Letters To The Editors: Primary Sjögren's Syndrome As Paraneoplastic Disorder: A Case Report
Letters To The Editors: Primary Sjögren's Syndrome As Paraneoplastic Disorder: A Case Report
Letters To The Editors: Primary Sjögren's Syndrome As Paraneoplastic Disorder: A Case Report
tests were performed to exclude an occult have been frequently reported in paraneo- CRITERIA FOR SJÖGREN’S SYNDROME: Classification
criteria for Sjögren’s syndrome: a revised version
underlying pathologic condition. Chest ra- plastic RDs (3). In general, immunologic
of the European criteria proposed by the American-
diography, dosage of prostate specific an- parameters are not helpful to discriminate European Consensus Group. Ann Rheum Dis 2002;
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tive, whereas upper abdominal US revealed ANA positivity without recognition of ex- 2. RACANELLI V, PRETE M, MINOIA C et al.: Rheu-
a right kidney mass confirmed by computed tractable nuclear antigen specificity usually matic disorders as paraneoplastic syndromes. Au-
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underwent right total nephrectomy. Histo- The present clinical case is of particular et al.: Prevalence of paraneoplastic rheumatic sin-
logical examination was consistent with interest as it is a report of a paraneoplas- drome and their antibody profile among patients
multilocular cystic clear cell carcinoma, tic SS, a CTD almost exclusively affecting with solid tumours. Clin Rheumatol 2011; 30: 373-
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after surgery. Patient is still asymptomatic antigen (4). In addition, Ro52 antigen has Interaction between 52 kDa SSA/Ro and deubiq-
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It is well established that some chronic in- biquitinating enzyme, UnpEL, commonly
flammatory rheumatic diseases (RDs), in- detected in cultured human cardiocytes,