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Your Word

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1 Your Words are Your

When the disciples became
afraid in the midst of a storm,
Jesus asked them, “Where is
your faith?”
Now it came to pass on
a certain day, that he went
into a ship with his
disciples: and he said unto
them, Let us go over unto
the other side of the lake.
And they launched forth.
But as they sailed he fell
asleep: and there came
down a storm of wind on
the lake; and they were
filled with water, and were
in jeopardy. And they came
to him, and awoke him,
saying, Master, master, we
perish. Then he arose, and
rebuked the wind and the
raging of the water: and
they ceased, and there was

Your Words Are Your Servants

a calm. And he said unto

them, Where is your faith?
(Luke 8:22-25a).

It was obvious their faith was

in their mouth and in their heart.
They believed they were all going
to drown in the midst of that
storm. They had more faith in the
storm than in the words of Jesus
who had said, “Let us go to the
other side of the lake.”
Matthew’s account reveals that
Jesus said to them, “Why are ye
fearful, O ye of little faith?”
(Matthew 8:26a). Then on another
occasion in Luke 17:5, the apostles
said unto the Lord, “Increase our
The apostles couldn’t read
Mark 4 or Mark 11:23-24 to find
out how the Kingdom of God
operates. They evidently didn’t
know that faith cometh by hearing
(Romans 10:17).
Then again in Matthew 17 the
disciples failed to cast a demon out
of a boy, so Jesus had to do it.

Your Words are Your Servants

Later when Jesus was alone with

them, they asked Him why they
couldn’t cast him out.
And Jesus said unto
them, Because of your
unbelief: for verily I say
unto you, If ye have faith
as a grain of mustard seed,
ye shall say unto this
mountain, Remove hence
to yonder place; and it
shall remove; and nothing
shall be impossible unto
you (Matthew 17:20).

These words are similar to

what Jesus said in Luke 17:6,
If ye had faith as a
grain of mustard seed, ye
might say unto this
sycamine tree, Be thou
plucked up by the root, and
be thou planted in the sea,
and it should obey you.

Both of these examples, the

mountain in Matthew 17:20 and
the sycamine tree in Luke 1 7 : 6 ,
refer to the problems or the
circumstances of life.

Your Words Are Your Servants

Jesus did not say, “If you have

faith the size of a seed,” but, “If
you have faith as a grain of
mustard seed...” Jesus is using
as an example a type of seed that
is familiar to the apostles. They
were familiar with a mustard
plant. Another thing that was
involved in Jesus saying “mustard
seed,” it didn’t necessarily have
anything to do with the size of the
seed, but a mustard plant is a
plant that you cannot hybrid. You
cannot cross-pollinate it with any
other plant. Whatever you do to it,
it’s going to be mustard. So Jesus
was saying, “if you had faith that
will not change under any
circumstances.” A mustard seed is
small, and a single seed is not good
for anything but planting.
Jesus seemed to be saying, you
don’t need more faith, but you
must be willing to plant what you
have for that’s the way you put it
to work. The idea conveyed was to
say to the problem, “Be removed,

Your Words are Your Servants

you will never hinder me again!”

When answering the apostles’
request to give them more faith,
Jesus, in so many words, said,
“You don’t need more faith. You
just need to use the faith you have
by speaking it.”

Plant Your Faith

Luke 17:6 and Matthew 17:20
contain three great secrets of faith:
1. Faith works like a seed.
2. You must plant it to get the
benefit of that faith seed.
3. You plant faith by speaking
words that are based on the
authority of Gods Word.
The Kingdom operates by the
principle of sowing and reaping.
And He said, So is the
kingdom of God, as if a
man should cast seed into
the ground; And should
sleep, and rise night and
day, and the seed should
spring and grow up, he

Your Words Are Your Servants

knoweth not how. For the

earth bringeth forth fruit
of herself; first the blade,
then the ear, after that the
full corn in the ear. But
when the fruit is brought
forth, immediately he
putteth in the sickle,
because the harvest is
come (Mark 4:26-29).

In studying the teachings of

Jesus, Peter, James, and others, I
am convinced that the seed cannot
be planted in your heart unless
you speak words. They will never
abide in the heart unless you
speak them. Paul tells us,
... the righteousness
which is of faith speaketh
on this wise... The word is
nigh thee, even in thy
mouth, and in thy heart:
that is, the word of faith,
which we preach (Romans
l0:6; 8).

The word “even” is added by the

translators. It actually says, “the
word is in thy mouth and

Your Words are Your Servants

(then) in thy heart.”

Leave your Seed in the

Here is something you should
remember when planting seeds of
faith: Once the seed is planted, you
no longer have it; it’s in the ground
(heart), leave it planted.
You often hear people use the
phrase, “I’m believing for...” (I
have said it myself). But if you are
believing for it, you are in the
process; but you haven’t believed
yet. Once you have believed, it is
Once the seed is planted, you
don’t go back to dig it up! It is the
substance of what you desire.
Praise God for it, even though it’s
not yet in your possession, because
you have believed that you have
received in the realm of the spirit...
past tense... and you shall receive.
The seed is planted. You’ve traded
faith for the thing you believed.

Your Words Are Your Servants

When you go to the store, you

gather your groceries, and take
them to the cash register. The
cashier tells you the amount of the
groceries, and you lay your money
on the counter. After your
groceries are bagged, if you pick up
both your money and the groceries
and start out the door, the cashier
will say, “Wait a minute! You have
to leave one of them here, either
the groceries or the money. You
can’t leave with both!”
When you believed, you settled
it! You planted your faith. Don’t
dig it up because you can't have
both the seed and the harvest. You
have already believed. Leave your
faith planted and confess the
Let’s look at the conversation
between Jesus and the centurion
in Matthew 8. The centurion said,
... Lord, my servant
lieth at home sick of the
palsy, grievously
tormented. And Jesus saith

Your Words are Your Servants

unto him, I will come and

heal him. The centurion
answered and said, Lord, I
am not worthy that thou
shouldest come under my
roof: but speak the word
only, and my servant shall
be healed. For I am a man
under authority, having
soldiers under me: and I
say to this man, Go, and he
goeth; and to another,
Come, and he cometh; and
to my servant, Do this, and
he doeth it. When Jesus
heard it, he marveled, and
said to them that followed,
Verily I say unto you, I
have not found so great
faith, no, not in Israel
(Matthew 8:6-10).

When Jesus heard these words,

He stopped and preached a
sermon. This centurion was a
Roman Gentile. He was not under
the Covenant that God had with
Israel at that time, and yet Jesus
said he had the greatest faith He
had found in all Israel!

Your Words Are Your Servants

Then Jesus said, “... Go thy

way; and as thou hast believed
(past tense), so be it done unto
thee. And his servant was
healed in the selfsame hour”
(Matthew 8:13).
The centurion released his
faith when he said to Jesus,
“Speak the word only, and my
servant shall be healed.” He
was not believing; he had already
believed. He planted the seed and
left it in the ground. Jesus said to
him, “As thou hast believed, so
be it done unto thee.”

Words Are Your Servants

But which of you,
having a servant plowing
or feeding cattle, will say
unto him by and by, when
he is come from the field,
Go and sit down to meat?
And will not rather say
unto him, Make ready
wherewith I may sup, and
gird thyself, and serve me,
till I have eaten and

Your Words are Your Servants

drunken; and afterward

thou shalt eat and drink?
Doth he thank that servant
because he did things that
were commanded him? I
trow not (Luke 17:7-9).

You can state the point of the

above passage in two different
ways: Faith is the servant of the
believer or faith-filled words are
the servant of the believer.
Actually you can say it three ways:
1. The sycamine tree obeys
2. The sycamine tree obeys
your words.
3. The sycamine tree obeys
your faith.
In Bible days, no master had
his servant rest or eat before
serving him. As soon as the
servant came in from plowing or
feeding cattle, he cooked the meal
and fed the master; then he ate
the leftovers later.

Don’t Relax After Victory

Your Words Are Your Servants

Faith-filled words become your

servants, working for you day in
and day out. When they bring in
the victory, you don’t say to your
words: “Since you won that victory,
I’m going to let you relax a few
days.” When they are through with
one job, don’t let them lie around
and get lazy. After spending a long
day working, the servant in Luke
17 came home to do more work.
In Matthew 12:36 Jesus said,
“... that every idle word that
man shall speak, they shall
give account thereof in the day
of judgment.” Why is that? I
believe the answer is found in
Jesus’ teaching of Mark 11:23-24,
For verily I say unto
you, That whosoever shall
say unto this mountain, Be
thou removed, and be thou
cast into the sea; and shall
not doubt in his heart, but
shall believe that those
things which he saith shall
come to pass; he shall have
whatsoever he saith.

Your Words are Your Servants

Therefore I say unto you,

What things soever ye
desire, when ye pray,
believe that ye receive
them, and ye shall have

If you let your servant (faith-filled

words) lie around idle, you will
give an account of not putting your
words to work for you.
As the master kept the servant
working in Luke 17, we must keep
our words working. We do that by
speaking the thing desired based
on the authority of God’s Word and
by doing so we give them a new

Things to Remember
 Learn to use your faith as a
 Plant your faith by speaking
 Once the seed is planted,
don’t dig it up.
 Faith-filled words are your

Your Words Are Your Servants

 They work for you day and
 Keep your words working,
they also produce faith!

Charles Capps Ministries

P. O. Box 69
England, Arkansas 72046


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