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Nirbhaya Act

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Maharshi Karve Stree Shikshan Samstha’s


Institute of Fashion Design Management and Technology


Introduction: The Criminal Law (Amendment) Bill, 2013 commonly known as the Anti-Rape Bill
came into force on Wednesday, April 3 after President Pranab Mukherjee put his signature into
the Bill. Thereafter this Bill called as The Nirbhaya Act, 2013. The need for a strict law to deal
with sex crimes against women was felt after the brutal gang-rape and murder of a 23-year-old
Paramedical student in a moving bus in the national capital on December 16, last year. The
victim died 13 days after the incident in a Singapore hospital on December 29, last year. The
brutality of the crime shocked the nation. Indians protested on the streets to demand better
safety measures for women and strict laws to punish the culprits. Under public pressure,
Congress-led UPA government at the Centre formed Justice JS Verma panel to come up with
strict laws to arrest crime against women. In order to bring a strong law, which is pro-women
and will act as a deterrent, it will create a revolution in the country. Some of the key points in
The Nirbhaya Act, 2013-

1. The law maintains life imprisonment for rape as the maximum sentence, yet sets down the
death penalty for repeat offenders and those whose victims are left in a "vegetative state".

2. It also expands the meaning of rape to include penetration of the mouth, anus, urethra or
vagina with the penis or any other object without consent.

3. It also defines stalking and voyeurism as crimes with punishments up to seven years.

4. Gang rape has been recognized as an offence, while sexual harassment has been redefined
to include unwelcome advances with sexual overtures and showing pornography without

5. The age of consent of sex has been kept at 18.

6. The law also punishes police and hospital authorities with imprisonment of up to two years if
they fail to register a complaint or treat a victim.
The Criminal Law (Amendment) Ordinance, 2013
New offences
This new Act has expressly recognized certain acts as offences which were dealt under related laws.
These new offences like, acid attack, sexual harassment, voyeurism, stalking have been
incorporated into the Indian Penal Code:

Section Offence Punishment Notes

Imprisonment not less than ten

years but which may extend to
imprisonment for life and with
326A Acid attack fine which shall be just and Gender neutral
reasonable to meet the medical
expenses and it shall be paid to
the victim

Imprisonment not less than five

Attempt to years but which may extend to
326B Gender neutral
Acid attack seven years, and shall also be
liable to fine

Only protects women. Provisions are:

Rigorous imprisonment up to i. physical contact and advances

three years, or with fine, or with involving unwelcome and explicit
both in case of offence described sexual overtures; or
Sexual ii. a demand or request for sexual
354A in clauses (i), (ii) or (iii)
harassment favours; or
iii. making sexually coloured remarks; or
Imprisonment up to one year, or
with fine, or with both in other iv. forcibly showing pornography; or
cases v. any other unwelcome physical, verbal
or non-verbal conduct of sexual
Act with Only protects women against anyone who
Imprisonment not less than three
intent to "Assaults or uses criminal force to any woman
354B years but which may extend to
disrobe a or abets such act with the intention of disrobing
seven years and with fine.
woman or compelling her to be naked."

In case of first conviction, Only protects women. By implication, women

354C Voyeurism imprisonment not less than one may prey voyeuristically upon men with
year, but which may extend to impunity. The prohibited action is defines thus:
three years, and shall also be "Watching or capturing a woman in “private
liable to fine, and be punished on act”, which includes an act of watching carried
a second or subsequent out in a place which, in the circumstances,
conviction, with imprisonment of would reasonably be expected to provide
either description for a term privacy, and where the victim's genitals,
which shall not be less than three buttocks or breasts are exposed or covered
years, but which may extend to only in underwear; or the victim is using a
seven years, and shall also be lavatory; or the person is doing a sexual act
liable to fine. that is not of a kind ordinarily done in public."

Only protects women from being stalked by

men. By implication, women may stalk men
with impunity. The prohibited action is defined
thus: "To follow a woman and contact, or
attempt to contact such woman to foster
Imprisonment not less than one personal interaction repeatedly despite a clear
year but which may extend to indication of disinterest by such woman; or
354D Stalking
three years, and shall also be monitor the use by a woman of the internet,
liable to fine email or any other form of electronic
communication. There are exceptions to this
section which include such act being in course
of preventing or detecting a crime authorised
by State or in compliance of certain law or was
reasonable and justified."

The Criminal Law (Amendment) Act, 2013

The Bill was passed by the Lok Sabha on 19 March 2013, and by the Rajya Sabha on 21 March
2013, making certain changes from the provisions in the Ordinance. The Bill received Presidential
assent on 2 April 2013 and came into force from 3 April 2013. The changes made in the Act in
comparison with the Ordinance are listed as follows:

Offence Changes

Fine shall be just and reasonable to meet medical expenses for treatment of victim,
Acid attack
while in the Ordinance it was fine up to Rupees 10 lakhs.

"Clause (v) any other unwelcome physical, verbal or non-verbal conduct of sexual
Sexual nature" has been removed. Punishment for offence under clause (i) and (ii) has been
harassment reduced from five years of imprisonment to three years. The offence is no longer
gender-neutral, only a man can commit the offence on a woman.
The offence is no longer gender-neutral, only a man can commit the offence on a

The offence is no longer gender-neutral, only a man can commit the offence on a
woman. The definition has been reworded and broken down into clauses, The
exclusion clause and the following sentence has been removed "or watches or spies
on a person in a manner that results in a fear of violence or serious alarm or distress
Stalking in the mind of such person, or interferes with the mental peace of such person,
commits the offence of stalking". Punishment for the offence has been changed; A
man committing the offence of stalking would be liable for imprisonment up to three
years for the first offence, and shall also be liable to fine and for any subsequent
conviction would be liable for imprisonment up to five years and with fine.

Trafficking of
"Prostitution" has been removed from the explanation clause

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