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NSTP Primer

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1. What is the legal basis of the National Service Training service and geographical locations.

service and geographical locations. The host school shall be

Program (NSTP)? responsible in managing the Program.
4. What is the duration and equivalent course unit of each of
The NSTP was established by the virtue of RA NO. 9163 the NSTP component
otherwise known as the National Service Training Program (NSTP)
Act of 2001. Each of the NSTP components shall be undertaken for an b. Schools that do not meet the required number of students to
academic period of two (2) semesters for 54-90 training hours per maintain the optional ROTC and any of the NSTP components,
2. What are the components of the NSTP? semester. It shall be credited for three (3) units per semester. or do not offer the component chosen by the students, shall
allow their students to cross-enroll to other schools, irrespective
a. Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC) – refers to the 5. What fees shall be charged to students taking any of the of whether such school is under CHED or TESDA; and in case
program component, institutionalized under Section 38 and NSTP component? of the students taking the ROTC component, irrespective of
39 of Republic Act No. 7077, designed to provide military whether the two semesters shall be taken from different schools
training to tertiary level students in order to motivate, train, No other fees shall be collected except basic tuition fees, which whose ROTC are managed by different branches of service of
organize and mobilize them for national defense should not be more than 50% of the charges of the school per the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP).
preparedness; academic unit. c. Students intending to cross-enroll shall subject to the existing
b. Civic Welfare Training Service (CWTS) –refers to the rules and regulations of the school of origin and the accepting
program component or activities contributory to the general 6. Who are covered by the suspension of the ROTC school
welfare and the betterment of life for the members of the requirement?
community or enhancement of its facilities, especially those 9. Who will manage the NSTP implementation?
devoted to improving health, education, environment, The completion of ROTC training as a requisites for graduation is
entrepreneurship, safety, recreation and moral of the set aside for students who have completed all their academic a. The school authorities shall exercise academic and
citizenry and other social welfare services; requirements for their respective courses as certified by the school administrative supervision over the design, formulation,
c. Literacy Training Service (LTS) – refers to the program on or before the effectively of the NSTP Act of 2001, which is March adoption and implementation of the different NSTP components
component designed to train the students to teach literacy 23, 2002. The concerned students may apply graduation with their in their respective schools.
and numeracy skills to school children, out-of-school-youths respective schools. b. In the case of the ROTC, the school authorities and Department
and other segments society in need of their services. of National Defense (DND), subject to the policies and
7. What happens to male students who are currently enrolled regulations and programs of DND on the military component of
3. Who are covered by the NSTP Law? and have not taken nor completed the ROTC requirements training, shall exercise joint supervision over its implementation.
for graduation? c. Schools which have contacted CHED-accredited or TESDA-
a. all incoming freshmen students, male and female, starting recognized Non Government Organizations (NGOs) to formulate
school year (SY) 2002-2003, enrolled in any baccalaureate a. Male students who are not covered by Section 12 of this rule and administer training modules for any of the NSTP
and in at least two (2) year technical-vocational or associate and are currently enrolled but have not taken any Military components shall jointly exercise such academic and
courses, are required to complete one (1) NSTP component Science (MS), Civic Welfare Service (CWS), or Law administrative supervision with the NGOs.
of their choice, as a graduation component. Enforcement Service (LES) programs shall be covered by the d. CHED Regional Offices, TESDA Provincial/District Offices and
b. All higher and technical-vocational education institution NSTP Law. DND-AFP (Through the Major Service Reserve Commands),
must offer at least one (1) of the NSTP Components b. Male students who have completed two semesters of the shall oversee and monitor the implementation of the NSTP
c. State Universities and Colleges (SUCs), shall offer the expanded ROTC (E-ROTC)/National Service Program (NSP) under their respective jurisdiction, to determine if the trainings
ROTC component and at least one (1) other NSTP are deemed to have complied with the NSTP requirement. are being conducted in consonance with the objectives of the
component. c. Male students who are not covered by Section 12 of this rule NSTP Law.
d. The Philippine Military Academy (PMA), Philippine Merchant and have taken only one (1) semester of basic ROTC or E-
Marine Academy (PMMA), Philippine National Police ROTC/NSP shall take one more semester of any of the of the 10. What are the guidelines for the accreditation of NGOs to
Academy (PNPA), and other SUCs of similar nature, in view NSTP components to qualify for graduation formulate and administer training modules?
of the special character of these institutions, are exempted d. Students who want to qualify for enlistment in the Reserve
from the NSTP. Force or attend the advanced ROTC program shall undertake CHED/TESDA shall jointly accredited NGOs which satisfy the
e. Private Higher and Technical-Vocational education a special program for this purpose. following:
institutions with at least 350 students’ cadets, may offer the  Duly registered with the securities and exchanged commission
ROTC component and consequently established/maintain a 8. How are clustering and cross-enrollment done? (SEC)/Cooperative Development Authority (CDA).
Department of Military Science and Tactics (DMST), subject  Have good track record of community service;
to the existing rules and regulations of the Armed Forces of a. Clustering of students from different education institutions  Have qualified personnel with experience in program
the Philippines (AFP). during semestral or summer periods may be done for any of implementation
the NSTP component, taking into account logistics, branch of  Viable and sustainable organization, and
 Commanders/Program Heads, two (2) weeks after the end of
every semester.

 Program of Instruction (POI)/Curriculum Program for Civic

Welfare for Training Service (CWTS) which should include
the dimension s of development such as Health and 13. What is NSTP-One Summer Program (NSTP-OSP)?
Nutrition, Safety and Security, Recreation, Education and
Training, Entrepreneurship and Social Welfare and Concerns NSTP-OSP is created under RA 9163 or the NSTP Act of 2001,
particularly Dangerous Drug Prevention and Control, Voters specifically section 6 and jointly devised, formulated and adopted by
Awareness and Poverty Alleviation. DND, CHED and TESDA.
 Accreditation Certificate shall be issued for a maximum NSTP-OSP is established for the three (3) components: ROTC,
period of three years subject to renewal/revocation upon CWTS and LTS. This is intended for graduating students in
periodic evaluation. baccalaureate or at least two-year technical-vocational or associate
courses, who have yet to comply with the NSTP as a requirement for
11. What are the basic guidelines for the formulation of the graduation, as well as for the students, who will be free of the NSTP
NSTP Curriculum? activities during the regular semesters, thus allow them to
concentrate on the academic subject s and other co-curricular
a. The curriculum shall be formulated by the Program concerns.
Coordinator duly approved by the school authorities, copy
furnished CHED/TESDA Regional offices. It shall comply 14. What is the National Service Reserve Corps (NSRC)?
with the intent and requirement of the NSTP and its
components. NSRC is created under section 11 of RA 9163 or the NSTP act of COMMISSION ON HIGHER EDUCATION
b. It shall provide for both lecture and practicum activities. 2001, composed of graduates of the non-ROTC components: the UNIVERSITY OF LA SALETTE
NSTP Practicum activities shall be separate from the CWTS and LTS. Members of this Corps maybe tapped by the State SANTIAGO CITY
practicum requirements of other subjects/ courses. for literacy and civic welfare of Activities, through the joint efforts of
c. The course syllabi shall clearly define the objectives, DND, CHED and TESDA
contents, activities, requirements and student evaluation
NSTP/CWTS and Directorate
d. Program Coordinators and instructors/lecturers shall be duly NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM
qualified in terms of training and experience, to handle their NSTP INSTRUCTORS COLLEGE
respective assignments.
RONNIE B. VIRAY Coordinator
12. What is CMO No. 5, s. of 2003? JENNIFER S. ABENOJA COA
It is the Utilization of the NSTP trust Fund wherein:
 NSTP Fees collected shall constitute a Trust Fund, 70% of
which shall be exclusively for the operation of the program; JAYBEE G. BACCAY CBE
 The remaining 30% retained by the school, shall serve as IVY. A. BARTIDO CONPHM
contingency funds especially in unprogrammed activities not
originally included in the Program of Expenditures (POE) NICEL B. CLEMENTE CMAMP
prepared by the ROTC Commandant or CWTS/LTS LORNA V. FULONG CEA
Coordinator and approved by the school head;
 The remaining fund balance shall be carried over to the next VIRGINIA B. MANUEL CAS
semester; NOMER A. RIRAO COC
 Expenditures/Disbursements shall be subjected to periodic
audits by the proper school authorities and concerned NSTP MADEILYN B. ESTACIO - NSTP Overseer
officers and
 ROTC Commandants/CWTS and LTS Program coordinators
shall submit a comprehensive report on the utilization of the
NSTP Funds to their respective school heads and Reserve

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