10-11-11 Table 2: US District Courts PACER and CM/ECF: Public Access To Calendars - Survey of Individual Cases in 5 District Courts S
10-11-11 Table 2: US District Courts PACER and CM/ECF: Public Access To Calendars - Survey of Individual Cases in 5 District Courts S
10-11-11 Table 2: US District Courts PACER and CM/ECF: Public Access To Calendars - Survey of Individual Cases in 5 District Courts S
by Joseph Zernik
Human Rights Alert DN: cn=Joseph
Zernik, o, ou,
PO Box 526, La Verne, CA 91750 email=jz12345@
Fax: 323.488.9697; Email: jz12345@earthlink.net c=US
Blog: http://human-rights-alert.blogspot.com/ Date: 2010.11.12
Scribd: http://www.scribd.com/Human_Rights_Alert 05:17:43 +02'00'
10-11-11 Table 2: Calendaring at the US District Court under PACER and CM/ECF
Table 1 [1 ] provided a list of all US district courts, and examined public access to Calendars of the courts in
the various district courts. Table 2 further examines the integrity of the Calendars in US district courts where
public access is permitted.
In each of the US district courts, listed below, where public access to Calendar Event Reports was permitted,
further analysis included the following steps:
1) From the Reports pull-down menu, the Calendar Events option was selected.
2) General (non case-specific) Calendar Events report was downloaded for the dates of November 10,
2010 through November 12, 2010. Therefore, each of the cases listed in the Report had a least “
Calendar Event” on these dates.
3) Case-specific Calendar Events Reports were consequently downloaded for up to ten (10) cases, which
had been identified in the general Calendar Events Report in each US district court, for the period of
1/1/2002 through 11/12/2010.
4) Data, as found in the case-specific Calendar Events Reports of the individual cases, were extracted
and tabulated in Table 2.
In none of the US district courts listed below, was any other way was found for public access to Calendars
of the Courts, except for the Reports, described above.
10-11-11 Public Access to Judicial Records at the US District Court – Calendars and Docket Activity Reports s
z Page 2/5 November 12, 2010
Table 2: Data extracted from Calendar Reports of selected cases at US District Courts -
A. Arizona, B. California Southern, C. Illinois Central District, D. Massachusetts, and E. New York
Southern District
Date was extracted from Calendar Reports in US District Courts, where access is provided. Uniformly, access
was limited. In no case was a full calendar of the litigation accessible. Moreover, even in District Courts
where access is permitted, some cases, listed below, which were not sealed, had no calendar listed.
Of particular interest in this regard is the case of SEC v Bank of America Corporation ( ) at the US District
Court, Southern District of New York, where no Calendar was accessible for the caption, opined as Fraud on
the Court in a paper submitted for peer review in an international law journal.
# Case # Civil/ Year Date Closed Judge Nature of # of Date(s), Nature of Calendar
Caption Criminal Opened Suit, if Events Events
Listed on
A. US District Court, Alabama Middle
1. 2:08-cv-00546 Civil 2008 OPEN Mark E. Fuller Labor: 2 1) 11/2/2010 ORDER
Cremeens v. The City Fair 2) 11/12/2010 Status
of Montgomery Standard Conference
2. 2:10-cv-00655 Civil 2010 OPEN Terry F. Contract: 2 1) 11/3/10 ORDER
Commercial Moorer Other 2) 11/2/2010 Status
Distribution Finance Conference
Corporation v. Carter
Bros. Mfg.
Co., Inc. et al
3. 2:03-cv-00096 Civil 2003 OPEN Not listed P.I.: 2 1) 11/8/2010 MOTION to Stay
White, et al v. Wyeth, Other 2) 11/2/2010 Motion Hearing
4. 2:09-cv-00192 Civil 2009 OPEN Myron H. Contract: 2 1) Date not listed: Set/Reset
Potthoff v. Veolia ES Thompson. Other Hearings
Solid Waste Southeast, 2) 11/2/2010 Telephone
Inc. et al Conference
B. US District Court, California Southern
1. 3:06-cv-01558 Civil 2006 OPEN Not listed Prisoner: 2 1) Date not listed: MOTION to
Uriarte v. Civil Dismiss
Schwarzenegger, et al Rights 2) 11/10/2010 Motion Hearing
2. 3:08-cr-04229 Criminal 2008 OPEN Not listed 1 1) 11/10/2010 Jury Trial
USA v. Western
Titanium, Inc. et al
3. 3:08-cr-04229 Criminal 2008 OPEN Not listed Not listed 1 1) 11/10/2010 Jury Trial
USA v. Western
Titanium, Inc. et al
4. 3:10-cr-04095 Criminal 2010 OPEN Gordon Not listed 2 1) Date not listed: Minutes
USA v. Cruz-Alvarez Thompson, Jr 2) 11/10/2010 Change of Plea
5. 3:09-cr-00089 Criminal 2009 OPEN 1) Peter C. Not listed 2 1) Date not listed: Minute
USA v. Flores-Urbina Lewis 2) 11/10/2010 Status Hearing
2) Gordon
6. 3:09-cr-03221 Criminal 2009 10/21/2009 Louisa S Not listed 2 1) Date not listed: Minute
USA v. Markovich et al Porter 2) 11/10/2010 Preliminary
Revocation Hearing
7. 3:09-cv-00587 Civil 2009 10/30/2009 Not listed Labor: 1) Date not listed: Joint
The Board of Trustees ERISA MOTION to Continue
of the San Diego 2) 11/10/2010 Judgment
County Theatrical Debtor Exam
Pension Trust
et al v. San Diego Civic
Light Opera
8. 3:10-cr-03664 Criminal 2010 OPEN Cathy Ann Not listed 2 1) Date not listed: NOTICE OF
USA v. Vasquez- Bencivengo HEARING
Garcia 2) 11/10/2010 Attorney
Appointment Hearing
9. 3:10-cr-04185 2010 Criminal OPEN Peter C. Lewis Not listed 2 1) Date not listed: Minute
USA v. Garcia- 2) 11/10/2010 Change of
z Page 3/5 November 12, 2010
4) 11/10/2010 Hearing
4. 1:08-po-00122 ? 2008 OPEN Robert B. Not listed 6 1) Date not listed:
2) 01/21/2009 Bench Trial
3) Date not listed:
4) 11/10/2010 Sentencing
5) Date not listed:
6) 11/10/2010 Hearing
5. 1:10-po-00407 ? 2010 OPEN Robert B. Not listed 2 1) Date not listed:
2) 11/10/2010 Hearing
6. 1:10-po-00410 ? 2010 OPEN Robert B. Not listed 2 1) Date not listed:
2) 11/10/2010 Initial
7. 1:10-po-00433 ? 2010 OPEN Robert B. Not listed 2 1) Date not listed:
2) 11/10/2010 Status
8. 1:09-cv-10624 Civil 2009 OPEN Judith G. Dein Marine 2 1) Date not listed:
Pariseau v John Boats SCHEDULING ORDER
et al 2) 11/10/2010 Status
9. 1:09-cv-11265 Civil 2009 OPEN Judith G. Dein Consumer 2 1) SCHEDULING ORDER
Chan v. Saxon Credit 2) 11/10/2010 Status
Mortgage Services, Conference
Inc. et al
10. 1:10-cv-10572 Civil 2010 OPEN Not listed Fraud or 2 1) Date not listed: MOTION to
Chow et al v. Zimny et Truth-In- Dismiss
al Lending 2) 11/10/2010 Motion Hearing
E. US District Court, New York Southern District (Manhattan)
1. 1:91-cr-00685 Criminal 1991 OPEN Shirley Wohl Not listed 1 1) 08/17/1995 Preliminary
USA v. Millan, et al Kram Hearing
2. 1:93-cr-00168 Criminal 1993 OPEN Miriam Not listed 1 1) 05/31/1994 Jury Trial
USA v. Ortiz Goldman
3. 1:95-cr-00999 Criminal 1995 05/13/1996 Sidney H. Not listed 1 1) 08/17/1995 Preliminary
USA v. Jones Stein Hearing
4. 1:95-cv-07889 Civil 1995 12/17/1998 Richard C. Civil None N/A
Martin v. Xerox Casey Rights Found
5. 1:96-cr-00423 Criminal 1996 09/17/1997 Sidney H. Not listed None N/A
USA v. Leonard Stein Found
6. 1:96-cv-05787 Civil 1996 04/12/2000 Barbara S. Trademark None N/A
Novo Nordisk of NA, et Jones Found
al v. Eli Lilly and Co
7. 1:96-cv-09506 Civil 1996 10/25/2000 Barbara S. Patent None N/A
Novo Nordisk A/S, et al v. Jones Found
Becton Dickinson & Co
8. 1:97-cr-00380 Criminal 1997 08/13/1998 Michael B. Not listed None N/A
USA v. Barclay, et al Mukasey[ ] Found
9. 1:97-cr-01109 Criminal 1997 09/22/1999 Richard Not listed None N/A
USA v. Popovic, et al Owen Found
10. 1:97-cr-01215 Criminal 1997 10/24/2001 Denny Chin Not listed 8 1) 10/08/2002 Filed Memo-
USA v. Gangi, et al Endorsement
2) 11/04/2002 Revocation
Superv Rls-FinalHrg
3) 10/29/2004 Minute Entry
4) 11/03/2004 Preliminary
Revocation Hearing
5) 11/3/2004 Minute Entry
6) 12/07/2004 Initial
7) Date not listed: ORAL
z Page 5/5 November 12, 2010
8) 10/17/2007 Sentencing
11. 1:09-cv-06829 Civil 2009 02/24/2010 Jed Rakoff Securities None N/A
SEC v Bank of Fraud Found
America Corp [ ]
Former US Attorney General
1:09-cv-06829 SEC v Bank of America Corp
11/12/2010 CM/ECF - U.S. District Court: ALMD-Cal…
Calendar Events Report
Office Dothan (1) Nature
Montgomery (2) of suit 0 (zero)
Opelika (3) 110 (Insurance)
120 (Contract: Marine)
Calendar All Hearings Set 11/10/2010 to 11/12/2010 Calendar
events Allocution Hearing
Arbitration Hearing Both AM PM
Argument on Bankruptcy Appeal
Time AM PM
Include closed cases
Include docket text
Display terminated parties
Sort by Time
ecf.almd.uscourts.gov/…/CalEvents.pl 1/1
11/12/2010 CM/ECF - U.S. District Court: ALMD-Cal…
U.S. District Court
Alabama Middle District
Calendar Events Set For 11/10/2010-11/12/2010
09:00 AM
1) 2:08-cv-00546-MEF-WC Cremeens v. The City of Montgomery
(Nature of Suit 710 - Labor: Fair Standards)
Status Conference chambers
William Richard Davis representing Gary Cremeens (Plaintiff)
Kimberly Owen Fehl representing The City of Montgomery (Defendant)
Charles Michael Herrington representing Gary Cremeens (Plaintiff)
Heather Newsom Leonard representing Gary Cremeens (Plaintiff)
Wallace Damon Mills representing The City of Montgomery (Defendant)
ORDER: Status Conference set for 11/12/2010 09:00 AM in chambers before Hon. Chief Judge
Mark E. Fuller. Signed by Hon. Chief Judge Mark E. Fuller on 11/2/2010.
10:00 AM
2) 2:10-cv-00655-ID-TFM GE Commercial Distribution Finance Corporation v. Carter Bros. Mfg.
Co., Inc. et al (MAG+)
(Nature of Suit 190 - Contract: Other)
Status Conference by telephone
Carter Bros. Mfg. Co., Inc. (Defendant), Powersports World, LLC (Defendant)
Holly Lynn Sawyer representing GE Commercial Distribution Finance Corporation (Plaintiff)
ORDER setting telephonic status Conference for 11/12/2010 10:00 AM before Honorable Terry
F. Moorer, as further set out in order. Signed by Honorable Terry F. Moorer on 11/3/10.
Furnished to calendar group & WR.
02:00 PM
3) 2:03-cv-00096-MEF-WC White, et al v. Wyeth, Inc.
(Nature of Suit 360 - P.I.: Other)
Motion Hearing Courtroom 2A
Russell T. Abney representing Bobby White (Plaintiff), Sarah Lannette White (Plaintiff)
Kimberly Bessiere Martin representing Wyeth, Inc. (Defendant)
Danielle Ward Mason representing Bobby White (Plaintiff), Sarah Lannette White (Plaintiff)
Ted Gordon Meadows representing Bobby White (Plaintiff), Sarah Lannette White (Plaintiff)
George Robert Parker representing Wyeth, Inc. (Defendant)
Melissa Ann Prickett representing Bobby White (Plaintiff), Sarah Lannette White (Plaintiff)
Navan Ward, Jr representing Bobby White (Plaintiff), Sarah Lannette White (Plaintiff)
MOTION to Stay and Request for Expedited Ruling by Wyeth, Inc. (Attachments: # (1)
Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2, # (3) Exhibit 3, # (4) Exhibit 4)(Parker, George) Document has been
edited to restrict access to personal information pursuant to the E-Government Act. (Additional
attachment(s) added on 11/3/2010: # (5) Redacted Exhibit 3) (cc, ). (Additional attachment(s)
added on 11/8/2010: # (6) Corrected Certificate of Service) (cc, ).
ecf.almd.uscourts.gov/…/CalEvents.pl?4… 1/2
11/12/2010 CM/ECF - U.S. District Court: ALMD-Cal…
03:30 PM
4) 2:09-cv-00192-MHT-TFM Potthoff v. Veolia ES Solid Waste Southeast, Inc. et al
(Nature of Suit 190 - Contract: Other)
Telephone Conference by telephone
Nicholas W. Armstrong representing Danny Lynn Electrical & Plumbing, LLC (Plaintiff), First
Missionary Baptist Church (Plaintiff), Jackson's Rocky Ridge Pharmacy, Inc. (Plaintiff), Kevin
Potthoff (Plaintiff)
Bryan Oxford Balogh representing Veolia ES Solid Waste Southeast, Inc. (Defendant), Veolia
ES Solid Waste of North America, LLC (Defendant), Veolia ES Solid Waste, Inc. (Defendant),
Veolia Environmental Services North America Corporation (Defendant)
Lee Hall Copeland representing Danny Lynn Electrical & Plumbing, LLC (Plaintiff), Kevin
Potthoff (Plaintiff)
James Davis Farmer, Jr representing Midsouth Bank N.A. (Movant)
Kermit LaGuin Kendrick representing Veolia ES Solid Waste Southeast, Inc. (Defendant),
Veolia ES Solid Waste of North America, LLC (Defendant), Veolia ES Solid Waste, Inc.
(Defendant), Veolia Environmental Services North America Corporation (Defendant)
Robert Gordon Methvin, Jr representing Danny Lynn Electrical & Plumbing, LLC (Plaintiff), First
Missionary Baptist Church (Plaintiff), Jackson's Rocky Ridge Pharmacy, Inc. (Plaintiff), Kevin
Potthoff (Plaintiff)
Robert David Segall representing Danny Lynn Electrical & Plumbing, LLC (Plaintiff), First
Missionary Baptist Church (Plaintiff), Jackson's Rocky Ridge Pharmacy, Inc. (Plaintiff), Kevin
Potthoff (Plaintiff)
James Michael Terrell representing Danny Lynn Electrical & Plumbing, LLC (Plaintiff), Kevin
Potthoff (Plaintiff)
Rik Standford Tozzi representing Veolia ES Solid Waste Southeast, Inc. (Defendant), Veolia ES
Solid Waste of North America, LLC (Defendant), Veolia ES Solid Waste, Inc. (Defendant),
Veolia Environmental Services North America Corporation (Defendant)
Howard Phillip Walthall, Jr representing Veolia ES Solid Waste (Defendant [T]), Veolia ES Solid
Waste Southeast, Inc. (Defendant), Veolia ES Solid Waste of North America, LLC (Defendant),
Veolia ES Solid Waste, Inc. (Defendant), Veolia Environmental Services (Defendant [T]), Veolia
Environmental Services North America Corporation (Defendant)
Set/Reset Hearings: Telephone Conference re [144] Motion for Extension of Deadline re [39]
Scheduling Order set for 11/12/2010 03:30 PM by telephone before Honorable Myron H.
ecf.almd.uscourts.gov/…/CalEvents.pl?4… 2/2
11/12/2010 CM/ECF - U.S. District Court: ALMD-Cal…
Calendar Events Report
Office Dothan (1) Nature
Montgomery (2) of suit 0 (zero)
Opelika (3) 110 (Insurance)
120 (Contract: Marine)
Calendar All Hearings Set 1/1/2002 to 11/12/2010 Calendar
events Allocution Hearing
Arbitration Hearing Both AM PM
Argument on Bankruptcy Appeal
Time AM PM
Include closed cases
Include docket text
Display terminated parties
Sort by Time
ecf.almd.uscourts.gov/…/CalEvents.pl 1/1
11/12/2010 CM/ECF - U.S. District Court: ALMD-Cal…
U.S. District Court
Alabama Middle District
Calendar Events Set For 1/1/2002-11/12/2010
09:00 AM
2:08-cv-00546-MEF-WC Cremeens v. The City of Montgomery
(Nature of Suit 710 - Labor: Fair Standards)
Status Conference chambers
William Richard Davis representing Gary Cremeens (Plaintiff)
Kimberly Owen Fehl representing The City of Montgomery (Defendant)
Charles Michael Herrington representing Gary Cremeens (Plaintiff)
Heather Newsom Leonard representing Gary Cremeens (Plaintiff)
Wallace Damon Mills representing The City of Montgomery (Defendant)
ORDER: Status Conference set for 11/12/2010 09:00 AM in chambers before Hon. Chief Judge
Mark E. Fuller. Signed by Hon. Chief Judge Mark E. Fuller on 11/2/2010.
ecf.almd.uscourts.gov/…/CalEvents.pl?4… 1/1
11/12/2010 CM/ECF - U.S. District Court: ALMD-Cal…
Calendar Events Report
Office Dothan (1) Nature
Montgomery (2) of suit 0 (zero)
Opelika (3) 110 (Insurance)
120 (Contract: Marine)
Calendar All Hearings Set 1/1/2002 to 11/12/2010 Calendar
events Allocution Hearing
Arbitration Hearing Both AM PM
Argument on Bankruptcy Appeal
Time AM PM
Include closed cases
Include docket text
Display terminated parties
Sort by Time
ecf.almd.uscourts.gov/…/CalEvents.pl 1/1
11/12/2010 CM/ECF - U.S. District Court: ALMD-Cal…
U.S. District Court
Alabama Middle District
Calendar Events Set For 1/1/2002-11/12/2010
10:00 AM
2:10-cv-00655-ID-TFM GE Commercial Distribution Finance Corporation v. Carter Bros. Mfg.
Co., Inc. et al (MAG+)
(Nature of Suit 190 - Contract: Other)
Status Conference by telephone
Carter Bros. Mfg. Co., Inc. (Defendant), Powersports World, LLC (Defendant)
Holly Lynn Sawyer representing GE Commercial Distribution Finance Corporation (Plaintiff)
ORDER setting telephonic status Conference for 11/12/2010 10:00 AM before Honorable Terry
F. Moorer, as further set out in order. Signed by Honorable Terry F. Moorer on 11/3/10.
Furnished to calendar group & WR.
ecf.almd.uscourts.gov/…/CalEvents.pl?4… 1/1
11/12/2010 CM/ECF - U.S. District Court: ALMD-Cal…
Calendar Events Report
Office Dothan (1) Nature
Montgomery (2) of suit 0 (zero)
Opelika (3) 110 (Insurance)
120 (Contract: Marine)
Calendar All Hearings Set 1/1/2002 to 11/12/2010 Calendar
events Allocution Hearing
Arbitration Hearing Both AM PM
Argument on Bankruptcy Appeal
Time AM PM
Include closed cases
Include docket text
Display terminated parties
Sort by Time
ecf.almd.uscourts.gov/…/CalEvents.pl 1/1
11/12/2010 CM/ECF - U.S. District Court: ALMD-Cal…
U.S. District Court
Alabama Middle District
Calendar Events Set For 1/1/2002-11/12/2010
02:00 PM
2:03-cv-00096-MEF-WC White, et al v. Wyeth, Inc.
(Nature of Suit 360 - P.I.: Other)
Motion Hearing Courtroom 2A
Russell T. Abney representing Bobby White (Plaintiff), Sarah Lannette White (Plaintiff)
Kimberly Bessiere Martin representing Wyeth, Inc. (Defendant)
Danielle Ward Mason representing Bobby White (Plaintiff), Sarah Lannette White (Plaintiff)
Ted Gordon Meadows representing Bobby White (Plaintiff), Sarah Lannette White (Plaintiff)
George Robert Parker representing Wyeth, Inc. (Defendant)
Melissa Ann Prickett representing Bobby White (Plaintiff), Sarah Lannette White (Plaintiff)
Navan Ward, Jr representing Bobby White (Plaintiff), Sarah Lannette White (Plaintiff)
MOTION to Stay and Request for Expedited Ruling by Wyeth, Inc. (Attachments: # (1)
Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2, # (3) Exhibit 3, # (4) Exhibit 4)(Parker, George) Document has been
edited to restrict access to personal information pursuant to the E-Government Act. (Additional
attachment(s) added on 11/3/2010: # (5) Redacted Exhibit 3) (cc, ). (Additional attachment(s)
added on 11/8/2010: # (6) Corrected Certificate of Service) (cc, ).
ecf.almd.uscourts.gov/…/CalEvents.pl?5… 1/1
11/12/2010 CM/ECF - U.S. District Court: ALMD-Cal…
Calendar Events Report
Office Dothan (1) Nature
Montgomery (2) of suit 0 (zero)
Opelika (3) 110 (Insurance)
120 (Contract: Marine)
Calendar All Hearings Set 1/1/2002 to 11/12/2010 Calendar
events Allocution Hearing
Arbitration Hearing Both AM PM
Argument on Bankruptcy Appeal
Time AM PM
Include closed cases
Include docket text
Display terminated parties
Sort by Time
ecf.almd.uscourts.gov/…/CalEvents.pl 1/1
11/12/2010 CM/ECF - U.S. District Court: ALMD-Cal…
U.S. District Court
Alabama Middle District
Calendar Events Set For 1/1/2002-11/12/2010
03:30 PM
2:09-cv-00192-MHT-TFM Potthoff v. Veolia ES Solid Waste Southeast, Inc. et al
(Nature of Suit 190 - Contract: Other)
Telephone Conference by telephone
Nicholas W. Armstrong representing Danny Lynn Electrical & Plumbing, LLC (Plaintiff), First
Missionary Baptist Church (Plaintiff), Jackson's Rocky Ridge Pharmacy, Inc. (Plaintiff), Kevin
Potthoff (Plaintiff)
Bryan Oxford Balogh representing Veolia ES Solid Waste Southeast, Inc. (Defendant), Veolia
ES Solid Waste of North America, LLC (Defendant), Veolia ES Solid Waste, Inc. (Defendant),
Veolia Environmental Services North America Corporation (Defendant)
Lee Hall Copeland representing Danny Lynn Electrical & Plumbing, LLC (Plaintiff), Kevin
Potthoff (Plaintiff)
James Davis Farmer, Jr representing Midsouth Bank N.A. (Movant)
Kermit LaGuin Kendrick representing Veolia ES Solid Waste Southeast, Inc. (Defendant),
Veolia ES Solid Waste of North America, LLC (Defendant), Veolia ES Solid Waste, Inc.
(Defendant), Veolia Environmental Services North America Corporation (Defendant)
Robert Gordon Methvin, Jr representing Danny Lynn Electrical & Plumbing, LLC (Plaintiff), First
Missionary Baptist Church (Plaintiff), Jackson's Rocky Ridge Pharmacy, Inc. (Plaintiff), Kevin
Potthoff (Plaintiff)
Robert David Segall representing Danny Lynn Electrical & Plumbing, LLC (Plaintiff), First
Missionary Baptist Church (Plaintiff), Jackson's Rocky Ridge Pharmacy, Inc. (Plaintiff), Kevin
Potthoff (Plaintiff)
James Michael Terrell representing Danny Lynn Electrical & Plumbing, LLC (Plaintiff), Kevin
Potthoff (Plaintiff)
Rik Standford Tozzi representing Veolia ES Solid Waste Southeast, Inc. (Defendant), Veolia ES
Solid Waste of North America, LLC (Defendant), Veolia ES Solid Waste, Inc. (Defendant),
Veolia Environmental Services North America Corporation (Defendant)
Howard Phillip Walthall, Jr representing Veolia ES Solid Waste (Defendant [T]), Veolia ES Solid
Waste Southeast, Inc. (Defendant), Veolia ES Solid Waste of North America, LLC (Defendant),
Veolia ES Solid Waste, Inc. (Defendant), Veolia Environmental Services (Defendant [T]), Veolia
Environmental Services North America Corporation (Defendant)
Set/Reset Hearings: Telephone Conference re [144] Motion for Extension of Deadline re [39]
Scheduling Order set for 11/12/2010 03:30 PM by telephone before Honorable Myron H.
ecf.almd.uscourts.gov/…/CalEvents.pl?1… 1/1
11/11/2010 CM/ECF - casd-Calendar Events Report
U.S. District Court
Southern District of California
Calendar Events Set For 11/10/2010-11/12/2010
09:00 AM
1) 3:06-cv-01558-MMA -WMC Uriarte v. Schwarzenegger, et al
(Nature of Suit 550 - Prisoner: Civil Rights)
Motion Hearing Courtroom C
Francisco Uriarte (Plaintiff)
Stephen A Aronis representing B Jones (Defendant), Ben Oliveros (Defendant), Comanucho
(Defendant), Dave Cavender (Defendant), E A Contreras (Defendant), F Williams (Defendant),
Fredrick Jenkin (Defendant), John Dresbauch (Defendant), K Hurm (Defendant), K L Spence
(Defendant), L Lorzano (Defendant), L Rauper (Defendant), M A Martinez (Defendant), R D
Ramirez (Defendant), Reed (Defendant), Robert Hernandez (Defendant), Steve Ritter
(Defendant), T W Stricklin (Defendant)
Attorney General representing A C Bracamonte (Defendant), Arnold Schwarzengger (Defendant
[T]), B Crawford (Defendant), B Jones (Defendant), Ben Oliveros (Defendant), Comanucho
(Defendant), Dave Cavender (Defendant), E A Contreras (Defendant), F Williams (Defendant),
Fredrick Jenkin (Defendant), J S Macias (Defendant), James Tilton (Defendant [T]), Jerry
Tibbetts (Defendant), Joanna Woodward (Defendant [T]), John Dresbauch (Defendant), K Hurm
(Defendant), K L Spence (Defendant), L Lorzano (Defendant), L Rauper (Defendant), Larry
William Green (Defendant), M A Martinez (Defendant), N Grannis (Defendant [T]), Peter
Farber-Szekreny (Defendant [T]), R D Ramirez (Defendant), Reed (Defendant), Robert
Hernandez (Defendant), Rodman Hickman (Defendant [T]), Steve Ritter (Defendant), T W
Stricklin (Defendant), Terry Labourdette (Defendant)
Robert James Campbell representing Norment Security Group, Inc. (Defendant)
Phillip James Lindsay representing A C Bracamonte (Defendant), Arnold Schwarzengger
(Defendant [T]), B Crawford (Defendant), J S Macias (Defendant), James Tilton (Defendant
[T]), Jerry Tibbetts (Defendant), Joanna Woodward (Defendant [T]), Larry William Green
(Defendant), M A Martinez (Defendant), N Grannis (Defendant [T]), Peter Farber-Szekreny
(Defendant [T]), Rodman Hickman (Defendant [T]), Terry Labourdette (Defendant)
MOTION to Dismiss the Second Amended Complaint by Dave Cavender, Comanucho, E A
Contreras, John Dresbauch, Robert Hernandez, K Hurm, Fredrick Jenkin, B Jones, L Lorzano,
M A Martinez, Ben Oliveros, R D Ramirez, L Rauper, Reed, Steve Ritter, K L Spence, T W
Stricklin, F Williams. (Attachments: # (1) Memo of Points and Authorities in Support of Motion
to Dismiss the Second Amended Complaint)(Aronis, Stephen) (srm).
2) 3:08-cr-04229-JLS-1 USA v. Western Titanium, Inc. et al
Jury Trial
Siobhan A Cullen representing Titanium Industries, Inc. (Movant)
Robert K Edmunds representing Senior Aerospace Jet Products (Movant)
Tillman Finley representing Western Titanium, Inc. (Defendant)
Barry Irwin Gross representing Titanium Industries, Inc. (Movant)
ecf.casd.uscourts.gov/…/CalEvents.pl?5… 1/56
11/11/2010 CM/ECF - casd-Calendar Events Report
Rebecca A. Haciski representing Supra Alloys, Inc. (Movant)
Mark C. Holscher representing Jet Propulsion Laboratory (Movant)
Sarah E Kleven McGann representing Western Titanium, Inc. (Defendant)
David D Leshner representing USA (Plaintiff)
Nancy Luque representing Western Titanium, Inc. (Defendant)
Daniel Marino representing Western Titanium, Inc. (Defendant)
Brian R. Michael representing Supra Alloys, Inc. (Movant)
Melanie K Pierson representing USA (Plaintiff)
Amie D Rooney representing USA (Plaintiff)
Jeffrey Sinek representing Jet Propulsion Laboratory (Movant)
Todd R. Steggerda representing Supra Alloys, Inc. (Movant)
Stacey H Sullivan representing USA (Plaintiff)
William P. Warden representing Pro-Fab, Inc. (Movant)
3) 3:08-cr-04229-JLS-2 USA v. Western Titanium, Inc. et al
Jury Trial
Siobhan A Cullen representing Titanium Industries, Inc. (Movant)
Robert K Edmunds representing Senior Aerospace Jet Products (Movant)
Tillman Finley representing Daniel Schroeder (Defendant)
Barry Irwin Gross representing Titanium Industries, Inc. (Movant)
Rebecca A. Haciski representing Supra Alloys, Inc. (Movant)
Mark C. Holscher representing Jet Propulsion Laboratory (Movant)
Sarah E Kleven McGann representing Daniel Schroeder (Defendant)
David D Leshner representing USA (Plaintiff)
Nancy Luque representing Daniel Schroeder (Defendant)
Daniel Marino representing Daniel Schroeder (Defendant)
Brian R. Michael representing Supra Alloys, Inc. (Movant)
Melanie K Pierson representing USA (Plaintiff)
Amie D Rooney representing USA (Plaintiff)
Jeffrey Sinek representing Jet Propulsion Laboratory (Movant)
Todd R. Steggerda representing Supra Alloys, Inc. (Movant)
Stacey H Sullivan representing USA (Plaintiff)
William P. Warden representing Pro-Fab, Inc. (Movant)
4) 3:08-cr-04229-JLS-3 USA v. Western Titanium, Inc. et al
Jury Trial
Raymond J Coughlan, JR representing Brian Misak (Defendant)
Siobhan A Cullen representing Titanium Industries, Inc. (Movant)
Robert K Edmunds representing Senior Aerospace Jet Products (Movant)
Barry Irwin Gross representing Titanium Industries, Inc. (Movant)
Rebecca A. Haciski representing Supra Alloys, Inc. (Movant)
Mark C. Holscher representing Jet Propulsion Laboratory (Movant)
David D Leshner representing USA (Plaintiff)
Brian R. Michael representing Supra Alloys, Inc. (Movant)
Melanie K Pierson representing USA (Plaintiff)
Amie D Rooney representing USA (Plaintiff)
ecf.casd.uscourts.gov/…/CalEvents.pl?5… 2/56
11/11/2010 CM/ECF - casd-Calendar Events Report
Jeffrey Sinek representing Jet Propulsion Laboratory (Movant)
Todd R. Steggerda representing Supra Alloys, Inc. (Movant)
Stacey H Sullivan representing USA (Plaintiff)
Harold C. Trimmer representing Brian Misak (Defendant)
William P. Warden representing Pro-Fab, Inc. (Movant)
5) 3:08-cr-04229-JLS-4 USA v. Western Titanium, Inc. et al
Jury Trial
Siobhan A Cullen representing Titanium Industries, Inc. (Movant)
Robert K Edmunds representing Senior Aerospace Jet Products (Movant)
Barry Irwin Gross representing Titanium Industries, Inc. (Movant)
Rebecca A. Haciski representing Supra Alloys, Inc. (Movant)
Mark C. Holscher representing Jet Propulsion Laboratory (Movant)
Eugene G Iredale representing John Cotner (Defendant)
David D Leshner representing USA (Plaintiff)
Brian R. Michael representing Supra Alloys, Inc. (Movant)
Melanie K Pierson representing USA (Plaintiff)
Amie D Rooney representing USA (Plaintiff)
Jeffrey Sinek representing Jet Propulsion Laboratory (Movant)
Todd R. Steggerda representing Supra Alloys, Inc. (Movant)
Stacey H Sullivan representing USA (Plaintiff)
William P. Warden representing Pro-Fab, Inc. (Movant)
6) 3:08-cr-04229-JLS-5 USA v. Western Titanium, Inc. et al
Jury Trial
Siobhan A Cullen representing Titanium Industries, Inc. (Movant)
Robert K Edmunds representing Senior Aerospace Jet Products (Movant)
Barry Irwin Gross representing Titanium Industries, Inc. (Movant)
Rebecca A. Haciski representing Supra Alloys, Inc. (Movant)
Mark C. Holscher representing Jet Propulsion Laboratory (Movant)
David D Leshner representing USA (Plaintiff)
Brian R. Michael representing Supra Alloys, Inc. (Movant)
Melanie K Pierson representing USA (Plaintiff)
Frank James Polek representing Cheem Ang (Defendant)
Amie D Rooney representing USA (Plaintiff)
Robert D Rose representing Cheem Ang (Defendant)
Jeffrey Sinek representing Jet Propulsion Laboratory (Movant)
Todd R. Steggerda representing Supra Alloys, Inc. (Movant)
Stacey H Sullivan representing USA (Plaintiff)
William P. Warden representing Pro-Fab, Inc. (Movant)
7) 3:08-cr-04229-JLS-6 USA v. Mach 2 Metals, Inc.
Jury Trial
Siobhan A Cullen representing Titanium Industries, Inc. (Movant)
Robert K Edmunds representing Senior Aerospace Jet Products (Movant)
Tillman Finley representing Mach 2 Metals, Inc. (Defendant)
Barry Irwin Gross representing Titanium Industries, Inc. (Movant)
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Rebecca A. Haciski representing Supra Alloys, Inc. (Movant)
Mark C. Holscher representing Jet Propulsion Laboratory (Movant)
Sarah E Kleven McGann representing Mach 2 Metals, Inc. (Defendant)
David D Leshner representing USA (Plaintiff)
Nancy Luque representing Mach 2 Metals, Inc. (Defendant)
Brian R. Michael representing Supra Alloys, Inc. (Movant)
Melanie K Pierson representing USA (Plaintiff)
Amie D Rooney representing USA (Plaintiff)
Jeffrey Sinek representing Jet Propulsion Laboratory (Movant)
Todd R. Steggerda representing Supra Alloys, Inc. (Movant)
Stacey H Sullivan representing USA (Plaintiff)
William P. Warden representing Pro-Fab, Inc. (Movant)
8) 3:08-cr-04229-JLS-7 USA v. Integrated Titanium Group II
Jury Trial
Siobhan A Cullen representing Titanium Industries, Inc. (Movant)
Robert K Edmunds representing Senior Aerospace Jet Products (Movant)
Barry Irwin Gross representing Titanium Industries, Inc. (Movant)
Rebecca A. Haciski representing Supra Alloys, Inc. (Movant)
Mark C. Holscher representing Jet Propulsion Laboratory (Movant)
David D Leshner representing USA (Plaintiff)
Brian R. Michael representing Supra Alloys, Inc. (Movant)
Melanie K Pierson representing USA (Plaintiff)
Amie D Rooney representing USA (Plaintiff)
Lisa Taylor Schroeder representing Integrated Titanuim Group I (Defendant)
Jeffrey Sinek representing Jet Propulsion Laboratory (Movant)
Todd R. Steggerda representing Supra Alloys, Inc. (Movant)
Stacey H Sullivan representing USA (Plaintiff)
William P. Warden representing Pro-Fab, Inc. (Movant)
9) 3:08-cr-04229-JLS-8 USA v. Integrated Titanium Group II
Jury Trial
Siobhan A Cullen representing Titanium Industries, Inc. (Movant)
Robert K Edmunds representing Senior Aerospace Jet Products (Movant)
Barry Irwin Gross representing Titanium Industries, Inc. (Movant)
Rebecca A. Haciski representing Supra Alloys, Inc. (Movant)
Mark C. Holscher representing Jet Propulsion Laboratory (Movant)
David D Leshner representing USA (Plaintiff)
Brian R. Michael representing Supra Alloys, Inc. (Movant)
Melanie K Pierson representing USA (Plaintiff)
Amie D Rooney representing USA (Plaintiff)
Lisa Taylor Schroeder representing Integrated Titanium Group II (Defendant)
Jeffrey Sinek representing Jet Propulsion Laboratory (Movant)
Todd R. Steggerda representing Supra Alloys, Inc. (Movant)
Stacey H Sullivan representing USA (Plaintiff)
William P. Warden representing Pro-Fab, Inc. (Movant)
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10) 3:10-cr-04095-BTM-1 USA v. Cruz-Alvarez
Change of Plea Hearing Courtroom 08
Amy F. Kimpel representing Carlos Alberto Cruz-Alvarez (Defendant)
Neama Rahmani representing USA (Plaintiff)
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge Gordon Thompson, Jr: Change of Plea
Continued as to Carlos Alberto Cruz-Alvarez. Defense oral motion to continue hearing granted.
Change of Plea Hearing continued to 11/10/2010 09:00 AM in Courtroom 08 before Judge
Gordon Thompson Jr.. (Court Reporter Melinda Setterman).(Plaintiff Attorney AUSA Faith
Devine). (Defendant Attorney Amy Kimpel FD).
10:00 AM
11) 3:09-cr-00089-BEN-1 USA v. Flores-Urbina DEFENDANT TERMINATED on 06/02/2009
Status Hearing El Centro
Trenton C Packer representing Authon Flores-Urbina (Defendant [T])
Timothy C. Perry representing USA (Plaintiff)
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Peter C. Lewis: Initial Appearance -
Probation Revocation as to Authon Flores-Urbina held on 11/1/2010. Court having asked the
defendant if he has any evidence to present on the merits of the petition and after considering any
such evidence, the court found based on the allegations in the petition that there is probable cause
to believe that a violation has been committed, and that the defendant shall be held pending an
order to show cause hearing before the district judge assigned to this matter. Court re-appointed
Federal Defenders as counsel. Court ruling is without prejudice. Dft arraigned and denial entered.
Status Hearing set for 11/10/2010 10:00 AM in El Centro before Magistrate Judge Peter C.
Lewis. (CD# 11/1/2010 PCL 15:08-15:11). (Plaintiff Attorney John Weis, AUSA). (Defendant
Attorney James Johnson, FD).
12) 3:09-cr-03221-PCL-1 USA v. Markovich et al DEFENDANT TERMINATED on 10/21/2009
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NOTICE OF HEARING as to Defendant Jose Alberto Martinez. Status Hearing (Defense
attorney only) set for 11/10/2010 10:30 AM in Courtroom 15 before Judge Barry Ted
10:45 AM
3:10-cr-02275-BTM-1 USA v. Mendez-Martin
Status Hearing Courtroom 15
Nathan Feneis representing Eduardo Jose Mendez-Martin (Defendant)
Scott M. Lesowitz representing USA (Plaintiff)
NOTICE OF HEARING as to Defendant Eduardo Jose Mendez-Martin. Status Hearing set for
11/10/2010 10:45 AM in Courtroom 15 before Judge Barry Ted Moskowitz; Only the defense
attorney should attend.
11:00 AM
3:04-cv-01053-JLS -AJB International Gamco v. Multimedia Games Inc
(Nature of Suit 830 - Patent)
Settlement Disposition Conf
Callie A Bjurstrom representing Multimedia Games Inc (Defendant,Counter Claimant)
Paul Douglas Chancellor representing International Gamco, Inc. (Plaintiff,Counter Defendant),
John Adams (Counter Defendant), Oasis Technologies, Inc. (Counter Defendant), Scott
Henneman (Counter Defendant)
Nicholas N. Clatterbuck representing International Gamco, Inc. (Plaintiff,Counter Defendant)
Peter K Hahn representing Multimedia Games Inc (Defendant,Counter Claimant)
Michelle Ann Herrera representing John Adams (Counter Defendant), Multimedia Games Inc
(Defendant,Counter Claimant), Oasis Technologies, Inc. (Counter Defendant), Scott Henneman
(Counter Defendant)
John P Passarelli representing International Gamco, Inc. (Plaintiff,Counter Defendant), John
Adams (Counter Defendant), Oasis Technologies, Inc. (Counter Defendant), Scott Henneman
(Counter Defendant)
Stephen L Schreiner representing International Gamco, Inc. (Plaintiff,Counter Defendant), John
Adams (Counter Defendant), Oasis Technologies, Inc. (Counter Defendant), Phillip Glassman
(Counter Defendant), Scott Henneman (Counter Defendant)
ORDER Vacating Pretrial Dates and Scheduling a Settlement Disposition Conference: All pretrial
dates are vacated. A telephonic Settlement Disposition Conference is set for 11/10/2010 at 11:00
AM before Magistrate Judge Anthony J. Battaglia. Counsel for plaintiff will initiate the call unless
a joint motion for dismissal has been lodged with Judge Sammartino and Judge Battaglia's
chambers so notified prior to the conference. Signed by Magistrate Judge Anthony J. Battaglia on
10/20/10.(All non-registered users served via U.S. Mail Service)(lmt) (cap).
3:10-cr-01939-BTM-1 USA v. Martinez-Garcia
Sentence w/ PSR Courtroom 15
Hamilton E Arendsen representing USA (Plaintiff)
Amy F. Kimpel representing Felipe Jesus Martinez-Garcia (Defendant)
NOTICE OF HEARING as to Defendant Felipe Jesus Martinez-Garcia. Due to a conflict in the
court's calendar the Sentence With PSR is rescheduled to 11/10/2010 11:00 AM in Courtroom
15 before Judge Barry Ted Moskowitz.
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3:10-cv-01969-JLS -POR GMAC Mortgage, LLC v. Disch et al
(Nature of Suit 290 - Real Property: Other)
Early Neutral Evaluation
DOES (Defendant), Patricia A Disch (Defendant), Paul E Disch (Defendant)
David R. Endres representing GMAC Mortgage, LLC (Plaintiff)
Laurie Howell representing GMAC Mortgage, LLC (Plaintiff)
NOTICE AND ORDER for Early Neutral Evaluation Conference: An Early Neutral Evaluation is
set for 11/10/2010 at 11:00 AM in the chambers of Magistrate Judge Louisa S Porter. Signed by
Magistrate Judge Louisa S Porter on 9/27/10.(All non-registered users served via U.S. Mail
11:15 AM
3:10-cr-01368-BTM-1 USA v. Gonzalez-Baez Saldana
Motion Hearing Courtroom 15
Paul Allen Barr representing Felix Gonzalez-Baez Saldana (Defendant)
W Mark Conover representing USA (Plaintiff)
NOTICE OF HEARING as to Defendant Felix Gonzalez-Baez Saldana. Due to a conflict in the
court's calendar the Motion Hearing is rescheduled to 11/10/2010 11:15 AM in Courtroom 15
before Judge Barry Ted Moskowitz.
11:45 AM
3:08-cv-00100-BTM -BLM Leeds, LP v. United States of America
(Nature of Suit 871 - Tax Suits: IRS-Third Party)
Pretrial Conference Courtroom 15
Lauren M. Castaldi representing United States of America (Defendant)
Andre M Picciurro representing Leeds, LP (Plaintiff)
Adam Smart representing United States of America (Defendant)
U S Attorney CV representing United States of America (Defendant)
Edward C Walton representing Leeds, LP (Plaintiff)
ORDER re Pretrial Conference. Parties are to appear 11/10/2010 11:45 AM in Courtroom 15
before Judge Barry Ted Moskowitz for a conference regarding the Court's practices and
procedures to be used at trial in the above-captioned case. Non-local counsel may appear
telephonically. Signed by Judge Barry Ted Moskowitz on 11/05/10.(jpp) (jrl).
3:08-cv-00110-BTM -BLM Fourth Investment LP v. United States of America
(Nature of Suit 871 - Tax Suits: IRS-Third Party)
Pretrial Conference Courtroom 15
Lauren M. Castaldi representing United States of America (Defendant)
Andre M Picciurro representing Fourth Investment LP (Plaintiff)
Adam Smart representing United States of America (Defendant)
U S Attorney CV representing United States of America (Defendant)
Edward C Walton representing Fourth Investment LP (Plaintiff)
ORDER re Pretrial Conference. Parties are to appear on 11/10/2010 11:45 AM in Courtroom
15 before Judge Barry Ted Moskowitz for a conference regarding practices and procedures to
be used at trial. Non-local counsel may appear telephonically. Signed by Judge Barry Ted
Moskowitz on 11/05/10.(jpp) (jrl).
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01:15 PM
3:01-cr-01415-BTM-9 USA v. Levine, et al DEFENDANT TERMINATED on 03/29/2005
Status Hearing Courtroom 15
Lawrence A Casper representing United States of America (Plaintiff)
Wendy S Gerboth representing Brent Douglas Morris (Defendant [T])
Mary C. Lundberg representing United States of America (Plaintiff)
Steven A. Peak representing United States of America (Plaintiff)
NOTICE OF HEARING as to Defendant Brent Douglas Morris. Status Hearing re letter set for
11/10/2010 01:15 PM in Courtroom 15 before Judge Barry Ted Moskowitz.
01:30 PM
3:07-cv-01897-L-AJB Pacific Rollforming, LLC. v. Trakloc International, LLC. et al
(Nature of Suit 470 - Racketeer/Corrupt Organization)
Mandatory Settlement Conf
Bert Tabor (Defendant [T]), Gary Nelson (Defendant), Marc Bernstein (Defendant,Counter
Defendant), Pandora Select Partners, L.P. (Defendant [T],Counter Defendant [T]), Part 47 Inc
(Defendant), Southeastern Metals, Inc. (Defendant), Trakloc International, LLC. (Defendant [T])
James A D'Ambrosio representing Thomas R. Horst (Defendant)
Irena Leigh Norton representing David Jablow (Defendant,Counter Claimant), Floating Assets,
Ltd. (Defendant,Counter Claimant), Roni Dersovitz (Defendant,Counter Claimant), Tin Plate
Purchasing Corporation (Defendant,Counter Claimant), Trakloc North America, LLC.
(Defendant,Counter Claimant,Counter Claimant)
Frederick C Phillips representing Architectural Metal Products, Inc. (Plaintiff), Curt Kinney
(Counter Defendant,Counter Defendant,Counter Defendant,Plaintiff), Pacific Rollforming, LLC.
(Plaintiff,Counter Defendant,Counter Defendant,Counter Defendant), Todd Beasley (Counter
Defendant,Counter Defendant,Counter Defendant,Plaintiff)
Patrick J Stark representing Thomas R. Horst (Defendant)
Joint MOTION to Continue the Hearing on the Settlement Conference with Certificate of
Service by Trakloc North America, LLC.. (Norton, Irena)
3:08-cr-02511-BTM-1 USA v. Billingsley DEFENDANT TERMINATED on 05/05/2009
Status Hearing Courtroom 15
Jennifer L Coon representing Rhett Butler Billingsley (Defendant [T])
Randy K Jones representing USA (Plaintiff)
NOTICE OF HEARING as to Defendant Rhett Butler Billingsley. Status Hearing re letter set for
11/10/2010 01:30 PM in Courtroom 15 before Judge Barry Ted Moskowitz.
3:10-cv-00348-MMA -POR Struk v. Bush et al
(Nature of Suit 440 - Civil Rights: Other)
Case Management Conference
Does 1-20 (Defendant), R. Sullivan (Defendant)
Michael R Marrinan representing Mark Struk (Plaintiff)
David Frank Taglienti representing M. Kelley (Defendant), Michael Bush (Defendant), S. Jio
ORDER Rescheduling Conferences: It is hereby ordered that the Case Management Conference
be rescheduled for 11/10/2010 at 1:30 PM. The conference shall be telephonic, with attorneys
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only. Defendants' counsel shall initiate and coordinate the call. The Mandatory Settlement
Conference shall be rescheduled to 2/2/2011 at 10:00 AM in the Chambers of Magistrate Judge
Louisa S Porter. Signed by Magistrate Judge Louisa S Porter on 10/29/2010.(All non-registered
users served via U.S. Mail Service)(leh) (jrl).
01:45 PM
3:10-cr-03045-BTM-1 USA v. Casas
Motion Hearing/Trial Setting Courtroom 15
Rees Ferriter Morgan representing USA (Plaintiff)
Karen M Stevens representing Marie Elizabeth Casas (Defendant)
NOTICE OF HEARING as to Defendant Marie Elizabeth Casas. Due to a conflict in teh court's
calendar the Motion Hearing/Trial Setting is rescheduled to 11/10/2010 01:45 PM in Courtroom
15 before Judge Barry Ted Moskowitz.
02:00 PM
3:10-cr-02767-POR-1 USA v. Koppin
Pretrial Conference Courtroom H
Marc Xavier Carlos representing Kenneth Franklin Koppin (Defendant)
Christopher J. Duncan representing USA (Plaintiff)
MODIFIED SCHEDULING ORDER Setting Pretrial Conference and Trial Date. On
9/29/2010, the Court held a Status Hearing regarding the Trial Date. The 10/7/2010 Pretrial
Conference and the 10/12/2010 Trial set forth in the Court's 9/14/2010 Scheduling Order (Doc.
[14]) are Vacated. A Pretrial Conference shall be held on 11/10/2010 at 2:00 PM in Courtroom
H before Magistrate Judge Louisa S Porter. All in limine motions shall be filed by 11/1/2010.
Oppositions to in limine motions shall be filed by 11/5/2010. Jury Trial is set for 11/16/2010 at
9:00 AM in Courtroom H before Magistrate Judge Louisa S Porter. Signed by Magistrate Judge
Louisa S Porter on 10/1/2010. (srm)(mam).
3:10-cr-04239-WQH-1 USA v. Reyes-Melendres
Change of Plea Hearing
Linda Lopez representing Alam Reyes-Melendres (Defendant)
U S Attorney CR representing USA (Plaintiff)
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge William V. Gallo: Change of Plea
Continued as to Alam Reyes-Melendres. Defense oral motion to continue hearing granted.
Change of Plea Hearing set for 11/10/2010 02:00 PM before Magistrate Judge William V. Gallo.
Motion Hearing/Trial Setting set for 12/13/2010 02:00 PM before Judge William Q. Hayes.
(CD# 11/2/2010 WVG10-9:35-9:44). (Plaintiff Attorney Marietta Geckos AUSA). (Defendant
Attorney Amy Kapoor FD S/A).
3:10-cr-04240-LAB-1 USA v. Lopez
Change of Plea Hearing
Alan R. Baum representing Gustavo Lopez (Defendant)
U S Attorney CR representing USA (Plaintiff)
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge William V. Gallo: Change of Plea
Continued as to Gustavo Lopez. Defense oral motion to continue hearing granted. Attorney Alan
R. Baum retained in case for Gustavo Lopez. Attorney Hanni M. Fakhoury of Federal Defenders
relieved in case as to Gustavo Lopez. Substitution of Attorney Filed. Change of Plea Hearing set
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for 11/10/2010 02:00 PM before Magistrate Judge William V. Gallo. (CD# 11/2/2010 WVG10-
9:45-9:48). (Plaintiff Attorney Marietta Geckos AUSA). (Defendant Attorney Alan Baum RET
and Hanni Fakhoury FD).
02:15 PM
3:08-cr-01841-BTM-1 USA v. Laporta et al DEFENDANT TERMINATED on 09/22/2008
Supervised Release Hearing Courtroom 15
Joseph Junior Laporta (Defendant [T])
Douglas Keehn representing USA (Plaintiff)
NOTICE OF HEARING as to Defendant Joseph Junior Laporta. Supervised Release Hearing
set for 11/10/2010 02:15 PM in Courtroom 15 before Judge Barry Ted Moskowitz.
02:30 PM
3:10-cr-03778-WQH-1 USA v. Alvarez-Rodriguez
Change of Plea Hearing Courtroom E
Scott Pactor representing Luis Alvarez-Rodriguez (Defendant)
U S Attorney CR representing USA (Plaintiff)
NOTICE OF HEARING as to Defendant Luis Alvarez-Rodriguez. At the request of defense
counsel, a Change of Plea Hearing is set for 11/10/2010 02:30 PM in Courtroom E before
Magistrate Judge Cathy Ann Bencivengo.
3:10-cr-04341-JAH-1 USA v. Patino-Maldonado
Change of Plea Hearing Courtroom E
Michael J Messina representing Luis Alberto Patino-Maldonado (Defendant)
U S Attorney CR representing USA (Plaintiff)
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Peter C. Lewis: Arraignment on
Information as to Luis Alberto Patino-Maldonado (1) Count 1 held on 10/28/2010. Not Guilty
plea entered. Change of Plea Hearing set for 11/10/2010 02:30 PM in Courtroom E before
Magistrate Judge Cathy Ann Bencivengo. (CD# 10/28/2010 PCL14:09-14:13;14:19-14:20).
(Plaintiff Attorney AUSA John F. Weis). (Defendant Attorney Michael J. Messina CJA).
3:10-cr-04342-H-1 USA v. Serrano
Change of Plea Hearing Courtroom E
Barbara M Donovan representing Marvin Alexix Serrano (Defendant)
U S Attorney CR representing USA (Plaintiff)
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Peter C. Lewis: Arraignment on
Information as to Marvin Alexix Serrano (1) Count 1 held on 10/28/2010. Not Guilty plea
entered. Change of Plea Hearing set for 11/10/2010 02:30 PM in Courtroom E before
Magistrate Judge Cathy Ann Bencivengo. (CD# 10/28/2010 PCL14:09-14:13;14:20-14:21).
(Plaintiff Attorney AUSA John F. Weis). (Defendant Attorney Barbara M. Donovan CJA).
03:00 PM
3:10-cr-04122-DMS-1 USA v. Ramirez-Donato
Change of Plea Hearing Courtroom H
Hamilton E Arendsen representing USA (Plaintiff)
Sara Marie Peloquin representing Juan Francisco Ramirez-Donato (Defendant)
U S Attorney CR representing USA (Plaintiff)
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Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Louisa S Porter: Change of Plea
Continued as to Juan Francisco Ramirez-Donato. Defense oral motion to continue hearing
granted. Change of Plea Hearing continued to 11/10/2010 03:00 PM in Courtroom H before
Magistrate Judge Louisa S Porter. (CD# 10/27/2010 POR: 10:10-10:14). (Plaintiff Attorney
Michelle Wasserman, AUSA). (Defendant Attorney Amy Kapoor, FD, S/A).
3:10-cr-04123-JM-1 USA v. Cervantes-Martinez
Change of Plea Hearing Courtroom H
Sara Marie Peloquin representing Victor Cervantes-Martinez (Defendant)
U S Attorney CR representing USA (Plaintiff)
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Louisa S Porter: Change of Plea
Continued as to Victor Cervantes-Martinez. Defense oral motion to continue hearing granted.
Change of Plea Hearing continued to 11/10/2010 03:00 PM in Courtroom H before Magistrate
Judge Louisa S Porter. (CD# 10/27/2010 POR: 10:10-10:14). (Plaintiff Attorney Michelle
Wasserman, AUSA). (Defendant Attorney Amy Kapoor, FD, S/A).
3:10-cr-04124-L-1 USA v. Garcia-Hernandez
Change of Plea Hearing Courtroom H
U S Attorney CR representing USA (Plaintiff)
Erica K. Zunkel representing Luis Garcia-Hernandez (Defendant)
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Louisa S Porter: Change of Plea
Continued as to Luis Garcia-Hernandez. Defense oral motion to continue hearing granted.
Change of Plea Hearing continued to 11/10/2010 03:00 PM in Courtroom H before Magistrate
Judge Louisa S Porter. (CD# 10/27/2010 POR: 10:10-10:15). (Plaintiff Attorney Michelle
Wasserman, AUSA). (Defendant Attorney Amy Kapoor, FD-S/A).
3:10-cr-04125-MMA-1 USA v. Carrillo-Najera
Change of Plea Hearing Courtroom H
Amy Kapoor representing Juan Carrillo-Najera (Defendant)
U S Attorney CR representing USA (Plaintiff)
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Louisa S Porter: Change of Plea
Continued as to Juan Carrillo-Najera. Defense oral motion to continue hearing granted. Change
of Plea Hearing continued to 11/10/2010 03:00 PM in Courtroom H before Magistrate Judge
Louisa S Porter. (CD# 10/27/2010 POR: 10:10-10:15). (Plaintiff Attorney Michelle Wasserman,
AUSA). (Defendant Attorney Amy Kapoor, FD).
3:10-cr-04542-JM-1 USA v. Ramirez-Herrera et al
Preliminary Hearing Courtroom H
Linda Lopez representing Ivan Ulises Ramirez-Herrera (Defendant)
Gayle J Mayfield-Venieris representing Vitalina Gutierrez-Fabian (Material Witness)
U S Attorney CR representing USA (Plaintiff)
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Louisa S Porter: Initial Appearance
on Complaint as to Ivan Ulises Ramirez-Herrera (1), Jose Israel Garcia-Ramirez (2), and
Olegario Armenta-Lopez (3) held on 10/28/2010. Attorney Gayle J Mayfield-Venieris, N/A,
appointed for Material Witness Vitalina Gutierrez-Fabian. Attorney Federal Defenders appointed
for Ivan Ulises Ramirez-Herrera (1). Attorney Sandra Resnick, N/A, appointed for Jose Israel
Garcia-Ramirez (2). Attorney Joseph Milchen, N/A, appointed for Olegario Armenta-Lopez (3).
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Bond set as to Ivan Ulises Ramirez-Herrera (1) $15,000 CS. Bond set as to Jose Israel Garcia-
Ramirez (2) $20,000 CS. Bond set as to Olegario Armenta-Lopez (3) $25,000 CS. Preliminary
Hearing set for 11/10/2010 03:00 PM in Courtroom H before Magistrate Judge Louisa S Porter.
(CD# 10/28/2010 POR11:05-11:30). (Plaintiff Attorney AUSA Emily Keifer). (Defendant
Attorney Hanni M. Fakhoury FD (1) and S/A for (2) and (3)). (mjm)[3:10-mj-03548-POR]
3:10-cr-04542-JM-2 USA v. Ramirez-Herrera et al
Preliminary Hearing Courtroom H
Gayle J Mayfield-Venieris representing Vitalina Gutierrez-Fabian (Material Witness)
Sandra Resnick representing Jose Israel Garcia-Ramirez (Defendant)
U S Attorney CR representing USA (Plaintiff)
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Louisa S Porter: Initial Appearance
on Complaint as to Ivan Ulises Ramirez-Herrera (1), Jose Israel Garcia-Ramirez (2), and
Olegario Armenta-Lopez (3) held on 10/28/2010. Attorney Gayle J Mayfield-Venieris, N/A,
appointed for Material Witness Vitalina Gutierrez-Fabian. Attorney Federal Defenders appointed
for Ivan Ulises Ramirez-Herrera (1). Attorney Sandra Resnick, N/A, appointed for Jose Israel
Garcia-Ramirez (2). Attorney Joseph Milchen, N/A, appointed for Olegario Armenta-Lopez (3).
Bond set as to Ivan Ulises Ramirez-Herrera (1) $15,000 CS. Bond set as to Jose Israel Garcia-
Ramirez (2) $20,000 CS. Bond set as to Olegario Armenta-Lopez (3) $25,000 CS. Preliminary
Hearing set for 11/10/2010 03:00 PM in Courtroom H before Magistrate Judge Louisa S Porter.
(CD# 10/28/2010 POR11:05-11:30). (Plaintiff Attorney AUSA Emily Keifer). (Defendant
Attorney Hanni M. Fakhoury FD (1) and S/A for (2) and (3)). (mjm)[3:10-mj-03548-POR]
3:10-cr-04542-JM-3 USA v. Ramirez-Herrera et al
Preliminary Hearing Courtroom H
Gayle J Mayfield-Venieris representing Vitalina Gutierrez-Fabian (Material Witness)
Joseph Milchen representing Olegario Armenta-Lopez (Defendant)
U S Attorney CR representing USA (Plaintiff)
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Louisa S Porter: Initial Appearance
on Complaint as to Ivan Ulises Ramirez-Herrera (1), Jose Israel Garcia-Ramirez (2), and
Olegario Armenta-Lopez (3) held on 10/28/2010. Attorney Gayle J Mayfield-Venieris, N/A,
appointed for Material Witness Vitalina Gutierrez-Fabian. Attorney Federal Defenders appointed
for Ivan Ulises Ramirez-Herrera (1). Attorney Sandra Resnick, N/A, appointed for Jose Israel
Garcia-Ramirez (2). Attorney Joseph Milchen, N/A, appointed for Olegario Armenta-Lopez (3).
Bond set as to Ivan Ulises Ramirez-Herrera (1) $15,000 CS. Bond set as to Jose Israel Garcia-
Ramirez (2) $20,000 CS. Bond set as to Olegario Armenta-Lopez (3) $25,000 CS. Preliminary
Hearing set for 11/10/2010 03:00 PM in Courtroom H before Magistrate Judge Louisa S Porter.
(CD# 10/28/2010 POR11:05-11:30). (Plaintiff Attorney AUSA Emily Keifer). (Defendant
Attorney Hanni M. Fakhoury FD (1) and S/A for (2) and (3)). (mjm)[3:10-mj-03548-POR]
3:10-mj-03487-POR-1 USA v. Valderas-Hernandez
Preliminary Hearing Courtroom H
Joshua J. Jones representing Juan Valderas-Hernandez (Defendant)
U S Attorney CR representing USA (Plaintiff)
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Louisa S Porter: Initial Appearance
on Complaint as to Juan Valderas-Hernandez (1) held on 10/28/2010. Provisional appointment
of Attorney Federal Defenders - Confirmed. Bond set as to Juan Valderas-Hernandez (1)
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$25,000 CS with 18:3142(d) hold until 11/10/10. Preliminary Hearing set for 11/10/2010 03:00
PM in Courtroom H before Magistrate Judge Louisa S Porter. Judge update in case as to Juan
Valderas-Hernandez (1). Magistrate Judge Louisa S Porter added to the case. Magistrate Judge
William McCurine, Jr is no longer assigned to case and Magistrate Judge Louisa S Porter is now
assigned to the case. The new case number is 10MG3487-POR. (CD# 10/28/2010 POR11:05-
11:32). (Plaintiff Attorney AUSA Jose Castillo). (Defendant Attorney Hanni M. Fakhoury FD).
(mjm). Modified to confirm appointment of counsel on 10/28/2010. NEF regenerated. (mjm).
3:10-mj-03529-POR-1 USA v. Reyes-Gomez
Preliminary Hearing Courtroom H
Sara Marie Peloquin representing Gerardo Reyes-Gomez (Defendant)
U S Attorney CR representing USA (Plaintiff)
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Jan M. Adler: Initial Appearance as
to Gerardo Reyes-Gomez held on 10/29/2010. Appointment of Federal Defenders confirmed.
Bond set as to Gerardo Reyes-Gomez (1) $20,000 C/CS. 18:3142(d) hold until 11/10/10.
Preliminary Hearing set for 11/10/2010 03:00 PM in Courtroom H before Magistrate Judge
Louisa S Porter. (CD# 10/29/2010 JMA:11:22-11:56). (Plaintiff Attorney Michelle Wasserman,
AUSA). (Defendant Attorney Brandon LeBlanc, FD-S/A).
3:10-mj-03543-POR-1 USA v. Kelly et al
Preliminary Hearing Courtroom H
Hanni M. Fakhoury representing Wilson Kelly (Defendant)
U S Attorney CR representing USA (Plaintiff)
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Louisa S Porter: Initial Appearance
on Complaint as to Wilson Kelly (1), Derek Freeman Scott (2), and Daniel Marcus Quintero (4)
held on 10/28/2010. Attorney Marc Xavier Carlos, N/A, appointed for Wilson Kelly (1).
Attorney Federal Defenders appointed for Derek Freeman Scott (2). Attorney Francisco J
Sanchez, Jr, N/A, appointed for Daniel Marcus Quintero (4). Oral Motion for Detention (risk of
flight) by Govt as to Wilson Kelly (1), Derek Freeman Scott (2), and Daniel Marcus Quintero
(4). Bond set as to Wilson Kelly (1) No Bail, Derek Freeman Scott (2) No Bail, and Daniel
Marcus Quintero (4) No Bail. Detention Hearing set for 11/2/2010 09:00 AM in Courtroom B
before Magistrate Judge Ruben B. Brooks as to Wilson Kelly (1), Derek Freeman Scott (2), and
Daniel Marcus Quintero (4). Preliminary Hearing set for 11/10/2010 03:00 PM in Courtroom H
before Magistrate Judge Louisa S Porter as to Wilson Kelly (1), Derek Freeman Scott (2), and
Daniel Marcus Quintero (4). (CD# 10/28/2010 POR11:05-11:16). (Plaintiff Attorney AUSA
Michelle Wasserman). (Defendant Attorney Hanni M. Fakhoury FD (1) and S/A (2) and (4)).
(mjm) Modified on 11/1/2010 to correct the atty appointed to deft #1 and #2. parties notified
telephonically; financial department notified re cja(mnb).
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Ruben B. Brooks: Detention Hearing
Continued as to Wilson Kelly, Derek Freeman Scott. Defense oral motion to continue hearing
granted.( Detention Hearing continued to 11/10/2010 03:00 PM before Magistrate Judge Louisa
S Porter.), Attorney Federal Defenders for Wilson Kelly,Marc Xavier Carlos for Derek Freeman
Scott added. Attorney Marc Xavier Carlos and Federal Defenders relieved in case as to Wilson
Kelly, Derek Freeman Scott. (CD# 11/2/2010 RBB10-1:928-941). (Plaintiff Attorney Andrew
Haeden). (Defendant Attorney Hanni Fakhoury #1, Marc Carlos #2).
3:10-mj-03543-POR-2 USA v. Kelly et al
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Preliminary Hearing Courtroom H
Marc Xavier Carlos representing Derek Freeman Scott (Defendant)
U S Attorney CR representing USA (Plaintiff)
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Louisa S Porter: Initial Appearance
on Complaint as to Wilson Kelly (1), Derek Freeman Scott (2), and Daniel Marcus Quintero (4)
held on 10/28/2010. Attorney Marc Xavier Carlos, N/A, appointed for Wilson Kelly (1).
Attorney Federal Defenders appointed for Derek Freeman Scott (2). Attorney Francisco J
Sanchez, Jr, N/A, appointed for Daniel Marcus Quintero (4). Oral Motion for Detention (risk of
flight) by Govt as to Wilson Kelly (1), Derek Freeman Scott (2), and Daniel Marcus Quintero
(4). Bond set as to Wilson Kelly (1) No Bail, Derek Freeman Scott (2) No Bail, and Daniel
Marcus Quintero (4) No Bail. Detention Hearing set for 11/2/2010 09:00 AM in Courtroom B
before Magistrate Judge Ruben B. Brooks as to Wilson Kelly (1), Derek Freeman Scott (2), and
Daniel Marcus Quintero (4). Preliminary Hearing set for 11/10/2010 03:00 PM in Courtroom H
before Magistrate Judge Louisa S Porter as to Wilson Kelly (1), Derek Freeman Scott (2), and
Daniel Marcus Quintero (4). (CD# 10/28/2010 POR11:05-11:16). (Plaintiff Attorney AUSA
Michelle Wasserman). (Defendant Attorney Hanni M. Fakhoury FD (1) and S/A (2) and (4)).
(mjm) Modified on 11/1/2010 to correct the atty appointed to deft #1 and #2. parties notified
telephonically; financial department notified re cja(mnb).
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Ruben B. Brooks: Detention Hearing
Continued as to Wilson Kelly, Derek Freeman Scott. Defense oral motion to continue hearing
granted.( Detention Hearing continued to 11/10/2010 03:00 PM before Magistrate Judge Louisa
S Porter.), Attorney Federal Defenders for Wilson Kelly,Marc Xavier Carlos for Derek Freeman
Scott added. Attorney Marc Xavier Carlos and Federal Defenders relieved in case as to Wilson
Kelly, Derek Freeman Scott. (CD# 11/2/2010 RBB10-1:928-941). (Plaintiff Attorney Andrew
Haeden). (Defendant Attorney Hanni Fakhoury #1, Marc Carlos #2).
3:10-mj-03543-POR-3 USA v. Kelly et al
Preliminary Hearing Courtroom H
Scott Pactor representing Leia Alcantar (Defendant)
U S Attorney CR representing USA (Plaintiff)
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge William V. Gallo: Initial Appearance
on Complaint as to Leia Alcantar (3) held on 11/1/2010. Provisional appointment of Attorney
Scott Pactor, N/A, continued as to Leia Alcantar (3) until filing of Financial Affidavit. Financial
Affidavit to be filed by 11/10/10. Oral Motion for Detention (risk of flight) by Govt. Bond set as
to Leia Alcantar (3) No Bail. Detention Hearing set for 11/4/2010 09:00 AM in Courtroom F
before Magistrate Judge William V. Gallo. Preliminary Hearing set for 11/10/2010 03:00 PM in
Courtroom H before Magistrate Judge Louisa S Porter. (CD# 11/1/2010 WVG10:46-11:13).
(Plaintiff Attorney AUSA Marietta Geckos). (Defendant Attorney Joseph S. Camden FD S/A for
Linda Lopez FD N/A).
3:10-mj-03543-POR-4 USA v. Kelly et al
Preliminary Hearing Courtroom H
Francisco J Sanchez, Jr representing Daniel Marcus Quintero (Defendant)
U S Attorney CR representing USA (Plaintiff)
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Louisa S Porter: Initial Appearance
on Complaint as to Wilson Kelly (1), Derek Freeman Scott (2), and Daniel Marcus Quintero (4)
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held on 10/28/2010. Attorney Marc Xavier Carlos, N/A, appointed for Wilson Kelly (1).
Attorney Federal Defenders appointed for Derek Freeman Scott (2). Attorney Francisco J
Sanchez, Jr, N/A, appointed for Daniel Marcus Quintero (4). Oral Motion for Detention (risk of
flight) by Govt as to Wilson Kelly (1), Derek Freeman Scott (2), and Daniel Marcus Quintero
(4). Bond set as to Wilson Kelly (1) No Bail, Derek Freeman Scott (2) No Bail, and Daniel
Marcus Quintero (4) No Bail. Detention Hearing set for 11/2/2010 09:00 AM in Courtroom B
before Magistrate Judge Ruben B. Brooks as to Wilson Kelly (1), Derek Freeman Scott (2), and
Daniel Marcus Quintero (4). Preliminary Hearing set for 11/10/2010 03:00 PM in Courtroom H
before Magistrate Judge Louisa S Porter as to Wilson Kelly (1), Derek Freeman Scott (2), and
Daniel Marcus Quintero (4). (CD# 10/28/2010 POR11:05-11:16). (Plaintiff Attorney AUSA
Michelle Wasserman). (Defendant Attorney Hanni M. Fakhoury FD (1) and S/A (2) and (4)).
(mjm) Modified on 11/1/2010 to correct the atty appointed to deft #1 and #2. parties notified
telephonically; financial department notified re cja(mnb).
3:10-mj-03544-POR-1 USA v. Aguirre-Aguilar
Preliminary Hearing Courtroom H
U S Attorney CR representing USA (Plaintiff)
Erica K. Zunkel representing Guillermo Aguirre-Aguilar (Defendant)
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Louisa S Porter: Initial Appearance
on Complaint as to Guillermo Aguirre-Aguilar (1) held on 10/28/2010. Attorney Federal
Defenders for Guillermo Aguirre-Aguilar (1) appointed. Oral Motion for Detention (risk of flight)
by Govt. Bond set as to Guillermo Aguirre-Aguilar (1) No Bail. Detention Hearing set for
11/2/2010 09:30 AM in Courtroom E before Magistrate Judge Cathy Ann Bencivengo.
Preliminary Hearing set for 11/10/2010 03:00 PM in Courtroom H before Magistrate Judge
Louisa S Porter. (CD# 10/28/2010 POR11:05-11:17). (Plaintiff Attorney AUSA Emily Keifer).
(Defendant Attorney Hanni M. Fakhoury FD).
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Cathy Ann Bencivengo: Detention
Hearing not held as to Guillermo Aguirre-Aguilar. Defense oral motion to continue hearing
granted; possible attorney retainment by next court date. Detention Hearing continued to
11/10/2010 03:00 PM in Courtroom H before Magistrate Judge Louisa S Porter. (CD#
11/2/2010 CAB10-9:37-9:40). (Plaintiff Attorney Carla Bressler, S/A AUSA). (Defendant
Attorney Erica Zunkel, FD).
3:10-mj-03545-POR-1 USA v. Alvarez-Anduagua
Preliminary Hearing Courtroom H
Amy Kapoor representing Jose Luis Alvarez-Anduagua (Defendant)
U S Attorney CR representing USA (Plaintiff)
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Louisa S Porter: Initial Appearance
on Complaint as to Jose Luis Alvarez-Anduagua (1) held on 10/28/2010. Attorney Federal
Defenders for Jose Luis Alvarez-Anduagua (1) appointed. Bond set as to Jose Luis Alvarez-
Anduagua (1) $20,000 CS. Preliminary Hearing set for 11/10/2010 03:00 PM in Courtroom H
before Magistrate Judge Louisa S Porter. (CD# 10/28/2010 POR11:05-11:34). (Plaintiff
Attorney AUSA Jose Castillo). (Defendant Attorney Hanni M. Fakhoury FD).
3:10-mj-03546-POR-1 USA v. Cepeda-Garcia
Preliminary Hearing Courtroom H
Ciro Hernandez representing Eutiquio Sanchez-Vargas (Material Witness), Ivan Lopez-Reyes
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(Material Witness), Jesus Adolfo Cebreros-Esparza (Material Witness)
U S Attorney CR representing USA (Plaintiff)
Antonio F Yoon representing Joel Francisco Cepeda-Garcia (Defendant)
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Louisa S Porter: Initial Appearance
on Complaint as to Joel Francisco Cepeda-Garcia (1) held on 10/28/2010. Attorney Ciro
Hernandez, N/A, appointed for Material Witnesses Eutiquio Sanchez-Vargas, Ivan Lopez-Reyes,
and Jesus Adolfo Cebreros-Esparza. Attorney Antonio F Yoon, N/A, appointed for Joel
Francisco Cepeda-Garcia (1). Bond set as to Joel Francisco Cepeda-Garcia (1) $30,000 P/S.
Preliminary Hearing set for 11/10/2010 03:00 PM in Courtroom H before Magistrate Judge
Louisa S Porter. Arraignment of Material Witness held on 10/28/2010. Material Witness bail set
at $5,000 P/S w/10 percent cash deposit as to M/W Eutiquio Sanchez-Vargas. Material Witness
bail set at $5,000 P/S w/10 percent cash deposit as to M/W Ivan Lopez-Reyes. Material
Witness bail set at $7,500 P/S w/10 percent cash deposit as to M/W Jesus Adolfo Cebreros-
Esparza. M/W must be able to legally remain in the U.S. and follow PTS supervision as to M/W
Eutiquio Sanchez-Vargas, Ivan Lopez-Reyes, and Jesus Adolfo Cebreros-Esparza. (CD#
10/28/2010 POR11:05-11:22;13:56-14:01). (Plaintiff Attorney AUSA Emily Keifer). (Defendant
Attorney Hanni M. Fakhoury FD S/A).
3:10-mj-03553-POR-1 USA v. Gomez Larios
Preliminary Hearing Courtroom H
U S Attorney CR representing USA (Plaintiff)
Erica K. Zunkel representing Armando Gomez Larios (Defendant)
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Jan M. Adler: Initial Appearance as
to Armando Gomez Larios held on 10/29/2010. Federal Defenders appointed for Armando
Gomez Larios. Bond set as to Armando Gomez Larios (1) $35,000 P/S secured by 2 FRA's.
Preliminary Hearing set for 11/10/2010 03:00 PM in Courtroom H before Magistrate Judge
Louisa S Porter. (CD# 10/29/2010 JMA:11:22-11:56). (Plaintiff Attorney Benjamin Cheeks,
AUSA). (Defendant Attorney Brandon LeBlanc, FD-S/A).
3:10-mj-03556-POR-1 USA v. Pacheco et al
Preliminary Hearing Courtroom H
Thomas G Gilmore representing Ariel Genaro Guerra-Zamudio (Material Witness), Jose
Emmanuel Espino-Navarette (Material Witness)
Amy Kapoor representing Phillip Robert Pacheco (Defendant)
U S Attorney CR representing USA (Plaintiff)
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Jan M. Adler: Initial Appearance on
Complaint as to Phillip Robert Pacheco, Angelo Dante Davis, Edward William Burns and
Arraignment of Material Witnesses held on 10/29/2010. Federal Defenders appointed for Phillip
Robert Pacheco (1). Attorney Kathryn A. Thickstun Leff (n/a) appointed for Angelo Dante Davis
(2). Attorney Michael Littman (n/a) appointed for Edward William Burns (3). Attorney Thomas G
Gilmore (n/a) appointed for material witnesses. Bond set as to Phillip Robert Pacheco (1)
$35,000 P/S and Angelo Dante Davis (2) $30,000 P/S and Edward William Burns (3) $30,000
P/S. 18 U.S.C. 3142(d) hold until 11/10/10. Material Witness Ariel Genaro Guerra-Zamudio bail
set at $15,000 P/S w/10% percent cash deposit. Material Witness Jose Emmanuel Espino-
Navarette bail set at $5,000 P/S w/10% percent cash deposit. Material Witnesses must be able
to legally remain in the U.S. and follow PTS supervision. Preliminary Hearing set for 11/10/2010
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03:00 PM in Courtroom H before Magistrate Judge Louisa S Porter. (CD# 10/29/2010 JMA-
11:22-11:56;14:19-14:27). (AUSA Michelle Wasserman). (Defendant Attorney Brandon
LeBlanc, FD-S/A).
3:10-mj-03556-POR-2 USA v. Pacheco et al
Preliminary Hearing Courtroom H
Thomas G Gilmore representing Ariel Genaro Guerra-Zamudio (Material Witness), Jose
Emmanuel Espino-Navarette (Material Witness)
Kathryn A. Thickstun Leff representing Angelo Dante Davis (Defendant)
U S Attorney CR representing USA (Plaintiff)
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Jan M. Adler: Initial Appearance on
Complaint as to Phillip Robert Pacheco, Angelo Dante Davis, Edward William Burns and
Arraignment of Material Witnesses held on 10/29/2010. Federal Defenders appointed for Phillip
Robert Pacheco (1). Attorney Kathryn A. Thickstun Leff (n/a) appointed for Angelo Dante Davis
(2). Attorney Michael Littman (n/a) appointed for Edward William Burns (3). Attorney Thomas G
Gilmore (n/a) appointed for material witnesses. Bond set as to Phillip Robert Pacheco (1)
$35,000 P/S and Angelo Dante Davis (2) $30,000 P/S and Edward William Burns (3) $30,000
P/S. 18 U.S.C. 3142(d) hold until 11/10/10. Material Witness Ariel Genaro Guerra-Zamudio bail
set at $15,000 P/S w/10% percent cash deposit. Material Witness Jose Emmanuel Espino-
Navarette bail set at $5,000 P/S w/10% percent cash deposit. Material Witnesses must be able
to legally remain in the U.S. and follow PTS supervision. Preliminary Hearing set for 11/10/2010
03:00 PM in Courtroom H before Magistrate Judge Louisa S Porter. (CD# 10/29/2010 JMA-
11:22-11:56;14:19-14:27). (AUSA Michelle Wasserman). (Defendant Attorney Brandon
LeBlanc, FD-S/A).
3:10-mj-03556-POR-3 USA v. Pacheco et al
Preliminary Hearing Courtroom H
Thomas G Gilmore representing Ariel Genaro Guerra-Zamudio (Material Witness), Jose
Emmanuel Espino-Navarette (Material Witness)
Michael Littman representing Edward William Burns (Defendant)
U S Attorney CR representing USA (Plaintiff)
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Jan M. Adler: Initial Appearance on
Complaint as to Phillip Robert Pacheco, Angelo Dante Davis, Edward William Burns and
Arraignment of Material Witnesses held on 10/29/2010. Federal Defenders appointed for Phillip
Robert Pacheco (1). Attorney Kathryn A. Thickstun Leff (n/a) appointed for Angelo Dante Davis
(2). Attorney Michael Littman (n/a) appointed for Edward William Burns (3). Attorney Thomas G
Gilmore (n/a) appointed for material witnesses. Bond set as to Phillip Robert Pacheco (1)
$35,000 P/S and Angelo Dante Davis (2) $30,000 P/S and Edward William Burns (3) $30,000
P/S. 18 U.S.C. 3142(d) hold until 11/10/10. Material Witness Ariel Genaro Guerra-Zamudio bail
set at $15,000 P/S w/10% percent cash deposit. Material Witness Jose Emmanuel Espino-
Navarette bail set at $5,000 P/S w/10% percent cash deposit. Material Witnesses must be able
to legally remain in the U.S. and follow PTS supervision. Preliminary Hearing set for 11/10/2010
03:00 PM in Courtroom H before Magistrate Judge Louisa S Porter. (CD# 10/29/2010 JMA-
11:22-11:56;14:19-14:27). (AUSA Michelle Wasserman). (Defendant Attorney Brandon
LeBlanc, FD-S/A).
3:10-mj-03558-POR-1 USA v. Quidilla
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Preliminary Hearing Courtroom H
Amy Kapoor representing Richard Abapo Quidilla (Defendant)
U S Attorney CR representing USA (Plaintiff)
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Jan M. Adler: Initial Appearance as
to Richard Abapo Quidilla held on 10/29/2010. Federal Defenders appointed for Richard Abapo
Quidilla. Bond set as to Richard Abapo Quidilla (1) $20,000 P/S. Preliminary Hearing set for
11/10/2010 03:00 PM in Courtroom H before Magistrate Judge Louisa S Porter. (CD#
10/29/2010 JMA:11:22-11:56). (Plaintiff Attorney Sara O'Connell, AUSA). (Defendant
Attorney Brandon LeBlanc, FD-S/A).
3:10-mj-03566-JMA-1 USA v. Nunez-Gomez
Preliminary Hearing Courtroom H
Joseph S. Camden representing Oswaldo Nunez-Gomez (Defendant)
U S Attorney CR representing USA (Plaintiff)
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Jan M. Adler: Initial Appearance on
Complaint as to Oswaldo Nunez-Gomez held on 10/29/2010. Federal Defenders appointed for
Oswaldo Nunez-Gomez. Bond set as to Oswaldo Nunez-Gomez (1) $25,000 C/CS. Preliminary
Hearing set for 11/10/2010 03:00 PM in Courtroom H before Magistrate Judge Louisa S Porter.
(CD# 10/29/2010 JMA-14:27-14:33). (AUSA Jose Castillo). (Defendant Attorney Brandon
LeBlanc, FD-S/A).
03:30 PM
3:10-cr-04001-DMS-1 USA v. Santana-Maximo
Change of Plea Hearing Courtroom H
Brandon M. LeBlanc representing Johnny Anthony Santana-Maximo (Defendant)
U S Attorney CR representing USA (Plaintiff)
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Louisa S Porter: Change of Plea
Continued as to Johnny Anthony Santana-Maximo (n/a). Defendant not appearing. Defense
counsel is to file a waiver of defendant's presence by 11/02/10. Defense oral motion to continue
hearing granted. Change of Plea Hearing continued to 11/10/2010 03:30 PM in Courtroom H
before Magistrate Judge Louisa S Porter. Motion Hearing set for 12/9/2010 11:00 AM in
Courtroom 10 before Judge Dana M. Sabraw. (CD# 10/28/2010 POR: 14:39-14:40). (Plaintiff
Attorney Michelle Wasserman, AUSA). (Defendant Attorney Hanni Fakhoury, FD S/A for
Brandon LeBlanc FD N/A).
3:10-cr-04062-WQH-1 USA v. Covarrubias-Guzman
Change of Plea Hearing Courtroom H
Amy F. Kimpel representing Jose Roberto Covarrubias-Guzman (Defendant)
U S Attorney CR representing USA (Plaintiff)
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Louisa S Porter: Change of Plea
Continued as to Jose Roberto Covarrubias-Guzman. Defense oral motion to continue hearing
granted. Change of Plea Hearing continued to 11/10/2010 03:30 PM in Courtroom H before
Magistrate Judge Louisa S Porter. Motion Hearing/Trial Setting set for 12/6/2010 02:00 PM in
Courtroom 04 before Judge William Q. Hayes. (CD# 10/27/2010 POR: 14:35-14:37). (Plaintiff
Attorney Michelle Wasserman, AUSA). (Defendant Attorney Amy Kimpel, FD). (jjh) Modified
to correct defense atty on 10/27/2010 (jjh).
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3:10-cr-04116-L-1 USA v. Hollman-Martinez
Change of Plea Hearing Courtroom H
Leila W Morgan representing Rafael Hollman-Martinez (Defendant)
U S Attorney CR representing USA (Plaintiff)
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Louisa S Porter: Change of Plea
Continued as to Rafael Hollman-Martinez. Defense oral motion to continue hearing granted.
Change of Plea Hearing continued to 11/10/2010 03:30 PM in Courtroom H before Magistrate
Judge Louisa S Porter. (CD# 10/27/2010 POR:14:35-14:38). (Plaintiff Attorney Michelle
Wasserman, AUSA). (Defendant Attorney Amy Kimpel, FD-S/A).
3:10-cr-04118-H-1 USA v. Vega-Verdugo
Change of Plea Hearing Courtroom H
John C Ellis, Jr representing Abraham Vega-Verdugo (Defendant)
U S Attorney CR representing USA (Plaintiff)
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Louisa S Porter: Change of Plea
Continued as to Abraham Vega-Verdugo. Defense oral motion to continue hearing granted.
Change of Plea Hearing continued to 11/10/2010 03:30 PM in Courtroom H before Magistrate
Judge Louisa S Porter. (CD# 10/27/2010 POR: 14:35-14:38). (Plaintiff Attorney Michelle
Wasserman, AUSA). (Defendant Attorney Amy Kimpel, FD-S/A).
3:10-cr-04126-H-1 USA v. Corona-Torres
Change of Plea Hearing Courtroom H
James C Alvord representing Roberto Carlos Cordillo-Hernandez (Material Witness)
Martin G Molina representing Ezequiel Corona-Torres (Defendant)
U S Attorney CR representing USA (Plaintiff)
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Louisa S Porter: Change of Plea
Continued as to Ezequiel Corona-Torres. Defense oral motion to continue hearing granted.
Change of Plea Hearing continued to 11/10/2010 03:30 PM in Courtroom H before Magistrate
Judge Louisa S Porter. (CD# 10/28/2010 POR: 10:13-10:16). (Plaintiff Attorney Michelle
Wasserman, AUSA). (Defendant Attorney Martin Molina).
04:00 PM
3:06-cv-02671-BTM -WMC Antoninetti et al v. Chipotle Mexican Grill, Inc. et al
(Nature of Suit 443 - Civil Rights: Accommodations)
Status Conference
DOES 1-10 (Defendant)
Charles C Cavanagh representing Chipotle Mexican Grill, Inc. (Defendant)
Kent Roger Christensen representing Chipotle Mexican Grill, Inc. (Defendant)
Melinda Evans representing Chipotle Mexican Grill, Inc. (Defendant)
Matthew R. Groves representing Chipotle Mexican Grill, Inc. (Defendant)
Edward J. Hafer representing Chipotle Mexican Grill, Inc. (Defendant)
David R Sugden representing Chipotle Mexican Grill, Inc. (Defendant)
Amy B. Vandeveld representing James Perkins (Plaintiff), Jean Riker (Plaintiff), Karen Friedman
(Plaintiff), Maurizio Antoninetti (Plaintiff), Michael Rifkin (Plaintiff)
ORDER Scheduling Telephonic Status Conference. A telephonic status regarding discovery will
be held on November 10, 2010, at 4:00 p.m. Counsel for Defendant is instructed to initiate the
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joint call to the Court at 619-557-6624. Signed by Magistrate Judge William McCurine, Jr on
11/3/10.(jer) (jrl).
3:10-cr-03749-BEN-1 USA v. Kaigler et al
Bond Hearing Courtroom H
Roseline Dergregorian Feral representing Buford Kaigler (Defendant)
Paul L Starita representing USA (Plaintiff)
3:10-cr-04091-W-1 USA v. Gonzalez-Mojica
Change of Plea Hearing Courtroom A
U S Attorney CR representing USA (Plaintiff)
Gerard Jeffrey Wasson representing Febronio Gonzalez-Mojica (Defendant)
NOTICE OF HEARING as to Defendant Febronio Gonzalez-Mojica. On Court's Own Motion,
the Change of Plea Hearing is reset to 11/10/10 @ 04:00 PM in Courtroom A before Magistrate
Judge Anthony J. Battaglia.
3:10-cr-04151-L-1 USA v. Perez De Morenberg
Change of Plea Hearing Courtroom A
Joseph S. Camden representing Claudia Perez De Morenberg (Defendant)
U S Attorney CR representing USA (Plaintiff)
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Anthony J. Battaglia: Arraignment as
to Claudia Perez De Morenberg (1) Count 1 held on 10/18/2010, Not Guilty plea entered.
Change of Plea Hearing set for 11/10/2010 04:00 PM in Courtroom A before Magistrate Judge
Anthony J. Battaglia. (CD# 10/18/2010 AJB-1: 1609-1623). (Plaintiff Attorney Sarah Boot).
(Defendant Attorney Joseph S. Camden, FD).
3:10-cr-04154-LAB-1 USA v. Zavala-Villasenor
Change of Plea Hearing Courtroom A
Gregory D Obenauer representing Alejandro Zavala-Villasenor (Defendant)
U S Attorney CR representing USA (Plaintiff)
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Anthony J. Battaglia: Arraignment as
to Alejandro Zavala-Villasenor (1) Count 1 held on 10/18/2010, Not Guilty plea entered.
Change of Plea Hearing set for 11/10/2010 04:00 PM in Courtroom A before Magistrate Judge
Anthony J. Battaglia. Motion Hearing/Trial Setting set for 11/29/2010 02:00 PM in Courtroom
09 before Judge Larry Alan Burns. (CD# 10/18/2010 AJB-1: 1609-1626). (Plaintiff Attorney
Sarah Boot). (Defendant Attorney Gregory D. Obenauer).
3:10-cr-04173-LAB-1 USA v. Martinez
Change of Plea Hearing Courtroom A
Gary Paul Burcham representing Sandra Martinez (Defendant)
U S Attorney CR representing USA (Plaintiff)
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Anthony J. Battaglia: Arraignment as
to Sandra Martinez (1) Count 1 held on 10/19/2010. Not Guilty plea entered. Change of Plea
Hearing set for 11/10/2010 04:00 PM in Courtroom A before Magistrate Judge Anthony J.
Battaglia. Motion Hearing/Trial Setting set for 11/29/2010 02:00 PM in Courtroom 09 before
Judge Larry Alan Burns. (CD# 10/19/2010 AJB10-13:48-14:00). (AUSA Helen Hong).
(Defense Attorney Gary Burcham).
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3:10-cr-04178-LAB-1 USA v. Ontiveros-Valencia
Change of Plea Hearing Courtroom A
Grant L. Eddy representing Mateo Ontiveros-Valencia (Defendant)
U S Attorney CR representing USA (Plaintiff)
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Anthony J. Battaglia: Arraignment as
to Mateo Ontiveros-Valencia (1) Count 1 held on 10/19/2010. Not Guilty plea entered. Change
of Plea Hearing set for 11/10/2010 04:00 PM in Courtroom A before Magistrate Judge Anthony
J. Battaglia. Motion Hearing/Trial Setting set for 11/29/2010 02:00 PM in Courtroom 09 before
Judge Larry Alan Burns. (CD# 10/19/2010 AJB10-13:48-14:05). (AUSA Helen Hong).
(Defense Attorney Grant L Eddy).
3:10-cr-04179-WQH-1 USA v. Perez-Morales
Change of Plea Hearing Courtroom A
Frank Torres Morell representing Jose Ramon Perez-Morales (Defendant)
U S Attorney CR representing USA (Plaintiff)
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Anthony J. Battaglia: Arraignment as
to Jose Ramon Perez-Morales (1) Count 1 held on 10/19/2010. Not Guilty plea entered. Change
of Plea Hearing set for 11/10/2010 04:00 PM in Courtroom A before Magistrate Judge Anthony
J. Battaglia. (CD# 10/19/2010 AJB10-13:48-14:05). (AUSA Helen Hong). (Defense Attorney
Frank T Morell).
3:10-cr-04180-JM-1 USA v. Peneda-Contreras
Change of Plea Hearing Courtroom A
Sarah M. Gorman representing Omar Peneda-Contreras (Defendant)
U S Attorney CR representing USA (Plaintiff)
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Anthony J. Battaglia: Arraignment as
to Omar Peneda-Contreras (1) Count 1 held on 10/19/2010. Not Guilty plea entered. Change of
Plea Hearing set for 11/10/2010 04:00 PM in Courtroom A before Magistrate Judge Anthony J.
Battaglia. (CD# 10/19/2010 AJB10-13:48-14:06). (AUSA Helen Hong). (Defense Attorney FD
Sarah M Gorman).
3:10-cr-04181-L-1 USA v. Gonzalez-Garcia
Change of Plea Hearing Courtroom A
Hanni M. Fakhoury representing Juan Gonzalez-Garcia (Defendant)
U S Attorney CR representing USA (Plaintiff)
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Anthony J. Battaglia: Arraignment as
to Juan Gonzalez-Garcia (1) Count 1,2 held on 10/19/2010. Not Guilty plea entered. Change of
Plea Hearing set for 11/10/2010 04:00 PM in Courtroom A before Magistrate Judge Anthony J.
Battaglia. (CD# 10/19/2010 AJB10-13:48-14:07). (AUSA Helen Hong). (Defense Attorney FD
Hanni Fakhoury).
3:10-cr-04183-L-1 USA v. Gutierrez-Zamora
Change of Plea Hearing Courtroom A
Joseph S. Camden representing Cleto Gutierrez-Zamora (Defendant)
U S Attorney CR representing USA (Plaintiff)
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Anthony J. Battaglia: Arraignment as
to Cleto Gutierrez-Zamora (1) Count 1 held on 10/19/2010, Not Guilty plea entered. Change of
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Plea Hearing set for 11/10/2010 04:00 PM in Courtroom A before Magistrate Judge Anthony J.
Battaglia. (CD# 10/19/2010 AJB-1:1348-1408). (Plaintiff Attorney Helen Hong). (Defendant
Attorney Joseph S. Camden, FD).
3:10-cr-04213-WQH-1 USA v. Buck III
Change of Plea Hearing Courtroom A
Barbara M Donovan representing Ernest Mauro Buck III (Defendant)
U S Attorney CR representing USA (Plaintiff)
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Anthony J. Battaglia: Arraignment as
to Ernest Mauro Buck III (1) Count 1,2,3 held on 10/21/2010, Not Guilty plea entered. Change
of Plea Hearing set for 11/10/2010 04:00 PM in Courtroom A before Magistrate Judge Anthony
J. Battaglia. (CD# 10/21/2010 AJJB-1: 1403-1409). (Plaintiff Attorney Tara McGrath).
(Defendant Attorney Barbara M. Donovan).
3:10-cr-04216-IEG-1 USA v. Munoz
Change of Plea Hearing Courtroom A
Kenneth Robert McMullan representing Manuel Munoz (Defendant)
U S Attorney CR representing USA (Plaintiff)
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Anthony J. Battaglia: Arraignment as
to Manuel Munoz (1) Count 1 held on 10/21/2010 Not Guilty plea entered. Change of Plea
Hearing set for 11/10/2010 04:00 PM in Courtroom A before Magistrate Judge Anthony J.
Battaglia. Motion Hearing/Trial Setting set for 11/29/2010 02:00 PM in Courtroom 01 before
Judge Irma E. Gonzalez. (CD# 10/21/2010 AJB-1: 1341-1353). (Plaintiff Attorney Tara
McGrath). (Defendant Attorney Kenneth Robert McMullan).
3:10-cr-04242-WQH-1 USA v. Acuna
Change of Plea Hearing Courtroom A
Linda Lopez representing Regina Marie Acuna (Defendant)
U S Attorney CR representing USA (Plaintiff)
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Anthony J. Battaglia: Arraignment as
to Regina Marie Acuna (1) Count 1 held on 10/21/2010 Not Guilty plea entered. Change of Plea
Hearing set for 11/10/2010 04:00 PM in Courtroom A before Magistrate Judge Anthony J.
Battaglia. (CD# 10/21/2010 AJBJ-1: 1403-1410). (Plaintiff Attorney Tara McGrath).
(Defendant Attorney Linda Lopez, FD).
3:10-cr-04284-LAB-1 USA v. Medina-Alcaraz
Change of Plea Hearing Courtroom A
Hanni M. Fakhoury representing Jose Medina-Alcaraz (Defendant)
U S Attorney CR representing USA (Plaintiff)
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Anthony J. Battaglia: Infomation and
Waiver filed. Arraignment on Information as to Jose Medina-Alcaraz (1) Count 1 held on
10/26/2010. Not Guilty plea entered. Change of Plea Hearing set for 11/10/2010 04:00 PM in
Courtroom A before Magistrate Judge Anthony J. Battaglia. Motion Hearing/Trial Setting set for
12/6/2010 02:00 PM in Courtroom 09 before Judge Larry Alan Burns. (CD# 10/26/2010
AJB10-13:49-13:53). (Attorney Chritopher Alexander, AUSA). (Defendant Attorney Hanni
Fakhoury, FD).
3:10-cr-04285-IEG-1 USA v. Estrada-Bustamante
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Change of Plea Hearing Courtroom A
Mary A Franklin representing Omar Estrada-Bustamante (Defendant)
U S Attorney CR representing USA (Plaintiff)
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Anthony J. Battaglia: Information and
Waiver filed. Arraignment on Information as to Omar Estrada-Bustamante (1) Count 1 held on
10/26/2010. Not Guilty plea entered. Change of Plea Hearing set for 11/10/2010 04:00 PM in
Courtroom A before Magistrate Judge Anthony J. Battaglia. Motion Hearing/Trial Setting set for
11/29/2010 02:00 PM in Courtroom A before Judge Irma E. Gonzalez. (CD# 10/26/2010
AJB10-13:49-13:54). (Attorney Christopher Alexander, AUSA). (Defendant Attorney Mary A
Franklin, CJA).
10:45 PM
3:10-cr-01801-BTM-1 USA v. Chavez
Sentence w/ PSR Courtroom 15
Joseph S. Camden representing Francisco Chavez (Defendant)
Robert S Huie representing USA (Plaintiff)
Jason Ser representing Francisco Chavez (Defendant)
NOTICE OF HEARING as to Defendant Francisco Chavez. Due to a conflict in the Court's
calendar the Sentence With PSR is rescheduled to 11/10/2010 10:45 PM in Courtroom 15
before Judge Barry Ted Moskowitz.
08:30 AM
3:09-cv-01553-L -WVG Dish Network L.L.C. et al v. Sonicview USA, Inc. et al
(Nature of Suit 490 - Cable/Satellite TV)
Case Management Conference
Alan Phu (Defendant), DOES (Defendant), Danial Pierce (Defendant)
Joseph H. Boyle representing Dish Network L.L.C. (Plaintiff), Echostar Technologies L.L.C.
(Plaintiff), Nagrastar L.L.C. (Plaintiff)
David Robert Clark representing Courtney Bernard (Defendant), DontPay4TV, LLC
(Defendant), Duane Bernard (Defendant), Roberto Sanz (Defendant), Sonicview USA, Inc.
(Defendant), Sonicviewra LLC (Defendant), Sonicviewsa LLC (Defendant)
Clayton D. Craighead representing Dish Network L.L.C. (Plaintiff), Echostar Technologies
L.L.C. (Plaintiff), Nagrastar L.L.C. (Plaintiff)
Stephen M. Ferguson representing Dish Network L.L.C. (Plaintiff), Echostar Technologies
L.L.C. (Plaintiff), Nagrastar L.L.C. (Plaintiff)
Chad M. Hagan representing Dish Network L.L.C. (Plaintiff), Echostar Technologies L.L.C.
(Plaintiff), Nagrastar L.L.C. (Plaintiff)
Michael Joseph Holmes representing Dish Network L.L.C. (Plaintiff), Echostar Technologies
L.L.C. (Plaintiff), Nagrastar L.L.C. (Plaintiff)
David M. Noll representing Dish Network L.L.C. (Plaintiff), Echostar Technologies L.L.C.
(Plaintiff), Nagrastar L.L.C. (Plaintiff)
ORDER Following Early Neutral Evaluation Conference, Setting Rule 26 Compliance and Notice
of Case Management Conference: On 9/14/2010 the Court convened an Early Neutral
Evaluation Conference. Settlement could not be reached. A Case Management Conference is set
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for 11/12/2010 08:30 AM before Magistrate Judge William V. Gallo. Signed by Magistrate
Judge William V. Gallo on 7/14/2010.(mjj) (jrl).
09:00 AM
3:06-cr-00287-BTM-1 USA v. Yanez DEFENDANT TERMINATED on 10/20/2006
Preliminary Revocation Hearing
Martha McNab Hall representing Annette Yanez (Defendant [T])
Timothy F Salel representing United States of America (Plaintiff)
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Barbara Lynn Major: Preliminary
Revocation Hearing Continued as to Annette Yanez. Defense oral motion to continue hearing
granted. Preliminary Revocation Hearing continued to 11/12/2010 09:00 AM before Magistrate
Judge Barbara Lynn Major. (CD# 10/28/2010 BLM10-9:38-9:52). (Plaintiff Attorney Zachary
James AUSA S/A). (Defendant Attorney Martha Hall CJA).
3:07-cv-01872-JAH -AJB Oakes v. Grivalva et al
(Nature of Suit 550 - Prisoner: Civil Rights)
Case Management Conference
Cercado (Defendant [T]), Duane Lee Oakes (Plaintiff)
Attorney General representing Abott Stewart (Defendant), C Cook (Defendant), California
Department of Corrections (Defendant [T]), Carreno (Defendant), Centinela Medical Staff
(Defendant [T]), Collinsworth (Defendant), G J Giurbino (Defendant), Grivalva (Defendant),
Peterson (Defendant), Thornton (Defendant)
Judith Clark Martin representing Collinsworth (Defendant)
Edgar R Nield representing C Cook (Defendant), Carreno (Defendant), G J Giurbino
(Defendant), Grivalva (Defendant), Peterson (Defendant), Thornton (Defendant)
MINUTE ORDER BY JUDGE BATTAGLIA, Due to the pending Motion to Dismiss, the
September 29, 2010 telephonic Case Management Conference is hereby continued to November
12, 2010 at 9:00 AM before Magistrate Judge Anthony J. Battaglia.Counse for defendant will
make arrangements for the conference call and make arrangements for plaintiff to appear by
3:08-cr-01296-JLS-1 USA v. Aldeco-Rangel DEFENDANT TERMINATED on 05/16/2008
Revocation Superv Rls Courtroom 06
Sarah M. Gorman representing Antonio Aldeco-Rangel (Defendant [T])
U S Attorney CR representing USA (Plaintiff)
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge Janis L. Sammartino: Revocation of Supervised
Release as to Antonio Aldeco-Rangel held on 10/29/2010. Defense oral motion to continue-
Granted. ( Revocation of Supervised Release set for 11/12/2010 09:00 AM in Courtroom 06
before Judge Janis L. Sammartino.) (CRD B.Borja) (Court Reporter Gayle Wakefield).(AUSA
Steve Stone). (Defense Attorney FD Sarah M Gorman).
3:09-cr-01802-GT-1 USA v. Hernandez-Garcia DEFENDANT TERMINATED on
Appeal Mandate Hearing Courtroom 08
John R Fielding, Jr representing Serafin Hernandez-Garcia (Defendant [T])
Victor Pablo White representing USA (Plaintiff)
NOTICE OF SPREADING THE MANDATE as to Defendant Serafin Hernandez-Garcia.
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Appeal Mandate Hearing set for 11/12/2010 09:00 AM in Courtroom 08 before Judge Gordon
Thompson Jr.. NOTE: AUSA please have defendant writ over for this hearing.
3:09-cr-01921-H-1 USA v. Espinoza-Lozano
Sentence w/ PSR Courtroom 13
Ricardo M Gonzalez representing Manuel Espinoza-Lozano (Defendant)
Rees Ferriter Morgan representing USA (Plaintiff)
NOTICE OF HEARING as to Defendant Manuel Espinoza-Lozano (custody). A joint motion to
continue has been filed. Date of 8/23/10 9:00 am is vacated, and Sentence With PSR set for
11/12/2010 09:00 AM in Courtroom 13 before Judge Marilyn L. Huff.
3:09-cr-03528-H-4 USA v. Ivankovich et al
Sentence w/ PSR Courtroom 13
Jaime Parks representing USA (Plaintiff)
David M.C. Peterson representing Ricardo Salazar-Ramirez (Defendant)
3:09-cr-03528-H-1 USA v. Ivankovich et al
Sentence w/ PSR Courtroom 13
Jaime Parks representing USA (Plaintiff)
Paul D Turner representing Rodrigo Alberto Ivankovich (Defendant)
3:09-cv-02689-LAB -WMC Willard v. Astrue
(Nature of Suit 863 - Social Security: DIWC/DIWW)
Motion Hearing Courtroom C
Elizabeth M. Firer representing Michael J Astrue (Defendant)
Thomas Garrett Roche representing Donna J Willard (Plaintiff)
Thomas C Stahl representing Michael J Astrue (Defendant)
MOTION for Summary Judgment by Donna J Willard. (Attachments: # (1) Memo of Points and
Authorities)(Roche, Thomas) (kaj).
3:09-cv-02909-DMS -WVG Taylor et al v. Waddell & Reed Inc et al
(Nature of Suit 710 - Labor: Fair Standards)
Early Neutral Evaluation Courtroom F
Raymond Bertrand representing Waddell & Reed Development, Inc (Defendant [T]), Waddell &
Reed Financial, Inc (Defendant [T]), Waddell & Reed Inc (Defendant)
Orrin Lea Harrison, III representing Waddell & Reed Development, Inc (Defendant [T]),
Waddell & Reed Financial, Inc (Defendant [T]), Waddell & Reed Inc (Defendant)
Graham Stephen Paul Hollis representing Kenneth B Young (Plaintiff), Michael E Taylor (Plaintiff)
Gregory W Knopp representing Does (Defendant), Waddell & Reed Development, Inc
(Defendant [T]), Waddell & Reed Financial Advisors (Defendant [T]), Waddell & Reed
Financial Services, Inc (Defendant [T]), Waddell & Reed Financial, Inc (Defendant [T]), Waddell
& Reed Inc (Defendant), Waddell & Reed Investment Management Company (Defendant [T])
James T. McIntyre, Jr representing Financial Services Institute, Inc. (Amicus)
Roger L. McNitt representing Financial Services Institute, Inc. (Amicus)
Diane Elizabeth Richard representing Kenneth B Young (Plaintiff), Michael E Taylor (Plaintiff)
Thomas D Rutledge representing Kenneth B Young (Plaintiff), Michael E Taylor (Plaintiff)
Amended NOTICE AND ORDER for Early Neutral Evaluation Conference: An Early Neutral
Evaluation is set for 11/12/2010 at 09:00 AM in Courtroom F before Magistrate Judge William
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V. Gallo. Confidential ENE statements to be filed no later than 5 days prior to the ENE. Signed
by Magistrate Judge William V. Gallo on 8/27/10.(All non-registered users served via U.S. Mail
3:10-cr-01429-JLS-1 USA v. Moreno-Viniegra
Sentence w/ PSR Courtroom 06
John C Ellis, Jr representing Eduardo Moreno-Viniegra (Defendant)
Victor Pablo White representing USA (Plaintiff)
3:10-cr-01472-IEG-2 USA v. Torres et al
Status Hearing Courtroom 01
Sean Coyle representing USA (Plaintiff)
Reza Keramati representing Juan Villafana-Ramirez (Material Witness), Mauricio Cadena-
Morales (Material Witness)
Trenton C Packer representing Gregorio Hernandez-Duarte (Defendant)
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge Irma E. Gonzalez: Status Hearing re Jury Trial as
to Gregorio Hernandez-Duarte held on 11/5/2010, Court sets Status Hearing/Change of Plea set
for 11/12/2010 09:00 AM in Courtroom 01 before Judge Irma E. Gonzalez. In Limine Motion
Hearing set 11/15/10 and Jury Trial set 11/16/2010 is vacated. (Court Reporter E. Cesena).
(Attorney Sean Coyle, AUSA). (Defendant Attorney Trenton Packer, FD).
3:10-cr-02130-JLS-1 USA v. Aldeco-Rangel
Sentence w/ PSR Courtroom 06
Sarah M. Gorman representing Antonio Aldeco-Rangel (Defendant)
Helen H. Hong representing USA (Plaintiff)
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge Janis L. Sammartino: Sentence With PSR
Hearing as to Antonio Aldeco-Rangel not held on 10/29/2010. Defense oral motion to continue-
Granted. ( Sentence With PSR set for 11/12/2010 09:00 AM in Courtroom 06 before Judge
Janis L. Sammartino.) (CRD B.Borja) (CRD B.Borja)(Court Reporter Gayle Wakefield).(AUSA
Steve Stone S/A for Helen Hong). (Defense Attorney FD Sarah M Gorman).
3:10-cr-02456-JLS-1 USA v. Rangel-Ramirez
Sentence w/ PSR Courtroom 06
Helen H. Hong representing USA (Plaintiff)
Nancee S Schwartz representing Roman Rangel-Ramirez (Defendant)
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge William McCurine, Jr: Change of Plea
Hearing as to Roman Rangel-Ramirez held on 9/2/2010. Consent, Findings and Plea Agreement
filed. Plea Tendered by Roman Rangel-Ramirez Guilty on counts one of the Information. PSR
Ordered. ( Sentence With PSR set for 11/12/2010 09:00 AM in Courtroom 06 before Judge
Janis L. Sammartino.) (CD# 9/2/2010 WMC 10:00-10:48). (Plaintiff Attorney Zack James,
AUSA). (Defendant Attorney Nancee Schwartz, RET).
3:10-cr-02517-IEG-1 USA v. Paredes-Gonzalez
Sentence w/ CR History Rpt Courtroom 01
George Vincent Manahan representing USA (Plaintiff)
Sara Marie Peloquin representing Felipe Paredes-Gonzalez (Defendant)
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge Irma E. Gonzalez: Sentence With CR History
Report Hearing as to Felipe Paredes-Gonzalez on 11/5/2010. Upon defense counsel's request
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Sentence With CR History Report is continued to 11/12/2010 09:00 AM in Courtroom 01
before Judge Irma E. Gonzalez. (Court Reporter E. Cesena).(Attorney S/A Helen Hong for G.
Manahan, AUSA). (Defendant Attorney Sara M. Peloquin, FD).
3:10-cr-02563-MMA-1 USA v. Cuevas-Bautista
Change of Plea Hearing
Jaime Parks representing USA (Plaintiff)
Kevin R. Riva representing Francisco Javier Cuevas-Bautista (Defendant)
NOTICE OF HEARING as to Defendant Francisco Javier Cuevas-Bautista. As requested by
government counsel, a Change of Plea Hearing has been set for 11/12/2010 09:00 AM before
Magistrate Judge Barbara Lynn Major.
3:10-cr-02860-JLS-1 USA v. Torres-Cruz
Sentence w/ PSR Courtroom 06
Hanni M. Fakhoury representing Bernardo Torres-Cruz (Defendant)
David A. Fox representing USA (Plaintiff)
Thomas B Snyder representing USA (Plaintiff)
ORDER: (1) Vacating Sentencing without Presentence Report; (2) Directing preparation of a
presentence report; and (3) Setting Sentencing with Presentence Report as to Bernardo Torres-
Cruz: The sentence without PSR hearing set for 9/1/10 is vacated. The Probation Department is
directed to prepare a presentence report. A Sentence With PSR hearing is set for 11/12/2010 at
09:00 AM in Courtroom 06 before Judge Janis L. Sammartino. Signed by Judge Janis L.
Sammartino on 8/26/10. (lmt)(mam).
3:10-cr-02900-JLS-1 USA v. Flores-Vicuna
Sentence w/ PSR Courtroom 06
Helen H. Hong representing USA (Plaintiff)
John David Kirby representing Carlos Flores-Vicuna (Defendant)
U S Attorney CR representing USA (Plaintiff)
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge Janis L. Sammartino: Sentence With PSR
Hearing as to Carlos Flores-Vicuna not held on 10/29/2010. Defense oral motion to continue-
Granted. ( Sentence With PSR set for 11/12/2010 09:00 AM in Courtroom 06 before Judge
Janis L. Sammartino.) (CRD B.Borja)(Court Reporter Gayle Wakefield).( AUSA Steve Stone
S/A for Helen Hong). (Defense Attorney John Kirby).
3:10-cr-02956-JLS-1 USA v. Moore
Sentence w/ PSR Courtroom 06
Antonio Estrada-Lagunaz (Material Witness)
David D Leshner representing USA (Plaintiff)
Gregory D Obenauer representing William Moore (Defendant)
3:10-cr-03104-GT-1 USA v. Smith-Ulibarri
Sentence w/ PSR Courtroom 08
Anne Kristina Perry representing USA (Plaintiff)
Kay L Sunday representing Guillermo Arturo Smith-Ulibarri (Defendant)
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge Gordon Thompson, Jr: Change of Plea Hearing
as to Guillermo Arturo Smith-Ulibarri held on 8/26/2010. Plea entered by Guillermo Arturo
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Smith-Ulibarri (1) Guilty Count 1. PSR Ordered; Sentence With PSR set for 11/12/2010 09:00
AM in Courtroom 08 before Judge Gordon Thompson Jr.. (Court Reporter Eva Oemick).
(Plaintiff Attorney AUSA Jonathan Shapiro). (Defendant Attorney Kay Sunday CJA).
3:10-cr-03260-JLS-1 USA v. Lopez-Swategui
Sentence w/ PSR
Christopher K Monelt representing Francisco Eden Perez-Padilla (Material Witness)
Nancy Bryn Rosenfeld representing Martin Lopez-Swategui (Defendant)
AnnaLou T Tirol representing USA (Plaintiff)
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Barbara Lynn Major: Change of Plea
Hearing as to Martin Lopez-Swategui held on 9/2/2010. Plea Tendered by Martin Lopez-
Swategui Guilty on count one(1) of the Information. Excludable(s) started as to Martin Lopez-
Swategui: XT Interest of Justice 9/2/2010-11/12/2010. PSR Ordered. Sentence With PSR set
for 11/12/2010 09:00 AM before Judge Janis L. Sammartino. (CD# 9/2/2010 BLM:935-1017).
(Plaintiff Attorney Carla Bressler, AUSA). (Defendant Attorney Nancy Bryn Rosenfeld, cja).
3:10-cr-03297-JLS-1 USA v. Jimenez-Amezcua
Sentence w/ PSR Courtroom 06
Ciro Hernandez representing Eduardo Carrillo-Reveles (Material Witness)
David D Leshner representing USA (Plaintiff)
Paul D Turner representing Eduardo Jimenez-Amezcua (Defendant)
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge William McCurine, Jr: Change of Plea
Hearing as to Eduardo Jimenez-Amezcua held on 8/31/2010. Consent, Findings and Plea
Agreement filed. Plea Tendered by Eduardo Jimenez-Amezcua Guilty on counts one of the
Information. PSR Ordered. Sentence With PSR set for 11/12/2010 09:00 AM in Courtroom 06
before Judge Janis L. Sammartino. (CD# 8/31/2010 WMC 9:13-9:35). (Plaintiff Attorney Zack
James, AUSA). (Defendant Attorney Paul Turner).
3:10-cr-03859-IEG-1 USA v. Bravo-Velasquez
Sentence w/o PSR Courtroom 01
Karen C. Lehmann representing Hilario Bravo-Velasquez (Defendant)
George Vincent Manahan representing USA (Plaintiff)
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge Irma E. Gonzalez: Defendant not appearing in the
hospital. Sentence Without PSR Hearing as to Hilario Bravo-Velasquez on 11/8/2010. Court
continues Sentence Without PSR to 11/12/2010 09:00 AM in Courtroom 01 before Judge Irma
E. Gonzalez. (Court Reporter Frank Rangus).(Attorney George V. Manahan, AUSA).
(Defendant Attorney Karen C. Lehmann, FD).
3:10-cr-04127-IEG-1 USA v. Orozco-Ibarra
Sentence w/o PSR Courtroom 01
Christopher Michael Alexander representing USA (Plaintiff)
Debra Ann DiIorio representing Virginia Orozco-Ibarra (Defendant)
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Peter C. Lewis: Change of Plea
Hearing as to Virginia Orozco-Ibarra held on 10/29/2010. Plea Tendered by Virginia Orozco-
Ibarra Guilty on count 1 of the information. Excludable(s) started as to Virginia Orozco-Ibarra:
10/29/10 - 11/12/10. PSR Waived. MH/TS set for 11/8/10 vacated. Sentence Without PSR set
for 11/12/2010 09:00 AM in Courtroom 01 before Judge Irma E. Gonzalez. (CD# 10/29/2010
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PCL 1: 11:01 - 11:27). (Plaintiff Attorney John Weis). (Defendant Attorney Debra A. DiIorio).
3:10-cr-04307-WQH-1 USA v. Traver
Change of Plea Hearing Courtroom A
Joshua J. Jones representing Richard Dean Traver (Defendant)
Al Smithson representing Gregorio Gomez-Yanez (Material Witness)
U S Attorney CR representing USA (Plaintiff)
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Barbara Lynn Major: Arraignment as
to Richard Dean Traver (1) Count 1 held on 10/28/2010. Information and Waiver filed. Not
Guilty plea entered. Bond Hearing as to Richard Dean Traver held on 10/28/2010. Bond is set at
$50,000 P/S secured by 2 FRA's, one of which must be related; Defendant must reside at the
CRASH facility and to comply with all of its rules and regulations; If defendant has ability to pay
for CRASH, he must do so. ( Change of Plea Hearing set for 11/12/2010 09:00 AM in
Courtroom A before Magistrate Judge Barbara Lynn Major. Motion Hearing/Trial Setting set for
12/6/2010 02:00 PM in Courtroom 04 before Judge William Q. Hayes.) (CD# 10/28/2010
BLM 10:13-10:28). (Plaintiff Attorney Zachary James, AUSA - S/A). (Defendant Attorney
Kristin Joseph Kraus, FD-S/A; Al Smithson - MW Atty, CJA).
3:10-cr-04410-MMA-1 USA v. Contreras-Aguirre
Change of Plea Hearing Courtroom A
Karen M Stevens representing Jose Fernandez Contreras-Aguirre (Defendant)
U S Attorney CR representing USA (Plaintiff)
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Barbara Lynn Major: Arraignment as
to Jose Fernandez Contreras-Aguirre (1) Count 1 of the Information held on 11/4/2010; Not
Guilty plea entered; Change of Plea Hearing set for 11/12/2010 09:00 AM in Courtroom A
before Magistrate Judge Barbara Lynn Major. (CD# 11/4/2010 BLM10-9:10-9:30). (Plaintiff
Attorney Christopher Alexander). (Defendant Attorney Karen M. Stevens).
3:10-cr-04414-MMA-1 USA v. Ortiz-Lopez
Change of Plea Hearing Courtroom A
Holly A Sullivan representing Gregorio Ortiz-Lopez (Defendant)
U S Attorney CR representing USA (Plaintiff)
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Barbara Lynn Major: Arraignment on
Information as to Gregorio Ortiz-Lopez (1) Count 1 held on 11/4/2010. Not Guilty plea entered.
Change of Plea Hearing set for 11/12/2010 09:00 AM in Courtroom A before Magistrate Judge
Barbara Lynn Major. (CD# 11/4/2010 BLM10-9:38-9:56). (Plaintiff Attorney Christopher
Alexander, S/A AUSA). (Defendant Attorney Robert Rexrode, S/A for Holly Sullivan, CJA
3:10-cr-04415-JLS-1 USA v. Flores
Change of Plea Hearing Courtroom A
Bridget Kennedy representing Fernando Flores (Defendant)
U S Attorney CR representing USA (Plaintiff)
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Barbara Lynn Major: Arraignment as
to Fernando Flores (1) Count 1 held on 11/4/2010 Not Guilty plea entered Change of Plea
Hearing set for 11/12/2010 09:00 AM in Courtroom A before Magistrate Judge Barbara Lynn
Major. (CD# 11/4/2010 BLM10-9:38-9:56). (Plaintiff Attorney Christopher Alexander, S/A
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AUSA). (Defendant Attorney Bridget Kennedy, FD).
3:10-cr-04420-LAB-1 USA v. Monteon-Castellanos
Change of Plea Hearing Courtroom A
Joshua J. Jones representing Roberto Monteon-Castellanos (Defendant)
U S Attorney CR representing USA (Plaintiff)
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Barbara Lynn Major: Arraignment on
Information as to Roberto Monteon-Castellanos (1) Count 1 held on 11/4/2010. Not Guilty plea
entered. Change of Plea Hearing set for 11/12/2010 09:00 AM in Courtroom A before
Magistrate Judge Barbara Lynn Major. Motion Hearing/Trial Setting set for 12/13/2010 02:00
PM in Courtroom 09 before Judge Larry Alan Burns. (CD# 11/4/2010 BLM10-9:38-9:56).
(Plaintiff Attorney Christopher Alexander, S/A AUSA). (Defendant Attorney Joshua Jones, FD).
3:10-cr-04421-MMA-1 USA v. Vargas-Vasquez
Change of Plea Hearing Courtroom A
Joshua J. Jones representing Leonel Vargas-Vasquez (Defendant)
U S Attorney CR representing USA (Plaintiff)
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Barbara Lynn Major: Arraignment on
Information as to Leonel Vargas-Vasquez (1) Counts 1,2 held on 11/4/2010. Not Guilty plea
entered. Change of Plea Hearing set for 11/12/2010 09:00 AM in Courtroom A before
Magistrate Judge Barbara Lynn Major. (CD# 11/4/2010 BLM10-9:38-9:56). (Plaintiff Attorney
Christopher Alexander, S/A AUSA). (Defendant Attorney Joshua Jones, FD).
3:10-cv-01340-LAB -BGS Al-Agha v. Systematic National Collections, Inc et al
(Nature of Suit 480 - Consumer Credit)
Early Neutral Evaluation Courtroom 12
DOES 1-10 (Defendant)
Thomas M Buchenau representing Systematic National Collections, Inc (Defendant)
Lara Ruth Shapiro representing Sam Ousama Al-Agha (Plaintiff)
NOTICE AND ORDER for Early Neutral Evaluation Conference. Early Neutral Evaluation set
for 11/12/2010 09:00 AM in Courtroom 12 before Magistrate Judge Bernard G. Skomal. Signed
by Magistrate Judge Bernard G. Skomal on 9/14/10.(kaj)(jrl).
3:10-mj-03425-BLM-1 USA v. German
Preliminary Hearing Courtroom A
Jennifer L Coon representing Javier Torres German (Defendant)
U S Attorney CR representing USA (Plaintiff)
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Barbara Lynn Major: Preliminary
Hearing not held as to Javier Torres German. Preliminary Hearing continued to 11/12/2010 09:00
AM in Courtroom A before Magistrate Judge Barbara Lynn Major. (CD# 10/28/2010 BLM
9:24-9:36). (Plaintiff Attorney Zachary James, AUSA - S/A). (Defendant Attorney Jennifer
Coon, FD).
3:10-mj-03435-BLM-1 USA v. Boites-Zarate
Preliminary Hearing Courtroom A
Jennifer L Coon representing Luis Boites-Zarate (Defendant)
U S Attorney CR representing USA (Plaintiff)
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Barbara Lynn Major: Preliminary
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Hearing not held as to Luis Boites-Zarate. Preliminary Hearing continued to 11/12/2010 09:00
AM in Courtroom A before Magistrate Judge Barbara Lynn Major. (CD# 10/28/2010 BLM
9:24-9:36). (Plaintiff Attorney Zachary James, AUSA - S/A). (Defendant Attorney Jennifer
Coon, FD).
09:01 AM
3:10-cr-02595-WQH-1 USA v. Milanez
Change of Plea Hearing
Hamilton E Arendsen representing USA (Plaintiff)
William R Burgener representing Jose Antonio Milanez (Defendant)
Dorothy Rees Shelton representing Francisco Javier Cardenas-Arbizu (Material Witness)
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Barbara Lynn Major: Deft states True
Name as: Jose Antonio Milanez. Govt objects to proceeding with the Change of Plea Hearing at
this time. Change of Plea as to Miguel Robles-Vasquez not held on 11/9/2010 and continued to
11/12/2010 09:01 AM before Magistrate Judge Barbara Lynn Major. (CD# 11/9/2010
BLM1:1039-1044). (Plaintiff Attorney Carla Bressler s/a, AUSA). (Defendant Attorney William
Burgener, cja). (mnb) Modified on 11/10/2010 to include t/n(mnb).
09:15 AM
3:09-cv-02709-W-WMC Chen v. Chicago Title Insurance Company et al
(Nature of Suit 110 - Insurance)
Status Conference Courtroom C
DOES (Defendant)
Todd E. Hyatt representing Chicago Title Insurance Company (Defendant)
Charles Salvatore LiMandri representing Daniel K. Chen (Plaintiff)
Neal Philip Panish representing Chicago Title Insurance Company (Defendant)
Trevor Potter representing Chicago Title Insurance Company (Defendant)
ORDER setting Status Conference. Telephonic Status Conference set for 11/12/2010 09:15 AM
in Courtroom C before Magistrate Judge William McCurine Jr. Signed by Magistrate Judge
William McCurine, Jr on 11/1/2010.
09:30 AM
3:06-cr-00189-GT-1 USA v. Medina DEFENDANT TERMINATED on 06/05/2006
Revocation Superv Rls Courtroom 08
Alan E Ferguson representing Emir Ortiz-Navarrete (Material Witness)
Kathryn A. Thickstun Leff representing Jose Angel Medina (Defendant [T])
Stephen M Tokarz representing United States of America (Plaintiff)
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge William McCurine, Jr: Initial
Appearance - Revocation of Supervised Release as to Jose Angel Medina held on 10/22/2010.
Defendant arraigned and denial entered. Court having asked the defendant if he has any evidence
to present on the merits of the petition and after considering any such evidence, the court found
based on the allegations in the petition that there is probable cause to believe that a violation has
been committed, and that the defendant shall be held pending an order to show cause hearing
before the district judge assigned to this matter. Court re-appointed Kathryn Thickstun Leff(n/a)
as counsel. Court ruling is without prejudice. Bond set as to Jose Angel Medina (1) No Bail. (
Final Hearing re Revocation of Supervised Release set for 11/12/2010 09:30 AM in Courtroom
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08 before Judge Gordon Thompson Jr..) (CD# 10/22/2010 WMC 11:01-11:07). (Plaintiff
Attorney Chris Duncan, AUSA). (Defendant Attorney Sarah Gorman, FD-S/A).
3:07-cv-01016-AJB Munguia v. Frias et al
(Nature of Suit 550 - Prisoner: Civil Rights)
Final Pretrial Conference
Jesus Lopez Munguia (Plaintiff)
Attorney General representing A Lopez (Defendant), D Pollard (Defendant), J Frias (Defendant),
R Sutton (Defendant), Siota (Defendant), W Griggs (Defendant)
Sylvie Plamondon Snyder representing A Lopez (Defendant), D Pollard (Defendant), J Frias
(Defendant), R Sutton (Defendant), Siota (Defendant), W Griggs (Defendant)
ORDER continuing pretrial conference date. (Final Pretrial Conference continued to 11/12/2010
09:30 AM before Magistrate Judge Anthony J. Battaglia.) Counsel for defendant shall make
arrangements for plaintiff to appear by telephone. Signed by Magistrate Judge Anthony J.
Battaglia on 10/20/10.(All non-registered users served via U.S. Mail Service)(lao) (jrl).
3:07-cv-02278-BTM -CAB Sorensen v. Helen of Troy Texas Corporation et al
(Nature of Suit 830 - Patent)
Status Conference
DOES 1-100 (Defendant)
Breton A Bocchieri representing Helen of Troy (Counter Claimant,Counter Claimant), Helen of
Troy Texas Corporation (Defendant,Counter Claimant), OXO International LTD
(Defendant,Counter Claimant,Counter Claimant)
James Michael Kaler representing Jens Erik Sorensen (Plaintiff,Counter Defendant,Counter
Melody A Kramer representing Jens Erik Sorensen (Plaintiff,Counter Defendant,Counter
Erik B. von Zeipel representing Helen of Troy (Counter Claimant), Helen of Troy Texas
Corporation (Defendant,Counter Claimant), OXO International LTD (Defendant,Counter
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Cathy Ann Bencivengo: A Status
Conference was held on 11/5/2010. The parties are continuing with settlement negotiations. A
further Status Conference is set for 11/12/2010 at 09:30 AM before Magistrate Judge Cathy Ann
Bencivengo. The conference shall be telephonic, with attorneys only. Counsel for defendant shall
coordinate and initiate the conference call.
3:08-cr-02999-JLS-1 USA v. Castillo-Roman DEFENDANT TERMINATED on 09/22/2008
Revocation Superv Rls
Alysia D. Franklin representing Hector Hugo Castillo-Roman (Defendant [T])
U S Attorney CR representing USA (Plaintiff)
NOTICE OF HEARING as to Defendant Hector Hugo Castillo-Roman : On Court's own
motion, Hearing re Revocation of Supervised Release reset from 10:30 AM to 9:30 AM on
11/12/2010 before Judge Janis L. Sammartino
3:10-cr-01467-JAH-1 USA v. Ceballos-Jose
Motion In Limine Hearing Courtroom 11
Hamilton E Arendsen representing USA (Plaintiff)
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Ricardo M Gonzalez representing Juan Ceballos-Jose (Defendant)
Helen H. Hong representing USA (Plaintiff)
In Limine MOTION to Allow, MOTION to Admit Documents, MOTION to Admit by USA as
to Juan Ceballos-Jose. (Hong, Helen) (jpp).
3:10-cr-02766-JLS-1 USA v. Vega-Loya
Sentence w/ CR History Rpt
Randy K Jones representing USA (Plaintiff)
Sheila Nagaraj representing USA (Plaintiff)
Gregory Legare Pleasants representing Alonso Vega-Loya (Defendant)
NOTICE OF HEARING as to Defendant Alonso Vega-Loya : On Court's own motion,
Sentence With CR History Report reset from 10:30 AM to 9:30 AM on 11/12/2010 09:30 AM
before Judge Janis L. Sammartino
3:10-cr-03944-JLS-1 USA v. Montez-Montez
Sentence w/o PSR
Timothy R Garrison representing Arturo Montez-Montez (Defendant)
Zachary Noah James representing USA (Plaintiff)
NOTICE OF HEARING as to Defendant Arturo Montez-Montez : On Court's own motion,
Sentence Without PSR reset from 10:30 AM to 9:30 AM on 11/12/2010 09:30 AM before
Judge Janis L. Sammartino
3:10-cr-04036-GT-1 USA v. Martinez-Padilla
Change of Plea Hearing Courtroom 08
Shaffy Moeel representing Sergio Martinez-Padilla (Defendant)
Neama Rahmani representing USA (Plaintiff)
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Cathy Ann Bencivengo: Arraignment
on Information as to Sergio Martinez-Padilla (1) Count 1 held on 10/28/2010. Not Guilty plea
entered. Change of Plea Hearing set for 11/12/2010 09:30 AM in Courtroom 08 before Judge
Gordon Thompson Jr.. Judge update in case as to Sergio Martinez-Padilla. Judge Gordon
Thompson, Jr added to the case. Judge Irma E. Gonzalez is no longer assigned to case and Judge
Gordon Thompson, Jr is now assigned to the case. The new case number is 10cr4036-GT. (CD#
10/28/2010 CAB10-9:42-9:51). (Plaintiff Attorney Christopher Alexander, S/A AUSA).
(Defendant Attorney Elizabeth Barros, S/A FD for Shaffy Moeel, FD N/A).
3:10-cr-04260-H-1 USA v. Bahena-Flores
Change of Plea Hearing
Joshua J. Jones representing Cesar Bahena-Flores (Defendant)
U S Attorney CR representing USA (Plaintiff)
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Ruben B. Brooks: Arraignment as to
Cesar Bahena-Flores (1) Count 1 held on 10/26/2010 Not Guilty plea entered( Change of Plea
Hearing set for 11/12/2010 09:30 AM before Judge Gordon Thompson Jr..), Judge update in
case as to Cesar Bahena-Flores. Judge Gordon Thompson, Jr added to the case. Judge Marilyn
L. Huff is no longer assigned to case and Judge Gordon Thompson, Jr is now assigned to the
case. The new case number is 10CR4260-GT (CD# 10/26/2010 RBB10-1:928-938). (Plaintiff
Attorney Sarah Boot). (Defendant Attorney Trenton Packer S/A).
3:10-cv-00663-MMA -AJB Spikes v. C&M Door and Trim, Inc. et al
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(Nature of Suit 446 - Civil Rights: Americans with Disabilities - Other)
Settlement Disposition Conf
C&M Door and Trim, Inc. (Defendant), DOES (Defendant)
Amy B. Vandeveld representing Karel Spikes (Plaintiff)
Barry M Vrevich representing William B & Sharon A. Kertzman Trust (Defendant), William B
Kertzman (Defendant)
ORDER Following Early Neutral Evaluation Conference: The Court sets a telephonic Settlement
Disposition Conference for 11/12/2010 at 9:30 AM. Plaintiff's counsel will initiate the call unless a
joint motion to dismiss has been lodged with Judge Anellos' Chambers prior to the conference.
Signed by Magistrate Judge Anthony J. Battaglia on 10/6/2010.(leh) (jrl).
3:10-cv-01611-W -WMC Hackett v. Calexico, City of et al
(Nature of Suit 440 - Civil Rights: Other)
Early Neutral Evaluation Courtroom C
DOES (Defendant)
Carolina Veronica Diaz representing Eric Hackett (Plaintiff)
Michael T Gibbs representing Calexico Police Department (Defendant), Calexico, City of
(Defendant), Jesus Serrano (Defendant), Victor Lagaspi (Defendant)
ORDER continuing Early Neutral Evaluation. Early Neutral Evaluation continued to 11/12/2010
09:30 AM in Courtroom C before Magistrate Judge William McCurine Jr. Signed by Magistrate
Judge William McCurine, Jr on 10/12/2010. (All non-registered users served via U.S. Mail
Service)(tkl) (jrl).
3:10-cv-02041-BTM -NLS Shaw v. BAC Home Loans Servicing, LP
(Nature of Suit 190 - Contract: Other)
Early Neutral Evaluation
Jennifer A Jackson representing BAC Home Loans Servicing, LP (Defendant)
Daniel Joseph Mulligan representing Dennis Shaw (Plaintiff)
Jed P White representing BAC Home Loans Servicing, LP (Defendant)
The Early Neutral Evaluation set currently set for 11/10/2010 is continued to 11/12/2010 at 9:30
AM before Magistrate Judge Nita L. Stormes. Signed by Magistrate Judge Nita L. Stormes on
10:00 AM
3:09-cv-02880-JLS -NLS Federal Deposit Insurance corporation v. San Diego Community
Housing Corporation et al
(Nature of Suit 190 - Contract: Other)
Settlement Conference
DOES (Defendant,Cross Defendant)
Amanda A. Allen representing San Diego Community Housing Corporation (Defendant,Cross
Timothy M Barry representing County of San Diego (Defendant)
George C Lazar representing Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (Cross Defendant), Federal
Deposit Insurance corporation (Plaintiff [T]), Multibank 2009-1 RES-ADC Venture, LLC
Gregory S Markow representing San Diego Community Housing Corporation (Defendant,Cross
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Randall R Sjoblom representing City of El Cajon (Defendant)
ORDER Following Mandatory Settlement Conference and Setting further telephonic Settlement
Conference: A Mandatory Settlement Conference was held 9/27/10. A further, telephonic
Settlement Conference is set for 11/12/2010 at 10:00 AM before Magistrate Judge Nita L.
Stormes. Signed by Magistrate Judge Nita L. Stormes on 9/28/10.(lmt) (av1).
3:10-cr-02987-BTM-1 USA v. Chavez
Sentence w/ PSR Courtroom 15
Federal Defenders representing Cesar Jesus Chavez (Defendant)
Linda Lopez representing Cesar Jesus Chavez (Defendant)
Michelle M Pettit representing USA (Plaintiff)
3:10-cr-03016-BTM-1 USA v. Davila
Sentence w/ PSR Courtroom 15
Linda Lopez representing Roberto Mario Davila (Defendant)
U S Attorney CR representing USA (Plaintiff)
3:10-cr-03189-BTM-1 USA v. Gastelum-Valdez
Sentence w/ PSR Courtroom 15
Adam L. Braverman representing USA (Plaintiff)
David J Zugman representing Benjamin Gastelum-Valdez (Defendant)
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Anthony J. Battaglia: Change of Plea
Hearing as to Benjamin Gastelum-Valdez held on 9/2/2010. Plea agreement submitted by the
defendant. Plea Tendered by Benjamin Gastelum-Valdez to Guilty on count 1 of the Information.
PSR Ordered. All pending hearing dates vacated as to Benjamin Gastelum-Valdez. Sentence
With PSR set for 11/12/2010 10:00 AM in Courtroom 15 before Judge Barry Ted Moskowitz.
(ECR Yoli). (Plaintiff Attorney Juan Castaneda, AUSA). (Defendant Attorney David J. Zugman,
3:10-cr-03228-BTM-1 USA v. Rios Najera
Sentence w/ PSR Courtroom 15
Douglas Keehn representing USA (Plaintiff)
Gregory Legare Pleasants representing Andres Rios Najera (Defendant)
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Jan M. Adler: Change of Plea
Hearing as to Andres Rios Najera held on 9/2/2010. Plea Tendered by Andres Rios Najera
Guilty on counts 1 of the Information. PSR Ordered; Sentence With PSR set for 11/12/2010
10:00 AM in Courtroom 15 before Judge Barry Ted Moskowitz. (CD# 9/2/2010 JMA10-1-
15:47-16:01). (Plaintiff Attorney AUSA Lara Stingley). (Defendant Attorney Gregory Pleasants,
3:10-cr-03799-MMA-1 USA v. Vital-Albor
Status Hearing Courtroom E
Lisa J Damiani representing Ismael Vital-Albor (Defendant)
U S Attorney CR representing USA (Plaintiff)
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Cathy Ann Bencivengo: Attorney
Appointment Hearing as to Ismael Vital-Albor held on 11/9/2010. Deft requests new counsel -
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granted. Attorney Lisa J Damiani appointed (n/a) for Ismael Vital-Albor. Attorney Paul Allen
Barr relieved in case as to Ismael Vital-Albor. Excludable(s) started as to Ismael Vital-Albor:
XT4 (cont re new counsel) 11/9/10 - 11/12/10. Status Hearing set for 11/12/2010 10:00 AM in
Courtroom E before Magistrate Judge Cathy Ann Bencivengo. (CD# 11/9/2010 CAB10-14:13-
14:16). (Plaintiff Attorney Sarah Boot, S/A AUSA). (Defendant Attorney Paul Barr, FD).
3:10-cr-03916-L-1 USA v. Soto et al
Bond Revocation Hearing El Centro
David L Baker representing Richardo Guardado Soto , Jr (Defendant)
Rebecca Kanter representing USA (Plaintiff)
Christopher K Monelt representing Jesus Ramon Jimenez-Mortera (Material Witness)
Pretrial Services Request for Warrant or Summons for Offender under Pretrial Release and
Order thereon in case as to Richardo Guardado Soto, Jr. Bond Revocation Hearing set for
11/12/2010 10:00 AM in El Centro before Magistrate Judge Peter C. Lewis.
3:10-cr-04286-IEG-1 USA v. Cansdales
Change of Plea Hearing Courtroom E
John Francis Kelly representing Cesar Cansdales (Defendant)
U S Attorney CR representing USA (Plaintiff)
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Peter C. Lewis: Arraignment on the
information as to Cesar Cansdales (1) Count 1 held on 10/27/2010. Not Guilty plea entered.
Change of Plea Hearing set for 11/12/2010 10:00 AM in Courtroom E before Magistrate Judge
Cathy Ann Bencivengo. Motion Hearing/Trial Setting set for 11/29/2010 02:00 PM in Courtroom
01 before Judge Irma E. Gonzalez. (CD# 10/27/2010 PCL 1: 9:23-9:26). (Plaintiff Attorney
Karla Davis). (Defendant Attorney John F. Kelly, Rtnd.).
3:10-cr-04355-LAB-1 USA v. Leon-Camargo
Change of Plea Hearing Courtroom E
Norma A Aguilar representing Adrian Leon-Camargo (Defendant)
U S Attorney CR representing USA (Plaintiff)
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Cathy Ann Bencivengo: Change of
Plea Continued as to Adrian Leon-Camargo. Defense oral motion to continue hearing granted.
Change of Plea Hearing continued to 11/12/2010 10:00 AM in Courtroom E before Magistrate
Judge Cathy Ann Bencivengo. (CD# 11/9/2010 CAB10-14:36-14:39). (Plaintiff Attorney
Andrew Haden, S/A AUSA). (Defendant Attorney Norma Aguilar, FD).
3:10-cr-04521-MMA-1 USA v. Vital-Albor
Initial Appearance Courtroom E
Ismael Vital-Albor (Defendant)
U S Attorney CR representing USA (Plaintiff)
NOTICE OF HEARING as to Defendant Ismael Vital-Albor. At the request of the district court,
anInitial Appearance and Arraignment on Indictment is set for 11/12/2010 10:00 AM in
Courtroom E before Magistrate Judge Cathy Ann Bencivengo.
3:10-cv-00720-LAB -POR Vega v. DRS Technologies, Inc. et al CASE CLOSED on
(Nature of Suit 442 - Civil Rights: Jobs)
Settlement Conference
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DOES (Defendant), Jay Grim (Defendant)
David A Miller representing Guadalupe Rocio Vega (Plaintiff)
Angela Teresa Mullins representing DRS Technologies, Inc. (Defendant)
Fred Michael Plevin representing DRS Technologies, Inc. (Defendant)
ORDER continuing Settlement Conference. On October 20, 2010, the Court held a Settlement
Conference. (Settlement Conference set for 11/12/2010 10:00 AM before Magistrate Judge
Louisa S Porter.) Signed by Magistrate Judge Louisa S Porter on 10/21/10.(lao) (jrl).
3:10-cv-00772-IEG -NLS Agricola ABC, S.A. de C.V. v. Chiquita Fresh North America, LLC. et
(Nature of Suit 190 - Contract: Other)
Motion Hearing Courtroom 01
Administradora Horticola Del Tamazula, S. De R.L. De C.V. (Counter Defendant), Agricultores
De Baja, S. De R.L. De C.V. (Counter Defendant), Agrovica ABC S.A. De C.V. (Counter
Defendant), Ana Constantina Can Avila (Counter Defendant), Aristeo Canelos Avila (Counter
Defendant), Bancomer, S.A. de C.V. (Counter Defendant), Constantino Canelos Rodriguez
(Counter Defendant), Constructora Rincon Del Valle, S.A. De C.V. (Counter Defendant),
Georgia Canelos Avila (Counter Defendant), Maria Alejandra Canel Guillen (Counter
Defendant), Oscar Alvarez Montiel (Counter Defendant), Productora Agricola "Las Trancas",
S.A. De C.V. (Counter Defendant)
Jimmy Ray Ayers, Jr representing Agricola ABC, S.A. de C.V. (Plaintiff,Counter Defendant)
Cindy Ann Brand representing Alejandro Canelos Rodriguez (Defendant,Cross Defendant),
Aristeo Alejandro Canelos Guillen (Defendant,Cross Defendant)
Cynthia A Fissel representing Chiquita Fresh North America, LLC. (Defendant,Cross
Claimant,Counter Claimant), Chiquita Frupac, Inc (Defendant)
Corey B. Larson representing Alejandro Canelos Rodriguez (Defendant,Cross Defendant),
Aristeo Alejandro Canelos Guillen (Defendant,Cross Defendant), Chiquita Fresh North America,
LLC. (Defendant,Cross Claimant,Counter Claimant), Chiquita Frupac, Inc (Defendant)
Jeffrey D Lewin representing Chiquita Fresh North America, LLC. (Defendant,Cross
Claimant,Counter Claimant)
David Michael Mandig representing Chiquita Fresh North America, LLC. (Defendant,Cross
Claimant,Counter Claimant), Chiquita Frupac, Inc (Defendant)
Morgan JC Scudi representing Agricola ABC, S.A. de C.V. (Plaintiff,Counter Defendant)
MOTION for Reconsideration of Order Quashing Service by Agricola ABC, S.A. de C.V..
(Attachments: # (1) Memo of Points and Authorities, # (2) Declaration of J. Ray Ayers, # (3)
Exhibit 1 to Declaration, # (4) Exhibit 2 to Declaration, # (5) Exhibit 3 to Declaration, # (6)
Exhibit 4 to Declaration, # (7) Proof of Service)(Ayers, Jimmy). (jah).
3:10-cv-01174-WQH -AJB Reyes v. DSW Shoe Warehouse, Inc. et al
(Nature of Suit 442 - Civil Rights: Jobs)
Early Neutral Evaluation
DOES (Defendant)
David A Miller representing Rosa E. Reyes (Plaintiff)
Brian Christopher Sinclair representing DSW Shoe Warehouse, Inc. (Defendant)
Joint MOTION to Continue Early Neutral Evaluation Conference by DSW Shoe Warehouse,
Inc. (Sinclair, Brian)
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10:30 AM
3:10-cr-00185-BTM-1 USA v. Moreno-Urias
Sentence w/ PSR Courtroom 15
Michelle M Pettit representing USA (Plaintiff)
Richard Brian Rodriguez representing Esmeralda Moreno-Urias (Defendant)
3:10-cr-02833-BTM-2 USA v. Mora-Mendez et al
Sentence w/ PSR Courtroom 15
Phillip L B Halpern representing USA (Plaintiff)
Gregory F. Noonan representing USA (Plaintiff)
Richard Brian Rodriguez representing Simon Amaya Bernardo (Defendant)
3:10-cv-00650-JM -NLS Wright v. Stephen
(Nature of Suit 446 - Civil Rights: Americans with Disabilities - Other)
Settlement Disposition Conf Courtroom G
DOES (Defendant)
Robert E Gallagher, Jr representing David B Joseph (Defendant), David B Joseph, A
Professional Dental Group Corporation dba Bright Smile Dental Care (Defendant), Stephan
(Defendant [T])
Amy B. Vandeveld representing Susan M. Wright (Plaintiff)
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Nita L. Stormes: the parties appeared
for a telephonic Early Neutral Evaluation Conference and informed the Court that they are close
to settlement. Accordingly, a telephonic Settlement Disposition Conference is set for 11/12/2010
at 10:30 AM before Magistrate Judge Nita L. Stormes. Should the parties file their joint motion
to dismiss with prejudice prior to the conference, it will be taken off calendar.
10:45 AM
3:10-cr-02539-BTM-1 USA v. Insunsa-Cabrera
Sentence w/ PSR Courtroom 15
Juan C. Castaneda representing USA (Plaintiff)
Zandra Lopez representing Pablo Insunsa-Cabrera (Defendant)
NOTICE OF HEARING as to Defendant Pablo Insunsa-Cabrera. Due to a conflict in the court's
calendar the Sentence With PSR is rescheduled to 11/12/2010 10:45 AM in Courtroom 15
before Judge Barry Ted Moskowitz.
3:10-cr-03028-BTM-1 USA v. Granados-Sotelo
Sentence w/ PSR Courtroom 15
John R Fielding, Jr representing Enrique Granados-Sotelo (Defendant)
Helen H. Hong representing USA (Plaintiff)
NOTICE OF HEARING as to Defendant Enrique Granados-Sotelo. Due to a conflict in the
court's calendar the Sentence With PSR is rescheduled to 11/12/2010 10:45 AM in Courtroom
15 before Judge Barry Ted Moskowitz.
11:00 AM
3:08-cr-01960-BTM-1 USA v. Lucero DEFENDANT TERMINATED on 08/01/2008
Revocation Superv Rls Courtroom 15
Matthew J Gardner representing USA (Plaintiff)
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Gregory F. Noonan representing USA (Plaintiff)
Donald A Nunn representing Raymond Diaz Lucero (Defendant [T])
NOTICE OF HEARING as to Defendant Raymond Diaz Lucero. Due to a conflict in the court's
calendar the Final Hearing re Revocation of Supervised Release is rescheduled to 11/12/2010
11:00 AM in Courtroom 15 before Judge Barry Ted Moskowitz.
3:08-cr-03681-BTM-2 USA v. Connor et al
Motion Hearing Courtroom 15
Shireen Matthews Becker representing USA (Plaintiff)
Robert E Schroth, Jr representing Angel Manuel Rosales-Savula (Material Witness), Jaime Felipe
Diaz-Vazquez (Material Witness)
Victor Manuel Torres representing Randall Cary Geiger (Defendant)
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge Barry Ted Moskowitz: Sentence With PSR
Hearing as to Randall Cary Geiger held on 10/22/2010. Motion to reconsider to be filed by
10/25/2010, Any response due by 11/05/2010. Motion Hearing set for 11/12/2010 11:00 AM in
Courtroom 15 before Judge Barry Ted Moskowitz. Sentence With PSR continued to
11/22/2010 10:00 AM before Judge Barry Ted Moskowitz. (Court Reporter Barbara Harris).
(Plaintiff Attorney James Melendres, AUSA). (Defendant Attorney Victor M. Torres, CJA).
3:09-cr-03393-BTM-4 USA v. Holiday
Motion Hearing Courtroom 15
Donald A Nunn representing Shawn Holiday (Defendant)
Rebekah W Young representing USA (Plaintiff)
Joint MOTION to Continue Motion and Trial Setting Date by Shawn Holiday. (Nunn, Donald)
3:09-cv-02000-BTM -BGS Munoz v. County of San Diego et al
(Nature of Suit 440 - Civil Rights: Other)
Motion Hearing
DOES (Defendant)
Stephanie E Kish representing Aloha Bona (Defendant), County of San Diego (Defendant), M.
Pepin (Defendant)
Michael R Marrinan representing Lisa Eastman Munoz (Plaintiff)
MOTION for Summary Adjudication by Aloha Bona, M. Pepin. (Attachments: # (1) Memo of
Points and Authorities, # (2) Declaration of Stephanie E. Kish with Exhibits A, B, C, # (3)
Declaration of Aloha Bona)(Kish, Stephanie) (jer).
3:10-cr-02738-BTM-1 USA v. Kuzmann
Motion Hearing/Trial Setting Courtroom 15
Robert Carriedo representing Michael Kuzmann (Defendant)
James P Melendres representing USA (Plaintiff)
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge Barry Ted Moskowitz: Motion Hearing/Trial
Setting as to Michael Kuzmann held on 10/8/2010. Motion Hearing/Trial Setting continued to
11/12/2010 11:00 AM in Courtroom 15 before Judge Barry Ted Moskowitz. (Court Reporter
Barbara Harris).(Plaintiff Attorney James Melendres, AUSA). (Defendant Attorney Robert
Carriedo, CJA).
3:10-cr-03568-BTM-1 USA v. Martinez-Ocenia
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Motion Hearing/Trial Setting Courtroom 15
Joseph S. Camden representing Jesus Martinez-Ocenia (Defendant)
Scott M. Lesowitz representing USA (Plaintiff)
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge Barry Ted Moskowitz: Motion Hearing/Trial
Setting as to Jesus Martinez-Ocenia held on 10/22/2010. Motion to preserve Video Tapes -
Found as Moot; Motion Hearing/Trial Setting continued to 11/12/2010 11:00 AM in Courtroom
15 before Judge Barry Ted Moskowitz. (Court Reporter Barbara Harris).(Plaintiff Attorney Scott
Lesowitz, AUSA). (Defendant Attorney Joseph Camden, FD).
3:10-cr-04096-BTM-1 USA v. Mendez-Bello
Status Hearing Courtroom 15
Amy F. Kimpel representing Raul Mendez-Bello (Defendant)
U S Attorney CR representing USA (Plaintiff)
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge Gordon Thompson, Jr: Change of Plea NOT
held as to Raul Mendez-Bello. Defense oral motion to return case to original Judge - granted.
Judge update in case as to Raul Mendez-Bello. Judge Barry Ted Moskowitz added to the case.
Judge Gordon Thompson, Jr is no longer assigned to case and Judge Barry Ted Moskowitz is
now assigned to the case. The new case number is 10CR4096-BTM, ( Status Hearing set for
11/12/2010 11:00 AM in Courtroom 15 before Judge Barry Ted Moskowitz.) (Court Reporter
Melinda Setterman).(Plaintiff Attorney AUSA Faith Devine). (Defendant Attorney Amy Kimpel
3:10-cv-00368-BTM -BGS Shott v. Mabus
(Nature of Suit 442 - Civil Rights: Jobs)
Motion Hearing Courtroom 15
Paul David Jackson representing Kristin R. Shott (Plaintiff)
Timothy C Stutler representing Ray Mabus (Defendant)
COMPLAINT with Jury Demand against Ray Mabus ( Filing fee $ 350 receipt number 10242),
filed by Kristin R. Shott.(jer) (mam).
3:10-cv-01701-BTM -CAB Levy v. GMAC Wholesale Mortgage Corp.
(Nature of Suit 220 - Real Property: Foreclosure)
Motion Hearing Courtroom 15
Jacobo Levy (Plaintiff)
Regina Jill McClendon representing GMAC Wholesale Mortgage Corp. (Defendant)
MOTION to Dismiss for Failure to State a Claim by GMAC Wholesale Mortgage Corp..
(Attachments: # (1) Memo of Points and Authorities, # (2) Request for Judicial Notice, # (3)
Exhibit A to RJN: Deed of Trust, # (4) Proof of Service)(McClendon, Regina) (jer).
3:10-mj-03628-WVG-1 USA v. Bickle
Detention Hearing
James F Pokorny representing Nicholas Bickle (Defendant)
U S Attorney CR representing USA (Plaintiff)
MOTION to Substitute Attorney James F. Pokorny by Nicholas Bickle. (Attachments: # (1)
Proof of Service)(Pokorny, James)(smy).
11:30 AM
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3:07-cr-00838-IEG-1 USA v. Garcia-Guzman DEFENDANT TERMINATED on 01/22/2008
Sentence w/o PSR Courtroom 01
Christopher Michael Alexander representing USA (Plaintiff)
Jami L Ferrara representing Agael Guadalupe Garcia-Guzman (Defendant [T])
Wayne Charles Mayer representing Maria Guadalupe Anita-Garnica (Material Witness)
NOTICE OF HEARING as to Defendant Agael Guadalupe Garcia-Guzman. Court reschedules
Sentence Revocation Supervised Release set for 11:00 AM on 11/12/2010 and reschedules the
hearing to 11:30 AM on 11/12/2010 in Courtroom 01 before Judge Irma E. Gonzalez.
12:00 PM
3:08-cv-02249-BEN-PCL Hursh v. County of San Diego et al
(Nature of Suit 550 - Prisoner: Civil Rights)
Status Conference
DOES 1-10, inclusive (Defendant)
Kevin G Kennedy representing County of San Diego (Defendant), San Diego County Sheriff's
Department (Defendant)
Starr Jan Sinton representing Raohl Hursh (Plaintiff)
ORDER Setting Status Conference: A Status Conference was held on October 28, 2010.
Telephonic Status Conference set for 11/12/2010 12:00 PM before Judge Roger T. Benitez.
Signed by Magistrate Judge Peter C. Lewis on 11/10/2010.
01:00 PM
3:06-cv-02648-JM -AJB United States of America v. Lang et al CASE CLOSED on 10/19/2009
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Setting as to Francisco Mondragon-Rodriguez continued on defense counsel's oral request for
11/12/2010 01:30 PM before Judge Janis L. Sammartino (Court Reporter Gayle Wakefield /
CRD P. Dela Cruz / AUSA C Millsaps / FD B. Kennedy s/a for J. Coon)
3:10-cr-02320-H-1 USA v. Gutierrez-Ruiz
Sentence w/ PSR Courtroom 13
Jennifer L Coon representing Adrian Gutierrez-Ruiz (Defendant)
Sheila Nagaraj representing USA (Plaintiff)
3:10-cr-02363-H-1 USA v. Gonzalez-Betanzo
Sentence w/ PSR Courtroom 13
Alysia D. Franklin representing Rogelio Gonzalez-Betanzo (Defendant)
Sheila Nagaraj representing USA (Plaintiff)
NOTICE OF HEARING as to Defendant Rogelio Gonzalez-Betanzo (custody). On the Court's
own motion, date of 11/15/10 1:30 PM is vacated, and Sentence With PSR is reset for Friday,
11/12/2010 01:30 PM in Courtroom 13 before Judge Marilyn L. Huff.
3:10-cr-02968-IEG-1 USA v. Diaz-Cervantes
Sentence w/ PSR Courtroom 01
Paul Allen Barr representing Noe Diaz-Cervantes (Defendant)
Carla Jean Bressler representing USA (Plaintiff)
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge Irma E. Gonzalez: Sentence With PSR Hearing
as to Noe Diaz-Cervantes on 11/8/2010. Defense request, Sentence With PSR is continued to
11/12/2010 01:30 PM in Courtroom 01 before Judge Irma E. Gonzalez. (Court Reporter Frank
Rangus).(Attorney S/A Stephen Tokarz for C. Bressler, AUSA). (Defendant Attorney Paul A.
Barr, FD).
3:10-cr-02997-JLS-1 USA v. Hernandez-Reyes
Motion Hearing/Trial Setting
Douglas Keehn representing USA (Plaintiff)
Ira Lee Plummer representing Jeronimo Hernandez-Reyes (Defendant)
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge Janis L. Sammartino : Motion Hearing/Trial
Setting as to Jeronimo Hernandez-Reyes continued on defense counsel's oral request for
11/12/2010 01:30 PM before Judge Janis L. Sammartino(Court Reporter Gayle Wakefield /
CRD A Ramos / AUSA Eric Beste / CJA Ira Lee Plummer)
3:10-cr-03421-JLS-1 USA v. Lee
Motion Hearing/Trial Setting Courtroom 06
Hanni M. Fakhoury representing Jeffrey Alan Lee (Defendant)
Alessandra P Serano representing USA (Plaintiff)
3:10-cr-03573-JLS-1 USA v. Ceja-Virgen
Motion Hearing/Trial Setting
William R Burgener representing Hector Ceja-Virgen (Defendant)
Thomas G Gilmore representing Hector Alejandro Flores-Avina (Material Witness), Juan Manuel
Mexicano-Gonzalez (Material Witness), Pedro Cerriteno-Mendez (Material Witness)
Michelle M Pettit representing USA (Plaintiff)
Stephen Patrick White representing Abraham Soltero-Gonzales (Material Witness)
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Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge Janis L. Sammartino : Motion Hearing/Trial
Setting as to Hector Ceja-Virgen continued on defense counsel's oral request for 11/12/2010
01:30 PM before Judge Janis L. Sammartino (Court Reporter Gayle Wakefield / CRD A Ramos
/ AUSA Philip Halpern / CJA William R. Burgerner)
3:10-cr-03691-H-1 USA v. Garcia-Resendiz
Sentence w/ CR History Rpt
William J Baker representing Israel Garcia-Resendiz (Defendant)
Michelle L. Wasserman representing USA (Plaintiff)
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge William V. Gallo: Change of Plea
Hearing as to Israel Garcia-Resendiz held on 9/30/2010. Plea Agreement Filed. Guilty Plea
Tendered by Israel Garcia-Resendiz on count 1 of the Information. Excludable(s) started as to
Israel Garcia-Resendiz. PSR Waived. CR History Report Ordered. Sentence With CR History
Report set for 11/12/2010 01:30 PM before Judge Marilyn L. Huff. (CD# 9/30/2010 WVG10-
14:28-15:06). (Plaintiff Attorney Juan Castaneda AUSA). (Defendant Attorney William Baker
3:10-cr-03846-H-1 USA v. Abad-Reynoso
Sentence w/ CR History Rpt Courtroom 13
Zachary Noah James representing USA (Plaintiff)
Richard Brian Rodriguez representing Yimi Abad-Reynoso (Defendant)
02:00 PM
3:10-cr-02021-BTM-1 USA v. Sims
Motion Hearing Courtroom 15
Timothy A Scott representing Felix Augustus Sims (Defendant)
Paul L Starita representing USA (Plaintiff)
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge Barry Ted Moskowitz: Motion Hearing/Trial
Setting as to Felix Augustus Sims held on 9/10/2010. Motion Hearing set for 11/12/2010 02:00
PM in Courtroom 15 before Judge Barry Ted Moskowitz. Motion In Limine Hearing set for
12/17/2010 11:00 AM in Courtroom 15 before Judge Barry Ted Moskowitz. Pretrial
Conference set for 12/17/2010 11:00 AM in Courtroom 15 before Judge Barry Ted Moskowitz.
Jury Trial set for 1/10/2011 09:30 AM in Courtroom 15 before Judge Barry Ted Moskowitz.
(Court Reporter Melinda Sutterman).(Plaintiff Attorney Paul Starita, AUSA). (Defendant
Attorney Timothy Scott, CJA).
3:10-cr-03751-BTM-1 USA v. DeLeon-Torres
Motion Hearing/Trial Setting Courtroom 15
Randy K Jones representing USA (Plaintiff)
Candis L. Mitchell representing Bernardo DeLeon-Torres (Defendant)
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Ruben B. Brooks: Arraignment on
Count 1 of the Indictment as to Bernardo DeLeon-Torres (1) held on 9/30/2010. Federal
Defenders appointed. Not Guilty plea entered. Bond set as to Bernardo DeLeon-Torres (1)
$40,000 C/CS. Motion Hearing/Trial Setting set for 11/12/2010 02:00 PM in Courtroom 15
before Judge Barry Ted Moskowitz.(CD# 9/30/2010 RBB-10:50-10:54). (AUSA Sarah Boot).
(Defendant Attorney Gregory Pleasants, FD-S/A).
3:10-cv-00883-L -BGS Wheeler v. Cricket Wireless Ampitheatre et al
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(Nature of Suit 446 - Civil Rights: Americans with Disabilities - Other)
Early Neutral Evaluation Courtroom 12
DOES (Defendant), Nickelback (Defendant)
Gregory Francis Hurley representing Cricket Wireless Ampitheatre (Defendant), Live Nation
Worldwide, Inc. (Defendant)
Amy B. Vandeveld representing Amber Wheeler (Plaintiff)
Minute Order. for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Bernard G. Skomal:
TelephonicEarly Neutral Evaluation Conference held on 9/10/2010. The parties are continuing
with settlement negotiations. The Court orders Defendant to make Plaintiff a settlement offer no
later than 9/30/2010. Plaintiff will respond to that offer no later than 10/5/2010. A further Early
Neutral Evaluation is set for 11/12/2010 at 02:00 PM in Courtroom 12 before Magistrate Judge
Bernard G. Skomal. The parties are ordered to lodge a Joint Statement containing the most
recent settlement offer and demand no later than 11/4/2010. (Plaintiff Attorney Amy Vandeveld).
(Defendant Attorney Gregory Hurley).
02:15 PM
3:09-cr-01227-BTM-1 USA v. Gutierrez DEFENDANT TERMINATED on 10/16/2009
Revocation Superv Rls Courtroom 15
Sean Coyle representing USA (Plaintiff)
Victor Pablo White representing USA (Plaintiff)
Erica K. Zunkel representing Andy Johan Gutierrez (Defendant [T])
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge Barry Ted Moskowitz: Defendant not appearing.
Revocation of Supervised Release as to Andy Johan Gutierrez held on 10/26/2010; Final Hearing
re Revocation of Supervised Release continued to 11/12/2010 02:15 PM in Courtroom 15
before Judge Barry Ted Moskowitz. (Court Reporter Barbara Harris).(Plaintiff Attorney Victor
White, AUSA). (Defendant Attorney Erica Zunkel, FD).
02:30 PM
3:10-cr-04073-BTM-3 USA v. Villareal-Ramos et al
Motion Hearing - MW Courtroom 15
Wayne Charles Mayer representing Jonathan Hurtado-Hernandez (Material Witness), Juan Arce-
Hernandez (Material Witness), Maria Elena Fernandez-Romero (Material Witness)
Lara Alaine Stingley representing USA (Plaintiff)
Brian J White representing Antonio Alvarez-Ramirez (Defendant)
NOTICE OF HEARING as to Defendants Antonio Alvarez-Ramirez, Jose Villareal-Ramos,
Jorge Luis Martinez-Hernandez. Motion Hearing - Material Witness set for 11/12/2010 02:30
PM in Courtroom 15 before Judge Barry Ted Moskowitz.
3:10-cr-04073-BTM-1 USA v. Villareal-Ramos et al
Motion Hearing - MW Courtroom 15
Stephen Edward Hoffman representing Jose Villareal-Ramos (Defendant)
Wayne Charles Mayer representing Jonathan Hurtado-Hernandez (Material Witness), Juan Arce-
Hernandez (Material Witness), Maria Elena Fernandez-Romero (Material Witness)
Lara Alaine Stingley representing USA (Plaintiff)
NOTICE OF HEARING as to Defendants Antonio Alvarez-Ramirez, Jose Villareal-Ramos,
Jorge Luis Martinez-Hernandez. Motion Hearing - Material Witness set for 11/12/2010 02:30
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PM in Courtroom 15 before Judge Barry Ted Moskowitz.
3:10-mj-03584-CAB-1 USA v. Cuerden et al
Detention Hearing Courtroom E
Robert S Huie representing USA (Plaintiff)
Trenton C Packer representing Christopher James Cuerden (Defendant)
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Cathy Ann Bencivengo: Initial
Appearance on Complaint as to Christopher James Cuerden, Caleb Gene Halcomb held on
11/9/2010. Oral Motion for Detention by Government (Flight & Danger Risk) as to both
defendants. No bail set. Financial Affidavits due at next court date as to both defendants.
Detention Hearing set for 11/12/2010 02:30 PM in Courtroom E before Magistrate Judge Cathy
Ann Bencivengo as to Christopher James Cuerden (1). Detention Hearing set for 11/23/2010
09:30 AM in Courtroom E before Magistrate Judge Cathy Ann Bencivengo as to Caleb Gene
Halcomb (2). Preliminary Hearing set for 11/23/2010 09:30 PM in Courtroom E before
Magistrate Judge Cathy Ann Bencivengo. Case reassigned to Magistrate Judge Cathy Ann
Bencivengo. The new case number is 10MJ3584 CAB (CD# 11/9/2010 CAB-11:09-11:26).
(AUSA Sara Boot/Andrew Hayden). (Defendant 1 Attorney Joshua Jones, FD-S/A, Defendant
2 Attorney Robert Swain, CJA).
3:10-mj-03624-CAB-1 USA v. Valencia Flores
Detention Hearing Courtroom E
Mary A Franklin representing Sandra Alejandra Valencia Flores (Defendant)
U S Attorney CR representing USA (Plaintiff)
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Cathy Ann Bencivengo: Initial
Appearance as to Sandra Alejandra Valencia Flores held on 11/8/2010. Appointment of attorney
Mary Franklin(n/a) confirmed. Government's oral motion to detain(flight). Detention Hearing set
for 11/12/2010 02:30 PM in Courtroom E before Magistrate Judge Cathy Ann Bencivengo.
Preliminary Hearing set for 11/18/2010 09:00 AM before Magistrate Judge Barbara Lynn Major.
Judge update in case as to Sandra Alejandra Valencia Flores. Magistrate Judge William V. Gallo
is no longer assigned to case and Magistrate Judge Cathy Ann Bencivengo is now assigned to the
case. The new case number is 10MJ3624 CAB (CD# 11/8/2010 CAB:10:44-10:56). (Plaintiff
Attorney Sara Boot, Andrew Hayden, AUSA). (Defendant Attorney Amy Kimpel, FD-S/A).
3:10-mj-03625-CAB-1 USA v. Brambila-Arciniega
Detention Hearing Courtroom E
Jennifer L Coon representing Myra Yvette Brambila-Arciniega (Defendant)
U S Attorney CR representing USA (Plaintiff)
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Cathy Ann Bencivengo: Initial
Appearance as to Myra Yvette Brambila-Arciniega held on 11/8/2010. Federal Defenders
confirmed as appointed counsel for Myra Yvette Brambila-Arciniega. Government oral motion to
detain(flight). Detention Hearing set for 11/12/2010 02:30 PM in Courtroom E before Magistrate
Judge Cathy Ann Bencivengo. Preliminary Hearing set for 11/18/2010 09:00 AM before
Magistrate Judge Barbara Lynn Major. Judge update in case as to Myra Yvette Brambila-
Arciniega. Magistrate Judge William V. Gallo is no longer assigned to case and Magistrate Judge
Cathy Ann Bencivengo is now assigned to the case. The new case number is 10MJ3625 CAB
(CD# 11/8/2010 CAB:10:44-10:57). (Plaintiff Attorney Sara Boot, Andrew Hayden, AUSA).
(Defendant Attorney Amy Kimpel, FD-S/A).
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3:10-mj-03638-CAB-1 USA v. Medrano-Celedon
Detention Hearing Courtroom E
Shaffy Moeel representing Oscar Rene Medrano-Celedon (Defendant)
U S Attorney CR representing USA (Plaintiff)
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Cathy Ann Bencivengo: Initial
Appearance as to Oscar Rene Medrano-Celedon held on 11/8/2010. Federal Defenders
confirmed as counsel for defendant. Government oral motion to detain(flight). Detention Hearing
set for 11/12/2010 02:30 PM in Courtroom E before Magistrate Judge Cathy Ann Bencivengo.
Preliminary Hearing set for 11/18/2010 09:00 AM before Magistrate Judge Barbara Lynn Major.
Judge update in case as to Oscar Rene Medrano-Celedon. Magistrate Judge William V. Gallo is
no longer assigned to case and Magistrate Judge Cathy Ann Bencivengo is now assigned to the
case. The new case number is 10MJ3638-CAB. (CD# 11/8/2010 CAB:10:44-10:58). (Plaintiff
Attorney Sara Boot, Andrew Hayden, AUSA). (Defendant Attorney Amy Kimpel, FD-S/A).
(mkz) Modified on 11/10/2010 to correct time of hearing (lmh).
3:10-mj-03649-CAB-1 USA v. Lerczak
Detention Hearing Courtroom E
Debra Ann DiIorio representing Christoff Arthur-Michael Lerczak (Defendant)
U S Attorney CR representing USA (Plaintiff)
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Cathy Ann Bencivengo: Initial
Appearance on Complaint as to Christoff Arthur-Michael Lerczak held on 11/8/2010.
Appointment of Debra DiIorio (n/a) confirmed. Oral Motion for Detention by Government (Flight
Risk). No bail set. Financial Affidavit due next court date. Detention Hearing set for 11/12/2010
02:30 PM in Courtroom E before Magistrate Judge Cathy Ann Bencivengo. Preliminary Hearing
set for 11/18/2010 02:00 PM in Courtroom F before Magistrate Judge William V. Gallo. Case
reassigned to Magistrate Judge Cathy Ann Bencivengo. The new case number is 10MJ3649
CAB. (CD# 11/8/2010 CAB-10:44-11:00). (AUSA Rees Morgan). (Defendant Attorney Amy
Kimpel, FD-S/A). (pdc) Modified on 11/8/2010 to indicate Fin Aff due and to correct appearing
AUSA. (pdc).
3:10-mj-03657-CAB-1 USA v. Delgado-Rojo
Detention Hearing Courtroom E
John R Fielding, Jr representing Juan Jesus Delgado-Rojo (Defendant)
U S Attorney CR representing USA (Plaintiff)
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Cathy Ann Bencivengo: Initial
Appearance on Complaint as to Juan Jesus Delgado-Rojo held on 11/9/2010. Attorney John R
Fielding, Jr (n/a) appointed for Juan Jesus Delgado-Rojo. Oral Motion for Detention by
Government (Flight Risk). No bail set. Detention Hearing set for 11/12/2010 02:30 PM in
Courtroom E before Magistrate Judge Cathy Ann Bencivengo. Preliminary Hearing set for
11/23/2010 09:30 AM in Courtroom E before Magistrate Judge Cathy Ann Bencivengo. (AUSA
Andrew Hayden). (Defendant Attorney Joshua Jones, FD-S/A).
3:10-mj-03670-CAB-1 USA v. Estrada et al
Detention Hearing Courtroom F
Inge Brauer representing Francisco Alarid Estrada (Defendant)
U S Attorney CR representing USA (Plaintiff)
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Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Cathy Ann Bencivengo: Initial
Appearance on Complaint as to Francisco Alarid Estrada and William Allan Hays held on
11/8/2010. Attorney Inge Brauer (n/a) provisionally appointed for Francisco Alarid Estrada (1).
Attorney Martha McNab Hall (n/a) provisionally appointed for William Allan Hays (2). Oral
Motion for Detention by Government (Flight Risk) as to both defendants. No bail set. Financial
Affidavits due next court date. Detention Hearing set for 11/12/2010 02:30 PM in Courtroom F
before Magistrate Judge Cathy Ann Bencivengo. Preliminary Hearing set for 11/18/2010 01:30
PM in Courtroom A before Magistrate Judge Anthony J. Battaglia. (CD# 11/9/2010 CAB-
14:11-14:19). (AUSA Sherri Walker Hobson). (Defendant Attorney Amy Kimpel, FD-S/A).
(pdc) Modified on 11/10/2010 to correct date of filing/hearing date (lmh).
3:10-mj-03670-CAB-2 USA v. Estrada et al
Detention Hearing Courtroom F
Martha McNab Hall representing William Allan Hays (Defendant)
U S Attorney CR representing USA (Plaintiff)
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Cathy Ann Bencivengo: Initial
Appearance on Complaint as to Francisco Alarid Estrada and William Allan Hays held on
11/8/2010. Attorney Inge Brauer (n/a) provisionally appointed for Francisco Alarid Estrada (1).
Attorney Martha McNab Hall (n/a) provisionally appointed for William Allan Hays (2). Oral
Motion for Detention by Government (Flight Risk) as to both defendants. No bail set. Financial
Affidavits due next court date. Detention Hearing set for 11/12/2010 02:30 PM in Courtroom F
before Magistrate Judge Cathy Ann Bencivengo. Preliminary Hearing set for 11/18/2010 01:30
PM in Courtroom A before Magistrate Judge Anthony J. Battaglia. (CD# 11/9/2010 CAB-
14:11-14:19). (AUSA Sherri Walker Hobson). (Defendant Attorney Amy Kimpel, FD-S/A).
(pdc) Modified on 11/10/2010 to correct date of filing/hearing date (lmh).
3:10-mj-03671-CAB-1 USA v. Velazquez-Cortez
Detention Hearing Courtroom E
Federal Defenders representing Rene Velazquez-Cortez (Defendant)
U S Attorney CR representing USA (Plaintiff)
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Cathy Ann Bencivengo: Initial
Appearance on Complaint as to Rene Velazquez-Cortez held on 11/8/2010. Federal Defenders
appointed for Rene Velazquez-Cortez. Oral Motion for Detention by Government (Flight Risk).
No bail set. Detention Hearing set for 11/12/2010 02:30 PM in Courtroom E before Magistrate
Judge Cathy Ann Bencivengo. Preliminary Hearing set for 11/18/2010 01:30 PM in Courtroom
A before Magistrate Judge Anthony J. Battaglia. (CD# 11/8/2010 CAB-14:11-14:21). (AUSA
Sara Boot/Andrew Hayden). (Defendant Attorney Amy Kimpel, FD-S/A).
02:45 PM
3:08-cr-02790-BTM-2 USA v. Ince et al DEFENDANT TERMINATED on 02/02/2009
Revocation Superv Rls Courtroom 15
Barbara M Donovan representing Juan Jose Hernandez (Defendant [T])
Thomas G Gilmore representing Viridiana Lazaro Ayala (Material Witness)
Stephen Frederick Miller representing USA (Plaintiff)
NOTICE OF HEARING as to Defendant Juan Jose Hernandez. Due to a conflict in the court's
calendar the Final Hearing re Revocation of Supervised Release is rescheduled to 11/12/2010
02:45 PM in Courtroom 15 before Judge Barry Ted Moskowitz.
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03:00 PM
3:08-cr-04139-BTM-1 USA v. Ramirez-Esquer et al DEFENDANT TERMINATED on
Revocation Superv Rls
Angel Rivera-Reyes (Material Witness)
Oliver P Cleary representing Juan Ramirez-Esquer (Defendant [T])
Dominic E. Kardum representing USA (Plaintiff)
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge William V. Gallo: Preliminary
Revocation Hearing as to Juan Ramirez-Esquer held on 9/28/2010. Defendant is prepared to
admit allegation(s) contained within the petition. Revocation of Supervised Release Hearing set for
11/12/2010 03:00 PM before Judge Barry Ted Moskowitz. (CD# 9/28/2010 WVG10-14:02-
14:03). (Plaintiff Attorney Helen Hong AUSA). (Defendant Attorney Oliver Cleary CJA).
3:08-cv-00639-JLS -CAB Coyne v. County of San Diego et al
(Nature of Suit 442 - Civil Rights: Jobs)
Motion Hearing Courtroom 06
DOES 1 through 25, inclusive (Defendant)
William H Songer representing County of San Diego (Defendant), County of San Diego
Department of the Public Defender (Defendant)
Jack B Winters, Jr representing Kathleen Coyne (Plaintiff)
MOTION to Continue and Reschedule Trial Dates by County of San Diego. (Attachments: #
(1) Memo of Points and Authorities Supporting Defendant County's Motion to
Continue/Reschedule Trial, # (2) Declaration of Steven J. Carroll in Support of Defendant
County's Motion to Continue/Reschedule Trial)(Songer, William) (lmt).
3:09-cv-00744-JLS-AJB Southern California Stroke Rehabilitation Associates, Inc. v. Nautilus,
Inc. et al
(Nature of Suit 190 - Contract: Other)
Motion Hearing Courtroom 06
DOES (Defendant)
Eric Berg representing Southern California Stroke Rehabilitation Associates, Inc. (Plaintiff)
Robert W Harrison representing Nautilus, Inc. (Defendant)
Patrick J Kearns representing Nautilus, Inc. (Defendant)
G Cresswell Templeton, III representing Southern California Stroke Rehabilitation Associates,
Inc. (Plaintiff)
Stephen J. Tomasulo representing Southern California Stroke Rehabilitation Associates, Inc.
MOTION for Summary Judgment by Nautilus, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Memo of Points and
Authorities, # (2) Statement of Facts, # (3) Declaration of Patrick J. Kearns, # (4) Declaration of
Dean Sbragia, # (5) Declaration of Gregory Webb, # (6) Declaration of Tracy Maloney, # (7)
Request for Judicial Notice, # (8) Exhibit to Request for Judicial Notice, # (9) Notice Notice of
Lodgment, # (10) Exhibit Part 1 to Notice of Lodgment, # (11) Exhibit Part 2 to Notice of
Lodgment, # (12) Exhibit Part 3 to Notice of Lodgment, # (13) Exhibit Part 4 to Notice of
Lodgment, # (14) Exhibit Part 5 to Notice of Lodgment, # (15) Proof of Service)(Kearns,
Patrick) (lmt).
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Cross MOTION for Summary Adjudication Against Defendant Nautilus, Inc.; and
Memorandum of Points and Authorities In Support Thereof by Southern California Stroke
Rehabilitation Associates, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Proof of Service)(Tomasulo, Stephen) (lmt).
3:10-cr-01973-H-1 USA v. Sanchez et al
Sentence w/ PSR Courtroom 13
John Owen Lanahan representing Miguel Angel Sanchez (Defendant)
Scott M. Lesowitz representing USA (Plaintiff)
NOTICE OF HEARING as to Defendant Miguel Angel Sanchez (1) (custody). At the request of
defense counsel, Sentence With PSR is reset for 11/12/2010 03:00 PM in Courtroom 13 before
Judge Marilyn L. Huff. Time of 9:00 AM is vacated for Deft Sanchez (1).
3:10-cr-03200-H-1 USA v. Olivares-Estrada
Status Hearing Courtroom 13
Scott M. Lesowitz representing USA (Plaintiff)
Kathryn A. Thickstun Leff representing Juan Olivares-Estrada (Defendant)
3:10-cr-03813-H-1 USA v. Martinez-Gomez
Sentence w/ CR History Rpt Courtroom 13
David A. Fox representing USA (Plaintiff)
Alysia D. Franklin representing Areli Martinez-Gomez (Defendant)
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Cathy Ann Bencivengo: Change of
Plea Hearing as to Areli Martinez-Gomez held on 10/7/2010. Plea Tendered by Areli Martinez-
Gomez Guilty on count 1 of the Information. PSR waived, CR History Report Ordered. Sentence
With CR History Report set for 11/12/2010 03:00 PM in Courtroom 13 before Judge Marilyn L.
Huff. (CD# 10/7/2010 CAB10-10:34-11:00). (Plaintiff Attorney Carlos Arguello, S/A AUSA).
(Defendant Attorney Alysia Franklin, FD).
3:10-cr-03817-H-1 USA v. Gomez-Estrada
Sentence w/ CR History Rpt Courtroom 13
Alysia D. Franklin representing Cesar Gomez-Estrada (Defendant)
Tara K. McGrath representing USA (Plaintiff)
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Cathy Ann Bencivengo: Change of
Plea Hearing as to Cesar Gomez-Estrada held on 10/7/2010. Plea Tendered by Cesar Gomez-
Estrada Guilty on counts 1 of the Information. PSR waived; CR History Report Ordered.
Sentence With CR History Report set for 11/12/2010 03:00 PM in Courtroom 13 before Judge
Marilyn L. Huff. (CD# 10/7/2010 CAB10-10:34-11:00). (Plaintiff Attorney Carlos Arguello,
S/A AUSA). (Defendant Attorney Alysia Franklin, FD).
3:10-cr-04155-IEG-1 USA v. Rodriguez
Change of Plea Hearing Courtroom A
John R Fielding, Jr representing Jose Cecilio Rodriguez (Defendant)
U S Attorney CR representing USA (Plaintiff)
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Anthony J. Battaglia: Arraignment as
to Jose Cecilio Anaya Rodriguez (1) Count 1 held on 10/18/2010, Not Guilty plea entered, True
Name as to Jose Cecilio Anaya Rodriguez is JOSE CECILIO RODRIGUEZ. ( Change of Plea
Hearing set for 11/12/2010 03:00 PM in Courtroom A before Magistrate Judge Anthony J.
Battaglia., Motion Hearing/Trial Setting set for 11/15/2010 02:00 PM in Courtroom 01 before
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Judge Irma E. Gonzalez.) (CD# 10/18/2010 AJB-1: 1609-1627). (Plaintiff Attorney Sarah
Boot). (Defendant Attorney Marc Levinson s/a).
3:10-cr-04182-IEG-1 USA v. Urtes-De Jesus
Change of Plea Hearing Courtroom A
U S Attorney CR representing USA (Plaintiff)
Erica K. Zunkel representing Cesar Urtes-De Jesus (Defendant)
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Anthony J. Battaglia: Arraignment as
to Cesar Urtes-De Jesus (1) Count 1 held on 10/19/2010. Not Guilty plea entered. Change of
Plea Hearing set for 11/12/2010 03:00 PM in Courtroom A before Magistrate Judge Anthony J.
Battaglia. Motion Hearing/Trial Setting set for 11/15/2010 02:00 PM in Courtroom 01 before
Judge Irma E. Gonzalez. (CD# 10/19/2010 AJB10-13:48-14:08). (AUSA Helen Hong).
(Defense Attorney FD Erica K Zunkel).
3:10-cr-04226-IEG-1 USA v. Rivera-Zepeda
Change of Plea Hearing Courtroom A
Joseph S. Camden representing Juan Rivera-Zepeda (Defendant)
U S Attorney CR representing USA (Plaintiff)
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Anthony J. Battaglia: Arraignment as
to Juan Rivera-Zepeda (1) Count 1 held on 10/21/2010 Not Guilty plea entered. Change of Plea
Hearing set for 11/12/2010 03:00 PM in Courtroom A before Magistrate Judge Anthony J.
Battaglia. Motion Hearing/Trial Setting set for 11/29/2010 02:00 PM in Courtroom 01 before
Judge Irma E. Gonzalez. (CD# 10/21/2010 1: 1403-1411). (Plaintiff Attorney Tara McGrath).
(Defendant Attorney Joseph S. Camden, FD).
03:30 PM
3:08-cr-00931-BTM-1 USA v. Hernandez DEFENDANT TERMINATED on 07/01/2008
Status Hearing Courtroom 15
W Mark Conover representing USA (Plaintiff)
Ricardo M Gonzalez representing Julian Hernandez (Defendant [T])
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Cathy Ann Bencivengo: Initial
Appearance - Revocation of Supervised Release as to Julian Hernandez held on 11/8/2010.
Attorney Ricardo Gonzalez (n/a) reappointed as counsel. Dft arraigned and denial entered. No
bail set. Court having asked the defendant if he has any evidence to present on the merits of the
petition and after considering any such evidence, the court found based on the allegations in the
petition that there is probable cause to believe that a violation has been committed, and that the
defendant shall be held pending an order to show cause hearing before the district judge assigned
to this matter. Court ruling is without prejudice. Status Hearing set for 11/12/2010 03:30 PM in
Courtroom 15 before Judge Barry Ted Moskowitz. Preliminary Revocation Hearing set for
11/16/2010 09:30 AM in Courtroom E before Magistrate Judge Cathy Ann Bencivengo. (CD#
11/8/2010 CAB-10:37-10:44). (AUSA Sarah Boot). (Defendant Attorney Amy Kimpel, FD-
04:00 PM
3:09-cv-02504-LAB -POR Coreno v. Armstrong et al
(Nature of Suit 550 - Prisoner: Civil Rights)
Motion Hearing Courtroom H
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Hunt (Defendant [T]), Jane Doe #6 (Defendant), Jane Doe #9 (Defendant [T]), John Doe #1
(Defendant), John Doe #10 (Defendant [T]), John Doe #11 (Defendant [T]), John Doe #12
(Defendant [T]), John Doe #2 (Defendant), John Doe #3 (Defendant), John Doe #4 (Defendant),
John Doe #5 (Defendant), John Doe #7 (Defendant), John Doe #8 (Defendant [T]), Joseph
Coreno (Plaintiff), Marc Armstrong (Defendant [T]), R Hilis (Defendant)
Michelle DesJardins representing George Neotti (Defendant)
MOTION to Dismiss Second Amended Complaint by George Neotti. (Attachments: # (1)
Memo of Points and Authorities, # (2) Declaration A. Allamby in Support of Defendant Neotti's
Motion to Dismiss Plaintiff's Second Amended Complaint, # (3) Declaration D. Foston in
Support of Defendant's Motion to Dismiss Second Amended Complaint, # (4) Declaration J.
Rivera in Support of Defendant's Moition to Dismiss Second Amended Complaint, # (5)
Declaration E. Talanoa in Support of Defendant's Motion to Dismiss Second Amended
Complaint, # (6) Declaration J. Walker in Support of Defendant's Motion to Dismiss Second
Amended Complaint)(DesJardins, Michelle) (ecl).
3:10-cv-00470-LAB -POR McCusker v. Astrue
(Nature of Suit 864 - Social Security: SSID Tit. XVI)
Motion Hearing
Theophous H Reagans representing Michael J. Astrue (Defendant)
Brian C Shapiro representing George F. McCusker, Jr (Plaintiff)
Thomas C Stahl representing Michael J. Astrue (Defendant)
MOTION for Summary Judgment ;Memorandum of Points and Authorities in Support
Thereof by George F. McCusker, Jr. (Shapiro, Brian) qc mail sent re cert of service, memo of
p/a's as attachment (kaj).
Cross MOTION for Summary Judgment by Michael J. Astrue. (Attachments: # (1) Memo of
Points and Authorities, # (2) Memo of Points and Authorities)(Reagans, Theophous) qc mail sent
re filing opposition as separate entry (kaj).
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11/11/2010 CM/ECF - casd-Calendar Events
Calendar Events Report
3:06-cv-01558 Find This Case
Office INS (1) Nature
El Centro (2) of suit 0 (zero)
San Diego (3) 110 (Insurance)
Yuma (5) 120 (Contract: Marine)
Calendar All Hearings Set 1/1/2002 to 11/11/2010 Calendar
events Removal/ID Hearing
Accept Plea w/PSR & Sent Both AM PM
Accept Plea w/out PSR & Sent
Time AM PM
Include closed cases
Include docket text
Display terminated parties
Sort by Time
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11/11/2010 CM/ECF - casd-Calendar Events Report
U.S. District Court
Southern District of California
Calendar Events Set For 1/1/2002-11/11/2010
09:00 AM
3:06-cv-01558-MMA -WMC Uriarte v. Schwarzenegger, et al
(Nature of Suit 550 - Prisoner: Civil Rights)
Motion Hearing Courtroom C
Francisco Uriarte (Plaintiff)
Stephen A Aronis representing B Jones (Defendant), Ben Oliveros (Defendant), Comanucho
(Defendant), Dave Cavender (Defendant), E A Contreras (Defendant), F Williams (Defendant),
Fredrick Jenkin (Defendant), John Dresbauch (Defendant), K Hurm (Defendant), K L Spence
(Defendant), L Lorzano (Defendant), L Rauper (Defendant), M A Martinez (Defendant), R D
Ramirez (Defendant), Reed (Defendant), Robert Hernandez (Defendant), Steve Ritter
(Defendant), T W Stricklin (Defendant)
Attorney General representing A C Bracamonte (Defendant), Arnold Schwarzengger (Defendant
[T]), B Crawford (Defendant), B Jones (Defendant), Ben Oliveros (Defendant), Comanucho
(Defendant), Dave Cavender (Defendant), E A Contreras (Defendant), F Williams (Defendant),
Fredrick Jenkin (Defendant), J S Macias (Defendant), James Tilton (Defendant [T]), Jerry
Tibbetts (Defendant), Joanna Woodward (Defendant [T]), John Dresbauch (Defendant), K Hurm
(Defendant), K L Spence (Defendant), L Lorzano (Defendant), L Rauper (Defendant), Larry
William Green (Defendant), M A Martinez (Defendant), N Grannis (Defendant [T]), Peter
Farber-Szekreny (Defendant [T]), R D Ramirez (Defendant), Reed (Defendant), Robert
Hernandez (Defendant), Rodman Hickman (Defendant [T]), Steve Ritter (Defendant), T W
Stricklin (Defendant), Terry Labourdette (Defendant)
Robert James Campbell representing Norment Security Group, Inc. (Defendant)
Phillip James Lindsay representing A C Bracamonte (Defendant), Arnold Schwarzengger
(Defendant [T]), B Crawford (Defendant), J S Macias (Defendant), James Tilton (Defendant
[T]), Jerry Tibbetts (Defendant), Joanna Woodward (Defendant [T]), Larry William Green
(Defendant), M A Martinez (Defendant), N Grannis (Defendant [T]), Peter Farber-Szekreny
(Defendant [T]), Rodman Hickman (Defendant [T]), Terry Labourdette (Defendant)
MOTION to Dismiss the Second Amended Complaint by Dave Cavender, Comanucho, E A
Contreras, John Dresbauch, Robert Hernandez, K Hurm, Fredrick Jenkin, B Jones, L Lorzano,
M A Martinez, Ben Oliveros, R D Ramirez, L Rauper, Reed, Steve Ritter, K L Spence, T W
Stricklin, F Williams. (Attachments: # (1) Memo of Points and Authorities in Support of Motion
to Dismiss the Second Amended Complaint)(Aronis, Stephen) (srm).
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Calendar Events Report
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U.S. District Court
Southern District of California
Calendar Events Set For 1/1/2002-11/11/2010
09:00 AM
3:08-cr-04229-JLS-1 USA v. Western Titanium, Inc. et al
Jury Trial
Siobhan A Cullen representing Titanium Industries, Inc. (Movant)
Robert K Edmunds representing Senior Aerospace Jet Products (Movant)
Tillman Finley representing Western Titanium, Inc. (Defendant)
Barry Irwin Gross representing Titanium Industries, Inc. (Movant)
Rebecca A. Haciski representing Supra Alloys, Inc. (Movant)
Mark C. Holscher representing Jet Propulsion Laboratory (Movant)
Sarah E Kleven McGann representing Western Titanium, Inc. (Defendant)
David D Leshner representing USA (Plaintiff)
Nancy Luque representing Western Titanium, Inc. (Defendant)
Daniel Marino representing Western Titanium, Inc. (Defendant)
Brian R. Michael representing Supra Alloys, Inc. (Movant)
Melanie K Pierson representing USA (Plaintiff)
Amie D Rooney representing USA (Plaintiff)
Jeffrey Sinek representing Jet Propulsion Laboratory (Movant)
Todd R. Steggerda representing Supra Alloys, Inc. (Movant)
Stacey H Sullivan representing USA (Plaintiff)
William P. Warden representing Pro-Fab, Inc. (Movant)
09:00 AM
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11/11/2010 CM/ECF - casd-Calendar Events
Calendar Events Report
Office INS (1) Nature
El Centro (2) of suit 0 (zero)
San Diego (3) 110 (Insurance)
Yuma (5) 120 (Contract: Marine)
Calendar All Hearings Set 1/1/2002 to 11/11/2010 Calendar
events Removal/ID Hearing
Accept Plea w/PSR & Sent Both AM PM
Accept Plea w/out PSR & Sent
Time AM PM
Include closed cases
Include docket text
Display terminated parties
Sort by Time
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U.S. District Court
Southern District of California
Calendar Events Set For 1/1/2002-11/11/2010
09:00 AM
3:10-cr-04095-BTM-1 USA v. Cruz-Alvarez
Change of Plea Hearing Courtroom 08
Amy F. Kimpel representing Carlos Alberto Cruz-Alvarez (Defendant)
Neama Rahmani representing USA (Plaintiff)
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge Gordon Thompson, Jr: Change of Plea
Continued as to Carlos Alberto Cruz-Alvarez. Defense oral motion to continue hearing granted.
Change of Plea Hearing continued to 11/10/2010 09:00 AM in Courtroom 08 before Judge
Gordon Thompson Jr.. (Court Reporter Melinda Setterman).(Plaintiff Attorney AUSA Faith
Devine). (Defendant Attorney Amy Kimpel FD).
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U.S. District Court
Southern District of California
Calendar Events Set For 1/1/2002-11/11/2010
09:00 AM
3:10-cr-04095-BTM-1 USA v. Cruz-Alvarez
Change of Plea Hearing Courtroom 08
Amy F. Kimpel representing Carlos Alberto Cruz-Alvarez (Defendant)
Neama Rahmani representing USA (Plaintiff)
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge Gordon Thompson, Jr: Change of Plea
Continued as to Carlos Alberto Cruz-Alvarez. Defense oral motion to continue hearing granted.
Change of Plea Hearing continued to 11/10/2010 09:00 AM in Courtroom 08 before Judge
Gordon Thompson Jr.. (Court Reporter Melinda Setterman).(Plaintiff Attorney AUSA Faith
Devine). (Defendant Attorney Amy Kimpel FD).
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11/11/2010 CM/ECF - casd-Calendar Events
Calendar Events Report
3:09-cr-89 (closed 06/02/2009)
Office INS (1) Nature
El Centro (2) of suit 0 (zero)
San Diego (3) 110 (Insurance)
Yuma (5) 120 (Contract: Marine)
Calendar All Hearings Set 1/1/2002 to 11/11/2010 Calendar
events Removal/ID Hearing
Accept Plea w/PSR & Sent Both AM PM
Accept Plea w/out PSR & Sent
Time AM PM
Include closed cases
Include docket text
Display terminated parties
Sort by Time
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11/11/2010 CM/ECF - casd-Calendar Events Report
U.S. District Court
Southern District of California
Calendar Events Set For 1/1/2002-11/11/2010
10:00 AM
3:09-cr-00089-BEN-1 USA v. Flores-Urbina DEFENDANT TERMINATED on 06/02/2009
Status Hearing El Centro
Trenton C Packer representing Authon Flores-Urbina (Defendant [T])
Timothy C. Perry representing USA (Plaintiff)
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Peter C. Lewis: Initial Appearance -
Probation Revocation as to Authon Flores-Urbina held on 11/1/2010. Court having asked the
defendant if he has any evidence to present on the merits of the petition and after considering any
such evidence, the court found based on the allegations in the petition that there is probable cause
to believe that a violation has been committed, and that the defendant shall be held pending an
order to show cause hearing before the district judge assigned to this matter. Court re-appointed
Federal Defenders as counsel. Court ruling is without prejudice. Dft arraigned and denial entered.
Status Hearing set for 11/10/2010 10:00 AM in El Centro before Magistrate Judge Peter C.
Lewis. (CD# 11/1/2010 PCL 15:08-15:11). (Plaintiff Attorney John Weis, AUSA). (Defendant
Attorney James Johnson, FD).
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Calendar Events Report
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U.S. District Court
Southern District of California
Calendar Events Set For 1/1/2002-11/11/2010
10:00 AM
3:09-cr-03221-PCL-1 USA v. Markovich et al DEFENDANT TERMINATED on 10/21/2009
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Calendar Events Report
3:09-cv-587 (closed 10/30/2009)
Office INS (1) Nature
El Centro (2) of suit 0 (zero)
San Diego (3) 110 (Insurance)
Yuma (5) 120 (Contract: Marine)
Calendar All Hearings Set 1/1/2002 to 11/11/2010 Calendar
events Removal/ID Hearing
Accept Plea w/PSR & Sent Both AM PM
Accept Plea w/out PSR & Sent
Time AM PM
Include closed cases
Include docket text
Display terminated parties
Sort by Time
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11/11/2010 CM/ECF - casd-Calendar Events Report
U.S. District Court
Southern District of California
Calendar Events Set For 1/1/2002-11/11/2010
10:00 AM
3:09-cv-00587-W-RBB The Board of Trustees of the San Diego County Theatrical Pension Trust
et al v. San Diego Civic Light Opera Association CASE CLOSED on 10/30/2009
(Nature of Suit 791 - Labor: E.R.I.S.A.)
Judgment Debtor Exam Courtroom G
San Diego Civic Light Opera Association (Defendant)
Lisa Ann Lesley representing The Board of Trustees of the San Diego County Theatrical Health
and Welfare Plan (Plaintiff), The Board of Trustees of the San Diego County Theatrical Pension
Trust (Plaintiff)
Joint MOTION to Continue, MOTION for Judgment Debtor Exam Joint Motion to Continue
Appearance and Examination by The Board of Trustees of the San Diego County Theatrical
Health and Welfare Plan, The Board of Trustees of the San Diego County Theatrical Pension
Trust. (Lesley, Lisa) (tkl).
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11/11/2010 CM/ECF - casd-Calendar Events
Calendar Events Report
Office INS (1) Nature
El Centro (2) of suit 0 (zero)
San Diego (3) 110 (Insurance)
Yuma (5) 120 (Contract: Marine)
Calendar All Hearings Set 1/1/2002 to 11/11/2010 Calendar
events Removal/ID Hearing
Accept Plea w/PSR & Sent Both AM PM
Accept Plea w/out PSR & Sent
Time AM PM
Include closed cases
Include docket text
Display terminated parties
Sort by Time
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11/11/2010 CM/ECF - casd-Calendar Events Report
U.S. District Court
Southern District of California
Calendar Events Set For 1/1/2002-11/11/2010
09:00 AM
3:10-cr-03664-W-1 USA v. Vasquez-Garcia
Preliminary Hearing Courtroom C
Sara Marie Peloquin representing Juan Vasquez-Garcia (Defendant)
Timothy C. Perry representing USA (Plaintiff)
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge William McCurine, Jr: Preliminary
Hearing not held as to Juan Vasquez-Garcia. Defense oral motion to continue hearing granted.
Preliminary Hearing continued to 9/16/2010 09:00 AM in Courtroom C before Magistrate Judge
William McCurine Jr.. (CD# 9/9/2010 WMC10-9:45-9:47). (Plaintiff Attorney Lara Stingley).
(Defendant Attorney Sara M. Peloquin, FD). (rab)[3:10-mj-02705-WMC]
10:00 AM
3:10-cr-03664-W-1 USA v. Vasquez-Garcia
Attorney Appointment Hearing Courtroom E
Sara Marie Peloquin representing Juan Vasquez-Garcia (Defendant)
Timothy C. Perry representing USA (Plaintiff)
NOTICE OF HEARING as to Defendant Juan Vasquez-Garcia. At the request of defense
counsel, an Attorney Appointment Hearing is set for 11/10/2010 10:00 AM in Courtroom E
before Magistrate Judge Cathy Ann Bencivengo.
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11/11/2010 CM/ECF - casd-Calendar Events
Calendar Events Report
Office INS (1) Nature
El Centro (2) of suit 0 (zero)
San Diego (3) 110 (Insurance)
Yuma (5) 120 (Contract: Marine)
Calendar All Hearings Set 1/1/2002 to 11/11/2010 Calendar
events Removal/ID Hearing
Accept Plea w/PSR & Sent Both AM PM
Accept Plea w/out PSR & Sent
Time AM PM
Include closed cases
Include docket text
Display terminated parties
Sort by Time
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U.S. District Court
Southern District of California
Calendar Events Set For 1/1/2002-11/11/2010
10:00 AM
3:10-cr-04185-H-1 USA v. Garcia-Cervantes
Change of Plea Hearing El Centro
Victor Manuel Torres representing Edgar Garcia-Cervantes (Defendant)
U S Attorney CR representing USA (Plaintiff)
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Peter C. Lewis: Arraignment on the
information as to Edgar Garcia-Cervantes (1) Count 1 held on 10/20/2010. Not Guilty plea
entered. Change of Plea Hearing set for 11/10/2010 10:00 AM in El Centro before Magistrate
Judge Peter C. Lewis. (CD# 10/20/2010 PCL 1: 10:18 - 10:22). (Plaintiff Attorney Karla
Davis). (Defendant Attorney Victor Torres).
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11/11/2010 CM/ECF - casd-Calendar Events
Calendar Events Report
Office INS (1) Nature
El Centro (2) of suit 0 (zero)
San Diego (3) 110 (Insurance)
Yuma (5) 120 (Contract: Marine)
Calendar All Hearings Set 1/1/2002 to 11/11/2010 Calendar
events Removal/ID Hearing
Accept Plea w/PSR & Sent Both AM PM
Accept Plea w/out PSR & Sent
Time AM PM
Include closed cases
Include docket text
Display terminated parties
Sort by Time
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11/11/2010 CM/ECF - casd-Calendar Events Report
U.S. District Court
Southern District of California
Calendar Events Set For 1/1/2002-11/11/2010
10:00 AM
3:10-cr-04186-WQH-1 USA v. Morales
Change of Plea Hearing El Centro
Victor Manuel Torres representing Mauricio Morales (Defendant)
U S Attorney CR representing USA (Plaintiff)
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Peter C. Lewis: Arraignment on the
information as to Mauricio Morales (1) Count 1 held on 10/20/2010. Not Guilty plea entered.
Change of Plea Hearing set for 11/10/2010 10:00 AM in El Centro before Magistrate Judge
Peter C. Lewis. (CD# 10/20/2010 PCL 1: 10:18-10:22). (Plaintiff Attorney Karla Davis).
(Defendant Attorney Victor Torres).
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11/11/2010 CM/ECF - casd-Calendar Events
Calendar Events Report
Office INS (1) Nature
El Centro (2) of suit 0 (zero)
San Diego (3) 110 (Insurance)
Yuma (5) 120 (Contract: Marine)
Calendar All Hearings Set 1/1/2002 to 11/11/2010 Calendar
events Removal/ID Hearing
Accept Plea w/PSR & Sent Both AM PM
Accept Plea w/out PSR & Sent
Time AM PM
Include closed cases
Include docket text
Display terminated parties
Sort by Time
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11/11/2010 CM/ECF - casd-Calendar Events Report
U.S. District Court
Southern District of California
Calendar Events Set For 1/1/2002-11/11/2010
10:00 AM
3:10-cr-04356-JLS-1 USA v. Murillo-Mendez
Change of Plea Hearing Courtroom E
Candis L. Mitchell representing Francisco Murillo-Mendez (Defendant)
U S Attorney CR representing USA (Plaintiff)
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Peter C. Lewis: Arraignment on
Information as to Francisco Murillo-Mendez (1) Count 1 held on 10/28/2010. Not Guilty plea
entered. Change of Plea Hearing set for 11/10/2010 10:00 AM in Courtroom E before
Magistrate Judge Cathy Ann Bencivengo. (CD# 10/28/2010 PCL14:09-14:13;14:39-14:41).
(Plaintiff Attorney AUSA John F. Weis). (Defendant Attorney Diane M. Regan FD S/A for
Candis L. Mitchell FD S/A).
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U.S. District Court
Calendar Events Set For 11/10/2010-11/12/2010
10:00 AM
1) 1:01-cr-10061-MMM-1 USA v. Williams DEFENDANT TERMINATED on 05/30/2002
Preliminary Examination Courtroom C in Peoria
K Tate Chambers representing USA (Plaintiff)
George F Taseff representing John T Williams (Defendant [T])
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge Michael M. Mihm: Parties present in open court
by AUSA Tate/Murphy and FPD Taseff with Dft John T Williams for Initial Appearance re
Revocation of Supervised Release on Wednesday, 11/10/2010. Same Held. Dft and counsel
acknowledge receipt of petition. Final Hearing re Revocation of Supervised Release set for
Friday, 1/14/2011 at 9:30 AM in Courtroom B in Peoria before Judge Michael M. Mihm. Dft
advised of charges and possible penalties. Dft requests appointed counsel. Court appoints FPD
Taseff as he has previously represented the Dft. FPD Taseff requests copy of warrant in Tazewell
county. Same GRANTED. No Objs. Govt requests detention of the dft. Court orders dft
detained pending detention/preliminary hearing set for Friday, 11/12/2010 at 10:00 AM in
Courtroom C in Peoria before Magistrate Judge John A. Gorman. Temporary detention order to
enter. Court orders dfts criminal history copied for counsel. Dft remanded to the custody of the
US Marshal. (Court Reporter JJ.)
10:30 AM
2) 1:10-cr-10041-MMM -JAG-1 USA v. Washington et al
Pretrial Conference Courtroom B in Peoria
Robert A Alvarado representing Tyris T Washington (Defendant)
Bradley W Murphy representing USA (Plaintiff)
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge John A. Gorman: Parties present in
open court by AUSA Walters and FPD Alvarado with Dft Tyris Washington for Initial
Appearance/Arraignment as to Tyris T Washington (1) Count 1,2 on Monday, 9/27/2010. Dft
and counsel acknowledge receipt of indictment and are advised of charges and possible penalties.
Dft advised of right to hire counsel. Dft requests appointed counsel and is questioned re financial
status. Ct finds dft indigent and appoints FPD. Dft and counsel waive reading in open court. Dft
enters plea of not guilty to all counts. Case is set for Pretrial Conference set for 11/12/2010 at
10:30 AM and Jury Trial set for 11/22/2010 at 8:30 AM both in Courtroom B in Peoria before
Judge Michael M. Mihm. Govt requests detention of dft. Dft waives detention hrg and agrees to
detention. Dft remanded to the custody of the US Marshal. Ct orders dfts criminal history copied
for counsel. (Tape #PR-C 1:38 PM.) (SM, ilcd) Modified on 9/29/2010 to change JT time to
8:30 AM (SM, ilcd).
11:00 AM
3) 1:10-cr-10102-MMM -JAG-1 USA v. Patton
Pretrial Conference Courtroom B in Peoria
ecf.ilcd.uscourts.gov/cgi-bin/CalEvents.… 1/3
Robert A Alvarado representing Raphael W Patton (Defendant)
Bradley W Murphy representing USA (Plaintiff)
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge John A. Gorman:Parties present in
open court by AUSA B. Murphy and FPD R. Alvarado with Dft Raphael W Patton for Initial
Appearance/Arraignment held on 10/6/2010. Dft and counsel acknowledge receipt of indictment.
Dft advised of charges and possible penalties against him. Dft advised of right to hire counsel. Dft
requests appointed counsel. Court questions Dft as to financial status. Court finds Dft indigent and
will appoint FPD. Dft waives reading of indictment in open court. Dft enters a plea of not guilty to
all counts and same received and entered of record. Court advises Dft of constitutional right to
jury trial. Case set for Pretrial Conference on 11/12/2010 at 11:00 a.m. and Jury Trial set for
11/29/2010 at 8:30 a.m. BOTH in Courtroom B in Peoria before Judge Michael M. Mihm.
Scheduling Order to enter. Govt requests detention of Dft. Dft waives detention hearing and
agrees to detention. Detention Order to enter. Court orders Dfts criminal history copied for
counsel. Dft remanded to the custody of the USM. (Tape #PRC: 2:07 p.m.)
4) 1:10-cv-01230-MMM -JAG Carlson et al v. Illinois Power Corporation
(Nature of Suit 893 - Environmental Matters)
Rule 16 Scheduling Conference in chambers in Peoria
James D Brusslan representing Ethel Carlson (Plaintiff,Counter Defendant), Rex Carlson
(Plaintiff,Counter Defendant)
Joshua R More representing Illinois Power Company (Defendant,Counter Claimant)
Gabriel M Rodriguez representing Illinois Power Company (Defendant,Counter Claimant)
Ashley L Thompson representing Illinois Power Company (Defendant,Counter Claimant)
ORDER by Magistrate Judge John A. Gorman setting Rule 16 Scheduling Conference. Rule 16
Scheduling Conference set for Friday, 11/12/2010 at 11:00 AM in chambers in Peoria before
Magistrate Judge John A. Gorman. Agreed Discoveryplan due by 11/10/10. See written order.
Entered on 10/6/10.
11:15 AM
5) 1:10-cr-10097-MMM -JAG-1 USA v. Thomas
Pretrial Conference Courtroom B in Peoria
Robert A Alvarado representing Timothy Thomas (Defendant)
Darilynn J Knauss representing USA (Plaintiff)
Bradley W Murphy representing USA (Plaintiff)
Set/Reset Deadlines/Hearings as to Timothy Thomas: Pretrial Conference set for 11/12/2010 at
11:15 AM in Courtroom B in Peoria before Judge Michael M. Mihm. PLEASE NOTE THIS IS
11:30 AM
6) 1:10-cr-10103-MMM -JAG-1 USA v. Ford
Motion Hearing Courtroom B in Peoria
Derek G Asbury representing Sonny T Ford (Defendant)
Karl W Bryning representing Sonny T Ford (Defendant)
Bradley W Murphy representing USA (Plaintiff)
MOTION to Withdraw as Attorney by Karl W. Bryning. by Sonny T Ford.
01:00 PM
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7) 1:10-cv-01040-JBM-BGC Sheet Metal Workers International Association Local Union No 1 v.
Senica Cooling & Heating LLC et al CASE CLOSED on 09/14/2010
(Nature of Suit 720 - Labor: Labor/Mgt. Relations)
Citation Hearing Courtroom C in Peoria
Daryl R Senica (Defendant), Senica Cooling & Heating LLC (Defendant), Senica Heating & Air
Conditioning Inc (Defendant)
David W Stuckel representing Sheet Metal Workers International Association Local Union No 1
NOTICE of Hearing: Citation Hearing set for 11/12/2010 at 1:00 PM in Courtroom C in Peoria
before Magistrate Judge John A. Gorman. (Hearing requested by atty Stuckel)
Citation to Discover Assets issued; returned to attorney(s) for service. Citation Hearing set for
11/12/2010 01:00 PM in Courtroom C in Peoria before Magistrate Judge John A. Gorman.
01:30 PM
8) 1:08-cv-01049-JAG Annuity Plan of the International Union of Operating Engineers Local No. 649
v. DEM/EX Group, Inc.
(Nature of Suit 791 - Labor: E.R.I.S.A.)
Final Pretrial Conference in chambers in Peoria
James P Baker representing DEM/EX Group, Inc. (Defendant)
David W Stuckel representing Annuity Plan of the International Union of Operating Engineers
Local No. 649 (Plaintiff)
MOTION for Extension of Time to Complete Discovery filed by Plaintiff Annuity Plan of the
International Union of Operating Engineers Local No. 649. Responses due by 4/16/2010
MOTION to Supplement Plaintiff's Third Amended Complaint by Plaintiff Annuity Plan of the
International Union of Operating Engineers Local No. 649. Responses due by 11/12/2010
02:00 PM
1:02-cr-10094-MMM-1 USA v. Tillman DEFENDANT TERMINATED on 03/28/2003
Initial Appearance/Revocation Courtroom C in Peoria
Bradley W Murphy representing USA (Plaintiff)
Daniel E Radakovich representing Christopher L Tillman (Defendant [T])
Harry Sonnemaker, Jr representing Christopher L Tillman (Defendant [T])
NOTICE OF HEARING as to Christopher L Tillman: Initial Appearance on Revocation
Proceedings set for 11/12/2010 at 2:00 PM in Courtroom C in Peoria before Magistrate Judge
John A. Gorman.
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Calendar Events Report
1:01-cr-10061 (closed 05/30/2002)
Office Peoria (1) Nature
Urbana (2) of suit 0 (zero)
Springfield (3) 110 (Insurance)
Rock Island (4) 120 (Contract: Marine)
Calendar All Hearings Set 1/1/2002 to 11/12/2010 Calendar
events Allocution Hearing
Argument on Bankruptcy Appeal Both AM PM
Time AM PM
Include closed cases
Include docket text
Display terminated parties
Sort by Time
ecf.ilcd.uscourts.gov/cgi-bin/CalEvents.pl 1/1
U.S. District Court
Calendar Events Set For 1/1/2002-11/12/2010
10:00 AM
1:01-cr-10061-MMM-1 USA v. Williams DEFENDANT TERMINATED on 05/30/2002
Preliminary Examination Courtroom C in Peoria
K Tate Chambers representing USA (Plaintiff)
George F Taseff representing John T Williams (Defendant [T])
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge Michael M. Mihm: Parties present in open court
by AUSA Tate/Murphy and FPD Taseff with Dft John T Williams for Initial Appearance re
Revocation of Supervised Release on Wednesday, 11/10/2010. Same Held. Dft and counsel
acknowledge receipt of petition. Final Hearing re Revocation of Supervised Release set for
Friday, 1/14/2011 at 9:30 AM in Courtroom B in Peoria before Judge Michael M. Mihm. Dft
advised of charges and possible penalties. Dft requests appointed counsel. Court appoints FPD
Taseff as he has previously represented the Dft. FPD Taseff requests copy of warrant in Tazewell
county. Same GRANTED. No Objs. Govt requests detention of the dft. Court orders dft
detained pending detention/preliminary hearing set for Friday, 11/12/2010 at 10:00 AM in
Courtroom C in Peoria before Magistrate Judge John A. Gorman. Temporary detention order to
enter. Court orders dfts criminal history copied for counsel. Dft remanded to the custody of the
US Marshal. (Court Reporter JJ.)
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Calendar Events Report
ecf.ilcd.uscourts.gov/cgi-bin/CalEvents.pl 1/1
Calendar Events Report
Office Peoria (1) Nature
Urbana (2) of suit 0 (zero)
Springfield (3) 110 (Insurance)
Rock Island (4) 120 (Contract: Marine)
Calendar All Hearings Set 1/1/2002 to 11/12/2010 Calendar
events Allocution Hearing
Argument on Bankruptcy Appeal Both AM PM
Time AM PM
Include closed cases
Include docket text
Display terminated parties
Sort by Time
ecf.ilcd.uscourts.gov/cgi-bin/CalEvents.pl 1/1
U.S. District Court
Calendar Events Set For 1/1/2002-11/12/2010
11:00 AM
1:10-cr-10102-MMM -JAG-1 USA v. Patton
Pretrial Conference Courtroom B in Peoria
Robert A Alvarado representing Raphael W Patton (Defendant)
Bradley W Murphy representing USA (Plaintiff)
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge John A. Gorman:Parties present in
open court by AUSA B. Murphy and FPD R. Alvarado with Dft Raphael W Patton for Initial
Appearance/Arraignment held on 10/6/2010. Dft and counsel acknowledge receipt of indictment.
Dft advised of charges and possible penalties against him. Dft advised of right to hire counsel. Dft
requests appointed counsel. Court questions Dft as to financial status. Court finds Dft indigent and
will appoint FPD. Dft waives reading of indictment in open court. Dft enters a plea of not guilty to
all counts and same received and entered of record. Court advises Dft of constitutional right to
jury trial. Case set for Pretrial Conference on 11/12/2010 at 11:00 a.m. and Jury Trial set for
11/29/2010 at 8:30 a.m. BOTH in Courtroom B in Peoria before Judge Michael M. Mihm.
Scheduling Order to enter. Govt requests detention of Dft. Dft waives detention hearing and
agrees to detention. Detention Order to enter. Court orders Dfts criminal history copied for
counsel. Dft remanded to the custody of the USM. (Tape #PRC: 2:07 p.m.)
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Calendar Events Report
Office Peoria (1) Nature
Urbana (2) of suit 0 (zero)
Springfield (3) 110 (Insurance)
Rock Island (4) 120 (Contract: Marine)
Calendar All Hearings Set 1/1/2002 to 11/12/2010 Calendar
events Allocution Hearing
Argument on Bankruptcy Appeal Both AM PM
Time AM PM
Include closed cases
Include docket text
Display terminated parties
Sort by Time
ecf.ilcd.uscourts.gov/cgi-bin/CalEvents.pl 1/1
U.S. District Court
Calendar Events Set For 1/1/2002-11/12/2010
11:00 AM
1:10-cv-01230-MMM -JAG Carlson et al v. Illinois Power Corporation
(Nature of Suit 893 - Environmental Matters)
Rule 16 Scheduling Conference in chambers in Peoria
James D Brusslan representing Ethel Carlson (Plaintiff,Counter Defendant), Rex Carlson
(Plaintiff,Counter Defendant)
Joshua R More representing Illinois Power Company (Defendant,Counter Claimant)
Gabriel M Rodriguez representing Illinois Power Company (Defendant,Counter Claimant)
Ashley L Thompson representing Illinois Power Company (Defendant,Counter Claimant)
ORDER by Magistrate Judge John A. Gorman setting Rule 16 Scheduling Conference. Rule 16
Scheduling Conference set for Friday, 11/12/2010 at 11:00 AM in chambers in Peoria before
Magistrate Judge John A. Gorman. Agreed Discoveryplan due by 11/10/10. See written order.
Entered on 10/6/10.
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Calendar Events Report
Office Peoria (1) Nature
Urbana (2) of suit 0 (zero)
Springfield (3) 110 (Insurance)
Rock Island (4) 120 (Contract: Marine)
Calendar All Hearings Set 1/1/2002 to 11/12/2010 Calendar
events Allocution Hearing
Argument on Bankruptcy Appeal Both AM PM
Time AM PM
Include closed cases
Include docket text
Display terminated parties
Sort by Time
ecf.ilcd.uscourts.gov/cgi-bin/CalEvents.pl 1/1
U.S. District Court
Calendar Events Set For 1/1/2002-11/12/2010
11:00 AM
1:10-cv-01230-MMM -JAG Carlson et al v. Illinois Power Corporation
(Nature of Suit 893 - Environmental Matters)
Rule 16 Scheduling Conference in chambers in Peoria
James D Brusslan representing Ethel Carlson (Plaintiff,Counter Defendant), Rex Carlson
(Plaintiff,Counter Defendant)
Joshua R More representing Illinois Power Company (Defendant,Counter Claimant)
Gabriel M Rodriguez representing Illinois Power Company (Defendant,Counter Claimant)
Ashley L Thompson representing Illinois Power Company (Defendant,Counter Claimant)
ORDER by Magistrate Judge John A. Gorman setting Rule 16 Scheduling Conference. Rule 16
Scheduling Conference set for Friday, 11/12/2010 at 11:00 AM in chambers in Peoria before
Magistrate Judge John A. Gorman. Agreed Discoveryplan due by 11/10/10. See written order.
Entered on 10/6/10.
ecf.ilcd.uscourts.gov/cgi-bin/CalEvents.… 1/1
Calendar Events Report
Office Peoria (1) Nature
Urbana (2) of suit 0 (zero)
Springfield (3) 110 (Insurance)
Rock Island (4) 120 (Contract: Marine)
Calendar All Hearings Set 1/1/2002 to 11/12/2010 Calendar
events Allocution Hearing
Argument on Bankruptcy Appeal Both AM PM
Time AM PM
Include closed cases
Include docket text
Display terminated parties
Sort by Time
ecf.ilcd.uscourts.gov/cgi-bin/CalEvents.pl 1/1
U.S. District Court
Calendar Events Set For 1/1/2002-11/12/2010
11:15 AM
1:10-cr-10097-MMM -JAG-1 USA v. Thomas
Pretrial Conference Courtroom B in Peoria
Robert A Alvarado representing Timothy Thomas (Defendant)
Darilynn J Knauss representing USA (Plaintiff)
Bradley W Murphy representing USA (Plaintiff)
Set/Reset Deadlines/Hearings as to Timothy Thomas: Pretrial Conference set for 11/12/2010 at
11:15 AM in Courtroom B in Peoria before Judge Michael M. Mihm. PLEASE NOTE THIS IS
ecf.ilcd.uscourts.gov/cgi-bin/CalEvents.… 1/1
Calendar Events Report
Office Peoria (1) Nature
Urbana (2) of suit 0 (zero)
Springfield (3) 110 (Insurance)
Rock Island (4) 120 (Contract: Marine)
Calendar All Hearings Set 1/1/2002 to 11/12/2010 Calendar
events Allocution Hearing
Argument on Bankruptcy Appeal Both AM PM
Time AM PM
Include closed cases
Include docket text
Display terminated parties
Sort by Time
ecf.ilcd.uscourts.gov/cgi-bin/CalEvents.pl 1/1
U.S. District Court
Calendar Events Set For 1/1/2002-11/12/2010
11:15 AM
1:10-cr-10097-MMM -JAG-1 USA v. Thomas
Pretrial Conference Courtroom B in Peoria
Robert A Alvarado representing Timothy Thomas (Defendant)
Darilynn J Knauss representing USA (Plaintiff)
Bradley W Murphy representing USA (Plaintiff)
Set/Reset Deadlines/Hearings as to Timothy Thomas: Pretrial Conference set for 11/12/2010 at
11:15 AM in Courtroom B in Peoria before Judge Michael M. Mihm. PLEASE NOTE THIS IS
ecf.ilcd.uscourts.gov/cgi-bin/CalEvents.… 1/1
Calendar Events Report
Office Peoria (1) Nature
Urbana (2) of suit 0 (zero)
Springfield (3) 110 (Insurance)
Rock Island (4) 120 (Contract: Marine)
Calendar All Hearings Set 1/1/2002 to 11/12/2010 Calendar
events Allocution Hearing
Argument on Bankruptcy Appeal Both AM PM
Time AM PM
Include closed cases
Include docket text
Display terminated parties
Sort by Time
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U.S. District Court
Calendar Events Set For 1/1/2002-11/12/2010
11:30 AM
1:10-cr-10103-MMM -JAG-1 USA v. Ford
Motion Hearing Courtroom B in Peoria
Derek G Asbury representing Sonny T Ford (Defendant)
Karl W Bryning representing Sonny T Ford (Defendant)
Bradley W Murphy representing USA (Plaintiff)
MOTION to Withdraw as Attorney by Karl W. Bryning. by Sonny T Ford.
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Calendar Events Report
1:10-cv-1040 (closed 09/14/2010)
Office Peoria (1) Nature
Urbana (2) of suit 0 (zero)
Springfield (3) 110 (Insurance)
Rock Island (4) 120 (Contract: Marine)
Calendar All Hearings Set 1/1/2002 to 11/12/2010 Calendar
events Allocution Hearing
Argument on Bankruptcy Appeal Both AM PM
Time AM PM
Include closed cases
Include docket text
Display terminated parties
Sort by Time
ecf.ilcd.uscourts.gov/cgi-bin/CalEvents.pl 1/1
U.S. District Court
Calendar Events Set For 1/1/2002-11/12/2010
11:30 AM
1:10-cr-10103-MMM -JAG-1 USA v. Ford
Motion Hearing Courtroom B in Peoria
Derek G Asbury representing Sonny T Ford (Defendant)
Karl W Bryning representing Sonny T Ford (Defendant)
Bradley W Murphy representing USA (Plaintiff)
MOTION to Withdraw as Attorney by Karl W. Bryning. by Sonny T Ford.
ecf.ilcd.uscourts.gov/cgi-bin/CalEvents.… 1/1
Calendar Events Report
1:10-cv-1040 (closed 09/14/2010)
Office Peoria (1) Nature
Urbana (2) of suit 0 (zero)
Springfield (3) 110 (Insurance)
Rock Island (4) 120 (Contract: Marine)
Calendar All Hearings Set 1/1/2002 to 11/12/2010 Calendar
events Allocution Hearing
Argument on Bankruptcy Appeal Both AM PM
Time AM PM
Include closed cases
Include docket text
Display terminated parties
Sort by Time
ecf.ilcd.uscourts.gov/cgi-bin/CalEvents.pl 1/1
U.S. District Court
Calendar Events Set For 1/1/2002-11/12/2010
11:30 AM
1:10-cr-10103-MMM -JAG-1 USA v. Ford
Motion Hearing Courtroom B in Peoria
Derek G Asbury representing Sonny T Ford (Defendant)
Karl W Bryning representing Sonny T Ford (Defendant)
Bradley W Murphy representing USA (Plaintiff)
MOTION to Withdraw as Attorney by Karl W. Bryning. by Sonny T Ford.
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Calendar Events Report
1:10-cv-1040 (closed 09/14/2010)
Office Peoria (1) Nature
Urbana (2) of suit 0 (zero)
Springfield (3) 110 (Insurance)
Rock Island (4) 120 (Contract: Marine)
Calendar All Hearings Set 1/1/2002 to 11/12/2010 Calendar
events Allocution Hearing
Argument on Bankruptcy Appeal Both AM PM
Time AM PM
Include closed cases
Include docket text
Display terminated parties
Sort by Time
ecf.ilcd.uscourts.gov/cgi-bin/CalEvents.pl 1/1
U.S. District Court
Calendar Events Set For 1/1/2002-11/12/2010
01:00 PM
1:10-cv-01040-JBM-BGC Sheet Metal Workers International Association Local Union No 1 v.
Senica Cooling & Heating LLC et al CASE CLOSED on 09/14/2010
(Nature of Suit 720 - Labor: Labor/Mgt. Relations)
Citation Hearing Courtroom C in Peoria
Daryl R Senica (Defendant), Senica Cooling & Heating LLC (Defendant), Senica Heating & Air
Conditioning Inc (Defendant)
David W Stuckel representing Sheet Metal Workers International Association Local Union No 1
NOTICE of Hearing: Citation Hearing set for 11/12/2010 at 1:00 PM in Courtroom C in Peoria
before Magistrate Judge John A. Gorman. (Hearing requested by atty Stuckel)
Citation to Discover Assets issued; returned to attorney(s) for service. Citation Hearing set for
11/12/2010 01:00 PM in Courtroom C in Peoria before Magistrate Judge John A. Gorman.
ecf.ilcd.uscourts.gov/cgi-bin/CalEvents.… 1/1
Calendar Events Report
Office Peoria (1) Nature
Urbana (2) of suit 0 (zero)
Springfield (3) 110 (Insurance)
Rock Island (4) 120 (Contract: Marine)
Calendar All Hearings Set 1/1/2002 to 11/12/2010 Calendar
events Allocution Hearing
Argument on Bankruptcy Appeal Both AM PM
Time AM PM
Include closed cases
Include docket text
Display terminated parties
Sort by Time
ecf.ilcd.uscourts.gov/cgi-bin/CalEvents.pl 1/1
U.S. District Court
Calendar Events Set For 1/1/2002-11/12/2010
01:30 PM
1:08-cv-01049-JAG Annuity Plan of the International Union of Operating Engineers Local No. 649
v. DEM/EX Group, Inc.
(Nature of Suit 791 - Labor: E.R.I.S.A.)
Final Pretrial Conference in chambers in Peoria
James P Baker representing DEM/EX Group, Inc. (Defendant)
David W Stuckel representing Annuity Plan of the International Union of Operating Engineers
Local No. 649 (Plaintiff)
MOTION for Extension of Time to Complete Discovery filed by Plaintiff Annuity Plan of the
International Union of Operating Engineers Local No. 649. Responses due by 4/16/2010
MOTION to Supplement Plaintiff's Third Amended Complaint by Plaintiff Annuity Plan of the
International Union of Operating Engineers Local No. 649. Responses due by 11/12/2010
ecf.ilcd.uscourts.gov/cgi-bin/CalEvents.… 1/1
Calendar Events Report
1:02-cr-10094 (closed 03/28/2003)
Office Peoria (1) Nature
Urbana (2) of suit 0 (zero)
Springfield (3) 110 (Insurance)
Rock Island (4) 120 (Contract: Marine)
Calendar All Hearings Set 1/1/2002 to 11/12/2010 Calendar
events Allocution Hearing
Argument on Bankruptcy Appeal Both AM PM
Time AM PM
Include closed cases
Include docket text
Display terminated parties
Sort by Time
ecf.ilcd.uscourts.gov/cgi-bin/CalEvents.pl 1/1
U.S. District Court
Calendar Events Set For 1/1/2002-11/12/2010
02:00 PM
1:02-cr-10094-MMM-1 USA v. Tillman DEFENDANT TERMINATED on 03/28/2003
Initial Appearance/Revocation Courtroom C in Peoria
Bradley W Murphy representing USA (Plaintiff)
Daniel E Radakovich representing Christopher L Tillman (Defendant [T])
Harry Sonnemaker, Jr representing Christopher L Tillman (Defendant [T])
NOTICE OF HEARING as to Christopher L Tillman: Initial Appearance on Revocation
Proceedings set for 11/12/2010 at 2:00 PM in Courtroom C in Peoria before Magistrate Judge
John A. Gorman.
ecf.ilcd.uscourts.gov/cgi-bin/CalEvents.… 1/1
11/12/2010 CM/ECF - USDC Massachusetts - Versi…
Calendar Events Report
Judge Office Boston (1) Nature
Springfield (3) of suit 0 (zero)
Worcester (4) 110 (Insurance)
Aldrich, Bailey (T) 120 (Contract: Marine)
Calendar All Hearings Set 11/10/2010 to 11/12/2010 Calendar
events ADR Hearing
Allocution Hearing Both AM PM
Argument on Bankruptcy Appeal
Time AM PM
Include closed cases
Include docket text
Display terminated parties
Sort by Time
ecf.mad.uscourts.gov/…/CalEvents.pl 1/1
11/12/2010 CM/ECF - USDC Massachusetts - Versi…
United States District Court
District of Massachusetts
Calendar Events Set For 11/10/2010-11/12/2010
10:00 AM
1) 1:09-cv-10597-RGS Neal et al v. United States of America, et al
(Nature of Suit 360 - P.I.: Other)
ADR Hearing Courtroom 25
Marianne B. Bowler (ADR Provider)
Benjamin R. Hiller representing I. N. (Plaintiff), Randall Neal (Plaintiff), Susan Neal (Plaintiff)
Rachael S. Rollins representing Boston National Historical Park (Defendant), United States
Department of the Interior (Defendant), United States Department of the Navy (Defendant),
United States National Park Service (Defendant), United States of America (Defendant)
Richard Serpe representing I. N. (Plaintiff), Randall Neal (Plaintiff), Susan Neal (Plaintiff)
Set Hearings: Alternative Dispute Resolution Hearing set for 11/10/2010 10:00 AM in
Courtroom 25 before Magistrate Judge Marianne B. Bowler.
11:00 AM
2) 1:10-cv-11539-NG McClaren et al v. Horgan
(Nature of Suit 463 - Habeas Corpus - Alien Detainee)
Status Conference Courtroom 2
Andrea J. Cabral (Respondent), Janet Napolitano (Respondent)
Mark J. Grady representing Gerard Horgan (Respondent)
Soraya Sadeghi representing Carl McClaren (Petitioner)
ELECTRONIC Clerk's Notes for proceedings held before Judge Nancy Gertner: Status
Conference held in place of TRO hrg....Judge Gertner participated by telephone on 10/14/2010.
TRO taken under advisement. Atty Sadeghi shall submit a letter to the Jamaica Consulate to
clarify that the petitioner is not contesting his removal. Copy of letter shall be filed electronically
with the court forthwith. Exh A-Instruction Sheet I-229 Assist Removal filed.Further Status
Conference set for 11/10/2010 11:00 AM in Courtroom 2 before Judge Nancy Gertner. (Court
Reporter: Valerie OHara at vaohara@gmail.com.)(Attorneys present: Sadeghi, Ausa Grady)
11:30 AM
3) 1:07-cv-10287-WGY Awuah v. Coverall North America, Inc., CASE CLOSED on 09/28/2010
(Nature of Suit 442 - Civil Rights: Jobs)
Robert B. Collings (Mediator [T]), Zarco Einhorn Salkowski & Brito, P.A. (Movant)
Brant Casavant representing Aldivar Brandao (Plaintiff [T]), Benecira Cavalcante (Plaintiff [T]),
Jai Prem (Plaintiff), Pius Awuah (Plaintiff)
Lisa S. Core representing Coverall North America, Inc., (Defendant,Counter Claimant)
Jerald R. Cureton representing Aldivar Brandao (Plaintiff [T],Counter Defendant [T]), Benecira
Cavalcante (Counter Defendant [T]), Denisse Pineda (Plaintiff), Geraldo Correia (Counter
Defendant [T]), Jai Prem (Plaintiff,Counter Defendant), Marian Lewis (Counter Defendant [T]),
ecf.mad.uscourts.gov/…/CalEvents.pl?1… 1/10
11/12/2010 CM/ECF - USDC Massachusetts - Versi…
Nilton Dos Santos (Counter Defendant [T]), Phillip Beitz (Counter Defendant [T]), Pius Awuah
(Plaintiff), Stanley Stewart (Counter Defendant [T])
John F. Dienelt representing Coverall North America, Inc., (Defendant,Counter Claimant)
Paul S. Ham representing Coverall North America, Inc., (Defendant,Counter Claimant)
Matthew J. Iverson representing Coverall North America, Inc., (Defendant,Counter Claimant)
Norman Mitchell Leon representing Coverall North America, Inc., (Defendant)
Harold L. Lichten representing Aldivar Brandao (Plaintiff [T],Counter Defendant [T]), Benecira
Cavalcante (Counter Defendant [T]), Denisse Pineda (Plaintiff), Geraldo Correia (Counter
Defendant [T]), Jai Prem (Plaintiff,Counter Defendant), Marian Lewis (Counter Defendant [T]),
Nilton Dos Santos (Counter Defendant [T]), Phillip Beitz (Counter Defendant [T]), Pius Awuah
(Plaintiff), Stanley Stewart (Counter Defendant [T])
Shannon E. Liss-Riordan representing Aldivar Brandao (Plaintiff [T],Counter Defendant [T]),
Anthony Graffeo (Plaintiff), Benecira Cavalcante (Plaintiff [T],Counter Defendant [T]), Denisse
Pineda (Plaintiff), Geraldo Correia (Plaintiff [T],Counter Defendant [T]), Jai Prem
(Plaintiff,Counter Defendant), Manuel DaSilva (Plaintiff), Marian Lewis (Plaintiff [T],Counter
Defendant [T]), Nilton Dos Santos (Plaintiff [T],Counter Defendant [T]), Phillip Beitz (Plaintiff
[T],Counter Defendant [T]), Pius Awuah (Plaintiff), Richard Barrientos (Plaintiff), Stanley Stewart
(Plaintiff [T],Counter Defendant [T])
Anthony L. Marchetti representing Aldivar Brandao (Plaintiff [T],Counter Defendant [T]),
Benecira Cavalcante (Counter Defendant [T]), Denisse Pineda (Plaintiff), Geraldo Correia
(Counter Defendant [T]), Jai Prem (Plaintiff,Counter Defendant), Marian Lewis (Counter
Defendant [T]), Nilton Dos Santos (Counter Defendant [T]), Phillip Beitz (Counter Defendant
[T]), Pius Awuah (Plaintiff), Stanley Stewart (Counter Defendant [T])
Michelle Odio representing Phillip Beitz (Counter Defendant [T])
David S. Rosenthal representing The Coolidge Corner Theatre Foundation, Inc. (Third Party
Hillary A. Schwab representing Aldivar Brandao (Plaintiff [T],Counter Defendant [T]), Anthony
Graffeo (Plaintiff), Benecira Cavalcante (Plaintiff [T],Counter Defendant [T]), Denisse Pineda
(Plaintiff), Geraldo Correia (Plaintiff [T],Counter Defendant [T]), Jai Prem (Plaintiff,Counter
Defendant), Manuel DaSilva (Plaintiff), Marian Lewis (Plaintiff [T],Counter Defendant [T]),
Nilton Dos Santos (Plaintiff [T],Counter Defendant [T]), Phillip Beitz (Plaintiff [T],Counter
Defendant [T]), Pius Awuah (Plaintiff), Richard Barrientos (Plaintiff), Stanley Stewart (Plaintiff
[T],Counter Defendant [T])
John M. Simon representing American Arbitration Association (Witness)
Joseph L. Sulman representing Aldivar Brandao (Plaintiff [T]), Benecira Cavalcante (Plaintiff [T]),
Denisse Pineda (Plaintiff), Geraldo Correia (Plaintiff [T]), Jai Prem (Plaintiff), Marian Lewis
(Plaintiff [T]), Nilton Dos Santos (Plaintiff [T]), Phillip Beitz (Plaintiff [T]), Pius Awuah (Plaintiff),
Richard Barrientos (Plaintiff), Stanley Stewart (Plaintiff [T])
Michael D. Vhay representing Coverall North America, Inc., (Defendant,Counter Claimant)
Set/Reset Hearings: Final Hearing re: Arbitration set for 11/10/2010 11:30 AM before Judge
William G. Young.
12:00 PM
4) 1:08-po-00122-RBC-1 USA v. Kincman
Lee Chase representing USA (Plaintiff)
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Robert L. Grant representing USA (Plaintiff)
Nadine Pellegrini representing USA (Plaintiff)
Kenneth G. Shine representing USA (Plaintiff)
Elisa B. Zawadzkas representing Francis Kincman (Defendant)
Michael A. Zawadzkas representing Francis Kincman (Defendant)
Magistrate Judge Robert B. Collings: ELECTRONIC ORDER entered as to Francis Kincman.
Disposition continued to 11/10/10 @ 12:00 PM at the Hyannis Post Office in Hyannis, MA.
12:45 PM
5) 1:08-po-00122-RBC-1 USA v. Kincman
Hearing Hyannis Post Office
Lee Chase representing USA (Plaintiff)
Robert L. Grant representing USA (Plaintiff)
Nadine Pellegrini representing USA (Plaintiff)
Kenneth G. Shine representing USA (Plaintiff)
Elisa B. Zawadzkas representing Francis Kincman (Defendant)
Michael A. Zawadzkas representing Francis Kincman (Defendant)
Hearing set for 11/10/2010 at 12:45 PM (not 12 PM) in the Hyannis Post Office before
Magistrate Judge Robert B. Collings.
6) 1:10-po-00407-RBC-1 USA v. Roberts
Hearing Hyannis Post Office
Lee Chase representing USA (Plaintiff)
William W. Fick representing Joel L. Roberts (Defendant)
Robert L. Grant representing USA (Plaintiff)
James F. Lang representing USA (Plaintiff)
David G. Tobin representing USA (Plaintiff)
set for 11/10/2010 at 12:45 PM (not 12 P.M.) in the Hyannis Post Office before Magistrate
Judge Robert B. Collings.
7) 1:10-po-00410-RBC-1 USA v. Zhe
Initial Appearance Hyannis Post Office
Matthew Zhe (Defendant)
Lee Chase representing USA (Plaintiff)
Robert L. Grant representing USA (Plaintiff)
Nadine Pellegrini representing USA (Plaintiff)
Kenneth G. Shine representing USA (Plaintiff)
ELECTRONIC NOTICE OF HEARING as to Matthew Zhe: Initial Appearance in District re-
set for 11/10/2010 @ 12:45 PM in Hyannis Post Office before Magistrate Judge Robert B.
8) 1:10-po-00433-RBC-1 USA v. Wallin
Status Conference Hyannis Post Office
Taylor Wallin (Defendant)
Lee Chase representing USA (Plaintiff)
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Robert L. Grant representing USA (Plaintiff)
Nadine Pellegrini representing USA (Plaintiff)
Kenneth G. Shine representing USA (Plaintiff)
Conference re-set for 11/10/2010 @ 12:45 PM in Hyannis Post Office before Magistrate Judge
Robert B. Collings.
02:00 PM
9) 1:09-cv-10624-JGD Pariseau v John Boats et al
(Nature of Suit 340 - Marine)
Status Conference Courtroom 15
Arminda Tavares (Defendant [T]), Captain John Tours, Inc. (Defendant [T]), Jeffrey Schlossberg
(Defendant [T]), John Boats (Defendant [T]), Marianne B. Bowler (Mediator [T]), Town Wharf
Enterprises, Inc. (Defendant [T])
Leon A. Blais representing Shawn Pariseau (Plaintiff)
Michael J. Rauworth representing Capt. John Boats, Inc. (Defendant), Stanley R. Tavares
(Defendant [T])
Patrick T. Uiterwyk representing Capt. John Boats, Inc. (Defendant)
Ch. Magistrate Judge Judith G. Dein: SCHEDULING ORDER entered: Status Conference set
for 11/10/2010 10:00 AM in Courtroom 15 before Ch. Magistrate Judge Judith G. Dein.
10) 1:09-cv-11265-JGD Chan v. Saxon Mortgage Services, Inc. et al
(Nature of Suit 480 - Consumer Credit)
Status Conference Courtroom 15
Jerome Niedermeier (Mediator [T])
Richard E. Briansky representing Saxon Mortgage Services,Inc. (Defendant), Wells Fargo
National Association as Trustee for Bank of America (Defendant)
Joseph P. Calandrelli representing Saxon Mortgage Services,Inc. (Defendant), Wells Fargo
National Association as Trustee for Bank of America (Defendant)
Megan C. Deluhery representing Bonnie Kwok Ching Chan (Plaintiff), Calvin Lai Chan (Plaintiff)
Eric B. Epstein representing WMC Mortgage LLC (Defendant)
Robert G. Manson representing WMC Mortgage LLC (Defendant)
David A. Scheffel representing WMC Mortgage LLC (Defendant)
Christopher Weld, Jr representing Bonnie Kwok Ching Chan (Plaintiff), Calvin Lai Chan
Ch. Magistrate Judge Judith G. Dein: ORDER entered. SCHEDULING ORDER: Status
Conference set for 11/10/2010 02:00 PM in Courtroom 15 before Ch. Magistrate Judge Judith
G. Dein.
11) 1:10-cv-10572-GAO Chow et al v. Zimny et al
(Nature of Suit 370 - Fraud or Truth-In-Lending)
Motion Hearing Courtroom 9
Kevin W. Clancy representing Gerald Chow (Plaintiff), Lily Chow (Plaintiff)
Marjorie S. Cooke representing Gerald Chow (Plaintiff), Lily Chow (Plaintiff)
John D Fitzpatrick representing Mark J. Zimny (Defendant)
Robert L. Sheketoff representing IvyAdmit Consulting Associates LLC (Defendant)
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MOTION to Dismiss Complaint by IvyAdmit Consulting Associates LLC.
02:15 PM
1:08-cr-10168-NG-3 USA v. Camacho et al
Rule 11 Hearing Courtroom 2
Zachary R. Hafer representing USA (Plaintiff)
John G. Swomley representing Anderson Arteaga (Defendant)
ELECTRONIC NOTICE OF RESCHEDULING as to Anderson Arteaga... Change of Plea
Hearing reset to 11/10/2010 02:15 PM in Courtroom 2 before Judge Nancy Gertner.
02:30 PM
1:00-cv-11565-NG Martha's Vineyard Sc v. The Wrecked and Aban CASE CLOSED on
(Nature of Suit 120 - Contract: Marine)
Status Conference Courtroom 2
The Wrecked and Aban (Defendant), William P. Cleary (Interested Party)
Timothy D. Barrow representing Martha's Vineyard Scuba Headquarters, Inc. (Plaintiff)
Robert E. Collins representing Martha's Vineyard Scuba Headquarters, Inc. (Plaintiff)
Barbara Healy Smith representing USA (Interested Party)
Christopher J. Trombetta representing BNP Paribas (Interested Party)
ELECTRONIC Clerk's Notes for proceedings held before Judge Nancy Gertner: Status
Conference held on 7/8/2010. Case appears to be on track. Further Status Conference set for
11/10/2010 02:30 PM in Courtroom 2 before Judge Nancy Gertner. (Court Reporter: None)
(Attorneys present: Atty Barrow and his client, Aprans for Collins)
1:07-cv-12084-DPW Barletta Heavy Division, Inc., v. Layne Christensen Company
(Nature of Suit 190 - Contract: Other)
Motion Hearing Courtroom 1
William L. Keville representing Barletta Heavy Division, Inc., (Plaintiff,Counter Defendant)
Shannon M. McQueeney representing Barletta Heavy Division, Inc., (Plaintiff)
Lauren Ann H. Pond representing Layne Christianson Company (Defendant,Counter Claimant)
William G. Potter representing Layne Christianson Company (Defendant,Counter Claimant)
Daniel E. Rosenfeld representing Layne Christianson Company (Defendant,Counter Claimant)
Andre A. Sansoucy representing Barletta Heavy Division, Inc., (Plaintiff,Counter Defendant)
ELECTRONIC NOTICE Setting Hearing: Motion Hearing set for 11/10/2010 02:30 PM in
Courtroom 1 before Judge Douglas P. Woodlock.
1:08-cr-10121-GAO-2 USA v. Levine et al
Sentencing Courtroom 9
Pretrial Services (Notice)
Ryan M. DiSantis representing USA (Plaintiff)
Mary B. Murrane representing USA (Plaintiff)
Robert L. Sheketoff representing J. Daniel Lindley (Defendant)
Victor A. Wild representing USA (Plaintiff)
Assented to MOTION to Continue to November 10, 2010 to sentencing as to J. Daniel Lindley.
1:09-cv-11956-NG Morande v. Hornady Manufacturing Co.
(Nature of Suit 365 - Personal Inj. Prod. Liability)
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Status Conference Courtroom 2
David A. Jagolinzer representing Frank Morande (Plaintiff)
Steven M. O'Brien representing Hornady Manufacturing Co. (Defendant)
ELECTRONIC Clerk's Notes for proceedings held before Judge Nancy Gertner: Scheduling
Conference held on 4/28/2010. Joint Statement Adopted...Amd to pleadings 10/4/10; initial
disclosures 5/5/10; Fact Discovery 10/18/10; expert discovery plf 11/1/10; dft experts 11/22/10;
Disp mtns 1/17/11; opp 1/31/11. Status Conference set for 11/10/2010 02:30 PM in Courtroom
2 before Judge Nancy Gertner.(Court Reporter: No Court Reporter Used.)(Attorneys present:
Jagolinzer, O'Brien)
1:10-cr-10298-DPW-1 USA v. Edwards
Status Conference Courtroom 25
Catherine K. Byrne representing Philip Anthony Edwards (Defendant)
Kenneth G. Shine representing USA (Plaintiff)
Set Hearings as to Philip Anthony Edwards Status Conference set for 11/10/2010 02:30 PM in
Courtroom 25 before Magistrate Judge Marianne B. Bowler.
1:10-cv-10166-NG Spring Investor Services, Inc. v. Carrington Capital Management, LLC
(Nature of Suit 190 - Contract: Other)
Status Conference Courtroom 2
Breton T. Leone-Quick representing Spring Investor Services, Inc. (Plaintiff,Counter Defendant)
Scott McConchie representing Carrington Capital Management, LLC (Defendant,Counter
Sean F. O'Shea representing Carrington Capital Management, LLC (Defendant,Counter
Michael Petrella representing Carrington Capital Management, LLC (Defendant,Counter
R. Robert Popeo representing Spring Investor Services, Inc. (Plaintiff,Counter Defendant)
Marbree D. Sullivan representing Spring Investor Services, Inc. (Plaintiff,Counter Defendant)
Daniel P. Tighe representing Carrington Capital Management, LLC (Defendant,Counter
ELECTRONIC Clerk's Notes for proceedings held before Judge Nancy Gertner: Scheduling
Conference held on 6/28/2010, Status Conference set for 11/10/2010 02:30 PM in Courtroom 2
before Judge Nancy Gertner, to discuss settlement and/or set firm trial date. Joint Statement-
Adopted...initial disclosure 6/21/10; Mtn to amend 30 days after jnt statement adopted; written
discovery 30 days after jnt statement adopted; fact depo 10/12/10; expert disclosures 10/13/10;
rebuttal expert disclosures 11/12/10; expert depos 12/13/10; dispositive mtns 1/12/2011; opp
due 2/2/11. (Court Reporter: No Court Reporter Used.)(Attorneys present: Leone-Quick,
Sullivan, Popeo, McConchie)
1:10-cv-10318-NG McAnarney et al v. Todesca Equipment Co., Inc. et al
(Nature of Suit 791 - Labor: E.R.I.S.A.)
Scheduling Conference Courtroom 2
Bank of America (Trustee)
Micah T. Drayton representing Barry C. McAnarney (Plaintiff), James V. Merloni, Jr
(Plaintiff,Plaintiff), Massachusetts Laborers' Annuity Fund (Plaintiff), Massachusetts Laborers'
Health and Welfare Fund (Plaintiff), Massachusetts Laborers' Legal Services Fund (Plaintiff),
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Massachusetts Laborers' Pension Fund (Plaintiff), New England Laborers' Training Trust Fund
Richard Joyce representing Todesca Equipment Co., Inc. (Defendant)
Kathryn S. Shea representing Barry C. McAnarney (Plaintiff), James V. Merloni, Jr
(Plaintiff,Plaintiff), Massachusetts Laborers' Annuity Fund (Plaintiff), Massachusetts Laborers'
Health and Welfare Fund (Plaintiff), Massachusetts Laborers' Legal Services Fund (Plaintiff),
Massachusetts Laborers' Pension Fund (Plaintiff), New England Laborers' Training Trust Fund
Anne R. Sills representing Barry C. McAnarney (Plaintiff), James V. Merloni, Jr
(Plaintiff,Plaintiff), Massachusetts Laborers' Annuity Fund (Plaintiff), Massachusetts Laborers'
Health and Welfare Fund (Plaintiff), Massachusetts Laborers' Legal Services Fund (Plaintiff),
Massachusetts Laborers' Pension Fund (Plaintiff), New England Laborers' Training Trust Fund
ELECTRONIC NOTICE OF RESCHEDULING. Scheduling Conference reset to 11/10/2010
02:30 PM in Courtroom 2 before Judge Nancy Gertner. (settlement discussions on going)
02:45 PM
1:09-cv-10215-NG Norotos, Inc. v. Ops-Core, Inc.
(Nature of Suit 830 - Patent)
Status Conference Courtroom 2
David S. Godkin representing Ops-Core, Inc. (Defendant,Counter Claimant)
Anne M. Longobucco representing Ops-Core, Inc. (Defendant,Counter Claimant)
Edward R. Schwartz representing Norotos, Inc. (Plaintiff,Counter Defendant)
Assented to MOTION to Continue Status Conference to 10/18/10 or later by Ops-Core, Inc..
03:00 PM
1:10-cv-11530-RWZ Cirrex Systems LLC v. Infraredx, Inc.
(Nature of Suit 830 - Patent)
Status Conference Courtroom 12
David M. Dineen representing Cirrex Systems LLC (Plaintiff,Counter Defendant)
Robert R. Gilman representing Infraredx, Inc. (Defendant,Counter Claimant)
Lance James Gotko representing Infraredx, Inc. (Defendant)
Joseph A. Hynds representing Infraredx, Inc. (Defendant,Counter Claimant)
Scott Edward Kolassa representing Cirrex Systems LLC (Plaintiff,Counter Defendant)
Hallie Beth. Levin representing Infraredx, Inc. (Defendant,Counter Claimant)
Nancy J. Linck representing Infraredx, Inc. (Defendant,Counter Claimant)
Robert J. Muldoon, Jr representing Cirrex Systems LLC (Plaintiff,Counter Defendant)
Richard C. Pettus representing Cirrex Systems LLC (Plaintiff,Counter Defendant)
Jason M. Shapiro representing Infraredx, Inc. (Defendant,Counter Claimant)
Pamela Caron White representing Cirrex Systems LLC (Plaintiff,Counter Defendant)
Set/Reset Hearings: Status Conference reset for 11/10/2010 03:00 PM in Courtroom 12 before
Judge Rya W. Zobel.
03:30 PM
1:10-cr-10161-NMG-1 USA v. Derring et al
Pretrial Conference Courtroom 4
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Scott Garland representing USA (Plaintiff)
Ian Gold representing Michael Derring (Defendant)
Brian T. Kelly representing USA (Plaintiff)
ELECTRONIC NOTICE OF RESCHEDULING as to Michael Derring Pretrial Conference set
for 11/10/2010 03:30 PM in Courtroom 4 before Judge Nathaniel M. Gorton. Change is as to
time of day only.
04:00 PM
1:10-cv-10988-DPW Sudbury Public Schools v. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and
Secondary Education et al
(Nature of Suit 890 - Other Statutory Actions)
Status Conference Courtroom 1
Joseph B. Green representing Susan Doe (Defendant)
Tori T. Kim representing Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Marie F. Mercier representing Susan Doe (Defendant)
Michelle A. Moor representing Susan Doe (Defendant)
Regina W. Tate representing Sudbury Public Schools (Plaintiff)
Conference reset for 11/10/2010 04:00 PM in Courtroom 1 before Judge Douglas P.
10:30 AM
1:10-cr-10379-WGY-5 USA v. Chear et al
Detention Hearing Courtroom 14
Stephany G. Collamore representing Jeron Reddick (Defendant)
Michael J. Pelgro representing Jeron Reddick (Defendant)
Christopher J. Pohl representing USA (Plaintiff)
ELECTRONIC NOTICE OF HEARING as to Jeron Reddick Detention Hearing set for
11/12/2010 10:30 AM in Courtroom 14 before Magistrate Judge Jennifer C. Boal.
11:00 AM
1:10-cr-10364-RGS-1 USA v. Smith et al
Detention Hearing Courtroom 14
Peter K. Levitt representing USA (Plaintiff)
Eduardo A. Masferrer representing Michael Smith (Defendant)
ELECTRONIC Clerk's Notes for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Jennifer C.
Boal:Initial Appearance as to Michael Smith and Korey Dorsey held on 11/5/2010. The court
advised the defts of their rights and the charges. The defts submitted a financial affidavits and the
court appointed CJA attorneys. The gvt stated the maximum penalties and moved for detention.
The defts were remanded to the custody of the USMS. (Detention Hearing set for 11/12/2010
11:00 AM in Courtroom 14 before Magistrate Judge Jennifer C. Boal.) (Attorneys present: Levitt
for the gvt and Masferrer and Dilday for the defts. )PTSO Brown for the PTS.Court Reporter
Name and Contact or digital recording information: Digital Recording.
1:10-cr-10364-RGS-2 USA v. Smith et al
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Detention Hearing Courtroom 14
James S. Dilday representing Korey Dorsey (Defendant)
Peter K. Levitt representing USA (Plaintiff)
ELECTRONIC Clerk's Notes for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Jennifer C.
Boal:Initial Appearance as to Michael Smith and Korey Dorsey held on 11/5/2010. The court
advised the defts of their rights and the charges. The defts submitted a financial affidavits and the
court appointed CJA attorneys. The gvt stated the maximum penalties and moved for detention.
The defts were remanded to the custody of the USMS. (Detention Hearing set for 11/12/2010
11:00 AM in Courtroom 14 before Magistrate Judge Jennifer C. Boal.) (Attorneys present: Levitt
for the gvt and Masferrer and Dilday for the defts. )PTSO Brown for the PTS.Court Reporter
Name and Contact or digital recording information: Digital Recording.
01:30 PM
1:10-mj-00320-JCB-1 USA v. Merisier et al
Detention Hearing Courtroom 14
Christopher F. Bator representing USA (Plaintiff)
Rudolph F. Miller representing Ernson Merisier (Defendant)
ELECTRONIC Clerk's Notes for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Jennifer C.
Boal:Initial Appearance as to Ernson Merisier, Ruddys A Pimentel, and Marquis Allen Meca held
on 11/8/2010. The court advised the defts of their rights and the charges. The court informed the
defts of their Rule 20 rights. The gvt stated the maximum penalties and moved for detention. The
defts were remanded to the custody of the USMS.(Detention Hearing set for 11/12/2010 01:30
PM in Courtroom 14 before Magistrate Judge Jennifer C. Boal.) (Attorneys present: Bator for
the gvt and Miller, Keefe, and Spencer for the defts.)Court Reporter Name and Contact or digital
recording information: Digital Recording.
1:10-mj-00320-JCB-2 USA v. Merisier et al
Detention Hearing Courtroom 14
Christopher F. Bator representing USA (Plaintiff)
William Keefe representing Ruddys A Pimentel (Defendant)
ELECTRONIC Clerk's Notes for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Jennifer C.
Boal:Initial Appearance as to Ernson Merisier, Ruddys A Pimentel, and Marquis Allen Meca held
on 11/8/2010. The court advised the defts of their rights and the charges. The court informed the
defts of their Rule 20 rights. The gvt stated the maximum penalties and moved for detention. The
defts were remanded to the custody of the USMS.(Detention Hearing set for 11/12/2010 01:30
PM in Courtroom 14 before Magistrate Judge Jennifer C. Boal.) (Attorneys present: Bator for
the gvt and Miller, Keefe, and Spencer for the defts.)Court Reporter Name and Contact or digital
recording information: Digital Recording.
1:10-mj-00320-JCB-3 USA v. Merisier et al
Detention Hearing Courtroom 14
Christopher F. Bator representing USA (Plaintiff)
Gordon W. Spencer representing Marquis Allen Meca (Defendant)
ELECTRONIC Clerk's Notes for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Jennifer C.
Boal:Initial Appearance as to Ernson Merisier, Ruddys A Pimentel, and Marquis Allen Meca held
on 11/8/2010. The court advised the defts of their rights and the charges. The court informed the
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defts of their Rule 20 rights. The gvt stated the maximum penalties and moved for detention. The
defts were remanded to the custody of the USMS.(Detention Hearing set for 11/12/2010 01:30
PM in Courtroom 14 before Magistrate Judge Jennifer C. Boal.) (Attorneys present: Bator for
the gvt and Miller, Keefe, and Spencer for the defts.)Court Reporter Name and Contact or digital
recording information: Digital Recording.
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Calendar Events Report
Judge Office Boston (1) Nature
Springfield (3) of suit 0 (zero)
Worcester (4) 110 (Insurance)
Aldrich, Bailey (T) 120 (Contract: Marine)
Calendar All Hearings Set 1/1/2002 to 11/12/2010 Calendar
events ADR Hearing
Allocution Hearing Both AM PM
Argument on Bankruptcy Appeal
Time AM PM
Include closed cases
Include docket text
Display terminated parties
Sort by Time
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11/12/2010 CM/ECF - USDC Massachusetts - Versi…
United States District Court
District of Massachusetts
Calendar Events Set For 1/1/2002-11/12/2010
04:15 PM
1:09-cv-10597-RGS Neal et al v. United States of America, et al
(Nature of Suit 360 - P.I.: Other)
Scheduling Conference Courtroom 21
Marianne B. Bowler (ADR Provider)
Benjamin R. Hiller representing I. N. (Plaintiff), Randall Neal (Plaintiff), Susan Neal (Plaintiff)
Rachael S. Rollins representing Boston National Historical Park (Defendant), United States
Department of the Interior (Defendant), United States Department of the Navy (Defendant),
United States National Park Service (Defendant), United States of America (Defendant)
Richard Serpe representing I. N. (Plaintiff), Randall Neal (Plaintiff), Susan Neal (Plaintiff)
Joint MOTION to Continue Scheduling Conference by United States of America, United States
Department of the Navy, United States Department of the Interior, United States National Park
Service, Boston National Historical Park.
10:00 AM
1:09-cv-10597-RGS Neal et al v. United States of America, et al
(Nature of Suit 360 - P.I.: Other)
ADR Hearing Courtroom 25
Marianne B. Bowler (ADR Provider)
Benjamin R. Hiller representing I. N. (Plaintiff), Randall Neal (Plaintiff), Susan Neal (Plaintiff)
Rachael S. Rollins representing Boston National Historical Park (Defendant), United States
Department of the Interior (Defendant), United States Department of the Navy (Defendant),
United States National Park Service (Defendant), United States of America (Defendant)
Richard Serpe representing I. N. (Plaintiff), Randall Neal (Plaintiff), Susan Neal (Plaintiff)
Set Hearings: Alternative Dispute Resolution Hearing set for 11/10/2010 10:00 AM in
Courtroom 25 before Magistrate Judge Marianne B. Bowler.
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Calendar Events Report
Judge Office Boston (1) Nature
Springfield (3) of suit 0 (zero)
Worcester (4) 110 (Insurance)
Aldrich, Bailey (T) 120 (Contract: Marine)
Calendar All Hearings Set 1/1/2002 to 11/12/2010 Calendar
events ADR Hearing
Allocution Hearing Both AM PM
Argument on Bankruptcy Appeal
Time AM PM
Include closed cases
Include docket text
Display terminated parties
Sort by Time
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11/12/2010 CM/ECF - USDC Massachusetts - Versi…
United States District Court
District of Massachusetts
Calendar Events Set For 1/1/2002-11/12/2010
10:00 AM
1:10-cv-11539-NG McClaren et al v. Horgan
(Nature of Suit 463 - Habeas Corpus - Alien Detainee)
Hearing Courtroom 2
Andrea J. Cabral (Respondent), Janet Napolitano (Respondent)
Mark J. Grady representing Gerard Horgan (Respondent)
Soraya Sadeghi representing Carl McClaren (Petitioner)
MOTION to Continue to 09/28/2010 by Carl McClaren.
11:00 AM
1:10-cv-11539-NG McClaren et al v. Horgan
(Nature of Suit 463 - Habeas Corpus - Alien Detainee)
Status Conference Courtroom 2
Andrea J. Cabral (Respondent), Janet Napolitano (Respondent)
Mark J. Grady representing Gerard Horgan (Respondent)
Soraya Sadeghi representing Carl McClaren (Petitioner)
ELECTRONIC Clerk's Notes for proceedings held before Judge Nancy Gertner: Status
Conference held in place of TRO hrg....Judge Gertner participated by telephone on 10/14/2010.
TRO taken under advisement. Atty Sadeghi shall submit a letter to the Jamaica Consulate to
clarify that the petitioner is not contesting his removal. Copy of letter shall be filed electronically
with the court forthwith. Exh A-Instruction Sheet I-229 Assist Removal filed.Further Status
Conference set for 11/10/2010 11:00 AM in Courtroom 2 before Judge Nancy Gertner. (Court
Reporter: Valerie OHara at vaohara@gmail.com.)(Attorneys present: Sadeghi, Ausa Grady)
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11/12/2010 CM/ECF - USDC Massachusetts - Versi…
Carl McClaren represented by Soraya Sadeghi
Law Offices of Soraya Sadeghi
Suite 911
101 Tremont Street
Boston, MA 02108
Fax: 617-357-0004
Email: soraya@sorayalaw.com
Secretary, DHS Janet Napolitano
Superintendent Gerard Horgan represented by Mark J. Grady
United States Attorney's Office
John Joseph Moakley Federal Courthouse
1 Courthouse Way
Suite 9200
Boston, MA 02210
Fax: 617-748-3971
Email: mark.grady@usdoj.gov
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Sheriff Andrea J. Cabral
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Calendar Events Report
1:07-cv-10287 (closed 09/28/2010)
Judge Office Boston (1) Nature
Springfield (3) of suit 0 (zero)
Worcester (4) 110 (Insurance)
Aldrich, Bailey (T) 120 (Contract: Marine)
Calendar All Hearings Set 1/1/2002 to 11/12/2010 Calendar
events ADR Hearing
Allocution Hearing Both AM PM
Argument on Bankruptcy Appeal
Time AM PM
Include closed cases
Include docket text
Display terminated parties
Sort by Time
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11/12/2010 CM/ECF - USDC Massachusetts - Versi…
United States District Court
District of Massachusetts
Calendar Events Set For 1/1/2002-11/12/2010
11:30 AM
1:07-cv-10287-WGY Awuah v. Coverall North America, Inc., CASE CLOSED on 09/28/2010
(Nature of Suit 442 - Civil Rights: Jobs)
Robert B. Collings (Mediator [T]), Zarco Einhorn Salkowski & Brito, P.A. (Movant)
Brant Casavant representing Aldivar Brandao (Plaintiff [T]), Benecira Cavalcante (Plaintiff [T]),
Jai Prem (Plaintiff), Pius Awuah (Plaintiff)
Lisa S. Core representing Coverall North America, Inc., (Defendant,Counter Claimant)
Jerald R. Cureton representing Aldivar Brandao (Plaintiff [T],Counter Defendant [T]), Benecira
Cavalcante (Counter Defendant [T]), Denisse Pineda (Plaintiff), Geraldo Correia (Counter
Defendant [T]), Jai Prem (Plaintiff,Counter Defendant), Marian Lewis (Counter Defendant [T]),
Nilton Dos Santos (Counter Defendant [T]), Phillip Beitz (Counter Defendant [T]), Pius Awuah
(Plaintiff), Stanley Stewart (Counter Defendant [T])
John F. Dienelt representing Coverall North America, Inc., (Defendant,Counter Claimant)
Paul S. Ham representing Coverall North America, Inc., (Defendant,Counter Claimant)
Matthew J. Iverson representing Coverall North America, Inc., (Defendant,Counter Claimant)
Norman Mitchell Leon representing Coverall North America, Inc., (Defendant)
Harold L. Lichten representing Aldivar Brandao (Plaintiff [T],Counter Defendant [T]), Benecira
Cavalcante (Counter Defendant [T]), Denisse Pineda (Plaintiff), Geraldo Correia (Counter
Defendant [T]), Jai Prem (Plaintiff,Counter Defendant), Marian Lewis (Counter Defendant [T]),
Nilton Dos Santos (Counter Defendant [T]), Phillip Beitz (Counter Defendant [T]), Pius Awuah
(Plaintiff), Stanley Stewart (Counter Defendant [T])
Shannon E. Liss-Riordan representing Aldivar Brandao (Plaintiff [T],Counter Defendant [T]),
Anthony Graffeo (Plaintiff), Benecira Cavalcante (Plaintiff [T],Counter Defendant [T]), Denisse
Pineda (Plaintiff), Geraldo Correia (Plaintiff [T],Counter Defendant [T]), Jai Prem
(Plaintiff,Counter Defendant), Manuel DaSilva (Plaintiff), Marian Lewis (Plaintiff [T],Counter
Defendant [T]), Nilton Dos Santos (Plaintiff [T],Counter Defendant [T]), Phillip Beitz (Plaintiff
[T],Counter Defendant [T]), Pius Awuah (Plaintiff), Richard Barrientos (Plaintiff), Stanley Stewart
(Plaintiff [T],Counter Defendant [T])
Anthony L. Marchetti representing Aldivar Brandao (Plaintiff [T],Counter Defendant [T]),
Benecira Cavalcante (Counter Defendant [T]), Denisse Pineda (Plaintiff), Geraldo Correia
(Counter Defendant [T]), Jai Prem (Plaintiff,Counter Defendant), Marian Lewis (Counter
Defendant [T]), Nilton Dos Santos (Counter Defendant [T]), Phillip Beitz (Counter Defendant
[T]), Pius Awuah (Plaintiff), Stanley Stewart (Counter Defendant [T])
Michelle Odio representing Phillip Beitz (Counter Defendant [T])
David S. Rosenthal representing The Coolidge Corner Theatre Foundation, Inc. (Third Party
Hillary A. Schwab representing Aldivar Brandao (Plaintiff [T],Counter Defendant [T]), Anthony
Graffeo (Plaintiff), Benecira Cavalcante (Plaintiff [T],Counter Defendant [T]), Denisse Pineda
ecf.mad.uscourts.gov/…/CalEvents.pl?2… 1/2
11/12/2010 CM/ECF - USDC Massachusetts - Versi…
(Plaintiff), Geraldo Correia (Plaintiff [T],Counter Defendant [T]), Jai Prem (Plaintiff,Counter
Defendant), Manuel DaSilva (Plaintiff), Marian Lewis (Plaintiff [T],Counter Defendant [T]),
Nilton Dos Santos (Plaintiff [T],Counter Defendant [T]), Phillip Beitz (Plaintiff [T],Counter
Defendant [T]), Pius Awuah (Plaintiff), Richard Barrientos (Plaintiff), Stanley Stewart (Plaintiff
[T],Counter Defendant [T])
John M. Simon representing American Arbitration Association (Witness)
Joseph L. Sulman representing Aldivar Brandao (Plaintiff [T]), Benecira Cavalcante (Plaintiff [T]),
Denisse Pineda (Plaintiff), Geraldo Correia (Plaintiff [T]), Jai Prem (Plaintiff), Marian Lewis
(Plaintiff [T]), Nilton Dos Santos (Plaintiff [T]), Phillip Beitz (Plaintiff [T]), Pius Awuah (Plaintiff),
Richard Barrientos (Plaintiff), Stanley Stewart (Plaintiff [T])
Michael D. Vhay representing Coverall North America, Inc., (Defendant,Counter Claimant)
Set/Reset Hearings: Final Hearing re: Arbitration set for 11/10/2010 11:30 AM before Judge
William G. Young.
ecf.mad.uscourts.gov/…/CalEvents.pl?2… 2/2
11/12/2010 CM/ECF - USDC Massachusetts - Versi…
Calendar Events Report
Judge Office Boston (1) Nature
Springfield (3) of suit 0 (zero)
Worcester (4) 110 (Insurance)
Aldrich, Bailey (T) 120 (Contract: Marine)
Calendar All Hearings Set 1/1/2002 to 11/12/2010 Calendar
events ADR Hearing
Allocution Hearing Both AM PM
Argument on Bankruptcy Appeal
Time AM PM
Include closed cases
Include docket text
Display terminated parties
Sort by Time
ecf.mad.uscourts.gov/…/CalEvents.pl 1/1
11/12/2010 CM/ECF - USDC Massachusetts - Versi…
United States District Court
District of Massachusetts
Calendar Events Set For 1/1/2002-11/12/2010
02:00 PM
1:08-po-00122-RBC-1 USA v. Kincman
Bench Trial
Lee Chase representing USA (Plaintiff)
Robert L. Grant representing USA (Plaintiff)
Nadine Pellegrini representing USA (Plaintiff)
Kenneth G. Shine representing USA (Plaintiff)
Elisa B. Zawadzkas representing Francis Kincman (Defendant)
Michael A. Zawadzkas representing Francis Kincman (Defendant)
ELECTRONIC NOTICE OF HEARING as to Francis Kincman Bench Trial and hearing on any
pending motionsset for 1/21/2009 02:00 PM before Magistrate Judge Robert B. Collings at the
Hyannis Post Office, Hyannis, MA.
12:00 PM
1:08-po-00122-RBC-1 USA v. Kincman
Lee Chase representing USA (Plaintiff)
Robert L. Grant representing USA (Plaintiff)
Nadine Pellegrini representing USA (Plaintiff)
Kenneth G. Shine representing USA (Plaintiff)
Elisa B. Zawadzkas representing Francis Kincman (Defendant)
Michael A. Zawadzkas representing Francis Kincman (Defendant)
Magistrate Judge Robert B. Collings: ELECTRONIC ORDER entered as to Francis Kincman.
Disposition continued to 11/10/10 @ 12:00 PM at the Hyannis Post Office in Hyannis, MA.
12:45 PM
1:08-po-00122-RBC-1 USA v. Kincman
Hearing Hyannis Post Office
Lee Chase representing USA (Plaintiff)
Robert L. Grant representing USA (Plaintiff)
Nadine Pellegrini representing USA (Plaintiff)
Kenneth G. Shine representing USA (Plaintiff)
Elisa B. Zawadzkas representing Francis Kincman (Defendant)
Michael A. Zawadzkas representing Francis Kincman (Defendant)
Hearing set for 11/10/2010 at 12:45 PM (not 12 PM) in the Hyannis Post Office before
Magistrate Judge Robert B. Collings.
ecf.mad.uscourts.gov/…/CalEvents.pl?7… 1/1
11/12/2010 CM/ECF - USDC Massachusetts - Versi…
Calendar Events Report
Judge Office Boston (1) Nature
Springfield (3) of suit 0 (zero)
Worcester (4) 110 (Insurance)
Aldrich, Bailey (T) 120 (Contract: Marine)
Calendar All Hearings Set 1/1/2002 to 11/12/2010 Calendar
events ADR Hearing
Allocution Hearing Both AM PM
Argument on Bankruptcy Appeal
Time AM PM
Include closed cases
Include docket text
Display terminated parties
Sort by Time
ecf.mad.uscourts.gov/…/CalEvents.pl 1/1
11/12/2010 CM/ECF - USDC Massachusetts - Versi…
United States District Court
District of Massachusetts
Calendar Events Set For 1/1/2002-11/12/2010
12:45 PM
1:10-po-00407-RBC-1 USA v. Roberts
Hearing Hyannis Post Office
Lee Chase representing USA (Plaintiff)
William W. Fick representing Joel L. Roberts (Defendant)
Robert L. Grant representing USA (Plaintiff)
James F. Lang representing USA (Plaintiff)
David G. Tobin representing USA (Plaintiff)
set for 11/10/2010 at 12:45 PM (not 12 P.M.) in the Hyannis Post Office before Magistrate
Judge Robert B. Collings.
ecf.mad.uscourts.gov/…/CalEvents.pl?4… 1/1
11/12/2010 CM/ECF - USDC Massachusetts - Versi…
Calendar Events Report
Judge Office Boston (1) Nature
Springfield (3) of suit 0 (zero)
Worcester (4) 110 (Insurance)
Aldrich, Bailey (T) 120 (Contract: Marine)
Calendar All Hearings Set 1/1/2002 to 11/12/2010 Calendar
events ADR Hearing
Allocution Hearing Both AM PM
Argument on Bankruptcy Appeal
Time AM PM
Include closed cases
Include docket text
Display terminated parties
Sort by Time
ecf.mad.uscourts.gov/…/CalEvents.pl 1/1
11/12/2010 CM/ECF - USDC Massachusetts - Versi…
United States District Court
District of Massachusetts
Calendar Events Set For 1/1/2002-11/12/2010
12:45 PM
1:10-po-00407-RBC-1 USA v. Roberts
Hearing Hyannis Post Office
Lee Chase representing USA (Plaintiff)
William W. Fick representing Joel L. Roberts (Defendant)
Robert L. Grant representing USA (Plaintiff)
James F. Lang representing USA (Plaintiff)
David G. Tobin representing USA (Plaintiff)
set for 11/10/2010 at 12:45 PM (not 12 P.M.) in the Hyannis Post Office before Magistrate
Judge Robert B. Collings.
ecf.mad.uscourts.gov/…/CalEvents.pl?4… 1/1
11/12/2010 CM/ECF - USDC Massachusetts - Versi…
Calendar Events Report
Judge Office Boston (1) Nature
Springfield (3) of suit 0 (zero)
Worcester (4) 110 (Insurance)
Aldrich, Bailey (T) 120 (Contract: Marine)
Calendar All Hearings Set 1/1/2002 to 11/12/2010 Calendar
events ADR Hearing
Allocution Hearing Both AM PM
Argument on Bankruptcy Appeal
Time AM PM
Include closed cases
Include docket text
Display terminated parties
Sort by Time
ecf.mad.uscourts.gov/…/CalEvents.pl 1/1
11/12/2010 CM/ECF - USDC Massachusetts - Versi…
United States District Court
District of Massachusetts
Calendar Events Set For 1/1/2002-11/12/2010
12:45 PM
1:10-po-00410-RBC-1 USA v. Zhe
Initial Appearance Hyannis Post Office
Matthew Zhe (Defendant)
Lee Chase representing USA (Plaintiff)
Robert L. Grant representing USA (Plaintiff)
Nadine Pellegrini representing USA (Plaintiff)
Kenneth G. Shine representing USA (Plaintiff)
ELECTRONIC NOTICE OF HEARING as to Matthew Zhe: Initial Appearance in District re-
set for 11/10/2010 @ 12:45 PM in Hyannis Post Office before Magistrate Judge Robert B.
ecf.mad.uscourts.gov/…/CalEvents.pl?7… 1/1
11/12/2010 CM/ECF - USDC Massachusetts - Versi…
Calendar Events Report
Judge Office Boston (1) Nature
Springfield (3) of suit 0 (zero)
Worcester (4) 110 (Insurance)
Aldrich, Bailey (T) 120 (Contract: Marine)
Calendar All Hearings Set 1/1/2002 to 11/12/2010 Calendar
events ADR Hearing
Allocution Hearing Both AM PM
Argument on Bankruptcy Appeal
Time AM PM
Include closed cases
Include docket text
Display terminated parties
Sort by Time
ecf.mad.uscourts.gov/…/CalEvents.pl 1/1
11/12/2010 CM/ECF - USDC Massachusetts - Versi…
United States District Court
District of Massachusetts
Calendar Events Set For 1/1/2002-11/12/2010
12:45 PM
1:10-po-00410-RBC-1 USA v. Zhe
Initial Appearance Hyannis Post Office
Matthew Zhe (Defendant)
Lee Chase representing USA (Plaintiff)
Robert L. Grant representing USA (Plaintiff)
Nadine Pellegrini representing USA (Plaintiff)
Kenneth G. Shine representing USA (Plaintiff)
ELECTRONIC NOTICE OF HEARING as to Matthew Zhe: Initial Appearance in District re-
set for 11/10/2010 @ 12:45 PM in Hyannis Post Office before Magistrate Judge Robert B.
ecf.mad.uscourts.gov/…/CalEvents.pl?7… 1/1
11/12/2010 CM/ECF - USDC Massachusetts - Versi…
Calendar Events Report
Judge Office Boston (1) Nature
Springfield (3) of suit 0 (zero)
Worcester (4) 110 (Insurance)
Aldrich, Bailey (T) 120 (Contract: Marine)
Calendar All Hearings Set 1/1/2002 to 11/12/2010 Calendar
events ADR Hearing
Allocution Hearing Both AM PM
Argument on Bankruptcy Appeal
Time AM PM
Include closed cases
Include docket text
Display terminated parties
Sort by Time
ecf.mad.uscourts.gov/…/CalEvents.pl 1/1
11/12/2010 CM/ECF - USDC Massachusetts - Versi…
United States District Court
District of Massachusetts
Calendar Events Set For 1/1/2002-11/12/2010
12:45 PM
1:10-po-00433-RBC-1 USA v. Wallin
Status Conference Hyannis Post Office
Taylor Wallin (Defendant)
Lee Chase representing USA (Plaintiff)
Robert L. Grant representing USA (Plaintiff)
Nadine Pellegrini representing USA (Plaintiff)
Kenneth G. Shine representing USA (Plaintiff)
Conference re-set for 11/10/2010 @ 12:45 PM in Hyannis Post Office before Magistrate Judge
Robert B. Collings.
ecf.mad.uscourts.gov/…/CalEvents.pl?2… 1/1
11/12/2010 CM/ECF - USDC Massachusetts - Versi…
Calendar Events Report
Judge Office Boston (1) Nature
Springfield (3) of suit 0 (zero)
Worcester (4) 110 (Insurance)
Aldrich, Bailey (T) 120 (Contract: Marine)
Calendar All Hearings Set 1/1/2002 to 11/12/2010 Calendar
events ADR Hearing
Allocution Hearing Both AM PM
Argument on Bankruptcy Appeal
Time AM PM
Include closed cases
Include docket text
Display terminated parties
Sort by Time
ecf.mad.uscourts.gov/…/CalEvents.pl 1/1
11/12/2010 CM/ECF - USDC Massachusetts - Versi…
United States District Court
District of Massachusetts
Calendar Events Set For 1/1/2002-11/12/2010
02:00 PM
1:09-cv-10624-JGD Pariseau v John Boats et al
(Nature of Suit 340 - Marine)
Status Conference Courtroom 15
Arminda Tavares (Defendant [T]), Captain John Tours, Inc. (Defendant [T]), Jeffrey Schlossberg
(Defendant [T]), John Boats (Defendant [T]), Marianne B. Bowler (Mediator [T]), Town Wharf
Enterprises, Inc. (Defendant [T])
Leon A. Blais representing Shawn Pariseau (Plaintiff)
Michael J. Rauworth representing Capt. John Boats, Inc. (Defendant), Stanley R. Tavares
(Defendant [T])
Patrick T. Uiterwyk representing Capt. John Boats, Inc. (Defendant)
Ch. Magistrate Judge Judith G. Dein: SCHEDULING ORDER entered: Status Conference set
for 11/10/2010 10:00 AM in Courtroom 15 before Ch. Magistrate Judge Judith G. Dein.
ecf.mad.uscourts.gov/…/CalEvents.pl?4… 1/1
11/12/2010 CM/ECF - USDC Massachusetts - Versi…
Calendar Events Report
Judge Office Boston (1) Nature
Springfield (3) of suit 0 (zero)
Worcester (4) 110 (Insurance)
Aldrich, Bailey (T) 120 (Contract: Marine)
Calendar All Hearings Set 1/1/2002 to 11/12/2010 Calendar
events ADR Hearing
Allocution Hearing Both AM PM
Argument on Bankruptcy Appeal
Time AM PM
Include closed cases
Include docket text
Display terminated parties
Sort by Time
ecf.mad.uscourts.gov/…/CalEvents.pl 1/1
11/12/2010 CM/ECF - USDC Massachusetts - Versi…
United States District Court
District of Massachusetts
Calendar Events Set For 1/1/2002-11/12/2010
02:00 PM
1:09-cv-11265-JGD Chan v. Saxon Mortgage Services, Inc. et al
(Nature of Suit 480 - Consumer Credit)
Status Conference Courtroom 15
Jerome Niedermeier (Mediator [T])
Richard E. Briansky representing Saxon Mortgage Services,Inc. (Defendant), Wells Fargo
National Association as Trustee for Bank of America (Defendant)
Joseph P. Calandrelli representing Saxon Mortgage Services,Inc. (Defendant), Wells Fargo
National Association as Trustee for Bank of America (Defendant)
Megan C. Deluhery representing Bonnie Kwok Ching Chan (Plaintiff), Calvin Lai Chan (Plaintiff)
Eric B. Epstein representing WMC Mortgage LLC (Defendant)
Robert G. Manson representing WMC Mortgage LLC (Defendant)
David A. Scheffel representing WMC Mortgage LLC (Defendant)
Christopher Weld, Jr representing Bonnie Kwok Ching Chan (Plaintiff), Calvin Lai Chan
Ch. Magistrate Judge Judith G. Dein: ORDER entered. SCHEDULING ORDER: Status
Conference set for 11/10/2010 02:00 PM in Courtroom 15 before Ch. Magistrate Judge Judith
G. Dein.
ecf.mad.uscourts.gov/…/CalEvents.pl?8… 1/1
11/12/2010 CM/ECF - USDC Massachusetts - Versi…
Calendar Events Report
Judge Office Boston (1) Nature
Springfield (3) of suit 0 (zero)
Worcester (4) 110 (Insurance)
Aldrich, Bailey (T) 120 (Contract: Marine)
Calendar All Hearings Set 1/1/2002 to 11/12/2010 Calendar
events ADR Hearing
Allocution Hearing Both AM PM
Argument on Bankruptcy Appeal
Time AM PM
Include closed cases
Include docket text
Display terminated parties
Sort by Time
ecf.mad.uscourts.gov/…/CalEvents.pl 1/1
11/12/2010 CM/ECF - USDC Massachusetts - Versi…
United States District Court
District of Massachusetts
Calendar Events Set For 1/1/2002-11/12/2010
02:00 PM
1:10-cv-10572-GAO Chow et al v. Zimny et al
(Nature of Suit 370 - Fraud or Truth-In-Lending)
Motion Hearing Courtroom 9
Kevin W. Clancy representing Gerald Chow (Plaintiff), Lily Chow (Plaintiff)
Marjorie S. Cooke representing Gerald Chow (Plaintiff), Lily Chow (Plaintiff)
John D Fitzpatrick representing Mark J. Zimny (Defendant)
Robert L. Sheketoff representing IvyAdmit Consulting Associates LLC (Defendant)
MOTION to Dismiss Complaint by IvyAdmit Consulting Associates LLC.
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11/10/2010 SDNY CM/ECF Version 4.0.3-Calendar E…
Calendar Events Report
1:95-cr-999 (closed 05/10/1996)
Office Foley Square (1) Nature
Foley Square - Suspense (2) of suit 0 (zero)
Quality Control (5) 110 (Insurance)
White Plains (7) 120 (Contract: Marine)
Calendar All Hearings Set 1/1/1995 to 11/10/2010 Calendar
events Allocution Hearing
Appearance Through Counsel Both AM PM
Appearance Without Counsel
Time AM PM
Include closed cases
Include docket text
Display terminated parties
Sort by Time
ecf.nysd.uscourts.gov/…/CalEvents.pl 1/1
11/10/2010 SDNY CM/ECF Version 4.0.3-Calendar E…
U.S. District Court
Southern District of New York
Calendar Events Set For 1/1/1995-11/10/2010
1:95-cr-00999-SHS-1 USA v. Jones DEFENDANT TERMINATED on 05/10/1996
Preliminary Hearing
Frank Jones (Defendant [T])
William E. Craco representing United States Of America (Plaintiff)
First Appearance as to Frank Jones held. Deft appears with L.A. atty Tracey Eadie Gaffey.
AUSA William Craco present. $50,000 PRB cosigned by 1 FRP & PSA. Waived preliminary
hearing. Control Date set for 8/17/95 for Frank Jones ; (Mag. Judge Bernikow). [ 1:95-m -1560
ecf.nysd.uscourts.gov/…/CalEvents.pl?5… 1/1
11/10/2010 SDNY CM/ECF Version 4.0.3-Calendar E…
Calendar Events Report
ecf.nysd.uscourts.gov/…/CalEvents.pl 1/1
11/10/2010 SDNY CM/ECF Version 4.0.3-Calendar E…
U.S. District Court
Southern District of New York
Calendar Events Set For 1/1/1993-11/10/2010
09:30 AM
1:93-cr-00168-MGC-3 USA v. Ortiz
Jury Trial
Steven Michael Cohen representing United States Of America (Plaintiff)
Timothy Turner Howard representing United States Of America (Plaintiff)
Paul Testaverde representing Pablo Ortiz (Defendant)
SUPPRESSION HEARING... as to Henry Alberto Pena w/atty. Mario Malerba pres., Mario
Valencia in custody of U.S. Marshal, Atty. Inga Parsons pres., Pablo Ortiz w/atty. Paul
Testaverde pres., Eliezer Rodriguez w/atty. Joseph Girardi pres. Interp: Nancy Festinger and
Graciela Lanus, AUSA Steven M. Cohen and Ct. reporter: Carol Sherman pres. Supression hrg.
begun and concluded...decision reserved... , set Jury trial for 9:30 5/31/94 for Henry Alberto
Pena, for Mario Valencia, for Pablo Ortiz, for Eliezer Rodriguez ( Entered by Judge Miriam G.
Cedarbaum )
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11/10/2010 SDNY CM/ECF Version 4.0.3-Calendar E…
Calendar Events Report
1:95-cr-999 (closed 05/10/1996)
Office Foley Square (1) Nature
Foley Square - Suspense (2) of suit 0 (zero)
Quality Control (5) 110 (Insurance)
White Plains (7) 120 (Contract: Marine)
Calendar All Hearings Set 1/1/1991 to 11/10/2010 Calendar
events Allocution Hearing
Appearance Through Counsel Both AM PM
Appearance Without Counsel
Time AM PM
Include closed cases
Include docket text
Display terminated parties
Sort by Time
ecf.nysd.uscourts.gov/…/CalEvents.pl 1/1
11/10/2010 SDNY CM/ECF Version 4.0.3-Calendar E…
U.S. District Court
Southern District of New York
Calendar Events Set For 1/1/1991-11/10/2010
1:95-cr-00999-SHS-1 USA v. Jones DEFENDANT TERMINATED on 05/10/1996
Preliminary Hearing
Frank Jones (Defendant [T])
William E. Craco representing United States Of America (Plaintiff)
First Appearance as to Frank Jones held. Deft appears with L.A. atty Tracey Eadie Gaffey.
AUSA William Craco present. $50,000 PRB cosigned by 1 FRP & PSA. Waived preliminary
hearing. Control Date set for 8/17/95 for Frank Jones ; (Mag. Judge Bernikow). [ 1:95-m -1560
ecf.nysd.uscourts.gov/…/CalEvents.pl?6… 1/1
11/10/2010 SDNY CM/ECF Version 4.0.3-Calendar E…
Calendar Events Report
1:95-cv-7889 (closed 12/17/1998)
Office Foley Square (1) Nature
Foley Square - Suspense (2) of suit 0 (zero)
Quality Control (5) 110 (Insurance)
White Plains (7) 120 (Contract: Marine)
Calendar All Hearings Set 1/1/1995 to 11/10/2010 Calendar
events Allocution Hearing
Appearance Through Counsel Both AM PM
Appearance Without Counsel
Time AM PM
Include closed cases
Include docket text
Display terminated parties
Sort by Time
ecf.nysd.uscourts.gov/…/CalEvents.pl 1/1
11/10/2010 SDNY CM/ECF Version 4.0.3-Calendar E…
No Schedule Found.
ecf.nysd.uscourts.gov/…/CalEvents.pl?9… 1/1
11/10/2010 SDNY CM/ECF Version 4.0.3-Calendar E…
Calendar Events Report
1:96-cr-423 (closed 09/12/1997)
Office Foley Square (1) Nature
Foley Square - Suspense (2) of suit 0 (zero)
Quality Control (5) 110 (Insurance)
White Plains (7) 120 (Contract: Marine)
Calendar All Hearings Set 1/1/1991 to 11/10/2010 Calendar
events Allocution Hearing
Appearance Through Counsel Both AM PM
Appearance Without Counsel
Time AM PM
Include closed cases
Include docket text
Display terminated parties
Sort by Time
ecf.nysd.uscourts.gov/…/CalEvents.pl 1/1
11/10/2010 SDNY CM/ECF Version 4.0.3-Calendar E…
No Schedule Found.
ecf.nysd.uscourts.gov/…/CalEvents.pl?1… 1/1
11/10/2010 SDNY CM/ECF Version 4.0.3-Calendar E…
Calendar Events Report
1:96-cv-5787 (closed 04/12/2000)
Office Foley Square (1) Nature
Foley Square - Suspense (2) of suit 0 (zero)
Quality Control (5) 110 (Insurance)
White Plains (7) 120 (Contract: Marine)
Calendar All Hearings Set 1/1/1991 to 11/10/2010 Calendar
events Allocution Hearing
Appearance Through Counsel Both AM PM
Appearance Without Counsel
Time AM PM
Include closed cases
Include docket text
Display terminated parties
Sort by Time
ecf.nysd.uscourts.gov/…/CalEvents.pl 1/1
11/10/2010 SDNY CM/ECF Version 4.0.3-Calendar E…
No Schedule Found.
ecf.nysd.uscourts.gov/…/CalEvents.pl?3… 1/1
11/10/2010 SDNY CM/ECF Version 4.0.3-Calendar E…
Calendar Events Report
1:96-cv-9506 (closed 10/25/2000)
Office Foley Square (1) Nature
Foley Square - Suspense (2) of suit 0 (zero)
Quality Control (5) 110 (Insurance)
White Plains (7) 120 (Contract: Marine)
Calendar All Hearings Set 1/1/1991 to 11/10/2010 Calendar
events Allocution Hearing
Appearance Through Counsel Both AM PM
Appearance Without Counsel
Time AM PM
Include closed cases
Include docket text
Display terminated parties
Sort by Time
ecf.nysd.uscourts.gov/…/CalEvents.pl 1/1
11/10/2010 SDNY CM/ECF Version 4.0.3-Calendar E…
No Schedule Found.
ecf.nysd.uscourts.gov/…/CalEvents.pl?3… 1/1
11/10/2010 SDNY CM/ECF Version 4.0.3-Calendar E…
Calendar Events Report
1:96-cv-9506 (closed 10/25/2000)
Office Foley Square (1) Nature
Foley Square - Suspense (2) of suit 0 (zero)
Quality Control (5) 110 (Insurance)
White Plains (7) 120 (Contract: Marine)
Calendar All Hearings Set 1/1/1991 to 11/10/2010 Calendar
events Allocution Hearing
Appearance Through Counsel Both AM PM
Appearance Without Counsel
Time AM PM
Include closed cases
Include docket text
Display terminated parties
Sort by Time
ecf.nysd.uscourts.gov/…/CalEvents.pl 1/1
11/10/2010 SDNY CM/ECF Version 4.0.3-Calendar E…
No Schedule Found.
ecf.nysd.uscourts.gov/…/CalEvents.pl?6… 1/1
11/10/2010 SDNY CM/ECF Version 4.0.3-Calendar E…
Calendar Events Report
ecf.nysd.uscourts.gov/…/CalEvents.pl 1/1
11/10/2010 SDNY CM/ECF Version 4.0.3-Calendar E…
No Schedule Found.
ecf.nysd.uscourts.gov/…/CalEvents.pl?8… 1/1
11/10/2010 SDNY CM/ECF Version 4.0.3-Calendar E…
Calendar Events Report
ecf.nysd.uscourts.gov/…/CalEvents.pl 1/1
11/10/2010 SDNY CM/ECF Version 4.0.3-Calendar E…
No Schedule Found.
ecf.nysd.uscourts.gov/…/CalEvents.pl?9… 1/1
11/12/2010 SDNY CM/ECF Version 4.0.3-Calendar E…
Calendar Events Report
ecf.nysd.uscourts.gov/…/CalEvents.pl 1/1
11/12/2010 SDNY CM/ECF Version 4.0.3-Calendar E…
U.S. District Court
Southern District of New York
Calendar Events Set For 1/1/2002-11/12/2010
04:30 PM
1:97-cr-01215-LAP-15 USA v. Gangi, et al DEFENDANT TERMINATED on 10/24/2001
Revocation Superv Rls-FinalHrg
Michael Motsykulashvili (Defendant [T])
Jay Holtmeier representing United States Of America (Plaintiff)
Filed Memo-Endorsement on letter: by U.S.A. as to Michael Motsykulashvili, from AUSA Celeste L. Koeleveld,
Dated 9/30/02, addressed to: Judge Preska Re: confirming that the violation of supervised release hearing is
adjourned from 10/28/02 to 11/4/02, Violation of Supervised Release Hearing set for 4:30 11/4/02 for Michael
Motsykulashvili ...SO ORDERED. ( Signed by Judge Loretta A. Preska on 10/3/02); Copies Mailed to Counsel
by Chambers. (ph) Modified on 10/08/2002
03:00 PM
1:97-cr-01215-LAP-15 USA v. Gangi, et al DEFENDANT TERMINATED on 10/24/2001
Preliminary Revocation Hearing
Michael Motsykulashvili (Defendant [T])
Jay Holtmeier representing United States Of America (Plaintiff)
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge Andrew J. Peck :Bond Hearing as to Michael Motsykulashvili
held on 10/29/2004. AUSA Celeste Koeleveld pres. P.O. Robert Walsh pres. Dft Michael Motsykulashvili pres
w/atty Martin Stolar (CJA)(Bail only). $10,000.00 PRB. Preliminary Revocation Hearing set for 11/3/2004 03:00
PM before Judge Loretta A. Preska.
10:00 AM
1:97-cr-01215-LAP-15 USA v. Gangi, et al DEFENDANT TERMINATED on 10/24/2001
Initial Appearance/Revocation
Michael Motsykulashvili (Defendant [T])
Jay Holtmeier representing United States Of America (Plaintiff)
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge Loretta A. Preska :Status Conference as to Michael
Motsykulashvili held on 11/3/2004. Dft Michael Motsykulashvili pres w/counsel Barry Turner. AUSA Jason
Sabot pres. Crt rptr pres. Probation Officer Robert Walsh pres. Defense suggests that the middle of night visit
to dft's residence was unwarranted. Dft was merely drinking in his apartment which he does not believe is a
violation; govt notes that dft has been warned to comply w/close monitoring, including not using alcohol
excessively. Dft refused to take a breathalyzer test, which is a violation of probation. Govt notes that probation
have the right to conduct a search unannounced at any time. Having conducted that search and finding dft was
under the influence, they then had probable cause to arrest dft. The procedure used is one that the monitoring
team generally follows. Dft does not admit to specifications. Govt requests a hrg on the matter. The search
teams says dft was unresponsive, beligerent and difficult. Dft supplied a urine sample immediately upon
request. Defense contends that this search was excessive. Hearing to be held for 12/7/2004 10:00 AM before
Judge Loretta A. Preska. (Court Reporter Mike McDaniels)
04:30 PM
1:97-cr-01215-DC-6 USA v. Gangi, et al DEFENDANT TERMINATED on 05/03/2001
Claudio Iodice (Defendant [T])
Jay Holtmeier representing United States Of America (Plaintiff)
ORAL ORDER as to Claudio Iodice. Sentencing set for 10/17/2007 at 04:30 PM before Judge Denny Chin.
ecf.nysd.uscourts.gov/…/CalEvents.pl?9… 1/1
11/10/2010 SDNY CM/ECF Version 4.0.3-Calendar E…
Calendar Events Report
1:09-cv-6829 (closed 02/24/2010)
Office Foley Square (1) Nature
Foley Square - Suspense (2) of suit 0 (zero)
Quality Control (5) 110 (Insurance)
White Plains (7) 120 (Contract: Marine)
Calendar All Hearings Set 1/1/2009 to 11/10/2010 Calendar
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11/10/2010 SDNY CM/ECF Version 4.0.3-Calendar E…
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