Lesson Plan Mapeh 10 Music
Lesson Plan Mapeh 10 Music
Lesson Plan Mapeh 10 Music
a. Identify the electronic and chance music of 20th Century Musical Style.
b. Perform music through the use of electronic devices and materials available for
chance music.
II. Content/ Learning Task
A. Subject Matter
20th Century Musical Style: Electronic and Chance Music
B. Concept and Ideas
The musical style that evolve in the modern era were varied. Some of these were short-
lived, being experimental and too radical in nature, while others found an active blend between
the old and the new.
C. Reference
Learner’s Material Horizons Music and Arts appreciation for Young Filipino,
pages, 26-29.
D. Materials
Activity Cards, Strips of Cartolina, Pentel Pens, Manila Paper and Pictures, Laptop, audio,
electronic devices, and natural elements use to sounds
E. Value Focus
Appreciation the use of electronic and chance music.
III. Procedure
A. Motivation
Let the students arrange the words based on the
given pictures.
Electronic Music
- The capacity of electronic machines such as
synthesizer, amplifier, tape recorders and loud
speakers to create different sound was put to
creative used by 20th century composer like
Edgar Varese, Karlheinz Stockhausen, and
Mario Davidovsky.
- Music that uses the tape recorder is called
musique concrete, or concrete music.
Thank you so much group1, Señorita clap!
Let hear the work of group 2.
Each group will have to choose narrator to narrate
the life and work of composer.
Each group will be given 5 mins to prepare and 5
mins to present their work.
Chance Music
- Refer to a style in which the piece sounds different
at very performance because of the random
techniques of production, including the use of ring,
modulator or natural element that become a part
of the music
- Most of the sound emanate from the
surroundings, both natural and man-made, such as
honking cars, rustling leaves, blowing winds
dripping water or a ringing phone.
- the combination of external sound cannot be
duplicated as each happened by chance
Thank you for your wonderful report group 2,
please give them a Shape of Youclap!
Present the example of Electronic and chance
C. Analysis
Students: Yes/No
1. Did you experience playing music?
(Students raising their hands)
2. Who among you here loves to listen music?
Student1: Electronic Music is important to us as a
3. How important electronic music to you as a
student because will be easy for us to access and play
music as well as to record music if needed.
D. Generalization/Abstraction
Let the students finish the following statement: (students answer)
1. I learned more about……..
2. I will learn more about Electronic Music
3. I will learn more about Chance music by…………
E. Application EXCEED Steady beat Accurate
Accurate Pitch
All holes
1. Let the students remind the rules in doing 4 Rhythms covered breath
A little to
activity. strong/weak
MEETS Steady beat One/two One/two One/two Blowing too
2. Let the students read the rubrics. 3 Minor Minor Errors Minor hard
3. With the same group they will be given activity Errors Errors
NEAR Slight 3-5 2-3 3-6 Blowing too
card. 2 breaks/pauses errors notes/fingering Hole hard/soft
or rating mixed up covering
4. Give them 5 mins to prepare and 5 mins to errors
perform the output. NEEDS No Steady Many Many errors Not Over
WORK Beat Errors covered blowing
1 holes throughout
Group I, with the knowledge in of ICT subject
(TLE) using electronic devices record your
Electronic music through the use of your mobile
Good luck!
by Shawn Mendes, Camila Cabello
Land in Miami
The air was hot from summer rain
Sweat dripping off me
By Ed Sheeran