Multimodal Early Onset Stimulation (MEOS) in Rehabilitation After Brain Injury
Multimodal Early Onset Stimulation (MEOS) in Rehabilitation After Brain Injury
Multimodal Early Onset Stimulation (MEOS) in Rehabilitation After Brain Injury
6, 585 ± 594
An early and consistent administration of the correct rehabilitation programme is of crucial importance
for the restoration and improvement of cerebral function, as well as social reintegration. This has led to
the development of a multimodal onset stimulation therapy (MEOS), which the neurosurgical inten-
sive care unit administers during an early phase of rehabilitation to patients who have been in a coma
for more than 48 hours after trauma. This study, which was carried out over a period of 2 years, focuses
on 89 patients aged 16± 65 years suffering from severe brain injury. Sixteen of these (age mean: 43.6
years) fulfil the criteria required to start the MEOS. The authors were able to identify significant
changes in two of the patients’ vegetative parameters (viz. heart and respiratory frequencies), even in
cases of deep coma (GCS 3± 4). The most significant changes were caused by tactile and acoustic
stimulation. Standardized behavioural assessment turned out to be particularly advisable in cases of
medium coma. Here, too, a stimulation of the tactile and acoustic senses resulted mainly in head and
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eye movements.
Introd uctio n
As a result of improvements in the rescue system and progress in intensive care
therapy, an increasing number of patients have survived severe brain injury in recent
years. An early and consistent administration of the correct rehabilitation pro-
gramme is of crucial importance for the restoration and improvement of cerebral
function, as well as social reintegration.
Early rehabilitation at this point is an integrated interdisciplinary therapy, which
starts early and proceeds continuously with changing points of interest. Its aim is to
support spontaneous recovery, to reduce the risk of early and late complications,
and to make intensive use of the brain’s own rehabilitative ability and plasticity [18].
Indeed, there are medical and nursing treatments available for early rehabilitation.
The main interest of this studyÐ apart from medical therapyÐ is in correct position-
ing, early mobilization, prophylactics of contracture, pneumonia, decubital ulcer
and thrombosis, incontinence therapy and therapy of acataposis [1].
Until now, it has not been possible to make a reliable prognosis about the
recovery from the `vegetative post-traumatic state’, not even on the basis of clinical
data or electrophysiological data such as evoked potentials. Consequently, other
electrophysiological examinations like event-related potentials or the analysis of
changes in the EEG-spectre are increasingly used to detect covert reactions to
Correspondence to: Dr M. Lippert GruÈ ner, Klinik fuÈr Allgemeine Neurochirurgie, der UniversitaÈ t
zu KoÈln, GeschaÈ ftsfuÈhrender Direktor Professor Dr. med. N. Klug, Joseph-Stelzmann Str. 9, 50931
KoÈ ln, Germany. e-mail:
Brain Injury ISSN 0269± 9052 print/ ISSN 1362± 301X online # 2000 Taylor & Francis Ltd
http:// journals
586 M. Lippert GruÈ ner and D. Terhaag
P a tien ts a nd m ethod s
This paper reports on the multimodal stimulation carried out on comatose patients
at a neurosurgical intensive care unit. A stimulation therapy was developed in co-
operation with the Neurosurgical Department and Department of Juvenile
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Including criteria
. severe head trauma with coma for at least 48 hours (GCS < 8)
. cardiopulmonal stability
. normal intracranial pressure
. no mechanical ventilation
. no sedation
. no severe infections
Table 2. Maximal values on the three subscales of the Glasgow Coma Scale
Facial Motor
Block 1 play Verbal Eye Head activity
Facial Motor
Block 2 play Verbal Eye Head activity
Acoustic stimulation:
Acoustic stimulation, which is applied by the nurse, the patient’s relatives and other closely related
individuals, includes such methods as referring to events of the social sphere in casual conversation,
or reading aloud literature which the patient knows and likes. It can be carried out directly by one
of the individuals named above or indirectly by playing tapes prepared for this purpose. Apart from
speech, this mode of stimulation can include favourite music or high or low tones and different
Tactile stimulation:
This mode of stimulation should focus on the qualities of touch, pressure and temperature, mainly
installed by physical therapy treatments: different kinds of massage and cooling applications of the
extremities and different warming applications of the body. This leads to stimulation, therapy and
prophylactic effects.
Olfactory stimulation:
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The patients are exposed to a series of familiar smells, both pleasant and unpleasant. Artificial or
natural essences in small glass containers are given in alternation.
Gustatory stimulation:
Different kinds of food and flavours are placed on the previously moistened tongue with a cotton
Visual stimulation:
The most important means of applying this mode of stimulation involve coloured lights and
variations of brightness following a day-and-night-rhythm. If the eyes are open, this can be done
by moving bright coloured objects in front of the eyes. If the eyes are closed, this kind of
stimulation is performed by exposing the closed eyes to coloured lights, before opening them
mechanically, with care being taken to avoid dazzling.
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. Documentation parameters
. eye-opening
. eye movements
. eye fixations
. head movements
. mimic responses
. aimed and non-aimed motor reactions
. articulations
As mentioned, the so-called dialogue answers to the stimuli only take the form
of vegetative symptoms in the coma patient. Such answers are monitored during the
whole stimulation phase by means of feedback system recording and continuous
registration of heart- and respiratory frequency, blood pressure and galvanic skin
response, including the possibility of direct graphical reproduction. These electro-
physiological data were recorded and analysed with the Paron-biofeedback device
and the VITAPORT system developed at Cologne University. In addition, the
VITAPORT system permits the registration of EEG and EMG.
The observation of the patient’ s behaviour grows increasingly important as coma
depth reduces (table 6). A standardized behavioural assessment protocol was devel-
oped during the first stages of the examinations on the basis of the KRS, which also
MEOS in rehabilitation after brain injury 589
focuses on vegetative changes (table 7). The patient’s most frequent reactions were
hierarchically ordered into mimic reactions, vocal utterings, arousability/ attentive-
ness, motor reactions and vegetative changes.
The clinical observation of the patients under stimulation showed that changes
in the vegetative parameters (for example: changes of the heart and respiratory
frequencies) precede any visible behavioural change. Still, it was necessary to
prove that these changes differ from the baseline without stimulation. Therefore,
a 10 minute baseline was recorded before stimulation and every 10 minutes
between the stimulation sessions (A-B-A design).
Res ults
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Significant changes were identified in the vegetative parameters (heart and respira-
tory frequencies) of the patients, even those in deep coma (GCS 3± 4). Figures 1 and
2 show the monitoring of a multimodal stimulation therapy administered to a 38-
year old patient, a therapy which was started on the 4th post-traumatic day. At this
time, the GCS reached 4 points. The first stimulation block did not lead to any
Figure 1. The block A stimulation of D.A., a 38-year old patient, 4 days after he sustained severe brain injury
(GSC 4) does not cause any observable stimulation-dependent changes in the heart frequency (highest line),
respiratory frequency, galvanic skin response.
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Figure 2. The block B stimulation of D.A., a 38-year old patient, 4 days after he sustained severe brain injury
(GSC 4) does cause observable stimulation-dependent changes in the heart frequency (highest line).
observable changes in the vegetative functions (figure 1). However, the vegetative
functions of the heart frequency, in particular, did show significant changes during
the second stimulation block, especially during tactile stimulation (figure 2). The
most important changes were found after tactile and acoustic stimulation.
Standardized behavioural assessment turned out to be particularly advisable in
cases of medium coma (GCS 5± 6). Again, a stimulation of the tactile and acoustic
senses resulted mainly in head and eye movements.
MEOS in rehabilitation after brain injury 591
Two years later, 14 patients were reassessed, whilst two patients were prevented
by structural problems from attending the examination. One of the patients ex-
amined remained in a vegetative state (GOS 2), two suffered severe neurological
and neuropsychological deficiencies and were dependent on care (GOS 3), six had a
GOS of 4 and suffered from severe functional deficiencies, though they did perform
the tasks of daily life on their own, and three had a GOS 5. Two of these had been
able to return to their old jobs.
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Figure 3. Representation of the visible changes in the EEG spectrum during a 20-hour examination of a 24-year
old patient, 10 days after he sustained severe brain injury.
592 M. Lippert GruÈ ner and D. Terhaag
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D is c us s io n
The therapeutic effect and the scientific basis of the stimulation therapy under
discussion is controversial. LeWinn and Diamanesku [10] reported that eight out
of 16 patients who had received daily multi-sensory stimulation and passive move-
ments of the limb completely recovered from a deep coma. Also, the remaining
eight patients eventually recovered from their comas: four of them were able to live
largely independent lives at home. Similarly, Pierce et al. [11] showed that an
intensive multi-sensory stimulation led to significant improvements in comatose
patients. Wood [12] emphasized the importance of a so-called `sensory regulation’,
which consists of a regulation of background noise levels and introduces silent
periods and breaks between the therapy sessions. It aims at reaching the highest
level of patient vigilance possible during purposeful stimuli-presentation. Hall et al.
[13] noticed that a directed, person-related stimulation with individual meaningful
stimuli seemed to evoke more significant reactions than undirected stimulation.
The use of behavioural parameters for the assessment of these reactions is a
problem, because in most settings the person performing this task is also the one
carrying out stimulation. For this reason, the evaluation of electrophysiologic par-
ameters is crucial. Fast changes can be detected in a more objective way.
MEOS in rehabilitation after brain injury 593
Pfurtscheller et al. [14] detected significant changes in the EEGs of some comatose
patients (GCS 4± 6) after 10 minutes of tactile or visual stimulation. These results
suggest that EEG frequency analysis may be put to good effect in determining to
what extent comatose patients can react. Besides the EEG analysis, the measurement
of event-correlated vegetative potentials is important for the evaluation of coma
Like neuropsychological and remedial educational early support of children
suffering from severe brain damage, the early rehabilitation of patients having sus-
tained brain injury should include an intensive unit to restore communication.
Intensive care treatment should include offerings of dialogue based on aspects of
the patient’s life and preferences. These aspects will also be used in looking for
possible answers to this dialogue. Because the communicative ability of the deep
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significant changes were found after tactile and acoustic stimulation. Standardized
behavioural assessment made sense especially in medium coma (GCS 5± 6). Here,
also, first tactile, acoustic and proprioceptive/ kinaesthetic stimuli resulted mainly in
mimic changes and eye movements.
As expected, changes in behaviour were frequent in all modes of stimulation
in light coma stages, when the stimulus-dependent changes in the vegetative par-
ameters have grown significantly less important and the range of observable changes
in behaviour has widened.
A cknowled g em ents
This study was supported by Bundesministerium fuÈ r Bildung und Forschung
(FoÈ rderkenn zeichen 01 k0 9517).
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