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3rd Carrier Guideline

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3rd Carrier Guideline

3G Network

Network Quality Management Group

PT. Telekomunikasi Selular

1 Network Quality Management

• Executive Summary
• Background & Objective
• General Configuration Requirement
• Fact Finding
• Assessment Conclusion
• Proposed Service Layering Strategy
• Impact Analysis
• Parameter Setting
• Implementation Result

2 Network Quality Management

Executive Summary
1. 3rd carrier has been trial and implemented in the network with following service layering
strategy :
 Huawei : Random Camping
 Ericsson : “Semi” Random Camping (Preferred Camping with Open FACH on F2 & F3).
Proposed to be Random Camping as long term strategy
 NSN : “Semi” Random Camping (Preferred Camping with Open FACH on F2 & F3).
Proposed to be Random Camping as long term strategy
 ZTE : Random Camping
2. Based on trial result, 3rd carrier implementation must be implemented with regards end to
end capacity including but not limited additional hardware and license / feature such as CE,
IuB, power / RRU, OBSAI (for NSN), HSDPA user, HSDPA code to meet implementation
3. In order to get optimum capacity and quality is recommended that 3rd carrier is preferred to
be implemented in cluster based due to :
 Ensure smooth mobility between carriers (F1/F2/F3). Inter frequency mobility will
required compressed mode that could impact to quality & capacity
 “Spotty” F3 implementation will impact to coverage of F3 is wider compared with F1 &
F2 because Ec /No is better due to no interference from surrounding sites. This issue
will trigger accessibility issue in F1 & F2 if user moves from F3 to F1 or F2 (Low
Accessibility on F1 & F2 and Bad IFHO on F3).
4. All new F3 implementation must follow parameter setting guideline as mention below.

3 Network Quality Management

Background & Objective

1. Telkomsel has acquired 3rd Carrier license for 3G to enable capacity expansion without
new site implementation
2. 3rd carrier implementation is expected to solve capacity issue in 3G network as well as
improving quality

1. The objective is assessment to provide recommendation of 3rd carrier implementation
to meet capacity and quality objective as well as cost impact

4 Network Quality Management

General Configuration Requirement
Based on trial result, here are general requirement for 3rd carrier activation in each vendor :
Additional Hardware Additional License / Feature
Vendor Service Layering
Requirement Requirement
- HSDPA Enabled in all carrier
- FRGP or FRGT - Flexi WCDMA BTS 60W Power LK
- Additional OBSAI - Flexi WCDMA BTS Multi Carrier LK
NSN Preferred Camping - FSME / FSMF - HSDPA 64 Users per Cell
- IuB over IP - HSDPA cell upgrade to 15 codes
- HSDPA min 14 Mbps per User
- HSPA 72 user per cell
- Add RRU 3826 / WRFU + FO kit - Multi carrier
Huawei Random Camping - WBBPf - HSDPA code
- IuB over IP - Power License
- HS Users : 64 users/cell
- HS Codes : 15 codes/cell
- EUL Users : 32 users/cell
- 2x DUW
- EUL 1.4 Mbps Capacity License : 6
- RUS with minimum 60W Power
EID Preferred Camping - Channel Element : >= 384/256 (UL/DL)
- HS on both carriers config package
- IuB over IP
- EUL for Large RBS Configuration
- 3rd carrier package (HSDPA SW features
for the additional 3 cell-carriers)
- HSDPA 64 user per cell
- HSDPA DL Physical Channel f_DPCH
- Upgrade BP board (BPK 384 CE) - SRB over HSDPA
ZTE Random Camping - PA min RSU40 (1x80W) - HSDPA Dedicated carrier
- IuB over IP - Directed retry between HS-DSCH and DCH
- HSDPA min 14.4 peak bit rate
5 Network Quality Management - High DL bit rate up to 15 code
Fact Finding
Below are some issues in each vendor during 3rd carrier trial :
Vendor Issue Description Solution
• Based on trial, the best Layering
Load unbalanced when using random camping strategy. Many
EID • Unbalanced load strategy for EID is preferred camping
subscriber camp in F3 compare to F1 & F2.
• F3 Implementation in cluster

Current condition, ZTE is using random camping strategy and • Adjust idle parameter (Sintersearch,
balancing mode F1/F2/F3 is off. Due to F3 implementation is in Sintrasearch, Qqualmin, Qrxlevmin,
• Unbalanced Load
single Node B (not in cluster) may cause Ec/No in F3 very good Qoffset) to make F3 less dominant
and too dominant. • F3 Implementation in cluster
Current condition, 1 Baseband pool can only handle 6 cells. So Upgrade Node B SW version to V4.11
• Unbalanced CE we need to create 1 additional baseband pool to cover up to 9 (Automatically Assign Baseband
utilization cells. This separated baseband pool will cause CE unbalanced Resource – “Yes” for all cells) to make
between the baseband pool (F1-F2 and F3). CE resource balanced
• Existing
OBSAI is used as connection from Baseband Unit (BBU) to
Radio Unit (RU) with max capacity only for 8 cell. 3rd carrier
only can max 8 Additional OBSAI
implementation without additional OBSAI will cause only 2 F3
cells on air in 1
cell can on air meanwhile 1 more remaining cell cannot on air.
NSN Node B
• Layering parameter adjustment
Load unbalanced, F3 coverage a lot bigger than F1 & F2
• Using preferred camping strategy
• Unbalanced load because Ec /No is better due to no interference from
• HSDPA Enabled in all carrier
surrounding sites
• Implementation in cluster
Using existing RU 80 Watt, power per carrier for 2 carrier site
is 40 Watt and use CPICH 4W / 36 dBm (10% of power). With
Huawei • Less DL power F3 addition means 80 watt will be devided by 3 carrier Additional RRU is required
(26.67W) and CPICH might be reduce become 2.67W / 34.27
6 dBm. Drawbacks : coverage
Network will be
Quality reduced.
3rd Carrier Assessment Conclusion

• Based on assessment result, it can be concluded that 3rd carrier

implementation must be followed by CE upgrade, IuB upgrade, power /
RRU, OBSAI (for NSN), HSDPA user, HSDPA code, additional license /
feature to get optimum capacity & quality
• 3rd carrier is preferred to be implemented in cluster based instead of
individual Node B that is defined as high demand data traffic to ensure
smooth mobility. Here are detail trade off :

7 Network Quality Management

Proposed Service Layering Strategy

Previously Current Mid Term Long Term

(3rd Carrier)

Camping : Keep as it is Keep as it is
Huawei, ZTE

1 Random
Random Camping
Camping : Strategy
NSN, EID (All Vendor)
Preferred Semi Random (Priority BB City)
Camping : Camping :
Keep as it is
(Non Priority

8 Network Quality Management

Impact Analysis

NSN RU 30 (Preferred Camping to Random Camping)

Random Camping
Current Configuration Additional Capacity Required
- Second Carrier
- HSDPA Processing Set 2
HSDPA Both Carriers with
Single Carrier - HSDA Code in F2 min 10 Codes
equal capacity
- HSUPA Processing Set (If necessary)
- Load Based Handover Feature in F1 & F2
- HSDPA Processing Set 2 (If Necessary)
HSDPA Both Carriers with - HSDA Code in F1 min 10 Codes
Second Carrier
equal capacity - HSUPA Processing Set (If necessary)
- Load Based Handover Feature in F1
HSDPA Both Carrier (F1:5/10 HSDPA Both Carriers with - HSDPA Code Upgrade in F1 from 5/10 to 15 Codes)
Codes, F2:15 Codes) equal capacity - HSUPA Processing Set (If necessary)

Note :
This requirement doesn’t consider Supreme Node-B that need to be modernized

Proposed to implement minimum HSDPA Both Carrier in all BB City particularly Tier 1

9 Network Quality Management

Impact Analysis

EID (Preferred Camping to Random Camping)

Random Camping
Current Configuration Additional Capacity Required
- Second Carrier License
- HSDPA License in F2 min 48 Users
- HSDPA Code in F2 min 10 Codes and Upgrade Code in F1 if
HSDPA Both Carriers with
Single Carrier existing 5 Codes
equal capacity
- HSUPA License min 12 Users (If necessary)
- IFLS Feature
- Non HS IFLS Feature
- HSDPA License in F1 min 48 Users
- HSDPA Code in F1 min 10 Codes
HSDPA Both Carriers with
Second Carrier - HSUPA License min 12 Users (If necessary)
equal capacity
- IFLS Feature
- Non HS IFLS Feature
- Upgrade Code in F1 to min 10 Codes
HSDPA Both Carrier
HSDPA Both Carriers with - HSUPA License min 12 Users (If necessary)
(F1:5/10 Codes, F2:15
equal capacity - IFLS Feature
- Non HS IFLS Feature

Proposed to implement minimum HSDPA Both Carrier in all BB City particularly Tier 1

10 Network Quality Management

Parameter Setting | NSN

Cell selection and re-selection parameter Load Balancing Parameter

Idle Parameter Name F1 F2 F3

Parameter Name
F1 F2 F3 Directed RRC Enabled 1 1 1
Qqualmin -18 -18 -12 DirectedRRCForHSDPALayerEnabled 1 1 1
Qrxlevmin -58 -58 -46 HSDPALayeringCommonChEnabled 1 1 1
Sintersearch 4 4 10 HSPACapaHO 1 1 1
Sintrasearch 5 5 5 HSCapabilityHONumbUE 3 3 3
SsearchRat 1 1 1 HSCapabilityHOPeriod 0 0 0
SintersearchCon 4 4 4 HSDPALAyerLOadshareThreshold (RNC Par) 3
SintrasearchCon 5 5 5
DisablePowerInHSDPALayeringDecision 0 0 0
SsearchRatCon 1 1 1
CellWeighting 100 100 100
Treselection 1 1 1
CellBarred 1 1 1
TreselectionFACH 10 10 10
SIB4Indicator 1 1 1
TreselectionPCH 2 2 2
HSDPAenabled 1 1 1
HSPDSCHCodeSet 54560 54560 54560
HSUPAEnabled 1 1 1

Note : this parameter settings are configured only for Node B that already HSDPA
Enabled for all carriers

11 Network Quality Management

Parameter Setting | NSN
HHO trigger and cancellation thresholds 3rd carrier preferred random camping offsets
Dedicated Idle/Dedicated
Service Parameter Name F3 Service Parameter Name
F1 F2
Indoor Macro F1>F2 F2>F1 F1>F3 F2>F3 F3>F1 F3>F2
RT -14 -14 -12 -10
RT 0 0 +50dB +50dB -50dB -50dB
RT+HS -14 -14 -12 -10 adjiqoffset1
NRT HhoEcnoThreshold -16 -16 -12 -10 NRT 0 0 +50dB +50dB -50dB -50dB
HSDPA -18 -18 -13 -10
RT 0 0 +50dB +50dB -50dB -50dB
HSPA -18 -18 -13 -10 adjiqoffset2
RT -12 -12 -10 -8 NRT 0 0 +50dB +50dB -50dB -50dB
RT+HS -12 -12 -10 -8
NRT HHoEcnoCancel -14 -14 -10 -8
HSDPA -16 -16 -11 -8
HSPA -16 -16 -11 -8
RT -105 -105 -90 -90
RT+HS -105 -105 -90 -90
NRT HhoRSCPThreshold -110 -110 -90 -90
HSDPA -110 -110 -90 -90
HSPA -110 -110 -90 -90
RT -102 -102 -87 -87
RT+HS -102 -102 -87 -87
NRT HhoRSCPCancel -107 -107 -87 -87
HSDPA -107 -107 -87 -87
HSPA -107 -107 -87 -87

12 Network Quality Management

Neighbor Layering Strategy | NSN



UNBARRED – preferred camping UNBARRED – preferred camping HS CAHO





ADJI co-site

R99 HSDPA + R99 HSDPA + R99 HSDPA + R99


2G 2G 2G 2G

13 Network Quality Management

Implementation Result| NSN
Performance Summary
CSSR CS : Maintained
CSSR PS : Improved for F1 & F2. Maintained for F3
HSDPA Accessibility : Improved for F1 & F2. Maintained for F3
HSUPA Accessibility : Improved for F1 & F2. Maintained for F3
CCSR CS : Improved for F1 & F2. Maintained for F3
CCSR PS : Improved
HSDPA Retainability : Slightly degraded for F1 & F2. Improved for F3
HSUPA Retainability : Degraded for F1 & F2. Maintained for F3
HSDPA Payload : Increased for F3. Maintain for F1 & F2
HSUPA Payload : Increased
CS Traffic : Increased

CSSR CS: Maintained

CCSR CS: Improved for F1 & F2. Maintained for F3

14 Network Quality Management

Implementation Result| NSN
CSSR PS: Improved for F1 & F2. Maintained for F3
CCSR PS: Improved

HSDPA Accessibility: Improved for F1 & F2. Maintained for F3

HSDPA Retainability: Slightly degraded for F1 & F2. Improved for F3

15 Network Quality Management

Implementation Result| NSN
HSUPA Accessibility: Improved for F1 & F2. Maintained for F3
HSUPA Retainability: Degraded for F1 & F2. Maintained for F3

HSDPA Paylaod : Increased for F3. Maintain for F1 & F2

HSUPA Payload : Increased

16 Network Quality Management

17 Network Quality Management

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