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Preterm Birth by Vacuum Extraction and Neonatal Outcome: A Population-Based Cohort Study

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Åberg et al.

BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 2014, 14:42



Preterm birth by vacuum extraction and neonatal

outcome: a population-based cohort study
Katarina Åberg1*, Mikael Norman2 and Cecilia Ekéus3

Background: Very few studies have investigated the neonatal outcomes after vacuum extraction delivery (VE) in
the preterm period and the results of these studies are inconclusive. The objective of this study was to describe the
use of VE for preterm delivery in Sweden and to compare rates of neonatal complications after preterm delivery by
VE to those found after cesarean section during labor (CS) or unassisted vaginal delivery (VD).
Methods: Data was obtained from Swedish national registers. In a population-based cohort from 1999 to 2010,
all live-born, singleton preterm infants in a non-breech presentation at birth, born after onset of labor (either
spontaneously, by induction, or by rupture of membranes) by VD, CS, or VE were included, leaving a study
population of 40,764 infants. Logistic regression analyses were used to calculate adjusted odds ratios (AOR),
using unassisted vaginal delivery as reference group.
Results: VE was used in 5.7% of the preterm deliveries, with lower rates in earlier gestations. Overall, intracranial
hemorrhage (ICH) occurred in 1.51%, extracranial hemorrhage (ECH) in 0.64%, and brachial plexus injury in 0.13% of
infants. Infants delivered by VE had higher risks for ICH (AOR = 1.84 (95% CI: 1.09-3.12)), ECH (AOR = 4.48 (95% CI:
2.84-7.07)) and brachial plexus injury (AOR = 6.21 (95% CI: 2.22-17.4)), while infants delivered by CS during labor had
no increased risk for these complications, as compared to VD.
Conclusion: While rates of neonatal complications after VE are generally low, higher odds ratios for intra- and
extracranial hemorrhages and brachial plexus injuries after VE, compared with other modes of delivery, support a
continued cautious use of VE for preterm delivery.
Keywords: Mode of delivery, Preterm delivery, Intracranial hemorrhage, Extracranial hemorrhage, Brachial plexus

Background VE is used to terminate a protracted second stage of

Preterm birth is common [1] but still, the optimal mode labor and as an intervention for fetal or maternal dis-
of delivery of preterm infants is not known. Although tress. VE requires vertex presentation, a fully dilated cer-
neonatal outcomes in preterm infants delivered vaginally vix and ruptured membranes [7]. A cesarean section, on
or by cesarean section (CS) [2-5] have been compared, the other hand, can be performed at any stage of labor
there is no evidence to provide clear guidance on the and does not require prerequisites of this kind.
method of choice [6]. Given the widespread assumption Most clinical guidelines do not recommend VE before
that assisted vaginal delivery could be harmful for fragile 34 gestational weeks [8-10]. These recommendations are
infants that are underweight and preterm, very few stud- not based on results of randomized controlled trials, but
ies have addressed the use of vacuum extraction (VE) rely on the observation that preterm infants are more
for preterm birth. likely than term infants to develop ICH, and on extrapo-
Delivery by VE is a common obstetrical procedure, lations from studies of term infants showing that VE is
and in many countries it has replaced the use of forceps. associated with an increased risk of ICH and other neo-
natal complications [11-17]. Only three studies have pre-
* Correspondence: katarina.aberg@ki.se viously investigated the use and outcomes of VE in
Department of Women’s and Children’s Health, Division of Reproductive
Health, Karolinska Institutet, Retzius väg 13, 171 77 Stockholm, Sweden preterm births. The first was undertaken over 40 years
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article

© 2014 Åberg et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication
waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise
Åberg et al. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 2014, 14:42 Page 2 of 9

ago and showed increased mortality and morbidity A number of independent variables were collected; the
among preterm infants delivered by VE as compared maternal anthropometrics included: age, height, and
with term infants delivered by VE [18]. The second body mass index (BMI). BMI was calculated from mea-
study compared neonatal morbidity in preterm infants sured height and weight obtained at the first antenatal
delivered vaginally with (n = 61) or without VE (n = 122), care visit, which occurred before the 15th week of gesta-
and found no differences in neonatal morbidity between tion in more than 95% of the pregnancies. BMI was cate-
the two groups [19]. The last study compared VE and gorized into underweight (below 18.5 kg/m2), normal
forceps for preterm delivery (n = 64) [20]; the neonatal (18.5–24.9 kg/m2), overweight (25–29.9 kg/m2), obese
outcomes were similar in both groups. The available (>29.9 kg/m2), or missing. Parity was categorized as
data are clearly untimely and hampered by limitations in primi- or multiparity. Information on complications dur-
power and, therefore, current knowledge on safety of ing pregnancy and delivery were coded according to the
preterm vacuum-assisted birth is unsatisfactory. International Classification of Diseases (ICD) Tenth
The aim of this study was to 1) describe the use of VE Revision (1997 and onwards). The following pregnancy
and compare it to rates of CS during labor in preterm complications were included: diabetes – both gesta-
deliveries in Sweden from 1999–2010, 2) characterize tional and types 1 and 2 (O24.0-9) preeclampsia-
the distribution of perinatal risk factors associated with both hypertension, preeclampsia, and eclampsia (O10.0-
each mode of delivery, and 3) compare rates of neonatal O15.9). Labor-related risk factors or covariates in-
intra- and extracranial hemorrhages, as well as occur- cluded epidural analgesia (EA; yes/no), and induction
rence of brachial plexus injury after preterm delivery by of labor (yes/no). Indications for operative delivery
VE or CS during labor, using unassisted vaginal birth as were classified into four major groups: prolonged labor
a reference. (O62.0-2, O63.0-9), signs of fetal distress (O68.0-O68.1-
9), preeclampsia, and a non-occipitoanterior presentation
Methods of the fetus (all presentations except occipitoanterior
This study was based on data from national data bases and breech, registered at birth). Gestational age (GA)
held by the Swedish National Board of Health and for preterm infants was divided into three periods ac-
Welfare. The national registration number, assigned to cording to the World Health Organization: extremely
each Swedish resident at birth, was used for individual preterm (before 28 weeks), very preterm (28–31 weeks)
record linkage. We used two registers: The Swedish and moderately preterm (32–36 weeks). Furthermore,
Medical Birth Register (SMBR) that covers 99% of all we also divided the preterm gestational period according
births in Sweden, and The Swedish National Inpatient to guidelines on instrumental delivery into either: less
Register (IPR) that covers all public inpatient care. The than 34 weeks (VE not recommended), and 34–36 weeks
SMBR includes prospectively collected information on (VE may be used). GA was recorded in completed
maternal characteristics, reproductive history, and com- weeks, and was based on routine ultrasound dating per-
plications during pregnancy, delivery, and the neonatal formed at 17 to 18 postmenstrual weeks in 97-98% of all
period. The IPR includes data on each hospital admis- pregnant women. Infant birthweight was categorized as
sion and discharge. less than 1,500 grams, 1,500-2,000 grams, 2,001-2,500
grams, 2,501-3,000 grams, and 3,001-4,000 grams.
Study population
During the period of 1999–2010, there were 75,296 Outcome variables
(6.2%) preterm births in Sweden. We excluded deliveries Neonatal diagnoses were classified according to the
by CS before the onset of labor (n = 17,306), forceps International Classification of Diseases (ICD) Tenth
(n = 257), or performed with both VE and CS (n = 125). Revision (1997 and onwards), and identified/collected
We also excluded stillbirths (fetal deaths occurring in the SMBR or in the IPR. The following neonatal
before labor or intra partum) (n = 1,839), multiple outcomes (ICD codes) were assessed: Intracranial lacer-
births (n = 11,088), and births in breech presentation ation and hemorrhage due to birth injury (P10), intra-
(n = 3,917). Thus, the final study population was re- cranial non-traumatic hemorrhage of fetus and newborn
stricted to all live-born, preterm singleton infants with a (P52), convulsions of newborn (P90), other disturbances
non-breech presentation at birth, delivered after a spon- of cerebral status of newborn (P 91), subgaleal hematoma
taneous or induced onset of labor followed by CS, vac- (P12.2), cephalhematoma (P12.0), and brachial plexus
uum extraction (VE), or by unassisted vaginal delivery injury (P14.0-3). The definitions of outcomes are de-
(VD) before gestational week 37 + 0 days (N = 40,764). scribed in detail in Table 1.
CS during labor was defined as abdominal delivery after Neonatal diagnoses of intracranial hemorrhages in pre-
the onset of labor, either spontaneously, by rupture of term infants were mainly based on imaging of the brain
membranes, or by induction. using ultrasonography; however, some assessments of
Åberg et al. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 2014, 14:42 Page 3 of 9

Table 1 Neonatal outcomes studied in 40 764 preterm infants

Neonatal outcomes
Outcome Main ICD-code ICD-subgroup
Intracranial bleeding P10 Intracranial laceration and 10.0 Subdural hemorrhage due to birth injury
hemorrhage due to birth injury
10.1 Cerebral hemorrhage due to birth injury
10.2 Intraventricular hemorrhage due to birth injury
10.3 Subarachnoid hemorrhage due to birth injury
10.4 Tentorial tear due to birth injury
10.8 Other intracranial lacerations and hemorrhages due to birth injury
10.9 Unspecified intracranial laceration and hemorrhage due to birth injury
P52 Intracranial non-traumatic 52.0 Intraventricular (non-traumatic) hemorrhage, grade 1,
hemorrhage of fetus and newborn Subependymal hemorrhage (without intraventricular extension)
52.1 Intraventricular (non-traumatic) hemorrhage, grade 2,
Subependymal hemorrhage with intraventricular extension
52.2 Intraventricular (non-traumatic) hemorrhage, grade 3, Subependymal
hemorrhage with both intraventricular and intracerebral extension
52.3 Unspecified intraventricular (non-traumatic) hemorrhage of fetus and
52.4 Intracerebral (non-traumatic) hemorrhage of fetus and newborn
52.5 Subarachnoid (non-traumatic) hemorrhage of fetus and newborn
52.6 Cerebellar (non-traumatic) and posterior fossa hemorrhage of fetus and
52.8 Other intracranial (non-traumatic) hemorrhages of fetus and newborn
52.9 Intracranial (non-traumatic) hemorrhage of fetus and newborn, unspecified
Neonatal cerebral P90 Convulsions of newborn P90 Convulsions of newborn
P91 Other disturbances of P91.0 Neonatal cerebral ischemia
cerebral status of newborn
P91.1 Acquired periventricular cysts of newborn
P91.2 Neonatal cerebral leukomalacia
P91.3 Neonatal cerebral irritability
P91.4 Neonatal cerebral depression
P91.5 Neonatal coma
P91.6 Hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy of newborn
P91.8 Other specified disturbances of cerebral status of newborn
P91.9 Disturbance of cerebral status of newborn, unspecified
Extracranial bleeding P12 Birth injury to scalp 12.0 Cephalhaematoma due to birth injury
12.2 Epicranial subaponeurotic haemorrhage due to birth injury
Neonatal nervous injury P14 Birth injury to peripheral 14.0 Erb paralysis due to birth injury
nervous system
14.1 Klumpke paralysis due to birth injury
14.2 Phrenic nerve paralysis due to birth injury
14.3 Other brachial plexus birth injuries

the brain at term-equivalent age were alternatively per- for intracranial lesions, even in asymptomatic infants. A
formed with CT and/or MRI. Imaging of the brain was diagnosis of convulsions included infants with clinical
performed on clinical indications only in cases born signs of convulsions and/or convulsions verified by EEG.
moderately or late preterm, whereas all very preterm in- Statistical analysis was performed using proportions
fants (born before 32 weeks of gestation) were screened and odds ratios (OR) with a 95% confidence interval
Åberg et al. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 2014, 14:42 Page 4 of 9

(CI) for neonatal complications in relation to mode of Distribution of risk factors or covariates in relation to
delivery, using unassisted VD as the reference group mode of delivery
(SPSS 20.0 for Windows software package). Three Table 2 shows maternal and perinatal characteristics of
models were used to assess the relationship between the the study population in relation to mode of delivery. The
different modes of delivery and the risk for neonatal VE rate decreased with maternal height and 80% of the
complications: one crude, and two adjusted (Models 1 women who delivered by VE were primiparae, compared
and 2). The included covariates have been shown previ- with 48% of those who underwent CS during labor (not
ously to be related to instrumental deliveries, and were in table). More than 45% of the women who delivered
related to the outcomes in cross tabulations. In Model 1, by VE had received epidural analgesia during labor com-
we adjusted for the following confounders or covariates: pared with 22% of women with VD, and 12% with CS
maternal age, height, BMI, and parity, as well as infant during labor (not in table). Given the association be-
year of birth, birthweight and GA. In Model 2, we added tween GA and VE, infants delivered with VE had higher
the indication for operative delivery and preeclampsia. birthweights.
The year of birth was entered as a continuous variable The most common indication for VE was fetal distress
in accordance with a linear secular trend, and all other (42%), followed by prolonged labor (25%). Having a non-
variables were entered as categories. Furthermore, a sep- occipitoanterior position (25%) or fetal distress (17%) were
arate logistic regression analysis was performed to inves- the most common indications for CS during labor, while
tigate severe ICH in relation to mode of delivery. Here, only 3% in this group had a diagnosis of prolonged labor.
intraventricular hemorrhages grades 1–2 were excluded
and the analysis was adjusted for GA only. We also Neonatal outcome in relation to gestational age
conducted separated analyses on potential relationships The proportion of preterm infants diagnosed with an
between sex and ICH in relation to mode of delivery. ICH varied more than hundred-fold in relation to GA. It
Missing data were entered as a separate category in decreased from 21.5% among preterm infants born at
the analyses. The study was approved by the Regional 22–28 weeks of GA to 0.1% among those born after 36
Ethical Review Board in Stockholm, Dnr 2008/1322-31. weeks of gestation. The rates of neonatal convulsions
among preterm infants decreased from 2.0% at 22–
28 weeks to 0.25% among those born after 36 weeks of
Results gestation, Figure 2. The proportion of preterm infants
Use of VE in relation to gestational age diagnosed with other disturbances of cerebral status
Among the 40,764 (54% of all) preterm deliveries in- (encephalopathy) decreased with GA, while proportion
cluded in this study, 2,319 (5.7%) preterm infants were of infants with brachial plexus injuries or ECH increased
delivered by VE, 5,505 (13.5%) by CS during labor, and slightly with GA, Figure 3.
32,940 (80.2%) by VD. The rate of VE deliveries in-
creased gradually with gestational age, Figure 1. Neonatal outcome in relation to mode of delivery
To report outcome in relation to mode of delivery, the
study cohort was divided according to the current guide-
lines on the use of VE as either preterm births occurring
between 34–36 weeks of gestation (VE may be used), or
those occurring before 34 gestational weeks (VE not rec-
ommended). In our cohort, 33,202 (81.4%) of all preterm
births occurred at 34–36 gestational weeks, and 7,562
(18.6%) before 34 weeks of GA.
In Table 3, neonatal outcomes before and after 34 +
0 weeks of gestation are presented in relation to mode
of delivery. Overall, seven preterm infants were classified
as having an ICH due to birth injury, corresponding to a
rate of 0.02%; and 612 infants were diagnosed with non-
traumatic ICH, corresponding to a rate of 1.5%. Diagno-
Figure 1 Mode of delivery in relation to gestational age. Figure ses of neonatal convulsions and other disturbances of
1 shows rates (%) of different modes of delivery in relation to gestational neonatal cerebral status were rare, especially in infants
age (in completed weeks). The blue, dotted line represents unassisted at less than 34 weeks of GA, and occurred more fre-
vaginal deliveries, the red, dashed line represents cesarean sections quently after VE and CS than after VD. Cephalic
performed after onset of labor, and the green line represents the
hematoma was the most frequent complication after VE
vacuum extraction deliveries.
of preterm infants (n = 72 or 3.1%), occurring much
Åberg et al. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 2014, 14:42 Page 5 of 9

Table 2 Maternal, pregnancy, delivery, and infant Table 2 Maternal, pregnancy, delivery, and infant
characteristics by mode of delivery characteristics by mode of delivery (Continued)
Total Unassisted CS during Vacuum 28-31 2,344 72.0 25.5 2.5
vaginal labor extraction
delivery 32-36 37,144 81.5 12.4 6.1
N = 40,764 n = 32,940% n = 5,505% n = 2,319% Infant
birthweight, g
age, yrs < 1500 2,367 69.8 28.7 1.4
−19 1,063 85.0 10.3 4.7 1501-2000 3,365 70.5 25.5 4.0
20-24 6,130 85.6 9.3 5.0 2001-2500 9,691 79.9 14.5 5.7
25-29 12,845 82.2 11.6 6.2 2501-3000 15,613 84.5 9.2 6.3
30-34 12,767 79.8 14.2 6.0 3001-4000 9,079 82.9 10.6 6.5
35-39 6,380 76.4 18.6 5.0 Missing 649 70.4 25.0 4.6
>39 1,351 72.7 22.1 5.3 Population based cohort consisting of 40 764 preterm deliveries.
CS = caesarean section, BMI = Body Mass Index (weight in kilograms/height in
Missing 228 81.6 13.6 4.8 meters2), EA = Epidural Analgesia.
height, cm
−155 2,481 75.6 18.0 6.4 more often after VE than after CS (0.16%) and VD
156-160 6,538 79.9 14.3 5.8 (0.49%). Subgaleal hemorrhage was less frequent, with a
161-165 10,336 81.0 13.0 6.0 total of only18 cases. More than two thirds of those
166-170 10,129 81.8 12.5 5.7 cases occurred in the VE group.
>170 7,169 81.9 13.1 5.0
Table 4 shows rates (per 1000), crude and adjusted odds
ratios for the outcomes by mode of delivery, and uses in-
Missing 4,111 80.6 14.1 5.3
fants born by VD as the reference group. After adjust-
Maternal BMI ments, preterm infants born by VE had almost doubled
Underweight 816 83.3 11.0 5.6 OR for ICH, while those born by CS had no increased risk.
Normal 14,197 81.2 12.8 6.0 Preterm infants delivered by VE also had 4.5 times higher
Overweight 6,124 79.0 15.2 5.8 OR for extracranial hemorrhages, while those delivered by
Obese 2,944 76.4 19.4 4.1
CS had no increased risk. A total of 540 (88.2%) of the
ICH diagnoses consisted of intraventricular bleedings
Missing 16,683 81.7 12.6 5.7
(ICD-codes 52.0-52.3), the type of ICH most frequently
Parity seen in preterm infants. Of these, 438 (71.6%) were graded
Primipara 18,120 80.0 11.6 8.4 as mild or moderate (grades 1–2). After excluding grades
Multipara 22,644 81.8 15.9 2.3 1–2 of intraventricular hemorrhages from the analyses,
Yes 1,833 64.2 28.3 7.5 25%
No 38,931 81.6 12.8 5.6
Yes 1,434 65.9 26.2 7.9 15%
No 39,330 81.3 13.0 5.6 ICH
Induced convulsions
labor 5%
Yes 6,372 73.8 19.9 6.3
No 34,392 82.1 12.3 5.6 22-28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
EA Gestational age, weeks
Yes 8,894 80.9 7.3 11.8 Figure 2 Proportion (%) preterm infants diagnosed with
intracranial hemorrhage (ICH) or convulsions by gestational
No 31,870 80.8 15.2 4.0
age. Figure 2 shows the proportions (%) of preterm infants
Gestational diagnosed with ICH and neonatal convulsions in relation to
age, weeks gestational age (in completed weeks). The blue, dotted line
22-27 1,276 77.0 22.4 0.6 represents intracranial hemorrhage (ICH) and the red, dashed line
represents neonatal convulsions.
Åberg et al. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 2014, 14:42 Page 6 of 9

The ORs for convulsions were almost doubled in both
the VE and CS groups after adjustments for the variables
in Model 1. However, further adjustment for indication
for operative delivery decreased the odds and made the
2,0% ECH
associations statistically insignificant. Other disturbances
Encephalopathy of the neonatal cerebral status were significantly in-
creased (two to three times higher) both among infants
,5% Plexus brachialis
injury delivered by VE, and by CS during labor, although the
,0% OR was higher in the VE group.
A total of 53 infants were diagnosed with brachial
Gestational age, weeks plexus injury. Of these, 14 were born by VE, correspond-
Figure 3 Proportion (%) preterm infants diagnosed with ing to a rate in the VE group of 0.6% and an OR of 6.21
extracranial hemorrhage (ECH), encephalopathy and brachial (95% CI: 2.22-17.4) in the fully-adjusted model. In con-
plexus injury by gestational age. Figure 3 shows the proportions trast, infants delivered by CS had no increased risk for
(%) of ECH, encephalopathy (ICD-code P91: other disturbances of
cerebral status of newborn), and brachial plexus injury in relation to
this complication. Among infants with brachial plexus
gestational age (in completed weeks). The blue, dotted line represents injury, there were 11 cases of shoulder dystocia (ICD-
extracranial hemorrhage (ECH), the red, dashed line represents code O66.0), of which five occurred in the VE group.
encephalopathy and the green line represents brachial plexus injury.
In this large cohort study of singleton, non-breech pre-
the OR for ICH was still significantly increased for infants term births after onset of labor, we identify three clinic-
delivered by VE (OR 2.58, CI 1.27-5.24), but not for those ally important findings related to mode of delivery: First,
delivered by CS during labor (OR 1.15, CI 0.78-1.70) after VE was used in 5.7% of preterm births, and despite
adjustment for GA. There was no difference in ICH rates recommendations of no use, 3.3% of preterm infants
between preterm boys and girls delivered by VE. born before 34 gestational weeks were delivered by VE.

Table 3 Neonatal outcomes in preterm infants by mode of delivery and gestational age
Total Unassisted vaginal delivery Cesarean section during labor Vacuum extraction
N = 40,764 n = 32,940 n = 5,505 n = 2,319
n 1/1000 n 1/1000 n 1/1000 n 1/1000
Intracranial hemorrhages
All 617 15.1 486 14.8 105 19.1 26 11.2
<34 weeks 564 74.6 451 79.0 95 59.4 18 71.7
34-36 weeks 53 1.6 35 1.3 10 2.6 8 3.9
All 169 4.1 109 3.3 45 8.2 15 6.5
<34 weeks 74 9.9 48 8.4 23 14.4 3 12.0
34-36 weeks 95 2.9 61 2.2 22 5.6 12 5.8
Other disturbances of cerebral status of newborn
All 168 4.1 98 3.0 53 9.6 17 7.3
<34 weeks 97 12.8 66 11.6 24 15.0 7 27.9
34-36 weeks 71 2.1 32 1.2 29 7.4 10 4.8
Subgaleal and/or cephal hemorrhage
All 259 6.4 166 5.0 10 1.8 83 35.8
<34 weeks 24 3.2 11 1.9 5 3.1 8 31.9
34-36 weeks 235 7.1 155 5.7 5 1.3 75 36.3
Brachial plexus injury
All 53 1.3 37 1.1 2 0.4 14 6.0
<34 weeks 3 0.4 3 0.5 0 0
34-36 weeks 50 1.5 34 1.2 2 0.5 14 6.8
Åberg et al. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 2014, 14:42 Page 7 of 9

Table 4 Logistic regression (odds ratios) for intra– and extracranial hemorrhages, convulsions and other cerebral
complications, and brachial plexus injury in preterm infants exposed to different modes of delivery
Mode of N n 1/1000 Crude OR AOR model 1 AOR model 2
(95% CI) (95% CI) (95% CI)
Intracranial hemorrhage
Vaginal 32,938 486 14.8 1.0 1.0 1.0
CS during labor 5,507 105 19.1 1.30 (1.05–1.61) 0.73 (0.58–0.92) 0.76 (0.58–0.98)
VE 2,319 26 11.2 0.76 (0.51–1.13) 2.05 (1.34–3.15) 1.84 (1.09–3.12)
Total 40,764 617 15.1
Subgaleal– and/or cephalhematoma
Vaginal 32,938 166 5.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
CS during labor 5,507 10 1.8 0.36 (0.19–0.68) 0.42 (0.22–0.81) 0.36 (0.18–0.70)
VE 2,319 83 35.8 7.33 (5.61–9.57) 5.89 (4.46–7.78) 4.48 (2.84–7.07)
Total 4,0764 259 6.4
Neonatal convulsions
Vaginal 32,938 109 3.3 1.0 1.0 1.0
CS during labor 5,507 45 8.2 2.48 (1.75–3.52) 1.95 (1.36–2.79) 1.42 (0.92–2.17)
VE 2,319 15 6.5 1.96 (1.14–3.37) 2.51 (1.44–4.38) 1.48 (0.73–3.01)
Total 40,764 169 4.1
Other disturbances of neonatal cerebral status
Vaginal 32,938 98 3.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
CS during labor 5,507 53 9.6 3.26 (2.33–4.55) 2.27 (1.60–3.23) 1.61 (1.06–2.45)
VE 2,319 17 7.3 2.47 (1.48–4.15) 3.84 (2.24–6.56) 2.15 (1.09–4.27)
Total 40,764 168 4.1
Plexus brachialis injury
Vaginal 32,938 37 1.1 1.0 1.0 1.0
CS during labor 5,507 2 0.4 0.32(0.08–1.34) 0.29 (0.07–1.23) 0.29 (0.07–1.26)
VE 2,319 14 6.0 5.40 (2.92–10.00) 6.45 (3.32–12.5 6.21 (2.22–17.4)
Total 40,764 53 1.3
CS = cesarean section, VE = vacuum extraction.
Model 1 is adjusted for year of birth, gestational age, parity, maternal age, height, BMI, and infant birthweight.
Model 2 is also adjusted for indications for operative delivery.

Secondly, VE for preterm birth was used more fre- that the relationship is confounded by indication. Since
quently in shorter mothers, primiparae and among the ORs for ICH were significantly higher in the VE
women treated with EA as pain relief during labor. group compared with both the CS and unassisted VD
Finally, and adjusting for potential confounders and co- groups, whereas the ORs for other disturbances of cere-
variates, preterm infants delivered by VE had almost bral status were slightly higher in both the VE and CS
doubled OR for ICH, four times higher OR for extracra- groups as compared with VD, different mechanisms may
nial hemorrhage, as well as a 6-fold risk for brachial be involved in the development of these two complica-
plexus palsy compared with those delivered by VD. tions. The forces by vacuum extraction could lead to sig-
Exclusion of intraventricular hemorrhage grades I-II nificant vertical stress, which might be avoided with CS.
(the most common form of ICH in preterm infants) In a case report of MRI findings after birth injuries
from the analysis increased the OR for ICH after VE, in- among infants delivered by VE [21], it was suggested
dicating that severe bleedings were more common that vertical traction on the skull and brain may produce
among preterm infants delivered by VE. tentorial lacerations and rupture of intracranial veins.
Although VE was related to significantly increased Another explanation for our findings of different out-
rates of ICH, it is not clear whether the extraction as comes after VE and CS could be that infants delivered
such causes the injury, or if there is an underlying com- by VE may have been exposed to contractions for a lon-
mon pathway for both VE-assisted delivery and ICH, i.e., ger time than those delivered by CS. A protective effect
Åberg et al. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 2014, 14:42 Page 8 of 9

of CS is indicated by lower ORs for ICH; however, the A major limitation of this study is that the registers do
exposure to contractions as the sole explanation for the not contain detailed information about many important
increased risks for ICH after VE is less likely, as the VD factors during the VE deliveries. For instance the registry
group – presumably the group exposed to the largest does not provide specific information about the type of
forces of labor – exhibited significantly lower odds for VE instrument used, level, position, and attitude of the
hemorrhagic complications compared with infants deliv- fetal head in the pelvis when applying VE, location of
ered with VE. placement of the vacuum cup, traction work, skill of the
During the study period, the overall rate of ICH in- obstetrician, pressure exposure (duration and force), and
creased from 6% originally, up to 12% at the end of the cup detachments. The register does not provide infor-
period, most likely reflecting the increased access and mation about confounders such as use of oxytocin and
use of ultrasonography among Swedish neonatologists in application of fundal pressure.
recent years. Improved ultrasound technology and image There is a general recommendation not to use VE be-
resolution may also have contributed to this development. fore a GA of 34 weeks. According to the Royal College
Finally, we cannot exclude a contribution from misclassifi- of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, there is insufficient
cation: a large but normal choroid plexus could have been evidence to establish the safety on VE deliveries in gesta-
classified as a small subependymal hemorrhage by less ex- tions between 34 weeks + 0 days and 36 weeks + 0 days
perienced investigators. The finding that the diagnosis of [9]. Our results show that the use of VE is related to
small subependymal hemorrhage (without intraventricular rare, but serious complications also between gestational
extension; P52.0) increased most compared to other types weeks 34–36.
of ICH during the study period (from 0.5% to 1.2%), sup-
ports these interpretations. Conclusion
The overrepresentation of subgaleal hemorrhage and The rates of serious birth injuries and complications are
cephalhematoma after VE is less surprising, since earlier generally low, but preterm infants delivered by VE have
studies have stated the relation between these diagnoses higher odds ratios for intra- and extracranial hemor-
and the use of VE. The risk of subgaleal hemorrhage rhages and brachial plexus injuries than those delivered
seems to be unrelated to GA, as this study demonstrates by CS during labor or by unassisted vaginal delivery. We
rates similar to those in previous studies of infants born therefore support a continued conservative/cautious use
at term [12,13]. of VE in preterm deliveries. Furthermore, the possible
The present study showed that preterm infants deliv- causal relationship between mode of delivery and ICH
ered by VE had a 6- to 7-fold risk increase for injury to needs to be further investigated.
the plexus brachialis compared with unassisted VD. This
injury is usually associated with large macrosomic in- Abbreviations
BMI: Body mass index; CI: Confidence interval; CS: Cesarean section;
fants and shoulder dystocia [22] and not to preterm CT: Computerized tomography; EA: Epidural analgesia; ECH: Extracranial
birth. Our result emphasizes the importance of gentle hemorrhage; EEG: Electroencephalography; GA: Gestational age;
maneuvers and avoiding application of excessive pres- ICH: Intracranial hemorrhage; LGA: Large for gestational age; OR: Odds ratio;
SGA: Small for gestational age; VD: Vaginal delivery; VE: Vacuum extraction.
sure or traction on the brachial plexus also when deliv-
ering the preterm infant, especially by VE. Competing interests
The major strengths of this study were the large study The authors declare that they have no competing interest.
population covering all preterm deliveries in Sweden dur-
Authors’ contributions
ing a period of twelve years, and the high quality of the CE had the idea for the study, designed it and carried out the statistical
registers, making it possible to analyze rare diagnoses and analysis. KÅ participated in the design and wrote the first draft of the
unusual events such as ICH in preterm infants delivered manuscript together with CE. MN contributed to the interpretation of the
results and writing of the manuscript. All authors approved the final version
by VE. We were able to include data on risk factors, po- of the submitted article.
tential confounders, and outcomes collected independ-
ently from one another and without involving the study Acknowledgement
subjects, thus minimizing various types of bias (e.g., selec- This study was supported by grants from the Swedish Research Council.
tion and recall bias). Moreover, antenatal and obstetric Author details
care is free of charge in Sweden, management routines as 1
Department of Women’s and Children’s Health, Division of Reproductive
well as GA determinations are standardized, and 99% of Health, Karolinska Institutet, Retzius väg 13, 171 77 Stockholm, Sweden.
Department of Clinical Science, Intervention and Technology, Division of
births are delivered in public hospitals. This minimizes the Pediatrics, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden. 3Department of Women’s
risk for confounding by unmeasured socio-demographic and Children’s Health, Division of Reproductive Health, Karolinska Institutet,
factors. Another advantage was the inclusion of the main Stockholm, Sweden.
indications for VE and CS, enabling us to address the Received: 31 October 2013 Accepted: 20 January 2014
question of confounding by indication. Published: 22 January 2014
Åberg et al. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 2014, 14:42 Page 9 of 9

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