Human Rights Law Reviewer PDF
Human Rights Law Reviewer PDF
Human Rights Law Reviewer PDF
The reporting requirement The office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights
Periodically submit reports to the Secretary General of Agency that works to promote and prevent human
the United Nations or to the monitoring body created rights violations
by the treaty. Guaranteed under international law
Comprehensive accounts of the measures adopted by Stipulated in the UDHR
the State Parties to apply the provisions of the UN Established by the UN General Assembly on 20
Conventions. December 1993
Ordinate human rights
International Criminal Court Engage in human rights activities and incorporate
The Rome Statute established the International them in governmental programs
Criminal Court It has the following proactive and preventive
Considered as the most ambitious international legal responsibilities:
initiative in the history of modern law o Promoting and protecting the effective
Has the power to investigate, prosecute, and convict enjoyment
individuals o Carrying out the tasks assigned by
Exercises international jurisdiction over criminals competent bodies of the UN
3 ways which an investigation by the ICC may be o Promoting and protecting the realization of
initiated the right to development
1. A State party may refer a “situation” to the o Providing advisory services and technical
prosecutor, where it appears that one or and financial assistance
more crimes within the jurisdiction of the o Coordinating relevant UN education and
Court was committed public information in the field of human
2. The Security Council may refer a “situation” rights
to the prosecutor o Playing an active role in removing current
3. The Prosecutor may initiate investigation obstacles and in meeting the challenges to
motu proprio or on her own, on the basis of the full realization
information received from any reliable o Engaging in a dialogue with governments in
source the implementation of his/her mandate
o Enhancing international cooperation for the
The Public 1235 Procedure promotion and protection of human rights
Economic and Social Council resolution 1235 o Coordination of the human rights promotion
authorizes the Commission on Human Rights and the and protection activities throughout the
Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and United Nations system
Protection of Minorities. o Naturalization, adaptation, strengthening
Information may be furnished by the States and streamlining of the UN machinery in the
field of human rights to improve its
The Confidential 1503 Procedure efficiency and effectiveness
Adopted by ECOSOC o Overall supervision of the Office of the High
For more confidential complaints procedure in order to Commissioner
deal with communications indicating a consistent
pattern of gross and reliably attested violations of National Human Rights Institutions
human rights and fundamental freedoms An organization that has been established by national
governments with the specific role of protecting and
Special Country Rapporteurs and Thematic Rapporteurs promoting human rights.
The CHR has developed two types of instruments to Paris Principles – provides for standards and
supervise implementation of human rights around the adequate funding
world pursuant to ECOSOC resolution 1235. o Independence
o Special Country Rapporteurs – It has o Broad human rights mandate
appointed specific country rapporteurs and o Adequate funding
working groups mandated to report annually o Inclusive and transparent selection and
to CHR. appointment process
o Thematic Rapporteurs or working groups – 1987 Constitution
working groups already formed, which o Proactive and preventive role in the
examine relevant information from all promotion of respect for human rights
The Judiciary
A key player in the development of human rights
Social action litigation to protect the marginalized
Judicial activism – revolution by law through decisions
and rules
The Academe
Schools are compelled to tech human rights, love for
country, respect, and other virtues to children.
The Family
The only constitution that has a provision about the
Family is the 1987 Philippine Constitution
“Values are caught not taught”
George Benson said that great ideas and fine
principles do not live from generation to generation
just because they are good, nor because they have
been carefully legislated. Ideals and principles
continue from generation to generation only when they
are built into the hearts of children as they grow up.