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Grade 6 Mathematics Learning Competency S.Y. 2017 - 2018: First Quarter

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
National Capital Region
Division of City Schools

S.Y. 2017 - 2018

C.G. No. of Recitation

Adds and subtracts simple fractions and mixed numbers without or with
1 regrouping. M6NS-Ia-86 2

Solves routine and non-routine problems involving addition and/or

2 subtraction of fractions using appropriate problem solving strategies and M6NS-Ia-87.3 2

Creates problems (with reasonable answers) involving addition and/or

3 subtraction of fractions. M6NS-Ia-88.3 1

4 Multiplies simple fractions and mixed fractions. M6NS-Ib-90.2 2

Solves routine or non-routine problems involving multiplication without

5 or with addition or subtraction of fractions and mixed fractions using M6NS-Ib-92.2 2
appropriate problem solving strategies and tools.

Creates problems (with reasonable answers) involving multiplication

6 without or with addition or subtraction of fractions and mixed fractions. M6NS-Ib-93.2 1

7 Divides simple fractions and mixed fractions. M6NS-Ic-96.2 2

Solves routine or non-routine problems involving division without or with
8 any of the other operations of fractions and mixed fractions using M6NS-Ic-97.2. 2
appropriate problem solving strategies and tools.

Creates problems (with reasonable answers) involving division without or M6NS-Ic-98.2

9 with any of the other operations of fractions and mixed fractions. 1

Adds and subtracts decimals and mixed decimals through ten

10 thousandths without or with regrouping. M6NS-Id-106.2 2

Solves one or more steps routine and non-routine problems involving

11 addition and/or subtraction of decimals and mixed decimals using M6NS-Id-108.2 2
appropriate problem solving strategies and tools.

Creates problems (with reasonable answers) involving addition and/or

12 subtraction of decimals and mixed decimals. M6NS-Id-109.2 1

Multiplies decimals and mixed decimals with factors up to 2 decimal

13 places. M6NS-Ie-111.3 1

Multiplies mentally decimals up to 2 decimals places by 0.1, 0.01,10, and M6NS-Ie-111.4

14 100. 2
Solves routine and non-routine problems involving multiplication of
15 decimals and mixed decimals including money using appropriate problem M6NS-Ie-113.2 2
solving strategies.

Solves multi-step problems involving multiplication and addition or

16 subtraction of decimals, mixed decimals and whole numbers including M6NS-If-113.3 2
money using appropriate problem solving strategies and tools.

Creates problems (with reasonable answers) involving multiplication

17 without or with addition or subtraction of decimals, mixed decimals and M6NS-If-114 2
whole numbers including money.

18 Divides whole numbers by decimals up to 2 decimal places and vice versa. M6NS-Ig-116.3 2
19 Divides decimals/mixed decimals up to 2 decimal places. M6NS-Ig-116.4 2
20 Divides decimals up to 4 decimal places by 0.1, 0.01, and 0.001. M6NS-Ih-116.5 2
21 Divides decimals up to 2 decimal places by 10, 100, and 1 000 mentally. M6NS-Ih-118 2
Differentiates terminating from repeating, non-terminating decimal
22 quotients. M6NS-Ii-119 2

Solves routine and non-routine problems involving division of decimals,

23 mixed decimals, and whole numbers including money using appropriate M6NS-Ii-120.2 2
problem solving strategies and tools.

Solves multi-step routine and non-routine problems involving division and

any of the other operations of decimals, mixed decimals, and whole
24 numbers including money using appropriate problem solving strategies M6NS-Ij-120.3 2
and tools.

Creates problems (with reasonable answers) involving division without or

25 with any of the other operations of decimals, mixed decimals and whole M6NS-Ij-121.2 2
numbers including money.
Expresses one value as a fraction of another given their ratio and vice
26 versa. M6NS-IIa-129 2

Finds how many times one value is as large as another given their ratio
27 and vice versa. M6NS-IIa-130 3

Defines and illustrates the meaning of ratio and proportion using concrete M6NS-IIb-131
28 or pictorial models. 1

Sets up proportions for groups of objects or numbers and for given

29 situations. M6NS-IIb-132 2

30 Finds a missing term in a proportion (direct, inverse, and partitive). M6NS-IIb-133 2

Solves problems involving direct proportion, partitive proportion, and
31 inverse proportion in different contexts such as distance, rate, and time M6NS-IIc-134 3
using appropriate strategies and tools.

Creates problems involving ratio and proportion, with reasonable

32 answers. M6NS-IIc-135 2

33 Finds the percentage or rate or percent in a given problem. M6NS-IId-142 2

Solves routine and non-routine problems involving finding the
34 percentage, rate and base using appropriate strategies and tools. M6NS-IId-143 2
Solves percent problems such as percent of increase/decrease (discounts,
35 original price, rate of discount, sale price, marked-up price), commission, M6NS-IIe-144 3
sales tax, and simple interest.
36 Creates problems involving percent, with reasonable answers. M6NS-IIe-145 2
41 Identifies real-life situations that make use of integers. M6NS-IIg-150 1
42 Describes the set of integers. M6NS-IIg-151 1
Compares integers with other numbers such as whole numbers, fractions, M6NS-IIg-152
43 and decimals. 2
44 Represents integers on the number line. M6NS-IIh-153 1
45 Compares and arranges integers. M6NS-IIh-154 1
Describes and interprets the basic operations on integers using materials
46 such as algebra tiles, counters, chips, and cards. M6NS-IIh-155 2
47 Performs the basic operations on integers. M6NS-IIi-156 4
Solves routine and non-routine problems involving basic operations of
48 integers using appropriate strategies and tools. M6NS-IIj-157 4

Describes the exponent and the base in a number expressed in

37 exponential notation. M6NS-IIf-146 1
38 Gives the value of numbers expressed in exponential notation. M6NS-IIf-147 1
Interprets and explains the Grouping, Exponent, Multiplication, Division,
39 Addition, Subtraction (GEMDAS) rule. M6NS-IIf-148 1

Performs two or more different operations on whole numbers with or

40 without exponents and grouping symbols. M6NS-IIf-149 2
Visualizes and describes the different solid figures: cube, prism, pyramid,
49 cylinder, cone, and sphere. M6GE-IIIa-27 2
50 Differentiates solid figures from plane figures. M6GE-IIIa-28 2
Illustrates the different solid figures using various concrete and pictorial
51 models. M6GE-IIIb-29 2
52 Identifies the faces of a solid figure. M6GE-IIIb-30 2
Visualizes and describes the different solid figures: cube, prism, pyramid,
53 cylinder, cone, and sphere. M6GE-IIIc-31 2

Identifies the nets of the following space figures: cube, prism, pyramid,
54 cylinder, cone, and sphere using plane figures. M6GE-IIIc-32 2

Formulates the rule in finding the nth term using different strategies
(looking for a pattern, guessing and checking, working backwards)
55 e.g. M6AL-IIId-7 3
(the nth term is 3n+1)

56 Differentiates expression from equation. M6AL-IIId-15 2

Gives the translation of real-life verbal expressions and equations into
57 letters or symbols and vice versa. M6AL-IIIe-16 2
58 Defines a variable in an algebraic expression and equation. M6AL-IIIe-17 1
Represents quantities in real-life situations using algebraic expressions
59 and equations. M6AL-IIIe-18 2

Solves routine and non-routine problems involving different types of

60 numerical expressions and equations such as 7+ 9 =___ + 6. M6AL-IIIf-19 3
Creates routine and non-routine problems involving numerical
61 expressions and equations. M6AL-IIIf-20 2
62 Calculates speed, distance, and time. M6ME-IIIg-17 2
63 Solves problems involving average rate and speed. M6ME-IIIg-18 2

Finds the area of composite figures formed by any two or more of the
64 following: triangle, square, rectangle, circle, and semi-circle. M6ME-IIIh-89 2

Solves routine and non-routine problems involving area of composite

65 figures formed by any two or more of the following: triangle, square, M6ME-IIIh-90 3
rectangle, circle, and semi-circle.

Visualizes and describes surface area and names the unit of measure used M6ME-IIIi-91
66 for measuring the surface area of solid/space figures. 1

Derives a formula for finding the surface area of cubes, prisms, pyramids, M6ME-IIIi-92
67 cylinders, cones, and spheres. 2

Finds the surface area of cubes, prisms, pyramids, cylinders, cones, and
68 spheres. M6ME-IIIi-93 2

69 Solves word problems involving measurement of surface area. M6ME-IIIj-94 4

Determines the relationship of the volume between
1.1 a rectangular prism and a pyramid;
70 1.2 a cylinder and a cone; M6ME-IVa-95 2
1.3 and a cylinder and sphere.

Derives the formula for finding the volume of cylinders, pyramids, cones,
71 and spheres. M6ME-IVa-96 3
72 Finds the volume of cylinders, pyramids, cones, and spheres. M6ME-IVb-97 5
73 Solves routine and non-routine problems involving volumes of solids. M6ME-IVc-98 3
Creates problems involving surface area and volume of solid/space
74 figures, with reasonable answers. M6ME-IVc-99 2

75 Reads and interprets electric and water meter readings. M6ME-IVd-100 1

Solves routine and non-routine problems involving electric and water
76 consumption. M6ME-IVd-101 2

Creates problems involving electric and water consumption, with

77 reasonable answers. M6ME-IVd-102 2
78 Collects data on one or two variables using any source. M6SP-IVe-1.6 2
79 Constructs a pie graph based on a given set of data. M6SP-IVe-2.6 2
80 Interprets data presented in a pie graph. M6SP-IVf-3.6 2
Solves routine and non-routine problems using data presented in a pie
81 graph. M6SP-IVf-4.6 2

Creates problems that can be answered using information presented in a

82 pie graph. M6SP-IVg-6 2

Describes the meaning of probability such as 50% chance of rain and one M6SP-IVg-19
83 in a million chance of winning. 2

84 Quantifies the phrases “most likely to happen” and “unlikely to happen”. M6SP-IVh-20 2
85 Performs experiments and records outcomes. M6SP-IVh-21 2
Makes listings and diagrams of outcomes and tells the number of
86 favorable outcomes and chances using these listings and diagrams. M6SP-IVi-22 2

87 Makes simple predictions of events based on the results of experiments. M6SP-IVi-23 2

Solves routine and non-routine problems involving experimental and
88 theoretical probability. M6SP-IVj-24 2

89 Creates problems involving experimental and theoretical probability. M6SP-IVj-25 3


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