Deep Learning in Wireless Network
Deep Learning in Wireless Network
Deep Learning in Wireless Network
Abstract—The rapid uptake of mobile devices and the rising The growing diversity and complexity of mobile network
popularity of mobile applications and services pose unprece- architectures has made monitoring and managing the multi-
dented demands on mobile and wireless networking infrastruc- tude of network elements intractable. Therefore, embedding
ture. Upcoming 5G systems are evolving to support exploding
mobile traffic volumes, real-time extraction of fine-grained an- versatile machine intelligence into future mobile networks is
arXiv:1803.04311v3 [cs.NI] 30 Jan 2019
alytics, and agile management of network resources, so as to drawing unparalleled research interest [6], [7]. This trend is
maximize user experience. Fulfilling these tasks is challenging, reflected in machine learning (ML) based solutions to prob-
as mobile environments are increasingly complex, heterogeneous, lems ranging from radio access technology (RAT) selection [8]
and evolving. One potential solution is to resort to advanced to malware detection [9], as well as the development of
machine learning techniques, in order to help manage the rise
in data volumes and algorithm-driven applications. The recent networked systems that support machine learning practices
success of deep learning underpins new and powerful tools that (e.g. [10], [11]). ML enables systematic mining of valuable
tackle problems in this space. information from traffic data and automatically uncover corre-
In this paper we bridge the gap between deep learning lations that would otherwise have been too complex to extract
and mobile and wireless networking research, by presenting a by human experts [12]. As the flagship of machine learning,
comprehensive survey of the crossovers between the two areas.
We first briefly introduce essential background and state-of-the- deep learning has achieved remarkable performance in areas
art in deep learning techniques with potential applications to such as computer vision [13] and natural language processing
networking. We then discuss several techniques and platforms (NLP) [14]. Networking researchers are also beginning to
that facilitate the efficient deployment of deep learning onto recognize the power and importance of deep learning, and are
mobile systems. Subsequently, we provide an encyclopedic review exploring its potential to solve problems specific to the mobile
of mobile and wireless networking research based on deep
learning, which we categorize by different domains. Drawing networking domain [15], [16].
from our experience, we discuss how to tailor deep learning to Embedding deep learning into the 5G mobile and wireless
mobile environments. We complete this survey by pinpointing networks is well justified. In particular, data generated by
current challenges and open future directions for research. mobile environments are increasingly heterogeneous, as these
Index Terms—Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Mobile Net- are usually collected from various sources, have different
working, Wireless Networking, Mobile Big Data, 5G Systems, formats, and exhibit complex correlations [17]. As a conse-
Network Management. quence, a range of specific problems become too difficult or
impractical for traditional machine learning tools (e.g., shallow
I. I NTRODUCTION neural networks). This is because (i) their performance does
NTERNET connected mobile devices are penetrating every not improve if provided with more data [18] and (ii) they
I aspect of individuals’ life, work, and entertainment. The
increasing number of smartphones and the emergence of ever-
cannot handle highly dimensional state/action spaces in control
problems [19]. In contrast, big data fuels the performance
more diverse applications trigger a surge in mobile data traffic. of deep learning, as it eliminates domain expertise and in-
Indeed, the latest industry forecasts indicate that the annual stead employs hierarchical feature extraction. In essence this
worldwide IP traffic consumption will reach 3.3 zettabytes means information can be distilled efficiently and increasingly
(1015 MB) by 2021, with smartphone traffic exceeding PC abstract correlations can be obtained from the data, while
traffic by the same year [1]. Given the shift in user preference reducing the pre-processing effort. Graphics Processing Unit
towards wireless connectivity, current mobile infrastructure (GPU)-based parallel computing further enables deep learn-
faces great capacity demands. In response to this increasing de- ing to make inferences within milliseconds. This facilitates
mand, early efforts propose to agilely provision resources [2] network analysis and management with high accuracy and
and tackle mobility management distributively [3]. In the in a timely manner, overcoming the run-time limitations of
long run, however, Internet Service Providers (ISPs) must de- traditional mathematical techniques (e.g. convex optimization,
velop intelligent heterogeneous architectures and tools that can game theory, meta heuristics).
spawn the 5th generation of mobile systems (5G) and gradually Despite growing interest in deep learning in the mobile
meet more stringent end-user application requirements [4], [5]. networking domain, existing contributions are scattered across
different research areas and a comprehensive survey is lacking.
C. Zhang and P. Patras are with the Institute for Computing Systems Archi- This article fills this gap between deep learning and mobile
tecture (ICSA), School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, and wireless networking, by presenting an up-to-date survey of
UK. Emails: {chaoyun.zhang, paul.patras}
H. Haddadi is with the Dyson School of Design Engineering at Imperial research that lies at the intersection between these two fields.
College London. Email: Beyond reviewing the most relevant literature, we discuss
the key pros and cons of various deep learning architec- TABLE I: List of abbreviations in alphabetical order.
tures, and outline deep learning model selection strategies, Acronym Explanation
in view of solving mobile networking problems. We further 5G 5th Generation mobile networks
investigate methods that tailor deep learning to individual A3C Asynchronous Advantage Actor-Critic
mobile networking tasks, to achieve the best performance in AdaNet Adaptive learning of neural Network
AE Auto-Encoder
complex environments. We wrap up this paper by pinpointing AI Artificial Intelligence
future research directions and important problems that remain AMP Approximate Message Passing
unsolved and are worth pursing with deep neural networks. ANN Artificial Neural Network
Our ultimate goal is to provide a definite guide for networking ASR Automatic Speech Recognition
BSC Base Station Controller
researchers and practitioners, who intend to employ deep BP Back-Propagation
learning to solve problems of interest. CDR Call Detail Record
Survey Organization: We structure this article in a top-down CNN or ConvNet Convolutional Neural Network
ConvLSTM Convolutional Long Short-Term Memory
manner, as shown in Figure 1. We begin by discussing work CPU Central Processing Unit
that gives a high-level overview of deep learning, future mobile CSI Channel State Information
networks, and networking applications built using deep learn- CUDA Compute Unified Device Architecture
ing, which help define the scope and contributions of this paper cuDNN CUDA Deep Neural Network library
D2D Device to Device communication
(Section II). Since deep learning techniques are relatively new DAE Denoising Auto-Encoder
in the mobile networking community, we provide a basic deep DBN Deep Belief Network
learning background in Section III, highlighting immediate OFDM Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing
advantages in addressing mobile networking problems. There DPPO Distributed Proximal Policy Optimization
DQN Deep Q-Network
exist many factors that enable implementing deep learning DRL Deep Reinforcement Learning
for mobile networking applications (including dedicated deep DT Decision Tree
learning libraries, optimization algorithms, etc.). We discuss ELM Extreme Learning Machine
these enablers in Section IV, aiming to help mobile network GAN Generative Adversarial Network
GP Gaussian Process
researchers and engineers in choosing the right software and
GPS Global Positioning System
hardware platforms for their deep learning deployments. GPU Graphics Processing Unit
In Section V, we introduce and compare state-of-the-art GRU Gate Recurrent Unit
deep learning models and provide guidelines for model se- HMM Hidden Markov Model
HTTP HyperText Transfer Protocol
lection toward solving networking problems. In Section VI
IDS Intrusion Detection System
we review recent deep learning applications to mobile and IoT Internet of Things
wireless networking, which we group by different scenarios IoV Internet of Vehicle
ranging from mobile traffic analytics to security, and emerging ISP Internet Service Provider
LAN Local Area Network
applications. We then discuss how to tailor deep learning
LTE Long-Term Evolution
models to mobile networking problems (Section VII) and LSTM Long Short-Term Memory
conclude this article with a brief discussion of open challenges, LSVRC Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge
with a view to future research directions (Section VIII).1 MAC Media Access Control
MDP Markov Decision Process
MEC Mobile Edge Computing
T HE S COPE OF T HIS S URVEY MLP Multilayer Perceptron
MIMO Multi-Input Multi-Output
Mobile networking and deep learning problems have been MTSR Mobile Traffic Super-Resolution
researched mostly independently. Only recently crossovers be- NFL No Free Lunch theorem
tween the two areas have emerged. Several notable works paint NLP Natural Language Processing
a comprehensives picture of the deep learning and/or mobile NMT Neural Machine Translation
NPU Neural Processing Unit
networking research landscape. We categorize these works into PCA Principal Components Analysis
(i) pure overviews of deep learning techniques, (ii) reviews PIR Passive Infra-Red
of analyses and management techniques in modern mobile QoE Quality of Experience
networks, and (iii) reviews of works at the intersection between RBM Restricted Boltzmann Machine
ReLU Rectified Linear Unit
deep learning and computer networking. We summarize these RFID Radio Frequency Identification
earlier efforts in Table II and in this section discuss the most RNC Radio Network Controller
representative publications in each class. RNN Recurrent Neural Network
SARSA State-Action-Reward-State-Action
SELU Scaled Exponential Linear Unit
A. Overviews of Deep Learning and its Applications SGD Stochastic Gradient Descent
SON Self-Organising Network
The era of big data is triggering wide interest in deep SNR Signal-to-Noise Ratio
learning across different research disciplines [28]–[31] and a SVM Support Vector Machine
growing number of surveys and tutorials are emerging (e.g. TPU Tensor Processing Unit
VAE Variational Auto-Encoder
1 We list the abbreviations used throughout this paper in Table I. VR Virtual Reality
WGAN Wasserstein Generative Adversarial Network
WSN Wireless Sensor Network
Deep Deep
5. Deep Learning Driven 6. Deep Learning Driven 7. Deep Learning Driven Model Training
Lifelong Transfer
Wireless Sensor Network Network Control Network Security Parallelism Parallelism
Learning Learning
Deep Unsupervised
Geometric Mobile Data
Learning in Mobile
Network Data IoT In-Network Mobile Analysis
MIMO Systems Networks
Monetisation Computation Crowdsensing
Deep Reinforcement
Modulation Others Mobile Social Mobile Internet of
Learning for Mobile
Network Blockchain Vehicles (IoVs)
Network Control
[23], [24]). LeCun et al. give a milestone overview of deep etc.). Similarly, deep reinforcement learning has also been
learning, introduce several popular models, and look ahead surveyed in [76], where the authors shed more light on ap-
at the potential of deep neural networks [20]. Schmidhuber plications. Zhang et al. survey developments in deep learning
undertakes an encyclopedic survey of deep learning, likely for recommender systems [32], which have potential to play
the most comprehensive thus far, covering the evolution, an important role in mobile advertising. As deep learning
methods, applications, and open research issues [21]. Liu et al. becomes increasingly popular, Goodfellow et al. provide a
summarize the underlying principles of several deep learning comprehensive tutorial of deep learning in a book that covers
models, and review deep learning developments in selected prerequisite knowledge, underlying principles, and popular
applications, such as speech processing, pattern recognition, applications [18].
and computer vision [22].
Arulkumaran et al. present several architectures and core B. Surveys on Future Mobile Networks
algorithms for deep reinforcement learning, including deep Q- The emerging 5G mobile networks incorporate a host of
networks, trust region policy optimization, and asynchronous new techniques to overcome the performance limitations of
advantage actor-critic [26]. Their survey highlights the re- current deployments and meet new application requirements.
markable performance of deep neural networks in different Progress to date in this space has been summarized through
control problem (e.g., video gaming, Go board game play, surveys, tutorials, and magazine papers (e.g. [4], [5], [38],
TABLE II: Summary of existing surveys, magazine papers, and books related to deep learning and mobile networking. The
symbol indicates a publication is in the scope of a domain; 7 marks papers that do not directly cover that area, but from
which readers may retrieve some related insights. Publications related to both deep learning and mobile networks are shaded.
Publication One-sentence summary Machine learning Mobile networking
Deep Other ML Mobile 5G tech-
learning methods big data nology
LeCun et al. [20] A milestone overview of deep learning. D
Schmidhuber [21] A comprehensive deep learning survey. D
Liu et al. [22] A survey on deep learning and its applications. D
Deng et al. [23] An overview of deep learning methods and applications. D
Deng [24] A tutorial on deep learning. D
Goodfellow et al. [18] An essential deep learning textbook. D 7
Pouyanfar et al. [25] A recent survey on deep learning. D D
Arulkumaran et al. [26] A survey of deep reinforcement learning. D 7
Hussein et al. [27] A survey of imitation learning. D D
Chen et al. [28] An introduction to deep learning for big data. D 7 7
Najafabadi [29] An overview of deep learning applications for big data analytics. D 7 7
Hordri et al. [30] A brief of survey of deep learning for big data applications. D 7 7
Gheisari et al. [31] A high-level literature review on deep learning for big data analytics. D 7
Zhang et al. [32] A survey and outlook of deep learning for recommender systems. D 7 7
Yu et al. [33] A survey on networking big data. D
Alsheikh et al. [34] A survey on machine learning in wireless sensor networks. D D
Tsai et al. [35] A survey on data mining in IoT. D D
Cheng et al. [36] An introductions mobile big data its applications. D 7
Bkassiny et al. [37] A survey on machine learning in cognitive radios. D 7 7
Andrews et al. [38] An introduction and outlook of 5G networks. D
Gupta et al. [5] A survey of 5G architecture and technologies. D
Agiwal et al. [4] A survey of 5G mobile networking techniques. D
Panwar et al. [39] A survey of 5G networks features, research progress and open issues. D
Elijah et al. [40] A survey of 5G MIMO systems. D
Buzzi et al. [41] A survey of 5G energy-efficient techniques. D
Peng et al. [42] An overview of radio access networks in 5G. 7 D
Niu et al. [43] A survey of 5G millimeter wave communications. D
Wang et al. [2] 5G backhauling techniques and radio resource management. D
Giust et al. [3] An overview of 5G distributed mobility management. D
Foukas et al. [44] A survey and insights on network slicing in 5G. D
Taleb et al. [45] A survey on 5G edge architecture and orchestration. D
Mach and Becvar [46] A survey on MEC. D
Mao et al. [47] A survey on mobile edge computing. D D
Wang et al. [48] An architecture for personalized QoE management in 5G. D D
Han et al. [49] Insights to mobile cloud sensing, big data, and 5G. D D
Singh et al. [50] A survey on social networks over 5G. 7 D D
Chen et al. [51] An introduction to 5G cognitive systems for healthcare. 7 7 7 D
Chen et al. [52] Machine learning for traffic offloading in cellular network D D
Wu et al. [53] Big data toward green cellular networks D D D
Buda et al. [54] Machine learning aided use cases and scenarios in 5G. D D D
Imran et al. [55] An introductions to big data analysis for self-organizing networks (SON) in 5G. D D D
Keshavamurthy et al. [56] Machine learning perspectives on SON in 5G. D D D
Klaine et al. [57] A survey of machine learning applications in SON. 7 D D D
Jiang et al. [7] Machine learning paradigms for 5G. 7 D D D
Li et al. [58] Insights into intelligent 5G. 7 D D D
Bui et al. [59] A survey of future mobile networks analysis and optimization. 7 D D D
Kasnesis et al. [60] Insights into employing deep learning for mobile data analysis. D D
Alsheikh et al. [17] Applying deep learning and Apache Spark for mobile data analytics. D D
Cheng et al. [61] Survey of mobile big data analysis and outlook. D D D 7
Wang and Jones [62] A survey of deep learning-driven network intrusion detection. D D D 7
Kato et al. [63] Proof-of-concept deep learning for network traffic control. D D
Zorzi et al. [64] An introduction to machine learning driven network optimization. D D D
Fadlullah et al. [65] A comprehensive survey of deep learning for network traffic control. D D D 7
Zheng et al. [6] An introduction to big data-driven 5G optimization. D D D D
[39], [47]). Andrews et al. highlight the differences between More recently, Fadlullah et al. deliver a survey on the progress
5G and prior mobile network architectures, conduct a com- of deep learning in a board range of areas, highlighting its
prehensive review of 5G techniques, and discuss research potential application to network traffic control systems [65].
challenges facing future developments [38]. Agiwal et al. Their work also highlights several unsolved research issues
review new architectures for 5G networks, survey emerging worthy of future study.
wireless technologies, and point out research problems that Ahad et al. introduce techniques, applications, and guide-
remain unsolved [4]. Gupta et al. also review existing work lines on applying neural networks to wireless networking
on 5G cellular network architectures, subsequently proposing problems [67]. Despite several limitations of neural networks
a framework that incorporates networking ingredients such as identified, this article focuses largely on old neural networks
Device-to-Device (D2D) communication, small cells, cloud models, ignoring recent progress in deep learning and suc-
computing, and the IoT [5]. cessful applications in current mobile networks. Lane et al.
Intelligent mobile networking is becoming a popular re- investigate the suitability and benefits of employing deep
search area and related work has been reviewed in the literature learning in mobile sensing, and emphasize on the potential
(e.g. [7], [34], [37], [54], [56]–[59]). Jiang et al. discuss for accurate inference on mobile devices [73]. Ota et al.
the potential of applying machine learning to 5G network report novel deep learning applications in mobile multimedia.
applications including massive MIMO and smart grids [7]. Their survey covers state-of-the-art deep learning practices in
This work further identifies several research gaps between ML mobile health and wellbeing, mobile security, mobile ambi-
and 5G that remain unexplored. Li et al. discuss opportunities ent intelligence, language translation, and speech recognition.
and challenges of incorporating artificial intelligence (AI) into Mohammadi et al. survey recent deep learning techniques for
future network architectures and highlight the significance of Internet of Things (IoT) data analytics [66]. They overview
AI in the 5G era [58]. Klaine et al. present several successful comprehensively existing efforts that incorporate deep learning
ML practices in Self-Organizing Networks (SONs), discuss into the IoT domain and shed light on current research
the pros and cons of different algorithms, and identify future challenges and future directions. Mao et al. focus on deep
research directions in this area [57]. Potential exists to apply learning in wireless networking [68]. Their work surveys state-
AI and exploit big data for energy efficiency purposes [53]. of-the-art deep learning applications in wireless networks, and
Chen et al. survey traffic offloading approaches in wireless discusses research challenges to be solved in the future.
networks, and propose a novel reinforcement learning based
solution [52]. This opens a new research direction toward em-
bedding machine learning towards greening cellular networks. D. Our Scope
The objective of this survey is to provide a comprehensive
C. Deep Learning Driven Networking Applications view on state-of-the-art deep learning practices in the mobile
A growing number of papers survey recent works that networking area. By this we aim to answer the following key
bring deep learning into the computer networking domain. questions:
Alsheikh et al. identify benefits and challenges of using big 1) Why is deep learning promising for solving mobile
data for mobile analytics and propose a Spark based deep networking problems?
learning framework for this purpose [17]. Wang and Jones 2) What are the cutting-edge deep learning models relevant
discuss evaluation criteria, data streaming and deep learning to mobile and wireless networking?
practices for network intrusion detection, pointing out research 3) What are the most recent successful deep learning appli-
challenges inherent to such applications [62]. Zheng et al. cations in the mobile networking domain?
put forward a big data-driven mobile network optimization 4) How can researchers tailor deep learning to specific
framework in 5G networks, to enhance QoE performance [6]. mobile networking problems?
5) Which are the most important and promising directions k-nearest neighbors classifier, and Q-learning. In contrast to
worthy of further study? traditional ML tools that rely heavily on features defined
The research papers and books we mentioned previously by domain experts, deep learning algorithms hierarchically
only partially answer these questions. This article goes beyond extract knowledge from raw data through multiple layers of
these previous works and specifically focuses on the crossovers nonlinear processing units, in order to make predictions or
between deep learning and mobile networking. We cover a take actions according to some target objective. The most
range of neural network (NN) structures that are increasingly well-known deep learning models are neural networks (NNs),
important and have not been explicitly discussed in earlier but only NNs that have a sufficient number of hidden layers
tutorials, e.g., [77]. This includes auto-encoders and Genera- (usually more than one) can be regarded as ‘deep’ models.
tive Adversarial Networks. Unlike such existing tutorials, we Besides deep NNs, other architectures have multiple layers,
also review open-source libraries for deploying and training such as deep Gaussian processes [80], neural processes [81],
neural networks, a range of optimization algorithms, and the and deep random forests [82], and can also be regarded as
parallelization of neural networks models and training across deep learning structures. The major benefit of deep learning
large numbers of mobile devices. We also review applications over traditional ML is thus the automatic feature extraction,
not looked at in other related surveys, including traffic/user by which expensive hand-crafted feature engineering can be
analytics, security and privacy, mobile health, etc. circumvented. We illustrate the relation between deep learning,
While our main scope remains the mobile networking machine learning, and artificial intelligence (AI) at a high level
domain, for completeness we also discuss deep learning appli- in Fig. 2.
cations to wireless networks, and identify emerging application In general, AI is a computation paradigm that endows
domains intimately connected to these areas. We differentiate machines with intelligence, aiming to teach them how to work,
between mobile networking, which refers to scenarios where react, and learn like humans. Many techniques fall under this
devices are portable, battery powered, potentially wearable, broad umbrella, including machine learning, expert systems,
and routinely connected to cellular infrastructure, and wireless and evolutionary algorithms. Among these, machine learning
networking, where devices are mostly fixed, and part of a enables the artificial processes to absorb knowledge from data
distributed infrastructure (including WLANs and WSNs), and and make decisions without being explicitly programmed.
serve a single application. Overall, our paper distinguishes Machine learning algorithms are typically categorized into
itself from earlier surveys from the following perspectives: supervised, unsupervised, and reinforcement learning. Deep
(i) We particularly focus on deep learning applications for learning is a family of machine learning techniques that mimic
mobile network analysis and management, instead of biological nervous systems and perform representation learn-
broadly discussing deep learning methods (as, e.g., in ing through multi-layer transformations, extending across all
[20], [21]) or centering on a single application domain, three learning paradigms mentioned before. As deep learning
e.g. mobile big data analysis with a specific platform [17]. has growing number of applications in mobile an wireless
(ii) We discuss cutting-edge deep learning techniques from networking, the crossovers between these domains make the
the perspective of mobile networks (e.g., [78], [79]), scope of this manuscript.
focusing on their applicability to this area, whilst giving
less attention to conventional deep learning models that
may be out-of-date.
(iii) We analyze similarities between existing non-networking
problems and those specific to mobile networks; based
on this analysis we provide insights into both best deep Applications in mobile &
wireless networks Examples: Examples:
learning architecture selection strategies and adaptation (our scope) MLP, CNN, Supervised learning Rule engines
RNN Unsupervised learning Expert systems
approaches, so as to exploit the characteristics of mobile Evolutionary algorithms
Deep Learning Reinforcement learning
the late 1980s that neural networks (NNs) gained interest, as as an example.
Rumelhart et al. showed that multi-layer NNs could be trained
effectively by back-propagating errors [84]. LeCun and Bengio Forward propagation: The figure shows a CNN with 5 layers,
subsequently proposed the now popular Convolutional Neural i.e., an input layer (grey), 3 hidden layers (blue) and an output
Network (CNN) architecture [85], but progress stalled due to layer (orange). In forward propagation, A 2D input x (e.g
computing power limitations of systems available at that time. images) is first processed by a convolutional layer, which
Following the recent success of GPUs, CNNs have been em- perform the following convolutional operation:
ployed to dramatically reduce the error rate in the Large Scale
Visual Recognition Challenge (LSVRC) [86]. This has drawn h1 = σ(w1 ∗ x). (1)
unprecedented interest in deep learning and breakthroughs Here h1 is the output of the first hidden layer, w1 is the
continue to appear in a wide range of computer science areas. convolutional filter and σ(·) is the activation function,
aiming at improving the non-linearity and representability
B. Fundamental Principles of Deep Learning of the model. The output h1 is subsequently provided as
The key aim of deep neural networks is to approximate com- input to and processed by the following two convolutional
plex functions through a composition of simple and predefined layers, which eventually produces a final output y. This
operations of units (or neurons). Such an objective function could be for instance vector of probabilities for different
can be almost of any type, such as a mapping between images possible patterns (shapes) discovered in the (image) input.
and their class labels (classification), computing future stock To train the CNN appropriately, one uses a loss function
prices based on historical values (regression), or even deciding L(w) to measure the distance between the output y and the
the next optimal chess move given the current status on the ground truth y∗ . The purpose of training is to find the best
board (control). The operations performed are usually defined weights w, so as to minimize the loss function L(w). This can
by a weighted combination of a specific group of hidden units be achieved by the back propagation through gradient descent.
with a non-linear activation function, depending on the struc-
ture of the model. Such operations along with the output units Backward propagation: During backward propagation, one
are named “layers”. The neural network architecture resembles computes the gradient of the loss function L(w) over the
the perception process in a brain, where a specific set of units weight of the last hidden layer, and updates the weight by
are activated given the current environment, influencing the computing:
output of the neural network model. dL(w)
w4 = w4 − λ . (2)
C. Forward and Backward Propagation Here λ denotes the learning rate, which controls the step
size of moving in the direction indicated by the gradient. The
In mathematical terms, the architecture of deep neural
same operation is performed for each weight, following the
networks is usually differentiable, therefore the weights (or
chain rule. The process is repeated and eventually the gradient
parameters) of the model can be learned by minimizing
descent will lead to a set w that minimizes the L(w).
a loss function using gradient descent methods through
For other NN structures, the training and inference processes
back-propagation, following the fundamental chain rule [84].
are similar. To help less expert readers we detail the principles
We illustrate the principles of the learning and inference
and computational details of various deep learning techniques
processes of a deep neural network in Fig. 3, where we use a
in Sec.V.
two-dimensional (2D) Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)
TABLE IV: Summary of the benefits of applying deep learning 5) Deep learning is effective in handing geometric mobile
to solve problems in mobile and wireless networks. data [98], while this is a conundrum for other ML ap-
Key aspect Description Benefits proaches. Geometric data refers to multivariate data rep-
Deep neural networks can Reduce expensive resented by coordinates, topology, metrics and order [99].
automatically extract hand-crafted feature
high-level features engineering in processing
Mobile data, such as mobile user location and network
extraction connectivity can be naturally represented by point clouds
through layers of heterogeneous and noisy
different depths. mobile big data. and graphs, which have important geometric properties.
Unlike traditional ML
tools, the performance of Efficiently utilize huge
These data can be effectively modelled by dedicated
Big data deep learning architectures, such as PointNet++ [100]
deep learning usually amounts of mobile data
grow significantly with generated at high rates. and Graph CNN [101]. Employing these architectures has
the size of training data.
great potential to revolutionize the geometric mobile data
Deep learning is effective Handling large amounts
Unsuper- analysis [102].
in processing un-/semi- of unlabeled data, which
labeled data, enabling are common in mobile
unsupervised learning. system.
Features learned by Reduce computational E. Limitations of Deep Learning in Mobile and Wireless
neural networks through and memory requirements
hidden layers can be when performing
applied to different tasks multi-task learning in Although deep learning has unique advantages when ad-
by transfer learning. mobile systems.
Dedicated deep learning dressing mobile network problems, it also has several short-
mobile data
architectures exist to Revolutionize geometric comings, which partially restricts its applicability in this
model geometric mobile mobile data analysis domain. Specifically,
1) In general, deep learning (including deep reinforcement
learning) is vulnerable to adversarial examples [103],
[104]. These refer to artifact inputs that are intention-
2) Secondly, deep learning is capable of handling large ally designed by an attacker to fool machine learning
amounts of data. Mobile networks generate high volumes models into making mistakes [103]. While it is difficult
of different types of data at fast pace. Training traditional to distinguish such samples from genuine ones, they can
ML algorithms (e.g., Support Vector Machine (SVM) [88] trigger mis-adjustments of a model with high likelihood.
and Gaussian Process (GP) [89]) sometimes requires to We illustrate an example of such an adversarial attack in
store all the data in memory, which is computationally Fig. 4. Deep learning, especially CNNs are vulnerable to
infeasible under big data scenarios. Furthermore, the these types of attacks. This may also affect the applica-
performance of ML does not grow significantly with bility of deep learning in mobile systems. For instance,
large volumes of data and plateaus relatively fast [18]. In hackers may exploit this vulnerability and construct cyber
contrast, Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) employed to attacks that subvert deep learning based detectors [105].
train NNs only requires sub-sets of data at each training Constructing deep models that are robust to adversarial
step, which guarantees deep learning’s scalability with examples is imperative, but remains challenging.
big data. Deep neural networks further benefit as training
with big data prevents model over-fitting.
Raw image Adversarial example
3) Traditional supervised learning is only effective when
+ =
sufficient labeled data is available. However, most cur-
rent mobile systems generate unlabeled or semi-labeled
data [17]. Deep learning provides a variety of methods
Result: Dedicated Noise Result:
that allow exploiting unlabeled data to learn useful pat- Castle (87.19%) Panda (99.19%)
terns in an unsupervised manner, e.g., Restricted Boltz-
mann Machine (RBM) [90], Generative Adversarial Net- Fig. 4: An example of an adversarial attack on deep learning.
work (GAN) [91]. Applications include clustering [92],
data distributions approximation [91], un/semi-supervised 2) Deep learning algorithms are largely black boxes and
learning [93], [94], and one/zero shot learning [95], [96], have low interpretability. Their major breakthroughs are
among others. in terms of accuracy, as they significantly improve per-
4) Compressive representations learned by deep neural net- formance of many tasks in different areas. However,
works can be shared across different tasks, while this although deep learning enables creating “machines” that
is limited or difficult to achieve in other ML paradigms have high accuracy in specific tasks, we still have limited
(e.g., linear regression, random forest, etc.). Therefore, a knowledge as of why NNs make certain decisions. This
single model can be trained to fulfill multiple objectives, limits the applicability of deep learning, e.g. in network
without requiring complete model retraining for different economics. Therefore, businesses would rather continue
tasks. We argue that this is essential for mobile network to employ statistical methods that have high interpretabil-
engineering, as it reduces computational and memory ity, whilst sacrificing on accuracy. Researchers have rec-
requirements of mobile systems when performing multi- ognized this problem and investing continuous efforts to
task learning applications [97]. address this limitation of deep learning (e.g. [106]–[108]).
3) Deep learning is heavily reliant on data, which sometimes is completed, inferences can be made within millisecond
can be more important than the model itself. Deep models timescales, as already reported by a number of papers for
can further benefit from training data augmentation [109]. a range of tasks (e.g., [111]–[113] ). We summarize these
This is indeed an opportunity for mobile networking, as advances in Table V and review them in what follows.
networks generates tremendous amounts of data. How-
ever, data collection may be costly, and face privacy
concern, therefore it may be difficult to obtain sufficient
information for model training. In such scenarios, the Fast Optimization Algorithms
(e.g., SGD, RMSprop, Adam)
benefits of employing deep learning may be outweigth
by the costs.
4) Deep learning can be computationally demanding. Ad- Dedicated Deep Fog Computing
vanced parallel computing (e.g. GPUs, high-performance Learning Libraries (Software)
(e.g., Tensorflow, (e.g., Core ML,
chips) fostered the development and popularity of deep Pytorch, Caffe2) DeepSense)
learning, yet deep learning also heavily relies on these.
Deep NNs usually require complex structures to obtain
satisfactory accuracy performance. However, when de- Distributed Machine Learning Systems
ploying NNs on embedded and mobile devices, energy (e.g., Gaia, TUX2)
and capability constraints have to be considered. Very
deep NNs may not be suitable for such scenario and
Advanced Parallel Fog Computing
this would inevitably compromise accuracy. Solutions are Computing (Hardware)
being developed to mitigate this problem and we will dive (e.g., GPU, TPU) (e.g., nn-X, Kirin 970)
deeper into these in Sec. IV and VII.
5) Deep neural networks usually have many hyper-
parameters and finding their optimal configuration can
Fig. 5: Hierarchical view of deep learning enablers. Parallel
be difficult. For a single convolutional layer, we need to
computing and hardware in fog computing lay foundations for
configure at least hyper-parameters for the number, shape,
deep learning. Distributed machine learning systems can build
stride, and dilation of filters, as well as for the residual
upon them, to support large-scale deployment of deep learning.
connections. The number of such hyper-parameters grows
Deep learning libraries run at the software level, to enable
exponentially with the depth of the model and can highly
fast deep learning implementation. Higher-level optimizers are
influence its performance. Finding a good set of hyper-
used to train the NN, to fulfill specific objectives.
parameters can be similar to looking for a needle in a
haystack. The AutoML platform2 provides a first solution
to this problem, by employing progressive neural archi-
tecture search [110]. This task, however, remains costly. A. Advanced Parallel Computing
To circumvent some of the aforementioned problems and Compared to traditional machine learning models, deep
allow for effective deployment in mobile networks, deep neural networks have significantly larger parameters spaces,
learning requires certain system and software support. We intermediate outputs, and number of gradient values. Each of
review and discuss such enablers in the next section. these need to be updated during every training step, requiring
powerful computation resources. The training and inference
IV. E NABLING D EEP L EARNING IN M OBILE N ETWORKING processes involve huge amounts of matrix multiplications and
other operations, though they could be massively parallelized.
5G systems seek to provide high throughput and ultra-low Traditional Central Processing Units (CPUs) have a limited
latency communication services, to improve users’ QoE [4]. number of cores, thus they only support restricted computing
Implementing deep learning to build intelligence into 5G parallelism. Employing CPUs for deep learning implementa-
systems, so as to meet these objectives is expensive. This is tions is highly inefficient and will not satisfy the low-latency
because powerful hardware and software is required to support requirements of mobile systems.
training and inference in complex settings. Fortunately, several Engineers address these issues by exploiting the power of
tools are emerging, which make deep learning in mobile GPUs. GPUs were originally designed for high performance
networks tangible; namely, (i) advanced parallel computing, video games and graphical rendering, but new techniques
(ii) distributed machine learning systems, (iii) dedicated deep such as Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA) [115]
learning libraries, (iv) fast optimization algorithms, and (v) fog and the CUDA Deep Neural Network library (cuDNN) [116]
computing. These tools can be seen as forming a hierarchical developed by NVIDIA add flexibility to this type of hardware,
structure, as illustrated in Fig. 5; synergies between them exist allowing users to customize their usage for specific purposes.
that makes networking problem amenable to deep learning GPUs usually incorporate thousand of cores and perform ex-
based solutions. By employing these tools, once the training ceptionally in fast matrix multiplications required for training
2 AutoML – training high-quality custom machine learning models with neural networks. This provides higher memory bandwidth
minimum effort and machine learning expertise. over CPUs and dramatically speeds up the learning process.
automl/ Recent advanced Tensor Processing Units (TPUs) developed
TABLE V: Summary of tools and techniques that enable deploying deep learning in mobile systems.
Performance Energy con- Economic
Technique Examples Scope Functionality
improvement sumption cost
Enable fast, parallel
Advanced GPU, TPU [114],
Mobile servers, training/inference of deep Medium
parallel CUDA [115], High High
workstations learning models in mobile (hardware)
computing cuDNN [116]
TensorFlow [117], High-level toolboxes that
Dedicated deep Theano [118], Mobile servers enable network engineers to Low
Medium with
learning library Caffe [119], and devices build purpose-specific deep (software)
Torch [120] learning architectures
nn-X [121], ncnn
[122], Kirin 970 Support edge-based deep Medium
Fog computing Mobile devices Medium Low
[123], learning computing (hardware)
Core ML [124]
Nesterov [125], Associated
Fast optimization Training deep Accelerate and stabilize the Low
Adagrad [126], RM- Medium with
algorithms architectures model optimization process (software)
Sprop, Adam [127] hardware
MLbase [128],
Distributed Distributed data Support deep learning
Gaia [10], Tux2 [11], High
machine learning centers, frameworks in mobile High High
Adam [129], (hardware)
systems cross-server systems across data centers
GeePS [130]
by Google even demonstrate 15-30× higher processing speeds geographically distributed servers simultaneously, with high
and 30-80× higher performance-per-watt, as compared to efficiency and low overhead.
CPUs and GPUs [114]. Deploying deep learning in a distributed fashion will
Diffractive neural networks (D2 NNs) that completely rely inevitably introduce several system-level problems, which
on light communication were recently introduced in [131], require satisfying the following properties:
to enable zero-consumption and zero-delay deep learning. Consistency – Guaranteeing that model parameters and com-
The D2 NN is composed of several transmissive layers, where putational processes are consistent across all machines.
points on these layers act as neurons in a NN. The structure Fault tolerance – Effectively dealing with equipment break-
is trained to optimize the transmission/reflection coefficients, downs in large-scale distributed machine learning systems.
which are equivalent to weights in a NN. Once trained, Communication – Optimizing communication between nodes
transmissive layers will be materialized via 3D printing and in a cluster and to avoid congestion.
they can subsequently be used for inference. Storage – Designing efficient storage mechanisms tailored
There are also a number of toolboxes that can assist the to different environments (e.g., distributed clusters, single
computational optimization of deep learning on the server side. machines, GPUs), given I/O and data processing diversity.
Spring and Shrivastava introduce a hashing based technique Resource management – Assigning workloads and ensuring
that substantially reduces computation requirements of deep that nodes work well-coordinated.
network implementations [132]. Mirhoseini et al. employ a Programming model – Designing programming interfaces to
reinforcement learning scheme to enable machines to learn support multiple programming languages.
the optimal operation placement over mixture hardware for
deep neural networks. Their solution achieves up to 20% There exist several distributed machine learning systems
faster computation speed than human experts’ designs of such that facilitate deep learning in mobile networking applications.
placements [133]. Kraska et al. introduce a distributed system named MLbase,
Importantly, these systems are easy to deploy, therefore which enables to intelligently specify, select, optimize, and
mobile network engineers do not need to rebuild mobile parallelize ML algorithms [128]. Their system helps non-
servers from scratch to support deep learning computing. This experts deploy a wide range of ML methods, allowing opti-
makes implementing deep learning in mobile systems feasible mization and running ML applications across different servers.
and accelerates the processing of mobile data streams. Hsieh et al. develop a geography-distributed ML system called
Gaia, which breaks the throughput bottleneck by employing
an advanced communication mechanism over Wide Area Net-
B. Distributed Machine Learning Systems works, while preserving the accuracy of ML algorithms [10].
Mobile data is collected from heterogeneous sources (e.g., Their proposal supports versatile ML interfaces (e.g. Tensor-
mobile devices, network probes, etc.), and stored in multiple Flow, Caffe), without requiring significant changes to the ML
distributed data centers. With the increase of data volumes, it algorithm itself. This system enables deployments of complex
is impractical to move all mobile data to a central data center deep learning applications over large-scale mobile networks.
to run deep learning applications [10]. Running network-wide Xing et al. develop a large-scale machine learning platform
deep learning algorithms would therefore require distributed to support big data applications [134]. Their architecture
machine learning systems that support different interfaces achieves efficient model and data parallelization, enabling
(e.g., operating systems, programming language, libraries), so parameter state synchronization with low communication cost.
as to enable training and evaluation of deep models across Xiao et al. propose a distributed graph engine for ML named
TUX2 , to support data layout optimization across machines and give a comparison among them in Table VI.
and reduce cross-machine communication [11]. They demon-
strate remarkable performance in terms of runtime and con- TensorFlow4 is a machine learning library developed by
vergence on a large dataset with up to 64 billion edges. Google [117]. It enables deploying computation graphs on
Chilimbi et al. build a distributed, efficient, and scalable CPUs, GPUs, and even mobile devices [136], allowing ML
system named “Adam"3 tailored to the training of deep mod- implementation on both single and distributed architectures.
els [129]. Their architecture demonstrates impressive perfor- This permits fast implementation of deep NNs on both
mance in terms of throughput, delay, and fault tolerance. An- cloud and fog services. Although originally designed for
other dedicated distributed deep learning system called GeePS ML and deep neural networks applications, TensorFlow
is developed by Cui et al. [130]. Their framework allows data is also suitable for other data-driven research purposes. It
parallelization on distributed GPUs, and demonstrates higher provides TensorBoard,5 a sophisticated visualization tool, to
training throughput and faster convergence rate. More recently, help users understand model structures and data flows, and
Moritz et al. designed a dedicated distributed framework perform debugging. Detailed documentation and tutorials for
named Ray to underpin reinforcement learning applications Python exist, while other programming languages such as
[135]. Their framework is supported by an dynamic task ex- C, Java, and Go are also supported. currently it is the most
ecution engine, which incorporates the actor and task-parallel popular deep learning library. Building upon TensorFlow,
abstractions. They further introduce a bottom-up distributed several dedicated deep learning toolboxes were released
scheduling strategy and a dedicated state storage scheme, to to provide higher-level programming interfaces, including
improve scalability and fault tolerance. Keras6 , Luminoth 7 and TensorLayer [137].
C. Dedicated Deep Learning Libraries Theano is a Python library that allows to efficiently define,
Building a deep learning model from scratch can prove optimize, and evaluate numerical computations involving
complicated to engineers, as this requires definitions of multi-dimensional data [118]. It provides both GPU and
forwarding behaviors and gradient propagation operations CPU modes, which enables users to tailor their programs to
at each layer, in addition to CUDA coding for GPU individual machines. Learning Theano is however difficult
parallelization. With the growing popularity of deep learning, and building a NNs with it involves substantial compiling
several dedicated libraries simplify this process. Most of these time. Though Theano has a large user base and a support
toolboxes work with multiple programming languages, and 4 TensorFlow,
are built with GPU acceleration and automatic differentiation 5 TensorBoard – A visualization tool for TensorFlow, https:
support. This eliminates the need of hand-crafted definition // ndt ensorboard.
of gradient propagation. We summarize these libraries below, 6 Keras deep learning library,
7 Luminoth deep learning library for computer vision,
3 Note that this is distinct from the Adam optimizer discussed in Sec. IV-D tryolabs/luminoth
community, and at some stage was one of the most popular choice, as it is well-established, under good maintainance and
deep learning tools, its popularity is decreasing rapidly, as has standed the test of many Google industrial projects.
core ideas and attributes are absorbed by TensorFlow.
D. Fast Optimization Algorithms
Caffe(2) is a dedicated deep learning framework developed The objective functions to be optimized in deep learning
by Berkeley AI Research [119] and the latest version, are usually complex, as they involve sums of extremely large
Caffe2,8 was recently released by Facebook. Inheriting all numbers of data-wise likelihood functions. As the depth of
the advantages of the old version, Caffe2 has become a the model increases, such functions usually exhibit high non-
very flexible framework that enables users to build their convexity with multiple local minima, critical points, and
models efficiently. It also allows to train neural networks saddle points. In this case, conventional Stochastic Gradi-
on multiple GPUs within distributed systems, and supports ent Descent (SGD) algorithms [140] are slow in terms of
deep learning implementations on mobile operating systems, convergence, which will restrict their applicability to latency
such as iOS and Android. Therefore, it has the potential constrained mobile systems. To overcome this problem and
to play an important role in the future mobile edge computing. stabilize the optimization process, many algorithms evolve the
traditional SGD, allowing NN models to be trained faster for
(Py)Torch is a scientific computing framework with wide mobile applications. We summarize the key principles behind
support for machine learning models and algorithms [120]. these optimizers and make a comparison between them in
It was originally developed in the Lua language, but Table VII. We delve into the details of their operation next.
developers later released an improved Python version [138]. Fixed Learning Rate SGD Algorithms: Suskever et al.
In essence PyTorch is a lightweight toolbox that can run introduce a variant of the SGD optimizer with Nesterov’s
on embedded systems such as smart phones, but lacks momentum, which evaluates gradients after the current ve-
comprehensive documentations. Since building NNs in locity is applied [125]. Their method demonstrates faster
PyTorch is straightforward, the popularity of this library is convergence rate when optimizing convex functions. Another
growing rapidly. It also offers rich pretrained models and approach is Adagrad, which performs adaptive learning to
modules that are easy to reuse and combine. PyTorch is now model parameters according to their update frequency. This is
officially maintained by Facebook and mainly employed for suitable for handling sparse data and significantly outperforms
research purposes. SGD in terms of robustness [126]. Adadelta improves the
traditional Adagrad algorithm, enabling it to converge faster,
MXNET is a flexible and scalable deep learning library that and does not rely on a global learning rate [141]. RMSprop is
provides interfaces for multiple languages (e.g., C++, Python, a popular SGD based method introduced by G. Hinton. RM-
Matlab, R, etc.) [139]. It supports different levels of machine Sprop divides the learning rate by an exponential smoothing
learning models, from logistic regression to GANs. MXNET the average of gradients and does not require one to set the
provides fast numerical computation for both single machine learning rate for each training step [140].
Adaptive Learning Rate SGD Algorithms: Kingma and
and distributed ecosystems. It wraps workflows commonly
Ba propose an adaptive learning rate optimizer named Adam,
used in deep learning into high-level functions, such that
which incorporates momentum by the first-order moment of
standard neural networks can be easily constructed without
the gradient [127]. This algorithm is fast in terms of conver-
substantial coding effort. However, learning how to work with
gence, highly robust to model structures, and is considered as
this toolbox in short time frame is difficult, hence the number
the first choice if one cannot decide what algorithm to use.
of users who prefer this library is relatively small. MXNET is
By incorporating the momentum into Adam, Nadam applies
the official deep learning framework in Amazon.
stronger constraints to the gradients, which enables faster
Although less popular, there are other excellent deep learn- convergence [142].
ing libraries, such as CNTK,9 Deeplearning4j,10 Blocks,11 Other Optimizers: Andrychowicz et al. suggest that the
Gluon,12 and Lasagne,13 which can also be employed in optimization process can be even learned dynamically [143].
mobile systems. Selecting among these varies according to They pose the gradient descent as a trainable learning problem,
specific applications. For AI beginners who intend to employ which demonstrates good generalization ability in neural net-
deep learning for the networking domain, PyTorch is a good work training. Wen et al. propose a training algorithm tailored
candidate, as it is easy to build neural networks in this to distributed systems [146]. They quantize float gradient val-
environment and the library is well optimized for GPUs. On ues to {-1, 0 and +1} in the training processing, which theoret-
the other hand, if for people who pursue advanced operations ically require 20 times less gradient communications between
and large-scale implementation, Tensorflow might be a better nodes. The authors prove that such gradient approximation
mechanism allows the objective function to converge to optima
8 Caffe2, with probability 1, where in their experiments only a 2%
9 MS Cognitive Toolkit,
accuracy loss is observed on average on GoogleLeNet [144]
10 Deeplearning4j,
11 Blocks,
training. Zhou et al. employ a differential private mechanism
A Theano framework for building and training neural networks
to compare training and validation gradients, to reuse samples
12 Gluon, A deep learning library and keep them fresh [145]. This can dramatically reduce
13 Lasagne, overfitting during training.
tional optimization tailored to mobile devices.14 Their hard- their applicability to mobile networking problems.
ware allows developers to execute neural network models on
Snapdragon 820 boards to serve a variety of applications. V. D EEP L EARNING : S TATE - OF - THE -A RT
In close collaboration with Google, Movidius15 develops an Revisiting Fig. 2, machine learning methods can be natu-
embedded neural network computing framework that allows rally categorized into three classes, namely supervised learn-
user-customized deep learning deployments at the edge of mo- ing, unsupervised learning, and reinforcement learning. Deep
bile networks. Their products can achieve satisfying runtime learning architectures have achieved remarkable performance
efficiency, while operating with ultra-low power requirements. in all these areas. In this section, we introduce the key prin-
It further supports difference frameworks, such as TensorFlow ciples underpinning several deep learning models and discuss
and Caffe, providing users with flexibility in choosing among their largely unexplored potential to solve mobile networking
toolkits. More recently, Huawei officially announced the Kirin problems. Technical details of classical models are provided to
970 as a mobile AI computing system on chip.16 Their in- readers who seek to obtain a deeper understanding of neural
novative framework incorporates dedicated Neural Processing networks. The more experienced can continue reading with
Units (NPUs), which dramatically accelerates neural network Sec. VI. We illustrate and summarize the most salient archi-
computing, enabling classification of 2,000 images per second tectures that we present in Fig. 6 and Table IX, respectively.
on mobile devices.
Software: Beyond these hardware advances, there are also A. Multilayer Perceptron
software platforms that seek to optimize deep learning on mo- The Multilayer Perceptrons (MLPs) is the initial Artificial
bile devices (e.g., [156]). We compare and summarize all these Neural Network (ANN) design, which consists of at least three
platforms in Table VIII.17 In addition to the mobile version of layers of operations [173]. Units in each layer are densely
TensorFlow and Caffe, Tencent released a lightweight, high- connected, hence require to configure a substantial number of
performance neural network inference framework tailored to weights. We show an MLP with two hidden layers in Fig.
mobile platforms, which relies on CPU computing.18 This 6(a). Note that usually only MLPs containing more than one
toolbox performs better than all known CPU-based open hidden layer are regarded as deep learning structures.
source frameworks in terms of inference speed. Apple has Given an input vector x, a standard MLP layer performs the
developed “Core ML", a private ML framework to facilitate following operation:
mobile deep learning implementation on iOS 11.19 This lowers
the entry barrier for developers wishing to deploy ML models y = σ(W · x + b). (3)
on Apple equipment. Yao et al. develop a deep learning Here y denotes the output of the layer, W are the weights
framework called DeepSense dedicated to mobile sensing and b the biases. σ(·) is an activation function, which aims
related data processing, which provides a general machine at improving the non-linearity of the model. Commonly used
learning toolbox that accommodates a wide range of edge activation function are the sigmoid,
applications. It has moderate energy consumption and low
latency, thus being amenable to deployment on smartphones. sigmoid(x) = ,
1 + e−x
The techniques and toolboxes mentioned above make the
deployment of deep learning practices in mobile network the Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU) [174],
applications feasible. In what follows, we briefly introduce ReLU(x) = max(x, 0),
several representative deep learning architectures and discuss
ex − e−x
14 Qualcomm Helps Make Your Mobile Devices Smarter With tanh(x) = ,
New Snapdragon Machine Learning Software Development Kit: ex + e−x and the Scaled Exponential Linear Units (SELUs) [175],
make-your-mobile-devices-smarter-new-snapdragon-machine (
15 Movidius, an Intel company, provides cutting edge solutions for deploying x, if x > 0;
deep learning and computer vision algorithms on ultra-low power devices. SELU(x) = λ αex − α, if x ≤ 0,
16 Huawei announces the Kirin 970 – new flagship SoC with AI capabilities
where the parameters λ = 1.0507 and α = 1.6733 are
17 Adapted from frequently used. In addition, the softmax function is typically
18 ncnn is a high-performance neural network inference framework opti- employed in the last layer when performing classification:
mized for the mobile platform,
19 Core ML: Integrate machine learning models into your app, https:
softmax(xi ) = Ík ,
// xk
j=0 e
Feature 2
Output layer
1. Sample from
Feature 3 2. Sample from
Feature 4
3. Update weights
Feature 5
Visible variables
Feature 6
(a) Structure of an MLP with 2 hidden layers (blue circles). (b) Graphical model and training process of an RBM. v and h denote
visible and hidden variables, respectively.
Hidden Minimise
Input layer Input map
kernel Output map
(c) Operating principle of an auto-encoder, which seeks to recon- (d) Operating principle of a convolutional layer.
struct the input from the hidden layer.
States S 1 S2 S3 ... St
(e) Recurrent layer – x1:t is the input sequence, indexed by time t, (f) The inner structure of an LSTM layer.
st denotes the state vector and ht the hidden outputs.
(g) Underlying principle of a generative adversarial network (GAN). (h) Typical deep reinforcement learning architecture. The agent is
a neural network model that approximates the required function.
Fig. 6: Typical structure and operation principles of MLP, RBM, AE, CNN, RNN, LSTM, GAN, and DRL.
TABLE IX: Summary of different deep learning architectures. GAN and DRL are shaded, since they are built upon other models.
Learning Example Suitable
Model Pros Cons applications in
scenarios architectures problems
mobile networks
High complexity,
Supervised, Modeling data Naive structure and multi-attribute mobile
ANN, modest performance
MLP unsupervised, with simple straightforward to data; auxiliary or
AdaNet [157] and slow
reinforcement correlations build component of other
deep architectures
representations from
DBN [158], unlabeled mobile
Extracting robust Can generate virtual
RBM Unsupervised Convolutional Difficult to train well data; model weight
representations samples
DBN [159] initialization;
network flow
model weight
Learning sparse Powerful and initialization; mobile
DAE [160], Expensive to pretrain
AE Unsupervised and compact effective data dimension
VAE [161] with big data
representations unsupervised learning reduction; mobile
anomaly detection
High computational
AlexNet [86], cost; challenging to
Supervised, ResNet [162], find optimal
Spatial data Weight sharing; Spatial mobile data
CNN unsupervised, 3D-ConvNet [163], hyper-parameters;
modeling affine invariance analysis
reinforcement GoogLeNet [144], requires deep
DenseNet [164] structures for
complex tasks
Individual traffic flow
LSTM [165], High model
Supervised, Expertise in analysis; network-
Attention based Sequential data complexity; gradient
RNN unsupervised, capturing temporal wide (spatio-)
RNN [166], modeling vanishing and
reinforcement dependencies temporal data
ConvLSTM [167] exploding problems
Virtual mobile data
Training process is
WGAN [79], Can produce lifelike generation; assisting
GAN Unsupervised LS-GAN [168], Data generation artifacts from a target supervised learning
BigGAN [169] distribution tasks in network data
DQN [19],
Deep Policy Control problems Ideal for
Mobile network
Gradient [170], with high- high-dimensional Slow in terms of
DRL Reinforcement control and
A3C [78], dimensional environment convergence
Rainbow [171], inputs modeling
DPPO [172]
where k is the number of labels involved in classification. architecture can be potentially explored for analyzing contin-
Until recently, sigmoid and tanh have been the activation uously changing mobile environments.
functions most widely used. However, they suffer from a
known gradient vanishing problem, which hinders gradient B. Boltzmann Machine
propagation through layers. Therefore these functions are
increasingly more often replaced by ReLU or SELU. SELU Restricted Boltzmann Machines (RBMs) [90] were orig-
enables to normalize the output of each layer, which dramati- inally designed for unsupervised learning purposes. They
cally accelerates the training convergence, and can be viewed are essentially a type of energy-based undirected graphical
as a replacement of Batch Normalization [176]. models, and include a visible layer and a hidden layer, and
where each unit can only assume binary values (i.e., 0 and 1).
The MLP can be employed for supervised, unsupervised, The probabilities of these values are given by:
and even reinforcement learning purposes. Although this struc-
ture was the most popular neural network in the past, its P(h j = 1|v) =
popularity is decreasing because it entails high complexity 1 + e−W·v+bj
(fully-connected structure), modest performance, and low con- P(v j = 1|h) = ,
1 + e−W ·h+aj
vergence efficiency. MLPs are mostly used as a baseline or
integrated into more complex architectures (e.g., the final where h, v are the hidden and visible units respectively, and
layer in CNNs used for classification). Building an MLP is W are weights and a, b are biases. The visible units are
straightforward, and it can be employed, e.g., to assist with conditional independent to the hidden units, and vice versa. A
feature extraction in models built for specific objectives in typical structure of an RBM is shown in Fig. 6(b). In general,
mobile network applications. The advanced Adaptive learning input data are assigned to visible units v. Hidden units h are
of neural Network (AdaNet) enables MLPs to dynamically invisible and they fully connect to all v through weights W,
train their structures to adapt to the input [157]. This new which is similar to a standard feed forward neural network.
However, unlike in MLPs where only the input vector can set of locally connected kernels (filters) to capture correla-
affect the hidden units, with RBMs the state of v can affect tions between different data regions. Mathematically, for each
the state of h, and vice versa. location p y of the output y, the standard convolution performs
RBMs can be effectively trained using the contrastive the following operation:
divergence algorithm [177] through multiple steps of Gibbs Õ
sampling [178]. We illustrate the structure and the training y( p y ) = w( p G ) · x( p y + p G ), (4)
p G ∈G
process of an RBM in Fig. 6(b). RBM-based models are
usually employed to initialize the weights of a neural network where p G denotes all positions in the receptive field G of the
in more recent applications. The pre-trained model can be convolutional filter W, effectively representing the receptive
subsequently fine-tuned for supervised learning purposes using range of each neuron to inputs in a convolutional layer. Here
a standard back-propagation algorithm. A stack of RBMs is the weights W are shared across different locations of the
called a Deep Belief Network (DBN) [158], which performs input map. We illustrate the operation of one 2D convolutional
layer-wise training and achieves superior performance as com- layer in Fig. 6(d). Specifically, the inputs of a 2D CNN layer
pared to MLPs in many applications, including time series are multiple 2D matrices with different channels (e.g. the
forecasting [179], ratio matching [180], and speech recognition RGB representation of images). A convolutional layer employs
[181]. Such structures can be even extended to a convolutional multiple filters shared across different locations, to “scan” the
architecture, to learn hierarchical spatial representations [159]. inputs and produce output maps. In general, if the inputs and
outputs have M and N filters respectively, the convolutional
C. Auto-Encoders layer will require M × N filters to perform the convolution
Auto-Encoders (AEs) are also designed for unsupervised operation.
learning and attempt to copy inputs to outputs. The underlying CNNs improve traditional MLPs by leveraging three im-
principle of an AE is shown in Fig. 6(c). AEs are frequently portant ideas, namely, (i) sparse interactions, (ii) parameter
used to learn compact representation of data for dimension sharing, and (iii) equivariant representations [18]. This reduces
reduction [182]. Extended versions can be further employed to the number of model parameters significantly and maintains
initialize the weights of a deep architecture, e.g., the Denoising the affine invariance (i.e., recognition results are robust to
Auto-Encoder (DAE) [160]), and generate virtual examples the affine transformation of objects). Specifically, The sparse
from a target data distribution, e.g. Variational Auto-Encoders interactions imply that the weight kernel has smaller size than
(VAEs) [161]. the input. It performs moving filtering to produce outputs
A VAE typically comprises two neural networks – an (with roughly the same size as the inputs) for the current
encoder and a decoder. The input of the encoder is a data layer. Parameter sharing refers to employing the same kernel
point x (e.g., images) and its functionality is to encode this to scan the whole input map. This significantly reduces the
input into a latent representation space z. Let fΘ (z|x) be an number of parameters needed, which mitigates the risk of over-
encoder parameterized by Θ and z is sampled from a Gaussian fitting. Equivariant representations indicate that convolution
distribution, the objective of the encoder is to output the mean operations are invariant in terms of translation, scale, and
and variance of the Gaussian distribution. Similarly, denoting shape. This is particularly useful for image processing, since
gΩ (x|z) the decoder parameterized by Ω, this accepts the latent essential features may show up at different locations in the
representation z as input, and outputs the parameter of the image, with various affine patterns.
distribution of x. The objective of the VAE is to minimize Owing to the properties mentioned above, CNNs achieve
the reconstruction error of the data and the Kullback-Leibler remarkable performance in imaging applications. Krizhevsky
(KL) divergence between p(z) and fΘ (z|x). Once trained, the et al. [86] exploit a CNN to classify images on the Ima-
VAE can generate new data point samples by (i) drawing geNet dataset [191]. Their method reduces the top-5 error
latent variables zi ∼ p(z) and (ii) drawing a new data point by 39.7% and revolutionizes the imaging classification field.
xi ∼ p(x|z). GoogLeNet [144] and ResNet [162] significantly increase the
AEs can be employed to address network security prob- depth of CNN structures, and propose inception and residual
lems, as several research papers confirm their effectiveness learning techniques to address problems such as over-fitting
in detecting anomalies under different circumstances [183]– and gradient vanishing introduced by “depth”. Their structure
[185], which we will further discuss in subsection VI-H. The is further improved by the Dense Convolutional Network
structures of RBMs and AEs are based upon MLPs, CNNs or (DenseNet) [164], which reuses feature maps from each layer,
RNNs. Their goals are similar, while their learning processes thereby achieving significant accuracy improvements over
are different. Both can be exploited to extract patterns from un- other CNN based models, while requiring fewer layers. CNNs
labeled mobile data, which may be subsequently employed for have also been extended to video applications. Ji et al. propose
various supervised learning tasks, e.g., routing [186], mobile 3D convolutional neural networks for video activity recog-
activity recognition [187], [188], periocular verification [189] nition [163], demonstrating superior accuracy as compared
and base station user number prediction [190]. to 2D CNN. More recent research focuses on learning the
shape of convolutional kernels [192]–[194]. These dynamic
D. Convolutional Neural Network architectures allow to automatically focus on important regions
Instead of employing full connections between layers, Con- in input maps. Such properties are particularly important in
volutional Neural Networks (CNNs or ConvNets) employ a analyzing large-scale mobile environments exhibiting cluster-
ing behaviors (e.g., surge of mobile traffic associated with a Algorithm 1 Typical GAN training algorithm.
popular event). 1: Inputs:
Given the high similarity between image and spatial mobile Batch size m.
data (e.g., mobile traffic snapshots, users’ mobility, etc.), The number of steps for the discriminator K.
CNN-based models have huge potential for network-wide Learning rate λ and an optimizer Opt(·)
mobile data analysis. This is a promising future direction that Noise vector z ∼ pg (z).
we further discuss in Sec. VIII. Target data set x ∼ pdat a (x).
2: Initialise:
Generative and discriminative models, G and
E. Recurrent Neural Network
D, parameterized by Θ G and Θ D .
Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) are designed for mod- 3: while Θ G and Θ D have not converged do
eling sequential data, where sequential correlations exist be- 4: for k = 1 to K do
tween samples. At each time step, they produce output via 5: Sample m-element noise vector {z(1), · · · , z(m) }
recurrent connections between hidden units [18], as shown in from the noise prior pg (z)
Fig. 6(e). Given a sequence of inputs x = {x1, x2, · · · , xT }, a 6: Sample m data points {x (1), · · · , x (m) } from the
standard RNN performs the following operations: target data distribution pdat a (x)
7: g D ← ∆ΘD [ m1 i=1 log D(x (i) )+
st = σs (Wx xt + Ws st−1 + bs )
+ m i=1 log(1 − D(G(z(i) )))].
1 Ím
ht = σh (Wh st + bh ), 8: Θ D ← Θ D + λ · Opt(Θ D , g D ).
where st represents the state of the network at time t and 9: end for
it constructs a memory unit for the network. Its values are 10: Sample m-element noise vector {z(1), · · · , z(m) } from
computed by a function of the input xt and previous state the noise prior pg (z)
st−1 . ht is the output of the network at time t. In natural 11: g G ← m1 i=1 log(1 − D(G(z(i) )))
language processing applications, this usually represents a 12: Θ G ← Θ G − λ · Opt(Θ G, g G ).
language vector and becomes the input at t + 1 after being 13: end while
processed by an embedding layer. The weights Wx, Wh and
biases bs, bh are shared across different temporal locations.
Mobile networks produce massive sequential data from
This reduces the model complexity and the degree of over-
various sources, such as data traffic flows, and the evolution
of mobile network subscribers’ trajectories and application
The RNN is trained via a Backpropagation Through Time
latencies. Exploring the RNN family is promising to enhance
(BPTT) algorithm. However, gradient vanishing and exploding
the analysis of time series data in mobile networks.
problems are frequently reported in traditional RNNs, which
make them particularly hard to train [195]. The Long Short-
Term Memory (LSTM) mitigates these issues by introducing F. Generative Adversarial Network
a set of “gates” [165], which has been proven successful The Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) is a framework
in many applications (e.g., speech recognition [196], text that trains generative models using the following adversarial
categorization [197], and wearable activity recognition [112]). process. It simultaneously trains two models: a generative one
A standard LSTM performs the following operations: G that seeks to approximate the target data distribution from
training data, and a discriminative model D that estimates the
it = σ(Wxi Xt + Whi Ht−1 + Wci Ct−1 + bi ), probability that a sample comes from the real training data
ft = σ(Wx f Xt + Wh f Ht−1 + Wc f Ct−1 + b f ), rather than the output of G [91]. Both of G and D are nor-
Ct = ft Ct−1 + it tanh(Wxc Xt + Whc Ht−1 + bc ), mally neural networks. The training procedure for G aims to
ot = σ(Wxo Xt + Who Ht−1 + Wco Ct + bo ), maximize the probability of D making a mistake. The overall
objective is solving the following minimax problem [91]:
Ht = ot tanh(Ct ).
min max Ex∼Pr (x) [log D(x)] + Ez∼Pn (z) [log(1 − D(G(z)))].
Here, ‘’ denotes the Hadamard product, Ct denotes the cell G D
outputs, Ht are the hidden states, it , ft , and ot are input Algorithm 1 shows the typical routine used to train a simple
gates, forget gates, and output gates, respectively. These gates GAN. Both the generators and the discriminator are trained
mitigate the gradient issues and significantly improve the iteratively while fixing the other one. Finally G can produce
RNN. We illustrated the structure of an LSTM in Fig. 6(f). data close to a target distribution (the same with training exam-
Sutskever et al. introduce attention mechanisms to RNNs, ples), if the model converges. We show the overall structure of
which achieves outstanding accuracy in tokenized predic- a GAN in Fig. 6(g). In practice, the generator G takes a noise
tions [166]. Shi et al. substitute the dense matrix multiplication vector z as input, and generates an output G(z) that follows
in LSTMs with convolution operations, designing a Convolu- the target distribution. D will try to discriminate whether G(z)
tional Long Short-Term Memory (ConvLSTM) [167]. Their is a real sample or an artifact [198]. This effectively constructs
proposal reduces the complexity of traditional LSTM and a dynamic game, for which a Nash Equilibrium is reached if
demonstrates significantly lower prediction errors in precipita- both G and D become optimal, and G can produce lifelike
tion nowcasting (i.e., forecasting the volume of precipitation). data that D can no longer discriminate, i.e. D(G(z)) = 0.5, ∀z.
The training process of traditional GANs is highly sensitive a Distributed Proximal Policy Optimization (DPPO) method to
to model structures, learning rates, and other hyper-parameters. constrain the update step of new policies, and implement this
Researchers are usually required to employ numerous ad hoc on multi-threaded CPUs in a distributed manner [172]. Based
‘tricks’ to achieve convergence and improve the fidelity of on this method, an agent developed by OpenAI defeated a
data generated. There exist several solutions for mitigating this human expert in Dota2 team in a 5v5 match.21
problem, e.g., Wasserstein Generative Adversarial Network Many mobile networking problems can be formulated as
(WGAN) [79], Loss-Sensitive Generative Adversarial Network Markov Decision Processes (MDPs), where reinforcement
(LS-GAN) [168] and BigGAN [169], but research on the learning can play an important role (e.g., base station on-
theory of GANs remains shallow. Recent work confirms that off switching strategies [207], routing [208], and adaptive
GANs can promote the performance of some supervised tasks tracking control [209]). Some of these problems nevertheless
(e.g., super-resolution [199], object detection [200], and face involve high-dimensional inputs, which limits the applica-
completion [201]) by minimizing the divergence between in- bility of traditional reinforcement learning algorithms. DRL
ferred and real data distributions. Exploiting the unsupervised techniques broaden the ability of traditional reinforcement
learning abilities of GANs is promising in terms of generating learning algorithms to handle high dimensionality, in scenarios
synthetic mobile data for simulations, or assisting specific previously considered intractable. Employing DRL is thus
supervised tasks in mobile network applications. This becomes promising to address network management and control prob-
more important in tasks where appropriate datasets are lacking, lems under complex, changeable, and heterogeneous mobile
given that operators are generally reluctant to share their environments. We further discuss this potential in Sec. VIII.
network data.
G. Deep Reinforcement Learning
Deep learning has a wide range of applications in mobile
Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) refers to a set of and wireless networks. In what follows, we present the most
methods that approximate value functions (deep Q learning) or important research contributions across different mobile net-
policy functions (policy gradient method) through deep neural working areas and compare their design and principles. In
networks. An agent (neural network) continuously interacts particular, we first discuss a key prerequisite, that of mobile
with an environment and receives reward signals as feedback. big data, then organize the review of relevant works into nine
The agent selects an action at each step, which will change subsections, focusing on specific domains where deep learning
the state of the environment. The training goal of the neural has made advances. Specifically,
network is to optimize its parameters, such that it can select
1) Deep Learning Driven Network-Level Mobile Data
actions that potentially lead to the best future return. We
Analysis focuses on deep learning applications built on
illustrate this principle in Fig. 6(h). DRL is well-suited to
mobile big data collected within the network, including
problems that have a huge number of possible states (i.e., envi-
network prediction, traffic classification, and Call Detail
ronments are high-dimensional). Representative DRL methods
Record (CDR) mining.
include Deep Q-Networks (DQNs) [19], deep policy gradient
2) Deep Learning Driven App-Level Mobile Data Anal-
methods [170], Asynchronous Advantage Actor-Critic [78],
ysis shifts the attention towards mobile data analytics on
Rainbow [171] and Distributed Proximal Policy Optimization
edge devices.
(DPPO) [172]. These perform remarkably in AI gaming (e.g.,
3) Deep Learning Driven User Mobility Analysis sheds
Gym20 ), robotics, and autonomous driving [203]–[206], and
light on the benefits of employing deep neural networks to
have made inspiring deep learning breakthroughs recently.
understand the movement patterns of mobile users, either
In particular, the DQN [19] is first proposed by DeepMind
at group or individual levels.
to play Atari video games. However, traditional DQN requires
4) Deep Learning Driven User Localization reviews liter-
several important adjustments to work well. The A3C [78]
ature that employ deep neural networks to localize users
employs an actor-critic mechanism, where the actor selects
in indoor or outdoor environments, based on different sig-
the action given the state of the environment, and the critic
nals received from mobile devices or wireless channels.
estimates the value given the state and the action, then delivers
5) Deep Learning Driven Wireless Sensor Networks
feedback to the actor. The A3C deploys different actors and
discusses important work on deep learning applications in
critics on different threads of a CPU to break the dependency
WSNs from four different perspectives, namely central-
of data. This significantly improves training convergence,
ized vs. decentralized sensing, WSN data analysis, WSN
enabling fast training of DRL agents on CPUs. Rainbow [171]
localization and other applications.
combines different variants of DQNs, and discovers that these
6) Deep Learning Driven Network Control investigate the
are complementary to some extent. This insight improved
usage of deep reinforcement learning and deep imitation
performance in many Atari games. To solve the step size
learning on network optimization, routing, scheduling,
problem in policy gradients methods, Schulman et al. propose
resource allocation, and radio control.
20 Gym is a toolkit for developing and comparing reinforcement learning 7) Deep Learning Driven Network Security presents work
algorithms. It supports teaching agents everything from walking to playing that leverages deep learning to improve network security,
games like Pong or Pinball. In combination with the NS3 simulator Gym
becomes applicable to networking research. [202] 21 Dota2 is a popular multiplayer online battle arena video game.
Cache Redis
level data processing system in Fig. 8. App-level mobile data to databases (e.g., MySQL30 ) Business Intelligence – BI (e.g.
is generated and collected by a Software Development Kit Online Analytical Processing – OLAP), and data warehousing
(SDK) installed on mobile devices. Such data is subsequently (e.g., Hive31 ). Among these, the algorithms container is the
processed by real-time collection and computing services core of the entire system as it connects to front-end access
(e.g., Storm,22 Kafka,23 HBase,24 Redis,25 etc.) as required. and fog computing, real-time collection and computing, and
Further offline storage and computing with mobile data can offline computing and analysis modules, while it links directly
be performed with various tools, such as Hadoop Distribute to mobile applications, such as mobile healthcare, pattern
File System (HDFS),26 Python, Mahout,27 Pig,28 or Oozie.29 recognition, and advertising platforms. Deep learning logic can
The raw data and analysis results will be further transferred be placed within the algorithms container.
App-level data may directly or indirectly reflect users’
behaviors, such as mobility, preferences, and social links [61].
Analyzing app-level data from individuals can help recon-
22 Storm is a free and open-source distributed real-time computation system,
structing one’s personality and preferences, which can be used
23 Kafka
in recommender systems and users targeted advertising. Some
is used for building real-time data pipelines and streaming apps, of these data comprise explicit information about individuals’
24 Apache HBaseTM is the Hadoop database, a distributed, scalable, big data identities. Inappropriate sharing and use can raise significant
store, privacy issues. Therefore, extracting useful patterns from
25 Redis is an open source, in-memory data structure store, used as a
database, cache and message broker,
multi-modal sensing devices without compromising user’s
26 The Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) is a distributed file system privacy remains a challenging endeavor.
designed to run on commodity hardware, Compared to traditional data analysis techniques, deep
r1.2.1/hdfsd esign.html
27 Apache MahoutTM is a distributed linear algebra framework, https: learning embraces several unique features to address the
28 Apache Pig is a high-level platform for creating programs that run on 30 MySQL is the open source database,
Apache Hadoop, technetwork/database/mysql/index.html
29 Oozie is a workflow scheduler system to manage Apache Hadoop jobs, 31 The Apache HiveTM is a data warehouse software, https: //
such as ARIMA. Wang et al. represent spatio-temporal de- Low-resolution image High-resolution image
pendencies in mobile traffic using graphs, and learn such
dependencies using Graph Neural Networks [102]. Beyond
the accurate inference achieved in their study, this work also Image SR
demonstrates potential for precise social events inference.
t-s t
... Coarse-grained Measurements Fine-grained Measurements
Deep learning
Mobile traffic observations
exists to exploit image processing techniques for network- mobile devices, such that they can make inferences locally. As
level analysis. Techniques previously used for imaging usu- illustrated in the right part of Fig. 12, this scenario typically
ally, however, cannot be directly employed with mobile data. consists of the following: (i) servers use offline datasets to
Efforts must be made to adapt them to the particularities of the per-train a model; (ii) the pre-trained model is offloaded to
mobile networking domain. We expand on this future research edge devices; (iii) mobile devices perform inferences locally
direction in Sec. VIII-B. using the model; (iv) cloud servers accept data from local
On the other hand, although deep learning brings precision devices; (v) the model is updated using these data whenever
in network-level mobile data analysis, making causal inference necessary. While this scenario requires less interactions with
remains challenging, due to limited model interpretability. For the cloud, its applicability is limited by the computing and
example, a NN may predict there will be a traffic surge in battery capabilities of edge hardware. Therefore, it can only
a certain region in the near future, but it is hard to explain support tasks that require light computations.
why this will happen and what triggers such a surge. Addi- Many researchers employ deep learning for app-level
tional efforts are required to enable explanation and confident mobile data analysis. We group the works reviewed according
decision making. At this stage, the community should rather to their application domains, namely mobile healthcare,
use deep learning algorithms as intelligent assistants that can mobile pattern recognition, and mobile Natural Language
make accurate inferences and reduce human effort, instead of Processing (NLP) and Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR).
relying exclusively on these. Table XII gives a high-level summary of existing research
efforts and we discuss representative work next.
C. Deep Learning Driven App-level Mobile Data Analysis
Mobile Health. There is an increasing variety of wearable
Triggered by the increasing popularity of Internet of Things
health monitoring devices being introduced to the market.
(IoT), current mobile devices bundle increasing numbers of
By incorporating medical sensors, these devices can capture
applications and sensors that can collect massive amounts of
the physical conditions of their carriers and provide real-time
app-level mobile data [470]. Employing artificial intelligence
feedback (e.g. heart rate, blood pressure, breath status etc.), or
to extract useful information from these data can extend the
trigger alarms to remind users of taking medical actions [474].
capability of devices [74], [471], [472], thus greatly benefit-
Liu and Du design a deep learning-driven MobiEar to aid
ing users themselves, mobile operators, and indirectly device
deaf people’s awareness of emergencies [235]. Their proposal
manufacturers. Analysis of mobile data therefore becomes
accepts acoustic signals as input, allowing users to register dif-
an important and popular research direction in the mobile
ferent acoustic events of interest. MobiEar operates efficiently
networking domain. Nonetheless, mobile devices usually op-
on smart phones and only requires infrequent communications
erate in noisy, uncertain and unstable environments, where
with servers for updates. Likewise, Liu et al. develop a UbiEar,
their users move fast and change their location and activity
which is operated on the Android platform to assist hard-to-
contexts frequently. As a result, app-level mobile data analysis
hear sufferers in recognizing acoustic events, without requiring
becomes difficult for traditional machine learning tools, which
location information [236]. Their design adopts a lightweight
performs relatively poorly. Advanced deep learning practices
CNN architecture for inference acceleration and demonstrates
provide a powerful solution for app-level data mining, as
comparable accuracy over traditional CNN models.
they demonstrate better precision and higher robustness in IoT
Hosseini et al. design an edge computing system for health
applications [473].
monitoring and treatment [241]. They use CNNs to extract
There exist two approaches to app-level mobile data anal-
features from mobile sensor data, which plays an important
ysis, namely (i) cloud-based computing and (ii) edge-based
role in their epileptogenicity localization application. Stamate
computing. We illustrate the difference between these scenar-
et al. develop a mobile Android app called cloudUPDRS to
ios in Fig. 12. As shown in the left part of the figure, the cloud-
manage Parkinson’s symptoms [242]. In their work, MLPs
based computing treats mobile devices as data collectors and
are employed to determine the acceptance of data collected
messengers that constantly send data to cloud servers, via local
by smart phones, to maintain high-quality data samples. The
points of access with limited data preprocessing capabilities.
proposed method outperforms other ML methods such as GPs
This scenario typically includes the following steps: (i) users
and RFs. Quisel et al. suggest that deep learning can be effec-
query on/interact with local mobile devices; (ii) queries are
tively used for mobile health data analysis [243]. They exploit
transmitted to severs in the cloud; (iii) servers gather the
CNNs and RNNs to classify lifestyle and environmental traits
data received for model training and inference; (iv) query
of volunteers. Their models demonstrate superior prediction
results are subsequently sent back to each device, or stored and
accuracy over RFs and logistic regression, over six datasets.
analyzed without further dissemination, depending on specific
As deep learning performs remarkably in medical data
application requirements. The drawback of this scenario is
analysis [475], we expect more and more deep learning
that constantly sending and receiving messages to/from servers
powered health care devices will emerge to improve physical
over the Internet introduces overhead and may result in severe
monitoring and illness diagnosis.
latency. In contrast, in the edge-based computing scenario
pre-trained models are offloaded from the cloud to individual
Mobile Pattern Recognition. Recent advanced mobile de-
31 Human profile source: vices offer people a portable intelligent assistant, which fosters
profile-251793336 a diverse set of applications that can classify surrounding
4. User data
Neural Network
5. Model
5.1 Results update
sent back 4. Query
Results Neural Network
3. Inference
3. Local
5.2 Results
Storage and Inference
Data Collection Data Collection
Cloud-based Edge-based
Fig. 12: Illustration of two deployment approaches for app-level mobile data analysis, namely cloud-based (left) and edge-
based (right). The cloud-based approach makes inference on clouds and send results to edge devices. On the contrary, the
edge-based approach deploys models on edge devices which can make local inference.
objects (e.g. [245]–[247], [250]) or users’ behaviors (e.g. data collected by mobile motion sensors [477], [479]. This
[112], [252], [255], [261], [262], [476], [477]) based on refers to the ability to classify based on data collected via,
patterns observed in the output of the mobile camera or other e.g., video capture, accelerometer readings, motion – Passive
sensors. We review and compare recent works on mobile Infra-Red (PIR) sensing, specific actions and activities that a
pattern recognition in this part. human subject performs. Data collected will be delivered to
Object classification in pictures taken by mobile devices servers for model training and the model will be subsequently
is drawing increasing research interest. Li et al. develop deployed for domain-specific tasks.
DeepCham as a mobile object recognition framework [245]. Essential features of sensor data can be automatically ex-
Their architecture involves a crowd-sourcing labeling process, tracted by neural networks. The first work in this space that
which aims to reduce the hand-labeling effort, and a collab- is based on deep learning employs a CNN to capture local
orative training instance generation pipeline that is built for dependencies and preserve scale invariance in motion sensor
deployment on mobile devices. Evaluations of the prototype data [252]. The authors evaluate their proposal on 3 offline
system suggest that this framework is efficient and effective datasets, demonstrating their proposal yields higher accuracy
in terms of training and inference. Tobías et al. investigate the over statistical methods and Principal Components Analysis
applicability of employing CNN schemes on mobile devices (PCA). Almaslukh et al. employ a deep AE to perform
for objection recognition tasks [246]. They conduct exper- human activity recognition by analyzing an offline smart
iments on three different model deployment scenarios, i.e., phone dataset gathered from accelerometers and gyroscope
on GPU, CPU, and respectively on mobile devices, with two sensors [253]. Li et al. consider different scenarios for activity
benchmark datasets. The results obtained suggest that deep recognition [254]. In their implementation, Radio Frequency
learning models can be efficiently embedded in mobile devices Identification (RFID) data is directly sent to a CNN model for
to perform real-time inference. recognizing human activities. While their mechanism achieves
Mobile classifiers can also assist Virtual Reality (VR) ap- high accuracy in different applications, experiments suggest
plications. A CNN framework is proposed in [250] for facial that the RFID-based method does not work well with metal
expressions recognition when users are wearing head-mounted objects or liquid containers.
displays in the VR environment. Rao et al. incorporate a deep [255] exploits an RBM to predict human activities,
learning object detector into a mobile augmented reality (AR) given 7 types of sensor data collected by a smart watch.
system [251]. Their system achieves outstanding performance Experiments on prototype devices show that this approach
in detecting and enhancing geographic objects in outdoor en- can efficiently fulfill the recognition objective under tolerable
vironments. Further work focusing on mobile AR applications power requirements. Ordóñez and Roggen architect an
is introduced in [478], where the authors characterize the advanced ConvLSTM to fuse data gathered from multiple
tradeoffs between accuracy, latency, and energy efficiency of sensors and perform activity recognition [112]. By leveraging
object detection. CNN and LSTM structures, ConvLSTMs can automatically
Activity recognition is another interesting area that relies on compress spatio-temporal sensor data into low-dimensional
representations, without heavy data post-processing effort. single-lens reflex camera level [282]. Lu et al. focus on video
Wang et al. exploit Google Soli to architect a mobile post-processing under wireless networks [283], where their
user-machine interaction platform [257]. By analyzing radio framework exploits a customized AlexNet to answer queries
frequency signals captured by millimeter-wave radars, their about detected objects. This framework further involves an
architecture is able to recognize 11 types of gestures with optimizer, which instructs mobile devices to offload videos, in
high accuracy. Their models are trained on the server side, order to reduce query response time.
and inferences are performed locally on mobile devices. More Another interesting application is presented in [284], where
recently, Zhao et al. design a 4D CNN framework (3D for Lee et al. show that deep learning can help smartwatch users
the spatial dimension + 1D for the temporal dimension) to reduce distraction by eliminating unnecessary notifications.
reconstruct human skeletons using radio frequency signals Specifically, the authors use an 11-layer MLP to predict the
[287]. This novel approach resembles virtual “X-ray”, importance of a notification. Fang et al. exploit an MLP to
enabling to accurately estimate human poses, without extract features from high-dimensional and heterogeneous
requiring an actual camera. sensor data, including accelerometer, magnetometer, and
gyroscope measurements [286]. Their architecture achieves
Mobile NLP and ASR. Recent remarkable achievements 95% accuracy in recognizing human transportation modes,
obtained by deep learning in Natural Language Processing i.e., still, walking, running, biking, and on vehicle.
(NLP) and Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) are also
embraced by applications for mobile devices. Lessons Learned: App-level data is heterogeneous and gen-
Powered by deep learning, the intelligent personal assistant erated from distributed mobile devices, and there is a trend
Siri, developed by Apple, employs a deep mixture density to offload the inference process to these devices. However,
networks [480] to fix typical robotic voice issues and synthe- due to computational and battery power limitations, models
size more human-like voice [277]. An Android app released employed in the edge-based scenario are constrained to light-
by Google supports mobile personalized speech recognition weight architectures, which are less suitable for complex tasks.
[278]; this quantizes the parameters in LSTM model compres- Therefore, the trade-off between model complexity and accu-
sion, allowing the app to run on low-power mobile phones. racy should be carefully considered [66]. Numerous efforts
Likewise, Prabhavalkar et al. propose a mathematical RNN were made towards tailoring deep learning to mobile devices,
compression technique that reduces two thirds of an LSTM in order to make algorithms faster and less energy-consuming
acoustic model size, while only compromising negligible ac- on embedded equipment. For example, model compression,
curacy [279]. This allows building both memory- and energy- pruning, and quantization are commonly used for this purpose.
efficient ASR applications on mobile devices. Mobile device manufacturers are also developing new software
Yoshioka et al. present a framework that incorporates a and hardware to support deep learning based applications. We
network-in-network architecture into a CNN model, which will discuss this work in more detail in Sec. VII.
allows to perform ASR with mobile multi-microphone devices At the same time, app-level data usually contains important
used in noisy environments [280]. Mobile ASR can also users information and processing this poses significant privacy
accelerate text input on mobile devices, Ruan et al.’s study concerns. Although there have been efforts that commit to pre-
showing that with the help of ASR, the input rates of English serve user privacy, as we discuss in Sec.VI-H, research efforts
and Mandarin are 3.0 and 2.8 times faster over standard in this direction are new, especially in terms of protecting user
typing on keyboards [281]. More recently, the applicability information in distributed training. We expect more efforts in
of deep learning to multi-task audio sensing is investigated this direction in the future.
in [97], where Georgiev et al. propose and evaluate a
novel deep learning modelling and optimization framework
tailored to embedded audio sensing tasks. To this end, D. Deep Learning Driven Mobility Analysis
they selectively share compressed representations between Understanding movement patterns of groups of human
different tasks, which reduces training and data storage beings and individuals is becoming crucial for epidemiology,
overhead, without significantly compromising accuracy of urban planning, public service provisioning, and mobile net-
an individual task. The authors evaluate their framework on work resource management [481]. Deep learning is gaining
a memory-constrained smartphone performing four audio increasing attention in this area, both from a group and
tasks (i.e., speaker identification, emotion recognition, stress individual level perspective (see Fig. 13). In this subsection,
detection, and ambient scene analysis). Experiments suggest we thus discuss research using deep learning in this space,
this proposal can achieve high efficiency in terms of energy, which we summarize in Table XIII.
runtime and memory, while maintaining excellent accuracy. Since deep learning is able to capture spatial dependencies
in sequential data, it is becoming a powerful tool for mobility
Other applications. Deep learning also plays an important analysis. The applicability of deep learning for trajectory pre-
role in other applications that involve app-level data analysis. diction is studied in [482]. By sharing representations learned
For instance, Ignatov et al. show that deep learning can by RNN and Gate Recurrent Unit (GRU), the framework
enhance the quality of pictures taken by mobile phones. By can perform multi-task learning on both social networks and
employing a CNN, they successfully improve the quality of mobile trajectories modeling. Specifically, the authors first use
images obtained by different mobile devices, to a digital deep learning to reconstruct social network representations
over stacked RNN and LSTM, while also delivering more significantly improves the robustness of the pedometer.
precise trajectory prediction than the n-grams and k nearest In [300], Chen et al. combine GPS records and traffic
neighbor methods. accident data to understand the correlation between human
Instead of focusing on individual trajectories, Song et al. mobility and traffic accidents. To this end, they design a
shed light on the mobility analysis at a larger scale [294]. In stacked denoising AE to learn a compact representation of
their work, LSTM networks are exploited to jointly model the the human mobility, and subsequently use that to predict
city-wide movement patterns of a large group of people and the traffic accident risk. Their proposal can deliver accurate,
vehicles. Their multi-task architecture demonstrates superior real-time prediction across large regions. GPS records are
prediction accuracy over a standard LSTM. City-wide mobile also used in other mobility-driven applications. Song et al.
patterns is also researched in [295], where the authors architect employ DBNs to predict and simulate human emergency
deep spatio-temporal residual networks to forecast the move- behavior and mobility in natural disaster, learning from GPS
ments of crowds. In order to capture the unique character- records of 1.6 million users [301]. Their proposal yields
istics of spatio-temporal correlations associated with human accurate predictions in different disaster scenarios such as
mobility, their framework abandons RNN-based models and earthquakes, tsunamis, and nuclear accidents. GPS data is
constructs three ResNets to extract nearby and distant spatial also utilized in [303], where Liu et al. study the potential of
dependencies within a city. This scheme learns temporal fea- employing deep learning for urban traffic prediction using
tures and fuses representations extracted by all models for the mobility data.
final prediction. By incorporating external events information,
their proposal achieves the highest accuracy among all deep Lessons learned: Mobility analysis is concerned with the
learning and non-deep learning methods studied. An RNN is movement trajectory of a single user or large groups of users.
also employed in [307], where Jiang et al. perform short-term The data of interest are essential time series, but have an
urban mobility forecasting on a huge dataset collected from a additional spatial dimension. Mobility data is usually subject
real-world deployment. Their model delivers superior accuracy to stochasticity, loss, and noise; therefore precise modelling
over the n-gram and Markovian approaches. is not straightforward. As deep learning is able to perform
Lin et al. consider generating human movement chains automatic feature extraction, it becomes a strong candidate
from cellular data, to support transportation planning [227]. In for human mobility modelling. Among them, CNNs and RNNs
particular, they first employ an input-output Hidden Markov are the most successful architectures in such applications (e.g.,
Model (HMM) to label activity profiles for CDR data pre- [227], [292]–[295]), as they can effectively exploit spatial and
processing. Subsequently, an LSTM is designed for activity temporal correlations.
chain generation, given the labeled activity sequences. They
further synthesize urban mobility plans using the generative
model and the simulation results reveal reasonable fit accuracy. E. Deep Learning Driven User Localization
Jiang et al. design 24-h mobility prediction system base Location-based services and applications (e.g. mobile AR,
on RNN mdoels [309]. They employ dynamic Region of GPS) demand precise individual positioning technology [484].
Interests (ROIs) for each hour to discovered through divide- As a result, research on user localization is evolving rapidly
and-merge mining from raw trajectory database, which leads and numerous techniques are emerging [485]. In general, user
to high prediction accuracy. Feng et al. incorporate atten- localization methods can be categorized as device-based and
tion mechanisms on RNN [310], to capture the complicated device-free [486]. We illustrate the two different paradigms
sequential transitions of human mobility. By combining the in Fig. 14. Specifically, in the first category specific devices
heterogeneous transition regularity and multi-level periodicity, carried by users become prerequisites for fulfilling the appli-
their model delivers up to 10% of accuracy improvement cations’ localization function. This type of approaches rely on
compared to state-of-the-art forecasting models. signals from the device to identify the location. Conversely,
Yayeh et al. employ an MLP to predict the mobility of approaches that require no device pertain to the device-free
mobile devices in mobile ad-hoc networks, given previously category. Instead these employ special equipment to monitor
observed pause time, speed, and movement direction [299]. signal changes, in order to localize the entities of interest.
Simulations conducted using the random waypoint mobility Deep learning can enable high localization accuracy with both
model show that their proposal achieves high prediction ac- paradigms. We summarize the most notable contributions in
curacy. An MLP is also adopted in [306], where Kim and Table XIV and delve into the details of these works next.
Song model the relationship between human mobility and To overcome the variability and coarse-granularity limita-
personality, and achieve high prediction accuracy. Yao et al. tions of signal strength based methods, Wang et al. propose a
discover groups of similar trajectories to facilitate higher-level deep learning driven fingerprinting system name “DeepFi” to
mobility driven applications using RNNs [302]. Particularly, a perform indoor localization based on Channel State Informa-
sequence-to-sequence AE is adopted to learn fixed-length rep- tion (CSI) [311]. Their toolbox yields much higher accuracy
resentations of mobile users’ trajectories. Experiments show as compared to traditional methods, including including FIFS
that their method can effectively capture spatio-temporal pat- [487], Horus [488], and Maximum Likelihood [489]. The same
terns in both real and synthetic datasets. Shao et al. design a group of authors extend their work in [272], [273] and [312],
sophisticated pedometer using a CNN [298]. By reducing false [313], where they update the localization system, such that
negative steps caused by periodic movements, their proposal it can work with calibrated phase information of CSI [272],
[273], [323]. They further use more sophisticated CNN [312], predictor that can fulfill multi-tasks simultaneously, including
[331] and bi-modal structures [313] to improve the accuracy. indoor localization, activity, and gesture recognition. A similar
work in presented in [326], where Zhou et al. employ an
Nowicki and Wietrzykowski propose a localization frame- MLP structure to perform device-free indoor localization using
work that reduces significantly the effort of system tuning or CSI. Kumar et al. use deep learning to address the problem
filtering and obtains satisfactory prediction performance [314]. of indoor vehicles localization [320]. They employ CNNs to
Wang et al. suggest that the objective of indoor localization analyze visual signal and localize vehicles in a car park. This
can be achieved without the help of mobile devices. In [316], can help driver assistance systems operate in underground
the authors employ an AE to learn useful patterns from environments where the system has limited vision ability.
WiFi signals. By automatic feature extraction, they produce a
continuous monitoring without requiring the user to wear a device or write a diary. It should also
he key sleep parameters used for insomnia assessment. This means it needs to measure the time between
bed and falling asleep, or sleep latency (SL), the percentage of sleep time to the time in bed, or sleep
(SE), the total sleep time (TST), and the amount of wakefulness after falling asleep (WASO).
oduce EZ-Sleep, a sleep sensor that achieves these goals. EZ-Sleep is zero e�ort – all that the user has
o put EZ-Sleep in her bedroom and plug it to the power outlet. EZ-Sleep works by transmitting radio might not be available [333]. They use
Access points monitoring devices
(RF) signals and listening to their re�ections from the environment. By analyzinga these RF re�ections,
CNN classifier with a 14-layer residual network model for
automatically detects the location of the user’s bed, identi�es when she goes to bed monitoring,
sleep and when she in addition to Hidden Markov Models, to
bed, and monitors the key insomnia assessment parameters SL, SE, TST, and WASO. Further,
accurately track because
when the user enters or leaves the bed. By
measures the user’s bed routine, i.e., when she enters and exits the bed, EZ-Sleep deploying can be usedsleepin CBT-I
sensors called EZ-Sleep in 8 homes (see
r patient compliance with prescribed changes in her bed schedule.
Mobile Fig. 15), collecting data for 100 nights of sleep over a month,
sign of EZ-Sleep builds onphone recent advances in wireless systems, which show that by transmitting a
and cross-validating this using an electroencephalography-
ignal and analyzing its re�ections, one can localize a person and track her vital signs without any
Signal based sleep monitor, the authors demonstrate the perfor-
s [11, 12]. However, past solutionsOther that leveraged
these advances in the context of sleep have limited
es to analyzing the user’s vital signs (mainlyequipment
mance of their solution is comparable to that of individual,
breathing) as extracted from the RF signals [32, 39, 44, 49].
st, EZ-Sleep uses the RF signal to extract both the user’s breathing and location, and electroencephalography-based
combines both to devices.
user’s bed schedule and sleep
Device-based quality. In the absence of information
Device-free on when the user goes
Most to
mobilebed and
devices can only produce unlabeled position
bed, past work cannotlocalization
compute key insomnia parameters like sleep latency, sleep data,
localization e�ciency and WASO.
therefore unsupervised and semi-supervised learning
ore, most past solutions rely on the Doppler e�ect which is highly sensitive to interference from other
become essential. Mohammadi et al. address this problem by
f motion in the environment
Fig. such as potential
14: An illustration neighbors(left)
of device-based or �atmates (see 9.1 for empirical results). In VAE. In particular, their framework envi-
and device-free leveraging DRL and
by leveraging(right)
RF-based localization,
indoor EZ-Sleep
localization is not only robust to motion in the sions
systems. environment
a virtualbutagent
can in indoor environments [317], which can
tor the sleep of multiple subjects at the same time. constantly receive state information during training, including
signal strength indicators, current agent location, and the real
(labeled data) and inferred (via a VAE) distance to the target.
The agent can virtually move in eight directions at each time
EZ-Sleep step. Each time it takes an action, the agent receives an reward
signal, identifying whether it moves to a correct direction.
By employing deep Q learning, the agent can finally localize
accurately a user, given both labeled and unlabeled data.
Beyond indoor localization, there also exist several
research works that apply deep learning in outdoor scenarios.
For example, Zheng and Weng introduce a lightweight
developmental network for outdoor navigation applications on
mobile devices [321]. Compared to CNNs, their architecture
requires 100 times fewer weights to be updated, while
Fig. 15:Fig. 1. EZ-Sleep
EZ-Sleep setup
setup ininonea ofsubject’s bedroom.
our subjects’ bedroom.Figure maintaining decent accuracy. This enables efficient outdoor
adopted from [333].
navigation on mobile devices. Work in [111] studies
igned EZ-Sleep as a standalone sensor as shown in Figure 1. Our design involves four components that
localization under both indoor and outdoor environments.
ether to deliver the application:
They use an AE to pre-train a four-layer MLP, in order
In [332], Xiao et al. achieve low cost indoor localization to avoid hand-crafted feature engineering. The MLP is
of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies, Vol. 1, No. 3, Article 59. Publication date:
017. with Bluetooth technology. The authors design a denosing AE subsequently used to estimate the coarse position of targets.
to extract fingerprint features from the received signal strength The authors further introduce an HMM to fine-tune the
of Bluetooth Low Energy beacon and subsequently project that predictions based on temporal properties of data. This
to the exact position in 3D space. Experiments conducted in improves the accuracy estimation in both in-/out-door
a conference room demonstrate that the proposed framework positioning with Wi-Fi signals. More recently, Shokry et al.
can perform precise positioning in both vertical and horizontal propose DeepLoc, a deep learning-based outdoor localization
dimensions in real-time. Niitsoo et al. employ a CNN to system using crowdsensed geo-tagged received signal strength
perform localization given raw channel impulse response data information [325]. By using an MLP to learn the correlation
[330]. Their framework is robust to multipath propagation between cellular signal and users’ locations, their framework
environments and more precise than signal processing based can deliver median localization accuracy within 18.8m in
approaches. A CNN is also adopted in [329], where the urban areas and within 15.7m in rural areas on Android
authors work with received signal strength series and achieve devices, while requiring modest energy budgets.
100% prediction accuracy in terms of building and floor
identification. The work in [328] combines deep learning with Lessons learned: Localization relies on sensorial output, sig-
linear discriminant analysis for feature reduction, achieving nal strength, or CSI. These data usually have complex features,
low positioning errors in multi-building environments. Zhang therefore large amounts of data are required for learning [314].
et al. combine pervasive magnetic field and WiFi fingerprint- As deep learning can extract features in an unsupervised
ing for indoor localization using an MLP [327]. Experiments manner, it has become a strong candidate for localization
show that adding magnetic field information to the input of tasks. On the other hand, it can be observed that positioning
the model can improve the prediction accuracy, compared to accuracy and system robustness can be improved by fusing
solutions based soley on WiFi fingerprinting. multiple types of signals when providing these as the input
Hsu et al. use deep learning to provide Radio Frequency- (see, e.g., [327]). Using deep learning to automatically extract
based user localization, sleep monitoring, and insomnia anal- features and correlate information from different sources for
ysis in multi-user home scenarios where individual sleep localization purposes is becoming a trend.
WSN data collection. These may lead to serious problems learning implementation on embedded devices becomes more
in analysis due to inconsistency. Lee et al. address this accessible, in the future we expect to witness a grow in the
problem by plugging a query refinement component in popularity of the decentralized schemes.
deep learning based WSN analysis systems [341]. They On the other hand, looking at Table XV, it is interesting to
employ exponential smoothing to infer missing data, thereby see that the majority of deep learning practices in WSNs em-
maintaining the integrity of data for deep learning analysis ploy MLP models. Since MLP is straightforward to architect
without significantly compromising accuracy. To enhance the and performs reasonably well, it remains a good candidate for
intelligence of WSNs, Li and Serpen embed an artificial neural WSN applications. However, since most sensor data collected
network into a WSN, allowing it to agilely react to potential is sequential, we expect RNN-based models will play a more
changes and following deployment in the field [342]. To this important role in this area.
end, they employ a minimum weakly-connected dominating
set to represent the WSN topology, and subsequently use a
G. Deep Learning Driven Network Control
Hopfield recurrent neural network as a static optimizer, to
adapt network infrastructure to potential changes as necessary. In this part, we turn our attention to mobile network
This work represents an important step towards embedding control problems. Due to powerful function approximation
machine intelligence in WSNs. mechanism, deep learning has made remarkable breakthroughs
in improving traditional reinforcement learning [26] and imi-
Other Applications: The benefits of deep learning have tation learning [490]. These advances have potential to solve
also been demonstrated in other WSN applications. The work mobile network control problems which are complex and pre-
in [347] focuses on reducing energy consumption while main- viously considered intractable [491], [492]. Recall that in re-
taining security in wireless multimedia sensor networks. A inforcement learning, an agent continuously interacts with the
stacked AE is employed to categorize images in the form of environment to learn the best action. With constant exploration
continuous pieces, and subsequently send the data over the net- and exploitation, the agent learns to maximize its expected
work. This enables faster data transfer rates and lower energy return. Imitation learning follows a different learning paradigm
consumption. Mehmood et al. employ MLPs to achieve robust called “learning by demonstration”. This learning paradigm
routing in WSNs, so as to facilitate pollution monitoring [352]. relies on a ‘teacher’ who tells the agent what action should
Their proposal use the NN to provide an efficiency threshold be executed under certain observations during the training.
value and switch nodes that consume less energy than this After sufficient demonstrations, the agent learns a policy that
threshold, thereby improving energy efficiency. Alsheikh et imitates the behavior of the teacher and can operate standalone
al. introduce an algorithm for WSNs that uses AEs to mini- without supervision. For instance, an agent is trained to mimic
mize the energy expenditure [353]. Their architecture exploits human behaviour (e.g., in applications such as game play, self-
spatio-temporal correlations to reduce the dimensions of raw driving vehicles, or robotics), instead of learning by interacting
data and provides reconstruction error bound guarantees. with the environment, as in the case of pure reinforcement
Wang et al. design a dedicated projection-recovery neural learning. This is because in such applications, making mistakes
network to blindly calibrate sensor measurements in an on- can have fatal consequences [27].
line manner [355]. Their proposal can automatically extract Beyond these two approaches, analysis-based control is
features from sensor data and exploit spatial and temporal gaining traction in mobile networking. Specifically, this
correlations among information from all sensors, to achieve scheme uses ML models for network data analysis, and
high accuracy. This is the first effort that adopts deep learning subsequently exploits the results to aid network control.
in WSN data calibration. Jia et al. shed light on ammonia Unlike reinforcement/imitation learning, analysis-based
monitoring using deep learning [356]. In their design, an control does not directly output actions. Instead, it extract
LSTM is employed to predict the sensors’ electrical resistance useful information and delivers this to an agent, to execute the
during a very short heating pulse, without waiting for settling actions. We illustrate the principles between the three control
in an equilibrium state. This dramatically reduces the energy paradigms in Fig. 17. We review works proposed so far in
consumption of sensors in the waiting process. Experiments this space next, and summarize these efforts in Table XVI.
with 38 prototype sensors and a home-built gas flow system
show that the proposed LSTM can deliver precise prediction Network Optimization refers to the management of network
of equilibrium state resistance under different ammonia con- resources and functions in a given environment, with the goal
centrations, cutting down the overall energy consumption by of improving the network performance. Deep learning has
approximately 99.6%. recently achieved several successful results in this area. For
Lessons learned: The centralized and decentralized WSN example, Liu et al. exploit a DBN to discover the correlations
data analysis paradigms resemble the cloud and fog computing between multi-commodity flow demand information and link
philosophies in other areas. Decentralized methods exploit the usage in wireless networks [357]. Based on the predictions
computing ability of sensor nodes and perform light processing made, they remove the links that are unlikely to be scheduled,
and analysis locally. This offloads the burden on the cloud so as to reduce the size of data for the demand constrained
and significantly reduces the data transmission overheads and energy minimization. Their method reduces runtime by up
storage requirements. However, at the moment, the centralized to 50%, without compromising optimality. Subramanian and
approach dominates the WSN data analysis landscape. As deep Banerjee propose to use deep learning to predict the health
which enables mobile networks to carry 14.7% more data throughput, when compared to a benchmark method. Yu et
traffic, while outperforming heuristic schedulers by more than al. apply deep reinforcement learning to address challenges in
2×. Wei et al. address user scheduling and content caching wireless multiple access control [387], recognizing that in such
simultaneously [370]. In particular, they train a DRL agent, tasks DRL agents are fast in terms of convergence and robust
consisting of an actor for deciding which base station should against non-optimal parameter settings. Li et al. investigate
serve certain content, and whether to save the content. A critic power control for spectrum sharing in cognitive radios using
is further employed to estimate the value function and deliver DRL. In their design, a DQN agent is built to adjust the
feedback to the actor. Simulations over a cluster of base transmit power of a cognitive radio system, such that the
stations show that the agent can yield low transmission delay. overall signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio is maximized.
Li et al. shed light on resource allocation in a multi-user The work in [377] sheds light on the radio control and signal
mobile computing scenario [391]. They employ a deep Q detection problems. In particular, the authors introduce a radio
learning framework to jointly optimize the offloading decision signal search environment based on the Gym Reinforcement
and computational resource allocation, so as to minimize Learning platform. Their agent exhibits a steady learning
the sum cost of delay and energy consumption of all user process and is able to learn a radio signal search policy. Ru-
equipment. Simulations show that their proposal can reduce tagemwa et al. employ an RNN to perform traffic prediction,
the total cost of the system, as compared to fully-local, which can subsequently aid the dynamic spectrum assignment
fully-offloading, and naive Q-learning approaches. in mobile networks [379]. With accurate traffic forecasting,
their proposal improves the performance of spectrum sharing
Resource Allocation: Sun et al. use a deep neural network in dynamic wireless environments, as it attains near-optimal
to approximate the mapping between the input and output of spectrum assignments. In [401], Liu et al. approach the anti-
the Weighted Minimum Mean Square Error resource alloca- jamming communications problem in dynamic and unknown
tion algorithm [495], in interference-limited wireless network environments with a DRL agent. Their system is based on a
environments [371]. By effective imitation learning, the neural DQN with CNN, where the agent takes raw spectrum infor-
network approximation achieves close performance to that of mation as input and requires limited prior knowledge about
its teacher. Deep learning has also been applied to cloud radio the environment, in order to improve the overall throughput
access networks, Xu et al. employing deep Q learning to deter- of the network in such adversarial circumstances.
mine the on/off modes of remote radio heads given, the current Luong et al. incorporate the blockchain technique into
mode and user demand [372]. Comparisons with single base cognitive radio networking [396], employing a double DQN
station association and fully coordinated association methods agent to maximize the number of successful transaction
suggest that the proposed DRL controller allows the system to transmissions for secondary users, while minimizing the
satisfy user demand while requiring significantly less energy. channel cost and transaction fees. Simulations show that the
Ferreira et al. employ deep State-Action-Reward-State- DQN method significantly outperforms na ive Q learning
Action (SARSA) to address resource allocation management in terms of successful transactions, channel cost, and
in cognitive communications [373]. By forecasting the learning speed. DRL can further attack problems in the
effects of radio parameters, this framework avoids wasted satellite communications domain. In [493], Ferreira et al.
trials of poor parameters, which reduces the computational fuse multi-objective reinforcement learning [403] with deep
resources required. In [392], Mennes et al. employ MLPs neural networks to select among multiple radio transmitter
to precisely forecast free slots prediction in a Multiple settings while attempting to achieve multiple conflicting
Frequencies Time Division Multiple Access (MF-TDMA) goals, in a dynamically changing satellite communications
network, thereby achieving efficient scheduling. The authors channel. Specifically, two set of NNs are employed to
conduct simulations with a network deployed in a 100×100 execute exploration and exploitation separately. This builds
room, showing that their solution can effectively reduces an ensembling system, with makes the framework more
collisions by half. Zhou et al. adopt LSTMs to predict traffic robust to the changing environment. Simulations demonstrate
load at base stations in ultra dense networks [393]. Based on that their system can nearly optimize six different objectives
the predictions, their method changes the resource allocation (i.e. bit error rate, throughput, bandwidth, spectral efficiency,
policy to avoid congestion, which leads to lower packet loss additional power consumption, and power efficiency), only
rates, and higher throughput and mean opinion scores. with small performance errors compared to ideal solutions.
Radio Control: In [376], the authors address the dynamic Other applications: Deep learning is playing an important
spectrum access problem in multichannel wireless network role in other network control problems as well. Mao et al. de-
environments using deep reinforcement learning. In this set- velop the Pensieve system that generates adaptive video bit rate
ting, they incorporate an LSTM into a deep Q network, algorithms using deep reinforcement learning [381]. Specifi-
to maintain and memorize historical observations, allowing cally, Pensieve employs a state-of-the-art deep reinforcement
the architecture to perform precise state estimation, given learning algorithm A3C, which takes the bandwidth, bit rate
partial observations. The training process is distributed to each and buffer size as input, and selects the bit rate that leads to the
user, which enables effective training parallelization and the best expected return. The model is trained offline and deployed
learning of good policies for individual users. Experiments on an adaptive bit rate server, demonstrating that the system
demonstrate that this framework achieves double the channel outperforms the best existing scheme by 12%-25% in terms
of QoE. Liu et al. apply deep Q learning to reduce the energy in real-life implementation.
consumption in cellular networks [389]. They train an agent In contrast, the imitation learning mechanism “learns by
to dynamically switch on/off base stations based on traffic demonstration”. It requires a teacher that provides labels
consumption in areas of interest. An action-wise experience telling the agent what it should do under certain circumstances.
replay mechanism is further designed for balancing different In the networking context, this mechanism is usually employed
traffic behaviours. Experiments show that their proposal can to reduce the computational time [186]. Specifically, in some
significantly reduce the energy consumed by base stations, network application (e.g., routing), computing the optimal
outperforming naive table-based Q learning approaches. A solution is time-consuming, which cannot satisfy the delay
control mechanism for unmanned aerial vehicles using DQN constraints of mobile network. To mitigate this, one can
is proposed in [399], where multiple objectives are targeted: generate a large dataset offline, and use an NN agent to learn
maximizing energy efficiency, communications coverage, fair- the optimal actions.
ness and connectivity. The authors conduct extensive simula- Analysis-based control on the other hand, is suitable for
tions in an virtual playground, showing that their agent is able problems were decisions cannot be based solely on the state
to learn the dynamics of the environment, achieving superior of the network environment. One can use a NN to extract addi-
performance over random and greedy control baselines. tional information (e.g. traffic forecasts), which subsequently
Kim and Kim link deep learning with the load balancing aids decisions. For example, the dynamic spectrum assignment
problem in IoT [384]. The authors suggest that DBNs can can benefit from the analysis-based control.
effectively analyze network load and process structural
configuration, thereby achieving efficient load balancing in
IoT. Challita et al. employ a deep reinforcement learning H. Deep Learning Driven Network Security
algorithm based on echo state networks to perform path With the increasing popularity of wireless connectivity,
planning for a cluster of unmanned aerial vehicles [385]. protecting users, network equipment and data from malicious
Their proposal yields lower delay than a heuristic baseline. Xu attacks, unauthorized access and information leakage becomes
et al. employ a DRL agent to learn from network dynamics crucial. Cyber security systems guard mobile devices and
how to control traffic flow [388]. They advocate that DRL users through firewalls, anti-virus software, and Intrusion
is suitable for this problem, as it performs remarkably well Detection Systems (IDS) [496]. The firewall is an access
in handling dynamic environments and sophisticated state security gateway that allows or blocks the uplink and downlink
spaces. Simulations conducted over three network topologies network traffic, based on pre-defined rules. Anti-virus software
confirm this viewpoint, as the DRL agent significantly reduces detects and removes computer viruses, worms and Trojans and
the delay, while providing throughput comparable to that of malware. IDSs identify unauthorized and malicious activities,
traditional approaches. Zhu et al. employ the A3C algorithm or rule violations in information systems. Each performs
to address the caching problem in mobile edge computing. its own functions to protect network communication, central
Their method obtains superior cache hit ratios and traffic servers and edge devices.
offloading performance over three baselines caching methods. Modern cyber security systems benefit increasingly
Several open challenges are also pointed out, which are from deep learning [498], since it can enable the system to
worthy of future pursuit. The edge caching problem is also (i) automatically learn signatures and patterns from experience
addressed in [400], where He et al. architect a DQN agent to and generalize to future intrusions (supervised learning); or
perform dynamic orchestration of networking, caching, and (ii) identify patterns that are clearly differed from regular
computing. Their method facilitates high revenue to mobile behavior (unsupervised learning). This dramatically reduces
virtual network operators. the effort of pre-defined rules for discriminating intrusions.
Beyond protecting networks from attacks, deep learning can
Lessons learned: There exist three approaches to network also be used for attack purposes, bringing huge potential
control using deep learning i.e., reinforcement learning, imita- to steal or crack user passwords or information. In this
tion learning, and analysis-based control. Reinforcement learn- subsection, we review deep learning driven network security
ing requires to interact with the environment, trying different from three perspectives, namely infrastructure, software, and
actions and obtaining feedback in order to improve. The agent user privacy. Specifically, infrastructure level security work
will make mistakes during training, and usually needs a large focuses on detecting anomalies that occur in the physical
number of steps of steps to become smart. Therefore, most network and software level work is centred on identifying
works do not train the agent on the real infrastructure, as malware and botnets in mobile networks. From the user
making mistakes usually can have serious consequences for privacy perspective, we discuss methods to protect from how
the network. Instead, a simulator that mimics the real network to protect against private information leakage, using deep
environments is built and the agent is trained offline using that. learning. To our knowledge, no other reviews summarize
This imposes high fidelity requirements on the simulator, as these efforts. We summarize these works in Table XVII.
the agent can not work appropriately in an environment that
is different from the one used for training. On the other hand, Infrastructure level security: We mostly focus on anomaly
although DRL performs remarkable well in many applications, detection at the infrastructure level, i.e. identifying network
considerable amount of time and computing resources are events (e.g., attacks, unexpected access and use of data) that
required to train an usable agent. This should be considered do not conform to expected behaviors. Many researchers
exploit the outstanding unsupervised learning ability of AEs employ DBNs to extract features of malware and an SVM for
[404]. For example, Thing investigates features of attacks and classification, achieving high accuracy and only requiring 6
threats that exist in IEEE 802.11 networks [185]. The author seconds per inference instance.
employs a stacked AE to categorize network traffic into 5 types Hou et al. attack the malware detection problem from a
(i.e. legitimate, flooding, injection and impersonation traffic), different perspective. Their research points out that signature-
achieving 98.67% overall accuracy. The AE is also exploited in based detection is insufficient to deal with sophisticated An-
[405], where Aminanto and Kim use an MLP and stacked AE droid malware [417]. To address this problem, they propose
for feature selection and extraction, demonstrating remarkable the Component Traversal, which can automatically execute
performance. Similarly, Feng et al. use AEs to detect abnormal code routines to construct weighted directed graphs. By em-
spectrum usage in wireless communications [406]. Their ex- ploying a Stacked AE for graph analysis, their framework
periments suggest that the detection accuracy can significantly Deep4MalDroid can accurately detect Android malware that
benefit from the depth of AEs. intentionally repackages and obfuscates to bypass signatures
Distributed attack detection is also an important issue in and hinder analysis attempts to their inner operations. This
mobile network security. Khan et al. focus on detecting flood- work is followed by that of Martinelli et al., who exploit
ing attacks in wireless mesh networks [407]. They simulate CNNs to discover the relationship between app types and
a wireless environment with 100 nodes, and artificially inject extracted syscall traces from real mobile devices [418]. The
moderate and severe distributed flooding attacks, to generate a CNN has also been used in [420], where the authors draw
synthetic dataset. Their deep learning based methods achieve inspiration from NLP and take the disassembled byte-code of
excellent false positive and false negative rates. Distributed an app as a text for analysis. Their experiments demonstrate
attacks are also studied in [408], where the authors focus on an that CNNs can effectively learn to detect sequences of opcodes
IoT scenario. Another work in [409] employs MLPs to detect that are indicative of malware. Chen et al. incorporate location
distributed denial of service attacks. By characterizing typical information into the detection framework and exploit an RBM
patterns of attack incidents, the proposed model works well for feature extraction and classification [421]. Their proposal
in detecting both known and unknown distributed denial of improves the performance of other ML methods.
service attacks. More recently, Nguyen et al. employ RBMs to Botnets are another important threat to mobile networks.
classify cyberattacks in the mobile cloud in an online manner A botnet is effectively a network that consists of machines
[419]. Through unsupervised layer-wise pre-training and fine- compromised by bots. These machine are usually under
tuning, their methods obtain over 90% classification accuracy the control of a botmaster who takes advantages of the
on three different datasets, significantly outperforming other bots to harm public services and systems [501]. Detecting
machine learning approaches. botnets is challenging and now becoming a pressing task
Martin et al. propose a conditional VAE to identify in cyber security. Deep learning is playing an important
intrusion incidents in IoT [410]. In order to improve detection role in this area. For example, Oulehla et al. propose to
performance, their VAE infers missing features associated employ neural networks to extract features from mobile
with incomplete measurements, which are common in IoT botnet behaviors [422]. They design a parallel detection
environments. The true data labels are embedded into the framework for identifying both client-server and hybrid
decoder layers to assist final classification. Evaluations on the botnets, and demonstrate encouraging performance. Torres
well-known NSL-KDD dataset [499] demonstrate that their et al. investigate the common behavior patterns that botnets
model achieves remarkable accuracy in identifying denial exhibit across their life cycle, using LSTMs [423]. They
of service, probing, remote to user and user to root attacks, employ both under-sampling and over-sampling to address
outperforming traditional ML methods by 0.18 in terms of the class imbalance between botnet and normal traffic in the
F1 score. Hamedani et al. employ MLPs to detect malicious dataset, which is common in anomaly detection problems.
attacks in delayed feedback networks [411]. The proposal Similar issues are also studies in [424] and [425], where
achieves more than 99% accuracy over 10,000 simulations. the authors use standard MLPs to perform mobile and
peer-to-peer botnet detection respectively, achieving high
Software level security: Nowadays, mobile devices are carry- overall accuracy.
ing considerable amount of private information. This informa-
tion can be stolen and exploited by malicious apps installed on User privacy level: Preserving user privacy during training
smartphones for ill-conceived purposes [500]. Deep learning and evaluating a deep neural network is another important
is being exploited for analyzing and detecting such threats. research issue [502]. Initial research is conducted in [426],
Yuan et al. use both labeled and unlabeled mobile apps where the authors enable user participation in the training
to train an RBM [414]. By learning from 300 samples, and evaluation of a neural network, without sharing their
their model can classify Android malware with remarkable input data. This allows to preserve individual’s privacy while
accuracy, outperforming traditional ML tools by up to 19%. benefiting all users, as they collaboratively improve the model
Their follow-up research in [415] named Droiddetector further performance. Their framework is revisited and improved in
improves the detection accuracy by 2%. Similarly, Su et al. [427], where another group of researchers employ additively
analyze essential features of Android apps, namely requested homomorphic encryption, to address the information leakage
permission, used permission, sensitive application program- problem ignored in [426], without compromising model accu-
ming interface calls, action and app components [416]. They racy. This significantly boosts the security of the system. More
recently, Wang et al. [497] propose a framework called AR- performance in learning polyalphabetic ciphers. Maghrebi
DEN to preserve users’ privacy while reducing communication et al. exploit various deep learning models (i.e. MLP, AE,
overhead in mobile-cloud deep learning applications. ARDEN CNN, LSTM) to construct a precise profiling system and
partitions a NN across cloud and mobile devices, with heavy perform side channel key recovery attacks [434]. Surprisingly,
computation being conducted on the cloud and mobile devices deep learning based methods demonstrate overwhelming
performing only simple data transformation and perturbation, performance over other template machine learning attacks in
using a differentially private mechanism. This simultaneously terms of efficiency in breaking both unprotected and protected
guarantees user privacy, improves inference accuracy, and Advanced Encryption Standard implementations. In [436],
reduces resource consumption. Ning et al. demonstrate that an attacker can use a CNN to
Osia et al. focus on privacy-preserving mobile analytics infer with over 84% accuracy what apps run on a smartphone
using deep learning. They design a client-server framework and their usage, based on magnetometer or orientation
based on the Siamese architecture [503], which accommodates data. The accuracy can increase to 98% if motion sensors
a feature extractor in mobile devices and correspondingly a information is also taken into account, which jeopardizes user
classifier in the cloud [428]. By offloading feature extraction privacy. To mitigate this issue, the authors propose to inject
from the cloud, their system offers strong privacy guarantees. Gaussian noise into the magnetometer and orientation data,
An innovative work in [429] implies that deep neural networks which leads to a reduction in inference accuracy down to
can be trained with differential privacy. The authors introduce 15%, thereby effectively mitigating the risk of privacy leakage.
a differentially private SGD to avoid disclosure of private
information of training data. Experiments on two publicly- Lessons learned: Most deep learning based solutions focus
available image recognition datasets demonstrate that their on existing network attacks, yet new attacks emerge every day.
algorithm is able to maintain users privacy, with a manageable As these new attacks may have different features and appear
cost in terms of complexity, efficiency, and performance. to behave ‘normally’, old NN models may not easily detect
This approach is also useful for edge-based privacy filtering them. Therefore, an effective deep learning technique should
techniques such as Distributed One-class Learning [504]. be able to (i) rapidly transfer the knowledge of old attacks to
Servia et al. consider training deep neural networks on detect newer ones; and (ii) constantly absorb the features of
distributed devices without violating privacy constraints [431]. newcomers and update the underlying model. Transfer learning
Specifically, the authors retrain an initial model locally, tai- and lifelong learning are strong candidates to address this
lored to individual users. This avoids transferring personal problems, as we will discuss in Sec.VII-C. Research in this
data to untrusted entities, hence user privacy is guaranteed. directions remains shallow, hence we expect more efforts in
Osia et al. focus on protecting user’s personal data from the the future.
inferences’ perspective. In particular, they break the entire Another issue to which attention should be paid is the fact
deep neural network into a feature extractor (on the client side) that NNs are vulnerable to adversarial attacks. This has been
and an analyzer (on the cloud side) to minimize the exposure briefly discussed in Sec. III-E. Although formal reports on
of sensitive information. Through local processing of raw this matter are lacking, hackers may exploit weaknesses in
input data, sensitive personal information is transferred into NN models and training procedures to perform attacks that
abstract features, which avoids direct disclosure to the cloud. subvert deep learning based cyber-defense systems. This is an
Experiments on gender classification and emotion detection important potential pitfall that should be considered in real
suggest that this framework can effectively preserve user implementations.
privacy, while maintaining remarkable inference accuracy.
Deep learning has also been exploited for cyber attacks,
including attempts to compromise private user information and I. Deep Learning Driven Signal Processing
guess passwords. In [432], Hitaj et al. suggest that learning Deep learning is also gaining increasing attention in signal
a deep model collaboratively is not reliable. By training a processing, in applications including Multi-Input Multi-Output
GAN, their attacker is able to affect such learning process and (MIMO) and modulation. MIMO has become a fundamental
lure the victims to disclose private information, by injecting technique in current wireless communications, both in cellular
fake training samples. Their GAN even successfully breaks and WiFi networks. By incorporating deep learning, MIMO
the differentially private collaborative learning in [429]. The performance is intelligently optimized based on environment
authors further investigate the use of GANs for password conditions. Modulation recognition is also evolving to be more
guessing. In [505], they design PassGAN, which learns the accurate, by taking advantage of deep learning. We give an
distribution of a set of leaked passwords. Once trained on a overview of relevant work in this area in Table XVIII.
dataset, PassGAN is able to match over 46% of passwords in a
different testing set, without user intervention or cryptography MIMO Systems: Samuel et al. suggest that deep neural
knowledge. This novel technique has potential to revolutionize networks can be a good estimator of transmitted vectors in
current password guessing algorithms. a MIMO channel. By unfolding a projected gradient de-
Greydanus breaks a decryption rule using an LSTM scent method, they design an MLP-based detection network
network [433]. They treat decryption as a sequence-to- to perform binary MIMO detection [446]. The Detection
sequence translation task, and train a framework with large Network can be implemented on multiple channels after a
enigma pairs. The proposed LSTM demonstrates remarkable single training. Simulations demonstrate that the proposed
architecture achieves near-optimal accuracy, while requiring ability. Simulations demonstrate that the proposed framework
light computation without prior knowledge of Signal-to-Noise significantly outperform the belief propagation algorithm that
Ratio (SNR). Yan et al. employ deep learning to solve a similar is routinely used for transmit power control in MIMO systems,
problem from a different perspective [447]. By considering while attaining a lower computational cost.
the characteristic invariance of signals, they exploit an AE as More recently, O’Shea et al. bring deep learning to physical
a feature extractor, and subsequently use an Extreme Learn- layer design [437]. They incorporate an unsupervised deep
ing Machine (ELM) to classify signal sources in a MIMO AE into a single-user end-to-end MIMO system, to opti-
orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) system. mize representations and the encoding/decoding processes, for
Their proposal achieves higher detection accuracy than several transmissions over a Rayleigh fading channel. We illustrate
traditional methods, while maintaining similar complexity. the adopted AE-based framework in Fig 18. This design
Vieira et al. show that massive MIMO channel measure- incorporates a transmitter consisting of an MLP followed by
ments in cellular networks can be utilized for fingerprint- a normalization layer, which ensures that physical constraints
based inference of user positions [322]. Specifically, they on the signal are guaranteed. After transfer through an additive
design CNNs with weight regularization to exploit the sparse white Gaussian noise channel, a receiver employs another
and information-invariance of channel fingerprints, thereby MLP to decode messages and select the one with the highest
achieving precise positions inference. CNNs have also been probability of occurrence. The system can be trained with
employed for MIMO channel estimation. Neumann et al. an SGD algorithm in an end-to-end manner. Experimental
exploit the structure of the MIMO channel model to design results show that the AE system outperforms the Space Time
a lightweight, approximated maximum likelihood estimator Block Code approach in terms of SNR by approximately 15
for a specific channel model [445]. Their methods outperform dB. In [438], Borgerding et al. propose to use deep learning
traditional estimators in terms of computation cost and re- to recover a sparse signal from noisy linear measurements
duce the number of hyper-parameters to be tuned. A similar in MIMO environments. The proposed scheme is evaluated
idea is implemented in [452], where Ye et al. employ an on compressive random access and massive-MIMO channel
MLP to perform channel estimation and signal detection in estimation, where it achieves better accuracy over traditional
OFDM systems. algorithms and CNNs.
Wijaya et al. consider applying deep learning to a different
scenario [378], [380]. The authors propose to use non-iterative Modulation: West and O’Shea compare the modulation
neural networks to perform transmit power control at base recognition accuracy of different deep learning architectures,
stations, thereby preventing degradation of network perfor- including traditional CNN, ResNet, Inception CNN, and
mance due to inter-cell interference. The neural network is LSTM [441]. Their experiments suggest that the LSTM is the
trained to estimate the optimal transmit power at every packet best candidate for modulation recognition, since it achieves
transmission, selecting that with the highest activation prob- the highest accuracy. Due to its superior performance, an
Fig. 18: A communications system over an additive white Gaussian noise channel represented as an autoencoder.
LSTM is also employed for a similar task in [440]. O’Shea sample construction method to save system resources without
et al. then focus on tailoring deep learning architectures to compromising precision. Deep learning can further aid visible
radio properties. Their prior work is improved in [442], where light communication. In [458], Huang et al. employ a deep
they architect a novel deep radio transformer network for learning based system for error correction in optical commu-
precise modulation recognition. Specifically, they introduce nications. Specifically, an AE is used in their work to perform
radio-domain specific parametric transformations into a spatial dimension reduction on light-emitting diode (LED) visible
transformer network, which assists in the normalization of light downlink, thereby maximizing the channel bandwidth .
the received signal, thereby achieving superior performance. The proposal follows the theory in [448], where O’Shea et
This framework also demonstrates automatic synchronization al. demonstrate that deep learning driven signal processing
abilities, which reduces the dependency on traditional expert systems can perform as good as traditional encoding and/or
systems and expensive signal analytic processes. In [448], modulation systems.
O’Shea and Hoydis introduce several novel deep learning Deep learning has been further adopted in solving
applications for the network physical layer. They demonstrate millimeter wave beamforming. In [444], Alkhateeb et al.
a proof-of-concept where they employ a CNN for modulation propose a millimeter wave communication system that utilizes
classification and obtain satisfying accuracy. MLPs to predict beamforming vectors from signals received
from distributed base stations. By substituting a genie-aided
Other signal processing applciations: Deep learning is also solution with deep learning, their framework reduces the
adopted for radio signal analysis. In [450], O’Shea et al. coordination overhead, enabling wide-coverage and low-
employ an LSTM to replace sequence translation routines latency beamforming. Similarly, Gante et al. employ CNNs
between radio transmitter and receiver. Although their frame- to infer the position of a device, given the received millimeter
work works well in ideal environments, its performance drops wave radiation. Their preliminary simulations show that the
significantly when introducing realistic channel effects. Later, CNN-based system can achieve small estimation errors in
the authors consider a different scenario in [451], where they a realistic outdoors scenario, significantly outperforming
exploit a regularized AE to enable reliable communications existing prediction approaches.
over an impaired channel. They further incorporate a radio
transformer network for signal reconstruction at the decoder Lessons learned: Deep learning is beginning to play an
side, thereby achieving receiver synchronization. Simulations important role in signal processing applications and the per-
demonstrate that this approach is reliable and can be efficiently formance demonstrated by early prototypes is remarkable. This
implemented. is because deep learning can prove advantageous with regards
to performance, complexity, and generalization capabilities.
In [453], Liang et al. exploit noise correlations to decode At this stage, research in this area is however incipient. We
channels using a deep learning approach. Specifically, they use can only expect that deep learning will become increasingly
a CNN to reduce channel noise estimation errors by learning popular in this area.
the noise correlation. Experiments suggest that their frame-
work can significantly improve the decoding performance.
The decoding performance of MLPs , CNNs and RNNs is J. Emerging Deep Learning Applications in Mobile Networks
compared in [454]. By conducting experiments in different In this part, we review work that builds upon deep learning
setting, the obtained results suggest the RNN achieves the in other mobile networking areas, which are beyond the
best decoding performance, nonetheless yielding the highest scopes of the subjects discussed thus far. These emerging
computational overhead. Liao et al. employ MLPs to per- applications open several new research directions, as we
form accurate Rayleigh fading channel prediction [456]. The discuss next. A summary of these works is given in Table XIX.
authors further equip their proposal with a sparse channel
TABLE XIX: A summary of emerging deep learning driven mobile network applications.
Reference Application Model Key contribution
Network data A platform named Net2Vec to facilitate deep learning deployment in
Gonzalez et al. [459] -
monetifzation communication networks.
In-network computation
Kaminski et al. [460] MLP Enables to perform collaborative data processing and reduces latency.
for IoT
Xiao et al. [461] Mobile crowdsensing Deep Q learning Mitigates vulnerabilities of mobile crowdsensing systems.
Resource allocation for Employs deep learning to perform monotone transformations of miners’bids
Luong et al. [462] MLP
mobile blockchains and outputs the allocation and conditional payment rules in optimal auctions.
Data dissemination in Investigates the relationship between data dissemination performance and
Gulati et al. [463] CNN
Internet of Vehicles (IoV) social score, energy level, number of vehicles and their speed.
Network Data Monetization: Gonzalez et al. employ transformations of the miners’ bids and subsequently output
unsupervised deep learning to generate real-time accurate the allocation scheme and conditional payment rules for each
user profiles [459] using an on-network machine learning miner. By running experiments with different settings, the
platform called Net2Vec [507]. Specifically, they analyze results suggest the propsoed deep learning based framework
user browsing data in real time and generate user profiles can deliver much higher profit to edge computing service
using product categories. The profiles can be subsequently provider than the second-price auction baseline.
associated with the products that are of interest to the users
and employed for online advertising. Internet of Vehicles (IoV): Gulati et al. extend the success
of deep learning to IoV [463]. The authors design a deep
IoT In-Network Computation: Instead of regarding IoT learning-based content centric data dissemination approach
nodes as producers of data or the end consumers of processed that comprises three steps, namely (i) performing energy
information, Kaminski et al. embed neural networks into estimation on selected vehicles that are capable of data
an IoT deployment and allow the nodes to collaboratively dissemination; (ii) employing a Weiner process model to
process the data generated [460]. This enables low-latency identify stable and reliable connections between vehicles;
communication, while offloading data storage and processing and (iii) using a CNN to predict the social relationship
from the cloud. In particular, the authors map each hidden among vehicles. Experiments unveil that the volume of data
unit of a pre-trained neural network to a node in the IoT disseminated is positively related to social score, energy
network, and investigate the optimal projection that leads levels, and number of vehicles, while the speed of vehicles
to the minimum communication overhead. Their framework has negative impact on the connection probability.
achieves functionality similar to in-network computation in
WSNs and opens a new research directions in fog computing. Lessons learned: The adoption of deep learning in the
mobile and wireless networking domain is exciting and un-
Mobile Crowdsensing: Xiao et al. investigate vulnerabilities doubtedly many advances are yet to appear. However, as
facing crowdsensing in the mobile network context. They discussed in Sec. III-E, deep learning solutions are not uni-
argue that there exist malicious mobile users who intentionally versal and may not be suitable for every problem. One should
provide false sensing data to servers, to save costs and preserve rather regard deep learning as a powerful tool that can assist
their privacy, which in turn can make mobile crowdsensings with fast and accurate inference, and facilitate the automation
systems vulnerable [461]. The authors model the server-users of some processes previously requiring human intervention.
system as a Stackelberg game, where the server plays the Nevertheless, deep learning algorithms will make mistakes,
role of a leader that is responsible for evaluating the sensing and their decisions might not be easy to interpret. In tasks
effort of individuals, by analyzing the accuracy of each that require high interpretability and low fault-tolerance, deep
sensing report. Users are paid based on the evaluation of learning still has a long way to go, which also holds for the
their efforts, hence cheating users will be punished with zero majority of ML algorithms.
reward. To design an optimal payment policy, the server
employs a deep Q network, which derives knowledge from
experience sensing reports, without requiring specific sensing VII. TAILORING D EEP L EARNING TO M OBILE N ETWORKS
models. Simulations demonstrate superior performance in
terms of sensing quality, resilience to attacks, and server Although deep learning performs remarkably in many mo-
utility, as compared to traditional Q learning based and bile networking areas, the No Free Lunch (NFL) theorem
random payment strategies. indicates that there is no single model that can work univer-
sally well in all problems [508]. This implies that for any
Mobile Blockchain: Substantial computing resource specific mobile and wireless networking problem, we may
requirements and energy consumption limit the applicability need to adapt different deep learning architectures to achieve
of blockchain in mobile network environments. To mitigate the best performance. In this section, we look at how to tailor
this problem, Luong et al. shed light on resource management deep learning to mobile networking applications from three
in mobile blockchain networks based on optimal auction perspectives, namely, mobile devices and systems, distributed
in [462]. They design an MLP to first conduct monotone data centers, and changing mobile network environments.
TABLE XX: Summary of works on improving deep learning for mobile devices and systems.
Reference Methods Target model
Iandola et al. [513] Filter size shrinking, reducing input channels and late downsampling CNN
Howard et al. [514] Depth-wise separable convolution CNN
Zhang et al. [515] Point-wise group convolution and channel shuffle CNN
Zhang et al. [516] Tucker decomposition AE
Cao et al. [517] Data parallelization by RenderScript RNN
Chen et al. [518] Space exploration for data reusability and kernel redundancy removal CNN
Rallapalli et al. [519] Memory optimizations CNN
Lane et al. [520] Runtime layer compression and deep architecture decomposition MLP, CNN
Huynh et al. [521] Caching, Tucker decomposition and computation offloading CNN
Wu et al. [522] Parameters quantization CNN
Bhattacharya and Lane [523] Sparsification of fully-connected layers and separation of convolutional kernels MLP, CNN
Georgiev et al. [97] Representation sharing MLP
Cho and Brand [524] Convolution operation optimization CNN
Guo and Potkonjak [525] Filters and classes pruning CNN
Li et al. [526] Cloud assistance and incremental learning CNN
Zen et al. [527] Weight quantization LSTM
Falcao et al. [528] Parallelization and memory sharing Stacked AE
Fang et al. [529] Model pruning and recovery scheme CNN
Xu et al. [530] Reusable region lookup and reusable region propagation scheme CNN
Using deep Q learning based optimizer to achieve appropriate balance between accuracy, latency,
Liu et al. [531] CNN
storage and energy consumption for deep NNs on mobile platforms
Machine learning based optimization system to automatically explore and search for optimized All NN
Chen et al. [532]
tensor operators architectures
Yao et al. [533] Learning model execution time and performing the model compression
A. Tailoring Deep Learning to Mobile Devices and Systems complexity [515]. In particular, the authors discover that more
The ultra-low latency requirements of future 5G networks groups of convolution operations can reduce the computation
demand runtime efficiency from all operations performed by requirements.
mobile systems. This also applies to deep learning driven Zhang et al. focus on reducing the number of parameters of
applications. However, current mobile devices have limited structures with fully-connected layers for mobile multimedia
hardware capabilities, which means that implementing com- features learning [516]. This is achieved by applying Trucker
plex deep learning architectures on such equipment may be decomposition to weight sub-tensors in the model, while
computationally unfeasible, unless appropriate model tuning is maintaining decent reconstruction capability. The Trucker de-
performed. To address this issue, ongoing research improves composition has also been employed in [521], where the
existing deep learning architectures [509], such that the in- authors seek to approximate a model with fewer parameters, in
ference process does not violate latency or energy constraints order to save memory. Mobile optimizations are further studied
[510], [511], nor raise any privacy concern [512]. We outline for RNN models. In [517], Cao et al. use a mobile toolbox
these works in Table XX and discuss their key contributions called RenderScript32 to parallelize specific data structures and
next. enable mobile GPUs to perform computational accelerations.
Iandola et al. design a compact architecture for embedded Their proposal reduces the latency when running RNN models
systems named SqueezeNet, which has similar accuracy to on Android smartphones. Chen et al. shed light on imple-
that of AlexNet [86], a classical CNN, yet 50 times fewer menting CNNs on iOS mobile devices [518]. In particular,
parameters [513]. SqueezeNet is also based on CNNs, but they reduce the model executions latency, through space ex-
its significantly smaller model size (i) allows more efficiently ploration for data re-usability and kernel redundancy removal.
training on distributed systems; (ii) reduces the transmission The former alleviates the high bandwidth requirements of
overhead when updating the model at the client side; and (iii) convolutional layers, while the latter reduces the memory
facilitates deployment on resource-limited embedded devices. and computational requirements, with negligible performance
Howard et al. extend this work and introduce an efficient degradation.
family of streamlined CNNs called MobileNet, which uses Rallapalli et al. investigate offloading very deep CNNs from
depth-wise separable convolution operations to drastically clouds to edge devices, by employing memory optimization on
reduce the number of computations required and the model both mobile CPUs and GPUs [519]. Their framework enables
size [514]. This new design can run with low latency and can running at high speed deep CNNs with large memory re-
satisfy the requirements of mobile and embedded vision ap- quirements in mobile object detection applications. Lane et al.
plications. The authors further introduce two hyper-parameters develop a software accelerator, DeepX, to assist deep learning
to control the width and resolution of multipliers, which can implementations on mobile devices. The proposed approach
help strike an appropriate trade-off between accuracy and exploits two inference-time resource control algorithms, i.e.,
efficiency. The ShuffleNet proposed by Zhang et al. improves runtime layer compression and deep architecture decomposi-
the accuracy of MobileNet by employing point-wise group 32 Android Renderscript
convolution and channel shuffle, while retaining similar model renderscript/compute.html.
tion [520]. The runtime layer compression technique controls embedded in mobile data, which are associated with local
the memory and computation runtime during the inference culture, human mobility, geographical topology, etc., during
phase, by extending model compression principles. This is model training can compromise the robustness of the model
important in mobile devices, since offloading the inference and implicitly the performance of the mobile network appli-
process to edge devices is more practical with current hardware cations that build on such models. The solution is to offload
platforms. Further, the deep architecture designs “decomposi- model execution to distributed data centers or edge devices,
tion plans” that seek to optimally allocate data and model to guarantee good performance, whilst alleviating the burden
operations to local and remote processors. By combining on the cloud.
these two, DeepX enables maximizing energy and runtime As such, one of the challenges facing parallelism, in the con-
efficiency, under given computation and memory constraints. text of mobile networking, is that of training neural networks
Yao et al. [533] design a framework called FastDeepIoT, which on a large number of mobile devices that are battery powered,
fisrt learns the execution time of NN models on target de- have limited computational capabilities and in particular lack
vices, and subsequently conducts model compression to reduce GPUs. The key goal of this paradigm is that of training with
the runtime without compromising the inference accuracy. a large number of mobile CPUs at least as effective as with
Through this process, up to 78% of execution time and 69% GPUs. The speed of training remains important, but becomes
of energy consumption is reduced, compared to state-of-the-art a secondary goal.
compression algorithms. Generally, there are two routes to addressing this problem,
More recently, Fang et al. design a framework called namely, (i) decomposing the model itself, to train (or make
NestDNN, to provide flexible resource-accuracy trade-offs inference with) its components individually; or (ii) scaling
on mobile devices [529]. To this end, the NestDNN first the training process to perform model update at different
adopts a model pruning and recovery scheme, which translates locations associated with data containers. Both schemes allow
deep NNs to single compact multi-capacity models. With this one to train a single model without requiring to centralize all
approach up to 4.22% inference accuracy can be achieved data. We illustrate the principles of these two approaches in
with six mobile vision applications, at a 2.0× faster video Fig. 19 and summarize the existing work in Table XXI.
frame processing rate and reducing energy consumption by
1.7×. In [530], Xu et al. accelerate deep learning inference Model Parallelism. Large-scale distributed deep learning is
for mobile vision from the caching perspective. In particular, first studied in [126], where the authors develop a framework
the proposed framework called DeepCache stores recent input named DistBelief, which enables training complex neural net-
frames as cache keys and recent feature maps for individual works on thousands of machines. In their framework, the full
CNN layers as cache values. The authors further employ model is partitioned into smaller components and distributed
reusable region lookup and reusable region propagation, to over various machines. Only nodes with edges (e.g. connec-
enable a region matcher to only run once per input video tions between layers) that cross boundaries between machines
frame and load cached feature maps at all layers inside the are required to communicate for parameters update and infer-
CNN. This reduces the inference time by 18% and energy ence. This system further involves a parameter server, which
consumption by 20% on average. Liu et al. develop a usage- enables each model replica to obtain the latest parameters
driven framework named AdaDeep, to select a combination during training. Experiments demonstrate that the proposed
of compression techniques for a specific deep NN on mobile framework can be training significantly faster on a CPU
platforms [531]. By using a deep Q learning optimizer, their cluster, compared to training on a single GPU, while achieving
proposal can achieve appropriate trade-offs between accuracy, state-of-the-art classification performance on ImageNet [191].
latency, storage and energy consumption. Teerapittayanon et al. propose deep neural networks tailored
Beyond these works, researchers also successfully adapt to distributed systems, which include cloud servers, fog layers
deep learning architectures through other designs and sophis- and geographically distributed devices [534]. The authors
ticated optimizations, such as parameters quantization [522], scale the overall neural network architecture and distribute
[527], sparsification and separation [523], representation and its components hierarchically from cloud to end devices.
memory sharing [97], [528], convolution operation optimiza- The model exploits local aggregators and binary weights, to
tion [524], pruning [525], cloud assistance [526] and compiler reduce computational storage, and communication overheads,
optimization [532]. These techniques will be of great signif- while maintaining decent accuracy. Experiments on a multi-
icance when embedding deep neural networks into mobile view multi-camera dataset demonstrate that this proposal can
systems. perform efficient cloud-based training and local inference. Im-
portantly, without violating latency constraints, the deep neural
network obtains essential benefits associated with distributed
B. Tailoring Deep Learning to Distributed Data Containers systems, such as fault tolerance and privacy.
Mobile systems generate and consume massive volumes of Coninck et al. consider distributing deep learning over IoT
mobile data every day. This may involve similar content, but for classification applications [113]. Specifically, they deploy
which is distributed around the world. Moving such data to a small neural network to local devices, to perform coarse
centralized servers to perform model training and evaluation classification, which enables fast response filtered data to be
inevitably introduces communication and storage overheads, sent to central servers. If the local model fails to classify, the
which does not scale. However, neglecting characteristics larger neural network in the cloud is activated to perform fine-
TABLE XXI: Summary of work on model and training parallelism for mobile systems and devices.
Parallelism Reference Target Core Idea Improvement
Very large deep neural Employs downpour SGD to support a large number Up to 12× model training
Dean et al. [126] networks in distributed of model replicas and a Sandblaster framework to speed up, using 81
Model systems. support a variety of batch optimizations. machines.
parallelism Teerapittayanon Neural network on cloud Maps a deep neural network to a distributed setting Up to 20× reduction of
et al. [534] and end devices. and jointly trains each individual section. communication cost.
Distills from a pre-trained NN to obtain a smaller
De Coninck et Neural networks on IoT 10ms inference latency
NN that performs classification on a subset of the
al. [113] devices. on a mobile device.
entire space.
Multi-task multi-agent Deep recurrent Q-networks & cautiously-optimistic
Omidshafiei et reinforcement learning learners to approximate action-value function; Near-optimal execution
al. [535] under partial decentralized concurrent experience replays time.
observability. trajectories to stabilize training.
Recht et al. Eliminates overhead associated with locking in Up to 10× speed up in
Parallelized SGD.
[536] distributed SGD. distributed training.
Employs a hyper-parameter-free learning rule to
Training Goyal et al. Distributed synchronous Trains billions of images
adjust the learning rate and a warmup mechanism
parallelism [537] SGD. per day.
to address the early optimization problem.
Combines the stochastic variance reduced gradient
Zhang et al. Asynchronous distributed
algorithm and a delayed proximal gradient Up to 6× speed up
[538] SGD.
Hardy et al. Distributed deep learning Compression technique (AdaComp) to reduce Up to 191× reduction in
[539] on edge-devices. ingress traffic at parameter severs. ingress traffic.
McMahan et al. Distributed training on Users collectively enjoy benefits of shared models Up to 64.3× training
[540] mobile devices. trained with big data without centralized storage. speedup.
Up to 1.98×
Data computation over Secure multi-party computation to obtain model
Keith et al. [541] communication
mobile devices. parameters on distributed mobile devices.
Machine/Device 1
Machine/Device 3 Machine/Device 4
Asynchronous SGD
Data Collection
Machine/Device 2
Fig. 19: The underlying principles of model parallelism (left) and training parallelism (right).
grained classification. The overall architecture maintains good addressing control problems in distributed mobile systems.
accuracy, while significantly reducing the latency typically
introduced by large model inference. Training Parallelism is also essential for mobile system,
Decentralized methods can also be applied to deep as mobile data usually come asynchronously from differ-
reinforcement learning. In [535], Omidshafiei et al. consider ent sources. Training models effectively while maintaining
a multi-agent system with partial observability and limited consistency, fast convergence, and accuracy remains however
communication, which is common in mobile systems. They challenging [542].
combine a set of sophisticated methods and algorithms, A practical method to address this problem is to perform
including hysteresis learners, a deep recurrent Q network, asynchronous SGD. The basic idea is to enable the server that
concurrent experience replay trajectories and distillation, to maintains a model to accept delayed information (e.g. data,
enable multi-agent coordination using a single joint policy gradient updates) from workers. At each update iteration, the
under a set of decentralized partially observable MDPs. server only requires to wait for a smaller number of workers.
Their framework can potentially play an important role in This is essential for training a deep neural network over
distributed machines in mobile systems. The asynchronous as such tools must react to new threats in a timely manner,
SGD is first studied in [536], where the authors propose a lock- using limited information. To this end, the model should
free parallel SGD named HOGWILD, which demonstrates have transfer learning ability, which can enable the fast
significant faster convergence over locking counterparts. The transfer of knowledge from pre-trained models to different
Downpour SGD in [126] improves the robustness of the jobs or datasets. This will allow models to work well with
training process when work nodes breakdown, as each model limited threat samples (one-shot learning) or limited metadata
replica requests the latest version of the parameters. Hence descriptions of new threats (zero-shot learning). Therefore,
a small number of machine failures will not have a sig- both lifelong learning and transfer learning are essential for
nificant impact on the training process. A similar idea has applications in ever changing mobile network environments.
been employed in [537], where Goyal et al. investigate the We illustrated these two learning paradigms in Fig. 20 and
usage of a set of techniques (i.e. learning rate adjustment, review essential research in this subsection.
warm-up, batch normalization), which offer important insights
into training large-scale deep neural networks on distributed Deep Lifelong Learning mimics human behaviors and seeks
systems. Eventually, their framework can train an network on to build a machine that can continuously adapt to new envi-
ImageNet within 1 hour, which is impressive in comparison ronments, retain as much knowledge as possible from previous
with traditional algorithms. learning experience [545]. There exist several research efforts
Zhang et al. argue that most of asynchronous SGD al- that adapt traditional deep learning to lifelong learning. For
gorithms suffer from slow convergence, due to the inherent example, Lee et al. propose a dual-memory deep learning
variance of stochastic gradients [538]. They propose an im- architecture for lifelong learning of everyday human behaviors
proved SGD with variance reduction to speed up the con- over non-stationary data streams [546]. To enable the pre-
vergence. Their algorithm outperforms other asynchronous trained model to retain old knowledge while training with new
SGD approaches in terms of convergence, when training deep data, their architecture includes two memory buffers, namely
neural networks on the Google Cloud Computing Platform. a deep memory and a fast memory. The deep memory is
The asynchronous method has also been applied to deep composed of several deep networks, which are built when the
reinforcement learning. In [78], the authors create multiple amount of data from an unseen distribution is accumulated
environments, which allows agents to perform asynchronous and reaches a threshold. The fast memory component is a
updates to the main structure. The new A3C algorithm breaks small neural network, which is updated immediately when
the sequential dependency and speeds up the training of the coming across a new data sample. These two memory mod-
traditional Actor-Critic algorithm significantly. In [539], Hardy ules allow to perform continuous learning without forgetting
et al. further study distributed deep learning over cloud and old knowledge. Experiments on a non-stationary image data
edge devices. In particular, they propose a training algorithm, stream prove the effectiveness of this model, as it significantly
AdaComp, which allows to compress worker updates of the outperforms other online deep learning algorithms. The mem-
target model. This significantly reduce the communication ory mechanism has also been applied in [547]. In particular,
overhead between cloud and edge, while retaining good fault the authors introduce a differentiable neural computer, which
tolerance. allows neural networks to dynamically read from and write to
Federated learning is an emerging parallelism approach that an external memory module. This enables lifelong lookup and
enables mobile devices to collaboratively learn a shared model, forgetting of knowledge from external sources, as humans do.
while retaining all training data on individual devices [540], Parisi et al. consider a different lifelong learning scenario
[543]. Beyond offloading the training data from central servers, in [548]. They abandon the memory modules in [546] and
this approach performs model updates with a Secure Aggrega- design a self-organizing architecture with recurrent neurons
tion protocol [541], which decrypts the average updates only if for processing time-varying patterns. A variant of the Growing
enough users have participated, without inspecting individual When Required network is employed in each layer, to to
updates. predict neural activation sequences from the previous network
layer. This allows learning time-vary correlations between
inputs and labels, without requiring a predefined number
C. Tailoring Deep Learning to Changing Mobile Network of classes. Importantly, the framework is robust, as it has
Environments tolerance to missing and corrupted sample labels, which is
Mobile network environments often exhibit changing common in mobile data.
patterns over time. For instance, the spatial distributions Another interesting deep lifelong learning architecture is
of mobile data traffic over a region may vary significantly presented in [549], where Tessler et al. build a DQN agent
between different times of the day [544]. Applying a deep that can retain learned skills in playing the famous computer
learning model in changing mobile environments requires game Minecraft. The overall framework includes a pre-trained
lifelong learning ability to continuously absorb new features, model, Deep Skill Network, which is trained a-priori on
without forgetting old but essential patterns. Moreover, new various sub-tasks of the game. When learning a new task,
smartphone-targeted viruses are spreading fast via mobile the old knowledge is maintained by incorporating reusable
networks and may severely jeopardize users’ privacy and skills through a Deep Skill module, which consists of a Deep
business profits. These pose unprecedented challenges to Skill Network array and a multi-skill distillation network.
current anomaly detection systems and anti-virus software, These allow the agent to selectively transfer knowledge to
Learning Task 1 Learning task 2 Learning Task n Learning Task 1 Learning task 2 Learning Task n
... ...
Time Time
Fig. 20: The underlying principles of deep lifelong learning (left) and deep transfer learning (right). Lifelong learning retains
the knowledge learned while transfer learning exploits labeled data of one domain to learn in a new target domain.
solve a new task. Experiments demonstrate that their proposal A. Serving Deep Learning with Massive High-Quality Data
significantly outperforms traditional double DQNs in terms Deep neural networks rely on massive and high-quality
of accuracy and convergence. This technique has potential to data to achieve good performance. When training a large
be employed in solving mobile networking problems, as it and complex architecture, data volume and quality are very
can continuously acquire new knowledge. important, as deeper models usually have a huge set of
parameters to be learned and configured. This issue remains
Deep Transfer Learning: Unlike lifelong learning, transfer true in mobile network applications. Unfortunately, unlike
learning only seeks to use knowledge from a specific domain in other research areas such as computer vision and NLP,
to aid learning in a target domain. Applying transfer learning high-quality and large-scale labeled datasets still lack for
can accelerate the new learning process, as the new task does mobile network applications, because service provides and
not require to learn from scratch. This is essential to mobile operators keep the data collected confidential and are reluctant
network environments, as they require to agilely respond to to release datasets. While this makes sense from a user privacy
new network patterns and threats. A number of important standpoint, to some extent it restricts the development of deep
applications emerge in the computer network domain [57], learning mechanisms for problems in the mobile networking
such as Web mining [550], caching [551] and base station domain. Moreover, mobile data collected by sensors and
sleep strategies [207]. network equipment are frequently subject to loss, redundancy,
There exist two extreme transfer learning paradigms, mislabeling and class imbalance, and thus cannot be directly
namely one-shot learning and zero-shot learning. One-shot employed for training purpose.
learning refers to a learning method that gains as much To build intelligent 5G mobile network architecture, ef-
information as possible about a category from only one or ficient and mature streamlining platforms for mobile data
a handful of samples, given a pre-trained model [552]. On the processing are in demand. This requires considerable amount
other hand, zero-shot learning does not require any sample of research efforts for data collection, transmission, cleaning,
from a category [553]. It aims at learning a new distribution clustering, transformation, and annonymization. Deep learning
given meta description of the new category and correlations applications in the mobile network area can only advance if
with existing training data. Though research towards deep one- researchers and industry stakeholder release more datasets,
shot learning [95], [554] and deep zero-shot learning [555], with a view to benefiting a wide range of communities.
[556] is in its infancy, both paradigms are very promising in
detecting new threats or traffic patterns in mobile networks. B. Deep Learning for Spatio-Temporal Mobile Data Mining
Accurate analysis of mobile traffic data over a geographical
region is becoming increasingly essential for event localiza-
VIII. F UTURE R ESEARCH P ERSPECTIVES tion, network resource allocation, context-based advertising
and urban planning [544]. However, due to the mobility of
As deep learning is achieving increasingly promising results smartphone users, the spatio-temporal distribution of mobile
in the mobile networking domain, several important research traffic [557] and application popularity [558] are difficult
issues remain to be addressed in the future. We conclude our to understand (see the example city-scale traffic snapshot
survey by discussing these challenges and pinpointing key in Fig. 21). Recent research suggests that data collected by
mobile networking research problems that could be tackled mobile sensors (e.g. mobile traffic) over a city can be regarded
with novel deep learning tools. as pictures taken by panoramic cameras, which provide a
3D Mobile Traffic Surface 2D Mobile Traffic Snapshot 2) Single mobile traffic series usually exhibit some period-
icity (both daily and weekly), yet this is not a feature
seen among video pixels.
3) Due to user mobility, traffic consumption is more likely
to stay or shift to neighboring cells in the near future,
which is less likely to be seen in videos.
Such spatio-temporal correlations in mobile traffic can be
exploited as prior knowledge for model design. We recognize
several unique advantages of employing deep learning for
mobile traffic data mining:
1) CNN structures work well in imaging applications, thus
Fig. 21: Example of a 3D mobile traffic surface (left) and 2D
can also serve mobile traffic analysis tasks, given the
projection (right) in Milan, Italy. Figures adapted from [216]
analogies mentioned before.
using data from [559].
2) LSTMs capture well temporal correlations in time series
data such as natural language; hence this structure can
city-scale sensing system for urban surveillance [560]. These also be adapted to traffic forecasting problems.
traffic sensing images enclose information associated with the 3) GPU computing enables fast training of NNs and together
movements of individuals [466]. with parallelization techniques can support low-latency
From both spatial and temporal dimensions perspective, we mobile traffic analysis via deep learning tools.
recognize that mobile traffic data have important similarity In essence, we expect deep learning tools tailored to mo-
with videos or speech, which is an analogy made recently also bile networking, will overcome the limitation of tradi-
in [216] and exemplified in Fig. 22. Specifically, both videos tional regression and interpolation tools such as Exponential
Smoothing [561], Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average
model [562], or unifrom interpolation, which are commonly
Mobile Traffic Evolutions
t t+s Video used in operational networks.
geometric properties. For instance, the location of mobile users
or base stations along with the data carried can be viewed
Mobile Traffic as point clouds in a 2D plane. If the temporal dimension is
also added, this leads to a 3D point cloud representation, with
either fixed or changing locations. In addition, the connectivity
Zooming of mobile devices, routers, base stations, gateways, and so on
Speech Signal can naturally construct a directed graph, where entities are
represented as vertices, the links between them can be seen as
Traffic volume
Mobile Traffic
Series edges, and data flows may give direction to these edges. We
show examples of geometric mobile data and their potential
Time Frequency
representations in Fig. 23. At the top of the figure a group of
mobile users is represented as a point cloud. Likewise, mobile
Fig. 22: Analogies between mobile traffic data consumption network entities (e.g. base station, gateway, users) are regarded
in a city (left) and other types of data (right). as graphs below, following the rationale explained below. Due
to the inherent complexity of such representations, traditional
and the large-scale evolution of mobile traffic are composed of ML tools usually struggle to interpret geometric data and make
sequences of “frames”. Moreover, if we zoom into a small cov- reliable inferencess.
erage area to measure long-term traffic consumption, we can In contrast, a variety of deep learning toolboxes for mod-
observe that a single traffic consumption series looks similar to elling geometric data exist, albeit not having been widely
a natural language sequence. These observations suggest that, employed in mobile networking yet. For instance, PointNet
to some extent, well-established tools for computer vision (e.g. [563] and the follow on PointNet++ [100] are the first solutions
CNN) or NLP (e.g. RNN, LSTM) are promising candidate for that employ deep learning for 3D point cloud applications,
mobile traffic analysis. including classification and segmentation [564]. We recognize
Beyond these similarity, we observe several properties of that similar ideas can be applied to geometric mobile data
mobile traffic that makes it unique in comparison with images analysis, such as clustering of mobile users or base stations, or
or language sequences. Namely, user trajectory predictions. Further, deep learning for graphical
1) The values of neighboring ‘pixels’ in fine-grained traffic data analysis is also evolving rapidly [565]. This is triggered
snapshots are not significantly different in general, while by research on Graph CNNs [101], which brings convolution
this happens quite often at the edges of natural images. concepts to graph-structured data. The applicability of Graph
Mobile network entities with Graph representation Candidate model: Graph CNN
connectivity Input
(e.g. mobile traffic
(e.g. Future mobile
traffic demand)
Base Hidden layer Hidden layer
Fig. 23: Examples of mobile data with geometric properties (left), their geometric representations (middle) and their candidate
models for analysis (right). PointNet++ could be used to infer user trajectories when fed with point cloud representations of
user locations (above); A GraphCNN may be employed to forecast future mobile traffic demand at base station level (below).
CNNs can be further extend to the temporal domain [566]. theory approaches. Unfortunately, these methods either make
One possible application is the prediction of future traffic strong assumptions about the objective functions (e.g. function
demand at individual base station level. We expect that such convexity) or data distribution (e.g. Gaussian or Poisson dis-
novel architectures will play an increasingly important role tributed), or suffer from high time and space complexity. As
in network graph analysis and applications such as anomaly mobile networks become increasingly complex, such assump-
detection over a mobile network graph. tions sometimes turn unrealistic. The objective functions are
further affected by their increasingly large sets of variables,
D. Deep Unsupervised Learning in Mobile Networks that pose severe computational and memory challenges to
existing mathematical approaches.
We observe that current deep learning practices in mobile In contrast, deep reinforcement learning does not make
networks largely employ supervised learning and reinforce- strong assumptions about the target system. It employs func-
ment learning. However, as mobile networks generate consid- tion approximation, which explicitly addresses the problem
erable amounts of unlabeled data every day, data labeling is of large state-action spaces, enabling reinforcement learning
costly and requires domain-specific knowledge. To facilitate to scale to network control problems that were previously
the analysis of raw mobile network data, unsupervised learn- considered hard. Inspired by remarkable achievements in
ing becomes essential in extracting insights from unlabeled Atari [19] and Go [570] games, a number of researchers begin
data [567], so as to optimize the mobile network functionality to explore DRL to solve complex network control problems,
to improve QoE. as we discussed in Sec. VI-G. However, these works only
The potential of a range of unsupervised deep learning tools scratch the surface and the potential of DRL to tackle mobile
including AE, RBM and GAN remains to be further explored. network control problems remains largely unexplored. For
In general, these models require light feature engineering instance, as DeepMind trains a DRL agent to reduce Google’s
and are thus promising for learning from heterogeneous and data centers cooling bill,33 DRL could be exploited to extract
unstructured mobile data. For instance, deep AEs work well rich features from cellular networks and enable intelligent
for unsupervised anomaly detection [568]. Though less popu- on/off base stations switching, to reduce the infrastructure’s
lar, RBMs can perform layer-wise unsupervised pre-training, energy footprint. Such exciting applications make us believe
which can accelerate the overall model training process. GANs that advances in DRL that are yet to appear can revolutionize
are good at imitating data distributions, thus could be em- the autonomous control of future mobile networks.
ployed to mimic real mobile network environments. Recent
research reveals that GANs can even protect communications F. Summary
by crafting custom cryptography to avoid eavesdropping [569].
All these tools require further research to fulfill their full Deep learning is playing an increasingly important role in
potentials in the mobile networking domain. the mobile and wireless networking domain. In this paper, we
provided a comprehensive survey of recent work that lies at
the intersection between deep learning and mobile networking.
E. Deep Reinforcement Learning for Mobile Network Control
33 DeepMind AI Reduces Google Data Center Cooling Bill by 40%
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by constrained optimization, dynamic programming and game bill-40/
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