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Capitulo 13 Taller

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13 Brittle Failure


Predict the principal stress magnitudes that will cause a given material to fracture.

Equipment required for this chapter .

Graph paper.

Drawing compass.


Chapter 10 was partly devoted to an examination of the orientation of the stress ellipsoid,
especially with regard to faulting. Here we will investigate how the magnitude of the principal
stresses influences brittle deformation. The chief objective is to be able to determine the
differential stress at which a particular brittle failure will occur. We emphasize that, strictly
speaking, the following discussion applies only to isotropic, homogeneous materials. Real-world
geologic situations are usually more complicated. The material in this chapter lies at the heart of
engineering geology because it concerns the conditions under which rock breaks.

Quantifying two-dimensional stress

Experimental rock fracturing has shown that the difference in magnitude between s1 and s3 –
called the differential stress – is the most important factor in causing rocks to fracture. The
magnitude of s2 does not play a major role in the initiation of the fracture. For this reason we may
profitably examine stress in two dimensions, in the s1---s3 plane.

If we know the orientations and magnitudes of s1 and s3, then we can determine the normal and
shear stresses acting across any plane perpendicular to the s1---s3 plane. Consider the plane in Fig.
13.1a. We want to determine the normal and shear stresses acting on that plane. To simplify the
situation we will isolate the plane, along with two adjacent surfaces that are perpendicular to s1
and s3 (Fig. 13.1b). Viewed in the s1---s3 plane, we will call these surfaces A and B, and we will
define angle u as the angle between the plane and the s3 direction (Fig. 13.1c). This is equivalent
to the angle between s1 and the normal to the plane (Fig. 13.1d).

If our triangle in Fig. 13.1c is not moving, then it must be in equilibrium. This means that the
normal stress (sn) and shear stress (ss) acting on the plane must be equal to s1 and s3 acting on
surfaces A and B. We will now use this equilibrium relationship to define sn and ss in terms of s1,
s3, and angle u.

Figure 13.1d shows s1 and s3 acting on the plane, and it also shows the horizontal and vertical
components of s1 and s3. The length of the line that represents the plane is:
The vertical and horizontal forces acting on this line are indicated in Figure 13.1d. The equations of
equilibrium for this plane are as follows:

Solving these equations simultaneously for sn and ss in terms of s1, s3, and u, we derive the
following equations:

In order to reconstitute these equations into a more useful form we can substitute the following
trigonometric identities: sin 2u = 2 sin u cos u, cos2 u ¼ 1/2(1 þ cos 2u), and sin2 u = 172 (1-cos
2u). The result is the following two equations:

Stress is measured in units of force per unit area, for which the basic unit is the pascal (1 Pa ¼ 1
newton per square meter); 105 Pa equals 1 bar, which is approximately equal to atmospheric
pressure at sea level. The most convenient unit for most geologic applications is the megapascal
(MPa), which is equal to 106 Pa or 10 bars. Stress within the earth’s crust ranges up to about 103

Using equations 13.5 and 13.6, we can now determine the normal and shear stress acting across a
plane if we know the orientations and magnitudes of s1 and s3. Suppose, for example, that in Fig.
13.1, s1 ¼ 100 MPa, s3 ¼ 20MPa, and u ¼ 40. Using equation 13.5, the normal stress is determined
as follows:

Similarly, equation 13.6 can be used to determine the shear stress acting on the plane:
Problem 13.1

Given the principal stresses of s1 = 100 MPa (vertical) and s3 = 20 MPa (horizontal), determine the
normal and shear stresses on a fault plane that strikes parallel to s2 and dips 32° (Plane 1 in Fig. G-
33a, Appendix G).

The Mohr diagram

In 1882, a German engineer named Otto Mohr developed a very useful technique for graphing the
state of stress of differently oriented planes in the same stress field. The stress (sn and ss) on a
plane plots as a single point, with sn measured on the horizontal axis and ss on the vertical axis
(Fig. 13.2). Such a graph is called a Mohr diagram. Most stresses in the earth are compressive, so
geologists, by convention, consider compression to be positive. (Engineers, as a rule, are more
tightly strung than geologists, so in engineering, tension is considered positive.) As a practical
matter in structural geology, sn in the earth’s crust is always positive and will therefore always plot
on the positive (right) side of the vertical axis of the Mohr diagram.

The vertical axis of the Mohr diagram, like the horizontal axis, has a positive and a negative
direction. Shearing stresses that have a sinistral (counterclockwise) sense (Fig. 13.3a) are, by
convention, considered positive and are plotted above the origin. Dextral (clockwise) shearing
stresses (Fig. 13.3b) are plotted on the lower, negative half of the diagram.

Problem 13.2

Plane 1 in Fig. G-33a has been plotted on the Mohr diagram in Fig. G-33b. Determine the normal
and shear stresses on planes 2 through 5 and plot them on the Mohr diagram. (Recall that
trigonometric functions of angles in the second and fourth quadrants are negative, e.g., cos 180° =

The Mohr circle of stress

The five points you have plotted on Fig. G-33 in Appendix G (see Problem 13.2) should lie on a
circle. A key feature of the Mohr diagram is that for a given set of principal stresses the points
representing the states of stress on all possible planes perpendicular to the s1---s3 plane graph as
a circle. This is called the Mohr circle. As seen in Fig. 13.4, the Mohr circle intersects the sn axis at
values equal to s3 and s1. The radius is (s1---s3)/2 and the center is at (s1 - s3)/2. Note how these
expressions relate to equations 13.5 and 13.6.
It is important to understand that the axes of the Mohr diagram have no geographic orientation.
They merely allow the magnitudes of stresses on variously oriented planes to be plotted together.
Planes perpendicular to either s1 or s3 (planes 3 and 5 of Fig. G-33) have no shear stress acting on
them, so they plot directly on the sn axis. Shear stress is maximum on planes oriented 458 to the
principal stress directions (u = 45); the points representing these planes plot at the top and bottom
of the Mohr circle.

Values of 2u can be measured directly off the Mohr circle as shown in Fig. 13.4. The 2u angles
corresponding to planes with positive (sinistral) shearing lie in the upper hemisphere of the Mohr
circle, while those corresponding to planes with negative (dextral) shearing stresses lie in the
lower hemisphere. In either case the angle 2u is measured from the right-hand end of the sn axis.

The chief value of the Mohr circle of stress is that it permits a rapid, graphical determination of
stresses on a plane of any desired orientation. Suppose, for example, that s1 is oriented east–
west, horizontal, and equal to 40 MPa, while s3 is vertical and equal to 20 MPa. We want to find
the normal and shear stresses on a fault plane striking north–south and dipping 55° west. The
solution is as follows.

1 Figure 13.5a shows the geologic relationships. Before being concerned with the fault plane,
construct a Mohr circle of stress for the given values of s1 and s3 (Fig. 13.5b).

2 Next determine the value and sign of angle 2u for the fault plane. Angle u is the angle between
the fault plane and s3, which in this case is 358. So 2u is 70°. Shearing stresses on this fault have a
dextral or negative sense, so angle 2u is located in the lower hemisphere of the Mohr circle (Fig.

3 The normal and shear stress coordinates corresponding to the points thus located on the Mohr
circle are read directly off the horizontal and vertical axes of the graph. In this example sn is 33.4
MPa and ss is 9.4 MPa.

Problem 13.3

If s1 is vertical and equal to 50 MPa, and s3 is horizontal, east–west, and equal to 22 MPa, using a
Mohr circle construction determine the normal and shear stresses on a fault striking north–south
and dipping 60° east.

The failure envelope

Up to this point in this chapter we have examined the stresses acting on variously oriented planes.
The main objective of all of this is to understand or predict the orientation and magnitude of
stresses that will cause a particular rock to fracture or ‘‘fail.’’ To begin our examination of brittle
failure we will imagine an experiment in which a cylinder of rock is axially compressed (Fig. 13.6).
Suppose that the radially applied confining pressure, sc, is kept constant at 40 MPa, while the axial
load, sa, begins at 40 MPa and is gradually increased until the rock fails when the axial load
reaches 540 MPa. The magnitudes of sa at several stages of this experiment are recorded in Table
13.1, and the corresponding Mohr circles are drawn in Fig. 13.7. In this type of experiment sa is
analogous to s1, and sc is analogous to s3.

As shown in Fig. 13.7, a fracture experiment with constant confining pressure results in a series of
progressively larger Mohr circles, all of which intersect the sn axis at sc. The fracture strength is
the diameter of the Mohr circle (sa---sc) when the rock fractures. In the experiment shown in Fig.
13.7 the fracture strength was determined to be 500 MPa at a confining pressure of 40 MPa. Now,
suppose we performed a series of three experiments on identical samples, but at different
confining pressures. We would find that the fracture strength of the rock increases with confining
pressure. Table 13.2 lists the results of our hypothetical series of experiments, with Experiment 1
being the one discussed above and graphed in Fig. 13.7. In Experiment 2 the confining pressure
was raised to 150 MPa, and in Experiment 3 to 400 MPa. In Fig. 13.8 the three resulting Mohr
circles are drawn. Because each experiment in this series has a higher confining pressure than the
previous one, the Mohr circles at failure become progressively larger.

The Mohr circles at failure under different confining pressures together define a boundary called
the failure envelope for a particular rock (Fig. 13.8). The failure envelope is an empirically derived
characteristic that expresses the combination of s1 and s3 magnitudes that will cause a particular
rock (or manmade material such as concrete) to fracture. If the Mohr circle representing a
particular combination of s1 and s3 intersects the material’s failure envelope, then the material
will fracture; if the Mohr circle does not intersect the failure envelope the material will not

The failure envelope also allows us to predict the orientation of the macroscopic fracture plane
that will form when the rock fails. In an isotropic rock this will be the plane that has a state of
stress represented by the point on the Mohr circle that lies on the failure envelope (Fig. 13.8). The
angle between this plane and the s3 direction (angle u) can be determined by measuring angle 2u
directly off the Mohr diagram. In the example shown in Fig. 13.8, angle 2u ¼ 114, so the fracture
plane will be oriented 578 from s3.

At intermediate confining pressures the fracture strength usually increases linearly with increasing
confining pressure, producing a failure envelope with straight lines, as in Fig. 13.8. The angle
between these lines and the horizontal axis is called the angle of internal friction, f (phi), and the
slope of the envelope is called the Coulomb coefficient, m (mu):

It is helpful to develop a familiarity with the Coulomb coefficient. This is a measurable property of
the rock, like specific gravity, and indicates its fracture behavior at intermediate confining
pressures within the earth’s crust. The Coulomb coefficient is analogous to the coefficient of
friction resisting the sliding of one block over another. Consider a bottomless box sitting on top of
another box (Fig. 13.9a). If the two boxes are filled with dry sand, it would be possible, by pushing
sideways on the upper box, for a shear surface to develop between the sand in the upper box and
that in the lower box. With respect to this potential shear surface, sn can be imagined as the force
keeping the sand together, and ss as the force trying to make the sand in the upper box slide (Fig.
13.9b). If the boxes are tilted, eventually an angle u is reached, at which point movement occurs
on the shear surface (Fig. 13.9c). This is analogous to the angle u that we have been using for the
angle between the shear plane and the s3 direction (Fig. 13.9d). The Coulomb coefficient is, in fact,
sometimes called the coefficient of internal friction. The greater the Coulomb coefficient, the
greater the resistance to fracture.

If the failure envelope plots as straight lines, which is typical of brittle materials at low confining
pressures, then the Coulomb coefficient can be determined from a single fracture experiment,
such as any of the three plotted in Fig. 13.8. Conversely, if the Coulomb coefficient of a rock is
known, the orientation of the shear surfaces relative to s1 and s3 can be predicted. It can be seen
on Fig. 13.8 that 2u = 90 + f, or:

Figure 13.10 summarizes the relationships between s1, s3, u, f, sn, ss, and the fracture plane.

A material having a Coulomb coefficient m equal to zero would have an angle of internal friction f
equal to zero, and u ¼ 45. Plastic materials (see Chapter 12) behave this way. As the value of m
increases, angle u also increases. Measured values of m for nine rock units are listed in Table 13.3.

Problem 13.4 The results of four fracture experiments on samples of Rohan Tuff are recorded in
the table below.

1 Draw Mohr circles for each experiment, and draw the failure envelope.

2 Determine the Coulomb coefficient of the Rohan Tuff.

3 Determine the angle u that the fracture plane is predicted to form with the s3 direction when a
sample of Rohan Tuff fractures

Problem 13.5

Suppose you are an engineering geologist designing a nuclear waste repository in the Rohan Tuff
(see Problem 13.4). Figure 13.11 shows the general plan of the repository. It will be a large room,
the ceiling of which is to be 20 m deep within the tuff. During excavation of the repository,
cylindrical pillars of tuff 5 m in diameter will be left in place to support the 20 m of overburden.
Determine the maximum spacing of pillars (center to center) sufficient to support the overlying
tuff. The density of the tuff is 2.0 g=cm3 . Assume that the confining pressure on the pillars is
atmospheric pressure, 0.1 MPa. Clearly show how you got your answer
Wizard hint: One way to approach this problem is to first use your failure envelope from Problem
13.4 to find the value of s1 at failure when s3 is 0.1 MPa. Convert this compressive strength to
kg/m2 (see Appendix E). Next, determine the weight per square meter of the overburden and the
area of overburden that each pillar can support. Finally, determine the maximum allowable
spacing of pillars.

Problem 13.6

Figure G-34 shows a block of fine-grained limestone that was experimentally shortened by about
1% at room temperature. Four sets of fractures developed. Fractures of sets ‘‘a’’ and ‘‘b’’ are
conjugate shear surfaces (the angular relationship between which can be measured directly on the
diagram). Fractures of set ‘‘c’’ are extension fractures that formed during loading. Fractures of set
‘‘d’’ are extension fractures that formed during unloading when the orientation of s3 became
vertical in the rock-squeezing apparatus. Determine the Coulomb coefficient m for this rock

The importance of pore pressure

Many rocks contain a significant amount of pore space filled with fluids. These fluids support some
of the load that would otherwise be supported by the rock matrix. Consider Fig. 13.12, which
shows the failure envelope of a porous sandstone. This sandstone is subject to the following
principal stresses: s1 ¼ 40 MPa and s3 ¼ 13 MPa. The dashed Mohr circle in Fig. 13.12 represents
this state of stress. Now, suppose we add 10 MPa of pore pressure to the rock. This has the effect
of lowering the principal stresses by 10 MPa. Fluid pressure is hydrostatic (equal in all directions),
so all principal stresses are affected equally, but shear stress is unaffected. The Mohr circle
remains the same size; it merely moves to the left on the horizontal axis a distance equal to the
increase in pore pressure (Fig. 13.12).

The reduction of principal stresses by pore pressure is expressed through the term effective stress.
The effective stress acting on the rock is the total (regional) stress minus the pore pressure.

Notice that in Fig. 13.12 the solid Mohr circle (representing effective stress) intersects the failure
envelope. The increase in pore pressure caused this rock to fracture. This phenomenon, called
hydraulic fracturing, is routinely used to create fractures in low-permeability rocks, thereby
increasing the flow of water, oil, or gas.

In addition to triggering the formation of new fractures, fluid pressure can be used to control
movement and earthquakes on preexisting faults. This was first demonstrated in the 1960s when
the US Army accidentally triggered some earthquakes near Denver by injecting wastewater into
the ground. A controlled experiment was subsequently conducted by the US Geological Survey at
Rangely, Colorado (Raleigh et al., 1972). The geologic setting and principal stresses of this
experiment are schematically depicted in Fig. 13.13. A preexisting oblique-slip fault in the Weber
Sandstone was successfully activated when water was injected into the ground. Pore pressure was
experimentally raised and lowered while seismicity was monitored.
Mohr circles for the Rangely experiment are shown in Fig. 13.14. Because movement was
occurring on a preexisting fault in this case, the failure envelope is different from the normal
envelope for intact rock. The failure envelope in Fig. 13.12 was derived from experiments with
unfractured Weber Sandstone; the failure envelope in Fig. 13.14 was derived from experiments
with previously cut samples.

Mohr circles for the Rangely experiment are shown in Fig. 13.14. Because movement was
occurring on a preexisting fault in this case, the failure envelope is different from the normal
envelope for intact rock. The failure envelope in Fig. 13.12 was derived from experiments with
unfractured Weber Sandstone; the failure envelope in Fig. 13.14 was derived from experiments
with previously cut samples.

In order to determine the state of stress on the fault shown in Fig. 13.13, the principal stress
magnitudes (s1 ¼ 59 MPa, s3 ¼ 31 MPa) were resolved onto the fault plane in the direction of slip,
yielding a normal stress of 35 MPa and a shear stress of 8 MPa. This state of stress is indicated on
the Mohr circle in Fig. 13.14a. The injection of water into the rock created a pore pressure of 27
MPa, thereby reducing s1 and s3 to effective stresses of 32 and 4 MPa, respectively. The Mohr
circle of effective stress, shown in Fig. 13.14b, is 27 MPa to the left of the preinjection Mohr circle

Notice in Fig. 13.14b that the point on the Mohr circle that represents the state of stress on the
fault plane has crossed the failure envelope. Movement on the fault did indeed occur at this level
of pore pressure. When the pressure was reduced by 3.5 MPa the earthquakes stopped. This is in
impressive agreement with Fig. 13.14b, which indicates that if the Mohr circle is translated 3.5
MPa to the right, the state of stress of the fault lies directly on the failure envelope.

Problem 13.7

Figure G-35a shows the failure envelope of a ‘‘tight’’ (low-permeability) sandstone, which is a
petroleum reservoir rock. If s1 = 72 MPa and s3 = 42 MPa, determine the amount of pore pressure
that would be necessary to fracture this reservoir hydraulically.

Problem 13.8

Figure G-35b is a map showing the Johnson Valley Fault in southern California. This is a right-
lateral strike-slip fault that lies a short distance to the north of the San Andreas Fault zone. On
June 28, 1992, one of the largest earthquakes in recent decades occurred on the Johnson Valley
Fault, a magnitude 7.5 event named the ‘‘Landers earthquake’’. This large earthquake presumably
released shear stress that had accumulated over a long period of time on the Johnson Valley Fault.

Some geologists have suggested that such an accumulation of shear stress on faults can be
prevented by injecting water into the fault zone. By increasing the pore pressure, blocks on
opposite sides of the fault are permitted to slip continuously past one another, rather than
lurching episodically. Determine the pore pressure required for a fault slip to occur on the Johnson
Valley Fault. Regional s1 in this area is oriented 007°, and estimated to be 10 MPa; m is 0.4 (Stein
et al., 1992). Assume s3 to be 6 MPa. (Because the rocks are already fractured, draw your failure
envelope with straight lines that meet at the origin of the graph, as in Fig. 13.14.)

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