Itl 528 Assignment 2b 5day Extended
Itl 528 Assignment 2b 5day Extended
Itl 528 Assignment 2b 5day Extended
Nicolas Santana
National University
Assignment 2B: Extended 5-Day Learning Map Template
state standard Students analyze the elements of America’s market economy in a global setting. They will also, understand the relationship
being taught in this of the concept of incentives of the law of supply and the relationship of the concept of incentives and substitutes to the law
unit. of demand.
Day 2:
Students will learn the effects of changes in supply and/or demand on the relative scarcity, price and quantity of particular
Write a student How does price affect consumer demand? Why does the demand and price have an inverse relationship?
that is adapted What does the effect of scarcity have on the supply/or demand?
directly from the
I will review before the learning activity. We will go over key terms than we have the class break up into groups. The class
Day 2& 3 will participate in a Kahoot Quiz. Here I will give questions based on the lesson. Whoever gets the highest score will be
given extra credit for their test. This allows the students to participate in an interactive activity and this will allow me to
Day 3:
Students will be put into groups of 2-3. Here students will have the entire period to create a poster, PowerPoint, Prezi, or any
type of multimedia presentation of a country of their choosing on. They will present on their economy and will discuss about
Day 4
Students will present in front of the classroom on the information they found about the country that there group chose.
learning in your I decided to choose this standard because it will help students make better choices. With understanding the foundations of
subject area supply and demand they will understand how an economy functions. Expectations that I expect from the student’s abilities
What are prevalent are to be able to analyze data and present this information in any choice of their format report, PowerPoint, Prezi, etc. Also,
expectations in by having the students collaborate through the Kahoot game and PowerPoint this is provided an engaging/learning
following grades? I chose this standard because it goes along with the topic of supply and demand. By having the students learn the effects of
changes in supply and/or demand by looking at scarcity, price and quantity of particular products. I want students to have
full mastery over this topic, so I decided to expand on this standard by looking at the key topics mentioned.
application of By students understanding America’s economy and foundations of supply and demand.
How might some of An example of a future consumer savvy decision would be purchasing a house at the right time.
these skills be When there is too much supply that will favorite the buyer’s market because houses prices will be lowered due to the
or career settings The worst time to buy is at the peak of the market. There will be very little supply. This shortage will allow sellers to
classrooms? Having the students know the foundations of supply and demand and understanding how an economy is cyclical. Is
Day 2:
By students understanding the effects of changes in supply and/or demand with regards to scarcity and price.
Students will know about the inverse relationship between demand and supply.
Also, they will know what happens to the prices with a shortage or a surplus.
By having this knowledge, it will make them more financially aware and will have better understanding of
What specific skill 4. To understand the effects of changes in supply with regards to scarcity.
developing, and
mastery--do your
students to have?
Student Sub- Depending on the class there might be modifications that will need to be made. The following five sub-groups I could have
Advanced- After the pre-write is done, I can call an advanced student to start the discussion. I can use Socratic teaching on
these students so they can be challenged and further the classroom discussion.
Average- Once one of the advanced students start the discussion, I could call on an average student. I would help guide
them through their answer and provide reassurance that there is no wrong answer. I want to challenge everyone in the
Struggling- During the Kahoot game I would have the students pair up with an advance student so they can learn from the
advanced student. Here this would also benefit them because now they balance out one another and now they have a fair
Special Needs- The most common disability that we will encounter is a specific learning disability (SLD). This disability
states that there is a disorder in one of the psychological processes with regards to understanding, spoken, or written
language. A technique that I can use to help SLD’s students in my classroom is chunking. For example, in the independent
practice problem I could break down the graphs into steps. I would have them highlight key words and break down the
problems into steps, so they don’t get overwhelmed with all the work.
English Language Learner- I will have visual aids throughout my lesson to help ELL students. Graphs that I will use such as
drawing the demand and supply curves will help with the ELL students.
Assessments Day 1: Pre-Write Assignment:
Students will take out a half sheet of paper. They will have 5 minutes to write down anything that they know about the
relationship between price and demand. Once done they will pass up their papers and we will start a quick discussion about
Each student will pair up with the person next to them. Then they will talk to their partner and see if they know anything
about or have a good guess about what scarcity is and how it plays a fundamental role in supply and demand.
Before I start the lesson, I can warm up with a question based on lessons from Day 1 and Day 2. I will take 5-8 mins
listening to students answers and discussing it with them. Once done, I will let them work on their group project or present it
to the class.
Day 5 Review:
Before the test, I will ask the class if they had any questions on the homework. I will answer any questions that they might
During the lesson I will ask the class questions based on the lesson that I am giving. For this day we are discussing demand
and supply. Here I could randomly call on a student after I explained how the two graphs work and pose a question to one of
the students. I will ask why do you think the curves share an inverse relationship?
While teaching the lesson I can pose a question to the class. For this day, since we are talking about scarcity. I could ask the
classroom why is caviar so expensive? The class should answer that since there is such a low supply of caviar this creates a
While the students are working on their group projects, I can guide them throughout their project. They might need help
with the direction or might need me to look over something. I will try to challenge all the students and push them to excel on
By asking the class if they had any questions on the homework. By giving this opportunity, it allows the students to review
parts that they might be struggling with right before the test. This feedback will allow students to understand a concept or to
Right before students leave class, I can write down key terms on the board and in order for the students to leave class. They
will have to explain to me in their own words what one of the key terms mean.
By having the students work in small groups and present on a project that is based on what we have learned this week. This
will allow me to see how the students retained information and also reinforce content mastery by going over topics that we
On Day 5 of the week right before the exam I will ask the students if they had any questions on the homework. If they did
have any questions, I will give them 5-10 mins to do so, in order to give them enough time to take the test. This test will be
Data Analysis By having this assessment given I can see how well the students retained information.
If the students didn’t achieve mastery over the lesson, I will go over the lessons for a day more to help achieve mastery on
the standard that I chose. If the students achieved mastery than I will proceed to the next standard
Here the students will be able to tell which curves and what is affecting each curve. As shown on the graph the equilibrium price
between the quantity of pizza and price of pizza per slice is at 8 pizzas and 3 dollars a slice. Students also can verbally tell me
I will be able to monitor and assess their understanding of the representations. By giving them a blank graph and have the students
draw the two curves and have them label each one.
Multiple Means of After the lesson finishes, I will go ahead and have the class participate in a Kahoot Quiz. Here I will give questions based on the
lesson. Whoever gets the highest score will be given extra credit for their test. This allows the students to participate in an
interactive activity and this will allow me to check for understanding of key concepts.
Multiple means of By having the students demonstrate by either verbally or drawing the graphs they can express their knowledge in
(practice & different ways. Students are able to communicate their knowledge by graphing or explaining the graphs. They are able
to draw the graphs in separate colors to show the separation between the graphs. Students will. Critically think by
analyzing the graphs given and analyzing what potential factors caused these shifts. Also, students will collaborate with