Mental Health and Mental Disorders Brochure
Mental Health and Mental Disorders Brochure
Mental Health and Mental Disorders Brochure
Effects of Mental Disorders
Among those who are not receiving
adequate or no treatment at all. This can
lead to suicide attempts.
Suicide Prevention
Building quality relationships through
communication skills. Such relationships
Who’s affected by Mental are key to allowing an individual to learn Participating Partners
Disorders? coping strategies when challenges come
about. And, even gives strong support Florida’s First Coast YMCA and Mental
It is estimated that nearly 44 million systems that reinforce self-esteem. Health Resource Center, Inc., help to
adults in the United States are affected Ultimately, we are all able to contribute increase quality researcher data collection
by Any Mental Illness (AMI). And, of each other’s life experiences. and dissemination to the intended
these many go undiagnosed. Which audience.
means they are not receiving no
treatment for their conditions.