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Credit Three
Course Code GE 5 Course Title Purposive Communication Prerequisite --
Units (3)
Purposive Communication is a three-unit course that develops students’ communicative competence and enhances their cultural and intercultural
awareness through multi-modal tasks that provide them opportunities for communicating effectively and appropriately to a multicultural audience in a
Course Description local and global context. It equips students with tools for critical evaluation of a variety of texts and focuses on the power of language and the impact of
images to emphasize the importance of conveying messages responsibly. The knowledge, skills and insights that students gain from this course may be
used in their other academic endeavors, their chosen disciplines and their future careers as they compose and produce relevant oral, written, audio visual
and/or web-based output for various purposes.

Week 1-18 Course Content/Subject Matter

Week 1 Orientation
Week 2 Communication levels, elements, and models
Week 3 Language in Society
Week 4 Communication Styles
Week 5 Intercultural Communication
Week 6 Preliminary Exam
Week 7 Socially and Culturally Relevant Issues for Research
Week 8 Academic Writing and Research
Week 9 The Writing Process
Week 10 Corporate Culture and Business Communication
Week 11 Midterm Exam
Week 12 Business Writing
Week 13 Pre-employment Tools
Week 14 Pre-final Exam
Week 15 Intercultural Issues in Workplace
Week 16 Public Speaking Basics
Week 17 Persuasive Speaking in Private Corporate Institutions in the Information Age
Week 18 Final Exams

Desired Learning Teaching & Learning Assessment Tasks
Time Table Course Content References Resource Materials
Outcomes (DLO) Activities (TLAs) (ATs)
Week 2 I. Communication Uychoco, M.T & Santos, Activity: Role-play the four Hand-outs depicting
At the end of the week, Communication M.L. (2017). Communicating ethical principles of four communication
the students are able pyramid, models, Communication for interest communication models
to: principles and ethics Society. Quezon City,
Phil: Rex Printing Discussion on levels Group oral Board and
discuss the levels and Company, Inc. and elements of presentation on Ethical Chalk/marker
elements of communication Communication:
communication; Balgoa, N., Betonio, H., Why do you think there LCD projector
et. al. (2018). Purposive Group presentation of should be ethics in (optional)
communicate relevant Communication: four communication communication?
topic in different levels Understanding the models: Aristotle’s What problems arise Book:
of communication; Multicultural World model, when people are not Uychoco, M.T & Santos,
through Language. Shannon-Weaver’s ethical in their M.L. (2017).
present and discuss the Malabon, Phil: Muya model, communication Communication for
communication Publishing House, Inc. Osgood-Schramm practices? Society. Sta. Mesa,
models; and models, and Eugene What comes to mind on Quezon City. Rex
https://www.youtube. White’s stages the subject of violating Printing Company, Inc.
exemplify the NCA com/watch?v=S7CN9T the ethics of
ethical principles for rw43w communication?
communication Why do people
especially in the field of https://www.encyclop communicate in an
business edia.com/science/ency unethical manner?
nscripts-and-maps/co Post-test
At the end of the week, II. Language in Video presentations: Assignment: Students’ researched
the students are able Society Fromkin, V., et. al. World Englishes, Language, idiolect, topics
to: 1. Language, Dialect (2014). An Introduction Philippine Conyo, dialect, jargon, register,
and Idiolect to Language. Boston, Difference between spoken and written LCD projector
discuss the role of MA: Wadsworth. spoken and written grammar differences,
language to 2. Pragmatics in languages, etc. bilingualism, Laptop
Week 3 communication in Balgoa, N., Betonio, H., codeswitching (conyo)
multi-cultural settings; 3. Language et. al. (2018). Purposive Group discussion and slang, twang, lingua Board and
Dynamism: Communication: oral presentation: franca chalk/marker
trace the trends and Bilingualism, Understanding the Describe bilingualism
the important role of Codeswitching, Multicultural World in Philippines. How Group presentation Book:
globalization to Slang, Twang, through Language. many languages does a (graded) Fromkin, V., et. al.
communication today; Jargon, Register Malabon, Phil: Muya typical Filipino know? (2014). An Introduction
Publishing House, Inc. Provide example of a Post-test to Language. Boston,
identify varieties of 4. Communication dialect MA. Wadsworth.
English; and Globalization https://www.youtube. What do you mean by
and its effects on com/watch?v=VAWt0O world Englishes?
differentiate spoken global commerce J65Bc Provide sample
and written languages and business varieties
and their grammar; interactions: https://www.youtube. Differentiate Jargon,
and World Englishes; com/watch?v=1b7hY8 Slang, Twang, Register,
Kachru’s yrT0s Idiolect
evaluate Filipino Concentric Model What is code-switching
English and its https://www.youtube. and code-mixing?
indiginized expressions com/watch?v=u_5COID Describe Philippine
distinct from ASE and nYj8 Conyo. What’s your
BSE Englishes. opinion about it?
https://www.youtube. Differentiate spoken
com/watch?v=OEA_2l and written languages.
M1YdA Provide examples.

https://www.youtube. Lecture dynamics

At the end of the week, Role play: Photos and videos
the students are able III. Communication Provide possible Role-play (graded)
to: Styles Balgoa, N., Betonio, H., communication Printed rubrics for
et. al. (2018). Purposive behavior specific to Social Experiment (4 Social Experiment
compare and contrast 1. Behavioral Communication: each communication groups)
Communication Understanding the Board and
the four major type (four behavioral Elicit responses from
Multicultural World Chalk/marker
behavioral styles in communication) random students and
communication; 2. Culturally Sensitive through Language. record in a video;
and Bias-Free Malabon, Phil: Muya Laptop
Discussion on role-play analyze and report in
Week 4 analyze and evaluate Language Publishing House, Inc. results the class with PPT and LCD projector
their communication video. Deadline (Next
3. Evaluating messages Uychoco, M.T & Santos,
styles in different Lecture dynamics session) - PPTs must be
and/or images (e.g. M.L. (2017).
contexts; given to the instructor
pictures, illustrations) Communication for
of different types of Society. Quezon City,
act and convey
texts reflecting Phil.: Rex Printing
responses showcasing Post-test
different cultures Company, Inc.
the four styles in a
(regional, Asian,
given scenario; and
Western, etc,)
create a social
experiment analyzing
communicative style.

At the end of the week, Balgoa, N., Betonio, H., Group discussion and Group video analysis Photos and videos for
the students will be et. al. (2018). Purposive presentation: and presentation using analysis
able to: Communication: Is intercultural DAE model (graded)
Understanding the communication Projector
discuss culture and its Multicultural World applicable only when Long Quiz
relevance to Board and
through Language. communicating with
intercultural Chalk/marker
Malabon, Phil: Mutya people outside national Apply DAE model in
communication; Publishing House, Inc. borders? interpreting
How does cultural cross-cultural
differentiate surface Uychoco, M.T & Santos,
IV. Intercultural awareness affect a interaction through LCD projector
and deep cultures M.L. (2017).
Communication person’s way of videos
manifesting in different Communication for communicating with
interactions; and Society. Quezon City,
1. Cultural Iceberg others?
Week 5 2. Local and Global Phil.: Rex Printing Do you think the
analyze and evaluate
Communication in Company, Inc. Philippines itself is
communications using multicultural settings culturally diverse? Why
DAE mode. or why not?
3. DAE Model Web references:
How will you explain
this assertion,
“learning consciously
about other people’s
cultures is one of the
effective ways to know
one’s self more.”

Lecture dynamics

Week 6 PRELIMINARY EXAMS ( December 12-15)

At the end of the week, V. Socially and Uychoco, M.T & Santos, Group activity: list one Short Quiz Photos and videos for
students are able to: Culturally Relevant M.L. (2017). or two topics that are analysis
Issues for Research Communication for interesting or relevant Evaluate social
Week 7 evaluate culturally and Society. Quezon City, for you for each of the problems in your own Laptop
socially issues in their 1. Social and cultural Phil.: Rex Printing items given by the community, create
topics argument, and present LCD projector
own community or in Company, Inc. teacher
Philippine society that 2. Concepts of Social it in the class with a
Board and
are relevant in the and Cultural Balgoa, N., Betonio, H., Group discussion PPT presentation marker/chalk
business world; Significance in the et. al. (2018). Purposive
Philippines Communication: Lecture dynamics Hand-outs
explain what concepts Understanding the
are through critical Multicultural World
reading of sample through Language.
documented essays in Malabon, Phil: Muya
the 21st century; and Publishing House, Inc.

write an essay
pertaining to a
socially-relevant issue.

At the end of the week, VI. Academic Writing Writing a paragraph in Provide standard, Worksheet: Uychoco,
students are able to: and Research Uychoco, M.T & Santos, an academic/ scholarly formal, precise, clear M.T & Santos, M.L.
M.L. (2017). jargon: What would it alternatives of the ff. “Worksheet 1B:
differentiate and 1. Academic language Communication for be like to go out on a words Preparing a reference
exercise academic Society. Quezon City, date with someone list”. Communication
2. Plagiarism format the reference
jargon to non-academic Phil.: Rex Printing who talks like an for Society. First
and its characteristics; Company, Inc. academic paper? list given by the Edition, Rex Printing
3. APA and MLA
teacher using an MLA Company, Inc.
referencing format
organize bibliographic Web references: Lecture dynamics and APA referencing 2017, Cagayan de Oro.
information from a https://owl.purdue.ed guide.
Group activity: Explain
variety of sources into u/owl/research_and_ci Projector/ White
why they are offensive
Week 8 a sample reference list; tation/mla_style/mla_f Board
and provide
and ormatting_and_style_gu
ide/mla_formatting_an Laptop (optional)
write a paragraph in a d_style_guide.html
register appropriate Marker
for the academic https://owl.purdue.ed
context. u/owl/research_and_ci APA and MLA
tation/apa_style/apa_f referencing guide

At the end of the week, VII. The Writing Uychoco, M.T & Santos, Evaluate the websites Plan, write, and rewrite Worksheet: Book -
Week 9 the students are able Process M.L.. (2017). given by the teacher a documented essay Uychoco, M.T & Santos,
to: Communication for and verify whether (rubrics to be provided M.L. “Worksheet 2:
1. Pre-writing stages Society. Cagayan, Phil.: they are (a)actual site, Pre-writing, writing,
evaluate and select  Choosing and Rex Printing Company, (b) fake news sites, (c) by the instructor) and rewriting a
sources of information limiting a topic Inc. satirical news sites, (d) documented
on a relevant topic blogs that contain Short quiz paragraph.
 Formulating
research questions Boniao, R., Cagaanan, J., opinions rather than Communication for
conceptualize a thesis Calo, S., et. al.. (2012). factual news Society. First Edition,
and research’s
argument on a relevant Writing in the Rex Printing Company,
issue; Discipline. Iligan, Phil: Discussion on the Inc.
 Writing a thesis
Department of English, activity 2017, Cagayan de Oro.
outline supporting statement
ideas; and  Preparing an Lecture dynamics
Printed rubrics for
outline documented essay
write a well-written  Researching and
paragraph with his finding credible Projector/ White
thesis argument, sources Board
supporting details, 2. Writing stage
integrating properly Laptop (optional)
documented 3. Re-writing stage
quotations and Marker
paraphrases from
reliable sources of

At the end of the week, Uychoco, M.T & Santos, Printed copy for
the students are able M.L.. Communication Underline the words exercise #1
to: VIII. Corporate for Society. First Home assignment(by that indicate gender (pp140-141)
Culture and Business Edition, Rex Printing group) - Find and bring bias, and revise
describe the principles Communication Company, Inc. examples of at least Projector/ White
and features of the 2017, Cagayan de Oro. two of the ff. Make appropriate Board
register of professional documents changes to the ff.
business 1. Corporate Culture Roa, Fr. Florentino. letters Laptop (optional)
communication; and Professional (2012). Business Ethics Group discussion
Communication and Social Marker
Week 10
evaluate work trends Responsibility. Cagayan Group activity:
and corporate cultures 2. Professional de Oro, Phil.: Underline words that
by applying knowledge language Rex Printing Company, are inappropriate and
on intercultural Inc. biased, and discuss
communication in the answer
Philippines and the Balgoa, N., Betonio, H.,
globe; and et. al.. (2012).
Practice writing basic Communication:
workplace documents Understanding the
in activities by the Multicultural World
instructor. through Language,
Malabon, Phil.: Mutya
Publishing House, Inc.

Week 11 MIDTERM EXAMS (January 16-19)

At the end of the week, Barrot, Jessie Saraza. Group activity: Identify Quiz: Printed worksheet
the students are able Technical Writer’s parts of business True or False;
to: Survival Kit: A Guide to letters Identify types of Printed sample
Effective Technical business letters; business letters
construct basic Writing for College Lecture dynamics Write a business letter
workplace documents Students and using situations given Projector/ White
based on the principles Professionals. (2015). Writing activities by the instructor Board
of corporate/ IX. Business Writing Quezon City, Phil.: C&E
professional Publishing Inc. Laptop (optional)
communication; 1. Parts of Business
Letter Peralta, A.D.T, Gumalal, Marker
identify parts and Christine, et. al. Writing
Week 12 2. Business Letter
types of business Term Papers and
format, font, and fold
letters; Business
differentiate types of 3. Types of Business Communications.
business letters; and Letters (2015). Malabon,
Phil.:Mutya Publishing
apply different formats Company.
to different types of
business letters. Uychoco, M.T & Santos,
M.L.. Communication
for Society. (2017).
Cagayan de Oro, Phil.:
Rex Printing Company,

At the end of the week, De Belen, Rustico, & Printed rubrics for
the students are able Enriquez, Bernadette. Group activity: Write a personal cover mock-job interview
to: Elements of Business Read and evaluate letter and resume
and Technical Writing, sample cover letter and Videos
design a resume that Quezon City, Phil.: Jobal resumes given by the Create a well-written
projects a professional Publishing House. instructor and their curriculum vitae Hand-outs
image; weaknesses/ errors.
Peralta, A.D.T, Gumalal, Mock-job interview Projector
write an effective cover Christine, et. al. Writing Video watching:
letter based on the Term Papers and Effective strategies for Green board/White
needs of a prospective Business job interview board
X. Pre-employment
employer; Communications.
(2015). Malabon, Phil.: Lecture dynamics Chalk/marker
1. How to Write a Good
evaluate a cover letter Mutya Publishing
and a resume and Compay.
discuss their strengths
Week 13 2. How to Write a Good
and weaknesses; and Uychoco, M.T & Santos,
Cover Letter
M.L.. (2017).
effectively introduce Communication for
3. Curriculum Vitae
oneself and answer Society. Cagayan de
questions in a scenario Oro, Phil.: Rex Printing
4. The Interview
simulating the job Company, Inc.
Barrot, Jessie Saraza.
(2015). Technical
Writer’s Survival Kit: A
Guide to Effective
Technical Writing for
College Students and
Professionals, C&E
Publishing Inc.

Week 14 PRE-FINAL EXAMS (February 13-16, 2018)

At the end of the week, XI. Intercultural Uychoco, M.T & Santos, Group discussion: Essay:
Week 15 the students are able M.L.. (2017). Why is it important to Identify the three
Issues in Workplace Projector (optional)
to: Communication for be culturally sensitive situations detailed on
1. Cultural Differences Society. Cagayan de in the workplace? the essay; Board
understand the Oro, Phil.: Rex Printing Why do we need Provide equivalent
importance of 2. Effective Company, Inc. effective examples you can give Chalk/Marker
considering culture in intercultural communication skills from the Philippine
communication Hand-outs
workplace Balgoa, N., Betonio, H., in for the professions? context;
communication in the et. al. (2018). Purposive Think of stereotypes Which of the
21st century; Communication: about the suggested solutions do
Understanding the communication styles you think would work
identify cultural factors Multicultural World of Americans, for Filipinos?
that influence through Language. Europeans, Asians, and
intercultural or Malabon, Phil. Muya Filipinos;
cross-cultural Publishing House, Inc. Why do you think it is
communication; inappropriate to say,
Web references: “God bess”, and “more
apply principles of https://hbr.org/2016/ power to you!” in
effective intercultural 06/3-situations-where- international business
communication in cross-cultural-commun correspondence?
professional/business ication-breaks-down
correspondence; and Lecture dynamics

Reading on the 3
Situations Where
Communication Breaks

At the end of the week, XII. Public Speaking Balgoa, N., Betonio, H., Watching TedTalk Deliver short speeches Printed rubrics for
the students are able Basics et. al. (2018). Purposive videos activity (graded) short speeches activity
to: Communication: and TED-style
1. Public Speaking and Understanding the Deliver short speeches Short Quiz advocacy speech
dissect a speech using its Practices Multicultural World (group activity):
the general principles through Language.  Should cellphones Investigate a Videos
of logos, pathos, and 2. Basics of Malabon, Phil: Muya be used in class? community problem,
Week 16 ethos; Argumentation  Does spanking provide solution and Projector
Publishing House, Inc.
equal discipline? deliver in a
evaluate TED talks and 3. Ted Talks and Dapat, Jose Rizal,  Should we TEDtalk-syle Green board/White
their good features; Critical/Creative Sadorra, Bryan Eli, & criminalize presentation board
Thinking in Today’s Lumabi, Bethany catcalling?
deliver an informative Society Marie. (2016). Oral  Are Chalk/marker
and persuasive Communication in Gender-Neutral
TED-style speech using 4. Advocacy Focus. Quezon City, restrooms good? Hand-outs
visual aids; and communication Phil.: Lorimar  Should the
Publishing, Inc. Philippines change
initiate change or into a federal type
create campaigns in Uychoco, M.T & Santos, of government?
the public sphere. M.L.. (2017).  Should divorce be
Communication for legalized in the
Society. Cagayan de Philippines?
Oro, Phil.: Rex Printing  Should Catholic
Company, Inc. churches and
institutions be
https://www.ted.com/ taxed?
talks/bjorn_lomborg_s  Should
ets_global_priorities extrajudicial
killings be
https://www.ted.com/ stopped?
0_year_plan_for_energy Lecture dynamics

Arens, W., Weigold, M., Analyze newspapers Create a video

At the end of the week, & Arens, C. (2008). and poster ads (by advertising a product Printed rubrics for
the students are able Contemporary group) (by group) advertisement video
to: Advertising. Phil. 1. What is the message? and product marketing
XIII. Persuasive McGraw-Hill/Erwin 2. What is the purpose Market a product in an
apply semiotics in Speaking in Private of the message? organized corporate Sample videos and
analyzing famous Dapat, J.R., Sadorra, B. 3. How is the message conference: images of
and Public
newspapers and poster E., & Lumabi, B.M. conveyed by the text  Marketing strategy advertisement
Institutions in the
ads; (2016). Oral and /or image? instructors)
Information Age
Communication in 4. Who is the target  Webpage around a Projector
evaluate ads’ strengths Focus. Manila, Phil. audience of the product
1. Semiotics and
Week 17 and weaknesses; Lorimar Publishing, message?  Audio-visual Green board/White
Inc. 5. What other ways presentation board
create an effective 2. Contemporary of presenting the  The actual product
Balgoa, N., Betonio, H.,
advertisement Advertising message are there? Chalk/marker
et. al. (2018). Purposive
integrating other Short Quiz
Communication: Hand-outs
elements in 3. How to Market a Lecture dynamics
Understanding the
communication; and Product
Multicultural World
through Language.
market a product using Malabon, Phil. Muya
effective language and Publishing House, Inc.
Uychoco, M.T & Santos,
M.L. (2017).
Communication for
Society. Sta. Mesa,
Quezon City. Rex
Printing Company, Inc.

Week 18 FINAL EXAMS (March 20-23)

Quizzes - 20 %
Performance- 20 %
Grading System
Output - 20 %
Term Exam - 40 %
TOTAL - 100%

Prepared by:
Reviewed by: Approved by:
BSBA Head Program College President

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