believe all sorts of things because they imagine these beliefs to somehow
benefit them. Whether you understand and agree with this or not, LRH is very clear about
how to determine the truth of anything in the two policy references above. While he
wrote these policies for administrators, the data applies equally to all other areas of life.
Look and do not think. Thinking leads nowhere. Looking leads up to the stars. Base what
you know and do on what you observe to be true, and not on what you think or believe
to be true. Certainty as “belief” (in nonsense) or attitudes of thinkingness that “I am
right” are VERY FAR from the extremely elevated, calm, stable, serene certainty of
Knowingness based upon untainted LOOKING. Lots of people are “certain” about all
sorts of things. A great deal of it is rubbish. The ONLY legitimate certainty is in one’s
own ability to observe and know, and to be, do and have across the dynamics. LRH
concurs completely.
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Dynamic – A Surge of Energy?
There is more false data. On page 12 of the new version of the Introduction to Scientology
Ethics book, the first sentence:
A dynamic is NOT a “surge of energy”. A dynamic is not this at all. A dynamic, any
single dynamic, or all the dynamics taken together as a whole, are impulses or drives or
urges or motivations or thrusts to exist in some way or form. These urges or impulses
(drives, motivations, and thrusts - LRH’s words in many places) manifest through and in
conjunction with energy, and matter, through time and space.
There could be said to be eight urges (drives, impulses) in life. These we call DYNAMICS.
These are motives or motivations. We call them THE EIGHT DYNAMICS. (Fundamentals
of Thought, chapter four, The Eight Dynamics)
Energy is part of the 6th dynamic. Energy follows from postulated particles in space.
Matter is condensed energy. MEST equals matter, energy, space and time. LRH defines
and discusses energy in many places. The dynamics are not surges of energy.
I would never tell someone about “energy”, what I just said above, even though it’s true,
and I would instead show them the original LRH data, and let them come to their own
meanings and cognitions. But I would not ever show anyone these pages in the new
Introduction to Scientology Ethics book. I would consider it an overt to do that. Yes,
someone could envision and come to understand a dynamic as a “surge of energy”, sort of,
but it is much more closely aligned with an intention, desire, or will to survive through
energy and matter, and is definitely not energy itself. This is false data.
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Why Choose an Arcane Example or Reference?
If the new definitions in the Introduction to Scientology Ethics book are actually by LRH,
which is extremely unlikely, a question should be asked. Why would anyone choose to use
and disseminate such an unusual definition, which, at best, could only be based upon a
very small fraction of all total available references by LRH? Please try to answer that
question honestly. It is a very uncommon meaning, quite different from the usual
meanings and descriptions used by LRH for this dynamic in all other areas.
The result is that the entirety of the Scientology world has been and is involved in severe
mental gymnastics attempting to somehow have this “data” make sense and align with
everything else LRH says in the area.
Whether the inclusion of the definition of the second dynamic in the new version of the
Introduction to Scientology Ethics book is a total mistake, or a partial mistake, as
described above, it is still in error for it to be there. It is an unusual, rare, and markedly
different definition, by anyone’s standards, whether LRH ever wrote it or not.
As shown in other areas of this report, the concepts and realities involved in the new
definition of the second dynamic are markedly different than the concepts and realities
involved in the hundreds of extant references by LRH in books, policies and technical
bulletins. In other words, LRH has talked about, discussed and referred to the second
dynamic as SEX and FAMILY, consistently since 1950, up until he died. Please take the
time and make a comprehensive list of references where the second dynamic directly
relates to sex and/or family, and then also makes a list where it even partially relates to the
notion of “creativity” in any form. These lists would be extremely overweighed on the
side of sex and family. It would be incredibly so weighted.
So much so weighted that any moderately observant and intelligent person should wonder
what could possibly be going on here. What is going on here?
Do it for yourself. Don’t just “think” about all this and do the usual humanoid action of
connecting various assumptions, fixed ideas, beliefs and concepts with others. Take some
time and look into this honestly.
Make two columns. Make one “sex & family”. Make the other column “any mention of
creativity”. Search through LRH books, technical bulletins and policies like I did. Do
some work to verify whether what I am saying is true or not. I spent over 200 hours on
this. There will be less than a handful for the “any mention of creativity” side, and pages
and pages and pages of “sex and family” entries. And none of the examples with mentions
of “creativity” will refer to the 2nd Dynamic in any way even closely resembling anything
73 90
like the alteration used in the new Introduction to Scientology Ethics book and LOC pack.
It is an abomination. It is nothing less. I wish I could be more generous in my description,
but it is a horrendous alteration of LRH material. It is not minor.
Applying Judgment
Someone might say to me, “Gene, what’s the big deal? LRH defines it just as you say in
so many places. Let the student figure it that for themselves”.
First, a student shouldn’t have to figure out that in-print LRH data doesn’t fit in with, is
unusual or inconsistent, and thereby find it necessary to choose to ignore the reference
cited here. Any aware student MUST do that at some point.
Second, new people are not in a position to have large enough of an overview of the
subject to be able to make that judgment. They lack the necessary familiarity gained by
experience. In fact, many experienced staff members and public have also apparently
shown themselves not to be in a position to make this judgment. While it is true many
have probably chosen to ignore the newest definition, and correctly so, far too many have
continued along quietly. Many have allowed this to exist when they personally knew it
was absurd, while they themselves chose to ignore it and operated instead with other
existing correct LRH definitions. It is a strange situation where an uptone and aware being
can know something to be idiotic, and at the same time somehow justify that it is okay
for the incorrect data to remain in print for others. This situation makes no sense to me. It
shouldn’t to you either.
Third, new people contact the screwy definitions in a Division Six basic course pack and
on any courses using or referring to the Introduction to Scientology Ethics book. A new
person comes to accept that “the second dynamic is creativity”. Then they look at the
Scientology Handbook or do the HQS course and are presented with the usual correct
definitions, but also pictures demonstrating the second dynamic. The second dynamic, in
every case, is shown only as family. Whenever the second dynamic is represented
pictorially, it is as a family unit. They have to somehow “figure out” to ignore the idea
that the second dynamic is some overall creativity, and instead think and work with the
usual definition of it as dealing with sex and family. This is added and unnecessary
complexity and confusion (i.e. outpoint). It is something that is there, that should not be
there as part of an Ideal Scene.
Forth, staff members have been now consistently using and referring to this definition in
dealings with the public and other staff. The definition is in the Introduction to
Scientology Ethics book. Various MAAs have been reported to me to use this definition
74 90
when dealing with their publics. They pull out their main resource, which is the Ethics
book, and they refer people to that definition. They knowingly or unknowingly push
people in the direction of accepting, thinking with, and applying that definition. A friend
told me last week that his MAA directed him to that definition when grooving him in to
do Conditions and Exchange by Dynamics. Lord only knows what sort of “cognitions” a
person will have using these screwy ideas as a basic foundation of “understanding” for
applying Exchange by Dynamics.
Fifth, most people have enough trouble trying to dig themselves out of their own personal
messes as it is. Many people have their own problems with misunderstood words, false
data, and thinkingness in general. They don’t need to have additional confusions issued in
the form of false data, presented as legitimate LRH data, by the Church. This nonsense
can only contribute to their difficulty, if they take it seriously and try to make sense of it.
Oh, I know I am not supposed to say things like that. But it’s true and it needs to get
Further Alterations
I am sure I could alter other Scientology definitions and most of the people most of the
time would happily accept it. Let’s see now. How about this?
The Seventh Dynamic is beingness. The seventh dynamic involves identifying with various
things in an attempt to be things and includes any beingness. It also incidentally includes
the idea of Theta and the Thetan as one of the many things the Self can identify with.
It includes just enough truth to be able to make sense to people. If you were honest while
reading that you would admit that it makes much sense. If it were presented in an “LRH
book”, then you would probably work very hard to have it make sense, even if you
initially disagreed with it, because you would take for granted, incorrectly, that it must
make sense. People will easily confuse “beingness” with “theta”. In fact, beingness is
only one part of the three conditions of existence, and per LRH, “both the cycle of action
and the three conditions of existence belong in each dynamic”. So, in exactly the same
way that the new second dynamic definition is absurd, so is this one here. The seventh
dynamic cannot be beingness, and at the same time have beingness, as part of the three
conditions of existence, be included in each dynamic as an integral part. In the same way,
the second dynamic cannot be creativity and at the same time have creativity be included
in each dynamic as an integral part. This might sound complicated, but it’s only because
what I describe is nuts.
Of course, beingness as a concept does relate to the seventh dynamic. In a sense it has
75 90
more to do with the seventh than any other dynamic, but it is still incorrect to equate the
two. Beingness must be assumed to do anything (doingness) and get anything
(havingness) on any dynamic. That’s the simple truth.
Or how about:
The third dynamic is agreement. The third dynamic involves building together by mutually
accepted considerations and includes any agreement. Any group is a part of this and this
dynamic incidentally includes anything social, political or economic.
Sure, it sort of makes sense. You can sort of align it with everything else. But it is nuts! It
is tricky and sneaky because it confuses true concepts and relationships with untenable
ones. That is exactly what the new definition of the second dynamic also does. Yes, a
third dynamic is based on agreement. A third dynamic could not exist without agreement.
In fact, agreement is the glue that holds any third dynamic together. But is the third
dynamic agreement? No it is not. All of these definitions confuse and mix together all of
the dynamics in an incorrect manner.
In a similar way, a second dynamic does require creativity. The second dynamic creates a
future line of genetically similar organic forms into the future. It does create a future track
for the bodies (life forms). One must postulate and create their second dynamic on a day
to day basis for it to exist. But is the second dynamic creativity? No again, in exactly the
same way. It is not creativity.
That’s why at times I think the alteration of the second dynamic definition could only
have been intentional and done with planning and full knowledge. This sort of thing is
tricky and sneaky. It requires a great deal of understanding to alter it just enough to be
dangerously wrong, and so that it can also be connected with many sensible and correct
ideas at the same time. Such alterations would be the way to destroy the subject of
Scientology. I could do this because I understand the data very well. I clearly see how
other thetans think, and I can also perceive easily how they could be misled. It is quite
clear to me how people often think incorrectly, associate ideas poorly, and exist at a
generally low level of awareness about their own words, concepts and accepted meanings.
Most people don’t understand these things. I am trying to get the reader to understand
these things so these things can be stopped and prevented now and in the future.
I could make up hundreds of examples of altered basic definitions that I am quite sure
most people would accept. I hope that you get the point. It would be so easy to bring
Scientology into total uselessness by altering the basic definitions slowly over time.
The alteration of basic definitions, such as the dynamics or any one dynamic, is a very
76 90
serious situation, capable of greatly harming the subject of Scientology and organization
of Scientology.
77 90
Exchange By Dynamics
To do this procedure correctly it is necessary that the person doing it have a very good
understanding of the ideas of the Dynamics and the concept of exchange. Per LRH:
“First one has to know all about EXCHANGE as covered in the Product Clearing policy
The he has to specially clear this up with people who do not produce.
That means he has to clear up the definitions of dynamics with care and then have the
person draw a big chart (of his own) and say what he gives the first dynamic and what it
gives him. Then what he gives the second dynamic and what it gives him. And so on up the
dynamics.” (LRH, HCOPL 4 April 1972, Issue I, ETHICS)
Dynamic 1 Dynamic 1
Dynamic 2 Dynamic 2
Dynamic 3 Dynamic 3
Dynamic 4 Dynamic 4
Dynamic 5 Dynamic 5
Dynamic 6 Dynamic 6
Dynamic 7 Dynamic 7
Dynamic 8 Dynamic 8
The problem arises when and if the person clears the second dynamic to mean
“creativity”. In fact, the diagram shown on the previous page NOW has “creativity”
written instead of “sex and children” in many applications by Scientology staff and public
across the planet. That is an entirely different concept from sex, family and the future
race. If you think I am stretching the limits of reason, you are sorely mistaking. A friend
told me that just last week he was doing Conditions & Exchange by Dynamics at the
Sandcastle and the Public MAA steered him to understand the second dynamic as
“creativity” and to use that definition. Additionally, a friend recently returned from doing
a course on the Ship and he had a chart drawn of the dynamics like above, but instead of
78 90
“sex and family”, the second circle was labeled “creativity”. So what I am describing is
exactly accurate. The tendency to do so is expanding.
When doing the exchanges involving the Second Dynamic one should utilize the concepts
of sex, family, children and the continuance of the race. In other words, the question could
be stated, “how and what do my sexual activities, family and children give to my First
Dynamic.” And so on to and from the other Dynamics.
One would NOT use the concept of “creativity”. That would be absurd. Yet it is
now commonly done!
One would NOT ask, “what does my creativity give to my First Dynamic” or reversely,
what does my First Dynamic give to my creativity”? Just try it. Do it as a drill. What you
would be doing would be so very far from what you would be doing if you used the
concept of the second dynamic as sex and family. The process you would actually do
applying the technique is a DIFFERENT PROCESS entirely depending on what
definition you use.
In fact, creativity covers anything on any Dynamic. That has been covered in other essays
here. Creativity includes how effectively I do my job, my painting hobby, the writing of a
musical piece, the analysis and solving of any problem, or the day to day putting into
existence of anything. So creativity could and would cover everything, including:
Personal health
A job
A business
A class
Any relationship
One’s pets
One’s MEST
That is a very short and incomplete list. The list is effectively infinite, because creativity
is the ability to create, and that is necessary for anything to exist for any of us on any
dynamic. So, once someone starts asking, “what does my Second Dynamic (as creativity)
contribute to my First Dynamic” well, you have sent yourself off on an impossible
mission because all dynamics have been collapsed into one. Every dynamic will then fall
under or relate to the second dynamic because per the “new” definition, the second
79 90
dynamic “includes any creativity”. You will be asking the person to make sense of
nonsense. Yet, it seems many have and will somehow do it. Words mean something.
There is no way that it makes any sense to state “the second dynamic is creativity”.
You could easily imagine that the “creativity” used in performing one’s job, since this is a
part of “any creativity”, is “part” of one’s second dynamic. You could conceive that the
“creativity” of a musician resides in the second dynamic (since it “includes any
creativity”), and somehow transmutes in some magical Alchemy from the Second to the
Seventh (where Art actually resides). This actually starts looking and sounding very
weird. This idea of energies or forces changing and channeling from one form to another is
almost Cabalistic. (The Cabala is the subject of Jewish mysticism and is very complex and
You could imagine that the overall “creativity” of the Second Dynamic emanates from the
Second Dynamic out into and then through all the other Dynamics, and that this
“creativity” is then used to create forms and activities in each Dynamic.
This concept of “includes all creativity” is anathema to individuality and the inherent
separateness of Theta and a Thetan. Each dynamic becomes every other dynamic in the
case of the second dynamic because it encompasses all creativity, and therefore
everything! This is nothing less than a complete association and identification of all the
dynamics. That is an insane case of A=A=A where everything deteriorates into reactive
When one asks or conceives, “what does my creativity (second dynamic) give to my group
(third dynamic)”, this is as nuts as asking, “what does my Thetan give to my Third
Dynamic”? You are the Thetan! In fact, you are your creativity, in a very real sense.
You don’t “have” creativity like you “have” a hobby (1D), family (2D), job (3D), pet
(5D), or home (6D). In fact, you utilize and enact creativity to create and thereby have a
hobby, family, job, pet or home.
80 90
“Creating” is like “perception”. It’s one of the things we all do. We do it incessantly. We
do it naturally. Nothing would exist for you if you weren’t actively creating things along
every dynamic. “Creativity” is so far above and senior to any one dynamic or even all the
dynamics taken collectively.
Yes, creativity has very much to do with each dynamic. No it is not any one dynamic.
You might ask, “how can I create better on my first dynamic”, “how might I create my
third dynamic better”, or “how might I create my second dynamic better”? You could use
the concepts of “creativity” and “creating” in various Grade Level processes and Rising
Scale processing. But, it is completely incorrect to conceive of any dynamic as
“creativity”, and to then submit this concept to the idea of exchanging to and from all the
other dynamics.
“What does my creativity give to my first dynamic?” “What does my creativity give to my
fifth dynamic?” “What does my third dynamic give to my creativity?” And so on for all
possible exchanges between the Dynamics?
The weirdest part of it all is that hundreds and even thousands of people have done this
over the past 4 years. What the hell could they possibly have been actually thinking and
doing? What results did they get from doing this?
81 90
Creativity and the Dynamics
Please realize that in accordance with the data already mentioned in Fundamentals of
Thought that the top sections could be written as:
The point is that creativity is involved with every dynamic equally, at every level of the
Tone Scale, and at every point of any cycle of action. The chart, and much more, makes
no sense at all if you label dynamic two as “creativity”. Creativity resides AT THE TOP
and is the source of all creation in every dynamic, anywhere on the Tone Scale, at any
place, and at any time, past, present or future. Creativity is involved in growing,
conserving and decaying on any dynamic. Creativity is involved in destruction on any
dynamic. Creativity exists at every part of any cycle of action.
Will the rest of the world of Scientology please wake up! It is utterly amazing to me that
such a huge and grotesque alteration of simply LRH materials could go unnoticed,
unreported and unhandled for so many years.
While I do get angry with this, in the end I am reporting it to get this situation fixed so
that it no longer exists to confuse serious Scientologists.
82 90
Following the Changing Versions of the Ethics Book
This report contains references to three different books. Attachments are copied from
each of these books as evidence.
Introduction to Scientology Ethics; copyright 1951, 1968, 1973, reprinted May 1974,
reprinted May 1975, reprinted December 1975; ISBN 0-88404-015-1
Introduction to Scientology Ethics; copyright 1968, 1970, 1978, 1989, 1998; ISBN 1-
The third and latest version, the version with the most severe alter-is of the definitions
about the dynamics was not published in 1968, 1970, 1978 or 1989. It was published
within the last 3 or 4 years. I am guessing the copyrights state these dates because certain
material in the book was first published at these earlier dates, but I may be wrong as to
why these dates are given.
Sequence of Changes
The first book, the one any person who was around in the seventies first bought and
became familiar with, didn’t have a section about the dynamics. See the attached Table of
Contents copied from this book. The only mention of the dynamics was in the Glossary,
and these were the usual definitions. This is also attached after this write-up.
The second version of the book put together much newly written LRH material pertaining
to the subject of Ethics, specifically data on conditions, statistics, additional data on
PTSness, and more. Nearly all additions were simply exact copies of LRH policies
written since the publication of the first edition of the book. That is fine, as long as what
were added were only exact copies of other verifiable LRH issues, chapters or sections.
But this seems not to be the case for the section on the dynamics.
In the second book, a chapter was added entitled Ethics, Justice and the Dynamics
(chapter two). The majority of this chapter is again copied exactly, from HCO PL 9 July
1980R, Revised 25 March 1989, Ethics, Justice and the Dynamics. But, apparently in an
attempt to include some basic information of the dynamics, which isn’t included in the
LRH issue, a section was added right at the beginning of the chapter. The first section,
entitled The Dynamics, is not in the policy, and the policy itself actually starts at the next
section in the book’s chapter entitled, Ethics and the Dynamics. Anyone need only
compare the two and this is obvious and clear.
83 90
I have searched and searched and I cannot locate this section as being written by LRH
anywhere. There is a very clear thing that generally happens with books. Sections from
earlier or other materials are culled and compiled into sections of the books. LRH
probably ordered staff to do these things, assuming it was being done properly.
Doing it properly means (to me) taking exact LRH quotes and copying them word for
word into the books in the appropriate sections.
As an example, take The Fundamentals of Thought book. Many of the chapters are
copied exactly, word for word, from early P.A.B. issues (Professional Auditor Bulletins)
written by LRH. P.A.B. No. 82, with some minor changes, became chapters one and two.
P.A.B. No. 83, section on the Conditions of Existence, with a great deal of additional
material, became chapter three of the same name. The section on The Dynamics from
P.A.B. No. 82 became chapter four of the same name. This was copied exactly. The
section on The ARC Triangle became chapter five of the same name. P.A.B. No. 84, The
Reason Why, with minor additions, became chapter six of the same name. P.A.B. No. 85
The Parts of Man, with minor changes and additions, became chapter seven of the same
name. P.A.B. No. 86 Causation and Knowledge, became chapters eight and nine. The final
chapters were amended, abbreviated or added to from P.A.B.s No. 87 and 88. Anyone can
take 15 minutes and verify this. Just open up the references and take a look. It’s quite
obvious and simple. The Fundamental of Thought book is simply a grouping together of
earlier written issues, and the book wasn’t “written” as much as it was “compiled”.
The point is that some books, and most updates of books with additions of new sections,
contain earlier exact versions of LRH writings or taped lectures.
This is fine and well as long as what is put into print is exact earlier LRH data. If people
in management choose to add sections, that is fine as long as these are direct extracts
from previous LRH material.
I have searched and searched and cannot find any places where LRH states things about
the dynamics the way they appear in the second version of the Ethics book. It seems
quite true that somebody wanted to add a section on the dynamics before the actual issue,
and it is obvious that they tried to “tie it in” to the ideas outlined in the main section
regarding ethics, justice and the dynamics. LRH does mention these ideas partially in
earlier books, but not at all in the same words (at least not that I could find and I looked
84 90
quite extensively).
I don’t doubt that LRH may have ordered someone to “add a section describing the
dynamics”, but that does not give someone license to write it in their own words. I am
very sure this is probably what occurred, because the ways things are described in this
section are simply NOT the way LRH writes. For example, I have never seen LRH
describe the dynamics as “eight routes”. Look yourself, and let me know when you find
anywhere else where LRH refers to the dynamics in this manner.
Survival is accomplished on eight routes which are known as the dynamics. (version two)
I have also never seen him delineate groups as to “social, racial, political”. While that is
true, LRH never stated it that way.
The third dynamic is the urge toward survival through groups – social, racial, political.
(version two)
The problem is that every time, without fail, that someone else attempts to write about
something LRH has written about, they either add to it, subtract from it, and alter it in
some way. I don’t doubt that a few well-trained folks might be able to correctly do such a
thing, but why do so, when there is no dearth of LRH material already out there regarding
various topics? Additionally though, nobody should ever do this. If I need to explain
why, I will feel even more like I have somehow slid into a weird alternate universe where
alteration of LRH materials has become acceptable.
As an example, as early as 1956, in The Fundamentals of Thought, LRH made it clear that
defining the dynamics as “the urge towards survival as -” was not quite expansive enough.
He added:
Originally the dynamics read “the urge towards survival as -”. As the science developed
it became apparent that survival was only an apparency and only one facet of existence.
Both the cycle of action and the three conditions of existence belong on each dynamic. (The
Fundamentals of Thought, chapter four, The Eight Dynamics)
He thereafter defines them in the wider sense as “the urge toward existence as -”. As an
example see the definition of the second dynamic from The Fundamentals of Thought.
THE SECOND DYNAMIC – is the urge toward existence as a sexual or bisexual activity.
As LRH researched the realms of the human spirit in Scientology he found it necessary to
redefine some things as he left the simpler, more restricted realm of Dianetics. The point
85 90
is that whoever added the section to the second version of the Ethics book used the
earlier and incomplete version of the definition as used in Dianetics.
There is an actual evolution or history of the development of Scientology that one must
perceive and understand if they are to fully and correctly understand the subject. What I
just described is part of that evolution. Anyone can see this if you simply observe the
forward motion of LRH’s ideas and concepts, and how they expanded and changed. When
somebody starts deciding which data is more valid, and alters its wording, we are all in
deep trouble. I am sorry, but I do not trust anyone with that task. LRH doesn’t either:
So I know what a group of people will do and how insane they will go accepting
unworkable “technology”.
Our technology has not been discovered by a group. True, if the group had not supported
me in many ways, I could not have discovered it either. But it remains that if in its
formative stages it was not discovered by a group, then group efforts, one can safely
assume, will not add to it or successfully alter it in the future.
We will not speculate here on why this was so or how I came to rise above the bank. We
are dealing only in facts and the above is a fact – the group left to its own devices would
not have evolved Scientology but with wild dramatizations of the bank called “new ideas”
would have wiped it out.
As an example I urge anyone to pick up the original 1965 version of Scientology: New
Slant on Life, and the most recent 1988 version (compiled after LRH was dead). Compare
the chapters individually. Words have been changed, phrases have been changed, and
entire chapters have been removed and new chapters added. That could be the
subject of an entire new report. I can understand altering punctuation, but why change
LRH wording, even in minor ways? Changing even ONE WORD shifts meaning.
If “minor changes” are made every 3-5 years, what will be left in 500 years? I am not
making this up or exaggerating the severity of the situation. The alterations of wording
and omissions of chapters are there for anyone to see. It is not simply a case of what I
say is true or it isn’t. Just open your eyes and look. I consider the correct viewpoint to be
a no tolerance approach to alterations of LRH materials. My attitude is a one hundred
percent unreasonable attitude towards changing anything written or spoken by LRH.
Anyway, the second version of the Ethics book is no longer in print, but it is vital as
historical evidence showing earlier alterations of LRH data preceding the latest version of
the Introduction to Scientology Ethics book.
With the third version of the Introduction of Scientology Ethics book came the most severe
alteration of LRH data I have ever seen in print. This is covered extensively, although not
completely, in the other write-ups included as part of this report. I will cover here only
what isn’t already covered extensively elsewhere.
Page 12 of the new version is largely a hodgepodge of altered quotes from Dianetics: The
Modern Science of Mental Health, and Science of Survival. Anyone can take the time and
read through the appropriate sections of these two books and see this to be true.
Somebody took extreme liberties choosing various LRH quotes and stringing them all
together with changes in phrasing, word usage and even concepts and ideas.
The first sentence is utter nonsense. See the write-up entitled, Dynamic – A Surge of
Energy, as this very clearly describes how this is so great of an alteration.
The following section from the newest version of the Introduction to Scientology Ethics
book is altered from the original text that first appeared in The Fundamentals of Thought:
As one looks out across the confusion which is life or existence to most people, one
discovers that there are eight main divisions.
These are the eight urges (drives, impulses) in life. We call them the DYNAMICS. These
are motives or motivations. These are the EIGHT DYNAMICS.
The purpose of setting forth this division is to increase an understanding of life by placing
it in compartments. Having subdivided existence in this fashion, each compartment can be
inspected as itself and by itself in its relationship to the other compartments of life. In
working a puzzle it is necessary to first take pieces of similar color or character and place
them in groups. In studying a subject it is necessary to proceed in an orderly fashion. To
promote this orderliness it is necessary to assume for our purposes these eight arbitrary
compartments of life. (third version)
As one looks out across the confusion which is life or existence to most people, one can
discover eight main divisions, to each of which apply the conditions of existence. Each
division contains a cycle of action.
87 90
There could be said to be eight urges (drives, impulses) in life. These we call DYNAMICS.
These are motives or motivations. We call them THE EIGHT DYNAMICS.
There is no thought or statement here that any one of these eight dynamics is more
important than the others. While they are categories (divisions) of the broad game of life
they are not necessarily equal to each other. It will be found amongst individuals that each
person stresses one of the dynamics more than the others, or may stress a combination of
dynamics as more important than other combinations.
The purpose in setting forth this division is to increase an understanding of life by placing
it in compartments. Having subdivided existence in this fashion, each compartment can be
inspected as itself and by itself in its relationship to the other compartments of life. In
working a puzzle it is necessary to first take pieces of similar color or character and place
them in groups. In studying a subject it is necessary to proceed in an orderly fashion. To
promote this orderliness it is necessary to assume for our purposes these eight arbitrary
compartments of life.
There are obvious alterations in wording. There are omissions. This is not my “opinion”.
They are right there for anyone to see. Since this occurred well after LRH died, it is highly
unlikely that he “wrote” these changes. It is unlikely that he ordered them. One might
say, “well stop being so picky” and “who cares, it communicates”.
But here’s the point. First, LRH didn’t write it that way. If you don’t believe, perceive or
understand that then there’s nothing I can say to you. Take the time, do your own
research, open your eyes, look and know the truth of what is going on. Please be willing
to know what you know, and stand up to what you know to be true based upon your
own observations.
Second, nobody has a right to alter LRH data. Why alter it, even subtly or in a minor
way, when it makes total and complete sense in LRH’s original words? Plus, it used to be
an important principle, way back when I first got involved in Scientology, that altering
LRH material was just plain not okay; not verbally by students or supervisors, and
surely not in print by Sea Org management and publication sections. I assume this is still
considered important?
I am not interested in excuses and justifications that explain these instances of alteration
of LRH materials. Nobody should encourage or permit it. I do not think I am being too
harsh. I know it is hard to try to say this in a way that the reader will accept, but in the
end all I can do is report it and hope that the readers look honestly and understand.
I wonder if some sleepy typist or compiler simply screwed up and made misduplications
along the way, and so it has been ever since. Please realize that there are subtle alterations
88 90
in other books, and this also seems to be occurring as new books are released. Again, one
need only open their eyes and look. It is there for anyone to see. I don’t have the time to
do all the research, but it is just not true that all books are being reissued as exact faithful
copies of the earlier editions of the same books. They are not. That’s a fact.
There is a game that people play at parties. Ten or more people get in a line. The first
person has a sentence or idea whispered to them. That person turns and whispers it to
the next person. This continues down on along the line. The last person loudly recites
what they were told. In almost all cases the idea or sentence spoken is markedly different
from the original. What does this imply? The analogy is that people alter everything. The
point is that each error in duplication compounds itself with all the others until what
exists at the end of the line is nothing at all even similar to what started at the front of the
Even minor alterations will eventually find themselves as larger alterations. The only
solution is to demand and enact a standard of absolutely no alterations.
Here is the crux of all this. Human beings alter things compulsively and chronically. They
destroy anything they contact through alteration. Scientology will only “work” as long as
it continues in its 100% pure LRH form. The examples given here are real and true cases
of alteration of basic LRH data, some minor and some tremendous. Even if the minor
cases only occurred slowly, and bit by bit, as the above side-by-side comparison amply
displays then imagine what it will be like in 50, 100 or 500 years if such alterations
continue similarly. Alterations compound themselves as time passes, and the material
finds itself further and further removed from the original, until such a time is reached
where the material may no longer bear any similarity to the original. Imagine changing a
word here, a phrase there, take out a paragraph somewhere else, and so forth. If this is
continuing, as it has already occurred, I suspect large compounded resultant alteration
may not be far down the road. This is not a good thing at all.
I have no doubt that if this continues uncorrected, Scientology will be gone within 500
years. At least, even if it is “still here”, it will no longer work or get adequate results
because it will have changed so greatly due to endless, albeit small and slow, alterations of
the materials. Instead, it will function as a sort of club where people get together and talk
about their hopes and visions of some imaginary path to OT that, while fun to discuss,
does not exist any longer as a workable method going anywhere. It would become like
Buddhism of today, having lost all connection with its original data and efficacy. LRH
took a great deal of care to ensure the subject did not degrade through alterations. He
wrote many issues about that. Maybe he didn’t do it well enough. Or maybe too few
89 90
people in responsible positions truly get it. I really don’t know why what is happening is
happening, but it is happening. I personally feel it is a slap in Ron’s face to tolerate such
things. I suspect that he would be shooting people if he knew what was going on in these
cases described herein.
You can assert and believe whatever you want. Please just LOOK at it yourself and
compare the materials shown here. It is right in front of your face and quite obvious.
There is no excuse for it. If you think there is an excuse for it, then you are part of the
problem. If you choose to bury your head in the sand, and fail to confront what is setting
right in front of you, then you are part of the problem. The fact that you are an Sea Org
member working 24 hours a day on the greatest mission in the universe, and doing many
other things very right most of the time, does not justify or excuse anyone’s failure to
confront and address this, if that is what you choose to do.
Somebody has done this and may still be doing it. It must be stopped, and all instances of
such alterations found and corrected.
The alterations of the definitions of the dynamics themselves in this section of the new
version of the Introduction to Scientology Ethics book are even more dramatic. This
doesn’t simply involve minor changes in wording, but very severe changes in meaning.
The rest of this report explains this extremely well and in great detail.
I recall that a friend’s wife was working on a translation project about 5 years ago in Los
Angeles. She ended up leaving, basically she couldn’t stand it anymore, because there was
such an incredible willingness on the part of those running the project to accept faulty
translations of LRH material. She was constantly in arguments with those running the
project, and getting sent to ethics for her resistance. She simply observed and commented
on poor translations. The project leaders had a time frame they were determined to meet,
and it seems their primary concern was to “get the translation done” above all else,
including above even accurate translations. Of course, anyone familiar with LRH data
knows what this is. It’s a STAT PUSH.
Considering the many errors of duplication or rewriting that are showing up in print, one
might ask whether a similar phenomena is involved here. Possibly there has been so much
pressure to get “things done”, that the quality has suffered drastically. It wouldn’t be the
first time. Again, go read the KSW pack again. LRH talks about it extensively when he
goes over how people will enter shortcuts to obtain completions. This applies equally as
well for administrative products. Of course, what is completed is an overt product, but
hey, who cares, right? We have gotten ourselves a bunch of “dones”. Sorry for the
sarcasm, but it is just so absurd to me. All of these things should be so simple and clear to
those people directly involved with them.
90 90
There is no excuse for alteration or misinterpretation of LRH data. Never!
There is no situation, reason or logic that makes this acceptable, yet the alterations exist.
Somebody needs to handle this once and for all. For the benefit of all the people on planet
I would like to see all people benefit by the actions of the Church and I would truly like
to see as many go free as possible. I may not be there slugging it out there with you, but
that does not prevent me from viewing and reporting on what is a very serious problem
involving LRH materials, RTC and the Sea Org.
All the hard work by caring staff members and public will be meaningless and
useless if the subject materials are allowed to change over time due to slow minor
91 90
Glossary Excerpt from the Original Ethics Book
DYNAMIC – The urge, thrust and purpose of life – SURVIVE! – in its eight
The Second Dynamic is the urge toward survival through sex, or children. This dynamic
actually has two divisions. The Second Dynamic (a) is the sexual act itself and Second
Dynamic (b) is the family unit, including the rearing of children.
The Third Dynamic is the urge toward survival through a group of individuals or as a
group. Any group or part of an entire class could be considered to be a part of the Third
Dynamic. The school, the club, the team, the town, the nation, are examples of groups.
The Fourth Dynamic is the urge toward survival through all mankind and as all mankind.
The Fifth Dynamic is the urge toward survival through life forms such as animals, birds,
insects, fish and vegetation, and is the urge to survive as these.
The Sixth Dynamic is the urge toward survival as the physical universe and has as its
components Matter, Energy, Space and Time, from which we derive the word MEST.
The Seventh Dynamic is the urge toward survival through spirits or as a spirit. Anything
spiritual, with or without identity, would come under the Seventh Dynamic. A
subheading of this Dynamic is ideas and concepts such as beauty, and the desire to
survive through these.
The Eighth Dynamic is the urge toward survival through a Supreme Being, or more
exactly, Infinity. This is called the Eighth Dynamic because the symbol of Infinity ~
stood upright makes the numeral “8”.
92 90
Table of Contents from Original Ethics Book
The Conditions 23
Petition 54
Safeguarding Technology 63
93 90
Glossary 67
94 90
Second Version of Ethics Book
Taken From
ISBN 0-88404-404-1
© 1989 L. Ron Hubbard Library
Taken From
ISBN 1-57318-132-3
© 1968, 1970, 1978, 1989, 1998 L. Ron Hubbard Library
(Note: This version was NOT ever printed in 1968, 1970, 1978 or even 1989)
95 90
Second Dynamic Use in Lists
If anyone takes the time to cull every list in existence from the Technical Volumes, such
as the Second Dynamic FPRD list, and Second Dynamic Sec Checks, it becomes quite
obvious that the only thing this dynamic has ever referred to has been sex, family and the
future race.
LRH has utilized only the ideas of sex, family and the future race in any list or process he
has ever written.
See the attached copy of HCO INFROMATION LETTER, 11 April 1962, DYNAMIC
LRH breaks up the questions into two sections, one for family and one for sex. Please
read the questions and notice what they concern themselves with.
96 90
Why Would a Case of Printed Alter-Is Be So Damaging?
The obvious answer is that the false data would be passed on to every person who read
the material.
But, additionally, each reader would undergo some strange mental phenomena.
I surveyed over 10 Scientologists, both staff and public, over the past 6 months, and none
thought the definition made sense. I didn’t have to steer them, convince them, or lead
them in anyway, and almost all responded the instant I brought up the subject with
feeling or thinking something was quite wrong with the definition of the second dynamic
in the latest version of the Introduction to Scientology Ethics book.
I didn’t survey other people to verify or confirm what I knew to be true - that it was an
alteration of LRH data. I conducted the survey because I was curious exactly how various
other Scientologists came to terms with and compromised their realities with this in-print
nonsense. I knew quite well that it was false and an alteration of LRH data.
It is interesting to take a closer look at how each of them addressed and handled the
It is a commonly understood idea of Study Tech that one never passes by a word they
don’t understand, or passes by any confusing areas or disagreements with any data. The
proper solution is to handle one’s misunderstood words, lack of mass or skipped
gradient. Then, theoretically, once those steps are completed and barriers to study
handled, one would understand, agree with and like the data.
Each and every person reading or studying this “data” would have had to do one of a few
possible things.
1. Simply remain oblivious and never see or detect any problem with the data, because
they were already so dull or confused to start with.
97 90
2. Fail to understand it, fail to confront this, and move on anyway. They would be either
confused by it, or would ignore and deny the false data thereby continuing to think
with one’s previous correct understanding in the area of the second dynamic.
3. Disagree knowingly, knowing it was incorrect, but choosing to move on and study
within the context of what one accepts as true that is different from what is written.
My daughter dubbed in some weird idea of how it made sense. When I brought up the
subject to her she talked about it, glad that she finally could understand why she had so
much trouble with it. She immediately originated, with VGIs that she never liked the data
as presented.
My son never agreed with it and considered it strange data. He denied it as valid data and
chose to think with the traditional view of the second dynamic as sex and family. He
disregarded the idea that “the second dynamic is creativity” because he correctly
perceived that it was nonsense. I didn’t have to convince him to do that. He did it all on
his own long before I ever mentioned it to him.
A friend, Rick Birkensahw, OT VII, also disagreed with and disregarded the nonsense
about creativity and instead accepted and used the correct definitions and concepts
relating to sex, family and bringing about a future race.
Minimally, they all recalled the moment they contacted the “data” because they initially
disagreed and resisted it. The key point is that every person who contacted the data
would have had to violate some application of Study Tech, because they minimally would
have passed by something they disagreed with or worse, passed by it while still confused
about it in some way.
Students should not have to ask, “how can it be this way” and “how can it not be this
way” in the attempt to dislodge screwy data from published LRH materials. It’s fine and
well to have correct information in print, and require each student to study and
understand it. It is not fine and well to require that each student, without any coaching or
hint from others, detect and handle why in-print “LRH data” is nuts and should not be
considered seriously. Yet this is what must be done, and what is going on, whether
anyone believes this fact or not.
A special problem also exists for new people who do not have a pre-existing correct
understanding of the second dynamic. They will hit the definition of the second dynamic
as “creativity”, see the inclusion of the concept of sex and family, be presented with
pictures only of family units, and contact data later at every turn that never mentions
“creativity”. It is an understatement that they will become confused. The Supervisors and
Word Clearers will try to apply “standard tech”, and direct them to clear their
misunderstood words, and do demonstrations of the ideas. Any smart person will look at
98 90
them like they are idiots because the data is nuts and inconsistent.
Of course, people generally hide their confusions because it displays wrongness, and they
want to be and appear right. In Scientology, it is common for the course supervisor to
order a person to “clear up your misunderstood words” when a student originates a
confusion or disagreement. If the student tries to argue or discuss it, they get TR3’ed or
sent to ethics for “failing to apply standard study tech”.
I suspect there may be a good deal of charge built up by a great many people about this.
Additionally, a nice big juicy confusion like this can act as a center around which all sorts
of other misunderstood words, disagreements, confusions and charge may accumulate.
Finally, any observant person will wonder what the hell is going on. People come into
Scientology to increase their awareness and ability. They expect the staff to be intelligent,
aware, display judgment, and demonstrate ability. If a fairly new student sees and knows
some piece of data is nuts, yet also sees the rest of the Scientology world accepting it and
acting as if nothing is wrong, well, I doubt they will stick around and tolerate the obvious
hypocrisy for too long. It’s like the case of an “OT VII completion” I met in 1976 who
couldn’t confront talking to people very well. The aware people will question, “what is
going on here?”
Any time a person is made to agree by force or threat or deprivation, to another’s reality
and yet does not feel that reality himself, an aberrative condition exists.
Any aware person will be unable to agree with the information given in the new definition
of the second dynamic. In effect, they will be coerced or encouraged to accept it for
reasons explained in other areas of this report. It cannot cause anything except confusion
and upset in some form. It is impossible to understand nonsense, and most people will
rebel and undergo all sorts of mental phenomena if forced to.
Some though will somehow have it “make sense”, even though it does not and cannot
make sense. How and why they do that is the subject of another write-up.
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The Fundamental Simplicity
I could go on and on, and approach this from many more angles. But I firmly believe that
if the reader doesn’t get it by now, then no amount of additional information will enable
you to do so. Here is the situation described simply:
False data, not written by LRH, contradictory to extant LRH data in the related
areas, and confusing at best, has been printed and disseminated in the new version
of the Introduction to Scientology Ethics book. The same false data exists in the
LOC pack and in at least one Division Six basic course (and possibly more now).
The entire section on the Dynamics has been infected. The same section in the
previous version of the same book was mostly fine.
It should be canceled and corrected quickly with a broad issue explaining how and
I suggest anyone who has contacted this “data” receive study correction to handle
their confusions, and ethics handling to address why they failed to see and do
anything about it. Failure to perceive is fundamentally an ethics situation.
Appropriate senior Sea Org management terminals must locate WHO did this,
WHO allowed it, and WHO approved it. It’s bad enough when individual staff or
public verbally relay false data to others, but when it finds itself published in an
“official Church document”, then the problem is compounded greatly because
every person studying it will become adversely affected. (Reference: KSW Series
Various Sea Org terminals are supposed to ensure the legitimacy and purity of the
technology. The AVC Unit, if it still exists, is one such entity. There are surely
others along the line whose job it is to verify material before anything gets into
print. They didn’t in this case, and part of handling this involves completing a
valid Danger Formula that will prevent any such situation from ever occurring
again. This will need to be done by those who did it, and by the seniors or areas
concerned with guaranteeing exact renditions of LRH material - the related RTC
staff included.
I am sure there may be some reading this who view it as “politically incorrect” for me to
know and say such things. Somebody should thank me. A widely issued commendation
might be in order. But I understand that there may exist so many considerations that may
act to prevent this from ever happening. A few, and not all, would include:
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• The PR problem for the Church that it failed to ensure the exactness of LRH data.
• The PR problem that the person, me, who finally took enough responsibility to
address it is an ex-SO member and an ex-declared SP.
• A general unwillingness to accept accurate criticism of a screwed up SO situation by a
public person - an “outsider”.
• The fact that certain staff members do not like “public” to get involved in its affairs.
• The problem that this alter-is has been out now for so long, and nobody has seen it
much less has anyone done anything to handle it.
• Far too many staff and public have already incorrectly accepted or agreed with the
nutty data to some degree.
I simply want to see it fixed. The issuing of false data and the reason why it occurred
must be addressed and repaired. The bad product and the machine that produced the
flawed product need also to be fixed. (HCO PL 29 October 1970, Org Series 10, The
Analysis of Organization By Product)
The only thing I can do is report it and hope that others handle this quickly and
properly. Please fix it.
101 90
Section Two Completion
Below is an exact quote taken from the most recent printing of the Introduction to
Scientology Ethics book. This quote also appears in the LOC pack, and in a basic course
pack (the name of which I do not recall).
Please re-read the paragraph below. Now, after having read the previous section honestly
ask yourself if it still makes sense, and if it aligns with the rest of extant LRH data in the
related areas.
If you now realize that this is false and shouldn’t exist in print as legitimate LRH
materials, close this report, because there is no need to read any further. Then take
immediate action to get the false data canceled and reprinted.
If you somehow still think, consider, maintain, believe or remain convinced that this
definition does “make sense” in any way and is consistent with extant LRH data, then
please continue reading the report.
The next section looks over and explains various reasons why and how a person could fail
or refuse to understand something despite all facts and observations to the contrary.
These reasons are a combination of personal, political, social and organizational. I have
done my best to examine them as best as I could.
Continue reading this report until you notice and realize that this definition of the second
dynamics is false and shouldn’t exist in print as legitimate Scientology (LRH) materials.
You might also come to realize that the entire section of the Dynamics in the latest
version of the Introduction to Scientology Ethics book is incorrect.
102 90
103 90
Section Three
In this section I examine how it is that such an error as this could continue undetected and
unhandled for such a long time (11 years). Why a person would accept false data is a part
of this. I also examine how the false data might have originally appeared in a Church
publication. There really are not that many different possible scenarios. Lastly, I do my
best to go over why a person could fail or refuse to understand and agree with something
(the facts of this report) despite all consistent data or evidence to the contrary. Please
bear with me. I am trying my best to explain a situation that is very real and it would
benefit the reader to understand it in its entirety.
Misunderstood Words
A person could fail to understand something because they have misunderstood words.
The concept or sentence or paragraph or subject doesn’t make sense because the person
misunderstands the parts – the words. The same is true for the other barriers to study.
The first barrier to learning is the consideration that you already know all about it.
A person could fail to understand something because, while they “understand” the words,
they have failed to connect the words and concepts to the real things the words and
concepts describe out in the physical universe or inside the mind. This is far more
common than anyone imagines.
This is also a special case of failing to connect concepts to observable events, and
involves fixed ideas, which prevent people from looking at and basing their decisions on
personal observations. It explains how and why somebody can even perceive and
experience reality differently from others because of their unexamined rigidly held false
considerations (i.e. fixed ideas, false data). This is covered in the Study Tapes.
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Words and ideas have specific meanings depending upon the environment they find
themselves located within. The correct definition of a word depends on the rest of the
words before and after it. The correct understanding and application of an idea depends
on the situation involved in defining that idea.
Group Agreement
People in general have a difficult time disagreeing with things the rest of their peers seem
to go along with. This is especially true if you believe that the leaders and other group
members may be “smarter”, “better educated” or “more ethical” than you are. It is easy to
deny one’s own perceptions and knowingness in such an environment.
There is a general idea in Scientology that “criticism” always implies underlying overts.
This is not always true. Criticism can be based upon valid faults or errors. It can be a
mistake to slot every critical comment as only an indicator of overts, and thereby fail to
examine carefully the content or basis of the critical remarks.
This is the most unlikely explanation, but I would be remiss if I failed to mention it as a
Each of these is covered in the next sections. I explain first, how this alteration of LRH
data probably ended up in print, second, how the situation described here could have
remained undetected and unhandled for so long, and third, why certain readers may be
unable or unwilling to duplicate, understand and accept the facts contained herein.
In the end the situation I describe is amazingly simple. The definition of the second
dynamic in the newest version of the Introduction to Scientology Ethics book is false, and
should not exist in print to confuse or mislead Scientologists. When I first read this
definition I knew immediately that it was false data and could not have ever been written
by LRH. It has taken me quite awhile to do all the research to support my argument. It
took many rewritings to get this to a point where it was organized well and able to
communicate. After digging through the Technical Volumes, the OEC Volumes, the
Management Series, various tapes, and many LRH books, I am only further convinced
that this “data” is utter nonsense. If you are sincere and honest in looking at the facts,
you should have little trouble also knowing it to be nonsense. There is no room for
reasonableness or wishy-washy attitudes when it comes to the exactness of LRH data.
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LRH recommends in the Code of Honor:
I urge you to know what you know and to act consistently and ruthlessly with what you
know to be true. Please bear with me if you wonder at times where a section is heading.
There is a goal for each section and I take my time and care to describe each point.
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I have the viewpoint that the subject of Scientology is the best and only chance
Mankind has to survive and attain higher states of awareness. I see that LRH was
the sanest fellow to ever walk the planet. The subject of Scientology contains the
best compilation of “truth” ever put together in one place. I agree completely with
the idea that people should have a workable road to freedom available for their use
and benefit. I agree that able and honest people deserve protection from the less
savory members of our societies. I completely support these things.
I make routine unsolicited donations to CCHR CW and have been doing so for
almost a year. When I recently was paid on a debt owed to me, in less than 24
hours I was handing the majority of it to FSO Reg, Paul Miller ($40,000). So, I am
not speaking empty words. My actions align with and support my views. And even
though I may not be able to do services for awhile at Flag, I still chose to give the
funds to Scientology so it’s activities could be supported NOW. This all can be
easily verified.
Though, I do not rotely support the actions of the group (or any group) in cases
where it acts in ways contrary to the achievement of these things.
I agree almost completely with the subject and the goals of LRH. I love nothing better
than to see decent people apply Scientology data and better their personal lives and the
lives of others. I don’t always agree with the ideas and actions performed by various
group members in their attempt to apply the subject. The problem is that too many
people confuse the idea of the subject (LRH materials) with the idea of the organization
(the Church of Scientology). When somebody criticizes a fault of the Church in its
application of the subject, too many group members take it as an attack against the
principles of the subject. That is an error. Too often the critical remarks are directed
because the person simply wants to see the subject honestly and correctly understood
and applied. The group incorrectly interprets the “attacks” to be against the purposes and
goals of Scientology, when in fact, the “attacks” are against incorrect application by the
group (the Church). Again, I have seen the two things confused far too many times.
107 90
Examples are numerous. This is explained in part in this report.
Any group exists somewhere on a scale from zero to 100 percent duplication,
understanding and application of the subject materials by each and every participating
group member. Obviously this changes day by day and even hour by hour. The IDEAL
SCENE would be the perfect duplication, understanding and application by each and
every member. Obviously absolutes do not exist, and there cannot ever be perfect
duplication, understanding and application by all members. But this can get closer and can
always be improved. Any Ideal Scene can be approached.
So, the organization is NOT the same thing as the subject. This can never be true for any
organization and the subject upon which that organization is based. People get upset
when they perceive any organization acting in ways contrary to how they understand or
believe the subject materials define and explain how that organization should conduct
The subject does not equal the organization. The materials of Scientology (LRH data) are
not equal to the Church of Scientology. “Scientology” does not equal the “Church of
Scientology”. That is a fact despite whatever anyone might choose to think, believe,
assert or demand.
“Scientology is expanding”.
That means that the organization of Scientology is expanding. The subject is, or should be
fixed and unchanging. This statement has little to do with the subject.
“Hey dude, Scientology is really great and has some wonderful people in it”.
That means that the activity of the group known as the Church of Scientology is great and
that this person thinks wonderful people participate in the group. It also can mean that
this person likes the data they study within the subject materials.
This person obviously is referring to how they perceive the group and organization to
108 90
function. The subject can’t do anything, unless specific policies exist encouraging staff
members to extract as much money out of every parishioner that they possibly can. It is
just a subject. The subject is simply a body of data or information.
So, people often confuse the idea of the subject materials of Scientology with the idea of
the organization of Scientology. The word Scientology is used to refer to the “subject” at
times, and to the organization at other times. The word has two different definitions.
People in and out of the group confuse these two things.
People do this all of the time in the real world. People confuse the idea of the theory of
communism with the realities of specific forms of communism, such as Communist
China, Communist Cuba or Communist Russia. The organizations practicing
Communism are very different from the subject of Communism espoused by Karl Marx,
and the organizations actually all differ greatly between each other in their application of
the principles. In fact, different Churches of Scientology differ from each other in their
duplication, understanding and application of the data of Scientology. If that were not
true, then it could not be considered that Flag was somehow “better” than the rest.
This is also true for pretty much everything you see around you. There are first and
foremost subjects and theories. The ideas underlie everything else. People try to
understand these subjects or theories and apply them in practice as best they can. While
the subjects and theories exist as one thing, most people confuse these with the attempts
at practicing the theories by various groups of people.
There is no “psychiatry” really. There are only various theories and ideas that fall under
the umbrella of the subject known as psychiatry. There are various people and groups
who try to understand this nonsense as best they can, and they purport to apply it in
various ways. These groups are also called by the name “psychiatry” when they have
something to do with the subject known as “psychiatry”. The same is true for every
subject under the sun. The subject materials and the group are two very different things.
There exist theories or bodies of the data known as subjects. Then there are people who
group together in an attempt to understand and apply the data of these subjects. Usually
the two things are worlds apart due to incessant alteration of data committed by the
human mind at every step along the way. That’s how there could be one Jesus Christ, and
one version of Christianity forty years after his death, yet now the world has over 500
different versions of “Christianity”. Chronic alteration of data by human beings is an
insidious mechanism. It goes on everywhere if not ruthlessly stopped. And even then, it
seems it still goes on.
The subject materials should be relatively fixed and unchanging. In the real world the
109 90
subjects themselves seem to forever change as “new knowledge is gained”. That is
something that LRH was very aware of and attempted to handle by the creation of the
Qualifications Division and the ideas included in the various KSW issues and course.
The “Church” as a group changes moment by moment, day by day, and is based solely
upon the total combined understanding and application of each of its members. In fact,
the “Church” today is different from the “Church” of yesterday and the “Church” of
tomorrow. The Church always, at any time, exists as a “version”. There is no fixed
“Church” that exists anywhere separate from the understanding and application of its
members. The “Church” is more of an idea than a reality, but then that is true for any
group, and LRH concurs completely. People see all the various Church buildings, staff
showing up for post day after day, books, course rooms, and so forth, and imagine that
there is a “real Church of Scientology”. As LRH correctly points out, it is all just an
apparency. What really exists is agreement amongst thetans.
There should exist a non-changing subject that is not susceptible to changing “versions”.
That is point one of KSW, “having the technology”. Points 2-10 of KSW were written to
keep the application of the subject materials intact and unchanging. The materials should
and must remain free of alteration and degradation. It must be actively kept and
maintained that way.
That is part of the problem I describe here. Too many people confuse between the subject
and the organization. The Church, as a group, should routinely change in its attempt to
more closely align with the Ideal Scene outlined in the subject materials. The subject
materials should NOT change, but to a certain degree they are changing. That is not a
good thing. That is what I discuss here.
110 90
Introduction - A Vital Point
While I do point out situations in this report that have taken place within the Church and
by Church members, you must keep one thing very clear. I am fully aware of all the many
good things and correct actions that have been enacted by the Church and Church
members, because without these the Church would not be here at all or as successful as it
is. I agree with the goals of Scientology completely.
The Church currently enjoys a high level of success. This exists because of a high
overbalancing in the direction of rightness instead of wrongness. The Church has done and
is doing much more right than wrong.
At the bottom of the scale is total failure. At the top is total success. An Ideal Scene is a
statement of the perfect realization of any goal or purpose in some area. An Ideal Scene is
an idea or absolute. It is unattainable, by definition, but it can be approached, on a
While the Church is closer to the Ideal Scene than at any time in its history, and this is a
wonderful thing, it is necessary to point out and confront instances where the Church
deviates from what it should be doing if it is to ever truly achieve it’s goals.
I bitch and complain at times. I maintain that if what I point out at times were honestly
understood and handled that the Church would be that much closer to an Ideal Scene.
That would be a good thing for everybody.
Please do not fail to look at the flaws I describe because you feel I am attacking or
incorrectly exaggerating the flaws. Do not refuse to confront what I discuss because some
may feel, out of defensive posturing, that I am unfairly pointing out the bad over the
I need to make a case here or the errors and mistakes will never be seen for what they are.
If the errors and mistakes are never seen as the errors and mistakes they truly are, then
they will never be addressed and handled. I concentrate on, and direct an unusual amount
of attention on them because unless I do, they will never be addressed and handled. Please
do not make the mistake of incorrectly assuming that I simply want to moan and
complain about the “bad”. I would be very happy if I had nothing to complain about. The
truth is that I want these things fixed so that the Church becomes even stronger. The
Church becomes stronger as it more closely aligns with and applies LRH data. It becomes
weaker if and when the Church misapplies or allows LRH data to become altered.
In the end I want the Church to expand and succeed because I am tired of what I see
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around me in the world. I want people to benefit from what LRH has left for us all. I
want to see people finally become free from the errors of their own faulty considerations
and agreements, and create a world we can each be proud of.
In study tape, Studying: Introduction, LRH makes the brilliant observation that:
“. . . the first barrier to learning is the consideration that you know all about it”.
If the reader smugly sits in a chair, smirking at what I report here, then you will learn
nothing. If you believe that your post, experience or status places you in an elevated
position of knowledge above whatever I could point out to you, then there is nothing you
will learn from what I point out. If you enter this report with a preconceived notion or
fixed idea about me or the legitimacy of the situation I describe then you will shut
yourself off from the possible benefits of your own observations.
Please try to put aside any ideas or biases that you might have that could act to block
your willingness to observe and thereby duplicate and understand what I present here. Be
willing to look at the things that this report details, and simply, please observe what is.
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Incorrectly Misrepresenting Valid Criticism
There are numerous LRH references where the (auditor) response to criticism or critical
thoughts is instructed to be “pull the overts and withholds”. There are many, and there is
no need to list them here.
There is a hidden and subtle possible problem with that. It can turn into a knee-jerk
reaction or response where the listener fails to take the time to observe for him or herself
the veracity of the critical remarks. Please don’t do that with this report. If someone says,
“oh, it is just his overts speaking”, and then fails to look at the information, then you can
never see anything. To a degree this can lead to a situation where the observer can and
won’t ever “see” anything because they are too busy mechanically misinterpreting
everything instead of simply looking at the reality of the situation.
In a similar way, critical comments and written reports delineating “negative” things can
be viewed incorrectly as “attacks”. In the past I have written reports about off-policy
situations, only to be told that I had better knock-off “attacking” the Church. This is
because people misunderstand the various meanings and proper uses of the word
People often confuse these two, and Church staff members have done so with me in the
LRH correctly points out that anyone who attempts to harm, undermine or destroy the
Church is suppressive. That is clear and true.
It is a false A=A=A to state or believe that someone making critical remarks or verbal
“attacks” is also intending to harm the Church.
My purpose here is NOT to harm or destroy the Church. In fact, the opposite is true.
My intention is to handle a situation that may lead to a weakening of the subject of
So please, do not confuse the two things and incorrectly label my report as an “attack”
against the Church or as an action to harm the Church. It is neither of these things.
Though, sadly, I know full well that there are many who would happily confuse the two
things and misrepresent this as an action to harm.
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This is an attack against a situation that exists in the Church that in itself is potentially
very destructive to the subject and goals of Scientology. But all instances of violations of
KSW should be heavily attacked. I am sure we can all agree on that.
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Confusing or Switching Levels of Abstraction
This includes errors most people make who are not educated into this phenomenon. As a
word or idea becomes more abstract, it embraces more general characteristics and fewer
differences. The similarities are viewed at the expense of the differences. Things and real
events don’t get more abstract, only ideas do. Abstractions, or generalities, only exist in
the minds of thetans. They exist only in your head. Ideas do not exist anywhere “out
there”. The problem is that the only real things anyone can observe are specific cases.
Therefore, one’s ideas (always generalities) and observations (always specific cases) can
be wildly divergent. In fact, they usually are.
This section rambles on a bit, but it is necessary to clarify exactly how it is that people
often think about things that are more ideas than much of anything else, and how far too
often these ideas fail to relate well to actual observable reality. An “idea” is more correct
to the degree it more accurately describes the things and events it points to or indicates.
Too often many of the ideas of people have little to do with the actual true nature of
things. This is no minor situation.
You can see, touch and pet a specific cat, but the concept “cat” includes any cat, real or
imaginary, large or small, with thin hair or thick hair, whether purebred or a mutt. The
concept “cat” necessarily leaves out a tremendous number of differentiating
characteristics. The same is true for any “thing” named, such as “car”, “boat”, “marriage”,
“planet”, “bowling team”, ad infinitum. Simply, the name or label (word, thought, idea) is
not the thing, and the name or label purposely leaves out many characteristics that any
specific thing possesses. In other words, while words and ideas might be an interesting
way to relate to real things and events, they are forever and always quite inaccurate.
Words and ideas can only fail and fall sort of the things they attempt to describe. A word
doesn’t equal anything. It is a symbol that represents an entire category of things. The
same is true for ideas. There is no single word in any language that describes or defines
any actual real specific thing! Groups of words (phrases and sentences) can point to a
specific thing or event, so that you can then observe it as an idea or as an actual occurring
event. There is no understanding in words and ideas. Legitimate understanding only
results from personal observation, although words and ideas can and do help point
anyone to the things and events they should observe.
Words and ideas are useful only to the degree they accurately relate to and describe actual
existing events and situations. Otherwise they mean nothing.
You might not like that statement because you might believe that “anybody can
understand anything” and “perfect communication is possible”. Yes, anybody can
understand anything, but not through words and communication of ideas, and ONLY IF
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YOU PERVADE IT AND BE IT. Perfect communication is not possible as long as there
is any distance between the source point and receipt point. Only at zero distance, or
infinite affinity, can that occur. But that is then the same thing - you are occupying the
same space as the thing and pervading it as the means of understanding. Communication,
as we know it, disappears when the distance approaches zero. Affinity is defined as the
willingness to occupy the same space as or be near something. It is the greatest when you
are willing to completely be in the same space as something else. Communication of ideas
using words is a very poor way to go about understanding something. Just because
everybody does it here on Earth does not make it any the less imperfect. Words are useful
only if they get you to look at the realities the words define or describe. LRH never
discussed this exactly in this way, as far as I know, but that doesn’t make it any the less
true. But he would surely agree.
At the top we would have a complete understanding of all things, and it would be complete
knowingness, but this would require no communication to effect.
Why? Because all communication disappears when the distance vanishes to nothing, or
when affinity increases to infinity. Recheck Axiom 28 if you doubt this. For any
communication to exist there must be a distance. When you pervade or be something, you
occupy the same space as it, all distance disappears, and thus no communication. It’s
very simple really. LRH talks about this in many places, and I just don’t have the time to
dig out every reference. Communication requires distance (Axiom 28).
Words and ideas are useful only to the degree they encourage the reader to look
and observe what they describe or discuss. The actual understanding results from
looking at the things and events, and not from thinking with words and ideas.
In fact, LRH has designed the study of Scientology materials to do just that. This is due
to the concern for application through demonstration and practical drills. But despite that,
most people are unaware of just how much their ideas fail to connect up with actual
observable things and situations. To a degree, most people think with ideas that fail to
some degree to correlate with or be based upon the true nature of things. Language, words
and ideas themselves contain these errors.
Life form
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House cat
There is no actual “cat” that exists anywhere, but only specific cases of a “cat”. The
definition of “cat”, in fact any definition of anything, leaves out the many various qualities
that enable one to differentiate between the particular cases of those real entities with that
same name or label. The definition of “cat” purposely leaves out size, hair color, breed,
and numerous other qualities. Differences are ignored in every label, word or symbol. In
other words, any single word refers to no specific thing. Every word is a generality. It
refers to a category of things, and yet, it refers to no actual thing. Words can only begin to
refer to actual things when used with other words, because the combination of words acts
to point out or to specific actual things.
While “cat” is an abstraction that exists only as an idea, the phrase, “The cat sitting on
my living room table last night at 6:30 p.m.”, does indicate an actual specific incident of a
Realize that with abstracting the “word” doesn’t do it. You do it in the process of
conceptualizing and accepting the label. You make up or accept the entire conceptual
range of labels, categories and meanings, usually never realizing that you do so or how you
do it. You put meaning onto and out into the universe around you partially through the
definitions and concepts you have accepted about these things. Most people are
completely unaware of this and remain to some degree the effect of their ideas, their
“intellect” and their conceptual framework. The human mind labels, breaks up and tears
apart everything in an attempt to bring the human experience of the myriad observations
of reality into language. The world doesn’t do it to you. You do it to the world and
universe around you. This becomes obvious and true for anyone who takes the time to
observe these things and notice how the mind functions in this regard.
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Of course, the only way to truly know anything is to observe it or be it and this attempt
to understand through labeling and language is forever doomed to fail. The study of
anything, using language and words should always and only get you to look at and
involve yourself with the actual things and relationships the language and words describe.
If you fail to look and observe, then you will never understand anything. But the world is
overflowing with people who have never looked at much of anything, they often have
very complicated minds filled with all sorts of labels, definitions, significances and
relationships, and they claim to know much. Philosophers of all time periods are guilty of
this, but also so are most people. There is nothing I say here that LRH would not agree
with completely.
Words involve two things. First, a word is actually a symbol that has attached to it a
definition or meaning. A word has mass and significance. The meaning of any word is
simply the commonly accepted meaning(s), based upon agreement of word usage by
various people who use that word. Second, any word refers to something, or at least, it
should describe something that others can experience and observe.
When you clear a word, you shouldn’t ask, “what does this word mean”, but “what is the
commonly accepted meaning of this word based upon common usage by other people, and
what does it refer to and describe”? The word has no inherent meaning. In other words,
“what have people accepted and agreed this word to mean and define”? A word means
only what thinking beings conceive or agree it to mean. A word only refers to what
thinking beings have agreed it to refer to. But it should refer to something!
The concept “feline” climbs further up the ladder of abstraction, as it covers a wider range
of specific instances, and ignores more unique individual traits. A household pet “cat” is
now only one category in a much large category that also includes lions, tigers and lynxes.
The concept “mammal” climbs higher, absorbing and including any animal from mice to
men to whales, and includes all animals that suckles their young. Obviously a tremendous
amount of differentiating characteristics are ignored to make this category of a concept.
All the things that separate one mammal from another are ignored to make the label
functional. There is no “mammal” per se in the sense of the exact definition because it
includes so many different things, but there are specific cases of individual mammals.
Notice that as an idea becomes more abstract it becomes less able to differentiate. It
becomes more general. It becomes less specific. It becomes more like the reactive mind
that thinks in identities.
Each label, word or concept is a special case or subset of the label, word or concept
directly above it on the abstraction ladder. A house cat is a special case of a feline. A
feline is a special case of a mammal. A mammal is a special case of animal. An animal is a
special case of life form. As you go up the ladder of abstraction, the concept covers a
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wider area, including more specific examples or things, and intentionally omits larger
numbers of various differentiating characteristics. Reversely, a feline is a more general
category containing the household cat. The mammal is a more expansive and general
category of things containing the feline group, and so forth.
This is what your mind does as it conceptualizes the things it experiences and observes in
its external and internal environments. But more to the point, you do it every second of
every day to the world around you. Your world of ideas is a strange tenant indeed. There
are no words or categories out in the world. You accept and place this system of concepts
and categories upon the world you experience. You actually create your own entire world
(or universe) of ideas and conceptions about all sorts of things. To the degree you are not
personally and directly aware of this will you most likely go the effect of your own
conceptual world.
Ideas are the stuff of thetans. Specific instances are the stuff of the observable MEST
universe. These two things can be related, but due to faulty education, misunderstood
words, fixed ideas and a general tendency for people not to observe well, these two
worlds often remain disconnected and confused. I could fill a book with examples.
Examples are everywhere you look. It is an epidemic on Earth in all areas and fields.
A producer of educational films once remarked that it is impossible to make a film shot or
scene of “work”. You can shoot Joe hoeing potatoes, Susan polishing her car, Bill
spraying paint on a barn, but never just “work”. “Work” is a concept that exists at a high
level of abstraction and includes a multitude of activities. Specifics have an actual time,
place, form and event, whether they involve physical events or mental events. One cannot
point to any actual time, place, form and event for any word, idea or concept that has
ever been. Thinkingness is very far removed from observable reality. Notice how and why
“lookingness” (observation) is so far away from “thinkingness” (concepts) on the Know
to Mystery Scale.
This becomes interesting when you notice that as a person becomes saner they tend to
differentiate better. The more down-toned someone is the more apt they are to incorrectly
equate and identify (A=A=A) things and concepts that are not equal or similar, yet the
entire structure of language is to make things equal that really are not equal. First, language
makes the word equal to the thing, and it never is (although people often treat and work
with their mental ideas as if they were massy “things”). Second, the human act of
abstracting creates concepts based upon the similarity and equality of characteristics
while ignoring differences. Concepts are simply general ideas that people often confuse
with real things. The entire process of abstracting, described above, is nothing but
identifying things together that actually are not equal. The “idea” of a cat exists only in
your head. The reality of a specific cat exists out in the real world. No two cats are the
same. The same is true for the concepts “feline”, “mammal”, “animal” and “life form”.
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The same is true for every idea in your head. There is not one concept in your head that
equals anything anywhere, and the closest a concept can come to legitimacy is when it is
defining an exact, specific thing or event (Axiom 38). Interestingly, as one goes uptone
they increase their willingness and ability to differentiate, and they stop noticing things as
generalities (or abstractions). The very uptone person can comfortably view every
situation as the unique thing it truly is, separate and different from all others situations.
This is largely covered in the Data Series.
A thetan can conceive things to be equal as an idea. A thetan can conceive of an idea such
as zero. A thetan can have all sorts of ideas about all sorts of things. The problem is that
for ideas to be legitimate as far as words and definitions go there must be a
correspondence between the world of ideas and the physical or mental world of
observable instances of things and situations. People err often where they think in ideas
that are not based accurately on observable events and relationships, and arrive at
conclusions and opinions that are also not grounded in any observable anything. This has
nothing to do with the reactive mind, although the effects of the reactive mind add
tremendous additional confusion to the ability to look and think.
You have pushed him into the clouds of abstraction. There is no understanding with
generalities and abstractions. It is better to travel down the ladder of abstraction to
understand anything. Referring to specific examples brings about greater understanding.
To define or understand anything it is best to do as here:
Thus, definitions are most helpful that give examples with which the reader or listeners
may be familiar. In the end there must be a connection between the word and the realities
the word represents to the reader or listener. For words or concepts to make sense they
must be brought into the range of human observation and experience. That involves
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always and only specific actually cases and instances. Leaving ideas in one’s head, as
concepts or abstractions, while failing to connect them to directly observable events is a
recipe for intellectual and personal disaster. Many philosophers and people have traveled
down that road. LRH snidely refers to them, correctly, as men who live in Ivory Towers.
Speakers and writers who never leave the higher levels of abstraction really say nothing at
all, because, even while what they say might be true in some way, the ideas are vague and
general and never connect up with actual observable events. They fail to get the reader or
listener to connect the ideas with their own personal observations. They fail to list out
the specific examples and situations that might lead someone to accept the abstract idea.
The proper way to explain anything is to give the general rule, give examples that display
the general rule to be true, and encourage the reader to find their own examples based
upon their own personal experiences. That’s why LRH constantly encourages the reader
to find examples in each chapter of The Way To Happiness booklet. Again, LRH knows
all this, but he never discussed it much, except in passing.
Words act as labels and describe categories of things. There is no single word that refers to
any exact thing anywhere at any time. Ideas tend to exist similarly as some sort of
generality. They tend to be vague in some way. To test whether an abstraction is
legitimate one must ask whether it is referable to lower levels. In other words, can one
point to specific examples or cases? Interestingly a characteristic of suppressive people is
that they speak in generalities, and fail to give specifics. This relates a great deal to what I
have been describing.
I haven’t failed a star-rate checkout in years, because whenever I am asked for a definition
of a word I respond with a definition that refers directly to real life things and
relationships that I have observed. I bring up specific examples immediately from my
own personal experiences for the definition and for the sentence. I don’t memorize
anything. I immediately look to my experience and observations and simply state what I
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see or have seen. I don’t answer by “thinking”. I simply connect to what I have
previously seen.
Of course, thinking and communicating in abstractions seems to work because they get
the thetan to look at their own personal experiences related to these concepts. What the
thetan is actually making sense of are the specific observations of real life connected to
and elicited by the mental concepts and definitions passing through his mental landscape.
You do this so quickly that it isn’t even noticed. The nuttier a person is the less their
concepts or thinkingness elicit ideas based on personal observations, and they can get into
crazy things such as fear of alien creatures or paranoia that the world is going to collapse
under their feet tomorrow. The saner a person is, then the more their ideas directly hook
up to their own personal observations. This aligns exactly with LRH where he says that
the saner a person is the better is he or she able to differentiate, or deal in specifics.
Personal observations in their purest form are nothing but looking at specific instances.
Realize also that many people “see” what they want to see in alignment with their beliefs
and fixed ideas. Beliefs, biases and fixed ideas are nothing but ideas and concepts that do
not connect up to observable facts. People with fixed ideas always speak in abstractions
and vague generalities. They automatically interpret events in accordance with their
rigidly held opinions. A man sees a black man arrested and he instantly understands that
“blacks are inferior and lower down the evolutionary ladder”. He perceives it that way.
His ideas color and affect his ability to observe. His mental concepts and abstractions
related to black people are loaded with unexamined opinions.
Here is another example loaded with prejudice for many people: “Mr. Miller is a Jew”.
To such a statement, some “non-Jews” instantaneously have marked hostile reactions, for
example, putting themselves on guard against what they expect to be Mr. Miller’s sharp
financial practices or excluding him from tenancy in an apartment complex or from
membership in a fraternity or country club. That is to say, they may confuse this high-
level abstraction, “Jew”, and its accompanying erroneous connotations, with the real Mr.
Miller, and behave towards Mr. Miller as if her were identical with the abstraction.
The picture of reality created in our heads is often widely divergent from the true state of
affairs. Unless you have noticed this previously and taken time to correct your own
errors in these things, you most likely are guilty of the same errors to some degree.
Everyone is. Don’t toss this away as meaningless. You will be making a large error if you
do so.
This happens all the time in people’s minds to some degree about a tremendous variety of
things. Some of you may read this report, and immediately and automatically categorize
this as “an attack” or “natter” and also immediately falsely assume “he has overts”. What
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would be occurring is that your beliefs and opinions about “how things operate” would
adversely affect your ability to see what this actually is. You might attach all sorts of
meaning and attitudes to the idea that I had been previously declared. Most people largely
perceive and experience their world through their own unconscious system of rigidly held
attitudes, beliefs and opinions. I point this out in an attempt to nip that possible situation
in the bud before it happens.
This has been so far out in society that the word “sane” itself has come to mean
“conservative” or “cautious”. Or something you can agree with.
Whenever an observer himself has fixed ideas he tends to look at them, not at the
History is full of such idiocies – and idiots – with fixed ideas. They cannot observe beyond
the idea.
LRH understood everything I stated above. He discusses it much in the Data Series. The
fixed idea is an idea that replaces ones willingness and ability to observe what actually is.
Correct thinking involves relating ideas directly with actual things and events. People who
choose to believe and assert that their mental concepts and ideas are right despite the
actual facts of observable evidence are nuts. That includes almost all human beings on this
planet to some degree.
The point of all this is twofold. First, the thing is not the idea. Second, people can accept
all sorts of weird “ideas” that have absolutely nothing to do with anything, where one
cannot ever point to any specific cases as actual existing examples of the concept or idea.
Devils, angels, gods, God, Satan, Holy, sacred, Garden of Eden, purgatory, Hell,
Judgment Day, and so on are concepts that refer to no thing that anyone can observe or
point to (outside of their reactive mind). While these are religious concepts, the same is
exactly true for ideas such as chemical brain imbalance, mental illness, depression, bipolar
disorder, addiction, schizophrenia, multiple personality disorder, and insanity. These
ideas do not refer to any actual observable situation or phenomena, yet many people
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believe and assert them quite forcefully.
This also exists in the world of “science”. The “Big Bang theory”, the “Darwinian theory
of evolution”, the “germ theory”, and the materialistic idea of the universe are only ideas
in the heads of people that have very little to do with the actual true nature of things.
Again, this fault is the norm and not the unusual here on Earth. The general thinkingness
of people here is horrid. This needs to be appreciated.
This becomes exceptionally apparent when one closely and honestly examines people’s
beliefs about space aliens, god, angels, demons and that sort of thing. There can be words
that describe mythical creatures, such as a unicorn. That’s not what I am describing here.
Regardless whether any of these exist or not, people accept and believe all sorts of ideas
and opinions, and these are based upon no actual personal observations of any sort. In
other words, the ideas and concepts cannot refer to any specific thing for most of the
people most of the time, yet people believe them anyway. But worse they often force
these ideas on others.
In terms any Scientology management terminal should understand, at least if you have
studied compliance data, the fact cannot be verified personally. There is no way to
confirm or deny “aliens”. There is no way to point to a specific case of a “demon”. There
is no way to experience “God”, outside of one’s own overactive imagination. The ideas
forever remain abstractions in one’s mind. People chronically accept all sorts of ideas
without so much as a hint of evidence. LRH says in HCOPL Technical Degrades that is a
High Crime “to permit a pc to attest to more than one grade at a time without hint or
evaluation”. It should also be a crime to accept a definition or description of a concept
without any hint or evaluation of actual existing things and events that the definition
describes. But then, I am often accused of being too harsh in my expectations of others.
Religious beliefs and scientific beliefs are filled with examples where people think one
thing, yet any honest observation of reality exhibits contrary states or conditions.
Religious zealots are notorious for believing and asserting things that neither them or
anyone else has ever seen or experienced. I do NOT place Scientology in the same
category as other past Earth religions, because Scientology encourages each participant to
look for himself and to not accept anything that one has not observed as true for oneself.
The subject of Scientology is eminently sane in this regard. It is not at all like most other
examples of Earth religions. The theory of evolution and the Big Bag theory both fail to
align with any honest observation. In this regard scientists often believe and assert fairy
tales as much as the religious folks they often criticize.
The point is that ideas are often very different than the situations these ideas
claim to define and describe.
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Realize that you can point to a specific case of a cat, feline, mammal, animal or life form.
You can point to an example. The words and concepts can refer to actual existing things
and relationships. Also realize that you can get others to look at and see “invisible”
realities such as “imagination”, “love” or “nervousness” by getting them to observe their
own “internal reality”. What I am saying is not a rant for materialism, although various
materialists incorrectly use the subject of Semantics that way.
LRH was familiar with this. The above ideas come from the subject of Semantics. LRH
was very familiar with this subject, because many of his ideas come straight out of it,
such as “infinite-valued logic”, “differentiation”, and “absolutes don’t exist”. Some might
even say LRH “stole” these ideas, but that is neither here nor there (and he does give due
credit to other authors in a few of his books). You can find these ideas and more in
Korzybski’s Science and Sanity. In HCO PL 26 April 1970R, revised 15 March 1975,
In a subject developed by Korzybski a great deal of stress is given to the niceties of words.
In brief a word is NOT the thing. And an object exactly like another object is different
because it occupies a different space and thus “can’t be the same object”.
Personally, from my own experience with people studying Scientology, and by working
with many students on Scientology courses over the years to help debug their study, I
think LRH undervalued this factor. In almost every case I find of a person having trouble
with study, they are incredibly stuck in “ideas” and “significance”. They fail to
understand that the words refer to real things, and have never taken the time to connect
up their own words and concepts with the things and relationships the words and
concepts define and describe. The solution is in the Study Tapes, where LRH tells
someone who still can’t understand something after clearing the words to “ask yourself
how it can be that way”. This question, while paraphrased, and able to be asked in
numerous different way, actually coaxes the student to connect the words and ideas to the
real world because the student must look to their experience based on their own
observations of similar things. Supplying examples tricks the student into coming up
with instances of their own observations and experiences of these things.
Get down to this other thing, you still can’t see how it’s that way – set yourself up some
examples of how it’s not that way and how it is that way.
Now, this is the – really the first place where you really have to apply it to you and life,
where it becomes an abs - a complete must. You must apply it to you, you must apply it to
life. “Does this thing exist in life or doesn’t it? Has it existed in my life or has it existed in
anybody else’s life that I know of? Is there any incident here that demonstrates this
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“How does it apply to me? How does it apply to life? Has it ever applied to life? Did
anybody ever see this thing?” you see, and “Do I know of any incident or anything of the
sort which would exemplify this thing?” (LRH Taped Lecture - Studying: Data
What this actually gets the student to do is look and connect up the data and ideas to their
own perceptions, experiences and observations. THAT is the most important thing.
But too few people seem to understand the incredible importance of doing this because
LRH basically mentions it only once on one of the study tapes, and never issued anything
on it pointing out it’s relative importance. I have found that almost anybody can be
helped markedly in study if they duplicate and apply that one simple technique. It is a
grossly underused method and it markedly helps anybody with learning anything. I think
LRH failed to notice the magnitude of importance of this datum, or at least he failed to
communicate clearly this fact. I use that datum almost everyday of my life. It changed my
So, per this there can be an incredible divergence between 1) the existing reality of things,
and 2) what any one person accepts as labels, definitions and concepts for these same
things. Again, the word is not the thing. Also, the idea is not the thing. One must go
outside the realm of words and concepts, and look at things if you want to verify and
confirm the reality or anything. That is covered extensively earlier in this report when
discussing the Know To Mystery Scale. Studying words and concepts should get the
Understanding concepts, and relating concepts in one’s head, while important, is far from
the end of study, yet that seems to be what most people get after studying the Study
Tech. The entire purpose of study should be to get the reader to look and observe. All
else are sub-products. This is entirely consistent with LRH data taken as a whole. The
end purpose is not to end off with only a “conceptual understanding”.
LRH seems to impart the idea that all study must be aimed at getting a result or a
product. That is not always true. You can read for enjoyment. You can study because
you are curious. There are many reasons to study besides applying data to get a result.
That might be the reason for studying a post hat, or doing an E-meter course, but that is
not always necessary.
This conceptual confusion can get tremendously worse. This gets compounded greatly
when you realize that any person has a huge conceptual system of definitions, some
accurate and some not, with all sorts of concepts that never can or will connect well to
any observable reality. Each person also has tremendous interconnecting relationships
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between and amongst all these partially and completely “off” definitions and ideas. They
don’t just have incorrect relationships of words and ideas with the things that the word
defines, but they also have strange and incorrect relationships between the concepts in
their heads. I am not even adding in the bank, false data, fixed ideas or anything else. It’s
nuts already without any of that thrown into the mix.
The problem is that words and definitions are supposed to relate or connect to the things
and relationships they purport to describe. Often they don’t. The theories and ideas are
nutty to start with, because the ideas are more often “beliefs” than anything else (i.e.
Christianity, psychiatry, communism, economics, etc.). And even if they do make sense,
if understood, far too often the person has never taken the time to observe the specifics of
what the words describe to successfully connect the significance with the mass. Lack of
mass doesn’t only apply to “big things” or sequences of actions, but it involves
everything. Every noun refers to a thing. Every verb refers to the action of some thing.
Every word originally came from an observation of a specific thing or event. Every adverb
came from observing how an action could be different from other similar actions. Every
adjective came from observing how a thing could differ from other similar things. Language
originally derived from the observation of things, events and relationships. Mental
concepts are tied up closely with language. When you have lost the connection of the
words to the things they label and represent, you have lost it all, if you ever had it in the
first place. The truth is that most people never had it, much less are even aware of
anything I discuss here.
The last point is that far too many people’s entire conceptual universes of ideas and
definitions remain restricted to within their head (or mind), and their entire mental
framework fails to correctly connect up to observable realities. The person who keeps
pushing communism despite it’s nearly consistent failure wherever it has been attempted,
the person who demands allegiance to socialism despite an ever worsening economy, and
the psychiatrist who never relents and prescribes electric shock treatment despite the
obvious harm it does, each chooses to stay in their heads instead of looking at observable
things. They live through “thinkingness” and not “lookingness”. The truth is obvious but
they don’t and can’t see it. They choose to accept definitions and concepts that are more
theories than anything else. Yet they push the ideas on everybody else nonetheless.
Worse, despite the fact that direct observation refutes what they claim, nonetheless they
doggedly maintain that their beliefs are true. I call this the human belief syndrome. It
happens nearly everywhere. People choose to run their attitudes, opinions and beliefs on
everyone else despite the observable evidence that refutes their attitudes, opinions and
beliefs. This is a chronic human problem and it has been playing itself out at all points in
human history. It has happened in the Church at times also.
It is important to notice that most people are unaware of their conceptual universe of
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definitions, concepts, ideas, and considerations, and just how much and to what degree (or
lack of degree) these correlate to observable things and relationships. Most people are
utterly unconscious of their own fixed ideas, biases, unexamined theories held as fact, and
I have seen far too many Scientologists use “self-determinism” or “my certainty” to
excuse these things. As I like to say, you can believe what is true for you, but that does not
mean that it is true. People can be certain about and believe all sorts of things, but that
does not in anyway imply that their perceptions or views are accurate. Certainty is a state
of mind. It implies nothing about truth or accuracy, although the person claiming certainty
almost always asserts rightness and legitimacy.
There is a way to grade data and base what you know upon actual observations. This is
covered by LRH in the Data Series policies. It seems very few have read this material,
much less apply it to life and the world around them on a routine basis. Honestly, I would
guess that less than 5% of all staff and public have read it, and less than 1% apply it to
their life successfully as a way to determine validity of “data” (facts, reality, reports,
study materials, news articles, etc.).
While I give very drastic and graphic examples here, most people confuse abstractions
with specifics, ideas with observations, and opinions with facts.
What I describe above explains one of the situations that may prevent a reader from
getting what I am describing in this report, and surely explains why so many people
couldn’t see the situation over the past eleven years. Real things, and the words and
concepts used to describe and embrace them are confused. Theories are accepted as facts
when they have never been verified personally in any way.
In this case, one may choose to accept the ideas (beliefs) that:
I doubt the reader has any idea to what degree these fixed ideas affect one’s ability to
perceive and judge data.
What’s funny is that LRH is probably always right, because his observations are so
correct, but that “idea” should not be accepted as an ideology, belief or fixed idea that
prevents a person from observing when a case surfaces where LRH isn’t right. Believing
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that the Church would never allow non-LRH material into print surely doesn’t help stop
it if and when it occurs. Of course the Church would like its members to have confidence
in how it is managed, as a PR concern, but again, faith in the Church cannot and should
not ever replace one’s own personal direct perception of what is. Faith is a useless
commodity compared to one’s ability to observe.
The ability to observe must always remain senior to anything else, and when one’s
direct observations contradict one’s beliefs, one had better begin questioning their
sacredly held ideas and opinions instead of their own ability to observe.
Know what you know by observing honestly. Don’t try to figure out the truth of
anything by “thinking about it”. Just look and observe what you see. Be honest enough
to know what it is you see. Besides that you really don’t have much of anything else.
Christians argue endlessly over the idea that “God is Good” and the fact of the existence
of evil in the world. How could a loving a God allow such evil in the world? It is a game of
playing with words and meanings. There is no God and there is no absolute good. The
ideas are based on nothing outside of people’s imaginations and their acceptance of
strange concepts. Yet many people believe and accept all sorts of statements as true that
have never been and can never be verified. The point of all this is what? It is best to look
to establish truth, instead of playing games of logic, thinking and reasoning.
Many people have a hard time understanding cases where the Church causes harm to
somebody or some activity (when they shouldn’t cause harm). Lisa McPherson died
under the Church’s care. Some Scientologists can’t make sense of this, because “the
Church is good and is freeing mankind”. This statement of the Ideal Scene and purpose
may very well be true (to free Mankind), but it is an error to confuse that postulate with
the actual conditions that exist at any moment of time. If the Church had followed simple
LRH policy in the area of illegal public the situation never would have occurred. It is no
more complex than that.
Part of the problem is that people want their statements and postulates to be true, and
they don’t like it when people present evidence that shows them not to be true. People
don’t like viewpoints that contradict their own postulates and assertions.
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The problem with this is far too many people can get off into having Scientology become
an ideology, based on beliefs and fixed ideas, instead of it being what it should be - the
workable application of the only subject on Earth that can actually dislodge crazy beliefs
and fixed ideas.
To handle any situation the people involved must be able to view it as it is. If they cannot
view it as it is, then they will not know the actual situation, and will not be able to repair
it properly. Thinking in abstractions, accepting postulates and goals as statements of
actual conditions of reality, and fixed ideas prevent this from occurring. These things act
as a block to improvement.
It is very true that legitimate application of Scientology (LRH) materials obtains great
results. That idea is right out of KSW data. It is also true that a failure to apply standard
Scientology in a standard manner causes upsets and attacks. The problem is that too
many people have the fixed ideas that:
Why are having these ideas a problem? First, there are too many instances where
application is simply not standard. Application, even at Flag, is an ever-changing thing. It
evolves and changes. Interpretations change. That’s a fact. Ask any NOTs or Solo-NOTs
pre-OT. Second, people get mad at the organized structure of the Church when certain
actions that occur under the auspices of that same Church fail to align with a proper
understanding and correct application of LRH materials.
So, in fact, what happens here is that non-Scientology (squirreling, alterations from LRH
materials, misapplication) occurs at times within the “organized Church”. This is not as
uncommon as one might think or like to believe. This can and does occur. So what!
Nobody is perfect. That’s not the issue here. But, various people in the Church make a
big deal out of this by first, denying that any squirreling occurs and second, placing any
criticism or attack against anything about the Church into the category of suppressive
People get mad when Scientology is not applied standardly. They will attack the cases
and instances of this. People will yell and scream like mad when Scientology is not
standardly applied to them or in their environment. LRH describes this clearly in the
KSW issues. But some Church officials seem to incorrectly place all “attacks” and
“criticisms” into a neat little cubbyhole labeled suppressive acts. The problem arises
when instances exist where public see and complain about out-Tech, and where the
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Church denies that squirreling is occurring. The Church, in these cases, misrepresents the
complaints of out-Tech as “attacks”. I think some of you guys need to lighten up. This
distortion of reality is harming the expansion of the Church. It is not necessary and it
does not help anybody or the goals of Scientology. You might believe otherwise, but
regardless, it just isn’t so. This is exactly a case where some of your ideas do not align
well with the facts of reality.
To a certain degree I think that you have conceptually organized the world into a very
oversimplified version of good guys and bad guys. In the process you have evicted and
expelled many people who would have probably willingly and happily supported you if
you had simply been a little less intolerant and rigid in your demands on them.
The point of all this is that there is often a contradiction between what people assert and
claim, and what is observably true. People think in abstractions, and this is usually far
removed from a direct observation of the same related data. I see this phenomena as a
plague on Earth. People are mired in thinkingness. We all do it to some degree, and this
phenomenon explains how and why the situation described here could exist for so long
undetected and unhandled.
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Believing Something Else to be True Despite Evidence
This is a special case of confusing abstractions with reality. History amply shows that
people have a strong tendency to believe things despite facts or evidence. You might
understand this as “fixed ideas” or “false data”. Simply, the person or people involved
cannot observe because they are too busy thinking with their fixed ideas and false data
that have nothing to do with facts or reality. This disability is widespread and LRH
concurs. Again, as per the above, you need to take the time to look and notice the many
real-life examples throughout history and modern civilization where this is true, or it will
not make sense and will forever remain as a vague idea for you floating in the clouds of
This has been so far out in society that the word “sane” itself has come to mean
“conservative” or “cautious”. Or something you can agree with.
Whenever an observer himself has fixed ideas he tends to look at them, not at the
History is full of such idiocies – and idiots – with fixed ideas. They cannot observe beyond
the idea.
Most religious groups fall prey to this. They accept, assert and believe all sorts of
nonsense including concepts of god, demons, the devil, spells, angels, cosmic battles,
heavenly plans, holiness, salvation, sin, and much more. These ideas are largely nuts and
have nothing to do with any observable thing anywhere at any time (outside of the bank
and implants). Yet the 15th century Inquisition Priest happily tightened the thumbscrews
or lit the flames at the stake to “save the soul” of a naughty witch. One could attempt to
argue, talk sensibly, and discuss with them what they were doing, but in the end their
beliefs prevented them from looking at anything outside their ridiculous system of
concepts. In fact, if you did argue or bring up a criticism, you would probably be burned
alive or tortured to “help correct your errant ideas”. Those are the worse belief systems,
where the belief system itself discourages and attacks dissenters. Don’t think that
Scientology can’t or hasn’t functioned at times in a similar way. It shouldn’t, but it has
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and does at times. All groups have done so and do so right now as I write this.
In a sort of weird way, the same thing may occur here because what I am saying may be
viewed as incredibly unpopular by some. I may be incorrectly labeled things or attacked.
Some staff may understand this report and I in accordance with some weird, seemingly
Scientological, system of preconceived notions. This report is what it is. Please don’t
make the mistake of imagining it to be anything other than what it is. As LRH says in the
first Student Hat tape:
Critical. Not that criticism is bad, don’t you see; but had developed a critical eye, did not
have to slavishly say, “This is a picture by Sam Falk, New York Time magazine, one of
the greatest exhibition photographers of all time. Therefore it is holy.” See? Gone
completely through that and up to a point where, “That’s an awful good picture. That guy
really has a good sense of composition, terrific sense of composition. But what the hell was
he doing that day in the darkroom? Drunk?” See what I mean. And I could have put my
finger on a point which I’m sure that Sam Falk himself would have agreed with.
His point is that nothing should be viewed as holy. He makes it clear that all criticisms are
not created equal. He here describes a good type of being critical. One must be willing to
look, see and know what you know without feeling you must conform to some fixed idea
that something is beyond error. Nothing is beyond error. In fact, I have no doubt that
LRH would agree with the points I make here. When the person or people who entered
the new definition of the second dynamic into the Introduction to Scientology Ethics book
did so, in the same way, I am saying to them, “But what the hell were they doing that day
in the office? Drunk?” And if LRH wrote it himself I would say exactly the same thing
about him, “But what the hell was he doing that day in the office? Drunk? The point is not
even whether LRH wrote it or not. It is false data whether he did or not! And you must
be free, bright and aware enough to see it for what it is and stand on your own two feet
knowing what you know to be true. Also from the first Study Tape:
The other thing is the idea of the fixed opinion. One has to have a certain fixed opinions to
protect the fact that he’s stupid on the subject, and that he can exercise no judgment of any
kind whatsoever as long as he’s mired down in a bunch of fixed opinions. And that
afterwards, that judgment, then, depends on a freedom from fixed opinions and an
actuality of a – of a good assessment. You know what you know, you know what you don’t
know, see?
Well, of course, that’s just a lack of perceptiveness. A fellow can’t see. He’s not capable of
judgment with regard to his own skill. His judgment, then, with regard to what he’s doing
is at fault to that gross error. He is uttering the fact that black is white. He can’t do it, yet
he knows all about it. He knows all there is to know about doing it, yet he can’t do it.
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It seems everyone who read this definition of the second dynamic could not exert a much-
needed critical eye. They must have had various fixed opinions because they were unable
to exercise any judgment about it. There was a very definite lack of perceptiveness by all
involved. LRH data very easily explains how and why this alteration of LRH data could
appear in print and exist for so long undetected and unhandled.
History is infested with similar examples. In modern times, the doctrine of materialism
exists in the same way. People have accepted many ideas without personally observing
the matter in any way. Darwin’s theory of evolution exists as an ideology for the
“educated professional community”. Of course, it is utterly nonsensical, and the people
who believe it cannot even look at or think of the possibility of alternate explanations for
the existence of life, because they have accepted and endorsed their own pet theory to the
exclusion of all else. They are obsessed with ideas over and above facts, while even at the
same time claiming that they do nothing but observe the facts just as they are. They can’t
see what’s right in front of their face. It’s a problem with perception, but that is based
upon their fixed ideas. Psychiatry is based upon the “modern scientific” notions of
biological evolution and the “naturalist” theory of existence (it’s all a big accident and we
all come from mud). Much of what goes on in the minds of most thetans follows the same
pattern. LRH never said much different.
They always manage to miss the obvious. And factually, it takes a lot of drilling before
people will observe the obvious. And that is all there is to this step, is obnosis: the
observation of the obvious.
So you have here, in essence, a new skill. It’s going to be very difficult to process it into
somebody because they’ve never had it. They were capable of observation once, but how
did they observe? They always put a curve on the observation in order to make a game
out of it or something like that. Pure observation, pure study, pure duplication, pure
comprehension or pure judgment have never been a study in the field of philosophy. They
just don’t exist.
Oh, they’re just avoided like mad. Oh, it’s just like showing them a snake spitting in their
face, you know? Huuuuh? Comprehension, understanding, duplication? Oh, no, no, no,
no, no! That’s what you’re not supposed to do. (Study tape, Training: Duplication)
Well, you’re basic thing is just that, “Why can’t they see at all?” Well, they can’t see at all
because they’ve never been – they’ve been trained into stupidity. And you’re talking to
blind men, that’s all. Well, how do you talk to a blind man? Well, you talk to him very
damn carefully! (Study tape, A Review of Study)
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The man who believes that his wife would never cheat, because “she loves me so much”,
is equally incapable of seeing the many obvious signs that all his friends have been seeing
for over a year. He has a fixed idea that prevents perception, and colors perception.
People view and experience reality through their belief systems. Wishful thinking is
another version of this, and it also prevents one from observing just as much. Don’t
misplace your faith or certainty in anything outside yourself, whether it is God, the
government or the Church of Scientology. The Church exists only to bring you up in
personal ability. The situation I describe in this report is a force in the opposite direction.
Altered LRH data will only confuse people and block the Bridge.
Your faith should be in yourself and your own ability to observe. Your certainty
should be in your own ability to see and view what is.
Make up your own examples. People everywhere, at all times and places, including staff
and public Scientologists, fail to observe because they instead believe and accept certain
things to be true. If you find yourself in a situation where the Church is at odds with your
own observations, then you still should not question you own ability to perceive and
know (unless you are wrong).
Do not confuse postulating with what I am talking about. You can choose to mock-up,
assert or believe whatever you want, but there is a major difference between mocking up a
reality, and believing something to exist when the actuality is quite different than how you
believe it to exist. You can and should mock up values, personal character traits,
responsibility, and goals, but you will have a heck of a time if you choose to mock up
assertions that contradict with what is directly observable and able to be easily verified or
confirmed by many others. Most people can understand what I describe here.
The problem is that far too many people accept beliefs with no verification at all, and
refuse to even look at the possibility of evidence that conflicts with their rigidly held
opinions and beliefs. I urge you not to do this in this case. But the first major hurdle is to
get you to see that there might exist the slightest possibility that you could do such a
thing. The next hurdle is to accept the possibility that what I describe here might be true.
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Thetans Can Agree With Just About Anything
Beings, from my own observation, have an incredible ability to look at any and all sorts of
inconsistent, false and nutty data, and have it “make sense” and “fit it in with everything
else”. I could easily write 100 pages filled with examples and only be just starting. This is
partially based on their own false data, but also is based solely on the fact that beings
have an uncanny natural tendency to make things make sense, even when they don’t. Call
it dub-in, or anything you want, but they do it all of the time. It is chronic. Most likely
thetans do this because of their inherent urge to “be right”. Confusion means wrongness,
so it seems most thetans simply have “everything make sense” despite numerous
contradictions and absurdities. Failing to be aware of the degree to which thetans do this,
or disagreeing with this statement does not make it any the less true. You then simply
haven’t looked at the reality of this yourself.
This has been so far out in society that the word “sane” itself has come to mean
“conservative” or “cautious”. Or something you can agree with.
Whenever an observer himself has fixed ideas he tends to look at them, not at the
History is full of such idiocies – and idiots – with fixed ideas. They cannot observe beyond
the idea.
The point is that sanity and the ability to observe are rare. LRH says so. He is right. But
don’t believe him just because he says so. Look for yourself, and if you do, you will find
that what he says correctly describes the general state of human beings. There are other
aspects to it. It is important to realize the Church and Scientologists are not immune to
the things and situations LRH discusses and criticizes in his various discussions about
current and earlier societies. Things such as fixed ideas, and the tendency to falsely
associate or identify unrelated things (A=A=A) exists everywhere. If you think they
don’t, then you are doing what LRH says, and are failing to observe and instead you are
looking at your own fixed ideas. Honestly look and observe, and then make up your mind.
But don’t assert anything so cockily unless you have honestly looked first.
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As an example, see the attached report on a misprint I discovered. It has been this way
for many years. Thousands and even tens of thousands of people have read this issue,
failing to notice and report the error. It doesn’t make sense as written.
“And so we shut ourselves from off the light and enter grey-faced gloom.” (my italics)
“And so we shut ourselves off from the light and enter grey-faced gloom.” (my italics)
“And so we shut off ourselves from the light and enter grey-faced gloom.” (my italics)
Read the attached report to fully understand why it cannot be correct as written.
Most people probably read it as “shut off from” even though it is written as “shut from
off”. This is a case of dub-in, and the mind does it automatically with no awareness by the
reader. This sort of thing goes on all of the time. You do it, and everyone you know does
it. A thetan automatically and chronically has data “make sense” when it is wrong, off the
wall or false. Most do it without so much as a hint it is occurring. Be wary, and please be
suspicious. This is a minor and fairly innocuous example given here, but it can get worse –
much worse. People chronically dub-in to have things “make sense”, far more often than
they are aware, and the problem here is that thetans can and will pretty much accept any
nonsense handed to them, especially if it is presented to them with authority and force.
This is a key point. Here’s another example.
Now, what has happened here? Well, arithmetic, not being a subject in itself, and being a
somewhat degraced and degraded subject, has gradually shrunk and is ceasing to be a
subject, but is simply an auxiliary subject which moves up into higher mathematics.
The word “degraced” is not a word. LRH wasn’t saying it in a funny manner, as he does
sometimes. Maybe he fumbled over his tongue. Who knows and who cares. But, it would
be of interest to discover that many people either automatically dub-in (unconsciously) or
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choose to dub-in “disgrace” as the “correct” word. Again, the point is that many people
dub-in so “data” makes sense. People “fill in the blanks” based on the context they
understand. They think they understand the context, and then have the word (or idea)
have the meaning that makes sense to them within that context.
Many years ago I came across a policy letter that had a typographical error for the word
“imminent”. It means, “about to happen, soon to occur”. The word on the page, which
obviously was a misprint, was “eminent”. “Eminent” means “distinguished, notable”. I
pointed it out to the Supervisor. The Supervisor told me, “find your misunderstood
words”. When I persisted he suggested that I was “requesting unusual solutions and
originating weird ideas” and demanded again that I clear up my misunderstood words. I
spent 4-5 hours between Qual and Ethics, until I finally found one human being who
could be there, comfortably look, and see that it was a misprint. While that in itself
speaks volumes of people’s inability to observe instead of think, one should ask what did
all the thousands of others do who read the issue? I have no doubt that some dubbed-in
“imminent” automatically. If anyone cleared “eminent”, and used that word, since there
wasn’t any definition that could have the sentence even partially make sense then God
only knows what they went away thinking. I wrote up the situation and it was corrected
about three years later. Just because a person “feels good” or is “VGIs” about reading
something does NOT mean that they understand it correctly. It simply means that they
“feel good”. People can F/N when they “think” they understand something correctly –
even when they actually don’t.
People dub-in chronically. It is largely unconscious because most people are low in
awareness when studying. In the cases shown above, the person reading dubs-in a single
word, but this process can get must worse. A person can read a phrase or paragraph that
doesn’t make sense, because it is illogical and dub-in all sorts of meanings and streams of
logic to have it make sense. Subjects such as psychiatry, psychology, philosophy,
sociology and more are filled with information that is utterly absurd. I know because I
have taken the time to study much of it. I studied many “modern subjects” after
completing the PDC course. I did that to understand where human thought goes awry, in
alignment with everything I learned on the PDC course. Yet, most people most of the time
have nutty stuff make sense in some way.
Most people are stuck in trying to understand things, instead of just realizing that they
are dealing with symbols (words), and the agreed upon definitions of other thetans about
these symbols. I never go past a word I don’t understand. When I hit one I don’t know,
well I clear it immediately. I am very aware while studying. Far too many other people
pass words, and only clear them after crashing into a wall of confusion. I know what I
know and I know what I don’t know and it is all quite clear to me.
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People generally accept things when the source is considered to be “reliable” or “an
authority”. People generally do not observe, figure out the facts for themselves, and base
what they know upon their own ability to observe. Most simply accept data, assertions,
proclamations, and just about anything else because somebody states it to be a fact. It’s on
TV so people accept and believe it. It’s in a magazine so people assert it and defend it. A
friend tells them something in a bar on Friday night and they are telling it to everyone as a
fact the next day. It’s in an LRH book so you just accept it as it is with no personal
examination. It is a sorry state of affairs. Re-read what LRH said above:
These phenomena can and do occur in the Church, with public and staff, as well as
anywhere else. It does occur. This factor is part of the reason why the situation I describe
has gone unnoticed for so long. The Church and Scientologists are not at all immune from
everything LRH points out about humanity at large.
Most people, most of the time, accept what is handed to them as true or factual,
and they fail to simply observe and grade the data themselves.
It’s not that the Church chronically hands out false data or nonsense, quite the contrary.
But because the same sort of situation exists in the Church where so many people trust
and believe the source to be beyond error, when false data does get passed along, then
nobody sees it. The above brief paragraph explains most Earth idiocy for the past 10,000
years. LRH is just SO ACCURATE and SPOT-ON. But it also explains the situation I
describe in this report.
I am not being “critical” in the usual Scientology sense. This is just the way it is.
I can guarantee I could choose a few key Scientology points or data, alter them, quite
obviously, explain them all “very sensibly”, and 99.9% of the readers would have it all
make sense to them, accept it, and go along happily. Why? Because they implicitly take
for granted, without inspecting each new data, that LRH is always right (he usually is),
everything in print is by LRH (it usually is), and everything Church staff do is totally in
accordance with LRH policy and intentions (things get a bit fuzzier there). That is what is
partially going on with this. LRH concurs completely, and according to LRH in KSW #1:
“So I know what a group of people will do and how insane they will go in accepting
unworkable ‘technology’”.
This didn’t stop being true when LRH wrote this. It didn’t stop being true when he died.
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All the issues on KSW, all the courses, and all the attention put on the subject of KSW by
management has not stopped this from being true. Thetans are as prone to these things as
ever. What LRH wrote above is as true as it ever was. LRH’s observations were totally
true. They still are, and I believe some of the people who read this need to understand
this fact.
Just because someone understands the importance and concept of “keeping the Tech
pure” does not mean that they do it perfectly, that others do it perfectly or that it is even
done correctly most of the time. Again, you can believe whatever you want. When I was
at the Tampa Org last year studying, I noticed misapplication of Study Tech almost every
day. I couldn’t believe the tolerance the staff and students had for compromising
something as simple as Study Tech. The truth though is that it was simply above their
level of awareness. They just couldn’t even see it. So apparently is what I describe in this
report since most people have remained quite oblivious to it.
Please realize that BELIEVING things despite obvious contrary perception of the truth
has been a major hindrance of the entire human race for a long time. That has been one of
the key stumbling blocks of most religions – they have far too often been based on beliefs
and ideas (thinkingness and alter-is, enforced beliefs) instead of what actually is
(lookingness & is-ness).
LRH put this subject together by himself with absolutely no research assistance from
anyone. It MUST be kept that way, for the future of us all. The example given in this
report is a case where that point has been obviously violated. Per LRH:
“We will not speculate here on why this was so or how I came to rise above the bank. We
are dealing only in facts and the above is a fact – the group left to its own devices would
not have evolved Scientology but with wild dramatizations of the bank called “new ideas”
would have wiped it out.”
Well, with LRH gone the group is left to it’s own devices, and NOW, more than ever the
KSW data must be ruthlessly applied. The wild dramatizations are here as much as they
were 20 or 30 years ago. The example given in this report is an example of the “group left
to its own devices”. I know we would all like to believe it’s all under control, and I
suspect that it is an important PR angle of the Church to convince everyone, both staff
and public, that it is under control. But this example presented in this report does not
leave me with a warm and fuzzy feeling at all. I don’t now, and never have cared much for
PR. I do care for the truth especially when it involves the exactness of LRH data.
I am taking extra care to explain the probable mechanics of what is occurring here, because
I sincerely doubt that a simple factual report would have so much as even raised an
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eyebrow. I have little confidence in the ability of almost any reader to understand this
example for what it truly is unless I present it strongly and from various angles.
I find that people everywhere are almost completely incapable of viewing anything
honestly without severe distortion and alter-is. You might consider that this entire
universe and every agreement you have made in cahoots with it involve some alter-is of
your own considerations at every step of the way. “Alter-is” IS a fundamental part of
what every thetan does with and to the universe around them. Nothing can persist here
without alter-is. Therefore if something is here, if anything is here, in any form, it contains
a lie. Strange place, huh? Nothing is what it seems. Everything is pretending to be
something it is not. (I am being funny – although this is quite true)
Point ONE of KSW is “having the technology”. If this one alteration shown here is
tolerated, then there will surely be another, and another and another, until what any of us
“have” will not even be the same subject – and it will cease to do what it was intended to
do. Extrapolate this example of alter-is over 50, 100 or 500 years, and Scientology could
very well become a pale shadow of it’s original self. But THAT IS THE ENTIRE POINT
OF KSW in all its forms. To prevent that and to ensure this doesn’t occur.
Per LRH:
A thetan can postulate or say or reason anything. Thus, there is an infinity of significances.
- C/S Series 6 HCOB 16 June 1970 What the C/S is Doing
The point of this quote should not be brushed off or taken lightly. A thetan can and does
“reason” anything. It is one thing you can be sure that any thetan will do quite
compulsively. You are probably doing it right now whether you know it or admit it, or
not. Give a thetan almost any datum, no matter how nutty, have him also believe at the
same time that it “must be true” because of authority or something else and the thetan
will conceive it to “make sense” - no matter how idiotic it is. Most extant theories and
ideas in any Earth subject are fundamentally nothing more than connections of incorrect
beliefs, altered facts, misplaced importances, biases and fixed ideas. The fact that this
absurd alteration has existed for SO LONG (10 or more years), and has not been detected
or corrected is one glaring example of just how true the above statement is. It’s not so
much “the Church’s fault” as much as it is “people’s fault”. Not that I really care to
place “blame”. I just want to see someone finally take responsibility for it and handle it.
But first someone has to see it for exactly what it is – altered LRH data.
Thetans can agree with and appear to understand just about anything. They are, for the
most part, complete fruitcakes (despite all social appearances to the contrary). Tie this in
with and to what LRH says about a group’s tendency to accept and forward any
nonsense as legitimate “tech” and I don’t see a pretty picture. Again, these statements are
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about people anywhere. Look around the world. It’s a crazy place. That’s because the
people are crazy. But as part of that same world, Scientology and Scientologists are not
immune to what I describe here. I am not attacking the reader or the Church, but you need
to understand what I am saying and describing if you are to understand how the situation
I describe here could come about and exist for so long undetected and unhandled. Things
are bad on Earth. LRH never really says anything that would contradict that. Don’t make
the mistake of thinking all problems or enemies will come from “the outside”. People
making mistakes as described in this report are as much an enemy of the goals of
Scientology as any raving suppressive newspaper or government.
If you, while reading this, also accept some version of the fixed idea that “such a thing
could never happen”, and therefore fail and refuse to personally inspect (observe, look at)
the reality of what I describe here yourself, then it will continue along.
The day that marks your death is the day you sit back and decide you know everything
there is to know about everything there is around you, so there is no reason for you to
observe anything anymore.
Now, if Scientology faces any danger it is the danger of stultifying because they no longer
believe they have to observe, no longer have to apply, no longer have to get on the ball.
I don’t think the reader understands just how nutty most thetans on this planet are – staff
and public included. Again, I am not scathingly critical, ranting or nattery. I am simply
stating what I see around me most of the time. I can give endless specific examples. I am
not speaking a generality to upset anyone. I will happily supply endless detailed
examples that support my statement. But this report is already far too long.
Almost anything can be made to make sense to anybody. It’s scary, but it’s true. An
honest, unbiased look over the past 2000 years of human history should make that
painfully clear. The peoples of the world have believed, accepted, endorsed, followed,
adhered to and enforced on others every imaginable lunatic notion possible in the fields of
economics, religion, family, punishment, justice, politics, sociology, psychology and
more. It’s been largely a parade of absurdity. The majority of the people’s observational
ability is in the gutter. Most people “think” with incorrect and faulty “ideas” instead of
“observing” and “seeing what is”. The gulf between these two things, thinking and
looking, is tremendous. Deciding on truth through concatenations of logic, using one’s
personal mental concepts as fodder is useless.
Psychiatry, psychology, modern economics, modern medicine, and even various aspects
of modern science contain much false data and information that has absolutely nothing to
142 90
do with real things and relations. People believe in God, gods, saviors, angels, aliens, the
theory of evolution, the Big Bang theory, the idea that Man is a huge cosmic accident, and
all sorts of nonsense. In fact, if you honestly review the things and ideas human beings
have believed and endorsed throughout Earth history, most of it is garbage. You must
confront that beings on this planet are highly susceptible to accepting and endorsing
almost any nonsense – this is the gist of a key section of KSW. Groups of people can and
will accept and enforce every conceivable type of alter-is and nonsense and assert it as
being true the entire time. Read KSW #1 again and think back to this paragraph. LRH
discussed it in relation to Scientology and keeping the technology pure, but it is a general
situation with people on this planet. They alter everything and accept just about any
trash as true. There are unlimited examples of this. People do this everywhere. It is the
norm and not the unusual. Make no mistake about it.
One last point. Just because all the words of any sentence or subject are cleared and
understood does not mean that it is true, makes sense, or is right. Pick up any psychiatry
text, economics text, social science text, psychology text, or political science text. Read
some of it. Clear all the words. Demo it. Clay demo the ideas and concepts. Make sense
of it. Maybe you will and maybe you won’t. But for the most part, it is largely false data,
intertwined with some facts and some true observations. Word clearing does not guarantee
understanding if the data being studied is nuts. But that doesn’t stop people from making
sense of it. Such a thing has occurred with the situation I describe here.
People have made sense of the definition of the second dynamic in the new Ethics book,
and have somehow tied it in with other existing correct data, even though the idea is
absurd. That is exactly the situation.
One of the things about study itself is that there are a great many things around that are
false and you could study a lot of false things and therefore become disabused of studying
because you had studied something false.
But, and this is key, most of the people, most of the time, WILL AGREE WITH THESE
Because they fail to observe (look) and instead think with concepts and falsely defined
ideas. In fact, they can’t observe and therefore only think.
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Please re-read the above quote. It probably explains 98% of human aberration and every
conflict that has ever existed. That one line explains an incredible amount.
Native State
Not Know
Know About
The “distance” between look and think involves a tremendous amount of difference of
awareness. The amount of distance on the Tone Scale, when laid next to this chart is
LRH discusses and refers to “thought” in two very different ways. Thought as theta, is
the high-end spiritual source of everything. That is NOT the “thought” that LRH is
referring to above. Thought, as thinkingness, is something else entirely and it is largely
reactive. This lower level thought includes the errors of mental abstractions, logic, and
words used as labels (symbols) for everything else. The two things are worlds apart.
Thinkingness comes in down the scale at the level below Effort. And it comes in as a
figure-figure-figure-figure. Now a person can postulate without thinking about it, and if
that’s what we mean by thought, that’s fine. But usually what people mean by thought is
figure-figure. “I’ll just figure this out and I’ll get a computation and a calculation and I’ll
add it up to . . . now let me see . . . can you go to the movies? I don’t know,” – the kind of
answer a little kid gets. “Now let me see. I’ll have to think it over. Give me a couple of
days”. We don’t know how all of this mechanic got into a postulate, but they’ve let it get in
there. So that’s the level, Thinkingness. (The Phoenix Lectures, chapter The Axioms)
Lookingness is at the top of the chart. Most people are far from there. Otherwise they
would not be here on Earth. LRH relays the magnitude of importance of this in the
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Phoenix Lectures:
It is religion. It should not be confused as anything else but a religion. And the very word
Veda simply means: Lookingness or Knowingness.
Please notice where Lookingness is on the scale. Then notice where Thinkingness is.
Spend 50 or 60 hours reading about the difference and relation between the two. Study
the Data Series. The majority of the thetans here on Earth are nowhere even close to
Lookingness. They believe and assert they “see accurately”, “think logically”, and
“observe objectively”, but in fact, what they usually do is “think” with incorrect, false,
and bank concepts and ideas. LRH understood all of this, but I have found that very few
Scientologists, whether public or staff, have the slightest clue what he is talking about.
Maybe that’s because so few have studied and duplicated the Data Series. Maybe it’s
because so many have failed to look at and observe the realities LRH describes for
The majority of people with whom he deals – and especially governments – cannot
conceive of:
1. differences
2. similarities
3. identities
As a result they usually can’t tell a FACT from an OPINION (because all differences are
probably identities and all identities are different and all similarities are imaginary).
Wherever you have thought confusions (where FACT = OPINION, where suggestion =
orders, where an observation is taken as a direction, etc., etc., etc.) and administrator is
at risk.
LRH says, “The majority of people with whom he deals” suffer from this disability. He
is right. They most surely do. It is no minor disability, and it involves tremendous errors
in thinking for most of the people most of the time.
The example discussed in this report is nothing less than somebody’s opinion that has
become a fact. The reason why it has continued so long is because of what LRH so often
describes as the usual human tendency to fail to observe and to instead think. This is
covered extensively in LRH books, issues and tapes.
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Furthermore, from the chapter DIFFERENTIATION, ASSOCIATION AND
IDENTIFICATION in Scientology 8-8008:
People don’t know it when they are doing this, and they believe and claim they are
thinking correctly. Scientologists are far from being immune to this.
There is no way that any aware, honest thinking entity can have the statement
“the second dynamic is creativity” make sense, unless they commit the above errors
and “think” associatively.
The facts or ideas of the second dynamic, sex, family and procreation can be related and
identified, because they are comparable things, yet they cannot be correctly associated
and surely not identified with the concept of creativity. Yet most people have done so
through faulty thinkingness. Yes, creativity is necessary to have a second dynamic, just as
it is necessary to have any dynamic, but no; the second dynamic is not creativity.
As a side note, I have read all the LRH books at least 10 times. I know what he says. I
have also spent thousands of hours, outside of courses or auditing examining my own
thinkingness and such in accordance with what he says. I am more aware about all this
than most people, and I can supply endless examples. I have looked extensively to
validate much of what LRH has stated. Most staff and public don’t even know there is
such a thing as identification or association as described here. I can guarantee that most
Scientologists cannot give examples of what I describe here about differentiation,
thinkingness, lookingness and identity type thinking, and instead think in vague concepts
that connect to nothing more than other concepts. In other words they have failed to
connect the LRH concepts up with the realities and situations these words and ideas
describe. They have remained glib. This is a far wider phenomenon than ever imagined. I
am sure you probably don’t agree, but it is what it is regardless of whatever me or you
assert or claim.
Scientology can be altered, and similarly, as above, most of the people, most of the time,
would never notice it, much less mention it or attempt to do anything about it. This is a
sad statement, but entirely true. I am not being overly critical – it’s just the way it is. So
few people seem to be able to stand there, look at things, know what they know, and be
able to hold their position regarding what they know to be true. LRH says exactly the
same thing in KSW #1. They may be, for the most part, very decent and honest people.
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But they still will accept all manner of anything given to them (see KSW again and what
LRH says about what type of technology a group will accept due to the reactive mind).
Thetans can agree with anything. As LRH has pointed out before, Man doesn’t lack
examples of false data and false roads out of the mess. Every case of a false road displays
groups of thetans agreeing on nonsense. Thetans always think they are “right”. So, try to
pull back and out a little from it all and view this situation I describe. Just because many
people agree with the data or agree it is okay means nothing and is no indicator of
legitimacy. One of LRH’s goals was to put together a body of data that did mirror truth,
in contradistinction to the many other bodies of data that were riddled with lies and false
data, and to get thetans to agree with and forward those ideas. If the ideas themselves are
allowed to change, while still calling the ideas “Scientology”, it will be all for nothing.
That’s why it is so extremely vital that those in charge of guaranteeing the purity
of the data do so – because there is no one else who will ever do it. The people here
are generally in poor condition and they need help. That’s why Scientology is
here. The goal of this report is to correct a situation so it will continue to be here
for them as a workable subject.
I am taking the attitude that the reader will understand this, it’s relative importance, and
act on it accordingly, as I believe it truly needs to be. I am looking forward to seeing these
“references” stricken from view in the not too distant future, and replaced with legitimate
extant LRH words on the subjects.
One cannot expand in awareness by reading and understanding mental concepts only. The
entire realm of concepts resides in the band of thinkingness.
I remember when I first read LRH data about the social sciences, psychiatry, the
suppressive nature of international bankers, the Rockefellers, the AMA, and so on. It all
made sense and I liked the data, but at that point I did not really KNOW IT. I understood
the ideas as concepts, but whether these actually related honestly to the facts of history
and reality was another matter entirely.
So I spent a good part of 10 years reading and looking myself, and guess what? I came to
the same conclusions LRH did, but now I know it instead of simply believing or accepting
it. There is a big difference.
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When LRH talks about the idea that most people think poorly, I don’t simply accept
what he says and promote a belief based only on accepting what he says. I have taken the
time to look closely at my own mental functioning and that of others, and from
observations, know that what he says is true.
I realized awhile ago that there is a primary thing that must occur when someone is
studying LRH data, and if this doesn’t occur they go nowhere (even though often they
appear to be going somewhere). Studying LRH data must encourage and cause the reader
to LOOK at the same realities LRH was describing in the materials, so that the reader
comes to KNOW based upon their own observations. If what one does stays down at the
level of thinking and relating only mental concepts, that person is doomed. The purpose
of checksheets should force this to happen. Of course this occurs on training courses for
posts and auditing, where application is of primary concern. I am talking about the
studying of other data that LRH mentions and that is less apt to be so easily applied.
While on the PDC course at Flag I recall noticing other students reading page after page
after page, with never so much as smile, and some would move (far too) quickly through
the materials. I would read one paragraph, make up many examples, do endless demos,
and relate the data to every dynamic in the past, present and future. I would laugh aloud,
constantly smile, and shake my head in disbelief of the remarkable genius of LRH. I
would squeeze every ounce of meaning I could out of every sentence LRH wrote. I
invested myself extensively in the materials. I went exterior studying. I would go home
looking at the data, go to sleep looking at the data, and wake up having cognitions, still
looking at the data. I am not exaggerating about this.
I take this subject seriously. The situation I describe in this report, where LRH data has
been altered and placed in print, is happening just as I describe it. I don’t want anyone to
simply believe me. My goal is not to be right or make anyone else wrong. I would like
you to simply observe and determine the truth for yourself. If you just look, you will
come to the same conclusions because there really is only one actual state of affairs here.
The second dynamic is not creativity. Yet the statement, “the second dynamic is
creativity”, is in print. That is the actual state of affairs.
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29 April 2000
Via: IJC
Gene Zimmer
The following issue, and corresponding duplications in other places (such as the new
ethics book), contains what I think is a misprint or alteration of LRH’s original text:
“And so we shut ourselves from off the light and enter grey-faced gloom.” (my italics)
“And so we shut ourselves off from the light and enter grey-faced gloom.” (my italics)
Somewhere along the line a typist accidentally switched the two words “from” and “off”
and so it has been ever since.
Common usage examples are abundant, clearly demonstrate this, and exist as:
Their overts shut them off from benefiting by the fruits of their own observation.
Psychiatrists have shut themselves off from case gain through their destructive actions.
Nobody shuts oneself off from happiness more than the offender himself or herself.
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Their overts shut them from off benefiting by the fruits of their own observation.
Psychiatrists have shut themselves from off case gain through their destructive actions.
Nobody shuts oneself from off happiness more than the offender does himself or herself.
The key words and word phrases are:
It would be said:
“Shut off from” has a unique meaning, because “shut off” involves a specialized meaning
(see a dictionary). “shut from off” seems to be completely incorrect English usage (as far
as I can tell).
“cut off from”, and also this makes little sense in the form:
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I cleared all the words first, did demos, and tried to envision how it could be used this
way or make correct grammatical sense. I couldn’t do it. It doesn’t make sense as written
with any meanings of the words as defined and used in recent or current English.
If anyone doubts this, simple do this drill. Make two columns, and write out
understandable sentences using “shut off from”, and “shut from off”. You will be able to
write 5, 10, 15, 20 and on and on for the first case, and you will be lucky to come up with
one for the second. Or, locate books, magazines, or newspapers where “shut off from” is
used. You will find them. Now try to find any usage of “shut from off”. You won’t be
able to do it. They don’t exist and I doubt they ever have existed.
I checked an older version of the HCOB and it was also in that issue, so it seems this has
existed in this form for a long time without being noticed or reported (10-15 years).
Most likely the majority of people actually “read it” as “shut off from”, switching the
words as they read them without even knowing they are doing it, or when seeing the word
phrase “shut from off” they understand it as the meaning for “shut off from”. So they
never notice the reversed words. A good test would be to have 5 or 10 people read the
sentence out loud and see if they say it correctly or dub-in the correct phrasing, and how
they respond to the line. I have wondered about this phenomena because I have located
and written up other misprints, which are at times incredibly obvious as misprints, yet go
unnoticed and unhandled for a long time. People apparently “make sense” of anything,
even if actually incorrect or unable to make sense, because they assume it makes sense or
must make sense (because it is coming from an “authority source” and “therefore must be
right”), and they deny their own perception due to an assumption of senior validity and
importance which they place above their own observational ability – or the perception
never approaches awareness because some mental circuit is busy ensuring it “makes
sense” even though it doesn’t or can’t make sense as written.
I hope this is accepted and acted upon with the same spirit it was given – a sincere
interest to see LRH’s words correctly duplicated and transmitted to the people of Earth.
Gene Zimmer
2020 El Dorado Court
Clearwater, FL 33763
151 90
Personal Integrity
The LRH quotes below tie in exactly with everything I say in this report. If you cannot
look at what is, and thereby know, you are gone as a being. Personal integrity has nothing
to do with believing, thinking or anything else. It’s all about observation.
Axiom 38:
Personal Integrity
There is no good reason that any legitimate form of Scientology should allow or make
anyone deny what he or she observes to be true. Don’t be “stupid”, or in other words,
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don’t choose to fail to view the exact time, place, form and event of anything I describe.
Just comfortably observe and be confident and assured about what you know that you
see. If your opinions or beliefs conflict with what you observe, cancel your beliefs and go
with your observations, because they are senior to all else.
153 90
Taking Things Out of Context
This is something people do all of the time. They take an idea, that has a very specific
meaning when used within a certain framework, and move it out into another framework
or situation, incorrectly taking along various non-applicable relationships with it. This
happens with words and it happens with ideas. The idea of context should be familiar to
anyone who has done the Student Hat, although LRH deals only with words.
A word has a specific meaning or value within a certain framework. A word’s meaning is
shown or clarified depending on the sentence any word finds itself in. The word “blue”
can mean 1) a color between green and indigo or 2) a feeling of sadness.
Susan liked the dress immensely, as it was her favorite shade of blue.
The word “blue” has various possible meanings and the correct meaning is determined by
the other words surrounding it, or by its context. A word works or functions a certain
way depending upon the framework of other words it exists within. It functions
differently depending on the environment around it. Ideas also operate correctly only
when they are kept in their correct surroundings and context.
There is a small town in Vermont that has an old law that makes yelling after 7 p.m. at
night a criminal offense. This may have had a use at some time. One hundred years later,
it is quite inappropriate and useless, because the context has changed, but some still
attempt to enforce it. One night a political group had a rally. People got excited and in
their enthusiastic participation, many raised their voices in united chanting. The police
came and arrested the lot for “yelling”.
That involves taking an idea, or rule, out of context. It involves applying something where
it shouldn’t be applied. It means improperly taking a consideration, that involves an entire
specific framework to make sense, and moving it out into another situation entirely. I
could give hundreds of examples where people violate contexts. It happens everywhere
every second of every day.
I give examples here to help make this real to you and bring it within your range of
personal observation. I use examples that I have observed in the Church.
Example One
In 1996 a local Flag SOED came out instructing staff that they could not associate on a
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friendly basis (fraternize) with the public. The net result was that my children could no
longer go on liberty with me, and also have their friends come along. As far as I was
concerned this was a gross misinterpretation and misapplication of LRH issues.
I won’t get into it all again, but I will tell you this. Even though a report from RTC agreed
with everything I said, the MAA at Flag and other INT executives chose to ignore that
and instead enforced the local issue anyway. That is a FACT. I have all the evidence still if
anyone would like to verify what I say.
Per SEC ED 138, STAFF AUDITORS, LRH states very clearly in an issue written to
and only for staff auditors:
This one line was taken totally out of context to justify a local Flag issue that ordered,
“staff are not to fraternize with the public”. What happens is that somebody comes along
and orders something. Then juniors are instructed to dig through all the LRH materials
trying to find something, anything, to explain or justify the order. In their attempt to do
this, it happens at times that they perform amazing tricks of mental gymnastics to have
the original issue somehow magically explain the local issue or order. It is hilariously
stupid to an observant person, but it goes on nonetheless. It is actually very sad that such
nonsense can occur within the group that possesses the only subject able to produce
increased awareness. Making up data, contriving reality, altering situations,
misrepresenting events or concocting facts to explain something is so very not okay, no
matter who does it or for whatever reason. It is really quite sad when one considers the
magnitude of just what the data of Scientology actually involves – the ability to KNOW.
I guess that in some over-generalized, abstract and A=A=A sort of way, one can look at
staff members as the “auditors of the 3rd and 4th dynamic”, and thereby incorrectly
misapply all issues about auditors to staff members in general. Doing so is an error of
analogy. It is taking things similar and making them equal through faulty thinking. I don't
know what was done here, or what the actual “think” was on this (i.e. the concatenation
of logic used), but this data is under the heading in the issue, “BEING AN AUDITOR”.
The information was written for, and intended by LRH to be applied to staff auditors
acting as auditors. LRH very clearly does not say that a “staff member” may not go out
to dinner with a public person. An auditor is a very specific type of staff member. It says
what it says. Also, this is the only issue that I have ever seen LRH use the term
“fraternize”. The word “fraternize” cannot be found in either the Tech or Admin Volume
subject indexes. There may be other issues that I am not aware of, but I have never seen
them. I don't recall any Sea Org issues such as Flag Orders or Base Orders that mention
the concept of “fraternizing” either. When I asked no issue was shown to me.
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Again, it's a very long conceptual road, with many bends and twists, to get from
“auditors not fraternizing with their pcs” to “all staff not fraternizing with any non-Sea
Org members”. This is a tremendous A=A=A type identification of unrelated ideas. The
problem though was that many people did not see the ideas as unrelated. This involves
amazing leaps of logic and disregard to the specific context involved. Most of the people
did this without question. The error here involves a failure to comprehend context and the
resultant misapplication of a rule. If such contextual liberties are taken willy-nilly with all
of Scientology data the subject will become useless in a short period of time because of
endless alterations of meaning and application. The scary part is that nobody involved
thought they were altering anything at the time. They simply enforced it on everybody.
The staff at Flag used the above LRH reference to explain (i.e. justify, excuse) why my
children no longer could enjoy the company of their friends when they visited with me on
their days off. This was such a glaring example of illogic that it was frightening to me that
supposedly sane people could commit such nonsense. I was told by the MAA that it was
okay for them to do whatever they wanted (i.e. Flag) because “we are so successful”.
That was pure rubbish. At one point the MAA finally admitted to me that she had no
choice, that she understood that it was contrary to what LRH really said, but that she
was being ordered to enforce it anyway. She did it because somebody told her to in no
uncertain terms, despite the fact that the issue and her actions violated existed LRH
issues. She shrugged her shoulders and grimaced.
The point is that the actual legitimate LRH datum was taken out of context and misapplied
to other situations that were not the same or similar situations.
That is ludicrous and displays very errant thinking (see the Data Series; it explains this).
This involves thinking in identities and a lack of ability to differentiate.
Example Two
The FPRD techniques have been taken out of context and incorrectly used to add time
and money to public people’s bridges. “FPRD” stands for False Purpose Rundown. It is
a rundown. It is a series of actions designed to handle specific things, just as the PTS
Rundown, Primary Rundown and Drug Rundown each are designed to address and handle
specific things. The FPRD is its own thing and it is different from all other processes and
rundowns. From what I hear, L-10, as originally designed by LRH, also has been extended
greatly by the addition of FRPD techniques. I might be wrong on the L-10 thing.
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Additives are alterations.
As anyone familiar with the subject knows, the FPRD handles false purposes that
underlie why a person commits harmful acts. Simply, as the overts and withholds are
tracked back, additional steps are taken to also handle the various purposes and
considerations underlying the harmful acts. That is a fantastic thing.
Please do not take this out of context and incorrectly state that “Gene Zimmer is attacking
Ethics”. I am doing no such thing. I am attacking the misapplication of standard Ethics.
The problem is that people can, and did, crazily choose to apply the additional FPRD
techniques to any process involving pulling overts and withholds. This is an additive by
definition. It is the situation of adding things to existing Scientology methodology that
didn’t have these things included when originally designed by LRH. It involves altering
LRH materials. This is a scary phenomenon when LRH materials can be so freely messed
with within the Church itself. Adding other techniques that didn’t belong there originally
alters any Sec Checks or processes involving O/Ws.
They are altered because LRH didn’t write them that way. LRH didn’t design them or
intend them to be delivered that way. It is amazingly simple to me, but apparently not to
others. Sec Checks do a certain thing. They have a specific purpose. In other words, the
techniques of the FPRD were taken out of context, incorrectly understood and broadly
applied to other unrelated situations where they didn’t belong. This is exactly what
happened to the 6-month Sec Check that any Solo NOTs pre-OT receives. As with all
additives to standard Scientology this dilutes the subject and interferes with moving up
the Bridge. This was actually a severe KSW violation. One might ask, “how could such a
thing ever occur?” If the subject were so fixed and exact, it would seem that such fiddling
with the materials would not be possible. But it happened, and it happens more often
than anyone cares to admit. That is not a good thing.
Somebody came along and decided that this “missing technology” needed to be put into
everything involving O/Ws. Is the reader yet getting the idea of just how easy it is to add
to and alter LRH materials? The same thing could be done with Grade Two processes
where the auditor pulls overts and withholds. The same thing could be done with any
confessional or Sec Check! The FPRD is its own thing. Sec Checks are their own things.
L-10 is its own thing. Yet these get mixed up and together due to a failure to differentiate.
LRH could differentiate, but I have yet to see any other human being capable of doing so.
I could dig in more and look at what sort of ideas and weird think must have created this
situation, but the fundamental idea here is that certain LRH data were, again, taken out of
context, and misapplied in situations that were not germane. This is another one of those
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things that human beings do chronically, and it would behoove the reader to understand
and notice just how much of this may actually also occur in the Church to it’s detriment.
Example Three
My son Scott was brought up in the Sea Org. He is now 16 years old, and a staff member
in the Flag Crew Org. He told me an interesting tidbit of information awhile ago. He
originated that FOR YEARS he has not been able to comfortably study because he has
had the idea that it was a suppressive act to pass by a misunderstood word. He was so
heavily indoctrinated into this incredibly exaggerated sense of Ethics by the various staff
in the Cadet Org that he became totally introverted into the details of individual words. He
was constantly nervous that he would be “out ethics” if he passed by a word he failed to
understand. This exaggerated worry over the definition of words actually interfered with
his ability to study! He felt that he would be destroying Mankind if he passed a word. He
became quite obsessed with it. He told me about friends of his whom have carried around
little notebooks, also for YEARS, writing down any word they contacted that they didn’t
know, because they were in absolute fear that it would be out-ethics for them not to do
so. Can you imagine such nonsense? He wasn’t taught to study. He was overwhelmed
with nonsense! With this incredible false importance given to Ethics, he became so
obsessed with not passing a misunderstood word, and not committing an overt, that his
entire ability to study was sabotaged. And this is “standard Scientology”? It is not. This
occurred at Flag, the “highest” technical delivery org on the planet.
This is, again, taking an application out of context. Ethics has a value and a correct use.
Using it in situations where it doesn’t belong or exaggerating its importance is an error of
context. This situation with misuse of Ethics has been rampant.
Possibly the leaders of the Church have sequestered themselves so far off from reality
that some don’t see or know that any of this nonsense exists. It surely does. What I
describe are not unusual infrequent cases. If you really have no idea, then please listen and
The only thing you can be upbraided for by students and pcs is “no results”. (KSW #1)
Now and then we hear of “somebody’s case messed up.” Or that someone was
complaining or dissatisfied with results. Research into such cases uniformly shows that
STANDARD TECH was not applied.
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Recently there was a spate of “out tech” on some executives that “messed up their cases”.
(This of course impaired their effectiveness and made them feel “Dianetics and
Scientology did not work and so was not worth defending”.)
A careful review of these cases showed that the “Case Supervisor” and a small clique of
“auditors” (all of whom knew better but who were serving their own ends) were NOT
applying Dianetics and Scientology but were only pretending to. (The clique has been
detected and thoroughly handled and so are the “messed-up cases” – by standard tech of
course and so successfully.)
But this brings up an interesting and useful legal and public relations point:
When people complain and are “dissatisfied with results”, it will be found that Dianetics
and Scientology were NOT being used on them.
Someone was doing something else and calling it Dianetics and Scientology.
Legal and PR situations from people who have complaints stem from two reasons:
1. They are themselves engaged for whatever reason in some self-serving end by
complaining or
2. They did not receive Dianetics and Scientology.
Please realize that the examples LRH himself gives involve alteration of materials or
application within the Church and by Church members. It involves the misrepresentative
of Scientology by the official Church of Scientology. He is discussing the result that out-
tech has on bringing about complaints, upset and attacks on the Church due the Church’s
OWN FAILURE to apply standard Scientology.
The problem is that somehow the idea of “squirreling” has been twisted to mean and
imply only “bad people outside of the Church”. It is far from only that and a quick
examination of how the Church constantly changes things in an apparent attempt to more
closely align its practices with LRH materials bears that out. The Church seems to always
be announcing the latest “era of standard tech”, “tech correction roundup” or “removal of
all arbitraries”. Anyone who has been around awhile has seen this occur repeatedly and
knows as a fact that the Church seems to almost always be ushering in a new period of
standard tech (following a previous period of obviously not so standard tech).
I don’t have a problem with the fact that getting Scientology applied standardly is not an
easy task. It is not easy. I understand that errors and mistakes will occur within and by
the Church. I do not expect or demand perfection. The problem I do have is 1) the Church
tends to deny errors and claims legitimacy despite its own errors, and 2) the Church tends
to treat all upsets and attacks as cases of true suppression. This actually hurts the
What I described is more of the same case of taking something out of context and using it
improperly where it doesn’t fit or belong.
I could write a very long and detailed report, with many more examples about that
subject. That is an entire other area where some chaos and confusion has been caused by
the Church in its misguided attempts to “get in Ethics”. Freeing people should not, at
times, appear or feel so damned oppressive. Lighten up, and put Ethics back where it
belongs, as that step necessary, and ONLY necessary for the Tech to go in. Please realize
that I get angry with all of this because what I describe actually weakens the power of the
Church and limits its own ability to realize the goals set forth by LRH. I do not say these
things to make anyone wrong or upset anybody. While you may take it the wrong way,
my only purpose is to communicate these things so that somebody might see them and
handle them with the result that the Church becomes stronger than ever.
In the original Introduction to Scientology Ethics book, the first chapter was entitled, THE
PURPOSE OF ETHICS. This chapter and brief essay by LRH has disappeared into
oblivion somewhere along the road involving the rewriting of LRH materials. Where could
one find it now even if one wanted to? That’s a good question. I looked and it doesn’t
seem to be anywhere. That is a case of “lost technology”. It is a case of LRH material
disappearing from view, possibly never to be found again.
LRH said:
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All that Ethics is for – the totality of the reason for its existence and operation – is simply
that additional tool necessary to make it possible to apply the technology of Scientology.
Somewhere along the road from A to F to D to Z and finally to B, Ethics has become
much more than that. (That is metaphorical sarcasm about the failure to go from A to B
and going everywhere else instead along the way) At times Ethics seems to have become
the only tool. It would be nice if somebody decided to dig out this wonderful essay from
the original Introduction to Scientology Ethics book and got it put back in the book where
it belongs – as the first essay read.
The reader, by now, may surely feel that I have absolutely no standing or legitimacy at all
with you, and that it may seem very weird for me to be lecturing you on this. Who the
hell am I, huh? But what I say is true and it needs to be said. If you wonder why I take
such a stance, it’s only because I have seen and experienced much too much nonsense
throughout my years of involvement with the Church.
The situation of taking things out of context partially explains how some people may
have used other existing LRH references to explain how the “second dynamic is
creativity”, when these other references explain no such thing at all.
Taking things out of context happens everywhere all of the time. Be aware of this and
beware of the tendency to do so.
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Magnitude of the Situation
I would like to clarify and impress upon the reader the truth of the severity of this
situation. I will not “pull punches”, “mince words” or “be gentle” about any of this. I will
not try to “walk lightly” and “not step on any toes”. The people who did this deserve to
be run over by a fleet of very fast moving Mack trucks. The people who did this are total
idiots at best, and true suppressives at the worse. The people who authorized, approved
and oversaw this atrocity are minimally in Treason against the Church, fellow staff,
fellow Scientologists and Mankind. Whoever finalized and published this nonsense is
equally culpable. That is a situation in itself deserving immediate action by the powers
that be within the upper management structure of the Church. And every staff and public
person who read this nonsensical “data” (and I use the term “data” very loosely and
euphemistically), passed by it, and DID NOTHING ABOUT IT are equally in Treason
to themselves, the Church and Mankind.
This “data” is total and complete nonsense. The fact that nobody found it strange is a
huge outpoint in itself. It would be comparable if it appeared in print that “taking
psychiatric drugs helps auditing progress faster”. The absurdity of the “data” is that
severe. It’s as if I walked outside on a rainy day and saw all my neighbors sitting out on
lawn chairs, in bathing suits, reading newspapers with sunglasses on. My utter
astonishment at my fellow human beings is similar in the case I report here. What planet
is everyone else on? Can the entire population of Scientology staff and public be so
unobservant or dull that they can accept and happily think with this nutty data? I hope I
have made my point. The “data” in question is completely NOT LRH DATA. In fact, it
is quite absurd.
The Church currently heavily promotes the idea that we are enjoying a “Golden Age of
Tech”. That seems to be true in certain ways. But please do not allow someone to come
up to you and assert that what I describe here “could not be true because the Church is
undergoing the highest technical level at any point in Scientology history”. The term
“Golden Age of Tech” is a PR slogan. At best it is a statement of an Ideal Scene to be
aimed for and worked toward achieving. It is a good thing to aim for. There is no doubt
that the Tech Certainty Drills improve duplication and understanding. But if this slogan
becomes a “belief” to be blindly accepted, and acts to prevent you from looking and
seeing what is sitting right in front of you, then Scientology has failed – because
Scientology never has and never should expect or demand that people “believe” anything
other than what they themselves observe and know to be true.
Do not confuse concepts and ideas with reality. Again, look, and don’t listen. Just look at
the is-ness. Look at the facts. The truth is what is – not what someone tells you it is.
I consider this a HUGE thing. I hope the reader also does. This sort of thing, if done in
more places, and spread out over time (say 100-500 years) will result in the deterioration
and eventual rendering into uselessness of the greatest technology of Man, the mind and
the Spirit ever put together anywhere at any time – LRH’s subjects of Dianetics and
Scientology. I believe this example given here is severe, and I hope that you concur in
your understanding of what has been done here and the magnitude of such alteration of
LRH materials.
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Failure to Observe and Take Responsibility
I don’t simply have the opinion or believe this is off-policy and NOT LRH data. I know
it. I have surveyed about 10 other staff and public, all quite familiar with Scientology
basics (and more), and all had similar disagreements with the second dynamic definition in
the latest version of the Introduction to Scientology Ethics book. Minimally they all
initially disagreed with the data when they first encountered it in the new version of the
ISE book. Some eventually rationalized and dubbed-in how it could or had to “make
sense”. At the other end some still viewed it as totally nuts and not in alignment with
anything else LRH has written about the second dynamic. No one at any time jumped up
and down and declared their love for it and proclaimed how much sense it made.
Their response was uniformly not in agreement, yet not one said or did anything.
It is a strange phenomenon indeed where the public and staff members in a group find it
necessary to quietly think and believe things contrary to what the group leaders imagine
them to think and believe. Of course, due to a strange phenomenon where staff and public
seem to have an unspoken fear where they cannot communicate what they actually see
and experience, if it contradicts certain aspects of the current Scientology party line or
“zeitgeist”, this has remained largely unnoticed. Don’t take that the wrong way. I am not
insinuating there is some big bad conspiracy in the Church. Party lines exist wherever two
or more people get together in a group. It’s a sad, but necessary aspect of social existence.
For Scientologists though, that is a very strange way to exhibit responsibility. Ultimately
they each denied what they knew to be true so that their ideas aligned with their
assumption and belief that the data “must be true”, “it’s by LRH”, and “the Church
management structure would never allow false data to be published”. When the majority
of thetans are incapable of seeing what is right in front of them and incapable of acting on
what they know to be true based upon their own perceptions, well God help us all.
Scientology is supposed to produce beings with the qualities of increased awareness and
heightened personal integrity. This whole situation makes me wonder what the hell is
going on here. It is a very weird outpoint. Please don’t look at me, get mad because I tell
you this, and attack me. Look at the facts and just get mad. I got very mad when I read
the strange new “data” in the new version of the Introduction to Scientology Ethics book.
In fact, at first I laughed. I thought it had to be a joke. Then I thought that it must be a
“test”, placed in the book by someone high up in management to see just how good or bad
the public can be as far as perception and responsibility go. I finally realized that it was
actually there for real and quite seriously. And that everybody else was pretty much
happily (and blindly) accepting it.
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When I asked my children why they didn’t do anything, when it was clear to them that
the data was off the wall, they answered that they didn’t know. They are each Sea Org
members. I asked my daughter Sabrina, what do you do when somebody orders you to do
something that you don’t agree with? She answered, “I say ‘yes sir’, and just don’t do it”.
In other words, she acts as if she will do it, and then doesn’t do it. My son Scott said that
it never made sense to him. He “brushed it under the rug” so to speak. He just didn’t
confront it or anything about it. As we all know, that never solves anything. In both cases
they disagreed, had major confusions, went passed it, and did nothing.
Both of them are severely bogged students. Both of them are NOT happy where they
currently find themselves. To a degree, that was created by those responsible for them.
A side effect of being forced to accept or understand nonsense is confusion, and the
“data” regarding the dynamics in the new Ethics book is surely nonsense.
They each contacted, went by and failed to handle this nutty data. One should wonder
how many others have hit a major roadblock in their understanding and progress due to
this nonsense in the Ethics book. LRH talks about NOTs and how there are various
booby traps designed to mess up a thetan. The placing of non-LRH, nutty data in a
“legitimate Scientology publication” is equally a booby trap. I am not accusing anyone of
intentionally doing this, although that may be the case, but I am surely accusing everyone
of allowing it to stay in existence for so long. Nobody saw it, or at least, if they did,
nobody did anything to handle it.
Everyone I talked to did some version of that. In fact, everyone who has ever read it must
have done some version of that.
Interestingly, when I originally asked them about this, they immediately, without any
comm lag at all, knew immediately what I was talking about and jumped into explaining
how it made no sense to them either. It took absolutely no steering or convincing on my
part. Realize that this could not be done with things like the chapter on ARC in
Fundamentals of Thought or the eight dynamics in Science of Survival because these
things do make sense. I didn’t have to “steer them to cognition”. They knew it the second
I brought it to their attention, as they had both noticed it and been confused by it before
when they initially contacted the nutty “data”. In fact, Sabrina twinned with Scotty to
handle him on his “confusion” on this definition in the new Introduction to Scientology
Ethics book while he was on the EPF. He was never “handled”. He went by it.
FACT: Both my children are blown students and nearly “hate” study. Do you have any
idea possibly why? Do you understand what happens to people when you enforce
nonsense on them, that is obviously nonsense, yet force them to accept it as legitimate data,
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and thereby deny their own knowingness? Do you have any idea how many blown
students may be out there, never to be handled because of passing this same nonsense?
What did they do? Well, what can you do when presented with something that is nuts,
makes no sense, but at the same time you are supposed to believe and accept that it is
genuinely “by LRH” and “makes sense”? Sadly, the solution for most people seems to be
to reduce one’s own personal awareness, blow from it and pretend it’s not there. And the
group exists and functions in a way that contributes to and tolerates the perpetuation of
such nonsense. This is so not Scientology. Yet here it is, existing right there in the book.
Do you have any idea how many blows and confusions have been spread because of this
nonsense in this book? Do you have any idea how many people have not and will not be
able to “think with” SCN data because of this section? Okay, so I may be exaggerating a
bit, but it is nonsense nonetheless. I am just trying to make the point.
What is going on here is real suppression, whatever you want to call it. I am not calling
the Church suppressive, but I am saying that suppressive actions have been created,
condoned, and tolerated by somebody in the Church in regards to the situation I describe
here. Altering LRH data, and putting it into print is nothing less than that. That’s not my
opinion. That’s a fact.
It is possible to get dull and banky people to understand “truth”. That is basically the
goal of Scientology on planet Earth. It is not possible to get anyone to truly understand
nonsense when it is supposed to be truth or presented as truth.
Of course, the readers will often dub-in and rationalize and go through all sorts of mental
gymnastics to have it “make sense”. The result will actually be more confusion. Forcing
false data on people actually increases confusion and sticks thetans further into the mud.
You hopefully will understand that, and also understand your own part in creating,
allowing and finally solving this situation.
Every person who has contacted this trash will need to be cleaned up as a student and
ethically. There is no legitimate solution short of that (to me anyway).
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Management Concerns
There are additional questions a person in charge of all of this should probably ask.
• How could the Church structure be such that it was incapable of detecting this alteration
of basic (and simple) LRH data?
• How could such a case of alteration of LRH materials continue for so long without being
detected and corrected?
• If people have reported it, then what sort of bureaucratic nonsense and internal politics
resulted in it going unhandled for so long?
• And if this is tolerated, then what additional alterations will occur and be tolerated?
• What other nonsense has begun and continues even now?
Scientologists, especially trained and audited Scientologists, are expected to be aware and
responsible. What is going on here? How could the entirety of Scientology staff and public
fail to notice this absurdity? To me, that is incredibly weird. What sort of mental
nonsense must be going on in the majority of Scientologists that they could “make sense”
of such nonsense? Second, if a few did notice the absurdity, why didn’t they do anything
about it in accordance with the simple data of KSW? If this could happen, fail to be
noticed, fail to be addressed, and fail to be corrected, then anything could happen of a
similar nature to destroy the subject and it’s effectiveness. The huge lack of awareness
and responsibility that has created and allowed this to continue for so long has not passed
by me unnoticed. It should also concern you.
Observe the reality of the evidence. It has occurred. It exists. Somebody did it.
Everybody chose to not see what was right in front of his or her faces, or worse, they did
see it and chose to do nothing about it. If there ever was a situation deserving a head on a
pike, well this is it. By the way, that head is not mine. My only crime is being here and
communicating, and maybe having a penchant for being noisy and somewhat dramatic.
If this fails to get handled then I will become disabused of the notion that the Church is
capable of monitoring and ensuring the quality or legitimacy of LRH data. At that point
the available options become very strange indeed. Here’s what I would expect:
Also, every staff and public who has studied this and either failed to notice the false data
as false data or failed to minimally report it, needs to first, clear up the false data, and
second, should work out of lower conditions from a ruthless KSW viewpoint. I can
understand how that might be difficult to do from a PR angle.
I pointed this out to 7 or 8 people within the past 6 months. All agreed that it was
nonsensical. Not one wrote it up or did anything about it. They all made up reasons and
excuses to explain and justify how it could be this way. If I waited another 10 years I
suspect still nobody would do anything about it.
If anything else other than the above occurs it will mean that it will not get corrected, non-
LRH data will slowly become more and more interwoven into the subject of Scientology,
and the subject will eventually lose all possibility of helping individuals and Mankind as a
whole. Don’t imagine anything other than this scenario. This is the real situation here.
If the data supplied here is read and understood and if the steps outlined above are
enacted quickly and ruthlessly without any Q & A, then I will breathe a sigh of relief,
immediately improve my viewpoint of the Church, and truly be a happy person.
There have been a few instances in the past where I have communicated obvious
misprints and/or alterations of LRH material, only to be attacked, hit with ethics actions
and suspected of unsavory motives by certain high level staff. In each case what I was
attempting to point out was discovered and corrected sooner or later, usually and sadly,
much later.
I recently finished the Personal Ethics and Integrity Course, Introduction to Scientology
Ethics course, KSW Course, and new Student Hat, having just read KSW #1 in a new unit
of time. I really don’t like being in a situation where I have to exercise or think I have to
exercise my notion of personal integrity with or “against” staff or Sea Org members. I am
hoping I will be thanked or minimally acknowledged for bringing this to the attention of
caring and concerned beings. My communications have been resisted and attacked before.
I am hesitant to communicate, but I cannot hide what I know to be true or my response to
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I can understand that no one likes to be told that they or their associates may be guilty of
what may very well be considered one of the greatest crimes in SCN – altering or
condoning the alteration of LRH data with the intention of destroying the only Road To
Freedom. Of allowing the door to be opened to incorrect technology – but that is exactly
and only what this is all about. I just hope the reader LOOKS at the data, and doesn’t
confuse me, my past, or some notion of me with the actual data here. For those of you
who may choose to tell me or others that it’s none of my business, that I have no “right”
to meddle in Church affairs and say any of this, I can only say that it is my business by
default. Nobody else has done anything about it. In accordance with the KRC triangle, one
must be responsible for what they know. Keeping Scientology Working is everyone’s
business. Everyone else who should have noticed and handled this, at every step along the
way, failed to. It’s my responsibility and it is my business, because nobody else did it.
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Accepting Responsibility
We learned in Dianetics that people would not accept responsibility for their own acts, and
actually they’re as bad off as they will not accept responsibility for their own acts. And
individuals are other-determined to the degree that they will not accept such responsibility.
When you achieve that point of acceptance of responsibility, then havingness as such, and
the universe, or that part of one’s interest in the universe, would vanish.
The definition of Not-is-ness would be simply: trying to put out of existence by postulate or
force something which one knows priorly, exists.
This LRH quote and data is very pertinent to what I have been discussing.
The right way to handle this is for the group to accept responsibility for what it did and
created. That is the right way to make the problem go away. The problem is that non-
LRH data exists in print. The Church, as a group, did this. The Sea Org, as a group, did
Of course, I understand that any group is made up solely of individuals, and that actually
some person or group of people within the Sea Org, or various sections did this. But
nonetheless, it is also a common idea that groups are supposed to be responsible for and
accept responsibility for the actions of their members. If your idea of accepting
responsibility is to hit a few staff, and act like the “Church” didn’t do anything, then you
are sorely mistaken.
The Church gets attacked quite a bit. Personally, I think that part of the reason this
occurs is because it shunts blame and refuses to accept responsibility for what it itself
creates and causes to others (in a bad way). It seems to me that the Church accepts
“blame” for the wonderful and great things it does, and it does many excellent things, but
mistakenly, it tends to blame individuals for all the bad things that are done under its
direction or auspices. The reason the Church gets attacked isn’t only and always because
the big bad suppressives hate you so much and are trying to destroy the route to freedom
and bigger beings. Yes, that is part of it, but no, that is not all of it. As with any and all
motivators, the person or group receiving the motivators has done or is doing something
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to bring the attacks about. That is basic PTS/SP data. If you are being attacked, it
generally means you did something to pull in the motivators. That is what an MAA
would tell me. The data is true. That’s what someone should maybe tell you.
Read the above LRH quote again. The correct way, exactly in accordance with LRH data,
to handle this is to accept responsibility, cancel everything quickly, issue corrections
referring to already existing legitimate LRH data in the area, investigate heavily and nail
the staff who caused this to occur.
The wrong way to do this, and the way that will make this persist and grow to be a much
larger problem for you, is to deny it, attack my report that describes this, make up
excuses, accept justifications, and resist what I point out.
It is so very simple. View the situation for what it is. The Church screwed up. Handle it
quickly by correcting the mistake. It will VANISH if you accept full responsibility as
individuals and AS A GROUP.
I have absolutely no concern to “be right” or to “make you wrong”. I couldn’t care less. I
simply want to see it rapidly corrected.
If you alter the facts, or try to PR people with phony explanations that present a false
picture of what actually occurred, then you will add further persistence and trouble for
yourselves. So be wary how you handle this, even if you do cancel the areas in question
and issue corrections.
Alter-Is results in persistence. It causes problems to exist and expand. That data is from
the same chapter referenced above. In other words, anything that is persisting must
contain a “lie” so that the original consideration is not completely duplicated. (The
Creation of Human Ability, A Summary of Scientology)
Please do not “lie” to yourself or to anyone else about this. It is what it is. It won’t “go
away” if you do so. There is only one correct solution where everybody truly wins.
Confront and view the is-ness here in all its aspects. False data was entered into LRH
books and has existed this way for over 10 years. That means many things. What this
means must also be calmly viewed, confronted and handled. This may be the tip of the
iceberg of something. Strings need to be pulled. It needs to be investigated, looked at,
confronted and handled appropriately. It may involve quite a few people, some on very
high posts.
People become more aware receiving Scientology services. If the Church tries to deny
things that others can clearly see as obvious, the Church will be creating a very weird
172 90
dilemma. Try not to PR (alter-is) things too much. If you do, it has the potential to come
back at you eventually in ways that you might never have foreseen.
173 90
High Crimes and Crimes
They are taken verbatim out of the Introduction to Scientology Ethics book.
The first exactly describes what has been done in the situation contained in this report.
Altering a basic definition, which the entirety of the subject of Scientology rests upon as a
foundation, is a severe case of this High Crime. Please notice that many processes and
techniques are based upon the definitions of the Dynamics. The world of Scientology
rests upon the basic definitions.
The second also accurately describes what occurred, as long as one doesn’t nit-pick over
“intentional” and “authorized”.
Acts calculated to misuse, invalidate or alter-is legally or in any other way the trademarks
and service marks of Dianetics and Scientology.
This data on the second dynamic is NOT legitimate LRH data. It is NOT legitimate
Scientology, yet it is being called and presented as Scientology. You might try to argue,
“Gene, are you accusing us or someone of trying to confuse and deceive people?” If you
need to ask that, then you don’t get it. It does not matter whether it was planned or not.
Only the fact of the actions matters. I don’t know why the people did what they did. I
really don’t care. But it WAS DONE.
It is a fact that the situation referred to in this report involves altered BASIC
SCIENTOLOGY DATA, is NOT legitimate Scientology, yet is called “Scientology”, and
can and does confuse people about the true practices of real LRH Scientology.
Treasonable neglect.
Being a knowing accessory to a Suppressive Act.
Anyone, who passed by the definitions in the new Ethics book, suspected or knew these
were off the wall, and did nothing, are guilty to some degree of the first two crimes.
Anyone, who was at all involved in the project that put the new Ethics book together is
probably guilty of all four.
I have done most of the research already. I have done a good part of a Data Series
“evaluation”, and have even supplied the rough beginnings of a Bill of Particulars for a
Committee of Evidence.
It would not be correct to try to claim that I am guilty of such things as:
What I report here is a specific case of alteration of LRH data by Church staff members.
Of course, if you choose to believe that not to be so and deny what is obvious, then you
can probably play mental games, twist things around, and make the above crimes make
sense and apply them to me. Do you see how that could be?
In a nutshell, I believe that most of what is in print is exactly as LRH wrote it. I am not
implying that things are “all bad”, or that the scale leans more towards bad than good. I
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believe the truth is that the Church of Scientology is the only hope Mankind has. It is
doing an amazing job against tremendous odds. The people running the Church are about
the brightest, most dedicated and decent people on the planet. I know that as a fact.
What I describe is a specific situation. It is true. It is very dangerous. Please perceive it for
what it is, and handle it accordingly.
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Suppressive People versus Stupid People
The results of suppressive people and stupid people are indistinguishable. It matters little
whether what was done here was done intentionally or not. The potential and real damage
is exactly the same in both cases. I used to be confused about this. When I was doing my
A-E steps, I couldn’t quite understand how I could be declared because I never, at any
time, intended to cause the Church of Scientology or Scientologists any harm. LRH says
in the Ethics book:
Suppressive acts are clearly those covert or overt acts knowingly calculated to reduce or
destroy the influence or activities of Scientology or prevent case gains or continued
Scientology success and activity on the part of a Scientologist. (Chapter entitled,
Suppressive Acts)
My problem was that I knew quite well and clearly that I never at any time intended,
planned or calculated to do any of these things. I never desired to cause harm to the
Church. So how could I be declared a suppressive person? I figured it out.
The High Crimes are not “suppressive intentions” or “suppressive plans”, but
“suppressive acts”. In Scientology ethics and justice materials, for anything to be an overt
it must cause actual damage or harm to some person or activity in the physical universe.
You must actually inhibit the survival of another person or group to cause any harm, and
for it to qualify as an overt (i.e. harmful act). LRH does actually clarify this, but only in
passing, and it takes an observant student to notice this. In the same book and in the same
section he says:
Musical chairs (transfers of person around an org) is the single most destructive action to
an org’s stats.
LRH makes the clear distinction between a stupid person and a suppressive person. It
obviously matters very little in the end, but the mental components of each differ greatly
in the two. The suppressive usual knows what he is doing, he knows it is harmful, and he
intends to cause the damage. A stupid person is thinking no such things. The stupid
person usually has no idea of the consequences of his actions. He’s just being stupid.
The point, as it relates to all this in this report, is that it is not necessary to assume
grandiose scenarios of complex conspiracies within the Church to understand how false
LRH data could become printed and distributed widely. While there may be a group of
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people planning and acting to destroy the Church from within, I personally doubt it. I
have seen consistently through my own observation and experiences, that most idiocy on
planet Earth rears its ugly head out of stupidity, and not out of blatant evil.
Many Scientologists, and others, like to imagine that psychiatry is backed by a huge
international conspiracy, and that the world is controlled by a tightly knit secret
organization of international bankers. Yes, there are international bankers and
psychiatrists, and they do cause a tremendous amount of trouble for everyone else. But I
perceive it a different way.
Awhile ago ads started running on TV promoting “Prozac Weekly”. What utter nonsense!
The modern crazy world is based on the crazy ideas existing underneath and supporting
the modern crazy world. Simply, through a process of never-ending indoctrination, the
idiocy continues happily along. It’s mostly a case of poor and improper education – and a
very gullible human population. My point is that it is not so much planned and intended
as it is a case of stupid people accepting, believing, asserting and doing stupid things.
Many people look around and see “suppression”. I look around and see tremendous
idiocy and stupidity. I don’t see conspiracies; I see dummies.
But in the end it does not matter. The results of each are the same, however you choose
to conceive it. The destructive acts of psychiatry exist whether due to a conspiracy of
suppressives or due to general stupidity. The destructive acts of socialism and income tax
exist whether caused by a planned conspiracy intent on bringing about a New World
Order, or by a high-placed band of lunatics. The harm caused by the modern medical
industry to people en masse, through the actions of the American Medical Association
and the Federal Food and Drug Administration, exists whether you believe it to be
organized manipulation by a select secret society conceived at Yale University (Skull &
Bones) or due to the idiocy of group agreement.
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Stupidity is actually a greater threat and more widespread than active suppression. But in
the end there is no difference between the effects brought about by the two. They each
bring about harm, destruction, confusion and the collapse of decent things and activities.
The acts each commits are equally harmful.
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The Concern of RTC
From the Internet,
“RTC has many other activities, all of which add up to performing its basic ecclesiastical
functions: ensuring that what is represented as Dianetics or Scientology is genuinely so;
protecting the general public by not allowing any organization or individual to do
something entirely different while using the religious marks to misrepresent itself as
Dianetics or Scientology; and not allowing any individual or organization to deliver
Dianetics or Scientology while calling it something else. Any misuse or unauthorized use
of the Scientology religious marks is rapidly corrected by RTC so that the religion is kept
pure and all people may benefit from the application of Mr. Hubbard's Scientology
“For this reason, Scientologists emphasize the orthodox and standard application of the
Scientology scripture. Thus, Scientologists never interpret scripture for each other but
always refer to the original source materials. A Course Supervisor in a Scientology church
is not a teacher in that he does not lecture or give his own opinions because to do so, even
if well-intentioned, would inevitably enter alterations, even if slight, into the technologies
which would lessen their effectiveness. This alteration could accumulate over time to the
point where Scientologists could never achieve the full spiritual benefits of the religion.”
“In contrast, RTC investigates any departures from that standard administration and
ensures that orthodoxy is restored. It also ensures that no individual or group
misrepresents itself and offers an altered technology while calling it Dianetics or
“There are certain matters of particular importance and concern to RTC as provided here
on a detailed list. Whenever these occur, copies of your reports should also be sent to
RTC. RTC’s Inspector General Network uses such reports to help locate hidden
suppression, infiltration, subversion or corruption within and external to Scientology
Churches, Missions and other Church organizations — to protect The Bridge for all.”
The subject matter of this report is nothing except an issue of the legitimacy of Church
documents. The entire point of this report is that the data in question is false, and should
not exist in any manner as accepted orthodoxy.
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The purpose of RTC is to ensure standard application of LRH materials. One of RTC’s
jobs is to prevent anyone from “practicing in a nonorthodox manner while claiming it is
standard Dianetics or Scientology”.
Additionally, as stated above, “every religion has experienced periods during which
growth has met with alterations of religious doctrine and practice and even downright
derailment from the initial mission.”
While the usual concern of RTC is with ensuring standard application, this situation is
slightly different because it involves an actual alteration of LRH materials that has been
issued and distributed widely to all Churches and Missions worldwide. Also, Church
practices based upon the use of these altered materials can only be adversely effected. In
this way application is adversely affected.
Alteration and reinterpretation of original LRH data has occurred. It has been broadly
published and disseminated.
This is surely an issue for RTC. The entirety of the “official” Church of Scientology has
been practicing in a nonorthodox manner, in this case, while claiming these practices to be
standard. This is also true in the case of any technique utilizing the new incorrect
definition of the second dynamic such as Exchange by Dynamics, Conditions, etc.
The purpose of RTC should not be to “protect the Church” rotely no matter whether the
actions of its affiliated members are correct or incorrect. The purpose of the RTC, as I
understand it, should be to ensure false data is not tolerated as part of the Church
orthodoxy. Of course, as anyone knows who has completed the KSW Course, the Church
will eventually get attacked if it begins or continues to sway from legitimate LRH source
materials, because sooner or later results will falter.
The purpose of this report is to get someone to perceive and understand this situation so
that it can be corrected.
181 90
Why Am I Doing This?
There may be a tendency for some readers to view me as some great troublemaker
intending only on causing upset and confusion. I can be noisy, but I can also be very
perceptive. Most of what I say here can be understood and agreed with by aware
The point is that I want the things addressed because I care how Scientology does and I
want it to succeed. But I really don’t care about any pretense of “the Church surviving” if
it is not exactly in alignment with LRH materials. If it “survives”, yet deviates from
standard materials and application to do so, it means nothing of any value in the end.
I truly love to see people become more aware, do better in life, and happily succeed as
decent and honest people. Anyone who knows me knows that by direct observation.
Whenever I have been on course I help others and they benefit by my help. That is an
observable and verifiable fact. I help and encourage anyone I know. But I detest bullshit.
Some might try to bend this and say I am “attacking the Church” or behaving in an
antagonistic fashion. I am attacking a destructive situation that, in the end, can only hurt
the Church and its mission. I am attacking an enemy of the Church – alteration of LRH
I understand that someone reading this may question why I seem to have the need to
explore this from so many different angles or perspectives. There are very good reasons.
First, this situation has existed for almost 11 years. Nobody seems to have noticed that it
doesn’t make any sense. That’s a long time for something to exist that is fundamentally
idiotic, and for nobody to say anything about it. Considering that Scientology is the only
effective subject enabling an increase in awareness and responsibility, one should wonder
just how this situation could fail to be noticed (awareness) and handled (responsibility).
Second, people on Earth, in the condition they are in generally, have the strange ability
and tendency to be able to have anything “make sense”. People are largely in very poor
shape as far as their universes of significance, meaning, definitions, logic and abstract
182 90
thought are concerned. They tend to not understand or be aware of exactly what they
have accepted or created as their personal world of ideas, meaning and definitions. They
also tend to have very poor awareness of how their ideas and concepts connect up to the
actual things and situations these ideas and concepts define or describe. To that degree
they are not in control of their mental world of ideas, and they can easily go the effect of
Third, most Scientologists have the belief that “everything in print is by LRH”, and that
“everything LRH says is true”. While that is largely true, it is not necessarily always true.
Attached to those considerations is the notion held by most that “if I disagree or fail to
understand something, then it must be due to my own failings with the application of study
tech”. The result will be that most people will deny what they observe or know to be
true, if it conflicts with what is assumed to be “LRH data”, and will instead agree with
something that is incorrect because they come into every situation with the fixed ideas
outlined above. A person’s own beliefs and assertions can severely restrict their ability to
observe and view facts. People do this everyday of the week. It is very common.
Scientologists at all levels are not at all immune to this phenomenon.
People can agree with anything. They can have anything be true for them. That doesn’t
mean those things are true. There is a huge difference. You might agree and believe that
the New York Yankees are the best team, but if they lose the World Series, what does it
mean? Or you may believe that a fossil is 4000 years old, but if it is really 16 million
years old, what does it mean? There is a realm where one’s opinions and beliefs are
senior, especially in the area of goals, values and morals. What is true is what is true for
you. But that doe not mean that you are right. More to the point, LRH says, “what is true
for you is what you observe yourself” to be true. The problem is that so many people’s
power of observation stinks. In those cases, just because somebody believes they have
observed something, again, does not make it true. The person may believe it to be so, but
that is a far cry from it being so.
Yes, you have an inherent goal to be right, but again, it does not mean that you are. (ref:
HCOPL You Can Be Right) This is not the case when someone believes, asserts or agrees
with things that are demonstrably not true – especially things and events that occur in the
physical universe and have an exact time, place, form and event. Someone might believe,
and it may be totally true for him or her, that a man levitated the Empire State building
yesterday, but if it never happened, then his belief is unconnected to any observable
reality. You might believe that it is impossible for a severe alter-is of LRH data to appear
in print. It may be unlikely, but if it is observably sitting right in front of your face, I
encourage you to base what you accept as true upon what you observe and not on what
you think or believe. Lookingness (observation) is senior to thinkingness (ideas, beliefs,
logic, and significances) – always. (Reference Know to Mystery Scale)
183 90
Forth, it may be extremely unpopular to assert what I am pointing out here. For whatever
reason, it seems to be somewhat politically incorrect to even suggest that management
might somehow have failed to ensure that only legitimate LRH data was published and
printed. I don’t doubt that some Sea Org members may view any criticism of senior
executive activities, no matter how true, as “intolerable”, “unacceptable” and
“inappropriate”, and that such attitudes could prevent some of them from being willing
enough to attempt to understand what is presented here. In other words, their own beliefs
or attitudes could prevent them from understanding this and thereby inhibit vital
corrective actions. That would not be a good thing.
Fifth, in the past I have attempted to handle various violations of LRH policy. I have
almost consistently failed. I would usually end up getting very angry at what I considered
to be the stupidity and inability of staff members to duplicate what was so obvious to
me. Upon examining this I tried to see how I was failing to take responsibility for the
situations in the past. So, in this case, I am doing everything within my power to get the
reader to duplicate me. I cannot be any more responsible for ensuring the reader’s
understanding than I am in compiling this report.
Last week a good friend of mine, Richard Birkenshaw, was getting a handling by a Public
MAA. The MAA was going over his program and generally ensuring Rick knew what he
needed to do. The MAA went over the Dynamics and stated to him with the Ethics book
in front of him, “so the second dynamic is creativity”. He was leading and steering him to
use and accept that definition. How did Rick handle it? He acknowledged the MAA,
nodded in agreement, and chose to ignore it completely and applied the data, as he
understood it correctly to be (sex & family). This sort of game-playing should not be
necessary between public and staff (or between staff and staff). It is organizational
nonsense. Aware people look at instances of this and giggle. It makes the Church look
stupid. It should not exist.
Rick told me that a friend of his had recently returned from the Ship. He had with him a
diagram of the Dynamics portrayed as 8 concentric circles. The second circle was labeled
“Creativity”. I am sure further investigation would find this being done in many places
where this false definition is being used and enforced on staff and public. It is spreading.
So, while I am may be erring on the side of supplying too much evidence, so that the
reader will duplicate and understand the situation described herein without fail, I strongly
suspect this is appropriate and necessary.
Since so many people have accepted this “data” without so much as a blink of an eye or a
question, I believe I must present the evidence as strongly as possible. While it is as clear
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and obvious as a bright summer day to me, it seems to be quite unclear and vague to many
I knew the instant I saw this definition in the latest version of the Introduction to
Scientology Ethics book that it was not written by LRH and therefore bogus. It took no
extensive analysis, demos, or trying to “see how it could be that way” on my part. It was
immediately recognizable to me as illegitimate and not by LRH. It has taken me many
hours to present the reasons why it is not legitimate LRH data in a format others might be
able to duplicate, understand, and accept.
Here we find ourselves more than 15 years after LRH dropped his body and things are
still being rewritten. This doesn’t strike anyone as odd? The Introduction to Scientology
Ethics book existed for many years with the previous, largely correct definitions of the
dynamics. Suddenly there are new definitions that directly conflict with and are
inconsistent with the earlier data. It’s not inconsistent because I have misunderstood
words, false data, or that I am an evil suppressive person.
The manner in which the ideas are written and communicated in this chapter on the
dynamics clearly betrays them as altered LRH material. To me, they stand out like
screaming demons or a crowd of people waving red warning flags.
Take the time and compare this section in the Introduction to Scientology Ethics Book
with the same section in the previous edition of the Ethics Book. Compare it to
everything and anything LRH has ever written or spoken about the second dynamic. The
difference is startling.
Some have asked me WHY I get so irritated and upset about this situation. This is why:
This situation was allowed or caused by past or present Sea Org staff
members. It is an “internal” situation and problem that needs to be
recognized for what it is and addressed appropriately.
186 90
Thought Experiment
If someone wanted to destroy Scientology, remain undetected, and accomplish the goal,
how would they do it? They would do it from within. They would remain invisible. It
would be an “inside job”. There is actually no other way to successfully destroy it.
As LRH so correctly points out in KSW Series No. 1, Keeping Scientology Working,
“So the ogre which might eat us up is not the government or the High Priests. It’s our
possible failure to retain and practice our technology”.
The only way Scientology might ever collapse is by failing to retain and practice the
technology. That’s it. LRH states it clearly.
So, how would a very intelligent, careful, dedicated SP accomplish it? How would he or
she bring about the “failure to retain and practice the technology”? That’s very simple.
Get inside, on important lines, get into positions of power, and gradually, VERY
gradually, alter the basics and fundamentals upon which all the rest of the subject is built
upon. Implement a change here, then another change there, and so on. There would be no
hurry because what’s 50 or 100 or even 1,000 years in a battle that has been going on for
eons? There is no hurry at all.
Someone who had looked this over very carefully would systematically render the basic
ideas a bit confusing. They would address and attack the definitions in areas such as:
The dynamics
Three parts of Man
Know to mystery scale
Cycle of Action
States of existence
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Attack the nomenclature, because the entire subject rests upon the definitions and ideas
embraced by the nomenclature.
If the actual fundamentals were sufficiently altered, and therefore made confusing, and
came to no longer refer to the real things in life that LRH observed and described, then
everything else built upon them (the entire subject) would also eventually get re-written
(to align and “make sense”). The entire subject would eventually go by the boards. This
could also happen anyway simply by accumulated mistakes and errors, and actual
intentional suppression is not necessary.
For instance, there are second dynamic sec-checks. These always and only have had to do
with sex and family. They always have. There are many “second dynamic” lists, which
quite correctly have everything and only to do with sex and family. Go take a LOOK
yourself. Do some extensive searching of all listings in the HCOB and HCOPL volumes.
Look up every reference you can find for “second dynamic”, “sex”, and “family”. Don’t
just simply believe what I say because I say it. Please verify it yourself personally.
Creativity is nowhere mentioned in any list outside of creating and being responsible for
one’s sexual life and family. But, give 20-30 years for the “new” definition to get out,
rewrite the places where the second dynamic is mentioned, get it appearing in all the
newly released basic books, and so may also come about a slow realigning of all the extant
lists with the new altered data. Then, someone somewhere discovers an “LRH note”
where he supposedly “says” to update all processes and lists with the “new” definitions.
Of course, somebody could just as well forge the note, and who would know? We are all
so trusting of our leaders. So now second dynamic sec-checks have to be rewritten, and
reconfigured using the absurd notion that the “second dynamic is creativity”. Mmmmm?
How would we do that? Let’s see:
Of course, this is really a third dynamic question and answer, but NOW it’s the second
dynamic per the new definition. Or,
And then the PC is sent off on absurd excursions to make sense of something that makes
no sense at all. But he will have it make sense – and get no case gain – and never go free.
Sadly, thetans can make anything make sense and have been doing so for what? About 4
trillion years now?
Or, look at how almost any Scientologist discusses their sexual partner:
What do these all mean when and if people gradually come to accept an entirely new and
different meaning of the second dynamic – as creativity?
The first sentence no longer makes sense. I am going to the movies with my creativity?
Well, I guess you do actually carry your “creativity” around with you everywhere, since
it is part of you, but of course, this is ludicrous.
The second sentence now means that as far as my overall creativity goes, I am doing great.
It is so general as to be useless and meaningless.
And the third sentence could mean almost anything, since the 2D per this new definition
“includes any creativity”. In this form it actually can and will be misinterpreted to cover
all the dynamics because creativity occurs on all dynamics.
Sometimes I feel like I am the only one who sees what is so glaringly obvious. It’s no fun.
Errors committed over a very long time are not noticed. Once people happily accept the
new definition of the second dynamic as creativity, then another absurdity can be added
on top of that, yet nobody will notice because it is being done so slowly. Compound the
errors and you will one day find yourself with any entirely different body of data.
“Scientology” (as it exists at some time in the future) will no longer actually be
“Scientology” (as it existed before it was altered).
Also, now that the definition of the second dynamic has been redefined, it wouldn’t take
much to remove the concept of sex and family all together, and have it just simply be
“creativity”.* What would then be the result of EXCHANGE BY DYNAMICS,
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DYNAMIC ASSESSMENT, and all sorts of other processes that use and are based upon
the basic concepts of the dynamics and other related LRH definitions?
Anything can be brought about in gradients. You can better situations, or you can worsen
situations. When situations are intentionally or unintentionally worsened on a gradient,
almost nobody notices – until the area has totally collapsed. And then it’s too late. This
is a fact. People are quite blind already, and when the changes are spread out slowly over
time, nobody will perceive it.
I am serious here. How would a real SP do it? The Church has a tendency to perceive
(imagine?) that its worse enemies are on the outside. The Church seems to take the PR
approach that every bad thing that happens to it is due to bad nasty evil suppressives. I
don’t personally agree. I think much of the antagonism and attacks the Church
experiences are due to it’s own poor handling of various situations in the environment.
It’s simple PTS/SP technology. When one is being attacked or experiencing motivators,
the primary thing to ask is “what have we done wrong”, and “what are we failing to take
responsibility for”? I think it’s a bit too much of a stretch and convenience to imagine that
every attack or messy situation is due to raving SPs. Personally, I think if the group, OSA
and the people making decision in these areas looked at it a bit more this way, that the
group would find itself more powerful very quickly. And with quite a bit less trouble
from antagonistic people and groups.
Yes, there is no shortage of lunatics, idiots and morons outside the Church, some in
positions of power in government, banking, medicine, and academics, who do attack the
Church. But how would a real SP truly achieve their aim? They would study LRH data
closely. They would understand it well. And they would get it altered, ever so slightly, a
little here and a little there, done in such small amounts that no one would ever notice each
small deviation as it occurred. He or they would USE the data to destroy the subject.
They would do it in gradients. It would be spread out over a very long period of time.
Of course, they would promote the idea of a Golden Age of Standard Application,
encouraging all members to believe things were never more stable and under control. There
would be much PR that everything was wonderful and the best that it has ever been.
Most people believe what they are told. I don’t. At least, not necessarily do I. I am not
so trusting anymore (in a good way). I try now to base what I believe on what is
observably so.
The whole idea behind somebody wanting to destroy Scientology is because they do not
want others becoming more able, so that they can maintain their monopoly on personal
ability and control of others. The morons and idiots who attack the church, because they
think it is a “cult”, or a brainwashing outfit, or a money-hungry business do NOT see,
190 90
understand or believe that Scientology actually does anything useful for anyone. They
truly perceive and believe it to be a farce. They are not the REAL suppressives.
The top level suppressive would understand exactly what Scientology is and what it can
do. They would know that it can and does increase the power and ability of others. They
would understand that it undoes implanting and other techniques of real suppressives.
They would understand that the data is true and works, but they would STILL want to
destroy it. THAT is true evil. All else you see and label as “suppression” is mostly
dramatizing morons. So, they would intend and plan to destroy it per the above, infiltrate,
and slowly alter the materials. They could also work to encourage misapplication, but
altering the data itself strikes right at KSW point number 1, which is the foundation upon
which all the other points rest. If point 1 goes by the boards, points 2-10 become moot
As it was happening, any member of the Church would still firmly believe they “had the
technology”. They would still go through the motions as if they had the technology.
Similarly, the truth is that they would have nothing, just like the example involving this
“new” definition of the Second Dynamic. Worse, actually, they would have nonsense and
confusion parading as truth. The truly brilliant SP would make people continue to apply
steps 2-10 as if the technology was legitimate, and still existed in its pure form. It would
be a fantastic charade and the subject would gradually become ineffective to do what it
was designed to do – to free beings. The tech itself, the tech that everyone studies and
applies, would have become part of the trap and lost all ability to free anyone from
anything. Of course, PR and assertions by the group would be to the contrary, and if
anyone came along who pointed out this truth, then they would be (incorrectly) labeled as
a suppressive person for “attacking the Church”. And since most people follow
implicitly, and do what they are told, instead of looking and seeing for themselves, it
would simply all fall apart. This is not an absurd possibility.
This is pretty much exactly what has happened to the United States of America.
Originally there was the Constitution, which was the sanest document for a government
to ever appear on Earth. It guaranteed and rewarded individual competence. Over many
years there has been a gradual eating away at the fundamentals through increasing
misinterpretation of the fundamentals by the Supreme Court. In this case they couldn’t
rewrite the basics, so they successfully misinterpreted the basics. In effect, the country
has become more socialistic than anything else, now having even a graduated income tax (a
key point of the Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx). There is much about the history of
how and why this occurred, but that it has occurred is a fact. LRH, being the observant
fellow he is, naturally concurs.
The point is that people believe themselves to be representing democracy and freedom,
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when what they now really support, whether they know it or not, is an out of control
combination of Welfare State and Corporate Oligarchy. The fundamentals have been
altered but most of the people most of the time still believe and act is if they are
supporting and promoting the principles outlined in the Declaration of Independence, the
Constitution, and the Federalist Papers. It’s all really a big charade. People confuse the
ideas of the original USA with the realities of the modern USA. The same thing can
happen with Scientology where people could come to support the principles outlined in
the beginning of Scientology, yet at the same time be supporting a Church that had long
since altered the subject away from a workable technology able to free people. The
outpoint is dropped time. The USA of 200 years ago is not the same as the USA of
today, but people talk of ideas and principles that existed 200 years ago. They assume
the USA still represents these ideas, when it actually doesn’t. The same could happen
with the Church where it argues and defends itself as the “road to freedom”, yet had
changed so much in materials and application that it was no longer capable of delivering
the goods. Of course, even to say such a thing would be viewed as treasonous – even if it
was true.
Because the Church is basically a dictatorship and run by a select few, if it got out of
control, nobody would know and there would be almost no way to handle it from the
outside. I don’t use the word “dictator” in a negative way. Democracies are nothing but a
process of “majority rule wins”, and that manifests as the lowest common denominator of
group (bank) agreement. Democracy is useless in a society or civilization made up of
aberrated individuals (anywhere on Earth). An enlightened and benevolent monarchy or
dictatorship is about the best there can be. LRH again concurs and doesn’t think too
highly of democracy.
“If you have a hard time invading people’s privacy, you’ll have a hard time 8Cing them
into a chair, in a HAS co-audt unit, first PE, and so forth. Because you think they have
rights. No. They don’t have any rights. What do you mean? What do they have? What has
rights? That machinery? Those dramatizations? Those computing circuits? Do you mean
those things have got rights? Hah. Pish pash.
The next thing you know, why, we’ll have laws out, saying they have a perfect right to kill
everybody. Hey, rights. Where’s this thing called rights begin and end?”
The modern “liberal” world is nothing but that process above gone out of control to the
point where any idea or viewpoint is considered valid because every person has an equal
right to be and do whatever they choose (no matter how aberrated it might be).
Also, please realize that LRH is describing just about everybody on this planet. The
minds of most people are not much more than computing circuits. Everything gets altered
in this universe. Despite all LRH’s efforts to prevent that from occurring to the
technology in Scientology, it may simply not be possible.
Don’t laugh. If you think I am being paranoid, type III or overly conspiratorial, then you
simply haven’t read enough LRH material. If there really are dedicated, die-hard SPs, who
truly understand what Scientology is, it’s effectiveness, how it threatens them forever,
and it’s workability, how else do you think they would do it? Again, I repeat, LRH tells
him or them HOW to do it exactly!
“So the ogre which might eat us up is not the government or the High Priests.”
That means what it means. This sentence is metaphorical. The cause of the destruction of
Scientology will not be from the outside. It won’t be the psychs. It won’t be the
government. It won’t be some other attacking lunatic “out there”. Who and what will it be
then? Again, LRH answers that very clearly.
LRH actually spells it out very simply and clearly how to do it.
The way to do it is to work it out and ensure the group fails to apply KSW.
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The points regarding “to have the tech, to know it, to apply it”, etc. And the best way to
do that is to attack point number 1 – “having the technology”. Once that can be
sufficiently alloyed, the rest will easily go by the boards. And the only place this could be
done would be on and from the inside. This can’t occur from the outside. It could occur
unintentionally, due to mistakes and pure stupidity, or it could be done intentionally, due
to planned suppression. But no matter how it might happen, the results would be the
Do you see that steps 2-10 could still be “ruthlessly” applied if point one, “having the
technology”, has been cleverly messed with, and that nobody would have the slightest
idea? It’s an interesting and possible scenario. I am not saying that this is occurring, but
that is how it could be done. LRH spells it out very clearly. Please do not put words in
my mouth. I am not accusing anyone of contriving to implement this scenario. I am saying
only that it is a possibility.
If you think that is impossible you misunderstand and underestimate the nature and
dedication of the enemy. They are definitely not dummies. You need to dig out the issue
called Current Planning and especially read the last page.
If we fail, we’ve had it. It’s not just a matter of getting killed. It’s a matter of getting killed
and killed and killed life after life forever more. Even if you have no great reality on this
now, you will soon enough. But probably you already understand it.
Those guys up there mean business. We’ve got to match or better their energy level and
dedication or we lose. (HCO PL 30 July 1963, Current Planning)
“Those guys” know what they are doing and they don’t take their mission lightly. They
have been at it a long time.
You might like to think you have it all under control, but the example shown here clearly
exhibits that you surely do not. I do not say this to make you wrong, to make you feel
bad, upset you or to cave anyone in, but to get you to see what is sitting right in front of
your face so that you might decide to do something about it. I don’t care if you think I am
right or not. I know I am right. I need nobody’s agreement or support to know what I
know. The situation is exactly what it is whether I am here or not.
Of course, the above scenario is all very hypothetical. But regardless of that, the data has
been altered grossly in the cases I refer to here. Whether intentional or unintentional, it
has occurred.
I understand, and I am sure it would not be popular to state this, that LRH may not have
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actually finished the Bridge or consolidated all his materials. I understand that some
people, with markedly less than LRH’s understanding and awareness, might have to sort
through all this material and make decisions about how certain materials will be organized
and presented.
But that does NOT give anyone the right to grossly alter things in their apparent
attempt to “make things understandable” to the general public. There are many
examples in print now of alter-is of original LRH books. Most are minor, but the
one I outline here is severe.
I sincerely believe that the manner in which this report is received and acted upon will set
the stage for what actually occurs with Scientology in the near and distant future.
Consider this a test case. But what I describe here is real and it is a step in the wrong
The thing to realize is that the beings in this universe will have it (the altered data) all
make sense, fit in, and seem to be perfectly reasonable, no matter how distorted or altered
it gets. Most people would never notice anything changing as it was changing, and would
continue to believe they still “had the technology” - until the subject was completely
This could be an isolated mistake, although it is now in at least THREE different places
(up from two places before the new Introduction to Scientology Ethics book came out):
LOC pack
Introduction to Scientology Ethics book
Some div 6 course (which I don’t recall the name of)
I would want to know and SEE any and all LRH notes, orders, comments, directions, and
letters relating to the subject. I would want to see what exact LRH quote(s) the compilers
used to come up with every line of how the “dynamics” are now defined in the new
Ethics book, LOC pack, and div 6 pack. They all come from the same place, so find one
and you will probably find all. It probably goes back to the LOC pack, and the mission
that handled getting that done and implemented. But I can only surmise. There is
something here though needing discovery.
LRH was doing the World Out Of Comm evaluation back then, and that’s how he came
up with the LOC and KTL courses. The problem was that people couldn’t understand
much of anything that they read or observed. In fact, largely, they still don’t. Not much
has changed really. Just read the evaluation done by LRH. I am not saying anything that
he didn’t say and wouldn’t agree with completely. That is still the general condition on
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Earth. Whatever is going on here, it is interesting that such a huge alteration of LRH data
appeared in the very same materials that were based upon the fact that Earth people were
pretty much incapable of duplicating or understanding anything.
Find who did it and check out what else they might have done and what they are doing
now. I expect you will find a slimy trail and a huge Sherman Tank at the end of the line.
Maybe there is an actual LRH quote or reference where he says, “the second dynamic is
creativity”, and instructs that all previous references should be re-written in accordance
with this. But I sincerely doubt it. If there is a reference it is most likely taken greatly out
of context. Why? Because it doesn’t make any sense!
And if you run into resistance, unwillingness or terminals who defend or try to divert any
attention away from the investigation into the area, I would start to get real concerned and
allow nothing to interfere with or prevent a complete detailed investigation. But I am out
here and cannot do anything except write a report.
On one end minimally it is a mistake. But it could be more. But whatever it is, it needs to
get corrected. The other extreme end of the spectrum would place this as a red flag
indicating the actions of some individual or group to sabotage and alter-is the data and
technology of Dianetics and Scientology. Possibly the truth lies somewhere in between
these two extremes.
There is nothing I can do except report it, and trust the reader to act responsibly in
accordance with his or her own knowledge, and personal integrity. I can’t know from out
here who did this or why. I won’t even guess. But it DID occur.
Just because many people may have agreed with, seemed to “understand”, and enjoyed
the new definition of the second dynamic means nothing. It is nuts just the same.
Please realize that the previous ethics book had its earlier correct definition of the 2nd
dynamic and other dynamics altered by the “new” definitions. One might wonder if, as
each basic book is newly released, that the definitions of the dynamics will be similarly
altered from the original LRH wording and meaning.
Since it did happen with the new Introduction to Scientology Ethics book, this may
be an indicator of some pattern. And it may not be. I will obviously be watching any
new releases of older books.
*A friend mentioned to me that he saw a chart that a friend brought back from the ship. It
was a series of concentric circles. It was like the one at the beginning of the write-up, The
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Expansion of the Dynamics. The second circle was labeled “creativity” and there was
absolutely NO MENTION of sex or family.
While this same person was recently visiting with the MAA, he was working on
Conditions by Dynamics. The MAA was going over the definitions of the Dynamics and
verbally read from the new Ethics book and indicated to him that the second dynamic is
creativity. When he disagreed the MAA persisted, directing him to the definition in the
new version of the Introduction to Scientology Ethics book.
I am sure there are hundreds and even thousands of similar cases. Lunacy spreads fast
anywhere. It’s known as the contagion of aberration.
A friend told me a few days ago that the pilot version of the new Scientology dictionary
has the new altered definition of the second dynamic as the primary definition.
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An Few Earlier Similar Incidents
This write-up contains examples of earlier experiences where I found myself in disputes
with various Church staff that seemed very odd and unnecessary. I only mention these
because the current situation I describe displays similar characteristics to these earlier
examples. Most of these examples did exhibit very real instances of off-policy behavior
by certain staff. These have mostly since been corrected. But at the time there were very
few people who could or would buck the momentum of the group as it was functioning in
the then accepted off-policy manner. In fact, most could not or would not even perceive
that there was anything off-policy going on in the first place. Group agreement IS a
strange phenomenon indeed. I explain these past occurrences in the hope that you will see
that they did exist, and so you might be able to extrapolate and thereby envision how
such a thing could occur with the example that is the subject of this report.
These examples show a tendency that has existed at various times during the history of
the Church where the majority of staff implement, encourage and tolerate off-policy
actions. The current example, if resisted and denied, will then simply be another
additional example on this earlier chain.
Scientology is that body of data that teaches and enables one to observe and know truth
(is-ness). It should not exist that there is a tendency of the group that owns this same
data to discourage people from knowing and communicating certain facts and truth (is-
ness). But it has done that and it seems to be doing so now in the example described in
this report. The examples below are earlier cases of similar (counter-productive)
Example Number 1:
The Supervisor looked at me and told me to locate and clear up my misunderstood words.
I assumed he simply didn’t understand what I said and was pointing out to him. I
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reiterated the fact that there was an obvious misprint, that the text could not make any
sense as written, and that the correct word was something other than what was written on
the page. It should have been obvious to any aware and intelligent person, or at least it
should have been to me. I came to learn that far too many people are apparently nowhere
near being aware and intelligent. He persisted in instructing me to clear up my
misunderstood words, because I “had confusions and was requesting unusual solutions
from him because of misunderstood words”.
This was very absurd to me. I understood that most people, most of the time, display
confusions and disagreements due to misunderstood words or false data, but there could
also be the case of misprints where an incorrectly typed word was the actual cause of the
trouble. I explained this all to him to no avail. He pointed out to me that my weird ideas
followed only from my misunderstood words. He pointed out that LRH policy dictated
that weird ideas and disagreements come from misunderstood words. I looked at him like
he was a raving lunatic, or a mindless robot. He was parroting LRH quotes with no ability
to observe or judge. He was a trained staff course supervisor.
One needs to see what was actually going on here. It’s not that anything the Supervisor
said was wrong. He was stating things that were true, and from his viewpoint he was
right. The problem was that he failed to simply observe the situation in front of his face,
apply judgment and act accordingly. LRH has much to say about exercising judgment in
the study tapes. I suspect that the Supervisor’s own misunderstandings, fixed ideas and
beliefs in the area prevented him from looking and seeing what was right in front of his
face. Far too many people behave this way, as this report demonstrates.
I was sent to Qual for correction. Please realize I did not need any correction. The
understanding and conduct of others needed correction. The Cramming Officer basically
pushed me down the same line, arguing endlessly that I must have misunderstood words.
I spent an hour or two there. I left very frustrated and annoyed, failing to communicate
and bring these dolts to understanding. This was my first encounter where I felt isolated,
because what was obvious and clear to me seemed far above what others would or could
duplicate and understand. To me, it was so simple. How could it be anything but clear
and apparent to anyone else? I even tried to walk them through it step-by-step, but to no
avail. My viewpoint of the ability of others, even in Scientology, to duplicate and
understand was quickly and rapidly dive-bombing.
This was a huge break in reality for me. It was as if I walked outside on a beautiful and
clear day and everyone else was walking around with raincoats on carrying umbrellas fully
extended. I looked around and wondered just what these people could have possibly been
looking at because it sure wasn’t the same world of facts that was sitting in front of me.
This has only increased, as I have become increasingly well studied in Scientology,
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various wog subjects, life and reality. People consistently refuse to see what is right in
front of their faces. It is quite amazing once you see it. It goes on everywhere.
I finally ended up with a senior executive of the Org. I explained it to him. He said. “Oh,
it’s obviously a misprint, write up an error report and get back to study”. It took four or
five hours to finally locate somebody who could observe and make a sane decision. I
wrote up the situation. I checked occasionally to see if it was corrected. About three
years later I finally saw it corrected. It makes one wonder how many people before and
up to that point, first, never noticed the error and dubbed in the correct word and
meaning, or second, “cleared” the word as written and somehow “made sense” of what
could only have been utter nonsense. What confusions did they birth contacting this
issue, and carry forward with them ever since? It should make one wonder.
Another key point is that most people either didn’t notice it in the first place, or second,
if they did, they did nothing about it to correct the error (that could only cause confusion
and disagreements for readers). This same phenomenon, in other forms, is no stranger to
Scientology and is potentially very dangerous. It is made up of two parts. First,
unawareness and failure to see what is an obvious outpoint, and second, if seen, failure to
take any responsibility to handle the outpoint.
I never forgot the experience and it has occurred over and over again in various forms over
the past 25 years. The key underlying factors are:
1. Something is there that shouldn’t be there, usually in writing, but often in behavior or
2. Most people involved either agree or fail to see there is anything wrong with it.
3. Most people make sense of what is actually nonsense, by dubbing in, justifying and
implementing strange concatenations of logic and mental gymnastics involving
alteration of meaning and significance.
4. I end up fighting a veritable World War trying to get anyone to duplicate and
understand the situation, much less to encourage him or her successfully to do
anything about it.
5. The situation is clear, obvious and simple, yet others fail to see it that way for many
reasons (confusions, fixed ideas, low IQ, internal politics of the group, etc.).
6. It finally gets addressed or corrected; usually much later.
My perceptions have borne themselves out as accurate too many times now. I no longer
doubt myself or invalidate what I observe and know to be true. It should be pointed out
that the first five points above occur almost everywhere in the various fields and subjects
of the world. It is not unique or limited to Scientology but that it does happen in
Scientology also is very true. I will give further exact examples to make this clear. This is
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the “short list”. There are others. There are nearly infinite examples in the wog world. I
give only examples from my involvement with the organizations of Scientology here.
Example Number 2:
In 1977 I was posted at FOLO EUS as the FR EUS. I remember writing to LRH about
something, and getting an answer. After reading it I knew without a doubt that he didn’t
write the letter. How did I know? Call it intuition, good perception or knowingness, but
whatever you might choose to call it, the letter was not from LRH.
Of course, it was signed as if it was from LRH. At the time I didn’t say anything to
anyone except my wife, who thought I was possibly wrong. This was an earlier example
of a situation where others assumed something must be true (i.e. LRH answered his
letters), yet most failed to perceive what was in front of their faces because they were too
busy THINKING instead of LOOKING (reference: Know To Mystery Scale). In other
words, their ideas about the subject were so strong and fixed that their own beliefs
prevented them from simply observing what was right in front of their faces. This is
common here on Earth. People do it all of the time.
In the current case which is the subject of this report, everybody believes 1) the new
Ethics book is written by LRH (almost all of it is), and 2) everything LRH says is true
(he usually is). So, when something presents itself that is not by LRH and false, they
cannot see it, because their own fixed ideas (beliefs) alter and inhibit their perception and
knowingness of the facts of reality. Most people place the considerations that
“everything Ron says is true” and “all books are perfect renditions of Ron’s words”
above their own ability to observe and know. The result is that when people encounter
something they observe to be weird or doesn’t make sense, they then assume
(incorrectly) that it must be their own failure in understanding, when actually the material
in this case is suspect. Granted, this is rare, but it can and does occur.
Within a year or two, LRH letters started appearing with the infamous rubber stamped
signatures and the little initials at the bottom right hand portion of the signature. Being the
suspicious person I am, I took a few letters and held them up together under the light, and
lo and behold, each signature was exactly the same. They were perfect matches, and I
checked more than only two letters.
Some tried to handle me then by saying that LRH was so OT that he could write his
signature exactly the same every time. I considered that a great example of how Earth
people will think up just about anything to force their perception of reality to align with
their beliefs, even when, and especially when the facts of reality directly contradict one’s
pet beliefs. Please realize that things are a certain way, and all the beliefs and assertions
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to the contrary will never change the way something actually is. The various LRH
Communicators questioned it up their lines, and the consistent answer coming back was
always the same – LRH was fine and well and answered every letter. Except he didn’t.
Of course, earlier copies of letters from LRH showed his signature varying quite markedly
from letter to letter. I checked that too. I LOOK and I don’t listen, just as LRH
admonishes us to do in HCO PL 16 March 1972, Issue I, LOOK DON’T LISTEN.
There is a tremendous amount of LRH data on the subject of the Tone Scale, the Know to
Mystery Scale, looking, thinking, and the huge difference between looking and thinking.
Another response attempting to handle my queries was, “the initials are by the typists
who type the responses from Ron’s recorded messages”. That’s fine and well, but there
had been typists for years, and it seemed unusually odd that the signatures started
shortly after the answers from Ron stopped seeming to be actually written by Ron. Color
me paranoid. Or color me right on the money.
My answer was, “well you can believe whatever you choose, but I choose to see what IS
and not what you or I would like to imagine to be true”. I got sec-checked for it one time,
and the auditor kept trying to find out WHO told me such horrible things. They wanted
to know the SOURCE, the THIRD PARTY behind my “false data”. There was no false
data. I saw it myself from direct observation. It was simply data or observations that
many people couldn’t feel comfortable with. In the end, I made it clear that there was no
source of the ENEMY LINE other than my own accurate perceptions. I was simply
saying things that too many people were unwilling to hear. The sec-check ended, and I
went back to post (now at Flag). Nobody ever bothered me again about it. But I never
wrote to “LRH” again.
Eventually LRH stopped answering letters, and ED INT took over the SO #1 line. I
believe that this was well before the date LRH is said to have died.
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There are a few points about this example that are similar in some ways to the situation I
am writing about here.
The truth was obvious. LRH was not writing his letters as far back as 1978. Nobody told
me that. I saw it. I didn’t need “proof” to know or to change my mind. All “proof”
presented to me was solely handed to me to encourage me to think along the acceptable
party line. In other words, various high placed SO staff had more of an interest in
ensuring the staff and public believed certain things than whether these things were
actually true or not. It had nothing to do with a concern for “truth” – exactness of time,
place, form and event. Yet the “truth” was meaningless and the entirety of the Church
management structure and staff attempted to present everything as “all fine and well”.
Personally, I didn’t care a bit whether LRH answered his letters or not. It mattered not at
all to me. But I didn’t want to be told one thing when my own observations led me to
directly believe the opposite. When someone stands there and tells me that something is a
certain way when I know full well that it isn’t that way, especially with force or
condescension, then I consider them to be a complete and utter moron.
Actions taken to get others to see and believe things in contradiction to facts that one
knows to be false is nothing less than attempts at “mind control”, Madison Avenue
advertising and belief manipulation. The “Church” would do such a thing? Don’t be
absurd. Everybody does such things. Personally, I have a great dislike for belief
manipulation of any sort, no matter what you choose to call it, including the name, “PR
The staff believed the LRH Communicators, who believed the LRH Comm FOLOs, who
believed the LRH Comm INT, and so on. I just looked at what was and listened to and
believed nobody. Yet no one along the line could or would simply LOOK and KNOW,
based upon their personal observations. Instead everyone was encouraged to THINK and
LISTEN to authorities proclaiming to everyone what was true, even though it was NOT
true. Basically people were instructed what to think and how to view reality, despite and
in contradistinction to the facts. I don’t like that or agree with that.
I didn’t care that someone may have decided that it was a vital PR issue to keep staff and
public believing what they were already believing - that LRH answered his letters. Why
didn’t I care?
When the group that is supposed to be bringing that about acts in a contradictory fashion,
and chooses instead to mislead people by telling them a PR line that contradicts the facts
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of direct observation of reality, then the result is that staff and public are forced to
compromise their own awareness and knowingness by denying what they observe to be
true. Or one looks at the people in the Church involved to be idiots, if one chooses to
maintain their knowingness.
I understand that there is such a thing as choosing to relay only good news and not
relaying entheta, but it is not correct to therefore assume that nobody should ever be told
anything. Because the result is that they end up living in a dream world cut off from the
facts of reality. One requires facts to make a decision or to correct any situation. One
cannot deal with and handle anything without actual facts of the existing scene.
(Reference: Data Series)
The “truth” of any occurrence in the MEST universe is determined by its time, place,
form and event. Altering an is-ness (alter-is) causes aberration and persistence. When one
desires to learn and know the exact time, place, form and event about something, but is
presented with some alter-ised version, either due to PR concerns or worse, then the
person never can “understand” because they are being presented with an incomplete
picture. Worse occurs when a person suspects or sees the truth, but is told otherwise
repeatedly. The subject of PR includes the idea of telling an “acceptable truth”, and that
always means failing to give all the facts. I think the use of this on staff and public by
senior management and OSA has, in some instances, gone way out of control. “PR”,
pushed too far, becomes lies. Actually though, PR is always some alter-is of truth.
The desire or need to make others “feel good”, “have space” and “stay uptone” should
not be at the sacrifice of awareness and knowingness. There can be a happy balance. It is
also incorrect to “protect” people from facts because the facts upset or confuse them.
The correct solution is to get them uptone enough so they can comfortably LOOK at the
facts and NOT get enturbulated. The solution is NOT to lie to them and PR them with
sugarcoated versions of the truth. So LRH didn’t write the letters. Who cares! I didn’t,
but it pissed me off that so many people would propagate a continuing myth, especially
in the subject and group that is supposed to consider “truth” paramount.
This becomes especially distressful when the organization doing the altering of facts is the
same group claiming and actually able to bring about increased perception, awareness and
knowingness. It becomes very contradictory, and I have no doubt more than a few folks
have walked away from the Church because of this conflict. That has not been a good
thing in the cases where it has occurred.
Example Number 3:
I will give another example so the reader doesn’t sit there pre-judging all this and make the
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mistake of dubbing in, incorrectly, that I am simply presenting “entheta” or “speaking in
generalities to upset others”. My goal isn’t to upset you, but while you may get upset
reading some of this, my purpose is to get somebody important aware of this stuff, and
to do something about it so that it ceases to occur - for the benefit of all staff and public.
In 1980 I was a Flag Rep at the Toronto Org. I received a package from FOLO EUS with
a series of policies and a program to implement these new issues. The issues were a series
of finance issues, including a new staff pay system. They were green on white, and the
heading was the same as any other HCOPL. The only difference was that none were
written or signed by LRH. While I don’t recall the exact wording, basically they were
written by the “The Board of Directors of the Churches of Scientology”.
It was all quite simple to me. Per HCOPL 24 September 1970RA, ISSUES – TYPES OF,
these could not be valid HCOPLs because they was not written by LRH. End of story (to
me anyway). Per this PL:
I refused to implement the “policies” and the program. I pointed out the obvious and clear
LRH references. Of course, I had everyone from the FREUS to the CO FOLO EUS on
the phone to me screaming, yelling and ordering me to “do your job”. I received telexes
from the FFR and others at the Flag Bureau ordering and threatening me. Just as now,
then I also felt like I was surrounded by a veritable sea of lunatics. I did my best to
explain what was so damned simple and obvious to me. The above issue said what it said.
If it’s not written it’s not true. Many other staff tried to break the foundation of my
resolve, but I couldn’t conceive of not knowing what was so simple and obvious.
Per KSW Series 22, HCO PL 16 Apr 1965, Issue I, THE “HIDDEN DATA LINE”:
The whole of technology is released in HCO Bulletins and HCO Policy Letters and
tapes I do and release.
Don’t for heaven’s sake mistake alter-is by somebody as evidence of a hidden data
In Scientology we say, “If it isn’t written, it isn’t true.” That applies to orders.
Next time you hear a pretended order or a squirrel process attributed to me, say, “If it
isn’t written or recorded, it isn’t true”.
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It was all very clear to me. LRH writes the issues. If he writes them LRH signs them.
Only LRH can write and release HCOBs and HCOPLs. Yet, once again, alter-is and
violations of KSW were coming from inside the Church and I was doing my best to hold
my position. I was told, “LRH can no longer write issues, it was a legal situation, he is
trying to get off management lines, and even though he is still writing them, he simply isn’t
signing them”. My viewpoint was that, “Sure, and anybody can now issue anything as
LRH and we are all supposed to be good little unthinking robots and believe that?” I had
then and have now no tolerance for that sort of idiocy. To me, if that became accepted,
then any power hunger lunatic could grab the reigns of control and issue whatever they
chose pretending to be LRH. I had no interest in listening to any of it. I didn’t. I was
attacked severely.
It is a strange feeling indeed when you are finding it necessary to fight the entire Church
structure in an attempt to simply apply simple LRH policy. That was the situation and
that is how I felt. It was not comfortable.
The result was that I got called to FOLO EUS. I was supposed to get a Committee of
Evidence. Certain folks at Flag were convinced I was an “SP” because I refused to enact
“Command Intention” and they were freely communicating such nonsense to FOLO
executives about me. Their argument was so very “logical” and many believed it. I thought
the people involved were idiots - they were. I continued to tell everyone who would
listen in no uncertain terms. I have absolutely no tolerance for such insane politics and
nonsense. It is such a tremendous waste of time and energy. It hurts the goals of
Scientology. I went onto the Data Chief post temporarily, partially because I was bored
and also because he was off on mission and somebody had to do it. I ran the area great for
six or seven weeks.
My wife was up in Toronto. I was getting really angry that my life was being screwed
with, and that I was separated from my wife, due to some bunch off misguided morons
who just couldn’t understand that an LRH policy must actually be written BY LRH. Go
figure. I have absolutely no tolerance for this sort of thing. I won’t pretend to. Nobody
should have any tolerance for this sort of thing. But the politics of people and peer
pressure are very funny things indeed. From my years of experience with the Church it is
occasionally overwhelmed with such nonsense to it’s severe detriment. Every case I give
here is verifiable and true as written.
When most people think of the subject of KSW and applying KSW, they relate it to
public people and lower organizations. The “out tech” and “alter-is” is something “they”
do. The problem is that far too often I find senior Church terminals initiating and
implementing alter-is of data and application. Seeing and voicing the facts of such
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situations has always been tremendously unpopular with various Church staff. A further
problem is that anyone acting responsibly in alignment with a good understanding of
KSW cannot and shouldn’t do anything else.
In the end I CSW’ed via the LRH Comm FLEUS to cancel the Comm Ev due to slow
justice. Part of the evidence was “Gene can’t be an SP because he is doing such a great
job on the Data Chief post”. I wasn’t a suppressive person, and I was doing a great job on
the Data Chief post. The Comm Ev was canceled and I returned to Toronto. The issues
disappeared and I never heard anything about it again. But I surely never got an
acknowledgment, an apology, or so much as a thank-you. It seems that the viewpoint was
that senior terminals “don’t make mistakes”, “the Church never errs”, or at least the
idea apparently is anathema to most of them. I have never seen one ever own up to the
fact that their errors caused trouble or harm for other people and activities. It seems that
somehow the idea that “we are freeing the universe” excuses all stupid and harmful
actions enacted by those claiming to that high-purpose goal. I don’t see it that way. It’s
also as if the “group” accepts responsibility for and promotes it’s own direct
participation in any and all “good” effects, and places “blame” on (unsavory) individuals
for any and all “bad” effects.
Of course, the existing LRH Comms and other Execs in the Toronto Org agreed with what
I said completely. They were quite glad that it all went away (i.e. the utter lunacy of
upper management pushing non-LRH “HCOPLs”). But they did so “quietly”.
Please do not try to tell me that every instance of this is due to evil SPs who infiltrate the
lines and cause all the trouble for the good and decent folks. If that is so, then there are
some or many still on very key posts, and I don’t believe that is true anyway. I simply
think people are people, and far too often they make dumb mistakes and decisions based
upon faulty thinking and poor observations. I wouldn’t mind it so much if they didn’t act
like they were God’s gift to perfect Scientology application and put on airs as if they
were completely free of all such faults. It’s the denial that irritates me more than anything
else. The denial and the tendency to attack and belittle those who correctly see and say
anything about it.
The point of this example is also that again I saw what was so very simple and clear, yet
so many others couldn’t and didn’t see it, and were basically insane about the entire topic.
Many on the lines above me had all sorts of reasons why I should or must implement the
issues. I was given endless VERBAL DATA. I was told that LRH wanted to turn over
the Church to upper management (he probably did), and that his name could no longer
appear on issues for legal reasons (it probably couldn’t), but that he was writing them
anyway. Yeah sure, and the Pope is Jewish! Geez, the nonsense just never seemed to
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I just saw what was right there, and held my position, while all sorts of complexity raved
on around me. But it was pointless. To me, it has always seemed absurd that I should
have to submit to so much nonsense. These things shouldn’t even exist in the organization
that should be saner than any other group on the planet, since it maintains possession of
the greatest bundle of data about Man ever known to exist. The underlying thing about
these examples is that something was nuts within the group. I saw it clearly and I held my
position. I got nailed each time for disputing what most others agreed with. I was correct
in my perception despite the tendency of most staff to simply go along with the
nonsense and somehow make sense of what made no sense at all. I would not and will not
simply agree to “be nice” or “create harmony” if doing so violates what I observe and
know to be true.
Yes, this is critical. But it is critical because any sane, caring person would also be critical
of what occurred in these situations. It is not critical because my intention was to harm
anybody or somehow harm the Church so it failed to realize its goals. I maintain that if
such things were handled so they could no longer exist, then the Church would be that
much stronger and realize it’s goals even faster. The examples I mentioned above depict a
lack of sanity by various group members.
The next example also shows the same tendency for some staff at times to deny what is
true and run their attitudes, beliefs and fixed ideas on everyone else, to the detriment of
some or many. In the end one can make the mistake of viewing the Church as promoting
insanity, because in a very real sense, at times, some of its staff do behave in ways not so
very much aligned with anything I would call sane.
Again, please realize I am not saying the Church is insane, or that the Church promotes
lunacy. From where I see things, the entire population of the world is largely nuts. People
are the problem, not the Church, but because the Church is made up of people, well, the
same problems show up there, despite all the policies attempting to prevent such from
occurring. Add to that the fact that the “pressure” on staff lines can be incredibly forceful
at times, then it is no wonder some may at times go a little weird in their actions.
Man has been harassed by irrationality in individual and group conduct since there
has been man.
The existing scene of man’s activities is so immersed in departures and outpoints that
at first survey there would seem to be no possible handling of the situation.
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Very well, man can and does get drowned in his own irrationality. And his civilizations
rise and fall.
I am not stating this or pointing it out to attack or make anyone wrong. I am pointing it
out in the hope that some may notice it, and then address the problem so that it no longer
occurs. One cannot handle anything unless it is seen and seen clearly as it exists in all its
aspects. Of course, if the existence of any situation is denied or unable to be duplicated,
then it can and will never be addressed or handled. To a certain degree, man’s inherent
irrationality is the reason the examples given here existed, and is also the reason the
current situation exists and may be so difficult to get handled.
I am also not saying that the Church doesn’t do MANY things right. It does. But to make
my point about all this, I must concentrate upon and delineate the crazy things that I have
Example Number 4:
In 1983 or so I was at Flag. Jerry Jerritt, a local, now well known Chiropractor, at Family
Life Health Clinic, was just starting up his business here in Clearwater. He had a small
office on Cleveland Street. I went in there and he told me all about muscle testing, a now
commonly used practice. Within a short time, the Church came out with an edict banning
all staff and public from participating in it because it was “other practices” and “weird
I thought that the edict by the Church was utterly nuts and I did it anyway. I had
absolutely no concern with what a bunch of poorly educated morons had to declare while
wallowing in their own ignorance. That is exactly how I viewed the people in the Church
who made such a decision. That accurately describes their condition exactly. I am sorry
that they just happened to also be highly posted, well viewed Scientology executives. It
happened. They were wrong and misguided. Yet they flaunted their incorrect ideas and
power freely.
I knew the idea of muscle testing made sense and was valid. But most everybody just
towed the line, did what they were told, despite the fact that the edict and the following of
the edict were totally unwarranted and not based upon FACTS of any sort. Of course,
now, today, in PT, many CMO Sea Org members go to Family Life and get muscle testing
done every week. My question is “why did the idiocy have to ever occur in the first
place?” Will everybody please wake up and stop the cycle I describe here! It has not
stopped yet. Maybe most people cannot even see what I describe here. That’s too bad if
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that is true, but ignorance or blindness leads to only more disaster and failure, despite
good intentions to the contrary. I give some examples here, and I could give many more.
In a sense this was a case of people fearing and attacking what they didn’t understand.
Just because you or someone else doesn’t understand something does NOT qualify it as a
“weird practice”. The case of a majority of staff and public just doing what they are told
despite the legitimacy of the issues is a typical case of bank agreement and failure to
observe. That sort of dramatization should NOT exist in Scientology. Anything can be
corralled and labeled “weird practices”. How can something be a “weird practice” today
and not be one next week or year? Well, it can’t. It just means the people making the
decisions are very much flawed. This example existed. You can’t correct it by making it go
away and by forcing people not to talk about it. Hiding things solves nothing. Declaring
the Hulda Clarke “zapper” as a weird practice was another example. Issuing an OSA edict
ordering staff and public not to read The Gods of Eden, by William Bramley, or Behold a
Pale Horse, by William Cooper, because the books “electrified” the staff and public was
another example. There is no shortage of examples. These examples are not rare or
uncommon. They should be.
These actions weaken the Church, and do not help it, although some people must believe
otherwise, or the things described here would not continue to occur.
Example Number 5:
I was the Flag Rep at the Toronto Org in 1980-1981. The Org was split into Day and Fdn
units and I was posted on each as the FR. In that time period WDC sent a few missions.
WDC was sending missions to many of the Orgs at that time to observe and then to
institute major handlings. I don’t recall who did the obs mission, but the I/C of the action
mission was Alan Buchanan. One of the key views of Buchanan, the Mission I/C and
WDC at the time was that “management” was too involved and that it was time to let the
orgs get on with their business without so much interference. I clearly remember listening
many times to the ED Emile Gilbert and Buchanan discussing their mutual dislike for
management because my office was across the hall. I also went into his office late at night
when doing reports and read various communications from Mission IC and the WDC.
They completely agreed. I have always been very curious. I don’t feel there is any
limitation to what I should be able to know. I always find out more than anyone wants
me to see and know.
Very early on in the mission I was told by Buchanan that the FR duties were being
changed because they didn’t want management to interfere and overburden the orgs with
numerous distracting programs. He even said that the FR issues were going to be re-
written so that LRH policy aligned with the new attitude of management.
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I wrote it all up many times. I watched obvious LRH policy ignored, and even attacked.
The entirety of the upper Church management structure seemed totally in agreement. I
sent reports EVERYWHERE, as I always do in major situations of gross LRH alter-is.
Nothing happened.
I finally walked out and returned to FOLO. I couldn’t play such a game of nonsense. I
told the Execs at FOLO all about it. I wrote it up. But what is one to do? “Senior
Management” was behind it all! So I routed out. Maybe I took the “less responsible”
route, and I can be criticized for that. I understand. But it is strange feeling indeed when I
am watching the stable datums of SCN ignored all around me by people who SHOULD
know better. Worse, I reported on every line imaginable. What else can one do? I am
reporting on every line possible this time again.
The current situation is very similar. What I describe is accurate, yet I don’t doubt that a
similar dramatization will prevent it from being observed clearly for what it is, and
suitably handled.
It is also likely true that the actions of COB in the early 80’s were directly related to
weeding out these lunatic management terminals. I also understand that. I understand that
it wasn’t “all management” that was bad, though some surely was.
Example Number 6:
In 1985-1986 or so, I was posted as the FSC INT Admin at Flag. My job was to keep
track of all the confirmed GI from all over the world for all the FSC offices, and make sure
it arrived on time by Thursday at 2 p.m.
While doing my mini-hat within the first few weeks on post I discovered a weird
situation. I read a policy or FO that clearly stated that the GI was to include all money
deposited in the Church’s bank accounts by 2 p.m. on Thursday. I recall when I was FSC
Miami that I would be at the bank at 10 minutes to 2 on Thursday being sure to deposit
all funds in time. That is the way it has always been done. That is per policy and long
standing tradition.
I discovered that for a long time the FSC Network had been operating in violation of the
references on correct counting of GI. The procedure was that the various FSC regges and
FSMs from Europe would bank wire the funds to the Church’s accounts by 2 p.m. on
Thursday. The money would actually “hit” the Church’s accounts a day or two later
(usually Friday morning). In fact, the funds were NOT in any Church bank account at 2
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p.m. on Thursday.
This was very simple and clear to me. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to see what was
going on. But that is the way it is with everything – unless others want to make it
complicated. One day I was sitting at my desk across from Bo Wennberg, the FSC INT.
In front of him were the Captain FSO, Ron Norton, and the FLB Finance Director, Jon
Lundeen. I mentioned this to them all. You would think that I had walked on a grave with
the way the Captain and FD looked at me. They looked at me like I was the devil
incarnate. It was actually funny to watch. It was obvious that I was missing many
withholds. Of course they knew that what they were doing was off-policy. Ron Norton
looked at me and said something like, “well if you did your job right and got all the money
in on time then it wouldn’t be off policy”. He basically told me that it was my “fault” and
both he and Lundeen feigned innocence. I quietly giggled to myself. I could see the
discussion would go no where. The absurdity of internal politics can be a weird thing. He
sat there lecturing me on how it was MY fault, and pretended no involvement at all. I
watched in dismay. He and Lundeen had been condoning it for YEARS! It was a strange
thing indeed to see senior Scientology executives behaving in such a manner.
I reported it all on every line, to the FBO Admin FSO (still to this day Ray Lovering), the
FBO FSO, the FBO Assistant FSO, FBO INT, and many others including the Finance
Director INT. I came to find out that everyone knew all along quite well what was being
done. I was told, “well if we stopped counting it that way the GI will crash”. My
response was, “well, it would only crash for ONE WEEK”. Plus it’s a FALSE STAT,
and is false EVERY SINGLE WEEK. Of course, the combined agreement of thetans in
mutual complicity involving obvious violation of LRH policy is not a pretty sight. It
continued. It always seems to continue in some form or another.
I was left in a situation where I could “do my job” the way everyone up to the FD INT
wanted me to do it, and VIOLATE LRH policy, or refuse to do it and get slammed, sent
to ethics, and who knows what else. I took the chickens way out and just did my job. I
did do everything I could though by reporting it to everyone. I no longer think that
reporting outnesses to seniors who should be responsible and waiting is a correct method
to handle such things. The problem is that too often those receiving the reports are
involved in and agree with the same violations! But what else can one do? I guess I could
have printed a write-up in a local Clearwater newspaper, and taken some bigger Ethics
view and responsibility to get someone to DO SOMETHING. It was almost like I would
have had to go outside of the Church to get anything done about it. That’s weird indeed.
Also, I was aware of financial irregularities in Europe and wrote them up a few times to
all the same terminals. Simply, in some Scandinavian countries there was a poor credit
reporting system. The result was that many of the Scientology public were co-signing
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loans for each other. It was an intricate spider web where it seemed almost everyone was
co-signers for loans for everyone else. The result was that way more money than could
ever be paid back was borrowed by Scientologists for Flag services from many
Scandinavian banks. It was very clear that this could only continue for just so long. I
wrote it up. I was told that, “well the laws allow it and we are not breaking any laws”.
Yeah, right. I was also told that, “it would crash the GI if we stopped doing it”. Yeah
right again. The shit did eventually hit the fan.
For any of you who know the later history, some of the Scandinavian banks did
investigations into all this and Scientology was slammed heavily for this. Scientology, as a
group, apparently declared various people (very good FSMs) such as Kjell Westfall and
Heinrich Palmquist, and busted various FSO staff. The irony is that most EVERYBODY
up to the very top knew all along, and for a very long time, what was going on. In fact
they condoned and encouraged it. The pressure for upstats is a strong motivation indeed.
This is extreme nonsense. In typical Scientology style, the Church accused and declared a
few individuals, blaming them as the source of the problems, when in fact, key senior
staff knew about it all completely and even heavily encouraged such things. I could talk
more about this phenomenon and why it occurs, but it is usual Earth scapegoat tactics –
blame another to free oneself from the beacon of blame. And use “the greatest good” and
“the survival of the Church” as a convenient justifier.
The key point is that very SIMPLE and CLEAR policy on the correct counting of GI had
been ignored for many years resulting in false stats. All senior Scientology Execs involved
played this game of pretense where they acted like it wasn’t their fault, yet they knew
exactly what they were doing. The phenomenon is this:
Groups of people act in direct violation of simple and clear policy while pretending
to be doing otherwise. They attack anyone who brings it to their attention or tries
to correct it. The entire organized structure of the Church at times can function as
a huge juggernaut out of control, involving agreements with off-policy situations,
and with a momentum all it’s own.
Other examples in this section display a similar tendency. These things occurred. They
can all be verified if anyone wants to take the time to check them out. Nothing is made up
or exaggerated. Of course, I understand that I may be the last person you would want to
have to point these things out to you.
The current situation I describe is similar in that many people agree with the (out-tech)
situation, and seem to be unwilling or unable to confront and handle it.
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Of course, I am aware that someone can say, “oh see, he labels and attacks good hats, so
he is suppressive . . .” I am not saying Jon Lundeen or Ron Norton are bad people or
generally destructive. In fact, I greatly respect and admire both of them quite a lot, as
they are both very capable, likable and extremely competent individuals.
The point is that even though they each are extremely able people, they each still went
and stayed into agreement with very crazy off-policy stuff. The point is NOT that they
are bad or anything like that (they are not), but that the phenomena I describe involves
everyone including the best of the best. The crazy stuff goes on regardless.
They agreed with, condoned, encouraged and participated in very off-policy actions for
many years (resulting in chaos on finance lines and other PR flaps). The main thing here is
to notice that almost NOBODY is capable of resisting this sort of thing. The situation I
describe in this report is a similar example where something VERY WRONG is occurring,
yet it seems nobody will say or do anything about it.
I am not referring to the “good” group agreement based upon well thought-out policy and
intelligent pro-survival actions, but the “bad” group agreement that seems to have it’s
source in the bank.
Example Number 7:
While I was doing my training steps for A-E at the Tampa Org, I brought the situation
discussed in this report to the attention of the Course Supervisor. I showed him and told
him that it was nuts. He showed me the same quotes in the LOC pack, and said that it
“came from there”. I said, “that’s fine, but it makes no sense no matter where it came
from.” He said, “well it makes sense to me”. I looked at him and realized that talking to
him would be like talking to a Jehovah’s Witness. They continue to believe that the world
will end any day, and they believe that they will be one of God’s chosen 144,000 saved
people, despite all evidence and facts to the contrary. There is no talking to people who
are convinced. These people believe instead of observe. I gracefully PR’ed my way out of
the conversation, because I could see that it would go nowhere. He was incapable of
looking and seeing the simple reality of what was right there in clear view.
The next day the D/ED called me into his office, because he heard that I had had a
“problem” on study. I had no problem at all. I briefly explained the situation. He
explained that it originally seemed weird to him also, but that he “made sense” of it by
applying the “data” from Science of Survival. I go over this in other places in this report,
but it explains nothing, and accepting it as an explanation involves very poor logic and
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errant thinking at best. I could again see that he was not going to be swayed from his fixed
I could also see that if I pushed it, I would possible endanger completing my training step
of the A-E steps. I feigned resolution and went back to study. I wasn’t about to allow the
failures or inabilities of others to understand something block my completion of my
training cycle. But, it was nuts being in a position where various Org staff members were
quite happy to accept and promote such nonsense. I left increased in the attitude that this
is one heck of a crazy world. The irony has not passed by me unnoticed that Scientology
actually can increase awareness and responsibility, yet in this example, awareness is all
but gone, along with responsibility.
You might say, “that sort of thing doesn’t happen any more”. I have been told that every
time I have gotten back into comm with the Church, and it always has appeared again in
some form or another. I beg to differ. It has never ceased. It is happening right now, but
now that you have read and hopefully understand all this maybe some of you will act
differently this time.
In each of these cases policy was superseded in some way by group agreement. In
another very real way, truth took a back seat to a real or imagined perception of the
actions necessary to ensure the security and survival of the Church. In other words, truth
became secondary to someone’s ideas involving the continued survival of the Church.
Please realize that if the truth of the data (legitimacy of the subject materials) is altered, all
efforts to continue survival, even if they succeed, will be meaningless if what is surviving
is no longer actual “Scientology” based on legitimate LRH materials. If the goal to
“survive” becomes greater than the goal to “truth”, it will be all for naught. What must
survive is only the true and actual data as outlined in true LRH materials.
Please realize that almost everybody has accepted and endorsed this nonsense in the new
Introduction to Scientology Ethics book. People seem to be blind as ever. There are
reasons for this, and I attempt to describe them in other sections of this report, but
nonetheless, most people most of the time are mentally and observationally ineffective. If
they weren’t, someone would have said something about this already. I noticed it clearly
over a year ago. It took me about five seconds to completely know it was nuts. It took me
about two hundred hours or more to do the legwork and research to support and
communicate what I knew to be true. I waited because I was curious if anybody would do
anything about it. I even told others about it. But nobody did anything.
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Most of them appeared to be “too afraid” or some weird version of that. They didn’t
want to get into “ethics trouble”. They didn’t want to possibly “endanger their Bridge”.
They didn’t want to “make waves”. That is a poor way to demonstrate responsibility.
Don’t any of you see what is being created in some very weird ways with this sort of
So, instead of attacking me again and trying to force me to somehow accept the absurd
new second dynamic definition, please simply confront the situation I describe here and
handle it. Don’t try to come up with excuses and reasons why this illogic is logical
(reference: The Data Series). It is not logical and it is a huge outpoint.
Because if you don’t, it will eventually get handled in two, five or ten years, because it is
INCORRECT. And somebody will confront it sooner or later. Well, hopefully anyway.
And maybe, instead of attacking me this time around, how about possibly giving me a
well-deserved and polite “thank-you”. That would surely be nice. I know I can make it
hard for anyone to like me when I am so brutally on the offensive, and I do rant on at
times, but I know how great the subject of Scientology is. I know very well what it has the
potential to do. I hate to see people misuse it and create havoc and lunacy while
pretending to apply it standardly. I am trying to take responsibility for this as best as I
know how.
Please do not try to excuse or handle me by pointing out all the good the Church does. I
KNOW VERY WELL that the Church of Scientology does a huge amount of good for
many people. The Church does more good than any group on the planet, and in ways that
really matter. Pointing out all of the good does not excuse or justify the crazy stuff. They
are two completely different things.
My point is that the crazy stuff actually harms the power and success of the Church.
Everybody would win even more if it all disappeared. I get really angry at times, and I
guess I can enjoy hearing myself ranting on and on, but please try to understand that what
I hate is the examples of idiocy that actually inhibit the Church from being as powerful as
it truly should be. I am NOT attacking the Church as an institution, as a generality or its
noble goals. I am attacking the instances of lunacy, off-policy and out-tech situation,
which inhibit it from reaching its goals.
I list out these past instances to show that these things have occurred. This is not an
extensive list by any means. Everyone I know has instances and examples they could
supply. The point is not to make anyone wrong. The point is that these instances are
NOT correct applications of legitimate LRH data, although they are claimed to be exactly
so at the time when they occurred. It is important to realize that people know you (the
group) by what its members do and how they behave, and not by what they should have
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done in accordance with actual LRH data.
I consider this thread of lunacy that has been with the Church as long as I have been
familiar with it to be a major impediment to realizing the goals of the Church. Again, to
handle anything one must see it as it is, and confront the reality of the situation. Denial
leads to nothing except occlusion and failure. Please note that a “thread” is a small single
fiber part of a MUCH LARGER weave of fabric. This “thread” I speak of in the previous
examples is a very small aspect of the overall EXCELLENT activities of the Church. I am
NOT saying or asserting that the Church is primarily crazy. I AM saying that in certain
ways, and at certain times, that some of its behavior by some of its members has been far
less than optimum. I am NOT stating a generality, insinuating a wide tendency, or
implying some overall general negative label. So please do not falsely assume that or
indicate that to me as an (incorrect) evaluation.
For whatever reason there is an unspoken agreement that it is not okay to speak such
things, even if, and especially if they are true. Personally, I don’t get it. You can ignore
these instances, and imagine that I am hallucinating it all. You may believe that my
detailed examples are nothing but the result of overts and withholds, and that nothing I
say could be true. You may choose to excuse it all and shrug it off as insignificant. But it
is really simple. The examples I just gave all happened and pretty much just as I
described them. The point is NOT to make anybody wrong or to attack anyone. The
purpose was to illustrate a certain tendency for strange things to occur within the
activities of the Church, so that these detrimental occurrences could be spotted and
handled when and if they occur again.
I don’t have charge on the fact that these things occurred. So what, nobody is perfect, no
organization is perfect, expecting perfection is nearly suppressive anyway, and I am sure
these things were largely addressed and corrected. What does irritate me is that there still
seems to be a viewpoint and attitude that 1) it is not okay to mention such things, and 2)
that anyone who does mention such things is incorrectly perceived as “attacking the
Church”. In fact, what they are actually doing is attacking instances of misunderstanding
and misapplication of legitimate Scientology data (the real enemies of the success of
I want the nuttiness to go away, so that Scientology can be even more of what it truly has
the potential to be. This entire report is written from the attitude that this planet needs
Scientology more than anything. But it needs legitimate Scientology or it will all be for
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The Indicators I Will Watch For
If this report is duplicated, understood and acted upon the following should quickly
1. An issue will be widely distributed canceling the section on the Dynamics in the
Introduction to Scientology Ethics book, the Life Orientation Course pack and
anywhere else it occurs. The issue will refer students to other existing correct
references on the Dynamics.
2. As the new versions of these books are released, the offending sections will have
disappeared and been replaced by correct LRH material from other books and issues.
3. An issue should be issued instructing all staff members not to any longer refer to or
try to get others to think with and somehow apply the screwy definitions, but
especially the second dynamic definition.
If these do not occur, it will only mean to me that the people reading this report, and the
people responsible for this sort of thing, were unwilling or unable to duplicate,
understand and/or do something effective about the situation described herein.
Here are a few more targets that would be nice (but I may be dreaming).
1. Broadly issue an explanation of the situation, how it was found to have occurred, and
use this example as a validation of an individual Scientologist’s willingness to accept
responsibility for the state of the Technology. Use it as a vehicle to bring about a
higher level of awareness and responsibility for maintaining the points of KSW Series
Number One. Instead of sweeping the occurrence under the rug, use it to your benefit.
2. Issue a commendation on me. Erase out my entire ethics file. Award me something
nice. Recognize this for what it is and do not minimize its value or the extensive
efforts I took to handle this. Between you and me, I had many other things I could
have done, and needed to do, in the 250-300 hours I spent on this.
1. Please don’t assume to be the source of discovering this and happily ignore me.
Alteration of the source of creation of anything is the most basic form of lying (alter-
is) in this universe. That is the action of claiming or asserting ownership for something
one didn’t actually create. Mis-ownership and misrepresentation of ownership is a
basic source of aberration for all thetans. I did the research, I did the work, and I am
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the only one who has brought this to anyone’s attention in a way someone might
understand it. Appropriate acknowledgment would be a nice thing.
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Keeping Scientology Working Series 23R
3. Did the person who wrote it have the authority or know-how to order it?
10. Only if it holds up this far, force others to read it and follow it.
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Verbal Tech Checklist
A few friends have suggested that I query the reference in question by going though the
Verbal Tech Checklist. There are a few problems with that, and in a sense doing so is
rigged to fail. I will explain why.
1. Did the person who wrote it have the authority or know-how to order it?
The problem is that it is presented as being written by LRH, when that is highly unlikely.
I understand what it says completely. It makes no sense as written, and does not align
with everything else LRH says about it and related subjects. I have “clarified” it
extensively, and probably more than anyone else alive, yet it makes even less sense.
I have cleared all misunderstood words, and have researched all related concepts
extensively. The steps of having done so are in this report.
There is no way to “query” material that is presented as being written by LRH when it is
not. Most people would push, incorrectly, to straighten out my “confusions” in Qual or
Ethics. There is no way to query this successfully within the current framework of the
Church. I am not questioning or looking for “more data” to have the reference “make
sense”. I am instructing and trying to make it clear to everyone else that the data is crazy.
This is the best case scenario, in that someone altered an original LRH reference or took
an LRH reference very much out of context. The worst case scenario is that either
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someone made it up all on their own based on their own confusions of related data, or
LRH actually wrote it himself. Basically, whether it was altered or not, the idea is altered
very much from everything else LRH has ever communicated about the second dynamic,
sex, procreation, the future race, creation, the act of creating and creativity. That is the
highest level fact about all of this.
1. Get it validated as a correct, on-channel, on-policy, in-tech order.
I don’t need or want to have people tell me, “Yes Gene, that is an in-channel, on-policy,
in-tech order”. That wouldn’t solve anything. I don’t require any “authority” to confirm
to me what I know or don’t know. I don’t need to feel comfortable with some phony
knowledge that “everything’s okay”, when it isn’t. The problem is that this reference
appeared in Church publications, after presumably passing numerous verification and
quality control stages, yet is very much NOT “in-tech”. Why? Because it violates and is
inconsistent with everything LRH says about the same and related topics. It makes no
difference whether people in the Church “think” it is “correct”. It makes no difference
that it was “issued properly” along the “correct channels”. It makes no difference that
people “believe” it is “on-policy”. It is bogus “data”. That is the truth.
I am working very hard to get it canceled. It is canceled for me and for others whom I have
talked to, but it needs to be broadly canceled by the Church. The solution is not to receive
False Data Stripping so the reader can somehow “make sense” of the crazy data. The
solution is to cancel the data because the data itself is False Data.
1. Only if it holds up this far, force others to read it and follow it.
I would never follow it or force anyone else to read it. I don’t need to follow this issue’s
series of rules to try to “figure out” whether that “data” is “legitimate” or not. It is not
legitimate because it is not legitimate.
In fact, most people who attempt to apply this issue to the reference in question will
somehow end up “verifying” that the “data” is legitimate. That is quite scary, but it is no
longer unusual to me. I have seen different staff members and different versions of the
Church interpret many different references in many conflicting ways over the years.
People in the Church like to believe and encourage others to believe that the subject is so
very straightforward and rigidly fixed. It is that, but the people involved misinterpret it
too frequently, and in these cases it becomes meaningless whether the subject is exact or
not. It can’t be correct to do FPRD as part of 6-month Sec Checks one month, and then
for it not be correct the next month. The “data” stays the same while people’s
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interpretations of the data change. That is the fact of the matter. It may be unpopular to
know or say this, but it is true nonetheless. There is only one correct application for any
set of LRH data.
People like to claim that it is all so simple and clear, and that one needs just “apply it
standardly”. That may be true with sane beings, but the fact of the matter, if anyone
takes the time to look at the history of the Church and also remain honest with
themselves, is that there is a huge degree of interpretation involved in the materials the
Church is based upon. Application has been and is now greatly dependent upon
interpretation. Sadly, this manifests at times as misinterpretation. If the reader doesn’t see
this, understand or agree with this, and instead believes I am some nasty bad person
trying to confuse and upset everybody, well, what else can I say? People tend to see and
believe what they want to see and believe, and it often has very little to do with the
“facts” of the matter. My communication is an attempt to bring about understanding so
that this sort of nonsense can be corrected for the benefit of everybody concerned. A
proper understanding of this could result in an even stronger Church of Scientology.
Refusing to confront what I describe here will simply allow more of the same. That is a
road to failure, not to freedom. What I describe will not go away by ignoring it or
attacking me. It will only go away through understanding and correct handling.
In a Nutshell
Here is the simplicity of it all. If something shows up in print, issued legally by the
Church, having passed all verification steps along the way, and is false, it is nearly
impossible to apply the usual procedures to “handle it”. Most of Scientology
administrative procedures involving the legitimacy of orders and issues are based upon the
premise that “everything in print is on-policy and written by LRH”. The Verbal Tech
Checklist takes that for granted and assumes that to be true, so it is ineffective as a tool to
detect and handle such situations. Most people assume that “such a thing could never
occur”. Most people assume that “everything in print is always and must always be by
LRH”. I am not able to exercise my faith so absolutely, especially when it contradicts
directly with observable evidence. These aforementioned fixed ideas, of course, prevent
anyone from correctly noticing such an event when it does occur.
My personal integrity demands that I know what is true based on what I observe to be
true. Hopefully, this honesty will not be attacked because it is somehow incorrectly
misinterpreted or misrepresented as contrary to Church views and opinions.
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The only solution is for aware and responsible Sea Org executives to duplicate this and
handle it. If the Church instead chooses to rotely “handle” this and similar problems, by
attacking the person who points the data out, without intelligent thought, observation or
judgment, then we will all be lost, because the subject will eventually decay and
disappear. Because, if this one example slides by and stays as it is, the subject will
eventually deteriorate as more alterations are added over time.
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Keeping Scientology Working Series 1
Note: Neglect of this PL has caused great hardship on staffs, has cost countless
millions and made it necessary in 1970 to engage in an all-out, international effort
to restore basic Scientology over the world. Within 5 years after the issue of this
PL, with me off the lines, violation had almost destroyed orgs. “Quickie grades”
entered in and denied gain to tens of thousands of cases. Therefore actions
which neglect or violate this policy letter are HIGH CRIMES resulting in Comm
Evs on ADMINISTRATORS and EXECUTIVES. It is not “entirely a tech matter,”
as its neglect destroys orgs and caused a 2-year slump. IT IS THE BUSINESS OF
EVERY STAFF MEMBER to enforce it.
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Now, after reading this entire compilation of data, you will either:
2. Continue to agree and assert that the definition is accurate and somehow aligned with
the rest of LRH data involving the same area. Or you may not agree with that at all,
but still accept it due to your inability to hold a position, faulty logic or poor
If you do number two, then I encourage everyone to get up the Bridge as fast as you
possibly can, because within 100-500 years there will no longer be a Bridge for anyone to
take advantage of. This would occur because the thetans on this planet were simply too
dull and/or stupid to be able to duplicate and understand much of anything (while
pretending and claiming to be doing otherwise). This would be because they were too
lacking in ability to keep the technology pure. This would be because nobody cared
enough to take a stand for what they knew to true, and instead, allowed the viewpoints of
others to overwhelm them.
Please agree with number 1 and get this corrected. The other option will lead only to
failure and disaster.
LRH had to strongly intervene in Church affairs three times according to the preface in
KSW issue number one. He found it necessary to do this because staff members in
organizations repeatedly allowed the technology to become altered and misapplied to
such a great degree that it no longer was able to produce adequate results.
LRH states:
Within 5 years after the issue of this PL, with me off the lines, violation had almost
destroyed orgs.
Well, LRH has now been off the lines more than 15 years. This can and will easily
happen again if this report is not taken seriously and acted upon ruthlessly. Staff and
public were incapable of taking responsibility for the technology back then. There is
really no great difference in the quality of the thetans now compared to then. The
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tendency to alteration is equally as great. Thetans are pretty much in exactly the same, or
worse, condition as they were then. The only difference between then and now is that
since then LRH took the time to write all the KSW issues and tried to get enough people
to understand the KSW data so that future disasters might be avoided.
If LRH hadn’t stepped in with the situations he described back then, nobody would have
caught on to anything. Everybody, bar none, would have continued to accept and
misapply the technology unless LRH had intervened. Please duplicate what that means. It
means exactly what LRH says in KSW.
1. “. . .the group left to its own devices would not have evolved Scientology but with
wild dramatizations of the bank called ‘new ides’ would have wiped it out”, and
2. “So I know what a group of people will do and how insane they will go in accepting
unworkable technology”.
What any group of people will do hasn’t changed one iota. People cannot ever be trusted
with the technology. LRH was completely correct when he said that the only thing a
group would accept is unworkable technology. Due to the bank, no human group has ever
evolved workable technology. The bank makes it utterly impossible for any group of
people to adjudicate what is “good” technology or what is “bad technology”.
That is the problem here. People are completely unable to use judgment in this area. So, if
and when an alteration appears, nobody seems to be able to differentiate what is actually
going on. LRH evolved the technology by himself. Because people have obviously since
gotten on the lines and have “rewritten" various LRH data, first they will only do what
LRH says and evolve destructive technology by altering his exact data, and second,
nobody can perceive this when it occurs due to group agreement.
If you ignore this report, you will be acting like those who caused the near collapses of
Scientology in the 1960s and 1970s. Please lose all concern for politeness, being nice,
invalidating what you know to be true, trusting authorities, being complicated and doing
what you are told.
KSW Issue Number One was primarily concerned with misapplication. It had to do
mainly with failure to apply the correct data in a proper manner.
The situation I describe here is MUCH WORSE and potentially more disastrous, because
the alterations are not simply of application, but attack the quality of the data itself. The
actual data itself has been altered. In that case, ALL related application will be “wrong”.
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The basic idea in KSW Issue Number One is that the subject material is here and that the
subject material is secure. LRH says:
He was referring to, “One: Having the correct technology”. That is taken for granted. It is
assumed that the only thing necessary past that point is to get the correct technology
duplicated, understood and applied. In other words, we can all happily forget about point
number one, because it has been done, and solely concern ourselves with points 2-10.
The worst case scenario for a KSW failure would be the case where the technology itself
was altered along on-policy, correct channel, in-tech lines, and published and disseminated
broadly. This would be very hard to detect and incredibly difficult to correct as indicated
by the facts of this report.
“Squirreling (going off into weird practices or altering Scientology) only comes about
from noncomprehesion.” (KSW Series No. 1)
This is a case of squirreling because Scientology has been altered. There is no doubt that
this alteration occurred because of someone’s failure to comprehend legitimate LRH data,
and that it has existed so long because various staff and public also failed to comprehend
legitimate LRH data. I know this will not be easy to accept and confront, but it is true.
“The most trouble in the past two years came from orgs where an executive in each could
not assimilate straight Scientology. Under instruction in Scientology, they were unable to
define terms or demonstrate examples of principles.” (KSW Series Number 1)
A failure to comprehend caused the situation in the first place – the placing of non-LRH
material into printed and widely disseminated Scientology books. The situation continued
because of further failures of comprehension by the staff members and public reading it
and other data. If people understood the original correct LRH data, it would have been
impossible for the false data to ever appear as an idea or in print. But also, if people
completely understood the original correct LRH data, they would never accept the false
data when they encountered it.
“Scientology” is the “subject” of data left to us by LRH. Nobody, not the group, not
RTC, not the Chairman of the Board, NOBODY has the right or even the ability to mess
with the “subject”. Nobody has the understanding LRH had. “Scientology” does NOT
MEAN, and IS NOT whatever the current version of the organization happens to exist as
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at the moment. That is NOT “Scientology”. The “organization of Scientology” is simply
a group of people, all working together and attempting to duplicate, understand and apply
the “subject” of Scientology materials as best they can. That thing, the organization of
Scientology, changes every second of every day. So just because the Church may desire to
and claim to maintain perfect technology does not mean they are actually doing so.
Similar examples exist in instruction and these are all the more deadly as every time
instruction in correct technology is flubbed, then the resulting error, uncorrected in the
auditor, misinterpreted on every pc that auditor audits thereafter. (KSW Series No. 1)
The point of this quote is that errors in instruction are so much worse because the errors
get passed on to many more people. In the case I describe, you have a situation even
worse than that, because the altered Scientology is in print, and passed along to every
person who reads it. Even worse yet, the structure of Scientology is such that it acts to
demand acceptance and application of the incorrect, non-Scientology False Data. Why?
People generally assume that if it is written then it must be true. And then the entire
structure of Scientology acts to handle the misunderstood words, barriers to study,
crashing misunderstood words and false data that is assumed to exist that is blocking
correct duplication and understanding. The only problem is that the data is false and off
the wall.
Please realize that every time things went off the rails before, as described by LRH in
KSW Series Number One, the entirety of staff had absolutely no clue that anything was
wrong. EVERYONE was quite confident in the fact that they were doing just dandy.
They were under the impression that they were applying standard Scientology in a
perfect manner. They were wrong. It took one man, LRH, to stand there and clearly point
out the faults to the entire existing structure of Scientology. Of course, they listened to
I don’t currently enjoy anywhere near the same degree of respect or unwavering
confidence from any of you. But, you do need to pay attention in the same way, because
what I describe is exactly true.
If LRH were here right now, he would say exactly the same thing. Of course, he would
not have to write over 200 pages, because he would simply issue orders and would be
listened to. I have to take a much longer route, and try to get you to understand, so that
you can act willingly on your own self-determinism to address this. With LRH, he would
simply order it and there would not be any need to appeal to your “understanding”.
Please confront this situation and act according, or we are all doomed. It is exactly that
serious. Please don’t delude yourself, excuse the situation described here, or imagine it to
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be anything other than what is described here.
I understand that there may be a defensive reaction by some to attack, criticize and
belittle what I say here and the person who is stating it (me). Please, I encourage you to
try to minimize any such reactions and simply look and understand the facts of the data.
I am not a PR expert and I lack tact severely, and knowing that, I hope you will keep the
factual data of this report separate from my less than perfect presentation of the data.
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