Heavy Fuel Oil (HFO) Operated Diesel Engine and Impacts of Sulphur Content On The Engine Life
Heavy Fuel Oil (HFO) Operated Diesel Engine and Impacts of Sulphur Content On The Engine Life
Heavy Fuel Oil (HFO) Operated Diesel Engine and Impacts of Sulphur Content On The Engine Life
Heavy Fuel Oil (HFO) Operated Diesel Engine and Impacts of Sulphur Content
on the Engine Life
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4 authors, including:
Saqaff Alkaff
Heriot-Watt University (Malaysia)
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All content following this page was uploaded by Saqaff Alkaff on 01 February 2015.
The type and quality of the fuel play an important and critical role in the
combustion features and hence the energy produced. However, the
complication and rapid reaction of this oxidation process limit the available
knowledge of mediated products of this process. The products of combustion
may dictate the life of the engine combustion chamber. However, there are
many variables have direct or indirect effect to the process and the quality of
combustion itself.
This paper discusses one of the most recent operational problems encountered
at the Rayyan Power Station, Al Mukulla, Yemen. Heavy fuel oil (HFO) is
used to run the engines. After 17,000 run hours, a serious leak was observed on
one of the engines cylinder heads. Thereafter, all the other engines show the
same wear pattern.
A severe corrosion was found around the exhaust valve seat. The material
under and behind the valve seat was found corroded with a maximum depth of
approximately 30 mm. The corroded area was not completely circular; at one
point the corrosion caused a hole to the cylinder head wall into the cooling
water space.
1. Introduction:
The heavy fuel oil (HFO) is a mixture of hydrocarbons composed of residual
fractions from crude oil distillation and processing. It is characterized by its
black colour, high specific gravity (0.92 to 0.98) and high viscosity. HFO is
composed mostly of carbon (86% wt.), hydrogen (11% wt.) and sulphur
(currently averaging around 3% wt.). It also contains other impurities such as
ash, metals and water. It is essentially an industrial fuel that is suitable for use
in power plants and industrial operations which generally pre-heat facilities is
required to lower its viscosity.
The temperature attained depends on the rate of release and dissipation of the
energy and the quantity of combustion products. The rise in temperature is
substantially less than that if pure oxygen was used. The combustion, however,
can be made more readily complete, and the energy released maximized, by
increasing the amount of air. Therefore, an optimum air fuel ratio can be
determined, depending on the rate and extent of combustion and the final
temperature desired. The rate of combustion may be increased by finely
dividing the fuel to increase its surface area and hence its rate of reaction, and
by mixing it with the air to provide the necessary amount of oxygen to the fuel.
Because of the critical role of combustion in the production of power, a great
deal of research effort is devoted to finding ways to burn fuels more efficiently.
Also to reduce the pollutants released by combustion, since these products
contribute greatly to the engine life and the environmental problems such as
sulphur dioxide and ultimately acid rain. Scientists at combustion laboratories
use sophisticated laser probes to study the engine combustion process, in order
to discover sites of fuel wastes and to improve the design of these fuel-burning
Burning heavy fuel oil releases to the environment, gaseous oxides of sulphur,
nitrogen and some of the metals present in the fuel. Carbon particulate matters
from incomplete combustion or particulates containing a range of sulphate
compounds are also released. Lowering sulphur content in the heavy fuel oils
will lead directly to overall reduction in stack gas emissions of sulphur dioxide.
The review indicated that in oil-fired systems, most of the sulphur in the fuel
could be expected to appear in the stack gas as SO2 with some fuel sulphur that
may be oxidized to SO3 depending on the firing conditions [4, 5, 6].
2. Statement of the problem:
This paper discusses one of the most recent operational problems encountered
at AL -Rayyan Power Station, Al Mukulla, Yemen. Heavy fuel oil (HFO) is
used to run the engines. A serious leak from the engine cylinder head was
reported. A high pressure hot gases blown out, due to deterioration of the valve
seat O-ring. The failure was recorded after 17,000 running hours. Thereafter,
all the other engines show the same wear pattern. The five engines in the
power station are of 18 cylinders, 23 cylinder heads were reported have this
The defected engine cylinder head was opened, to investigate the causes of the
problem. The packing gasket was found deteriorated, due to the flow of some
of the coolant medium to the combustion space. A clear mark of corroded
areas was noticed near the exhaust valve at the cylinder head. To trace the
problem, the exhaust valve seat was removed.
The corroded parts of the cylinder head grow and widen until reaches the O-
ring of the valve seat. As the exhaust valve opened (during the exhaust stroke),
the coolant rushes through the hole and vaporised due to the high temperature
in the combustion space. This forming a high pressure gases, a mixture of the
vaporised coolant and the exhaust gases. This mixture found its way through
the deteriorated O-ring of the valve seat and weaken points of the packing,
causing the leak on the cylinder head [7].
3. Effects of HFO Sulphur Content in Engine Ooperation and Life:
In general there are two major effects on the engine, due to the sulphur content
in the engine fuel.
Contamination of combustion gases into the engine oil sump due to the blow-
by (the amount of combustion gases goes to the crankcase) might increase the
acidic action in the engine oil. It is of importance to have a control of the oil
quality to suit such engines operated with heavy fuel oil. Therefore, the
lubricant oil used should be of a proper Total Base Number (TBN), where an
additive (basic solution) added to the lubricating oil to neutralize acid products
formed due to combination of combustion gases with engine oil. The selection
of the TBN in the Oil Brand for an engine using heavy fuel as an operating fuel
actually depends on the amount of sulphur content of the particular fuel
according to the following empirical formula:
f ( x) = 11x + 7
Where x is the percentage of sulphur content in heavy fuel oil and f(x) is the
value of TBN in fresh oil. The oil companies provide different qualities of oil
which contain 30, 40, etc..... TBN to cover heavy fuel sulphur content ranges
2%, 3% etc..... respectively. Therefore the lubricating oil TBN was chosen
based on the fuel test analysis made by fuel supplier (Aden Refinery
Company). In Al Rayyan Power Station the sulphur content in the HFO, was
3% by weight (as reported by the fuel supplier test). Hence the lubricating oil
type of 40 TBN was then selected
The additive solution TBN is to neutralize the acidic effect in the engine oil.
The engine manufacturer instruction identified the engine oil TBN, It should
not be allowed to go less than 20 of the used oil. In engines, where the oil
consumption is high the TBN is to be improved by adding new oil frequently to
assure that TBN of the oil is more than 20. The oil resumes this value for
longer running hours of engine operating life. Nowadays modern engines are
equipped with anti polishing rings into the cylinder liner. The engines in Al
Rayyan Power Station are of this kind. The oil changes are usually made in
3000 running hour’s interval to get rid of acid compounds in oil. Therefore,
contamination of the engine oil for such engines due to sulphur content in the
fuel could be controlled.
3.2 The Engine Cylinder Head Corrosion:
The review indicated that in oil-fired systems, most of the sulphur in the fuel
could be expected to appear in the exhaust gas. It was believed that, flow of
the entrained exhaust with sulphur compounds, might lead to their precipitation
on the engine combustion chamber, especially in the area near the exhaust
valve. At engine part load in the presence of water vapour (as a combustion
product), the activated high temperature sulphur combines with water to form
sulphuric acid according to the following chemical reactions:
3S + 2 H 2O ® 2 H 2 S + SO2
The sulphur dioxide dissolves in the water to produce H2SO3 according to the
SO2 + H 2O ® H 2 SO3
Where then H2SO3 oxidize to give sulphuric acid H2SO4:
2H2 SO3 + O2 ® 2H2 SO4
The sulphuric acid H2SO4 is a corrosive liquid agent. In such favourable
condition the acid attacks the surrounding cast iron material of the cylinder
head to form FeSO4 salt and rust Fe2O3. H2O is formed [8,9,10]. The corrosion
then takes place with the blown exhaust gases to form a cavity in the metal
body and a brittle material that carried over by the exhaust gases into the form
of dust particles. The corrosive parts of the cylinder head grow and widen until
reaches the O-ring of the valve seat, where the coolant medium from the recess
rushes into the combustion chamber, thus accelerating the corrosion action and
deteriorate the cylinder head gasket. The cavity at the valve seat pocket was
examined. The hole formed due to the severe corrosion of the material in the
valve seat pocket.
The cylinder head was mounted and fixed on the proper stand as shown in
figure 2. Removal of the old valve seat is one of the most difficulties faced.
Figure 2; Mounting arrangement of the cylinder head on the stand,
while hammering the welded valve from the backside.
This has been done by welding an old worn valve to the old valve seat.
Through hammering valve from the backside, this will push out the valve seat
(the valve seat removed will be damaged). Once the valve seat is removed, the
corroded area is accessible. The area is to be made very clean by removing all
rust and free metal pieces by a proper polishing and grinding of the corroded
area. For the welding, a nickel iron electrodes as used to fill the cavity. The
welding procedure was done, using arc welding machine and butane gas for
preheating of the damaged area.
Figure 3; illustrate the valve seat pocket after welding and filling the cavity.
Then the pocket area is probably further smoothened and filled up with a
plastic steel, most likely Devcon epoxy compound. When sufficient material is
applied, the pocket is machined to the valve seat dimensions.
Figure 4; Fitting of the valve seat in the pocket and the tools used.
Figure 4; illustrate the fitting process, and the tools used for this purpose.
Fitting of the valve seat should be done with sufficient care. Heating the region
around the pocket is to be done, while the new valve seat is to be immersed in
liquefied nitrogen to facilitate the fitting process. The exhaust valve seat
quickly picked out from the container of liquid Nitrogen, and driven in the
pocket using a form piece over the valve seat, square piece of wood and the
hammer. Figure 5; shows the picture of the cylinder head after fitting of the
new valve seat in the pocket.
Figure 5; The new valve seats on the cylinder head after repairing.
5. Conclusions
A great effort was devoted to identify the problem. Justifying the oil TBN, to
neutralize the effect of sulphur content in the engine oil, could control the oil
contamination. The causes and formation of corrosion on the cylinder head
were specified. The HFO sulphur content is the major cause of severe
corrosion. Repairing of the cylinder head was one of the options to make the
engine available. 23 cylinder heads was repaired by the above method.
However, it is hard to inspect the welded area. Lack of good background of the
welding techniques, and limited facilities are the most obstacles, facing the
maintenance department in the power station.