G C BM Em: "I'M Glad You Are Here"
G C BM Em: "I'M Glad You Are Here"
G C BM Em: "I'M Glad You Are Here"
Open our eyes Lord, we want
to see You
Open the gates Lord, reveal
G Em7
Your glory
A God is here, God is here, God
G Em7 is here, He is faithful
Open the Nations, establish D/F# Bm7
Your Kingdom G D
D We draw near, to see Jesus,
G D Oh Jesus be revealed
Open the Heavens, pour out
Your Spirit [INTERLUDE]
D Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh
Jesus be revealed, Jesus be D G Em7
revealed Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh
D A G Bm7
Bm7 D Holy, we cry holy
God is here, God is here, God Em7 G A
is here, He is able Hallelujah, God is here
D G G Bm7
Bm7 A Holy, we cry holy
We draw near, to see Jesus Em7 D
face to face Hallelujah, God is here
D A (repeat)
Bm7 D
[Intro] Am7
G C forgiveness,
[Verse] Em
G C was bought with,
Are you hurting and G
broken within? the precious blood of
C Jesus Christ.
Overwhelmed by the weight [Verse 2]
of your sin? G C
Jesus is calling. Leave behind your regrets
G C and mistakes,
Have you come to the end Em
of yourself? come today there’s no
C reason to wait,
Em C
do you thirst for a drink Jesus is calling.
from the well? G C
Jesus is calling. Bring your sorrows and
trade them for joy,
[Chorus] Em
G Am7 from the ashes a new life
O come to, is born,
Em C
the altar, Jesus is calling.
the Father's arms are [Chorus]
open wide, G Am7
O come to, sing hallelujah Christ is
Em risen.
the altar,
C [Chorus]
G G Am7
the Father's arms are O come to,
open wide, Em
Am7 the altar,
forgiveness, C
Em G
was bought with, the Father's arms are
C open wide,
G Am7
the precious blood of forgiveness,
Jesus Christ. Em
was bought with,
[Instrumental] C
Em the precious blood of
C Jesus Christ.
[Bridge] [Instrumental]
G G Am7 Em C
Oh what a Saviour, G
isn't He wonderful, [Outro]
sing hallelujah Christ is Bear your cross as you
risen, wait for the crown
bow down before Him, G C G C G
Em Tell the world of the
for He is Lord of all, treasure you found
[Instrumental] G Em
Em C G Bm7 D
Em C G Bm7 There is freedom, there is
Em C G Bm7 freedom
[Verse 1 C
Em C Come out of the dark just as you
G Bm7 are
Step out of the shadows, step G Bm7
out of the grave Into the fullness of His love
Em C Em C
D Bm7 D
Break into the wild and don't be For the Spirit is here, let
afraid there be freedom
Em C G Bm Em C
[Pre-Chorus 1] G Bm
G/B C2 Em Let there be freedom
Run into wide open spaces, grace Verse 2]
is waiting for you Em C
G/B C2 G Bm7
Em D Bring all of your burdens, bring
Dance like the weight has been all of your scars
lifted, grace is waiting Em C
D Bm7
[Chorus] Come back to communion, come
C back to the start
Where the Spirit of the Lord is
G Em [Pre-Chorus 1]
D G/B C2 Em
There is freedom, there is D
freedom Run into wide open spaces, grace
C is waiting for you
Where the Spirit of the Lord is G/B C2
Em D
Dance like the weight has been Lives made whole, hearts awake
lifted, grace is waiting Em D
At the sound of Jesus' name
[Chorus] G/B C2
C Chains will fall, prisons shake
Where the Spirit of the Lord is Em D
G Em At the sound of Jesus' name
D G/B C2
There is freedom, there is Lives made whole, hearts awake
freedom Em D
C At the sound of Jesus' name
Where the Spirit of the Lord is
G Em [Turn]
D N.C.
There is freedom, there is
freedom [Chorus]
Em C
C Where the Spirit of the Lord is
Come out of the dark just as you G Em
are D
G Bm7 There is freedom, there is
Into the fullness of His love freedom
Em C C
D Where the Spirit of the Lord is
For the Spirit is here, let G Em
there be freedom D
Em C Em D There is freedom, there is
Let there be freedom freedom
[Interlude] C
Bm C Em D Come out of the dark just as you
[Bridge] G Bm7
G/B C2 Into the fullness of His love
Chains will fall, prisons shake Em C
Em D D
At the sound of Jesus' name For the Spirit is here, let
G/B C2 there be freedom
Em C G Bm
Let there be freedom
Em C G Bm [Chorus]
Let there be freedom C
Where the Spirit of the Lord is
G Em
[Pre-Chorus 2] D
G/B C2 There is freedom, there is
Em D freedom
Dance like the weight has been C
lifted, grace is waiting for you Where the Spirit of the Lord is
G/B C2 G Em
Em D D
Dance like the weight has been There is freedom, there is
lifted freedom
G/B C2 Em
Em D C
Dance like the weight has been Come out of the dark just as you
lifted, grace is waiting for you are
G/B C2 G Bm7
Em D Into the fullness of His love
Dance like the weight has been Em C
lifted, grace is waiting D
G/B C2 For the Spirit is here, let
Em D there be freedom
Dance like the weight has been Em C G Bm
lifted, 'cause He did it, yes, Let there be freedom
He did it Em C G Bm
G/B C Let there be freedom
Em D Em
Oh, dance like the weight has Let there be freedom!
been lifted, grace is waiting!