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Sunday Sundays @ Hennepin

A Story To Stand On
Sundays thru Dec.19, 11:00 AM
Our fall theme is “A Story To Stand On.” In worship
Worship Leaders
at 9:30 & 11:00
New Member
New Member Classes will
be November 14 & 21.
50s & 60s Group Community Meals
we will hear parables of Jesus, Meet new people and get to Are you firmly planted in A BEAUTIFUL November
those stories which have shaped know Hennepin as we eat a middle age? Don’t want to
November 14 evening brought 330 guests
our lives. Through Dec. we will meal together, take a tour, admit you might qualify for
Chris Jackson, Preaching senior discounts? Single, to Hennepin. Don Forster
Pentecost Season November 14, 2010 hear favorite scripture stories of look at the roots of United and crew served up a
November 21 Methodism, and have discus- divorced, married, If you
Hennepin members which have
Stewardship Sunday! informed their faith journeys.
*Doug Pagitt, Guest Preacher sion around spiritual gifts. answer yes to any of these delicious meatloaf dinner. 20
November 28 questions please join us on guests brought multiple pets
Nov. 14: Paula Colton, Nov. 21: Bill Tipping. Classes are from 11:00 AM
Sally Johnson, Preaching — 1:00 PM, and a meal is Friday, November 19 at 7-9 for free vet care. YTD we’re
Peace Through Justice Forum PM in the Art Gallery. We averaging about 20 more
*On Nov. 14 we welcome provided at both.
Nov. 21, 11:00 AM will be gathering for lively guests per meal. We continue
Doug Pagitt, the founder of
“How Federal Health Care May Affect
Solomon’s Porch Christian
Missing Window conversation, Fun Beyond to see an increase in families
Minnesotans” The speaker and resource The Trustees determined that Belief, light snacks and then with children. Thanks for all
community in Minneapolis, off to a local establishment.
person will be Minnesota State Senator there was weakness in one of
and author of “Church in that you do to make this
Linda Berglin. Linda, an active member the Stained Glass Windows Contact Kimm Schneider
of Walker UMC, Minneapolis, currently the Inventive Age.” kmj1960@aol.com for info. possible!
and so it has been removed
New DC Video for repairs to be reinstalled
is chair of the Senate Health, Human Services and
Corrections Budget Division. Sponsored by Peace You’re invited to view a the week of Nov. 15. Please,
through Justice Committee. new Dignity Center informa- get up and move during
Barefoot Zone: tional video and meet video- worship if the sun gets in “New” Life Office Manager and Sally
grapher Darren Gray on your eyes. Thanks for your Adventures Johnson, Minister of Worship
Walking the Sunday, Nov. 14 at 11:00 patience and understanding and Spiritual Formation. Hear
Your financial pledge to the church operating budget Spiritual Path and 11:30 in Room 202.
Retirement-age people: Join
the story Great Joy! by MN
strengthens this community — its ministry, staff, and by Sally Howell Johnson The video is used to orient
Fall Devotional friends for service events and
author Kate DiCamillo, and
the physical operation of this cathedral church we A new book collecting some of new clients (and potential A devotional booklet written activities. Nov. 19: Come
join in many joyous songs
are blessed to call home. Today is the day! Thank Sally’s daily blog writings is volunteers and funders) to by church members is now and hear from Sally Johnson
of the season, accompanied
you for your financial pledge to Hennepin Church in
being published! The publisher the work of the Dignity We hope that each church and other Hennepin friends
by our Communications
2011. Your church is worth it!
is making the book available to Center. Come and see this household will take one. about the recent pilgrimage
Director, Daniel Pederson.
congregation members at a pre- 15 minute video! New this fall: see and hear to Iona. 12:00 Noon.
Church Conference Nov. 21 faith stories of members at: Reservations due by Dec. 5.
A special church conference, required by the publication price of $10. After Dec. 1 the price is UMW Annual Great Joy! Lunch is $12.00
$14.00. Order by phone at 1-888-696-1828 or at: TV.HennepinChurch.org
Annual Conference to set the five clergy salaries for Meeting Nov. 21 This week hear the stories Life Adventure’s
2011 (Robbins, Rosso, Johnson, Jackson, Colton), kirkhouse.com/Books/Barefoot-Zone. Order forms Christmas Celebration 40Below
11 AM. The Annual Meeting of Virginia Clymer, Deb Christmas Party
are also available at the church. Friday, Dec. 10th at Noon,
will be held on Sun., Nov. 21, 10:45-11:00 AM. is a great way to learn more Roberts, Brian and Amanda
lunch and program of story 7 PM, Thurs., Dec. 9
All church members are welcome with vote. SOUL CAFÉ: about the United Methodist Forrest, Jolene Jeranson, Lily More info to come!
LOSING AND FINDING Women. Refreshments will Williams, Larry Duncan plus and song with Jodi Gustafson,
In Days to Come...Great Joy
November 14, 7PM
Come and enjoy an evening of poetry and jazz
available along with updates many other already posted
of projects/events, the Emma videos.
Norton project, recipients of
Steeple People
You are invited to reflect on the ways in which great celebrating the resiliency of the human spirit. the Shannon bequest, a Flower Calendar Emmaus Gathering
joy has come into your life and to share those stories In times of loss and the fear of loss, the vision of report from 2010 Assembly, Surplus Store
The 2011 flower calendar is
in our Advent devotional. Please send your short poets and the solidarity of community remind us and a business meeting for Monday, Nov. 22 the SPSS
available in Carlson Hall for
reflection (200 words or less), a poem or a prayer of we need not confront life’s challenges alone. $10 budget and elections. All doors will open at Noon
requested donation, refreshments will be served. Hennepin women invited to and you will be in a Holi- you to sign-up. Choose a
your own writing or another’s who has inspired you.
These submissions should be sent (email is preferred) attend. day Wonderland. Decora- Sunday, write in your name Join your friends in Border
to Devotional@haumc.org or left at/mailed to the
Islam, the Middle East, INTERFAITH tions, trees, lights, orna- and phone number or email Chapel on Friday, Nov. 18
church, Attn: Daniel, by 10 AM, Monday, Nov. 15. and the Media FORUMS
ments, wreathes, garlands, address, and a couple weeks for a 5:30 PM Potluck, and
Nov. 18, 7:00 PM - Longfellow Room wrap, paper, bows, gift before your selected Sunday the 7 PM Program. Anyone
Interfaith Thanksgiving This forum will discuss how conflicts within parts The 2010 Interfaith Forum bags, cards and much more you will receive a reminder interested in knowing more
Service of the Islamic world are reported in the U.S. and will be held on Thursday will greet you. With the
to call your favorite florist
Evenings with Refreshments lowest prices around town, about joining an Emmaus
10 AM, Thursday, November 25 foreign media and how that reporting influences

and order the flowers and Walk is very welcome. For
held here, at Hennepin Church public attitudes and actions. Our guest speaker is at 6:45 PM, Presentation at our merchandise is excep-
7:00 PM. All free and open tional and the staff and vol- also an opportunity to put a more information, contact:
Ahmed Tharwat, host of BelAhden, the only Arab-
to the public. Nov. 18: unteers are most friendly dedication of your choice in Nancy and Keith Sjoquist
American show in the Midwest, airing for over ten
Basilica of St. Mary and helpful. the bulletin.
years on Twin Cities Public Television. 612-741-1872

Weekly Classes/Activities
Thursday Bible Study 11 AM to 12:00
Donate! Volunteer!
November Hunger Offering supports
Assemble Welcome Baskets Today at
10:45 in the Art Gallery. The Multi-
Calendar of Events MONDAY, NOVEMBER 15
9:00 AM Dignity Center—Open
noon in the Longfellow Room. The Hunger Solutions Minnesota, a generational Committee needs help Sunday, November 14, 2010 6:30 PM Multicultural Committee
filling baskets with cleaning supplies 8:30 - 9:00 Holy Communion Border Chapel 7:00 PM Job Support Group
New Testament book, Acts of the comprehensive hunger relief organi-
Apostles, will be our fall topic. New for those moving from shelters or 8:30 - 12:30 Coffee Fellowship Carlson Hall TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 16
zation that works to end hunger, by 8:45 - 12:30 Nursery / Child Care Rooms 101 & 103 8:30 AM Library Committee
participants always welcome! Chris supporting agencies that provide homelessness to a new home. We’ll 6:00 PM Altar Choir
9:00 - 10:00 Sacred Journey Art Gallery
Jackson, Juanita Reed Boniface and food to those in need, advancing also create cards to welcome them. 9:30 - 10:30 Festival Worship Sanctuary 6:30 PM Sunday School Teacher Mtg.
Mary Mensheha share leadership. sound public policy, and guiding If you can’t join us, please come 9:30 - 10:30 Sunday School for Grades 7-12 Church of Youth 6:30 PM Global Outreach
Men’s Bible Fellowship. At 7:00 on grassroots advocacy. Donations will see what we’re doing and make a 9:30 - 11:00 Confirmation (Sixth Grade) Parsonage Basement 6:30 PM Multigenerational Committee
Friday mornings a group of men help the 1 in 5 families with children donation to create future baskets 9:45 - 10:45 Sunday School Education Wing WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 17
gather for bible study, conversation in MN who don’t have enough Cashiers needed at the Steeple People Preschool Age 3 Room 105 9:00 AM Dignity Center—Open
Surplus Store. A fun way to meet Pre-K Room 1/3 9:30 AM Knotty Quilters
and fellowship. All men are invited money to put food on the table. 1:00 PM Recyclers
to attend this lively discussion. Coat & Hat Drive: Nov. 14 is the day customers and other volunteers. Kindergarten Room 5/7
2:30 PM D.C.E.H.
to bring winter adult hats, gloves, Training provided for user-friendly First Grade Room 4/6
Job Support Group: Nov. 15, 7:00 - 6:00 PM Staff Parish Relations
cash register. Contact Avis Hoffman Second Grade Room 8
8:30 PM. This Group is for people and coats to benefit Dignity Center 7:00 PM Koinonia Board
Avis@HoffmanBFC.com. Third Grade Room 201 7:00 PM Trustees Meeting
who are worried about their current Clients. Clean coats in good repair
Christmas Sale Sunday, November 21: Fourth Grade Room 203 7:00 PM Senior High Girls’ Book Club
job or transitioning to a new career. urgently needed. A collection box Fifth Grade Room 205
quilts, teddy bears and other hand- 7:30 PM Sanctuary Choir
Plymouth Congregational Church will be in Carlson Hall. 10:30 - 11:15 Blood Pressure Screening Room 204
Russia Partnership: make a difference made items by the Knotty Quilters. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 18
offers a job support group during 10:30 - 12:30 Breakfast at Hennepin Social Hall 11:00 AM Thursday Bible Study
their congregation dinner on the 2nd for at risk children in Russia! Sat., Proceeds go to Hennepin organiza- 10:45 - 12:00 Welcome Basket Assembly Art Gallery 3:00 PM Labyrinth
and 4th Wednesday of the month. Nov. 20, Hennepin’s Russia Partner- tions, Heifer International, American 10:45 - 12:00 Reconciling Ministries Longfellow Room 7:00 PM Interfaith Forum at Basilica
Dinner is $6. The Basilica offers free ship will sell crafts from Russia at Refugee Committee, etc. Thanks to 11:00 - 12:00 Many Voices Border Chapel 7:00 PM Third Thursday Forum
job workshops on Nov. 23 and 30 World Jubilee at Colonial Church in those who have contributed fabric, 11:00 - 12:00 A Story to Stand On: Paula Colton Room 202 7:00 PM Hennepin Chime
at 7:00 PM. For more info on these Edina from 9-5. If you would like to batting, thread to our efforts! 11:00 - 12:00 Seeds of Celebration Harrison Room 7:00 PM Lydia Circle
workshops, call 612-333-1381. help to support this very important UMW Christmas Bazaar/Luncheon 11:00 - 12:00 Dignity Center Video Premiere Room 201 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 19
ministry, call Don Forster at 952- Dec. 4, 9 AM-1 PM. Bazaar, followed 11:00 - 12:00 Interfaith Experience Wrap-up Room 203 7:00 AM Men’s Bible Fellowship
The Science & Faith Roundtable: If 9:00 AM Dignity Center — Open
by singing, devotions and preparing 11:00 - 12:30 Chamber Singers Choir Room
you’re interested in how science 920-5389 to sign up for a few hours 10:00 AM Alanon
birthday bags for a local shelter or 11:00 - 1:00 New Member Class Dossal Alcove
and religion can be partners in the that fit your schedule. 12:00 PM Life Adventures
food shelf. Plus the presentation of a 12:00 - 5:00 First Aid/CPR Class Room 205
quest for truth, this group may be Sunday School Classroom Helpers are 5:30 PM Emmaus Potluck
Trio of Christmas stories by the our 2:00 - 4:00 Dignity Center Sandwich Making Harrison Room
for you! (No 4th Thursday in Nov. & needed for: Preschool (age 3), Pre-K, 5:00 - 7:00 UMYF Church of Youth SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 20
and grades 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Helpers Youth Group during lunch in Social
Dec. Meet 1st Thursday in Dec. 7:00 - 8:00 Journey Rehearsal Choir Room 9:00 AM Shared Ministry Retreat
volunteer approximately 6 times per Hall. Tickets go on sale in Carlson
instead). December 2: Take a break 7:00 - 8:30 Soul Café: Losing and Finding Art Gallery 6:30 PM DCEH Sabbath Event (St. Mark’s)
year and are asked to assist the lead Hall starting November 14 .
from the books for the holidays and
join us for a movie night. Bring
a snack or holiday treat to share as
we watch Creation, starring Paul
teacher with the lesson and help
ensure a safe and loving environment
for all students. Consider sharing your
gifts with the children of Hennepin
Sabbath to End
Homelessness Event
3 PM, Saturday, Nov. 20
First Aid, CPR
Classes Offered
Infant and Child CPR are excellent
Breakfast at Hennepin
10:30 AM—12:30 PM
Join your friends in the lower level
Social Hall this fall for our Sunday

PASTORAL CARE: Please notify the

Bettany as Charles Darwin. Central Lutheran Church
through this no-prep commitment. skills for anyone to learn. The training church office if you, a family member
Enjoy the zAmya Theater Project pro- breakfast. Cost is $5 per person, or $12
Advent Devotional For more information, please contact you receive could safe your life or the or an other church member are experi-
Dana Neuhauser at 612-435-1306 or duction of “Homeroom” as they per family/household. A great way to see
life of someone you love. To register encing an illness, a hospitalization, or
Deadline is THIS Monday, Nov. 15. raise awareness and understanding old friends and make new ones.
via e-mail at dana@haumc.org call the church office at 612-871-5303 another need for pastoral care.
Send to Devotional@haumc.org of homelessness. Free will offering. Gratitude for your Giving

Now Accepting PayPal Fire and Ice: Koinonia Two Day Package: Cost: Adults $120,
Noon – 4:00 PM, $30 per person

and Continued Support
At the end of October, the Operating
Budget Income Received in each of
the past three years has amounted to:
are posted each week in the Pastoral
Care section on the kiosk in Carlson
Hall. Greeting cards for members in
need of cheer are available to sign at
children under 12, $80, Family max
If you wish to make a gift or donation 2010—80% of Budget Thank You the reception desk near the East Entry.
Unwind from the hustle and bustle of $240. Register before Dec 20: Adults $95, Theater
to Hennepin Church, please note we Christmas at our Koinonia Retreat Center 2009—74% of Budget For your PACEM SINGERS are available to sing
Children $55, family max $190. One Day Dec. 4/5, 11:00 AM, Social Hall
have another way to facilitate that. on December 30. This year we are 2008—73% of Budget Support! to Hennepin members and friends
Package: Adults $60, children under 12, Come and enjoy the fun and thought-
You may make your gift online, safely planning for sleigh rides, broom ball, $40, Family max $120. Register before bringing comfort of favorite hymns
through PayPal. Just go to our new sledding and a concert courtesy of The ful production “Inventing a Christmas Sunday Spire Deadline and songs to your surroundings.
Dec. 20: Adults $50, Children, $30.00,
church website: HennepinChurch.org Multigenerational committee. You can Story,” presented by Hennepin Youth Please email all information to DOWNTOWN GRIEF SUPPORT GROUP:
family max of $95. Register at the church
and then choose “Giving” plan to come and spend one or two reception desk. More information will
in partnership with UMW. Buy your Spire@haumc.org by 10:00 AM www.mplsgriefsupport.com. Saturday
from the top menu. nights at Koinonia. be in the December !nSpire Newsletter. tickets in Carlson Hall or online at mornings Sept. 4 - Dec. 18, at Central
HennepinChurch.org. Adults-$12,
on Monday for the following
Lutheran Church (333 South 12th St.,
Hennepin Avenue United Methodist Church Children/students-$5, Families-$30. A Sunday Spire, or drop off at the Mpls.) 9:30 - 11:30 AM. Nov. 20 topic:
511 Groveland Avenue | Minneapolis, MN 55403 | 612.871.5303 | HennepinChurch.org 3-course brunch is included. church, attn: Daniel Pederson. “Grief: The Fabric of our Lives”
Koinonia Retreat Center | 7768 Pilger Ave. NE | South Haven, MN 55382 | 888-801-7746

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