16-Bit Data Logger
16-Bit Data Logger
16-Bit Data Logger
This project is a good example of where our Hunting for ELF signals
web-based project platform Elektor.Labs [1] has At Elektor.Labs you can read more details of the
provided the spark for new ideas. Kurt Diedrich, original project [2]: The ELF signal picked up by
an author well known to us, has recently been the large wire loop is first amplified, filtered and
busy experimenting with an Arduino Uno to then given a DC offset of 2.5 V so that the signal
expand his knowledge of microcontroller firm- swings between 0 and 5 V and does not go nega-
ware. It didn’t take too much encouragement tive. The Arduino Uno uses an ATmega328 which
to persuade Kurt to share his experiences with already has a built-in A/D converter but with only
a wider audience via Elektor.Labs. One of the 10-bit resolution. Kurt Diedrich did some research
designs he came up with is a data logger where and ended up ordering a small PCB from Ada-
an Arduino Uno measures a signal level and fruit which has on-board an ADS1115 (from TI).
sends it to a PC [2]. Kurt’s previous experience
with PC programming and graphical user inter- This particular A/D converter has four input chan-
face design could now be put to good use: using nels and can measure signals with 16-bit reso-
the programming language called Processing lution [3]. An I2C bus is used for control and to
he designed a Tool that not only represents the pass information between the chip and microcon-
sampled signal but can also performs spectral troller. It wasn’t long before Kurt was studying
analysis. The complete setup is ideally suited the Arduino code examples and software libraries
for processing the reception of low-frequency supplied by Adafruit. The routines he needed to
electromagnetic signals to be discussed in a implement are not complex; after a little tin-
follow up article describing an ELF Receiver kering with the code examples the data logger
(ELF = extremely low frequency). firmware was finished. An endless loop in the
The concept
The prototype worked really well but the fin- USB
ished set up looked a bit untidy with all those
flying leads between the ADC module and Arduino
board. Labs set about making improvements; the 130485 - 12
main decision was to not make the design into a
dedicated ADS1115 Arduino shield but instead
opt for a more flexible approach that would allow
the board to easily interface to a number of dif-
ferent systems [4]. C1
The ADS1115 chip should derive its power from D1 D2
the attached controller board and be controlled 4
REF2912 1
via an I2C bus. A good choice for the interface +3V3 AIDBZT R3 IC2
3 1V022
120k R8 R9 R10
would be the 14-way pin header used by the EEC/ 1 5
IC3 2 0V511 OPA377
C3 C2 R4 R5 T1
nected via a length of flatcable to the Elektor-Li-
AIN0 7 8 K3
AIN1 4 1 EEC/Gnublin
Voltages 5
2 1 2
6 9 3 4
The ADC board circuit diagram is shown in Fig- 7
10 5 6
ure 2. The Gnublin/EEC connector used by the R6 R7 7 8
AIN2 9 10
board specifies a 3.3 V supply voltage but the ADC
AIN3 ADS1115 11 12
chip can operate with a supply range between IDGST JP2 JP3 13 14
2.0 and 5.5 V.
130485 - 11
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ADS1115 Comparator
Reference ALERT/RDY
AIN2 16-Bit 2
AIN3 ADC Interface
Figure 3. Oscillator
The data sheet [3] gives details of how the chip diodes on the inputs which provide some degree
can be controlled and configured using I2C com- of protection but the data sheet recommends fit-
mands. It can be configured to measure: ting external zener diodes and series resistors to
give better protection.
• The voltage level on AIN0, AIN1, AIN2
and AIN3 relative to ground (i.e. four ‘sin- Jumper JP1 can be fitted to provide a 1.022-V
gle-ended’ inputs). offset. The voltage level is made up of the 1.25-V
• The voltage level on AIN0 relative to AIN1 reference voltage level produced by IC3 and the
and the voltage level on AIN2 relative to standard op-amp IC2. When the offset is applied
AIN3 (two differential inputs). the input voltage range is ±2.048 V. An AC input
• The voltage level on AIN0 relative to AIN3 signal swinging between the values of around
and from AIN1 relative to AIN3 (two differ- –1 V and +1 V will be translated into a voltage
ential inputs with a common node). at the ADC input AIN0 swinging between 0 to 2 V
with 15-bit resolution. In the software be aware
The chip outputs a digital value in the range that higher input voltages produce lower output
from –32768 to 32767; negative values indicate values (inversion).
a negative differential voltage (negative values
are expressed in twos-complement format). In Another possibility is to add the offset to AIN0 and
single-ended mode the voltage will always be use the tip described above. With the measured
positive so that the output values will be in the voltage applied to AIN1 or AIN3, the correspond-
range 0 to 32767 which corresponds to a 15-bit ing differential mode configured and a full-scale
resolution. Using a workaround suggested by Ton range of ±1.024 V set. This method makes it
Giesberts in our lab and described in more detail possible to measure a voltage in the range from
on the .Labs Website [8] it allows measurement 0 to 2 V with a 16 bit resolution.
of negative-going signals while producing a 16-bit
value: Apply a fixed DC voltage, say 1 V on input Timing
AIN3. Now an input voltage of 0 to 1 V on the The ADC operates using the Delta-Sigma princi-
inputs AIN0 and AIN1 produces a negative out- ple, which gives good resolution and accuracy.
put value when the corresponding differential This method of A-D conversion however is not the
mode is selected. fastest. A rate of up to 860 samples/s is possible.
The sample rate is configurable and has a default
In addition to an internal voltage reference the value of 128 samples/s. Like many other ADCs
ADC also has a built-in programmable amplifier the ADS1115 can work in single-shot or contin-
which allows you to setup the full scale voltage uous mode. In single-shot mode it is necessary
range that the ADC will measure. In our case, with to issue a command to the chip to tell it to mea-
a 3.3 V operating voltage, the ranges ±2.048 V, sure the input voltage. Once the measurement
±1.024 V, ±512 mV and ±256 mV are of interest. is complete and a valid digital value is available
With this board it is important to ensure the the chip will set a bit in one of its internal regis-
measured input voltage does not go above 3.6 V ters. The external microcontroller monitors the
or below –0.3 V. The chip uses integrated ESD state of this bit and reads the new value from an
internal register when it becomes available. It can the role of a slave. Using just write operations you
then go on to request a new measurement. In can, for example set up an internal configuration
continuous mode the chip continually measures registers or tell the chip to start a measurement
the input voltage and produces digital values process. In order to read out a digital value we
without the need for any external intervention. need to both write and read over the I2C bus.
In all our programs including the ELF receiver To be precise you need to write twice (which
application we use single-shot mode in a contin- includes the slave address) and then read once.
uous loop. After each new reading (and before The chip’s slave address can be set-up externally
issuing the next sample command) the value is so it allows more than one ADS1115 chip to be
processed in the microcontroller (e.g. to show connected to the same two bus wires (provided
on the display or send over the serial interface). you use different addresses for each chip). The
Using the default sample rate of 128 samples/s slave address is defined by how pin 1 is con-
produces a data rate of about 100 to 120 Hz nected. There are four possible slave addresses
which should be sufficient for the majority of available; pin 1 can be linked to either pin 3, 8,
data logger applications. 9 or 10 using a jumper on the header pins of JP4
to define the address.
The comparator
The Conversion-Ready-Pin (IC1 pin 2) can be The two I2C signals are connected from the
used to indicate when an A-D conversion has chip to pins 5 and 6 of the EEC/Gnublin connec-
been completed. The ADS1115 can also be con- tor. Jumpers JP2 and JP3 allow you to use the
figured to act as a comparator (Figure 3) and on-board pull-up resistors. The beauty of the
in this mode the pin acts as an alert output. I2C bus is that you can safely interface a slave
Now using values stored in the Low Threshold device operating at 3.3 V with a controller such
and High Threshold registers you can allow a as an Arduino Uno running at 5 V.
sort-of hysteresis or apply a voltage compari-
son window to the measured value so that an The software library
alert occurs only if the measured value is outside When it comes to the control software you know
these stored values. that even if you opt for the default settings of
In our module this output is made visible via the ADC you will still need to spend some time
transistor T1 and a yellow LED. In addition this studying its data sheet. Controlling a microcon-
signal is routed to pin 11 of the Gnublin/EEC con- troller’s I2C interface can also sometimes be a
nector K3 where it is available for use by either bit tricky. Don’t worry; we have simple solutions
the Linux- or Xmega-board but has no connection that should get around these potential problems.
on the Elektor extension shield. The technical boss at the Elektor Labs Clemens
Valens has written a C library that avoids the need
I2C to define which registers you need to address in
As we already mentioned communication with the the ADC and instead provides high level func-
ADC occurs over an I2C interface where it plays tions to control the chip. As a bonus he has also
Web Links
[1] www.elektor-labs.com
[2] www.elektor-labs.com/project/arduino-16-bit-low-frequency-datalogger-130485-i-140035-i.13703.html
[3] www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/ads1115.pdf
[4] www.elektor-magazine.com/130485
[5] www.elektor-magazine.com/130214
[6] www.elektor-magazine.com/120126
[7] www.elektor-magazine.com/140009
[8] www.elektor-labs.com/contribution/from-the-lab-using-differential-mode.14034.html
[9] www.elektor-magazine.com/120668
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are available.
void soft_i2c_scl_write(uint8_t value) // write high or low state to the SCL pin
void soft_i2c_sda_write(uint8_t value) // write high or low state to the SDA pin
void soft_i2c_sda_mode(uint8_t value) // configure SDA pin as O/P (value=1) or I/P (value=0)
Five further functions bind the ADC library (from you will find more demo programs and interesting
Clemens) with the I2C software library, this code applications which make use of the Embedded
can just be dropped 1:1 into the project. Firmware Library [9].
Our Arduino sketch performs the same software It is probably easiest to upload the sketch using
function as Kurt Diedrich’s original project: An the Arduino bootloader, that way you only need
endless loop repeatedly tells the ADC chip to a USB cable between the Arduino and PC. Once
measure and digitize the voltage at input AIN0 in the firmware has been flashed the measured val-
single-ended and single-shot mode. The measure- ues can be seen on the serial monitor display
ment range extends from –2.048 V to 2.048 V, in the Arduino development environment or via
while in Single-ended mode only 0 to 2048 mV a simple terminal emulator program (data rate
can be measured and with only 15-bit resolu- set to 115,200 Baud and the corresponding COM
tion. The decimal output values (0 to 32767) port selected).
after conversion are sent out as ASCII characters To achieve the highest measurement accuracy
over the serial interface, followed by a <CR> and it is better to power the Arduino from a bench
<LF> character. power supply rather than from a USB port. It
will provide much better common-mode noise
For testing we used an Arduino Uno fitted with performance.
the Elektor extension shield described in the
last issue [7] connected to the ADC board via a Some spooky signals
14-way ribbon cable. The I2C address of the ADC If you like you can now try out the recorder soft-
board is configured as ‘ground’ i.e. the jumper ware that Kurt Diedrich developed for a his ELF
is placed in the first position of JP4 nearest the reception experiments. Now when you turn the
Gnublin/EEC connector. Initially we will not use pot the values are recorded over time in soft-
any offset correction (JP1 jumper fitted nearest ware. You can also switch in the 1022 mV offset
the terminal blocks). and see how the measured values change. Volt-
Now to generate the voltage to measure we con- age levels in the range of approximately –1 V to
nect a flying lead from the Arduino pin A3 (you +1 V can be measured with 15-bit resolution,
can connect it at the shield box header connec- this set up can be put to good use investigating
tor as shown in Figure 4) to the AIN0 input the presence of ELF signals in your location. If
of the ADC board. The voltage on A3 can now this sounds interesting have a look at the ‘ELF
be adjusted by twiddling the pot on the shield; Receiver’ project described in this issue you may
this gives us a rudimentary test set-up to check be in for some surprises!
operation of the ADC board. The voltage at A3 (130485)
can be turned up to 5 V but it’s important that
the input voltage level does not exceed 3.6 V so
before connection ensure that the pot is turned
all the way down so that the voltage is at 0 V
then slowly increase it.
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