REIL Integrated Diary ERP (RIDE) Software System: Description
REIL Integrated Diary ERP (RIDE) Software System: Description
REIL Integrated Diary ERP (RIDE) Software System: Description
REIL has been working on a low cost software The implementation shall entail a preliminary
solution to address the ERP requirements of the customer requirement study; product
Dairy sector and the SME sector. customization; data preparation; implementation
and training.
The Software solution has been designed in a
highly modular fashion to enable a structured
The application architecture is a three-tier
and economical implementation.
architecture as follows:
The modules proposed as part of the ERP RDBMS Server
solution include: Application Server
Client Desktop
Finance module
HR module
Employee attendance, payroll and taxation The solution has been developed around the
module Oracle platform, on the Windows Server
Sales and Distribution module operating system -- as a database server -- and
Production module the applications residing on the application
Purchase & Inventory module server. The clients shall be able to access and
Cooperative support module operate the application through the browser such
Milk procurement module as Internet Explorer.
Chilling Center module
The application software is based on
The first four modules have now been developed contemporary platform; requires minimal
and are available for implementation on software on the client desktop; provides a central
commercial basis. The remaining modules are in depository of the application software for ease in
various stages of development, testing, maintenance and change implementation; and a
documentation and packaging. robust database at the back-end.
Node Switch
Three-tier architecture
System Specification
The application is developed in ASP.NET.
The database at the back-end is in Oracle 10g database.
Hardware requirement
• Application Server
• Database Server
• Application nodes with browser
For further information contact:
IT Division, B-21, Kala Colony, J.L.N. Marg, Malviya Nagar, Jaipur – 302017
Tel: +91-141-2721926, Fax: +91-141-2721356; E-mail: