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LK 1.1 Listening: Teks Transactional Dan Interpersonal

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LK 1.

Standar Kompetensi : 1. Memahami makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan inter-personal lisan pendek
sederhana untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari
Kompetensi Dasar : 1.1 Merespon makna yang terdapat dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done)
dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) pendek sederhana secara akurat, lancar dan
berterima untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari yang melibatkan
tindak tutur: meminta dan memberi kepastian, serta mengungkapkan dan
menanggapi keraguan

Teks Transactional dan Interpersonal

. a. Percakapan-percakapan singkat memuat ungkapan-ungkapan singkat berikut:
1) A : What is this jacket made of, John?
B : I think from leather
A : Are you sure?
B : No, I am not sure actually
2) A : Do you think Lia will like this novel?
B : I’m sure, she will love it, because she likes reading novel.
3) A : What will you do after school this afternoon?
B : I’m not really sure. I might see the photographic exhibition

b. To ask for certainty, we can say:

 Are you sure?
 Are you certainty
 Really?
 Are you really certainty/sure?
c. express certainty, we can say:
 I am sure/ certainty
 I’m absolutly sure/certain
 I believe that’s sure
 I have no doubt about .....
 Ofcourse/absolutly/definitely
d. To express doubt/uncertainty, we can say:
 I’m not certain/sure
 I doubt it
 I’m not really certainabout it
 Sorry, I can’t be really certain about that
 I can’t say anything right now
e. To respond doubt/uncertainty, we can say:
 Why? / Why can you say so?
 I’m not sure either
We often use “may” or “might” to express doubt. Read the explanation below
May and Might
Might is the past tense of may.
May is generally considered the polite way to ask permission to do something although can is also
used in these contexts.
 May I leave the room?
Yes, you may / No, you may not.
May is often used with the same meaning as perhaps and possibly, to express the posibblity of
something happening.
 Lighthing may strike unexpectedly if the sky is overcast. Children may be in danger if the play
outdoors in these conditions.
Might, on the other hand, is often used with the samme meaning as could which means “unlikely”.
 Chicken might fly.
 It might rain today but at the moment there are no clouds in the sky.

II. Listen to the teacher. Give responses orally to the following situations as requested

a. Hi guys. I have good news. We are going to have an English native speaker next week.

1. What will you say if you are not sure you are going to have an English native speaker next week?
Your response:_____________________________________________________________________

2. What will you say if you want to check whether your friend is sure about it?
Your response:___________________________________________________________________

3. What will you say if you are surprised of the good newa?
Your response:________________________________________________________________________
4. What will you say if you want the speaker repeat what he has just said?
You response :____________________________________________________________________

III. Complete the dialogue with the expressions that you hear from the cassette or your teacher

5. You and your friend are discussing a football match before watching it on Television.
Your friend : Are you sure that Arsenal will win the game?
You : __________________________________________________________________________

6. You and your friend have arranged to meet a guest, but he has not arrived.
Your friend : Do you think he’s forgotten to come
You : ___________________________________________________________________________

7. Your friend has invited you to go and see a horror film. You only really like such films.
Your friend : Would you like to come?
You : ___________________________________________________________________________

8. Your mother has been taken to hospital. Your friend rings him for news.
Your friend : Sorry to hear about your mother. Is it serious?
You : __________________________________________________________________________

9. Your friend is asking for your opinion that Indonesian will be an international language in the future. You
are sure about it.
Your friend : Do you think that Indonesian will be an international language in the near future.

You :____________________________________________________________________________
10. Your classmate is informing that he has just informed you happy news; he has just got a good grade on
TOEFL. You did not hear clearly the last word.
Your classmate : It’s a surprise. I got a good grade on my TOEFL.
You : ______________________________________________________________________

Read and understand the following dialog! Find out the expressions of certainty and uncertainty!
Situation 1
Amir : Tuesday, next week, is the due date for our assignment.
Ani : Sorry. Could you repeat what you just said?
Amir : I said Tuesday, next week, is the due date for our assignment
Ani : Yes, you are right, but, I ‘m sure that I can submit it before that. How
about you?
Amr : I’m not so sure I will be able to make it.
Ani : Yes, you can. I’m sure, you can

Situation 2
Anang : Did you do the test very well, Andi?
Andi : No, definitely, not. I don’t have a hope of getting even 50.
Anamg : But are you sure?
Andi : Absolutely. Not a hope!
Anang : Don’t worry too much. Next time better.

Situation 3
Fatimah : Anisa, do you think that it will be possible to go on holiday to the moon in the
next fifty years.
Anisa : Well, I am sure it could happen. Why?
Fatimah : Well, I was just wondering it would be a great achievement.

Situation 4
Wahyu : Do you think that England will win the next European Cup?
Natsir : Yes, of course, they will. Why? Don’t you think so?
Wahyu : Well, I am doubtful about that. They have not made a better team, yet.

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